I pews the WkifOiitinlifinette TlittraDAY. rest ['AVMat. 11301. ..._.------------ LEG VSLATIVE. BEVOR3I. For many years the greater part of the people of Pennsylvania, of all political parties, have been fully . eelladen.; Uiat the most flagrant corruptions were eon-, straitly practiced: In legislative afsem- blies at Thirfisburg. ,For a long period scarcely ii‘sessioil has been held in which eholteirild ' Ciii*fitilig' have not been openly-inadesitill ifa Often by members, thetniehlei!illq . iitiblic •• journals or pri- I vats adiv.tasals, • Repeated Investiga- I thnuthe:yetbeerr made into the truth of such charges, sometimes in behalf of honest*, but gaita as often with a view of shielding the guilty.. Some flagrant cases have been disclosed by these in• vestigationi, notwithstanding the most strenuous efforts, by persons implicated, 1 to avoid :exposure. Solitary rays of light have been , sint dclin into the dark andloathsome sibysil, revealing all man ner of eliminations. Sorb cases, bow . ever; must bedewed us rather accidental than otherwise. ' . Britiery, from its very =tire fa' transacted with none present! - save the huyer and seller. Proof is, . eoniregusuilly; nearly if not finite impos sible; unleia an. exceptional instance is stretch,' ;Besides, if a man is base enough to temAt • smother with a bribe, or vile ononghlo be tempted by a 'pecuniary or other mercenary inducement to do what he feelss:v=lft not: to be done, ho will not hesitate at"committing perjury to cover his delinquencies. This Is why investigations so generally result in nothing. It is not because fasts do not exist 'which ought to bedragged to light; : but because so many are interested to • have tholiglitshut out and the evil un corrected: IlenCe, too, 'the often recur ring decrepaney.hetween, the . Report of an investigating Committee and the Popular:instinct . The people know that bribery has been used. A deep con sciousness thereof springs from the very depths of their being. They feel a fact whose existence they cannot prove, ac cording to the established rules of evi dence.-.-Nor is their 'case often different from that of the Committee appointed to probe thametter. • This has gone so far that the majority of people have no faithiin the honesty of Legislatures.. The nearer persona come . . to such bodies at Harrisburg, and the better their opportunities for judging by what Influences the most Important matters ire controlled the less coral ' dance they have in them. Thislis a sore calamity. - When public trust is sbalen in the pnity of the source from whence the - loe—emanate, there must either coma ~ ly a remedy fully adapted to to the • o r, the law-making power, to gethe with the laws' themselves, must rap into general contempt' and execra- ....._ . . In part, this demoralization is owing to neglect In selecting proper persona as legislators. A. good many excellentmen doubtless, lef into the Legislature, but a very large proportion are of the-other sort...lt.cannot be denied that on the , whole a lamentable deterioration haspc nurred, of late years, In the' character and qualifications ofmeinhers of the Gen eral Assembly. This is uf 'nly in con sequence of -the change th t Las come over the management of rties. For merly men 'were sought Col places, now men seelf.piaztes for themselvea. 'Under the old system electors cast about for the men who would most ~c reditably repro "-sent them and transact the public busi ness. To sett office was exceptional, ands dishonor. The office, so to speak, went after the min, and urged Lim to take it:: tinder the existirVatem, few men get 'public positions cause they are better rivalified than others to fill them. -EVery aspirant - pushes for him self, and often, brass takes precedence of brabrisi' 7 Indeed ' in most districts a • high-timed' man, will.` not - stoop to the personal degradations that are requisite:to obtain nominations:'. Here and there'enly dich ,deference ia'paid to superior capacities for usefulnessAntWaiji, is fully Made for those who possesathem. In large ,, ; centers of population; where great pecuniary interests are multiplied. where the best heads are fully employed in conduCting important . private affairs, and where "divisions of Tabor are, of ne cessity most righlly - enforced, the polltl. darts, and cii-liOs.worst sorts, have pollt- 'real 'management more exclusively in ' their hinds than elsewhere_ The best heads aro 'hilly emploYed, and are im bued with the idea that cacti man should ' steadily 'Lahore to his particular calling. Hence .the 'readiness p ith which they ig ' core public concerns- and allow proles. alone! politicians .to manage-as they please the affairs of the Commonwealth. Nor does there seem to be any reasona ble hope that a majority of active busi ness men will take edifiercat and 'whole - comer view of their : civic responsibilities. So far otherwise, the dlipantlon among them to abstain from active participation in the engineering Of politi '1 .parties. grows constantly stronger. In vieW,of.thls tendency, a . d of the absolute, necessity that BOMB effective check be female , the demorali tide of politica,. the Xhainbereburg 1 positorit urgea the amendment of the Stz to Con=! stitution, so asp provide, '.. ' -• I "1, That the Sonde shall co ;aid of one bruidred" members, to be ch , sen by 4. That the House of Ito.' :da tives shall consist of four hundr •d mem ' here, each:to be - elected in a at . gle dia. 3. That all legislation' rola . g to corporation interests *hall be by general laws, andthat no special dd-tie = or cor. porde privileges whatever hall be rl`-nl.elhbauttikzerrethaleiYl.rta to sp e d ap ,, 1 . 