Eite'gittsburgit(r.o: - :ettr TIIIIRIIDAY, SANITARY 17, 1407 Titg Sealsitotialelections, Just held in seTentrof the lop'. States, give token of an Increased amount of backbone in that lbody, which is greltly needed. Tan i LeglslatOre, Laving decreed the Danish eta or 4overnor CURTIN' to pri vate I e, towiti him into retirement yestord y with the easy grace character istic of inert of the werld.' ) , • TEE BTOOkVillO Pre,l tt' ges ti, 11e- Tottplicans Of, Pennaylvant ' to nominate Judge GORDON, of that di triet, for the feat on the Supieme be., , soon to be vacated by Judge Woon ,ttnl____ GAN. tlitustmeN lately es - pressed him, lsoltdauiWly disgusted ith diplomatic fuliCtlorts. It shight t h ow - light on the real Intentions of our E. ecutiTe Depart ment for Congress, toakl., him what gives Idm so much distiatisfactlon. NOT.gfew editors heralded the defeat othiCrAtevens for Senator in the Leg islative caucus as the discomfiture of Radicalism. Those of them who have place read Geneial Cameron's address have discovered how greatly they were suistaken ~ - A ll his life he has takennat nrallito adeaneed• opinions, and the habit doei not weaken with Increased Ir eeems,to be settled that the French are leaving Mexico, and certainly with none id , thn ends accomplished for .which their expedition was undertaken. Maxi. milian wift depart with them, his em pire sinking into the nothingness out of which it arose, What the Mexicans will do when left to themselves is easily fore seen. they will thicken the anarchy French bayonets bare tended to miti gate. . . . Ass contribution to current history, we may state that a gentleman who sus. talmi-confideitial relations to General CharElichi published in these columns, In the form of &communication, an Blab 'orate etdoitY; of that gentlemen. Un fortunately; ,It was prefaced with a. venomous reference to, 0010116 FOILXEY'S withdrawal from the Senatorial contest. Insteatl,of imlding the writeiresponsible, theWolOnidarUnt back of him, and held thieeiteral answerable as the instigator , of the smolt. Hence, his terrific COllll - Uit . ',Af.tl.' Blomr.v, the historian, SrtiliOapiliarttedjanister to Austria, it was felt In this cpuntry as in Europe that the right ma ,nthad been selected for the place;:.,The manner In which he has perfordedlds &hies has been unimpeach able; He has given the amplest satis: faction here as well to the Austrian gov. anti:nerd, to - which-he is accredited; His experience has enhanced his capacity for usefulness.. It would seen absurd to dis miss him on caprice, or to make room fors Min of lees accomplishments and no experience at all. But . Mr. CowaN has served the President so faithfully as to be repudiated bychis StatO; and he' must be provided for. Himce,• ho has been nominated as Mr. 3fovLay's successor. If the &until shall reject tills notnion tlott they 14111 do anact of simple juStke. Tuns It became apparent to common observation , that General C.titnnou wetddAi.ii eteitied *to the united States likuukcirtiae, Pittsburgh Commercial and tlui Pittahurgli , Lrader assailed that gen tleinan andlis supporters with the in tare, at acrimony. To sweeping calum -ides Wens added the specific charge that Caatanon-Jiad . corruptly purchased the 70k15.0i many, if notinost, of the mem bers givoring, his election. The Joint Committee appointed to investigate these charget,byWhomsoever made, naturally concluded that editors who ventured thus to accuse their fellow-citizens, must know 'wkdreof thei affirmod, and have cited the editors of the journals above named to appear before it and disclose whet icanwicdue.they have on the sub. ject.:, ,, :lf it shall turn. out that they realty, know nothing whereof they have so stoutly declared; they will find thenisilies In situations Which honora ble:man would shrink from as from con tattutuition., =I General Pariss has brought before Congress a bill for the organization of the militia :of: the whole country, It -piiiddes for the enrollment of all able . bodied men Within sixty days after the passage of the act and annually there atm.- A,: national guard of two regi meta dfloyal volunteers is to be estab lished' in each 'Congressional district, with **lgor General at its head, who shalt beAsnimitinder of the militia, sub ject to the, order of the President and . Secretary of War. The term of service is fixed at three years. The organization to cmiternsin. all particulars to that of thi regular twiny, The officers are to be be elected - I),Y the troops, and commis atoned by the Governors, who are to ex. streise all the authority over the national guard . that • is, by the Constitution, re sciiied to the States. The test oath is to be taken .by all . exercising authority. The Goiernthent is to arm and equipthe troops, "upon...requisition and proper' bead.? There is to be an anneal encamp ; matil , 4he'number of clays is as yet an= deteimined.On r bo.ng called into actual serSics, the pay and allowances will be Umlaute as the regtdar army. Congress is to lutTe 'Power to order the national Vaud_ 'ilervlea to execute the laws of the suppress incur . :action in any state ai the tequest of its LejWatpie In'ensP of war, Congress reay4rder such a tart of the national iftnytkiiito_icervice as :"is needed. An forma -parades, dress, die., are to be.,,,„ cording to the:regulations of the regular astoy.- - lour, schools of the national gaud aro to be established by Congress, wit,tsgtiksame courses as at West Point- Catarniallions in the army shall be grant ed only t'o graduates at West Point, or of iiicise aChools of the guard, or those whbluiva served honorably, at least one year",':iit the militia or array: . Tae - people of this , country, as we thbik," have demonstrated two facts; first, that they Will not train, and, second, that the will Eight most valiantly whenever dire neceesity Is laid on theta- For! , titterer of a century, fiat mediately . ,prior to the rebellion the militia syitems of the several States ha c titter 'disrepute that they cealccid;tdho operatige except in a (OW of the. larger cities. At different times; and In diverse coss4oeisseslths !attempts were midis to se route - the martial apif~t:4! t?Pnt ; nitilQa : systems; on bases of at least _comparative efficieney. All these itteinits pro'ved ebonite: The stegost:.nueceas . attained consisted in nixing sums of money from tines, for I: Knitting or refusing,_ to parade, which - were tai el xpended by nominal oillcers in having a "good time" to re ward their indefatigatle assidnity. When the war broke out the people of the loyal Staten "were found almost wholly without preparation or experi ence. Ottly here and there could a man "to the manor born" be found who un derstood even the manual of arms. Yet no people ever entered upon a great COG, flies with more alacrity, or waged a gigantic war with- a more invincible courage. Raw levies were transformed in ninety days into sturdy troops, and the honored "veteran corps" was main. ly composed of rung men, compara tively few of whom