The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, January 16, 1867, Image 1

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Penniman, Reed & Co .,
No. 86 sict.b. /Byre
A. prszalikso
T. P. novisToN. i zdihns •
NILLBON P. REED, -••••-n."
72=PV a cta, L;;,or,
Mali anbOtiber.. (Per ....... r " •
Llberalrednctiotun to New.l.7.
1 la
911414 Cow., Der Ter,. bYZ 3 ,;. ° ,
d' to 'one addm.s, I 5
M T 749 4 , I :
_tl i rTl/
in landau, laC2,the Wheeler h Wilson Sew
ing machine received the highest award
all the gad:duel of Europe and America In
am apetition. This award has always been
made wherever exhibited. You will make
n o mistake in ordering ono as a holiday
gift towife, sister or 'friend. They can he
purchased only at Sumner & CoNi., 27 Fifth
Zideard Caswell'e Cod Liver Oil.
The Parfet end Sweetest Cod Liver . Oil m
the world, meaufnetnred from fresh,
healthy livers, upon the sea-shore. it is
Perfectly pare and sweet. Ask for "Ulu,
and d CastiolPs Cod Llver,oll," auirmfac-
Lured by
Ckswzra, Taket a Co. Nil York,
Sold Wall druggists.
Jellies on Hand
Currant, Raspberry, Quince?, Strawberry,
Vanilla, Grape, Orange, Blackberry. Apple,
Lemcme Pine Apple and - Black Currant. Call
and see them at 112 Federal etreut, Alle
gheny mty Clem Bracy:::.
Of . now cures being porforrood every day,
by tits Rev. Wilson's greet remedy for Con
sumption. It you arc-a sufferer, try it. Solo
agentlOr_Plttaburgb, Tosepla • rieualug, No.
811Iarket ntreet.
. Another Wale of Territory
Made yesterday, for Lkoisles • Improved
Stove Ittmodr. Now is the tlme to call at
No.ll Fifth street, as .1. N. Whilaen loaves
Ina few days, to put a pa .pre On more
Western States.
Charity par and Yea tival,
Under tho auspice, or the Soma] Band of
Allegheny, in City Hall, this evening. The
generonFi pnbl lc are invited.
flotrano, Cheatean.
- Selling at greatly reduced - prhas, many
actually below coat and moat of al! et prime
coat, at the Opera house nano store.
Drugs and Eredielneli
Doctors , preacripUons carefully prepared
at half the usual price, at _Fultou's Drug
Store, opposite Postortlce..
foreign Liquors tal' all kinds at Joseph s.
Pinelds Distillery, No, De, 191, 193 and 195
phut street, Pittsburgh.
The medical Weer, of E. Warner, old In
dian Phyelelan,.t Son, removed to No. 411
Penn street. •
'nog Boots, the best" In the city, et
your own prices,.at the Opera House Shoe
A Full
Stok of Superior I Ribbons, price ninety
mute, at the Opera House Shoo Store.
Beets and Shoe..
Selling at a's:montane, for a few days, at the
Opera House Shoe Store.
A Large Stirrer.
Metal:it ornarnprital gut frame. For sa.l
cheap, apply at No. CO Fifth stree.
Kfp Boot •
I.eee thence:cat, prime article at the Opera
House Shoo Store.
You Coo Buy
per cent. Alcohol at Joseph S. Finch's
Toucan 807
New flops at Joseph 8. Finch's.
TM New York Herald's 'Helmond epeeist
says:-"General Roseer and Henry A. Wise
addressed.the citizens of Richmond last
evening, on , the subject Of the relief of
widows of Confederate soldiers. Both ex
pressed the opinion that the rebellion had,
still 'fair prospect of success. Wise said
that ho gotild never give up, and that the
'South was sublimely unconquered. He de
sired to be buried in a grey overcoat when
his time should come.
• prize fight took place at Goldaborough.
nine miles from Harrisburg, yesterday at
terzioen. Twenty-one rounds were fought,
lasting thlrty.eighi. minutes, Collyer, of
'Wilmer°, whipping McQuade. The prln
cipals were arrested and taken to York
county. The mill was largely patronized
by rongha from Harrisburg, Philadelphia,
Baltimore and New York. Many persons
walked from llarrisburg, through the snow,
nine miles, to see the show.
The Commissioners of pilots at New York,
have forbldden the participation of pilots
of that barber in the propo'sed -race across
the Atlantic between pilot boats. There-
Yeretheyeatch between the J. D. Jones and
Mope 1;0.7 for dye thousand dollar", has
been abeidoned.
- _
ItepolOtions will be introduced In the
Wfaeonsin Legislature censurinethe course
of SeskatoiDoollttle, and politely letritfe g
him to resign.
A bill has been introduced In the Douse of
Representatives of Minnesota, to strike out
..white" from the State Constitution; also a
resolution requesting Senator Norton to re
The resolution against making Colorado
a State was passed by the Assembly of that
TarritorT. in the absence of several mem
bers,who were sink, after havlng Previously
been voted down. The Council has passed
aresolution asking tho Presldonttorentove
Mosensor Cummings, charging him with
malfeasance In office.
A ere at Ingersoll, C. W.. yesterday morn
inn, consumed several stores.
• Another replan, John CPCoroser, vas con
Meted at Toronto yesterday. Patric): ]feat
:en was acquitted.
1 7u) subject of assassination by the Sfor
ulnae been presented to the Maine Leg -
isi a t , re. referred la the Comnlittee on
t wi en u ige n ;tions. Dr. Robinson,' recently
murdered u 45.73, nes a former citizen of
• Preparatloll.9 at the. armory in Spring.
stela for work on an nide; for 23.000 new
brreehdoaders for the t . :Deeenment, are
r *low complete, ' For the prase:ea , about arty
guns a day will be turnoll out.. The new
gang are old SprLogneld musket/ Meted.
Wiese hatless on the Impeachment
attest A lt a
Wee of e Ntates—A F ast Freight
lane** there.. West,
JEW/LIMN Cirri - Jan. 16.—1 a the Home
to-day, resolutions recommending the Ms
o‘tachment of President Johnson were re
fentd to the Committee on Federal Lida
1.10138. ; .
goncOrrent resolitticess were offered that
Conven tlon of all the States of the nation
be called Conmts, to meet on the
Foth of JttlY, fertile Purpose of anion&
teethe Fed.; hi Constitution; and also res
elution. urging Congress to provide for
the early. Impr,eirenient Of navigation on
the river, by removing the
Hock island bride v and other obstructions ,
A. fiat freight. fin..o has been eatablished
here for the tranenvlrt talon of all•kinds of
merchandise from Jim terminus of the
Union Paella • Hallway (Kansas braneh) to
the Terntories of Colorado, Utah and New
Ankh Madsen Hamill
nem WOW. Determined On—The
Makes *MD The mend Dollars—
The Ketch to Take ?DM at Pill..
