, 4 DRY G.03D,9, Ott n BATES & BELL, 21 Fifth Street.' OFFER ALL THER WINTER GOODS EMI REDUCED PRICES,' Blankets, : Dress Goods, a` iawls, Cloaks, Flannels,. BATES & BELL, GREAT REDVMOIV. CLOSING OUT PRICES, - Boiorolang Stock. 1/I , I•LEX F LLD TLC / . .ire l l i g/t,' ' s . , git ,1;q1.1., at nig, c dc, at IrtotttlCent) n palr and upwards. IN tic at I 1 and cunt, lately told at di and Ml Ca lilr. ,T.41K1.5.5• at :,,uut.s.. worth n cud :0 cents. R SIMONS—Sr rsa, ly rrdurrd. LIR EN I.IAS angbilysollsd, at 1 . A.P0 =PLR at; 15 erats a boa and up- WATPR-PROOr COLLAR . - 1= now ready. I'r!cr....llla per hoz. tie - Sole Agent, for Fi1V04,11.3 CL”TIi null Al'. ll"x_l[ Ll'. ll"x_l[ (~ L LA112.4 , LIS .N IMITATi" 1..L11,3, GRAI'6 fgenulm.l L',.'LLAIL4. u Xamnacturtrh• l•r14;(,.. Peaters Supplied at Low ?rites. MACREM Si. CARLISLE, = AT EATON'S, EMBROIDIED.IIO§ It EDUCED, DAIUSWERCHIEFS REDUCED, EIOSIEIIt REDUCED, •441,0 VES REDUCED. .SPECIAL BARGAINS Noa. 77 and 79 Market Street We wrath I.i r til special attention to our stock of RANDErERORIEES, EMBROIDERIES, LACES. .I . KrAtrE,' EMIT ROBES. SILK ROARFS, • COLLARD, SUITS AND SETS. •It A L]tllltA Lien RUM' GENT - WFURNlsiimi and Stock generally, "glitch we xre NOW 01 , el.ltlNti AT lieltreTLY nEDUIL;F:II PPM :FS Weorl, AWLS, ISONTALI, }DAMS, N (Ili., [CAUSX—One Ong eery low to dote HOSIERY—SIerIoo Ribbed. all Wool ILlbbe,l, Slxlmoral, Cotton Fleeced, Tartan and teach knald. y tI , OVKV—Good Paris Rid Gloves 41,21, In Dark, White and Opera Nhades. , A full Duck <loth, Cal( and r rlec^ed, for Ladle,' and .• Cants. HANDKERCHIEF SALE CONTINUED. - arm n:111 efkrin nor stonn_cannnntly on- Handlserdalut, i n inaln, tterc,lnclied and Grubroldnrr.l. THE HEW HOOP PRIET POE 1867. • • t?vmethl7{; Entirely New. Wa would lavlic the at:culon of MERCHANTS awl DEALER, to oar ,t,1,• aval,a wili . b. ..nin't to cnntals ait that 'ato...opal/le, and at PM..." to 101! the el tithe In gold. JOS. HORNE & CO., 77 and 79 Market Street. GREAT REDUCTION„ AT RETAIL. rase 'Goad Dine Mixed nil Ix and Draw err 1 care tioon lictland ntdrta and Drawer • 3 , 10 z, r.lutlrd' Minitel Cotton Hose. Xai. pnlr •` •• •• Merino •• '• _ro Vhildrens• Wool 11oec, silXbi. rr foiled 5 ,1 pounds ()pod Country Yarn at CO pr lb. reare (loud Jean Cobalt C. pair I lade Frelicli Woreli Corsets 1.15 •• I o ee Bannon' Skirt. 1.31 each to di,. llooda and %unlit!, AliglalY roiled Zlr. • • Vontege. roll.] Lert Glarol Cul Irrr Crty's N rolded 17 r box. 51E ftcIJANT.S. PEDDLEI:23, antracc wan bay io Felt araln• alll. find lu.otir nn nt, Metals at =1 MACRUM, CLYDE - & CO., 78 and 80:Market Street. GOODS FOR TUC HOLiXDAYS 7 Da:N era o N'S, .V 0.21 I IF TR STREET. LACE AN E.3IiIEOIDEEED FANCY SC...AI:XS.. NOILIVLGIAN LEATIIEIt SATCIILLS, POIITSIONIA ES, CIGAIC CASES, CLOVE BONE:!, FANCY FANS, LADIES COMPANIONS, CAltl, CASES, LACI; C()LLA Rs, LACE ,y.rrri, E3t111:01DE111.1) SETTS, LACE LIANTIKERCIIIEYS, lIEMSTITCLII'.II If -INDELIttiIII.I:Ps, 1:MIDI(i11)1:1:1:1. sLIPI'I:I4 , • C.LOVES, ULOVI:,,, • GI,oVES, UNDLILGAILMEATS SUSPENDER,, NECK glEs, LINEN COLLAI:s, • COLLAIIS, &e„ Selling Low for Cash de= 0.411.1?, MCCANLDESS 1:4 CO, cants CO. •) ' NVIIOLESALIE DE/MUMS El - FOREION AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS -, 1767 c>c>ci I"6ir 1 , 1 , . , ..0a5t tLA I) I • utota;:l,, ) OIT, rec.": ii'( , (ll Lo.%,saltLtuLtets. I , e , C)CD OVERCOATS vvr PEMAINiNG UNSOLD . rt,cu srin. ItEGAUDLESS OF COSI At the Immense CLOSING OUT SALE, r3a 3. D. RAMALEY'S 334 and 336 Liberty Street, Alto. a lArge . A.soortzu t sit of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING DRAWERS, UNDERSHIRTS, WHITE Sti Cotton •and Woolen Ilosierl, Scarfs, Ties, Suspenders, &c. Of all Dcarriptions, and a Large ..268ortra en( of GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, . „ All of Alibilth 11111151. tic 4old re Fartilesg ()feud or int ()ice. Call and Be Convinced 3, D. RAIVIALaIr, 331 and 336 Liberty Street, Opposite Wayuel Ja1,1,1 NEW GOODS, NEW PRINTS, New FDelninea, NEW DRESS GOODS, New Shawls, NEW BLANKETS. NEW CASSIMESES, Wholesale and Retail, At the Lowest Eastern PlieeS ERIVINOITONNELL &CO., 27S Federal SI., Allegheny, A BO V E THE MARKET. 112011ESILE DRY MRS. New Goods Just Opened. Merchants desiring to Sort I' should call and examine our Stock and Prices. FULL LINE OF DRY 0 DODS iVIOTIONS. N. It !!`hod St., Pittsburgh. IIIBUTHNOT, SIIAVION 6; CO. C. AnOCTIINOT:I9. T. SUANIZOX.:.,.I.ETE.rrrLN,, BUSINESS CHANGES. DISSOLUTION. ,rrit E COPARTNERSHIP E [of., xlitlna I.t.tr, en. the rt,h•r01,4,1. untkr t ern name , 4' . 0. FA WCET CO., Iu the tt1.),,t0n.11,,,,.•• dtb6, tuxl cout.ent on Litt. twtlftlt t It: , inst. ne, cltht: arm v. 110 Put...a at the 1, - ,wt ry CAC III:ItTOS. hrn,. wt, Is Authorised t!. tellil,rm tip the . JOSEPH P. HAW Pittsburgh, January I,th, 1,7, • Has leg sold oar entire llrewery. Slaltlter t Hop Itosinees Sle.srn. 1 . 11.:It. I/ANNALS .e (•"• we would req., from our Irletels a con tinuance of tee eo ',eat! y , t•oo.ed 144, e, during the number or 3ears we were la the trio teens IV.- Lave no hesitation to neotornerol log the new firm, Os from their long expert. nee In the nualnehs we Lase ILO 11 unit I bey V n 1 maintain the excellence of *or Ain.. MEti=2 Uttering . to thysbove, we ill Inform the public that we shsl/ codes, orsvos merit ruoot, latesmnes tot the aberal letlionsge hlo , .1 fir. 1.1. 1,11 1 ,1.1 t An , 4I ittlll her a l t tutu In the bus.ness. can safely .ay ~.-het se swill be able to glee enllre poll to inoe, who moo Color us with their onlsrs. JslllarS I , ANNALIs& CO. bissuLurin OF PARTNERS:IIII% TUE PARTNERSHIP eslsling .10,01.11 LEWIS MYER:, 0030 Sod T, IV. DAVIS. In tb. (H 1 .J 1,1111,1 the uson. of 3,5 . ,,H51,1,1,, 501 . 011.1 A. 00.. Nro• title dll7 d1001...1 t, mhtn. 0050151. Arnold Herz roil - 11,%rozu neld Tln• I.slm:es I , treall, I,ll .!dvluct.d 1.0 J 00,1,1, .115,r0, Lewis Myer:, Vl Oren t.tr. an , l T. 55. Dail:. node. tbt erro nn o, SE.IS,3ITE.Ri Jol , .1•:, 511 It-, I.1:'5."510 El,. 11:01:3::,..1t. . . t.y.z. PTr.2Epai, January I. .141,r Tll ,. PARTNERSHIP HERE .I AMP'S LZ GI.I. n SON, • EMIEE 1.51,1 ditrolve4l 14 w1111.1r.wel• WILLIS DAL7.1.1.1..1AMV1”, J. WILLIS 111,7.k.1.1., , Januafy I= tlds 4, ainoClrt.J wl I/ we LEWIS .111 4'o/IW:tit liOatr t i 13,1 vr JAnt, LAI.