Vittol49lWantitc El NVEDNENDAY. JAN VARA - 30. 1507 .Tnn missicis of Assistant Secretary SE.V,"AIID and Admiral FOOTER, tvhlch has elicited much speculation, is now ex-. plained to be the purchase of the Bay of Sansana, in the island of San Bernina., .I \ s's a naval station. The bay is eight Wales broad, and has an inland stretch of forty miles: The town of Barbara is situated on one of its sho'res. Ir any man inclines to the belief that the reasons given by the President for disapproving the Colorado bill are the real reasons o Lich controlled his action, let him recall the fact that the Colorado Senators were invited to the Presiden tial mansion, at the last session, and as sured them the bill should be approved. if they trouht ,ozipprt Arr. Johnhne • . As ME Port has forbidden the Amer- icon Minister and such of his fellow countrymen as may he domiciled in Rome to worship ion according to Protestant usages, inside the city walls, it is most proper the legation should be relinquished. Congress, intuiting meas ures to this endo‘ili meet the just expec itation of the grekt majority of the Amer- Cican people. Ateson GENERAL. TrIOMAS is a he declared before the Con- Committee that "outrages pon the freedmen by white 4.e not punished, and there is no prospect for justice for the blacks before the Courts." He further , declared that the only remedy was "Is supervisory military power. Caviller - it at Congress ihonld ponder these stiong, expressions. ON FRIDAY LIST 3lr. JONATRAN -Binnun, of Berks county, was convict cd of misdemeanor inmrefusing, a Judge of Elections, to allow GAIII:EL RRIF.RT, adeserter from Company G, 74th; P. V., to•vote. In this he simply did his duty under the law, and in obedience to the nroclamation of the Sheriff. Governor GEARS, upon the facts of the case being laid before him, pardoned 3lr. Brerzn before sentence was pronounced upon 80.11 E time Tiick, when President John son commenced..removing Republicans from office because "they would not how down and worship the image he had Set up," the Conservatives were delighted with the doctrine and discip line 'of "rotation." Since the Senate, in theesereise of its just authority, has begun to send the sycophants on their wanderings, the Conservatives have loci all relish for' "rotation." They regard it as the-chief abomination of there times. LAST SPITING -CND SUIDLER the Demo crate and Conservatives fotr a good 4cal of solid satisfaction in cnouncing Congress, and in predicting that the people, at the elections then•approach lag, would stamp it with reprobation. The elections came, and the people. did no such thing. Congress was, cmphati rally approved. All the advanced Rad icals were re-nominated and re-elected. Only the Conservatives and half-hearted Radicals were dropped. For a time the abuse of Congress was silenced. llo _cattily, however, it has been renewed. In view of the undeniable facts, we sub. mit that the real point of objection. is knot against Congress, but against Papa .lar Government. The objectors do not I -want the people to govern, but only an insignificant faction. E= Bonds of Pennsylvania, to the suns of *23,000,000, are past due and unpaid. The State Treasurer has endeavored on' several occasions to purchase part Of ' them with moneya belonging to the Sinking Fund, but has entirely laded. The owners Preferred to hold on rather than seek nisv investments. Ne 'utile less, the fact that the bonds are ore -due, has been made the occasion of reP oach ~against the , Commonwealth by out siders. • Senator - CONNELL, of Philadel hia, acting upon the sug,gestiou of Trees er IfasenLE, has brought forward a bill to authorize a new six percent. loan to cancel the old bonds. Five millions - the new bonds are to be payable after tire and within tea years; eight millions' after ten and within fifteen years. These bonds are to be sold to the highest bid _ der, but not below par, the old bonds to be receivable jts payment. The old bonds are below par, but the bill.should . 