Bosses, 'January M.—Waltse Brown, of
Portland, He, hos arranged for a sowing
snatch with James Bacilli, of Plttshalritti
for four thouaand dollars, over a Ave sago
course. - Brown to allowed than hundred
dollars for his traveling expenses to Pitts
'1 ; -
) ;
, 1:: - j I) - _., .
I,.' ' '' ! I i 1 1 ,5 7 Ili
7 I i
The Inauguration of43eneral
Geary as Governor.
The Procession and Inaug
uration Ceremonies.
Special Dispatch to the Pittideirgh Gazette.
Ronutosvnu, January 13,1.9 a,
itsarrlsburg has been crovidedbS visliere
be,pasy from all parts of the late, to wit
ness and tahe - Part in the lna guratleir Of
General Geary as Governor or the State.
Th 6 botch were crowded' lase night,.and
many persons a - ore unable to obtain lodif.
togs. The weather has been all that could
be desired; clear and cold, but delightfully
bracing- and inspiriting! There was egood
fall of snow last night, and the sleighing
to-day has been Oolong:Lid, and the streets
crowded with handsome turn-Onto.
Among the visitors from abroad are the
Philadelphia National Guard, the Grey Re
serves, and the Coluiabia Zortaves; the Good
Will, of Philadelphia; Vigilant, of York;
Perseverance, of Lebanon; Friendship, of
Chambersburg, and-other tire companies.
Ilarriiburg contributed the Friendship,
Hope, Ciftrona, Washington, Mt. Vernon,
and Paxton Hose and Fire Companies. Sev
eral excellent bands from Philadelphia,
Chester couuty and other points were pro.
sent; also a number of civic societies from
adjacent towns.
The various delegations, the military and
fire companies, met pursuant to the pro.
gramme at cloven o'clock, at the points des
ignated. There were seven divisions, under
command of Chief Marshal, General E. C.
Williams, assisted by numerous aids.
The procession moved In the roilowing
The Chief mid a detachment of Police.
ChiefMenthol—General E. C. Williams
- - . - -
Spa( Aid.—W. 11. H. Sires IL Thomas.
Aids to Chief -Iftirshat-31alor E. u.. Reich ,
enbach, Captain John L. Wright, Colonel
D. J. Unger, Colonel Parsons.
First Decision—Mtu - sbgl, Meier Eldridge
Meconkey. United States Barracks Band,
and a squadron of cavalry from Carlisle
barracks; the Philadelphia Grey Reserves
and National Guard, numbering about 400
men; and the Columbia Zouaves.
Second DiViliOß-111nrehul, Major T. D.
Greenwalt. The Governor and Governor
elect In an open carriage drawn by six
white horses; the chairmen of the Commit
tees of the Seance and Home and Beads of
Departments in carriages. •
Third Division—Marshal, General JoaLins
T. Owen. The Boys in Blue, Republican Da
vinelbles and Union Leagues from different
ports of the State.
Fourth Divirion—Marshal, Captain Win.
Coulter. Soldiers of I1t1•i. of the Mexican
War, Officers and Soldiers of the Catlett
States Army, Officers and Soldiers' who
nerved In the late War. Wounded Soldiers
of the late War—the latter in carriages.
• .
Fifth Diri.lion—Marahnl, John L. Hammer.
Judges of the Court, Members of the Bar,
Mayor of the City, President and Members
Of City Council, Clergy of Harrisburg and
other p 1.., State and County °Alcorn,
Members of the Prom and other specially
invited guests In carriages. -
Sixth Didion—Marshal,Jno.T.Ensminger
Masons, Odd-Fellows, and other civic soot
Mies, and Workmen from the Ilarrisbur ,
ear Works, Lochtel iron Works, the Stec
Works, Railroad Machine Shope, and citt
zens on foot.
Seventh Dieltion—Marsbal, Doerr AL
Relict . . The - Fire Department, McMinn
companies from Chambersburg, l'hllade
phis, York and Lebanon, besides the liar
risteirg companies. -
The route of Vie proOession was down
Second street to. Washington avenue, out
Washington avenue to Front street, up
Front to Chestnut, out Chestnut to Fourth,
up Fourth to Market, out Market to Third,
up Third to Walnut, out' Wabaut to Second,
up SecOnd to Pine, out Pine to Front, up
Front to State, out State to the Capitol.
The view from the Capitol, as the proces
sion moved up State street was very Impos
ing. During the moving of the procession,
sidutes were tired from Capitol 1111 L
TEL zserour.Anos
A large staging had been erected at Ito
east end of the Capitol, where Governor
Curtin, the Governor elect, and numerous
°Metals wore escorted, when the procession
reached the Capitol enclosure. •
Thu two Houses proceeded to the plat-
form from theliresPectlve chambers. 11cr
A udley Itrosirn, member of the Senate. de
livered an appropriate prayer. The Clerk
of the Senate then read the certificate of
Governor Geary's election, and Speaker
Ilall, - of the Senate, administered the Cot
stitntional oath of °Mee to the Governer
elect, after which the reading of the Wang-.
oral commenced. [The inaugural address
will be found elsewhere in this paper.)
Immediately after the inaugural cere
monies a national salute was fired from
The procession on its return route march
ed down Third to Locust, out locuct to Se
.condolown Second to Market, when all but
the military organizations were dismissed.
The military marched out Market and
halted, the right resting on Fourth street.
A grand review of all the military then
took place by Governor Geary.
Vila ended the inauguration ceremonies.
The Election of Simon Cam
eron, of Vezina" Charles 11.
Drake, of ROSCOe Conk
ling. of N. T., and Lyman
Trumbull, of 111.
Special Epapatelt to the Pittsburgh 6azette.
ilauats•cno, January 15 1 1867.
The Senate met attbreeo'cloclr this after
noon,. and , ImmetilatelV preeeel , " to the
election of United Staten Senator.
Simon Cameron received .
Edgar Cowan received
Simon Cameron having received a major
ity of the, votes cast, wee declared the
choice of the Senate, fur United States Ben.
Senator Fisher, of Lancaster, before vot
ing, read a letter from Ttnalous Stevens,
telling him to melds own discretion la
fererce to hla vete. Ile then voted for si
mon Calahron.
• Ilie Stoat& adjourned after the vote had
been token,
TUe lloose shot at throo O'clock to sots for
Unito4.States Senator. The sato scsolted
as follows:
BIMOI2 Cameron received
lidgar Cowan received._
8161011 Cameron having received a major
ity of the votes was declared the choice 01
the IfOilSe for (Tatted States Se.StOr.
ELUTION Or DEALS IN itlneintral.
JirIiLLSON CITY, January 15.--Chnrlca
Brake, of St. Louis. was elected Belted
Statue Staten Senator for Missouri to -lay,
by a yore of one hundred and Merv° to
Putpeeven. Boners' Blair received thirty
thre...4 Totes. • •
.I,•yeylos or corrnmso IN 11 - XWIOCI.
ALBANY, January 15.—Rosc0e Conkling
was 'looted Belled States Senator to -day,
to succeed Senator BArris.
