griIAND SUBTIBBAN. • LOOLL SEWN ON ENVOI) THIRD PAM ,~ddli~fißßTd., - , O T . „ _ .. ... . --- rial 1 4e9 ,- gpr. his psi, _ -DurinettrCatirr...Jyage gianptoti. . Si: H. W. liorbalii at al,vs. Jas . Denntstrilf, et 95. Wtoolditiglitidt; fliflchrg Cc/. vs- 1.4. 1 4. able Itlattrande Ob.- • - • .. e e. :A William Yoluicesi•Ontripie." mit a il• us. Joheildackey re... 1101 d. a,,.... Co.lo--Witdirr.t.te,Lat..Ttihn M. Perkins Ato i 1 1. „ir.ttlicVC, l l.l 4441 fo.Va, .1.. D. Sneattion i` o'iii•Ay P 'Heinle & Co. Con . 0/ rous-sOge meuqn..... . • RLam Gridabsrts , Ban:mire & Clark., 1, Beamnont vs..a.-I.ltateic &Co. . tr. If noelerys.:Cleorge Bryson. W. J. - Malaya. S.A.Totter et al. 11: /tTroWelt John 'L. littler. WO. J n ob th - Tr. StoWntwat Ditector. 13. C. ellervs..Charies Stewart. H. C. 11,11artinan Ns. Chnstam Atwater. V% pert Hays vs. Williaret Thompon , ta: g:2deClollana r t . Thomas Hosrgan sii. vaned Stateg-Dfttriet cogrt. aeraiellbii:WitstrirWcitirmame. ~. A sPealaTtetafof -it:ipdaed mates' Via. tried Court commenced n Monday, and on . - Tuesdaynet .1 vas iut sworn In. Oa sts:ling Of Ilia -foll Owing Fentlernett from different !western cap:ties: - I . It). Jno. W. Walker...l Sete, foreman. . • W W.W. Darr, Clarion- .3as.belliy, Allegheny it.. Hartshorn, Clear:Geo. P. II riffltb, Erie. Feld • •••-• - • - {J.ll..Woodward, Bea- F. D. Darreli,Beaver,t ver. - •. • 1 .Peter Whie. 14com-tlas, S. I.owry, Fltte. - E.lM.ltotreett4Craw: Lamming, \ ford. ~ .. -, . . i littstmrah. Jno Penton, caMbrla Jaeol3.llqrsand, Sea. Q.W. Gunnison,P.rte. Ver. - • Josiah King', . - 101 - las: -Fawcett, ,- litr. .....„ . minaham. - . .1. T. Hcakinsorr,Brie. Wth, }llttel, Cambria.. On Wednesday the following hills were returned }1 - • - - United'Staterr vs. George LI. Wllltalary In- United paalltng- counterfeit fractional currency i=truebill..• .., ; • - United States vs. Thomas Davis; indict meat passing ormuterfett fractional cur reUnit; ncy true but. •• - • • ed•Statesio..W. D. Ilatit an. Thomas ilogheaCindlettnent passing counterfeit fractional currency . ; Ignored as o t Hunt and true bill as to -Hughes. - Hunt aas called, but did Dot answer. : &arra - was swore , ln the case of George 11. iViUMMS,.findble .trial proceeded, Dis trict Attorney Carnahan representing the llovernintroti. end U. Swartzwelder And J. it. Ilampten.,Bsee. by , the -- rcqueet of the. Court appearing for Abe prisoner. The principal witness was JanoesWiggltiv. pro , twitter of the ..£l. Dorado.' ',tavern. on Wa ter street. where- the .-counterfeit money , e w r a f s e i a t l s l e F g r e a d r e to P = re v d a l ti re c= d f p nd sede:Tahee d n e . s haying preecitted by tbd defendant. On ertstheagar=lll33ll2l, Wiggins stated that ' . it was Ule rule at, taverns for barkeellere to pass out the had.Maney taken lu. L.•`..1. You 'dangerous rule, ,, suggested_ the count 011 acer &Hi:Wilmot testified teat be arrest , ed the amused at Zest Liverpool. 0130.a1id . • found counterfeit currency on Ms person, and oleo in his trtink . at tne lied Lion lio. tel. in this laity.. Defendant Mimed Mr. Wllmotitety dollars if be would destroy the "staff. found in the trunk. For.the defense Air. awartzwebler pointed out decota la thp indictment, the descrip tion of (the counterfeit not corresponding with the notes offered in evidence. The court deelded.l-lededeaal to be fatal, and a . none pros. being. entered the jury were dig , charged from farther coruddenition of the can. The .defendant . was remanded to prison to await the Boding of a new hilt. The =seat the United buttes vs. Thomas 'Davis was called. The Indictment charged . the passing of a counterfeit twenty dollar note of the.Fotreth National Bank of P/1118- delptds, upon Dharles &Corazon, atorobeep• er, of East Birmingham, on the Old of Dr camber last. Stugmeting the character of the note , when handed to him by defend ant, having received one of the sanle kind on the day-previous.Mr..Moritson gave It to his wife, directing her to get-change for it, but,,-beckonimy. her to .an ad yelping . MX= 'WM - her to go for a oinuitlade:,• Before -her -retain, .the defendant left the store. not taking with him a turkey. for which he , bad tendered the note In payment,. or waiting -for his change. Amaßtatraura office (Justice Am . mon%) ht 'on.the • opposite 'side of Carson - street Bum Mr:llforitson's store, and look. hag oat of the window the accused saw Mrs. Al. going there, and tionce ills rather hasty departure. The defendant resided with his mother I . . , the: unmediate -oeiglaborhod. • The note was produced " to ' evidence and identified. The defendant. hens res=l, stated that ha did not know it was counter. leis, and that betted reached it from am= nanualGust.•Laxabert. in DaYulent for sec vices rendered.. The =se Progressed as far as the detemse. , ' when the P rogressed adjourned until Thttraisst. Mr, Slwart,swelder is re, Lathed as co unty% by the detendantiwho is under ball• " - _ . . Before Hon. Moses ifamptisn. In the . case7OVW;,O. Dann vs. Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne b Chicago Baliroad Company, the Jam on Wednesday morning, returned a verdict in favor of the plantar for $.15.1.00. Huntingdon IL May ye. James. X. Dlr.. Action to,reeavor for /33.901) feet or lumber In water; Bold to defendant .at gB per al a lose a credit or inel.s4. ,Dafendaat claimed that the bill =dared was erroneous in tho number bf feetot lumber epticatted, and also In the neat of interest, as by the custom of trade nob:demist it chargeable an bills un til after Rix months from delivery er goods. Veedtet to favor of plaintiff for st.etinS, the toll amount elahned. with Intermit. Day I Hayden vs. Adminisuators of Charles seeder, deceased: Action to reco ver $2,075.26. alleged by tamer - or , to be inst.. ly due therefrom the estahet for - goods hold. money paid, do:, ,tia- per ill. Among the items is one charging "Oaks rent, at We, lour Years, $1000." which the defence claim ' eel to be exorbitant.. On trial at &talcums . Court or C0N1102911 Pleas. . Before lion. 'Thorne!' 'Mellon. The ease of 11. - M. Bole & Co. vs. Frederick Hausman, occupied the attentloo' of the Court during the who'd of Wednesday, and was not concluded at'.adjanrnment. .- - . We take the followbmg. &cm the Beading Jour - cab'. l'Otie evening test week a lunall party of ladles, and 'gentlemen thethie Pub . lio houties•Cahort 'distance trine this place, to enjoy thenniedvee With a. pleasant dance. About], &thick a *Mg man,' well strewed, intO.thewlom and Made himself very =l l y—esPeciany to theladles, beaa a good Walther: Aftereujoying himself f ora time, ho-Invited one -et the young men to drink withhim, and the invitation wen ae cepted. While at the bar the stranger sa i d he had a curlolity In 'the barn which be would alto* theyoaturman: provuled he so. compacted him thereto. View watering the barn and not finding it, the stranger re. marked that some cow must have- put It away; so they commenced searching . for It the dark, thelstrauger flying the midi:tat ty was is small box: After looking for some rime theXgave up indespete, awl agreed .to return to.tholumaat .Tnewtrauger, awes ever, told the young man to go first, and be would follow - soon ; after; The -young man returned to the house=the stranger Old not —and In a snort time it was discovered that a valnablegold watch andeha la 'were miss. Mg. The stranger has notbemtr beard from elate, nor has the tow ever been Ms =::= Alders:nth Jam .a..,etrc4ri -Is- expected to return tide iiithinitfrom tits" bridal tour, and will:he - ntiebr bit' business to-morrow morultdpi. Set all !guested take notice. • We regresexiteeilitiglite state that Cap tain W. Eaarwor the i nd eedoatch b lying at histionie very . sick with typhoid fever. Capt. Lewis hasbeen very filter soy. oral dais. We hope seen to record his con - valesoence. John H. Ilare, Chlefainy !neer Of the Fire Department: , istrddly vonvaleaclng from tie:l4o7Bra attack of remittent fever with which Mikes teen prostrated tor some time past.. wen be abto to resume _ • Soresy,oi llte pee e—Thontes Murray and air -bard Baxter, were yesterday own mated tO Jan nYr diudlealterker. of South Plttsburgn,-10 einds'aheasins On . charge of seiety - of thepeste; preferred by Seery Myers. it - Is alleged:Oat oraTuesder, the amused ithrosetensed—the /lIe• of the_dspo. nent. The parties_ reside In Menonganels eassuliand.ll,sserr•—rmAlla J. Eirk yesterday • made Ineormatlon • before - the Maier easing% Daniel Bmlt h with assault sed bitunv.. -- mte two men_ work umether at cralesarasspinuary.. en :Wator 'meet In the Third leak& -The a IMelsed was arrested by officer SISSia andbeld /or a hearing. Astether Arieeto-Chheer - Dressler yes. u n ue =eine,/ IthhaelWeleh. a. ea .ac. comDlce tar' the reetteLpetwery et Biz, Atken.s heriedlotil *tom lie 1110 juTeleee at Smith's oyster 30 . 1 . 0 . en Tturd street. and vas looked ny for a hawing. The lltrakrr Jamaica . corretp oade ac p saps: The megrims of St.' , Thomas,' tia Nast Eit. David, have refused to torn out and work on the entaterosOenti they get in. creased rates or oay. - The ornenedloge of r the Jamaica COmmieithin are roduelog la these Parishes; nrongthe blacks, the great, eat sanocurnothew6lity Whir& thateln an ri The Y . Oillioman Catholic Binhort.hae *sleeted three Judaea forh *at Men of the vaesottioooki Capital , lend le n t to the Pope for' iefection. ,E - STARK & Go., 33.A.N 1 Z - PIRS,_ - Corner of Wood and littrd Streets, xrcry• ..isSO77, =Ems. I M M 81i1180440.1013 tOOMA Ert...(aositight/T lll l. l ' ENGLAND: ir f ttalitOL':Ottate.!i`l. /TAX.Y. 441 dals::wr - • 1 , 4) SOAP ILAir4 OS 168 51400. STILUIED ROSIN for sale br :its-z.Viaioirs 'caw; So. 12D,1sin mot, CE3 PH. TL. 7,lk;ierZ, Banker and Broker, ith'ilirtagi;nmetir-eo-riter- of doacolptloas Gottoranteak—licsulla Isnlitht and sold on Moral terms._ load= and Coattnet . Ltal ButtOlang. sold Go Litres and Coupons bought at WO. eat retell. and Gold Matta Leaned on Net York. FINANCE AND TRADE, OE TEE Prirsztunou GAZETTE. WEDNESDAY. Jan. T.; W 67. S The New York stock quotations to4ay, u retorted by . Robinson, McClean a Co.; were as follows Gold,' 104%; Eighty-one bonds, 107,iit Five Tiventies, old' 1 075:; Five Twentiol, ,03,Five Twen ties, new, 101%; Seven Thirties, 104%; Ohio, 25; Canton, 65; Quickallver,3oiMarlig ool 4 l -P4 Western Union Telegraph Co., 45%; Hudson 124, lieinUng,lol%; Michigan Soutitern.W3ii Michigan Cantu', lO4pillinois Central, 112%; Toledo, 120 i Chicago d ...Northwestern, 30%; Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne ,t Ciiiragooti,V • -it is not believed that the schemes pro posed for *Mending ,the Currency will bo rasmt by Congress, or that anything else will be authorised which, alight tend to tin• seiale the money.taarkot, disturb vaines s Or shake the stability of tile . finaneea. i t`ie reported transWutanton that on Satyr day Secretary bleCulloch had an Interview of two hours with the House etoututittee