VII. it. TiliaErirZ, Banker and Broker, 118 Wood 84,Rear corner of Fifth. . _ IlOattripttons. dr Government Bonds tong= and sold on liberal tdrma. Landon - and Corrtmontal Nannange sold at. New York rates. Gold, Silver and Coupons bought at 1110- eat meta and Gold Drafts Maned on Now LNCE AND TRADE. ciysiga es TrriLfrrsaniten GAZITT_It, 110 Air, Jan. W, The New Sark stock quotations today, as reported' by Robinson, McClean ' were as follows Gold, 131G1544 Elght,one bondk,,lMN; Five Twenties, old 1071 Flee Twenties, '62, 1.0 d.",;; Five'Ttien ties,' new, 104 y.,; Seven Thirties, EWA; Michigan tionthern It. It., 713.4: Cleveland' Pittsburgh, —; Pittsburkh,LFort Wayne .t Chicago, et)ist •Chicago and ' , North Western IL, 35'4; do preferred, et)); Western Union'Telegraph Co., 45; New York Central, It %; Erie, Railroad, .55).",; Hudson, TM; Illinois Central, 112: TOledo, 117; Ohio, 214; Cumberland, Quicksilver. —it is barely ,probable that Congre. will really perfect any of the currency and Doan anal measures now before it until after the 4th of March, though there are several mat ters welting Anal action which are of vital import.. In the meantime Secretary Mc- Culloch will go on with his regular with drownl and destruction of greenbacks at rho rate of Si,ooo,oou per mentli,w hien is not mach. but better than nothing. When these greenbacks' were gest authorized and !s -tood it was with a distinct understanding I.hat they should be convertible into inter est bearing bonds at the option of the holder, and that they should be redeemed in coin at the earliest possible day. They were issued as a gigantic forced loan, and were tacitly regarded as promises to pay so soon BS the Stress of war should have passed. away. Now that we have peace, say. the NewTeirk nitute,"and.are paying oil the national debt rather than incurring It, let us resume payment; at all events, lot no not multiply falsehoods which have not evert the doubtfatmerlt of deceiving. Only let the Treasury resume payment In coin, and then, if there be an equitable mode of replacing our hunk note currency by green. backs, we have not the least objection." —The failure of banks in the petroleum oil region in ISd6 Is still fresh In the minds 'of the people. :The Legislature did not, at that time, pay much attention to the mat , ter, hut the Auditor General of Pennsyl yanut appointed a committee to examine into the causes produced the failure • of one of them—the Conango.,llank. The report of the minority of this committee ban never been: published. An effort was ramie last week to SeCuro Its printing, but, for unexplained reasons, the Legislature, after ordering the-printing, alatt.t. imme :ilately withdrew its consent. A correspon.: dent has sent the following abstract of this document to the Philadelphia Ledger: "The Venetia° Bank was chartered under our State late, and deposited 1601,00 din (inc. CruMent securities at Harrisburg to redeem its issues. It was afterwards merged Into the Connor.° "National" Bank, and the DI . •rectors ordered aDO,OOO of the Securlttes to transferred from ilarrisbarg to Wash ington as a basis for the new Institution. The Mon. C. C. Culver was anthorized to make this transfer, and certain parties, signing eas.:hirers themselves actu "agalic ents w,"ithdrew "attornSAG; eys" . lOU more of the 'bonds. The failure took place on Ittarch2l, ma, when the Ilablittles of the bank were 61,168,h51. Its nominal as sets were 41,206,01 S Si, although in reality. worth but Culver, Penn E Co. owed the bank 4::01,115at.t"e time of the hulure, and the Oh, and Land Company (an tler the came auspices) owed $19,5!!:. In ad dition to these AMOULIZS, Culver Penn S. Co. acknowledge the sum of $75,0 05 to be due— which sum tho cashier of the bank new• enllyi edged too small to be entered on the Imola. These books, however, were scarcely models for they stated that the bank had securities to the value of a.C.5,150 deposited (at • Harrisburg, while actually but $9.5,we bad been left there. These same books did not come within half a million of dollars of showing the true indebtedness of the insti • 'oaten when it failed! • -.After reaching this point, the minority ~report on the subject speaks of the direc tors es men whose 'honesty" Is unques tioned, and who are recognized by the en tire community as prudent, cautious and Llgra'e b re'tr.tuiit;d l l l .:..nd n jot p did nn t y " t ' o . overdraw their account nearly asO,Ceul This 3s explained by the minorityny saving that they (the directors). were she victims et mispinced confidence and astounding im. position." The report charges that C. V. Culver was the person who,py appointing his brattier-m-14w cashier, "Itept the direc tors In ignorance of the cohdttion of the bank" This brother-m•law )It hi stated, .purposely evaded the coiandttee." The ' report concludes by imying that "the opera tions of C. V. Culver were conducted on a most gigantic -scale. His unsocial opera tions arewithout a parallel, lie is either guilty of a criminal recklessness or a most stupendous fraud." I:=1:3= -Orr,. or Tao Pirrsnruart GAZETTE, ,SA•ruminv. January The produce markets have been dull and neglected