DRY GOODS, TRIAMINGS. DR. BATES &lei DRY GOODS STORE, Xo, 87 Market Street. 21 Fifth Street. OFFER ALL THEIR' ;WINTER GOODS ; : REDUCED PRICES. Blankets, Dress Goods, Shawls, - Cloaks, Flannels. BATES & BELL, Gill AT REDUCTION CLOSING OCT PRICES, Before Ta,king Stock. BRADLEY'S DUPLEX ELIA' TIC l+KlLlTS— email lot light y soiled, at half otler. i 9091. MOODS, SHAWLS, NUBDII. 4 . at Imams Cost. UNDERS11111115A1 , 11) DRAIN left.l, at al cents palr and n p wardn. ..11T0(.111 1111.1 M at 13 and M) rents. lately said at 25 - - - - and 90 cents. . ZWICK' No 7/ at g) cep ts. worth 45 and LO cents. .aninows—.r•atiy ILIPINN MANIOC EttelllNYK. eight-17"MA, at rAt r ittra/r116;01 at IS cents a Irox and up wants THE IP.ON Tr WATPH.PIII/O• COLLAR 1 , now reads.. Pelee 20 coot per Los. /LlPPosie Agents for. Loci: woolyg crorni LI. CI. owl ALI. PAPP-it I.LaILP. LINEN IldlTATioni COLL ‘llB, OltAl '0 Caceoloe, MOULDED CULLAEF, at lianntaftUrf Prices. Dealers Supplied at Low .Privet, MACRON & CARLISLE; io FIFTH STRAKT AT EATON'S, EMBROIDERIES REDUCED, HANDKXRCiIIErS REDUCED, HOSIERY REDUCED, GLOVES hEDUCED SPECIAL BARGAINS .Noe. 77 and 79 Market Street. Wa would otlf enrols' attention to our otoek o ERADZERCHIEIE, EMBROIDERIES, LACES, ANFAATS'EItE'D EARLS, SILK SCARPS, matt COLLARS, CUFFS AND SETS. EIBMZESMIMMEM= mitten GENTI7IIaI7IISI,I7IINit utolflS--41: nf 1 471 • 11rMIVI . Wt'ULS. NUB tekttl , l.--tr ortug 14 ry low to elnec 0.4 110:416RY—Mertno Waked. all W6Ol bibbed, Balmoral, Cotton Ineced, Tartan and rcroch Plaid. • • .. tiLOYieS—Clood Prris 1 1.1 Gloves $1..2.5, lu Data. dathlte and ”oers Shades. A 610 f k 'Cloth, Calf and tok_klee-ed, for Ladles and .4)ents. • HANDKERONIEE SALE CONTINUED. sre nffiiring our . monk of :nightly tioll• 11.0.11inrebitlii in PAID, Ileafitiirlicsi and Embroli:orrd. THE YEW HOOP 'BART FOE leG7. . 9o,'aett.Hq Entirely New. We would attention of MEECH A NTH utod DEALERS to our utoek, which will be found to conten sta that - a reasonable, and at primes to Lull tile deniYitern gold. JOS. HORNE & CO., 77 and 79-Idarkel Street, GREAT REDUCTION AT RETAIL. taw Good Blue Mixed 2Hl+ll, aui Draw en fears Good !Shetland bhlrts and • Draererr. - AO dor, Ladle.' Itlbbed Cotton Dore. 15c. pilr , C 0 " Derlno .14 Ghlldreas. Wool Fiore. ailKut. ' ..." 101 pounds Goat Country ... sl.o3pr Ih. p.a. Good Jean .... , ... toe. pair pzenelt Woven C0r00t0.....:... 145 " I cue BoloZoral Skirts 1.61 each . 10 dos. Hoods And- Matas, allehtly Sontag. .141.07 50 1 10 d 103,001 Goldsmith's Best 111..0 'Cul lom.... He. box. Gray's Moulded Paper Col:_nrs.. HA. hox -,. / 7.lr z. .— =;; Ttu. 111.,Eittltntt;:g. SWEW - TOfili PRICES. INACRUM, CLYDE & CO., 78 and 80 Market Street. GOODS FOIL THE HOLIDAYS JENNISON'S, ...r0.41 Flows szseEr. • • 1:KOIL AND EMBROIDERED HANDWES, TANGY SCARFS_L :NORWEGIAN LEATHER SATCHELS, POILTMONLAES, CIGAR CASES, GLOVE noazz, TANGY FANS LADIES COMPANIONS CARD CASES, LACE COLLARS, LADE SETTS, EMBROIDERED SETTS, LACE M HANDKERCHIEFS, - HEMSTITCHEADKERCHIEFS, EBROIDERED D S H LI N PPERs KID GLOVES, BUCK ULOYLS, CLOTH GLOVES, UNDERGARMENTS. WRIT& SEIIILTS, SUSPENDERn, NECK TIES. LINEN COLLARS, PAPER COLLARS. de„ Az. Selling Low for Cash. dell Mr: , CA R HPILTII V A I L ! ) , Jutl i ttS O" Waorzcaux 'mammas or °II3IIEION AND DOMESTIC DRY 0000$. 