The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, January 25, 1867, Image 1

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No. 80 SiStla Mt:root.
Y. B. PENTLEGIN, t Editor,.
:moos P. PEED, /flush:less
Nees ....... • X EOM&
c.XceridXy Catrieraper tti mats,
4.Xstitlndu2ll:xn. (poX7x3X) • • *sop •
lAbaral r441/49 0 to Newsboys aruejficesits.
Moen Copled,.*Toor;
rive • do. .40. do. oath,
'tat or mificrOci.; to obe iddress, iod
ogle*t.: ek.h
Keller& Grano north • American
• Prise Concert.
• On Saturtlas evening; the t:Gth tnat,i trot
drawing tor prices,in Kelley 97.71nd Not th
American . Prize Concert, 'takes place, ht
the Ntiabasti Arenue., -sale of
tickets during t)1;11ast few Weeks has been.
Immense, this entire -number, halt a,
intilloril9. all, in nearly. cal:masted. Those
who - Nish tosecure a chalice in this enter-
Me,-one that bas novel fallen under the'
sospiciOns which hove at last ruined others
et the kiwis-odd be obliged to speak and
net, or write quickly. Mr. Kelley continues
to offerthireisiMil terms Which hats.' been
obtained hereteiforeof ttekets=.
Angie tickets Pit Ave tiekets' fora-1,00 and
ten tickets for al.. Of the , whole number of
tickets:ooo,filii,joioty. ono ,haws a prise,
the highest ,one being-$1d000,. - and the
amounteif greenbacks alone to bo diatribe.
ted arneenting To-:-0100,000.: An extra force
nt clerks hos_ been wet on within the last
few weeks -- amt. the demand ter clerical
help to s constantly. inoresaing: Orders
riddled In any part of the east and north by
Thursday bight.will reitcb Chicago in time
to be filled esto.'mallol- before the drawing
commences. Persons sending' orders will
address -A. A. Kelley Company, NO. 105
Randolph. streeti- Mies.
In londbit,lBo2, the Pinholes it Wilson
log Sine - bine received ins . : highest nittarti
nil Um idaeltintitl'of Ectnipti and Anserica
compotitton: "Yids itinsil has always aeon
121E00 wherever exhibited. You will range
no inisinke in omitting one nit a. holiday .
'gift to wire, or friend: They mune
intrchnSOd Only et' Sumner & la Firth
01 ennnotl trotte,nnd vegotebles are tort•
ted to inspect the nenorttnent kept by Geo.
Denvon; at, ii Feticral Direct, Allegheny
Prsios and.nedleliton
Meters' prisscriptirms &irefully prepared
nt halr tho usual price. nt k:ditod'a Drug .
etore, opposite l'ostOrece.:' . , •
Yoruigri Liquors of all kinds-at Joseph S.
nnch's • DiatASsr7,. 13D, 121, 193 and 193
211b1atie21. Pla9burgh. : • . • •
Clarity Feat/vat
13.neeluior Hill, coiner 'of Laoock and
Federal street, thin anneal:qr. Coma one and
on. al. Howsam; Clerk. ,
Tho medical Whoa Of E. Warner, old
dean Pliystelan, 41 Son, removed to No. 211
Ecun stace.t. ' sn,
9,3 per eqrit. Alcohol at Joseph S. Fluchi
- You Caw.limy
Ih ow Flops at Joseph B: Finch's.
'rbo nrms seized-Inst . a oramer from the
ienians Barry's Military Dls•
--trial. bee° been appriaaed at MOl,OOO
Benda for double tbebbionnt are being ex.
muted, *hen the 0.11123 eIII be dolltrerott to
the 'claimants. . .
The Fenian trials, at Tor Onto, were re•
,eemr yesterday: James Kw* woo bind
not guilty. Thomas Gallagher Fla eonilet,
ed; unsonteneetl. . . • -
The Prustorn telegraph bees are still dawn
between Platen *and Port Rood, Nova-Sea
tia cablerpows. -
George F. 'Wood, who has linen operating
ostensively, in • the norilldence line OA floc.
ton, was arrested yesterdni — hir if A
forged cheek for ...10. '
N. P. Willis was interred in Bfount.Suburn
Cemetery, Boston, yesterday..
The Wool Growers , Convention of Maine
haVadjourned, after mussing resolutions In
favor of a torlir not less than that proposed
by the Cleveland Convention.
The midst coinage at the mint an Sun Fran
else° durtri,g 1E66, was 4/8. 000 . 000 . 1 -
Cincinnati has
of lhatoll s._ In authorized ny . the
Ohio to - data:isn ' t° . tit - clause the gas works
- „
The chair factory . 'of • 13arret h Co., John
,Area; thneinnettl, we partially destroyed
by fire yesterday. Loss ;17,0c°, and very lit
tl e Insuiance. , , It Li supposed to have been
an incendlatT 'Are. . .
Tho Indiana Legislature luta ratified the
Constitutional \ Amendment; Tho =soli:t
hen 'to ,that effect passed the Hones 'on
Tuesday, having previously _ . passed the
\The _Etna - and I' homtv Pit Inssumme
Companies, of llarlford, lose 0:5,000 each on
the le.teiYlckehurg Pre. This will lessen
the price of their stock. •
itlchard Stillwell, son of the Late Judge
Otlilwell; of , Zanesville, Ohio, was commit
tod trijall in Louisville, lip, yesterday, on
acharge of forgery. ,
!l.An accident occurred on the Long island
Railroad, hear , Jamaiett, on Wednesday. by
which a laborer named James McLaughlin
was instantlykilikti:-•
NegrLeao Narors In Colorado—lliamourl
l.leafage—Union Pacific Railroad
—The nialeultlee at Lexington—Ran
ens affairs—A' Radical Triumph In
tee a qedee or Coned Males !Senators.
Sr, LonnuJannarydi.‘•Julltisklerkelszieye .
cr, a prominent brewer and wealthy. MG
zen, died yesterday.
An a:et:for preventing negroes and mu
lattoes from sitting on Julie' to Colorado.
has been 'yarned over the Governor's veto
by the Legislature.
Gun. Palmer Treasurer of the Union ra
ciao' Railroad received from the United
(states Government yesterday $OO,OOO . 1n
hol, the amount due on twenty-Ave miles
rail ad and telegraph line west of Fort
Site just accepted by the Commissioners.
Bot Mouses of the Missouri Legislature
imve passed resolutions urging Congress to
repo the act appropriating money to pay
for slaves enlisted In the United States per
vice. Also, instructing. their Senators and
Reprosentativestoproaurelf possible, the
pne3hga,Of en act giving to . the' State
Gatlin same beauty as iaceivetts4sy other
United States volunteers.
• . ,
Sri Louie. Cant:try 11—The DenisonViTes• 1
peke special says i The Senate to-day da
tented the bill tor *Constitutional Conven
tton.l . . .. . _
111 bus been Introduced In the Senate
prof ling for a board tli ninhtratien, and
tippr rioting ilo,looforthe .publication.of
I ,
pam Islets and the - establishment of sgen •
cies the Eastern States and Europe.
All ho Democrittant 160 Letielsture, ex
cept ne,, slgueda reenlist% Sot Col. Blair,
Into Jo - began. candidate - for Congress, to
go t Washingtott and shame the. rresident
Witt theist° genntOrta ;contest was be
twee radicalism and conservatism in
which the latter Was defeated, but •nrking
.11in to stand, coy, his friends who adheredto
not idol the ILs i die t s . .li t tgo , d i ftd .
tic:eters ronstrov anTlif:ss intim is receii-
Oen it Lawrence, tonight, and another at
Leavenworth, to-morrow. , .
~ . ~ .
lisite MI Cirri No., Jan.l A,delcgation
of Indians from all the tribes to Kaneda ane
rived this evening from Yon Leavenworth
amempamed by Colonel Murphy. Soperin
tendent.orindian Again:and tho United
States Cenntaimioner. They sill hold a
.eouneil at the Sheridan House here tamed ,
role, atter , ohleit thoy wul. go to Wash-
A heavy anew sterol commenced thil aL
terneon and. attiLcontleues
T \ qe train on the: Hudson. Ulcer nailecont
obi t e left Albany at kin this morning was
thrum from the track by a orokniv wheel
near Hyde Park, and rolled down an em.
bookment ou the tee on the river. The Ice
nankirm and the - cars did not .break
through. about twehir pamengere were
inelnding gibs Carrie
• Cmswola, of Edmond, Now Jersey, and Mr.
Dickellen,Proprletor of the Syracuse .too-
Yneßcpubltean's Jefferson City dispatch
sass: Their's" before JudgeKridel. in the
' United "States -Circuit .Court, at Colonel
Montgomery and other parties =cent.
ly .connected With the occupation of
7 "'" 74 tte;e ol2ll tY by the : State militia, is
, progressg in %heathy. All the evidence
thus far m
oorroborates the .prevlons state
: went, that there bee been no time until the
aDDearenee of the troop,. when the evil pre.
etasee eoultEnot be serve (1, and that since the
an teal ot.thenallitia there has been a con
stant reign of ;terror Which deterred all
• Who were dieptlend to do no, from entering
. corainainta , against the.. violators of the
About tiny citizens or Lexington'are
• m amender:lee as witnesses,
~~ ~.~.~;
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. 123
Special Dispatch to tEe Pittsburgh GsrOttn.
itaantssulto, January St, IS.N.
The Committees onCorporatlons reported
O bill to incorporate the lirady's Bend
Bridge Company.
The following hills in pinto - Wore road:
By Mr. Ridgeway, Tonbolish the °faro of
grair(mcasurer of Thtladelphir.
