The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, January 29, 1867, Image 1

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kroxlsitto BY
ae. 86 Ip.tzta2. street.
He t i? FAA - 1131/LN. Ed g ta . •
16 MISO P. 'MED.
!Ingle Copies.. 3 rer.ts
Delivered by carrier, (re= _. Ctttd
enbacrlbera, (peryear)
Liberal re•luctluna t 0 Seirat,oys and Agent,
Single tonne, per year, - Ly
Mile do. do. dor ro ,b.
Ten or more collie.. to ono' r..1.1n0.e, .n.•l
- one free In Idol.. reel
The aVeitttitor
fConatim P. In Favor
Or Me Cu rablenes• oprion.
"Po yon believe that Consumption Is a
c . neable iliscaser is a question that is often
asked. And wo worth' answer .withent
lotion, yes. "In any .unn•every stager'
Neither :lo wo believe that email-Pox,
uor rheumatism, nortyphns, nor diptheria,
nor quincy, nor any of the diseases incl
dent to humanity are curable in nay stage
and under every and all circumstances.
lint most, if - not ail, of them are, if taken
early and nuder favorable conditions. So,
also, Is consumption, whether of Oolongs,
of the liver, of the bronchia, or of the kid
neys. If there, be. marasmus tr wasting
away of the general constliutioni or only of
a fillictlen Or an organ, It In reniediable at
the proper time—or course not after it has
entirely destroyed the part _where Rs at
tack has been most vigoron , hut whilst
the part has a suglcient degree of vitality,
still existing, then it tore-able. Consume
, Clan, is understood by most persona, is a
the lungs- .11 consists in tubercu
lar deposits In the lungs, and these are
either In an active or latent state. Active
when they are taken'. on 'suppurative
action 'and discharging mutter or pus.
Latent when ' they 'are In a dormant
state, sleeping as it were, and If
the constitution is in a depraved condition;
their number is,gradually added to by frisli
depositious• !rem the blood, which, as a
river of life. fount ties and rebuilds every
.Part of the body. if the blood Is charged
with healthy and plastic Material, it will
Invariably carry that material to the wasted
energies of the animal economy, If Lit ttl
charged with tuberculous matter, it will, it
Must deposit that matter somewhere', and
as the Wogs are well adapted to t lie.recep
ties of such material, from their peeilllar
spongy and Imbibing nualittes,'lt Is more ,
likely to be deposited there than anywhere
else; anti after deposited, in whatever or
• gam you have, when brought lute action,
fOnsumption of that organ.: Now, what we
, propose to do is, to carry out of the systole
this morbid toutcrial which Is in the.blood,
Sind place tile stomach in a cognition to di
gest the food Properly and allow no more
batibloodmateriel to escape Into the circu
lation. We propose' to carryotr, dissolVO
and arrest the formation of the tubercle
both before and after It got , to the lungs:
with Pit. KI.:VSEIP , Pr:LA:011.11. s, - Y111:p.
We aro perfectly sure it will. cure all- the
' recent coughs to which It mar he
It does_ so on scientific principles which can
he fully demonstrated If treed be. Dm w ,
started out with the proposition, that the e
burden of tcstinnnil —medical testimony .
we mean—Was lu favor of the curability of
Let US Bee: Aston, lu a recent work in tell,
In speacmg of:the propriety of curing Fit-
Lulu, apprehending a transition'of the dis
ease to the lungs says: "However, it is not
every corn that must deter us; we have now
simple proof that Ph HMIs is not the hope.
less disease that It was formerly consider
rd, and that alter symptoms of pulmonary
Imbeds have existed, patients recover, and
live free from any complaint fur many
Dr. Chambord, physician to St. Mary's .
Hospital, London, in a series of lectures as
late ne ISO:, says. , `ln cases of chronic con
samPtlon Lope should never be entirely
lost. if the remaining portion of the lung
has retained life so tong. it can retain life
. longer, and 1116 whole attention can be ap
plied to Its conservation. There Is no tines
two about the future conduct of the war, If 1
only reinforcements for the enemy can be
stopped In their march)'
• meet every call of sudden cough. It will
re-establish a healthy current of blood. It
will carry out through the 'lateral emunc.
• tortes of the human organism, all depraved
'and tubercular matter. It will quiet the
cough and hinder the development of lung
diseases. Reader;we know whereof we
write, and can establish I! with the uner
ring testimony of 'hundreds of our own
sold at 110 Wood street, and by most re,'
pectable druggists.
Odle° of consultation and lung exarninn.
11000 No. 120 Penn street. Office hours from
sa. en. until p. m.
-Tana Life insnranee Company.
lip reference to another column it will be
seen that Mrs. C. Oyer, and Mrs. Wet. J.
IticitarCison have made piddle acknowledg
ment of tho receipt of live thousand
each, from It. P. Chapman, Manager of the !
Pittsburgh branch of the ..Ctna Life Insu
rance Company. The progress with the
prompt and careful management of this
Company Commends It to every one inter.
rated la the subject of Life iraurauce.. We
desire to state a few facts in 4kard to it.
over 000 thousand persons of Pittsburgh
and 'vicinity have taken out po.icies in the
. .
ThiS Company isAned 14,1Ej policies dur
ing the year 1,66..: Being al increase of
3„go,over the preceding year. The receipts
were {3,321,950.0) (or the year IrCO.
Comment I• Unnecessary. These figures
speak for theoiselveffl. contempla
ting insuring wtil do well to call and get a
circular and an explanation in regard to
thO workings of this popular Conipacy.
The office le at No. 59 Vourth street, second
floor Of Burke's:building.
for t h Manso n and Grounds,
Sixth Ward, ale this livening.
The commodious and comfort able Man
sion, 112 Fulton street, opposite Center
mine, will be sold this
, evening on the Sec
ond floor of Illellivalrie f e Auction ltoonD,
This sitnationis waffle c onvenient distance
far business men, and for'comfort to house
keepers, sufficiently rdmoto from the man
'fracturing districts of onr city. The house f
is well built, for occupancy of the owner; 1
and is sold only on coconut of removal East.
For particulars see the auction advertise- I
merit la oar columns.
• At the World'. tinge
In 1..00rt, it!‘`.:, the Wheeler bWlleon Flee"
. .
ing . Muchlne meelvtut tha hlghea award—
FrorriVC9 molt Je,rtra•
all the M d itul
achines of Europe anti to \
tin m •
otion of Mr. SIIELLAItAItIiEII,
copelltiOn. This alien] has always teen
Judiciary Committee ere siustrueted tu.
made ..-liererer exhibited. You will maim quire whether the lux-regarding the area
no mistake In ordering one ac a holiday 1 and detention at fugitive: , from Justice re
gift to wife; sister or rrlentl. They can be I `l"‘"3 toy
purchased only at Sumner a Co's., •.:1 lath
Mr. It' intt oilueed a bill to prevent
the holletion of unu,ual punlMiment oil
poret!nriett:ll of erllcie. Iteft.rred tr
Ito Lend the Style. j
Vegetate the prices, us our dee years bum. ' "thCiu'Y U ' n ' uthl ''''
• farm:mm.oi CALI.. l'o2.
110.1 b will totettfy. Never have a dull seas. On motion of ]tr. sTOII Ls, the Pusan
trade, always good, which as something ter General n e at 111 , 41.10eteil 10 SOP." lib
very 000 ethernet boast of. 1 11.1.00110 t 01,00.01.0' LO 00 111 , 1 to postolllet
' ctors In 'remit..en for torn perform ,
0 ' ,.- ‘ ll°r '' E Su° '' 6 " . ' V.Vticit tIMIr contreets " up to .January iith,
. 1 1-bl i alien the State attempted lo secede.
A. S
I On Mellon of ?tr. kohI:INS, the secretary
That has a great variety of goods Is 'll very i Of the Treasury um instruct. to report
'Trio place to make your poeettoOto. 1 '1' . . ,, 'M. , 01' 1. , .. , 1000 , 0/V, paid lie the
a 1 ant i
...g ..4 t.:.s ,, i s e n., l;.h. ,L t t ini t is t, tztaii e 0000 • slates
Tote great Opera 'Muse Shoo Store busa i ...,
Tau stock always nit hand: • - • • 1 sta. ,10,1:701' 01, , OrinTLI . 4,T100 101.!..
, 1110110 u, proceeded to the consideration
Dtheet , . 1 et Sir. Ste.vuien reenlist rumlOtlloll, :mil tom
Suffer from a cough %Oren Coca cough !,0r,11,,zi.j.xi,5h.:,,,,,. .101.1 as, Stoylol,ll
.hlioten c. tio had at Fleining's lorog Store, I`Lain C' st.t he bill, ' aih i arf .. .h r e L i ' : ' e ' ..?l ' f.l ' l 'r t ' i g e ' e ' r n i7L ' i 'll .
eh Ilarkee street. Coltighoa . sale and retell 1 e ,,i theory, and ems t o racer ~, t . ,,,,,,,,,, g. tr ,',.,
el We lowest rates. 1 rebel States from 1,00,00/Lutioll Ili con
;I. for an hilleiliiitti period.
All le. Want . 1 Mr. aTlit I.Ns ourillited Ms bill ta several
1 pertleulurs, striking out the 0.rf.0 10,01100
Of calmed fruits tel vegetables are o le o- i
which declared that any state abreast:tug
led to Inspect the assorlineut kept by Gees ' tee provisions of the 1,111 should thereby
heaven, at : It; II ml street, Illeghitey forfeit its represtinfirtion. . ,
air. STEVLSS appealed to lir. lauglatin
l'lty. .
to witlaPhor los motion to refer, iirgie,
. that the bill should that he pm feethiit lu the
hootion rtoglit lie re.
tine world elerity9 to be loot for It moan
outlay of money, et the vtlebnitcd open,.
140.1 e. Shoe ,tOro.
Draw. 'nu Myth...TA
(Meters , prescriptions earrf oily prepared
et half the nNual prieo, at rolten t 4 Drug
More, opposite restr.rllce..
2 , 9/elan I.lrpori of all kinds at .1 osaph Y.
t Inch's 131at1Ilory, No. 10J, 191, 193 and 195
lint street, Pittsburgh. •
You Can Buy
to prr cent. Alenhot at 'Joseph 5. Finch's
.-.. 2. , - , 1 , --,' ', ,'•
41-I' , 1 ' _ _ ./, `,"i'f:-.f : 1 .7' , ''';',,' •' ' , :--..., ' :'": : ::. , :` , ---','W.< -. 11 . ;;- - ~ ,f ,..
r ,--- -4 . . ! , , 1 I ;. _ _ ‘,...;;,,,,, ~....„ - , L.L__ . 41., , ,A , ,- _ __-- - - , ..-1...„*„.
..-, k , i 1 --_ --_,..-_....„..,.- y : am. _,,..„0- - - -.-. arN - 5" -: ',L,1.11 ,..., ,, , V7.-
!..•-•`-„, , , 1
-r; ' N 1 ,
- - - _-
1 .13
( cEcoNn SIES;i7ION.)
