The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, January 30, 1867, Image 1
PITTISEVEGR GAZETTE. E=l PENNMIN, REED & CO., AT GAZETTE BUILDING, No. Be FlfL2a , Btroot. P. B. PENNIMAN, E mwr .. T. P. .1110CFSTON, JOSIAH SLING 211 emo P. !MED, EMI /Cite Copt ts .......... ..... . etrits: , Dell rend by tarVer, (ytr ante. Bobsvlbers, (ptrycLr) ..... W 4.00. Liberal mit etions to Kt wer.Y. end 4.°°". TER.SIS 1011 WEEKLY: IrtnaleCoptes, per year. 4 •• ••• • • Vhe do. dn. do. each Teti or more <opt,. to ono ad•lterz, and one fret to chi, .......... . CITY ITEMS. -rue cinmnaptive Thee CLlll(l.eo.uulptiou with her languid .• moods, Iler 'mail - deg whisper, and her dreams that seek— . To muse themselves In al rut solitudes; census with heetie sad wasted And sttll the maiden' pined more wan anal tale like the littond hew; yet would she speak 'The word o ;hoPei even she passed Amid tfi ' e closlMt . tMds:and hided ray by • The rao.stdre . it; I consumpti , t it„ bee is that of rttil 'of late Tear! It, has noon by all classes of persons rieceisarily fatal. • If the Urst symptoms wiere . attended tu, them need be very few die of this once formidable disease; If REIitiEIPS.PECTOIZAL SYRUP ROA need at thiy , !Ina Inception of a cough, or • sOre throat, or a hawking up of blood, It would thO course of n few Jaya, remove the ob. ktructlonwhichenuses the cough, and es the Cquillthrlum of the olrculatlOU and thus resters health. p . n. KEYSER'S . rECTovd4os,Trarr without doubt eon moot:perfect remedy now known for the .early stages of coughs - or OOlds, and had cured very many pureons who have been oecnted .hopclessly advanced in consump• slon. . .• • absurd then it 19 for persona to allow themselves to Para Into an incurable dia ease,erliedit ridget tie arrested 1n the be. . Ask any ono pi CU rig and wasting away un ties ihis disease what were the first Ca U.o.‘ and he will tell you that he was out late Ma bill, hr standing on the street corners, took a chill, which was followed by a cough and hoarecnassoreare throat;.these were neg lected for awhile, and consumptiOst bad lastene,l on the lungs or brbnchia, and the whole constitution was gradually giving away under Its baneful Influence. IVe,iiicak of common causes which meet the . medical 'practitioner every day, sup. pO3O _such person were to take, for a few days, a nuleak•iito Dr. Kevrr's Federal Cyrnp. It wilt Infallibly remove from the the morbid ccadltlons which, if left slone,talght en,l'ln pulmonary consump• Hen or In the, devellipment of pulmonary tubercle. Dr. lieyser.'i PectUrsl &YrliP has cured tens of thousands of jest such cases as we have named. .We meet oven - day on the street some ono who years ago was sentenced to a , consumptive's grave, who by the use of Di: Keyser's Pectoral Syrup Is, now restored' lithe:llth and a renewal In summing; up we would 'say that. in the beginulug of a consumption Dr. Keyser's Pectoral Syrup never fails. 10 its developed stage It has oared very often. Dr. liesscr uses, however, In ad. Lanced stages of the dtsrale another retie by called 1,121.i1i CURE' or Pl.'l,slolcAllY 111261.01 LA TI VI, which If one of the most valauble metlielnen'siver compounded for restoring the blood to. a healthy and isles' tie condition, and for restoring and 'repro: - sing MIL Only the digestive organs them selves to full 'power and efficiency, but at the salmi 'time imbuing the chyle with its own utinderful preperfics, SO that It 'will 'stimulate the scesellng and seeerning 'or. gans to a healthy' and mantel action. ror all chronic diseases of the lungs and air i:Jas.:gee Itlas no equal. It will carry 'out of Iho system all morbid and unhealthy material and replace It with new, and in that Ivey gradually cure disease and rc. .tore, health, Dr. Keyeeni remedies can be bad of meat Mdat Lie great snediaine store, ;Nci. 1 1 Wpist street. Consultation reams' ler InnEaxamtnations at Pextu.street, - Ircln.P. - a.. until Ir. Y. Almost Lost .13 . ni Lire .losuranee company fly reference to another column IL will be • neon that Mrs. C. flyer, and Mrs. Wni.J. Itichardsori have made public: actrnowledg -10:;WIL of the receipt orate thousand dollars wach; tram 11. P. Chapman, Manager of the l'lttaburgli• breach of the ...Einn Life Insu rance Company: Tim progress with the prompt and careful management of this Company.eommends It to every ono Inter rsted in the subject of Life Insurance. We dealre tO state a few facts In regard to It. over one thoonand persona of l'ltteburgti and vicinity have tahen Out policies in the This Company Issued 14,in polteles der ins the year Being au Increase of 3,8r0 over the Tireeeding year. .Th e receipt, were $3,521,230.a1f0r the year I,M. Comment is unnecessary. These figured speak for tliamsolvos.. Feraona contarapla flog insuri4g will do well to cal and get 'a circular and an explanation In regard to Use workings ,Of. this popular Company. The offlea Is at No. 59 Fourth street, Second door of Britfice,s = - Wanted "Merehnots and Store Keep. 0r...! to Enos . , That ire have Just received direct from the importere and tilrinufacturers, a large sleek of staple and isincy goods, consisting In part of Spool ! Cotton, Patent Thread, Suspenders, shoe e, Pins, Needleki Fish • hooks and Lines, Pencils, -SOLO Paper, En ('ens, slater, Ink, 'Blacking,' Tacks, ]latches by the block nod box, Pipe Stems. he Stood adPipes, Clay Pipc, Pocket Books Valentines,. Pocket' Cutlery, Razors and Strops, Brushes of all kinds, Scrub and White Wash, and Dusting Brushes, Paint, ite., sitJvD. Thouipson , a, iiu Liberty street, ' At the World's Fair ' la Loadon, iSG2, the Wheeler &Wilson Sew. _nig Eitel:duo received the highest award— en ihe.Staehlnes of herons and America le cam netltlon. - 'll2lB award has always been made wherever exhibited. You will make po mf.stailio In ordering one as a holiday gift .to info; a late rOr rrlopd. .They can bo purchased only at Sumner !7 Fifth street. _passing t Colwell's Cod Liver Oil. The rarest and Sweetest COd Liver Oil ID LID) • world, naMufactured from 'fresh. healthy Ilvebi, upon Lilo sea.allore. .if. Is perfectly pUro an/ sweet. Ant for "Rae. and a:Caswell!! COd Llvor.l)ll,',manorao turea by . • Canwst..f., & CO. New York. Sold by all druggists. kw = Prank. lunar , . Leather PreiserVetiSe Is the beet tliteg made for Boote aed Shoes Ilbreservea the lentlier sad keeps the water out. Bold at .TOhU D. Thompeons Brush tied Veriety kore, 210 Liberty street. M=l3 . . . Uf 0/1.120.1 feints and vegetal:des are tart _ ted to the assortment kept by Geo. Beaven, at 117 Fedend street, Allegheny City. Drag, end Medielnem Doctors' prescriptions carefully prepared 'at half tho - uso:Lt price, at Fattest's Drug. Siete, eppe....!te roatedlce. • 1221132E1 Th , tnedlent .ofaco of E. Warner, old In (Stan ravatalam Jk Son, removed to No. 11l Venn enact. • OW, Yost Can Islay Foreign Liquors of all Schuss at Joseph S. Finch's Distillery, No. Ito, 1111, 195 and 195 First strut. Pittsburgh. Toes 41'en:Bny t 5 per cent. Alcohol utrJoseph S. Fllneli'a 'Ton cliet 134.7 New Hopsat Joaoph 5:-FlaelVe The Now York ElmZd's Ottawa special nave information her. been received In Can. ads: from the Colonial Secretary that the COLitiAor6tloll 'scheme, undervt.he Quebec conditions, hal brim item:not:fed .by the boat gorernmens, end the bill %will be in. traduced as a government measure at the nikti sitting of Parliament. Prince. Allred will ha• thy (lilt Governor and 'Loyal lice • IVY. I , ''-..'- ''N .....3 „, „. , I l •N:,•'' t 4.1 , 1,:, , . . 170 . .1 i . . . 1..:01 H, h 1 -------5-_,....ki50 1— ._ ? I:), , -./ ---, r : 2 . ! , , 1 . . . 1 ~,, 4ste 7 :, ' 7 1_._ /_2 l ' . - ._• , . 7 L q 4 l i i - ,- - s . --; -- -.... ..4---x- , , _- .-•-• - - - - - - • . _., --... • __ - . .- - - - :,- . 1.. . . . _ ..---. ifE VOLUME LXXXII.---NO. 25. FIRST EDITION. ONE O'CLOCK. A. M. EIRLY TELEGRINS. FROM EUROPE. The Great Eastern to Sail Tor New York in March. RENEWAL OF THE WAR IN CANOVA' The Austrian Army Provided with American Breech-Loaders. 611311 Ra TO lEPSILSNT atntiN IN TQ G!T. 31AS PLUM% /11, ib ' e Cable.] TRIG GREAT CAPITCAN 1.m:1:Brom., January P.s.—The ateninnhip Tan[ front front Now York, arrived !MI morn• log, The Great Eartern, on the Mk, won Safely nhwod upon the gridiron nt Birkenhead, trnrioeite this city, IT the Ll:plain of tile Stetltntlr James kneetnifn. An examination shows her to beingO4d condition, and she will positively setter America on the Of MM h. core, Fits*.tacr. • • Beside, Jan. W..—tkrant :Lamarck Lan been nnmlnateti ter the German Partia= mint s to repc"....Bent the city dt Berltr. Ins RAJI itt rel.lllk. Losreis, Jan. o.—blepatches received state that the Cretan war has been renewed. The terms of the Sublime ratl.t3 Were- scornfully re3ectMl by the Cretans., battle ha, ethce been fought, but the re-, suit Is tot stated. There was apparently, much • enthusiasm on both aides, arul thti war had spread to the nelghtlbring Islands! THE ITALIAN •13IIIILAL reas•wo. 1. - Learner, January Persano has been acquitted of the charge of core-II i ardlco, /111 - CSICIAN lITINIIOII-IXII.I)EES IN AT I STNIA. %%E MU, January •.