Of ways and means, on tho cold bill; and that he give the members of the committee to understand - that he wee not -10pporied to making all the selesor gold by the govern. moat public. Per contra, the Philadelphia Press Ls of the. Opinion that the power of Hr, MaCnllooll in regard to sales of gold will berestt kited.. IL says . _ eat is reported that the Prevailing OPlte ion le Washington with regard to the sales of gold by the Treasury Department In that Secretary McCulloch will not be the hllowed to exercise the s cntrol over market he bee hithert a o me exer o cised. The Committee of Ways anti Means, to whieh the subject was referred, lasi not yet come to a potb , Live decision; but it Is thought a report will I be made to limit the poster of the Secretary. Mr. McCulloch Is naturally oppose d to any restrictlue bends platted orlon lino. The power he now possesses Is grett and full of temptation. 'lf he etioula bp-oa dlsposea he can make for himselt or his friendatullitons of dollars by influencing the markets, the tunable last week In the New York stack market, the-Fl sancta/ Mien/ale says: • • .no Tarry lu Wall street last evening is varlousl Interpreted . Tue prevent:lg opinion s that it is merely speculative and and temporary Is its nature; and, if so ' the present sputa will probably prove We bar-. hanger of an improvement In general bust :lean, At 'any rate. we in not see any ground for widespread anxiety. so long as the excitement is coed:led in ItS area 1.0 such narrow limits." —The Cincinnati Commercial has the fol lowng welbtermed remarks in regard to. the circulating of reports derogatory to tho standing .of badness men and hnsineas 'houses, and these same remarks will apply to Pittsburgh as well as to Cincinnati:' "It is not out of place to rebuke a prOvolt,' leggice dispOsitlOn on the part of many people to currency to gossip that affects in juriously the atanding of business men. There is a strange propensity to eSaggeride the rulefortun..of men when they really do occur, but stranger still Is the mean °Deade to setae to circulate m pre judicialthe credit of those wh o llyough pinched in their negotiations, MAY never. I he thoroughlystolvenc, Or at least still clear of protest. No good results to the business community in gtvulg,promb mance to the misfortune of a merchant who may be' honestly prostrated. On the other head, it is likely to Increase distrust ,and Multiply disasters, and very great harm may be done by giving currency to tenets affecting one's credit, that are not wholly Justified by the facts.. The meet solvent of houses may not he able. at times. to withstand such shocks to Its credit, and the more prominent the reputation of the cOncern may have been, the- greater Is the disposition to make It a target for mean nptrited, invidloas comments. . nARM.T.6B. Ounce os eirs Pm-net:ow fiaarrevs. I W4pIMIDAY. /anallrY e 7, Ift7. The produce metkets present no now fea tures wortliyrif nodes. There is no improve ment to note to the demand for say 91 the artielos,ssul prices have Undergone little br ao change, (.111-Sla —Wheat le quiet, Gad unchanged. Onto dull, with small saki 1n stors to i 3 to Wand at 48 to Mon tract. There is rather more Inquiry for Barley, .but prices are very Irregular, and cannot be quoted cm wetly. Sala of /. car prime Ear Corn at It, and we can report si sale of 1 car of Rye at $1,19; and %Another at 61,03—but very few buyers at anything over 91.80. - * 181.0 g U—Lt quiet cad a little dull but un chan Geed standard Spring Uremia such ad. .q.lartleid,l , 46-ortP, Wheat and sCreasett." are trebles in store at Winter Wheat, may be quoted at 60,1 0 to al4, and fancy brand, at 816 -to 107. Eye Plonk is selling at6s, and Buckwheat at piss to 6J.73 per eat. PROXISIONS—Ikmon 13 quoted at lit for Shoulders and 17 for Sugar Cured llama. Lardatendy at 12% to 13 for prime kettle rendered, in tierces. lien Pork is quoted firm at 6101.4 to MI. Dressed logs are set. Hetet 7!.4 to Be. BUTTE/4-1a 4all, with on unusually' large stock for into semen of the year, and prima are harelymaintained. We continuo Pa quote at sts to 4, for fair to prime Roll—a I 'round lot maid 13./t be sold at these c no- Wiens. ROOS—Fresh packed scarce and in de mend—my be quoted arm at Pickled Eggs in good supply and dull. - APPLES—quiet but steady with regular sales, in !storeys% MX to tipper bbi, for fair to good, and. 411.11, to Up ter choice. POTATOES—Very dull—no demand, ox. eept in a retail way. Small sales of peach Blow., in store, aL po. DILL FEED—Quiet and unohanged. Sales in store, at 61,90 to $2 for Middlings; 61;.13 to 91,115 for Shorts; and tr,M M___4141.3 . for Oil Meal. KAY—We can report sales of taco cars, baled, at 619, and I do 'prime Timothy at *MI6. Demand light, and market dull. SEEDS—Plateeed 13 in steady demand at WO, an but little offering. So movement in Clover or Timothy. DEANS —Coming in more freely, end the market is a shade easier. We now quote. V A M!lmal l White at Kra to Alt per DRIED FRUIT 0e and unchanged; small sale. at 9to I.oe for apples, and le to 01 for Peaehea.. errrsatratait PEiIiOLEVM MARKET Of VIM nr Tun PITTIINCEOI( Gismo.. WsoltzsuaT. JanaluTtts. CRUDE--There was not Single opera, Mon Int:rude today, and while the market Is dull and depressed, prices are nond unity unchanged. We oontinue to quote at 7!