11 . - distinctly say they should - be ta en at not less than par. This would be so ex change. new. bonds for old ones, 1 saving the holder in just as good condi( on as , he now is. The old bonds are mostly ti •e per cents., but the interest was payable in gold, and was actually so paid main the ,premium of coin ran ,up to a catful point, Since then the interest , Yea t been paid in gicenbaciu. In r !sing the rate of interest to six per ce t., it ehould be timed beyond dispute; th t the interest will be paid in currency. THE JUDICIARY. The Rebellion that was beaten in the field has taken refuge behind the Su- Prente Bench . , and is rapidly recovering all it lost with large additions. The ju dicial decisions recently made wrest the sword of victory- from loyal hands and give it up to traitors. Instead of donde. ion over eleven States, they have a pros pect of governing the whole thirty eight. Nor bas the worst yet been done ,that -the Judges have a mind to do. They soon mean to declare the ("misfile ' tional.-kmendine.nt abolishing slavery null and void, on the ground that the - restored 'Slates had not been restored to representation when that proposition up On . When this shall be done only the President's Proclamatio n of emancipation will stand between four millions of black people and their re-en slavement. Considering how far the . Court has already gone in icprobatiog the use of military authority for the most vital purposes, it is not unreason able to infer that the validity of the . Proclamation will neat be impeached 11.12(1 denied_ Then,the reaction will be compleied;'7the deposed pro:slavery dy nasty will be restored, and come buck withoift haling either learned oeforgot ten anything.. This is not written under the inspira tion of passion, or from admire to bring the judiciary into contempt. It is doing that aboet.Bs fast Its worst enemy can wish. But a . soberreciinv of facts and. a careful calculation of tendencies, force tiie Conclusion on 118 that the chief perils of the nation, now and for two or three _.3rears:to conic, are to be apprehended from the Supreme Coart. In pro-slavery times that tribunal wee an implacable . enemy to Amelioration; to Progre , th and to Liberty. It was always, and with ap paling venom, on the tide of Oppres• sion. Abuse and Reaction. It made marvellous efforts to put out all the lights of the nineteenth century, and brine bark the darkness of the Middle Ages. That succession of Southern leaders who, for the long period of thirty years, con trived and plotted to bring on the Rebel lidn and make it successful, had no diffi culty in getting from the court of last re sort, whatever decisions they desired. Their influence over that bench seems to be now as absolute us it was the year he fore the war broke out. The habit of mischievous acquiescence in traitorous reqUirements has become .so inveterate, it is almost impo•••sible for a federal Judge. to stand erect in the presence ot a South ern oligarch. The contamination seems to be in the gowns that:the Jndgeswear, and to be so virulent a4to strike through body and spul of the wearer, no matter where he was bout or under What influ ences reared. • What a million of armed rebels could not do, ten becowned old men,with their quiddits and precedents, are lilcely to ac• complish. They set both Congress and The people at defiance in their efforts to give the control of the government to the men who sought its life. Did hun dreds of thou l sands of loyal men die in vain? Let every citizen fully consider what is transpiring, and then answer the question for himself. REPRESENT ►TINE GOVERNMENT Shortly after the October election, last fall, the anxiety of