7Xfci. 94 vo - ckoci Tblzd tense name Diamond AAey.) PI WM/M. P•. to Cs. br SEED OIL received d ad for este aigt 1 . KELLY** Co n o,oquwtg ZW"I "r"' s- I- .. -.' e= '~ CM BM ME El= iJ. M. BURCHFIELD tk CO., I= Tue.olay, January 29171, .t 00"7:` tVo d o e g ) Lii:,', l will Int SOLD AT EASTERN PRICES, 1 Le st.ick of dowestic, w 11l be found eery Nil. TAHLY: LINENS, .AND rDEETING AND MILSI.I;:N, AND DUNI/ LINENS. 01 the Very Best Makes NEW GOODS, NEV PR :New Del:tines, NEW DRESS GOODS, New ShaWls, NEW BLANKETS. NEW CASSIMEBES, Wholesale and Retail, At the Lowest Eastern Prices. ERWIN 1110NNELL & CO., 278 Federal St., Allegheny, ABOVE THE MARKET. Jct." 04:100t OVERCOATS ET REMAINING UNSOLD, Klee mon Du CLOSKD OUT REGARDLESS OF COST. At the Immense CLOSING OUT SALE, ma J. D. RAMALEY'S 334 and 336 Liberty Street, =9 FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING DRAWERS, UNDERSHIRTS, f • WHITE SHIRTS, Cotton and Woolen Hosiery, g ca l-9, Ties, Suspenders, &e. G1..~T4E1~ Of alt Descriptions, and a Large Assortinent of GENT'S FrIINISHING GOODS, .411 of which must be sold re gardless of cost or invoice. Call and Be Convinced. 3. D. FLABIALEY, 331 and .336 Liberty Street, 7.115:711, Opposite Wayne WHOLESALE DRY GOODS. New Goods Just Opened. Merchants desiring to Sort Up should call and examine our Stock and Prices. - _ FULL LINE OF DRY DODDS& NOTIONS. Ns. 115 Wood SI., Pittsburgh. - SRANNON &CO. C A4Bt•TI[NOT.M. T. SHANITOS./.O.GTETIIII.OII .12. BUSINESS CHANGES DISSOLUTION. • TOE EOPAILTNEMSUIP HEE E rotore Calling betwien the undersigned, In the nr= nave bf D. PAIVIIETT (10., 1112,!.."(g1f:L' were `• I:l7tnitte'Yi.T:l: ness at We firm will he settled at. the Brewery POLAC BIT lute den • f ibe Pee, who le anthorlsedlo use the nuns of the Om io who, op Ilan business. 1)...V1 la YAWBET I . • WEN/ r. /lAMB. Pittsburgh, Dinuart nth, Haring sold our anti ne Brewery, Mgitiggypg /lop Business to Messrs. rUli. Cl).. we would request Dorn our friends 14 con tinuance of the no • lir , rally hesluwod upon us during the onber of years we were In tbs.buip loess We linen 130 hesitation In racoon:nand log the new Dm, as Blum thel r,long experience In rle business we bare no (PAU but they will maintain Um excellence D. of our A Ale. FWCETT t CO. EEO Bearing to the abase; an would inform the public that we•ball tltte.Or 1 0 tat.. ri t br a of the liberal patronage anjOreo b 7 tht late Ora of 0. Fawcett di CO, and lromOnf outer. verwbee In bas.beta, eau safely say th at We will be able to tire entire sallsfaellou to those who may favor us with _Oraltqg. „ 1 / 4 co. jala:r7S DAtifie.L. 33e. each 37e. • • DISSOLUTION OF . PAIITIFSSIIII% • . THE. PARTNEUSIIIP nEnz; torore eel:Veil between JOSEPH SilTrs#N. LEWIS MYERS, K. WOILSISEIL L AltleitLiu .d T. W. DAVIS. in.., Oil Weenie,' Butiress. under the name of WOB/deKi MY Zile CO., we* this der dissolved by MOM. corm., Arnold Herr retirluersom said den. The butlers, berealttr yellt iro r9ollacted by Joseph Myers. Levels !dyers. F. We..., and T. W end. the Arm name of WOttne era, 2 Lt.. Jtieerli n. a' I.ki fAL U SAL L . S. . T. W. yrrinn.ixon. ranusui.3. l l 6 ;.. . 4 • • - .1. 1. ir5 3 THE PARTNERSHIP ISERE under f th or eA e ermt bi or ting bei.1.22 the iinclioliignea, JAIIES DALZELI, 1< 84) i'""e°ll:lbylnb/.7.