0. ' priation of money,iron - the tr. , to. ff ir Cla V4ro p t t h ti o P m on em ft fic u rs "c o la f li li n . _l n e:islt• tura shall be paid. five dollars z er dap, 1 • for the perioilot sixty days; an be pro.' anted from—apPiVrlatinit ' , ',.tberri , selves any aiellll3naivalqiifor 9 ;traded' sessions, or for extraattarearbu ; sea. dons beyond sixty in the year. • "O. That no subordinate otli r shall be appointed. in, cubes,.. t , ,-- or re ->celve anjirimpensationf ces, un 'lees a bill shall have , boon pass by both bninchescreatingerherztillce and efinlng I t its duties. - '..". ~..- ...-..------ zzi" - - - 7. Tbatiliti'Llfrdnhikind ' IlpaaN either branch rwMtblFraalving 'Veen: jority of aerldilliAlltitdValitalliet.Ah . na i r .Zl - ..:t. 4*a it'-kZ'j • These se -.;-!---- magitrarptite , right direc tz• .. '-. • - i. - xa,•••- • :.1 - 10 : , If adopted, • : ~„ ;.,.. 4t. , I tAgise aideratio ; ex ... a1,... erie..n. adult try testifies to lintge4d - ,z041 ft. representriltie anemblieit i . .I` - evitele people canrietal-liONlntritebtate. the nearer the I,lldrit -,b) . 1453 - N, brought ' , to thet.c4treit ..i„Laye business done (arm illerly !mil kjegg.t, - manner, Hie: liitattt _... -elt-gmt.,.tiur /toasty. It - is pighiFinketygrriiitA arrangement will ilstarestiOtaistieft tautdroda are to 1114: glatgaoad;:....iAtlistat • chased' has aorta:Speer tisoidrid menen bora of he General totat,'•aild itoPoto Q lions upon the Integrity of its proceed- Inge are almost unlmown. The num bers are too great to admit facility in forming corrupt rings. The idea that all legislation In regard to corporations shall he by general laws. end that charters shall be granted ex clusively by the Courts is most whole some. At least three quarters of all the corrupt practices - of legislative bodies Lave their root In granting and amend- log corporate franchises. Nor is the mischief confined to the member:. Pri vate citizens want:yaluable franchises, or having them want to protect them selves frominterference by enterprising neighbors. As the 'tiling is a matter of money with them, they are Often not slow in making it 0: matter of money with members. Ilea of the highest po sitions in social and church life, hart' not Lealtated, do no , hesitate, thus to barter their own honesty and ' debauch legisla tion. It Is altogether well to have the temptation put out of the way. We have not time to dwell at large ou the other speeitications ; but while of less moment than the others, they will each Le found useful. No valid oblec tion can be raised to giving all of them a trial. , . —The Repobitord proposes a summary nettled for introducing and carrying these 'amendments. It says , "Let the people demand a Conven tion. The Legislature can authorize a vote in Juno next, adlonm to meet after the returns are officially received, and provide for choosing delegates to the Convention at the regular election in Oc tober." Doubtless, the people arc complete masters of their institutions, end may make them what they will, and by what means shall seem good unto them. But this is not the way of making amend ments provided by the Constitution. The instrument decrees that any Legis. lature may propose amendments ; that three months notice guilt In given the people of such proposal prior to the suc ceeding election; and upon the next Legislature concurring in the proposed ebonies, the amendments shall go to a vote of the people, upon like notice; but that amendments "shill not be submit ted to the people ofteneithan once in five years." The election which decided the last amendment was held on the first Tuesday of August, 1864 ; and voting on a fresh amendment will not be constitu. tional before the first Tuesday of August, 1860. If a Constitutional Convention shall be held there is no way of limiting its action to one topic, or to a definite list of topics. Its power will cover the whole instrument; and other matters, Includ ing the election of Judges and the right of the blacks to vote, will certainly be brought forward. To a general revision of the Constitution we are not averse, but, it Is well to consider what - would come of such a movement before enter ing upin It. BALTIMORE AND °MAO RAILROAD COMPANY: The President of this Company states that since September 50th, 1805, eighty miles; of first class second track has been built and is In use; that a large amount of grading and other work has been done east of Piedmont, with a view to double tracking that portion; that tunnels have been enlarged with the same object in view; and that at the Point of ROcks n. tunnel 800 feet in length, avotdjng- eon tactwith the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, wilt he fsnlahed by August next. Twelve fast•clas iron bridges have beeni built, of an. aggregate length of 3,475 feet. . lie expresses a hope - that the 'appeal taken from the decision of the Circtlit Court of the United States at Williams port, declaring the Act of the Penny.] Tanks Legislature repealing the Councils ville Railroad charter to be in operative and void, may be heard by the Su preme Court at an early day, even Wont of its order, in consequerMr.of the nstiou al importance 01 the completion of the work. Ile farther mentions, that pend ing the litigatiOn before the United States Courts.proceeding by quo warrants was instituted in' the State Courts of Pennsyl vania, and have not yet been brought to a conclusion. .L Meanwhile the work on the road hat been gradually pushed forward, and the heaviest portion of it—the Sand Patch tunnel through -the Allegheny 3ioun• tains—well advanced towards comple tion. But for the delays caused by litigation the direct communication by rail be tween Baltimore and l'ittsburgh, mess, would now be In actual operation. is.