exceeded twenty five years of 'age. Al soon as'the war closed, a million of men, the heroes of the miatiest struggle in modern times, made haste to stack their arms, to doff their uniforms, and to return to the pursuits of peace. So slight was the remaining trace of military fervor that the few regiments of regular troops could not be filled, and are quite thin up to this time. There are no indications that attempts to rein vigorate the militia will meet.Withsa lar ger measure of success than before the war. Against whom shall the nation alas ? Surely there is no nation on this conti nent of which we stand In awe, or against whose numbers and prowes's it is needful to make laborious and costly preparation. In EarO r ne the proximity of rival nattons, each powerful in mains of offense, creates a' seeming necessity for formidable preparations _on all sides. But it may tcasonably• be questioned whether the dreaded spirit of enterprise and aggresion inheres in the respective peoples to anything like the degree it does in dynasties, whose ambitious clash and whose jealousies impel.to war. le gs, priests and statesmen ever play A :osing game tato each ether's hands, Whose stakes are vice and misery.. 'The expensive preparations of Euro pean nations do not give them deliver ance from the horrors of war. It may be doubted if martial readiness has a ten dency in that direction. It 'seems much more prjbable- that the hit of nations corresponds to. that of individuals in this regard. When a man has initiated himself into all mysteries of "the noble art of self-defence" he finds himself fre quently constrained to pat his unenvia ble acquirements to the proof, whereas the man who thinks,it not worth while to spend time on such . aequisitions goes through life with no occasion to strike or be struck. This principle has Itnoth. cr illustration. _When all gentlernen go armed bloody renconters are frequent. When all gentlemen discard arms few insults are given, and hence there are few to redress. 4 ,, If it is urged that t nation shall arm against itself, we cannot help asking, To what end ? A militia system, to have vitality, mast approximate in expensive ness, when all its outgoes are calculated, to 'ho vast standing army of a monarchy. Our situation does not require:it, nor does the genius of our people promise its teal- ization. If immense thrests are to be cleared, if railroads are to span the con tinent, if mines are to be opened into the bowels of the earth, if stately cities are to be builded, if any of the crowning achievements of civilization are to be un derbiken and carried through to comple tion, our people are adequate to all that can be laid upon them; but whoever en deavors to make them enter heartily into "militia trainings" entirely miscalcu -Ist& = Mr. lIENET A. Wisx, during a long public career, managed to keep himself under general observation not so much by sup-rior genius or culture as by au dacity in utterances which a decent self respect or prOper consideration for the rights and feelings of others would have constrained him to have left unsaid. In this particular, his case is. not singular. A . good many men pass for smart or talented who - are merely "endowed with an uncommon amount of brass or impu dence. They freely vent all the unchar itable, harsh and malevolent suggestions that come into their heads; and, encour aging that propensity, very few other thoughts Make their acquaintance. - In a speech he recently made at Rich niondle glorified the rebellion, declared the South to be sublimely unconquered, and desired to be buried in a grey over coat when his time should come. Doubt. less he . contrived fo impart these senti ments with genuine Southern vehe mence., It would have been much more to the purpose if while the war lasted he had met the fate he professes to covet. Not that we aro specially anxious a_hair of his head should be ungraciously touched ; but since, according to his pro. fessions,' it would have afforded him so much satisfaction to be buried in a rebel uniform, it is a pity he was disappoint ed. A good many better men met that fate, when they would gladly have es caped it. But, perhaps, Mr. WISE did not mean to signify his willingness to die for the 'Confederate cause, but only intended to convey, by n strong figure of speech, his attachment to the alma and sentiments . in whiCh the Rebellion originated. He always was rhetorical, and very . little else, and allowances shortie' be . made for his infirmity. If, however, lie expects by such dls - plays to impress the people of the loyal , States with the idea that the rebel lead ers are in a proper frame of tubed to have unbounded magnanimity lavished upon them, his assurance has simply got the better of his discretion. RECENTLY General: Kunio issued an order in the words following : licamans. B. OF .F. AND A. L., STATE OF TEXAS, Galveston, Jan. 3, 1867. CIRCULAR } No. 1. .1. The Labor Law passed at the last Session of the Legislature of the State of Tcaas, and approved Nov. 151,1866, will be disregarded by Sab-Assistant Com missioners of this Bureau, and any con tracts nuvle in accordance with Its pro visions will not be approved. ". KIDDOO, 137. t. Gen'l., Omelet.. Assistant Commisaioner. Whereat -the _Galveston News is dip pleased, and gives vent to its ditesatiefac tion "Why, when orders like the following can - be issued, Congresa should la lob to pass laws for territorializing the State, and for removing Governor Throckmor. ton, is more than we can see. If Thad. deus Stevens will just tell the Chia of the. Bureau at Washington whu he wants done, even though it should in. volve any possible Constitutional right of the State, or any legal right of any individual—that Chief can communicate the wish to General Ridden, and the thing can be carried out without .any further trouble. What Is the use, then, of any more legislation TUE Hebrews of Cincinnati support six places of public worship, with an ag gregateof fifty-tour hundred worshipers. They sustain two day schools and two schools for religious instruction only. Thoy_are very charitable as a class, hat , lug erected a hospital at a cost of $45,000, and spend annually $25,000 for the poor and suffering of 4hcif own community. BILETIT/E9 interesting case has just been de cided In Chicago. The city caused to be asessed, for the payment of taxes,' under State- laws, the capital stock of the First National Bank of Chicago,' with the intention of collecting a tax on the sum total of the stock. The Court decided that the- assessment was a viola tion of the acts of Congress authorizing the existence of the national banks, and that the capital stock of the bank, as such, could not be assessed under State authilkity; that the only way the stock could be reached was to assess the sharesofdifferent stock holders, in the same manner that assessments were made iu other cases against property owners tiy the citizens and inhabitants of the State. WHETHER railroads in Great Britain are really better managed than