during the past week, and whit the tran9actions in. the leading commodi ties have been very light - In the aggregate, and generally speaking, prices bare under gone material change,Shoogh,the tendency is downward. GRAll's —Wheat Is quiet and unchanged; sale of 3 cars' on private terms. Oats dull and drooping; may be quoted at 48 to 49, on track, and 51 1001, In store. There Is little or no inquiry nit. Corn, and we continue to quote at GS to 70, on truck, and 75 to 00, in store. Sale of 1 car Rye at 11,W. There 13 some little Inquiry for Barley. but we have nasal'. torecord—,may be Quoted at 9 , 4 to 35 for No 1 Spring. FLOUR—The market is dull, and a little weak, though, as vet,.prices are not note bly lower. Well-known• brands of Sprlog Wheat may be quoted at 412,23 Q111,,5 , 1; Win ter Wheat at $13,50 to all; and Taney Stain% Louts brands at 116017, BY. }lour la ing at 17% to 8, and Duckaticat at 45,20 to 3,7., per .I . lloVlSlo24S—Elaccin Di inlet and en. changed—small sales at. 12 for Shoulders; and 17for Sugar Cored Dams. Ptline ket-. tie rendered Lard is selling at 12% to 13. Mess Pork Is held firmly at plij..; to s2l—sM!,6 was offered to-day for PIO bins, to go to Ibil tlinore. Dressed Hogs 5%.t0 5. -DAY—lain rather better demand, and the market Is a shade firmer: Sale of 2 cars at VA, and 1 car, strictly prime, at $2l, Ar rivals continue comparatively light, SLEDS--Flarseed la in demand, and may he gamed firm at $2,53. Nothlng doing In Clover. or Timothy beeds—may be quoted at $3 so 13,25 for the latter.sand Si to $OlO for the lormer. BUTTER—Prone Roll Is In steady deinand at We to Sic. Cate of I, bids "'nixed," at. tro. Common and Interior very dull—almost un saleable, • - _ _ iltiGh—Fresh peeked scarce and In de mand—may be quoted tlrm ut =QV.. Pickled Egge In good supply and dull. APPLES—Quiet but malady with regular sales. in store, at $,W' to W.O per bbl, for common to choice. DRIED FEMT—tinehanged. I+ms.ll sale* In store at 9 to 10 for Apples, and II; tot_ro for Peaches—quarters and halves. BEA-NS—ln rather better supply, and while the market la a shade easier, prices remain unehange.l-42,10 to $2,75 per bushel tor orinso small whim. POTATOES—DeII and unchangetl—small .1. of Punch. 11Iowa In tauraoa 1.1 p. r P.ITTSBUIiGII PETROLEUM ZIARILET Omen ow ins Prrrsarritex tissirre, t . SATITRDS.T. January *I, 1867. C/111DE..--The market for crude has been dull and neglected throughout the peg week, and while there has been but com paratively little done, prices- have .)order . gone but little change, though If anythiag, a fraction lower, and the . tendency seems to be down Ward. ,The only sale reported toalaywaeraibols qteith's Ferry," at 71, ;package. returned-quotations may be fairly giverrat pito 7;5 packages returned - and 1 . 2% to laA, ' packages included. There have been _a few sales of tonnage oil for raring delivery. pu private terms-one early in the week at 9, and one later at SIC. and Sla /3% may be regarded as the ruling quotationa for that deliver- though some clealers•refuso to sell ahead' 'for lees than J. The eastern and European advlcre have been unfavorable for the past two or three ' . days, and this, RS S. matter. of CORM, pro- i doors a kinder stagnation and rtwtrleta - operation. • REFINED—There was hut a single raw, tfon reported to-day„ andlt even had net boon positively closed at last accounts.: , one thousand barrels for this month, at Is, delivered in Philadelphia—there may have been some other sales, but the above was . ' all we could bear of. The market coati.. nes quiet and dull, though, Prices are Ull• changed, and we continue to quote, on the snot, at 22 to Itlf4. on cars here; and Zs to e. delivered In Philadelphia. Those of our re already ;ners who were disposed to sell ahead have rbade nearly all the contracts they care about. and consequently. there Is but comparatively little all 'offering. and our brokers have considerable difficulty la and. ing sellers at present quotation. For March delivery in Philadelphia, 3034, could dotibtleas be obtained. and 314 we have .no doubt, might be realized tor 'April, Free oil Is dull the demand being restricted en ' to supplying the wants of the Jot. blog trade. • were reported toll y o — w a ir i l l g f a r i o r m iva . L 3 s m o i f t g r Ferry. .D.lll 'II Nat, ger. C 0.... -43 S. Zd&abon - aIS Total 'l3 - 2 • Tots, ficeelpts fortho week 1501' , Total Receipts Met week 143 ' Total Ileceipts since Jan. 1 Gaff 12= .Lotruirittr., January W...—guperflne flour. z.f 410.00. Primo vilest; k4ks. Corn. shelled, hulk, ;0e; ear, 60c. Oats, Inc . Mess Pork, 521,50.- - Bulk Phoulders, .04c: Clear Sides, 11 , 4 c. Packed Bacon ShoWders..loc; Clear ~Sides, 13%c. ,Lard, 1244 c. Bak Whlaky M — AK_ _IL ETII BY TELEGRAPII• i PITTSBURGH _ROPE - WORKS, . i''' York """"` 1 " 1 11 ' 116 ". i NIRSILILL, FULTON & : BOLLNYS, 1 New Vans, January 'St.