SystAurrELD, 111., January 15.--The
WWI Senstonol election M.dey, ultetl
follows, Lyman Troy:thew seventy-six
votes; T. Lyle Dickey, Deuriodrz,,,t. thirtY
1./VW YOLe9.
The Maryland • Negro Ap
prentice System.
The Officers of the New Ironsides
WasantoTOn, Janunik 15, 1667.
The President has leaned a prochunatlOn,
dated the 12th inst., sanctioning and con
firming a regulation by the United etates
Minister at Japan, forbidding American
vessels stopping or anchoring at any ports
of that country, except the three open
ports, Nngasall, ilakodadi and Yokohcs
ino, , during the hostilities between tile Ty
coon and the ihtmios, unless in distress or
forced by stress of weather.
Two colorai boys, wbo escaped from their
former master in Montgomery county,
Malryland, were yesterday brought before
the Supreme Court of the District, on a
f J o
writ of habeas co us. -After a hearing, the
Court ordered lih m returned to their old
master, on the and of evidence that
they had been, n or the Maryland statute,
apprenticed a r their emancipation. The
counsel for the children's relatives pleaded
lit-treatment by the master, and that their
motLer had died from neglect and hunger
In the wants. Adler the decision of the
Court an appeal was taken, bet before It
could be had, the master departed with the
The Annual meeting of the African Colo.
nizatiou Society was held to-day. The re
°Opts of the year were 439,153; disburse
ments 6.11442. Much or the fund was ex
pended to the paretrase and fitting out the
ship Golconda, which earned 600 emigrants
to Liberia in November. Additional freed
men to the number of WO are now ready to
General Sickles will give evidence bolero
the Committee to investigate the murder
of Union solcUers in South Caroller. Sec
retary Stanton Will al SO testify. •
The 'revenue cutter, McCulloch, should
have been at Macau. to-day, She la under
stood to form one of the expedition to Su
:nuns, lisitt.
Mr. Morrill, Chairman of the Ways and
Means Committee, wlilreporta bill for the
sale of gold before the close of the week,
and make a speech, edrocatlag the general
,CORtinetloll of currency.
Or TIM D1530.1111ED.
The l,'ecretary of the Nary has dismissed
all the officers of the 'New .trOnsldes, on the
ground that .It was In consequence of their
carelesauess that the vessel was burned.
ATPLIC•TIOTS 102 resslox,
The Comm'ssioner of Pensions has tanned
a circular that applications for pensions;
under acts of Juno and July last, filed from
and after the first ofJanuary,fmnnot be ad
judicated before the fourth of March next,
♦rxalae IX YOnTL•XD.
The report of General Gregory, asslstant
Commtssioner of the Freedmen's Bureau
for Maryland, for the last quarter of lice
states that the Condition of the colored peo
ple, generally, is satisfactory, although dif
ficulties are still met In securing Justice for
the Freedmen through the civil Courts, owe
Int to the exclusion, by the magistrates, of
toe teetimony or colored people.
His Speech at Harrisburg Yester
day Afternoon.
Aindreer Johnson a "Traitor to
1119 Party and an Enemy to
His Country."
lisstasecno, January C., 18.7.
This afternoon, a public gathering was
held at ono of the hotels of the city, atwhich
speeches were mule Ur Attorney General
Brewster, Senator Lowry, Senator Laugh.
den and General Cameron. in the course
of his remarks, General Cameron said. t "I
thank God that in spite of the slander., my
enemies heaped on too for twenty year,,
nay Glow. citizeni who have seen my life,
from day to day, have always stood by any
side, and helped ma to repel them. This
struggle of my political life -has en
ded-ylctory. I desired this as
an answer, to vindicate my honesty to my
children and friends. I now propose to put
the slanders behind me and foet alike
liars who concocted them and rg the fact
that goad men in some cases, by the repeti
tion of them, were induced to believe and
repeat them. Six years ago I thought that
slavery wee the strength of the rebellion,
and ought. to be destroyed without delay.
I wished also to arm all the black men who
would volunteer. 01 counsel thought that
ciothing a black man In the American uni
form clothed him -with the rights rf so
American . tizen, and I am alWiya
glad to see a-black soldier, and regret to
-reflect that even Pennsylvania denies him
the ballot, the only weapon whereby be can
Protect himself. 'I. hope to live to see-the
word "white" stricken from our own Con
stitution, and the spirit of caste upon color
utterly deStrOYed. oc tal h, however, Is
more controlled by lnfluence than by
polftical prniciples. If you are wise sod
firm you - may possibly educate the rising
generation into loyalty, but there Li no
method of statesmenship which will make
,thls generation of the booth loyal to the
colon and flag. The poison of thirty years
cannot be eradicated by the subserviency
of a President or by statutes of Congress.
Lot no look the truth in the face. The
Southern territory to disloyal. The loyal
men of to-day most guard their children
against another trensonable rebellion. The
Conctitntional Amendment sniddrupartlin
soffrage will help to do this; but amnesty
will help to undo it., • •
Of Andrew Johnson 1 said, long ago, he
was a traitor to his party and an enemy of
his country, and a bad man. lie has done
many Ind things, but nothing - worse
those few
ollicos of the country to
those few unprincipled moo who
agreed to desert and bettnY the Minot lie
publican organization for his patronage.
Ile Joined the Democratic party long ago.
lie lias a right to giro them °lnce.; but be
has no right to dispose of them at auction
to weak kneed Republican..
The pamper labor of Europe is again Wm
poling with out labor and our mantdao
tures languish for want of protection
' against It. Pennsylvania needs no oath.
' ranee of my devotion to her Inter
ests in 'tole regard, which are
the interests of the wools country. I will
continuo to labor in season or out of sea
son, to protect our manufacturers from
ruin, and than workmen from being
thrown out of emloyment, or their wages
reduced to starvation point, for 1 held that
the true Welfare of any nation depends on
the weifarn or ita laboring aloe.. '
fiver Telegrams, .
Ulu 11 -lferclwnlr Ifedono/ flefear - aph CV.)
Special Dispatch to Vlttsburgb Ossetia.
Olt Crrr, Jarman" 33,1867.
The river Is closed from headwaters down
to Horse creek, still open here, and below
partially.; Weather cloudy. Thermometer
et 13 degrees above zero, till market Arm
ar, about $0.60.
LOPIPULts, Jarmai swelling
dv .i c a two ;aches a the canal. linvtga
uo. r anmed. COlselierable lee in the riv
er. live IltinirliiMf
- alri , --
- ---- - --- 4rl 8 ,: E b:Alo.• 170
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---/ • - --
Terrible Accident at Regents Park,
London, Yesterday.
Return of Troops to France
from Mexico
England Adtises Greece to Netral-
Ey In the Cand tan Insurrection,
Illy the Clubled
LONDON, January 15.—Tho Bratish Go,
ernmont bas sent a note to Greece, will.
lay bar,torreserra strict noutrality in tiro
affairs Candia.
The ice on the Lake, in itogent's Park
broke through to:ilaY, whllc. covered with
skaters, and over two hundred pi:Leona
wore precipitated into the water, nod thir
ty were drowned.
