DRY GOODS, TRIM:MI.IIM BATES & BELL'S, 21 Fifth 'Street. CHOICE GOODS MEI 'Reduced Prices. BLANKETS ---all makes. FLANNELS, do do LONG WOOL SHAWLS SQUARE WOOL SHAWLS. BLACK THIBET SHAWLS. FINE CASHMERE SHAWLS. EVENING DRESS GOODS. FRENCH MERINOS. MOURNING. GOODS. ' BALMORAL. SKIRTS. HOOP SKIRTS. FINE CLOTH CLOAKS. HEAVY CLOTH CLOAKS. BATES & BELL'S, AT EATON'S EMBROIDERIES ti REDUCED, HANDKERCHIEFS REDUCED, HOSIERY REDUCED, GLOVES It DIJCED SPECIAL BARGAINS Non. /71 and 79 !Market Street. We would. rt UlYpeotal attintlei, to our stock et itANDEaseams, memiomEares, LACES: AUNTS' MOVE ROBLE; SILK SCARPS, LINEN COLLARS, CMS AND BETS. 10;1.31ORkL IkKITES. HOOF SIIILTS - WOOLEN GOOD.. O RNT'd•YDRN IBIIING GOODS—Wove. He Se :76 ; AVNVX . t mg4r,s,wilita'Arr•TlVlrs . . . Wc.43LiLli BHA:WI-S. , 50? , TA Go, MVOS, - NWI LAS, A CARFV—ilfrerthe eery low to close out. . .. . . . . HOSIEWY—Mortno Ribbed. all Wool Bibbed. lionaornl, (Cotton Ileeced."Tartan and nootolt • . 01.07F..n—Good Paris Endres $l, - .5, Dark. White and °Der> nbadca. • fall atock inotb. car pee...ed, for Ladles and Ileum , . • H.ANDSEB,OirEEP SALE ao wrhtinto. We are still °Hosing our hock 0[5110:Lily Handkerchiefs in Main, liemstisched and Embroidered. THE NEW HOOP SHIRT FOR 1867. ' Boznetbin Eattrelj Few. We would inelte taeattent lon ofMERCHANTO wand DEALER.. to one •.toelt. which ill be awa to contain ell that •• ...enable, w &Ad M pile. to Belt the decline g oad. JOS.. HORNE & CO., 77 and 79 Narket Street. al GREAT REDUCTION AT RETAIL. we Good - Blue !Cud GUI ti.lll 1 eet e 0004 Shetland Bhirts sad Drawers Kt. :4 dor, Ladles' Bibbed Cotton Bose. 15e. pair rJ '• `' •• Merino " 7,0 c, So •• Cisildrena , :Wool Hose. slight ly soiled soo pool:Ids Good Country 'Yarn— I ease Good Semi Corsets ' I case French Woven Corsets LZ I ease Balmoral Skirts ' 1.01 each to don. Hoods and C. MAIN - 1000117 soiled A . BontageoiPshUY.dled• Boldnaltltte Beat Glued 001, • ... ... .... : . . acct. Moulded rapercoca:... .30e.; box bLE.HCIIANTS. PEDDLER.nod ALL who bay to &bath. ' will bud inlo or Whole.ole Dcpbri• I Goods = MACRUIVII, CLYDE & CO., 78 and 80 Market Street. 1.17 S'PECIAL' AND SEASONA-DLE. mitcnum a CARLISLE, . N 0.19 Fifth Street. ELASTIC sr.Amixas 17NlligASIC /Bra. To , lA dte.—w.rranted not to aluinE. isooliso• perlor o Pampa. I.•PLAND BEATING POUCHES: • PATENT •EA, IRIFITIS—Jost the LULUS for Its ten. A new toletet. oersted. Y.INE CARISMER.r. WA.ll9l34nit the tiblopplbr, Year'i gifts. A no. tot. WI ' LINE' , KW AND CO.LT °VIVRA—aII elms.. ENGLI:IIIANDYILENUEICLOSII tILUVES—A splealdld odoortment Soat opened. at redocod . :SILAWLS. ACS, sCAMT4 L: • _ L EG•NT V Ltsa ZEPFEYR KNIT4IOOOIIL UNULE•WitaTti szet.JIALW/CRO greatly .re &med. • . LINEN HANDEERCRIYYS Tory tow. CLOSING OUT AT LOW PRICER, Our enure aysortatera of ECC0r..X37.9. - It , GiaPo4p23o Ladles and Gentle:seri wl.lllnr to make Ne Tear.s gtftstrillellid useful sad sr ltable• tleles. CARLISLE, . sTust? WHOLESALE DRY . Goops.-- ARBUTHNOT, SHANNON & CO., N 0.115 Wood St Pittsburgh, .:- Ran Sp storesittimehst.4, - rtWiniliffietit DRY GOOK .0044110 fi t, Inda... *yr pgpler: EASE ?RIC= ' Ml a The AttittlksOfWeAditiiM c•gemitfar.6.1,041144100,0*,.....;' FOREIGN DOMESTICIPIRAIONte - • -• „Vcr*-4w'we r• /nnt°e R ..0?0 • , • . noes on, A 4.0•^46 , UAL, , ___atle RymlligthwlN - Pogtofiles Addpeur Map IQ Dint;LINIFZEII on. resolved "Voncia a FC*l. nola wreemes osisamos Wtla Pit:writftwrieuLl DISSOLUTION. -THE coparrrir E nsir I P HER= .oi t tleo betwteo_ the wider . ..limed, toforebi FAWCETT & . under the thon Wee tr . 