&e.L I & =0 = , •g FIRM OFHICIJAPH HAYS wRT 11 i dh,s,alrol conlvz, the Is: lact. he I , ,kiv.t of the latc f.rm hr LAI:11111.1N I:1 t. t3.13t1i 11.[1" The Otto of LAU.. MAN A- Co. v.,. dEso!ve-1 on t h e lot lIA 15 teNteit littrr, et to the et healnlng plrfierd. The tuanuftetari. of PIG II:ON tely.o.'oeue. ndel at the ELIZA Zl5 .:_:ACE. , , ceder the exalt' etyle of lrm re her. totem. . -The buslue heel thc late lino st.lll, d by the note. . . =ME= DISSOLUTION.—The heretofore cf. Ming brtocco VALENTINE and I. MAMIE ft, In the boslncm of Mlnlog nod :cll~cy, foal, w a y Illet °MO December Intl., TH051.113 VA7.ZNTINY. Lower Ft. Clair Tp...1.1. Cf. 1,7. BANKS AND BANKERS. 8,1.11111710 110U4E. S. HOLMES & SONS, 23./1-1V No. 57 Market Street, • • I: to, of the the ,c. lut yet been lourel. ' y dn d ~e.l Curs.. 1, . A 11/ vetted Iftwentiots.—.Thouta. 10. Hall mad , . the pfluei/ 111.0 vented u rdilt..l Nwltell that ..mull the Cult. ziates anti Canada.. 1”, ,In ,11;4, etleat,oa. of rwlrnau Men. By a arlaugeto.er. 1 n electrl• •u Stocks, Bonds and Oilier Securities leat deg. a hell contintleu..ly whenov L er L th r e s Switch I, u.0../.1 1 tool cowl. allot wlth the BOUGIIT AND SOLD OF CO1j1:10:1 4 101. uutiu huer nor: eu./././ leg warolux, not. on ly to e di. Ethan, but to all wttlllis hear. Particular atleultou pale to the log. , ..le .2 Au Accident—At r Lent ten o . eluek on -ILT S. ,laturcay 1 t,thl. n 01.1 MIMI, while Swat:held 4:tc.'l,llinorll Ettl , llol, t MI. :I ttt , rm, 111.101.11 a Iw o 1::. .././re of 110,1 ..1 ~1 tl‘ll, , ,ty alirt ,•!1 , 1:,,11 , 11: 11. 1.i t. , 1 110 11,1 lally lt .• 1.:///.1 .../ 10 1/1:: CPI 1,1, JIM II Al 1.. I/I IN 1 , 1.1{11 It!, JAN !-P I=El=l2! =ES I . I ...r rutted -eaten 1. tent th, .tch belrlna that 4s . • I-Ane 1. Lynn Snriu•lnn, of .11.10,1nent ninin • • JO!:11 NICi3OI,II, r M . 11 .411..,. eitv for ithprovement in P I II.:4”!• • James S. Ilal,don, of I.mlltma, im provi•tuent In vice, '• D. S. ii 441.11, of Conneantvlll,ror mu pr,,vernem m seed Walter. Andre,. 1,..te, of tincmiter, for Improved win•tow and ta.;:,•ner. .Tralo ll,Collem of Pa.. (or ...toproved ma , hine for. pre,inp, fuel low or br:c.,. A.. 1. Do Murat, of l'lttladelphla, PP.., rar to:prove:nett! lln tanegs,o%l 03 et ,. e i S t Charlll rtnn'a.. improvement In safety IV, 3 .or•1011, of l'bitadelpliin, , ior tn. provement in maehiwtst Ml.r rlvettlnt: io'labrlet. .to,enb 6 . liev'er of Phtlatlephla, l'a., for itunto% tog watin.; •• itet•man Mengel, of P l / 1 1 1010rItta, hi.. for Improvement In inbtruntents for gultilwit ingot, iwentttnti - out cents rind yew,. ticorge Palmer, of Litilelown, for In:- proved washing machine. • George Palmer. of Littletown, Pa., for in , prtm,l clotbOs wringer. John l'otlfer, of NI tla , elphls., I a., for Int . Provontent ion) ~ntth, Medea; II ltlinw Itahume, of New Pa., for go% ernors. ot I'o., for Asa ' , oftlngdtvice for grates. George W. Itrlgltt. of Phllinlelpitls, Improvement Ins:earn olownrr, Win. it. cost., ot Philadelphia, I'n., 10r improve meat to ear ituptlng. J ustus Docrlng, of Plaistlelptita, I .or Ituprovement in titter, John 31cI1zchnul of t'hlttutelnltla, P . a., a s . n sigor to Joseph the ,11111 v . for 1tnitt0,.....t0 woo[ 1033.0 t; Ai:On, Rat] Lill, 03 t or trupito. in butt .1. 1‘ 0111 1:,, n 4, Pu ri:, , ' • , is .ll. CC:.lcr. f. _ . or an pr, tarl 1 tuck.• anti l'hos. for Improved rallroa..l •NI IV. ',mit o. 0n.17.3, , for Imp; ovrit:.•,.l t;2l,4,..plantizt— t. I; , ~ , . • 1 • 01: Phorot tu. l.ittido to the out.- htttodhl Uttlthrttnett of the Market and r:t.htoy toottch. "etch llctolor-on. New York.. Orange told a; t Ilktk /hot. l'ittnburght ter :ale tic .40,1 Ih a , O, 0 1 Lihorty covet. This book to the thaidd of Ilftt•lntm: %rock- Oaharo - hco to ptmololting; and glee, hbohtlant O t tc:Mietth,CUllllllVlyAllg wlth thin sclortlha or ,hlt,ble land, all the why op to o prolloollou of all stints of veto:halt:fa; both in the 0r,,, had tnz forowpro- twil.• Itl,trated. New lurk.orange EntlA: Co. ' 41 ion, l'itt,burgh: lon role by tlohn Ent::;, 11l Libbrry here t, a caloolan .for. oaell month, otth opee!he d airegard to the orchard. I rag. garden, 40teneq.qarden, rower garden dtool house plants. Tiler! follows one han red or [pe V1116 . .0f into:lllation about trait, et allor lo”.nez*L.l. Compiled by Alex Cl,h, A. 3t. Phliedelphie: li..iuy.bdol.y A co, 31r:ChhIr how pahtor ,•( rho Firer Meth. odi. Church of •thls atty. the hoof- Is a colophation, cram orlfc,iamc Sommpc, dia logue.- for hi-e ,Chmh, Tho ulatecia:, h °Main,' rmpanse to a Isheral offer from Cho aoh:;-tam mho ahm h•mm•s the loctlia!ngum s*lnittect ar, the be, ca f.everal hunailet peu'rehtetl, anti tee ...Mt, reernq to , have' exercised great cart: both ”I eulcclla end eughteuslng. Clit,tcn. gae" It the a% - atrizatl. - , of the Church troth the h , gihning, :tad contain, a hull of tile pr,:eht Ithattner,hip. =I c Oil City Pigittirhintiti.alillitoly of the aliantiontiti oii ittlitit in tee Venangoreglen, find coati telt, us fol le ws t These are :teem' !ugly the iwilures, flux they nee no more tounitt on , than tho ilinertfNl claims of the Colti illgeitnits on the Pacific elite on our uontinehl we se during the firt few yttiirt, of their tivvelopuidat. ttt 'hot!( cnent, 1!p the NV 1, natural later of ~.onapefuistion, iranil out in bright toilet the succor:ter. A numberto hi:Pares to obtain good prto dud., c ell ' Live occurred taring the pwat seigion than any pre.viou, one. With reihunerat ti,e prichi, many of there o,erted 011 utile w - 111 ho thoroughly clean o, application of greater ....ill and mot./ fitting machinery made biailly.diroritaittve. In many localities Obi experiment has I /eel, tried, and the re. nit rove:, to held:day siablactory. With the adoption ot the petroleum pro twit to other aim, besides , mail a dernami created thorel,o, equal to the eupply, there rthi be in demand. The land ow . rers ate .neie forfeiting oil the learei, the) can r.ri huh: of g honey, a abort they ' wc that-arrerto , l Oil be few ,0,1 Cur 10. t twat. lor we are well ratcdied that with the pt ocer application of iniprov. ionegaii foardittli of the cirr- O . i:et - tea welh. te made to pay hand romely, thioprovmg that tile east expen tditure., of and 11101/ty Upon ere.