—ffairs In Wall - Gni,. lianufacter. ri . tta. West of ; street to-day are calmer. The hetiVYfall in i , i stocks brought Out buyers for Investment. ItAv y coßlaiGE. numOrs of failures have ceased. Tranmte- 1 Mons In Stocks for the last six days aggre.' gated 722,600 shares. Tne market to-day 1 Ittnisble for Stearn and Cal I Hosts. was active and conrident, with a general 1. lIAI4SEI7. LAID OIL OT.LLOOPF advance at the close. Eme 'was weaker, , !Tarred Ropes for foal. Railroad s, though the balance of the znarket stronger. The following were the closing prices: New . York Central, 1004'; Eric, :.,,,,,'; Iltalson. Llii j, HEMP OAKUM AND PACKING. Mead tag, 14 , 241; Michigan Central, lel; 51 lc n- ' ;ran Southern 71,4,1; Illinois Central, 112 l.;; 1 ex Is MUM/ I. OTToN, xe.„6, l'lttsburgb, 61• Northwestern, rn,l l n. Pro - , warehouse, lit and 111 Mater v,r4.,,,t, (erred, e 11...; Teledo.lls; Mock Island, is.; Fort ort I Wayne. igit.4;;Ottio Certillcates.24 4.. Cumber. ' ~, , ,,,i '''. l. .Moncogithels, thou.,. land, :45; retitle Mall, • 157; Western Union 1 .,,,,..., Telegraph, 4540; Adams Express, Cs; Ameri. cart, eeeinSl.,; Coiled State:, ti 5 ,014 Well" , St 'V 2 '; Merchants' Union, IP ~, 1 Kli r tf o ' n al , Co.,C So . ' t ' lovernments ' (inlet anti steady; coupons Mil, 10114Q111174; do. 1902, 107CDIuSli; do. 1.444, 11.15!;s31115,l;; Ten-Forties, So r ~ ei, 93 1:. TllO money market - closed eerier and a more cheerful feeling prevailed. First class prevailed. firma were readily plied on call at - - per cent, but there 1., a close scrutinizing of steel: and collateral,. anti Wide margins are ex.ain bovernmnt bankers accommo. date at. 546 per cent; e next to nothing doing. Impor paid this wa5k,161,30,970; Including 42,052,051 dry goods. Muting shares active; umgory fen to 4,4,60, t rose at the close to smell; Corydon, 67,55; bu tuel, 4105; Gold 11111, 44,611; Smith X Parmslet, 60,05; Quartz MI, $1,50. Prices of mining stocks In Ike. too Chß day. , Canada, 5!!; Copper Falls Eli Franklin, :22; IlancOck, Slit Duren, 27; Isle Royal, C; Minnesota, lel 4. New York Produce Market. Now Tom:, Jan. 20.—Cotton unchanged; sales 6011 hales. Flour dull and lee lower; receipts 2527 bbl; sales Inki bids Soperan e State analeest ern at 49,50d10,25; ext ra West ern, 410,50e11,75; chow°, 413.15; shipping brand B,ltoutfil Mom, Oluo, 511,nn412,15; trade brands, do, f 12.,najj, I 3,90, closing dull. Whis ky more active; sales 200 bbl, In bond, WIl eat active and unchanged; sales was) bo s h, No. 11 1 0 liwau gee at trz,:h.; No. 3 do, 4.2,110,4- Pl. quiet and heavy; colon ;Ald htl..h Western at 41,27, all outside price. Earley quiet; sales 12,500 bush elanedit West at 61,- 12 , 44161,20. Corn dull yea lc lower; sales 4,- M 0 bush mixed %Vestdro, In store, ut 41,15(2 LPL Oats heavy; receipts 1.550 bush; sales 17,000 bush Western at GIIIOSO. LirOCOI les quiet and firm. Leather quiet and un changed. Wool steady, sales 210,0, - 9 la. at 41,4511440 for domestic Iteece, and .41,4414ii1,- 45 for pulled. Perk Crater; sales 5.00 bids new mess at $19.61d20,0 ',Closing at 620,50; old mess. 519,31019,50, closing at 619,45; mime 610.75421700; prime mess 419.50(66.1,5ti. Also, INV new mess, at 420,50, to Keller...4' Burger, for February and Match. Beef nr , -:, changed; sales 120 bull. Meer Hams quiet,' sales 2 . 2.50 bbls at i 529,1133,70. 'Seem .10101. Cut Meats dull and UnChanged; sales 2 , 4. Pressedpkgs. Dresml Hogs armor. Western 0 , 44 644 . . lard dull and heavy sates 6,10 te.., rAd. Padll%ei new 12XA Ile,c. nutter steady ad 1 unchanged. Cheese quiet, at 146194;0. woolLY neetaw—w 005(0.1 LI: h GREET, lireadstuffs hare been much depres , il and lower prices accepted. There IS a panic to high grades ausl prices declined 7.1c"41 for fatally brands of tour, and the rear - et closes unsteady; low grades aro mno steady. Pork has fluctuated rapidly 1 m 1 the highest point about .1 ',.,0 per parcel. 1 Cincinnati ' Market, Ili CINCINNATI. Jan. 2.6.—F10ur held lirul.put the demand has been but moderate. Wheat tine:. no change; tie. I winter. 421,5eita,031. Corn arm, though the demand Is light,. 4, 556540 for shelled. Oats dull, at 510 fOr , ,Nn. I. Eye unclumgeds common dull, at lial,e/ .11e for middlangf not much offered, ,quit there Is hardly any demand. Whisky dull, at 62,25 In bond. Hoes 67,2567,75; hohters arm; a lot, averaging 4 0 0 pounds, w•tstziot sold at the latter rate, but this was am ez treme rate, oa lug to the unnsusllargu size;' medium to good, $7.:447,60, though , rittek. ers were not willing to pay - these rate. - re ceipt..., e,400 head, which include. 4me which had not been reported by railroads. Moss pork sold to a limited rate, at 420, but inside the city brands Were offered pt this rate snaringly, though enough to meet the ildmand.- hulk meats, In but little demand; I held at 7 t,',4l7t a e for ,houldera, and i11.: , ,1.i , for sides. Lard 0011, at 12e, with sales 01 150 tierces. Green meats quiet, at 4li:117I-0". and 10140 for shoulders; sides are wanted for immediate delivery, at 120 hut can be had to be delivered at 'week hence, at 12e; shoulders, 11! ,0. delivered Coffee, 2306 r Chicago 21 Intel. CilleAoo, January 27.