„‘„pleikages returned, and 1114, Packages . included, for "Smith's Ferry," and Bto 51.4 I offered, and 9c asked, for Venango oh, tube delivered In the spring. and, for the preis. out. these may be regarded as the extreme! of the market. storks outside of the hands of refiners and speardators, very light, and while there Is but lute offering, there is but littiewanted. - • • lIEFINED—As In the ease of crude, there was not a single operation in bonded poll repotted today,&natio tun.rket woe Anil and heavy with a drooping tendency. The forchro newsfis very unfavorable, the la test advkma quoting at 4.BaaAestin Antwerp and ls id In Liverpool, showing an Import. ma decline m both of these markets, The deoline 111 gurohe, la a matter of course, will bare a depressing Influence on the trade lOM's country and buyers wlll AMUn be asking for further coneemtions: Free oil Is flatet and unchanged. /Achill safes 10: standard brands c hanged. to 41. , kitIIIVALS.The following arrivals of eh were reported today—ell from Smith 's All7v • 111.1obstson L Co.— SI J. 4,4 - thirhogr,..... GI P. Welsonberger 8,163)Lab0n., ~, , 109 • . Total - • 43.2 imolai ix icausiai. _ . PrIVIIIIVAGII Foxe WATXX CIIIOAOO Januar; 153-50 Judea, Jam Callery; bbla spirits, J McCullough co; 15 boxes ppoprk, WO to. lard. Sellers cot 10 Phgs 10 - banes A J ManiiptiOar oats. Culp& mhos, ard; Ido rye, Dan allacet Ido Wbeit, 60 obis lead, Pestle ewhn,7o bga core, Ido Dela,' car hay. Voigt Cot 1 iskg oll,Johns. ton A Patrunt ear Dares. Us32l; A Robert. son; ldo 410..11 P Adams_s bolos want t Beal G ma dy, 1 Vox L 8.013171 MP D4lB , Sour, 8 Dilworth it tot& tea- hams, Jm 1 -Anoinaott; 1 car blooms, Jobn Moorhead; " . ` 55 -. stemware, John 1200 5 co; 315 IRAs MAIL lino CraprOrdi bbl .buttor,Jobti tiratmovi kr, ludo, dressed hogs, U Uld . dies lsas *ma, las Glean; 1 box butter, Cr "'" ... X. - Lowrie; So bbls Moor, A ;Suck, ellheltnor &Bre; 7 ear 'blooms, Pahl, Dro st cOi 2 Can 1161%D X Courtney: .- ~ nlTOßtratin• Carew= &Cum/num: U.—: Itrter baz ;D l Val "l ea tl iotrebso bls k ga kjo d ti re ra g 15 aka bunkwh_eas noes, bbls aorghum, Dvirooll L 5 pkgs saunas-10, - s on., giggle pg. per, Pittsburg/11 . '4er Coils, s ki; b ; y 3$ aka Shields, $ lx lard, hle ad Masar' a gg" .- ohlAss, / Drava; , 1 car bay, apia 3 .1) cataubell Alkensigbbis • - et0T7111.41 111 •ID rITT6III7OII Januar/ 23— K m bbli dil. / 3 1,7 i -Lo Wei tic— w eal bbis oOPPLL J ,rioLithert.lB C 0111121.1, JlLOMpini'mo ski pule, CO? idoKiiy, bis,Teboed, 2 bb15,41161, llibbli oil. Johnson it. Yana; LO do pi p ydada, J K Barbour; do do, .boLgoriiii.dp do, Ye/Mahon a CO. ALLIONZiIr 44wrunr, January =-100 s - ka r glshati g bra asses°, J flononald; 4 ow iron; oporlor lron COJ let updrg... Ai Iwo; 1 car wheat, Kenstady t 13ro; 7 wag rya, Pirate= Psottentlaryi a parrolg !tour Traria jangerdtala4l4bdo, poor.. rittir per Co. /*,tattusgr Vatzsr itAnatoittan. ga • rye, p Wollace;47 aks oata, do rre, V 7. Patlaramg aka saga, /V ft Olowarligf .W=3l, Cirotliers; 11 dressed bogs, gyogas/ssolt 7 W t ro rNstkaat floor, Durkee a .i c as l 4/N rg / 4 r x4.2`..41M4k,g i1.4.111LET6-BY TELEGII Art new York Flnauctal Nair Yeas, Janne* , 23,411. ld market closed Andy at .1244‘.-.4.overnesamit . eel If” -, ' ties hoary; cOnperir of / • 10 11 7 0, 11079[®10 t: do. 18147.4COI4SI'Mail do." 1.053,010511 now IMSl6,lollielfg 14:7'lleeror ties, 993.1.; " skaek 'lnsilco - generally firmer eri CredoriTelOgMpb. , -sea quite t iris on sou ,sharcil.l • The fol. lowing were that Closing 'mines 'Obm Cer ttfleides,M-XV; Vlstaf toie; New rlet..entrl. 102 , 1n0ti4„. E r i e f . .!f'd.lilasurb MX6 15 4 ?.eadlng, - lesq ° Ol7tiC tr i el " ' 4 ' ' lr" .er Pt '74 ki a"'" ' t ,3,5. oel , isl. l 4l; ,gi tlil 84%fti soiOMX; do. preferred, :-Tr e e " a n tar wards rose to 6614. villas stiffened the . whole list. /Lana =den [nod to be acting In behalf of the clique 1/kt:timberland Coal. is unable to meet. Its eitEs4ements. mad Its (allure was annimacea. 'Cumberland ono. United wildly during Um m ming. At Ile.. U. 44 Was bid forand to asked. Lour, 7a wsa bid, and A. eared. Thollining list wee firm • •• on Des Homes. ;kerma and Gold 11111; tb,e rest of the market Leavy and lower, woe- Wally on Gregory and Quartz Hill; Gregory 1070; Corydon, 606; Gold 11111,450; Qu arta UHL, MS; Des ).I.oines,Z9; Lacrosse, . •••• New 'York - Produce 310dikelt. New roam January 41—Cotton tco lower: sales 1,930 bales Middling Uplands at sit4o 33%e. Flour doll and drooping; receipts 3,353 bbls; sales 3401 bbtle; quotations un changed nod. Closed :inlet, and.holders are ' rl l o s =l l .. tn L' A el; . D itti l lr p t ri erd s in k l rn b en k i. era , faro rt no receipts or sales. lwe quiet and drooping. Marley steady; Mc offered; tor good, Canada Western In bond. l'kka ' dull and' 10 lower; receipts LOW bushel! , sales LI,OOO bush unsound Mixed at $l.l/4 Liam stem; Sound afloat $1,18X: do. QU'e..ed In store, $1.16.. oats doll and drooNeep; re colpts rytufl bush, .• sales 10,05 bash I ii , ,tern, (121105c;45c; State. Mops firm. Leather •, firm. Wool limn but onleo sales. SI ,030 lbs. 11umeatic Fleece az 45(;)043. Orororkm steady and unchanged. Petroleum QM et; Crode 20c.lietined PICIIIO. Pork doll nand lower. sales 3,6.53 bbls at ,g2O 3,',115,50 rcr., mew M ee .: clo'hid ail for Western; $ 1 4425:1319,.Ti for Old blesii,Maairrg at $19.31 Carl. and 510,75i2 17 for Prime; also 1,130 bblg Saw Mess at, tt1,37621,50.5eUer and buyer, February and March. Reef heavy; 84.11 Su e at pre vious pOres. fleet lisMe greedy . Bales 2,0 bl,lO At -1128.5011733,50. Bacon quiet.