THS - PITTSIWI PENN E, REED fi CO., AT GAZETTE RUDE% xvo., ENS ,mnsum Emmert. V. 8. PCNSILIMMIIimigmh IMO iz=l sidgia °elks ~ . .. m at. .ThaltimddDT earriemzwir do kr,....;lll Zgar:1545 " 1001 4 (Dermal • ... IMO°. Gli ,oll r o 3e3o3s to News*** Sad JAS . • . , Tzelts 61 .3 13 903k3; Ire/ ... ... so ri‘• d adb.......; 195 Tell °Mars do. .o.o* I. iked to,"db; iseb .. ... . ............ lls CITY MII!11: = one of we moot healthy rportt o[, - . the Present Kola sloitbig: Nllnt too macbtuttO cum*, be tow; attar skating tbiforstobtg --ratthn it 46 blood hiatiurandidl the pores open, Oat Pun , do no; let cold sod lag the foe attoo of throat and long complain Corer cough Balsam wilt boinand atoonont in an Lamb U3Ol. , WO tin hoof) the .howse. Mar for traruednde use. Coe% Dyrriotroli !Cote is &too One of Lai, best remedies Is the werld for Dyeperna. lodlgeolto9; SickHeadicae, Sqnr 40f011ea. andsll Sole agent got Pltteburgb, 4oseith rlifoUng, Druggist.; Vo: Silificritotetreet,"! Etegobeith,fitiilPOiilais Orgailgor And dieotgeritieiitsg not turittetiip,'but At le thought Le pt Whirls aboutln,the .adop t god eoulit/7," and /We eeitetr, school Tee& tut e, le "bout*: wound." = Sheet the greet Haut: Centre pule aroul to Pit.' tock% he will be plomptl9 emu ed to, oa are e.11,..tb0e0 who piltr_ eitlee the great , ! . 0. P. _ _ _ Art the Yebriaryiriaiailatnara ready at Pitt&ka. •atiiidamt prices at Pltiock , s;- • esuana select eaa ot.thoie cheap Pooki . 4 .gaabir4•Pliti:icti:bat iteact.Plttooli ttera caratW aalecUoa. of goods foe tho tinde: = Loadon.l6l, the Wheeler & hew. ing Machine reseisedthe highest award— all the Yealdnee Of tame ntuldnierine in !rids /marl. luniaternts been nuitte. wheresarez bttad. Tonwlll make no lathlike In Ordering one ass holidei gni Ixilrife, sister or friend. '"Thei - orn be puratissed only at . Suinnei. & (We. 41 Filth & Cadiralka Cod Ltreir - otl. The Purist and &In:ad.:at Cod lava 011 to the :3k:did; , reatinhietured fresh: heatthytirersoipod;the sea:ahore. It Is cerfecary paxetaddeireet.: Ask. tar ' , Hu; ard & Caswelllit.)&l.llwar.oll,"&uutu&c.. Caalrazi,;llies k;Co.4rew York. -old by all •. arta Ett4iid: - • ~:urreint;' linipberVy; Quince, titrairbprry, Vanilla, Cara* Orange, Blickbani, Apple. Lemon Pine rippt6 salßinck Currant, Call and ace tlnnn . at 112 . relleral:streati An ~a; nalar s ana itledieWg• Doctors , preetriptlane etrittink piaiared at half tha ,uattal. price; at- Fulton% Drug Store, oppoalta Postpfape. Yak Caw Iler ForagtkUanapsX al kbzelca Joteptia. roballea. x0;183094 189 ma i% First areet,Pittebusgb.". coplical ofiles of E.liriiriter. old In & Son, removed to No. =1 Itilh4 : • - The bee „ ; trared at the Opera House Shoe etore' Boots and 811091,111 the, Oti: It the Opera Hove Shoe store, the . IL4i*n#1 1 .14.* . ' in Ibik elljeit; Lhe Oyes - How, 4•lkactire. • VA*: Lowest Prices In the °10.1.4,4*-6.*1**.1303i0i1l 11idlhatettut thtorenteed At the Opera Bowie ghee elice*; I",er pop Slur j• ea per cent. Alcobor Josirph B. Pinch's Hops it 7 "LC" 13*1 New eeepli TELEGRAPHIC lIIIRITART kemankte' from olitterentlicrarese at the west, unite tnetattig thit:all tie Intitaite on the Plata aro Minato; Mid unless prompt and most deetatie - tteunrett are taken to prevent It, 'them will in a general Indian mu , , ' A project is on foot In St. pouts torn:lntro P. house and oennfortable annpitency . for Gen. G. , lit." Paid, who lest WA eyea-st - The battle of Gettysburg. General Paul testae 1. Ivo of St. Loub, and is now there on &Wien to his friends. • - W. S. Welt. CO.'