-- NEWSPAPERS ON RAILROADS IL C. LOW), Esq., Presidenx of the Indianapolis and Cincinnati Railroad Company, hall issued an order requiring the news agents on the "trains on that road, and also on the Indianapolis and Lafayette Road to sell the daily, papers at five cents per copy. The publishers of five cent newspapers are delighted with 'this ruleand commend it to gener al adoption. hose of na who snake three or two ca Xpaperedo slot believe t ‘4,11, the rule is lair,. Win it does not cover_ the whole case." , lF It Is .ine9ullable to I sell a five cent psOr .aluivo. Its price, it Is just as wrong to mike throe cent paper above its price. What railroad man agers ought to do, in the premises, is to Insist that 'the ,different papers shall be sold on trains and at depots at the regu lar rates established by their respective' publishers.. That Is precisely what the five cent newspaper men do not want to have done. They want five cent papers sold at their value, and three cent pipes.' sold at two-fifths above their value; but thisarrangement tends to give them an exclusive market. Ifhen rallroad - men regulate title matter on their rcspecUve properties—and they always should reg ulate it—they should make the rule so to allow . and encourage fair competition among newspapers...l . Fen months petit thereelas been tcheh bli.l it unit, e talk aboutAnipeaching the President. The House Committee has commenced an earnefi l lrivestigalion ' d his conduct. If he his done-tio of sufficient magnitude to justify Wei, Pf: mignment, his will'have the iieriefit . o • vindication thst•shail betels!. Ithelifs allured tha3amareuniviisteti to 't him; Yd inch a degree as to call for impeach psnt, Cciagresixeed have no.fesairlint . connyridilluitale it.in plocooli egalist --Xiielevatiorrtot . ikaltnig , Sp or Oug4to, bei l l`bas to, ta'enlial lidmrespptfsihllit -=" ynEN a jontnal4idefikeetialxklikeit . notweentfactlOnsrand factlpniste Lida to' be' natindeYetair The icliupl= yiiill Journey latinke , !/r9. stritjaosAk to General Caliinint. That ls one iiew. TlicHari btlf~~Tttigo• C jih ~ tlt A tis so nt" tremble to the . .l,ientlexyß oonteivn defence of him Intlitelditoilarnolinane, 'ail - heartY *enema.. t noes: Yorertsiltiii there. Th ffi lrliVire*:::WfAci. 'we concludes:4443v Addilad , one tonna pose to do .equal and exact Justice all' round. THE SEPRE.irE COURT. The bill reported by Mr. Tilnliett WAILS from the Judiciary Committee, in relation to proceedings in the Supreme Court of the United States, is regarded throughout the country as one of very great Importance.- The fundamental idea of , the bill was broached, some weeks ago, by two or more Illinois journ als, end was soon taken into considera tion at Washington. This Idea Is that a concurrence of all the Judges shall be requisite to a binding decision. No question exists as to the power of Con gress to regulate proceedings in the ea ercise of the appellate jurisdiction of the, Court; but it is not likely public opinion will sanction the role now proposed, at least, as applicable to•all chases of class. ' would seem eminently proper in de- terming whether a given matter is con stitutional or not, that more than a bare majority of the Judges should concur. Indeed, ' but for partizan prejudices, it would hardly be held excessive that such a decision should be unanimous. The rules , of law compel a jury of twelve men Ito absolutely concur In a fouling, even In the most trivial cases, in order to validity. In so grave a matter as de termining a point of the Constitution it can, in sober reason, hardly be account ed excessive to require the Judges to be of one mind. In' lesser matters—in ordinary cases of litigation between pri vate parties—this would not appear to be so necessary. r , av be taken as settled, that the loyekpeople of the nation demand pro. tection against the usuipations of the su preme bench, in =king the Constitu tion what a majority of the Judges see Ht to have It. The people will not be battled in-the great work of reconstruct. ing the government, by the obstinacy, or caprice, or ineivism of a majority of the Judges. , Din- POISHIS)T, editor of the La Crt;sse Democrat, said: . "Be (Morrissey) never stole spoons watches and jewels for ids wife as Ben Butler has. When be fought with Hem. an ho did not pick his pockets, or insult his sister or mother, as the Brute Butler insulted the women of the South, who were robbed by his orders and ravished by acmes and drunken whites with his consent, In retaliation for expressing their disgust at his venalities." Berenpon, General Butler brought snit for libel, claiming damages to the amount of $lOO,OOO. It is certainly well when editors take such liberties with the repu tations of men that they should have an opportunity of showing how much they can prove. If they cannot make good their charges, few punishments would be out of Proportion to their offense. Tnz suestion of extending political rights to the blacks is before the 1 0hio• Legislature, and creates great squirming among members who are simply politt- Clans. The 'Republicans will gain much for themselves, besides performing an excellent service for humanity, by disre garding antiquated prejudices, and de elating promptly and decisively for the equal rights of all men. Ex-Gov. CunTrs goes bock to Ma old home at Bellefonte, and not to Lancer. GENSII.A.I. :II 'EMS —Body-snatching t fregusat 7aIcIA. woad. —Prince Pomatost. - 1 is grashing s new =ma. SlelYlil¢lC promices to Lea extra super. Sim" • —Frenchmen are catching' whales with poison. —Diptlerla prevails in woe parts of New Uampatilro. inch of ground to gullies', ly sold for 412,ix... —The greatest mink her of Odd Fellows aro Iv Ponncylvan . —Folly years ego 1.11-re was no: a single locomotiro In Europe. —Voir:ow York, dry good* clerk.' era watcbod bra deuartiva tone. --awls, citizens are to be prevented from Joining the army of the Popo. —TOO Small Pox bas taken possess lon of the Salem(tl. C) Female Academy. —The cost of maaafeettulog cdie pound of cotton ln New England ts about 11 cents. —Last gear 231.000 persona slept at