- Cot Meats dull; sales 135 • kaekages at sl4Osi4o for Shoulders, and leglilo for ileum Press ed Wogs steady. at tuesN for Western. Lard dull and heavy: saies dOD bbls at I.lKfir lie for Old,andl9ol.l%forlicw. Butter end I Cheese firm. . =! Sr. Loris, January 23—Cotton dull at ak for middling. Flour slightly easier; ;poring snperdne, supernue, 59,7 /111,73; fall do, I210612;25; spring extra, ISIOStIO,:re fall clo, 010.504111:2; spring double extra,,itliglit; fall do, 511,zufg Lk choice oy; - 111561 do, C. Wheat mn b u 1113 t. and tre le extra, ,15g14,5a. fan li business small; No. I spring, 52,33; prism; and choice, k 2,31 1 , 8 ,2.40; fair. and good fall, 52 1 022,71; prime do, *3:3(22,65; ch0ice, *3,9 0 2, Corn Armor, at Ittabne for mixed and yellow; eI(P Sre for whits. Oats Armor and higher at 0n aalea Prortaluns Arta; mess pork 519,5061 0 , /March and AMA delivery, and k201(20,05.1m , Medias delivery. Cat meats SW: for shoulders, packed, dry salt. llama and Clear sides. lio (or city. Shoulders hold at sqc. The bacon supply Is limited. Country Clear bides and plain bans., lac; City Shoulders!, loose, le o; packed,llo; clear tildes, loose, 1.1 c; p hinter acked, 15q01 3, A.. Lard mner and higher; prime kettle, in tierces and barrels, i lilAc; choice city kettle MO, In tierces; 13, ,, ki1ti4e In barrels and kegs; 13.13131ic terran:le:choice and country kegs. Llows—lioldera ask Ilassolf7, aril buyers offer VP and under, sales of SW head being made . Number cut to dateM. Whisky at 50,9) and uusettled at Se„lOa2,l LA 5. Baltimore market. iSAITIMOIZZ.Janunry ,13.,Cogee, RIO firm; cargo knees 12kle in Long. Floor dolLund nominal. Wheat no lodes or mochas. Corn ohne SLOS;yellow tekii 3 O.l. Oats t.. 7 (1.1.5. So. gar firm at lOy.iGlOti 'rod Cobs relining, and 10%011 for grocery. ..tdess pork Mutt; all descrlPttous of log Product Arm at . ho tter prices except lard, which ts steady ut 144 c. for ray. Clover seederuirce And Arm St o.eoo. Whisky still irregular at 41,7343 CA ta g, latter for city nod westorn. 1 Sow Orlian, Market. !caw Oamiaasi January M- , Gotton ea ter{ sales, 1.600 baler low middling. 3M; mid dling. gre; reeeli,ta, 6,56 l lade ogrorta none. Sugar eat re, and the demand fair, at ItiNaleNe. Molasses—lair,GlatZe;prline to eld3 ice. ine73o.• Flone—Superlin e, $0,1:4/ , IVO; Extra, a13,74Q1C.,00. Corn nizher, at 114351.30. Oats shire, at aGegial Mo. Hay Arm, at 433. -Pork hrin, at itt 0 31 , 30 . baron off,ed. Lard steady, at 13.4,611,4 e. Gold, MAN • ckt.4l:. market, en; January 2.3.—g100r deal and do, gre,tied, at! $10,25M10,50 'for Spring kxtra Wheat heavy end to lower, at15k2,12 for Corn 10.1, and or,e3Ql,ss fey No. 2. Corn 10Itle lower. at ilk for ho. (late farmer !la tlt.iQ Po. dull Provialons and o Mes ork.•lB.2oQ l B,ll. Live Mors l I;4 wer. lover, at $5,70k6; for light, CLl2oc,te. LOW to ohotoo dressed Loin are 14615 c lower, at M,OOM7dO, dividing on nu. Lewisville Market. Lortpou.c.., Jan. Sales ' or 50-1111 , 111 . 0. boom at fp...),306 ..rod Wheat 14911 . Lorti• Eort V. 1,30. Bulk Shoultiora .314 e. oloor Milos 11 3 ,4 c. Bacon; shoolaersl2c;.clelantiles 1.1%e; ham! Ilk. TAN 1 . 24.;c; in Loreto 14c. Whisky V.v. Ptairthaiitgla Market rintanai.r6A, Jan. 2 ‘1 .I.,Trado ,41. Pgur team downward; NOrtitweat.ra, IVlkeat no=tnal. Corn act! rei__!tulte6 I,IXX) bnaliela now VellOw IrbaTa S.rong at 5:059. Itye litnaqg at 41,33.• '11)41.4 itcria tua alfwattkee Market. 511LwTeals, January 4.1.-1:lour anclung. ed. Wheat dull, at -,15 for No, 1, awl *La: 61.00 for $0.9. Corne for goat 'bulled. thus oroalr, nt f3p for tio." 2. Ft:orbit:gm dull York, $13.50. . (TVTP COMINZIATI Joia.M.—Flour moderate; lo cal demands:Whisky dull and no damand; olrered at a 2,13. Limp closed rather doll, at 47,;5061,u0. liras Pork dull, at 20 , , , t4t1e. Lard, at 12iiatr,4; demliod. • tiold, at 1.T4N4134. • Near Irork Dry Goods Darker. • Nair Jantuu7 =:—There la little or no improvement It; trade.' Itusterea if con. deed to the pressing - ate of 'buyers. There is no dump in prices. pa T inunG. GAS SAVING GOIIPINIV OFFIM, No. Foiti-th St, oorrwszoz7rtos JAMES I. BENNET, I'resident, ROBERT FINNEY,Vice President. A. W. BELL, Sec'y . and Treamer. Ml= JEN. 1. BENNETT. W. W. PATRICE,. gcluE. t•NEY. J. /1'1), CH,OSSAM t Jl.lO. W. CIIAC. , ANT, V. 'J. EIIeLET. W. E. 10/11/V.E• • • =En GOVEIINALENT SALE. PiroportiknoWnwg lb. "Gover. sasotTsope' dk. ',team taw Z/LIII.r, wilts Bev emly•glire Acmes of TAnd, .• Deter Sian, Antoolo.'7,mm.. . BEALED PROPOS aT.24,_ duplDite, will he ileaor up to Um IctltOT DA rag' Da UOll. ilerts for purchn ot 73 acres of Land. (mere oe teas e ) to 01131 the Buildings etheted tbee. atol the appostegantha apnertatulpg. that la to tAu. DNS TANNEDY; cont.:nine IS Blot Lime Pap• yeti, capable Wen Vats, :Oven etoue and of leaning IVO , hide. per UNE rIT SASV.IIIII.L.. ruiegirbi .et sawing • pitirteet otbnoberdalty ONE &M AI.. Itntlrli GIIILU The above property is altuactdabout two j t above eau 'tat ban Antonio Iver. and she water It conducted to the establishment Ity.a vane at hewn Mona laid In cement.. . abe land inns ptucltssed lmproveniulda .mnde by tau late , so-called Coat , denita"tinvenb. .n at, and am ea:naiad to have cart a 110,003 in gold. Toe property Ints twenunder tease for the year Me,. at a inontiot rent nf g tn. payable In ad vance. A secured title In tee Itler pia wfll is given by the United n ate Government. will be marked •Brop te for Gov ernsneat Tan n ery&tbl LIM Alai Gen, Anti Cunt. Barran It. i . & ltlergs llitheatim. Texas. FOIL CEIBISTMAS PalgBEl TB. . , New Style Ottom ans, Large die t will; Chintz Cavern maduot rooms of boil Wilton and Velvet Garnett. rho ale eat, most tlarable sad most elegant &Male of • Parlor iiTl2-V721t12V0 To be taq ll othe Mum tun la a red *DA sold wily by our "Iva, Ar itys • • cow Priornar.a.taks . . . On liaad, atoureown mar: to Rreat rulttv ig!! . t r t t :;. , a r nd far ~ .110 ItryloW V.P. ifi DIoPAILLAND 4 c COLL/111'g Nos. 71 and 13 Flll6 tilreet, • Nrii,door.above D . ltyal..!ll Dalidhg, 13yar VlAiuzis FLount cOIIN MEALY 11, et. Louis Floral . _ C bolen man& orWluter Woest gums . ; • • Good do do do do - palters' gloom, good to choice brand.: - While Corn Yell, kiln dried; &the otd gkead.ased 17 . 