those of this country, as is often alleged, may be roughly estimated from the official state, ment that during the six years beginning in 1860, and ending in 1865, there were 1,882 percons killed by railway accidents and 4,460 injured. The number of killed during cavil of the last four. years was almoit the same-216' in 1862, 184 in 1863, 222 in 1864, and 221 in 1865. The number of injured, however, varied greatly, being 520 in 1802, 431 in 1563, 06 in 1864, and 1,080 in 1805. Four persona we're killed every week,'and the number of accidents in each of the four years was, with singular • regularity, either 35 or 36. ESGAGESIINTEI with choir-singers and organists in New York are generally made from May to May, but some churches adopt the system of engaging only from quarter to quarter. A prime tenor singer commands a salary of from WO to $BOO ti year. ME.ILIIERS of the Congressional excur sion party speak in the highest terms of the unreserved manner in which Sena tor Wade expressed his Radicalism dur ing the whole trip, both in public and private conversation with leading rebels. Miss. MAGEINE. of Louisville, attend ed a ball a few evenings since, leaving a couple of little children. all alone at home. A little son two Years of age was burned to death in her absence, his clothinc taking fire from a stove. Two insane women, sisters, under the impression that somebody wanted to poison them, got into bed and set fire to the clothing, thus attempting self-des 'traction. They were discovered after being slightly burned. GEN. PALMER and a newspaper corres pondent have had' an altercation at Springfield, 111. Scissors charged shoal: derstraps with stealing a package of pa pers, and hence the quarrel. Of course scissors came out best, according to his own version. Ix the Librarian's report of the Young Men's Christian Association, he significantly remarks, "the Bible is daily read by one or more persons, while the Illustrated pltpei a and old Punch arc very. generally perused." Tun people of Wellsburg, W. Va., are agitating the subject of building a rall railroad on their side of the Ohio river from a point opposite Steubenville to Wheeling, via Wellsburg. Our of one hundred and three prison era confined in the Kansas Penitentiary during the past year eighteen escaped and twenty-five Were pardoned. A icroorr of shyer ore from Idaho, weighing Wee hundred pounds, and worth ten dollars per pound, is upon ex. hibition In :New York. Joan CLARE, a very young man, has been convicted at Baltimore, of the mur der of Henry B. Grove, and sentenced to be hanged. Ton President's lait veto message was received and printed in New Orleans twelve hours in advance of its delivery In Congress. likFT week there were four hundred and thirty-four deaths ii - New York, one third of which were from zymatic dis- 1=93 Tuz Union Republican State Conven tion of Connecticut will be held on the 24th of January, at New Raven. FIFTY-FOUR thousand seven hundred and twenty-eight children attend the public schools or Kansas. THE Trinity Church heirs still hope to recover possession of the vast property they claim hi New York. Dn TLIOSSI) JOIMBON and wife, of Steubenville, celebrated their silver wed• ding last week: A. T. STEWART, of New York, keeps his horses in a building once used as a Baptist church. Tin Massachusetts fish trade decreased over twenty-LI ye thousand barrels last year. A LITTLE ' Italian boy walked forty live miles to hear Distort at Detroit. Crticano is to have a tine new water worker ♦that ts Loudon ! We commonly speak of London, and correctly enouch as a city that is grow. log from about 2,1100,000 in 1811 to 2,800,. 060 in 1861, and increasing steadily. 1 The Lord Mayor of London, however, was mortified recently to find that "the city proper," 'according to the last cen sus, only contained a little above 100,000 inhabitants. This was the result of actual census work made on ii. particular night of all who slept withitathe bounda ries. It was, however, considered un fair, and the Mayor had another esti mate made by day, froia which it appearl that in every twenty-four hours thOe are, on an average, 728,986 perns within the old city limits. In twe ve hours, 549,611}-288,520 being t sc l4. number of ay residents in the cit doing business, renting houses, shops, or rooms, or regularly work ing there themselves. At Ave o'clock the provision men are congregating. Between 8 and 12 the mercantile glasses arrive and leave between 4 and 6; some stop , till 9, while at night only about 100,000 sleep in the city to take care Of the property. To estimate all this is a work of great.olifticulty. The number of inhabitants of the city proper, and in fact of all our cities, depends more than anything else on 11s hour of the day or night. In laying taxes It does not do —it is not fair—to go by the night can al:lP, embracing only those who regularly sleep in the city. Equally wide of the mark would it be to take the day census instead of the night, including all the casuals who daily enter the city, but live, to the number of.hundreds of thou sands, and more than half, beyond the limits even of the Board of Metropolit7n Works.'- Three hundred thousand is perhaps fairly considered the number of inhabitants of the "city proper" or ""London Town," as it used to be bounded In she dap' of walls and gates. But, after all, what is to the fact that before many years that metropolis will probably number four millions? Though 'recites is among the first writers who distinctly. mention London yet before Jonas Caesar invaded. Britain this was an old town, and-now is growing. more rapidly than ever in numbers, inwealth, and in a trade that is extending to the ends of the earth. It is a city full of abuses and corruptions, but as each be comesandnuis 84 maim eeat' hh er i : all e c u l at e hl a n n gzi t 1 a s e w na d e sweeplntolerable-work Whole, as - they are DOW doing With Its old sewerage system, which used to empty into the Thames. Neyer was WO ChnOCO of life longer in that city than it is now. For wet , the city ever so financially strong. In its Gazette it can publish weekly the names of two 1 unwed bankrupts, and ; yet the city grows. Banks and compa nies that have stood for one hundred I and fifty years explode, and . yet the three hundred thousand citizens of Lon don proper form a nucleus around which three millions gather and do liusiness, which, for strength of capital, ana character, and real power, 1114 only ex ceeds that of ancient Rome in her high* est.glory, but of any other city the'world has yet seen. The source of an this strength, how ever, is the country that supports it. Its wealth, manufactures, mines and agri culture make the centre strong in pro portion. This being the l ease,. and our country being so strong in these etc meats; It requires no great wisdom to torebee that this country must, at no very distant day, bane cities as large, strong and wealthy as Loudon. There will he one or two great centres of trade and capital that will by degrees