-1-lent dull and nominal at 610a10,50 for spring extra. Wheat opened a shade timer and elObed quiet at 62,1:46r1.50 for No. 1, and 4107€2.6 0 : Corn dull and unchanged; light sales at 75i, 6:414 for No. I. Oat s dull; smolt ..le. at 401..; for No. 2 in store. Provisions:opened dull but closed firm and more active. Mess Pork 25450 bettor. at 61.,25te15,75,• Live hogs steady at 45,7564,05; common, light at. 14,11 a 6.40; 000 , 1 to smooth, heavy. Dressed' ling, 106.15 higher. sales range fr0m45,7547,75; cloolog at 35 lots dwindling on 42,00. di. Louis Market. Sr. Loms, Januatv 20.—The 'markets ore nearly at a standstill to-,lay, buyer.. hold ing. WY or closing with larger concessions than sellers are 441111110 to utak°, and an on usually small business was done. In Cot ton, Hemp, Tobacco and Polk uotldng transpired. Flour unchanged. Wheat heavy and dull at 42,55 for choice, aud e 1, 1 ,1 for fancy. Corn lower at '3,ii":l,&le. Oats dull at tsl6/...... .Provimous nominal. flogs low er, at 05,75. Number killed * to date, 152, , ..6, Whisky, nothing done. Milk a:thee Market. 11.11.trarxto. January 26.—Flour dull a n d unchanged. Wheat dull and unchanged. Oats week'and nominal. at 4sc. for No. 1 und ale for No. 2. Corn quiet at Me for shelled. PrOvlalena 41011. Me., Pork 615. Dress.: hogs gidet at 40,60,2'7,10. . Philadelphia Market. PHILADELPHIA, January' 26.—Flour dull tindslrtxmlnii; superrino 44416,74; extra fam ily 412614. Wheat nominal. Oats 1765 , . Clover seed, 68,2536.50. Whisky nominal. Petroleum Ist42oc; reibled in bond, 2 , 4., Italtihnore Market. .. .. BALTIMORE. January 'M.—Coffee 'inlet; stocks light; held drin. ' Flour nominally unchanged. Wheat; 41,15 tor Southern red. Corn steady; Shahre for mixed. Provisions nchanged, Lib logy nombial. Dry . Goads Marlrea. New Tone, January 10.—Dry tinods gat bet pricesiMstalne.l. except (or Atlantic A and heavy Brown eheetlnms, which are _re duced i . ,1• —.4- I.IIPOILTM WY ILAILUOAD. PITTSBURG:I./ P ORT WATRIS IR CHICAGO It. It. \January 11-2 cars bulk meat. E 11 Myers & co; 1 car potatoes, Potter, Aiken A. Shep ard; 30 his candles, 'Ai do heap, shornaker A Lung; 10 do do, Smith. John stoic' & Col vl n;5 do do, L J Blanchard; 5 kegs pearl barley, Shields & "toucher; 2 cars metal, M o del: a co; 1 car hay, lane A Bro; 4 cars lard. 1 cur grease, I cio bulk meat, 1 , Sellers a cot lisl b itles, .1 11 Ralston; 1170 do do, J A liners BM; .20 bids ce liett, McCully a co; list lints dour, Bead a Metzger; 47 sewing machines, Wm Sumner & co; 1 car corn,ll enry Bea Jr; leans barley. Carson, Darlington a co; 1 car hay, W Li Patterson; 50 bids rye flour. Culp it Shepard; Icur barley, Spencer & 31clitty; S care Boy, D N Courtney; I ear blooms, Park, lire & co; 5 cars metal, Kim Mk A en; 10 do 1.10, firynn A Caughey; 250 bble dour, Shomaker A Lang; 1 car potato., Potter, Aiken A Shepard; 1 car bay, 4.41111111 A Aus• tin; 1 do 00,1/ Rea Ir. CLVEIRLAND AND PITTSBURGH RAILROAD. January 11.-4 WA. lime, Falmestock A ce; 11 bills paper. F Woods; 12 rics marble, An derson & Boyd; 1 car lumber, Millinger .5 Bidwell; I do do, I. Schmidt; 5 cars iron ore, Shoenberger & Blair; le MHEI flour, Dickson, Marshall & co; 17 bdls paper, Hostetter & Smith; / caddie tobacco, 11 Megraw; le bbls 011, Ilertman & co; 43 do do, National P.M* CS; 35 do do. 0 McMahon; 71 tlo do, li lily; 22' bps rye, .1 Glenn; 1 car hay, S /lar bang!, & co; 23 tee lard, e sellers & coi It bga :Med. Blair A WOOtil; 3 kgs tart, 51 - W Rankin. .. PITTSBURGH, COM:MB. & CINOMNATI HAILIMAG.-1 cur corn. GHIIIO/C, Simpson A co; 1 dodo 11i . W Moore; he Unlit flour, Slits maker & Lang:: cars wheat, S Ilarbsugh & co; R4l bide dour, J Gaidlner; 23 hales cotton Kennedy. iibilds & c0;15 drcesed hogs, I: .Isakson; II aka barley. F Shields; 15 this itp• W, Fra , 3l :a ar n%P.ilitrper .5 Ilood;34 hks oats, ALLEGHENY STATION. JanlltirY Z-10 libla apples..l Herbert; 14 aks oats, J 51 Tate; 15 Ins. broonte, Hahn & Hadley; 15 hlties,Lappe & Weise; 1 car wheat, 3 ears corn. Kennedy A lire; I do oats 1 do hay. 1 do corn, Kenne dy A Loihroln 1 do bay, .1 W Graham; 1 de do, Id Weil, I do wheat, Coy, Noble J. co. .ALLBOTIZNV VALLEY Itaitcosti.—Jan. ;A.—, 2 Mils butter, 2 ski, secd,ll 011.1110; 59 tacks rye, .1 Glenn; 109 do oats.lo do rye, W 11Ing. ham; 'X do do, JS Finch; 59 do oats, W D Patterson; 27 do corn. 6do seed, A 14 Cope• I land; IR Mild salt, Segni:layer .5 VOSRII.MP. ;89 89 SA 89 SA 89 89 SA . 59 89 MARKET STREET. ' B9 I S 9 I ;SO .891 = 1- Cil ga; I e_S9 89 89 Market Street, ; kg AND GET YOUR r IIOOTS SHOES &C I s 9 88; '5 5 • 89 1 TILE CILEAPE3T AND BEST •Z•3133E1 G2TY ,891 ; s9 l NO AUCTION (AWS KEPT. !,49 JAB. ROBB, 89 Market St.l Sol 1 IS 9 SD SD 89 59 89 S 9 S 9 S 9 $0 = EAGLE COTTON WORKS. ilAj im3 ET __IIECENTLV pun r rT w Jlth I.l%;;LUeptc[Culfoeae~UTl.trt l'E"W' ‘1 s of pub:lu toat e tide r Sheetingt, Cotton Yarns, Carpet Chain's, Candle Wick and Batting. Orders mn be left at I.Linthliceufthe Works„ CODE ISABELLA AND BANDISKT ALLEGREIT Olt AT THY. _ PITTSBURGH BREWERY, Corot r Duquesne Kay and Bart ei's Alley, Pa. JOSHUA RHODES & CO. . . no3:tatO liriolDnet:Wa.o.lBV,l%ttA new , lot T•ti. lartd floffkirounds. Itold au , i7.1Tt, ( 1`1.7:.: der., at No. 10: Market &tram_ espßl too, HITOTIVA Rio fi S.CHI PUUISTJCieCcit- VV IC ed and for sale trr IIEOItIIE A. KELLY/ CO. .2e31 Whedssale I/meets...l7 Won.l atrpst. CAS KS RIADDEB, Dutch, rec , for sale by KELLY a Co. del/ Whole ...IC Prortili!tr, woou .tuct RIVER NEwE, The hopes entertulued on Friday of an early . .