—American breech loading rides have been given to a portion of the Austrian army. Tao o earl "MI,. Moos., Januarj 29.—The Greek 31inh.try preptise to raise tie effective force.of the. Greek army to 31,030 men, Including HA() reserves. This action is taken on account of the military preparations made, and the threatening attitude of the •enblitriu Porte. 'RVSBLN careen IN NEW volts. Sr. PNEEENNENN, IaISIMky 2t.—lt it Bald that the ItuseMu Government proposes to build a 'Greek church in the city of New York. EASTZTOir Ott.bTION TO ItS6OLT S HAIL. Lonnos, January... R.—it Is considered cer tain at Constantinople that the Eastern consplitattona wilt result In war. Turkey has called out 150,010 reserves, and the Government of Russia has ordered all military furloughs to cease bn the first of March. = JanpauP , :,-.4.111,101. mil= has leaned a manifesto nationally . arrangement betwetm Trance and the United States in regard to Mexico. ddvraroot, • January ^r.—Cotton opens quiet and steady; probable sales, lr,tto bales; middling uplands still quoted at 113; p Lannon, JaattAry .V.—Consola for money advanced to DIY.;; Flve,T weuty bonds ad vanced to '73%; Minnie •Central, elli; Erie, LONDOT. January m.—Consols declined 3% and quoted 90 3-16 for monetqlrive-Twen tte'S 5.16.• Illinois Central, V.. Erie 41X. PAR... January ...—tinited States bonds advanced W. LITE/U.ooi, January M.—Cotton market steady and prices closed nnebange.i. Breadatud*Wlteat Inner; Red Western dls .3.1013 s tkl per cental. Corn 41;6415 , 1 per quarter. Provision market 11 rmer. lard 02.1 per hundred weight. Petro/cum reared Pennsylvania and Canada white 15 8,1.• Ileacamrza, January ?Lt.—Market for goods anti yarns quiet, but prices clearer. FROM MEXICO. Ameriban Consul at Mazatlan Ex- ecuted by the Mexicans. MOAMAR BOMBARDED BY A D S. WAR YBSSEL. The French Troops Rapidly Leaving Mexico X"! Year., January The Ffernidta Mexican aslvicel, by May of Nem Orleainti dated. January :ALL. stun. 1 hat a French newspaper in [ha- city of Mexico Says that the Mexican authorities. at Mazatlan bud executed Mr. Carman. United States Consul at that plate, upon whIOLI the United Mates runboat, jying near at hand, had bombarded. the town for eight-hours. • - Net, Tons, Jan. M.—Vera Crux dates to the 234 bare been received. The French frigate Raccon left Vera Cruz on the 21st, with Ito' Austrian infantry. The evacuation of the City of Mezleo would be completed by the ?alit. Marshall n.lOllO had issued a proclama tion to the Superintendent. of _the Itallroad to arrange to transport:24ou troops per any. lie bad al. Issued an order, stating that he had arranged transportation for all partial to France, free of cost. The United States gunboat Teheran was at Vera Cruz. SAZWiCtSI2O, January M.—The attempt to capture the steamer 1 enema and Conti nental off Cape SC Lucas, by Col. Dartols, Liberal officer, was frustrated by the en ergetic action of the commander td the United States steamer S w aneeatho boarded the steamer and pot Dennis and party ashore, and sent the vessel beck to alma!, len. It la not believed here that Dartois bas regular authority frOm the Government of Mexico to warrant such an enterprise. FROM NEW YORK. Myriadler Arrested—Belief for the nouns= Poor—Death of lase Author of the "Jaen Downing" Leiters— First Shod of the neason—Whip Building Suspended. Sew Tone, January i, ieb7. • sedan:ea snitcsree. Colonel Felix Othyrne was committed by Justice Dodge yesterday, La the Jefferson Market Pollee Court, in default of bail on the charge of swindling. Cellythe claims to have been the thunder of the Johnson club at Washington, and has lepr,sented him , self a s an agent for the President. • nOtrratall natter. A meeting of the Executive Committee of the Southern Relief. Commission wan held yesterday afternoon, at the Merchants' Bank. Wm. vermyle acted n 9 temporary chairman. The Committee organized by eleeting.ktr. Archibald Russel[ permanent chairman, end proceeded to tranqact the, necessary business of the Commie sloe, ergoteetr Lanz tone numNso. The American Darns Steamship Line it t:i3 be resumed on the lath of February, and will be composed of the Mate, Fulton, Um - drone and Ithisissippl. =CUM Oa iltrOnTaa A Case Involving the payment of the "ez.. vise of 40 cents per gallon, in addition tattle reventle duty of id, on linpOrtal ,hua been decided by the United States Circuit Court in favor ofthe government. DeATH or ... JACK DOWNING." Charles AugUatile Davis, the well.known "Sauk Downing,", tiled on Sunday night, aged seventy-two. salr nuILMITO. Ship building here Is al entirely sus. banded, 711197 ll•. The fi rst aha,l or the ti eeaa D on from Savan nah, rue 4014 to-flay at alz tlollaze per pair. Mlvar Telegrame. - (Bp 21frrchontr , Nahanni Telegraph Co.] Oa Orr, Jammu N,—.lVeather cleat and very cold. Thermometer, at zero. /Elver anti creek atilt closed, Market for croile la vary dull-anti tending downwar,l; uo today .tooted at 4 , 2,33 Imre. Penns)lv4lliaLegislature. • Special Piepalch le the r IL 61;urgh Gazette 11.saiuser .1110! 1,1;7. The following bills were read In place: fly Mr. Lowry: To Indemnify elect fen °Ricers for costs In derending • salts for re fusing to mesh, deserters' votes. Also, act relating to the law of evidence. Sly Mr. Bighorn: Incorporating area nat. Deposit Conlpsny of Pltt.burgli-nesv Also, To confer certain nowt., on ate Pittsburgh Forge and Iron Company. fly Mr. Graham: .t bill resoling the 01,1 burial ground in area VorOugli of 15e.wlciiley. Also, A supplement to sn met relating .to tho paying of line, for selling Itquoron Burt- Aloo, An tot Incor:nn.,lng the nattdoilfY and Cr" in !street Bridge company. Mr. Coleman offered a resolUt con t rddrue tr• ing tho .indivdary conitnltte4 - to Imiuire Into the power .1 thifl.eglalattrOoVesti.Ati., cemd c , ornranlohlrelativel,,l lolls and pitsset, ?ern, area tons lest Iti Authority oyer the stone. The folio , iii ,k , lll. were mussed: An incorporating pa, itrudy"s flood itridge t'nuipany. A. net ineornorating 1110 M [anal 01100 COiil'dally of Ilvsetve township. At the afternoon b. 31011. 1110 Soct-htl or der, being 111. jolt, ntion relative to Edgar f.: ,, won, Vas dl c.i ic.t and pnssed by a paliy vole. EMS Tug: fullowing WIN on the prive.o2. tlnr wvte con,biered an t p6eeo 1: To ',cat, c'ettiLn hines and alit*, In MrsVcr. 7 the .s.ouent, of rn 0ta1.09 tal.09 iu Isittunntni.r• To cnelito the School Itircetor4 01 hirtA naming:lam to barrow moist y for the ercc- Lion of reboot entitling, An act retatiny Itt beeinurant, anti beer b0n...! in Washington county. To prohibit the granting of licenses in Heaver county. Eau:titling the jurittlictillu of the Oi nk..., Lotiii, of 1u; k and loyettouailatot. An ant relating to the Dllttlet Attorney el AllOghtny county, creating the ofnce of A.pi.±tant 1 / I ..trat Attorney. A oupplem,tit to the act ineorporutingtha tint.P.tol I t o,,litter Poi!rood. To priced the eprintiling of ;tall no tire truck of I'a,-cover Rittlvroy to Philadel phia and :-Ileglieny rountit, THIRTY-NMI CONGRESS; (RECOND MERMAN.) _ . nt!l ry SENATE. The t:114.111 preeented a commualentien from this I . resolent, enclosing the ' , urn, pondenee of the State Department: on the subject of Mr. Mo!kVA rehttntatten as Mtn. tutor to .10atTiri, entered 10 he printed. THE oLoakmE.TO. The CHAII6 also zinbmi , ted the 111., vetoing the Colorado bin, and asked what action Would the Senate take. - • . alter - mone debate, ut the expiration of which the worn log hour vxpireil, the mes sage Went over Mali to-narrow. SIM TA ft.ll, BILL. The Tariff BM camp up. and aftVr some blight • automlment, Slr. DAVISVooved to rteollllolt mu bill to tbn COlutnittoo for con ohlemt_ton with the Internal nevonne for the purpo.o of reducing the taxed oh the country olio hundred rallifond a year. • • .T.tu,V.R.OAeig:l.t-Igt[4. The Pre;ldeitO , 'Private Secretary h entort-a with the Voto of.lhe ritarvviir4 . - TIIG TAMP," .1.1.•11,. Mr., 11111311, moved to Millie Out that portion of 31r. Davi,' 1210tWil looking ton eleureti,o of one Lundrkfl million of 1:1.1, tion. • Mr. DAVIn accepted the modification. After entatte the- futitom to /I:m.ll2lnm. woe rejected—Vl - • Pe e defy on wan increased from ten TO twenty eentb pen buelati. • Mr.inUMSE.H. morel to make the duty Oil Coral tattled net mere than thirty degreen east pf %Va.:ern:ten Wry cents per toll. This was in the bill as repOrted, but she hen• at o had already amended It by nicking the duty 94,30 per toll On atl imported coal. Wlttimif farther action the Senate ad• learned. • DOUSE. TM: LLIXTION On !motion Of Mr. Iit.AIVE , , rho commit tee oh ElettJolts h e Ett.eharg,t from the trotoeduratitet of the, sublet', of theMery hoot electlott., oh Mellott.: hoot h - e .. , ty strut - le , : the J 101 tetary Committee t thee.. ttgate the ollictut eontleut of the IttOhittent In re:talon thereto. ll= 'Hr. , SCHENCK, from tho Mary Co:m mitten, reported back, with (111 emend Went, the Ilooto blll to etottitzebutlntlea Or.Nrect to ho printed. • Mr. JENCKS, Rom the Commltt.. CM IL, tredichment, reported Luck the flower lid] to regulate the well neretee of the United mate,, nut expl.lned the eintracturfdles thereof. • 04,ITTLC PPPCIVIL The nlq:AliEtt nnnottnetal 31r7arns c worth tta taldott t I/cplace ( ,f m r . W: v44 , o , ne on the Iteconatruction Commlttt4t.nt lat. tor haring Imen granted learn 01 It men e. AI.ILICCI.TrIt•I. MATICICI. I. Mr. IND W 12.1.1., thPlit Well of 1.110 Compilt tee on Attrloolt ore; announctnl that he would moon lIIICIPttice. a 1101 i n 1 . 