ItZTIMDI OP SI:0,0111 TllOOl, 10:0,0 nrtll'o. '
rA1:18, January 15.—. t tlotuahmont of
Frimcrl troops from 31exico boo arrived In
SArLES, January vloleut teuipe.d
visaed the bay of Naples last night , I . wen,
-•four ships were wrecked, but only a low
lives lost.
Coner_sirtitormi, Jan. 15.—The question
Which arose between the Porte and Ameri
can legation here, to rega;d to comilleihts
made by the Plaited Statcs Consul at Cy
prus, against. the local authorities 01 that
Island, has been settled to the mutual sane
faction of all parties
IN Arscrat L.
VIZEVA, JP111:11LSY official paper
censures any agitation against the local
urns of the government, and says the op'
position have no other alternative than to
consult the will of the people.
Lennon, Jan. IL—Tho steal:undo William
Penn, from Now York, Lag arrived.
Dent /F. Co., well known In the China and
India .trade, who were forced to siwpend
some time since, bare resumed payment.
Late telegrams have been received. tolt
Mention no commercial panic at Deng
Kong, as was reported.
It is now stated that the . piojeet for anew
Spanish loan looks as though It would be a
Larattroor,January 15.—fite on
rely dull and lower; sales µ0.,0 bales; mid
dling uplands, 14' Ilreadiautts ginner.
Corn, Cis tid. Tallow de Dined 1,1. reirtie
loom declining; refined Is ad.
glasiCiamren, January lt.—llarket For
goods is lower and nominal.
Lennox, January 14.-4:ousels rloi,ed ei
91j,1. American necurille , closed. Fie,
Twenties, 72%; Illinois Central, Erie,
•'rest of European Porcer—Enlim
meat of Moore to the Army—llnm
ages Wanted for a Itnnomay Wife—
Organised hand• toiltob latranteMi
'NEW Your, January
Adolphus Schwartz, a passenger by
steamer Bremen, war , arrested on her mr I
rat here, by order of the I tilted ,tatee Mar
Mad Murray, no • chants, of forgery to
ezma, to the &repeat of one hundred urn
sixty thousand Itforinl. A regmiaition to
his extradition was lamed n for days woes
at tha instance of the Austrian to:1,ml, on
the authority of a cable dispatch. tv isw art•
was committed to prison to await the arrt
tel of witnesses from Austria.
. _
.Tudge Bette, of the Felted states Dirt air
Coon, refused an epplication fora Writ V
1,00 , 0. corpus treday. in the CIL/100
young men enlisted in the at uty. Ste
.lamed they were under tutu
wen, but the Gritittiro Pnolooo.t 0W.% et
that they took an oath they were utatve the
age. The Judge decided that the oath thus ,
be considered snakiest.
TdOU.A3D rebbartshamsos. wasrrn
Ttio case is on tried, In the rlmmal
‘ Coarl
Of Doeid M. FretlZlAll amatnet ,trrot
Tito plaintiff claims ton titou.and
damages from ofseut fur oloping with Iff
fTreemast'el wife. from Chicago. in April
A stars morn., /tams, en. •
Wm. Hammond, formerly m former command
the ships Intim:Ude and tho C 11.,. of Net
Yoor, ad n John Shannon, a ere arrtnard
day o n a charge of robbing the s tool ngto
llnn of steamers of freight valued at 11,
fifteen thousand deflate, Tan rAtilita
named liennahon Ilarrtntrton and JAI.,
Warner, turned S tote's ev dance to e,eap.
prosecution. There Is mid to he lorgoi ,
gantratlon for the purpose of rouble.: to
various steamshtp companies. Their plan
Were probably • Irm.trated.
ItrII.(SIN ;LIVE,/ et•ll.l%OA,
The Ifu.lwa /aver r4llrowl, will, on an
gator the 17th. .ell anLI check i‘
gage only over Its own road.
The Meeting of the Legislature at
Uoreroor . • glessitgo
—Ratline*'Jou of nos Cot tttttt Mount
• Wessman Jan. G.—The Tog: .I,Lture or.
ganlzed to-ilay. In the :3unate W tn.
E. Slovenians w. re-elected Pi esident, and
E. it. Mali Clerk. 10 the 1in0.. , c. pin no:
was re-elected Speaker, and IV. I. llubhard
Governor Boreman.kmessage speaks en
couragingly of renewed and Increased pros
perity of the titate. Ile reenrairosnils the
repeal of the Confiscation law of 1 , 3 be
cause It has never been en fOrceil, I.
wholly Inoperative, and embarrasses busi
ness. Ile also recoustneilda tile propriety of
repealing the wary laws as reimlllng and
driving out Capital and enterprise. Ile
*loathe rat...reports exhibits a gratify.
Ins Condition of the MAP, nuances. Dur
ing the last year personal property has in.
creased Over twenty-Ore per cunt., anti
capitations eleven percent. rho now valu
ation of real estate shows a very great in
crease over the old. lie recommends the
energetic prosecution of work on the Insane
Asylum and Penitentiary. The report on
free schools shows gratifying progress in
the work of edu3stion. Ile urges most
provisionan In support of the sehuola;
for the Agricultural College en
toyb Congress; and advises the Legis
lature provide for the speedy geological
Survey of the State, and to encourage emi
gration to the State.
Theme...go concludes with an able ar
gument In favor or ratifying tile annend•
ment to the Constitution of till Vetted
States. Tile Governor says it was the Lab
.olao (lay of Congress to take control of
the rebellious States after thenull under the CllCUrnaianCes the terms of res.
toratlon proposed are nut V 111111.11,, Or un
kind, much lose Unjust. Greater magnan•
Irony was never shown under [um nil tic
: oUmatanaes.
resolution ratifying the Constitutional
Amendment mussed the Senate toslay by it
vote of 15 to 1, and will lines the I 10n.,e to
The Fit . T
or Henn hatit• Fe—Pr
eeedlng rs s es Legislator
The 'United &tales
it F i easter Co.
test—The Valor. Pares Its Mood
H - Drench.
. .
_JUNCITIOM CITY, 1i.151155,
Wo!worth and Barton OVOi land Transpor
than Line started their first 1501/1 (Or natal
geto-day. Others will follow Ignmedlately
Vile is much earlier than 1110 trains towel.)
start. Trade promises tutu very largo 1.111.
Sr. loms, January Lt.—Tour/az, Kansas
The Senate passed .10101
tton tbr an amendment to the Mate Con
stitution restricting suirragn to loyal 111.11
A 6116605 has been held every night
but no results have been reached In rogue ,
'to the Senatorial question. Pomeroy an.
Carney are the leading 161.111161{a611
long term now,bnt neither has a majority
'gnu Union Pacific linliroad (hens,
branuli) lane boon completed to 01 111 I 1
twenty mike of Sort Utley. The toad I
grade. fort y Mlles beyond, 0161 undo
contract, and will be Mashed to tho Bac
Itnndred and oighty4lfth Tulle post by Jan
ultrY first, Mns.