*Pt.e, I LLIB JA ./ZI i J. {1.111.1.L1 DAL Z CLL. rITTPUCUMI .lannvirt. CO•PABTFERAuw. I hare tittr day atm:misted wlth me 1..V.W1S Vt. Diaz ELL. nod toutinue as nererefore Moines., under the Om ur JAktles DALZILLI. J 14 1 .9 DALkIELL. ri E FIRM OF RIC BAUD BA IFS a•t k. O. Tao dl mind by inninsi consent on _the Ist lost. The business of the Irate liesti will be settled by LA TAM Lni. £CO. BIOLIARD 11A Yti At co. The iliginf 1.41111 , 111.1 N k C0.,., dissolved on the Ist bet., sicfriatak HAlli selling his Interest to the remaining payiners. • Thy inuinfacture of P/O 11lUDf win be eontln• tied at the ELI4A PUILS Mit% tinder the yme style of eirm as hart Solara. The business of the late Linn will be settled by the new. J.ACUHLIN gr. CO. gentian Wily CO. pk 23.03 IitsSOLVTION.—The Co-part- . benetotora Istlolt tll , ••••lTH° 8 . VALCSTINE and l/Eoltu6 wicutuabir. lo the boldness of Mining and Coal. was Allssolved Plotembot1001„ 1061. • TEIOSIAS VA IaCtITIPJ . K. Lower Pl. Clair Tp„ Jan, )a:o:.fi THING r ,. THURSDAY, JANUARY 31; ISG7 • • . The.Aii•tetant DI - Attorney - . 'rho House or lleprnentatives has passed the hill "creating the oftlce and defining the dutioi of Asxlstant District Attorney for ll.Wootnity of Allegheny. We presume there le no doubt hut that tbe bill will bass the Senate, awl become a law.. We subjoin a synopsis of lta provinlons an It passed the Muse : Thu first section provides, That upon the passage of thls.act the tiovernor shall ap point mid commission a imitable person re siding le Allegheny county, learned In the law, to act to A.9,1b1.1111t Dint:let Attorney, until a successor shall be chosen In I heDMI.I. nor provided for In the bill. Section two provides that the Asslstrint District Attorney first commissioned shall' hold Ills oMee until the expiration of the term of the pr.ent.l)lstrict Attorney of the county, and the voters thereof shall at the general election In October, leoB, and every three years thereafter, elect lan Assistant District Attorney to serve for throe years at the same time and la the same manner as Isprovided by LAW' for the election of a Dis trict Attorney. _ .; ' Sta:tion three prOvldea that the Assistant District . Attorney shall subscribe ,to the same oath of office now required to he taken by the 'District Attorney, and shall be sub ject to removal tor Ilke causes and in Alice manner. Section four declateS that the fees of the Assistant DlstrictAttorneY Shall bo taxed and allowed out of the fees, as now allowed by law lathe District Attorney of the coun ty, two.thirds Of all toes,. costs, and allow noces in each and every case, action and proceeding whatsoever, to bo taxed for the use of the District Attorney, and the re mottling ono-third thereof in be taxed, al lowed and collected for the separate use and benefit of the' Assistant District At. torncy. Section live provides,lWatudi be the dot? of the Assistant District Attorney to at tend to all preliminary bearings In relint, nul cases, arising hi said county when the public Interest may require; to prepare all bills of Indictment for offences cognisable In the courts having Jurisdiction thereof within said county; and to submit the same to the brand Jury, with the Commonwealth testimony and to aMx to-ail bill of Indict inent.the name of the District Attorney, Provided, That Honing herein contained shad interface with the rig h t of the Di. trict Attorney to 'prefer a hill of Indict went, cc officio, as henstoforo, when proper occasion may