the "Prosplee"lo passing over the Si, 8C196111. —Feriale teachers to lowa receive 091 per week for"teacht air the young Idea how to shoot." • • • ' • —A belyaged Woman in ItOtheiter, N. Y.. shot ttirett,ttm es at her seducer wi th out bit t. 114 ; . . —A Chicago gambler has sued a woman of di-repute for 1110,000 .daniages for false lut. prisonment. —When - completed the racier Railroad will resombie a gigantic letter T, with the expansion looking eastward. —The Paris ilioniteur omeialiy announces Mat tiereafter the "American flag will be freed from all navigation Mies to Fiction ports." —An editor in Frappe who a free pass that lied been given him by a railroad com pany san sentenced to thirteen mouton Imprisonment. —Colorado, if admitted, with her twenty seven thousand inhabitants, will have the same control ever federal legielation as New York, with her population of fear millions. —A Lynchburg paper tells of a gay and festive youth of the tender age et W sum mers, who ran or with a duletna of XI, leav ing behind him a wife and a terse number of children.. —.lt Is meld that there ere bricks In the Mosque of lit... Omar that ain se fully the aceatof the Musk with whi t ch they were or iginally impregnated as on the day the ma vet set them In the wall. —Leaner/ W. Jerome, Esq., of New York, amt • letter to the President of the Print-. ton College euelcslng ettaein Mated State, bonds, th e Interest of which Is to-be devoted annually to the presentation' 01 medals to the graduating /Senior “who alkali be declar ed by vote of his classmates to be the .llrst gentleman Of rds Maas." Thle is a novelty In Callesedisolptine. Mr. GEORGE MEM of Arm strong'. Veal Work., rein township. JAW phony county. moons as follows Of the BEY. E. A. WILSOS'A Great Remedy for Consumptions 'IL woe reduced se to. coneumPtten that yr. unable to leave my bed, end my Per. 2"... Informed me that they could du nothmg more for soe,mv case being utterly hopelee j t, , thet I bad o v:L e lTlLVe i d o t y e e try " lark o /P.V . I NIMI O . EL/Y. and to-day a ent ea well our men th the world. If there too toy who doubt We state. meat. they can call and ace me, Ms Der above a • dome) and I will glee them all the particulars of rne estruoralnary ecovery. Ttle ole agency for the In WILSOIMIN SUMkTIViI ithILEDI In elttaharib 10 • . DaVOGIST. No.S4.lllarkst Street. M=2Xll . . • . Whitt iiinaystels Ointment will D. - • .• tett is from rt 43 boars r -It VIII b'w e I W .it Tat oiithe most otatlaste t.mmi ... . Lit ;Id rare CSroSto Nayslsola. of the tace. 4-11. IrIII ear* Halt Soros. Scald Head. 6-11 sill ears Itehlor riles, at% SropUons. 0-11., , a111 roof lively con 'Militia Mims.... 7.41 re awattasit (AcrXszwr aid sexatoD . *.TCH" .~*WHO." O , satatear . Ti r TTI K S IL " ..ITCH", 1-en H" #4ViaX.KgWir• ,ITCH " ATaTTSS W " . ..ITCH 1 ,- Fall , 4, 4 .."1 , x211H" "ITCH" : - MVIRT sd r oig tr. g TIMANT&N*4"I1 1 / 4 1}1: fvta .44-I'. Text t. . trawerr7Algt.. _ - - - - I[EAP...WHE-CER T i I Ii C .BRY. tip liorrirrstr—im,;r c e r wriiwesirso caci 'lolb itie'd4Opp..jk Ivar sigoliWailtlViiieitri'pli44 of RIO. ntontbo, wins ono Of the molt.= Lwow.. moire. 'owe:ft r_alvr4inig 444,111'..P641 00170 : 1** P aleditelFtl e t j t6 teoilooombny.t,tvit *OO 'dip:ll,l4o fax .nd hope bad su . .l4o,on. , umAu .11w Atria Avec fdr nOY ItiolnlZAffinj pros 44, """/ I or. 111 the firtt at bey. ,IJrad ti7liata' .60cook alone. and, to all appliNliala,l 6 _ 'lllOll Baas 'hart 3 . 1 figYagE ll l3r,uStri '1 , 11 , 4 •roixtati.eNlt, , -- kUsittwi4 Pute. - A, G rabriodetrreo, an a. stramg. -1 , 0.71100.1.4aad Mitere . tor. „Umtata row R•33B4llo.74l4ilttierip r.-11") 4F-o.lo4l.tisstanacitiV ..nualiAltnikta norstitoloyoist Sittig* 101,414-inndertillib. rfaVidtnell, %week-eke. cur, 3 '• -ft. .r. rr.u.AIAN: LiciAlox, ma k .: .. luio., - TrAt. Bur Glum, Jr Adana. lIMMU 'led, 54 Afth &Ka, ti as CnaliOrila AO" rasa AdlX , rdimrmints far 06/1 G.I.ESTTZ, and alt other papers throughput 044 mitud slaw 1 . • iOUNG mops cuttisirwir ASSOCIATION.—The Second 4tetuis' Sleeting alba Association o, Wiens Om SECOND GEITE L eiIISIITTEIIIAII CH=CU on Sixth street, between Smithfield and Grant steel:ls, on NEST SALTUILDAY EYENINO, Januar), str!..; o'clock. •NI attendant.. of member, Is requested. j a=er arAitT EXuIBITION. PIIE LAN'S 1117ILLINU, 164 FrY'rti The zierond Annual klotabltlon or the works or the btudents of the YITTSBIJ BUY SCIIOOI. Or Dr.. 9111.1.1. 1.111 be open to the public, free Or coa , ge, on TUESDAY, 00d sod four M- Ilawloo days, from 10.1... X., to 10 y• X., clog., at 6 o•elock Ms 26111. ' '.1410:011:YTY gLEGTVUE BY REV. JOSEPH R. KERR, Of the Third U. P. Church. Attesheny, on R/11.113SDAT EV CHINO; formai" VII. 16 , 77.1 the FIRST PIIRABXTERIAN CHURCH. ROL.. ver Street, Allezhenl. -fol.' the 71114 T WARP MISSION SCHOOL. Suhlect—"TWl (RAS OS Of TUT. HOLM... Vault, 93 cents: can be had at Om Moat, took and Drug Store., and at the door: THE CIIAIIITY FETIVAL, Under tilt anoplcoo of the OSCOOX .A. 33.4°16.DiC X) . will take ylitee to EXCELSIOR lIALL,IIIIS.EVESING. j n le d srnr"llVtkiel‘ dr:"d d lEVViblif a s l ry * sT 11,tted tuba present.' " Tiskets 513 sea ts ia. Chtld v rtn i ti. salt 1 1 . ° 21‘EtLE., deer: Vs': Idlts...stetttses sf ~•m~°m.°'ts_ NOTICE TO BOND ROLDERS , • Pittsburgh 4-, Connalletille Co. 1-14'.11Norigage Turtle Creel Divislon Constraelloa Bolden .pt berth, entitled that the Inter.