04/llllttart Op, Aurpecht Jr,` IP:pIICIPICIah r t Mr. itl/"l'Elt, toad :he Commi:t Int on :tit. rlculture l reportett a hill to reatrlct. the Pe partuo In the purchas.t, for.llntritattlon, o mt. only of t. CII relthe, plant. not! ilowura tot are not common In 11111.:PlICII SLItCS. Atter 111,mislon, tit, hilt nit, Litl/ICh. . 00 motion Of Mr. 00 N N K1.1.X, the hee re tary or tlm Interior wait reque.tiel so fur ufah Intorm u ttnn rdailVV. 10 the macsabre at Fort 1%11 Kearney, t lie eaihnis /Se. Mr. WIN Ih) II roported bark the erniit e bill, promOing for an annual Imipectlen In to Indian aOhlr, After nf.cnenfon , the lathl went ever tilt to-morrow. lA-. , • IT )01.:1:11 Etta. The S rEAKy.]:prii.s,lit,a Etteut.lvt; Ixu . report tho lil,CreUtrY of Y<rtte, If, re certai Lrtz n m 1.11 - litLempt.l compromise of ilts Court, In behalf of u the Cattail st.thol, ugaln.t Frazier, Trenholiri & Co., alleged agent, of the au cnllo 1 I :m l h:iterate State, Iteferrial to tho yitantittne Affairs. Tim rePort of the Secretury of State. in answer to the Douse ri:bolutloti, stating that nolo formation had hrelt received 1., that Department lo relation to the remov a l of the Protestant Church at the American Embassy at Route by order of the, iimeae tiovernment, trio,, retuned to tile same COMMILLect 41190, from the Presldea of the Colt, Slat 04. tvllh eopo, Of :elegraphle dlnitateh hb., relittecting . the Now torlo.tun riot. Ittforred to the S,Ouet. Committee. , - rp.x.,oost TreltS. •• . . . The report et the GommMee or Confer• once ea Ole bill relatl-re to penslOns, was concurred In. 'rim noose wont into Committee and con• oldercil the mcnild nous!un bilt, which ap propriates iyiti,io,te.O. It wits reported to tic notieu with tilt recommendation tbat It . • • 'rho Committee then took up ti ro Conati.. for awl iliziloulatle Appropriation Mil. :11r. NIIII.AI it ail WllOllllll.ll. IA ineert an appropriation for the malary of to .111 n let.6r to Portugal. A ilebato followed relative. to the cunso forwhich Con grese, at the hist oession, cut oft' Mr. Harvey'soil ,itry, viz.: A lot or fano him to tieeretaty he ward condemning tint action of CONaltba. it was agreed that the umehilment should be considered adopted to Committee, that. it yule :night he taken th Alto House. • . RII3M2EMM Mr. WlLLl.llltjain'tii t.l;:t,illlce out the aparoprirthonLfrtne. for the United maths lagn- tion at 1 )Ir. ~ TEvE.N6 moved to tirnana thb 1)y triinz:tlng the fallowinv: . . - iiVnealiAn, It In beneath the dignity and 'contrail' to the juntleit of thin tuition to lie repreneti tell nr-any Court Minn govern ment. prollibltn the free wornhiplip Anoirl• van citizens. edible its juri.nilliAlon, of the Chrlntlen religion; unit whereas, [hullo - man g 0 04,11/11111:11i. hop lately ordered t the Anted ton churehee to lie iunloved outnidu the city, Mel deiieprohibit the frtm exercise lip them of Chet ntl an religion; thereforo - Re erwairt,i - e. That no homeyn hereby atipronrlnteit shad lie paid for the support or the United Staten Letrution at Rome, or the future elprriut, of unpolll. legation." Mr. moved to sir iho out the pre amble. Air. limo's amendment welt adopted l,y CA ayes to S 2 naps. Their/ending iinent .111efitg on the ittnimil• ;neon. ternetided, the Goinnittieo rose anti repo: tett the i 1, 11:.1 , 121 hilt to the ilonne, sehleltAi putltd. hie =I,LiTI.I Mr., FERRY' 1111 . 111011x1 I re,,, the tiorernerd sliehigan, the Gi Kulilinlk rnend: of Referred to tl Committee on MUM Adjourned. • PITTSBURGH, SECOND EDITION. FOUR O'CLOCK, A. M VERY LITE SI TELEGIWIS. EROMIVASIIINqfOIIi,. THE PRESIDENtS'' VETO OF THE NEBRASKA BILL The Bill for the Public Sale of Gold Rejected. , THERMOS OP. eirs it& Atoitt RESIGNATION. Bounties to SoldiernDisabled Other wise than by Wounds. RECONSTRI2TION COMFAITTEE AT WORK ON ANEW BILL. Report from the Pre,isteni on the Nen Orleans hints. THE Cli . (;;,INSI REItEL Is ENGLAND Tit 0 1 ;I1S - cfr H101;161S TO i'MCIIC6 IN TIIE lIISIIINGION (01.6 r. I. A -111ILT . CM, The Presbhmt, tOsiny, returned to the iicnate, oldestbms, ti.r bill for tile win/15810e of Nebraska. Ile refers to the fu ado:neat:al ellthllt ion precedent, that nu f . 1,4 1,4 uillAlved,ts about distlwetion tit race Or colon ' eendition is not Men =tied to the, ,oriiinal enabling act; teas not contemplated at the time of tie passage; 1-00 not sought by the people themselves; lies not !men applied to the Inhabitants of any State asking admission, and is In direct con diet with the Cow:tin:thin ndoliled by the people, and desl mr;ul in the preamble to be repumlcan In its term 01 UOVOTltttlent, for in that Instrument the exeretrai of the ultmtlye Intnehlso and right to hold niter are expressly limited to allitecltlzona of the United - .States. GongrsTa thus under takes to autherliw and lsotaLsel tee Louie lute, to el . .Lsge a cen,titutiou,whfell it is .declared Inthe preamble has received the sanction of the ;maple, sail which, by this bill, he tie,epted, ratilind and edntlrrned by the Coustre4s of the sietton. • 'rho proceed, to show that the flout add third ..ctione ol the bill eahlblt turther Ineoncreity. he says, .4... c ivets It ratisfiesi ldmt riebrashant the preik ent pollsesecil sullMent {emulation to entitle her to full tepresantutlon In the conoelle of the nation, and her people de sire alliate.governruent, good faith would clernand that ellwahonld be admit .Letts. rpui4,l4l4!cpcd.• :Out act,'Arltb. 4)l4.44lt4alesieerelitlirtlie Preamble,. 'her inhabitants have or:outlined." The President, Incompliance with a rasa lotion of rho Mouse, transmitted, tartar, voluminous clocuMente on the subject of the New °tie:tits riots, In July lest These include four handfed foolet.arp pages of Wei many taken before . the Multary Board con vened the Instance of General Baird, and . con:4l.lting,of Mower, Quinhy, Gregg aalS , Raldy"fttrlttli; together with their re port, In which they , condemn the "induct or Mayor 'Monroe, and nay but for the de claration of martial law hy General Bared, and the preset:mord' troops, tire and Ideal shell would Mr, raged thi . ough the night In all the negro ,la/tern of the city, and the lives not property of Voice lAt. and north• orn men would have been.. at tiro mercy of tee teen. - Thu emenervator- of poace ha log for the time the Instlgatore of violence, ittithtng woiltt have mutuitnett but an arom• lag for ielf defence, and a scene might have cueued unparalleled la the history of any ern, LOH THE 11.2 , 0 THEY or CHEM. r • The Pre...loot, to-lay, transmitted n largo man, of dOCHITICHLS to the Bowie; reapeet tog the compromise of certain tulle Dog!. Lilted In the Englistv Courts, In behalf of the, Coned States, ..aintit Frazier, Trot:- holm A. coteeany. alleged agents of the sot called Confederate Otottia IL append, t lint on the WI of December, Asalatant Secretary . Seward, In writing to Conant Morse, nays, that the arrangement which the latter assumed to make with Mr. Pigott. has scan illhoove red Inlnit wholly Aillmot authority. A,lntant , :ncretury of the Treasurf, Chandler, on the St:, of Derefishor, wrote. char to Socrotory nowar,t, saying that ens. tale nuthorlty heretofore yob fr reed on Con out Moran ILO been revoked, and he requests that Sir. SCA,I.I Instruct )11ntstor Ad. 11.3 to deslicnate sumo sultable person to Like charge and cOnetudu any unfinished aoe Wass grOgring ma of the authority oon. feried upon him, Which way still remains" In Merle's hands. • . A:ell:Lary Seward, JAMMU' 12th, Informs Minister Adaini that dollen! Moron has dis obeyed lustruutiOns, in making concessions of law, against, wide!, he was• expressly warned by t DeoArtment, and acting with• oat the concurrence id Mr. Minim!. Finally, the ',intended agrnetnent was ono-sided, atlpen,t log absolutely an allowance to Fra cant', Tren holm .t Co., and not stipulating lily venial balance whatever to the United beeretary cw ar , i , writing to Conant Pull ley, Jametry I ith, ell's, to PoliPei't to act: Land, awl prontirtytit Mr. Morn's alit thor:ty really to, that he wad ender erdirce, lnatriletiotet to do nethlng willeb allould recognize the calamity of We Pr , terichel rebel onlcials or abetters of rebel lion, Oho dealt tattle them, or maim any contract which could glee vutldity to naidi lIn,I or ch =I Thu correspondence between the ~.,h‘rettar y. of titate and Mr. Holley, Stlelster'io VI- C:nett. iras submitted to the Senate today. Mr. onward wrote, November 21m, that tat had