draw both away., from Landon. A more ea tended Country, with rapid accumula lion of inhabitants; more equally dif fused wealth, Mast ever make exchanges more frequent and capital more remun erative while employed, and a few cm treslarge and strong in proportion. Location °floe (John p ,ci!c 1t ilrotd =I The readers of the Nonpqreil will recollect that General Dodge, the chief Engineer of-the Union Pacific Railroad, in company with Colonel Lyman con sulting engineer, and Jesse L. Williams, Esq., Government Director, spent sever al weeks, last fall, In examining the mountains to the west and north of Den ver with a view to ascertaining the most practicable route for railroad purposes. General pod g e's report of this examine. tiOEl, and of the various surveys made by partiesunder his direction, is now in press lit New York city. It is a very comprehensive document—setting forth minutely the advantages and disadvant ages of the many proposed routes for this road over the mountains—and recom mends the Lodge Pete Creek line to the Eastern (base of the mountains; the Lone Tree nn 4 Crow creeks divide line over the mountains to Laramie Plains. The -Board of Directors have adopted this Line, believing It to be the shortest and cheapest, with the lowest grades, and least liable to obstructions from snow. The Directors favor the building of a branch to Denver, but /UM not yet de cided upon the route. We have been favored with proof sheets of the engineer's report, and from it ire gather data which will doubtless prove of interest to our renders. Tin: line adopted for crossing the Mountains has only a maximum grade of 90 tees to the mile, while all other lines have 110 feet to the mile. Tne examination of the mountains west of Denver settled the question as to the feasibility of the road crossing them in that direction; - for no 1. ' line th- t can be obtained can compare m ' cost, g l ades, distances . , directions, and ' freedon rom obstructions from snow, with any one of the line's crossing the Black Bill range of the Rocky Moun tains. The survey, in fact demonstrated the impracticability of building thu line west from Denver, and hence when forced to abandon the idea of going by way of that city, the company then de termined to follow the very. best route to be Wand Of the practicability of this route, the report says . "If we corn mace glading early iu the spring, we can cross the mountains with the truck is letl7: From *new we need fear no trouble. The road being bath on ridges, it will not be so easily drilled as other lines ,svhich follow valley, canon and slope, and are subject to heavy drifts in that higu latitude." The coal ileitis of that section are quite extensive, and run alone the base of the mountains from Thompson's creek south to rkausas river divide; thence cast, cresting Cherry creek, Bijou and Kiowa; thence north to Outcrops on Crow and Lone Tree creeks; thence west to starting point. The eon' Is of the brown forma tions; leaves no "clinker"- when burnt, and is really Uplift, and At will make excellent fuel for locomotives and black smithing.• It has not yet been used tor smelting, but soon will be, probably. Iron ore exists throughout all that region, and is toured in places near the coal fields. Until the Black Hills arc reach eel, timber for ties can only be found in limited quantities. The Black Hills are heavily wooded and will forniiii ties for several hundred miles of the road.— Council Bluf Xonpo fell.. • A. Palms Donna I,s Despines Sin Talk, end Dotes on Dugs. The New York corresporodent of the Baltimore Gazette writes the following in relation to Miss Clain Louise liellogr, the American prima donna : "It is not her sweet voice or pretty face which altogether attracts the atten tion and curiosity of those who - are lr, the secret of her privet° domestic lite in New York. With — what horror must it be confessed that with all ler beauty, talent and youthful fascinations, she is a passionate dog faacicr and as passionate a misanthrope. In a word, she bestows all the affection which prope :TO' belongs mankind upon a host of horrid dogs, monkeys, at., rabbits and parrots, and accordingly possesses ell the necessary requirements for becoming a confirmed old maid, touch to the chagrin and dis gust of thetarge circle of satellites which revolve round her, attracted by her youthful therms. "She lives in a small house with her father away up town ? where the names of the streets run far into the scores, but the house she- occupies is more like a menagerie,"„or Barnum's In miniature, lima a private dwelling. When any one calls, especially if that one he of the masculine gender, she is invariably en gaged and cannot be seen Fier engage ments are invariably with the canine and other collections before mentioned. On entering the neatly furnished parlor your cyeo.alight on several of the stuffed remains of the dear departed of "her fancy," here and there arranged upon the hearth-rug, cushions and corners of the room, with their shining glass eyes staring at you with a fixed, artistic gaze. and you reel a sort of uncomfortable sensation of snapping at the heels when really nothing nei.l be feared on that "However, it may happen that two or three fretful curs in the flesh will rush ntyou from their nestling places on the arm chairs or sofa. There is a neatly.' kept garden In the rear of the house, and from this quarter a, continual . uproar of animated nature reaches the ear. Here this pretty prima donna passes her leisure hours. The number of acquire ments that may be obtained by close .study and perseverence, in a short time, is also illustrated in this young lady's life. She is not yet twenty years old, and she is the perfect mistress of five languages, besides of the art of "stuf fing" before mentioned, and the art of singing, witch may safely be considered a test of all her other accomplishments. "Her father is by profession a phone. graphist, and self-taught. He is also the master of several languages, which he assisted his daughter in acquiring, The secret of their success must be mainly attributed to the fact of their both being confirmed misanthropes,who have preferred to sperm that time in the pursuits of study which others wasted for worthless gossip and small talk. On the stage Miss Clara Kellogg has a nat ural grace and simplicity in every move ment which do not scent to be in the slightest degree assumed." Tna Galveston (Terns) Bulletin, in an article insisting that the late war was one of ideas, has the following: "It (slavery) strove to live and make all the world like it. Its leaders avowed that their object was to .put this belt of the continent under the control of an aristocracy which believes that ono. fifth of the race la born booted and spur red, and the other four-fifths ready sad dled for the 111th to ride. The war was on of freedoni and democracy against the institutions that rest on chives. It will take ten years for the country to abed the scar of such a struggle.. The state of society at