certain influential re publicans that the choice or a United States Senator shouli result conformably to their desires, led them to resort to schemes for controlling the votes of mem bers of the Legislature utterly repugnant to the elementary principles of popular in stitutions. The design was not to let the members find out the wishes of their rcs• peetive constituencies by normal and ap proved methods, and be responsible after wards for remissnesses or short-comings, but to substitute the determinations of a a comparatively few active individuals for the duly ascertained will of the whole people. Against these schemes we felt constrained to enter an. urgent protest. Since then the Senatorial election has been 'held, and from various quarters complaints are made' that particular members voted in contradiction of the known preferences of the large majority of the Republicans .of their respective districts; of instructions regularly and fairly given; and of their own pledges, registered before being nominated, and as a condition precedent thereto; repeat ed during the canvass, and voluntarily renewed after being carried triumphant ly into office. It does not concern us to inquire, in this connection, for whom these delinquent members of Assembly gave their votes for Senator. If -the facts are as stated they arc guilty of a flagrant breach of duty, which covers them with infamy, and should prevent their election in time to come to offices either of honor or profit. • Here let it be understood that we are far from affirming that a Representative is always bound to yield compliance with the desires or demands of his con_ slitnents, even if they chance to be per fectly unanimous. Constituencies are not infallible. The voice of the multi tude, or of the whole • people, is not always the voice of Gon. Sometimes It is the voice of the Evil One. Whenever, through defect in knowledge or by the sway of unworthy passions, a constitu ency desires result in contravention of immutable right, the representative is , under the weightiest obligations to refuse and resist; in supreme cases at the most immanent dazard or direful cost to him self. Pilate had no right to crucify dtscs, no• matter how nmortunate and nnaniruou.s were priests and people. The case under consideration does not fall into this category. Here was a sim ple question of preference between two or more candidates or aspirants to a high place. We do not deny but the men • hers, one or all, in the strictness of the - letter, had a legal right to discard and shut out of sight, any wish but their own. Such is one aspect of the relation existing between a repreSentative and those by whom he is accredited., On the other hand, the people have a right of preference, in the very essence of things, in the selection of a National. Senator, and If their wishes are contemptuously ignored and defied, they have a legal remedy in their hands Which they ought always to apply. This remedy consists l i in not trusting the unfaithful representa• lives again. Each member who, in the Senatecilal election disregarded the desires of his constituents—much more, who deliber ately disobeyed their clear and regular instructions—was guilty of a flagrant violation of the spirit and intent, of Government by the People. Between his conduct and that of Napoleon 111. in usurping all the functions of Cloven, meat, there is no difference in kind, hut only a degree. In repub lics thapeople are Sovereign, and with in the limitations specified above, their representatives ought to do as thcy4ne fcr. How else can they fulfill theidea of representation? The recusant members arc cl4rly •guilty of a breach of trist. They' arc *unfaithful public servants. Not l an swerable in Courts of law, they are amenable to the grand assize of the Tee ple. If the wronged constituencies'take no