4 WoOLI street. dole • . 11(..11u111.1(.01 at LAN, PRIVATE DISEASES. sanosisigßVlN kriu• ut Etat& for VA mire fr, It o[ 'W disonoom 011/ . 101=L; ?ppm Oro to WV an LT M pGlntl Oren 1 ,!I OW, e rri r rodri frf atiOlfitillol‘o l i ltou . . ..... 2 %P.N.42141. 1 1 . roof. w.f. AlsEolll. isANwrac-sosss. Steam Boilers, Oli-Stills , Tseks, Sheet Irou Works, at. N.. is!PY.NY arairr, rtrrealuten, PA;" - • PITTSBURGH ROPE WORKS. I DieusuaLL, FELTON a BOLLMAN, OAF 31 13eWtclz.ess HEAVY .CORDITE, . .....Torgtu { ixt and Coal Beata. 11411W8131 MAID OIL 1T1M4.31.01 4 .! . Tarred Rlipes for Coal Railroads, HEMP -OAKUM AND PACKING, CAO LRINO corrox, ac" Wiareboar ma.llll sod 115 Weiler Street, 'ear rianonganela Sousa deMpts HIV Ea NEW& !The wer'if anything, Was colder ,yes terday 1.1 athon 'X aesday, and the prospects for an e arly.resumption of navigation' are about es remote es ever., Indeed, it looks at Pre Sant as ft "G. A's." predictions,. that our rivers will remain closed until about the 'drat of liar th, will be realized. Capt., Dond, orthe towboat A. J. Baker, you ome the! Other day, havinEtwu at* seat. since last September. during which t s ev: he has made four round trips between .. ... 'Lavine and New Orleans. The Baker Is toO sv laid up attLeturnlie. . The Mary Swan. Cant. Swan, bound for s Bh ,siemp and While river, Is reported unk In tbe hls Lower Ohio, near, Rockport. e left, Louisville Tuesday, with a very light trisbarely twenty tons - sad a' 'low pas sengers. expecting to pick up a trip on the way. The boat warowned by Capt. Swan, who had her insured In etneinnatl, audited been laid. dp ShippLugport sine last summer. ! . A Cairo telegram, under date of Setupn dap' . saYS t No further news of the Platte Valley here,exeept Outten her thricers are saved but the Steward. The °dicers are much praised for their Intrepid conduct; they warp the last to leave the wreck. The 'ock threw clown all the Stoves. and the boat Would have bernisl had the not sunk. Estimated loss alit', varies from hi to 70. The Olive Branch mid! Louisville carried the survives to their destination free. We clip the followlag telegrams from the Cincinnati Coruherctoi of Tuesday EVALMIVILL; January R.—The Snow . to fourteen Inches deep.. The lee-la peeking Into the harbor, but Cs soft. The river is crowded with floating tee with n few- large gelds. The St. Cloud MR suddenly Satur day night and went below here. Blithe , boats now bete are fairly shut in. Too run- I away barges passed 'loam In the lac to-tilY. Nine men started to crows the river, trout the Kentucky shin in a sklir, on unday night, mid got upon a larito Mild of ice In the middle cf the river and could eat get the skirt' off. Four of them left the skiff and made their way across the floating ice to the shore, which they reached three miles below the city. Five staid with the sildf and finally reached shore a half mile above Henderson, after being alt hours on the ice. They all reached the city to-411,y not much the worse for t h e desperate ad venture. CAII2O. January 13.—Thero were no arri vals or departure's except the Columbus lackeys. which make connections daily. the Commonwealth Se the only boat load %Z.* She intends departing for New leans tomorrow,Lf the lee permits. Enough frontlet has accumulated Lore Mr the South to load several of the largest steamers. The Dance is still aground, butinis sus tains:in° damage from the lee. The ice In both rivers is decreasing. , runt Is believed to Lore gorged above. Thu river rose two - Inches. Says the St. ,Lonis Democrat: Jonathon Warden, who started lu a sailboat from thin port ter Yon Benton In Jane of last year, Is now with his boat, the Lassie War den, at Snow Landmg, below Mlles , Point, three hundred and filly miles from the starting point, having averaged nearly two miles per day. The boat has been sunk twice, and it took three days to raise her the last time. As Fort Benton Is distant from St. Loots 34;3 tulles, It may be reason ably expected that Jonathan and his yacht win arrive at Ler destination In lAs dare. or litty.threa calander months, or four years and live mouths, calcullite..g from the startlegtudni last June. it ie kuown, however, neat Ile was unfortunate In not starting early enough in the year, and has had to contend almost constantly withal: verse winds. We clip the following from the Louisville Courier,of Monday; trim pet of earl. °ate and barges that were swept, away from Cincinnati by the ice have been scattered along to canons points, several sinking. and one or two be ing caught at Madleon and °lbws placer, Dosing l'llday night about tor of the barges retichca this point, including a huge model barge belonging to the Parker line. It made the passage of tbe falls without hither crew or pilot, and went on toward, the Gulf without delay. St party InekiKa r °rtT o °4 ir4. 