*?sumpt;On of navi , ,;ation .have not been] reallami, ue yt , te'rday was abollt 11, cold a day na we bad this winter. Consider slderable snow fell on Baturduy, and the wind was very tierce during Saturday night and Sunday. We see it , tated that tive.sixths of the little steamer J. 1.. Graham wan seldi at Nashville the other day for OW. The tsra• ham. formerly plied between this city and SinitlVaTerry. • The following , boats were in port at Cin- Ctlnnatt, on Friday last: . . Pototnne, Melia , Norton, 11,5 ionn, :Major Antlerson, Iteneeca,Shantrock. Nightingale, Champion, Clifton, Itiinsville, Anglo Saxon, Emerald. Artmelillo, Emma No. 3, Itneert Burns. Anna, Alice Dean. United state, Mary Erwin, Arabian, importer, Leonora 2, Nlinneol.t, We2tinurelarel, Starlight, nllll We dip the following from the eturinnatl Cenuarroint, or Saturday: Dispatch . .2tweived from Cairn yesterdap annonnce that the stern-wheels:earner St. Cloud, Captain IV; .1. linsk, hound from Evansville for New Orleans, struck a t.liag nI Plumb Point, and witi run ashore on the Arkansas nide, where rho mink. The dis patch does not give the condition of the wreck. Iler cargo was reCelVoal at Evans ville, and principally out of the Wabash 111er. The St. Cloud built lit Pitts burgh. In November 15.19, and owned by Captain W. 3. Rusk and A. Ilyers.of Coy In g• ton, Kentucky, and recently valued at ic2 . 2,- LW, and Insured in the following Cincinnati °glees for 4190(0, Vie: Central, $11000; Bock: eye,ssooo; Coinutcrclal, COW; America, 4.1000; Boatmen's, 42.A10. and Magnolia, $l2OOl. tier cargo to insured in Evansville, Clnelro nett, and of he other eastern agencies. The favorable change In the weal her yesterday ennacol tile underwriters to permit ship ments, when all the steamer, at the wharf commenced engaging . afid re celving freight forthwitn, a number of n - loch are advertlil to leave Malay. Captain Ilth r th Campbell 1,1 eenltng and re furnishing the St. Charles throughout, for the Loutsville and Vicksburg trade. Capt. Campbell is the right Man 10 pace her decks. Capt. It. C. Itlchtnoinl:of the Argo. trnut N 0.2, pass.l through the city yester day. en route front Louisville tor Pitts burgh. The Rowena, fur Nashville, paoo.l Madison yesterday. The cabin of the old Superior, lying on the hank ahoy., the tool Of Ludlow, fell In whir a trementlons crash y . th esterday, cal.' by e heavy weight of snow on the I . oof, line man engaged in ditonantling it wassllghtls injured. Cap.. T, Itavid?on, .1, T. Kest and Captain !Blakely were among the delegates appoint ed he the st Paul chamber ad Commerce, to attend tile "River lalOCOVelllalit Canyon.. Il011," to beheld at St. Louis nth the 12th of !.,..21 OrdarT. Tile mute and pilot O f to,, Frames Floyd arrived. in the city yesterd 213 and re port ghat stormier its having laid lip at Wolf Creek. The Argonaut N 0.2, that recently sank at the Now Albany shore, torlOw the tall, has at length been abandon.' to the underwri ters. The freight has all been removed, to. chiding her cargo or pig tr.., ...I holm; valued at only 212t3.1122 as she now Inca, which Is but TO per cent, the owners have gm.o her up to the Instil - Mire laallpaaler. The Louisville (Ames, sticks to the diction that there Is a flood impending 111 ! the Ohio. It says. "All dwelling along the ricer at point:, liable to overflow are ar, ad In time to prepare tor it flood. The 101 l of snow along the water coursesalmost unpreccalehltsi, and If It gots elf sa ls til ram, we predict the most disastrous overflow that has ever OCCUITtaI en the We.tern Waters. The :Ise will be sudden - and de strnutive." John J. Crammer, an old and well know n stcumboatnivm .11...1 at his noule in aupe. liirardean county, bliaaonri, or 12eceinber 12th. Ile wan u pioneer ht t lie bustuess,hav tog been engaged In It u. rat hack as 19 1 0, wnen the prang :pal 22.1121212.122nts ,Ileollll- terviLby boatmen al , ortt br. Loci:, were t Indians, and when O. it -.2 of a science:2.l had tewer liat acia ' Sal 2. the Cl. Loots .1 11. 1. the 6trOla; man 22.2 drew Crosby's up. a 1101,,, re.a.lent of Pratrle to ileeher,l. an old stentnioaturair. Abont 22 hen Um Pocahontas. piled 'lsa St. Louis and. Missouri River packer. Item y J. Mo I ore . commander, Mr. Lee heel clerk, n2l,l'lV in 11. Scudder second otork. The- latr. Is at Piebeut Secretary or. the M. V. Fargo ton:- pony. Mr. Leeas 2223.10- lu.itly clerk thecommission liotiao of David Tattoo, st. lonisodel upon that geit• tienian's decease Lee 2.2.21 Wm. .12.212.2,22., brother Of the famous, -tioc..totto I to the business. Era arsotaintances speak of Mr. Leelts a very na wortnY griuttesu• says the Cincinti an of Fri. , day: Ala meeting of the Conant:ad Char ! ilable Marine A 5•0amt2.322. y,. :,L.)" morning 00.2.2•2 pt the N . Pliots . Ass...nation, the fuitow tug nano, stearmboat Lap:nine s Ql - 0 lin elected Directors of the °rear...Taller. vii: Captains Wm. n,regg, U. B. 1 1 1222,22.21, John N. shook, J.ll. Marv,* .i.:2lth s. feat:: au; V, Y. Batchelor, l/. le. IL .1. Jones 00,1 James S. Wise. Tne towboat Windsor i s aground on the shore, Ju-t lids .t 3.2 of the mouth of Millereek. Capt. A. St a fa, of the stennow 1 2 .11' strader.whith left Cain , on Wednesday, telegraphs as trout alotool Cr',t Illinois, that 1222 eta four veal berg. mark22.l *22 N. C. C. 2 shrift ill 1.1. e and succeeded' in landing them safely at .11ourid City. The towbwa2 Whale TA ts: herd at s ark yesterday, Pulling iaptuin J. 1. Throopa. mow Evansville and Coln' packet Flying Eaglet/IT the store oboes foot or Browlwap...