Information that Mr. Motley Lad az presw,d disgust at the Yrealdent's conduct; that he had sold he ateapiSed American de mocracy, and tonally proclaimed that an English gentleman was the model of ha' man. petlhation, and that lathed Bald the Preeddent - hail : dosertod Itle , pfedies and principles in mailmen a itll Mr. Seward, whose condition was Impale...dr alegraded, Mr;llot4o,i'an - o dental or coniMmatiOf the atatencents .. required. ' Mr. Motley replied at some length, Wa.' leg that, w fills lie hits never concealed Mx political hit:mein favor the re-organisation of the Smith by the ttonetlt ntionnt Amend ment, the charge., [natio against, him are an false a, they are contemptible. lie unit einelekby rerlgnlngllo• ndeslon to Vienna. nen ell ki,Oll7lSlll A Tirrt,o /OR A MilmitOM• In the Supreme Court of Lou District of Celumina to-dui, Mr, liradley . .movil the admiselon to the bar al Allan B. Magri der, of Virginia, a member of the bar of the old Circuit Court, and now an Attorney and Conoeeller of ilia , upretuc Court of the Cnl iod 64sNL.. It was generally trudeptoed that woidd be nautili, to Dike w !rat le herYwil its the !eel. ~,,th, and this (notion Itnetalido a this a Cohn of ascertain ing how , Cnurt recorded the recent ,laclifei, of Ilse Supreme Court of the Coi fed ' , totes; fig affecting ,fit.. ,Intme both in levant to the rule It had Jahl down on the OM 'WEDNESDAY, JANUARY '3O, -1867 subject. Chief Justice Cart cr in tor.umi .1t I'. Bradley Waite giant his motion aria ,a., on order far adnilseion, a °ilia be Id b i t. aside the arNt rule of the Court. Mr.l:a a j- ly presurneti that When a member of the bar of the nuptcuan 'Court applied fo ad :l ty , les!on to this bP.retrould be attm Me a 9 a waft:or of parse, tag ioh oaths, I s preAcrihea by that tribunal, (Ills court be ng a branch of the othaf. Jaittee Carter swAtt the heAlon •tl,un whether this.9l . 4rt Aiohitteettrrat ti, reptal hr inotiity I telotin .1t was agretal that the argument be heard on Thurvilay with a toll bench. About ono huntishtt no.sipen „hoot Salts bury, passelVsheonsit "Washidglon this. evening. on ti t % way to Arkansas, sshere they are OSI . O to work on cotton plantations. • . _ 1101...Vi1e.,11),. ReliXr-ailliratdr*barfilart has' - preero tml to ittre llorree a petitini Mooed Ormvoe one thousand , PIO. Minitel veteran ;01ri1e,..-, who regnant that tort4ieos enact suer. Inon as sill! See - lire the pa Went of bouot imi to Soldiers, who 'have Mn dire:barged from the service, by reek. \of diSilbillt , Mei than wounds, and t 'Owe uldr.Pare lob: theirilineirargu pared; both elaqem of the, men bolror.nOw it eprhiet! it: bnipkey, ct ~., the act or July, Isoi. .. . IiKVONATUVerrON CIOOIITTiI, AT W01:1; The Committee on ,Reatinotrutition mlll enter luttneillatelv ttpeo the forint:rut:on nr 6 prOper bill for re-orfutio4lng II:e SLOIe 1:1 view Of the:repot 101 l of ch. coostitizt tonal arbentlthent, fuel renort. at the ereetiti stun. =I A delegate from & oilot hi Virginia. hi, ar med here, curing a petition to C0n . g1e..... live 1.110‘.6{1C1 V0L,11 , . coking the Immediate outouti, , i Of. e.) , te vnervi Oen of reconstruction. They also intend to eO.l the President and teltliim Dirliill y till der the apanieee of hitnolley the Into Con• federate.; art. intoierant of Cn:rm t i. an.l hie cell/depth' ilsltlnX the later with Pei. . - ty persecuttons. =I The it - “Jlllegton C t Cooeras, alter lonf debate; barb effreiel to bey the Tru,.. tete of the colored schools ono, howiuol anllers, (het being thy 'minuet ace by lee. (or Orel perece,e. 'no Ways and Moans lammittee have ad Sorting, Clothes' Wrmcring and Washing mochint, to the Ire° liat in Llhu tariff hill. The Scn•te kineneo Coeiculttou bas re ieeted the !tee.° gold tequltlett notlee to lw trtven Or All rule 3 of Rohl. • From 111;pet%hei to !lie liFe- Vr k repert , • , 'rho Comn.ltt:•o have agree° to transfer the Indian lime:tit trout the Interior to the tear Department. 1 ho Ju , itclary Committee nd li cre to their purpose of Hosing up all old business be. lore commencing the listpeacbreent mac. Pr. Nen:tele, formerly . .. Mayor of New pr. leans, was emu-Intel' Ise the Riot tonirnit. tee yesterday. Ills te4thintitit a tit prlnel. pally concerning the polttiCal rtit.lui tip city, and the personal trublte of the to mac!. Pal authorities, lottit !cattail* Delegations from twaieglittree of In dian [riles to tile West are in invited there by tiontelllardoner. !logy to Name upon trentirt. The Puttee in Ult. Moose on Mr. steveip r6Conitrtection bile, referring It to t .tolu; 'temintittee. Is Peen:tittles fatal to It. Mr. Clerk, of the Currency rrlntlnu Do reen, explains the irralle Diet that e, rural bond? with ouplluritod signabcts have Ivim printed and issued by tetylitg that Lhc ;mu, tiering machine got ma ektirder. • • The Capitol ihaildlo -opt' the Sitate— The Word ••Wilit' . Image tbnAtitu. Linn—The Waiver's Magazine Hero .Wild lorstrA n It•neks,,tatittury V.—The prop, Alton, before the Legislature to suftropr I at.• one h I:mo2 . rd thotuntul chiller , ' to mot in ut• the wort: on the CaottAß it,. hl t,lv deemed, let, n 'LILL I tbui lb reale, as non , .untructed ,uan crnin,, to pieces. Petitions arn coming to crow nil ray,' of the State, asking that Wm od r .1 stricken out of the C,nstitnt son. t Jnint resolution to that alma atairattactliy pan. tt11" 114 Bill," an favoraMe enliven in the last numher of // , coa.l's htttc at Junction City, In this si ate, an. is to be gambling of tun Sr. I.ort, Th'oteerat',..ron , •- ku ..peohuleutys alilt. been Ilitto.ltuo.l Into the Homo. to-day, provl.llog. tot tbe out by the ,tuteo. clutme glob out of Pt lett'e tabttlorlo g the .r r. Thu 1100. defoattut (tat reuolulloo a-1.• log I.:ollgres9 to Ova 111111.. In e-tablt , ll rlVetifflela'S noire:ally, on the ond (but ,t bull tire uree, , to ti.o Comm', 'Schools sod ill the 0141.0 ttrovel.ottoe. . The pratiosttion to amend the Coo-it It n tion a m to allow negroes to vie eteised In the liciam. but nli leen Ono: no tiOnj It fa laid th is immure has more hat two-thirds majority In the Legishitime. FROM NISIIVILLE The L . egallgy °Vine francbt,e Lnw— tropenchennut o 1 Jodizr Irri.ler, of Nanbrill.. Noiinvil.t.r, Jon. ton adopted by the State nenitto to-limy, untie the the 13 OVAISnOr to employ cOntliel to de fend the race, In 151, ,nprelete Court, in. alvinK Ole comilltUtlol,4llti, of 111,, !pot ent,. Inw. Om) Of the 001100 1111.3 been oTreeft. The other will not boreitcio fur come weeloi eNnnn Litton tip Out 01 In the 11011.! the Tenor:: 110111 tbo Committee recominouiling the ittnieuele. meet of Judge Trio:ter, of Me ertininal Court of !Livid.unty, .1 . 0 1 / 2 11:1.131ed with rrtlelils of intile co torhuotui, n., row!. Jullselrosier i o °Oen., lie 1 nieruiron from arrest. noder-a writ of babe, rortiei,. of men:line, of the Ln,i h ioterii erre,teli lost seamier for. ;11, leaving the 110010 without IL .100lIMI. Ito r 111 propobly try Impeo ottC 1. = The I.wer notate of tho Imre ban adoittett tOreoolullein glvintr 1-tire nil to the cornett:Lion 01 tla mtvy .1 11 Monad Llty, on uhlt . h ti:Tutted ,httns Governattnit hi. already Ottlenclett 0 110.- tired thousand dollar,. Itorrortm from the plains NA). that inn re coot cold we Wu, boo calmed much 'offer ing. Many men him been badly how. end It Is feared tbal Sr hole `rants wlll Ise Yesterday morning several forged el: 0 0. , cheeks were offered at thin dallereut batik, an Philadelphia, and the forgerle, being well executed, the cheeks were bald with out ottepleion: A. cheek eve forge 4 on .1. D. Mid, broker, for e1,0:4, and another on It, P. Lancer for co,eoo, blmoltaneen. effort, were matte to . vieLltnize every bank In Phil adelphia. . . man named .i Olin nowt nut arre , itc,l ilt Albany yenterday, on a CIMINO Of InAng enneurnna In UM Lord Laud robbery ln.New York. iiC nun teen taken the., for esurth nataon.- A mun named Milton Itenny n n 7 garrocral and rObbed by thrnamen, of nearly rig bun d'red dailkitn, In 00si00, 00 Mond,. Toil,. The anneal sport of the Mewl of Trade of Toronto s states that gcnedul trade has Leon in a nourishing condition during the Pmt year, notwithstanding lb , dabrogati on of the Reciprocity treaty; hut the Canadian Luke shipping ?IlrferL,l meriensly In COASCQUOLICU of being prohlidted (rota car ryipg trOight • from one Aland eartpart to another, as pertained teeter the Reciprocity treaty, and that emmequentty many Canadian 141410101.8 ilUVO ' bterdlll, Arner- Irun by changing their register. ' .A.L . the'municipal election In Wheeling, on mommy, the Democratic ticket. with De. exception of Treasurer. was elected ny deerewOd Majority. Lieutenant Ame, with thirty !,, , !.11,r. from - Fort Bedgwick, overtook n band of lndtaanbn ltwant, on Pule and re.capttireit Cade and Donaldo,oroa eat no: The Imdtan4 were going aouthwe and were certainly C heyenne,t, who have all hoonloretotoro reckoned as being at pe.iee with tho whites. The Lieutenant and hi.. command were badly frozen. •• • .Lcmu'a Woolen sad Sattluct Sang. took. ct., way borne.l on o lny iiiiiht. loon partly ruin red. • Great snow storm In Sort her - roil: tdoo lll fig tip the rrill rrie i” vicinity of Wirt:V. U. J. . COW 1 / 4 111.51 F ,, aterd.s r, at bar rtuatleace,lll l'lt4ll. Burton CITY AND SUBURBAN . ' grin) I.lst. 1 1 I I ii: S 11 4 111 .1 1• 1 1 0 [.,fr 11 it l li V T 1,141 , Cal:TiT—Jlldgll liiIItIPILLT.. 