the Beath that pro duced the wnr will remain and trouble the land until freedom and democracy, and the system of the nineteenth centu ry, take its place. Only thus can we grapple the Union together with hooks of steel and make It as lasting as the granite that underlies the continent." • TO COYSEMPTIT ES -TO CON tI:SIPTIVES. CHEER UP: CHEER trPi—A apecldc has been found. last—one that has cur ed consumption in the very worn st•ifesl• When the best phi velaas had given •p the vs.' Si hopeless. the Rev. E. A. NW ILieoNsii Great Item edy for Consumption wan tiled t. a forlorn hope, an 1 Hee a miracle. the patient, was centered to complete health, sod now lives to testify to the virtues of Ole great,retnedy. • Call or aend and procure a pamphlet, lilting a full history of this great epecitic. bole agent of Pittsburgh,' • JOISLPII ELEMING. • Drug nod Pateiit hisd bine Depot. itiriggs No. soh Necker strect, Pittsburgh GB At' HAIR, BALD N ES S,DAND- Itl e 1.., AN Y •,..A.Ant•,••k• THE. ,_•I6 , OVELLY OAS ... , •MPAIILW1111•/ , `•Ill/S HAIR I.tl LUit RESTORZit AND Ota,AIN ••' —l..•odou Our Ben Hair oivr 141." tr , ••I...•ution LIAIrC••lor btorer'• . 'rayslcluis hair Col•ir It. now' LuuAnn 111/1/,11.1114.0.ref. .. - unZion Use and “lur urer Loudon Ho; color IL,turer - - • •Londun 11,-con mend It. Ilalr Cuior Kreurer" 11,14, falls to Impart Ilre. grown, ,tl:e n eaaeatb • rr, 1/.tena and t1..g0 1161411. G and Is tare to peva.,a new gruw:n of hate, 'ean.ing It to grow thic k and strunk. Val) . 75 cent., butt...44ga. Ila-rdozert nub] by bicel.All.l-tali a xtelinti NAN. H 3 Yatket etrett, ISM. A. hELLY 37 Wood tot and JOH. FLEIIINti, 144 3larl,:t etrect., Ms burgh. KA J. DEWITT. A tegh-.T. a ::I2:0 r? A NEFARIOUS BUSINESS. — II Is the richly freighted chip trot tratikedibir the robber* of the sea: and on the same prind• plea It Is the popular specific that the Isud true- eerier., "IPA cou,rterfeitcre, select for their eldnlng mark. ItOsIr.rTEIL•S hTOII sell BITTERS • Stand preeminent among the rutlleln•l Profted alone to thl‘ country. The demand for them Is e.methittx wonderful, unparalleled; hence the counterfeiters knots full well all .5 If they as. Impose their pen to We upon the people as Past (menus ionic, they as make fortunes by tot Bend. They err now et work. ltett..tres ern on tile trail of Lome of them, and ottm . s have Dernelreedy hrottntit to beak_ Let the piddle eerond the urourletore In mete nit rts to Detlle the rerklera mound telt, who .rt a at tract to Dal ton the community tro d awlutliP the tlrm iltal Inas nro,Met•l the On. it orgh Vur, ai.4) iron l o Ncotr*ot..:.• ICo on 1•• P. 2.. W. 0. Itati . w .7. Plat awl At.,l at the oMe.of VP. SKIL. Pr.,. jai. 114 ,^ 177 re.artal,¢L. SPECIAL inEETING 01F.TFIE ist.An , Or TM\ DE.—At tte rri,orst o'ce, erol prominent eltlceo• a aorr,st ti,elloccf thr Board of Trade wlil ho held I. at it o'elott A. 11.. .0 C.Ol, u!lng •Ith other . Chamtwr• of cotouterec In ref. erroce to the Itoptorrtntot thaton.on trar her, and slap In resat, to the adoption of the rentol ar stein of ID rent , ht: As It I. probs.' IPe othrt very lin.rtant ridldetts will I sented foe set lot., it to correct.) dell rr Um: all theonhars of the Board of Trods 0111 be pre•ent. ,sl7 ur.n. lIU It*Lo rreqdrot. I.ToEsES, AND LOTS IN ALLE KNY AT AUCTIo, o [b., pre-milts. on WEIJNESDAY. J ans., :,I - - . - at: o'uloct. tbn tr. !Stitt M 00...! on flar,srr s alloy e west of ler.l .trcrt.tot yin North entunon. L.,. 24 Irr T.C. ous ton lain per , n rooms. Alio, on Midair 1 4 rIek bwelllog aear to t tslold r four roon.a. ari on an r• 12 1 .0 'IC a ara of a our roots,atl,lnlng nOby, each. • . .. . . Lavuor. & Mr. loom. 211 redorot rtrert. Sr 1.13 un3.r•lon•4l +III show Or prroilsor on aiTpar, thin. t 1117,71, A. 1..k.1.grA11:,. Aorl.. COSI ROLLER, E, (Ir ALL.11.1:111NT.J.1124•14 - . SEALED PROPOSAI.S be orelaed at ails omce until 1811 DAY. Pet, fib, r (bribe saleotntlo.ooo WHARF IMPROVE. ME.T WANDS, Said !lauds to be of &nom ination of •711.10, payable'}) Twee after date, with coupons attashed for ter papuf nt et Inter est. at the rate oil por cont. Per ...no , M. - sro ll- antolatlY of the Ist day. of July and Jocund,. TLe (stn. property and cradttiat the city are, plerlcrd far their redemption. It. It. iItANCIII, City Controller TO BUILDERS. PROPOSALS trill he recelertret the Shoe Store of JAMES MOIL Net. SS I,lltrltA street, fur the •rectle° of t HANK MUM Inlett for the KEYSTONE SAY. f 905 SANK, tell TUESDAY:IIot th. Plane end eptollendons now.rrady for rem- Inatlon nt the omit of tin Hat R 310611 t. Aran-. teat*. KO. L ,t. itld• are ~ticltrd for each of the brand., of wort trperstely, and for Ito wheat, complete to on centred. • MA Mll FA. RAItIiLP.S,7 JAAIES F. 1 WM. 1`1..1i JAMSet ROLL, J.sl7:rit. lEASES OF FF:DEILAI.. ST. , t.TORKS AT AIX N.—l'l IiEMVTOB v , ..•r• from April of th.ltitor,sE.3 and 011 , ederal siren. • . •111 On .d. on th prolnkon, on TI , PSDAY January at: Storrs are on ern t ooroplell 131• Ir am tr.:v..4,10n arr aid dltong room, aro color •torle: blab ,alt , r and aubstantl*lly boilt, ellalbly localed a b.i•lncro. un the main •trert am oily, Ihe railroad p de, and for beauty of anocar anon and ad•antxgPou• soodtlou sineurrooored In the Tho op,roal, at tenth,' of Monger. loon I• romatrled to lb. Imports, sale. winch a 111 Ae•b•olula • r, terms soft alt . information, Ingnlre On tb premiere, or to A. 1.F...•rA .1..1%0e A valnneor. CEORCE A. KELLY & CO.. Wholesale Druggists, 3 Wood Sired, ITIRMETIMI MEM 11111."111.TE lODINE E. ni POTAEHIIM, lODINE LIE81:11, NiATE I=rll3 131 3331011 T . NI. nuicu, 17.1. r igira .41.21 cry, Three doors above titoltliarld Menet, PtTTNnilßtl 11, PA. EVITY kind et cnrk done on , het hnrtent notice and most rem...bilateral, l'arninulnrnuention paid En, .Inbnint.. Ins I:r91 EW PANEL PAPEItS, WITH =l2 Nu. 107 )IJOIKRISTIIF.rT, NKARFJPTII JON. 11. 11U(IIIES G Bit° HO!CE COFEL E.-33 bugs 01 CROWE RIO AND OOVERNMENT JAVA COFFISE. Juet rec'e teed and for sale by the bog or at retell. at greatly reduced prices, at fha Family One, ry !!tore or JORN A. RZNFRAW, J a7O corner Liberty and tired at re InE MASTER PLASTERERS Withhold s meeting on Thursday: Jentiary 17th, 1107 AT TAX.HANY HALL, No. 184 Otto street A]lrMar " " gh3I"I::iitYkLA9THRII2S. NEW .ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS NEW ADVERTISEMENTS JAMES T. BRADT & CO amtsl9nccelwn to e. a C0.,1 Corner Fourth Ss Wood Ste, BANKERS & BROKERS, DIALYZE IN ♦LL KINDS Or Government Securities, Foreign Exchange, Gold, Silver and Coupons. ouLLicriwom.... acceLlll/10 rultits In the United State. and Canada.. Interest allowed on Time Deposits. CUA 8.11..r...1111t. 116 . 41 Cr.. W .L .Dri1 n.. BARB. KNAKE & BUETTLER, St ccealre to WrldIELINli S.RARIt, • No. 12 St. Clair St., Pittsburgh. DIALZUSIN Pixanos, Organs, • And Mnslcal Goods generally. Kir - dole Agents (or the Celebrated READMIT- New Torn, and SCUOMACEER & CO.