This wen td , be , A.c.• more highly they arc eche , atetla 11;1 onl. mentinnc , l. be c , lolit'a t i Litt l''''tittjblitifitOr il.Z.Ctils , ail' ' ished the more carcapetent,y .1. , .. , . • • . • w ir: c, , to era ui•ltiu tie- tv . ;osine or to Lait •••• .cl IVciit ra I'. ti fit, rues rehpr,:- their position and °mantel:it sa-lely. i.' l ... n • • •• ,, i'''iii - fo" this pal tit "'`. ...those who will takesp the "we , ,w a iel , i ~.. a its he I, Y NI . 10 ik. s.l . , 1 , 1/ 0 . limn march," to help utak: , 'lto in ~•,,,ty , . (11,1:, 1.11i. '11 11::,.. slmt carefu' atom , • • r'll 111,:: ,n' .1 . ,J11 I' t t,l',:r, ~ :. 11.1, L - , E —L, . ,;;VC..-t.., 'l,elr ii, alt b woubl r• - MP:•ola:it OW TfIE EM PI.Ot , ' such fewnith, , ,. •I' , ..aic larg bet tram - any e a :to: :,,,,,. ;,,,, ;;,., arty o.twy.t. t., tin . can,. In a recent article, with the above cap manufacturers these irit matter' li ,,' " timnity at large. Ettelt Penitential: has lion, we presented a brief review of the t__ • .. , ..... —. • 1,, c"I: its itbysit inn: v. I t o' vmald h a ve e liarge lenge attention, ano we -aat ~ , relations between. the employer and era- will sot „., ~,, , ...,,,i , . t. t , : their geneial health, 1 ,, r ...., tit ult., tl: PkVe in ohlen time, compared with the in ~. ante i .,,,,,,,, m a, _ t it s, 0.: timitit , 'h .. ..7 . , :n t - .,e, l . t.i;l , i' e y y r , f r, , , lr so t (, l , l „t ale. t .. l ' , ll ,, r .„ o ,. l l , , ' „ f t i u d d . present, and also offered two or titles iositurcrs have it in the', tow , l tcc ''' ings could be eterted a , leie. t ost than a Suggestions of improvoiooot_ sr,.: lc, ii.ih inta , k ,,i,,b , ,, ~te d , 0 ,• , --tai . , to their ' -tit-trate ins titution as tie liiifit 1,311 turn to the subject, as intiinitif d ..v. 11, '), . • 1, •..', f .u. 'll,-. 111 , -.”lr , :raqy bildt r0 ,, 1 Ili" . .n'Y --ld'ini"tia l close of the previous atilt lc, to off., ~,, 1. ,, de❑ ,. i „ vn i vu wa y,. Fi r -, , I'' , i'nn''' , t'l l ''r ti'' '''''n I n' ti'' l ' ld " ~,, tars. w ou'al ' c the v. Ages ot those em some additional thoughts, on - thih Milani- !Old Coronets: kr i'f01,1 ,1,,,, l'' n '' ' '' ' n 1 , 14c1 I. :1 , ;•.101 It. 11/clll ..0.1 it ii••, es• taut question, which is too 11150 cliscu-scd , „.., me b a nding commated with 'lle tistale2 story provisions for theh t -upport. Tice now-a-days. li-L,,,cUt tut 11 II eL! reading forum awl ICI ea:tent of at commodation in each livid- Difficulties of of, tatilmtry eitaraeter 1 ,0,10 , ::11.111 a library . of WP‘l -eie , ti t \ ' ‘ ' .l l , ` ,, li t e r l , it ' n u l L 'e t , , Lit'' i t ti e ti t t ' ,.., eo c i ~,t , i t l t t , ) ;, ; t l.: ;. - - , .11 , - , present thetuselves in its ilicC,l,,iUll, OW- i ,11,,,, , ,,... ~ , mblui,,,i, ...,11 the comforts 1, ' who would new! hu , li In ovi-io it 1, ill not in in part to the delicacy -at ' l''' rota- if alell ore.anivici tentlinc an't iiidarY ea -, col nue hundred. : Lions to each other. CU, utast:times, We I room. Iph,e er a p e n, wen ic i l ie ~ , ,,,,i,,i i ..,, are aware, of the ittost trivial partite. awed by the it e nem- which would Ilow tend to sever it, and 1. , Ill:, i : Vil pk-r- : i ron , t , ~,,, oi . ~,.,,, tar a,‘... A.,,,,. haps more than filly other, is tlic cause ; teal with the s-, a literary society might ' ; why the employer alto to do n n Y tann g be orgaidad, and be produative of :nu it substantial and or a permanent cliarsep I , road, ehpecially to the young tnc u. ter. for the benctit °l' th o se in i n' se r ' I These Places iu their twit would aug- . vice. If there eiaistel more permanencyl meatthe social element among Me mm e, in their relations, as i n G rea t Britain, I anti the families of the Illailied well:- ' and indeed, some places in this country,' men would share in the bencitit, Cou with its superior advantages, and the re- I pled with these means, occahiona i —let- i gard ; workmen are . 