- ation we., toil yam, nhd I= The Allentowa E, 010" b fitsptieb of 1 - T,. dm -a), Tatt night :.1 about elevep o'elock a paltiMl act:Pieta oc: urreri at furnace num. t.t one, a Inn ir,,rte , IronCornintny, it the t trA Ward. W teen were en gage,l lit ete4Tuu °leg the molten Iron ,pouti t it Irian the bre,: of the fOrnuce, and toToi, the bumf.. the mum dlalc IC 0 Vtllity 001.1 get out of harm': way, etni he 'la, o nin very Jhn o eurfa,- P.M tt of Ale elothing !mint front nit. 1,17 anti ivaA seriously In arr.!, while Philip Iraturly wan ettnitlera -I,lr burr/11,1,m0 the lower portion of h t. per filichat,l Mel:tale, entleavoling olnrn e,eape !tlO nee!: tlood, hail the m tone of rontong coolant pillar with ' , tea force t.i3 to lentler him fur a lot; Liam uo. mmiThitt. trrolonlite , ll• one of the beet, it tiro very hest piaci, lit this city where one can feag And recuperate rile corporeal portion eeexli,tuetetil,:leteity, is at }Ticker's din ing saloon, (.'lair greet. The most somptuomi fare Pio:gamble is to be found at any sitil all Imo, ut that Irellse place. A 1 ,0.,11' piste or -nap tar the horrieil bug nees man or employee, u ho caunol stay for more limn a dorrin spoon' idle, r a supper tit for 0,1 r:ke can begotten up iiith equal iltness mid almost '.'llll isithil dispatch. Game in ail shapes, :mil o,ulsito i ad; t: ! sters hat they r. would tempt he plum:, 4,11j1,11,4 :11.1 all their old time limo: se, re to try o f them everything pal. rotten apt blYie, tO `el Bloc beside himself u bewildered en ate promptly end nen,l4 nt rie.or',. ;(1 The !olio. log Il from the ZATItIVOIO Tu n . A:11 , 11, 11.,. /In tl oeenez lug In title city it 3 0/11.1t1I it I- y ni•peetabh , Yo u ”g'.ounta an Indienlunt rc bo . xmy a , otit.l,l net, Lonl at the 1 , -;Tuning or the war ela, notnepn -tanding the faet •nhl /11,1(,;,10 anpearttnee. no negro 10.13.1 ill 111.1,1111., curve", heOory no ml{:l3t. ho tracial in. tlita Tnan'n birth end the 01.nde w e but one or rowan/eel of the WV.f. Governor Genrrr A pilot ment Gort Idler Gravy on Saturday, teed., th e utpowltnr riritadopula appoltattiettlr; ilurtetr 31u,ter—Georl, .I. ICeuver. I orptit 211a.,ter—Stator A. It. U(]lioub. Leal her I n..,1147ct0r - 11. J. !tire. Itrrit I ouquv tor—Dr. TIJOS. a. Reed. sealer of Welgnte and :demurer—North. era dt-Arlet, Ltet.t. N. Taylor; notliern dlr. thief . Gerurtte trehatrU . , supertatundrutor I'or, der Magazine.— rht MelAttut Iteroverftsg.—Unary Strong, the gentle hiiin In .theitheny wno WWI and HO nearly eouto Siren elnen Ly. L Id I!, h., Jamb liattrenor, 1e elowly recovering front the t troet, of /lit ilreperato wound he received la the bond , of 1,, it-Huth:it. /lit nuw con,illered out of hunger and will lie utile to taro . ° clout , liortlV. The ,laughter. I:Alt:utter', it Ile, lig, clitlrely mum:led: how toe alight n1111..110,1 .Ii 111,h, to r enit totriounly /0 011ly litni,ll, '1 he lintuodinto route of 10.6 aciton I, givolveil In in much tuyetery ,Ver. i iitn tive, Set I oroligily be mode apparent at the trial. LAUGHLIN A J426;,' The, Inntaxy.—From rlttoek,opposttu the Etedolhre, vre have reeetved “Ttlfl Galaxy"' for k enruary l.t. 'lnt, Is a remark:o4y Foal number. beta;; OW: or the Last of this 1 a:3h turf fortn hddly that has . U.DTWO, relit UM Harper's Weekly: and Frank /*Ale fir hod Satarday. Every periodic:al north ha 10, all the lding Ilolly and well; y pap t ers g , and al mo st n ea eer) , Ildtet eke tla,t a Well 1 , c41,13ttd mind- de- Ire,, van he oldalned at :Mork's. • Alt r. .—The lanye. and mules stolen 1010 ppd., ...nee svdle and Sewn:k n.:, have all been toool endh some ot Omit hvviag Iv:WIWI/ of tilcil.el4o7l to the of tnelt ow nor.. The- all seem to 1::.4'x:111010,1. A ' brim 111010,1 10s. 1 llegbeny, their eaptors apparently la:routing rlghhannt nt t 111: andertatitn: they had 1111 hand. No MIEME :Not out of Danger. Mr. liaviil !triunell. the gentlernriw -.110 I WA, la ,el'erely injured by falling through a trap door: in the fourth story , of the iea• carve lauldlng, a :reek ago, in not, Vegret to say, considered out of danger. Ile 1,3, been •. removed to Pam:want', laiirulary, where lie is receiving such all an' adrnite of, hug the puralyels of the los er 0 0 r 1 - 100 01 111 n body still continues. There in now at times a eery el ight degree 01 !On. nation In the paralyzed honk,, hot oilier nation are .of en discouraging a nature an to render ultimate recovers' bY. no tnearna Certain. 011 - the Trck.—wul. , arn that , J Iday evening lalt enroll n fr,:g:it. train on the Pnn 11.4tnAle Rhllroad jowl , e.l the truck In t!,ti COrs line tunnel. The pa,senger trains were ,Itlayed tzeVeria the accident MY POLITIC AL PLATFORM 1110.1 frltnds and patriot Si!. I •21; y o b,. e!, / .. e I hare a ett.ek Boot/ on hand, il.ou“stda or Otte,. Widen leau well after. It: all Si the very lob est • 14.,1 • and loonh and Merman. leattb 1, Wlll-11 non , /7‘,41 , 1 afrabl to wear, In 001/115t trine we athtr. • Ladl.o 13bots I'.+e ht-I • It to al' t. 1,1 rrlfilog, That I van ...II /0 etry ehrap, whl e prlret. still ate id., 55 )". 5 . 511 / of the rerT Lest Ih^bade did o'er . pr, , • Ste.ta ari. fat t!.., rbeao-lt tIn:o /Le ortets I Tt^otbeh your w o// n advantagee and 0111.1 t to tor fi..11 buy, Aod hen my stock Is all sold out I'll get a freill aupplr, MCC 15L011,15 00 plenty now:, and 27.,11b,j, goo , lCrirdit • ..orne and bun /t/rno, mgr., It. Cottl a wlnt,t now It at the Judi, when the old Te.r has ended. And It yourl ate sprung a leak, do e 1..., and get teem Then call 01000 popular ;hoe Etoporlum. .2* awl 20 flab 0150,01.. W. B. CLAPP &CO LEA PENRINS' WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE • . • ItXTRACT 1.!rn..11 from CCANOISSEUAS 311- DR, I. 31j1 311,1 , 1tAt, rO fiL TII Y. III. Broth. n IV It CIE It' 'ONLY GOODSARE -1., tht., 'at Ft le • c , r o ? X 7 ,„ le•le • - wade ltmt Tee ere . e•e•s or this mn•t ed eael•:ly4/1!:;, .; ‘ , - E,, le•luested to ;to, ti% ot 14.