• Philadelphia, PlAdtel. Also. EA'rEY d CO.'S "COTTAGE," and B. D. & 11. W. AMITII 5 "AMERICAN" OR GANA. andTII.TON , S PATENT GUITAR. The beet RIGOR and 11.111.11 TIM, and Gui tar littitiff, Greet. on hale , latnro FOR SALE; • • . A COUNTRY RESIDENCE, dT snrapr SIDE, On the DENNS , LWA NIA RAILROAD, Within ti rolnott,•lde from the City. Thu house Is 0- oe , y n sobstaotially 1.1,10, convenient In Its arrangements. and tasterally ornsmentel In side zed out. It hss hot ad coo water. and as extuter throughout. It oo n cuples l corornanD g oß rate on a lot of tint sere, part or olttro Is the orleinal fare., thr remainder being well adapt ed for trults and Tractables. There Is o Dimly orcbard or dtrsrt trtra.• . . • • Tile -uer,,undlnas are all att rut I-e, conalallOg of nrleate eealdepees orilke character. log particolara. apply to tto /3. LIBYAN Broker in Mocks end Seal Zetato Jar: II Fourth at.. (Rorke'• !Wilding.) SKATES! SKATES! SKATES I RAVE RECEIVED MOST OF M Y sTOCK. awl oter to the Trade a *election front CMS 5,000 Pairs of Various Makes. Before purchasing elsewhere - , call and examine my Stock, as I can OFFER DEALERS SREOIAL INDUCESEENTS, JAMES SOWN, N 0.1.36 Wood Street. THE NORTH AMERICA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, Of New York, TILL • Only Company In the World seeulty yruaranteed try rbe direct super •lthrrn And control of Its loot:leo: the Generator rthtte ttheerornent In ad..' Von to tlse-fully hrtetrforr orlered, • r partic•ilar atten' ton to the follonthe Bre recent- ut of the Iregt,sthre of the fath or sow York • the th.inpanv Is authorized to mth.rtrperiral lb pothth arlth 005 euperthicodent ,11, Insurance Dep•rtment, and e.:erlt - e the,- roe eglthercrl trearlen the beat of the ,repu ware, and Certin^tho th.t the r.oiler Is • .r.ll.tir dee of potrile Atoearr nee rt • ru•i .rental by the Act r • Leirt.letnrc In freor of tile ott9T)l A MEnIQA INSUHANt7II. 0%1 rAY: e•cl,lt err. This tortheaeeetTror wrtereri irollre ad seerrie the bolder at, a Na t Rani, Soto. or • United Stared Bend. tit , It e:' , rthlr TICS - In t be tlfPlo 'travels a yll eabrtte noefe '•r rotter d .toter or p u o ope, n a s l an} esa a la. of th e Yr s , TUIRTY 1.1Al2• 011 ACE on all re.thwal Part . A I . ItI,ICITN are non•forfeltlng and Inane. thately I ndithota9e. Itaconi• of 1900, OYES ONE MILLION DOLLARS. All Insurers sr• toonamlor and Barr lb , It pallclee With thofe of the • Nonni Anlnarlea. N. D. MOIIGAN. Pre•ldeiLt. J.W.MERRILL, nocrotary. - E. T. COOK. General Agent, rrrrsurnan nnAsen, No. 67 Fourth street. Pittsburgh. A few more active. e=elenT, seen cis he Agreelee. • 1•11 have . . TO THE M M Allegheny County. A CONTEST FOR TILE CRACIPI - os:1111' 01" CUITYTA wlti tale lrisce a. CENTRAL SKATING PARK Saturday, January 19, Ou which ,oceesten • • GOLD IVIEDA.L Will l,e ureeeuted to the 'noel Artistic. lieuile ntikater, resident .n the county. ihtries R 111% , list to tte cloned oa the lath. Tor forth, Ittformatlon Ittrotre MU, °Cleo of the Park. GOVERNMENT SALE The Property knowq at the .otiovern Inert Tannery et NILP•I2I PAW MM .. Nerenty-liveAereit of Land, near Man Antonio. Texas. . . . . . II: A 1.101. I . ltOroh • LS. laduplJeate, l .lll he , he ll - ed up to the FIILST DAY trr 11 . r the hutches+ ol 75 gores of 1.5.01. (snore or 1.04.) together .1111 the Etolldloesereete4 there.. hod the apparteulnees apuertalsaug, haat le to ray: Oho 15 3A NNIS.IIY, rootalning 12 Stang Lltne Vats, Flrty-two Wthglen Vat, Seven Atone Pools: and capable of Waning. 15,000 hider per senora 4.,5•4 hILA hl SAW MILL. eatable of gaging I • ktfre.{ °number doll,. .0 . 5:Pt t t1161.. STONE (WHIM. . - - The above property la ritual,' about Mao mile. •ta.ve ran Antonio, on the ban Antonio filler. end the watet law nnucted to the cslshlllament by a rare Or hewn stone told In cement. The 1.11.1 Ira. purchased and Improvements nl5llO by toe lateso-ralled Confederate Govern t,. and are e atlmated to have cost 1,Ma,0110 In ael.nl. Tee toroperty bas been tof uader kase for the year ied. a a monthly ren e'CO, payable le ad • ranee. A ail:died title In fee •Imple will be given by the united n.ama bocernment. Propotall will be marked — Proposals for Ono ornmeut Tannery and taw 31111." and addremed ... . ... J. 11..1(JUL/00; Ilvt 32.1 ti cu. 115eteum. Burmtu M. F.*. k. I. Jill:M.s . Oalv maul,. Temig. wurrtrift PAPERS. Itnyertal, Steller Royal. Royal, Medians. Remy. Flat Cap. "'lain Letter Cop. and 40cmitzszto.orolealiqcoto, YOB eIALF. HY W. B. V E N 3 corner Wood and Third Sts. El2=ll I}ISsuLETION OF PARTNERSHIP. THE PAIRTNEWMIP esltilag Mimes.. JOSEPH ISTKES, LEWIS N 11( LES, E. IVOItmsICIC, AE N. 4.0 L Z end T. W. DAVIS. Iri the Oil ttethalnie both is, Yoder the time of WOILMoIItt. MYER- , L Co.. was tbla say .11.. solved by mute -1 yonneet. Sanely Item retiring from aid arm. lee 'melee. liereerit r will byoducted 1 19 1 , 11 .1061 Mien M , Lint. 5 17. . E. Wormier, end r.' linsle, under tbo Arm name of WOUst. SER, MYERS A CO. _ JOSsPiii lIYFIL. E. tieENIE MY EMS. . Wsit. T. W. DAVIS. AILITOLUi I'IT76OUIGu, Jnotier7 I. 1107. j.tsagy DRUGS! DRUGGS!! DRUGS!!! JAMES - T. SAMPLE' • RAVINU BUIPUIT THE WELL. KNOWN LUM. , HOUSE ON CUE. SIEUEHALMW ' Et/HINSON tan.. MLitt:MINT, WM keep on hands InUmortment orall !Undo of Ti3n.trcsa-B. and whlll will be Bold enesper than any otter house In the two dile.. - Yreecriptloue carefully prepered by a Pref.- clue dru rof r ggist. • kludEllF MAIM end YANCT WAYS bind. ocS) GDEArT REDUCTION _AT RETAIL. 1 ca., Good Blue ttlxedSlarta ant Dm. (00. etcli 1 case Goo ce, d libet7and Shirts and , • Drovers • 1W to:, Ladlcs• Ribbed Cotton Hose. 15c. pair, •• Mertno LO " Childrenc Woos note, plight ly tolled n.M.podndsaiood Country Yarn tl.e.Pr lb. 1 can. 100 , 1.1. , an Corsi, 4 0 , Pair 1 ea, French Wore,, Corset. 1 nalmaral et , r• 1,51 each ,Ad. Hood, and oblas. Mann! ton•deacb I •• Sontag, singlitlYsornd etc. • ` VO,AA Gold•=1[11•3 11001 (11110 Col- _ Jars Site, box. Grey'. Moulded raper Conan,. Sc. box MFRGMANTS. PEDDLERS. and ALL .1,0 buy to ..11 gmla.lll And Io,oor Wholeaale Dept rt went, Goeola at NEW YORK PRICEN. MACRUM, CLYDE 1k CO., 78 and 80 Market Street, jai; , January 14, 1867. 