arise. Sec. lon slain repeals all lave and parts Of lawn inuonalstent with this net. • Alloeheasy Sololors' League. • A regular meeting of the Soldiers' League of - Allegheny, wee held at their Mill, on . . Water street, Tneeday evening.. The com mittee appointed to petition Councils for material aid in entabliehing the proposed Library . and .Rending Room, reported that Mr..tolm A. Myler, member of Select Conn oil, from the '..Fourth ward. had offered a resolution in the Select Branch, at their meeting on Monday evening last, sullen. clog the Finance Committee to appropri ate five hundred dollam to that object, which, utter an exciting discussion, was lost, but two members voting In the mars motive. The report of the committee was received, and the COMMIUM The o thanks of the League were tendered to Mr. Ityler, for his advocacy of the inter es ts of the soldiers.-a committee of three cousisting of rresident Callow, John U. lirewined Joseph IL Oxley, wax appointed to p pare on application for charter, to be -thins ted to lOU Legislature. A commit tee, consisting of Messrs. Oxley, Lyon, Ma !lardy, Brown and McElwain Wad appoint ed to have the new hall furnished and put in proper order for tile meetings of the L. ague, and also to have used put up for the recepsion of Make. The Chair announs red that hereafter all meetings of the League worildthe held at their pew hail In the second story of the Malta Mouse, radars Al • street, below the rathoed depot. The League adjourned until Toesday evening next. :February sth. A Entiding . Association. • An association of builders is of greatutlll - ton city. Springfield, 01110, is =drily In debted to a dinliding association for top number and extent of flue residences erect, ed there daring the ten years last past. A building association, with b capital of WO; an, has been organised in Milwaukee, (or the of dent of erecting am:indwelling-houses during the next spring and summer for the workingmen of um oily. They propose to erect some three or four handred. knelt an assoctation, iwide from Making a prolitable investment, supplies a penile want, and. Improves the arodiltectrum of the city. An association, too, whore they make 11 a busi ness, can put up buildings ate less coat than builsktuals. fa no city of the Union is there greater need titan fn plitsburgls for small, well constructed dwolilag flows, for the laboring classes, end the man or fosse:de , non of men wits would punk forward the construction atone or two 'hundred. such .1 wellimpi this spring would ha brim bone lectors to the poorer clam's, who now suf. fur by a exorbitant rents and 111 construct e4 d wet tioucisf Ef.i•engv... A billl paysml the Ilou - so of 4ep resen relives, of rids State,. and will undonOteilly, pg;...." the Senate and become alimr, relating to soliciting passengers in Allegheny coon- The first emotion declares that It Will be unlawful for any person a 6011 cit pua sengeru In Allegheny county fOrjratlrLsid companies or , steamboats, Without nest having obtain.' a Keens for sodelpg from the treasurer of Allegheny County, for which license he or she or they shall pay to the treasurer nay dollars per aantun, for the nen of the county, and two dollen, addi, lineal for Issuing tee stone - as a fee. The moons section Imposes a penalty of not Imes than twenty:4lre, nor more than litty dol lars, for every