% loupens cod the above Bonds dot rzEnuA BY . ElhaT pron., tall be paid on and arm tint date on"preetntatton and denim, It the MST NATIO: , AL BANK Or PrITSIIOIIIIII. B. PAGE, Etcretarl. - pITTSIIIIIRGH ECM SCHOOL OF DESIGN. I.'helc•za.Pos .ro. 21 Firlls Street, In EVENISO CLAM, TOR lILLYes •mmence the FIRST 110314 Y IN /SHIM at 7J; o'clock. Tor tomb tr particular., apply lit the Rocca. JaY4slls I Ft 1,1 131. offer for sale MANUFACTURING SITE, the t oo t by... • Darrel factory. ellnato at the foot offraylor street. rue toorushlo. ohd of foolte the Cooper MCI of Pert, McCurdy .15 Co. This property ho• a great of HO toot on the 11. phony rloor; contalnleg neat TWO.ACIICS, and prtrllege of ailing op to mate as math more. for Iron. Steel or other large Ilanefactarlng yorpooes, bat no tuporlor. T 01713.6 wade to snit gumboot. laca , ' it SILL. MERCHANTS? OIL COMPANY. Notice to StookhOiders. A seeettng of the Stakeholder. of the .bore Company will ho bead t toe Dowd of 'Made Boom *a TElltarDAT. the UM Mot.. •a a Welock s. Y. M., for the ourtmee of eating the neeemary legal ...ton to wind op the affairs of said Company. and divide the rent alnlog rued.. AP this the last opportuelti. all interested will glee their prompt and punctuate/lands... of order of the BOARD Or DIBSCSORS. Etosmitv, GENIES, UNDERWEAR, ♦t Very Lee Price. WHITE, ORB & CO No. 23 Fifth Street. Iv WESTERN ENNSTLTANLI atAl i Altt . ll. ° A Pr e-aliNgari nary rd, rho P tree Tree.. the Wootera Peonaylranto Esti• rood will tretre •t seo deport kora Di* rettral direct Depot, Alitglieop CM, Ito fellows: r,e r p act u Ac c A omm m da a on I NOno . No . 1... O 1 A. Y. tintrosborg Accommodation No. 3... O W A. Y. ESDttr .. .... .".......—.. ..... 10:41 A. N. blaarnsborg A . cCOMmociation No. 1...1 1:17 A. N. tiharpabncE Accommaiation NO. a... 1:17 r. 11•11 ...Ur. Freeport Aeooromodialos No. 2. ... .. 03P. a. ,baci:anncn Accommodation No. 3... 11:)0 T. 311.11.0 tag AccOmmodation No. a... 30 7 1 C. M • DEPART. lanarrnbura Accommodation No. 1. Bed A. 0. Odd A. n. itharpsborg Accost:mods:lon No. 2... A. tr. Trimport Accommodation No.l ads S. S. Uhl:reborn Acconsuodatlon No 2....10:13 A. M. Imarromag Accommodation No. 4... I' .1 r. r. Kapott :00 r. Y. obvpsourg Accommodation No. 2... sad r. N. Yreapart Accommodation No 2 ceo R m. Slice ldnorit •coommocation No. I— 7:40 r. v. Al trains run daily cam" , bondaY. Contain al'o o Ticbets—Yor sais in pans ages of Twenty. bstween they henY City. Chestnut street. Sierra. Rensett, Pine Ceuta. Etna and abarptburs. and Rood 9 1 41 Vol: - Pl ;grt i ert?Wo ' reilingl s e ' s• ' :u7d ` ' Lin atm O n nay lutousbase4 at Witikessuntnes Unice O. 3 M.. I.,lstr WWI, ist sr Misprision/1,1dg., PlM burgh: and at the Perot, A ll,gbeny City. Tha Vennsyleula Railroad will not assume * p . Tire I," for tu. ir":4lll:Ailit"t‘o 4 (14 f.l.`;ll7," . l°3l?°litlilt - the z oFfuelinless taken by special contract. Forte er inf r oato i nisi . nalgegot , ... l o A: Federal !MVO. pot.. =M CLOSE 'OUT SALE DRS: ,45940.D15, • FOR TWENTYDAYS, Commencing on Monday, the {ll /reach Dierloos. Cobarp. Pliftkik r 4911.4 ittalg Cloth., Cafglmere.. Wallas, $.413ei.. Ttek.f.g, Cloikttoil Cloth,. Dress lloodli of ill style.. Ladies, Oall and Examine., ME. No. 98 Market Street, AMMO Between TM and the Diamond MILLER'S LTIBBICATIVE I.49I.4OISSZCCIF. A. full stock of the above Peeking al Isms on Saud, welch v. .111 sell to Dealers. Railroad um pa ale. and 1,01111111.01 . 11 et the same vetoes es It can be porettesed from the mentifsetomfa. ee we have been appointed Bole Wats in Western Penna. Call and eistelne It at Now SI and a glair .I.recl. • J. s H. PHILLIS, J art dole A GEORGE HEAVEN, • Candy Maradactnrer &ad dialer In FORMIC AND AMao., No. 112 Federal Street, Second door from the Pint Nations , heat, ' etioti ALLIMILISNY UITY, PA. CUOICE COFFEE.-33 bap of CHOWS BID AND GOVITANDIENT JAVA G omm, Ast mete ed irt4 tOr by the las, .or et retail, at . greallt redste• reiCca at tie Wamtly (leer-err Store JOHN A. BENNIIAW, jilt tareertibirie and Iliad street,. Tbi. BLA - Cli, CAL.lEtin/WWJECEIL. Nrixisixt Alaiov, 17,.e Loon: abor. emit/Acid Street, rffrestsan, PA. Xverr ttod °Marl - done on tbeahorteit sloth* and moot rr.s.anatacterzo.. rattle:Mar attentsou ypld ttlJdbbing. )1.141:i44 WEcEssAmEs FOB Tug wry. Al "g at " ' 4'l6*6. ,...xitr itt7 2lTat a lit q c V Ficucr 7110; • EutPLl...3.2.l.lnsesettlmelrt tumour r ourigoNi c ,gi I•= t itit e nii;t: .4*-IVINZtv.:I-4.0 w NEw Emmen . ifEnnEfia. ...N . % raw suresurravaltDr: 4 , 4 , l'A'o"Bh-firrtiOXl4'llllWßM. 1. P 7. ; r Carter Libtrtyand.Easlo~sa. T I.' _I out4ii Ungar 4131 ' elf VOCIIIINcIuNite 14.714 . • r ia6 o 2 = t xpribivv.4 '57. - 1111 - sx a.. =strut. • ed nnd for hale by WitoarajaVVJAlt. ' ;`,11:4' JAN t OSnooessm to IS. Jones • 0ci . ..) Corner Fourth Sr. Wood Eds., BANKERS & BROWS, Mail' lig ILIA. Government Beenri tfde, • 'Foreign Excha nge, Gold, Silver and Coupons. COLLECTIONS n.de on acceadtda ladata la the Uatted Mato sad 04311144. Interest aliened on Time Deposits. SKATES! 'SKATES! SKATES EN I MATE RZCEIVED MOST OV MY oTIXIE, azid OW to Ws Tracte • selection trout , 5,000 Pairs p G Various Makes. Before purchasing elsewhere, cal and examine pay Stock, as I can OFFER DEALERS SPROUL INDOOEILETTO JAMES BpWN, N 0.136 Wood Street. no13:01.1 STATEMENT OF THE People's Insurance Company, OF PIITOBVII OI3 , PA.. PROM JANUAIIT Ist TO D .. VE.III3SII with Inelustre. Published E in accordance with the requirements of an Act of Stew are Bills 140,110 tO •7 do hi Bilis M h * : ( l.7: o b it i t: Reeelentle 61.E10 CO !Minium N0te5........: 0 Soot Atootint ...... 11.1 cash 1,902 0 9I • r---1113.410 77 Id. Amount of !remit.* recelese, IVA,tel 14 4th. Amonf Interest roosiv . ee4 Mtn NS Balance Jan. 15t.1166.. • 100,C1 101. I)lsbursemcots: 1.0.. es PO. On I Ersges...ii;s.l 13 ''' ' • *dye rtiOnt sad all other lespeuses... 8.::4 14 Presolums Iv- - ltaliBi 4.U 7 30 NO•113111111.11GII. :.91 II . . Olvtdroas.... 104E3 03.44,0•0 1 , ..3:5110 11 (Moe If 0r01tur0... , ...... .. . ..... $ 1.110 OS “pen, Polleles...-...... ......... . 