-A At PP RHIN, are ilynn Wp.' Elt. LABEL, 1; , , I"( I.E. =I ININIZEI= JOHN lOUNC.iN's SONS. NEW rt.RE. AUEN'I'S FOIL TIIE S nvE:.:l,wrur . (211 , -.13.1U111,..11611.1LL. x, .w.t. LL I' trr., BARR, KNAn G BUETTLER, • 6,:c„,..0, to VA3IELINK &!W M, No. 12 St. Clair St., Pittl.burgli rreLl,h , !, Flinno4, <rkrgaa/S. ArirSole for Ce:etrnte.l WZADBu. RV. St, and SC.IIO.IIACE.ER S CO., Phl:4.lclphls, PlANgti. Also. ESTEI & `TOTTAGE.'• .k 11. W. • 'AM ERICAN f.i AN.. ar,1111.T0;.‘"6 PATEN r GUITAR. I - Lebo:l Italian it , l 0,711”. Vl,llas”,l I:nl t•rN:r:u¢. • HOLIDAY GOODS. li.l. KINDS or trtovie,c: 1L T", CUT AND Jarben Oil Lamps and Chandeliers, Lamp Trimmings, &c. A Leo WAILI:ANSILI/ NON , F.XPLO,IVECAIt BUS OIL, w➢o:cea:c aa.i rctall. , JOHN ROSS & CO„ 43.2. Thazirix.ct Eltx-oot; 1,1 - 1,1 , 1:10/H. I . A. 40 I-3C ALIt. c WA , n T I3 7. 1 0. 1 , ) ,, C0NT1L ICT for 75 TO 100,000 BUMELS CHARCOAL, DurVall the rtnsiltg 54,403. 111 Avery to Tr.- 161 to rah Aprll n, Ap . , , ty toot H . J. LANCE, HChlnt. Whidnte Curtains and Chair Coven Cleaned &Reglazed without unra rtlng. Nos. 137 S and 13'Y Third Street, flet,eu Woo 4 Lad t+calthtetil FRIMiLINUOTTO WORKS, = OEM IVE:+I . I.'ANALAITHF:ET. 1. twe..t.l:6l.lneun and 1.1v0t.1, All. , gl,ay City. Va. P. S.—All ot•leta Dl' Mall attrad....l to. 00 nK3 BROADWAY EXCHANOE RESTAURANT, 101 COMI:11F111 .11T SEITIIFIELD ST?„ 101 Ladies' Dining Rooms 2d Story. EMME=6II=EI . . . d..l:p•ti :"lENt i ri i 1V1 4F .1. : 1 ' .t. " ‘ ' ' '''P' l " . "'"• MONUMENTS, GRATE STONES Vaults, Fountains, =I Stattuiry. 'Vases, AND DESIGNS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, WAIT FDIC THE REST.--IVe 11111 IVAIt MeITATES ••11401.50. CA Unc Atilt St.tarals Ire and mq who .I,nrc r /! •s And ~,,,sofrsr Iwort•str - ssitil 'axe Mt It. lb , ..., I MN At, PC1t1.1: 4 1111N4; No• , 47 M.., retA, I . a. lA7:r:aglAT 11 111 .1 3 . 11 r j ,.„ 7 1 .ss A !. t I J l !!e i r N E n Wes Corn met, Amax...NY. ' .Al.l vATrat A co. Hata on lama or prepare on short ?oaten 1 - IMAItT II JUNI, !TEL' ,tiTONY.e. 01.44,0 roie ItIIKW CRC VA I • 1.1:1, ITEAI , AND 1 . 031 H ['JONAS. Ac.. Or. RiirOrit , r , promptly na ccatcd. 1 • 111 , 1K1ICIS nONABLY.. ocatnotaa MIISSIitA.NN, Filth Street,b etween Tunnel and CA Wham Streets, Gunsmith and Dealer in Hardw.l*.Y9are. First dm! of nil On hand and n olA at lb. , lowplat ,rilalo.6 prlcr.. Flnpai rip, _duo CHEESE. 1M bole, tioshin, Factory ant liamborg for snit Cl ' CI1A1:1,E, C. VALSLE.Y. 0 BROOMS LARD OIL HOPILN =I .atirf22_ )DAN(.IEIN AND LEMONS -10 f,""' 31KI: Amtl Goole grnt r3lly .nn e. MOORHEAD & CO., ' 99 Water Street :11.K AND Wt2 , ,LE, DYER AND SCOURER, =I E. HYDE'S & SONS MEE= 12= I=l I=l T. BROOMS, I=l =1 tWflUtcrn.o..crn,n MEI= bblr. tro Itcdnr,l tl••rorra o tod lotr orroloul, for *al,. by • I=l an I,lbnris =I SPECIAL NOTICES . . INTAUDS. = =ME ,/ 11. , L:r!tary • =llll II lzy itl um /I.r. Lase bren nre,l I, tl/1 not A IP Prc.mt.tt..l a .1,1, to I.tne azi4l utfortunNtc. I r. 111 It rI•1 for pr..ttrlng an.l 1.11, 11.:5 u to . •et-I. a.r ellrlutu a ; , , , t•pa..: ura., yotas. Ail~irtJO. EP!! T. INMAN. r:.t::“71 lublo. flour, 1 , , 1. It BOILER MAKERS SHEET IRON WORKERS, Nvs: 20, 22. 21 an 4.26 Petsu St. finrine ut,tl a!art 'lt.l I,,red in “inuntact.r.. try I ^l , er. Om I n he ~. trr.nl, I any made In the runntrv. e n l 3 I • . lug, Fir,t Tank, I Aritalorn. nips, HILL'S I4IE`g,A. Qa l'A. i, ` ra 'r n ., r.,, :, • 11! . C . ..'" I riNT 1{..1131.1nz don,. on svrEmott COPPER MILL A SMELTINO WORKS, I=1:1 PARE, McCITRDY & CO • lf,pf fr. Frost.il Covp,t Bottom, !lotto., r hoidt.r. Af.o I ulpoctr, llcait cet :II Sittal,. Vial, ,01...1 Iron, Mr, Conetautly on 11.0.111111,, 31a,nt. aryhoo,., •14,. 1;0 FIN tit' i1Z1.1.1 120 81.10.!.i It 1%1 REF-T, , r.lcrs of cut all, str , •l tu51.1.0....t , 10 . , . r...-7, 110131N50N, REA tv, (t.ore.r.ors to Rohl:oW,, 515057 a 31:105551, WASHINGTON WORES, •• Fouuderenucl II M.toufseturfr, of Beat *tvl 2 4 1at60n,y again Mill Machinery, fits, InF hltNlt:ng, l , ,Lpf.s of all 1 , 11°14 I, lron N ,rl:. 4i - agenti Sro VIFFAIRES L'ATENT IN JECTun fr..lln, • 11= FOIL SPECS 4.1.1VA,E5.. Nu. II [n ma hirret, Torl LA "' 1 1:5 - 1 - 4 — T1111 :r! A LA i)i Es - or 1,1;III A 1:A1:111,1" \IAN -110,11. I U.S l',..1o1:•.•11 , 1L,. Abu., 4wcu1t,1,3 th-,Ft,eu, .au. 1,11 , ra t.t frte.;.l. , Ale nhII.I.IN 110,‘,1 A.p,,,,,,tt• rt. 1'11111.1.1111113. SEWING rii ACHINES. 40050 Weed, Lock Stitch q'ts lug 31achine. BEST IN USE. l‘nis is Ivuvr $61)1111.1. no 11, blur. , . 11.111. Y.:I an I, It•mil aro,l I.,az at,!Quiit. 1,0., 3 b. 1 . 1.1,1.1, loth I 4 t,F It..lrr "MI 3tar,lnewlll , loalll.lo..sull.mllr , ,,, .!fl) ‘,lll z . t... t. • •111) •.n .Lll a: 11...11) vu 111.. ,r431 -. ..t I. 1 .It r• awl ha IVarr,...t .tr )k tr... AIKEN KNITTING MACHINE Iv. I.lollllva.r, f 'OO.llll Ilreld 1..113rololer!. d 0:,... 3.r“ 11.4 1:1017 GROVER Ls: 11,thER'S ELASTIC STITCH AND LOCK STITCH Machines An; THE BE,T and purr...oo. U=l=Ml DOVT BE DECEIVED Hi II ro,lull adv,tl 4.1 rt. L • st.chtn, LAJ 1...1-.7•1' 113 Fifth $. troot =I MI SEWING MACHINE. • Licenstd Nt.ulou lu Unity rte., 450 L ifEltu 01147,..1.0. ,tom:.; 1 sr, 9 , ,unlznit 4tra-cl. (Uu... GET NONE OTT A GROVER & BAKER For • 11n11.1ar Olil. It le rtOl•fOr. rf. l,tervre tLe Ilo,t tell ,t , rall n;o1,-oltat El= tillOE. IJAI/NESS d. 4 k. 7.11.1 5:0...1.1+, r.evr VAIER 1 BAB \P I SIAM !ROW. 11.-for. buying .15..nber, for 1...1r ute.• no2.El,, ' . rule ,rtz, THE: GROVER S. BAKER SEWING MACHINE I. Illtlnm Ttivlt. of 51,olo.rilrqn. ra:l clarolut It E:=l3 DRUGGISTS GEORGE A. KELLY & CO. Wholesale Druggists, 31 Flrood Street, Ewa !!‘:""tr. ',IA.-, 31 Eiffl2=l=ll MUM M== I= DRUGS! DRUGUIS:: JAMES T. SAMPLE HAVING MY. 10:”WN Dlti , t4 !MUSK Os CUR. FEDERAL AND I!UI(INt.U\ ENV, ketpon hand* Nll asevrtnvut of all kind, of 013 Ant: Well will W sold chespwr than any ~h or Lowe In thy two onion. • l'lverrimlons cnrolully PrrPrrrd I.Y • i. 7, - ,•04t. %11 Air 11, I'EI:FUMLISY ind FA NCI on hand. ' r SCLIOONMAK£I{ ar. SON, • Pittsburgh White Lead Worlis, PURE WHITE:LEAD, LILU}r. LE/111 01WUND 1111.' Pint rmx- 1 IL U 011. JULItItC.I.4. No. 07 Fourl.lllStrect. Up Stotr• tionakl, TOBACCO, CIGARS, &e. use 13111 . 