1 4 to O4ittsire it. but ttouldu t t chock 110 bet , vr.v.4.a I,su to abandon It, to ltd fate.. rive' of the 'berg.; all laden with onal, were etrandetr or sunk on the falls, some at Gael:lead of the Intlian chute, and othertkalong the backbone. If to/Slyer falls there is a possibility of saving them. Great fears are entertained. for the safety pt Go coal deer at the Ii ttboat landing, Ana those At the The ma is °LW to Co gorged to the bottom or the river between the towhead and the Kentucky shore, its thickness varying from la inches tole or feet, and If It should break up with arise It would Jeopardize the boats in the bend. ir it does net creep averythto g atthe wharf similar to the disastrous bleak up of the ice A few years ago.. ,Thele are eight bargee of vial 'beton:mg 10 the Domerrri Coal Coutpeuit of tee tow. head, together with four Wale ithlenging to coal dealers in the city, and a °umber 01,06114 Y barges. E(MilinjOATB. - F 0 • cAtno, MEM r siw . oBLuad.allEllit The tat pautuger Maw: LZONIVAS .... Capt A. it. 51•1111brre tor the otorro sad oil Interbiedlote pAt THIS trAY at O a. ' Yor frolobtor possaro apply oft boord or to tap YLA ( to Ciibl.pßiVe 001), •Itenta. I:4'OR SIEMPHIS AND...4=o NEW 01/.l.6ANS,Thespleadidar steamer HATS .11.1.113L5i301; Capt. U. Y. Itoategoo. Wlllleavetbe above amt. all lotermedlat• pore on ILO'llr.ltNlk4l blAYlt*ATtl)N. Y°"' " 44 or Litat. * A P kint ,d i orto late JAltals OOLLIoe. CINCINSATI fuidg l ar cis t LOITIOVILLIC.--The Poe pa.- center steamer 11 at 11416 11AYS,...Capt. D. L. Hr.:pawl:sox, I boa. weenie.< Night rorl4e eboge Points, atol will leave mu the OP/Gbilitti NAletti A- Tltn4. rot fretgbt sr pasture apply oa board or to COLLIbio,I (Me& i~*L .port CAIIIO APID- 1 61r.40risit I.ollltia—Tbe Spletidt4 steamer ...... Joint 11. HAUL Will Ipsre for theabove sod all intermediate ports, oo or \beat or I!th test. . forfreightor sissitallgpeolitri,ardAgr,.. F I V I Z4 purer. CALIFOHNIA WINES. ou.gN.g. & co., No. $0 Cedar St., Now York, • . (mei agents 1t,.. valuable Winer. which see gain.... nubile layer with ntoutsbleg rapidity, and who. enure redrafted and unstinted popu larity Is uot without toth. They tone only to be fairly tennis° give them the preference over ell others. As a portlier of blend they excel all other Witteihnittilfettumertmeinctinalteewhith linen vole tarn). bee. to der! prom the anal mineot Ft I VTIT; * Pr'!tr:ll‘ll three '' ~ ,lerCt they are recommended. • The Plllanteg be Raw now offered l e na. They eoinorlse all the vett et:callow grown le the titan... or for sale; ' • air ed, or WlNE—fla n light straw roiored, very delicate and One flavored runt/Er —a au p. nor wine for tahle ' nab I. ad naturalle sweet w mach admired by ladlet, and valuae In W. 1 chamber. as It make, i i, wheys d l,u pans ) la a lee 'lnert wine, sea well adapted for Cote ri r iVf ktight - rolored.l , leibly Y rin e• ts eY sim ia cro t l o th /e o c e e l f e la h v r tedl d u .. m ! I'olT—Le•p red the t wines° r n nan. o twee T alellero°lhepindAn iFAE MANDY —I stOagi. n LI- C y of , qur WinnISITIVEIIe—A very agreeable Wide and • eere rem' de ler the diarrhea. le en . of the molt ea amble eliniablaelisal of a useful awl le agrecahle beverage abut On ever been offered to the peldle. 311111Ona of bot tles were toldbreregh.ut the ff orth during abe last four years. Red wherever Introduced It beg Peened a widoome addition to On Invalid table, Oh, family circle, and the ..IrgykriPrzlvi.ttutiV74'.7l;',V,t gentlemen who dol . & feel eery well" NA fore beater...nor dluner. whose stomachs ars opt let of order. and Winn erateune are yenerany de. ranged; mothers area:due children and nffering from general debtlity; teree et sickly nature and sour, dflionlla ellaStltllliOne; trestles' , who bare mentor. to chants thel r wear: s i r all wee the In uninioes district. and are Intb eet LOW mantle !cadences, will And it one o the meet valuable loelgoraters that cala be taken. • gli.:4ll l „TlVET;:ftll llll7 :Furtho ' lp tech lie now we d. cm tuna canny' to penile *;t7 dj the =Any ecrillicates bat wolave rceelved. a Sr tilled In tee ere It i east 1p11. ,. 10 , 0,1 1 t.l'elgiit'it'siVris urea. miarticle 4 er RUN unautiLintlateD. has been Wee to little children unladen e ft il 9 e i r. %MU:nin e , a te I Pir r il eV:LI:111TX. who, - 4.4, pm •ppetite and daily wasting int”daptiou. o been en all moo leaFekill haen esnaulted, has eutlrefl reidoStd. b ite' e. gin with but a teaspoonful a day. nee appetite not strength rapidly lucttastd gad she 111nOW • - -- XJ2.10/4 124 JA . 21.001•112 leg Bottle. Yee DOZIM., Back {I . IIO 4 9 DI Wine Bitters 1 25 'l2 03 tlarel • 1 CO 9 0/ art I N 1210 F Angelica ' Ni t 4 Mnecitel ' ' 121 /1r91901 ^ (1) 20 CO Ml= Tux CELEBRATED STEEL 2.9 rs 114 Y 11/133. ••truu Bird" awl I;o l 4l. 4 lZN l lFVO ' lralrarniAliZ ti a: ana eat or 4)117. • • d odg • - • VVIVATOU- F e r tba - bc. anuiztal.•atahort vatrant. MLIMAW EL1113811493N, • Filth Biree4b /tweet Zunnei and Cis alhans Streets, Gunsmith aid Dealer in Hardware. elnitenirtir easl:l3 ADD sr... ...nate 1.. n. or. WALL PIPER - - el all grades, v for • ratio, a, Balla, Dia* Room . *Rohm, la great vinery, ißo,aa Market el, aup. )41015138 BRIJ. VIRST TO LISTBELL LIt7L'OR.S. OF APPLICA. , TIONS Del 1 . 11 .' OSO.* untoe up OJAI:BOOBY 5th,.067.