' The earnings of the rood during' Nevem
bar reached nearly eighty thousand dal
lays, and It Is expected wl4l average on
hundred thousand donuts per month. th
present. year. The Government experts t
transporttwell3l3 nty milli
year,ons pounds of store
ale; elle road
W•SIIINGTON, January 15, ISG7.
A. number of petitions were presented, in
cluding one from the citizens of itrillfon-
Vane, Ohio, nstang Cougrees to prohibit ,
any Perron 'Addicted to intoxicating liquor
from holding ottice under the United StuteS
Mr. FES, , ENDEN, from the Committee eo
Finance, reported a hill authorizing the
Secretary of the Treasury to delegate to
one of his asilstauts, authority. to sign all
warrant., for the payment of money into
the public Treneury, and for the tilBhurse
ment of the same - , when certified by a prop.
or accounting °dicer.
sr-it-won rllOll - SOUTH 1,1101.15/1.
Tho crculentlAls of Senator 111,111.'.111a,1„
of South Carolina, more presented and to.
3tr. liOWAltl) called up his resolutions of
Inquiry Into Mexican affairs, offered on the
Bth Instant. lie alluded in Ma remarks In
the unjustifiable uturnatiou on the ' , art of
Napoleon. the pretext of which was the
debt of Mexico to trench teutticots. No-
Iroily could credit that thls was the only
cause. Its object looked far beyond to the
entire subversion or thuhlerlean (lovers:is
clout and the establishment of the Imperi
al power of France, under a bort Of Prot.:-
morale. Our tiOntortiltiOnt did riot ranks any
strenuous efforts to procure thetwlthdraW.
al of the french troll. 'rho brae has been
prosecuted by the French with bitterness,
itntl has greatly our Watson.: with
thy legitimate power of that republic. Our
interests, and tenni:nal roiluito Its
term Motion as speedily Cu prattleable. lie
desired Intersection 00 the subject.
Mr. SU wive notice of un num.&
Lucia that the Committee be Instructed to
report If, In their opinion, such report Iv
ez iciltent:
1r..11c1/01'GA ,ul,l Ile won't' obJect to
The htornitht hour basing rxpiro:l,•Ute
Lill to regulate the tenure Of office was La
ken up.
Ant and
spoke against the bill.
Mr. /lOW E, at the , req.:A of Mr Ed
mund/, withdrew hlu petultuir amendment,
Mr. If 1.,:•; renewed hb , nlhelld-
Mehl. OfferC•l Vest ..1 , 141y. it 1 . 11.1: rejected.
Mr. SUMMER uC~•red nu amendment, au
. .
an lithlitiOnni Sect 1011; that 1111 . ortIcera or
agents uppointod by tie Preshiont, or lA .
the heal al any department, whose. salary
coulpetpution, derived from Ices or
otherwise, shall exceed onethomand dol
lars annually, shall br appointed by the
President, 01111 Om advice and consent or
the ,tnitile,und t h e term Of all each onleers,
appOlTite.l slope [he 111 - , t of July, shall
il .
ei , trovitor the siontetry of the
.Ntr. I. it hoped be aloptil.
The l'reroient loot pruelnicutol filo !Mon
ti,. to mi. out of naive," and it
wax duty 411 to protect the.
a thu. ,
alr. oppo.tal the utnetul
a:11•1,11I:C) ottorwil it retolution
(ling two:111w 01 Ifepaztuieuti, for
10,t Of reutiivtil, foun °nice from SI Irrl.l
b, inin to ]tun li ttb, 10.1, with cause.; of
ObJectr.-01 to. toad It go., over.
Venillils 1..10 ciurlileratlon the bill nod
tiololool-. tine ii,itato w4J0111,11.4.
(Ins not I or )1,. 'LI /IN io o Col o a , sl . l ,, i i t
ta . , ) •on eornuaqco t, r 4
was r,uttsl c
. .
er the ror,l h .. npruyuraeut. of the of.
Clair aat,, 3.lichhzau, ley - opvalng up a au*
thaunc: or canal, au.? - to r.purt a LW up,
alug a ,•peciee uppr,iulaflou to defniy the
to.u.ry to runztuuntr,te.
the rvrArt or 11747. 60, t:rone. of Cm 'pm,
vey,L , ..l est , for the. lutpriwoucut of
:(2/Air repot tz, sor•
, ys and of
V :talra.ll the grout l.uf, and .-ullll,
111., of Mr. (:ohtutt Urn
Wa. 1,,,m1 the
ett, tho r.a 01:/eir
•, routm-,1:11,,, pture
Ith 311o1;.
INIM .or, Of Mr. Pine+ ant
Mean. Coin mitre x eonestea tat onqelre
Into iii.xpo , ra nf reportlng an ad va
loitna t Puy on .raao,:e eerier,' ana Co
tton/lag the ppeelne tot to tee aollmr, per
Po toot !on of Mr. tt , tr, the roma:lt:co on.
“Irs.rt torao, le-troUtal to eteietre
llotntle aro: pre:,ptlv inlo the loronalfo
itt elta•fr 0, Int :144 in Me 110.1 Colora-
I, am! ter., aa oet ,yororo per,ous
Ithlo :)..• 1.4,01.,erty equal!:v Or
ro , “,roto:l.l,lzattion Of rata: or
, 11171,.1 •No uoAn.
31r. 1 , /1...N1-A.1.1 Int todurod to pro
s-A, fat tit.. COilBltl, Ilan at a watt!n total
tat wel , o
try n,l;aa-tol porixaa-r, fraw tort
Ata rrratotoo, to to tort llttttan, I tt
3lootti:ot Torrttart oto palate
rlta , t - t Wt.. I:alto-red.
1:171;on of i CrIJK, tho JolntCorn
-10555e0 Le•truntlitgont diterl,l
In.otro %I 5,, In 55.u•ptvoolI -.l:;ng,nt
rIIIIon of theNeu Vot grarget. tbo
yorrrnt in t.:10 :Nors,S I•nt.'rieu
gry Intrur.. , lllg; .better
any or Noch,r...4;.arlrei from :Lc tale Or
V1:11q:li, 05. ,:5 , 51) belonging . Sr tins
to aov
or Insl,utlOn thirty ,Itly,gril
s+ horn, f,r ..lI.Ir-
Ity.runa wl,o,nt.