11 - /C . . - • ,• 42 .1.11111, SIITTTIII'I,III', ,-.f.illY C. Irvine. . 2,..linui, Sainivison vs. • .1.1.4iii Krop). ..._ 73 C. I. Ihni,cii .t. vons vi Ii . O'llari., , iil 1-rearinr; rin• the Case of Wm, •••2Vi! ' •) l.lying OR 12.02iiinig ti,m . minn 2 3' '‘' Laurdermer. E•itiltalile 12.2trtince Cninvany ~., E1..:‘,,..r v, %Vara vs. O. II .T011...H. ~ . . " :".,/ Earsrt S. Ward v• 4. I \ 3110 & CO. - .._ . Ann Mackey To. D 4,11: Patina. 27 F. 11. Watson vs. iroavpii l'iainin22. nun) oYsTERS AS AN ELEMENT , Coaatia•Parras—Juilge Mellon. • • • . - OF "SUFFERIAG," :ILI J. 11, :!..lell9n i.,..:titynern Steouti,not /11. .... . . . .. ... . 17 Hosanna potintn pi. Nth:noel Ohl.. . D Levi Etlmunil.,vet v,. 11. Heath: Tho Prisoner Held to Bail. I 3,,, . , D"wllug ~ I".l`''nuir et-.a1.. .34 ff , ; , g.4nt , t 7 71 v?. v .il l .... i n i tTrrL-.. , _____ . 4 31141111,;6 . 41 Illitwell v, Snob 'lt: t ottne winh.., 47.1114.1061ier, the allegcvl I , 4riet• . awl .13,,,,,A. corry. ' (rater of the famous ..Sewickley Outrage,. I ''', 1 J.h.M • Fu ' t u . "• J • n • I '' sl, r, 1,1 ft 1 iv wring beforo Mover McCarthy at ten (' —.4.. nited State% Iri,triet feud. • • o'clock yestr/Jay morning on n .haMto ref Itefore Mon. IV 11,110 .1 , 1101101 ratio orefereedbr Margaret Brush. The es- • This enort met le, Tun-day at the looa/ """"'"'"" great Interest, 11111 hourFten o'clock. "la"y upeet:rtoes ' o"P"""l " • ' A3 Joseph Weaver, v rc_ident 0l yill:ghenY has gained rneh wide spread Itotorndr, no , cottro , , , ,ras plagg,t on trial open nn indict give a full report of the tniportant points; meet ChargOtz t'd,to 'Os h . :slog : ln wit In the testimony. MaYor Me-n it !won:nr erne; Ih ii't; rat th dothtr y—, erl in-II:tally we think. In 015 W 110t0 011 the F and ount, NI:0 losat (tank of PhIllt• ot the oil t ton awl . po , lt lye thut has de/ph ia,'lonrant tenet ettrrthey. with best, livataal upon I,na because of the etreutto Intent 1 . 0 0/tont "tut dtdr"ltd r.. 11 tavern accort on Penn street, of tine oar. stantots of the arrest and itnprisOnltlent O( Tgo aerr.ed was dthal hitt wen., hut thn the aernost—tolmltten stlth'nt concern- jory faded to agree. sue :It hens holding tor f a ,„!, the nn eintelet eel ant the rentair . oler per, • shdlnit 1, verdict of aw,untal. • Tim eale, 1"" "10" 1" nisei[ 'the prisoner han be. '" 11TO:tented hr Air.aro:shalt, on 0011011 or 01'e't , "^h ow his canton,. It will he secs the (iota:mono - M s eotueValet stronger 1 the II (lite y urn, thO •• Jug of than on the provants ttecastoft. l ine note water ,hore'l In," the "loaf 000 and was proven to have iconp:L•rctl till Otst. then, •• the •'llO all,l` of clothing -Ince ehrWl star defy by the ttectwil, who toOk ~.-J .; , th,e i t lr t ,l,,.,fte M ell the Other'. dihner at gager, r tavern, In company' with ~.o.a.r, tnt, of which we Napoleon organ. 10 Ifffyllor for the mt./ 1 •' - at•I •"" !" , o to. r"rn tt,:itlrt. It for it awl compouton, telnlerell 11 ill 0110 sue t tint th e o: 11•••ot the S.:O hill 1111,1 leech ed Ole Chang I,efote 110,1 aft,•rh is hi, aree- da, the hilt was direoVeted by Huger to ho lAt 11:, IA:31 till' 1 11 , l of tits,•st letcuff uterlett•' h-pt Ilea 11l I.:, kept the loot, The cawe was not cunt 11.10 , 1 at the ad , being ~t att - to jail. II the verve Meet el the Coe+ 1- ,tetereent v. lino fsos ere to he to•- . twill/' l in lorMarrnee to Hoe Ii; rano/on/LH ra , , goner ail on Plenk. ~ction+ of ompt Into penal, no prlsoner . ~ ~,,,,, i 1 ,,,,. Thom , ~,.,.,,,,,,,. on, fern Metter than lin, Laurotermer, A. fo ICo loi, las 6 Iii,:III" I ommuniottoon „Ith out- Joseph seloololrr v.+. G. W. +Tenter- An t -,, , k,,, I, ,111,1 II °ln 111 I lIITII Ho, thM nu thou for do/manes. l era let. for •refendants coo vermol Moly awl nightly tln oagll °l'm ,I,toluet to Lc, monL vs. dlerm - tOler :Um+ No .rtttn „lids other poi/1011," in the lock ;:.t• up, awl two floats 1,..-s lie rens/vete.' to be ork S. Co. nalni ill I+ 1,0,,,,ed of a hotie, ',Wed 1 , ...g the MIL, prhoone ,, , M. re-an.l lot on the north ri , ln of Second street, our t „to canal tea „Hlt. Ifelow „ e /11-.-e ::::rom Third and Wood, In tar iills..itt Lee trathnomy, , ', / c-o-n.! .alenda, fa „ orn-1 vertu IlvInt: at 'which 0,111/ has 1 . .1. - 10. PI since .April, 1 , -0.1. Ire. 1 10 - rS.lfosmilt no', no 11es:inner am the Melot of fen,loott/ ,o„ a a lot loolinlnlnsf, not by their tin 11::10/ Nol.ll l / 4 , la,i, - 110,1, imyol mono se a / a nt+ and adelot+l ,,, othoo „ 11, Mlell . „and thn large Nuuntlthle . Oa ro:g"' i'll' t"e "'"' "'it' is I'liit •'i'r°. ln Ora ntto null brava' metal,, rekttng s,/,)st I I +lonia', go on, , / ad 1 hen- iron, I ' ' ' L od tho plaintiff's dos,ell me ty sell ! :ante In, „nil mold thorn ' great footnote lig, . . „, ,a ta ,-, ~,t , o r ,. i „,,_,,,00 - ~„ r „.,,,,,,,,y mg 1101120. OW 11,111114:IOU, -.., 111 . 1.1, by rot / . a nu In al, ......... ol (lie henry :tonight '”-"'a"ii." weal. "'"I "in ' """i i ri' ' ll'' —; I ' tise „ al - I , • 1, racked and In luamia term nrel al. Moo, el//rola, „ ith Illto, amt.:: t I 01.2.0, , ,, 0, ‘,OO 0. the o.on, „ye ILlkti lIIeI 110,41. Lae Ilanolton and 11111 Lear- . 1 , 1,'„ , 1 0, 0 , au c d , , 0 • 0,‘,01, / ,t o „ 1t10.1 , 00.0 .00d, 0,„00 :caner, 00:001055 "I,' Ills It o ''' ' " hi ig'ie ' l '''' 0 l 0 out of pi..e. nod 1.7:c :twilling Nut Grape Neely; we all Went a•nwrs to the 1,1:I I a n t/ . stage.,.ail Hop ealke ImE:210 up . the A fret. a , 01 . e . r , / , - , . , , a/ gkret,',a,til,-.o,o,3,omo:Listr,,s.lbut,lton,..r ley r0 :111 .1 1 Ha nolton omol ',moray lam Hod th+ erli d • to admen. Lautalerturr soul (toad +tom ol ' so n . . " ^„l t tila ' er ' ole abl lir., aura, Wm plats wstj, /A ,.. „wi s e. a taco b dow 11, N./vitae . .. o 11l aa ..... led or . fro - flges . 1....0 tic 1 , ...V...en . t . o:he 11 .0 or s. la , 1 , 1110,1 no, Jarmo!, than threw ma, ' entT wed. Lorknarrn s . am. ?triton n I r n and Leh: Me thervol I soreamol tool ' tolatntlft J. II- /4'1 , : ,, Y. l'-' , 1., 1 00 , i.tnanits• 1, ~,i. 11,0 vlolat, 0 tda , ill'od, then 1. our- VII :nal. . aertues, mat then Leinelly and Hale- I ... Stanton ,._ __..., Lit. is.,nn e.ont , up anil .11,1 the Wee. ' •ennrter 110 I° ..101°. Mon orboch.they all loft tie exeunt Henna- The In the Court. of Qttroader oy, who walked nn l e e land with rue. 1 ' ~,,.,,,, ~,,,, taken o i , ywatrs day, Judge, i'"' ''''''''' """ihi ih2 " .‘”'""-' ' ''''''P" ' ''. 'tort, Id Moe oon the lane,,. nohow- I ash, ID> 1.1.i1t brother. but 01,10'1 sue 010 • . • ' him. I Hl/.1, - - Pont to my, Urtrle John Car- lag wo-, tine :Allewallni ,, o+ , •ol of: • . I '"" ' ' I '''. tiTh° " 1 ti " ...t.:. ' t "' lt " i g ht • Crontnanwenlt It w i e. „abottel Hummel, in. rws-U.saiairt,,i—TaLclopeurred od :0 -lb anoteil at Direiribizr i... , isioa., Mt. iiiri , .. - .liii evening. at ii,.. a LoOtronnt olgt.t. ;and 1 ronnlt omit Let tr . .otor with intent to coda:Ott a t ' i s V./. ft1111:116` . a1,011,1Y. /111 . near- c ,,,.,„ , L 0u 1,.,, i ..-, a,e ilro , reutrik. .110t1On I'`ll Vona VI, al, Wtoltaole, OW- in tle , 0. to • q „,„„i . ., ~.,1,,,,,. ~,./..,,,,Ams allowed and to 1.1. Had an):,,,,1y 10,0 at home, thttok ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,h , ,,,. " t-i ' d ' ''"' l° "' 1...4 " I ° . " - " -- 't t "• IL ‘' ' ' Cotul3lollwralth aka Lllen Allam, Indari i e. - 1 ceen tunrelenuar baloe, Imt. was moot ne- at teptenale, Lewa rn, for aa,,ault and bat ,: ante.' as ttlo lotm. Loyd aro' Litur,leritter .). ~,,.the t „,,, ~tilts. pr0.,,,,,,ri, Id , ,uni..l Inas from gatinf; to hutch. Lear- , erg „ .. ,, , ,,,, 11,f ,. / i.' 41. , , , z. ~ ,,,,A , ,,, ,„ ~.„,.,,,,t . m.cnorr lor 111 /nod°. n, /au.: Loyd threw ma, 0 , ~,,,,,.,.„, ~ I g t arresletl. (Mr to. 1 wa., eenall/Ie /01 the time (Taal , Commonwealth I l s. if. a. Hebhatl, Irralcr 111/til (point lag In nrhoner,f la lAncdtordor. 'ment. !amen , .3 batter; A. I% Caettoonen I never went out with (laud! ton 140,0. N o pe0 „ , ,,... tee. ~ v ,,,.. gums. Ate , 140 ,,, ..,,, r, „ Ludy (AMU to DIY 4/ . .1 , 11nee• l'he'S IL , III w sr s adaLt/rrest,,o: Judgmeort. -.11.2-&1- lOC 114,e IVAASLI.WO )10:11 . 6. I.I.III.IIILILIIItAIt, 1... 4 ... 11 . I, ' _E,.. ticirriltitgrizt • 1 ' ) '''''''' s ' l ''' t. ''''' * d ''' " ' - --'. I '4 COMmOn 0.117vd. I . .th - s`..r. „fhdic . in, i y,..h..4.,..„,,aw0 r n-1 lomlleurnoal Hutt , ‘,,,,,,,!,,,., c , s/n „,„.,„ m i nor , ~/. , 0 , 1 0/, ts. f t loon lekme I wa.. , Its Atbenl Ohto:11.111 ere 1, 1 ,.,,i . , t ,,, 1 - 7 ---- -.---.-- fterMon, I arrive-I'44nm adman eleven . • ri.„., lot - w ,,,,,,k,,,. / % . ,,,,,,,1 0 ,,a, • d,•:: ,i nofl ott - et , Into the lo."'