REMOVAL:Or 7116 CA1 . 1701..
Mr. WADE prosontett a petition for the
removal of the Capilol nearer the center of
POPnlatlon 1111111 WaHlllnntotw Itefe•rred.
Mr. 110 W E * presented n petition of the
eltizenA or IV e.shington, asking Congress to
purchase the library of Peter Force, of this
city, for an adaltlon to the Congressional
library: Mr. nl,we sabt he believed the Li•
tit ary Committee would soon report a bill
to that effect. Referred.
lir. HENDRICKS Presented the petition
of. the Superintendents 01 Public Instruu
[inn of Indium!, Illinois. Ohio and Verlllolit
for the establi , limeut of n Bur,. CI Ndn•
cation. Referred.
Mr. WILSON, from, the Mrlitary Commit
tee, reported the 0111 roe.. utly introduced
by_nim, to abol kb and prohibit peuaue•: ii
the Territories of thb United SL:LIC, Or
tiered to be printed.
The bill was passed compelling ever 3
pet,ott cOpy,Lebting a nook, engraving
photo:trap hor enart, towend a rope of tin
saute to the I:vlmm:stone' library, and dl
flatting postmasters to forward the. sum
. .
resolution was passed culling upon the
lirenblent for informoilon an to now eaten
t lac tiovariois, Judaea. and zeeretarles of
all the Torltorles, had. been absent slnee
their appointmeio; by .0 how their ithtence
was pool:tea, awl th eir vlpvll.,e, to and
(WM Wash insilon paid, he.
A joint re,olutlon was pas.. .a to pay
3V Illiern 't.2tlel,-tto ten lhourand dollars, for
e. err. iota in lirtruiting ler ate Union army
in Eaat Trnnett,t e.
Tlix VU.11.4114:;T1:t 71,A11 OF F., 1 - 1,1,.
Mr. POLAND gave uotiee that when tL
't,14,-terzu hmeimment, to the Comditutiox
moue up Mt eitouht move to iouend by ex
tmoling rennet the President to
yearn. tie lentilft rgstriciing tie
,erileMor the Pre4hlent to one term. Loa
believed it ought to ho for six year,
I,L utt the act givin
to Unitett ,tate, mitre:, the von, to to at
Writs of Inthen4 corium in all ca., wile ,
any tier,nt maybe restrumed or It or It
liberty, in vtolatlon of the Conrt Ituriotr
any. treat} or law of the Volten httite
The bitt vat., umentle,ranti passe,
aml gore to the llortze for concurrence.
.11r. POLAND tottolinetal a Lill to amen.:
the National Currency Aet by allowing
share, of the National Danititor Asaoctu
tiOnS to be taxed bj . :State authorities. It.L
The House bill providina.fee the punish
ment of conntertelting the buying, selling
ezchanglng, or recylviug as genuine any
unterfeit chic or °ling ninon of the United
Sautes. and prohibiting the Sonnet business
esrils in liliene,s of the erne, and providing
punishment for einie,are ling any tool or ins
etrument in making Mdal, .50., lea, pass
ed NVithOULamienduient.
The tariff bill W:Si rtken up.
The duty on troutre woo reduced to
three-fan:oi of .t cent ,tutc.
On bay rum. it wa, iced art $l,l/1/ per gal
The words Or other graft, not herein
otherwi4o provaleu for, - ero inserted In
the paragraph Isopoitng a duty, of 15 per
cent- on flour, a t allingl 01.11 Mill feed,
of wheat, rye or OM, ~
The - ProAdent's private eeeretary an
n.:lee 1 the return of the hilt to &tired.
Colorado, with. the ohjezttoha of the
- •
The Lail,: bin was reaurned. VI, duty Oil
wwws www usurer ~ .n1 about 23 yep
crot.w-cut tau i:,C.,711 , 1 t.. 1
and el hats prove:ll , mM cly.
tin:duty on bunting. wile Oval at lie per
vend, a ad 3.)twt eat. ad ralprvm.
the duty on all cotton bowtery, whether
knitted, acute in Irdutee, Or Cr hand. wan
Ihrod ut 10a to, pound and -1 , 1 Per cont. ad
lin:tort:llan parwanlw, G. pot dozen, and
Zn) pot cont. ad valorem.
fret - oral /1.11101d111.1.$ Were I,Po:ea, and
without action on 1140 Pal, the ,t,nate ad.
•• • -
Various bills Cu 010 introduced, including'
nue to repeal the tax CO cotton nun .ezar,t
one provelend - tt Criminal Court for tho
'wet of Colin:10ml; mill One providing loran
amendment to the Conntitut
Min iiirl,,useefr lii,ol.lrloi,
Mr. KELSO'S resolution for an Intraeh
meat of the Pre , ident, offered on the Ith of
January come up, when Mr. LOAN moved
to refer it to n smeet commit:to,
An animated d tscusylon toot:, pia., w hill
eat* not entite l o Mort.: Morns.: boor ey•
plred. Tint reefiletiOli went over tinder the
rules Until next liondsy.
AT eiLKIIMA.MON INTO Min Tne,,,r.l .
oni,ii - reeNT.
tin motion of Mr. 31,t111:11. 1 ., the Com
mitten on tVays and Meatic, was 11.111Ctiet
to oeato me into the condition of the Treas
ury Department.
Ste. ItAfitstlN, of lot': u: sail an exarettel•
thin was going on, art-tug dot of the re
i ports in etrealution adettlinv the printing
i and irsumii ot bonu, mot that no li.COVery
ox India MOrboeu teliki,
lie, moltitll.l. repot tett tibill providmg - for
no alillMil exatelnation of Um Treasury De
an 'ent. ()rill:Sod to ho printed.
Mr. Tracy, who ho lawn to euetrely of the
Sergeant-at-Are, oa row:ea.:a se:Uwe,
wee 0.-charged from euetody, hoeing o
veered :Lad teethiCli heroic the Locatelttce
Eotruneu tarot.
trY1 , 11.1,1: tv7111:1/InTin , r.
Mr. NOEL, of 311,0ur1, Introluced a bill
.aboltelang dl equalitic.alone trete volle
to the lioariet of Colombia On account of
motiou to refer It to it Select Commit
tee WWI negatived, anti tile bill a as referred
to tile 01.:11iet CMll.llllLtcv.
. _
czitxx Tex.,: Nor,.
'Mr. 11.0:i6 intrell net d ll bill , to repi.ul the
act authorizing the redemption bl 1,.:A
telltkr noten ut the rate 01 four milltonm
per 111... th. 11.vrerred.
Mr. MUNDT Introduced a bill to prevent
the Secretary of the Tr.sury from retiring
any UliitUlt ,Mte , notes except mutilated.
litelgrry I
How. and then the moth..
Mr. MINGIIAM desired the }Mote to t.
ode the motion for itaell, and decline.l.
withdraw Ma tor:ann. .
Mr. STEVENS said the reference of the
bill would he its:death;
Mr, EINCHIAM nuta ne dia not reco r tnlso
the uutnorify of the, venerable gentleman
ratevetist to sae so.
Mr. STEVENS reminded Mr. Mingtm'a
that he trot not Lathed hlr authority, nod ho
gild 001 propoeo either to telt, his com,el,
it:task , h. authority, or believe Word
rAKUtt—Tlitt remarks of the gell•
. Wotan trine /Nma, tvsont aro out of ander.
After coos:dent,.'ilon the [loomo
c „, n , n. v eto
On Ilil/tioll to refer th e
btil, and It was so refet nal by et ayer to
the 'remount. all eotlng In the of.
The Henrietta Offered as a Present
to the Prince.
London Times Reports a Conversa.:l
lion with the President.
American Sympathxfor the
Tile Ilellglons Demands of Italy'
on the Pore
I Ity the.l'abte.l
LUN o°o, correspondence 19
published to-day, by permission. between
James Gordon Bennett and Brinee Alftstal.
The tortnesli letter is dated December ,11Ist,
in'whlch he offered to the Priam:, as a Now
Years gift, the yacht Henrietta, Un
knowletlpuent of the most cordial rem
tion aud nat./m.lml hospitality by all th •
classes in England to the American yacht,
the Prince replies under ,late of .tanuary
tlad,exprestang his grateful uppreelation of
the' kindly feelings and splendll present
tendered hits, but declining the generous
otter, trusting that neither 'Bennett's
gallant competiors, nor tic countrymen at
large, will slould that the Yftehtmen of Eng
land will less appreciate or less reciprUcato
the feeling of good fellowship which
Prompted the otter. Ito' trusts the Henri
etta may long continue in the.' hands , 1.
.11101 ,110 Lod llCCOMpli94sti 40 lunch tri-
mop Ilan t success.
will do our best to finil a rival to her,
and I sincerely hope that such friendly ri
valry may ho the oncy description Of rou
te-I In ' , Molt our roarer rive eauntrics tiny
ever lid engaged. It hat given ni great
pleasure to odor :r cordial reception to ou
your cumparitua4 In lingiduir, arm I
reel assured that If tray professional duties.
cotainauil of ono or het Majesty's snip.
should over take me to your shores, 1 shontit
Cherirraret-ottliT part or my irrorher sea
men kith is reecjiti - CrFCraitslesi hearty thac
that whieliiViy -- havi pion happy — to - rtilqEl
jou here."
Losses, Jan..26 . .—The I.ontion nine, coo -
tains a long Washington letter, in whit' n
the writer reports a conversation hula sri i ii
Ito President,. jwho spoke very strongly to
Justifying hunicif in his position taker, on:
the subject of reconstruction. and vio' Ont.
ly assailed Congress for nthrping Jut Jinni
Austria le stronglyostrongly,l:l:7.l.l, r
- s , rves au the Tut ant
The 4_•Snloriiuldl J•nlinnla or earls deny
'limit Maximilian rill lw a email late fur
.ideney Of 11,,x1c0
r Jul.: h ay ,h.—)lthli , ter 1,, tins u
hhl the l'reurla tiovernment to atunhloht
.yhhhtura th,tgghttge
r Janus:}.
7 —l. Irlc
vet here trout ilelmakV3 htritits, state
tlle Amortcon rot tlno of the Ittot,ian
1 Americo') Tologr .01 , 1 Use 'welt comp:,
te.l, and the atraatx I;nve been ,ureeyel far
the purpoxe or nu;ling a. eratribl;; piece for
laying *Le eun-martue pine,
The IZur,tali portion el I ; great entr
pr,...h it it expect.l, e he Laintted Ul
;text /10`,111311.
ar hob Ira tho Boaphorna to role
tntn fng itts Cl on board, and trnna•
t them in lderco.
11,erarr,.;Ani •,7.—The Government of Aus
tria hat I adi: °yeller,' to the 1e,...eral au
reoritie, watt a view to ernaluenetug nego
thatlons for a commercial IrrotY lertx evn
the o euentrle,
I.oN uoN. Jaa clipper ,lopti, Louin
IV.MM and Chaciotto White, w Lich aullwl
from Callao, on a race to Europe., hay° mann..