715 00 Accrosel Interest--- - =II V 3 Total AstoU Jaw. M. 7n7 $1415,11116 11 nb. r i 111„ . . outst..4lng .111.41*.. Devaiber "°'" N ir. 3 egts C rTi llTT*.rxtAl. Jemmy *Lb. 164. :ob*. January 14, 1867 CRAND OPENING OF FEHR'S SALOON FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, SCLEIt. Clair 18treet Between rem It. •nd litustwast. Bridg rrnmnuncluora. I Ironl4 resv ctfully anposace to ml Mold and the general patale. Iwo lossed stave boa.. and tnto r 0 to teeP • First-Class Restaurant, In at Ito Wallet.. OTBTrilla,llBll. aelleary the maraeta afford, • f It be screed up an abort. aotlee. JOS. FRICKER. Na 3s St. Clair Ittre•t LADIZPV 11001111 O.XEI•COD /WOW. Ja13,17. au s_ Roc -L WAgianT-',I42O.CONTRACT for 75 TOlOO,OOO BINIIELSCHARCOIL, f.ITIVi.tt IV:7I=T: A D 9l7=‘:4" , a MOORHEAD & 99 Wt Strum derl.fldwlf CAUSTIC SODA, Both American and English, WINE WHITE 1111ANIIN. For Oil Refiniw-Furposeo; Colsutn puntantly on b l and for sale In qn to f neo JAMES HERVEY DOBBS, 236 Pearl Street, IV. Y MEI HOLIDAY GOODS. A LL cT IMIN OF lIIIONZE,GILT, , tlarbon Oil Wags and Chandeliers; Lamp Trimmings, lie. Alio WARILINTZD NON-TXPLOSIVL CAS BON Ult.. • holesale 11.3 JOHN ROBS & CO., 3.511.12N.aa1ai1x Y/1116?8U/i. P.1:11 SICATESI SKATES! Prize Ska,tes,' ,, , Club Skates; SKATES FOB THEMITITON, CO CA- 3:3 3EI PlaPageh nialdistr. nab street. dell . • 33- 333alkar2. Hes POW A LARGE STOCK OF CURE FIBS 00E7 lOTIONAZIES. 0A101.4 TOYS apd an other good. Son TH OLIDA lnp e h o i t s a l line tentton t o Hi met ier MIXEDUANDY, at et . d egri o ll 91 federapt., AlleEbeDY. • WAIT FOB THE BEST.-W e H publish a w rk by Hoe. AFAN t #_NRIE,3 Viiir r AVlritid WM kV Ws ALTA. TN—AC NO ITV 4, MINN. CAUANS •Nik NAISULMS. ,, Hr. II hem. same Is a sollielent of war,is il be who Bictrulard Bitters or the Me en ail who deetre the non frigate and sontsleu mit atboubt Wilt Its Is sue... NATIONAL PUBLISHING CI.I, 1e7:04 No. Ng Minor street, pniudept i g, Pe. I.lw'r wETTACH 81,11EASON auoompas TO CLICKGIAItr CLARE, Esauhewers of .- OAR WWI= BELTING, No. n cmlo otred, - Anestm..i_Cn 7 . Also fall assortment. of Belting N G. • BLIISON.B. No. ISO Liberty 31., Piot:m*l(N uzu. G. CLAIM, Bole. of Worts. NEw. ?Aim. rerts, • . rtalwrirms AND WOOD IIIITATIOD•• - • • mf.197 DCAOKITIMLIK.WA% V a. 11010••- • Sod. ft. mmEE.R., 541 RO. 4.2eagent, Men; Pelt, rartitsh - aiiinetiOk_ . 4 • rell4=Z7E44PAA`l4l27ool,tha' ....1 1 :Lith Nome. ILPP RE LIB AS S it ' ' ,Aul . 11 . . 0.3 , 01i0 10 T0P f•Gefte4 Salta NIA asislitrA. JAti Ste Lientyst., ...-r 20 iAI ILI DDEll7.ltutoh. ree) 4 P'rtiatiotarkiatthltrat ait 0 „,... NE'7 4 iERTIEIREEENTS. GOODS,. NEW PKINTs, New Delaines, NEW: . DRESS GOODS, 1- New Shawls, NEW BLANKETS. NEW CABSIMEBES Wholesale and Retail, At the LOWISt Eastern Prices ERWIN, TCONNELL &CO. 27S Federal Se, Allegheny, ABOVE TUE MARKET ja"tvrit. M MAC Go 'CT ILIA R'E ARS SZMOVINO CUR STOCK OF BEDS AND IMPIMBNTS, • From 29 Fifth street, TO (Ma NILW d:TUNt. 137 Liberty Street, FOOT OR FIFTH.) .Witero tromillbo glad to rea on of oar old co camera •nd all In want of CIASDEPi SEEDS. MARICIILiTSAL =id iIORTICIILTURAIL VIIPLENENTS and 3100.000 00 YARN ILICIIISEIty we Iwo for role a fall 'took of. N6ERSOLL'S U&1 PROSES for . tlllnU AND HORSE ruwaa. The beet Freesia use. 3. "IMIVC:Ajir.7 137 Liberty Stree THE FULTON BEII4 BD BRASS ME, $ fLelll 100,0%) EXTABLIXIIED 131 1832. Nos. 91 First and 70 Second Streets, PiTTBBURCH. PA. )IANUFACTUEZII3 Olt ALL SIZES OP BELLS From 10 to 100,000 Pounds. GLOM A.Mal; MCI L) BIM TIME MEC= Stop Cocks °lentos or iron. or ALL SIZES WAGE ABS CYLINDER COCKS! Agent's for ell the different STEAM PUMPS =I Celebrated -SteanrElyphon. Dealers In u sitAP E LF:I:. FRAM and OAS rm attentlonirahrto:ll.2l.42c-and GAB Plr leek 1/117LNO la all Wl:reasoned d lta only mans Memo" of A. 7111.T0N11 METALLIC YACIELVIti YON STEAM CYL/N -•P. • ltn BBIT'S CELSBRATICD TN IN ILTA constantly on band. /Mad". OUTS sad CASTINGS made to order and Sloshed wrth scathes. and dispatch. Partitalu attention paid to BMA Vtlil.lltog In all Its branches. We also loop constantly on band all Goo o ebee Caine and Stoundtin Healy and Cotton racking. Own Hose Of All Trio at az. I. order. A. YULTON'S SON d: CO )Lrned LADIES' OD GENT'S ViIETELM; SUMMER PRICES, ALT • HILLERWIAN'S No. 75 Wood Street. Alto. sLotto A stortiotot of HATS & OAPS L.ITERT STYLES. JA/17.3 ...... IRON CITY SPICE MILLS, FIFTH STREET UTENSION; *rear Pennsylvania etre nue, Piprentaan. PA, PURE SPIOES AND MUSTARD IVerransed, when our name Is on the ankle. TRISH „GROUND 001120/CAL and Pearlia2rltllltTiltitril NUTS Bomama "47.PM1...tr0t, Infoim the DOUG One ne trnt cantina* gm manufacture of an the 'LIMN? Eta Ds 0, HMIS. which na oder to Whottaide and Bolan Dealers at tan let Duties tate. Almlag to deal •talrore *MU the patronage of the piano. •• • - •• I:.'lkiiit:VlLLl:Afflit tO abo,. mill at wrsuosLut it:was:nem de31,473 GREAT ATTRACTION! OREATREDverzom ma to to 0 0., 18i WOOD sra.v.Er, especial alien:Moo to the UMW:MELT LOW ruicEs. . nes are elosists out Melt afoot of LADIES' FtrltS. REVOLVTION IN TUN QREAT CriAjaarilluANZAVirra. ruIL a:Own:and salt deal to pore 0•41f0(12b it lag, atm Yket!ll. Vim %Iritleigualied olild LT:s . Wino Dealers iusd nottl Kuper% the follow rallildtratiV; i.nr744,!- : H PIIMLDZIE49II/4 04. VIM; 11A.- .11zgazi:Iloorazn • ,%::• . .SW•lows et i 41 1 7 i: ' UZI le In:West Awn.asulMliewa it elnlit itteaVitri.V.,!tz.Viroliarilavezr, $5l ral tißoAPWAreagotittAC.2',f -`..IOOSTAIMOrtIte; ) 0 1-.011113:ILMANIIIIIHIMA:iN - -LediefDinink*gyatatorri. , vim 6iiLij! iiiii47 . l4 ~: k:eibui:!lifn, POI 9:a hanir4morwairiv. • &MPS • • , . Nunn , 4.l"3l,l=i2ff"gra.to..vottivz.. .w.a.posagwas • -10C A M P AIMOIF oli 117.1 MID MITMINIM. Ike.. Se. evali". .PTOSOPtI7 eitentlNl. ratiossix• nix ocumago 30 DAYS' SALE IXTRNURBIN AllY LOW PEES. A-at "Entire, Stock GREAT REDUCTIONS. Ald.irr GOODS AT ONE HALF THEIR COST, EmOratin/the 111161 GB. Stock of • BOOTS & SHOES, DRY GOODS, Blankets, Flannels, SHAWLS, FURS. WOOLENS, B,9I*OBALSE[i3,TB DRESS FOODS, SLEDS, Coats, Panis and Veins NEW OARTETS, AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS, ~.... M'CLELIAMYS AUCTION HOUSE. 