+' , at t e r .111m:hens' Co trig Ifornd oa. :or. re.teh 1, 100 l ; her otrot: ,• I put 101/n on the ear+, illafi ~,„„,„, „1,,,,,,„ Ci t „,, n. romere , o I.ovelanal anour o'clock . .., ff.: bta ~:,,„, ~,,. A„l /s , It. fLet.oraly, Indictment It° ' ""i• 1 ""' I "' i t° I ' m° °" 1110"1. - totoll-t ,v , llty: }lotion for no:ay . :el, I iv. /anal I vIIION tat hi. lIAIIII,IILII I.ook .„ , ~,..r . , „, ~,,,,,,..., 11101 te/11.1t.t,:, gave Mtn water, soap, lea, to . cr ,„,.. ~,. ~,,,,,,,,, m 0 ,,,,... 0 „ t 0,.., 01 ., / ,, , L. ( Ilos Lren. - ada,, to.ok the ears for ~,. ~,,, A. /. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,s . t ,,,,.. !,/,..! i '''' i . , " „ tY ,''. " .":'. t° ,. get s ",."',1 i ',P,.'" g „..T. r, ,,' , , ,, , ~„,,,..,...,.. 1,,,f. ~1.,,, mmut a,.i -'. -"-. '' . ••.' •' "- - - --.4-- , Greenawalt ple.ol nul. tied rec.anol special "" "" " fle ' °i ' i L"l ''' t " -It ""'"l'' th ' i " """ t lc Ihe 1n,..1 too loath Ills aft lavit ol airnamon. hi- urn...l; / got r•I! with him at the south • ~, r ,. 1 „ ~,,.„, ~,„,„., ~.„,.., 8. ,, , 0_ Put-Mardis 1., on, came foyer and put lonnia ~,,..,. ~,. tile ~,,n , ,,,„, I , midgt c om ,,, n , n, the os atall Lonna, took ham two meal, ide - , la re-Pelhom , of Ihe Alleglai) and 31-an neat dat, te:. ' , cat; brought him triot oyster,/ ei ,,, , ,,,,, ..„.,,,,,, 1,,,,,,,,,y ,„,„15„n„.., 101 l °'. "'l' C''l"."l In trt ' t 1-llt ""I''' ,11.11e1,1011 iirILI.,:. (1./13/LII , II , of .‘,/ei.lL,ll t.l.tng lin wanted Al Heineman's; the e ,,, , ,,, / ,... tdoenetr are g. , nerally fed I mon Jolin __ - lieown', 'then/00 Mater fool eotolollas ot,- ~ .e ~,..,, ~,,,,,,,,..m . mooed , lbano tolan l'oor 1 . 1,1,0(11,70% bet- „... ~,,eed,,,. 1,1 the err "loam fa,/ him thou tonal „as that ha , hag ", bald a ' o•o • chi: 1.1, nil, 1./la.-oaf +ao so ell lo lay t !barge hint 1 any Poor Farm, and under the omort. of the I 1..0l ioutoorol Le +handol be treatiol a- evil ~.,,,,,. ~,,,,.„,„, „/„/ ~,,,,,,,, ,„,,,,,,,,,,/,_ t lanes - ' to to omb.e. II a moo, snort, a req. , - A . ~, St . /,,,,, ~,, 1/.. / ite,. , „, Ls.!., amu 0, own 0 , rr , r, Or 11, think' wIIILII wan not (701.11141•41 •• . • _ , , ~ 14 for forty-co/Mt home 111 consequent, through 111,. 111:0114 department,. Irbert i iiil- "ii-.•; 'c Itue ' ti '''''"• n ' ' i ti ' d "" ' lt ' l ode at pt o -ent o•o• Iv:mired and IIIIII•ty in ''" '..,hers "' '""' ni"icit '''''''' t't •Loam,on - - 'lm ecoeioltallty of the city' Le Ist rut 01/0 hours therowfter. a ll,, Ism. rata, ol+ • , entinmas In the Inao part of Ho/watch house a tAi so tours(, 0 t th,,,,,10as mosare / rs k sor on e '' i- ' "" i '''' "' """'" '"" "°' ' I " aii l i • It " are „omen, seventy-one are men, stmt tint)- .- ~. kepl le n, 1,11.1 Levey.,( t,,,,,.1., , I/ L. I,: A5Ol water. teen are eNtldren. Fort) - -nine unfortunate, . . . _ f.O 0.......•van:1nv.1. I tr.... 1 o,Lef l 1.1. 11 110 ut 0 101.001, of Alto I,one tlepurtment. The 'f& 2:0,1 1. , 0 , . to JOll f,:thtu a Otty nr tyro at. 1001 111 01 the 1 110101, It rum.trlitably ;001f1. If r I. ;o,prv.ontovot, 0011 :,‘ crul tinier there lkolag but very few c . 0.5., Of siCkll,6, 1.1 - E,ltyr. 11'0 N• 1., ,tl'l/1 . 1, With the :Alt' of comfort thuf / . .((d 1, - . t swora—d word: my pervaded ev'er.y portiOrt ot the preutt-es, rdteer. (•dtied Lote., No. (r: O r Stn111:1 and toe umelres: efforts made on all stdet street. I seepleal 01111 food r to renaer_thQ •Itu.i9u of the hero:mettle nOnut tone neck, rent hien Jo, no guilt people 01 0 , nrn co.:Polled to sotli retatte ((Jed, :sad as much of it, tin y . aet:lye any bod). there, at plensaet as nO,lthlt, ele by Cent Inettl3 pne tin Ile huff beef lever this Institution surpassed by Ala! murk Ate.ll. eat tlets, (* . Atr, any of the kind anywhere. di. visit to the I:rd(ort tira ' llarn (Iled tar the meals. (school ruOur ptlftirnlnrly . . . . charge ~(1.13.1 Eleven children tare', o irst olvtlon there, 10Ch-ap Idat tog the Or y. Lent - dormer hat and have a room to ell 11110,1 up nut those taro In illy charge. Ile Ioo• been 11 , 1 twice Ittnlo.ll of tuts school antwee. Of the - mane etteloluy.ingot One food no Iteleatenut t e. lie Interest:nu tea name under our to, t era:lo.mA about It but once- or twice ol , .erVation—the Cares with a htstot . V—we and then that the., etS not eliOngll Olt/read.. have not room to sneak. Our hest thanks Ant, - this more I 0r, , ,u1 u - no aml he are Sue to hi,. 31 . hclvv,t/to kind Matto!, °Atm left some. Ile eue n' Ile In the ' and Mr. Bullock, the koperlatentlent, for hestpart ot the look.up. IL Is kept in ltd. et/too - sten It rolVed. Not tho least Of the ter onmltt lon, 13 WILIII/Or • cleaner, an t• plew-to ot the trip nue the exceed mely ter aired tame other parts. I have been enjoyable "stria Itrlde" t burn until ?tank. The natter two year.. Latirtlertlon - 1 tr.:n[lllolA roads were In spletulet contlltton, and with Ima Ito•n better than that of any other p 11.- the best of cutottanY, a sPee-ty team, and a uner eontimel In the winch-entoe. . comfortable sleigh, it bus a ride to bin re- Mayor Met arthy bete muted that av liCMeMberett. hoth,ht ItllVhl. Itoreeoary tocontlne tine . pi lcutu:r :.Ir, long time,m Qr.ler to forther An Itrgent Word to till. Charitable. ire, he h.,11 determined t There 1,, kr groat deal of ataferin efrom al. .I.ould tteatial its wens po,ilble. tualgo . lcd Ulu rigor, ut conauettlent • 6.3lut u wan, oar t' , Y. LtW SlisAoo - In tlotrrroee ei.t ropiarord tnmcl.l Ire! , ' KU , brings Itetvre me eaves of utter tle.titt. the opOdoo of a cen,orlous ImLllc. lion of fol.( and toe. Tire lottowo soul coo- of icrtiniony foe Lilo defence wit* pro- • „ , • . . • . -eitte.l, anti the prbioner was ilt•itt to ball 1 , "' d u. ' 44r. “ the 6:1111,1 $70,1c0 tu ritoswer the charge at' Laboring mini, Wilting n t ut 11111 lll i0110 10 Court. work, whose wageo pert:titled no ravings, J. NY. r: Whita. aeared for the urn ont . 01 employ !neat . IV nion and or. pa In, vllll J. Cohea, bog,, hir ton do- ; pilaus arc tome: without. any food for more (one , Tlto tirlioner will prob ably' ho able than a day at a tin,: without fuel anti with to it..curt:J.ll belay. ' ,runty eththing. I oarnt,tly ark mune,. • • unit other mentor 01 relict for thO.,u aol. 144 st Int; Carslcnl. lererth I pledge tuyseit to secure duo precaution Ve , terilay lateruOrm over two thou-moil ',ln flitrlbillstur anY sludl or people vbfileil the Central:bkatinir Part; to every 0 reli l ftl e oull name aplio ilk will and n eed, ipml. Tiffs apring triple., the mulled for The Incise of throe h hundred dollars In 4treentmen, nullthe stoner), but 1 hope acd pray that It may cold medal tii - he awarded to the nest fad, ; fi rst o rin;) moni rGtorn r0 dr , 1 , ;1; , 0 , 0 o d r . su p e p h o h w ril, iho tot. 081-pant three feelooh, MPG ; t nve r y t en tlllt 11 o rem rit. o 6 " "le V ' mthireth " . • of Y.rk. ; other means which the benevolent e ff _ nn. - I ., Proy tls enterer! for the vouto.t. Their I tru,d, to toy earn and deposal for the relief performance Qll the Ice wfoi adp f irahh, um! ;nt the : needy; us ouch all may he ',at at elicited ration mold:pun, The Judges utter ! 01.1! to me ileliberist ion ufmnisnotmly decided in Sir . II , " 1.) , v 1 h of VIPs Protillaghant, she Seine eon. 110 , 1 . flunk of t:nwmvTOC. the most cal:entitle skitter. The de- T. K. Mr'sn'''', el-1..1; vra.: rverinded the cpeelfstors an en- I Mr. G. P. Van Loam, Trade:often', Batik. tlfely imtmfiletory. After the l a dl es r e t t r e d Pnllllor, •evond 111,r 150011 Collie Curtin, and Goodrich, otStrve!. Uhlenno, Captain It iner, of lletmlT, aunt Pr. L. 11. iturru, 11. A. laloomtriek . e-, flout Il!ber gerATlelllell, 111. are Inert, TO coo• : and ii 0. 1 • test for t h e four handrod dollar prtre, Mr. J. U. Morris, Church Book Store. tor t:11ml and performed some of Goer melenti.ner of Seventh and Sfulthneld. lie "N. , ” 0 1./.IWY be wahlertritt the MO : .1 ohs B. I:rdscoor. Minato, IP. Penn street. by teen - exploit!. no the ice. MG! Plyrup join, the enfant •Latortal Queen, Only ,evell Sale or lienl I ye:0001d, la quite a proigy.. To witness ; 31catra. Ilacruni Carbide, trimming I , cr skating Is It the price of 0,10112,1012. Tteday the grand cont,•st of tho scaaou NO. 10 Ittli street, Ingo con. , lake, place, Ulu prize being tour hundred ; eluded the purchase of a lot adjoining Mr. 1011w:4.1.o the beat gent leledn / , kater. We Dent:aeon's trimming house, 1111.11 ,tree[, :Imagine tin, Judges will have n task _ .„ ,„ e Paul tho _ lteomc to perform when they contr., to decide on I.r loch .. the brA , ,hater, NVlirll 1.110 1,111t. , [11.11t3 are ; emu of WSW.. The lot runs back - lo au all lit the :Well Of 1.1111 11011110 111 their pro - alley, and Is 171 Not deep, wit.lifront et tic febtlon. ' feet op Fifth ,ttset. starting from a depth of fret the lot takes In u. blip 52 Net Aft•ntilt With lutent to Rill. I, 0.r0v .,... V bet tvt.le, Well Is In the rear of A les.andor flail, a colored man, melding Mr. Deaultion"l bore. The lot li ving, In the ni,runith warm, niado Information ho- noit In Bank Block, 11:0; Iron , he tot s been purehnbal lotrAlict•Utan Sutherland ye-net,tnny,utiurg. Rot h -p: o mbes Ing Atmahnie (Med, another colored men, still elt ventually put up, nn theseslte, bond with an'nnatill and ha l Ln•ry with Intent to nil:. Inkeeping Ith the 111,1 clues ham., 11. Inn a 11,41 ntl that, litninlay night, the ne- • In thatuelghborhood. gra , . were haying . It secret meeting, nide!, lhn deponent. was Frebnlt. The 00- I ~,,r,,,,,,,_ yeaterdar. In and of 1 " .0 the Called State. Cutn't, on 11,11tiOn OZ Bon. mg Wm Cite name,.name,.llo then drew it Knife wa k s ad, and struck laced With it th ree lime,, rut. I mi tt en ' to eruct Joe bolora (much .