. _ .
•it Gibrulter, Laving the voyaiie in
Ituudrod. uud lour iiity4. Thu Loaf;
Yuluti oa - tho race by only twenty-its,
. -
F 1.0111.1 e, Jan. ,:a.—The Pope is teottoed
to grant tha eceleslastical dementia of Italy,
mine, 51,11,6,111, 011LIMI,
LoN Jan.-c.—it is reported t lett the
Greek hero, littnar Is, intended to gotta Amer
ica to thank the people of the Untie d Istates
for I het r sympathy, and to nal: the Govern
•tnent to send a Peet of un.taltor.s to the I
liatauce of the Cretans. .
Jur, 2..—Tln,..%lnoricun :mon
or giuntonotr,,a, la nuer lying In this liar
a . , and daily crowded with V
/.41:1 00,, January Mdrby t, ill.
Mr. Litatt,totte he, returned to England
Mt hla ,ey home Le penvett t.hrongh Part
tott had ttilnteretew will. Nul , olenn.
T.ll E. 01,f,
Tee Great Emblem will Hai ier Anterko
on tile ,trth or Morel,.
Tv.ll,re, Juno:ay . I . 3.—Tlig
ot tr. ltue coin plutul y rei..rere, l l Ltr 11..11.1
Mr,icii,lanuary Maximilian
o be married to the -later of Franclu J
etili of Austria, •
Idyl:A:rook, Jett. t!,....:0tt0tt opened lirm
anti unclean get'.
I.oehoN, Jan. IF—Ercehig.—.Coneols 'ad
vanced o-elAteentli, !e f.:
advanced to 33.
Id vet:cook, Jan. At--teceino.—Fottorr
flrruerwlid It active, et 1 Vl,pl. Ilreatl
etuthi went:rally dutL Mlaed 1t eaten. Cure
tleclined to 42t011! , ',.
LoNnorr, Jan. .21.—Noon.—UnIted States
tf rtetwentle 4 have anto Ame rican )Echo do-
Other becurltlev un
k. 'a Jan. '23.—Cotton market , antl
er and quite uctive; stele, to I lay will reach
lthooti bales. Prmen nochentted•
Toe en'llard t.VIIICII Zell.
&rood on the loth, arrleol here.
Thu eteetnultlp Hibernia. 11,111 Portland
on 1110.1231 t, arrived hot night.
LoN1.011: Jaz:nary JA rning.—F
w.lletttle, domed al 3.; 146; Frio Alarret
quoted et hp 11/10014 Central
elotree !4, wield:a at sl.
a internee, Jattuttry . 2c.—lintted Matt's
ItOntiti quoted at 72.11.
Jaita.try .tc.—Culted estate-, lentil
tnleaoced 1.“ fleeted et ';4' , W
taro° , an..O.—flitt etoutneltil ,
t, Ivan le, from New York, Loin it rrlwed.
I.:vet:rook, January •21. /Aroinp—Cotton
cnoed atria at OM tier talddling uplande;
salon to.daylltnnalited 1.0 1 . 2.0 M NO,.
Itreade tuff. dull. Petroleum; Itell netl-Ponn
tylvatt la wed towlay OrPmttJue
quoted at 3.1.
!Hy nfeitriipit
Cit weather Is cloud V.
'I tie tlivrinnineli, lx itt it degrees above
sueo.TLc ell market me very dull, WWI MP
nit Wei:reek,
1,V:t0..11.1.1t, January V.—Among tho
rivals at ILL Loul,vlllo Ilotel Is .10110 S. 51c- •
Donald, a tneuthal 01 the Cantaltuu Vadat- t
Dent!. of Judno Mason I.lrown—rions
llorlsllll.llol. _
inArrn rOnr, Kr., Junuary
FOll Brown dAed
The President'e Veto of the
Coloradci Bill Sent In,
Gen, Thourasi-Testimony as to the
Treatment of Freedmen.
niestigation into Alleged Rascal
ity in the Currencyinreati.
filti SUPREME cOl'lt
Freetimcn'A Rep Oft from Nouf
Thu Prenident thy. afternoon rot turned to
toy Senate. with Id. objections, the 1 , 111 fur
the foltub;nlon of Culuratio. llu vetoes thy
101 l Oh dho ground , that the populuttun In
ally twenty-eight thounand, n appear , 01
Ow c.z10 , 1 11011 It tau
of nny ot`yer 01010 stlitch ha's h.:rub:dote
asked to. be udialtted; 01l the
ground o; thy evident Invongrolty ot the
lugitintion of the burrito:a loot that lit
Congren+, On the suldeet of tar third ,Lee
lion, :mody: thocotylltone. precedent,
of Per 'tang citizen. ty vote without al--
Ulu:tin:lW root, or Lulor; au.; fra the Lurt!d'
ground , : the Ingtdallutt proino.'d for owf
rying Out the prOVI,iOOO Cl the WI:.
Ti,., tcrun of °rm.-IL-It of the nodubers'ol
the Territorial Logid.ttme baying exp.,:
oho ILL:II-dn.% he !PL. , ..blydt rh - .4. , that.
the eue , thu, Invylv.ot ,tyint nal 'ol'll
ilCcino.ol Vole
thnt w1:1::11 the -.sty, • .I.v. It o.
lii Itnpi.,,:bl.••tz. ..:131:1;.0rit4..1,
tray cl.-11e ,:ty.4 a ~ttt• art , llll,, tot . wall ,
'atmou:•l :las, a 17,,tuldttott o ,
f at lct
the tall , . tc•uirwl (qt.
tlour. Tue^t•. are tlei prelerval aionl+ .L 3
efrotal for vetolok tf f e Flit.
tin, na,,l,,nrt
Oann.ton lynn reno,l , l .1a [II,:
U.llll 11.1tti.ri
the °pm:. ~ I th.. Cop,. 13 tu,,
lug that n,lther 2.1.114 e n, cuter uln a .
1•,4, no, t:;eu, frr
tipu, T.rty or
Iron pr.:iul
of C.,0,1.-,proffi.flu,;:,.f. fa,
Una of a Ill' 11111 :11^0,151-te,t
11t1 tLe rialft or a -tafu t‘.. tax :fad rf.:kru
late such oa af4llia ttf
1101113, lance Ifartivf,a9 ill tile -11110 of
Yoz1“ 6:1,
1 , -I.cry tic%xtscon:r.ry thy 1., nt the
lit' ctrC f ir, n tra.
C g $V,111111!:1'
n.t. 1
!I, Ili
the 1.4,111,
riror, and ,n
. - .
J.l.l4lnen. Acor,ll:wly, tgq. optEdwa
et" f!;,t•-. Op:no. ~
res. t.
:gUt., Icy N.2.‘
rauvod," , NO X,1•11
Cot. 1:0:111.1.1•••
rtrpo.,.., to tf , ‘A. 110.. , r
u:trylt It..
tlyst ULU:
the 11,SC ,Verlf.y . 01 OC.
Setl,oll, r t thi:
for labor. hu , 11.1.:1:11 , b —110.11015
litrguderm. n:11 U 0
, 11. rn no.nt.
eotue p,rts the .tat,.' r: 11,1
Divymet.t at'
let many nl t. fre...l
the °vv....11y .41, u%ltli
shill party V. 6.0.,1 Tex,, Nl,,zsiryi,
and Tenneeere.
.enuletlznoUg•.7 ordure were received
break up the eetthunents 1,1004 the con.,
as rapidly as powkilde. without Injury to tio
fre.e.ltnen locate.] there. Ten populettun 0
Roanoke lenonl has Ili ii rode,: . 1 one hal
Septedubelaqt. •
•reei In tire work of eilifeidion. tin tile
I 1 icenuilier thorn oero mieratton I i
chord, with 122 anil -:'II
Sil o tan trangerring to the r ivi
emir[n the authority formerly hell liy ttli
, •
itoretio, .ozlrr ❑ora bccu mo:la 1 , 3,0
otUcerzt, tad 14.1. few of a (.0111171
churAeLer liar come ardor
all of which are referred to the prep, rc
Tlie statement r 71.411, to talc sonata Com.
will Lee tilt Av . :ea:tore by .1. M. Herat[.',
thlttelittl Of 1.110 Agricrlltoral Department,
e1e,13r03 that (110 Illiralt\ I trooltutnptlon Of
I',l wool la the Ur:Del :stets,: a
11(110 Mare than eat-lA:D 01 the o,:t111,1. 0
111 tile reeeut epeelal revenue: report. Mr.
trcelge's o4timatte makes Die. total welloop.
ply of the tour years ernltutr ./ ttnu re,11,1 . 4:5,
moult 041,1. xynro peattt:4, .eh tett , w 1 , 111, .. 41
Intends were prolloccel In :1114 (..01fry..2: ) ,
Dl:ported, and ail equivalent
polooli Introduced 0,10000.-
aeturtbl wtreleti4. II maltert the ttettrat roe.
Stllitetlett Of Pus l.r,nlrllig thl' wilt
::1 4 1:11111O,
s : in eC"P
' n t,4 ;
log art Inflclt+o tally-live pee Cont. from
Lilo %ute ht wear awl eeatetty of cotton.
The Cornratiimtorier of tee Leuerei l a eol
(111100 bag Just corn fell nn es:onh,atlon
the Hots of sodectiona, prey 11111.4 e
to vidino
titles to Stick:gun, 0.1111111.1[111W t"
acres lona , to all In bulliling a bitroor
ititll slito 00001 lit Portage lot's, Lune",
Point, Lake :Superior, alLliot'11.~•.1l by tile
net or Gongreaa, approviel !larch ::,1,109,. 71,21140,4 y.
General 'lMina% has testlrled inefore the
Cougreastonnil GOlinntittee Atipeinteil to lie
Venn:tate the South Carolina murders, etc'
tienerntl TIMM. tnwtttic.i Ilia in the SlM
wry dieparuntent under till etnnniund 0111-
rageS coulinittiin titian fustiness by white
Inuit aro not punished, anti there le no prin.-
pert for Just ire for the blaske to tine
Courts. IV hen itched what runictly hu
would pi oinoie, lie reinlled a sepervldlontiry
military power.
to...tune Rill!. olio A r. nitt.
Tiler° is 110 authority for the statement
that tine President until veto the leinigarti
ship Lilt. - tie lone niii:er expressed 111111,1 f
en the piopoenal measure. '
Ina rtillttl,f ,
The Investigation Into the currency Inn
roan, will be concluded tounorrow eight.
Sdn tar no willful error hue been discover
enl. A few uliects from one package of ere.
runny are missing, bat ninny yet be tinotteted
tor. NO dOPI lrnto h,11,14 have heel,
There In nu mint ttlacrepancy of sixty
thousand lolls,. In tine frtnetinal tont:n.o3'
returns which Inas not yet neo o n traced.