11e1 , 1 in, in 'the i tures might be provided at a slight cost- I greit North, then, we have no doubt, but a-By such modes 0 Wee, employer, I the proprietors of our numerous numeus main- would bind their Workmen closely to moth manufacturing establishment, i their interests. and, instead of the dint would cheerfully accord , 3 - and every h y connection too tretmently existing, • facility to illiProve-intexes t and elevate the union NI, 011111 not be severed from tine t heir workmen. Men:ming and forinitla- i slight caule. Moo would ponder well isle as this difficulty appears, it may be I the step of sundering pleasant relation=_. overcome. The tretitient presentations such as we have known. 'it is said .105 by workmen, to rhicir ta t o, l' . " 'inled ' S in l Coons:, the eminent banker, bas pros 1- .... nme of our large estalathliments, and 0 ' 1 1 hien made in connection with Lih - lein k the proprietors themscli ch, of sonic to' ing houhe, Mr his employes to dine, in ken of respect, and the !espouse, usually elder to protect them from the orates following in the form of a grand rerun' and, tem pt a tion,. i n , e ith i nt to 111 w. i d, non of a social character, helps very ss here many Ira:quoit to dine. Food pm greatly In bind tine tw's"l'•lt tin , d'is•sr to' the mina we believe is provided as well nether, its for the hotly. • No sinister motive, prompt him to this zenerous 1 ours,- Stich acts on the part o f and em ploy e e e muiends itself, beside , the moral lan tints at such a ceurhe. The theme n ill Lear enlargement, 'lull we ru 101 foil, SATURDAY, JANYART However tlesthode -u, r , reunion, p ill y ise, they fail to 'afford tic sall,, tanthel benefit; wiiteh arc Irice , l. , i, of ,ulnae std moral elevation. Many moms might be suggested, in addition to those hereto fore named, by which the ohj ee t might, be e,ecured. But the Ml. 0, se , , can hope for at preseut, is an advance ~ i •tcp in the direction toward elevating tile employer I We invite attention to the noti , c of to the proper . level he thould attain, and ' the Treasurer of this Company in e a: eine•too worthy 01 the position he sh mid advertising coleman, that the interest occupy. The best we can do, then, is t,, on the titer mortgage bonds wit! he paid select some means from the many that 1 iu gold on the Dret day of February. at suggest themselves to us,. a Sick may I the of:he of lay Cooke, in Philadelphia , be employed to se,smph sal the end we I Tile titheneial c ondition of 11 . 110 road is Lave in vletv.i very good. None ot the steel. Is in the Brief referent:[ leas ahead:, been made open market, anal ctennot. be pup b a sed to the propriety of providing fee leelnres except at a heavy premium. Of eatalse Upon topics bearing upon the mechanic the mortgage bonds arc as good as air:j arts, highly illustrated, and accessible at, stock in the country bearing the saute little cost. or. free to all proper persons. interest. But the Progress of the :teed, Looking at the question in its general as a great national thoroughfare, is what bearing, rerhaps, this should be the firlst; Ilto-t concerns the publi, at large. We step, especially for the benefit of the Let 1 keno that the road is progressing, ,:see ter class of meehanies, -whose tastes and I now in the winter season, with great inclinations are in this direction, whit • 1 rapidity, and have do doubt but that in other means should be nee; in 1 0 ,1,15., .I May next it will have reached Fort Ells- where ii. large body of woricineu are t s. I worth, nearly u hundred miles beyond I Fort Riley, and that In da't'a It, veal sociated in .50111 e partieular manufacture ing establishment. :several years ago at- I Denver will he reached. tempts were made to litentl lectures on I Vie arc glad to see that the tenth °idly literary and popular reientitie siat.iccis, of Congre , s he; been asked for this Coln. bat the efforts failed, partly because the ; pany to go by an independent s.:mte to expense was tea :sr, at, and froul otberl tlee Pacific, an I also to construct bran , he s untoward causes. Then the experinient to New Mexico. to Arizona. and in