By Mr. Landon: A resointior. Instructing
the Comniittoo nu Education to report abut
insulating the education of the orphan chit
drew of alaidtors, • and to provide ofiloers to
carry out theprovlsions of the ',am°.
Mr. White presented a rceohition for the
lined adjournment of the Leglstoture on
March DM. Referred to the Finance Com
The Sonate then considered the Joint rose.
lotion. of instruction against the conlirnin.
thin or Edger Cowan is Minister. to Austria.
Debated and poetpotreli.
' • DOUSE.
The following . I,llla wore ',wised
Incorporating the Eatety Cow
Supplement to tho act incorporating tho
reoptes having . Bank.
'rolcit resolutions of- lustre e lion to Sena.
tors, and requesting members to secure the
passage of a law to reduce the taz on Petro-
To increase the pay theliceretary of
the Commonwenith.
The Joint Committee on Militia, of, both
Holmes, in conjunction with the ttorernor
and Adjutant Genera!, were requested to
prelude e hid to 'remise the mllitte laws of
the SIAM.
Senator Bigharn, to the 'Senate, colt
Speaker Glair!, In the Berne, extended an
invitation to the Legislature from tne man
agers of . the public institutions of Alle•
gheny county, to visit them on Friday, Feb•
runty Bth.
The Allegheny delegution met this morn.
lug. Senator Bighant, at the request of the
delegation, submitted a report relative to
the new Liquor bill presented in the !louse
by Ur. Peters, which was ordered to be
published in the several papers in Pitts
Both Houses have have passed °Joint re.s
otutlon to adiourn until Tuesday, at ales=
o'clock. '
There will' boa large attendance of both
branehea of the Legtslature. In TnaPonae to
to the Invitations extended them to visit
Allegheny county.
Idovements on the Facific Coast
He Is to Establish Ills Govern
ment at San Luis Potosi.
8.1. n f ntactsco Jan. "it—Colima advicei
bribe etemeer Constitution, of January
have been received. The any isadlll in the
preemies, of the Imperialists. Gundala
pare Was evacuated without it brittle by the
Imperial forces and is occupied by the Lib.
---- • -
your French war vessels were in the har
bor or Acapulco. It is reported the Fort
- will be evacuated on the arrival of the nag
ship Victaire. •
Beeststell.La, Jan. ffi...lneratero, where
glejla retreated from Sari : Louts Foam, is to
be evacuated by him as soon as the Liberals
advance upon that city.
Escobede left, Monterey for the interior
on the 17114 lie is at the head of the largest
Liberal army ever got together.
Berries -alga succeeded In retsina several
I housand dollars from the merchants of
Matamoros, and sent the money - Sc. to (:or.
tine on the lath Inst.; with orders to Pro
cetstl at,on mend Victori ortina, who Is '
recruiting - arming altthe Itaneheros,
naveUi in the vicinity of liatameras. "Ile
no will be Governor of Tamaulipas, at
salamis. lie likelylwillpronesmeeforOrte.
New Os.x.r&as, January et—'X'he steam
ship Victor arrived this morning,from
Vera Crux,.with.dates te the 11th =an
She brought the remains of Ex-tiev. Allen,
of this State.
The French transports had arrived and I
were expected to depart ins row days, wit?
French troops. .
A rsglment of Egyptians had left on the
French mall steamer Dome days before.
Itleximillan bad Issued another proclama
tion condemning in the strongest terms the
I conduct of General Sedgletek, taking
possession of liatamorae..
Both the French and Mexican doge wave
over the tort and custom house at Vera
Cruz. "
the Liberals are camped within twelve
=besot VeraCruzi Nothistilities had taken
place no to the departure of the Victor.
Benito "Juarez - arrived at Durango on
the 'Emit. . .
A tine of $710,000 was Imposed on
and between three citizens, and a monthly "
contribution of 400,003 upon the city to re
plenish his Treasury.
-Preparations are making it San testis l'o.
tail for thereceptionotinaree svho it Is said
will establiah the lent et his government in
that city.
Mexican politicians are certain Ortsga•
will soon be-President. of the lthpubile of
Mexico when Maximilian leaves.
Miramon teat ttheratore: llis We was at
tempted twice In the towns he passed
through, many of which he obliged to de
clare for the empire, threatening otherwise
to burn the houses.
is considered &settled thing that Mpoltaxi
ian wllileave with the lane( the Fre
The greater portion of the merchants of
Mexico have invited Diaz to weepy the City
as aeon as the French leave, and have at
ready raisal F 310,00 - to maintain.bie troops.
The Imperial General -La Idandrid 'was
defeated and allied In an action near CaCi
New Tone, Jan. el.—Merle= news via
Havana, give the report that
seeing the imposeibility of calling a 2-bi.
Lionel Congress, has determined, an accord
aneepire with the Freneb , ,lo convoke a meet.
Ing of riot ablest,t e o declare to them that the
em Is a and to base upon that
1 decigrationbfailuris abdication and. Withdrawal.
The Church peXty, geeing tho Instability of
kftlXlMlll.ll, are now trying to make their
peace with,the Liberal party, and. refuse
to advance.
I 1
0111,emelted . , Janeary ROnehßanchero
of the
says . hews of a - great ove-
L ment the 'retort:nation of the In
Church is being inangtirated throughnut
Mexico. Teo object of thus movement to to
break off from tbe old Church for the res•
son, as charged, that through Romish lone.
maw, tae French have Invaded Mexico and ,
deluged that land with kepobllesn blood. I
/toy. Father .Hornandez, captured by the
Impenalists, was shot by them, after eel
fering unheard atrocities, the oharg
against blot being Liberal tendencies..
The Shell Code Sepeale4llloentles
to be Paldles 'Asa** Seidler , .
d.birsrotts;Janaary Sarno Maryland
Legislature bee passed an eel abolishing
the article in the Gate permitting the sale
of negroes Intorilavery as a punishment for
crime. There will hereafter be no distinc
tion in the State In the Mode of - punishing
white and, black criminals. •
The. Senate adopted the report against
auspandingthe bounties tocalored soldiers.
. In the Legislature' the bill 'to repeal the
act noroPelmnif the Senator be taken flora
the Eastern ohms, was discussed in the
I Senate. It met with a strong opposition
from the Eastern Shore members, but
passed to-day.
There was a vote again today for Vzilted
States Senator, but no choice.
•• • •
i m portant queaalon Pennine In the
supremo icnoura—Logtalatlyo.
24,-The mom of lEl4'l
ley we. Sherbroola was reached Au lbe So
pro.n.oo[lll today. bet Fea rdwrDOned till
loymorrow. its decision involves the eon.
stitutlonallty of trio francldle law and to
looked to with much Interest. - -
The acute declared the seat of tho mem.
nor from Jackson vacated, became the
member wka not antnalently loyal.
shfJtHOlil (OJ
Gen, Kiddoo Relieved in Texas
by Gen. Griffin.
The Freedmen in Arkansas.
the Dion Pacific Railroad.
WAnSt. itetTOW, January 21, IRA
order of the Secretary of Ware :Gee.
Griffin has assained the office of Assistant
tommiesioner of the Freedmen's Bureau
In Tuxes, relieving ,Gent , jal.lildiloo. Gen.
Gri In tiliblds the contemplated honors
teing . paid to Gee. Albert Sidney Johnston,
The Committee OIL flanking and Pent:Mu
agreed ttwilay, to teporiiuthe douse, for Its
MAMA. Mr. Amnion's bill to create a sink
ing Pend bud retire the national currency.
The rote In the tiommitteowee Wrote fa ,
nor, and three (Messrs. Pomeroy, Moop s or
end Dare.), against the bull. 1)no member
was absent. Two Members of the Commit
tee who are in favor of the principle of the
bill will probably oppose It when it comes
up for consideration, as they entellain
doubts about the passage of the bill at this
A letter r from s high Military source,
reeetved from - Little Rock, stating-that
General Ord's .circular for the protection of
the Feeedrnen and others, under Met:Mil
Rights bill, was not earned out for wont of
an strimtnate military force atoln comier.
tent court to try otrendors. The Worst 60e.
lions of the State ore thinly peopled, re
mote from the United -Mates fotves, and
the Federal 'anthoritY 13 not regarded be
cause it has not been felt. The writer says,
there Ira class of neon Milieu sections, who
have always resorted to brute force and
Were nearly all rebels, and to make them
respect thetinited states authorities, there
must be more milltary force. These facto
have been brought to the attention of serer
al nenators, and it Is understood General
Grant has ordered the rog n islte military
varet.ys Zo ,OLDILIIS Or 1812.
The report of Cho Committee on Invalid
Pensions made to day to the !Souse, states
that the uumberof °facers, soldiers and sail
ors of the war of 1612, entitled to pension, un
der the bill presented, Is 130,000, and the an
nual expenditure 414,4[0,0005er an average of
twelve years, Or IL total of $72,6000;00, or with
tlic, expense of agents anti Pension Bureau,
added $173,3C3,0U0. The pensions arc given
under the bill irrtspeclive of the term of we
vice. It appears that the whole number en
listed in the war of 19.2 wa5327,67i; of whom
..V6,916 nerved sixty days or More.
The The Union Peedle Railroad Company,
Eanern Division, received yesterday
00 in United Plates slx. per cant. bonds.
thirty years to run, the same haying been
received in accept/oleo by the (internment
of sLx sections of twenty.tive tulles, west of
Fort Riley, Kansas, to be completed curly
in Decem oar. •
Gen. lloward hes liseed a clreular to the
Assistant Commt+sloaers of the Freedmen's
Bureau, that until further orders no fees or
charges wilt bp exacted by officers or
agents of the Bureau for eery - Ices they may
render In tonnecticin with contracts be
tween the freedmen and their employers.