It to believed in well infortnoleircit, that
'st i erniitry of Mu Trini , tiry ttiv urn Inn
-- j -
glass to give in paylliellt In the national CITY AND SUBURBAN.
hanks, Lolling rompriend interest notes as
pall II( their legal reserves, loan eertilienteS roartt, page.—..l.itaitional City 'tint en.
at a lower rate Of interest, equal to one- hurl all lotongeneo, Financial nail Cam
!tall of their rensired loan, which reserve rite: vial, liiver, tt.e. .
Is now about too honored inildons
lore. Theme o iii be craetically tot Ito bank, ; !lotting of Counell•.
the :al - 1103 el legal ;emit:ls, for they ean de• The legal:ix Monthly meeting of he'll
mann legal lender. for them 0n1.,:n days ; hranehe.i. , el tile l'altdalrgh C 111,1114/
notice. nein last evening In their respective elmin.
i hors, city liutitlingi.
Samples of the Ilea' nee emit duvets have, ', L ai_
been reeelvial at the i liressnry Demo intent.
i.plieation for the coin' must be mAlle to 11town, (yin, Crawford,, 6:Ola
the Ilia All I'llikeleiplll, t.
.I her, Coca - aleCarthy, Mar-wen, lile3ltilan,
; 6 ,
Colonel Carrington, commanding
1 1 ; . o ( T
int• win ores 0
enininanii. The people there are tail to at- I were ren by Clerk Morro. - and were ate
tribal° le ills ineilleleney all 100 lances
luilian neprinlatlons. • A I•l•lnnintil arise. •
Mr. ,111, tort :tatted the ohair to grant him
sogoih - rs - , r Co:4mgal,, pertni3sitok to indulge inn few retuarki be•
Thu, Senate has etinarnien the maul:WA.o i lle 1t 11l
shOult st i prueeta
his fentt to basinom-
of tic S, l i nitea States Attorney for
• hunt to pl 3;sent to the honorable and worthy
epoti by m
the District of Masravinasetts. l'resbienti, a simple Inked el their estvern
I ;
and frielf,P•ll I p—a g,l. el. Ole. St:4 , ton rot
The Beal vote lit 1110 Senate on the tarla' n! the
bill, ill plobahly takiat toduorrow. ' he Ili
pre-11initlficersafoi.trusted than, with the
• 3.3 -T l '• I ;00 0 gave he w In the future, succeed
The veto in the Nebraska bill will ho sent ; the U der ul. rho body,'"
ratl,fuctonly ;pi be 11,1 i i 1 1; past.
ni to-morrow
I President Ile Ault, ma, taken [Muck x - 11.11
lie Spo•-101,1 m. New Viol p ;ter prett;ntattnn, and In feeling language ,
returned his hearty thanks to the donors,
The extremists have piled up the rates In „ „
proof in belt, ;Tonle the recipient
the,t hill In the Senate soittell Mai Mere ;„
IL po , olllly 1.11 tt 111 e 1,111 mity ,11 .
gel her. Copper has lusm nut at Jour , per and resp ell 0 / 03, s
lerind whit, • ; equal to', percent,ad l i
a , , „ Tile . gavel
pnrlrl ; t latutoittom , s mon the'_ ely r •
7. hlte .. 0 3• ,
u revornmemitul at ,0 tell, 1110 1 1 .. “” ,Y i:P‘
/IP , the liandle Is of the hood m ebony.
It upptun
heel; tit 41,h0, ;OM .40 /10.
I 1%0 , 1300101 the 10ILIIIII1 Of Ow hammer
In give noticu
""";"""e""' .7"7,:i hood ,[Lout two ludic ,
I/12 , i :01 00.:1111, rots rep, upon Ullll , lll- 1
IL" morey speenlators.
Mr. W 1,114115, whtoe 0lIn• •
; e-tfuovoal of then - apprevottmu of his ;
i-ter is as releeted on , atur- ; ; „, ,
day, haliosi tor!,: , •II•dinuiloo ueek. ago, •••••:• °3 '";••
thmking his toutfirmatlon
OM. vougottuhtte Ptesident 4.011
W. 0,1,010 10 return tsom
the {Vest ludo, ,thout t ie middle of the
• lot, yr, -nimi over for no many year , /
toillfon of three Ire[ ,•' times, to o the
l' ll,oll 111 Mr, 31 , 31 Olen pto+ented ',till., from
aro retletunalde tno present ) ear, C. /51g, Mou, 11101 ~,,,t i psout tow;
ith • nliherliNm ; -.tier under 1,11.1 street, 1n the 1 11111 era,
111111 Mcalls Iron! litA 10111 to he, sail factory. I:eferred
noomure desis e to get it out. of th•• Nand , to ,000 f. hommlttee Heal poser to 1.10.
toe Committee, a, they belle , e it is, Armstrong pr -totedpetitioi, !tom
the I 1.1100. Wllll.lO Smith re , lue-1 Ing Cotoletlt to, 111.
ha- Is on thtmed tor ia"i oduo; 100 1:1: „; ;owl, our menthe's at Ilarmsburg, lest ,
the liens.' lit lisiertii i intisAi s ' ivi 1 501, "'rig fee ; to pats the net einiating it pm tof
"i bprehe Alley tit ine ifth um; Ninth warns.
00110 Prvsident In ease td the came gentietuan utso presented iltl
-0/ 1,1100
::per me l're.i.:est. petitions in laver of. ant Inlllol,
Tie- A 01•11, , I 10, !So cseatten el test
er le in' ' hlley, 11001 10 0 , ,,,rtv h.g.lort 0: that ,
it no lose:al.:atm: , L010,11110;1 ter D.ctlen : 0,,t1;„ ~atiteet, with pope-ri, till,
of Quartommotters
1 1 11 1 [moll ft, 11 , „ ~„„t „
rattload,” t: 5.115,1 11,11 eirtanua,- ; 1 ; 01, 1 i.„ 1 „.
ter'. 1,1,11 tee•lt 111.3 1a,t111,11 . , waist:v:l,st an, l t Intl ~„;„ „„,,,„,
MI-rests of tr, country. ' NU Ide.ontell the reyort Ul ill.,
.1 il,ll, a the
t, ,„,,..,,i1.111111...1 111/01.1
tilt ,
of Ma: :td, le, of the 01110001 111111 1110
'0:111+If/ ••,•••1.0 . .lerelect I ;V.
In till 11, t toan t. The inert t
'M uir. ' • /.0,0•,•11I0I .II ~ •ftl, 111 Die report it=
week, sad 011111111 la; ery ta , r.ll.le'lll a:01110)041, I.OIL 1011 sotall of tile elll
- I.; -40: 110 1101,311101 l,, Ti „ 1 1 Ca nn t„,,,
tomin nir ;inndtsl.":n l Hien they rerrive , l no benetli Dom the
ie. I" td-'t i• . ••Ono. The report no., eptedawl the
Vii•,..l - •• 10,011/01.
M r. brown reported !pun the 1101, 'jou
a Ili., uas erseiy tO the petition 02 1.1,
a.-kite:; for aMrther appt o•
.01.,• to • ohounify them to i It
o. uot .1 in ••••1,1.0:011,1 1.00 More,
the hes. lhaeldnt the salve 00101.
'I se isi, , ort was scot:pled.
moMon lolpmf nod.
--- -
FROM 512.11' 101111,
tie I:xo%e I.nst—Pun of Sot.
4'lllV—tat , ni• no oterit.”‘ !.tell Mt, r,
—llse Lottery to AILS of Nottllert.•fir-
I , ,••
tli , wuz
n1a,..1 t.y
el ;1,1..
1% en 1;:ook 13 :a. ....) .1
. i .01:1
!di. in t•sh ptesooto.S. a lo Litton troth It
ins:niv,; , os.ving to to f eitt•val I tont the
raimenti of pat log tat. Ili ftrrea to sire,. •.,
t oottee. I The netanttrer of afte Ifft.ptutelt.
t!so itt itne loins a log, n:11.It vi as iert• .1 .
If-. Jr.,l, Th it 0. snail te tho ijat,• 0 ., n o . • It 5“.01.. , critel On tile part 01 so stioug,
t 0 0 ',11 , 101 in ail ea' , open' tri•eitl , o , • /101 4 010. A:01 thuir nu awthor 111 the local in
"'"'" '"r. th" '',.."'"^ "" 1 I''' th, " tie. P.•/ , ,' ', to t :firucttTi.e as "ton sant
u ' ujuur• •j"junr '
' Priut"l "r
W ° i. - ii .•-, n 01 i 2, ii,,, nii...l nogh-
I .•• 1110!( 0 solu. at on too, at least ten dat s o' a Is x. ,, -• . • b
before . utel nig chill 01 r (lie done. ; 0-.0,_ i....: 111.10 0:1e 11.111 w:117.: ,LIC.I 410tru,
I:elerro , 1 to street t 01001 Rive. ; hsen, turtiii u seulentos iii Ins, shotdd be
..tli lot LI effete-I :Ise folio, in::: I ids... t isrolto• , titer- so tornbr. ivi 111 his
l '''''' • I, 'fl•C "••
'eee".l”"el leo 1 ' u ' . 1 • ••..1,•• I nietl'•inls. An al tIcl„ no I„gkal,
" r ''''' I ' ll ' 4 '''' '''''' " 111 ' 1 ' ''' ' , .. ' , ` , " ;,•111•I, .„ ... - inni..tiicnoy una•h•:,.. n,
I , n ~, ni • n , i , '••••••'," ' 0•0 `‘, no .“' ,-• • 1 ii.,,,, ~, I , Ivi,i , . •:, Ipuk.4 tolaht t.urely
';''''`'''''' :' 1 " b : 1141t5w . e• . '' rte l l 'l. 11 ' 111 "":" T "' ' . ': l '. : ' . " : ''' .:. ''''' ' . '''' ' : l ' ' lt .' • " :inii 'L l I ' ,I: shut " i :irr " e ' ll ' i r i r t ' t ' s ' . * lt 9 Si h " IL ' 1 17 ‘j eht;
1 ' , "' ••1 i 'n j • •ll the Pr "' e" ' • lue • •l• ‘'' "'"''''' 1 e/ 1:11.1.01 to 1,•3, hos ever,couverning the
111., '.O pie...idea 11l the Leglslature.
111 ..„ ~,, ~ , , ,-,,,,,, j , , nj ,. , . 00 00 titer. 0 0 I
, u k rt n i ,, , , - , 10 ,,, u , n , ..1 , 11 ,1 1: ti. ;I ;
„ lici t . ,
, bi j, t ,
e r iti , t , a t
1 u .,, , , , , , - , e ,,, i t .v 0 1i
; tile n *titer. W liou the article written does
•‘" '''•• ' n '''' 1 ••1" err ' e' '" Us e '" •-• '''` jit- not detionil on facts
Its Impot tants, Ind
A ' nee '" '"Y lueu• li - ' 1 " 1" ts it sgule.l f illy as tin exhibition of tine
p. •:,:t..., in.tore the 1 , ~t,,,,,, :111 ~tse,l
(IS little.