. Cultivator snahufsetory et Monmouth, Illinois, was" destroyed . hy Itre on Mmulay:- Loss, MOW; insurea Another ihratal TWA; took pine the Maryland Legislature for 11; 8. Senator yes terday, but there was no cholin. • : , The New York-Times' %Mauston special • says that, (Medial Chant. and fungi intend to sail for Europe in 'Egan' next; and will runt thaParts kaposttkon. _ - The Maryland. Legialatitre has posed a law providing fortherieetiOn of Mayor and City Conadl iitßaltitharoott thelmt Wed nesday of Febreary. T is will 'displace the Mayor and City Connell chosen at the Oc [char election. It has transpired thatthe agreement now entered into betweed the New York Cen tral and Hudson - Biter road's, provides that the Hudson Inver railroad; shall receive as :pay from the New York Central, a bonus on the baste of slogooo up to the 11th instant, when the Hudson Ls to do its own beldame. They are still hammering away at the Fe- Man trials In Toronto.:' . G. J. Mather, an 1:1411241111M Mll3 tried 'ma ..atunitted Monday. T he ex-reberGeneril Eaily was summoned as &Juror, but failed to appear' Teems Diener way ttenteneeilto - be hung On the 9th of Match , aunt. • • • . At Mobile, on Monday night a deidieetise Ore took place en 'Dauphin- street.. Your houses were destroyed. Loue *Una Ow; partially itsui•ed. Three amen were in jured. but none fatatiy A resolution lastructtnit:detuatr tie to realgu, duallyplumed the Wierietin Legislature pester:lay, -by strict party Tote. An means man named B. Hale hung him self at Medford, ldlunesota, yesterday. General &tett arrived at ilavanalaiGixir. VosfortlaYilLO 4 _kit SOuth (*Lonna, - where the negro traumaslltii”exista. BO withcarriewithbun tto aearwawrsr , Bradhe7, d whoot, ls the calm Of tne trouble. Captain Barniciad,for 311.112, yews Chief Engineer of the Zotte.ll - tire , Department, died yesterday, - aged iseiinty-eight. The telegraph 'lines away "don; east," were down laid night, hence we are without . . evening Clible.l4gratTS. tion3toDowill,oottanituting to ColtfoitOs. has ordeal tants Ooorganize, to look . £ t TltiiiittipAtercury,withiprde for the Par isexhibltion, ealle4 from Item. Yark,ft!or day. ' - Gov. 1741..ctier. of Ithacan. has broattit, suit against the Missouri Republiono, tor bel;damasra oiainied aro one biuulrial thou. sand dollars. rho suit is based upon tlts publication of alsttpr from General 8-C. Vaughan to GariUnar Slash= is regard to affair/ in 'Larapitta county, the rained 'lades, du., and tbo..B4l.o(Losn indorses tie comments thereon., __IRON, REIM m Born 4ilostllis t i o t i. 6. to Lwolso— Beady MAW ; the 1 4 , P.IttaB Nr.w You, Jan. 23.—The - Hsinkri, Nen Cruz conespondint Oldie fame' di gay negroes and ../dgerines have burned. the villegef Jsda,PC.littder coders /Mtn the French Commandant *I Vera Cum. • ' A severe- caoseriptlon is going on at the hutrimillaa intend. -gothic to.Bgtetkit is said, In Case Me' Cerartesa - does not ens. Seventeen thousand }lentil:deans, under Dtesrwere reppttellathenelghborhood of •••-- stip cltg or .isegleo ! awaiting its mess,. tIOn. t • 1 I 1 1 , 1 , -' / • . ` '. . Yi l 1 - 1 '..r.:`::' • .. 