tile WaSma , le when it was ilillioult to mift.ol ‘;iiif 'if California. Wl' buns- IS•s" 1,- " , any . kind of lectures popular. Within ied alllitoritY will he promptly gaud-,!; _ the prosperous year- of late, 1.11415 , CM- for it is certainly the :rue in' crest of the jiloyed, t in the Mechanical" part of our eountry That there shall be at least two e l s . ; great competing linesdof railway between manufacturing estaltlishments, have en rapidly in the scale of social implore- I the States of tile Ml's'i'ililsi'l Valley 'l:nil meats, and have drawn around them ; those It tie: Patine. Moreover, no 1; IL': means and facilitic-, which prepare ' Mi , shell avenues a- these call. ever ,!... them for enjoying eppottunities for , ill I ' , loll th- great interior 111 ained by th e . tare, heretofore unatheinech .', Colunido, and •thude, it- ataadi• -- ear The attraction; in the lona et :Leap i cs ' al 'i lia ' l ls riff vat'. , places of ainllsCaleal are rapidly illetea , 11111 N. I'llosi 15; 15111,1.1 5 15. ing, and hither nthltitudeis or yobnc me i 'lltr . corre , ..ghlet t''sif 'be l' ' P 1 . , . . eos,on ,•• tuanics ere inveigled by the baits el , ; ' . criifty men, assisted by the myriad_ DI 1 '', II ill , tenL Y, 3. D„„'M''.,'L'''liC journal, 'h" saloon iniquities s of the - rest:tyrant and ; ''`l'eteue's."°°• i , holm: William-, in a pen 'picture dr.xw n or the Judiciary Ccuee bar-room ilk. T:leEe evils may 1.,e censor niitte' , ' tcrhslanced in a great measure by those I ' ` , ; 'lnnate- , Wit 1 r i,i , - the ', s' . 11 - lio have a controlling power over , rain„ i s , the e hi e i ; ; ; t h' ;;; • '' s ;I . I ' S s ile workmen. One of the most feasible (-Committee, conies ‘ fro:n I t ll l e " Pit n t ‘ s i L . Tg r i v s I propositions, and et practical win th, is I District, '''Tantia-3:lviinhe and is ratio I a _j oily, comfortable I tatheal veteran, wbota ! the offer of a geni!elll,.ill of education and I .,:c.-‘l;l,l,tlTls and l l many estemm Ile:' Of broad and generous VieWS for Oar lir, ' li!e army of arts cans, and one, too, wi; i dress ;end ; r t adice..l to 1 1. 1 3 1e th l ‘ , I . r icl i s I . I I I ;o ' n 'i e ng i l l l e has been closely identified with 0:tr i ll - ran- lis full of law, and has. a notion - of his nfacturing, interests, to give one hundred I °wia Is°wr° " l “ "s ""g ht so l ''' - ' is°l ''''' ls ' L.:which , has asserted itself to his co dollars towards a tund of ten thousiend ! laborers before this. In the work of dollars Ibr the purposed having a course': hatching up a case and constructive' tes• et lectures err the mechanic arts, and itimony, I think Messrs. llouta ell " and Wilson will find frith but a tardy helper, i such as have special ;reference to the i t h, not altogether protesting. Ills speech m manutl.uring interests of this common ' , „ outset of the seueoh denying the sty. .01 eollree thee tenures are to I,: ' President's right to renlo% - e Federal ' g i ven by first ~ , j,,,,, ht ,„ ; ,th,,,i accessible ollice-holders, Ira, the most extreme of i t it, 1:111,1 that without cost, if need be. I:stute; such tire House has yet listened as Agassie gave on the coal. formation, I ,tat.;;;°,lol°l°,,,.°l's'eosiri3s " Ist°s "' S II°s• l ilss ." l° ' two or three years ago, ii1U5111.1.1.1 by ' job of impraieli - ml 'e h e Yrsrtileree.fill'ore that master mind, gex a unmistakable ' ever, was based upon legal areuments proof that such theme. let 'practie d worth and authorities , and Parr , ci , 111 - none ot ' lb.- libli-d - o• character - . 1 • [Offal be inakk, potr4lo,: - mid tut:he:l,li „L ily i ttr i, ttits to the ; i s ! " e h' s° °is ' s ' instructive. This propoo,ition has the ing of the Executive:. I r,ll ll ,.l ' ;C l r i t ' in ' e l li. 'l t ' a h t: right ring, and it is one that the 'Geri. , old gentleman is disposed, to do the fair !Ling and will not.