notice of the affront put upon them they will do a serious injury to popular government, not only by weakly con demning past offences, but by inviting repetitions of them. Let the delinquents be held to responsibility_ IT will be remembered, a few months ago, that a party of women broke open the rum shops Of Greenfield, Ind., and de stroyed the contents. They had taken the Idea into their heads to elfect•at !one stroke, a temperance- reform. Sue the liquor dealers conspired and stied the fair rioters for damages, corning out bare ly successful, receiving the trilling Ter diet of t. 625, from a jury which held out eighteen hours before they could deter 'nine upon the punishment of the ladies. - - Tut; perpetrator of the horrible mur der of the two old ladles at Auburn, - Me., it is thought, has been arrested in the person of a Frenchman. The evidence against him Is Very Strong, though cir cumstantial. The main pointa were his appearance in the neighborhood on tho night of the murder, and the tracks In the snow about tho house made by' a tm of his boots, which lacked a heel. ISAAC KITT:MUER, OrIiACLU°, WiBtoZl - procured a Jug or whisky _from which ha freely imbibed, and laid down near a burning log to sober• up. Both his legs, were burned off before he real 'vett the fact. A good temperance ser mon fur others but a fearful use to hiin. CONGRESS is getting lectured! 04 all sides for' its bud manners. Why not lecture the people for ant .electing gen tlemen to represent them repiieech muchly in the recent . deokions of the Supreme Court, andhas A,uhllahed a card to, tell the world m. Poor fellow! He ir ao deprived of aati4faction in the downfall of the Confederacy and may As well en joy his laugh now. A IfoittLE: paper says: "Night .before hist Mr. Harrington shot at Mr. Wood son and killed Mr. Farragut. Such ac cidents as this are nor uncommon." happy reporter who can "do up" a hor rible affair in three lines. Tau rebel element of Baltimore haN e nominated Robert T. Banks for Mayor. The !Wheals, who look upon the order ed election as an usurpation on the part of the Legislature, will not nominate. Is the different national ceructries throughout the country there are buried 341,670 soldiers, whereof 1:3Q,110:1 can never be identified. 'fitEnr. were only eighty-fire deaths during the past week in Cinecinnati. The cholera has entirely disappeared from that city. A. Bu FFALII lecture committee threat en to sue Her. Henry Ward Beecher for damages, 46.•fitilin g to keep an engage ment. TUE small pox is raging fearfully at Chatanooga TitE CULIitENCY EDITORS GA ZETTE: —Absence from town has prevented an . earlier ucknowl edgment of your courtesy In giving so prominent a place to my article on the Currency question in your issue of the 22d inst., and also for the fairness and freedom from mere dispute shown in your Comments thereon. The evident desire which yoti show-to .arrivc at the truth induces me to trouble you With an other brief note ou collie points flat touched In my formcehne, viz: I. What is a "redunAnt, currency:" 2. What Is the true cauee and what the true cure fur a "redundant currency?" If every dollar of our present national currency were to-day by some alchemy, converted into gold, It err Celery against "redundant currency" would be heard. A golden seal would close every mouth now vocal with the - discordant expression. The same would be true it it were exchangeable' for gold at will. The discordant note is therefore a false note as well. They who make It do nut mean it. They mean irredeemable cur rency when they say "redundant," and don't stop 'to notice the difference be tween the two expressions, which have no necessary relationship, much less identity. A historical fact or two will set, or ought to set, this matter right. The cur rency of 1776 was a mere nothing in amount compared