17, .....3 ....•.. • 1 ,\ ."-/ . .::.:.-::•!":1,22.......,-;.:.:,..0.,,. „, ', ME VOLUME L3IOKXTL----NO, 19. ST EDITION. pi:4#' o •,o,f;o OK. TA: i',14.1.!f EARLY TELEGRAMS. FROM HARRISBURG. Peuvivasialigislaturt. , ,„., Special Dispatch to the Bittabargh Gazette. • - Hassusanne. Jan. ..B.; 1867. • l'he foal:urinal:1111s ti plate We're read: By Mt. Lowry: Giving the city of Erie certain- lands belonging to the Common:. wealth In the harbor of Erie. By Str.Bboemalcer: For Usti more amrsi- ISM selection of jurors In this Common. wealth.' • • ••. BY 3 4Y,Browr. oL Mercers. Relative te the power et Regalrmteeeatativ,ve of tlecea•ed tax Collectors. eir.lilehee, Abt relative to dower. 11p Hr. White: Opening public BO a slapnlnenent a the act . Inooreeratlult the BtadVa Bend Iron Compaq'. Pamad.,., ECE2 An act to inelyrprrate ,the limns raper Mill, at Meadville., was pursed. • -AJointCommittao was appointed to exam. tee into •phe esAihillty of oreottng a now Stati Arians] end to ingnire; how much , powdhr Is Oon4M — sod la the present on.. A resolution was passed to hdid nttetooon sessions to dispose Ot the Constitutional amendment. Tee ltdlowfing pills in s place were read ily4le. Quay: A supplement to the act relative to manufacturing and mining cow- Denier, extending to insurance:mummies. By Yr. McKee : A supplement to the act mcorponiiing,tim Eurcangtuun, East mine:gin arid South' Pitteburgli GasF:cn- Mr. Waddell offered a Joint rceolutton to repfernish the Governor's Mansion, and ap. proptiating Ova thousand dollars tor that .purpose. Passed. • ByTdr. thinn 1 A Dili tc".fcsitce• the educe. Mon oflichistil teachers the Como:ion siealth, and provide Nor Mal schools. - ,By Mr.liculphrek A grind jury bill. ; -By Mr. Eking An act relative to tavern licenses to Washington county; also to es tablish. a ferry on the Monongahela river near California. . . By Iti..itiLson A enpplement to the bet incorporating the ritisbargh and )net Lib. ecrty Baum:ger Railroad. • By lir. Mechling : A petition and remon. *Mamma relative Gs the Liquor law in Arm. , The flidlidWfAlf.hlMs the trivite demi- Car were Wes.%- To ezteaul the Philadelphia law relative to Mire Marra and Police Telegraph to Pltteborgh. By Mr. McCreary, frOm the Judiciary Committee: A change of venue to the ceoe of John Lennox. • , - By Mr. Chase, from the Committee on In corporations: To inCorporate the Brady's Band Bridge Company. Famed. 'To Inoorporate the Enralre Accident In surance Company. ByMr. Kennedy, from the Committee on Immorality, an act relative to licences to the borough of Washingtou. By Mr. Davie: - Joint,resolullong instruct ing our Senators and Representatives in pmyrniira the'rednction of time.. thin on pax:agora. The following bilis in plaroirere read: By Kr. licßee: Relative to taxlhg rota- SyY roters:-eivolating an Assistant District diti:Wis la Allegheny county -ilia° to aztatat ths..PlataAelpilla llcenao law to Allegbin7 canna/. • _ ktr. Quay: - To call a Etste Cenventlen W amend the State COnstitutton. Referral to a select committee.t: • ' By Mr. _Phelminr. Alf act relating to evi dence Jogai of el ittrienta. By May Serous: To prarent newspapers publishing gift prisee and lottery schemes. By Ili. Wham: ItelaUvii to the owners of the wharf huidingu et Oil City. • By Kr: Unton:. Toy. anthcirize hunvine borough. to tele testate 'MMUS