'".""" "" h " th " !'""'" '"':' I li e the /,,,,, to.,ttte.ttson. It t-itutte
tt1., , ,, tt,.., ,t101,t,.,1 ' 1110, ..kl// b i nail nee .ill the steteinent , in
1 ,', ' „ • ,' ; ',..:1„ , , 1 0 11 0 . 1 o t" , l . e , j '' , "L T:, l ll 1, ""t , 1 , 141 1 " I the to i i iin.ll plan. The z),,,a,t, illsre.rixds
0 j ,. • : • 0 :i; 'l, ,I;,' 0 , / j ,.. 1 . 1 .0 . - 0 .,,":1 • ,.,, ' , 0 ,:1 ; ,,, a1t5 0i ,,,, - ,..“„; fills
. r , til . 0,
~1 1 1 . 01 111 ii , lo . ie lie
..,, I c if te m r , t ht ,, sl , ltitt cu tii
awl do fait 1 ion, tun N 0.1,2, for the 134 , 0 1 1 11 ,4,1,,,,..1,,,1;p1p1,V,..".
0„ .. t. 1 ,, 1 1: n 1,,10, 4
1ea 1 ., 1 ,, , , ,i
11130 111 , husiness !sone pee iniar to the eity, ." "
1 let 11 ,null not hat e .eeloed LO lad, but It
Oj ' d till ••11•`•11‘`'' 1f I.•eePt" up Ill" ''''‘." • iV as only a 01 romance that might .init
:1.1 municipal I egulatlinis, and paid by the i
„,,,,,..,,,,, .
o urporat tons, are 4trlClly tinder the control ,
~ 5. ...` .
~, . .1 i . ,„!,,, i, , .
__ .?
.•I e
, ~ ,1 1...r f i .1 , ,
id lie',:try COMIC al, Mel It In retry-I,looly :
, f ,,. t
, r ,
j 1 , 1,,
t it .
`,',;', ' , 1 1„ ` , ` , ""` „ L ,, 1 , " , ` , ll,T",rouon lee he " t" nip non, of whia‘ must h.,. 1,....:ii in :nine
m ' s -,- Inik;n - t ' i;i - tic,: c.,. - ii•n, , n‘n ot in" 1•••,...„1,1,,!,i,•:,,,f,n,...1,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,.„1.iini,i,,11.1,,,r,thi,a,T0bt0i,,
ti,l,/.1,,,,,,ryffitn,,1,1.‘,.0 :o . 000. ifidellial to litrect.
r ~,,;,,,,,,„1,00,11,011,,,,,t,irit1i,e,1,1LL1.L,t-llit 1 , 1 , 4 , 1 , 0: 1, 0 , 41 1 1r e 0b011t1...1,,1i,,..r
-1 1, 1.-001 I tne.o 0: the Flnallet. Cotrlllllttee
t, ,
t, , , know lute . ,
_. , _,..
_..,,.,_, „ ,
la -eat-011,1 II r• port annonucin if the lone tau- I !'“r,r`.:%t...1.,,,`,7,...0',,7;,...71,1•,°L``,.'....0..'1Zi`0. `j
h' "t•
F ill s '''" ''' illy ''"l"ur. un'' 1 :msbler. il facts for 0 111001eIlt, ,tin
uj"jj"U'r for
ru••" , uuut " r"" : 'r1. b"1 ' •• 1 Inivo realised how unskillfully ho was Ins
''''''' ulu'
u'u " 'rud. ••v ea tug. 110 moola have leartial what tic
Tjj , Fi 00 ,,,,,, ,00011 1 [tee also presenten I o ' i .1 Titan to he the !att. that doting the
th e following orilinanoi.s, malii, g appro. 1.- ''' .
prlat lona for the vitiating yeeri 1111?),:hiew,e,intolii,js,,t,s,•111,1,11,
, r . e i nr , oz , n ,
0 1
t o , f .L, ,, a o i r., tril l e tf r e tri o e n r .
ssr no:. I. Ile it orliitned and vow nel lii . . . , ... .. 0.,,„ ~,,,,..
flu , fanyot Aldermen tool Litlsiew of Ott , - f ersatlo. 0 . U0i.“. ) .1“ .- ‘' 'l.. the
tuilitin of 1 110 loelsittp, awl 01011 on tile
lel r :11, In -.elect 311'1 COilitlloll COll lICII3 tife
.,-,‘,,,,,0,n1:1,,,..i1, ~ rti at t l t t i l t
h l , t , to
, I I t e . r L. I?: n 0 r.lglit of the It nosh, we did !lot lee the 0111.
0 lath n l , I 0 00 , O, 0.11 o ' :::! . .. "j i t o ' r .l , I t : 0 ). 0 . 0 . ' 0 , cpor'll'O'n.etllri•e:•'n',.o.l"ti,w4l,ll,lot.eljj.
. 1 r 1 : . " t v t!_b n e g f:o 4 , lllc r ._ g lit .. ° l27 , , f . tlt h i i_ s n .
siiitrngen tot nL! melt 4/Hirer rid hi. 10:7,,44 110111 the t a les, Isans alio On , ,9!....r.1,1,0y,.._,....j......,.,...'..-.., t°,.t...._.1'”,....1f1..
l'elinflv-Inentril rreatnvonll 01 ...reed - 011110 301,011, 10,41..1111 • 0 with ain tudney i s ,j l ‘ n I .1 ‘ 1 . 1 ;•, 11 ,.. n 1 m 7 1. 4 I ° l
1 . 1 y r , : , : , i ,.....,,,, 5 ,•, , ,, : ,, , ... , ,, 711 . 1 , d 0 ie ,, , , t r i , ,,,, ,
mesa -the ILelmiLlno• of 141 tine,' John.. th e 'l' 10 , ,,r), not otherwise a pprotr i - o la I I, v.
oilieer may he intossal when we state that
1 ' 'l.
''.ljul-1- "PP' UP r "11" toe t" fu 'l"g 131 It ,s, our distluet undethtautling with the
Nes I °on ,•100 11 try 0--rii.. th•r,ilii , ,, N,,,, •• 1• • • 1 r1• ° '''' • ..., ..,,, 1 ,7 . ayor, that when I hit prisoner 1,43 LAL,OII
th-1, 111 ., ~,,,,,,i ~.„-, I hat Bawl° aintiti . . ~ •- • •• r si
'Cl;'., n"."'''''''to.
' .$ so.sso Irina ids steno , y isd 1 all the reporters who
Te4e., 1.1 111 IL nub , of loi olt. Captain Trtni- , . 1 ". ,- •.Isuest ~ 0 ,, • L . 0,11e4 the lot 1011 p, ..110uld Ito made aware
1 • • idi fool that no boon that the
roo., ofile.. 0 a ,
Me of tin I 1 1 11,1 s i oultnoul. Ti 110 431/ 1.0. 1 . 0 I ::. 11 .. , 11 . 3 . , 1 . 11' . . 4
100013111 r there. nag reeent I y shot tool .` ' r . ''''.• -. • ..5,,,i10, L :11,yot 1001, to the eveuing, gIVOn oilers to
, 0 0 . 1 1 110 Lientesant :11110 wttth to nottly icor.)
I n
winded, and 1,0.1 101 tkr , .0.../f /1 0 rWrle I :. 1 L 1/0 1,111,110.1 1111,1 111310
In Non iu w 1114 and returned n ill. 1.0...01 1.0 ' ..
~,` nib , Nth , .
oat all yi• I 110110, 114 100111 p. Ile (1111 1111 0 ''. '''' ' l ' 0 o''''.. . :,:::104.3"1 relents, of ttla fart.
ow i ns n o, 00 ,1 child hail 0,11 il 10, en I t ::
t ., ' ..,0 1111
„', 0 . 0 ., i The Fakir of l'lttlitstf. -hlafOtite Ilall
1 from then Immo 10to .1r1,01,, , t ; l e tle. 01 1 / i '1: 1 0 . 0 , 10 00 be,. get/ lust 11 14:111 With it enger
I toot, on to s plan, 0 Joe taanaeled cud dr,- li W ~ ."1 111. 1 , d.i.. 1. • • jO , O loienit to N. Itnete , the inn 10,11.1 pc:feral
!en thrweitt the it reel iln the pri .,,,.,. e l :: 10. NlowinualJenin 11/irf
0 ;e 0 1 noses of lee 34010101 111/ table of 11.111
the cavalry, she were hosed to fall hack • il 1114• sheet" ii turf '.: ', ~ I 110, 011 w'i're diseppelutiel The great Fakir
before three 110101 red n 1 the unr. 1-an , nool uct• I " 11. ~1V"If,11 `sate' , 4:;',7, IIN en 11. banal nt Ilan ishurg, as the New
tell reliels. filoo..l•riJoble tuo. .1 led trout 111 4 . •1
l'• , 1 ' 111 '. 4 W .n . 1. 4*1.. . ' .. I 1 ark It ani fallol to connect there letter
trentstiont.illtil 1001 lotritl 1000 ye-.1L,1.v. " 1 1 . ' lOl.l " t I "' Llth , t,,,, ) . 0011 1 IhLY, 1001 Lenin, his noinaupeatance here.
I isetierids Men liner,
II 11 011, Itit Iy, 0101 1101.4 " i:P. 1 ,1""' ''''"'" i ' ifit'g " -." -"' 1 Lre 113‘ e llte pie:ware of atitiounclitz: Ins
I orsoinit 01101erb 01 the lintiel " l' : • sAIV rrul'oU.Y•
. i 3 O ' ; ' , i , ‘l „l l , U o. l rj - I , I: 0 0111.01e uttendal the tuner. • 11. t Mt4olol 10,L Ll'url ,Llat 4 . '"I !,- - „ 4' 0 ' i 1:: nett: thts tarn .11110, 411,1 1101 great tlil , F 1 1 1 :
~,,,,,, 1 toll /relit 0.1 I 1 he 10-nlelLt ut Mason F . . .
o j,
..Tho Cnotain ilut the polut id death '' I'. F.:.0 0 liepartmetn
li 0111 wounds received lit their 11111.10. - 1.1. Sinh in if Fund
os. h'itili St ara •Alarnot i 0.0 0 ,0 , Lvery belly 41101 , 1 , 1 , 41
1 : 0 w: 0 7 0 01,
l its linj tli n o r t , a g li r,, ir ,, l d s
ioa 1 worth mlles trii
Iles 1.1 . 0 N, TOL xl+.• 1' 0 , 1 Y ,I ;- - tie11-1.7 ,- " , '' 0 -,1. lite Al trm Tele '1 apli p.,„„, .l 1.1r110,1 am or inftss I , aLt. t 1 , .
011's 1 00111114 111,0 arrival. All the build. • ' ' o • I awl u 111 ht ventilated every evenini. 110 ,4 14
11100 urn II rilpea 111 111001 . 11 111,4, 1111 1 i 1,„. • 4,7:T..11 I the Fulftr's tli.y.