'GRAND - OPENINC OF PRICKER'S -SALOON, FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, NO. 330.0E1t.117142.1r1 13 ii•0et. ilsta , en Fenn it. and :imperial. Matt. PITTSBURGH, A. • - I would respcciPully announce to my friend. - and the general public, that 1 kayo leased the shove house. and intr. d to keep • First-Class Restaurant, In all its brlerhes. OYSTERS. FISH. and 'every delicacy the maraets afford. will re served op on -short unties, JOS. TRACKER. co. 25 St. Clttlr Street. LADIES' DINING HOWLS ON SiwCU .1 ND PLOtS. •15.111 i DISSOLUTION. THE COPART\ERSHIPRERE tefurt hem., en the uudereljned, iunder the arm name or FA WCZTT .t intim •Wiregno •waadlaatlerdhymu tualcansenl consent on the-twelfth tln 10.1. The bnal ne. of the Inn al4l be settled. the Brewery by ISAAC UUtilo.l, late Merl • the tram who la anthorlaed to we - 11.'0ame or thee= to wind up the bualneas.ll._VH KAWCET I. II JOSEP P. 11A.1(111 rittaburgb, January 15th, Oaring sold one entl, Brewery. Malting and nun Business to Mos.ire. VIER. DAP NALIa CO.. we would request from our friends a con tinuance of the so lb rally b.,toweil noon. us during lite pumbnr ol year, we were In the ball loess We have no hesitation to est.:amend ing the new arm. as front their long eperience in the business we have no doubt hut theywill maintain the eXcelleuce of our Ale. D. FAWCETT CO. Referlug to the above. we would Inform the pantie that we &hall endeavor to merit a contin ua., of the liberal ustronagnel:Owed by the late rem 0111. Fawcett a Co., antienrout our ex p. r euce In the boa. net, C. safely say that we will he able to glue entire satlafsetion to U:lie who mar favor us with their orders. FR, 11ASIe A GAS SIVING CO3IPANY, • OFFICE, No. 59 ]Fourth St. lIDIPM•2OO277IPLB: 3-ATEES I. BENNET, President, ROBERT FINNELVice President. A. W. BELL, Sec'y and Treasurer. DIAXCTOr.2: lA.. i. 11E.:VETT, W. 7,PrILIFI,, Rota. NN ES • ..• JNO. CIIAL , ANT. J. BIULPY, W. R. !, MICK. n033.nt9 3/.101 4 t. sTarcntk, C tl. ratutudanz. IRON CITY SPICE FIFTH STREET EXTENSION, • • Xear Pennsylvania -avenue, PITTSIIIIIIGII, PA.• PURE SPICES AND MUSTARD, Warranted when oar tam, le on the &nide. I . l•Znal GROLIND CORNMEAL and RTE yLml. st constantly on hand. COFFEE AND kiItUUNII NUTS ROADTED V: P iL T :pretru'lr Inform the nubile t at we Utemellnsna tb.seassaufactore or all the MIT- V e.REt.T %la+ nl`ik:Els.. which we oder to Wlcdrasle and Retell Dealers at tka Irwrest m th arket antes, aiming to deal) raft, we Sullen to p r u o L r il ¢l - e - rls ,j df the Centre.. e J 'I NAXTrr i ' ll ' eVa:iigeta bo t:mtsFrl l . l " CILO/Pnlr PEELS conattntlyron hand. MORLEDGE. deN ml 7; FOR . ,OIIIIBIIILIS PRESENTS. New Style Ottomans, , Large el re. arttitChtutr Cocersinade of rem. of beat Wilton Sod Velvet Carpet.. The che • est. molt durable and most ctrifant !mild° of X.ctricar 3rusaaltsaro ofTo be towed. Mannt helies etured and fold only by our er. All other rof 47.7C"1'4=110211:LEILIVIES 11t1?:,T,•.°`.2!,` Zr.tV";•4l`,,r,:s.,`, Zi,tclre' more of McEARLAND & COLLINS, Nos. 71 and 73 Flfth Street, Nest door shore Dispatch Building, Second Floor. dezs GREAT ATTRACTION! GRE.IT RED V CTIO:17 nes ,40 Clo ett I= l 131 troon STREET, •sk especial attention-to the EXTREMELY LOW PIUCES They ono closing out their stock of LADIES' FURS. C. C. .A.3EAC3-3110, DEALER IN Fine Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds, IiILVII I. I2I7ALRIEI, AND • French Clocks, &c. F R.2ll l ,l,ltV . el , crt to the ennuN! OP .I'o. 22 Firth Street. se3:ls39rf WANTED— TO for the 75 TOlOO,OOO BUSHELS CHARCOAL, Uurln. the lantrielT2:(A°477.ol,4= MOORHEAD & CO.. 99 Water. Street. der:Oldwd BELTEM S BELTEVG LEATHER AND CUM BELTINO. Also, Gritz HONE. PACKING. 11.1AIIKETS.'tte. Of the best qualltjand lowest oleos, \ tt the INDIA nunuEn DEPOT, Nos. 20 and dell • .1 - U. PHILLIPS.S. Clair ISM" I ja.X.la: RE sTOCR OF if.r, S. 33 puts NOW A LA Ptalt PIPE 0 ct i Pai iF/tifs ' Afl. 0 . toottoo to t. superior sa nod DI !Federal 41117tpita .VTILTO L'NF BELL IND KISS FOUNDRY, ESTABLISHED ES 1532 Nos. 91 First and 70 Second Streets, PITTSBUtICH. P. H. M. FULTON, W. M. FULTON, = ALL SIZES OF BELLS, FromiO to 10,000 Pounds. CLOBF. DO, (DIU IND SATEIT TAM =I Stop Cocks of Brass or Iron. OF ALL SIZFA. GUAGE AND CYLINDER COCKS. 14eSItS ler ell the dlffer,ht STEAM PUMPS. Bole Agents for the Celebrated Steam• Siphon DeVtra in tinSPIP}:, WYEASI mud ORS FIT TIGS. PLUMBERS' WORE, etc., Atc. Partlentor attontlon paid to STRAW, and tiAS YITTINU In . es The out' , manufacturer. of THE IfULTbN METALLIC rAmiusti YOE. STEAL CYLIN DERS, ^. ;UNIT'S CELEBRATED ANTI-ATTE'. TI , •N METAL constantly Ott hand. twat and NELL CASTINGS main to order and finished nub neatness and dlipatcp. Parttcular attention bald' to Brass F , nl-trlnc In alllta bratches. e also keep constantly on hand all slag, ernes,, bquarr and Pound Gum, demo and Cotton Carat., Gum Hos. , et all site, at up to order. A. FULTON'S SON & CO, Op C 3 0 OVERCOATS VET REMAINING lINSOLD, which stust ere CLOSILD (MT REGARDLESS OF COST, At the Immense CLOSING OUT SALE, MI J. D. RANALEY'S 334 and 336 Liberty Street. Also. a Large 11.00f101eilt of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING DRAWERS, UNDERSKIRTS, WHITE SHIRTS, Cotton and Woolen Hosiery, Scarfs, Ties, Suspenders, &c. arr_aCONTMIWt. 01 all DeacriptlOns, and a Large Asnorlin en t of GENT'S FURNISIEVG GOADS, All of srbich must be sold re gardless of cost or invoice. Call and Be ConN4need J. D. RANIALEY, 331 and 336 Liberty Street, Opposite Wayne EZO CAUSTIC SODA , Both American and English, FINE WRITE BRANDS. For Oil Refining Purposes; 4 ,o l4,l3 m .t v r g r d for sole In quantities UXES HERM DOBBS, de44 ! 246 Pearl Street, N.Y. 21 PITTABITELGH PAPER NIANC FACTUIIINU COMPANY, Manufe.marer”f PRINTING AND WRAPPING PAPERS, CLINTON MILL. STEUBENVILLE. CHIC. BILIWITUN MILL. NEW BMWETON. re. OFFICE IiND WAIIEIIOESE, No. 82 Third Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. GIT/CEES—AIIIOI32 lUTTJE, Precedent. J.O. H. LIVINGS ON. Tress? BEIM EL IM/1/I.E. Pe. ettarv. DlnETToaB—August Hartle. John Atwell, S. H. Hamann. John B. Livingston. JobnEl. r et , Mau C. 11. Merrick. Cash Paid for Paper Stock. .no.9zoba WAZIC T ILES, CLOCKS, JEW SILVER PLATED WARE AND X . . 46.1% r - 3r GI-OOalß. AT 19. C:03E1.1=1. 1 8, ir mai) Street, Allegheny, Floc Watch and Clock Repotting promptlr at tood..d to. P RICES REDUCED. DRESS GOODS FOLt. SALE AT 40.1""jr T.,a.C.N717 nx -WHITE, ORR & CO., No. !IS Fifth Street. A!. MONUMENTS, GRAVE STONES Vaults, Fountains, Statuary, ' " sae s, •8D DESIGNS OF EVERT DESCRIPTION, T T. BROOME, Na CO Penn Htreet. ~jE$T COMMON ItLILCUECE BTONE WOrdia: Northweet Comer of wee Common, Aissougry. . FILED , Ja. ALIVATILS • Cu. Rare on band or prepare on than notice 11..t1TP toro.N.CB, 'Latta Full 11/01C-WALKB., BILEWKICY VALTI. VS. SC.. MELD AND TOMB trruza.s. a.; sa ailoOnlera promptly executed. riacr CIABUNABLE. oest P. MUSSAULATN, Fifth Street,b directs Tunnel aria CA Whams Streets, Gunsmith and Dealer in Hardware. goodooi denalptlonaalnan on hand and Waal th e lowest nriens. AM:Wring dOn nrorntly 4Vlabn•lbektieS. UTETTACII & MEASON, WCOCE , SzOItS TO efirtiSMA.:. Y CLAIM, =9 - - OAR LEATHER BELTING, Oa 11 Obto streei, Allegheny Alpo Mlt suorfaarat of Belt:tog at H. LH pmowe. Na. Ifito I.fhertl Hi., Pituborgb. r.. uzo. O. CLAIM, SoPt• of WO2OO. art ROOMS ILLTERIALS. Vensint, Poch, .Fett Parafillse ramie* and Black Paint, lt&Outa4ll.4l &ttvol 4 Mr : WC e 4111211 teIII,O4ZU WANTS "tv ANTED-50 Stove and Hot- WARE WELDERS. to wbccax.4 and o.csay rc ploy=... .111 M QV"... No oue brlou;11: to thc Moul.lcn• 1.7a102 LI, loci 1111/DGEIOItD I.nial>rlll,lKy .IYrED .a. 13-; T. 7.10 Grncr.V. 111.,:-.1w,k. Enquire Itaturth. Aix'? .t • 1.4 I CONUICESS STREET.. Ems 111 NTED —lOO. I. oo o n T ' to N f 3 i 1 stt,ched , . , ens Isia, tak ,„„ In kAl.trneF Iron, cv , ramonl , ll. candtt - : wilt nut It o•.