•The e oat lag lee lord piled una , Ler 111 Id/ ge tuo,sra The 112- ' ter from ace per - lions .itu,,t,f,r, handSomely. Mr. John 24 Ruth:og° hoa arrived at Sr. iron! , lie was a passenger on the their, Valley when the - not down, below Mem phis. On his autho e rity the et. IJIIIIO .11e pahhean says. .t How the pllot came to strike a wreck, the position of s latch Is novil a 110024 eve , one that has ismu the pliothouse of a steamboat during the as four years, is a rare yet to be answered. It ger,- rally 11,Sertell that VII; Welch .1...010a Soiree Out of ttla lin.l shows It end well tletturd bak." The night sus clear. witti a lull loonn shining, coil the .11.. 0.1.,0 can only be gliargoai to the utmovt recklestheas of the , Pilot. 1f it Is 11111. t o to humanity that he 01101021 he 'Dade I t sl.llraf Illa ff.Vlrtana panitily tif tin It is he Ito contemplate then sholesnle loss of imemn and es. pecially In this Manna!, Wloa/ lug dream ' stances are considered. STEAMBOATS 4.0 R CAIRO, rills ANL, NES% 011LEANd. -- gdamignamio The tine passenger steamer LEONIDAS Carl A. 11. StrOOSTAN. Wllllrare far tn, al.ore arrl all 1 Larrroollate pore THIS 11 AY x: 3. to. •For height or ping/Lye rly o meoar , or to 1.1: YL dr. LIJI.L tp INUNVi/OD, Agent. ' OR 01ILEA 10,0 , 11;11d • anstill•l• KATZ RODIN It. 11. Iloniq 41,N. Will Kaye 1., I.Ln atzwe and all Intern" Kate ports nn Ike IS,/ .ti Vlo A ri. /ti. 1" """" P,?;,l7Elcf, P ll ' ,ll°T, ' t'4". 1 or to Lgenle. VOII CINCINNATI au417,7_ ime,LsviLLE.—Tur av n r mt. e r atitilE /lAYS....Capt: U. L. liassonfrasoa, a now rtvloa fr..lght. for the above vols.'', awl wilt !taro on tip 01..F.N Vit. tIF faA Illa. Thor For fralaLLor p1in.5y : : , ar,11 ., , , , , n , 1. , rar1 Or ja;:rla RAU!: I Agent. VOR CAIIIO AND ST.e,psfr Louts.—The liLFNUALF Jrals IL 11011., trill 1,1, , for the above and all Intertnolfat, ou or about tho Ina or l Itt. Zur frelgat or on..agt apply ao•r.l or to nt .lAltEo OLLIN, AOOOl. HOTELS BINGHAM HOUSE, ELEVENTH AND MARKE US., 3PIXXXA.A.7C/I_OPIZI.A.. This new and elegantalonte Is now op fur the reception of guests, with all the oYDulnt meats at I=9=ll CURLIS U_A-YaS, PROPRIETOR cram LA PIERRE HOUSE, Philadelphia The subscriber. haele , 1ea“. , 1 fi.tx c.t,,.ritx House has been lIEVITTE • MI NI) IN AP EI....iANT kIANNEP. revered with the most perfect lappets' tructd !or ti eil reception ul gut., Ile Pre! PoW.jor'•tn , r , t tire , clase How, xlll tw !nal:Ash:ma In the intern as In Pe ['sit —_ mr7..,:b. PA NKR G FARLEY. -11110 USE, ncr. 03F37ICalF,Prcylp , m - , C3llti of Isabella and /dad Saida. Near the Suspengion Bridge, vnvi4.•. ALI.KCJIIKNY,Sq-r, oPI. mmr...ow.zsixomt. OMNIBUS ANB LIVERY STABLE. . • Xo. 410 l'ents Street. • DUN & PITCAIRN, Proprietors. .fr°maltreats and carriage , fornlened for all trellis. Also, Carrie:Cs for toners:a, %WM.* nod Parties, Mellon notice sod teuontDle rake. Stable Open Day and Night y3:04:T.T11.b INSURANCE ALLEGHENY INSURANCE CO. ctret. , r Hu o ri T SB. 11 SU Ce, tio. t 7 111111 lk I.k. titra'res Against all WA, 01 /ire and titrint: JOHN 11VIN, JR. President. 4JOHN U. Sicooll.ll. , Vice Pre,tdent. C. U. !JOHN ELL, never-ism t std. WIS. ORAN, Sienese; Agen . Dlnliti;TOn J”lin • Cap, Nun. Man. John Ntr,Cor,i, , L. Fab., to,t C. 0. Hu.e9, I SC H. Evert.", Harveyenitqs, I Itoherc H. Davie. T. J fluiklnson. franc! t SA'ner?. ebaxlca Hays, I Geo. D. Main.w. PENNSYLVANIA INSURANCE C,.IIPANY. OF PITTSBURG,R PA. Flftl3 Street, Bank Bloats Tbi• Is a Home Company, and Insures aga . “ll. '"s nv Fire exclusively. • LEONARD Ili ALTER, Presldunt. . • C. C. BOYLE, Vire Pr...silent. IttstiKitT HaTitiCli, Treasurer. HUGHP SPELHENI, becrutary. • . DlllaCrorte: Leonard. Walter, Court° Wilson, C 3 C. Boyle Goo. IV. Evans. Robert Patrick, J. C. Lisboa, Jacob Painter. s 3. C. Vetoer, Aisles Kinks, John Voyditley, Jas. H. Hopkins, I A. Aeutnou. Ir4:fg Fleury Sproul. WESTERN - INSURANCE CO., I OF PITT:MUM/li, ALEXASIIGti Nitneit, President. Wia. P. DEM - IEIIT. Secretary. CAPT. UT:DUDE NEELI tienersi Agent. (tte, SY Watertroct. Mbang S. Co.'s Ware ilbus, rib stain. Pittsburgh. Will Insure against all Linda or Vire and Marine Risks.. A home institution managed by Directors who are west known to the community. and who arc determined by promptness and to maintain the charscter which they b..... at. 50.0,1, as t. rho het) 1 0 th ose who desire to be insured. . mnscrOus. A-1 , •.