with that of ISMI, and yet while ours is nearly par, theirs be came absolutely worthless. Redundancy, therefore, has had nothing to do with depreciation. It has resulted solely and exclusively from a lack of confidence in the ability and willingness of the gov ernment to redeem it. Redundant cur rency, therefore, is only the false name for "depreciated currency." Having shown the cause, then the cure for a redundant or depreciated currency is easily seen.' ,- - If there Is more currency afloat thsu the Government can redeem, it should, of course, in some way, be 'withdrawn, but this is not the case; besides, what ever England may get along with, where wealth and power, like intelligence, are limited to the few, a, contracted currency will no more answer for thy people of this country than would a little patch of land of the size of the British islands. Our people must nave a larger circula. lion than ever before, or than they have now, in order to transact Mir business, and "pay as they go," andt.hus avoid the oldt"credlt system" in vdwo under all contracted currency regina s. Ido not doubt that our curren . today would he as good as gold ri u t for the i efforts of the .villains whom you mention ) as "Heavy operators anainusfor storm i —wreckers of trade and commerce— whose days of harvest are when their ; neighbors are destroyed." War ay•einst , these lenekers is the true cure for a de— ' predated currency, or rather, an impor tant part of it. The other part Iles in tear against the e•reeAers of , r , , ,r ma - nn. facture!, those British freertraders 10105-C j gold can he had for our currency the very moment we cease paying them ourl gold for their goods. MANUFAC.Ti:r.;r, COE'S DYSPEPSIA cunt: Regulates au , ' tunes the litelach. Dy.pspals Cur. I, a onset...lot r0m.t.17, fur discs..., Of the Ntranach ..n Bowels. Cocas Ilyspeptla Cure Cures racer and Agu this utal&ly try It..e EIMMEMEMII Cor'e 'yepeAre Curs 'dd . ...Watts.. t.l Y: an p d laCo you du rut bare to watt meet to see its .rte is. Coe•e UrspeolsCeve 1 s thv •Pott , ser ever known—% nut only creates the sopedte, but )011 to es..lty digest poor food. • toe's Dyspepsia Cure is recommended by all the trading phy•dclans. Coe'• Ddsitepala Cure IA an Invaluable friend to all who ore weak. de ttllitated and In • low state °lnerrant action No. Sete anett torar rittaborsh, ndt Market te, sorts Carolina Tar on band at low rates. 'alit lido' GRAY HAIR, BALDNESS, RAND HUM ANY ~ I SEASE OE THE SCALE.—NC DISCOVERY VAN to 'MEARS:WITH `LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER AND DUESSL'it .." •'London Out Best Hair Color Itestortr•• "London Italy Color Restorer' • ••London Ebyslelms Hale Color RestoreV• "London Hair Clor Rest "London Use and Milt Co o lor seino o re rer" r" "London II alr Color Restorer" ••Louilon Itscommend It. /lair Color Restorer" It never falls to Impart llfe, growth, and vlsor to the weatestbalr, fastens sod stops ltslfellnor, and Inure to iiiruduce a new growth of hale, cawing It to Cgrow thick and ' strong. Only cents* bottle: $4 the hot dozen. Sold by McCL SRC, McKENNAN, $3 Market strest, D E EM, A. KELLY. 37 'Wood st., and JCS. FLEM ts 4 Market street, Iltts burgh. KANE. IS HRHITT, Aleglosiy. auZfillnawr • FIFTEEN YEARS AGO, HOS.. TETITII7.O STUIIMIII BITTEILi s strog. I gling Into notice against the pr , Judlec eas s -0111th everything new, however excellent, le doomed to ensoun ter. 70 DAY It stands at the head of all the tonic ned altera'l vc preparation. to exis tence. Ito uelebrlty has evoked today imita tion, but no RIVAL , . PhysielansiprOnOuto.... It the only tarn .rinera:illitat Me t tor been 120.1i:teed Into the sick chamber., In the Dos tillaik of the A rmy sod tiary.llic.,llinteona and in the very best tonic for convalescents, and re port as It invaluable for sustainlog the vigor of troops