-- - readily lend himself ' eters of our manatin taring e.;,;; ;hiLti t, t, t .ia , l l ti c,, laxity r of construction that will mutts should thee:lP:lly respond to, by aty step of testimony in th e promptly providing a permauent fund of , premises while under the supervision of ten or twenty thousand dollars, the in- i the :sub-Committee. Wei shall zee. tercet of which may lie expended I"- THE CR L IMINA INSANE. wards providing : such a course of lee- Elo. rules Pr r Isserca 6 Ezra IL:— tures. Or 11 tally 1-4, torn , 0:' our manic f;ecturers, or ; ch er , ~,b,-, 11 .,,, ~,,,,,,ii.i.„ While concurring fully Leith p - en in the general tenor of the article in -Monday' is minctlyferiunef, woold !Ike to inherit a I name co _ couta . wi; , ; ~,,..,;;,;„, ot y., tale paper on the Criminal Insane, allow me . to stigge-t some view;, more particularly whoss good decd, Will lire, through ell Iviutt tt,althi man. wan t` to on that clas- which arc the ee'trlt Of J,,J1,3h time. thought and exsidimation of the subject. build a 11101111111(111 Elidnring fiLo. the wotld •, H„, t, ;to oi,,otrig. wo hem lAs a class the criminal insane are by fah the t most dangmous, particularly where ourselves ready to help forward the lin here is a disposition to homicide, iir.on He proposition of our tin:fel, or any I or house•breaking, and many of them other 11151 will „tiC , Plopl ' :.-h the same ole ; are so desperate that no hospital in the tent. that ' !a h n e , i t r i i s jo it i oi , lt h stril l iciently strong to resist • It will l: pm:Kull/excel by many the Yount; Men's M:re,•ntile Library , prejudiciall-torte.bat:lnfljscPirpods:'em-oilitltei'n Jlttelli7 nod Mechanics' Instil ai e, etas organiied , nary Hospital for the I rsin,: to linen )' any accompliih certain things in Con- ' of this class, (IS the close COnla:le111,311, to .. ' and the great vigilance necessary to pre ne ction • with is titinfly. . 10,-„,- 3' and vent their escape or 10 . 15'041 their doing acidic g room, namely, to pronnite the ; injury to . others, acts in l juriou-I I on tle interests of the mechanic tits; The ; other patients who need a larger 3: amount . original founders intended to fe,,,te, this lot liberty anti less rigorous watch iiiilii.,. i n the h e , te lest 5 , 1 ,. p roel , ;;;‘ , ; lug. It is very difliolt to teach attend ants the propeiety and necessity of using was not ciis . :s' 1-'s be ir-l'll'' tar `'llitilYing I ; the mildest languag e and the kindest matter, but a place was I manner towards o°sl:Under their char , toitable rending to be set apart for models. th e products j when they are at the same time courpe n iT of invention, Its our midst Cause, ell to keep a very vigilant watch On one known to many and better 'withheld ; C ° si s 7 ., disposed to homicide, arson or . l io n print, have naeurrcil, which ugniis- i tell, .e'tuLe.:Lktintgh..t. Men are to constitu takably indicate (Cat the latter part of I they tire apt to extesmalntyoejhle'elreis(silLltilngilenrll - the intorporated title of the institution 1 °ll9, though'..cited the 'same rigid dis merely exists in name and not in fact. 1 I eltilnceerenLe.ells3s:ll,l°' the treacherous and The evil cannot easily Ile 1 ernefiiod c6w, ! are so dec./Titre! anTir m is !' in nY "In. This eII c iIIIII r manut 5, that they orteu e u o ' n ' t l ri t in ih l ' ll without revolittionieing the entire policy of the institution. lolillavio,,„and tapir i The 0111:,, , remoiv I. the suspicious of Lis run htithd,.;; Ur pall the establish:aunt of a Mechanics' In. , taa';',..ven.,:"ol,,!:,?' guard by their 1 stitute, such as they hai ein Cincinnati'.tarry promises mad other cities, combining :al the nee- i While tire) . are plotting to eseal, r a m e d Yr ls ei t I canary departments tor reading and li coattail some injury to lite or property. , rh , ! T i. h , c re l, t r h o a ti;hti , r eh o n f ,e l n ue ., rhhhhhy r , Emery room, and a keltire ban. fact that this is the greats-t mautifactur- 'that amount of liberty wh ' i l , l . 2 l l-I nirl t o LI" c ing district in' this country, the want , ble them to escape from the dlosPita ' l e a n u a d of such un institution is a reproach to again commit their crimes. In the State of Now fork they f i n e 1/3, and One Wlll,ll ,boti'd be POoOVi II .