Mr. WA lat. of Nod l'ot.. attrod leave to
ettoja at ontot.lo nig that IL la alleged
that largonous:pad. of dinotyaillt, Toted at
thena :Maryland largo.
und that
armed fed, on of !Ito Vetted w ore ot.
derail I.y the I t ,roverTtutellt
to, ant del re-:potatowith Iho
I.secutlve ar t :lat. mad 01i0:v..,
ho»ore ongainni wit n hurt, in cd - rr reltog
the l: .tut wire. owl w and hootalitg the
Notes of tc:. and dl..e nallto.l petsonn.
anl dot et rntg lnyai vote, (tent the floe
oacztoino of Ito. clot:floc ft,notttne, Ac., con
cluding alt tivowdottoll that leo Cot:milt -
too 011 1' 1 , 01.12, oitg• ahol report when:•
r the :Act.? :tot toe linot In tea viol:ate% an
:actv,altl. And wactner the l'realdent or
any t,tno tinder 11I.vondrand, han tat any
manner,lnt.etot cal wltlt ;awl oleCtlon, or In
any wit)" titent;er lltreatontel to use the Milt-.
tar, power Ott he ontion will: :entrance to
salt! nloothat; If .4,, al:other It awn upon
Oegal:at:on of tlio Gored - nor of Maryland.
rdoctier: te,1111%00 and the result:l.lou Watt
not received.
noon. 1:1,r111!•liit - r.ctirti 70 UN, LUOXYD
Arl All.
Oa motion of 3lr. W.llliLl'ltN or Ind..
tiro tinitrt C4/01111Itteuon U,u intirtior of Uni
ted Sotto. eolnlere In ',with Carolina sta.
unittuctril 41 Inquire Into the mu:rib. of
Captain hlnntginnery, Teo" by Confoil
orate antler tii.ort, Pi. (lotion,
now set:l.lllg ILdilll,nlUll as a nietifter of Oil*
!rote r.
1,1 Tut
IiId.NTZ, flout the Comzettteu no the
District of Colombia, reported ugalust the
memorial of el then~ of Udell:lr birth, ash
mg the sumo r Ighls Gil, the hegtoes.
Upon motion of Mr. P.OUTW ELL, the .
vote seeolnllng the previous queOlotion the
Neltr.kit bill wiei reconsidered. •
oorTIVELL moved to ...coil the
third section, known t o 1 hit Edmonds .
ton ointment, nn follows: 'land upon the
fro tiler fonaantental cotwhlcration that fhb
Legislator" of sold state, by nOlennt act,
:shall declare the ...cot fund! 51.01.1 to
until toolumeittal et...MOlld shall trans..
stilt to the l'r, s Went of the United States
un authentic copy of sold act; upon receipt
wucteot the 10 esidunt, by proclamation
tooionnee the Lictl,heroupOn, sniff
toutptinen ...Int). shall held
ns Van of the organic law of the State, and
Mort:opennod without further proceeding
on 1110 part of Comm grecs, the admission of
sant .into Into the Union shall he consid
ered to completed. TII• snail State Leghb
Int too shall be almerentil by 1110 'Territorial
Government, Ii tub (Wray ditys after the.
pinfina an Or thin RCA, lb net opOn Lila C011;11-
tlOll holonitteil hereln. l :
Mr. BOUTWEL 1. spolsu In iatillion of
Tho .Witt coot lily Mcssr,
HA I.E. 1,11 Itia oN It, NA 1111,11 /EL.I NO,
MI NM and others.
The .11,11 , 001 t wus limited lb the ques
tion whether Nohrnsha should hu ItilMlttca
an it State, Willi° her rolorini
n ere, hy her-constant ton, llopflyed of the
eleettvo franchise, and also on tutu
t 'col effect Of the
Conan lull 111 the
third section.
Mr. BOUWELL'S tom:tot:fount wen atiotb
ig,l by a cote of 61 70. fold the bill
putae,l-11,311yel agaltint a. nay.l. •
The bill for the adudrvlon of Colorado
001110 op. Alr.llouTsv 3:Vl.yhwondmentau
above, viatod was adopted on 0101100 of Mr.
A r.IUXI, by a vote of to to GO, and the hill
90 0371.11 against 60 0/1.34.
. . . .
GOVERNOU Or vnuirite
RE1.61 presiinted a petition of 2371
eititeilli Of Richmond, V., tor appointing a
pro, konnj tlovernnr, naming 4 !nig° I n.
ilerwood. Referred 10 Ow COMMjtwo ou
_ -, -
Today we present the Guerra In a new
and enlarged form, having added four col
umns of space to Its sire:: The enlargement
was necessitated by the steady and rapid
growth of the advertising patronage be
stowed by a liberal and appreclutive busi
ness community. Ifitherto we have not
had sufficient space to do full justice to
readers, the advertisements crowding out
valuable and interesting reading matter.
The present enlargement, we trust, will ob
viate the recurrence - 01 that difficulty.
Should the groat share of patronage award
ed the GAZATTI: be continued, or increased
in the future, we shall again enlarge its
Ore, as it has ever been our determination
to share with the community the prosperi
ty which greets our efforts to tarnish a re
liable first class and representative 'Jour
The U.II.M . TE as an advertising medium
stands second to no other journal in the
city, and to prove that its fair claims'are
fully recognized by the public, we publish
the quarterly statements of the cash re
ceipts front advertising, during the quaker
outimg January •laq 1267, of the pease of
ZLTTI: 07,959
commercial 17,0u5 49
Chronicle 13,077 'll
1•ost 6:204 5.e
2,347 15
reed em's Friend, (G ormsual 3,242 90
olknblatt, (timilnui) IleLi 00
Leader, (WeeklY) 1, , 76 78
For the , (esrter ending October let, ISOd,
the receipts ort he . Gszerre emcee ded 111030
of any other Journal la the city.)
More Iloording Thievery
.llderrnau Taylor yesterday morning re-
enticed au information from .Loisn lemon,
' charging John Doran with larceny. Doran,
Lemon and a number of
other Irishmen
, - board together at lieneirri a boarding home,
In the Filth ward. For some time past 'Do.
rail has been doing nothing, and conse
quently remained in their rooms at the
home. Yesterday morning they all got op
and went to their work except Doran. 110, It
appears, got up shortly afterward, and get
ting burglarlously Into the room occupied
by Lemon and Conte others, proceeded t o
NB a valise belonging to Lemon, with cloth
leg belonging to deponent and otters.
Lemon returned home 0000 and mined lila
valise and an overcoat worth He. Ile tu
.mtred utter the Missing property, and the
landlady informed him that she had seen
Doran going away with a valise. Two of
the boarders Immediately Started after Do
ran. They visited the Union Depot and
there learned that a young man anuwerieg
his description had purehasal a ticket for
Baltimore a short time before. They then
entered, the train and found Doran, with
the overcoat over his arm, mated, ready to
start for Baltimore. lie was taken toAlder-
Man Tailor's office, and Lemon, who is en
gaged at Hmsey'sworks made the infor
mation as stated. The Information made
charges Doren, alto Is grata a yonnt, man,
with iar.env of the coat aunt a pair of pant.
loons worth t 5. In the pocket of the stolen
pantaloons was the key of LCIISOU'S trunk,
mid as the valise. containing all the goods
stolen but the overcoat, had gone on to Bal
timore, tint hoarder, are unable, as yet, to
.oicertain what is stolen. Doran had a
ehiwk for the valise, bat by the time the
boarders had learned that he had the valise
tilled in his possession, the train had-de.
parted for the east.
After liorun.s arrest, Juices Cunningham,
and Patrick Itoohen both made inform.