violation of the set, and in default of payment,' a term of Imprison ment in the county pill note lees than ten nor more Man thirty days, • Cestatizotelleald: /a ;the Criminal COLtil. nf 'Northampton county. in (Ma 'State, last week. came oil a case against Elonora Moho. /causal of bee log a 0010monceold. • Thin was brought Into court at the Nokember cessions, 1665, when tiro ,Indletment wan combed for certain rencons--one of wish was that the offence was not indictable. Manua:l aas taken to she supreme Court. when it alluded teat the °gene° WWI Imilatshle, and hence thin r,s : m ien. The defendant is quite a good looking young lady, anti does not Strike Quo es beteg of ttutt .tetupentinent winch would conctituto apercon alto is gailty of heing a common .0111. These...tuba layers were disappointed to their expectations of a treat growing out of the trial, far the Die. trict Attorney entered a neut. ptoc whorl the case was called up. fiersools Io East Altintnirbam. A bill hoe passeilone branch of the Lein!e• lature, and will be pealed by the other, un therizing the School Directors of the iwh ough of Enet Itirminghsm, to borrow mon ey for the purrAise of erecting Bud budd ing school.' •bnusee , In said district, unit 12800 bonds therefrir, to be :executed by the president and secretary of the board of directors, upon the said hoard by molution or resolutions spread • upon their minutes, divesting Thom so to do, In moms •uot less than ono hundred dollars each, ate rate of Interest not to exceed eight percen tuna per impute; /*elided Stint Ule Milolo sum thus borrowed shall . not exceed twenty-five . thousand dodura. None of Tempersuee.—At a meeting nr the 2.l , (iuw Lodre tie, 169 , of tlood Temp /ire, held ut the ir-Hall Tetoperuneevllle. !set erenlnK, the lollowfog oaken were elected for the ceasing term: W. C. T.—T. W. Jour. W.V.Nal:i nto APCortutek: ; Altos Able; W. A. h.—Albert GrubuterW. T.-4,8.11111er; W. T. ti.—ilomur l.MKiawt J. (7.--hlhog Jam ul.) Frenohl '4.—ltobert Woods; W. C. E.' /Meow W, Smith; W. U. 11:8.—Mlas HariJoheet W. L. tt. 8.11/14.! Rebecca Ilryttu4 W. IS. 11..-411 As Casale igtincpasful Deer UnaCern—The War ren say. This winter, up to Janu ary Ist, nits been the most prolific for deer hunters of any in many yeark Thera Lava ape not far from hundred Aiot by pos. ps ccate;lpg in sad around Wiirron, Am: tisk, Elk and forest cOntlas. Taking all ;jot novo neon killed ' On theca , 00nntlus wish diipptaist Warren, linlinway,kinne an lifllookra O W4IIP - Y0 ltd,9 ll „it will resion ouo 541 0 ;:4414, (•4a;A°Y. of fano, has killed slkty, The Rt. Lords Cmovesiilon.—The Prod d cot of tho Pittsburgh hoard of, Trade has Appoint"( thirty-two gentlemon to nttond the Convention at Rt. Loubt on February 11th. iletegstiOn will leave this city February 9th, remaining le Vinelo anti over meetiog efthefttottioo will be held Thuroday afternoon, armory hot, at [tiles "clock, g. the Ron ' of Mkt?) FASOCPS, to perk" arrangnmentS. Odddrellowil 'Alm:deers"? .t. 7;,.Snerres, Grand alto of the Unind Lodge Of the. tia States of Udd.rollows, km :Loph . infed JlDrirWltit ac s general day Of lu the oraer, tra ;to rotern of peace, with Ittall'Oy the Order. Wat4ll - Coo, end for generul prosperity , it 'l6 _ the unnlvereary of the estaults hotel:o: 4 U le Order in ttar coontry. • _ calliaeltr. James itereeTbiet, Thn editor of tho Ncwwvlllo Repubitonti horn prosecuted for publishing an Item sta ting that a J4r. Jones was u hbrso thief. The Item went no ,routitle of the papers and Mr. JULIUI Wring-nu to put them all through. • Stamp of Erfe.