Leonard I loyek, late rreeltlent of the ex
ploded Merchaida , National Bank, haabcon
committed to jolt in dcfalt of SM,OOO ball, to
answer an indictment stated to have been
found against him. Some few panona
offered to become security, but were re.
fused by mart. •
never:l7a TO Till ICKOCLAC. ARMY.
The Superintendent of the General Ite•
ereitlek Benton Is ordered toiend Ito re
cruits to the Llghteenth LasehrT, ie Dan.
tail .Territory; 19 recruits to the Seven•
teenth infantry. In Dakota Territory; and
) recruits to too Thirtpaixth IzraarY. to
The House Military Committee bit"
agreed to report a Mil transferring the In
(lima Bureau trom the Interior to the War
The gold and silver praluet of the Pacific
States and Territories for Idle Ls cstlinatett
at plee,die,ooo.
The National Academy* of Science. held
session ut the Capitol to-uny, Prof: Henry
Dv:tiding. Reports on different ecientifto
subjects, were. presented.:
(Prom the TIM. Co7r.pon6ence
Shtce last November loading politic
ians North and comb, Republicans. Demo.
ends, and ex-rebels alike, have been at
work on a plan whereby the, differences be
tween the North and noutn, and between
the Executive and Legislative branches of
the government would be satisfactorily ad
justed. Suffrage and amnesty lona tee
basis of the proposition. For instance, If
South Carolina will adopt the Stassku
setts suffrage franchise; the Preolde nt Is
willing to Issue a proclamation of amnesty
to all who approve. of it. The people of
South Carolina, blacks as well as whites,
can elect loyal represent/diva; tot:engross,
and Congress will determine on their ad.
mission. The Adultnlstestion is seriously
considering this proposition.
[gr.:mine Tribune Corte/tondo:wed
Thd Judiciary Committee halo changed
Senator Wade's Amendment to the Consti
tution, making . the President Ineligible for
a Second term, and will report It so as to
provide that no President or Vice President
shall be eligible to re-election to either of
these animal.
Mr. Ashley is busily engaged aocumula
ling evidence for his impeachment of the
A. new dratn on the Treasury ban been or
centred in a scheme to construct a railroad
through Texas and Mexico to• the Pacific,
with enormous grants of land and issue of
Government bonds:
- There are in the District of Columbia, Al
exandria, Pal rfsx county, Virginukand tee
counties In Maryland, one hundred and
flfty.slx freedmen , . day and night schOolst
' ono hundred and forty.three teachers. itnJ ,
ale thousand and thirtyddnescholars ,
Major General Thomas has arrived In
Washington to give an account of affairs In
'his department. Dotterel Sheridan is ex.
pcctod soon.
A Conflict ite= d a n triestfon of Bread
BacorffevlLLit, rise. ifinUary B.—Captain
Bedford, (Dernoerat).recently appointed by
the President, lieceiver of the land Office.
vice Charles O. Dorsey, has procured a writ 1
of replevin from the. Mayor of the city, by
authority of which the deputy sheriff took
possession of the records which Dorsey had
refused to deliver to Bedford.' et dark to
night about one hundred of Dorsevis
friends. firmed with hutchotsandre i rolvers.
proceeded to the room where the' sheriff
had deposited the records and tOokfcirelblo
possession of them. Great ozoiteMent e 2•
late in regard to the affatr. • :
. .
IlegonnMallon of ,General Hawley
for GOversiOr of VonneintOat. .
SSW ELAViuri Conn. - . Jan. 44—;-!be Repub..
Ilcan State Convention bas nominated
Governor Hawley by acalamation, and till
vern.Pcriywasnominatedfor Lieutenant
Gonornor. •
A lull State; tinket was also nominated,
and reFolutions adopted in favor a/ the
Constitutional AinondMent; taiparttal star.
frogs; a protettive tariff; reduction otter.
es; logialatton (or the relief of working
men• and sympathizing with Crete and
Mexico. •
' Adjourned.'
THIRTY-MTH coman's.
W.11311t210T6111 damiass Pith, 106%
21r. MORRILL, frees the Committee on
Commerce, prepared . bill snpplemeuteit
to the act to prevent smuggling, ithien
ill) TO 21,11¢0A06
the btli tti. utatii nut to the San Rraneisco
and Central Racine Railroad was consid
ered and postponed until to-morrow.
bn litOtiOn Or Mr. WILSON, the Secretary
bi War was insirueted to, report the names
of officers appointed under the regular
army bill last summer, slim Lave felled to
join their reginaentit
The °root:ratite or Senator Prollniboy
sun were presented.
fiCan tlio * Chinillittec on Ter
kitorles. bill amendatory of the
act providing n twritorsal government for
Montana; thinning the powers of the pro
bate courts and legalizing the Pbbib , ,ilids
01 Ito second and third sessions of,thei4g!
islative,Aseembly, until SPProted Or illealp
hrovhd /noYzett soislon of Congress, and
Pelt g tits baluriesof territorial officers. and
repealing the act placing Mahwah and
Montana In ono surveying district.
1 . /NJ:1101i IN WEST vtantittA: r •
Dlr. VAN iVINKLK, trout the i:othmittuh
on Funierei reported a 30Int resollition Sof,
Vlddlitg the collection of direct lazes 15
WestiVirainta,withliousa amendments, and
another amendment authorizing the Secre
tary of the Treasury in charge the State
with an amount portionelm the +lax.%
of real estAtol 1501011 tier eotialies lane 10
111 b Whole State of 'trellis In 1001. • •
ituiscanys arrr.ormariesr
Mr. FESSEN DEN, from the Finance Cone
mitree, reporttil. the legislatavo Approprin•
Olen bUI, with a few amendments, vibt fot
temporary clerks In the Treastiry Depart
moot, 01,MoU*, for hereon of Statistics, 41,000;
,faclUtng COmmtmleation between the
Itlautie and Decide, •l 4 O. The Increased
compensation:to.the Douse clerks Is struck
Mr. IVA.IM intratuced a bill to nrovut
fbr Allotment by tho ChiefJ male*, of mere
here of the Supremo Vorirt among circuits
and tho appointment of a ilarshal at a sale
ry of 0,500.
On motion or air. TRUMBULL the Cory.
mates on Ways and licana'als instructed
to Ingram into the expediency et meciding
the tax on cotton. Aloe, allowing cotton to
be rumored to market without bond.
Mr. PAY.riE, from that:v=33llle° on 21111-
cla reported a bill to prgrule tor orgemirtm;
and :Irting zenith, Ordered to be
orbited and recommitted.
Tee railer SILL.
The tariff bill wno taken up.
Mr. III:AMES doliVered a speech In oppe•
shine thereto, defining that Lao or three
manufacturing Interests of the country• are
dlssatteted with their enormous profits of
the last sit years, and are determined, at
whatever cost, to put more money In their
pockets- To this end they have persuaded
some and coerced other mantifacturing in.
tercets to unite In a demand for protection
to Ameritan labor, but what some other
people, with more truth, call robbery Of
American labor and agriculture.
Mr. till IMES then proceeded to examine
andeontlemu the details of the bill, which
he called a bill to decrease the revenue and
destroy the COMMOICS of the country and
Ware the agricultmaliets it pretended to
Mr. EDMUNDS' amendmimts to put
books, maps , blic and carts imported, for tho
nye of the public MUMS libraries, liter
ary societies, no., upon the for list, was
Severalother amendments were Orrosifil:
includiug ono by Sir.'WADS, tolocroase the
duty on linseed or flaxseed, which were
all rejected.
At amendment offered by Mr. FRELINth.
ILCYNES, to increase thaduty on Ilt.seed or
flarseed to twenty cents per basket, and on
linseed oil to thirty cents per gallon wan,
however, adopted.
The disagreement of the Mouse to the Sen
ate 'amendment to the bill relative to the
appointment of pension agents, wan an.
%maimed, and the Senate insisted and agreed:
to a Cent ortmeo Committee.
Mr. E.ASSON, - from the Committee elf Ate
propriatione, reported the Indian Appro
priation bill, and was made the special or
der for Tuesday. . • !
Mr. SCOFIELD introduced It bill for hold
ing up & Circuit Court to Erie. reunsylv.
nia. Referred to Judiciary Committee.
Mr. titIiENCK gave notice that he would
to-mot row or Saturday. report the lib uty
bill, and ask it to be put oar Ito
Mr. PERHAM, from the Committee on tn.
raid recision, reported the Wit to penelon
the surviving eoldlers of the war of 1911.
Ordered to be printed.
sailebtifies.t. LAND GRANT.
BLOWELI. from the Committee Oir
AgriCriltUrC, reported a jolut resolution to
extend the provisions of the Agricultural
College act to Tensaw... ,
Ur. LE 111.0 ND did not ere why there
!Mould be an exception In favor of Terme.
see, end why all the States teletype 'rebel
lion should not bo embraced within the pro.
volons of the NIL- • - - •
Mr. MAYNARD pretested against his
State being ont In comparison with Stetea
net represented in Congress. It stood upon
an entirely different looting.
Mr. STONES ;Deaths, door In defence of
Tennessee. The government
loyai Pettatle.l
and by the God who
to him, it.
,woul be
ke lg. ' L : T re iuM i t%gu l l . reit on which • solo
thy gentleman stood, in view - of the Dunce.
totter, in which be had declared he was for I
the patriot Davis and against the tyrant
Mr. STOKES algid that letter was the only
word any man could put his linger on as ev
idence that he had deviated from the track.
That written on the 10th of May,
and on the 11th of May ho took the stomp
in favor of Lincoln are the government.
lie had fought out of the Delman letter en
Mr. Le Blend oiled to hare done out of t.
copperhead COCIIOOI.IOOO. (Appian...l .