{- Lolls or lin/pedlar , cmarcetiMl -, A 'oh 11;, Vpeecilly-svg no.,si hi., ' - I:riSOLI at Auburn, it separate, Imrinviou 'The vast nunthe, ‘,l fa, 1. at. ,IL it for the criminal insane, tinier oar - need establishhaent I Itis, special ,-chargei of L physician po,st , ~s ; appointed by the -Iremectorn, I', s. 1.7,.. need our all the rat facilities that are 'is , sylvanle the number iS not ytt so large for them to keep pace with the pro e tres- I as to render that measure absolutely ne- iive steps of the ace, :Ind besides. Ihe ceesary, Morhred the plan now is be IMISMI=7I=I MN= =I 5,000 PMI'S of Various Makes. , - 1 . t...1.,1 , 11 , 1 , E.t. • I . -. . —The Itn: a rcgo , :it o g. 10:-•10v0,0 , 1 •••• i 1.0 t onlan, ought lo laruh , ll fora dor , _ . tot juicy 1,111l..1:4', . . --E, roomer. of Um 0 ~.,t,',01 , Gen. 11.,11, , • . , - Ti,, mu, o• 1..‘1:, • lII.IN ~..0, . d'''' ''''''"'" r.""."..' ''."' 'h.' ''l4' " ' Before purcliaz;ingr elsou here, Gall': .th 4.,, , ~. ~,,,,00 11. , .. , ~ ,1111, ~ 1 i , ‘41.1 , ,, , bnrail t o Nlg,i,•lopl• o t. , ., , ,t o• Ili , r• tr...! elm< prrtigy.. -le 01,1 :putll.ol, sl ‘lY • bl lII' Yu.r .t of ! aild examiite my ~ 111 .111 i fa", r4l [ 11,. age, am! no 01,1 latlY or • ,0, IlrIY • tu ll! wIL ' II-: I Sil°4:lis aS I eau •r-•-, r • • Ii•oN - v.:1... ~- l ' ill-3E3I ' ~,,,..1,.,1 ~t 1.:. ~, .Rv.. alien 1, 100 11 eats., ,a.•I At th, EL.17... l'Ug,Acr.--, mob, glo 1010. • . . ~ g O. Wunder t.vll 1• • la - 011 e Of Ilit'lll it W. ; t t:'4 , l Mel ~, 1.0,0,f0t , Um( loot the money. —A. freedman eloped to 1111 Cnrotino. wlllt a freed gtrl, ii 110,e paten 1,1001 , 1 10 arriage, and I lle nottpht nen: ,pllOO Iby I a N 011 It Carolina Ragi , g I ate. Elool , lnslanc o on rolut rd or b elch doLng•." , —A eon 01 0 Mow Ilion Inn, aMoi n l umt litteen :5 01,1 , , ot Ilralnar , P, Ilritlev, 11.00, - - I enter County, v. Idle •001 lug on a 10111000 l I near hi, rtuddeloto, a ten - der., ago, run over flllO lieu, t r ilmht on his 1,0411 o i th •nell tort, an to cath,t ite,tant. death. • —'Chin National 11 . 01109 01 NOllll Carotin,. :111 s , uon. to he /0.100.11 to n•pormo. 1 , 11.illt • •••._ TIP, N.tti( l l . l.l/ H C MO: at hdrlottn n..`ge - Marva a tlP.l•lentl Of till jot: mod. Ira n , t.. 11 1 .111 1 .45 lor 1 110 pa .1 ,tx month , . nod car , , vied live our cont. to 1,10 re,rve to o l. —.‘, 11 li' t,',•lto h. Oil Tto,lay tuornuct, . m 1:110 I ,un n billllllly, ikrlghtly I.llld i i . ... Ittlllt,pllVlC. 1111, ue I,i I: ho.y. mime:gam . , ,Ovet al ettiren,ol' 11'1150hr:dor, iO. 'a gm-, 0.1. Inu le lnarldtl•le plmmuurna td A 110, stmt .,: In 111,. heavetri at lIIII:511:31 tl/11 , -.., 1 00 • I O o nt.. 000 In torahlo , , 01 1 0011 1 y yeto,' ,tmllog, chive 1011 01,..1 0 , 0 1 1 1 0•: , ,01.. ended on ~ , duClat• • u 1 IA I Kubrt io town, 1.., wa ,,,. I 'o 0 111011. 11,0 .0110 001 , MO., of ton tarn Inv-, ~71 irrCil,i On tmee: tn.. •,1 runt, 0101 11.011 nlog cat lon re,uited 1at,,1• I, to 111th. emtl:ct.... citi, tt at cal.! 1a . ., Ica , a 1111, on 111-.. , ,“ (loin rroy to 11,. aa. driv., Dy a I.n} 111. ..ivi411. 051,1 0.1 .a,•-e.Lacnlly fauna in 0 Ital.: al,aa , nate Iron , Lin • - —A itt•lith,tnAit oran,t rittioty, A. ho 1/10121,:l1ILL 11011, -4 111 . - 1,11. u. 1: the:: V+ the :gate if the Le i ciiititutre ti ill ititir, pity Lltss the Intet - t,t on the tel....uteri If hothrttot tt ts ke " tt." Itaid to lat ligllttnl Tlltt 1 - ot ti It I.lthtt, Ott. gruat rtot , 4,f ga.tngc that un.a.-1 , 11 Ito t0r!..e.1 (tow. ttrove. A ts rite, tusto..°ti.t . Isar in I whyt.iltt. t front t ttat.• • 1:w ,t.lea of tor street., allt! :no alt rt , locr.r.t 01 tneir tl. " t:te•-• t.,. 4,111 lo eet• cot, 1:1,2 •• toiO•, J. Willi I INC btu.. /Owl ,00n 'Aft, 14,{ 4, !.0111 to • toT•gui, c-0:111toloo-1: Irom "'"'`ll 41 lES Et) FOIL ()NE 1.1q104 °UV S:.) . 11 Lod. 0: i11:1 , 11- t•,l;t • '1 u 1••• • :‘ tI.• • ot re-r !