—:TLie Ede Dispatch nhyg thetWoe Chicly, of th at place, VICAY Chimers; is a ostelidste for the Bishopric of Erlq male vecnet•by the deotb of the Into Itithop Young, cad that the thitholles of that hay vrould approve such a . oeloctloa, IMloomotevt.—Tho got.lomon of the itaaldent Military' Committee sad others Interested, will' meet this morning oet, pity /tall, at 10 o'clock, for the purpose f fortolutt a committee to act ln CO-OEM/Y.4. Lion with the Vote mittee. rule Mon. Thaddeus [Stevens has been alluded 'lodatet of the Shiftier thafspie comp.oy, of Lancaster, to Wm Mato, Th new supolotment talrly tout Mr. Stev e.., arnilty to red two !neachttren” at the =dna time. - Coati' 11 0 10 1 se 0111.—Thu limed - Mum, or Erie, W ill be opened le tbu .eprlng $.4 will il&WO coot $001,,00,1. A Ball Bohm Brant. Wotake the Allowing from a lut!cr 0. oil ten from a nemhborlngelty. • A very chime:Lig and anew. pi shoal young lady, the wile of trnest von 'reset:leo berg, the editor of the Wiener Zeiluog, wO3 leav ing the supper room with her - linelettpl, in tending •to return Louie, Whilecrossing the ball-room , Where a waltz was being played. a friend apked her to take a angle turn round the room. The tempta tion wan too great to to resisted, so con signing her burnout to her hothead, she Jollied the dancers and was a it tried off a Ith great Inpitlity by her partner. • She had PIY gOt ha round the [lune circle when Bus fell from ble lf aring, we though struck by a Unmet erbOlt, dead. They relsed.her from the ground gently, and carried her Into another room, • A dozen doctors were in attend ance, and every expedient that science could suggest Walt tried to restore con sciousness to the fair young form lying so atlnagelV still 10 Ito guy /ode,. Ali Wag in vain. She was dead. A 1,11110 011012 her /ins, flowers In her heir. of the 1.0,110 / cannot convey an Idea; elicit agony as that 1 witnessed on Sunday morning in the ro. Wog room of the Gartunbaugesonschaft is too dreadful to recall—ton marred to ties crib°. The gey.,groupg melted away Ina breathless, horror-stricken hurry; within few minutes the speedo. ball room was sl lent and empty; of all the •••Ilesperusn Members and theirguests, none lint a hand fed of mourners remained behind to watch over toot which half an hoer before hail been a happy wife noel mother. have now witnessed three sudden deaths In ball rooms—the drat two I were if possible, t. more terrible than the last the first ease, a lovely girl isms shot through the heart by the man 21.10 was engaged to; In the 1,1.'0.1211,1.110 belle of the ball was burnt to death before her garments, widelt bad taught Oro whilst she was Isling whisked past tun open lire illalcO,COlllil Ito torn ott Bo ['the tragical epteale.of verterelay morn ing/2 reuderedlnore melancholy than eith er by the remembrance that two little chil dren, the oldest not three, years old , ire left motherless by the consegliences of a waltz! . • ' Freddy Agile.