110EGI! . AND 1 • 1 • A it' • ucTt,,c-.LA:7,",','.11, 1 a'A'..'i,, And otbt r tibte,i 11r.d.t T M Criali. Muntir.,tureil liy. It. & W. JENI(INNON, Ylfth door from busprusiva Allegheny JOHN MECRAW, Manufacturer of •e.lWhoterale and IletNll Dealer la all kinds of Tobacco, Snuff and Cigars, 41.0 xr-zi - m - ra tEiPZZILM A ernurml eliortment Smoking TJAACC , .. ripe pn.r.hrs aIWnVS on rand. olvol•o4t. Jos-clanx.mxcum OMNIBUS ANFLIVERY STABLE. Xo. 110 Penn .Street. & PITCAIRN, Proprietors. Kir Ownlncites and carrlagct tar/1nd...4 lor all Carrianco for Flineran r , Werhilni x anal l'irtke, at abort :ratio: and ruaronable rat: c. Stable Open Day and Night )3:oo:T.Tuoi NEW PAPER ILINGiNGS. lOU relmoits—Vrenda llcslole, with GO FOIL .IISHAIIIES - 1...170.1.. °ran, WWI= I:I , u•: I • 6.10. , P. 14 .11::•t1 Otttl t FOR SALE oR S4LE.-4 Farm of about sees to tinlon To nsutl, AHent,nyroan. tr. Pa.. situate about thur miles from the clt• o s wn.c.l.Doon Fite. aThC I r:4loam:corn at, a .arc. two story air.tcH Jewel:lnn Huns, .Ith It oomr, a two-nterry ,prlnn lipase. • Carthage n Inept 1..2m1., Boort, a ISto 1 Hrszne 4 . 1.1 t slab!!ar. snOcteethjor s , rbead of Is a Lne Yuuner, thua.r.l.. C , •••• athea, sth.rked with the ta-st vs (Cult three. It Ia all ant:ea . :CC with coal. 1 . 1.4. land Is In 140 state of Collthatlon. red. thacea goo!. at..lerould suit ad: talent iy for .Islet rart:ru:ng perreosen. n , n acres ':clue the above, aalth • Foal Tranre tonse, Carthazt 90, yc^d mr.Vng a , ereoat-lA:dine. wall. soot Ole benring condition. This la 4:7 th , lcrlala withcoal. Pi. ct Ale, acres a.:l4lntar tor above. nnimPrc,-- 4 c. r o e sale to e. 111.5 Piece :0 also all underlaid with coal. MEM t of property Ile between tlaw Itn > l at^”Derorlitc 1.1111- 0...m.15, and :ha coal eau be auaabe.l :ram O . real alone la worth all that It sal,d the enure ❑rorrrt,. - • - Al,o rarm au 17:1 acres, situate to Pt, Clalr to, rlop, Wr-tmortland moiety, l'a Immodt• eon r.•I ito Cr'of tie Urllro.l. The Im pro, meat. e 0 , - - o-mory Ftam, ntl't l toot. and al t Cellar. Frame KUM Bran, 4010) f-et, alld other our-balolloc.. Tar,re lb on r. good lonror Apple ON:bard:Mu-mos clean d, In gomi timber: remone general -1)..00r, orl ..atvr ,, l: nod, olth coal ant room' torn: • to rturrlms, POW, e•II,M and blarlm mit h ahopr • imrevor r witty the or,prrty fIIC/1 Implvrtmr.ta, ( r o t nln rroond, Arr. rurcarlovelven Imno.- dlato For :anther partteulars, ca 'lmre of Gr. TOWER. Bel! Katlic 164 Y.,..trt Are,. 1,1212 SALE—. 4. PHrtill, of 150 all under good men,. , '1 eared al .d I , fino order, I.Mancoln Kom , /r.'d oak and 1:10,,ry .01111 most of underlmarliel-rorml ; or!1 rol and partly ondcrlal•l with a In:: v_.o or Imal.her, too , Larne, r am. slo d., earn trllir. p!.. pair. -prict.n I.toor. nod al 011 PM rl , .1 Set • of 01011:1, 'lit. rrnt • , ,,01.1,. In MI, Om, Is no wa01. , 1 I noel—a:l an he orora,l eltuat., In 11,a.cr Ulm r lo:f aser. n Hort. a• t,rni:.,,,nu.llus from rat. oprat:,; 1,6 , 1,110 n eaUflt.: Iluoungi hels. r, In onl No. ' .1. , nil Vann. u Arr. ImprovNl. wllO3 rom I.tvermoro btallon, un WeAvrta Penn -7..a..,11t.tir0ad. to Itt,li3aa coma, a:l,l°ply. itr,t., Int. ;la pp , pro tmcnta; sal:stilt: for all I.tuali of aa farm !and, flmeacr, r.o.l,.prlnca, and II:0,r for len , -Ivg an,l a. at, to 11m. 1.0 4,1" ail barn, IA tthar,l, r.LI lirl , hcntl inime r.' In Fr., •rt. W] , hlLoQu - g. litre .lat,., tizne ,11•11, f,r per,on• of ems.lll”.4ns. arc . only wu.madre.l 3 nr44lrotn th. al•.and rre to 41 , ii Jf)1111 CIWYT, . . zent,..l3i Yourtilctrert Oa NALE, A COUNTRY RESIDENCE, .IT.II.IIIU' SIDE, •nv • IA ItAI withal •,41 , lv.. tut.r ..a ..r..,.n . .u: ,a,i I= .]:Mli Forth Min,/ VALUABLE k•Ailm AT ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Tnat•tl , l.• F‘rt., I.oyalnnnna Wr tumor...Nr..l . cOr.ln• tnn I Win. zt.....Art. 114.-the prol,rty =====l Ituploournt nu AI, • two-s.o.ry trace I, , 'i !::::w flop, a Ky.! 1 , ,n1e Bank I:,rn, nono- .nd otlo.r tern out In kr,. TL.- farm I- undvzial., oal and 1.11:,•totr, and I,ronrenlent to Chorrto Nllls A , Lid .11:111l1 01112-1•11.1,i.h•il VI ..•E ,11,2 the EMI, ILlStroad P., 0,4 W. t; nu•)....11.1inn,1•• • •-- - :4115 thl •11,01,1. to cc, dvtlrit:g .o I r on:I on .1.,FV.11 T. J..IINnTIPS. Adua'r v.llll I : 'OPROI'ED PROPERTY = I= ti ni.i 1.1 3 , 9..11..! fur I= =SE =2 elvvvt, I.A•rre ncevnle. -• • 4)1.' .43i I) LOT 'FOR SALE, v, I.aur 11H+ril otrvrt.rn-c- Ity. A eor.aort..Vi, Frau, tl7 :•• ; frcrit tr. Lek r,trret . l . l7.by 17 1,1 • It,. %Itu f z r Apply t.. 1. lIAI. 0 1. Allecto 1,1 • N. NE. 'W...Alley it IILEY 11tO1'EICTIli FOB. • I erty f•.lng Ote. P.• 115 0 ACILk..3. 11 W ELLE\ 'OF ELEVEN 1100 MS, it W..t. r.: , •••1311ti In..durn - ::•.1,•; • • ,1" twt, grapv, M=EM REM MI JOHN D. BAILEY, Stock and Real Estate Broker. RECa:/. ilk CALI. Ok STOCKS, =I t - i,.%• iloArtl I=l J 0113 U. ItAILET, STOCK AND REAL ESTATE BROKER =I Hayln; taAcn : crgageu,nl altl: the l'ltteturgh cunt. thv h.1,•tN..”1•11.1i BAH L. I am no. , prv• 1,, 4 t,".1. at ru,,lc rt Mal Er-tate..t,, Va., at the laboSe preuil at, u!loa pxl.l. a. Iterttofort eCe M al Lstatt- al nil", aal I,tatc •ttol,-I,A• AUCTION SALES VINE OUSIDENCE 112 FULTON • ET. 'll • •..siS•i, wl I i• 4. MC .111 4•1.,11•II,C{I, • in -.1,11 Warw. the trout 1” , gut 14 .41.4, to tI an Inv dralnluv iurr.r. Ilotw pro, -1.4, Dri .l . . • . trel,,ll) . l,ltlrt :be In.. .:I:lva.u.lls.l Ialln• I, vllll •T.,11,111,.1,1an.10,1 1 ,•th ,Pl:v. A tiotelnus 1.‘,1 rent r,tlovt•:•1 pArloro, rec.:V:lOV room vit ilrrl dear: roil! . large diernbere A,: o.t vv. and ell-1,1.1va . . • Alt.: .argo. reetu ll,ltlu wlth au 011,1 front ..a.oatte aren; xec.,. fir, noor hack kitchen, kitchen thge .t• el water; watel tte,th tututry. In rear of tlrpt prxs through. .I.ee Att.' :• Comlltlon. le w. 11 and vnltntiy In. ILA ~eepacer 0 , 1, owner, who I, *el uuly or; ;011 I otr, , novsl fr..ht the ,Ity. Thle 1,0110 1:.•. r..lnfortabe ma,:ous. •11.1 ple•v r.ute.