4 auntie,' the at) le.e. The trot. Me mown en Hereof the drm win be settled at the Brewery by it , A c Buirrott, late elev. • f the Oren. who t. authorised to tee the DUOe of the trot to wtod up the Wollner. Lt...VI th.WEET.L. IOdEPEI P. LlAltill.' Pittsburgh. JIMIZILIT 15th, WE, Hering... l d our entire Brewery. hisitisq sad Bop Business to Messrs. I . lEtt. DAP. tiALB we would request from our friends a eon• tlne . thee.of the so lbsrally - bestowed titian us aorteg the number or Teen weere to th e boa. loess. We D.C. no hesitation I w n rteommend- Iftin t nUl7te=e . flre 'r t i a he d.gi ' Lt n ilg e Zil maintain We excellence D . T ouAWOr Ale. DSTT d CO. • Iteration to the arrow,. we would inform the public that weshall odeavor to merit a meth, mance of the liberal patronage calored by list late arm off". Fawcett 6 Co., and aro= our ex perience In the bus, nem, cansafely toy that we will be able to give entire satisfaction to those who may favor as with their ordcrc. ja1611,5 I PIER, I/ANNALS R. CO. DISSOLOTION OF PARTNERSHIP - . TUE ', • PAHTNEHSIIIIP ITElFlE ...throee a:toting between JOaErli 11YERS LEWIS mrsio, E. ' svuenstu. A.N.NoLd t . Hada aud T . .W. DAVIS, In th e Oil Kenning iluel.eas. 0 ee - the name or WORMIER, )IYEitn .1C .. , warthin day dtaeolved by me to el coo mut. A old Hem marinated= eablerm. be buslncs homelier will be conducted by et gh i % , 12 . er Taw!, Myers, E. Wormier. and W. Ils undeethe ex= 1311133 C of WOIL6I - 51TEll a CO. Jour.Pet 11YER,. LEWIS_ MYERS. E. TI. 11411 ' .. AltauLte It aliZ U. January 1.1167. iel,wo P MEE THE re it /, Ufore . r ander the i .I : IITNEEISIIIP HERE. Wing between the undersigned. of , r StE3 DALZE.LI. it HON,. Iles been orsestle Yralts, No. 130 Tblrdoltreet. Plttsb.gh. Ps. 121111011 the attentions(' the e.t.a.. of the tyro Duals I ej • S. NEIVItITEICSt CO., O particulat 10 111.Ited Lew. IMMEZI JOSHUA 151110DZ3 Pistabarii WM. W. ANIDERSON,Ieshoo ALES AND PORTER, MILS SKITS.-• sa. A. TOUNI3. THOMAS 31001 N THOMAA BROWN. ALLEGHENY BREWERY. Bering purchased the old ettabilated'Brewere known as the ALUM:IIII.ISY BREWEAS. for merly owned by Compuell Beehm. we would Inform the public that we Batted weasel= the menarseture of SPRING WATER AIM, K.4a tram ram Spring Water. and from Our lactutlea and tong experience in the business; we feel Whirled that we will be enabled to give entire utisfectlon to those who umy favor I. with Muir patonaga • 11911:62ZMEL clb 465' Rebecca Street, ALLEGHENY CITY. WAlt.ordersl I at BROWN a. OR/MAW 203 Liberty etrcet. ritteArgh. will be promptly attended to. oell :LB BEM W:l7. GXHILAILD...D. 6 soont..w. T. culautil POINT MALT HOUSES. W. H. HARROD & CO., Ilalsters, Grain and Bop Dealers, Ito. IT Water Street' Mid Nor. 6 Wad R Pena Iltreet, PITTSBURCH. PA. fM!reCtiVintglirrie.=tir U) 4i JOS. korEII,CEB & McKAN LEST S AND BRIMII Ale, Porter audßrowu Stout, , PITTSBURGH, • PA., 110BEILT WATSON, M.aKar. loOrda BOC?TS . ApD SHOES, GBEATaiIiucTIONS IN PRICES BOOTS, SHAM LID GAITERS, ES THOMAS H. PHELPS', 46 Smithfield Street. • Between Third dud Touritiaireets. lir • 40133 f ALNXII.TIIIIO. 