Ater farther debate, Mr. DONNE LLI
ed an amendment, teat the land granted '
should beheld by the State of Tennessee,
subject to the condition that .no person
should be employed an professor or teacher
In such college who ever held military or
civil Wilco under tae Confederate govern.
meat. or under thorebel State government'
of Tennessee. ! Adopted. The provltins
question was seconded.
ItATICIII reasoner..
Mr. COOPEIL In noticing a remark of
Mr. Kelley, denouncing Mr. Johnson em a
usurper said that if be were permitted by
by Parliamentary decorum, ho would an
swer Mimic thelengunnflOralarraion — !'/OfR
Angus thou halt lied."
Mr. KELLEY wad be had been informed
by thoso sitting around him, that the gen
tleman from Tennessee had made some of
fensive an.lons to litm, that the gentle
man was, while the usurpation was being
plotted, a paid agent 'of the usurper, he
knew all secrets of usurpation, and if con
science hail not been extinguished in. him,
It would not permit him to deny the charge
hp, had mete of usurpation.
Mr:COOPER replied: I was the confidential
friend of the rreindeut of the United States
and I glory the feet, butnot one dollar of
tile money Ilse been needled by me, ! and
when. tea gentleman from Pennsylvania
eels 1 Ale paid agent of Mr. Johnson, ho
lies. Again sensation.
SPRANER called him to order.
Idr.KELLEI. 1 know it. was not Andrew
Johnson's own money. that the member
front Tonne.. handled. It was. our own
m nn ne ed — th a e t m s. onThe
em e b ePr eopme
was a member of far. Jennies , . house.
holiL and was paid for Ills eervlcest but I
will not baudy words with
Mr. JENCKS made • point of order that
this dLsoussion was not in order, having no
reference to the subject.
The SPEAKER. sustained the point of or
der, and the Personal altercation stopped.
Thep:lint resolution was passed, without.
division, with Mr. DOnnelly's amendment.
by a veto Of lid tO.Xil.. .
The Basso Proceeded to the consideration
of Mr. Stevens's reconstruction bill.
Mr. RAYIdOND. addressed the House
against the bill.
Mr. 811ELL106110}3tnisato a sPeeeta In
support of it.
Mr; STEVENS Indicated has Intention to
call tip the Reeonstructlon Bill toniorrow,
and In 1110 W of the conflicting Opinion& of
the Republican side, move to lay it on the
A 411.11PC1 Or SINLACIAL Q171.8210Z18
The House then went Into Committee of
the Whole.
Mr. MOIiIIILL, of Vt„ made a speech on
financial question and 'a resumption of
specie payments by the tiovenithent. It
cannot be obtained Mitil there le Nome cur
tailment in the eircelation of legal notes,
say tel IXOPMOM. nor, erhaps; until by stir.
fining the tariff we check the out-going of
California gold; but when resumption deem
occur it will at once unlock alarge amount
of specie heretofore withdrawn from area
lotion, and prices being also reduced, a less
amount .of ourrencY will be required. No
filsaetrous effects need follow, It the people
and the Secretary of itie Treasury only ex.
metals common prudence. All expect the
country to lace resumption at some time,
and It la after all a question as to isnot [IMO
will be beet and productive of least looms
weicience. For myewnpartl am persuaded
If we start now we shall not reach the goal
meetesemp any earlier than' the
devoted retreat; of an exclit
steely paper money , system. would when.
Let no rather strive to IMO to labor
a •
\v 'k 178 113 '
• " ."
• ti . --Vzs.
-q: •
IDAY; JANUARY 25 - , 'lB6l
its largail, tont.lant. rcr.Pmern.‘nn, 0.0
equally scrir e t t to: sustain the gnvermutint
by the small amount of taxation. Never
we. It moro important that we. nhould Um
our tax roventlo spar= spun ft stable ban,
}.9 Stiill4 1 . 0 0. odo4ufpn.rctunt if oor rollt
I • • t
Kilial - ibotioilal debt, and ithoe ' c ' all tho
immenso yoltlioe ar national had: ' and
legal lender etlrrreney, will not perunt
The United Most tot a grand power
anions the nationtred the earth or nothniel
The first sign of exhaustion will be the s I IT--
nal recoil our foes us combine in crushing
hur netionst ellstence. lutist not tor.
get that 111 drliatiltg internal OtlSllti, et.
home, ere liar eibeen liunished with super
abundant eviththee that thoAc who govern
foreign nationkare by 00 ntilitriaour frieeds.
,partmetty seeking puree heel Pellet - log lion.
Orsble peace lasltile, we may be II Itked
itltO,War, wee ay be assailed, and thus
callefl on to - d cent ourselves With all our
might f. Delp:metal condition li only
...Mind ins earl all* bentqlin stralth but mt.
11/ wo have tier debts unto
they are held where they wlll.not leap Into
the market and crush all domestic credit et
the trot croaking of storm, an athilt ion of
'mother thousand millions to the debt le to
avOlded. A War 10 be supported iry
inflated currency to devoutly Who shunned.
I do netlike 1001 , 10 a 01 being under perpet
ual bonds 10 lit•cp the peace; therefore
It in our hie est duty insist" on
right will second, to r n or.
flnardies,ts a normal...relit oar —to a est Ore
stu-lo a
standard—at the earliestpthi steal 10o:dent.
Producing morn gold and sifter than all the
rest of the world, let no nondure the Ic-
proacb, that we do net Loos te how to J•tici
it. Able to bring Into the !Mid the miget
fest [limier, let lis atm le, equally strong Id
ging c•ealla of Intlcti ite and Indepe Montt
'support— Let ally who n,..y ear 0.11.1 l
us know from the outset, It will be :me coat
' monburate wit Is °or physical stud googratin•
lord proportion 6 end lit no way In furter to
our past history.
Nuttiest leak et. the Pet that the Weet.
table expense of the goveriduent l most ho
provided for. The isitqlest on our toddle
debt is estimated next year at Sle - 53.51.511,
anti unless the perpetual paper ptheogene
diets ettall prorall, upon the deal rude mp
tion of the lead tender currency, the. will
.be lorreaUed about 0.0.C0.,5ie or
- or la the aggregate more then oar whole
public debt In 1,16, • when It reaelted the 1
highest eolut—SlV,33l,oe3,—prior to the re
cent rebellion. Our navy had been very
larirely Increased, and lc te not - probable
clot ebrink to lie former tiatrop pro
portions. In this department our annunl
experisea will be 4111175.510, ornearly twice
as much as before the our. regular
many is now flood at about :ASV, bat we
here to provide_ for ncstrly 151,t0.9 for the
coming year, and it must be kept capable
Of instant and for Neale expansion. Thu
estimated cost for the War Deimrloseitt
during the mining year is el - r,531,07. The
extra bondt e to provided to: last yesr
be $41,1X3,000, all ow wldell el yet
to be paid. The Pension app °prin. lon
quires e 15,117,146, or aa much uo the whole
expensey of the Government 10 WI and
Infi. The now claims of Elie fieVeral
If that of M.sou rt. alreart y reported upon
at s7,ocoottl, may be regarded Ito 0 fOretaide,
iv weigh heavily upon the Troisolty. Thu
Italians requlre an annual pe rtreal ex-
perelittire ot ISS,SM,we mum. The Yreell.
Waifs Barron tr 111 cost for the celolog year
SIVALOA.I.4% but It II,: an unto houit,l loud
On Land of taro-thirds Ors utholoir.
Wlth the sleet ingrxible economy, ell h•
out any guarantee_ that the Mad, of the I
Montezuma shall hove 11.5dored the gosh
attothiettal by Cosine, nr w11.110 , 1t theim
genet of any other eplendill folly, nor CT-1
pendisure for all porpe.o, emond Cc
brought down to anything 111:litheOltiatau•
hard of tf1,1,(0....0; 1;9 oe ar,V/e),0,1 pre melee..
fleas . ) . taxation . at present milisoidutdr, L
but this will every year be ielloollshed by
increased wealth and Irtereadrti population
The Pails Exhibition a 111 attract
cans by the thousands, and It will he ti very
modest eetimaie that seventydivethomend
persons will Oils year cross the Anodic,,
and the cost will lien he lest than sll`ll
each in gold, or • a total of ell - Stosem,
which lit currency
Some will estl tent° the neurbet muell l a sh:-
or and the expenditures greater. TllO nth
swallow up the profnciton of all oar 0 5 .1.1
and silt Cr for the year, to tome, o: what
moth - 111.1y, Its equivalent In l: rated atAire.,
bonds, to be dtspmed of as the exiaerielea
of oldie - bloats are repairs. , Such a dratn
may be 111.tirtiert, to Hera Is ne seurapa
from It. For lbe 1,000 as a
nation is ceenemr end
I knew that lute catert tin
nalleb affection for pspur mone eithoughl
11. one at the 1 lelo of lla b y. atiste:db. I
dreamed of inn overgrown le orlor nor
using It beyond the warxincenitit of the
Gerverrrtneut. lts use , is Jest/lied roily by
the overwhelming la:cuss/Ls. and it Won 10
be terminated with the nest dawn of Fe,.