- • tavern. Firs. ward. Pinsk. , Alt. Fred Luther. is e ase Pilot ward. Pittsburgh, Blioreth gasserL.lovcru. First ' want, ?last, h JoooToge,-I..wero, itiregward. Pattaboirlth.; laernld Brahman. tavern. Tint war.), Plus 711. Fred Barer. torero; Finit ward, Pittsburgh. Fn TOOL gamble, °One go ' ods. Flo% ward. Fitter. torah, Second red, Pitteg Osborn Mcßee. ealltur house,..Thini ward.rittog Nicholas Adrlo. tavern. Fifth ward. elite/a:ea, leant Otero, /Mb ward, Pittsburgh. John MA . tavern, FiCh ward, PlttiCh Jolla, A. Richter, r . house,_llflh want. Fillets Otos. Yerg. eitrug house Flab ward. letttettia llhltnita.ltavern, Sloth ward, litteligh. Ferdinand Good, tavern. Seventh ward, l'ltieg goods.. .event. ward, Pltta . ii Theo. sr town, o. goods, Seven - ft - ward. tiltis•g Gee. Pennington, tavern Ntrithyrard, Pittstrh. Belmat Foster, torero, Ninth ward, rltt...rg.' Jo.. McDonald • n. house. Ninth ward. PRO 'h I Fella Laverty. tavern. Tenth lord, Flttaboritto John Unearth:el. tavern. Tenth weed. Pituti'h D. Gallisath, e.litionse, Teeth ward. Pittab.r.h. G. P. & ELVlcrfieller, e. War, Tenth red.Pitta'h 1). D. tavern,. m i nt ward. Allegheny. L. bproal , tavern • tremind we , d, Allegheny. Author Berpinger. tavern, Trani ward. Alley Pred. e. boo.. Tultd rod, Allegbe.Y. J. Handsets.. e, house, Third red, Allegheny. , C. Sclillerbseb, e. house. Third red. Allegheny. Christ Gent, e. house, Third red. Allegbe.Y. R. P. Bette. o. goods, / laird • ord. Allegbc.7. : Too Mere other geode. Third re`d. Allegheny. John P. W anton, tavern, Fourth re d. Albg'.Y. J. J. Cowling, tavern. Youetb ' , II. Allegheny. W. C. MarrrY, tavern. Forth w•ii. Allegheny. J. A Mickley. Lays., Fourth .'d. Allegheny. John Mclntyre. tavern. Fourth aid. Allegheny. .707. Stadletann, tray. sh, Fourth w'd. Allegheny. 'Win. We eel,, C. 1,0,50, Fourth red. Allegro .7. U. gessenimbmldt.e. house. Fourth teal. Allay. U. W. Dawson, e. beim. Fourth red. Alicgle.r. J. Diehl Co., other goody Youth red. Airily. Domino Maguire. tavern., Bor. or Birmingham. Jos. Fisher, tavern. Bor. or East Itinulnirliate. It. Wilhelm. e. house. Bor. of East Blrmitilem• Wm. Anillolts. toyer.. Bor. of Last nineteen,. John Meyer. e: house. Bor. of Lawrenovili.. Pee. Schade. r. house, Bor. of Lawrenceville. Philip Wagner, e. hoar Bor. of Dariebr tire. John 11. Greene, other gOods, lionangehela Our. Thomas Clark, tavern Bor. or McKeesport. .JohnWacker. (tern, Bor. of hiclicesti,rt. John A. tavern Dar. of kleKrespor). John Chess, tavern, Our, of West Fitt•bui go. Feed. Huirecker,o. good., of South Pitteir. L. D. Steroid" e. wino. lire of Tempera:welt , . Jacob Belot, e- house, Coigns township. M. Schuermann, eating house. 01,1019 J. I'. Swaney. entlog hones. Pludiay To. ('has. C. Stu rens, torero. Franklin Yu. . P.O. iiirWi..i..s - e . rn, 7 i.iberty To. John Honer. eating home. Llm.riy Tp. (Mari. K.Lrseh, eating home. I.lbet ty Tp. John elteltiltilinr. tavern. Nlllllo Tp. Voter Smith. tavern. Milgtn To. • • Jacob Ettgle..ther goals, Mini in Tp. Prank Wolff. tavern. MeClum To. IMunis ti'llrin. eating house. I.lei TP. • James Brown, e other goods. McClur V e Tp. nre • J a m e . VateVoornla. mvern, Oakland Tp. limbo., tavern, Oakland TO. John EletiartneV i tavern. Pitt TT , Andrew Hoover. eating house. itonlmon To. Thomas Alder... tavern, Ccett Tp.. Peter Prop. eating house. Loner ut.CialrTp. Jas 31cCormick.otner goods.i.orer St. Clair Tp. Traugot" Tseneuner, tavern. Versailles TO. Abram Moore. tavern, Versailles TV. Jacob Fetid, other goods. Versailles Tp. Johnil. Meyer. tureen: Wllklnt Tp. Peter Perelman'. tavern. WHklas To. • The Court will sit on WEIJNEUDAY. the r far day orJaitparf. 110, At 10 o'clock A. far hearing/0o above rpplluations. .laln • 'MAIN U. BROWN. Clerk. DOLT,AR SAVINGS BANK, No, 65 Fourth Street, CHARTERED IN 1855. • Open dolly from 9 to So'clock,'Also on Wedres• Ist and Patorday evenings, from May Ist to No vember let, from 7 to 0 o'clock, and from No. Vetuber Ist to Shill, from 6to 3 o'clock. • Depoeitt received of all sums of not en than Oat Dollar, and e dividend of the profits de clared twice s year, In June and December. - It. er vet has been declared sembarinthlly In Jane and December lance- the Batik was organised, at the rainy( sii . ber et nt a yoar. .. Interest. If ton omen oat, Is pieced to the • ereellt of the depositor as principal. and bears the same Interest from - the first days of June and Deuembrat compeundlng twice 5 Ten , `Plthont .troubilog the deposltor rate moneytho to Prowm 9 his pass boot. At thls will double In less than twelve years. Books contalolnalthe Charter, 1.17-1...... Rules mud ttegulations, &rubbed g rat i s. on application at the ohlce. rx.nmir-tituntar. ki.str:Er.. ' riot lIIASIDC42I , ' John U. Ilackofen. ,A. M. Pollock, M.D.. ' Best. 1.. Yehnestock, 1 lichen Robb, James }Unloose,- I John 11. hhlWaherfe7. ' James MdAuley, 'James Shldie. • James B. D. Moeda, 1 Alethader Opeer, 1 Isaac If.. Pennock: Christian Yeager. TEPID - nth, Win. J. Anderson. James D. Kelly, Calvin A.llO/5. Henry J. I.ptch. John C. flindley, eater A. Madeira. thorn Math; ' Jobn Marshall. WU Burstein. Welter P. Marthell. l'onso A. Carder, lohn B. Mcredden. Charles . It. • Crl:-.4 !15h1. 077 . Wm. Douglas, Henry _lo lilnwsralt, John Seems. Wm. E. tolooldt, . John J. liUlespit, Alexander Tirolle, William 9.11. ave Wt 111.2 Vaakirk, - Peter 11. blanket. 'Wm. P. Seeman, . lib - Marl liatn. lissac Whittler. ' l'itnagmuta..CHAßLlS A. MILTON. excatrasr—JAN. Li: D. MILI.D6I. 151 th LEA ic PEERECS' amixiiniztircamms= WORCESTIRSILIBE SAUCE =I CONNMSEURS TO VI Tux 411,1" GOOD sir( and aii.:l