‘ out. j tlallln¢ Ing,it with O gle.to n:e It • , 10 , street. o , oom 1 W Pertn•nentiv In nn.i.eslessuatt ship entl t.e., loess corressOo lla ',." , pp. , wlth ,terenee, (ee clfuttor 1 Oa,- saa'e LAW eollice. , Oe:i • "I t•rant street. a lOehttegb Xre. AGENTS WANTED.—qbe beet Thence yet. A Won. of Illsto.eleal Vale* and Nateenal Impost put e. 'Me only orkti on ;;il - K S,Vic Ole MA.7.'l. the dt.ttnenlelked Anita, o nn;1 torten. to on, hend.otne tolinnse• Illustrated. ad at.. r Let Ms an d , t . e c4 l , i r dpegs e Nor • F , etaelet itt.bnryn,Y.. t GENTs ivAIiTED BIZ THE ECNEk A /3E.l7lliti Mkt:HINE C0577 . A.NY to nail enely NEW 1233\IACte ESE. Will sew tl , sue , paper to Bearer cloth or leather wlthoot change of I; . ted. needle or ten sion. ee.y.ndtueting pre.sure foot and newly deelened fonr.mottoued Adsirse, closings tamp. A:A. 1 CO.. fus tqfth street. I.tee.,lld CO.. _dril p. Ilitt,tlLutgh. 15t. A GENTS WANTED To SELL the EN'S A 1.01 - 51. or ..1.7 7 1-lltiat AND STOIO mi tt thd complied b 7 ner• Asse It Ii The Boot cannons .7 Cats) Yortalt node s o author. more than one hu.ll7ed pictures. and I ntc.-ly Printed . ... bound. 7 . 4- tuttet pteaee all Ite children. solarises. 03. J. NO d. CO.. No. 0, , Third street. i.t• ter ritteburgb. WANT F.D. ENTS.— r MALE Ind FIMALE-111 CI V. , o W.t.'r. rrnroylvario. lor the line .[^' rterl Ettitr.44 l . 3 g , • : 1 ; 1 111. Y 0 ' 1 .1 .. : 111 • 6 1.1:“ , L N•!..4 HOME AT' brdIN6FIELD," Elthrr by the month or by fornmt4lon. rub. 11-lirre• a : du o ' , rd. For ft , l 3.!,y !a per., or adder, VA MU , Cu.. uoz 43 Flll5 stl a el. 7ltt4burgb. • NOTICES .NUTICE.—The Annual Dle.el aE't!Vt't=itVafWryTnntjs of 51Itt - iriON Kit a 9 Water attest. on AY, tn.: not day of Jan uar, to at '2 o'clock P. oti, tor the elecilon threat°, Anil the transaction of other very loop., tient business. JAMBS IX CARLISLE. everrtary and is ,ASIIINer• DI VIDEt tin. -.-- ur,ICK Or PEOrLy•• 1N,1L10,77. 1), I rtr,u,,,Gu. Januar, 7, 1)•17. of the profit: of tne last at. The Board a; L'lrtenora of this Cclopany have tltla day arch are • dildn l l , l 0 1 ttlt , l ast BS Pk.:ll ',I'M(); out Jut.,,,,,,,,, or , , s ud after thy 11.11 lust. Jay,r7l 191. I. ()Al7l).7.).lll,ncert.tary. Orr In a 1 or 1 un yr,ur5.;;' , ..,!,;,, , ,,. 1 ( i,r.it,14 . T. D IVIDEND NOTICE- - Tne True - tee of TIIIL PITToDUIt(IIII.I"..4 ''.311.A.10.- boor thlei day donared sylvidend on. . 11 5 4.1 , !tat etoci of TOO 1/01.1...111n AND Vlll's ~ ..E...- T d Per eßare, Out of the profit. of the 2.01 ./, mouth, paJahic Zurthoith. at the ref,e of the Com pany• ' W. It. sicci.eLl..t.l), 1..5,:, Tr..ord.. IDEND NOTICE.—The Di rectors of the PaCIXIP AND ATLilatTltt rELF:ItIf.APH COMHANY ' Oi THE 'UNITED STA' , ES, have OH. tmay declared a ctleldeotl oah f tre canting, of the Yononashcto Valley of the 'Me, for ti.e four from A 0. gySt 1 to 1.41 , C111111 r i..at the rate of a 3CH .YE/t L.a,T. per annum, frer ol uoverntorat and at ale Tax. itaxable torthadth to the holders or the St xn of the Monongahela Vale? Tale rapt Coat pan y. EL WA HD JAI ALLEN. Jaen. r,...t Treason, PITTSI3 . OII VT. WAYNE it hITIXAGOIr. W, CO 0 LI, of the :iterrt aro. PITTSr.r . IO.. Dee. .7th. Wei. THE BOAlill OF DIRECTORS have this dye declared a retigssr dividen PElt CENT, free of Govenment tax. op their Capital 19004,And octal-annual dltidend of lElt 01NT.. leee ri over , ntent tax. on the Thad Marl Rage Bonds Payable on non trite Inc lou. 01 January. Ise:, at the °lnce of IV Lanier 1 Co.. 21 and 29 Pine Street. to these revirtered at N. w York, And,at the office of the Trcavo me. to those regtstered at l'lttiburgh. The vr.nsier Books will close on the 40tit day of lieeember. at Uo•clock. C. Si. and will re-oven on the lvit day of Januetry. F. X. III.TCHIN , ON, heeretarf. OrTilix 01' OLLl4llint . CALLXIrIC. 1:. CO.. j PITTS,I.II. J 4nuary lel. 1567. e• NOTICE TO. - HOLDERS OF FIRST MORTGAGE ptai We AY, I.:PI.:HEN 10001. OXFAM'. hT —The All. rheny Va , ley Piattroxil deempy /211. glvc. notice that 10.1 wilt re the The Fleet Mortgage Bohds of the Co, Within MO Tears tom 01,[11 ,, , to y e x t tni,b c d with the prorl.lons et the o , tgage given to r.e. enßr re lhr ps• Itr.pt NOS bo m nds. sr.lcr or the Ps‘rd of Idartren. .1.3,r15 WILLIAM PHILLIPS. Prent Sett. STATEMENT OF TOE CO:iDl nt II) . OP TN. I.I , I , AILTRIALP L. Pua SA.VLStiS. Ireeernber :Att. 18f03, = ==a Due Deposi:nrs.. Coattngent Fund ASSETS. 0 ad al 1;1410 , OS— E 11.1,01.7. 1S D. E. di ehINLE.Y. Tresenrar. MRooth,. btlortgxges lle Recelvshlo... ufZee Flxturee Cneb She undersigned. Auditing Committee respeet fully report test they have examined the Books and Assets of the Bank and end the above state• =tut to be correct. JulIN t COTT. G. FOLLANSBEE. 808 EWE C. SCHMERTZ. 13321 MERCHANT TAILORS HENRY G. HALE MERCHANT TAILOR, NorthWe'st corner of Penn egSt. Clair tilts Desires to return thanks to hie friends and the pa. Ile for theme.. past (aeon, and re...nue ...Its a shareof their future patrons,. lie wore dbe please d to have them e.tolne hid Large and Carefully Selected Stock 7ine Woole-i Goods . Part!nisei adnitra to - ILVIEIIIII3 ifikE 106 ILLi 191211 REDUCED PRIC E S. TO CLOSE OCT OUR ITINTiE STOCK OF . BOY'S CLOTHING, We are offering Special leguements. 1 . 1110E.1 VERY LOW, GRAY d: LOGAN, No. 47 St. Chair Spree.. Jilt FOR RENT FOR RENT, LaRGE ROO.ll, la back Wilding of GAZETTE. Yor flatlet! lark. Inqntro at in17:1117 GAZETTE COTINTLNC-ROOlf. TO LET, The Warehouse, 27 Wood St.. NOR occupied by T. A. EVANb Es co. Yor (amber laloratallon, apply to • 51. PIO:NOCK, oy WILLIAM .41/StiLER, No. 27 Wood street. op stab's. Fon REST, STORE R . OOll 3;0. 0031 A BEET STUXET; ROO3lB SUITABLE FM:SINGLE GENTS: - SALES' 110031, ECOND FLOOR U! Sd 31 &BERT STGEET: OFFICES OF ILIIED AND ILLEN.Er IaIZZAN., • Att7 at Law. OS Grant attract. --- H . SCROON3LLELEB & SON, Huskily!) White Lead Works, PURE WHiTELEAD, SLIM MEAL' OiroUND IN OIL FOB rAlle.t Y•i-H ori, BAB/MA. No 47 Fourtlatreet. Up Stale. MGESI&:=I FOG PAlLLoll23—Trench Deslgra, with Gold orGera. 701 s LlBRAllMS — Pouspelau rAttoriut oa range ground Foil If .I.l.4.3—tinve Cirsek Patterns on Gad Clay Found. .11. CHAHBEB.i-Lace and Muslin ratiarst Fx darl: grounds. or sale 47 W. r.'itsestrALL, • sets , AZ Wood street. • WAIT FOR THE BEST.—We wfu pntaish a work hy Hon. ALIPX• DEB. 11. XVI Pil NNW, of ticotsis,titled ff/t dOU OF 7111 WAR awry. , hE re fi TI6 STATES Tit—ACING PPS cIOGIN G. CAUSES s N 1) ife7ULTIS.•• ate dtcpbens' us=e la a sufficient Pautwittee th.t this will be the clewlerd Iltalary uf the late war, atd alt who deafet the moat ',Hoeft and cooptas workshould await its L ima. NATIONAL PU B LISH ING CO.. N 0.207 Althea street, Pttlladelphia, pa, - 1a7:117,1wT. RUM do MOSER, • • 4136.21.C 1 .13.X . r3E1CYri3 a . raT i . T CM 2 llVllll77f r i . 411 }. Ruff. ravel.. atieniion ply. 10 tea deriraing and 'building of Gunn hiaalies and Lilted handing& ai:rt VARMOUTII MAMIE:LED BLOAT. —3.3 Ooze., (Ma • box,) tar rani.l7 just received and tot .11a be JCL, OEII B. JIII NO. lal 61z) WWI Meet. ~ 00. CO VIP T -30:3183 MEM