11011 rigrdust him also for larceny. Cunning.
hula charges the defendant with stealing
from brut a cloth cost worth' ar, and Moo
hen . barges him with the larceny of 111 M
aloney. The prisoner acknowledges the
timt of Lemon'. property, but denies that
he stole from the others. In default of WO
hail he way committed to jail fora hearing
on Slummy.
Ate meeting of represeutativce from the
First Methodist Church on Fifth street,
(laic 3letheMit protestant,} the First Meth.
Church on Wylie street, flute Wee/el
n Meth...l6rd and the Second Methodist
l!tioren on Pennsylvania aienue, (late
Metnodlat Protestant,) held on Tuesday,
Janniry !Sib, goy. Alex. Clark. Chairman,
and Item, James Itobl.m and Jam. B.
f.rehaut, secretaries, It was unanimously
bi.;050 , 1 1.11 at tbu reopeCtlVe churcbeasnonkt
e designated by the DUlnerdlS.llnit.neCOnd
and third, according to the ago of each or•
ganltal.lol3. The utmost harmony null
lrotherly love pm:veiled; And MU:IOU/el the
IV) Ito street Church was the Ant to adopt
the name and discipline proposed by the
Culon Convention In Cincinnati last May,
Still its paste:, Rev. J. I:. Graham. the first
to Initiate Colon movement. yet In
deference to the parent lay . ropre.entatlve
Methodi , t Church on Fifth street, and re
cognizing a similar apirit of conee.lou
from the younger church on Ponnsylvanht
n by v. , nne, 150 title. wore 'arranged as tollews,
55 11 105 those churches will hereatter he
now - n:
First Ilethodirt Church, Fifth street.
second Methodist Chnrch, Wylie street.
Third, (formerly Second,) Pennsylvania
nVentt r.
Thrro will be n Union nen - leo of all the
eth ()dist churches in rittitburgb,Alleghe
ny nod Ilirmingiuni, next,.abbathut 1 r. x.
the ',con,' Church. Wylie street, wile •
:v. x. CIAO; Iv 71l preach U SGIMOu
suleldo If bile Under the Irkiloeurr or
ccroart Clatt , en yesterday held an 'ln
aemt ut Mount Washtnaton. on the body Of
Peter iltiodes, a ticrman, who was found
Maud in his roots, In a Louse near the Epis
copal Church, yesterday morning,
It appeared from the testimony that
!Modes occupied the lower story of the
Image, a mulatto family named kussall Ilv
log In the story above film. On Saturday
la, was rely much Intoxicated, and on sun
day and lionday nothing leasseen of him.
Thinking that he tnight be sick 31m. Rus
sell yesterday morning entered his room,
when eke discovered Rhodes In a kneeling
attitude It front of his bed, his knees not 1
.citie touching . Om (Mor k and his foam fear
, nity distorted. she rushed screaming
front the Louse and attracted the atten
tion of lir. William Itighy, who happened
to he passing at the tine, tic entered the
bongo with her, and feeling the pulse of
ilbodes to ore if yet remained, he the
covered that tho body was (roams stiff. A
ricer examination disclosed a tightened
coral around his neck, one end of which
as attached to the bed poet. Ile had evi
dently committed suicide while under the
influence of Litman Deceased was shout
sixty years of age, had been married, and
16.9 two children Whether his wife
is Mice or not is unknown: A verdict in ac
cordance with the facts was rendered.
righting Women In tho Watch Irons°.
nu 31ouday night Catharine Williams, a
bulky and sinewy Irish damsel, we t s ar.
n•nUal by a night watchman as a vagrant,
.and locked into a cell with two or threo
others of her sex. Oho was quiet and order
ly enough mall the cell NV 11.8 re-opened and
Jana Nichols, an Englishwoman, arrested
for drunkenness, was admitted. This was
about half past one o'clock yesterday morn
pm. We have heard of Ilia and tow. The
coming In contact of these two women wee
similar. The nationalities rose in instinc
tive antagonism,
and a wordy warfare wits
soon raging. Words did very well for
few minutes, hut would by no moans suf
fice for the dory Celt, and she speedily and
scientifically pitched into the unfortunate
cell mate and swiftly demolished waterfall,
crinoline and other goings, and draw forth
hair and blood in very appreciable qUantl
ties. Tim first round occupied but a few
seconds, and was succeeded by a spell of
comparative peace. The feud arose again
presently, and another battle resulted. Ily
this time him Nichols was completely re- ,
timed, and capitulated unconditionally.
Yesterday morning the Cottons woe com
mitted for thirty deys, and her victim was
also emit up for one day for drunkenness.
Union Among Pr..tutorfans.
The) Pittsburgh Presbytery of the Re
formed Prehhyterian Church, will meet in
the First Church (iter. Dr. Douglas') this
morning at ten o'clock. The Committee on
Union with other churches, appointed at
elate meeting of Presbytery, have issued a
circular inviting ministers of other denone•
muttons and Elders, to meet In convent lon
with the, for the purpose
of having an Interchange of slows on the
Matter 01 organic union. Pnasbyterian and
other soots have been ins militant state
long enough, and we are glad to see thlt
the ministers of the gospel are beginning
to think no.
krbould anything important transpire at
the meeting to-day, we will lay a roportof
beton oar readers.
IPsins Co's Artesittips—For instantly
plating sit articles or ceppee, brass or Gor
man Clear, Wi ll pnre sneer, where worn
off, and for cleansing sppolishing sliver
or silver•platen ware. W arrnnte4 to con.
Linn no quicksilver or acid, or any injurious
article. For salo br:Y. Sample, Auaghony,
sittl all druggists. tleltelf
. .
Pi ' ' t . ,
I I- ir Itr :
Trial List for This Day.
DISTRICT Cocar—Judge Hampton.
H. Joseph Barton, guardian of minor
children of Isaac Thompson, deceased,
Elisabeth Thompson, John Fullerton
and Margaret Fullerton, his wife, in
right of said Margaret, vs, Joseph Bar.
ton, admiolstrator of Mary Thompson,
deceased, ',vita notice to heirs at law,
73. William Fisher vs. Gillespie & Mitchell.
no. Benjamin Coursin vs. Uhl.. Barnes.
e1..1. B. Choesoboroogh vs. Penna. Ins.
03. W. C. Thompson vs. Wm.llembleright,
et al.
Si. Briggs t Mulverhill vs. - T. W. Briggs,
SS. Colon Iron Mills vs. Tionerdaoll and
Barrel Manufacturing Company.
59. Woo. C. Dunn vs. Pittsburgh, Fort
Wayne & Chicago R. R. CO.
Canaan PLEAB—Judge Sterrett.
224. Central Park Stating Co. vs. Smith.
2=l. Dilworth vs. Work, McCouch & CO. •
Italthel vs. Kodpschild.
tal. Fulton val Foster.
Itl2. Mete vs. Atwood.
Taggart TN. McShane. •
Richard vs. Wilson.
. in. Wightman vs. McClolland.
1. Fulton vs. Phillips.
2. Ilartmeyer vs. Kiel, et al.
QUARTER Bassoons—Judge Stowe.