• tittrallousiu our [ILI: cxaNenteut for hue un.l cullralw free froze the .1 111 and lu.ue re oun,, , here erow.l.l 3.;anura,t,r lug I,tirte. tql.c—Ont..tlar 1 ..alh: nnlanc.. In 011 and two ,ar.t, Thoet, wish to tatr..l.l:. are In , lted to view tbe crvtut -5,,. • liar)A..llcl I.IVAIN Y., Alit). I)UItE LINENS. WOOL 111.ANI: Eli, IMO a0(1'.1 PT . 11,1. f1012,.F:- I 1..1.0 li , rl,s•S. ILI SIOILNINtr. Jan. bill., air will cumnientv your Day , ' lon., tarnabllt.l.l t, of`, no a stork or rottrrly tree, House -1,10 linens. Wool 111 1na.i.1311111,1 olt INnyero, warrant.th It ..onsllts In part of ettcP. Cale LI aens.,hlrtlnaa, Lilo a: ~ nail 1 roubleeatenTable CI. the, al kma 1,0•1 01' every .i.e anti •inallty: I:ath Tor.ele, It“rderep Una t'nl'l.l. 31,11111 u 19ejper rowt.le. Idar,atllua and and A inurlean Counter• ,tlh• On Ilandatreldele._Wool Illan -1,, e,. Ilroadrl.dha. and ItillClrs lOU manerour t•lr•tvolrl... i.ohllc and hounckrepers rr Invll,l ciatnlnr orrVlOne . . . .. ... , tr. Ihe I vIl•e terclally kWh:4. They wili .See . If the inegret out! th,st atect In this hue ever ued at noel h. In ehr rite: • ,did , ortintidd at o•cludl In the afternoon, andtn. rvt ulna, conllnutug on Saturdny, )Idndny and IleddaY. d,rd, lione s s; A.VeILWAINE. Anct. VA LUAULIF: STOCLiM BONDS' E,10.1.1* KVENING. Jan. nt • . • • • • • • 4 Tor,. told on sword ttqor of Coca..., 01..1 ' , Oen R 00..., lot :101l thno,l,l IMMUMM=MMeI IMMV:IMIXTMITJEDIZOTO • •• I•lttnt d• 00l Uroln Ele*litor uo • l'oloo Part. oLonos Conajkny: '• Contr:d no do no MEMI 1 . 11 , 51w,11 ruA l'untm.ll: elite Itkprotot ootolt iTurlle Creek Dlvltton.i , A. Mel LWAIN E. Auctioneer. ‘101"I'AGE: DOUSE AND TWO N.' At:HEN In Nlreinro lowniihili at alloilit. WI I IQ /.I:vrtd A notion 800, No. ro Yrdcralttreet, Allegheny. on '1 IlUlloidAY. darn:try at. ideloei., Mr, liarbaugli's Uethlr Coltarr do room. WWI si t u.traf Itrollllll, I 01 11 , troll.; ed in 31cCInte Mll±l.lp.t.ljohilitg Me. McClintock 's retidence. -ittted ,orth up et mice Torms one-holt rash, 'Alonee. in bra year,. 1 , ,. A 1.}:o II Art. Auctio iedr. PAINTERS .JOHN T. GRAY, PAINTER, GRAINER AND GLAZIER, No, 54 Hand St., Pittsburgh. Atol llenameatal :lien. of every Atecelp. !too 41 , •t0 10 order. All work done pronartlf at roasoatbla r•tt.s. . tA :en W1LY...t.:11 U. BROWN, =I iIEMIMIII =I PROFESSIONAL ADDITIONAL BOUNTIES TO Soldiers of 1861 and 1862. All who sr rrta three rezro rritttlrO to 1100 Itonnty: thote .I , :‘ in, twoear., po: or who rc cl,thargel z• •. of 00.00 or tb ,, r ttrt. I • 2 hra Olontrai Extra Pal/ is dur V..lcsrecr tee,. re la thr e.•rtite Sxrobl , d, 1,3 a. aa.l .I,ertarKr,l, saafiear,d out, or reelgard f. , `...!4M'1 - c run tly disabled are ra.l• Sled slse i'4o CI I . ' sccordlay to tlegrre ' of dlear2lll”... . 1111 M=MMII!!!MI B. F. BROWN. LATE Local Claim ...gent u. r.s. com., Kee, No. 67 Fourth Street, (SECOA 1.) ) - - Pittsburgh, Pa. Pensions. Bounties and Arrent • of Pay P ptly Collected. atnre claim, at. set:l.4. anrt bw. c ____ • " SOLDIFIRS' BOUNTIES, PENSIONS, Extra Bouilille.‘, Back Pay, &c. I=l A. 1..131111Y.. ft:tr.,—,•l at i•NW. n1,1.5.1.t Uelc.:, No. 1111 caret. LDERMAN.—J.4.S. • ENLA ~E STILEET A It cli i.ltil A f.LE.I.-10,th, Murtgai,,, 4113 ,, r; r,atly„ r.Ltelyat, In bum. roc 77mnny year. pr11,1,,1 t:onv,yan,r thy la, Ivor tirm num,. 111 al,. Al. MI the t - 1.111 , 13E10v ra -0111), ar.d Neatly. attlAnklotl . !MI:1111,T JOILN S. STILAIN. AS Ei Justice er he Peace AND POLICE 31ADIsTILAT 0 , MCC, 112 nee St. oppotite Catticdr9.l, = • • • ACk..Wledir."". po•Itlot:s and all beunl ISU.lausS extruied sn.ll:!zpatch. 0y19,1 JANCEV. NOTARY 1 . 1111.1 C, OFTIIE rt.tcF. ND 10.1.0. FATATE I.fflre,rorlarr of limier art rralor •ts, I.".,r,rcea purcti. - -”, ant sale or Hest k.. 114,. ,01,CtIv0 01• ana Lb, prt parstl,n a,l evtuoltholgult at it all lluds Less I:,..ey4nc(i. WILLIAL .IA !WEI'. EMEREISMNS ELSTACE S. MORROW, ALDERMAI-1 AND CONVEYANCER,. 72PL!uni3 Ivanla Avenue, FA of the Ext>ninu &14 opplite -Chailuz Str eel • • CHATiI Attorney n Law, No. 69 Graht ares, PlttAurgb, ra Cotanlll,lnn, for ONo, KeatnecT. slot o'l,r , c.ten. 11 . C. Atteunra.L, ATTORNEY & GOUNSELLOR AT LAW, No. 69 Grant Street, PITTSBURGII, 0111 ti is :17 cCOMBS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, No. 87 Fifth Street. Arrears nr Pay ptommtv BREWERS, MALSTERS, &:c pITTMBURGH BREWERY. CARSON, DARLINGTON & CO., MALSIES AND DP RAMS, JOSlit.i. RHODES 4: Pllthborg E=l = The a:ten:ton of LI - , rlnto,:ttl . i.,ribe ie. tut,. I. pel 1117a..1 ALES AND PORTER, Whlc!a. threvith the careful suluel.kra of Malt from oa, ate nine m+.lon, f..ellttlt, sod Hops from li yarl.l,+::\ll , i WC, c.•:, gestantee La be poro ext,fao , ory to the Linde. our Iti 11.\ ALE lia,,,r; b, pbr.,llm fur faintly air tin f. N111.11, , N ru,omery will PiellSe be rank-nine. le.se th , ele or rn hi. OthCe flit, DIE ot.l Brewery. , f , :rotr 51 . Uagc ° :ce by a:A Darlor'i 1111, .1/11,111.1,11. Tl.ll.l.lln'WM SIIOI I / 6 , I.IIOVM ALLEGHENY BREWERY. HA Irg purella,rltl , .. 013 ....Wished Brewery loov.n na tn.. BENI BREWERY. for erly 1'mr:111,11 a Itr:Lln. w. would luPorm tue puti.te WA: we ll.erld cocitthuluat the -..aufurture - SPRING WATER ALES, trona rtart. erring Water. .n , l trom our fwe:3,lt, aa.l I , :ny • ru 11. the bush. s., fe ,, l 6.1,4 •1111s1 anatkit..l to glve p•nt{, may Nvvr wltti tLcil Einar= db ClO.. 465 Rebecca Street, ALLEGIIENV CITY. order, MI at 1:1:0WN GRAHA3VS. 103 Ll”erir l'lttaburgh, nil huPmmrtlJ VV. 11. 0A1:1,41 , It. A. ILOOTH . S. 0..11.111.1 pOINT MALT HOUSES. W. HI GABBARD & CO., . illalsten', Grain and :lop Dealers, = lETBEI PITTSBURCH, PA. 44-71,e 100. et rnroltrtprltc 1.11 fur WHEAT. IZY owTel. ICilgil PIIOENIX STEAW BREWERY. JO€. 