•I 14,1 r p, UM, tiit• 1%1W ,, ttr rrt: I• 1 L , titnt v o to tW t Itl :11110 0: irt,y 10i • • I,c n I.ovvrr.or Au.ireu Ina M., aLrIA 11.10 cu,i':\nnn pi nf, t-nCy 7.4/ t:11 on1,,;1111 2.10. 11 , 5v0f nor ;:010 ttlr. of Alin • a foal War ha. I , ICEN. WILSON', Great fterucily for Coibinuption: FOR TWENTY DAYS, if a • . • • Commencing on llontin3, he 11:11, It' ,7,P,, 11. I' II l• f. XC' X , ..T-A.F.2IIEXIVOr - U I. 1S T . N0....2 Market Street. ES Ladies, C3: O , .. nd Examine, hat Swityne*, Ointment VI ill 'o. !It; Ylatliet Street, FROM JANUAR) 1,1 W ,ar• BE itr.tu r r.c.r< r IE OM urrT,rcc I , V . rj-iPI , . ;c iao. t ..7 eit, ail ri,L I-1 , I -11111 - Pr. •'1ATTI:11 ••Ire It •' Dr. VlAl,Actat, --71TTFIt' ••171 , 11 . • in'Eft • 'Tell" 10 FAIL • •.1 A.TTI•'.II —• ••TY:ITI• II tallv Z.:1: 1 YON, ~.1...11AN 51'hEN- 01 AN. A 5 Atxr.e.. t.}.o. A. Is ELIA, 37 ; t.. Fl AA A, • it, it ,IlArket rm.,. • .I.lf_r C 0 Lt. 1) t C:,- 0 I.urgtv. KAMY S. 1/C.1:111 . , ..11,11,1•1's --- - • • 131 11'00/J STIRFF7' . - - HEAD THE CERTIFICATE OF ut.v. U. T. FIX On. 110-; r..n:--/ , • • nir Tl,is 14.3 ...•,!1,71C, 7 ,1 r. tat, n'oh ptp:l• , ago 1. , r.“. 1 t n rr:wa.[,L;.ct-\l'rise t, • -• s,:ng cStlAr 1 I s t• p. ws•. en.,3,11.11 t.nft:s I 11. , nr:y 41,r1,,1.1 =II At 14, ot:. our A lotg. ”. • . tin,. I ha l • I 0., nu, ,r e. nal ',Orr r.n • •I 101 tolr . ol rst lirtr, RO hint it rrr 4 , 1.,' r • m 1444.. urolr, I .:r!, I': .1.11 thv. r 7 TL. T. -k NEW ADVERTISEMENTS . -• . WM. lil4Ulfd3f, Jr., Adams Ezpres , (/) Je, St Pipit Sired, is an authorised eiVerd to receive Advertisements for the UAZEITF. , and al/ other papers throughold the Untted /Vats% and the Canains. . . _ CHORAL . SER I- . VIC C Si it St nuns In ritiN ITS Clit1111:11, Nli IL I. 1. k. The An by Or. I, ••,1 .11.rui:Ct11/. 1110!1 1 , 11.0,11 pr..' n'aiT,st•• tr..IIFIIIST,IIAPTIST cn tnrcrr —uno4p”,,,,,,a,tinnortht h.q...1 ser.lct 1]..1.1 11/.1,1. Pr , .1.11/11, Inc AM InCh t.A.IIIIATII ly,_ 114 MO p. In. ~ 114101. t p. A !I nr.,....r.llllvinvt (.1 • . • VIItST IrLllll , l - 1.% I.llli~ l `ltF. Lif lOU :111 . 11, JI I :110 ‘,1.1 %Ai 1 vorl • ./. no, In 1:XCIII.,1.11: 11A1.1., r/,rl,r 4,1 ADFI 1.01 , 11 , II AV ot 10, p. PrA,t tVIII,SE•IIAY m UNCICILSAiAIST CHURCH, ,;11.1.NT AN1,11111:11b1A. —parlor: A. N. 1.,,o111.4: IIVY1:1( vi..N1141" at A .tipl r. ,undAy ”.-11.. - .1 At .. I. M. A ,A °plc art. 10- ,Ileato Si,.! ,11.1,1,1. for • it AlLurc.Av . Ar i.ll/7,--11.-1, to Unl ver”,l,l, vNG MEN's (1111USTIA N ASttICIATI.N.—I 11..rular Nit.l Owe"(till' A.—o• 131.1,,n 11.10 In t:ir l'!:11E111 . 1tY 4 Iii"FERIAN o:111.!1:01 cvz Sixth .tr,t, fortivect) Gral4 onAl AT SATLIWAY I:VUNIN,/, o'cigek. A full- mteivlance (! ., ut , 1 0 .7 1. ra t. rt.,• - DisSot-,UTION.—The Co-part . rtiOftliC GEOlain WEISILLINg, In Mtolnif nn.l CoM• 111,1]1A, W,I.f.STI Sr lIMII , .4 c a r CisanCE la 1,4 zfit ! • U.., tt.i• PUY, ,SI.I(T I:A NU Witl 5.,yr br It, (0)11,11.f IJom L.A.. I n.,,, INEME=II3 NEW ADVEF-TISEDIEN.TS. NEW. ADVERTISEItIEN JAMES T. MUD% CO, PA Jr , ".• - D. P. CHAP:II.43, Agent Cc..) Comer Fourth Iv Wood mt.F., rt, r• BANNERS & B 1 OKEIOi, lire of LIM,. ") IMAL.IIS 117 ALL KLNLA 01 TN r. CHAPMAN, Agent: GOVOTlLMentlieCilritiO 3, n , • p. , i , "‘ 'Foreign Exchange, a nnnor3tal, r :.le, Gold, Silver and Coupons • aa .11 acceeell: l A 1. the ['DI, CAnAI33. Interest allowed on Tine I).C.POSitS. SKATES! SKATES! r , imz-r 11 . .1:1.1 ACE / 1,, I•ACIVIC C llll ,11.,:s1 Mr. 'HATE 12T.CEIVED MOST OF J. v 3%! on, to th, Tred- a ,I,lun OF FEE PEA L,}2.".3 INPUC JAMES - BOWN , cLoTH ,‘Acq, Es, N 0.136 Wood Street ( ;12E 4 . 11 r WACI'CII , S.tI f T E ranl vcr:tcllr .1,1, , • '..; 11 .11,[1., II W••. . r ! ,truo ums, \ N• .1 I . 311111/;: 3.1111 . 1. 1 :111 I 1 ti (II 11•.1,t of v., lk nU. • i.that No Lottery. nut n .Irnikht fornn“l legtlitonteTro.o.ortino.N,ltirit 111.‘ 1 he , •portletpnted In 41,1,1 the t n•. 11411.11..! I , l , rt‘ MEMO L i.~ . ~ i. MOM 71 t I ai..r. CLOSING OUT SALE; • =ME= IRMIIII=II EZIII LADIES' FURS, Ct_Ds'l'Pl~3F.