• Shriek, Iteea.l,_Tb,unmg. M. Jr. Chi, J. (Name, James McAuley, ! John It. McCune. Alexander Speer, JIMCB Hann.. Andrea Anew), Istrki.rlck David I.l.'ifor R. ISITIMINUM E3I2MU= pEOPLE , S INSURA.NCE CO E=l EYED= . - • TAIC/Nti FIDE AND MAILINF. ILMiS Philllna. , Cant. John I. Rhoads John Watt, ralucel P.ri.rieere John K. Parte, Char,. Arbuckle, Capt. Jas. lllller, John F. Klrrnatiler. Win. Van hirL, ; Prank S. !Jivell. Sums Sun. Ver.itt, C. ilaneon Love, I WM. Vki11.1.11,., Pro,, , rut W. F. C.•.U.NLIL be cr.?... I - .011.1 y Clip, J. , . 001•1 00 N, 4,ll•lApt PURE CALIFORNIA WINES. GURNER Sc. CO No. 80 Cedar St., New York, ..fler , which are gmlaind pu WI , ul I , favor wit:, n.toaliln, nwhoar Imi , ri , olented awl larllo 1• ant wlthual tn. 11, hale only to hr alrlf lekat , lto nil ether.. A. 3 portlier of rte,i oil other Wlnco.a,llll.. numonp,s,,ltlflrat...oiloll hat' ie ro:antartly on IA aarr,l fruot the lqu.t. r:a111,11 ..ell .13 seat:rm. b In I.ltloa In “fe. e pr.of • M... •11. In all ,at.• for 051 , 11 Art . ri C.l3lmentl.l. he 1 , 11,, lug Lrstid- •re tu,r sib re.l 1.1 u. khe tb TLvy roe.tpr,e4ll novi t nata.,u .1.1.. tar ..,tt a W rt ." .f "-. .1 ?, %1 ' .!1 ' .!it, ad % ln ' 14 a r'GU rlosrrt aro: a. I. a lap:.. Milor . A ru,ortJ. ar , oost,.. aloe. \ to Coo oto, LoIK r• .1. ~, ~ r. It a, or. Ind • ar. to lA , 00l a 1..., of 111:A.N 01-11, pt.fe .It•rthatloa our lor•. WINE 1:1111:1: -1 —A trrytoL, IL 1 • aborn..l, for IC.. dt•rrt.t a. lb totu ot tuott • Lat•lt eruLt - Li • übvtl.l mad nu agrealLte tLbt 11•• t toort to ot Lot 11t wort. bold ‘l.tott,t.'ut N o•tn ttuttr, It.: roLr •ext.. r tt 1 prob..t • bb. 'boo, l'iltl J:1 to :ha trtv 511.• ( IL.' L It. tors .1. [ 1.•11• LA,. 1.1 btr. übtll l ,,Ll tltb -rt.!, I . 1t..,:: naubt b. ILII.: 1 / 1 tr 01.1 . ... ~nTs •rr .!r -r4..D.111(444.41,11,rt, . " MMUM= I 1 3,-Cn n 5 ^.1 , 1r,31 . .555 r frvw •L, • at /I • • 11 :3 , .:1“,,t ,,,• . ID Ler Ites.t. ul a; t 43, hz at. Kan 31.13 1,14 I. sspoonf,l .lat. •3.3. •tre,r3l.l cavitl 3 inct,as,l Lassos of , Ho, L. . ... .... • ' '• W 1,.. • I•ort ' A n,t, 1 2-, • 1: • oc.Y.: vir OWEßN!litadltiork•eornerdreoad, Third !Short . .nd Liberty Streets; Pittsbirgh, Pennsylvania. WOr•lets Etnt to the abort, address will h e Promptly attrnd,l In. se:101 SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS SINGER, NIMICK & CO I=l BEST REFINED EAST STEEL .SAITArdi, FLIT AND OCTAGON. OF ALL SUM MULAY. CIRCE:LAI, A,O AND eItOSS CUT SAW PLATES. iELLIV'EIe AND SEMI-EI.LIPTIC RAILWAY SPRINGS, Cast Spring Steel, fast and German Plow Steel, I . LoW ,AND MOWER BAILS. SPRINGS, AXLES AM/ STEEL TIRE, lIOV% HASE, YORK, TOE CALK A. , 11IIINF.1:1' CAST STEEL, CI, 01' "• 1,. Warehouse, s 3 k ater St., Pittsr'gh, KENSINCITOE IRON WORKS. _ LIMY 1) Rest tuiumon, Refined Charcoal • Juniata Bloom Iron. IRON 111.1', T 1,011,V111' I,ATFO:O 11,WLI: ‘4 . 11: “2: yiNuEn luoN, L,. 'ttl .rot 10 1!.,, 0, ttot ).r.l NVltttt Lit r 011, 11'11r0:1 f.•r enure. '('A!. 111 1:.1 I(.00. rand n Ilarl. IUVIU: MON 1\I) IUL 1101110. 1.1..W15, DAI,ZELL S. CO., I=l BAR, BOILER, SHEET IiND v l l ' 3DES. C::01`42 NAILS AND NAIL RODS. Warchou,v..7q . Water Front ;t, Prr.rr:Fr.ll44;ll, P. 4 FafiSYTH'S fiI AIMARD c if i aL l 9 Lril Li Cup:4ing, I,Varehint.e 'iTrucks, 111:tg;:t ge Ha rro ts S..,ar c FORNYTII, T.VI - 1.012 t ( 0., ••••••• A • 1 , Ait K}; I 141,1,2 _ • • ROBERT LEA, NIA V. 4 , II ILL .e STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS Vivit4llt I - roisters AND DOCTOR ENGINES. ==l BE FORT PITT FOUNDRY. b.:1,1P NEPHEWS I 431:421: I:KAVU p... illt.l •:. , ..t pr.:ters, ar. pr pa: rd, ”Iri.oVED I.llterno IWSED ALE STOVE WORKS. PETERSON, Jr., & CO., I= Oohing and Heating Stoves, UM, LOW WA & c., === Warebouse, 197 Liberty Street, i'iTTSIIIII/Gll. PA. VALLE V tiTOVE WOl2lOl. ALLEN. UPICEE ee. CO., (1C1e• arad :tarehouae :1011.1Darty bt •oppnott• h:zzathtleld, s [n'.% ceritty of PA It- I I 1 :,1:1 IV t . tt , A 1.3 U. v km: Motlttor l u ol t t l 1., Autorratl for 2 . 11. th,:isrlvxll..l at of the 0.1 11 nllOl, Wm. pknrral' UTILITY SS oltr' McLEAN & SLATOR, No. 93 Liberty St.. oppot:ite Fourth, CABINET MAKERS! HARDWARE Th y Iva!, a Iron llo.lstra.l and and ngs: f..r Extrn fabler. ut Ar. T.:. ) al.....sannfacturo. and Its,. CM, Mani I, on nand" Thumb Latcht.s.,l3l,luK Ml.rar, sash e , tDvort..r. I.ll.tan•. V.,..ntr, Button. trhut• trr .and Hutt Linger. Grind.rione rad Iron, sash Wrlchte, rlzt 1. .W. V./OM. ..... .J. 1111Artnnl A'l".+l2l. STOTE A. BRADLEY & CO /fano facture ovory varlety of Cook, Parlor and Heating Stoves:, ArEonq w 1,9 aro C!, TIOI An.l CN (f pl. MA..A. LTY./iAN Aunt ILVANbI.D.ES 0%004 Con, plovoci trnn.,art.,, = OM, &lid opt:ler beroutl and W., d 0" IRON CITY MILLS. ROGERS & BURCHFIELD. Men.:'....turt•rs lie 33333 t Ilgtrroxt!, Ju lila In .t I . ollxlitql .C>XV. •NulVAi.ito , r, No. :11...11.1., C. EVERSON, PRESTON & CO,. rr. ra.tria rukco:N Wmire: In this way many persons have ._Cared through half a doz en stars, who might easily hare been relic, ed at Cl:. onset lm asmany weeks. tioi also with re gard to the ear, spoiled!, has obtained that the ear Is to: delicate on organ to he treated, or as , t aten etldessed,cratt wire; hence hun dreds have thus remained deaf for the greater art et a lifetime, who might have teen greatly relieved, and in many luatatiet, comYietelY se stored to their nearing, had proper tundltance teen timely applied for, as pity