on the march,. an a reincilyfor worry and t i : t r ' s7a r a b l ' c i :: ell " 'all and la,l tt / e tt=l7 " ,..Tc ` I ernrhatlcally endorsed It as the Mixer' , a eries Lion Srp excellence, and In Spanish A:a Ann ail tile truideal climates, It Is considered the only reliable antidote, to aiillemle fever. limns Is ino mystery shout the and alterative or Its 'access. it Is the only Ausnachle and alterative lu which toe combined the grand reilnlAtek of 0 mild, mire and unvitisted t mrstalde stlrnuMnt, elm the elnkst .election of t , -nlcs anti-billons jhtloscurbutlee aperient, and deparallso beell , itmt 3, roots, and barks that have ever been in terinlacd In a medicinal prepa•atlOn. It lo glen Droner to elate that the Bitter. are 51111 eartheirely In yln,a, and molter, coder sty etre.omktan cc, by the gallon or 0,1 bated. Im• Doctors and Imitators are abroad. and the catty safeguard the nubile has agatnet them Is to Inc that the /Otter. they buy beer the eogravel label. and note of baud of hood or Messrs. lioetetter Ik. elnlth, and the (iovernment sump over the cork of the bettre. Jaso --- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS BLYCiffellf; Jr., Adams Eapross CV. 'last, 54 TVA &reef, is an authorised reent4 Advertisements for the GAZPTTE, and all other papers throughout the United &ales and ates Olnadae. rt . •fincitn. January :1, 15+7. NOTICE TO PROPERTT ELLS.—The attention of the ptilrty own cltisens of Pi staburgh it celled t toy the fol lowing resolution of flit inet Committee. adopted at the last me. Mg, , Reaalrvai. That the ,Citieens and rrolt,ty Owner. of Pittsburgh, iletberini of baring the streets In front of their reepective property ',ratted. paved Rad eel with cult. stone are in cited to present thelryietillona to Count Its rte Lt day a/ dr-11. 1017. at all petitions pre sented after that date will necessarily be Mid over till tee ibiiololl, ye r. CIIABLES n kEICHCPYAIIIt, Clerk of the htetet Committee. TO CA PlTALitiTh—Lucrative lOU hALE.—Tha _nn i tlertignell re • •tlng boo., lathe Wmt combining two neon =tbgt:atfnlmi°:lnc"'n'll.`ubibr'Olgtnn`c': Atalngcnns.b.,rntmi ximo: without thcm Ray, ...lib Ma ul lmo c , ....m- T„,.i. , e,pri e rn ,.. cr tan bta o•lif.'m thr . C ' 1,03 Innr, teing Au. .. 0 . 0 . moi ttho ring loit to-rgy n my rec....myth for .ilthjlat oOnr ' , I 1- ' 0 Addnnl,, JAP):O !NEW ADVERTISEMEI* TS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.I NEW ADVERTISE tie NTS 9 I JAMES T. BRADT & CO., (taccoesor. to B. Jane. • C 0.,) Corner Fourth & Wood Stß., BANKERS & BROKERS, DIALLBIS IN ALL laTfD OF Government Securities,. iPoreign Exchange, Gold, Silver and Coupons. ooLLECTIONH made ou 'all aecemibla Point. In the Untied etatea and Cenadsa. Interest allowed on Time DPDOSIG3. BREAKFAST, DINNER, Teasl Free from All Admixture, In Natural Perfection, AS GROWN AND HARVESTED Sales Restricted to Smallest Frac tional Profit. SIGN-ENGINE IN THE WINDOW SHIELDS • & BOUCHER, 108 Smithfield Street, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE SKATES! SKATES! SKATE I RAVE RECEIVED MOAT OF M I STOCK, owl offer to the Trade a aeleetloo s,oooPairiof Various Makes Before purchasing elsewhere, call and examine my Stock, as I can STEER DEALERS SrEmul INDUCEMENTS. JAMES GOWN, N 0.136 Wood Street. N. HOLMES & SONS, 3ELELINT . MCIONI.B, No. 57 Market Street, Pl . Tlcriuumt. 