for school The bills Ineerporetlig the Hollemd Kntt tln end Indmais General Iniumeoe Com. paayof Zee, Were passed. lON EUROPF. RECOVERY OF LKOTHER REBEL fi'VEIMER IN ENGLIND‘ American SimpaViy for the Revo lutionists in Cretan. [By the atble.] ItECOIriIY ' OP 1/911BEL IMOTEZTY Ia szel..Ain Loupes, January 434—The Court of ad miralty has just decided in favor of the United States in the ItePDabsuflook me, making the steamer - recovered by .The Herold editorially , says:.The Gov einment has protested against the deaden Of Spain in the Tornado ease.. *. Ytessirus, JantusryrTlie question be tureen Italy and Turkey about tiring on be Italian vessel's amicably settled. :,• . rah curs" . raattsnuerrion. Aterse, dannsiy . itt—The Chief of the Candi= iniurgente has written • letter to the United states , consul "beta, thanking the smerloan people for their sympathy with the CretaneWand petitions the Cotund for American ships of war, to convey we. men and ahildren. - • - COXICIMMILL Aga 7/INANGILL• • LIIIMPOGILiTZIPICATSi 24.—/ifoon:—Cottoti: Ofiens fiat: Middling tiplikads, .14);d; 'falba LON 00 1.• JallUalk m.:4011e, ,11:1ftt sad stolid', Consols, 93%; Ylve-Twenties, 72;g; Erie. ITV Illinois Central id. • ' FROM NEW WILMS. . A Teals= Zzettasiest—A Prfratiwrlng or Plbllttosstartag Expodltled Ass; New Ostemrs, January r.—Bluch excite = revelled among our Irish citizens from tame cause, probably the rare from Heed Centre McCleary, calling on all able bodied if suiane tampon. for duty immediately. Several prominent -Paden ontlehtle from New Pork.• have lethal*, _far 'Mobile. where the blockader Marigantain MaxeL.iil being prepared m% wheth. es by Yenians or Knight& Or Axibia, , fear mown... she ,large andue.creer board, and it robwilmollbitUdabod that aka le destined for some myrtarique cruise. The Thatiffuldli *ow AILSO6I6, Cuba. wham she will receive her armament. The diotr- cammews“ at atrildschurof Arabia,/erruag CAI immolate on the third InalaZtrillePattlfilia WSW, behlals it lathe Wind, hut einerther the Soso expedition is against the English merchant vase% or a raid'upon St. Domingo by the Relatifs, elinookbli tlieM. 4 l l4 r i f ; FROM .C 1110641. OPettleteenteliewitillstlealke r et ernaA. ow, netwaska—The Grose Letter:— Et. --- terthy 111714000 4 /0 0 1( 1 7- Cameo°, Ja2Li.--'ites lowa art/don of the Chlealto and NerthWestera try &Athol to Council Ma t% t04116Y, _thus oornpleting 'Melina between th e seaboard sad 'North Platte, tbretebundnulatiloll west of the Misreport rim'. The nonwlng are the tortantate- holders of twksts drawing the prlscdpal prizes In the Coolly Awl . #....cielion: First wise. EL Ice, Fichte - Da Bother, .Bn3 o mh cematy, *bona. anti thwc. V. Crosby Oath= tailthown—tieke sold in .Neer Yorks'Kite, J. J. Taylor, eptheillelit Int slats, stethoskatnne—held zto 'K. r. with. JlMinielllnss6l, Boston i • ell= Dwyer, CLUCIII/03 nintb, tt..Vroabir NE MBEEZEIN SECOND EDITION. Fall/A 0! OLOCKe Me fERTUTEST TEIRMS. FRONIyA,SIIINqIVe. STIITIB FIRS /IS TOTES TRODIICTS OF TUE COORTAL -• Bill to Piavent ' vies Practising. All NIGHT SEESiON.OF THE HOUEF; Ex-Gov. Johnson [Wetted by , the Senate ns Collector 01 IAS ANY OFFICIAL LOANED 130 Y ERNHENT GOLD orates Ender one Tdousand to be Freed from Taxation. THE 'METE Atql:CgaLE or V. S. BONN. WAIMISOIOII, Jai:Mary sz. , rill:meth, or Tit Mr. Cettel, the new •testabor from Seer rJerincyt lead° atrong protective tariff speech. in the Senate to-day, pending , the consideration of the Tariff- BM In We cootie of his speech he gave. the following official stathities of Maisano& gold et the stanualproducts of thpithitod Stateefor Agrlcnlture, .0.600,030,000; ffianufeetittes, 3917.900,000 t Mining, ;100,00000;. - Fishing, sl3o:loo4sDAMtlng,42,oCo,ooorWoo42Dritting V 5,003,000; Domestic Commerie,6l,33o,ooo,OXY Foreign Commerce, x 190,000,000. got anneal ,earniuge tn. exchange lot „products With foreign cOuntrlea, viatthide Itaperts exports, carrying passenger., increased v./a° - 01 S4 I , OO POiDX.I. e:Zatal, 1[9 44 raine; .. 50,V49:09,00, or redobedlpurreOctri et 1 it :eath:-.the estilbstrOtoi LOW.: 49,458 MOMS. in 1060 six millions, gold valuc were consumed daring Vie year; leaving Vao,aco,coO Toori,rroduCti of 186 , 6 was about the WSW) se thatOf 10'0, the Surplus amounting:Pl sl,=.ooaftgla ViteraW, and of this amount 00,000,000 was paid to the tiovorument to the form of taxes. Tel LOTS TOIT OATS D=l.loll. 'ittPl , C.Belllt6tiV.lT Boat - welt today, deported trim the J talcum. Committee, a bill to Meet the contingency Created by the late decision of the Supine Court; declaring nnconst national the test oath es applied to attorneys practicing in the courts ,of the United State, The ;ter lei person eball be permitted to act' as an at. torney or counsellor in any cone of the United State, who has Deed guilty of tree• son, bribery, murder. of any .other feloly, oc haa been 'engaged in "any• rebellion government :,ot ;the United Suites, or has given aid. comfort or aeon:. egementlo the enemies of tlet. United State in armed hostility -thereto. . ; The ,sccend section debate the first section teVitill.the rule of every coact of the United States, and ;the third section_ • makes, It the duty. the:;ficidieS,F, makes 41 Made ads "open - mart; thetaper tion is acting as. attorney or _counselor 'of the Court, wr propOSIMILIO tttivAlets If barred by the provisions or this act, or when the lodge. eltell be le suet Olean to be so barrad;tiv'arcertain Whether such person has Inufdar. or any other Welty:of his betiesnegtxtin any. rebellion wane the Government of the United States. or has given aid and coat ort pr . wx . xtiusgluirt co9lecimingae l of the;talteC Stems; 44 awnfifikfilliwtuillfi thereterfindliltieteette atOttaterithtt such person heteco guilty Of sethertinW to debar en t eh - petion trout the Mlle. - of at torney or counselle. - Mr. goutyell, In explainingend gar - oust , : leg the bill, stud Duni; were bre judges to the highest tribunal of the land who had not sulDcient:tdtreepeet to esUiet inlet and enforce regulations that _would protect themselves from the foul ionbunination of cmOrAtarl.ludtfbillicra'sg*lnst *be CCs' ernment of the country. • The Unto had come, be Raid, when the legislative difput ment of ourr . Govern-ment should I:van its powers, ladociareorldi slutil but ofSeins of the Government In the administration or the Conrte of Low. This 'billtirtis for that purpose, sad ho hoped,tlis. Switwit z srclutd . The but gave rise to an excited sewiton,ia the Douse. The Democrats endeavored to *two off a vote by dilatorg motion. At midnight the House 'was still session, with' very prospect that theiewonld be an all night session. ' = Elo6