I confess to a Meituif utmost of tuert.ilese
lieu in lumina the n 011,101.1,1 that this
question req. IMt vote, *treatment lieloro
the Arniiihnitn COngetos.' .1.10.• any frletut Of'
American iteltustryespouse the muse
of an endless reign of paper enrreaer. of
which It taken one dollar nod thirty or Pot
ty or fifty cents to buy a dollar to spree,
to me incomprobeeslble. Our paper cur
rency represents tilmenelons n Um mt. gray.'
ity, nett ito perpetaallon must prove de
structive to both employer , and elm rle)
lam no defender of the pol ildrs of the e v es
rotary or the Tre.leary. Time have been
and are tilstauteful to inc. The pollilyet
sins of the firereteM aid Isteitl; hot
are knew not what has been r. !list ed. Should
we drive him from Me podium, Ls lle IlLely
any sucee.ior wouid have more ronioldhre
of the remotes - 1111 reCUloreeliclatlonf., .0;1
faro l am concerned. should not be eon
demned because matte by him, ent only 1
'cretinism!. 1 do not think it wed be s
wise for Congress to get wrong on eaanclal
questions because the Secretary bappeos re
he risht. though wrong Poidknilv• nu: '
myself, I Math nut make the in Isthitth . 01 op
posing him where my conscience usiures I
me he is sound rind Tree, alt ougli I think
he Ilea named a day led the resent pi ion of
specie pay/acute eornewhat earlier then it
will he possiele to-se/Item that. .Tho anal.
tenable purpose to resume at an early slay.
LI petted In Drineiple, anq 11Iorarg,
and if Conarees` shall thwnrt 11.1. purpose,
It wit have doomed the country to long
years of guttering.
On the 11th of Mar, Ites, the premium on
gold but fallen to Ir, percent, lowing Wil
co from 'Soper cent. in !larch; and time a
morn blither polat than that lit Jalleary,
without producing a pereepttlild ripple le
' financial circles, and tar less pante. Timm
were t 1,7.13 !aileron In 1110, In the aggregate
amounting to 001,13 5 ,413; bat in he'd there
were only MO, amounting to Or
about ores fourth tee average number and
amount el mortgages Math, Thu old
temofinercantilecre , ltllby common coo
-1 sent bad been ousted. The south in losing
all had lost it. Credit, and trust In t hat dlree•
tlon was Imposelele. Allielt that In pay as
Toe go was sound policy.' The,Scrinternl in.
unction, owe' maan unettiing, heen
mplicitly - obeyed , e nd Lb sena the golden
[ moment, not only for a political reern.true
ilou. but a return to specie payments: then
j the capital of the couutry wee idle and
might bare largely entered into the ser
vice of the country. The campaign of
passer currency was over, and it welted only
to be honorably discharged. lsefu I once It
was now only an ineuenerance. ThoWeil.
tarn. States, prior to the war, were largely
Involved in debt, and they not only had
paid elf their indebtedness of not Imo then
5100,000,000, but they hod become large hold
ers of United states iemerltle ,, , with the
Means 01 beentning still larger holders.)
Up to this time, neither la. the Weal
or any Other part of the .country, have I
our people asked or - received the
ancient measure of credit. liotwlthistatel
Ina the drain of war, the untssee of tho
izo t tigi t iz, e r: r f e r t u a e r from o bl iro Li a . au r k r s at baste, I
log borne aloft L. motto of early resump
tion to spie's payments. Thor, if no more,
has provintfal tee souutry from an le t aid to
expension .11 crodits—lion head.
long into debt; and never le my
shall we have a more ausplmons moment. to
Initiate measures Inc vigorous retirement
of the °Seel. Of onr proper currency.
I wish could believe the Ter:wire esti-
Mate ot receipt from customs teethe year,.
of 1117 and leas wore not ton large, duel
Minuet, and ineteast of 11. 0 0 0 ,0e0 if we get
lees by 00,000,1100. It ought ) o be considers,'
. satisfactory to thecountry.
It s ...simply the Secretary of the Trees.
ury bus under under estimated the amount
of Clotted States bonds held abroad, told
that lasurad of SlSO,Sitigie riot leoo Mau
M.oo,oooueo of one tuitional securities nth no
bold. so long as they remainbelow yes'
abroad, they will be held mire or less
fancy necks, likely to be returned for Co.
demptlon at any time. If-they could
Made equal to par It ,lace not Sevin at
11l rlimonable holders would' part with
L socialticil lot which they were recuicilur
per Cent. Intoreet in order to accept another
no better at 9%. :Beyond s queettnn, Slum
' our bonds bring what they represent, nob
tar for dollar, a new loan, payable
could be negtotiated. If Aware desirable, nL
5 per cent. and, perhaps, at fly per cent.
I. We shall ere long demonstrate it is miler to
trust the linittellitates et o.b por eons. the.
any other nation In the world. .11ut Sleet
We Must make our present obllgatlona
worth their par value In gold at home.
Mr.IIOII.RILL Imes statistics, showing the
present paper currency to be over gitill,fet-
OM on actually less buelnese than we were
aping nix yearn ago yith less than ono
fourth tho aum. The capacity of the South
to consume and pay luimenuo .. I
tions Ma been et:telly for ve
orruled,lmport and the
lake trade alone probably much exceeds
the entire aggregate or the Southern trade
recently restored. , ProMpt action, KO gen
orally expected, on the Tariff 1411- now
. pending In the Senate, by .which the rates
of duties would be somewhat increased,
tp ta t
eM th o an d a w r e i hav e ahtaMdated I
of merobandisealid of revenue by no means
to be anticipated for the tenting year.
MORRILL ConUnUed 11151 speech in ,
fairer Of moderato and - Pereistent Contrite-1
Men of the volume of paper moneyin eiren.
lation, In order to restore wealth anti 5.7 for
to languishing Industries, and to buildthe
gf,trolt=l... P" '"iMP"g n ,
ZrzelTrlVE COsstirnicATiox,
The Speaker preSented a colurnunleallon
from the Secretary Of Woe relative to-the
110 t in Norf.:4k on the 'Mtn, of April, 1866;
. .
also relating to the impri.oninear of
lam rancher. 0 missionary to the freed.
men. Referred.
', Cutoff! A'r noSit.
on motion of 31r. DODGE the President
WAS reforearod to comaumuninute intbrma-
OM In referanto to the rernioval of tbo
Protestant Conrail, meeting at the Ameri
can Entba9,ll at Rome.
I my Fad!.
he Bonk of
Frt•inretLtp ISeat'sleeve-11
a• of et lettetkittarirte—
North Atettriret
Ovolli Of elec Hanle I•reot+
The German Immtgratton 5
77 th
Its annual reve rt , Ira.
ncars that or Um 233,717 emus
port narlh the for 62
luaus, mott a
of whomyear
left tor
The weelly returns of cons
that 1,430 pulgrants landed ht
taalz:ng t.le Otill stneo Janda
ley Vasjust
which It al,
ants u t this
were, tier
the %catern
Won show
e lent week,
A hears . rAILIMI: AND Ira c, oSe.dreArlf.
Meyer ,tc Co., brokers Lave
and their account - at the .11... k of -North
America IR overdrawn to Li ft amount of
SI1; 1 ,000. The Blink • has a re tryst of Over
st•co,ooe, end the resets of t e defaulting
arm are 43.11xViet1 to be ate Salble,whiCtl,
would voter LlCwief to varlet:it Males by
the lAltere. tleyerCaletr here three scam
ego trim elliCage and his house has boon
in geed reprtte. Its, business !Statist to have
sJ • otro,000 a Week. • ,•
John P. Yelverton, President , of. thel hank
1111,111td, died lost night of upOplery. It
SC , ,llll$ t but yesterday appliCattOrr was made
to lie paying teller, to certify come checks
of Meyer & Co., but as thaw:resent *astern , '
v.ini there were no deposits of tits in the
r batik. tuna oeteer declined to assume the
reven , ildlity. Mr. l'elverlen. appeal
ed viand having the Utmost confidence that
deposits e ould be promptly toads to meet
she otecliss certified them. The loss
sustained by the bank so worked on Mr.
1' eiverton's .mlnd 114 to &CUD:HI the sad
event recorded. it is reported by, Meyer's
friends that he did not Intend to defraud
the beak hat was mlollo_lo goat' °Mika
twos la ormsequenee of having Intstalued
heavy lasses Ltresetr. It Is barely possible
entnprogn!se Rill be effected,. s petseits
Lt the Ott are understood: to have large
amounts in -securities in their posseasion.
beton:Mg to ilcyor.
Enron H e
nonage of Moron . ..or Mor
ton—Ho 'testa - air firs relllllloo no
Governor of the fitafe.,
. . .
IN et., x aroma, Jannat724.—The following
me,age. was .read In the Scents Chamber
this morning I . e
ro Me General Atrembig of the Slots of !o
dium, r--litiving berm elected to the office of
United state, Senator, I desire to express
toy deep sense of obligation tor this high
mark or your confidence and esteem. This
elect ion in more precious to me as an en
dor.rment of my atimintattntio. extend
ing. through nearly etx years, tha n n for the
ilitrlnf/e value of the oak, which It mo
tet ~. ro tun largo of friends who ate
lA, kostained me through the ddlleulties by
which 1 was surrounded during the - dark
end pertlout hours of the rebellion, I am
hound by aentimenta of aireetion and gratl-
Vale, which will end Only with iny life. To
tile rallrers mid soldiers of Indiana, whose
d,voted patriotism and heroic valor have
shed -a ranch lustre upon the Mate end me.
Lion, I return my heartfelt thanks fur their
soany manifestations of roundel:tea and re,
nat.'. My Connection with them In the or
ganization and support of tile army will
ever he the proudest portal of my life May.
the people hold them In gralefal and rine
.t ilnate remembrance.
4.0,1 r beloved State has entered upon a eareerot growth.: primmer - My and honor.
'lc , 3 eturue lure i t stn are Cammil- ,
1,-,:. m1:13 . 011 tu 1/1 boo to it, I am confident
are tarefelly and vrpaly !owned,
that no reproach ahall Del/tonal:it upon
her Ligil t/N.CUrter.