7. AXIIIIITTZ•Iral. I . A.LYZ3 pAymmit„,ANSOIIITZ 4N do A ' •,.. J. A. 8041350 N BOOTS ; & SHOES G Alt:N 611. .111ftsrket Shwa, ki. r 0507;.. ..-..; i ~~ *~~ ~- P ~ '~'_ ikto6.socersomoirodiTEns • -I ..A:fla errs~smt . Vss•a. 411."81 Vat. SI Matt Men. Id dOat Ova '13,711 ninfaktr,l . :C% - r/ELDIMA. I " . 4 IS /4 0 ,4 111... tams yetztlatlnta - - ." 0 'BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS; 1i0.140 Ohio St., Allegheny. Repairing promptly narrated on the anorteit CODEBEISS'N rTERCH WILLIAM MILLER, SUCCESSOR TO MILLER & B.ICKLTSON, WEIOLESA.LE Ct'UOCEUS - JliD lIIPOIITHE3 UP Brandies, Wines and Cigars, Nos. 221 and 223, Co . rner of Liberty and Irwin Streets, vivrtuirmin, VA RON, NAILS, COTTON YARNS. SC., 1_ CO-PARTNERSHIP. THE lIPiDERSIGNED HAVE AN. witted with thein In nil brioche, at thflr ballnees, JAIL L. I , I.INneVILI. The nUne Arm telll matinee se heretofore. SELLELLS dCO. P. SILLEBB ' 11. OAGSS 1. L. DVS•L/TIT. F. SELLERS & ca, PORK PACKERS, * • And Blaniat , cturrii of 1.-• Jag. Ft. 3ID OI L; New Bacon. Beef and Tongues Wilt be reedy 1. . S delivery on Monday, lth test., Choice S. ugar-Cured Hams; Do do • co Beef; Do ' do do Beef Tongan; •• DO do do Breakfast Bacon; Plain Cured Baton Fliculders; Do do do Fides. At reduced prices and of excellent From this ••ate 511111 re,ularl9 eupylle4 with all artielea la toe Plovudou trade. Jaolus43 E CHICAGO FLOUR AND GRAD: SC, O'lB , M. QUACKENBOSS & *CO.. OFFICE• N 0.413 Lib erty Street, Up Stairs, izer,g;tlamo,R.lsh'.l'.lll,ll7.lVj tae trade at the Turf fewest meant i•riees. W holesale Buyers supplied direst Trout Wetter. j• .u.ss BREWER, BURKE & CO., COMMISSION BIERCIIMEIS, AWLYTISI , OII. TUX Pacific, Globe & Liberty Oil WorkE, Ample IStorsis for Crodit and.Ballned 011. 14b. oral nub athances made on eonalrenentaof Um!. or Banned Petrol... Yards for storage and anlyment of Crude 011 at Laa . renee•lna. Moe and Warehouse. Corner of 1)91311.110 Way and !Wawa street. Plambargb. =M.* Y. IEUNELLLti. • 11. Y'Otlß. M IINHALL 8. McGRAW, "JOISEra BUSS. Wholesale sad Estell Dealers le lIRDOERIES, WINES AND LIQUORS. No. 1* Dla mend. Pittsburgh. Steamboats furnished en shorten trice. A. elloti1111•13“ Of the patrosone of the old stand respectfully solledeo. Jalhz r Y. D1TC11.1127 bj dl ~ . . Flour, Grain, Seeds, Jul Feed, Eie,' 9' . CIR. rd. OW ENS & hEN N EUY, PIiODDCLCUIdkUndIOaIIITLUCITLIrTS sod Wholesale Dalere WOULIDN AND DOWD!. 1 It• PBUITB, HALT, 71.01.116, BUTTER Elarar.. 1 OTATOI.E I / 2 de" and M Fronts:ow, and Prndme generally. No. 16 PEDliall.l. oypo• ate the Dallmad Depol...ollgsT. ra. Agents for th e We o C A T.IIII4 , a. Donnell & lillman , s and .T. !'a]t. spledad 0020D3910N EFACCELAXTB, And dealers In Flour, Grain. Te ed and Produce. Cub Menaces nude on ente. -- Warehouse. Do. 39G PENN nTDEZT. opposite Colon Depot. Pittabnrgri, ya:ID KNOX & SON, Co=nlizeion R MOAB Ali TB and Dealers In .IfLOLIM, GRAM MILL TILED and MODUCn 6eyessl -17, No- 79 Dlamond._opyoslte City HAIL Alle sherry MIL D • AY. CRAWFORD. Commis. 81015 SLEW' In Phi 6LOWLI oat, 6 , &WOW. SCHAP UAW, Plitt bale X. and 01,Alr, te. Warebousa sad Calm N., 306' sad 306 eishiti aTa a/LT. litorta. n 6 abe