• r. beg. kiln in 1 holnl:etiaok xl,ll theleft .1,11 Is an 30001111111,11.1 unit well read legal sml 11 , /, tMat consider.' gentletnunoindalthointh not lone admitted .Itter title he olreu: a revolver and wa. made yarld but ...IS' ml akout gre. when Reed enateheal It out of r o p,,,ment in hi, pron., , stea. 11r. o_llloo 1110 hood , then started torun, ! atoll City, where nn 1100 bunt lip a very pur.alag Intro And throwing brick abet [ ereffltanh, practice. Wo with him etteet , a. 1,110, a filch, fortunotety, tols,e.l OM.. A , • I,on, war, had ye,totolay, and the defend. I A blLy Is getting her .. ant, In or sl,oc , 1,011, aes committed 1 , ”, 00 ~„„ lam. week they had a 1101 s , tight 011 the Allegheny bridge; a tirt , , „ ,„, men for 't nalto 01 1.14. "" •"" I. • Mulls:011g. the character of one ortne other, mod the trap, , and tut oslobitton of genuine rowdy - I,m, n 4 ran otft he track no Wilkon , hurg, w hots rnmueo„si„,, 0 b urly of coon _ ale nyc: Ile: I , ru!t• , rxnll tll~4tonlu g: 110.40 wsy to the city. The enure trait, was v deptllo.l trio hours. N., ,„ 000 , 0. dunitigu ninon rxecitt natarpt.n Elio ntlnPu inn, of Il e . workingmen UM., were kept Los ,. troth their ruppei , by the Ins:Meal, C, # ) - r i _ -, t [GIRT REPORTS, E'ttt'9 PRICE THREE CENTS Tile , Cave nr Airrer, Brown • tcc ym,tettliiV morningmitt, Out In aOO manner vtm Olttnz {no Mt:ill of 11, no. vLltememt nt a cOMII gn-1 Agner Drown, concerd!u, nutragn whleh rho atltß•cil Ilan trim] cotumitte , l oh in, la, sworn, at Se.letzlev. 11e S'erternY tesrn tglthntthe hint mole another r:nteni [mt. nveriort In some respec, In7n, , t...•- !iment alsitf wo troll publiAwd, al,t: al!". toil Some points coutaluel In her story" os elven I to and fry um ts ern not stmotly. true. We mat 1. ran Cu. neon..., of p..rtie, renver-an , it In the mem soul also visite" the On her- I self at tto City Pour Put co. From her pret.- ent "totement It u Opeari that the outrage was committed in Jean hot by a lull blood. / ed negro employed nt Me ,10111, hollte 11, horse!f. He accmnplialted his purooFe bY violence and than threatened her with death 1 4 .1 1 4 C w7rh ' t ' n ' r. " %I. h ., ' ,1 ` L '' . ` .,, h , ‘ , "- T, l , s ,,fr e T., °' „, ' , se She told. Influencing hoe by these threats he violated her person three times , awl ehe, its She says, w. Ho frightened that site did not Mae to errs tell her cmplOyer. In October elle.elono to this City seeuntuanletl by Itm mutt Ind Uttele (Tom I rvin's.Stutionantl with thee! want to the Mayor's intim !Ate atilt ins now that she had no Intention of making tiny information against tile negro bat only o , oired pormis - 61.0nt0 go to the City Pone Yarn.. lt Is Certain slant' rho made on re. omens of thO herxcep to be rent to tee Yana, and when aunt Mylstett on her making un luformetdon, she 1.0.1101,1y' re :used, still fearing, tea she alleges, the to. Feuge of the negro: She was tent to Mr. "'Online, fit:el...n°(ll. Poor. led wits to formed that site could ant guilt ini ne..l nit,: ./IfICIIESIon to the Plana, as Min lift , ' nut re surlett endleicntiy load In the city. Pilo the i v.- ;Tore tleCeptCl the offer of a gentlentatr ''seta out of pity for the girl, would ;give. her a Mtliatton to Fervent •in flit downy for a time. Mlle m: toed' itt dlis,bouse until Tuesday last, When. no' ;her friends promising to bear the expo =•s 'of iter nialotainance, elle was Bent to the }oor Faro: t 01,12/3111 until Ler child rh.ill be 'horn. 31nyor idel.:ortily..iifter.t he girt had refused to accede to her Sun na renutoM to make sit information. cent-Oiled with: 'to'o MOW Mont lawyers, anti thelr.deetatFed was that but n poor case could be made out. had therefore the friends wore not advt.,' . 1.0 Winston an information., We give these 'itodements In order that all turtles may : ethml right on the record. ' . . . I= "Mn Sirakosch's company of seventy-aro fain, class artists, the prinelpals of whiell 'tr. , Alnedatece Wltionlarol Strakosell, 31 , 11 e. rarilind Capiesa, :Signors Irfre. 3larra. Ci., null. serial, .3e.r.ti und.Coletti, having ems _ . gegtgi to appear at Ifni , °Opera house," in L..A fielfrOriff Inaugurate their reason of el. alghee ou along:, evening near, when lc:lib° presented Terdr's 31asterwork "II Trevatore," with a cult aqiieh will embrace the strength ot the compluty, sepported bY a, twngerful chores dud cloalue orchestra, to tut tollownd on Tuesday svrin the new opera wtheitb,sl a roe in Sew Tort: Of thirty con *demise nicist,usrispetto I: la tonsure, or the Cobbler whit tne Tarry. , " On IVetinestlay and Thursday evenings: ;tie; operatic nail I Inf!,ilVllkea of ..I,' ..Ifrie.elne..' This op- ' ernte , ,ntrink elr.borate scenlC effect.. the ' principal portion of the plot represent ed le 1 occurring on 'board of a' large chip. Tire director of 'the company will, on tills ocras 1 A t o n e% g n a I. IS= i.e S tl ' t e t'.s in : Zi ' y 4' ll 4 . ' .. sear t t Sl Ol .c .l2 On Triday craning imul,ette's opera Lu. cram Borgia and •to 'close Do Autwes tiLwrrarranged ire Merrill.: As alit be seen byre feree, 0 t^ onr advbr thhig columns the Cale o f reeved(! seats Inv the SlOl,Oll. nlxiy. (9:490:51CA.S 011111llid any 3... e .A." 31., and for single rights' on -Yrldey entrit !Amu at 3tessni. O. C. •Idellor .h (Ws Music istore, in Wood . street. - - _,_ . . . ., • 3.l,sOnii. flait..—Theraidr Vssftertopened, tau delictly racked audlenco hs,,tinight at Masonic null- Ills performance of truly wonderful tricks ekettled any thing In the Tice we over witnesses:, and fully sustained the 1.1153 re put a tion which pruCedint him. bond. o 1 the feteonf legerdemain were mars vetoes. and alt attemyk. to discover it elite an to 1101rItley mere flOtlt, were useless. AS the noneluslon or the performance a annthot or. valuable and substantial gifts -*fire tlflrldhested =rings; .the audience,. „ t/s t fres, t?econsi r .rn i . , ..s , „, , . .4, 1 I sno re ve r y I =2 - ! - Z e o , t,Tr,i3v to:night t t 1 y O U snnluil Secure a genii sent. Na,, 0 , ,1LA .110^..--011itO a large end f . .liionatole audience greeted 311, Helen 1r es . urn. 111.2 evening. at the 0 net II douse. she appea:lng In the clialiteter of Don Ce,- I ser de Cagan. lilt has elways lua•rt very popular here, and no aoebr. the pi esent n 11l prove untie is so-et:sand enysuement. A s•srs good bill Is offered to-nigh L. 1 . 11,611t,011 Thistr.u.—Thls oil r6s. , :ut of plea-ul.: feeferi In dray. lag crowded houses and the performances are well re colml by those who attend. The Per rOfM• ere arc ell good. and as Is cheao•olare of amusement there is nothing which will ep preach it in the city. The Champlotmhip of American' the Central Park ToMny: Much interest is miinilesied in the result to-day, for the Champion Skater of-Ctn.-i -t.. The bewittiful medal in being prepared by Mr. Jelin of :Market steer!' and or. can assure our readers the ennte3t will be a very close one, as the omit sant., In America are Kent:tit to take 1,311.14 the content. Among the contestants n name, the world renowned John Engler, the tutor of the,cciebratiiii Jacknon DOW' skating before the Emperor of Russia, no also mention Mr. Win. li. "%Mop, the chnmpion of the Nun York Sliatiog Club, who for grace and elegance to: 1.1 poe try of motion cannot lie totalled. etc will also mention Mr. Collie Curtin, of Chicago, wed Mr. Goodrich of Chicago, nine Capt. Mc nor, of Detroit. The loot three named' gentlemen Caine to us very highly recom mended by the papers of Detroit, Chicago, et. Louts and Neer York. We would say to one readers, go very curly to the Central. tQslity if you wont standing room. 1112EME=! Loom, Talk unit Its Consequence,— There w . :49 a rumor upon the streets yester. day that a well known grattemaa had sue. eroded in getting himself two a peck of troutio by a too free ilae Of , vulgar ton •tife. wuo at a hall and paed llie that one of the ladles in si , uet virtuous. One chants,' him before wito,..a to retract his words, hot he Sass tiled In an atmsive manner, and fatted to apologists Ole is about bringing null for .410,11, against the mallgner,and he is endeavoring to Pottle-the affair with money, offering i 5.000 as a•onement for his rash words. The lady iningnantly refuses the offer and is il, termitic , ' to truniatt her traducer for hit rash talg and Judgment. Premature BaMtles , ..