Woveritor halter l
ithe, patriotic, and
faithfol; and nee, w a. conscloasneas of
having . tried to 440 my duty, and with
ratio-A prayers, for the prosperity of the
t..,ple of imlims. I hereby resign into ale
hands, under the coa.tituttoa, toe omen of
GD5 . ..., f 7
r.5!,:.,1) ' O. I'. MOSITO/ , .
E., , ,,,ire Droartment, fothonoputis, Tann
nry 13, 1,7.
Drel4tott or Popreate Cotol ae to the
Win.. of the State, az2 the Effect
tot laws Teased 57 the Rebel Leg's
let 0 Ire.
31..vraossav, January Ill.—The tiopretne
Court of Alabama, in a cave on an appeal
from the Louden County Wolin, has decid
ed that the etletenre 01 the Matte wan not
,i,troyed by decestion and the milltaty
oditical ev unta that followed' that
the t.o‘,.ernment of the State was de J ack
Went, tlieugh not In harlnOtly - with
tit: Vetted. States tionatitution and
neornulenit and that all tote under
the authority of such Ifs pact - GOY
crink.nnt before the surrender, 60 ter
:14 they were executed, were
The validity of such acts dee& not depend
ou the conformity of the law to the Coast!.
tat len of the Lnlted States. Guardians
who hare made invc6tinents In Confederate
bond", and received Confederate treasury
eeni.s, under the authority of the act - of
the Legislature of December, 1011, in good
faith, tun entitled to credit on neconut
thereof. This derision 'atilt% the lineation
ei tie. liability where an admlnlatntorred
Confedernte trerenury nOt. In pay
ment of debts duo the estate. .Chief Justice
Walker delivered tile OpinlOn.
A rtnn to N the (Mee
, tiob—gottaloet tle
Watelatec Ettotern
the etc
mettle of Austria. •
Now book..lan. tit. —The. //erallirs Berlin
rorre4pondence gives the outline of a plan
Just prOpOr.ed In rerreany, In rOICIVELCO to
the 'Llirktsh empire, and the oUllantlons of
the l'ortu, which, if carried out In the In
~ t ereeol the Christian subject/lot the Set
end by Itnaita and AUStritl. wo uld he
likely tti etT,:ct the object without blood
-411 Cd.• Hamm takes to herself the IL of
being the only Sincere friend 01 the oppress•
al people of tile Turkish provinces, and the
unlit u subject lots been canvassed wlthser•
ions attention by, both the statesmen and
the people of that empire: Wilma watches
the progress of the Austrian agitation In Po
land with much anxiety, and It likely to
Anticipate the Hapsburg movement, hp a
bold counter stroke. .
11;y1 Myer Telegrams.
M rditukte National hiegraph Co.]
OIL Crrr, Jannarj - "
Weather cold and cloudy, 00. e x —still
closed. Oil market dull.
Ti o yew ()rasa Boos.—The benefit
awarded Mr. J, E.liartel at the New Opera
House, was a decided success, a large =id .
fashion:tido audience. being lu a*ndance.
The oreltiott 11, strengthened by' a itgmber
of volunteer performers, was never batter,
and their rendition of several popular op.
['retie sirs was wildly encored. Tomlght
the great sunsatlen drama of" Money and
Misery" will bo presented for the last time:
Th per ittleformanees of l Blanche and
tie Miss Baker are the most attractive flit.ea
tures of the play. Both display wonderful
midi By for children of their • tender years,
and Indeed; We might 'add, that little.
Blanche puts to shame Many older actress
es, who might imitate her with prollit.
Pri-rimenon Tngurne.—The audience last
night at tile Pittsburgh Theatre wu very
good, although made up almost entirely of
members of the stronger sex. As a elleaP
place of anincernent there is none better lu
the city, and we Judge Trimble's Va ri eties
10 beter whore, When compared with - the
Fifth street opposition. Dow long two such,
photos of amusement will be supported in
mural city . like our own ore know not, but
certain)y one must,' sooner or later, go by
the hoard.
Tint Ows—These very estimable
members or a family which is presumed to
hove flourPhed an hundred veers age, eons
linen to draw crowded houses at, Dissent('
Bull. Their entertainment le notonly goad ,
hot charming. The sweet ballads of Itilsdi
N kiwis alone, are worth' the inlets of ad.
mittonee.. The "Old Folks" . will Shut our
city toduorre Itlglen eo. that all who do.
sire hearing them should attend at once,
nom, or "Wisest; Will Make his appear
once at Masonic next &fonds) , night. ,
Key stone Noeletr
We acknowledge an Invltatlent.° be pres
ent at the annual anniversary festival of the
Keystone Society, of Davenport, lowa. The
"children of Pennsylvanian 'who have
foetid homes In the far west, eberish in
their memories tilers:a:diced= order good.
ly old Stale, and yearly hold their anniver
sary useetlnst for tbefreatntertaingling and
exchange of friendly sentiments and gener
al good hunter. "All Pennslllanians . 00
Invited" Is the neat annOnneement of the
friends separated from suby so greats Ms
tance.and while they remember our homes
let us with them =eh Joy at their festival,
and if not present In person we will bp In
heart and spirit. i
On n Mirlite.—The Plt.wiwaiirs of tin)
Monongahela end ref/loop havo rodueod
tho pri e c
w of ig
dging Irma four cents per
Owl, to to oad one-half coati.A Millie
on the pest of the diggers la tho result.
I , -
' 1 .
1 ~ , • ..
. ,
rocorth f.aty - and au
burin. )ntellicence, Fananchill and Com
Verclo.l, Liver, S.c., hc.
Another Fatal AerMeet— • .
Arialltr railroad accident occurred yes., I
tertlay in Allegheny, by which Mr. David 1 t
Ilunt, - n0 .. 01d and esteemed citizen of the :
fourth ward of that city, came to his death.
A few minute; tsfore . I.;selv 0 'o'clock yea- •
teratty morning air. Ift.nt, who was - very
old and very near, was walking
,hlong the
trues Of the Western renusylvsnia. Rail-'
road near its junction with I
the Fort Wayne '
Railroad, by the outer depot, betwesn East
line end Anderson street. Mr. Meat 14-00
walking in tte difett Inn of Anderson street,
and behind him the tiliarneburg &peon:no
eation tram was backing down toward the
l'eileml street depot Of tile Western Penn
sylvania _road, whence it was to Mart at
twelve o'cliack. The conductor and brakes
man of tbe train were both piae front
platform, um! observing the gentle
man, called loudly to him 'to get off the
track. Observing that he paid no heed to
their calls, anti of couree not know
ing his infirmity, ttiO; :needed the
whistle repeatedly: Mr. /fend had he
hear lar
d Qin ams given, could moll bay
left the track, gfrt the °Metals y ,
they known . that .the person . they
culled to. tens unable to - ben them,
could have eteppetfthe tram before reads ,
leg him, but unhappyly they did not know.
, As seen as they Menton tenvineed that Mr.
Bent •wart not going to leave the track. the
signal tees, given the engineer to Terme
the engine, and the brakes were applied Is
forcibly, ad •rtoaslble. - It. ens, NV late, how
ever, awl Mr. Hoot we• attach by the end
of the car, He was' throstn down' and felt
under the wheels. ,The brat trunk passed
over him, and he was Canght firths second
truck of the, first car, and dragged a dis
tenon of perhaps a hundred 'feet. As soon
as the ultic., shopped the unfortUnate Malt
nas ex t ricat e from •Ids potation • and car
. riot into a shop near by. 013 head was con-,
eldorably cut, and his lower Air 'broken
in several places. Ills left arm was fray
. Lured In different parts, and ale right leg
wasexualted and entirely cat off below the
knee with the exception of a smell portion
of the skin. He seemetrconsclons, but was
. unable to spent. lie was speedily Mitered
to .hi s bean, at 01 Sawmill alley, near
Walnut street., in the Fonth ward, an Drs.
' Dickson and liamatOn, of this city, sem
i 'mined.: All egorts were useless, however,
! and in three.rearters of an hour after the
asaident - the unfortunate man expired.
The, deceased was born In Ireland, and has
been In this country about fifteen yenta.
, Ile was seventy-nve years ot ago. leaveS •
trite and seven adult children, and was a
carpenter by 'occupation. Al observerS
with whom we conversed, stated that the
train was moving at a veryosoderate speed.
The employees of the road-Mho were pres
ent did nil in their power to render assist
, &nee to the Injured man and his stncken
family.", Cornier elftwelon empanelled a
1 Jury In the ease and the inquest will beheld
thin evening ht seven o'clock at the Mayor's
. .
. . . .
The Bounty Perjury Case.
. „
Some time ago we reported a vise of al
leged perjury which was heardbefore 'Uni
ted States Commissioner epioule Daniel
J. Link, sixty years of age and a resident
of Duquesne borough, wen breeept hefOre
the Commtssiober on a charge of perjury,
1 based on the alleged fact that in the appli
cation made by him for the bounty and
Back pay of his eon, Absalom • Link, •
member of Battery "C.. let Brigade lade.
,pendent Pennsylvania. Voltmeters, who
died July lath.lxl3, of wounds received at
the betide of Gettysburg, he hod made site
davit that his son lens unmarried aniSchlld
less at the tit:ee e!. hie death, which state
theuwingly false. Un this charge
defendant if 0.3 hold to ball In the sum
of 413 AX) to answer at the present special
term of the United States Circuit Court.
Ileantium Link, through his - cotmeel, H. C. I
tlackrell. Rue, made a statement to this
ecect,which wee forwarded by United 1
States Distrilt Attorney Carnahan to the ,
Second Auditor at 'Washington City: •
iWhen the news of his 3003'3 being wound-
eil reeehed him, Ills daughter went Unme
tdiately to where the eon lay, and nursed
him until ho died. Before teat time,
through over-exertion and the
becomestench of
the batile-field, she had seriously
ID oneself, and iient home for money. The
family were literally penniless, 3111 the de
fendant app li ed for the bounty a nd back
pay of his non. making affidavit as stetted.