9YiNcin .JAS. lel'UT • NFENCER & 3Ic.kAY, 3111,STERS AND BREWERS Ale, Porter audßrown Stout, PITTSBURGH, PA. = BOOTS AND SHOES GREAT itElltlArioNs I.N . PRICES BOOTS, SHOES AM) GAITERS, THOMAS H. PHELPS', 46 Smithfield Street. Between Third nud Fourth Streets. rwcuLit petmEn, ANsouTz 66 co., 15=1 . DNALCIIm IN BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS, .ro. 61 Market Street, Near fourth, ztal:oc- ALARGE AND FRESH MARI VAL Ur SIMMER HOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS And Balmorals, Jett rectilva. Ind will b. sold at the VEILY lithr PRICES, tither NV holttale or Retail. rVz ❑e ♦ MALI. OrIOIEL ITIICIIIIBIItO Zoos . . . • . J. 11, & W. C. BORLAND, No. Si Sake( atrect,sl door from Flfl 131. I'IELDING Ss. tato., Alanulattu'icrs and Dealern to Ovulate:min. =Cad. BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS, No. 1.10 Ohio St.. Allegheny. lug PI. vtl Dulkt. C 9 ;r ISSN DrE'Rell ANT' WILLIAM MILLER, MILLER & RICRETSON, WHOLESALE GROCERS Brandies, Wines and Cigars, Nos. 221 and 223, Corner of Liberty and Irwin Streets, IRON, NAILS, COTTON YARNS. &C., CO - PARTNERSHIP. • THE UNDERSIGNED II AVE T.:...171 in ICI • c.; tht Ir J 1.. DIM,.EATI.I. CI, 1..1r, rvi V71,1,11,11,1C P.. OW ..... J. 1.. F. SELLERS & - CO., PORE► PACKERS,.. .1 2 A. 3El_ 31:0 ; New Bacon. Beef and Tongues \llll b. rt 1 - rila:lrcry ,r..)101102.. P, Choke S. gar-Cared ' 1/0 .To nn. Beet: DO du 40 Beef I)" d.. du ltrenhfag Baron; ruin Cured ILICuII Plmulderr Do flu du Side.. At rtA.,..ed prices 1 , 1 , 1 of exco'dmt Fiton illll 0.• 011, an aril. Ir• In fro tr Wt. 01 , 1CAGO FLOUR AND tiIIALN SO io - z , 7-77. QUACKENBOSS & CO., No. 113 Liberty Street ; Up Stair. 4, f'3ttevk~iu'sh, Fa. gra 1,.5 °MINTER A , lr NC %VHF. ST cut:lel:lntl,' on Ilion nll4 rur suu: tt, trade. at the luwrzt tr W A loterl, m !ru ra BREWER, BURKE Fs CO„ COMMISSION MC:I3 CH ANI 8, .VVIL THE PaciLe, Globe & Liberty till Works, 'Ample Storage fur Crude and Iteno4 eral clan advances m n ad..conslgnmenis of ertble or lionno4 Potruleren. Yards for atorego and shipment of Crude °Hat Lsarrooseal!ts. tlnte and Warch.... Corner nt inqut•ne Way .1,1 Hancock street. Pittsburgh. norli.a, VIUNIIALL Fs. 31eGRAW. tine ii"bu!ciale and It, tallDealrrs In GROCERIES, WINES .ISD LIQUORS. No. 11 DI oloned, Pittsborw.h. !hottest A atinuarlct, N.. rntrous, .417, SI:MU RAIL SAIL r. KEIL A. RITCRART, , COMMISSION MERCHANTS, • I.ND 0.11.3038 LV Flour, Grain, Seeds, Mill Feed, &e, ECEMEI MEM O • WENS JELEN:VEDY: I'ItODUCECO3I.IIIr•iIoN EIICtI ANTH and Wholresle Dealers l 9 DMIEILiN IAND 1.)0111., 1 TRUITc , . ed-LT, I'UTATtSES, Sc.. and In PrvrlcZone andl'rortuce R,nerallr. No.o ••TO1 I i. IC EDEAL iirgeET. opyo• Itatlr A.gtaus for tte stle of P. I. 111,,.. Pon Deli et Ellman's nod J. film', Nth. -••• • • •• •••• • --• ithnlithils EltellANTS, rocs Ice and st.dlFl, t c tra. and Corn. peons, porn, Lard, lit:tier. Oh. Eggs. Pork. hirer. sod OrY Fruita, Potatoes, Lim, nal, Se., Sc. Particu ar ant tlon paid to and lira. need, Feathers. oLI Lame.. Hoopl ,ties,--tiro sale of -Foreign and Domestic Yrhits, 131 Pittsburgh. Pa. jellt.l2l J. S. NEW:7I'ER 8; CO., CONIIISSION YERCHANTS, Ant dealer, in Flour. Grain, 1r.,..1r.0.1 Produce. case advance, rua.lo on eon., gton,nc... Warehouse. .o. .inn PENN sIILLET. opponte Uuloa lle DuS Vizt,Jurgh. Jr.INS TZ KNOX SON, comsuuiPsior/ -••• MEILCH ANTh.and llealcra In 11.011/4 UP.AIN, MILL YZED and rr.t/LIIII2X xenarel ly, tin. 7U /./Lanann.l, oppvalte CltrHW dalc- =122 CUAWFORD, Conitriin MEItoRANT 111'103M:1"A t:L01.311 11. ~..CLIAL. DION, ViRE BUICK and CLAY, an. Warenousd and Odic, Noe. , 360 and - 36n N ST/CaET. nturage fu n.:= dn.!. Corddirntnents oullclttd. oci SPRu.AigtHA A N tl i:;‘ 3 ,. E al l atc t er ‘ ?7l?l, ll, : GRA ricoDuCE.:ecoad strtet. 1,1 , , en Woc.l •T 1 ?nos. TOTTIr...JOBN AlB/..5 ...F. A. F1111'1,1:7, IJOTTEII, AIRES Zs,. 12,91:0111,11 d,e.lt rll v FOrt. I CD .411),.1.1.+11c Ymits. Flour • Butter, Cb..tse, Keg.. Pntatotc. r,dace Fen. rally. o'4 LI*ERTS *TREVI, I'l:t•borAn. , _ LITTLE. 11A111.D & PATTON, W.lesaleOroccre. C,:amtsblen and deal... In l'io,derr. Floor. 13.r0n. Cheese, 1134. Carb.2 and 1... rd 1111. Irch, Nal!, lila., Catuan Yam, an:all I'lttaLux,r4 general![ 13 and IN e.:cori 6. nirrauul....7:3l. - Iz[:]7lERS nu.os., (SUCCeSSCrO • to Itcylner Ar.dereen.)Wtoiesnle 1/cvters In foreign Fruits. Nett and Eplevts, cry, bogars.il reworks, Ac., toe. Cr an , :. ltd Wood btnet, troee 71111 r t7^?2:17 _TORN B. CANFIELD, COMMIIiA• el.thand Tor..6nlloie tlerch.t. arel whole sale defile In Western Reserve CLerse. ts.r. Lard. rose: B ' econ Floor, 11311. rot 621,1 Pearl Ashes. arot 011, Dried I=ll6, and Pre • deer generelly. INos. 141 awl 111/rort e:reet. rutstatr.b. . - I)V.M. P. ISECh. Ze. ISS Liberty c.rren. Inttabura ra., Eirocera, Commis,lon Merchants matt dda!tde. Int:dun:2 - y rroduce. Proslsicrn, nacnn.. Larc, Sutter, anal. Chat... net, Sc., llnclata, tote Grain. necds, terra and Drledlrolta. An.. :all and Limn. T-1 RIDDLE,No. 193 Liberty St., • rlttaluarg rn.,Comnals stun e etnut, awl Dealer In Country Yruauct, rue tzli an./ Pittsburgh rounufactorur. 0.21 ady.red on Cunalgumunts, and paid fur rrulucr unla x • ... • • UHT. DALZELL & COOVhole ask Urocers, Commlaslon And Forward:. Merchants .1 dealers In Produce and VI Ilsbu rr .11annfartnrca, No. 551 Liberty • suss:, Fltta• bnrall. • .IETZER 64 AILIESTRONG, and Cousm.r.sion lierrhaata. for the sale of Flour, G rain, Bacon, Lard. 8a1t.. . Deed Yrul,• nd Product: Kcuerally, No le Market Btru et, c to orn a ~ of First, Pittsburgh. Pa. 1.5:17 JAi ES DALZ ELL & S anu - frieturer• of Lard 011..0.1 Commleflue Mer chant. for the lurch.° and eale of Crude mid Hefted Vetroleom, N.. CA end 70 Weter etre.. ricts! eret, Ad...mute flu Coteimmenia. .10024 I. lIOVBILIDIrnno 110022:ww. n. 5651; I OILN I. HOUSE bt. BROD, er.C. 04180n0 70 .101 In 1. 1101701 A CO.. Wtnla• sale Urncer. and Connntaslnn Merche.nle, tur ner Of Braltnintld and Wald/ atrcEte, rlttsturnb. RCH lt & OMAKE LANG. Whole ., sale :testers inGroceries. Floor. lirstu. Pro: duce. Provisions. Fish. Cheese. Ssit. 011, N 03.1 7 .2 and 1:4 Wood nircei. near latbertaitirvevi. Plitsborgh. Ps. TSAL4II DICKEY co., Ititoze . sale liroenta, Commle.lnn Iterchar.ta. and dealer, In erodnce. No. su W.tcr street and It prom atr.o. rltteburgn. d - 011,1 SOS WALL-WS. SHIPTON & WALT ACE,II hole [ale GROCERS AND PRODUCE DEALERS. No. G slxth Street. Vitt tburgli. j•tZtrS, aomi 71,0T0 AL. JLVYD - - JOLLY FLOYD &CO., Wholesale 0110CERS, lio. 173 Wood and Liberty slrect. Pittsburgh; Pa. ateaiP.,l MERCHANT TAILORS. HENRY G. HALE MERCHANT TAILOR, Northwest cornet-or Penn ..St. Clair Sts. • Degree to return thutts to hl. friends sod the put it for thell3ll/17 Post future's reepectrullT 11011 , its abate of their future patronage. Pe teou'tl be pleated to have them examine ht. PITTSBURtiII, PA Large and Carefully Selected ti* cl • or Fine Wooled f.iood.s rartteularly ltd.tp:e4 to FOB LW AD IVIMIE ittaatO REDUCED PRICES. 