11,01 s of people met the bwly
the depot . ~..
1001 es cot tint It t s the tensile witolouti , 0.0 ,.. 1 • .1,.. ‘ Uj j , ' „Y i . ;1, 0e Ue•• ' eje ' ' en ' '''''' 1 Anollier Libel tint[-The 1. 11,1 ' 001
1 inhere it Atilt
1•0010111 Is 1 to uutd Mon- , ,„„.,.....: T. , 11 ? ji. ? °1 I Sunday last devoted tno eolttuliw 10 a read
1., i „,..„ I , w in ws . :aloe to Austlo • tor ~0 ./.. 1j ,. " ',7 1 11.1 , 10 nart - ntlee, t111:11 lug 1110 alleged dotrie,
Mel ax 1.-'' ' 1u
' • I f. - hilts ot \lt And .'.e ,, ...1 000 . .1
1 111crillellt.
-. 0 .4,..-- _ : .1 1 leLdleny 11 hurl 1 ,..?:;: j , s j 'll. " " s t i , •, I,„d. •
.jirs. Jones fount
tlotioughbein WWI" -'
- • ' 'l'
, i ' 1:1 1 ; - eicit:11t 10 the storY Ifibnse li suit
i. ,,,,„ 0 ,t. co . . Artreffflot . -f er instantly Inalionel 1110 lows . s tkV i Wthu" o ' •. ' . b ,.,„,,1it. yesterday, be-.
plant,:,ll articles of copher, twos I ilt Ger- ' 310) . 01 IS Mlle.. n ~,,, far 1 1100, 0011011 300 I
.1 ~ , ~,,,,, 31,„ .row og/tln.t the proprb
...,,,,,,,... , 0 II pure silvot , whsre non] %V t.' 11101 Bal I. Met,tit Ilt • I' l ' h'" ' ' ' ym.1..10110 W. I'llloo,, 1.,
I, ea, 11.101 for t 1,051ng tool pellshlng :Piet lioabl sli wooing etot of Mat Jou
or ells t r-platist witty, 11 tor:int.l to 4 0114 I , 3 010 04011 clang
tele no gunk:silver r¢o en% or .14,,y Injurious , I a 1" 1:11,01 er
1 tir End, For sale by J. Swept/4, Ajp.ojj„.,,,, ‘
th o o ••:, :7 n ol f lit
Ir if ::
J r . 1:o . t , 1; .. .0
t i c, :f n 1 . li . :
~je o n le a :n g w ri
sar SI Litent of the florist Perrhyferiffri tuf!. vreel:,
i ma ell drugeißle. . delestf p, L . n .„,,, 1 : 0 1,,,,, j ,
—.O----- take end proprietor, ii , s otaittail. Dr. Easton
lt , elllll eeflit b.....
From rilltleofenny. - W 0 1111011 rece teed ,Inuits dny and falling ‘1110• • • ........ • • :0•,••• • .. . Lif,•••ime assocei.i.eri
..: It h . t hollr s tiralsotit. nine
Itota Ti. A. I.lllett (cony. 4t Filth Street, the ..- 1 months 1114^. w 0 I 1 c- LerS IL, rous and
current num her of the givorsi , lo llngazthe , .tuud 6 - 10, , Toady orl 1 01 ; 0 ". 1 I. O IL/311W a the 'mai
m , ,In no doubt become uu iidept
tor Penn g penlolo. A very excellent 1111LgIt• ; "ma .: Tina ini• th., puip•• - . or r r. "'"`' I ' jj. of' isbOrs• e
I ..ntil .. ~..nt revenue to tliect L/10 0.111 1 Illtry ex. height° tale •.t . •
Departitre Eretteh Trnop, for En.
~ .-•11 t'
Settled na ,t,ro truce (to Tram- , •
' .f.11,1/ary I,UL
• 11,3E 3 ,1 , lb° :Ltd reek, eat hero stale that
F!! !!,eh Tr...a-net t !ht.! , ith te at,
tan l.ent of In fantri fer
woold t:ittnedi.otd7 1...1"a.
for to hole
hr tt f.iree Merle ! ! h.t I ,11:10011 at VI, a
1,13,1313,33:, :or t..
A•lhit too t taunpertn at , ,tally exp. , el.
The Fr h! the,nul Moat.! Ito pa
1•331,113, renplen pct
•an n!: 1 - ; ter.lenite. to leave alt la!!
! ,!iLtnnniry :lett they uan hate in 3,
• 11, 33 3 ,,, 33 110111 , 3
.:t ll
0u111. 1 . 0 let I p4.1101tt.., t.:111!! oftr.!,
of War Mole 1 , 01. 0 e0. 1 h!!!! 1 ut
the lA , . r.ll. ',yr.. le:tun!: up On! lusl!! ! !/.
. al :Mexican 1..11rn , t.
A met ement nltteli I. the
! def.—non of one I,on. Carifin. ulic! 1 . 011,
1111171 1 18 PM! 11 , .1t vt ,
I 1.'110'41144 to oh nohller..— , l have al•
! •vii tire. condlt,t or !, nor -6-eallenl
proto elm ! to Slat melorun. YOU knOw
that (lit, 11.0( nited ,:avn 111 k. rt , ,,tt•
1 411 n that ;elf!. tout that It wan neettpled !!!,'
t 110 ~ 1131, 3 , 3 alter thvy cever...l
! the rrninnl wills Inflame!: able tterpnen of
our eett
utrymer, hey ,t rzlin,Ltiot.
of our rare. atel to hereafter Oxen CS. Onir
count ry. The North. ear 1 . 3)11 33 t 1 . 1
e u•st. pe:!e
trate luto !lver In allandou 1t...
te rat, e, Tan. ! I n .— the 111 , 11.tia ' s
linaytuan ern renpolateu rm.,. In
t!!troltift „elm:non to prevent thn leeatou
of tut ! granttNiaTe ItO. l Util et lin Anted
! ran enlnpanp. of vacant lantlnlll c!,!-
- !forma. The Mexican!, fear Mil... Nation will
1 I,II I J, C0101:1.011',11. •
‘,llolcu 00111.1) Clara wheat, I per I,lllu.
Pleur. - estra, it; gape! ilne,
" Pittnt,
el,t.,v .1a04,1, 6, 4 6;
Oolltr, Tr.; I,:tt. Leval Tenull.r.,
- -
I:c.t.h. Cotal ...n, 1 , „:,:. lia.t.,, 1112114.-
1 , iltr.:-......1.,im5, Mitlchl:iney,Airt;ut,,u,
cl 01471, i1. , , , 1M1tu, nebula!, It , ;” , I. 1...,0v•
~,. 1:.0. ,, ,, , , I:01 , 1 , , , ltibl'rt, ,ii, i. 1011,-
r , 0.11, Ncvl , lon,Wel.:, ;tn.! rr,•.,i,li.ut 'TA,'"
'`.. , c . ic . uute • ~ I the ra , t inurtlns.7 .
I r.:•.: 1,1 , ~,, ,I .
T . . ~...I jr, .111,1
:. ~ r!, ~,.....,, t ,T.. ratz:....'. /111 c,, in
~ 11 . ,,,:,,, ~r,I, prn} lu.; It, t),,,,tr ..•
„., , ~, ~,..tcl In ,ttt:' .0.: .. ,-. 11.11 1.,11
,„„,,,, Ni,it,,, , ,,,,:.:1 - , i• ~. Iterot lc.' to
• .ty to , r,.. fol IL,•t ro , le,—one
.. • 't ,111 ~ :1 Irwm.
I 111,V10,1
• El", %int 111 lrlvgranll.
!!,,,•.; A
ll ltNtit,tl.,..l•/1/
• I . 111 . 1•0;11,1,. 11 , rt., 111
;1,•••••,:q-, ..c „ r .14011.1,C,1:1, COl - In.
1,0% t
Tb,tll.A:L,Wu:tle , on
•t:y 2, ”r.• , . 1,1-trnet..l to cl" ,
.An doors locLed. tint;
o. a trine4i t
or:iptiny ,3sl,
irol 1,1-1
una privAtc.•
I; c.lO 11,5: Itv:tl/1.1 rolicu
) ,Ivi 4„'.
(, Ikr
images of tile city, and pay 11,0 interest on
the Comprouneu - linuils authorized by ael of
assembly, approved the. 11th of April, Isex,
and t tie ordinancesof Council?, ',assert l a
porsuanee thereof, the rates or taxation
are hereby increased move what Is author
ized by former nets of A 2sem bly, and Soy
the year Itsi7 they shall he as folio NV' t, vl7:`
I. Upon all property taxablo for staty,or
enmity purposes sittoen mills upon 1_..11i. I
dollar of valuation.
2. Cpou all goods, tires and merchans,
dim, mid upon all articles of trade and coin.
weree, ineloding sales at auction fano MI, f
er wise, two and one•fourth malls on the t
z.Upon the ne1.11.11
itemearly .o° 4 iii eaeti I
pursou or engaged in the
trade, bosiness, or occupation of retailing I
for his, her. or their benent, - vinous, fer-
merited or distilled liquor.% ten mill , en the
dollar, and on the actual, yearly sales elt i
each and every pereou or 'firm engaged lit I
the li. n inets or occupation of a auc
tioneer, five tibia on the dollar, excepting
on the :ales of - stock. real estate or steam
boats, the rate Of soli tall shall be two and
one-fourth mills on the dollar.
4. Ili, the average , Luarterly business of
forwarding and manna isslou merchant s, ten
mill. , on the dollar; on the average;aquarter
1y 1a1f11111,4 of brokers. banks and bunking
Instil ullons, two to II Is on the dollot ; on ttaii
aver:Lac quarterly receipts of insurance
companles, Insurance agenclem, express
companies amf telegraph eompanitie, live
mills on the dollar. i
Anil at the above rates the City Assessor
shall assns the said taxes.
Sao. ii. That the rates of water relate fpr
Itiv; shall ho the 051110 as for 1866. e 1
Sr,. 4. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinan
ces, so tar as the mime are Inconsistent
herewith, are hereby repealed.
Mr. McClelland presented a resolution re
in i,ting the Legirlat.e, to refrain front
1 legislating In mspe,l. to vacating streets or
alleys in tau city mulcts tic parties inter
mit/41 In such vacation shall have Ore made
applitastlon to the City Councils. Adopted.
Mr. Tomlinson read' an ordinance IMlng
the salaries of the city officers for the cur
r1:111. year, at follows:
C0ut1,110r.t2,.:00; Controller's Clerk, 1.. A.);
Illient of Water Works, t 2,60.1; Wa
, tor AAJessOr.l,sitnriutiorlittentfunt Markets,
t.sstm :tweet Commissioner, 0t.1.1, 61,20);
A •sier,ttotie.