Within an boar after receiving the acme
!eery papers, he .cold the claim giv
ing power of attorney,
for sixty dollars, though the amount duo
was one hundred and thirty-nbie 'dollars.
The son receid was all expended for
his dying and in paying the daughter's
expenses and gciting her home, Sir. Link
using not a. dollar for liii own benefit. 11 is
admitted that defendant know, at the
b e ad a
was made. 3/101 , b13 son bad a •
Wife and child living, but he did not know
that anything in the anelavit be signed
rested the contrary helmet
the document or hail itr ead to Inmb efo reo
signing it. Neither did be know trait the
fact of their existence would debar him
trom drawing the money.. Furthermore
pis lon hail nut lerifil with his "wife a day
after their. marriage, which took place'
603031 n gin years previously. The defend
ant offered to pay back the money obtained
and to brim , . abundant testimony:Ken res.
Peetable citizens as to his good character
for honesty and uprightness. ..
This statement was returned by the het
and Auditor endorsed to the effect that, in
eeneibleration of the age. good character
1300 1C110[011.3 of Sir. Link and the belief
that he did not act with criminal Intent,' It
was advised that, on repaying tee money
obtained, a eel/epees be entered. also that,
on application properly verified,' the irld
, ow's claim, when crammed, would be enter.
' tallied, anal 30 much 1111203t3330d AS hadbeert
l ' e r aii r i l t y , tre P rilPo d r e e ' i! " e il i r r;ti; 'i atrt T P:st l ; :
day and paid over VIVA after which a colic
true was entered and the pi isoner , dischar,
god front Ills recognizance.
District Attorney Carnahan.rand It. C.
SteckrelLEste, deserve Mao greatest credit
for toolr - humane efforts which have borne
no-good fruit.. .
Nedneer Arrested•
Some time during last year A bilis
ton, of Alliance, Ohio, wan In this vicinity
cast elslt. During her stay in the
city she
became acquainted with ono liarne,y Moore,
a young Irishman, but:recently arrived to
this country. The acquaintance
grew to
Intimacy, and the sutimao: ,benuzde error
nal, and when she returned home she went
without the maiden honor she brOughtew4•
The facts became known to her family at
Alliance, and recently Ler brother left
I home and Clll2lO us this city lo secure . 305-
tice against the sleAroyer -of his sister's
honor and his family's harninews. - infer
' .llZ n e ' ll 'o f r or s ell u aVid . ik e trtt g til * Petit.
day thetscCused wee ?Amsted. When tound
he wee as work on Doydis Dill. lie Wee
placed in the lOCk•UP, whore he now ro.
mains, awaiting a hearing, which will bo
granted him today.
The National Constxt Next Week.
Owing to the enormous expense of getting
up this national contest. the managers have
concluded to charge for admitarice during
Lao hip fifty cants. In the evening the pri
ces will lee as usual. Free list entirely ens . -
Pointed, excepting the prom. For the batter
accommodation Of theleglea there will. a
limited numear of reserved seats around
takewhore the grand contest is to
pines. Seats secured at the cake of the
Fare. 'FbelFounsylvania PailrosdCompany
will run two trains from the corner of liar.
Cot and lit. Clair 'treats,- the , first train
leaving at half-past one o'clock, returning
Immediately after the contest Is over, •
. The rittablirglt Christian Advocate cornea I
to us in a greatlY enlarged and Improved
form, end le now equal in ripposramte to
'any religions journal published fn the
Colon. It Is ably edited, contains a large
q nee ti ty of the eithitest of reading matter,
and reports at the doings of not only the
blethodis wic It. representa, but of. all
religions d en o m in ate ons. buott a journa4
at the moderate aubecrlption . prtoo of nee
per annum. should have a circulation of at
leant thirty thousand melee, and we We.
take not the character of tta friends It they
do not make great efforts AO eustain• the
enterprise of its pubiltherdth the We/ of
The Mongrel' the Costetras.—A. large
attendance wee present at Central Park
yesterday afternoon, to witness VIC contest
between yoang lady offer ed r the bean
tau' skating costume • as a prize.
intro contestants entered the lista & and the
trial, was very spirited, retalf l .s
victory for Idles Kate Peril...lath ward,
who was -declared -thewinner of the ere
as Forsythe will be remembered
u au , of the
. ..custards foe the prize
skates recently offered at the Central,
Patine et- Co's Agirentin.e—Yor inttanilY
Plating all firde/cis of waver, brute or Get ,
woo Ewer, with pure , silver, where storm
.olr, and for cleansing and Vollshing.alleer
o r piteer.platort ware.. warranted .to eon.
taro no quicksilver or arid, or any in3cerioria
article. For sale by J. Sample, Allegheny,
and all dragglata delfidf
liteleseed.—John Coaster, who was held
by tho Court for surety or the peace, and:
orderal to ply 'a link of nve dollars aod
come, and, being unable to raise the money.
- was committed to Jan for thirty days. was
p yesterday rel Cased, time having ex
Coupons Swims Pald.:—/he Psttabnrels
and thmnellsvilla Railroad Company notify
holders of coupons on first menage Turtle
Creek CoustrueUma bonds, due February
erst,thac tbe same 0111 be paid on and after
that date,on presentation at the First' Na
ttonal Bank of Pittaburgb.
Stoek s..—For mere convenience, M.
J. B. Bailey, stock s na Real lEstate Broker,
at Board of Trade $OO.llll, will hereafter
call stociconly on Trimlay. and Tbrrsday
evening!), omitting Fridays. The business
community andeapitalists will bear tills In
mind. • •
Amritsar Brake on She Care.--flarrtet
Crawford was before Alden:nun Lynch yes
terday. to preferl a' charge of. Inaeoent at
'Ault and battery. against Thomas Carr ' of
Oakland. Thomas was arrested and held
for a hearing. • r •
at N er a clOZ. o oo l PlMA. T viffe r a n t " ; r te . a j c u r ' l t e a k r isi 2 n 4 s. th e,
aged m years.
The funeral will take plate on busoar arrest-
Noon'. Jendary 270. 012 o'clock. !ram the res.
idenet of her ba•band. eornar of Beaver sad
Wa.hlngion street, Manchester. The friend.
of the fatally are respectfully bolted to attend.
e the Md Inatt
r. NVWedn 1f.1..2.115day.
litiol)EY.. a.
tifty.fonk years.
Funeral servicdt at hi, late residence. lit. :c7
Washington street. Allegheny. at to o'clock on
itayntway. gannary :so; The pleads of the
family. are Malted te attend.• • ,
• Batten papers pirate m. 1 1 ,2 •
FETEIDION—On Ireduesday," "ad tan.; 'at II
r. sc. eileitl.ES U., ,ntkot eon of. Jerome V,'
and Maggie Peterson. aged three months.
The funkral sold take place from the realdeoce
edam parents, cornsr Fulton and Clara streets. •
Tilts MlTlliffooo at: o'clock. The friends sad
.elathes of the flintily arc respectlnlly Inalted
toattletid. • • • ' _
IKTlABV—OnTburaday Morning, J1010417:401.
1 tll o•clock.lillas SOPHLA A. XiliklY, fourth
daagitterof A. /Why.. -• .
The funeral will talc place on ki-I . PAY =
o'clock F. a., from the realdenee other pareeta.
Ito.llBcottatreet. Plttilsargh. The Meade of
the fantilt see yeapectfoUy Invited to, attend..
I;o4vlPa•Alacctivr;4 6 B: - 4anizl
a Ail II 14,i1
beautiful .God , s-acre." the laegest unbar ,
ban pike of sepulchre. except one. tothis
mauled on New Brighton rood. Immediate
ly north of Allegheny. For burial lots. penult;
or Utter. gall at Central Prof More of COOL. &
CLANET, Allegheny City.'
R . T. WHITE & CO.,
id..h.,e.r,w00d..u...d .
Corner Shofilold
tiestse and.Carrlag. turtcls.d.
114.107ourth stree_l'lttsburels, Pa. COFFINS
of all kinds; CRAPES. 0 LOVES, and every de
scription of Funeral Furnisbhut Goals furnish.
i. Nam. opened day 00.1 night. Mame and
Carriages tarnished.
liarangnet.—llev. David Kerr. D. D., Bet.
M. W. Jacobna. D.D.. Thomas Ewing, Esq., Ja
e sh D. Miller. Esq.
6 WylleSt., Sd doorfrom 56,
111,41Telt REPAINII.4 4 G •
• , 58 Fifth Street,.
}laving fitted up rooms exclusively for tees's,
pairing of WAI (,111.5 and CLUCIL.e. with 'lewd
tool• and a large and competent force of work
men, we areenabled to do work as well. It not
better than any other store teethe city. Watches
le a t
r repairs willour receive prompt attention
so e egulated by
Jos. anorms..r. w. LAT-811.1R-3..nybrazos.
formerly owned by Hewn. MHO. VE]NUCK.
& c o ntinue we tespeetf4ll:. inform the pubac that we
the matottattum of
Sheeting% CottonYarne, Carpet
Chains, Candle Wick
and Batting. -
Orders may be lea at the Olllee of the Woria,
Carnet GM/manna war sad Hark era
Have More Improvements,
JEGiliCt'g' LESS' JrOISE,..
And atiach gPEEDY SIIirLE
atilou than linylloentael. thirmart, et.
• VEIL • SunrinEn , dc. CO., -
27 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh.