readily he seen I.) , a pfru.tal of the following certificate. e also tate ores-100 to remark that the tettlmoul, al comes from a tourer ao ham!, in Al.c gheny where, upon tropilrYi any on: Inter. toted can rail*(( themselves of Its truth: VIVISIMiIIou, July:B,l,GL talc ples.are In adding my tem. tlnieny to that el oilnira in (*Tyrol Ur. Keyser . treatment of deafness. -my .0 Lad hetet i,, eve years with ileafueis produced from scarlet fever. At times he 'could net bear at MI; ndcuind only titithdatsad as we would motion to .rim. IV, speech had also become atoned. mar Ipg tor tried other re toles 'theta reeelylng any tieuent, t applied to tar. Keyser, and under his treatment he Das eutirely manna, and can now hear as well as ever he did. JOHN 11. -. • • No. 1.7 Bearer street. • Alleg.ny 121) reran strtet. RAILROADB W I . :STERN PENNS VLVANIA Lt, the l'Ae.en a. on the Weelere Pent:Ley:rental Hall. e *I mad depart hem the totteral 1 , pi,t, r:sr% ARRIVE. r,, No. 1., A. V. r , r•borg A , .... .... '''' • l ' ; '“ rl:a-Iber • ' O . s.. ...... 7 . " F4..ero:t Ae, ....... .......... .... .. ... r. nt. rs,arprbrrg S ' harpsbure. Aec ,, ra i te 'E rl "7. .... . ......... r.harpn , orit ...4:orD , tatlo'n . .... ... Freeport A,Lommo,lntlon No. 1: ,I.stpatPurA Ac.•,.mea,elatlon• .1“ Accommodatlen N.. 4 •• En (wee, . r , harpnt , ory Arn.otumodattUn'No. r*. FreepOt t Arenalloodatl‘m No 2. . ... t , l4arpstmeg Areororr.Jentlon N.. „„ All train:. rundaily rx:ept ruteloy. :mat on Tlenetn—For ea, I,aet a g,„ Trenty, -- IFete ,, n Allerheny C.l,enteut ntrtn.t. Iferr'n, Itenue.t, Pin, Creek. Firm nun ,Larubur,r, and :ood only on ,c ltr n tralns tgY;l,O, ‘ /1 . 1•11111hitOWIl ay purchat.ed at Wallne'rr's ,txte otter 'no. Nt. :air 'tree, ...Suspension Ilr:dge,rit“. rgb, and at the - NP., A 1 14!henY City. hI l'ennnylvaei, Railroad wilt not assume ally 11-4. for 13.1,g V'. except tor Wearlt,r Ap per-1. Alta their renvont.lhtllty t,t tit s 7 ern alur. Alt e,. . 1.1. :tnnnint lu valu... yrllVne nt Luc rtsl.. of :1..... r. unles: takeu 117 t'Pittl For tortllvr Information app l v at Depot. to .1.‘311, LEFeEIti.S. 1. slcra.l Street Onpot. pENNSTLVANIA CENTRAL ItAILI:o.w. iiggitrgn ==d . . . Train. arrls . 6son 'rave 4116 Union Dew., cos. DI of Wa..ltll.g•ton sad Liberty Ott, La Nilo" : n•IVIL 152.6•102. 1: . 5, a rrll/s.y Express!.. SW • 11 Fes: Lulu 1,. • ( ' all's No. I. SCSO •us W a ll, No, 8:00 so Stall Tr. •:56 lirinlon N... L. 2:56 • 331 ' No. L.. m H'all's No. 0... 5:7,6 a In ..C.lnclu•ll s John.,tnwn Ac. 9:50 m Wall's No. L. ;1,1 •at llatittmo.e El, No I. 1,40 pas r..x press 1,50 61 Pin Is. 5: 4: IC m Wall's No. I:05 pm 4:56 pro Wail'. Nu , 4... 400 p H ' a l l's No. 6.... N p,o B raddock No.l. 5:50 m 55 all No. e... 10:..; p 50.5 .. 704 p m` Fast Lino 10.C6 Altoona Accost iJotalstOwn AC. 2;50 pm and Emigrant. , train 10:Z Pm! Dally, all others 6000575 excepted.' The Church Trains leave IV all, Station over Sunda}' . at 9,15 a. m., reselling Yutstoirall at le,/ • 1:13. letnroinx leaves Plitsburalt at 12:h0 D. sr d arm', at NI all, Station at _:uo p. m. _The Baltimore Raves. 1.111 arrl,r sulth thg Philadelphia Expects at IMO p. us. or Sunday.. Novonc.—ln ease of lo.s. the rstinsylvania it. Compahy w Ili held themselves tesponslble fog oersonal Imdsaire only, and for an aincgek . . not egmeelng NV. H. BECKWITH, Agent. 1867. Wgigiiiig 1867 THEYVITS FT 1111C/1 W K. it, D CLEVELA_VU d 1 . ITT6BI; Witt Trains arrl, LAl:taro a; the Union Depot, at hAAVA • Chlcago Ex.... 7.:21 'CMengo EX..... 2:M • Llere.l•fl Ex.. Otho a a - Cleveland Ex. 2rll, • In Eris lt.Ex 6,1, •111nR0 Ex••. 10,4 p m el..lWho. XI. 1:15 a In 14 heeling Ex •.21.7.6 • Its Chicago Ex....:: 00 43 a n 21. S Who. Ex 0 :'•1p t ki m a Chicago 4,150 it'hle. ionnY p pm m WhhrilhO Er,Who. Ex nzArpm. Dep•rt from Allegheny. An dra s n dlleoltoney., 13Chn de l thou am Ltadsl de %AI • m Leetanale •• lonh a m 13r•to `• 4.2.5 am •• •• am Wellaylde •• :IS am Roche:der •• pln New Castle •• 9:45 am W•le A Is Cair Leetedale 1.15 • En Leet•dale Ar`u I.W pm' •. I:4i p m 11C‘n •• 5:Mp In N. kleton •• 2: na N. Br' tn .• OGS p Lutudale ••-4:10 • m Leetidale 10:30 p ui' '• •• -Cui • m No 014091 leave rl.- .141.10:23 m. burgh • n Sund•r . •mlyes dabll• :14.0 :I F. H. 4 MYERS. General Ticket Ap.t. przursntßGll au I CJLI'MBIISCIN CINNATIC NAILILOAD--FAu-Hundle Bout,— 49 aud after AIUNDAT. January 4141, tralns WM_ wive and depart from talon Depot asfollowe: rtrTaarnc o u r SILL ♦nulPL Fast Line Mall 7:51 S. Y. 4:10 1. M. d• . . A. 0:50 , seeubensille Accurccuo• a ].90. ♦IL. A.. Ss . PAT Leave P14(9111. 2:00 a. r. 7,..10, 2. >l. 31 Ceiluti•e 0054 5. st. 6 - 2 e .. 11:10 F. •' r. 5.••'. A. 0.. A. se •• 1041 . ,11 , A. as • • T•e II •I, Ills'?. si si, e 4: el A . . 74. .3: L IZ , Y . . ' VW e. si I sA.f • • ChlcAguilli3O r. s. a. af.l 1009 -A. si ISOTHElCeireartikt. Tleket 54389611., L WOL Depot. 901.11.1., is, 13,, , 1 Ticket wens. D . ITTSBUDGII AND tONNFLLS 1111.LX ft. It. • amaiggea Spring Arr.angemant. Ce ant after • THIJneIIAT, ` he Berl. Hat. 'llie trader will litre the Perot, corner Of 00. sac Water streets, as follow.: Lou,., do ri.e. Jl Mall to tad from :MO A. X.