—Freddy Ualhl, of Alto. gbeny,* has got his name on Mayor Morri son's crochet and the .101 l calendar again. On Tuesday morning Freddy became di: - gusted with being where he lent to ital.) care of himself, and boring discouraged at the .prospect, commenced to cut up In IL very disorderly manner near Mayor Morn!. sows °face. Officer Campbell arrested the chap, and Freddy was committed by his Honor for thirty data, on a charge of rug rallCY laid disorderly conduct. 1 his Was what. Freddy wanted, and of odors° he is satisfied. Ntrept Itallsvay.—Tho travel on the louver or Rebecca street route of the Pittsburgh, Allegheny Manclfesrid Passen ger Railway, has en Increased an to necessi tate the oddities of some more cars. The number of cars now running on tl:at rout,, Is tour, which will he removed and replaced by eight new and elegant care, double the Presesdlllllllber. and which will be of the satnelltyle as those now used on the proper Manchester and Troy 1 1 ill j 0011.4. Pot On; end 'fatten 10.--IVtn. Roden bangh was observed by the night police, of Allegheny, on East Lane, very drunk, aud being persistently put out ot ono saloon af ter another in Lao nenghborhood. lie was apprehended, locked up, and at the bearing yesterday war committed to Jan •lot MeV, ty-four hours. MY POLITICAL PLATT , own Kind friends and patrons all, t ask peor close attention, I have a stock of Boots on bond, thoestods of different sizes. Which I eau well afford to tell a! the eery lowest A lot r 2;=l., and Shoes. of French and Korman leathet. Which none wanld he stratd to wear, in coldest Ladl e s' weather. My Ladies` Boots aro of lite best, IL nal! yle sureristng, That I tan sell to very cheap. it e prices stlll st battl . the curt' twat the trade did rear d. My Ph r ,. aye .% fat Olt cheapest-since the price. I did reduce. Then se c lour own advantage and Come to ma no bu And when my y, stock Is all sold out I'll get a fresh tillite AMOS la MD plenty. any, .4 greenbacks cameood °settle . Do and bottoms bran new Mot a, you nev r regret It. Cold winter now le at the door, when the old And TM:Jr:l=l:3%re sprung s leak, do come and get theca mewled. Then tall at the Popular PP ince Emporium, Kits. Kt. and 'AA Fifth stead. ,W. U. CLAPP Et CO. saw.,L eittidunLer C . .. mOnt....e. IRON CITY SPICE FIFTH STREET-EXTENSION, .Year Pennsylvania arcane, PITTNIIUR(t 11. PA. • PURE SPIOES AND MUSTARD, Warranted when car nt.net Is or the eistichs. TRESIL ()ROUND CORNI/EAI. and ktliB FLt IF It constantly on hand. correic AND GROUND NUTS ROAtTED prom ptv. We respectfnilv Inform the public th at will motto)]. this inaonfeettice or GI eDI I - - FLUENT KIN thSuf Ski itiKs s which wre oder to WholsitGe and 'Retail Dealers at the lowest mashes pit*.•,1,410,1.1,0 deal fair, we solicit the patronage of the forrletle of the retie/eel Wee MI IL, still tie loon) at De &pore rem at all hart to at, nil to the - wants of cestowers. earstsidir on hard. WM11:II LEMQ fGISLE DGS dta,ullS C11.Li.11..1.1-11.11. TU. UN/0"-W. L.11..17 BABE. KIIALE 13IIETTLEB, Successors to Waal ki t lIA Ult. No. 12 St. Clair Sl., I'ill burgh DIALRIIII IN tr)rg. aa/S, I= (12rliole @Kentaro( the Celcb'aled Ill', New York, and @ (:U. 1 1 411adeipbla, P1.17V , 5. - • Alao, ESTICY 2 CLI.”I •Torr2HE,•• Apd M. D. .1 H. W. 14111 TH'S '•ANEHICILIP , QH HANS. andlif.TON'd I'ATENT HUITAH. Ile beet 1141L12 and (iertuau VIOHA and GPI !!..LIHrIvra .1.. 27 , . !! n 1 , T11 .17 :1 is 003E3EALFIL.101C) R A CT for toe Jellrer~ o! from 15 TO 100,000 BUSHELS CHARCOAL, Daring the enellhe '