1.00;a1 • r, • , •
cmazusx') xis .ravr
xo. 92 Flodn'at Stied,
Gas and Steam k;itters,-
L large usortmatt of
Chandeliers,, Brackets, Lead Pipe,
Pumps, Sheet Lead. &e.,
164 Wood Skeet, near Stith:
. .
JOST/L...1N . C101702.1). - POEM..
JONES, caws= &Jodi., tel.
LIGHT DV rauutham..
Adopted by V. S;Glovernntent.
Non exploitive. Gheap . aadiSita' Gives a
William Gala threatow greater taxa uty other
lap. as id e adapted to KG 143..1429.e.
es, sad aria is m e rcy beouduelay. never
river. *AI trigoatax. littraers Cu phi. tteet•
We applied to ordinary_
(Mee. Opposite Poet Wipe. alvvielrittoek's
Nein Depot.secatil &tor. • non •
-ppAr9rN3 erieeiik.7*L"76°;`ll.
Fine Watches, - (locks, 'Jewelry,
1 4, enFaab. •
sar Pastlen. Ma rti= shut tga Wwartaa.
Watauga. Clatta aatt Javalay. .4111/o.k. war-
Tantab .1
l'rectleal Furniture Itlanufacturees
Wait f !Tits o'. , 711101TEIM coaasev47
• '‘.:
' Jatte9
33-3 r A. ;33crir,, .
. _ .
Fifteen rows of aro, situation bk it, Boot or
Stattoiery Btore.. Arial ot ••
' 29 PINE IL. Ttfty F sro.'
WANTED, _ - ..•
a 12,000.
Wanted to borrow, on mortgont'on good MT
propertr. for opal year. Address._ •
Box "9'• o..agrai arms.
Statini where an interntearoan be but: jalealt
• • LOW' WAHL IifOOLDRIta. to whom - pica
wages aqd steal) employment will Ware
NO one belonging to the Moulders' Unionalbae
elation need byPIT. c : 0 1
• 11 1 11.DFIEJOILD a
of Lit
erary and ComnotrUel College/it**littodat
permanently In baseness reqrar $.lO/Inalre
ably and bia.laaaa torreastottdence.
Apply with reference, to - , .
lin Grant street, Oppoalte Court /WM.,
WANTED;--100.1000, 10,000
Neu to sell /Z.:it:MEWS . GAB CIEN&TUR.
width con be attached to any lamp. =shea th e
best gas light In eatateriee from eoteMoott.
ommohleut a ...Nei will sot blow out. Moat
middle minim a rticle' out, retailing" of e^
agent% are aciliting mOatf. an . ll,lt i Vtaltba
to use lt•
Jal No. 10Ji Bt. Clair street. (Room 36. 3.7
Chabot , y A Week or illAtorics.L.alita,
and_af atlonal Imposlanee. The and T WON, Ma - -
ffie!rtiVlSt gttliNt A.
eff Or".
11 a ALL NY. Um distinguished Author and HI!
Swims. /a one bandsome volume . Illnatratea.
end at once for tams and A tar t..
jou r..d &test' 11511dArket nt.. entsbargiaa.
to bell their NEW wad YAMOUrr.•
!fa , Umue paper to Peary • Beaver cloth or
tratber will/out change or reed, needle Or Um-
Ado. tied-adjusting pressure toot and newt,
desirned foummottoued UNDILIIMD. isdarsolC,
• cm:Matzo stamp. J. It. HALL a CO.. •
• (Co /inn street. tdoectud Moro •
dell Clstator b, Co
- -
- AND bTOP.IES: writt.l , C0MPL1.4 1, 7 "1
ASA 13ULLAtil.P. The Book commas sifts*.
Penult at' the author, more tbs. on e hundred .
,pictures, ena Is nicely printed and.bousd„ awl
ustplente all the children. Address. .•
W. nut.L.A.r4o a
Ho. 73 Ttgrd aurae.'
- Pittsburgh, r
, and YE . SIALE--111 every nett or Western'
Pennsylvania. for 'Statue new dud Eng:arias:a,
• THE M ..11)L.Vel •.
Either the month or by commission. ..rubr;
Ushers . rates allowed. For tell partleelme eti•
ply In person, or addrers, /Anti!) 6 CO"
- cot • ' 43 Fifth @treat, I•lttsbergb: '
A .Farther, $lO,OOO,
LW SAYE esvII'.XCELLENT statarrse,
'TEAL s wiusort.
Zio._66 eralthfleld
p h i a l !t e t T. e .-- Offer for !if,
Occupied by us as • Barrel 7actory.altuate.
the foot of Taylor street, Fitt township, and op
posite the Copper Mill of Pork. McCurdy = Co.
Thle property bra a front of 24Q feet on the Alle
gheny dr.; containing mar TWO.ACILSS. i nd
'Adieu, of idling up to mate as much mire.
For Iron, Steel'or other large Manefeeter/ 1 4
has nOloperior.
Terms made to scat purchaser.
DWELLING. No. LS Bolton ateeet, 0ne... 1 W
lame.s avenue. hou se pie W Wlll
- la ttartr.elght feet Band,
by Inirty.ets feet. deep, etandlog on a Ica dB,
fee. front by one hundred feet deep to a twenty
loot alley. The dwelling la moat desirable and
deaaant containing , YOU eixr..N BOOMS,
Mei 1,11.1 a. /t.C. with neat front yard and
mace In rear, 'making evecYthint chocaul d
c Natant. roe jean. and further Information,
c urn:HE= d osoati,
- ROB. SALE.—One Three story
DWOBIZIE Honse. contatala eleva slaw.
c00t...1E4r etztO roma ad Mashed *Wt.
cootzala are zoom:mad pastor. loqulro of
isoisi I I No. =2 &mod Bocet.
. , .
In.lbe Market Nonce Dianne. 2:e. 1= for
farther parUculare enquire at We Stand. No.
IM, Mahe nuke t Noun Manion& Irlttaeurlln.
a. jaletals
• - •
NO 40 Craig atreet, IFlrat Ward, Allegbeffy.
The Imuse as a imesttal two-atorl Irma.. la
rood , repair. The lot h 33 t at treat o p Cralrt.~
litreetandoOfeat deep. astenoing to 10MI
cooNa Ctows ll oiry at'
DIAMOND ET...fittatorrah.
FOR . SALE — One Lot fronting -
46 feet, 9 luaus. on Vest blde of Rad:lay
street running hack in feet 1 Inches to Whiv t :l- '
Hy, on aere anted 4 two-start h
hoi:nies, 2 Whigda say with 6 mow ewe
site 2 011 alley. with rooms each. oppo
site the ifoortli Ward &hoot House • , HU' be .016
at • bagels:, RAMEET ' '
• Heal estate Agents.
. NO. to Het yet street.
POE SALE—The Chitral
. • lag occupied be the /113Tfl U. COLIGHZ
-11 ATIO'S. earner at First and Esst streets. Alle
gheny CUT le altered for sale- ..Proposltlinisfor
pureness will be received. and fun isfornuctian
gtv en es either of Ma undersigned, _until rely
read let. WC. T. i& BROWN.
- ' 113 Wan ssreet.
1617:rit N0..171 Mow nd.
• FOR SALE.—A desirable
<r ip 1n dl`egheny, located Olt nandeelry
ee t and Ntrawberry alley: the lot le WO feet on' street and Mteet en thranDetty at
ley to Herron alley, mid °all one *c.o. nom the ,
plaroone. The improvements are a Wok novae,
n 114.0002 sod • tram. shoo cm the DMZ
etta of the lot. for &Met Infonnatlonlaqulre
on the titrendsin. •
_Ja2;rt,- 172 BAST/174MT fiTBEZT.
FOB SALE., - ONE TWOwirrealr
' IRON CLAD BUELL/MU, with goad stoma
room, (and lon (li rear loaf* of gmand from Lt
or.' dad!. OM:late In good '<nation, Wag No.
I= Penn atmattoornerotilarrima stmt. w °aid
and good
fora St ed atom. or Plambaas
antim Pitting Shoo. anquir,of E. **Del.-
IT F, No. MI oaltroot; or 8.• SNOWY
4.l!.;th. ir tyMbers. -Mama sad lima Sittara,
at it • allathenT Mr?. • '
sALE—second nand
kuqulre of
Wl4, all sl,:art:Ztaclegentailitoperpl" 01.•
1 ; 19 111/27T
morn 105 r at No. 69 sad TO Watts Matt.
TO LET.—Elgikt ROOMS of a
....rreittaished Heine on Penn strle , 4ledillb
.Ward, suitable fora private taintly. nest refer
creates and security required. Posaesaion
.Derellturre en
Penn street, near cbreat r is i re u r itu kert i ayi
JaW,sa . • at 14[01E1in:et.
Fon : Bram .
A . L.tfliGE ROO" :
In Dick banding Of GAZETTE: Tor puilgri
tars. Inquire t • <
ja17:037 'GAZETTE COMITING•11001E.
nest soonao so *mu= !Taxer;
sass? tITLIZET;
orricts ox TIDED AND MAIMIIt
x. tiA-ZZAM; •
/Uri si Law. 06 ossat serest.
The Warehouse, 27 Wood St.,,
b., T. A. TrA.llO CO* T?*
tnrtber lotormalloa. appltte rivgn ey
'wan /let
SLEIGH:M/-41.:GOO DIrEgilir wava d...'
Irmo want a coot.rios. Wo to -
ffrABLZ tar • goal Um:
7tratittoot, mar Mama NOW%
• 'rartkiaszattaitlonribt M ini sat
. .
N0:134 WOOD 6Tllirt.
• W. 6. taroa.
No. 01 nest area
Liras Dar.zzia. a acrx
~; ~=i