1114.:Y 43 0 013 S SHOE EMPORIUM; FIFTH STREET, 1831:,774•7 l I IITATANT NOTICE TO TUE OM I FEW DAYS MORE To Secure Tickets in KELLY'S GRAND NORTH AMERICAN PRIZE CONCERT Capital Prize $30,000 IM 1:24' 13-3ELEDEIN33.4I.OWiI Tinto fixed to Award (be rreutlam. ►ed We CUhuritr t4' M gftea at Me W►oaeL Monne Mat. Ctilearo. 1111nols. , SATIOUDAY. JANIIARXMO. 1667 ?hie t. the Greatest Distribution or the Nine teenth Venture. and most snosessfet enterprise otthe land eser Inangsratedla itis world. IMAM° VALUABLE map; Tabled at uraa , AmmaaossxmLaux-mo d wg ineo,ooonagEminicari. • ' ITEM wtn be ytaectedto ticket beide," • Every Other Tl"et Draws • Prize. Th. demand for Vele 6. Li without a yusllel.' All Dram for Ticket. moiled In New Enema, Middle or We.tern enter. al" to THURSDAY 241 b., Wit reach no to time obit tiled ay and mailed before the draw- . lag COZOICI3CeII. • . . All Ilagents eau eontlaue to self =UI It r. ai., SATURDAY. Satit that., when tall report. matt be made with returns, or it al. vrtU be tune:Oil:. •gestr haring Tiekrts a:L.4l4i or eou'roeted for 1011 plea. forward therm to our oddres., *UT are rviatred to au Orders In tadesoo. atlases is one address, t0r,....1 44A ENO tt Sent otertertiern OS Yee !ISt of mover. tettn Wily to P.l T.011,40::_. a&rialisCsas • ' Isinmet, IleSellep d Co., Commercial Ageacy, Camp: Loan eamrisah t denten, importers,. Plttlaclelpils; damsel D. 131cloct, publishers, P►Uaaelpt itS&O VIIIkr/11.06 Co., import", en, Now Tort. • • .• dead the souse of each matoentler with their root °Moe address. Irony es Are::. Yon office order, regliteandletten. teay - Oe sent at oar Met. - /in COUI.OIOIICatIOUB 'koala be addressed to , • A. A. KELLEY & CO.. So. mos namdfapsi !street, CAlestv.:lll. (11/1",K& 1 WARE 110IISE• . . BREED, iCTISP , coiILTMIR , N0..41X) AVOOd , Etireet.- O a rAtittrztfleAr m llitik "A• vl, i OUT !, ~,a.r.„.. A :,-....,„, ~ tx,....:,..0uf A winixt aglik. i•-„it,... ,1, i . ~,. 1,, .:srlll44llolFASPOraintryldeiltripti• • n il ..... - ,.c. wpigo w 5,....,...., Lit .1.'t..;:. • ALSO Up Attit Af, , ": 14 RIISH44 ... ~,.„..i . h 1. ,... • .s . .wr y yt...nacipattur, rub 4k r i .. stiiiiiiiiitfievat&iii , • _....r-t I. st.v , - ,, " . fO, ',OW r 1111411 1 1011WESIMfb“.. i 1 ..--1.1 . .. --. 4:1:1. , 614 1.4 . 1 . oR, r„ , , ,, , i t.: - :? . , 4 110 4,4 , ~4 1.11. ... : r ".„ . , -. , ': 1 1 late ' " ' 1.1 , 46 , 01 ' SPO 4 ,KIWA, 1 Min ottistbeltekdsoWst r...., ',L w awa mra •-a......v.c. ..-- CoallAnMenli sad orders respeetNl7soo4l 04. MEI A GREAT SALE DRY GOODS, J. W. BARKER & CO., 300 PC& MEIN mumason, REPPS, 4 vipns33 CLOMPS AT IPRICES BEDIICED, 37 % T 60 PER CENT. LOOO PIEOZEi DEEM; GOODS Or ALL 'KINDS. Boma at tleso reCtuced to ozo half !armee prtoeo. 621.11.0 YOR EYENING, CARRIAGE .t STREET DIMAS,' in great Gaiety, and at greattp reduced prices. CLOAHB•AID PiIIAWLS. We •seo ing out our Stock of these very chess. rumgrasi. cLoTna. SAITIMETS. JEL 2 I B Av., ell reduced be price. AND 55 and 57 TICKETS *l,OO EACH• OF EU Market- Street, TABLE LINENS. TOWELS, TOWEL ' INGS.NAPSLINS. DOTLIFAI. QUILTS AND OTHER HOCSEDEEPESO GOODS DQVALLY CHEAP. SHEETING /.ND . 81111ITIN1 MU& LIM'S GREATLY BEDECED. /toad article at I 2 cents peryail. EVERYTHING CHEAP. =I 450 1 0 OVERCOATS VET -itimitumucti umm-uy, lebteb mess be CIAI6CD OUT _ REGARDLESS OF COST, At the Immense CLOSING OUT SALE, MEI J. D. RANALEY'S 334 and 336 Liberty Street. AM, L. 70 A....latzt et FALL A'AD WINTER CLOTTING DRAWERS, UNDERSHIRTS, WHITE SHITS, Cotton and Woolen Hosier) ; , Scarfs, Ties, Snspenderi, ~.LCYV'F3ISt Of oil DeiCriplierid, and a Large Assortment of GBNT'S FURSISIMG GOODS, All of rabich must, be sold re gnrdless ctf Call and Be'Convinced. J. Di RAMIMET, 331 and 338 Liberty Street, -I oPPon liayne. 1= W ATCILES, - CLOCKS, 'SEW.- swot pump WARE 1113111 MEM Jr AN a It , +24- . co Dross 14(..'itOrk.11. 87 B;d°Btl'.r`e.7;wr,..': feltj -- 43 31 a 401: '-• ,thri;golnigam4grAamaisi.,-.14 r 4,1 - 3 'ONen el k.c.g9 -97, 3 14.-4-4 xe4gs.: r t d gp~q~j p~;;j~ J~ti® ~.~ ~i7TlR"ffF~7~, ... E 5 EFiilys, - - • ,13/tlll4 Wrg rXeCt %IV &A Partlei, stiorlnrtln Sad giiiitia&DiOrstes. Stable Open Day ani Sisht. ISICIChtTLS ir - 71 lrFraUlrtrisinfaGlt Intro as CnCO.. Comet Mute, and Water, Streets, t 'rrnPITTSDLIgaIa. Jarman, tw, tag. A.NNEAL ELECTION Fon ...VV.NTRF.NUntrruNS of LI& Com w• 111 to ben at the °lnce.n TllltottAl OW' t tit deo of Web , nary next, be tween the bonteef lla.T.tnd lr. v. Jc3•.76 N M. E. bIB.EPER. booretary. TUVIDEND s , • . JL, Orric. Pzortxv Is.niAycit I 'o,l I.otry 7. ista. f Tie Donn] of Director, sr %bisect:boa:ly hard this doe -declared a dividend of TWO !KILL/slid Pill :BABE out of the prod** of Um last att. "'" We Ii" P.l" WI!. on an r. d after e l Usa taste tb ; Orric Ir. or TUE KirfbhUliw:l4.. ,, ,,tnAl - r.,1 IVOTiCE--The Tins. I,,,,Med l ;y li ltc P Z.l r TgVa Gatt bums of TO 0 tiOL.L.AIc3 Amin rtrr If el ehere. out of the profits of the last elx mouths, parable forthwith. at the ether of the OomPerir. - W.• a. MeoLetuazar, .13:110 Trettearer. DIVIDEND NOTIEE;--The -Di. Tsai: :A.ViNorgal.R3uVilitriutlVlT, yeaLe, bare tblaeav deeiared a divid out . eve earnings of lbe lonougabeir. Val ley V. - isiov of tin lee, for ti.e f.r wort. from_... f3:1 1, t 0 De"re*L'lrl: .r.V1.1"4t7" 'IA3'I2I litTATgalkLatte iorculetiti to t. holden o t ! Lvoir. .3r7l3vlVVl.2l7Anal.'P, JulJ :04 . Treasurer.. NOTICE , BOND' . OL F P TO UBLIC 0A719.4..10 .t.l.lllthair AND itr.ADLNU litt.to3l 4SSOCLATION. — The holder. of Mean Bonds an boner scalded that the 'lnterest due on them .danuary Lac, toe tee year Mt, Is payable on demand at the odloe of the Trel3llnr, JAVNLYS PIIELAN, tate,a4 No. '94 Fifth Meet. r or A . ci°.L9F:rti°l 165 errLED.Pßa.!wiltr . b e• SEA OPOSAL received at Ma oats until FRIDAY. Yob Mb. for the sae of eno.ooovrahßrtatritoaril RENT BONDS, dald Honda tabs of the dame Justice of 4300. 