'I li sc e ordinance wits read three time, and
Tie. yeas ami nays were called with the
lolloa mu i estilt:
ect—lbieS, itruth, Courstn, Fiord, Hare,
Hemphill. ionet, Mawhliinet . , Mc - QM:want
11,1,,matil, ifelonan, Itolierts. Robb, nelliert,
shim., M eld on —Pi. Aims—Barnhill. 1107p.5,
H0n.... McCleiland, Reed, itotinigk, Tomlin.
su, Welsh mid President Steul—n.
~,I n 11.01.10, .-Ull.ll nett. I
Jot:, st,s o hos.
le.locils then went into joint session for
the 1,11 I-11,1. of electing three members of
tie nears: of Health. lir. T. J. Gallaher,
.1.01:11 Wilson, Joseph Kaye, ' , George Me .
Cot,„ Ur. F. 'balmily and 'simnel McKee
were nominated .
The ease:ion reiulten.l in the selection of
31,•.,i- I. NVII-on, Kaye and NlcKee.
.kohl 5e.....i0n adjourned.
Another notro.e—henirttley the to.
entity—A Negro tolotrs se White
I.IF, leo, of late, become known ag
the scone of reheated and ae,thavateil coa
t...we, In July laet a tutored girl Witit
rowel n,ully iz u
barln ndoubted
ly Inol 1,1111.01. Y violated before the
:earful !Ina: cellar. In November a a Into
girl iv., worse than In ordered, having been
Jiro-aly ontragsd i/v, no silo alleges, throe
yoion.: melt, it boil vile lust nearly eaubial
drat:, an well ms her ruin. Other minor
have, front tittle, to time been con,
:nat., tne *lash. thcnigli
by the stop , te ce,
loieiproportion of the great
hoe• no:Ahmed, later still licen of no
Ino neioo:
lh the history of another great
loch a -4 committed in the same
10c,.11.r-tst.4.,,,,:tier, has , come to oar
4 n aj'arreassi-ootrage wiLs corn
not,: 1..3: .1 ego , . innvictim being a
Poor e con seveuteen atal
elt:hteen 3,,irs of sae, mid the alleged per
petrator a - la ne.rro•
e have tloi statement a--it o as given
the g:i herself lust ocel3. she is, as e
isi,a yoonis,,seolch eirl, ,•.gites DrOWT/
I to toot,. she as torn in the year
'"i' whole she Eyed
o , th her pat eat' :iota she 01, advanced 10
c1:11::Lo.i. 01:e then Cllllll, 01111 tier parents
' to tap. ~iont Ey. arid tr-ttlecl Ith theta for
C hrooklya, N. 1 a ural stilcsisitiently
I W,: ((111, /111,111 to:the eastern portion
I el tills •
st.itc, neve, tOMO years linen, her
laireitts Walt elie , l, unit SAID Nil, left a poor
I 01110iip. without hlomle anil utterly 0 Ith•
resouree, newel ,hint alone on iolch
011111 the rower of a poor, un
orotee...l 1. 'I oas of
011, 111111,
0 11 11 P •/11. an.! that sl.e opt she. go: .3
iloole-t, la a l er, retaillina
to, La altloo toi
111 Dahill.
113 1
hies oi•nl ie
.chic} and entered the
I.lllllly ,;entic itaia there as de:ales:le. I
atlett et , the 3eate thee she
oi oat one eeezthig „n nn orrana, ii
roinc Olstattte aoaiy floorhome. I
throa4ll At:clotted purttOn
of. the to hr:O.orlos ::••she nu, niet, I, -he
rolol.l man, accosted
I her ill act 01101111 v tininner,al , 3l then selo.l
her and in :pat: Of her
straxgo le, :NI ill 0112:11.,;•
}%..1 crut the svionie
1...1 lent Pi en Oolle her, 101 l !limn :I
% tic:el:lc
In eo.:;:er 1 .100 shame, led cliiteitrer to
, hare her :le . .. . f'S I:roaght to Jollier. At.-
• iordmgl art , 4:toher la.: slit.
eame to this cit.,' with the itventionot mu},
1 in', informalloti against the ne.rro actor,:
11.10 01101.1 our ay Intoilst rates. she 5100
a. 01.1 Irom -i: doing, hooirver, nut
:etorth en:ere,: secv leg a dottiest:C tit the
' I 'ull Lhe ell y. lire
1 t
o'a 0.1 l the r ein e.ary perintosttin; she
Ice clty
At t 7 nt N.; the Ittnor Faros.
Itve given Low ,t.try s.• ;Ike vs.', it.
n'4'''‘'ii,i,ol''l•it,,,tttf'•Gt,tettie,:.. for I
bl,et. it
Ito tstelf rea!ty
1101 ti of Leo statements.
Special : , It.tirty, 01, Alle;;Ileny
A th, CO'.
111:: a', Ca 11 .. ,; at 1
M. I.
.11.1:at r...!
. .
Thu Pr,,,lent the, 11. k.
luittett • rOilf a ..n.r..ttlo , MISI
on meg.loir, the re:, , ~ r ende,l in
order that °tip, mint IP, Iran.,
urt W.
.Mr..l. i pre , int , for the
constrtirtion of the North Cointritia
stating thut the obit ct of the ofitti io
regulate the Inn' 0,11'1:1 , to Chit
the people near the th Cututatin ,
not he ZlS , e,eli for t he
ti•: Common senor
nnil ...tying the adoption of tlio pito.
o1 -to The Xl':
n ,
sus put on the a.loption of the plan,
and ead - ri.
3lr. Dram ondred ad:lowing re,nu
twice tt, T:m OMl'4,lot the Dorongh
Manenester at their lato hieenng anmented
a committee to confer with a 3dnilar com
mittee from this Cohocil. In regard to the
subject of annexatrom thel erore
Rex,lrta, That a Si.eoml Como: Me. rd
nee be appointed to rohrm - with the wgid
committee from 3lauche,ter, and report at
the net meetmg ot
The Dresideot Appointed. Yes:it's. Drum
and A. D. Smith on tile Comm I: tee.
Gooanon Couhmt and 31e,srs
Hanna, Slagle' ntt.i Kiri:le:Dick, were mi.
. ,
pomtea ou the coni Culler.
31r. Ilyler pre. en Led the follow
Rest , trett, Tula thtt euntrattttte on Filllllleo
be, and they art hereby, tn.ttreeted to make
proethion tor au ttpuropriatiou to the .Sul
e' Ltbrary 21,,netutloa of live huadred
Mr. Ilyler spoke at some length, tiopport
tag the re,ulution at,tl bap:at:Ana Ulu In
tent,ons or the euld,o,' I.lltrat y .A•soeta
tton Itt u-kinit tom:ells tur materiel aut.
Cousulerable dteeugt ten en,trattl, cont.ider,
ble tatirit being bxuthite , t. Finally the pats
nut! pay+ were ehilutt, roteultat as tullow.
Yeas 2, Nays
tin 11,t tioll Senait Council adjonrilea
to meet. Cominon (;none:! 1n .10int cession.
After the mijourronent of the joint se
slim, the celcia Council mot agam In A.
Chalet, m 1 promote/I with business.
The report of the Market Committee was
presented, together with the netion of the
Common Commit thereon. Mr. Myler mos
Ved'ln hy , ni,erting the words - cud
city now , otter the u order
Mr. 1101 l ohjeetca to Lai.ty on the
soliject and is,slast the coil:intro - mom of
the matter deferral. Meteas exceedingly the ex paliein . Y or Prollr of
neW Mark, House at oil.
Mr. Pa lerson carnast • in support of
the project, believing I ha, ho prolst , e i l
stool , ' pay for Mielf In tin sears.
Mr. 11011 In hoped no ,ina.t ion wenn! Ire
tacked on to the Market. House. That Was
needed bey - ond don :t i nt would pay for It
self In ten years. 1 0:1 Commli consider the
City 11111 soh-aft:en:ly.
Myler improved the project of the
ant thought no, - sas the proper
tone to 001. Money is mem plenty noo
than everlwforo acml , l no again in our
Xt.!. lt. 'smith ai,.l.lei - a! It..' Pr e PooM
appropriation eat:rely too small fur the
creetton aolomPria t e
t• ylt.
',nab 1110 V ,I to have the conshl
ePatton of the sonic, tile neat mem.
Mir of the Conoco,. (::Inl e t.Mx. Thomas pretentol the Iteport of the
Water Conirolitee. tin., alter to suit!
referred 11.:(1: . t.1 COnE.littte 10
MpOrt nt l
tl.o nitxt meeting'.
Ihi I.lloliOn I.llollravd.
Cutiv.7, Dun
ham, Drenk-oz, /tau t.,,
Ingham, li It kpat: N, 11rt;r1 ,, , L1im,12,1,
Ale .Noll, Reed, `mill:,
of the previm, ruertiNg
wpk•clAlJ were read an!! “pprovv,l.
I%,,,tent Ili.l , lleMut,l file oi,jeci Of the
rat,:llmr to he to ,ct:on mlOl to
tlm annex.“ Mon 01 Mancne,ter borough to
motlon of Mlore
so,penki,d I,r tiro pulrote, lttkm;.: OIL
ii lnglittm iho rt,i;:niktion of
~...eettee Wan! ele, On Illnti6ll Mr_
/I,llla tile
Mr. l'.111.:.11,r for.of,t!g
. •
Rt.,(,. , !, 'lna: 'the st.perimenclent ot' the
it at, WorLs neiricted to ex.m.ine
ito amo, in thy plug at
ill'- corner t ut Ci.eslicit and [ism h Canal
s:l'. ths Slic•tern Foamy!-
, ant.t Cadroad Coimmay, rind It
o used
without Authority and imiirtairly, it it s
he s topped, or they reiteioeil srt to uie it its
not to waste thewxter or intertere with the
free Mit of thy sta . ,: et that p on,
!dr. mid Mr. sloe', -latest the
dirllcuity. 11111.1, or- the r.chtiaticienpony
are te.m4 nit: I:111g 111,11141114 -, 1 1.1: •
the par
faits of their leetandtives. In dom.
so they Matront the ttreet :mit sidewalk to
the 11.1c01100111 , 1SI: CI :CO 1:11LCO.
Mr. Manna mod tMtt the 1 zolution
rich, ell to the Wider Cerutmture, whiroti,
alter sontole:olite di-cmTom was adoittyd.
Mr.llattna presented the Itelm. Mg report:
To the t:,taredmmor.houheitsol the
Cay of Allettlieny—tientlemen I Tour come
Nutt, ou markets would vet Fatally re
port, that having hibl their repo:, telative
to the I:erection of a new .11.trIil Mouse re
feerta b.:, to them lostruclions to
tuttir‘o rtialigibi in the 111011 el the came
tint they inightt tee 'Tope:, tlisy iltily
tonsidered the matter. 11:1-1 art . of the opine ion that the Moo stiould Oslllo.llticd. The
former wits itertune lin the or tai pion to
extend but x' _ 1101 the tdtitnt the
wltig, under elitell they wets situated. rut
we 113V11 tnougat belt. to extend :heat 1,011
the retire width 01 the wing. 'rhe tern,
stores, at elutemplvtvil , lit the
plan, were hot One story, O:iVe
mislated by hay mg two :Loris. on each cort
tier, t holm. without it:creating the elliele
(UM L2lO too( ILOlreall. These chittigt,,
hellove. will he ailvAntozeou , , mid. ;
w recem mend to C01111L':: the
plan he adc,pteit at nest )hi Li.