10 (I,OH OUT OIG 11111ilt SINE OF BOY'S CLOTHING CI:=LOM We Mtomnar Spe , ..r.l In•lurametto I= =ZESIE I= vrrrintzwu, J'. = • OFFICE MEM MI = I= M AMUSEMENTS. OPERA i.„ r.‘‘ ..... JIAIN Y. r!!! , V. VENT vo. JA,VARI: .e 1!Itc; and ascinaling ,• • MP.% HELEN WESTEIIN • appear. and wit; tnaucunite • appear; pg inn excelit;.l =I 111111 El= A rte.,,,,a Matinee. N 1 .AT.I IN A BAH fit,P.lll ?. ; - THEATRE. ,r‘63, MAN L.. 1.11... H. W WILLIL.II3. rI,A, LEL .RHi VVERINUTON. EV EN I Nl‘. ..11,a&r• V. wr , tall,txm ralty Spe , t3:l, is =9 , aut{r, 111,10 .11,1t-,21 E Lab terr a G Yl . yluyThroueltGo 'AND, orGl IdLiko la r• mi.ulc h. covltode , t l htlanr,ha,t far, • 1:t 0 I/Li1 St , VON. A WIFE. Grsn.l Fazolly Matinee In prvparAtlon. lil•=2l4lliti , . and tAll: RA ND PRESENTATION sr El. r AIN MENTS. 11411....M-£3OIVIC7 MEAL.M. rah. =I =1 I=l3 s lI.Y U FJtillt 01 =I PRESTIDIGITATION! 1:10 COSTLY 1!T:0 BLAUTIFUL POESENTSj uto, the andton, at tb IMMIMO=I I irkels Vssul.s 1,, ts. lustust, istro.sts •. burs Pssl,str.n.ss,rsc.l.,..tss.uU cs EU= . . . MATINEE—on Satul , lay. h 1,11 ,al,lren will cur n c, try ~.11t. 1,t:11.3 7 o'clock; to coml.:owe at S. OPERA. • THE GHIONI AND SUSINI GRAND OPERA COMPANY, 6rrktly rtr.ntabened nut newly organised, will at It, ri• tlPrUnt: n`ghts of ktra'd Vl'tllA. eutuxonking 31U.51.132. r"'tuarrrt LI:. ' In a.Plitlon to the e.tabllaned orl , es of lost 4prin. -51'sne .11110N1. 11 . 11 r 1' 6.51 4 A, Id•mo I;ZTI T Ip , ;rlTlAN}l"rlYentilrriege%';'hEaiViCs'n!..'"K -d,,t, la ,tine the follow lug rtninent artiot,, g. IVIIKIISFitit. rrime Tenure .kt,olute. from In, O rand Italian Opera Houser lu rt Pe erg. (hit e)/t. Milan. Madrid, ra•ia: last .r a on {princl pal Tenor and most succtreful artistin Max Marcirek'r o{wra Company. • ACaIt.LF: AIWA VA NI. Prime Barton, Itallan opera, Paris, and lately of Ylaretrek.'• ra Coin pan, Ig.llo.lillsll',/ CUL LETT, the f.sons Basso. • ti It El'l . l Ba,o Buffo. S klutlcal Conductor. , 'foe Cil -1,12 fan hero largely increated; and .1101 ()NJ,. dr, and pe . rrormers. ton t llt. , te k.NTI". 'VC -rs6 a.R -• who will produce the LOSES Op t.:• , rellpt....lth now and costly Orct,cs, proper - 1,1 fine ,cenr,. _ notrltirs, SI eyerbre , •s posthu nloos or:: I,•.agrauttlN e, posi tir. be with all the bplenclid effect, as at the Nrw York Academy of 31u,1c.. or arasonll tw I nauuratrd with Verdi s 11. 211.0VATtat Admi•rlon $1; Ife,erreo Seat, nu cantoS tra: l'rlv•te Buz l's, 310; lialltry otnrnen ten,. • a..b.,cripll on 'will open. ,clng on TIICRI-DAY. at 1. . al C. C. MELLvIi t. Co.'s 0111.1 e ter, SI Wood a , rret. !not .atiA N STILL/LC/neat. DlreClor) .1-7 ,- ---(:itAsp • NATIONAL SKATING TOURNIMENT Commencing Jan, 28th,18.67, • AT CENTRE/ SlifflNG PARK, - PITTSBURGH, PJFILIZEIEM, ' SlOO AND $3OO IN GREENBACKS AND THE Oh amnion Medal Worth About $6O, „ f r ,YOO . ll, g t rt 9 e ' e l ;Mei: hater c will =rot WU ~,,,„, of Amerada.. . - 'rho to:, trdy skater.'brim of 6301:1 end the Ladle, Al. dal. Ttir,t• of carte to cnter to secure a contest. 1 otnner•f eartt. trchalletoool next , essaa. to.sktoc the contest on this Port.. Ent to cloEe on tbe 35th. An nrnos THOMEAS A. SPENCE, ot , r , r.,r i of coittral tor rOS:Lai, r.,r outrauco aud particuiar,. COAL, COKE, &e WM. M. CLANEY, & CO.. _ Gas Coal Works, kkaler,s 11 Htil'Elllo L.A ll6 K. AND i'rjr . . 'l""4rgr' ".'LULE. OFFICE; ....econd on.ry l'lrtst , nrgh m., Inn I,..kllnll,llnir, er...rncr LIG:. my atr,et and Vire, 3.U.r, l'itt.Ourgh. liatAMt.al 1./YFICkb: \u.:, Ll'ocrly atrt,t, , under Pr nu 'a It. E.. opix. -It. Mt ,hapit , stn. r.l . lll..borgh and eurnee.an .l,,..n street ane r W. e. It gteny. All or.krrlat at , Ithur of the above plarea tIl pr . un.pt. attvtloll. TORT PITT C 0.1.1. CO'IIPANY. latA dealers haperler . Faintly mudstem la Coat, Nut Coal and Mack. general ar il.. sun:km.loEor)- Ilitalinegh 00010 a. Bank corner strett and Vlrgln alley. liranch ellice. corner Try And Third _atreeta. I . litieurFhi Mile e -left at either or the at., Places sill receive prompt •ttentlon. rontoffice Atidrels Box 357, Fitt ktegh GILLESN., I G. L. FAR:. I WIC ft1,..11 Mt?, W. 1. 3011 N Mlo2= I=l;Etn W. 21, CIA.NEY at CO., Managers. FITTSBURGII NATIONAL COAL AND CM COMPANY, 5111.rb. ,Ltlppers Ekmlerl. all lu the BEST FAMILY COAL. Nut C'onl votacil. 9lsclt. OFFICE AND YARD. corner Your:la and Try str,D. VD,aurgh. ur , era fg,r dellvery In the City.or &0P.. , Weat, ra, et prompt and Imautollate ....- clan. R. A. al. lINA BEL. e.uperlutcutleat. COAL: COAL!! COAL:I: DICKSON, STEWART & CO., = No. 467 LIBERTY STREET, loattly City Flour XIII) FLUOR. Are too pro portd to f orolish good TuusblOgh<2l LUMP. NUT COAL OB SLACK. totrtuf lowest market price. fro - A. , I order: left at their Ogre. or ,dinned to thorn through the moll, will be attf.aded to prOinlati. 1:13r25:b:$ CH ARLES' H. ARMSTRONG, DE.u.r.a • YOUGHIOGHENY & CONNELLSiTILLE COAL =1 CoAt], Mack, nod Desolphorteed Coke uNpcx b\DyAIUD• Corner of Mimi., and Morton; drat pad ou Lih «rry'au.iv,nmer street., Ninth ward.. and. on on t street. ar Lost \u 1, i'lttsl.nTgt. 1.1% beet article of Coat or hole at tuo low od est cast oi • rd.re letl at any of their orllces "all receive pr.napt , atteuVoU. COW 3 FA BINGHAM ROUSE, ELEVENTH AND MADRE STS., PSILB~ELPHZB. TM, to IT and e:ersutliottool% now open Pot the rPo , ptton of gue“.. ;Itb MI the oppothrmenta of 13=1 CURLIS DAVIS, PROPRIETOR' LA PIERRE .lIOUSE. .Plstladelph to. Tilt subscribers hsel , e leased tali farorlta House It hat been an, TTY --^L r tLests.lki• rd , IN AN Et.attAAT 111ANNEr. Aml IS ittsts p o -eptre.l with the most perfect appoietment lA, the reeepm of ,ests. tits hest poslttanolahtt Cr. ...q.v. Hotels will be mslutalned ID tbefothr• net n the put .1-7,1060 ___,ANT House, O. Da. remind mew-, Forcrimor, finer Yard Ando. leer thn sium eesion Bridge Si.taruturNT OTT, a.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers