Viert*lfOi6auftes 110111DLT, MIVART 21. mug. of Kentucky, undertook o....4emOnstrate to Congress, on Satur titi3Nriliet-therptilent of Treason as a crime, was persecution. 'We do not hear that bents& inicOnVirts. r Thit Ptesidcn4 through his Washing- Sonorgam; threattclis Congress with mili "tarp iriolenea In. case the Impeachment fAiiiteme ihallls3pieridated in. Thatlecald - aaain'to he a tolerably fair vay of mak , -Jag Ban 'She Catastrophe the Prialdent would avoid. - :2h= Crommiirtiat bas an ethical system :.alxnit as monstrous as is often made., .-roc a Man to seek an end by bribery and conaption . it holds to be deserving of un litlnted. condemnation ; but when the t.ondetrsor has blossomed into aetual eon :ftimmtttioni It maiamins be merits se , qllteacente; it not cormendation. This 1.11 ordinarily thotribrde Venality pays to . Mn:* Statmtna - o of the - Cleveland • Dlsirict, has maunder en. imputation „or conaenratiern. Yet, on Saturday, be offerni an amendment to Mr. Stevens' iteayristOction bill, which was accepted • ii'entletun; Pleuing.the Stateann ";repr .Congress under martial and !Impending the writ of babes' • iOrpt!tiltereiri to long as they remain in Uot'aidition • Mrn, 'Erie • Diapatch recently made an attack on tiara:nor GEAR which we —101414 Carried its own antidote. The Earryburg • Telegraph was tired by this attack;, and, after denouncing it, calls * _ upon Repnbtloan press of the State .tb folloiii'its example. With all defer ,,ente ire saran: tbat this vehement or horteilthii,omei with bad grace from our Minis rthig contemporary. How boogie It 'since, It ',cepa defaming Goyernor CutOrta ite moc 11 sometimes plead to escape obligations 'contracted dur ' lOg the immaturity of youth. In its ef forts to estop , everybody who seeks to . holt it to ordlieri account for Its con '4lngt, ge'Commercial goes a step beyond tMt"::;11-1)142412, "Oos own mums ars theta/Aeons of ear responsibility." Then, good neighbor, - 3 on need not be afraid of damnation, either in this world or TEE Mir. Osmium: LANDON, State &WO? 'from the Bradford district, is •Intysied - Py,the ~Coltenbla Republican as than to succeed Mr. Bucxs.- thy 'United States Senate two -years hence. This is pwrt of the pro ' grarMue 11*er : which General CYlawatox win eleated this year. llir. - Lannow has' no gracesof .person al appearance or charm of manners to 'recommend him; but he has intellectual powers and culture of an unusual order. In thp . p4u3 Of manhood, with enlarged xitrws and advanced - opinions upon all public qttestions, he belongs to a class from which-it Iv eminently proper the Republicans of Pennspirania should se- Jed ita Senators. ' . wifter in the Philadelphia Press suggest tyo name of lir. G. W. Soto yrew,member of Congress for the Erie district; in the Same connection. Loss an orator than ILL, LISDON, he Betimes el him In exact training on many lines of thought essential to'successful states -1:110,11A144 The Republicans of the west w . lll do well. to bear ,the aug,gesti on of Slit'ninne in , reateMbrance. • . N.`yEMY'IMPORTANT MOVEMENT. Wenreadvised that a number of capi tallists 'from • Philadelphlh are in - St. Leonia negotiating for the purchase of Bus old Nada Ibillnoad el-Missouri, and for its incorporation with the Union Pa . 4 ;3 110 ' 1:4 1 /Wey; " Eastern Division, and • also opt Ari the control of the Ohio and liiisSisuippi road, so as to draw the trade of the vast • regions traveraed by theifi roads through Pennsylvania to Pidladelpida. This is agrand and p erfectly fair and legitimate enterprise ; for Nature huff; oaten thin as the shortest, the cheapest and the best route for the trade between the oceans. This was deafly demon strated by our correspondent on the ex - miss: ton to Eort Riley in November last, in hie letter in. Which he spoke of the eastern connections of the Union Pacific Railroad Tic the *ley of the Kansan. We are lead to. see the capitalists of Pednetjiintriliputtingforth their strength in that quarter; for we believe that they will lie''sttccessfYsf In thew great enter . PION and. noi :only enhance their own fOrtunes, but „confer. great and lasting benefits - ttpott:pur State and upon the Interior 'region: in which we all bate a deepinterest. I yhe Pacific Railroad of Missouri runs from St. .Lonis to Kansas City, a dis tance of- - 285 miles. It was commenced' some fifteen years ago, and prosecuted siowlY, nadetfitate auspices, the last di biting only been finished last ye= This company, lite most others, . struggled longnnder pecuniary diffical tiei brit they succeeded at, last in com pleting their work, stadia doing it well. But the grade is unique, being-5 • feet 6 lathes, while that 'of the Union Pacific, from Kansas City westward is, like most other roads-of the country, 4 feet 8; inchen. This difference of gunge im poses the necessity of a flansfcr of all freight going west of Kansas City. - To get over tido:lie:fealty, it is proposed to lei athird rail, tto as to have two'gnages on the mac. road. It will be necessary to „thrills, rather thin compress the gnage to 4 feet 8j Inches; because to do BO would be to reader , useless the large rollhig. 'tacker tine present road. But by -hiving .two gnages the old wide nage rolling stock can -be used until worn ont, while all the new stock can be et the narrow page. By thisphanea of gauge this old Mis souri Pacific road will at once become a part of:the great line of communication beim= the Atlantfc and the Pacific, Instead of being, as it nOw.ll l a - &aeon fleeted, broken voed,beginning and end ing within -,the ,limits of a tingle State; and nothing . less than, this. will amble • St. 144711 ii to_ compete saccessfelly with her formidable 'commercial : rival at the head of Lake Michigan. .Nor can Penn. ;Titania by : any other:method, so enc. cessfullt turn the Tran&lditudistppi trade through her oWtihitders,and to her cow 1,1 "04 capital. z But there is one thing more needed to • secure this great object, and that 13 a bridge, either over or ander the Idissis alppit volecWould be given--4 'Tr e had a vote to, give--in fa vor titranidipt over the river, and so high as to require no draw, and with spinals° long as to benne' no Impediment tottayiipttior Such abridge would, to bs nittOir very exiive; but . Ron or triiii'Ailiers' r wotad • be of little 7:-42cnteequatutIttinitte.h - a - work tut this. rtatberAszt tit Sblltevetbas defective itracture should be mental, the city of St. Louis had bittei tnaite a clear dona tion of two millions to the work. - But we have said more than we in tended at first, and shall close by agalri expressing our gratification at this evi dence of enterprise on the part of the capitalists of our own ,State and our chief city. how much more noble are such movements than some efforts that have been made to crush kindred enter- . pnses within our own borders. Let us hope that a better era is dawning. THE CRIMINAL INSANE. By the laws of this Conimonwealth, when a person charged with crime, or convicted thereof, is duly proved to be Insane, no matter whether the act was committed before or after the develop ment of mental disease, he or she is sent by order of the Judges of the Court hair , - lug cognizance of the case, to One or other of the Lunatic Hospitals, for whose maintenance the Legislature regularly makes appropriations. Unless the mania witiovhich they are afflicted is so acute as necessarily to subject them to solitary confinement, they are placed in wards with patients of reputable moral charge- • Hy the superintendents and managers of asylums this is felt to boa serious evil, and hencetroutthe State Lunatic Hos tel at -Harrisburg and the Western Penn syvania Hospital at Dixmont, the Legis lature, at its current session, is strongly urged to provide a new institution for this class of patients. If we are not mis taken, from both Hospitals this sugges tion is accompanied by another to the effect that the ,new institution, when erected, might be so planned as to ac commodate all the incurables who now or may hereafter occupy quarters in the existing houses. That form of insanity which leads to the commission of crimes must he regar ded as specially dangerouL No. person of ordinary susceptibilities would wil lingly have a friend, much less a partner of his blood, evposed to contact with each people, even when afflicted With milder forms of mental derangement. But when indulgence in vicious or crim- Inal coursesleada to the overthrow of the intellect this repugrunce is greatly en_ hanced. Contact with this latter class cannot tail, in addition to its bad effects on the mental condition to be most per niclens in its moral aspects. Yet, such saso:iation is absolutely unavoidable in existing State Hospitals, so long as the laws regulating admission shall remain as they are. There is, furthermore, much force in the suggestion that patients whose cases are hopeless should be separated from those whose maladies are fairly estima ted to be curable. These hopeless cases, many of them epileptic, are a serious hindrance to the cure of others of a mil der type or of recent development. Nor can it be fairly urged that a new Hospital for the criminal and incurably insane will subject the people of the Com monwealth to a large outlay of money that might otherwise be avoided. The house at Harrisburg is so full that if the Superintendent and managers ! had discretion in the premises the number would be reduced rather than enlarged. The accommodations are so completely overtaxed.that it is impossible to observe in many particulars deemed essential the prescribed arrangements. At Dix moat' the house is even more crowded. If the new wing was finished and ready for use the present number of inmates would require allthe rooms, if the:proPer isolation for sleeping purposes should be observed. Before the remaining wing can pOssibly be erected fresh 'applicants will demand all the space within its walls. The fact is, the present Hospi tals are not sufficient for - the advanta geous custody and treatment of half the insane within the borders of the Com• •• onwealth. ..The care of these unfortunates large ly devolves on the public, and it is a responsibility which cannot be shaken off. In earlier and ruder ages, when in sanity was accounted either a crime or a manifest sign of Divine wrath, lunatics were naturally left to wander in wilder nesses, amid rocks and wild beasts, but jester notions now prevail, and the mute appeal of the unfortunates cannot be re sisted. If the incurables of all. shades should be removed to a new house, prop erly contrived so as to suitably hold the grit:canals *is well, but with the two classes separated, room would be made in the existing establishments for larger numbers of fresh cases. The treatment could bo specially adapted to their re : qulrenienta, and the proportion of re coveries would doubtless be considerably augmented. From whatever stand-point, therefore, the suggestion for a new institution is viewed, it must commend itself to the acceptance of thoughtful men. We trust the present Legislature will give it a full and dispassionate investigation, and then net in that bread spirit of phtlan thropy which is the crowning glory of modern civilization. THE COMMON ‘PPREUENSiON. It cannot be disguised theta deep feel ing of unrest and uncertainty pervades all ranks of business men throughout the United States. A. vague and uncomfort able apprehension exists that a financial revulsion of considerable, if not of ex traordinary violence, is certainly ap, prosching, and may burst out at any mo ment. It is the common experience of all communities largely: concerned in commercial and manufacturing , pursuits, that a period of inflation, 'brought about either by an inordinate extension of di• rect Mereantilecredits, or by a dispropor tionate issue of paper money, which is en indirect form of extending mercantile liabilities, Is surely followed, at less or greater distance, by a time of contraction and failure. During the last three years of the war deseiiptioni of badness were prosper ous beyond precedeitt. The diversion of hundreds of thousands of men into mil itary: and naval employments; thein stantaneons and prodigious demand for certain products of regular industry; the vast requirement of arms,. ammunition and other supplies purely, warlike; the wonderfhl activity engendered and traria !toted by , the momentous events trans piring; the enlargement of national cred its, ,and the issue of paper currency, plentiful as flakes in a great fail of snow; all contributed to an accelerated move ment In which former poverty disappear ed and multitudinous and amazing for tanes were realized. }To matter what a marcroade or bought, o 7 scarcely at what cost, he was sure to vend it at a hand some advance. This prosperity was not altogether ffetitons. Much of it was real. Men who had been embarrassed, and found means of payment, knew they had -bettered their condition. They who from nothing had become really opulent, knew they were not under a delusion. It win vtot, however, all substantial ond -abiding. The prevailing nes were not intrinsic, but relative to the currency. A. thousand dollars did not mean a thousand ouncfra of siver. Precisely what it did mean was a point difficult to determine. The. inflation in creased SO long as the government was enlarging the volume of its bonds and notes and unsettled and u npaid balances. When the war ceased, and the govern ment begaii that retrendtmcnt of expen ditures whicli.was to conduct back to the peace basis; when the million of men in the army and navy, and in the ad juncts of those departments, were dia. riiissed; . when the amount of greenbacks began to grow-smaller; when the, taxa tion made inevitable by, the rebellion be gan to press with its full weight; then began the pinch that has been growing lighter ever since. In getting back to speCie payments losses are inevitable, which none arc ready to shoulder. Ilseh man is nor !oust° shove a portion or the whole of Ma load on to somebody else. This Is one manifestation of the instinct of self protection, and as all share in is recrim. !nation is absurd. But, it is well to consider whether the losses can be so great as come imagine. Undoubtedly goods and wares, houses and lands, bought. at high rates, will shrink in nominal values, and have to be sold at an apparent loss. Still, the American people, at last those of the loyal States, are less in debt, and abso lutely richer, than ever before. They can stand a strain, without! serious in convenience, 'which, in past years, would hays sent wave after wave of financial panic over the land. This has been demonstrated in several prominent in. stances since Lst's surrender. Busi ness men, as a body, are Conscious of their strength, and are not dismayed. Thly look the future in the face, not liking all the portents, to be sure, but confident that no such disasters as those of 1857 and 1837 are poseibre in the ex isting condition of affairs. Dn. Hauls of Philadelphia, in an ad dress to the friends of the Pennsylvania Hospital furnishes the following inter esting statistics of the growth of the Quaker City: "In 1686,, 800 people lived in our city; in 1752 there were 14,000 in 9,000 houses. In this year, 1867, 750,000 souls are living in above 80,000 houses. From 1800 to .1820 the population doubled; from 1820 to 1840, again doubled; from 1840 to 1860 trebled. In 33 years, by the year 1000, it may un doubtedly be 2,500,000, and perhaps 3,- 000,000.• New York, with 100,000 bowies, has beds for 5,000 poor; Phila delphia, with 80,000 houses, has only 4.5. It Is a shame to her standard of religious morals and charity. Tax Central Pacific Rail Mad Com pany, of California, now run four pas senger trains daily for a distance of twen ty-three miles within the snowbelt of the mountains;that is, from Atla to Cisco. The Sacramento niian says : "The section of railroad within the andivbelt is a wonderful monument of energy and engineering skill, and the re gion through which it passes is a succes sion of the grandest scenes the Sierra can afG.rd. A stranger, coming from the eastern elope and finding a locomotive pulling amid the snows in the shadoW of he Black Butte and Rattlesnake Peak, six thousand feet above the sea, cannot fail to be startled by such an apparition, and his wonder will not diminish as he descends and looks at the, precipitous mountains and stupendous gorges over which the way ha.s been smoothed for the, track of the iron horse. There are but two tunnels on this section—one through Grizzly Rill; GOO feet long;and. the oth er through the ridge that divides the waters of the American from those of the Yuba, at Emigrant Gap, only .150 feet in length_ The line has been so skillfully run that the ascent is accomplished by cuts, embankments, and blasting a road bed in the solid rock of the mountain side, where an experienced hunter would be troubled to climb. The deepest cut is found at Prospect Bill, ten miles above Atte, and measures 123 feet. The em bankments are many and huge, and the settling of these during this, the first sea son of their use, Is the point that requires of the superintendent more constant at tention than the - obstruction of the snow." Paying the hiational Debt. . . The Loudon Speelator, In alluding to the prospect of our paying our national debt ere long, remarks: "It will be the greatest deed democracy has ever done, the one which will come most clearly home to property holders, which will most rapidly dissipate the Idea that democracy Is distinguished by "an ignorant impatience of taxation," or by an indisposition to pay up honorable claims. No despotism will be able to show such a financial account, no con stitutional monarchy a better one, and successful finance tells heavily with cul tivated mankind. The tide of immigra tion will set in with double rapidity, and the last remaining deterrent to British North America will have been removed. Meanwhile, whether the dream is ful filled or not, America, so long as she raises this surplus, possesses a force of which it is diffeult to estimate the ex. tent, can, for example, spend, without a loan as much as the whole outlay of Great Britain upon her army and navy, •osiNwaste every year without increasing her taxelf.tis much as the loan with which Ndpoleon paid for his Italian campaign: -,-- StENEBAL NEWS —The Boston Yacht Club recently formed number 140 Members. —Albert' G. Brown has begun to practic• law In Jackeon, Man. —A large number or tenth.' projette aro pending in the New York Lealel►turb —A company has been formed for the pur pose of bridging the lillssisalopl river at tit. —The boundary line between Georgia and Florida, west of Bt. alitry's river. has been es tablished. —An Australian has harnessed & kanga roo and made him turn machinery. When the animal gets lazy the sharp end of a pin Makes him indt.trioru. —The British Government Is constructing a Boating iron dock at Bermuda of SOW tone, which will be able to lift ponderous iron clads out of the water. —There are 222 boys In the nautical branch of alauschusette State Ilan= School. Since June last 21 soya e been slapped on Whalers from the 112141C11/1011. '—The medal got Ate by SO,OOO people or France, in honor of Mr. Lincoln, was pre sented to Mrs. Lincoln, at Chicago,' on Tues day, without ceremony or display -A monse's nest has been discovered In a garden near lielbeacb, En land In which the little animal bad stored half a peck of Albert nuts no its winter provender. —A. Bonnet killed himself in Sew Orleans recently, becalm° hatthad but little interest In the BM around him." Au exchange thinks that Bonnet was out of fashion. —Tho monument to Tyndale, the Biblical translator, erected on tho top of Kulbley Knell, In Gloucestershire, England, Is a high square . tower, built of stone quarried In the neighborhood. —A man named McCue. In Davies county, Mo., boa/deo( caving contributed twelve eons to Wricub, ruble army, out of a family of nineteen children. Minot two mama! the caeualtlen of war. • —An Inqueston the body of a man, who died suddenly, at Newcastle, Engltunl, re. onotty revealed the feet that the deceased . " heart yeses the wrong aide, that Is, on the right aide of the body. Mrs. Pauline Ashmore, daughter of ax. Congressmanr John D : As hmore. was burned todea c l othe s , 5, C.. a few dye ago, by her tokeo gOre as she wae cheep. lug In a chair by the fireside. —Wm. Van Brunt died In lair recently at Adrian, Mid den. He was Mice worth kW; 000 , and was nstrossional delegate from Ellehlean in 1831, but bad been a drunkard and vagrant for Molest fifteen years. —The New York pollee made a descent on two dens In Baxter street, Mat Saturday night, and az reeteißlO boyS, whose Kral ranged from to to 13 years. These boys were kept for Uneven:r anti other ilelollll purposes. —At Austin, Tem. re recently. la ." „. • `"'"- Dan ....aatohltt the front of the es= Ir Ya h ' 4 l ) d t i c n 4 L . e.suvv,=,:fg the ovi• WI andean. rifled Mtn of all the valuableeen oil pa The following LS a statement of the emig rants arriving at the port of New York during 1866: From Germany, ; 106,710; Ireland, 68,047; England, 56.- 1 186; Scotland, 4,1170 Sweden, 340 7; Switzerland, 5,685; Prance, 3,246; Den mark, 1,526; Holland, 1,506- Italy, 918; Norway, 122; Wales, 540; Spahr, 215; West Indies, 245; Poland, 251; Belgium 157; South America, 15.5; Ruda, 1541 , PortuLal, 06; 31exico, 56; Nova Scotia, 40; Canada, China., 26; East Indies, 15; Africa, 15; Australia, 12; Central America,. 12; Turkey, 8; Alum, 7; Greece, 5; Sicily, 1. Total, 233,418. Tnz exports of productions of Canada from Toronto last year, amounted to s37,2So,969—being nearly $2,000,000 more than in 1881 The exports of .pro ductions, not of Canada, was $1,312,182 onsiderable less than the pre vious year. - ' COEDS DYSPEPSIA CEDE Ilegolates and tones the Stoma, CO.'. llyspepsts Core Is a sovereign remedy for all diseases of the • ntotnsen and Dowel.. • Coe , . Dyspepsia, Cure Cares lid Ague. Let the., Mated with this toelsdy try It. Coes Cysy eosin Cure • Cures instataneously: and yon do not hart to oralos W n eek 10 Nee Its effects. " Cott'• Uyspepaln Cure I. the greatest appetleer ever brown—lt net only Crest. t e appetlhl•, but enable, yt et to Dully dige.7ooo • = 1. neammended by all the feedlot phyolelau. Co.. Ilyroorpell Cure Iran lovalasble friend to all who era weak, de blamed and to • 10W State of normal action. N H o. oltoe e t a agent for stree 1.1. t burgh. FLE III - S W. Mtel t. North Carullua la, on hand at low rates. tatturrte - - GRAY HAW, BALDNESS, BAND SU VV. ANYs , IogAtIE Wl' THE 3CALP.—Nt , DISCOVERY CAN voMPAILICW/TLI 'IA/NOON HAIR COLOR RESTORER AND DtallldlNt , ." "London Our Nest RRaaiz# Color Rratorer* , "London Calor Restorer" "London nye/elan. Ilea Color Restorer , ' "London _Hair Color Restorer. , "London Use and 1.1.1 r Color heatorer" "London Moir Color Restorer' , •.Loodon I/rowel:mod It. Hair Color Restorer" it never falls to Impart lite, growth, and elope to the weasest het r, fastens .4 slops it Chou:, and Is ante to produce a new growth of hair, causing tt to grow thick and strong. cents a bottle, GI the half dozen. • hold by MuCLAitRAN 4 kIeRENNAN 83 Market strait, ORA , . A. *ELIA. 3i wood and 40'3. PLMILINO, gg Market atreet, ltIa: bore, LAVE Daurrr, A'legheny. ana.V:I34IIIIFT A NEFARIOUS BUSINESS.-It la the richly freighted shlp that It tracked by the robbers of the net; and; on the tame princi ple. It Is the popular epeclec that the land lance cancers, called couoterfelters, select for theft ablaut mark, 110STEfTER•13STOISACEL BITTERS Stand pre eminent among the medicinal }matr ations lath', country. The demand for them Is soatettilne wOnderfn4 unparalleled: hence the counterfeiters know full wall th If th ey can Impose their lien holds upon the people no that (estate tonic. they can make fortatucs by the little. They are hewat murk. iletectlecs are on the trail of come oil them. and Otto t have men already brought to book Let the public second the proprietors tiler al:forts to name the reckless mound rola who met at oars to poi son the community and swindle Abe gem that Tuts prodgee , the !nest cgetats e titian ever cmanufactured Thinkleg to dodge the law, the onterfeltere are am , Ing to their sot le• name, 11Umlillog in or th ography and sound that of oTIS rrk:u, each a. "Huch.tetter." ••noor stettkr,'• and the like. Will the public he kind lnough to loot to - this , and to see also that the abel is all slab, estth Its VirMette of it. Ocorge mid the ragon. and its My note of band. alin e.: •11 Bar LK • eM .Tlll • The pretax . ea torswill do their part to pr-sect the million how lmpaultion, and they tat the mililon to be On the alert alai get the plotters to n'tlet their health.-- HOS L'r'ttH & SMITH. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS W. BINGHAM. Jr., Adam, liapross file, 54 An?. afresh u an autnortmed Agent to = 0:ZI2 aa other paper, throw/howl INi Onact Etkstaa SION--ENOIE IN THE WINDOW THE UNDEUSIGNIEDnandance another arrival of CHOICE GROCERIES, Including Every Variety or c~o_V'3EE =EOM Coffee Roasted Daily, =1 Ground in the fresenee of Customers ♦ guarantee of its treatuteen and mit) SIGN--ENGINE IN THE WINDOW SHIELDS 8c BODD 108 Smithfield Street, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE 1.16:11wr SKATES! SKATES! SKATES IatTOCKIEF.E,Ifer to thD MOST OF from s,oooPairs of Various Makes. Before purchasing elsewhere, call and examlxte my Stock, as lean OFFER MAURO SPEOUL IRDTIOIXOT& JAMES BOWN, N 0 . 3136 Wood Street. no15;o1 ALLEGHENY INSURANCE•CO. uP PITTSBUROII.- 0111os, Na fl /MD .tram, But Mott. Ws , . &Nan ill Slab et Piro mad Xutze JOHN WAIN, Jri, President. JOHN D. IdceollD. Wee President. O. O. DONN ILL, Beeman. Capt. K. DIAN. General Meat. DTILSCITOSIS . 4 K.L.. Ma eit a xt W. H. KTOCIOLI Hobert Dua. irraoci.ellars, Get,. U. McGrew. John Irvin, Jr.. John 0. o.oouro, 0. 0. Rum, liarTei T.. 1 Hostlnsaa, 00001,0 Hays,: PIIICEB lIEDUCED. WHITE, ORR & CO., No. 26 Fifth Street, =1 RICH DRESS SILZS As Terry Lour Prices HOll4 lE6l' AND LOT. IN ALILE. LIEU HE S.-Y •t.D MANC•B4TEII AUCI TR/Pt.—Will be sold cm the premises. on TH I) •If ...tottery 241 b, at le o'cicmlt, the two Prmue Holism: Wand/1n CRC alley, intim rear of Wm. lietoples dig goods More. Los 300 e 70. The holm., tour and eight rooms reepeetively. Will he sold on the premises, on TII Mil c APT gli:40014. Jan. 2110, at no'cloOt. thatbree Brick Demillogs, corner of hefleld nod Man hattan streets, one tomato from eau line and can. Lots Imi by At. Houses here three rooms on Prat and goon second Poor, attic, hall and good cellar. Hood. comfortable beam. J all A. LEUPIAT E, Auctioneer. SHERIFF'S SALE: fill !MONDAY, JANUARY 21st, •••• IBC, at 10 u'eloca, A. W., at NO. 201 LIDZILTYST., PrI7IS3IIRGII, 1 I•rge lot of /BOIT, In cam; PICKLES, VINEGAR. BOAr, CANDLES. BROOMS. BUTTEB, TUBS. UCX LTS, OIL, TOBACCO, CIGARS, Ate., SAMUEL IL CLULEY, EMI naTti-700 bush. prime Oats In `•-• ;toe siad to •ale • WZ • : la9t kUTTEJII-41 bblis• • • treat !Ro il Batter, Jut received cot fir sale b r k vo - Jar corner Wiritid ' First NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. JAREN T. BRETT & CO„ tor to B. Jones Corner Fourth & Wood dn., BANKERS & BROKERS, DIALERS IN nti. JECCDS OF Government securities, foreign Exchange, Gold, Silver and Conpolui. COLLECTIONS =ads.= W acce=lbla pants In Om Thdtad !Satan and CanaLlaa. Interest allowed on Time Semite. Ell 2 CM" .A. =I SEEDS AND IMPLEMMTS, From 29 Fifth Street, TO OUR NZW HTJRB, 137 Liberty Street, (FOOT OF PIETA.) Where we will be glad to seo 01l of mar old ear ==f= GARDEN NEEDS, I= HORTICCLTVHAL = FARM MACHINERY I= INI.ERSOLL'S RIY PRESSES, for n INp AND UUICSB VOWEL The beet Peelle in nee. X. 137 Liberty Street. MEM nIiPIIANS' COURT SALE OF , A , ' VALUABLE REAL X , TATIL-BY .In. . . or. orderot the Orphan.. Coort of_Alleghenl Coon.. dated Jew.. loth. 1007, to ate direct ed, twill expo. to Bale, by public outcry. at the Court Waite. In the City of luteburgn, on aTilmn• F a atte =1 thef February. A. 1887. at 10o•clomr. A. et., following describrd Kest astate and homestead of harld Whelan& late of II tampion townthlp. Allegheny *minty, Pa.. deeaea, to Witt All that cutout lot or niece of ground 011nate to Ramptou TO+Stabli , arorekll4, and bouorled old de.: I bed 111 fo.lows. loath Beginning on the and Rutter Plank Road at • no,/ aaJtColog lands of TWA., • eltoz; theace south ilait deg. watt 118 2.10 perch°. to a pool; thence tooth I Sc 4. weat. Ai 10 pereltes lands of Wm. Hotellosoo to pott; ...Ice by Abe same ma. th 09 deg.. not 88 710 parch. to a root by the Butler Plank Road. Ana thende by the same not, h 9 deg. east. 3 P 10 nerchat to the place of buttoning. containing 12 .cree mid b Vol . mtature, on welch Is erect , d • Prom . Is e /too., contaiulag :Ix roams and IL/tette•: also • enable And all necettary ont bulldtags, also Urchar4, chrobbery..l.. Ahte—All that uther let or piece of grertt4 1110 Ate In the town/h.p aforesaid. and bounded and...scribed as f0110w... wit; 11 0 •1 00 18, 01 • poet on • township road:hence north 88)i dig. east, 70340 parch. to a post; teenee eolith 1,18 dog. east. =Percher to • coin; thence Ay lan.l o( Wm. Hotel...ft south& dee. west. 77 perches to a post; thence by cal utchinion , . land and church lot north ll deg west. 20 peyote, to • poet: thou., br lot of 41.1e1. Rorie, decaeltad. earth I dee. east, 31 perches to place of heath. ging —e ntainlng 20 acres and 11 patches, etriet measure. - • Post •1.1,—a1l Olt certain other lot or piece of ground adjoining theone Stave detoilbed. end bounded and "scribed as follows, to Olt, itegtnniug .t • post on the toonshtp sidj thence north 7a deg. east IV berates by 1”d of Be . ',Tenon:llton to x posit thence north ail{ deg. rest. la 4.10 perch he the same to a posts theoca south 116 deg. eas t. 1.10 perches by lend of T. innas Siorrow to •um tr.e; then.* by the abase described tot or piece south CV. deg. west, Vr 6-10 perches lo the plan-ear beginning, eon. tainlog rerrhes Terms cash, to mitt 4110 On day of sale , end ter Osinnen On cannel:nation of sale and delivery of deed—the purchaser to pay for deed and st.mps. ANN D. taLLELiaiND. Adia . z of estate of David 611Ieland, deed. N. R —The stem. is a very desirable coentrY residence or small fano, containing in all 33 seres arid 311 p. schen. and onl7 divided hr the Butler Plant; Road. the first piece on the nest side and the othsr t • on the east side ..f said road. being the seine as tine farm; has go , d prOlettlents; Is In eseelient nate Of enitirallOnt most eseellent s on•y threcuitles from tits elt7ltOneenhint to church". stores and a• heel Al s o ha. goad Urcitands, khenbbery, he. Titletudisectabte. for slather informstlon. ea't on the Admisis tratrts, oath* preens., or on USU. y;11 RAN. Of aroffett & Cochran. Attoree llll ys at Law, 30111;V:5 Nu. 110 (Irani at.. Vlttsburge. pHEVIL.WAIIEHOU.SE. RICHARD E. BREED, xurmsze, No. 100 Wood Street. BEITTANN la AND HILVER PLATED TA BLE WARE. TEA THATti and TABLE CUT LERY. always., heed. CPINA TEA ne.TS. cHISi A, DIVE ER BET!, CHINA ' , VILET Errs, CHINA VAKIV milw• erirrooNs, ' BOHEMIAN WARE ofwcary dcoarloPoo LLc c AHD ItenickTt4 LAVA VAN rd, LAVA VP1TT. , 0514. • INULISH STONEWARE of OR varieties, to snit wholesale and retail trade. th,4 , , , ..? t er me Stock of every. Prices tams the la ' s*. In the eastern J 539 W ARTED—TO for of Rom 75 TO 100,000 ROSHELB CHARCOAL, Milne Me Miming seam ttellrery, to com ent:. la to UM April nest. Apply to or edema MOORHEAD & CO., 99 Water Street. de27madwf • •P Ii r T AMM T nAT I Npttr a .( II ,O AXtr ...Z PRINTING AND WRAPPING PAPERS, WitgViIitarZERTAWTPI orricz AID w4urairouss; • No. 82 nail Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. OFFICERS—AO:IMT 11/1.111•JZ. President. J 2.0. B: LIViNUSTON, frese'r rinizemajltru t s r lilliVegi,: ° 2l , Zl, • P. Bannesu. John B. Laringeton. John M. ret. tins. C. H. Merrick. Pub paid for Papfr Steak. • ttEtni .OU IS DEIIGE Zs CO" Mannfac saran et GRAND AND SQUARE PlAllug. AYAbAnn. P 7 kibliakEli Munn% *wend Moot. ben fee= broadesy. NEWYORK. donee PLU 0l th em e luesLtOgAdn b ea e n r th Y attlsk7- for hair pywarfaL, dear. - brilliant and AMP.- tbotic tone; also for their durability and taus teat workmanship tif cint Octave litoaatrocal I. . ....• gnu., with our Brand Preuctigepeating Oen., carved lege, saran dealt and 1700.. cl written guarantee for gee year., for g3SU and 634 nola MW? FITZPATRICK& BROTHER. FIRST PDERDIIIII, GOLD PEN MANUPACY Tißedd. 43 bIAIMIET DT., near i i rrliirgvtoag. i. rerom mto( i thelly bovtog Pelts to repay coo mod them by mall and promptly.tbtomed. dolconowr . COORGE:IIEAVEN, Candy Manufacturer And dealer te• EOKEIGN AND AMINIOAN IfEUITIL PIUNLEn, N 01.5, f.c., IC.. Po. 113 I ederal Street, dewed door from tbe rest Hatton. , Bank, )a832 ALLEGHENY VITT. A. F`m T HE ". rATE2iT JitiED/0127211AND DIMON Id low Pn e B. I . IN T 1121267TU81 1 par Pt UW.I.IIOISITTZBS,4I perbotree do go lbs. COW .1) lIIMBAJW. Mr And everything el*. In proportion, la 111LOW1Vel W 1)11.1110 OTORIf." .OW Pia II 01. Maly 00000 WAIT Fon wo THE BEST.—We D. rk . 91 ItTiPatErin, o fo Deorgla, e Ilon. ntitIedALEXANDER 1011• MP 1 Mt WAlt dETWeEN ?ACETATES Tit—ACING 1111 uIIIDINM CAMILA. AND ReSULTd.. if Atephets: name le a sufficient guarantee that UM will be lbs ofaudard Rfrfory of the late wan and all who d eeeee the roust reliabk end eoulete work should await Its Is sue. NAT UNAL PUMA:MIND Ctr_.. No. 6.7 nor street. Palladelpeta . Pa. la7:47MeT CUOICE COFFik E.-33 balm of "'ME RIO AZID GOVEZINMENT JAVA, 007 FIE, Jon rloelved =a (or We by the bag or at retail, at *mu, .duid..ince. f ig.. the . gamily thocery Otore of • ..TOEIN A. lICSEIHAW, toner Liberty and Ilsod strceti pIANo I PIANOS! I—An entire mrw.todcorKseser. C0. , 5 PIANOS. erbleti Sr. now enualnered the beet made:also HAINES BROS. CIELSBUOTELII . I.A.AutI. race from PM onward. Peewee to want el • Anteing nano Or. -MM.: Kenny :invited SG call And ;Masque berm nurebasles elsewhere cnAniarre BLUME,' _deg 00•5 43 ,Tifth WEST COMMON rtIALCIMNE STONE WORICIS, ricvlbtresli . Conker of w.. AISOLOILIST. TILED•E •.1.2 VAT= • CO. thmi. no herd or prepare on awn moues 4 1TIVN B c r lil z atTig s a r°ll MCADAM) TIM u. eImINSIS. to.. to. 344.4 executed. Murn o- 1017 . 0031=1•1 NEW ADVERTLSIMENTS : IMPORT/NT NOTICE TO THE raori.s. OM 1 FEW DAYS MORE To Secure 2 io]Fnts in KELLY'S GRAND NORTH AMERICAN PRIZE CONCERT! Capital Prize 100,000 C 72101116 seer o- COTL II e to. at to Award Ike rrislissokad tbe T ClattiteElit be=Wt. styt WI it at Wabask Mat, 111.&11:111DAY. Aukanuurr*V4 l7 . • Tile le the Grestenit Dletrlbullos of the teenth venture. ad moss sieceosfol Weevils* el the kW eierlasuorsiikl In the world. vAtcriana BALPA 11111LISOE LIOLIA*.s. Joalidlog • . 11.108,000Ei vflll be ',rumpled to ticket Magus. Every Utker rakes Draws • Prim.. The demand for !RAW u wittiest• pmetlel.: All omen for Tietet+mnllsd to Row logisail, Middle or Weston' States. s" to TIIIIIISDAY, RIGHT. JASITAIIY 114th: reach ea li time tope Alla op and lashed *are. ttS dWI. lit Afe6to eau eesitlaus to sell aeul 114. tiro SATURDAY. Ydthlost.. whin faUreperillialtit be made with re tone. or they will be eAssoltd. •reato Savior Valets unsold 0, eosinctiol for will please forward them to ear teams, se, they are required to Nl orders is Ching% • TICKETS *l,oo EACH. a ticket. to ooe address, for " 114, 1 1 .. " • 'ego to " ~ 17,130 Bent ovorywhero on resoled of 1120119 i, oda tame to pay postage.— El= ItelKellop &Co., CoussoesetalitutsT. Chicago; Louls !Umlaut it Salem, importers, essuuel - BuCwels. Plulls.lelphist Van Valkenberg £ G., Impert sr', New I °rt. j• Bead the name of each intmertber with theft ro,t om. war.... Maul n 7 &on, ran omC. ord.% rarl• tared lettert. may to sent at oar rlik . All tommunleatlenealmald be addrnmat A. A. KELLEY & CO., No. 100 Randolph Mann, China% 3.2tarl NATIONAL SLIThNG .PARK. 61114XD FANCY DRESS CARNIVAL WILL COME OFF AT TUC aBoyE PLACE, cm Tuesday Evening, Jana 22d,1887, !ideal 126 c apt filth/ HQ et tinworks, 4*:16 t0 " AUXITT LIME 71/TT 4:1M171L IWWI LADIES' AND GErrs _3EITTEras, SUMMER PRICES, BILLS' uniriPts No. 75 Wood Street. aho. 1 Lane Almeria opt of S & CAPS • or TILL log TEST arrzEs. CLOSING OUT. SALE Lary ckoops, FOR TWENTY DAYS, Commencing on llendity, the 14111, Is /reach Hems.. Catansi. n. 142. ?VOW, Blaelt Inothh-64.1matik Ticking, Cloaking wow, Dress Good. of 12312 uaieg,,aan and H. 3. LogrzgaEr, N0:96 Illsurket flireetv jigl . Betweri rtfD and tile 111=01W AMAIWIIt SKATERS Allegheny County A CONTEST FORTNE CHARIPI 010,111? Of Auxonsar worn t►ke place at CENTRAL SKATING PARE 021- Saturday, January 19, , O. . GOLD.MEDAL -. • Will b. prevented to . the meet Aritinis Wane. maralkater, resideat .11 toe county. strlas tar Mal!: SHEPHARD'S, CRACKERS MANETACITMED AT 317 Liberty Street, PITTSBURGH,' PA. BEvrot: lIIELTEM I LEATHER AND CUM,BEIIIIIO..' .ILI" OWE HOKE PAClLlM mirrri. ate. Of thebest quality . sad WM?. grim, et the INDIA UMBER DEPOT, Nos. MOli sad 2$ at Clay •wot. BusiNEss awn co NI ERCIAI.CCILI.ECE. • - Nos e 6 and 8 ELM& Street. fl l iLlFlaiteiail Miner. Book-Krpisg. Pensoan!alp and ..ritlssiettar. timiaidlixatte 04) Arttbaketlaaad PcuuisamiZerVisrlar at ao 00 per I 00 Jor.Clrealan or ISPIeln.lll6 adina , PeatlLCCLAligai... CLEI (11 rll4 67b ) NATIONAL TEDEORAPH INSTITUTE, Omar Penn and SC - Clair Sta., rrnszmiu. PA. The :Liult sty Cheapest Best AGIVAL 111CUMIS.COLLEGN it the [noted tutu, Daring th*Pinteu Tr 'wards of PUTEI THOUSAND STUDENTS. Representlag every .State to tie Union, acre Graduattst Itart. A COLLEGE OF ACTUAL BOMBS, • &walled with Banks, Wind, Post Offices, ICan, , naluton, Beaters% In canna. Railroad. Steam. boas. sag Takgralpi, Unicos, conabislag 41•Miwei.Z . rehati0 0 . • Iltaifeats, an Moms* filtrated to sll.the PIACTIVIE. BUSMEN EDUCATION. Boolt;teeptng, reamenettip, irttlme• Da, Oonmeestal Lan, p olittest beonomet Boa' nese Corms:one... the Aztof Deteeung Doenterfeit Money, Amway% ' • Prictlcal Banklag, . - ittamatil piWeater st iwr thee zsd eitaDiste • ..61,ght..t0 Malys woks- jr=jr.TMr r/ICYZAZoi&XMi rtr r a i ttPll4T&An.Tiptiao. sate. NO EXISA CH /MOLD Tar Thlmss.l4, litellobestlog, Ranroseter. Baskthe or Dirdataa: LB to other - Cones,.. 7011 1.12110111 60117 to Teomeaship to all .talentrta the Commercial Departseht. • ' •.• • . Fos clitanAss. Glriad fall txtforiastioai and contaialar • ea= plat* aniline °roar aysteat of Practical Bust mem Diallatiottilaipttiter TESTIMONIALS Ma Prsetteit Buiseio /tank en,- Book-keepers. *c. &ddreu the PrinelPals, SMITH do 00WiLY, p i ' s rsnusr.ou. 13=1 January 14, 19137 CRAND OPENINC OF FM :1 SALOON FOR LAND AND GERTLRIBER, 3%270. 141941111MOLials-11131treet ftelwedn Pena ' t. and 13upenston Midge, =1:73 I would, 11111Pccifoll7 announce to my friends end 0.1ton:oral public.. that I bays Jested the 110008 holm. sae late ad to keep a • Firstiess Restaurant, la all Ite Ltaachs,. OTWITM..I , hi% •ae - e you dalleactiOn sosraticatotd will he leered 09 ua abort notice. ..• PRICKER. SO. 23 St. Clair Street. .• O al5 FLUOR. jO7. LktitlCAt' DTSLI4II BOO= US SEC ND N 0110INANCE relating to the emnigot streetwand alloys!. the 80r ... Lownammille, Allegheny county, Pa. trannos I. Bo ft ordats.44 - osd modal by the Bur piss no r Town Counkif cif Mr Savuos ctf mahe , m us o d s , T his e r w d h s ne s h d e r ty a f a teur tas Serous and Town Connell of said Borough may deem It for the public irood to authorise the grading of any &trims or Mitre Is mid llommail. the stems tleounittee. In consteetlon with use Borough Megalator :shill - Invite and receive I rooms:ls , for serails the tartlet:, and looser sideman of each street. or Mleys, and contract therefeYwith the Uwen nod hest bidder, at their to:tenon. r • a 5.... That the soft and expense of such int• movements shall oe 'apportioned sad held. so o the o car. waf t of T n ets ona s UoP e s f . g a a ll ag mid out sf . Bortthett Truism sad for de . tr ` :g::f 4 k ertgrtrellie m eat ITeitriglt si de special tax, to be asseefied apostle severM lets bouadieg and •thattlag mats such streets or al leys la the proportion oft. feet Dom thereon, sad the release value of the work done. Ott. That wham the cost and expel:Pl of gradl:f4= i tr ea sidtrilet aush i rreets or si fl'Asll ho Ids dutyUss:ess a r Allortien IT; same among them:worst lot holders owning prop env cos gush streets or Were according to thik rule herelabethre stated: and h thereon°. to the 'ogee of suchissesentealto theawm rrrrr wages of ouch lot or lots respectively. wad make re tora tkttdofto the ms of mild Borouth. extr.:ll. That la ems the owner Sr owners of Say tot Sr 1011. on width Issessrunts Made es sformuld for' grading the Met or side. wallul street se allay Is said Borough. OrittiVe r In T se ae qui t t °"` lS P .ltig • Ttrig • tod has to gine. It s to th e daty of the Borough Treasurer, to take the necessat7 measures to collect the suee, with percent. additional for nos. as such debts ars sow ty law reeoeerahle. That all 'edit:them and parts of ordi nances Ismael test herewith, he mad the same ant hereby repealed. Ordsalled and enacted tato a law this, the :111 day of as:teary. A. D. INV. • • - • J. Cr BOTTUM, Barren. Attest: J. J. COVIMT. Clerk. • Jellato • TELE -.FIJLTON BILLANDBOSSIMMIT, !If 16113. - Nu. 91 First and 70 Secoad Streets, PITTEiERINCH. PA. xAmnrAcrtaitas ALL SIZES OF BMS From 10 to 100,000 Ponds. cuci An EAU TIIM, Of All Idols. Stop Cocks diltrass or iron or 'IL6 urn. GUGE AND CIMEM COCKS. AMIN Mr all the tyrant,' STEAM. PUMPS 114 e. Age!its for Oa Celebrated iSteain•Syphon. 7 .134 84 . die r io u fi xis Altar4B,3A . li e an . d GAB „Mater attoottos paid to itrYig e idd 018 In all lot brow:dee • Tim aair suntaftetarere of • A. MILTS:MB 11NTAL140740E12141 7011 ISTZAJI CALJJO• AsimArrni ron *not eeastaatly on hood. BR Aso. 00N sod ItZL Ultritie GS made to Order sad Stashed vette! atlases • sod Mimosa. Pertlcater attention palo to Urea Itnal•Oltdr to ad Its Mateo. -We slot Zero otottlootly 011 4lettd WI oleos .110001. batten sad bound 0.0, Keno nod Oottsa Poodtairt tadtd Uoto Om glut loorder. • • - A. FULTON'S SON & CO =1 TIE NORTH AMERICA LIFEINSERANCECOMPANY, Of Nevi York, • THE Only Company In the World Mh .ederg i lgrat t e iienvgn Deet ; Mae thyvernreent • - la addition ea the security teactollote offered. we perticoist *Magenta the tollocslass s • - By nascent set et IheLealelatare or the Stele or hie t We the Gininpear is authorized to tire eincheate alas she Superintendent tb. lets . n i tiTn= nrrn a ' ke lo g this Beni ' the .d 14.1 g esse r steeete test the Sollop f securerby pledge of rnbile esocke coastline. dal Trent ereldWirp the Act of Lestleteture In Omer ot the DsUaTii AXISKIOAIe 'heti HANSA COMPANY es doelirely.- TIM snakes emy Ileac Mitered roltu an etcurn_le the holder en • h Mesa Beek Bets, ea united Statue Solid. hto RIPITI•111 . 2101ffn In Travel, MaslOenes the Ordtagrer Uepleyinsitte le lig, Pen Of the unitise VMS or Manse. of say mem at the I WitaiT On e/1 Matra psy seents. - - • • UsidClffin are ma-putatlatAad Izame- OTES *XS ■ILUON noLL4ILIL AU Insuring are hiliteel temunlas sad tom =lc, voltam with. thaw 61' the .I)isith X.ri:iconcilks. president. J. W. munisu.L. Bectstiry. • • • IL Ti COOK, Gaieral,lsent. . _ . • iirroravierr whey Filling Omit, plitiburgh • • few alais salve, ettchmi sea cat • Cllll6 JallaSkafia . Win & DUMB, 41114F!CCXXXV2B 4 C , SW. i t sr crilliatiffealrighgale Fit lig I t = Ws t Wag TOZ A GREAT SALE COW DRY GOODS, ElOl 3. W. BB 59 Market Street. 300 PCB. varxon ansimios, wows. & =PROM CLOTHS AT PRICES BELKICED 37) TO 60' PER CENT. 1.000 PIECES DEESO GOOD'S OF ALL . KINDS. Some of these reduced to one tilf toruier prtoils. • BUMS YOB EVENING.CADBIAGE dt . 151 MT DRESS, in, great variety, and at greatly reduced prices. CLOAHII AIND 1111 AWLS. WPSIICOF. pig out our stock of those Tory r•_ BLANKETS, FLANNELM, CLOTH& CASIIIIIIMEN,PiNITINETIII,JEANS Ike., all reduced In price. TAB= LINENS, TOWELS, remit, INGS.NAPKINII,DOTILES,gruss AND OTHER HOVSEKSEPINO GOODS EQUALLY CHEAP. sararrss Ass saismra ars. LEND GREATLY REDUCED. A good article at tau cent! paryard. MRYTHING CHEAP 11•PIIIIM LIST •OF APPLICA. A TiossAW- -DILL LIQUORS. Bed In; the CAIIIAOY alb Nor. rtYle j Irrne teti: " noir e..irst frard. cattsborgo. Eltrabeth ilf;saa, tavern, rum ward. Muhl, JouaTagg, [were, First ward. Pittsburgh. Oswald Heckman. tavern,ifint ward, Plush h. Fred !Wolf . tavern. Flrsimard, Pittston h. Eisaibrt. tavera, Firstard, Pittsburgh. John F. Snyder. hums, hang. PlUsburgh. Tbas. Gamble, otkeo good*. rint•udelit. f• Manus McLaughlin, tavern. Mooed , NMI g Ushers Mcßee., cailte home, Third ward.Pitts's Illebelar Adrian. Salem, Fifth ward. CHM% ?rent Mali. tavern, Mk word. Pittsburgh.. Jobs MoCambrir. tavern„ PPM ward. Pltia . l . rF. Ul4n eitinititirnie..." 4 " rflfe &loam Ti man, tavern. alsth 'mud. 1 Halvah. Ferdinand Hood. tavern, Seventh marr., Panel &Mae Silty. ether good.. Saranthmard. s"rou'o Theo. Beastly ..aver., beveuth ward. Miele bleo. Rhuingtora. tavern, plats. ward, PlitsbM. Sebes% Poster. tavern yard, Pittaborgb• Joe. Mr Donald, toile, Muth ward. Pittabli relit LaTerty.Tenth ward. Pittsburgh. John imeakrvlgel. layers. Tenth ward. Plitabl, B. Oallisalla. a. ghouse.:Tentb ward. Plitsoorgiu O. P. A H.Vierhaller,a. WM, Tooth erd.PittaM • U. B. SUM Were, NUM wa r t. Allegheny. 1 lipralt w avera. Sodom& Ward. w oo dyAegy, - AMON. fillamtr. tavern. Third d. AIWT Blvd. Mr... boom Tot"! Tr% AlleghelY. J. Hatidsebeala. loom Third red; Alleghlreg.• C. SchlierturM, ` nom Third wd.-Jtilegbely Christ Garet, e. hird o'd; AlUgheel. - It. P. thitty, o. geode. third a COL Alinte./. • lame stars, mbar goats. Third Alleghsay. Jobs P. Wetter, Mum, Fourth o'd. J. J: COMM& tavern, .lrOntlik irltL Allermar, W. C. Jimmy, terent, Youth ••41. Allegheny. J. A Mickley. tavern. numb ord. Alit rhea,. Jobs Mclntyre. intro. roarth erd. Allegiteay. Jos, Stadlimas, tams& Fourth old. Attestator'. Wm. Wessel. e. honse,rourt/im , d. Allere timemactroildt, home. rourthird. Al l's !. G.. W. Dawson, a. house. Fourth Wd,Alleghlay. J.ominee & Co.„' other good. - row th • 43. AaPey. Dklagere. tavern, Bor. or Biolulagthio. Jo.. Platy, Bum, Bor. of East Bumlnghara. R. Wltnelm e. house, Bor. ot,East Btrminrio. Wm. Arabella; tam. Bor. of Bast Birrolorico John Meyer. a. home. Bor. of lairresonillso. Goo. lionade.o. house, of Laweneoviilo. nano Brom. c.. house. Bow at Blackmer . Jobs IL Grease, other moods. Monongahela Bor. Thames Clark. tavern. lior: of Meleeespint. ff • He Wacker, Jaren. Bor. of Moimmort. loth A. gelthel, taverhßor. of . McKeerrt. j.4ll:4=lre'r:Z.l=l,;. ht . Pt:Pea t . L. D. 111 essirk. e. house. ma. of Temperancello. Jacob Mire. et Brum, conk. totresliM. M. Schsarsaara. eating home, 09.110ffp.. U.V. a titt i 'etr i . rut e k h 4 tr F. C. Barka; tavenuLtim pi TB. • , (.Itottir:=ll.""Mit'aeas.WirTgl, • Jain atelnlitller. tamers. HMIs Ti,. • P "" mg" toter.. Te. • - Vytt ere other r „lit lora T_ • : • itent.tre=au..l.ll=alei,cfLgovis To. , H. B. Van roorsis, tavern. James N ir ".i l a a itt dr A r r i i. r .. r T l . l r,rieges, koilmon Tr , • Wm= Alden., tavern. .goott Rri r =f,hatrigr o =ll74l kt.Wir%. Traeger , . Tioacsner. lavera. Versailles To. &Maui Moore: taverd.. remollles Tp. • Jamb rf oat. tiher goodTonail les Fp: , • ' Ps i er i r= T aurtaT • or W l 42ll . 7 . P• Ti; The Court mill BIS on ly hrISIBIDA Ma hilt day of January. ht 10 'o'clock. 3, K.. for henries the above roplicitions. ;all . Julia , BILOWIL Clerk. P. TS. XXA)g:L.W.T.lrrellxii BARB.' KNMEIr /mowers to WAILtiLNY i BABA N 0.12 St. Clair flt.; Pittsburgh. =DI Pianos, orglirtee, ae4ltaileal 6 , 0e4e generelly;, Wade Agents lem the Celeb•eted lINAD3II NT, New Yea. and BCELONACILER t CO. rbiladeleata. P/A3415. • . Also, =TIT a. coos ..00TrASZ,.. , and D. D. a H. W. mauls -aaucazaaar. , Opo OLIVA &RAM:MUNI, PATENT GUITAR ' TN but ltallsa sad Orman Ylolla and GO tuatalsas slam on Nand. -..,. -Jsaass fIREAT ATTRACTIONS , ••- ‘- 4 • ~ smear aso venom ckei• In WOOD Irma= r. - Awk e q *eia sues.tlas . EXTRXMLI LOW PEKES Tbei us distills& adz Ma lames , sinaus. &Win W.lll. 11,10MiIPM4 Iron 13rgike.r. 124Firstatreet, irrnsinuaam, PA. - • • . & talau: t f:7 talt64l%frmasm"."*g .'- T rz es b u s ado4rAls razat ikpot i rif CentgaiLesti lad cordon mpeotralli 464470 - on& -NOI'ICES.- NOTICE.—Tbe Annual -Meet - I 'l Itakagiril. 6 `l4);erth ' lrg nerd Le othes at SIMPSON LIOUNZE. Csg. ots er meet.. ea etUZSD &Y. Ma Itst gay stettsg . to the Oesttsta at str.rti, ud the tra.seelloa' ethstt mum Daaiae 1•11113.1). CA?LISLE. =1 IMIEN/De - • star PeOrLiti . reSellaNcli Co ressrale. January- CO. Tee Board of Directors of Ude" " ha tple_day_ declared • da le of SlOfffig U H TAY..% oat, of the prone of tar lan al.e. l.l .L .,ll. 7i Ptaaltzalleler the Nth Y.Attpbllll. Sof_fttorr. Ornol op rat riritarsou Gas Ccacraxi .I.oary.l4alk cw grUIC P IIII S2 I IIOIifj. I SMISPAN ' btzgllzrardwitztriin. C. otr than, ant of lA% proms at aD. lan et W t muyi, payablO Itt l t y .. tSuloplmof T a w . """I,"=. DThe'D E D 11 etvtort of UPA m CIFIC, ATLOOT I- IO •TELEOEAPtI. comrANY Or TAN ITNITXD STATES, Oa. ibis day deviated a di•ldend oat lb* watnif to( RleiS SL a 7 DI. TOO , of the sloe; brace LaaraitunitS ft= 114, uttl to Oco r. re . " r " :11 " 1=t 1 ;:glAt r a i nfi Outs Tax. payable to o tollb 1,110 bo.Oefs at theSt OS of the MonotartsAatlor.ToNNtapb , MIN% •'" W- .41"'44 HO L t TO BOND HOLDERS Tat ?UMW CATHOLIC! LlitiLaitY AND BEADLN Pr ZOOM ASSIXTATIOII.. — Tba • WWI urtluesa blonds are Derma stallard that the titans, dam au them - Jaattia7 lit, Air ape pear auk la payable aa dezaaad at Ms Oka of lb, Treasures, JAILltb PHELAN, • NO. Al Tllth %treat. CONTROLLEIVS OPTICY, ftrT7 or Alysontedr. Jaanasy ata, IYT. ; SEALED. PEOPOSAMI . win be received at Ltd.: *Mee nett' YBIDAY. lets Ith. for the weariteeMoolisierLllPSOVE RENT BONDS, Said Boats to be ot ths deem• leaflets of 4500. - Wattle ftt years after date with outvote attacbsi tor the Dares at ottate est, at the rale ot 7 you eeat..persanato. ple seal-assoally ea the Ist data of January: Thatalth, propos te attadtvalW dry are pledged tar their redemption. - B. B. FRANCIS, City Controller. TO BULLDEWI4,-- PROPOS/ILA = U 1 be received at the thee Store et - JAMAS EOBB. him SD Market street, for the erection of • BAAS BUIL DING far the ILEISTONZ SAV• INGI3 BANK. milli TUESDAY: learner/ Mb Plans ma incantations nor ready for exam ination at the office *MARE & AMA. Archi tects, No. A att. ;Clair strict: SW. are sallalted for each of thebtearthes of work separately; aid for the whole templet - 4 in one contract.' SAMUEL BAIIILLST.} • JAMES VILLISPIZ. c omin i t i v , WM. IntiKEBSOLLL. OHM Ornc.r. Prrzesoicia4o3ozaab Inos CO:. Prmanunon. January nth, 155.1 TO IllllLllEßElProp_orals Will 4 be received until In 5111 r 55th., 1587, to farniab material and erec n *ILL BUII./). INV, on the properly of the Pittsburgh Cons and iron Co., below Wood,. epee toe B. W. 4C. Valleray. !tar and la be seen at the *Scoot JAB.VE UNE& Pratt, Jat7:r.l no. 117 Patin atreet. PlTTes'an WATern a Cninviio E. W.l c9} • - 4) pew of Vietheretaro, DlTTEninion. I'J., Dee. Mb. LW. Tur, BOARD OF DIRECTORS daLdeeleted a =War dividend or 111; YElt DINT free of Uoverninent UM, on tbetr . Claptial_ [tact, and senti.ansinal diVidend gite , kigit o C r o meloveigilre.tia.z the liien of Jesnal7; clam al l W n igloo. Luster it Cas. 21.4 29 rixw Meet, to these reststerefl at tier lore. and si the odic* Of the Twee neer, to tbaseregleteard at Ylusnarga. The Transfer &saki .10 dose on the Il9thilv7 of December at 9e eloef. P. st. awl re-sspea °l:hAlr da7ofJaaa 164.. S inTetasT • trrruzlor I.LTOIMMT V 11:. CO.. PlTTaisuatiff. J.linart 10, UM. NOTWE . TO HOLDERS OF TIESTUORTGAGE ISONDSVP - 7118 AV- LritikLEN 1 V A.L.I.Ey rLILIEULLICOMPANY. —The Llltgbetty Valley 11..1 , 9.1 Lomt.ll7 MIT*. In give neilc• Out tbe7lllll redeem *be . Therirsi Nialipigeaieniia-Of the CO, Within two years - front this date:lb aecdrdanea with the provlelons of the =origin Wen tole. core the ;moment of esid hoods. • • By order or the Beard of WeeMera. a3:115 WILLIAX reeldent. • --- - NOTICE.' ,_ ) .... _ THE ANNUAL IRIFSTING -OF the Ittookholders of Iho STANDING =UNE AND WEST NUNN PILTOOLION DO.. ' , MS. bold at the oar of HORNET ItUUB, 93 lila c SWAT. Jumarr 1=0,11,7. r.T3 d o :AWL. N. Tij If/L1.1.41.9 F.BAGSB.t joSoimawr • SocrerslT: , . NOTICE. ' , d . . . THE ANNEAL MEETING N OF the Steetbohlees of the LITTLE Kilt.S.W HA AND 131711.31.99 80930 PLTROLZEIN CON. , PANT, 9111 be held at Atka etheeef ROBS= HOBS. 93 Dleteded ete, et. oh TLEODAT. Jaz nate t 2.14 WU, atleweloet a. 9. ± 4 i 15.9a1e...:1[11.1, ... WE. Y. 30911.Heeeetatf. STATEMENT OF TILE Collbi.• Dl - 110110/THIG eirrastratiase4K &LAMM, Decanter Da, DOA— - • = De . Dna positors..... tlastlatent . . vier 3,11 see As sErs. 9o3l 21 tMEt= liAiSB • D. 8. MeILIDLDT. ?Femme.. The aniterstyned, ixtdlttag Cceotettle• rental. (fatty [tut they have exhattett4 the Baru Led Asset. of tha Bank Led loathe above 4.4.e•-__ meat to be correct. JOHN CCOTT. 0. roLiaassza_. -= BOBS ST C. SCII7X.ERTZ r=l z-gizt•i:f.lskle): 4 : l ll DISSOLUTION: rn . w . . COPASTXEIVIIIIIIP BEBE iZree efetstter betweelf the rederstseed, ander Moira base of. 11; FAWCETT. & Ch/h. teal 1. 1 0.7=ii17.1..t1. 1 Th •ighlul seas of 10. -11zurvettt be settled at the ffrimay by•111&Ac BUILTOff. late alert f Abe et &ho le anti:toffee& tonne the eOIDe of the area to OLo4 op the heathen. • - D,-Vlll traWCZTri • JuSEPH.P.MAI9B. ••• Elttsburgh,-Januarf 13th. Waving sold our millet Brewery Igniting sad: Rop Business to Messrs. Pl= DAASIALA Mote would revues Mee our lamas* con tinuance of the so 10 , rally bestowed epos en during the number arrears we vomits the Ons mess We hen no hesitation In' iltellnalelid• leg the hew AM. , . Pm Uterine/. aspestenas la the heathen we bare no .1.11 ht lei they will utsititsla the excellence of one die - -1 - • • - D. PAW •• - - -Zefariug .• to the &Vow.. Int would tenni 'nubile Out se .ONI endeavor to merit lance or: tbellbaria .Patronage 111110ye4 by Mel Wel Arm of D.P►WQttm Co., and trant any% —4, per,ence In the business, am sarelgsay that se will be able to matte estialeetlop to, these 'shower Wang mite tbeir•ordetu- . • isnurff . PILL 1:11.1i2i&ill &CO. uireaLtrilUßl. , VISTNEDUIP • OPEPARTINERSBIP HERE existing. beisteon JOSEPH hl TVS& WIS XTEX2,- .WOBl2lll/1, 41.11X1/ HICK:2 sad T. W. D 4 1 ,13.. la she ell .11.1130 Pah 82.1 sou. ,inder Os woos of WOICIUsLy. ISICTSCo it CO,. was tide say dissolved Ire onto -01 wisest. Alsnold rehlrlog Mai said dna. Ths b. 111.1211 berelft.r Will oevoliduelisi by ossih lifers. LowisiliTsys. Z. Wormer., d T. w. 1/sylik soder the ilios 11113. t 01% UR, NYE= a . JUderei Iths. Luar. puma Prrresuz art. Jani PARTNERSHIP. HERE THE e elstiug bettrech the indenliree.l, under the Arm or JAMES DALZELL & &ON* ADu . bey, dwolmt by j r i tzMar z .iter Lms UALZ&LI!. J. WILLIS DALRELV. danuar7l. • = 00.PARTAXILSIIIP. ha4s this day aesoetatee with lee LiCW II W. DALZELy sad wlll emulate es btresefertila easiness, nailer the irmet JAM 114 DALLZ ILL L is* • . • 1/MINI DLLZELL4 SKATES! SHATESI Prize Skates, Chib Skates; SKATES TOR THE MILLION, :Ai , CO - 4Gfr. Tg . Disp,:ial Dumdum rum strest. Heil HpLaDAY GOODS. A#. II °F IBIWNZP ' ti MT ' A 2 darbon 011 Lamp an Chandelier s , 'Lamp Trillim:Wigs, Ice. s tze o ltrOrTerzoz-zsewsivscAs. JOHN ROSS & 4 444•3 eirnacumen. FA. Chiellalir r iltretnErel • " . . • ' Abale3r/ rnmdoo.aLatOtimlWdetdntrese; - !Ten kind ofitrOrtilleuia an the thartnt - notice sad mert reaanobtfl ;OW4 r.nielthi mason+ , O • FT7 • TED - STEEL PA_ TS thiy i saV r m i rg ua gy 15an5!.91.4 to sans! . Milton mown, am war ea. COLIMIIIIB 001.1711/016 .....$ 72.001 CO .... 1.311.911. r .... ;CLIP t=Ran 11