•~:`a AT 111 E ❑AT, CAP A\l) FUR STOREi,;`.',;'-'a;:;::. SKATES! SKATES! Chit,, SKATES FOR THE MILLION, C, T:1 30 1441 Di.pntr Ix I'llth Strvrt CAUSTIC SODA, Itolli A merit aos and ►7]C 1111111: lilt s, I I 'For Oil Refining Purposes, I , •nd n.l JAMES HERVEY DOBBS, 216 Pearl SI reel, V 11E1'1 1I SCHOOL OF DESICN P2acanza.'eks First-Class Restaurant, ! .ro. 21 Filth Street, In F MO.i et vry xt.) the ttr,ru.cic ii t FV,B1:1:. &hort I= Ker ftirth, I.3rticu,r,n 3,11, L. uTtllt'nl.i.t . Il• N011i,e,14., , J , n . i= ' ' ' ' ' ' ', `ViL 's :r lr; '' '' ' '' ' ''''' ' ' '' ' '' ' ' ' '' ' ' 1 lIION CITY SPICE lIILI S , , • Al i 1, aml r. , ti-rtmura at 111,,tmc pr.. 0.... I I ,urhaeol Irom Ihe mam , . I . t re, •., "....,, ~,l l''', .' ''''''''' "'" . ‘ ' . ." l ' r ! Firm STIIEET IXTE7iSION, • i ~,,„,.. ~,,„„.,, yoonli. It at P 11.3 . ~ n,i : , t. Irir ~rt.c.t. Iy J. 4.11.1'1111...11', r ..% I'll , V,.. r -,. A ,---, '''''. " .."" 7- t Jrear Perinsy/vania avenue, , 1 : 71_ ..L.l. A. b C.J ~._, _Lx.l" ~.7., ETr 110.1Eti 11ElitiNf. .q 'lll' N PTTS'CIIGn, r•t• , 1 PURE SPICES AND Mt STARD, ', ..,c,c,xmxrs.or A Iltr-11SUPrLY P.rnt SIZI Frenh Smoked Illoatcr,,, 1 , 1 , 1'..q1 Gittol , Nil ItovNSI r. kl. ~,,,I lIIV. , „. . ~,,‘...., - , -.7, - . ... . :, , no , k„=„ . ,; i j,........ ; I'l.”1;il ND on lia.a.l. - -- , 1 - 01 , 4 - I.E; AND OILIotIND Pi rTN .Ir.:;ATKO jov _ .., I. AMltir,ll. 11. stit . l4, COSI - lAA, GEORGIE pEAVLN, , pr'''',,,ly. • Es C11%11'1 , 0110 6: VOGEL, AKts, • ,) ,`;',` - ',r';',! .. ."'"" o "" r" bu ic ''''' ' TUE PIO9T POWERFUL A:%1) ' •••"•,,... virtu. tclurr o: al thotoll: Candy Tlfanufactnrer . veltEsr hist, or seicr..., ,v , ,,1 , w,..n, r• o; Tltrl.l - 11011.1.1 A NT COAL 1/11.. OA,: ' " " 4 " . '" ',,,, IN . o;D D , •;. ,r . ,“ '"'' I "'''' -; ; LIO 111 LVEII. L;RuDl,± - .D. An.l ;11,kr lo FOREIGN AND Alt V.IIIIAN , 1,1 Mc.; fill, A Or;lng to ;Itrl fist,. oro ,11.•11: iItUIT:I, VICICLIN. NUI:", ftc., Nc., ' t1,,,,,,,,,:nr,,,,,,,,,,,,, ',Adopted by U. S. Government. No. 112 federal Street, , . 11- 4 •""TE1t.. ,.,,, "'"' " .f "r5.'"",,1•71!1,:07 riploil.t. Chi:Anatl Itelotlf-0. Girt, a _ , Mnl • ^n , '',- , '. , .;” 1 ..' ' 1 ',...,.',;. ' :,;, ' „, ' ' I NOW. , Przlil Diroc-falp,Ator tosa Any utt.or .oconrl;tonr from t`;,:r.?,i;;O:in 0 .1.1 . 1 . . k • .i0nr...1 - . nt, , en.l , 11l Ike WILII/110 . „.„ • , , i .,, , ,,,. -,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ~,,,, ~,,,,,,,,,,,.. `Jai `:ax Et ,Nl. 171•11. 1 , l DoI 1, p.ll YE.P.D.:l;mointly on ;.•. : ; os, an die th ..., w:c.: lo morely aeon dro - lor. tour ' l' 11. IILACIi, , - - * , 10 ,-,. ..' , / Ol;;;;;Ong. Ifuroors on Oro; inc A „.,„,_ th . _,,,. , .. ~,,,„ , m..r. P4TRICIRI.Ena-noTET.ILDGI.. ~i.. ~,,si,t 1.. ordtuAry I.oropa. rIA I k.. AND 1 • • • - ol t :;rno ...I. ..,,, ~... . • _.1.?.,,..1 col; Nl l ititiiiin VW: .I.E. 0,46.1re.r.33.W.X.M.7.-. - 7 -- -' --- - - ; t0,,0. o,posit,- C... 01co, N. 1...; ritt...-'..•, 1'h.r..' . ''''' 4. ''' , ;; ,,,.. ;` ,.. ,“ " h ' ; ••;;. ItE.I.II'INZA 11411,91.1":1.!—Leat her , , ~.,, ~, ~.„. ,„..,„., ~L , „, . ~,,,, . ~;,,.;5,,,.,.,•„.,„., ~,,,—• ~.. ~. ~ • • Trtvgl73,. Al,3lcy, , ~ ,,, ., : til 1..1,1,,, A th.. 1,,, .1“. 1,1L, • N ". , - _ 1.7. 7' .1.-.: AL. , : .-;,;....i , ; 0... ' . ... l :;rif. ile-,r, his , --;-;,• ;-‘' I '!"`, V: : ROOFING lIIITICIII kli, I. _ I , ~:,--., Pirryouncii. i‘.. ~;'.4,•l:''°`",,,";'''"'"-.l'?'i,i.rilf.,' _ IL I , it , . itEmov , %z . ,r, 1 -- •7. .. t..1:, - , 01: 1,..! ,111.7 7.. -7 ,1, i ... ___ .r";" 1 ' _ 't 1.1 PIG - ~ . II ad ,iint.z .11.11.,1 • 1,1:1,. r,f11.7.7!...1 7 11,1.117./1 1 J0T,,,,i,--•-ii;ii,-4.—co"ii ma 7 , Varnish owl Black d'aint, ii,lll'. OIL -;;;;;,;.:; ;C. - px111.1..1 -. .• '' ; ak - 1 . ,,, It ..1.,, V.,:,.., to; rived A ioll 11..• , 11,...i.0 . .11, W., ;.• : -: ~. . 0 (ilt -,• 11IC received I -0r...7, :•.,,.. ~ 7 ~,i,... 7,, 1..., 7,,.. I 7 o. , e „,,„, , ,„,,,,,,,,„., r - 14 :, , ~ 1..., e- , .‘',-, I w;.:"•`0, - ff,•;'1'.'i. , i. ~,.,d 1; EU. A. KELLY .4. CIL ' wart. , l',C ,, :tei ,Nl:Lir, r... 101 i , •,1.