'payable 23 years niter date with coupon* attached for the FeFut.iii eat. et the rats or t Da emit. F.ers.." 4 P t "' Ida mool.nantualr on the tat daps of lull end dummy. The (att., property Ann Credit oi tee city we Vele.% for theta redo:Olio... 1111.ARRIF. B. V Coutrolier. TZEG:I TO BEILDERS.-PBOPOSA LS ...wilt be meted st the 811011 Ettore of JANE'S BOBS. No. 891farket the 81tfor thr arectiooar rilt • HANG BULLIIINt4 for YWrO BAIN ISM!. HAKE, until TUESDAY, Teb.ary Mb • Ylgula and apectlicatlona now ready for awn. Women at the oars of SLIM I MOUE. Areal tents, no. SI lit. Clair writ. Bide AM aAletted for ache(' the branches of Wort repalntelf. and for the whole complete in Com oanizi.o BLUIELICT, ""361L" WiE• Committee , . WM, ritALLIZOILL. iA ROBB, 1= OPIUM Pirtestrantt POlO2 Ann IhOX' CO.. j Prrreauzats. January 1eth.1907. TO BUlLDERS—Propoials will be recelved until JANIJAAY Sltt th, 11161'." '- to famish toatartsl.4 erect s MILL MLA. 1N11..0n the property et the Plttatarah Pot • • and iron Co, kW." Woods , hon. on tae P. • • W. C—Raftray. rite and spettileatitrne to . earn at the ofteeof 312. V.Elttileh. Preet. ' • ' - tetnrie . _ : . .P , o. /77 Penn street. ETrreiren tz. wan.* t n.CA.O B. te:I• 0 lice qf tat Sterttary. ' I . llilllollad. L . A., Dee. 17th. LOW t' TILE BOARD OF DIRECTORS ps h pkerdal._7rtf:ftir4ll`,:igr 44 :f. - their Capttal , Mona. ond eentl.annnat . u•sel .gdFl‘imocnrilan,r..:..vi:tr:r ..irriTi• '- ligtVingT,lfagi:Val 0 1!1; . thes.i.ertm...d .s. ti., 'y ork, and at flee of •; the 'hummer. to th oaere Watered at PI arab. i . ?be Transfer Boots of I. close on the 11 , • day of Deeneher. at p o'clock, P ri and oft • pen 1 2 ;13 r ll. i j trUVE r t ON :.• b al, = •.• . room • • unxa orAritrartarcr VALI.= U Co.. oxen. J.rolary lit 'NOTICE TIOLDEBS 0 FIRST 160IITGA08 FORDS Ur T VERMIN% VALLEY RAILROAD COY' /Oil. —The AllesbenyVailey Railroad CaraTAR7 Derr 07 give notice that theIRRI red.= 10. llieFirstnortgagenol adsufth CO. Within two rests Item tlasdste: In &morasses lath the provisions of the mortssge styes to m cote the he, meat or bonds By order of the Hosed of Messier. • ; JsamiS WILLIAM PHILLIPS, rresldent. STATEMENT OF THE CONDI rniio,orvis eITTeBURUH BANE POE 12AY12018, December Mt. It 9 r • • I.IIOIILITILIS • Due Dela. Don 1 Coutlrtireat • Bond HOrtpge/........ IM.nl 11111$ /steel... We.... 24.= al ^ • ......... fpo ta Fi-1215.C 2 .elng LICY, Trlmasna, • . . The waoratived, ♦ndtttni Costimlo4K retina . report that RUT have examined tho Books and Assets of tho Butt and pad the above oal4- ment to bit aorrect. JOHN tiCOTZ. • 0. TOLIALIME. ZOBIBT C. 11C101111aZ. ESMI li;f:411:7:1 , 7614 THE NORTH Ammo. LIFE DRUG CORINY, 6f New York, is THE Only Company In the World (men ellentlty nnsmlnteed bpthe direct super. 'Wens d cost al of Its Sunda of the enenlor State liAarnment G In addition Votes gamin berstotorsorrered.l . 11; 11 P°Tifusrottr= ► lb° 111°1•10rtiMe or New Tort the Company Is authorised to to ir ;aka tlpeelal Deposits with Ile *spun:deadens of the Insurance Department. end Indira there- I t"LV:4l:l7.l.l.l4trthitrZuthrgteb'lF. It'L‘, b ll' • Vedas or Yonne du..ka anon ae -ofittnn.X.Tto 11=IkT COstrAllY e ntrolokessler/ 141 ' ANCO Wenn, YoUL4 as seears_to the bolder as Mr 11000' Bent Note. or • United Males Bond. littniedTBlC2lol ll In Travel; liesidenea or tbe Ordlosr• rdeploymenta In LOY part or the,, Called gtatee or bosope, at 007 season of the JULYS , (MAC". on all ronewel PO . Went, ALL POLICIEs are non-forletttos sad Dame. • &Italy Ind/spatatle. Lueomn Of 118440 OWES 0313 MULILLION DOLIANIA: An Inman are InvVeo themunthe and ewe- Realt.ir, !plin th . .Ith 100.0100.0 . of th e ••Ithrth. Jtmerlc ' N.D.2IOIIGAN. President. J. W. NEU ILL. Seentarr. E. T. COOK. General Agent, rrrreurstonr nnweell. No.OTlFourth street: - • tan am entire, Molest men an bra Asada. Jallsr3o:dSser ALLEGHENY INSURANCE CO. -or prrrasOlLON.- OM:0. ND. 17 7U street, Bank 111.16 • Inn= against all thida of Irirs sac Moths JOHN /!M riNlJ%kbi a c ynt SA . S, ficae.TSl Pn!Wr as - 1 rill Ids. Jr..- Got W. 2. DM. olot O. =Cora. B. IlkoollOCG. Ilk 18_1:13 n e s a t a. _ . areas to tr= Syiloalanox6 Orsoola news. Mules Rays. Geo. DaloGoow. riiz i kvANLt ipistmutc OF prrssuaam, PA.` . . • oases, gurtph streak'sasrniseir. . 1, alums "rut timaii Lou or vire exclnatiel LEONARD WASTE Weilnd.. • . C. c,IIOILLT,IrIes, Prec last I BO@li 8.0.11fe r.a.•=cx. Smite:no. • JelaailUrfe Deetetan. LeonardWsiter, MZl ,r v elit. 'W=rke . Josiah itsitiPlergr .." I 1".a4." Mat 'WESTERN INSURANCE co., T. Or PTOLOODSOI4 " .. ' _ ....... Al 3''''N'.'4Dmic ELDUOD. rowtw... : Wl[ .4IMBEENM%WaI Af.a. Cam a W." Water .uset. spasm a C4 l . ' BM. ay ludo. Pivagultk• dl g n it ur Wlillaswo WU% all swag et Drum Wats. JI. two• OD by Director, wbo aft well balm so sha emsmanktta2;_ n otao.• , ~.... az te sio...a ttele ott rinhx4 .ll:l,4 l3V= .39..s. 7krirfaZ,7 Go ar '........ It .rarr• ' . C Ats..P Q - 1, r'•-, ~ *screw IR • ..: JewkirlSiOmnixt Prld ?t. , al •i . x 40 1 ,11.17.: . co- ...... , ,- .1; t h r , nytis.r, ir.`s9WWwi:' ~. pEOrLEt&INEDILWNCE 'CO. , J;-.' . ! .. ' fornOA B. I. OCOL WOOD ADD - 2u= OD ' • : ~ . ...7 - A ztl 4, 24 A 0 i H nu ODZ A2I OO O xiatzsz liDALWW l6ix . ' 1 1 C F . : ,,., _. OWL._ f... , .. ita1ti t f. „ .....,.. , 46... :: .....*,...- .r 5.,, • . ...„....,: acv -.“-- (..: ' •.- '''-' ' 1 • • a% "• - • ,, r- .' y M. 16, 11 ~,,.....tY, .7,-,.... Data/ ~N 4 WOOLJigte,ni L. :A. 1.4 so ;1 , 4: I, :44,10 JOIEEN EOFIEBABWERAIrgAZiPt 4161111"1"..'7"."7314"Irf, i4l66loi6llotir;r3Nt.juT;lY . :ifilMg 1116I3rAilirrtsr " awtg.Asattaner et MO awl Mutes strut+. PITTIIISWEI. PA. U El .... t amt, : 103,612 *1