—Tu a holy, is (rightful. The Imexpecteil discovery of 0 gray half tellers none should exist 13 moue.; h to make 01.113'd Isairstand on end "Like yof ils noon the fretful porcupine" We lion's like to grow old, awl we still less like 10 haV., false to - lilt:nee thereof before the (act oc curs. A Judicious corn of this beuutf tul covering of the hood, a tho eon sh treatment with "Barrett'S Vegetable Hour Restora tive," has .saved tunny from the horrors ei the appear . .., of old ege• Testimonials of Its ellicaelomi results are exceetllngly, numerous. The afflicted Should not. fail CO try Allies - Imlay Soldiers' league.—.t regu lar meeting of the Aliteginy , Soilliers . League was held last events,- at their room in Davis' I hill, .I.lleglieny. Adjt. Af P. Cello e In the chair. Ni3lo new members Mere en rolled. A committee of three, cou,isting at Nieeiiru. A. 1".% Callow, jolts G. Drown and Joseph It. (Way was appointed to draw tin an act to be presented to the Legislature to nrocure a charter for the Association. The meeting then adjourtnni to meet on next Tuesday reciting at their now hall on Fed eral street, between Lama: Street andthe railroad elots Expensive lee.— r feetdrdaV afternoon. a cask of choice wine woo being tickled to the upper story of Mt. J. M. Fulton's drug atore, on the corner of F7Rb and Crutchheld streete, the rope broke and the cook fell to the pavement, breaking in piece, suit the wine ran down the streeL It froze into n broad and long skeet of rather expitnalco lee. Al nlonl Lost. • Sapplled.--At a ^.heeling of the .2entri.l Board of Edueetton, hell nn s,ourdes evening In et, Barte:of I. Prie m:. of the Fifth Ward Public Schools, elected Professor of Matlewantles. to sup- Or the vacancy 1¢ the faculty of the 111 rel ,chnol, created by the dealt of I'rol , ssor W. Cl .Plekeen. Another Walt—On Saturday morning r. tine male Infants Vaunt In the Ninth ward, on the door -sterol of a prominent holeaale liquor dealer ou l:hertyrt ft et • The little estray was Ist:encore or, old yet• tardily transferred to the City Poor I arm. NO clue to its .parentage. Carpenter' l'nten.—Tee jonrcoymen carpenters at this city held no fol.:rood inectlog on Monday and resolved to °mac, Ice a Protective Colon. This branch of in dustry is the only one that ho.g no orgent cos Sion in this city. _ Received 11 Ungkey, .I.Merumn 1/111CL from int. Sixth w er.l, h:r• re.r..lve , l 1114 corunt , .. nm from the Linverner. W.. beer n.. doupt. I.uf. that .Ir. LtnU uy nlll mtbu au LC:Meta nmglrtrate. .s,..r.nit nod Ent tery.—J 4-4:cc:Arent, Or LOIVIIOIIII, committed for Court, In (lefnult of .430 tail, llormr. 9017rne, charged tat oath of Surg.r.t nvhmo .40 R•Olnit and I,AttarY• t- • - Larterry ,ot Xxlne.—Ur. Monday. nigh: s Pert it WI. stolen from the rc , ,alseA of .11essrs. Schruldt S rrlday. ln the Fifth ward, on Penn street. above Canal. le4terday morning the cork was mead I.l•ross the with >everal holes bored It and all the wine except about a gallon gyre. The *lee was worth !stout tire dol lar, per Jrillon. end the loss therefore h b , tb considerable. The thieve, ern calmer.. nzt l'enjnne,l.—Ellza Stewart. residing m 4.lmaty on Sprint; alley, Fifth ward, made Information before Alderman Taylor, yes. cLar,:ltm her haJband, John Stew. n, wr,h toi , an!t. ar.,l battery. Ahe atates .1 ohn accused her of criminal Intimacy ezh.•: con, and Immediately took at ter h. , ..trikinr. her with a club. The ac ra.....1 nr. , ,,aeil and committed for Choked to Drath.—Last n4.ttht., as a cO/- or,l nvol, re-sling lo the Sixth ward, was st.tts Itts .uppri with the fsmlly t he w 0!,••,,L: to norloß ItActi from Oho .:/•,. t•tragg:lng . : - totoratc. m. 11111,1 lu a tow 1311". men:. thereof:or. SAVIOR Ives, choked to ....emit, :is it ,tipposctl, Atilt a Wet, Of turf. ,tt•al: which he was stst,lng. Pattie Ar - gentht,—For ' plat:nut all article: , of copper, bro . , or Gee. 11111211,:,r, 1,11.11 puro allvcr , where worn off, and for elearodng and polishing silver or Filver•platiNt wan, Warranted to con [-la no tiniel,diver or neid, or any ipi,l o " :trticlt. Ear ,ale by J. Sant plu, Allegheny, and all ktr“V.Zints. , ,dednd! APPointed.—Capt. W. B. Cook Imo boon oi , I , 510!o , 1 by tho Uovernor Naas . ) . Pub. 1,:. In this cl,y, In the place .ofq Ouslor, . anti has opener! nn vale° at J. Diamona btreet. Prolifie.—The icife of ]tr. William war. about it filo eolith of Ca.llz,m2 road, gave birth lately to ar wo of whom. however, 11.,e Good for rstav , llle.—Tthosvallo b. S. School, which opeue.l last Moo d,. wool:, 'nib on uucnanmo of 01Cr Weft • • Gotsc.—lestorm, morning nt 4 o'clock, Chronertham itbstrson and "another loan - left the city Tor Harrisburg ono Mist ne,t trip. RION TILE SOFTII. ',migration to Montt' Americo -4:40w ...ilia' tonal C 011111,11110121 In Lonl•lons —Capital of Alabama to be Itetneired to Altitille—DeNittutlen In I'm South orn Ntates—Sonstreswional I.:leetlOn Triiineriro. JELIIIISTY 2...—Thel Schooner 1:11.1bn - n, the brat retool of toe Venern.- clan k.ullgration Company, sailed tnia morn• ma On!, lillY cinttirritut.a. •, - • IterreSentatlres is dlicus• hh, the qMo.tinn of culling u State Con vention to emend the connitutlen. .1 an. °.—].loth hourns of the MAIM= LW Iwllture fere.eninclitly discern. in: the Co.ututional Arcieudmemc. to , t TOGO hat been taboo, pbtelt Booms to IlltitrtttO that Mobile uilllioOrt ho the cap ital of Alabama. ' • b; an , 'Tong., Jan. gO, 1961. • The • Her ebb .4 • correnpoodence from the principal mime in the Smith, Indleete a gen cral•redcmon, politically among the South ern people. Una of the moans In pee among the Vit , Malang to a lionato enfferlng among widows and orphans; le bngelottery end gilt en.. turpri.G. Among the gifts which It in pro. pored tti give nosy is the resi dence of Jett Davie inhichmeoc,how In possession of the Government. - 1. - eiteti - Maher ScoMOr Campbell, from rJoutarl.:MoMm, alrferoled Horace Greeley, the noon :Flatly convicted et the murder of -.lthett... - .FYortal'inshville, the Indl.tlons arti; that no_eihtion for Representatives rill behold in Unnefor the' Conn:Lb - Congress. 'Clover. .nor 11rdivolow Neuf wait mall .august be tore lie orders an election. losing. tr nee.. stir.; ell representation in the drat hesslon. so I listhe may take advantage of the color ed vote, Nit it seems certato, will be le •gallzettby that tithe. • .• • . , . The flaser: for Spierm Oil. h _ ea- tire ome; Miss., Jam in. -Actable cable dls. patch recetved hare from Loudon today. rays the market hus been cleared of sperm oil ar , .CLI:p. steslltnr per fon—an adyance of Cl eluce tho 1610. Inst. In ads market Oa bbl, of sperm oil sold yesterday at $145 per CM 1 - ,9SZO--Qn Tueedaieeentnr. 4anuary h, at o - eto.:l;L+Alr.Ao, - 'etre of Lderard Long, get she •:. - tnn year of he c ago. - Notlie I'7ner at hereafter.; NEW .ADVERTISEMENTS, - ITILLDALE CEMETERY.—Tbe 'Lion:a-acre,' the laegett subur lian plene sepulchre, egeent Ulte. In has noun ty,attantytt on hen Brighton road. lettmedlate ly noyht of Allegheny. Fog burial luta, permits or title,. null al Central Drug ntore 9f COUL CLA.NET. Allegheny City. wnsrF. • UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS,• .• Road's Run anti vicinity. CDR P.ERMS At MANCHESTER LIVERY STABLE Corner PLeMeld and CL art eve In, cc is. robot.. Carviages turelatmd. • .-- • • AIIEtEN, ISX\T4ID - F:r st , o. 16.3 Perth atteet, Ylttrbureb , fa: OthrFLIS . 4 of 41 kin:I,..CRAPE: , . GLOVES. and <very <l.a.• verlpt...n Funer•ll.2l.lng furl:ash ' and alga. EicSrve formahetl. . . . • : 11,e1 , 1 Karr, I). D., Bev. E.:lng, ,1, ATCIIES, CDALNS AND .1 - 3ma7mx.3us - , AT A VEItY SMALL PROFIT, AT WILL Z.WILEY'S, 6 It) lie St., 3d door from 50. DUNSEATLI S CO.'S 1111 - ./ Tell R EP.IIRI.I"G rIES ra,.2l,:mx.or_6szscrierss7r3. No. 56 Fifth Street, I=l Ilasinr. tilted up room , ex . rleitlyely for t itie re, 1,07:111( of sad t with g 0 7; , , d . nrl 1-rgc and etmupeut for.,,ii . f 7 .0t r•p. ,rernabled t 41'1 Vl9rk 7erk r l bt. :hull au, oat., ,tore cll. Tr. Antra will recrlre prompt ikttentiOM nvd 14: P; our "STANDARD TIME" C 7 "E=Z3R. 7;Yr7ZIW MEI . JaIS WHEELER WILSON'S SEWING MACHINES Have More Improvements. :MIKES LESS .rOISE, A 033 `7.1 It ,PICEDY and 3311IPLE in op. .aline titan any Ilscalta, la the marital. 11:31. SU:VINCI!. .1: CO., 27 Fittli Street, Pittsburgh. WELDON & KELLY, PLUMBERS, Gas and Steam Fitters, Atlo BRASS FOUNDERS, A largo assortment of Chandeliers, Brackets, Lead Fir, Pumps, hheet Lead, ac., I= 161 Wood Street, near Stith. TOE: PLACE TO !TUT COOD BOOTS & SHOES CAF: tomcat 2H _a.m. MeCLINTOVIC 'S, Xo. 92 Federal Street, =I J. W. JCIIINSTON--- JOILNSTON Is. SCOTT, I= Fine Watches, (locks, Jewelry, SILVER-PLATED WARE, ETC., No. 974 L/13£11TY BTRZZT, P'ittesl.7 - ali-gh, F . 4o2lzkac. tegtas OM(((, CLOSE & CO., Pr?st ic al Punt!tare Manufacturers CO 9. PENN AND WAYNE 818 et):er of TURNITUBE conftnatty on SLEIGDING—A GOOD TEAM.— If so , ' wt.. a gr,r,f I.le, ;to to nuWAltipp STAB LK for a good Warn. HoWARD'S LIVERY & SALE STABLE, y 6: re t , nes, Sinuonstx!Leim Boat.. P,;1,1, rxta to Du Slap and al lllag Ix= INDOW fiIIADES—A new lot , gt r ';': " :os=uigral i d " "' & MP),