While the rruhltileotten et LC, 7010 of
Mlll - 4.d nollee wan ender eiratidostllob, ;
your committee 0150 etilmidereil :Lc p lot.r1• I
ety ot erecting it CIII 11.11 id: the rit isest
ward, sips re of the Ilatnomm, and It lot,
thoimlit that sato a betiding' eat grohlty
ttet A mil to this city, am( mmt at tat d
day be erected. There:ors a.llO 1 1, 1 , 1 II
expedient to issue bonds In p.iyibent of the
cost et erecting the hit_r:vt 11011,e, we pro
pote that legislative authority be obtained
to 1,110 bonds In sultlisesiXamonutt In cover
the cost of cote:dug both hatiling, We ac.;
coultogly have prepared. 00111 g outhig as
the mee,sary autlority, tee herewith sale ;
tail the followmg tat:a:ton pros Ming for ;
us presentation to 1.0,1 1-lat ore.
4:excited, Thal the occompaal In. tell he
transtaitted to the Legtelature, and that oar
members thala Ito requested to 11011 e. its
Mr. Ingham moved tb e ceptance 01 the
report, nod th e adoption o acf
the resolution
a.. rood. Adopted.
Commits again cot lid, 3,11111 sestlon for
the Imollose or tileetinir trucce,or of Mr.
Larrourr, as Weigh Ala-der.
C0:111 Lll then retired to their chams
her and Common Council rev-fated liuslnets.
The plan 40 sewerage adopted by .drat
1000011 was then tulles up, and c. motion
or Mr. Ingham Olio matter trim refer: ed to
the Street Coinuilttee.• Salitoimintly 910.
Hanna moved Its retionsideratlon, and Air.
.1• li. smith, 01 C.,,chalrman street
conunlttno was allowed to esiilsiti the
action of the I.otottiittee and ef s. C. Ale.
Ingham moved it 00110urrancy wtth S. C.,
upon w 1111:11a lanKttY
Mr. Smith and Mr. Meglaw piloted the
ittlorition . of the plan. Mr. S. thottultt Coam
till should have time to examtne the male,
thoroughly beloro its add plum.
A vote helm; Lie ComIIIOIICOCILLn 000"
rrt•il ha astlint of solset Connell.
0011(11 pretented the billow - Inc: •
Witaltr,S, 111-coin2lloo the 00,10011 , LIC:
manic:ding het , men thole:um - 1i 11.11.1.crt,
have 110011 0101,1 In 1110 Me.: O , OLOCE.: of •
the intualims of Count
Jtevoicoa. Ti,at the 10101117Couthitttee
Instructed to :vivo them Lept open during
Clot sesmont Count:lli hereafter. Adopt
mr, Ilnnn:t r,sclut
lIIg nOlCOOtron,.- PIOIHS': tit
form, the mooch s of thy city officers and the
standing committees, thy
114 b, a nd LOoo
anneal!): here:atm toil cluar,olllo tO
appropriation I. Adopted.
Iso further bustnese being uctoreCOutiolis,
motion, il[ouretl.
Thu t cornetts having
t iii )oln t ho-.310n
la the Lom loon Counctli t or.
Pr, hilt Me of too to et Council
anuouneed toot thi. object of the Inert
la plato as to Meet tt wel yhmaitex
for the Second word LLlllt InitlLlee of I
f C he er re,.lgr Mi :It iihto tltictt
of the Th ird ix aril Joni 4 Mart, of the
lhn of DiuLER cLoSH 6 / , CO
Pr, l i ent ren., pctllloil iron , Chu tiro, oro •
unit 'Wither, of the toadnerd ihlng
tho election or Mr. ,atcr. t Practical FurniturtillanufacLuTers
Litton lor the elccttou of Mr. hunter o
ent' 110.1 the pro% :It Co :Witt,: CDR. PENN AND WAYNE STS
Luslnese at the ',coed h e ard
Mr. S i
r. ith of the 11111.1,11 Ni k tat -
or of l urging that U.. {hod Latoot •styles of FtIItI.ITURI 0ue.t0207
bard e .17 till tt, vac. till.,
Mo.. 1110111 tl klc r o^in I..,;LEIEGIIING—A GOOD TEAM.—
Linln favor of Mr. be-m.lllot as After le von Leant a good ride, go to HOW/LBWS
soave other re oho ka t oil it Us Mil. and UTAIILL for a good tearo.
e4ultcil es folio, a o, volt ott I/ Monti, o.
Baxter 2 Mr. , cuadeLtt tt Int; rt. Of t.eL u
majority of the votes nay declared duly , rust •in... near ItOnongubela WOKS.
elected. On motion, the Lunn._ tlJollett• Partkolar attention paid to tio7lall as I' —
tol to their respective Mons,
ATl:ans. , . papers sa r y the
111,s river ha, made another 1513(101.1,1
encroachment upon the limits of that torn.
On Saturday, the hith Inst., the bank pppo.
.lt 0 the Exchange Hotel, Helena, sllde4l into
t h e r i v er, !yang with it a portion of. Mala
street and endangering the foundations Of
the Hotel. Several stores vlll hare! to be
torn 'town and rebuilt further back. It is
feared a large number of business houses
to that vicinity mill have to to Ttested at
MI rly. day. I I
C. Donavon, n little girl of bight
year,, wai born ed to death yesterday morn -
ing to one of the public schools or. §prlrsig
th ,, d. Ma° , by her clothe , takluE Ore
from the stove.
The I Ate btiana legmlature met yeslortlaF
at New ltrlaans. The Cloverror ntesSage
w it rcserved and read.
,ot reported that Unlted states troops,
neat J.,111.,, , ,a,Tem55, have been attacked br
i.ami tAtty or the soldiers killed.
'flo Eptsm , pat Church, corner of Fourth
and Franklin strects, fit. Paul, Minnesota,
~.,, partially eonsualca by fire on Sunday
Lob; 4J..,y0.t. Maury.: fttr .15,0Y0.
tstyvy neon's brewery, Newark, New Jer
sey, wai.burned on numlay night. 1..4
to 5,f..1, wobAbly insured:
The Spy:Maury vines v.. 5,0, /1116 - at.•
tray:ea ,olue anent At for the past two
weeks . iu C Wein unil, was'decided by Judge
Murdock cr.,n tin,:a decree of divorce.
Tile.j,pOrt 01. the Canadian Minister of
Cu Aim. rm.wlet:lldb that American vet
-el, lot retyce -o d the privilege of Pissing
through thd ts'elland canal for a few
moat!, by 4 10i1.:: thle.lll urges, the Clllll/1-
.111111.1111 f
ring the 'Americans to reason
ryMinerlty business.
, A.l) 7-...101,
11,1 I.t.
iiraeri. have Leen fasueit for the removal
nt Lynch, Nlctlahon, and other condemned
I'cuhw2 to It in raffle Penitentiary, from the
Toronto ji.h.
The unconditionni Mon men of Earl
Tel ht a recent meeting, endorsed
flei action Of Governor Ilroamlow, and
struettal their iielegaitoi to vote for hit. re,
nom Innt Inn In the State Convention on the
of February. In case ho declined. thn
fenllnt , were directed to vote fdr Col.
' Co ''' s k =e n :l l C ? o h l ' . ' ;: ter if. if. ti tier Rne n
the !utter woo nominated for Governor..
LAZI , AI,,-At Wayne,lolrg, Penury:v.lA, AL
f ,, itr And I,lf A•clook. w. Thdlrf SAT. ...LA-
Zul.. Mr.. YHA AcIALAZILA.I4... "'Lie of HO.-
typh.dd pbo.cdnonla. aged
the lat,e.t sub.,
hAn piste of Sepulchre, except In this rim,
17. panatrd on :fro I:righfon road . . Immedl.l,-
I v
caull lc/Rt.:al. ire
or Mb, at Cvniral 1110; hlore of COOL a
CLANLY, Allribeny Litt.
E. T. WHITE tr. CO.; • _
.m.cntstvr; IVoo.l's Bun• and vicinity.
co,niia;,sl,,g - thqd nod Chartier..,,,,t..
Carrtz,i [II rut shed.
171N.T7Z) M1.L.r833-2+l
Nn. Foufth s tree , . Pittsbnrell. ra. COFFINS
of Ali kind, I . I)AI'ES. GLOVES.scription of • Funcral lu.rnlehloir Goods foullt
e.). Rooms opened day end nig tit. Ileac..< and
(;anJaa..a ..ntshea.
Darld Kerr. LL IL. Ser.
31. NV. Jacobus. 1). U.. Thom.. Ewing, Esq.. Ja
c H. 311:1,r, Esq.
6 Wy lie St., 3d door from sth.
No. 56 Fifth Street,
Hering elted tip room, exclusively for the re
nal:loz Wk:CILLS and with good
tools nod a !orgy and competent fore. of+.l-
h , , he are do work se well. If Dot.
thlteeth to any other -tore in:rte city-•••
le IL , or repairs will receive prompt attelatiOtt
and he regulated by,oor
S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9
s 9 PC- S,!s9
Nn S 9 Ar/rket Street, Is 9
AND ()ET 1 , 0131 t
S 9 c:ix•r-sr 139
s , No AUCTION ,s 9
JAS. BOBS; S 9 Market St.;
89 89 S 9 S 9 89 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9
- •
4:11.1.5E1t TH V.A01.11 ro CT'IN'MEV.,
3rmerly owntd by Messrs. K LNG, I' N (WIC
a.. tnform t pub:lo
tout I aue (Ise manufactUre of
Sheeting.% Cotton tarns, Carpet
Chains, Candle Wick
and Batting.
ord.,. may be left at the (ItMee of the Warta,
Corner of I,o.,,Jearto Way and Barte r• Alley
PitlsUzar{ — ,h. Pa.
II aloe More Improvementx,
.11.116:ES Z.ESIXOISE,
And much MORE SPEEDY and PIMPLE In op-.
,raaclua than any Maenlna In tba market.
Sit;3l Ell & CO.,
.27 ri CM Street, Pittsburgh.
Gas and Steam - Fitters,
A large Wortment et
Chandeliers, Brackets, Lead Pipe,
Pumps, sheet Lead, &c.,
161 Wood Street, Am Slum
Xo. 92 Federal Street,
..... . WAIT
joaNsToN scoTY;
Fine Watches, (locks, Jewelry,
QStYmbtirG . . Posass.a..
sr Csricolu ptefl U on clean to Be e>rint
rau:e•l te6s4l4