1-!: . l; r o r sr io % , , e , el , i d n Car run•lov Curren cy. !lie Uzlttd ,n th' ada. P v.ri"lr" Stocks, Bonds and Other Securities BODGES AND SOLD ON COM 1118SION. • PArttoultr attentlon &i4 p to the puthbatn and sale of 15. S. S'ecurities, In. ludlog p. H. NI HEH OF MI: Fl \V; raodo l u c cAhTr E l s lk .HDIGTEONF—V: Frlc H Vegogbt or collectvt. THE PENNSYLVANIA State Agricultural Society y:s o ll , ettrmittctl to boll /t. E'iIIIBITION of lb; 2ltb, and the Three Succeeding Days of September Next. ontlefllgued a i.nwreed to rreet, Exhlbltton.the Sc? the lotstion of the reputed untll 19th OF 01411 ell Jr 2 NT, Mime they will O inld before. the Execetto Committee. Farther Information of the re• eoclety e clove upon ay ylivetlya to • • . A. lon/ HAM tI..TON. liartish.trir A. B. L./NC:AKER. N0r:.1,44., BAILEY, rAnnELL & Lead Pipe, sheet and Bar Lead =I I I=2 E=EM I= I=! =II I'OIICE PUMPS, sad Braes and Iron Goods of all Kinds 1437 lEfasithilelet = faralall orders promptly filled., Jaatl:Wa AETISANS' INEIVRAN(:E CO.— 0111er , Corner of Wood and Third et:vete, Pittsburgh, L'a.—The following et:sten:mot ot the adalra of this Company. on December ILA, IW, 1. puldlehed Irn.onforialty with law: Capital k 100, Coe eh NVlth prhitege or !here:ulna to :X/O,(XY: CO Premiums received from Ads /7, to. I 31, BLS b 7.7,1 on Interest received I,sil is, B.: reuses. stamp, ifs. eons- and eo mieslons pal,l 111 01 Lot, c if 101,1/0 No brine r sits taken. AsiskTs. ' Cub i Me anics Bank and/a ranee $ 10,221 id Bonds ortgues, nest Lien. .. 11.021 si Loam, on collaterids........ . ... . .. 31.775 os Ground rent onesfeel on BIRO it.... 1,000 On Itnolt ...nut fur pr5011eu,............ lb , °Mrs furniture. II [lure, and We-- LAYS? ISt,' notes cf..tow on 4,"031 WM. IL SMITIL ,Prepst. J. G. COFFIN, Sec, , y. • • • pRICES lIED . UCED. • CLOTHS, CASSEIMEERES JAW EWA Cr CLOrIKIXON I= WHITE, ORR & CO. No. 25 Fifth Street, PRICES REDUCED Bla,nkets, Flannels, IVIUSLINS, CALICOS, &C., Offen d very low yrlcrt, bT WHITE, ORB it CO., 2•S Et yrt h Street NOTICE. --A rare chance Is now onered to thorn WOO eian to aronfre • yarn et anowletlne of the art of IrtlONUtillA. ray, or 1111011 T HAND WRITINU. A clam Is now bring rot me , l try n prart lost 1 trotter /nom London, kngl•nd. Address 1.7' , .s J. LTTE 07 lit" NJ ITT) ur rov e PO .13n. sth. B. P. CHAPIELiiii, Agent ETNA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY: I hereby ark no,rlcdpro the receipt of VIM). be og arrouot i. full In_pyment of rulloy 6U, oo life of Cll l / 1 18TIABOYElt. J0Z:1 , 40 31/%IIY OYES. P. CHAPMAN, Agent • .IH • l'i xcrrpl rn.3l 11. fur 11W rotnpt ap.l bonOtable Wa 1.7 C ae111,1.11.... claim ip fur ,Wir to 11W n" of. , o You uiT htiebnpd, W-11. J. RICIIAILp2I , IN. ~ , Vol.ra truly, .te., MRS. B. itiCLIARDtIos. WALIII. - PTCPER—Ot all gradeT, for Park..., 'Balls, Ululnt? Roorta and /Malang, In treat •arlety, biro. LIU If...tit. oen JUL E. #111i131.8 /MO. M'FARLAND & COLLINS Offer at Wholesale and Retail, CARPETS. A new stk of choice hatters. which cannot lH esecllcil Inxtens caritly. Window Shades, In Green. Ton color. Buff, Lavender, Drab. and fancy color, with pla n in. neat and rich Gilt and Tel, et tardare, neera) different atylea. MI FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, All she be, immern. In market In 3,6, ' 12, IS And 24 feet SCOTCH WINDOW HOLLANDS, Buff, Green, B 141: •nd ll'hlte, In all nitlth• English Woolen Druggets, i T n A mt;:lo”. J, 3'l, and 3 WOOLEN AND LINEN CRUMB CLOTHS, LNGLISII SfILION AID - I EMT gro, Swiss Lace & Application Curtains, In patterns tea are not to be teond oleembere NOTTINGHAN CURTAINS, English and French II Ed r CDR Ta GOOD New Patterns Cornices, avori,et «=“11 CtirtetixL UPHOLSTER]'. f , e'lenrru.DUY and carefully executed. send careful •tel experienced uphol rrrrrrr ltl an% part of the country to lay carpet. and pu g op abaft.. Sc. MURIA & COLLINS, 71 and 73 Fifth Street. Nest toothily.: to United Mate% Custom Mourn and Pottottle, ueond door. jrn +ll JAM. ...... C. 11. 1402L2DGZ. IRON CITY SPICK FIFTH STREET EXTENSION, .rear Pennsylvania dirtnue, P1T119111.11G1.1. PURE SPICES AND MUSTARD, Warranted when our name bon the article. (.7110(INL) Ct/IIN.IIF.AL end. RYE FLAMM conetently on band. CUFYEE AND 68VUNL liUTd BOASITID promgMl. We reepecthdly inform lbe Dublin DIY. wilt