• LT 1 loroo n . ..1 . .e 1....., , • - ••or., iIf.U.S.. CO.. i :-..;..." '" " -- b t ...;!CAN A W1L , 1..1 ;, -• Droyi . .O. -;-,. Wood .!,-. ~.. h. ,x., JAR,' 13011• N, !.i; Woo.; eo• tt. iy.-_,,,,,,i • 11l tlllith 15 turf, Baitimor, ''.---, , 'ETNA LIFE IN',.i.TEANCE c.Y.i.PANT C: 1r ) • Lthli CAPITAL. TUE INTEREST jr GOLD NESTE tt , {AI t EZEIM 1:er611 - ,:alo New 11 roA.I otoek ......... or itsculAr 1) HA vs s, o e ork 'Loa; ,Ie •1 1111 1101or.111e.tIr Lc., 1... ,111 Co on 11°11.1- 00.1 for 11eut. , ay. IL :tea other irt '7 , •\ ta , ". l ' ; `"' 11.% \ • A I 470 t• ra ORP. & CO. No. Zir X Y CACNTY. —The ,tri.t7. I A. , t , /1 lz MEE! • ... pr•qn r Igat et, I 1111 lIMIEME MEE (; 141.4 T It ('I lON MEI b CLOSING OUT.PRIOES, 1 iet ,, re Takinu - Si. ~• Ic., 13; Lil e‘rtv =NEI L INIE MEAMMI IMES ..I 1, r, Pea!or; supplied v . . 1 Lou Price:, 11.1.(11171 ARLIsLi S'EATEMENT Tin People's Insurance Company, or rt risettit.:ll, rt.. . ME 1,01.1 qki 1,1,1,111,11, kiCtLI. Az. :.1, I.:l,lltrtrt •• , A tl,. w 2 . " la " 1 _ P 3:I in tut ry 1-1, GRAND OPENING OF , .. • Fl VI 'O 111 A, R , br.lll. t:. .. FRICKEIt'S SALOO N,• ' - . - : ... el,: turi.r....t.trr• .r A FULTON, I, lAjI l• l' l( 1,1 ~ i FA: ULU: Cl LIN -, n n Will , , }.1..1.111;VVL1 , At,ll-AT11:1- I, , N 7 , L I . %1.. oit , lantlV rn 1imr..1., . It, ~, .I,'N aoltl 1;1'1.1. 1•A:511N1,,,,:, ~, FOR la AWES AND GENTLEMEN, .",0. , •, ,,,,, ... ,,,,,, ...h , ' , .. , — , a4.t 4, 1.. , i , I . 3,rulnr "le ution pAI.I . t:t,,,,, F.. 1.,,,, ,, , • .F 1 ,1111:s 1,,,.11. n. r. , 3.. k, 1,. ”.•uitsl,ll, on • 1 . huria all -1 , . or hlsret. :-. unti ettol it..u.l num N . D. 2:3 la t.401".11. - 1 , 31 - resot. ; ii.,,,;; •;,,, i ;al., n rio:tux. cum ii,, m :,11 , 1 l ''''''' ' rrnn ''' " . , 1 ''.'"'' "'"'• ' A. FULTON'S SON & CO, !V0.2:3 Pit. l'lnlr It00)18 5 ,, , i..ND I lIIIALX.BIV/AN'S nrrant...lwh,n c,tr n:mnr• "•it tbn Still .14,11: , . A. ItES:lit.%l". r rlir nod NEW AD VFI TISPMEN EBB -FiRLINSURAVE.OOIIPAVi .61 - 11 . i FE \i was, :;:LI:?P:C., HARTFORD, CONN animry lst; BIM rdEctr2......ot Ti nluc ul, Nr.l I;untle A A. CARE; =EMI wEvir GooDs, In' NEW DRESS GOODS ' 3 ~.., ~,:.: ~ BLANKETS. NEW CASSIMEgES, NEW. • d •.:.I 1•••• Et .4 11 the I,nxrc.t Ea.tPrn Yrir 4, 1111111, ItIONNEI,I4 &CO., =III 314 C ICS '67- SEEDS IA IMPLEMENTS, =ISE /4,1, r • 1. 1 111 rArt Iniili =MEE lIIMI =l}2ll GIACE IN) U LINDER = 10S. FRICKER, S. ri170 . 17 P.:1701:-.1I?:..17.::S. - $500,1100 ASSETS. .... I 3:7,1 .. _ lEEE xll :1711.11'1/ ')11)1 12 1111 .1.1,N t A 17.1 . tail y.. 179.1.72 1111 , t 7.5 1 .2 Ofi 11t t~ 9.111111 11 I 'd t n1.12.4.1:1-t: 7 , --- " Itlf.l.loN !MIA. BE STS:_. fa: MEE I3Rn All Tlckt.l..intli.. lll, • /E-11 M1.1.11t. or NV.,tarll NIGHT. 1111 I Ltme..., !~ Gcliera All Ay:/.../ts 67):27 . 7 . t "E . csclortslt I.II.LEGSZL:.I'} .IND STE:AItI WOR SALL. b.., ,41., sil A LARGE BRICK DWELLING ROEFI 1.1.:\ Ur. I: Anll nerm I It• Bit t .n r lor 1! nr ' • tn:n_K b. TOM i. EWENS, O (Vs 'Wood Vii.. pit Cabal gh, Fn. FOR RENT, r.:77 .11.41161 E 1100:(1, F.:OM:Lt.& t 0., TV/ant , it "" v MEM Zr IL it 1.11.1. !. EET LL.t %INILS A D3IINISTRATRIVS cr to ::err. cc A c . " tr n "" to' i ‘ 7 . ' , I tne 1.9 J, 41.t.t et ern. irt.F. - 1..f acd t .t tt. 't tl. :A't.jl“ti ' CAN i ' 'Y• pr;.sLi7 on' P4l. rat St , Allvttltetsy. , I' , A\ A. II ~L 1 oann itttt 0,15 y IS 1111 WANTS Av ANT ED .1 P.IRT.YE II =I No. Ili• I'NV NVANTE . I , A LARGE STABLE, I=l . . WA:VTI7.I7. 3ate.D. - 52 - MIIII MEM W.43;TED, EMU .1 l'arttier, with 00,00 1.1:1 =SI U. 11.1.1. A N',1 , 131 ,- .):. I:onEtcr C. 111:1.:T7. MI MEE =II Pa„ On n at nu,r ono. t 9 •..+ 70 WAter at.rett =I lE=l FOR RENT, ,TORE Su. 00 aI•RKET YTREET: YANINN SCITA ULF. 101: SINE I.f 0 END, 11..L1C, • ft 1.13.11. FLoot: Vi 50 I= IJFFICE , UN 11111 1J ASU NIARK r J. H. baZZ.A.M. at La - , US Grant etre, BM a E=l TO LET, The Warehouse, 27 Wood St., W.k 4 .11 SIAN D!,, PI:TSLUTZ . , II . I, Pa I=ll r:•.% Es . Flll7. i.,.rn ILA All'- rti.l MIME S. CUTIIIII:ItT at SONS THE HOUSE NO LOT ti tfl Flt,t Or, FOR RENT a-r OFFirE, wiEs & lON 0=