Commonwealth vs. John B. Kennedy. in
dictment libel. S. Schoyer. Jr., Seq., pros
District Court.
Before Judge Hantnton.
The Wry In Ulu ejectment case of Walls
•s. elterfor,caute into Court on Tuesday
°ming, and rendered a verdict tor do.
The case of William 11. Brown vs. Albeit
'Young. Action to recover the yahoo of a
flat boat, taken up ou Monday, went to the
Jury about neon. Verdict in favor of plain
tiff for g 260. • 1
Ardesco 011 Company vs. Tack, Bro. A Co.
Action to mentor the price of ono thousand
barrels of refined oil, sold to defendants at
forty-four cents per gallon. Dill of particu
lars, dated July, TO, was offered in evi
dence. Allowances were made in the bill
to the amount of 41970, making the claim of
plaintiffs a1i,035,01. Defendants claimed to
have purchased the oil under a contract.
and to have been paid for it. The contract
was offered In evidence. and its vaildit3' ac
knowledged, but objected to by plaintiffs as
irrelevant. After consultation, the Jury
was discharged and cause passed by con
Foster A Company vs. Peter Coleman.
Action to recover the amount of
Co.: promm
seri' note given:by Coleman :to Lloyd
& Black, whichrwsw lifted by plaintiffs. On
trial at adjournment.
Common Pleas
Court tot at nine- o'clock*, Judge Sterrett
on the beneh. •
L. Is. Ifallace.vs. John 11. Little. Appeal
from Alderman nay., Allegheny. Plaintiff
.11 , 1 not appear. mu a 11011--filllt was
Same vs. John A. Little and Ere&lel Mer
riman. Action In replevin for two hones,
water cart to., valued nt ;lon-snit
tugust ?dueller. anal wife vs. Jacob Lies.
Nichol. Snoop vs- John Carr. Action
or trespass. Non-suit enAored.
Philip Wough vs. Frederick Crider. Non- ,
suit entered.
C. H. Robinson vs. Joseph Lchrsporgeri,
John Leech VS. Lords Lehner and wife. ;
Plaintiff called and not:answering non-snit
John W. Council vs. Joseph Lowrie. De. 4
fondant appeared in open Court, and co,
res. , ' judgment in favor of plaintiff
forpied. $391,C, with COstli, which plaintiff or
co' •
John Nana vs. John Schaub, John McDon
ald and James Lindsay, into .partners ns
Schaub. McDonald .t.(;o. Actil
value of lumber sold to defen
bill rendered. t eidict to favi
for 006,53, being the amount
interest from July id, Did.
Thomas Kerr vs. Elisabeth McCormick, -
Sarah Ann Stewart, Robert Kerr. Joseph
Kerr, Thomas Kerr, Julia Ann Kerr and
Sydney Mame Kerr, children and heles-at
law of Joseph Kerr, and Jacob Young, ten
ant In postession. Action In ejectment for
eighteen ernes oL-land In Baldwin town
ship. The will of Samuel Kerr, father of
plaintiff, reader "To my son Joseph I de
vise and bequeath, for and l‘luring his nat
ural life, the hocAo in which he now resides,
together with five acres of ground around
and convenient thereto, provided he re
sides upon and continutu to occupy tile
same himself, and at Ids decease,. or upon
his removal from said house and lot, 1 de
vise the same over to -my son Thomas, his
heirs and assigns forever. The aforesaid
occupancy Is to be by my eon Thomas per.
Anosilir, and not by tenant." Under anoth
er clause of the will the residue of the
. . . .
property is bequeathed to Thomas Kerr,
his heirs and assigns. The will was made
In January, .1547, and the devisee died In
MI. Joseph Kerr, died In IS‘ld. in-Alleghe
ny, whence he removed In MA. having rest.
dad on the property in dispute since 1510,
Defendants claim under the statute of lim
itations. Joseph Kerr, whose heirs they
are, having held undisputed possession for
over twenty-one years, Including seven
years before the making ot the will. On
trial at adjournment.
Oyer and Terminer.
Before Judges rtowe and Mellon
Judge Stowe charged the jury in the CAS*
of the Commonwealth ye. Michael Sullivan,
indicted for outraging Maggie Mitchell,
ini,mediately after the areembling of the
Court, on Tuentay morning. The Jury re=
turned a few minute. before tea
The case of the Commonwealth vs. ltobt.
110liMier, (colored,) Indicted for the'..mnr-,
der of James WCutcheon at sharPidiorC,
in September lest, was ceded up by the
trial Attorney, Col. L.ll. IML A coftlinu
ance sow •pplied for by Ge r. If. Collier,
of counsel for defense, on the ground oral,
pence of material witnesses. Tills was re
fused, and It Was dually
w agreed Witt the
eau would be proceeded ith to-marrow
(Thursday) morning. The prisoner was
formally arraigned, utter which rues la
the quarter Sessions wore disposed of.
Quarter SenaLoa
This Court, on 'Tuesday, disposal of the
following cases, Judge Stowe 00 the bend,
esteem FELONIOUS •searsr.
In September last, whilst the energies of
the Hoard of Health were in full play In
nosing out unclean localities in the city,
'with s. view to guard against cholera be
coming epidemic, they found occasion to
visit, Station's Court, in the Third ward,
wherein Jtthn Hughes and Patrick Dean re,
side. The approach of the health officer
was made known, when Dean engaged in
conversation with Hughes, wiso, at the time,
had his knife out cutting tobacco for his
pipe, Dean disclaimed having given Infor
mation concerning the filthy condition of
the Court, more words passed, and neatly
the parties "came together," and when sep
arated St was discovered that Dean had
bean cut In the able rather severely. The
transaction resulted In the prosecution of
Hughes by Dean for felonious assault and
battery. It appeared from the evidence
that Dean first seined hold of linglies by
the throat, and, that after being taken
away he andeavered to gat at him again,
There was nothing developed to justify the
conclusion of felonious Intent, on the con
trary, the prosecutor, us the testimoey . in
dicated, was the assaulting party, and that
the wound wan inflicted unintentionally by
the Attendant, - having a pee-knife lnhls
hand as he pushed the prosecutor away
from him. The Jury found a verdict of
"not guilty, defendant to pay the cone."
.Thomas Lawrence. of Versailles town
ship, was indicted for selling liquor with
out Delano, having been returned by the
district constable,. - D. 11. Carnahan; but It
appearing that lie did not sell liquor dur
ing the time he had no license, or at least
that it was doubtful whether he did, the
Jury acquitted, and required the county to
pay the costs.
after recess the District Atornoy was
unable to got up a case, owing ,to the sib.
pence of sounsel and Wit.llo3l3BM, end Court
adjourned about throe o'clock.
Habeas Corpus Cases
Tuesday at 1 P. a, was the time tired for
the return of two writs of habeas corpia
taken out by it. B. Morrison, Mao., on Satur
day, in the muses of Theodore Parker Lyman
and William allies "Snibba" Arnold—the
former committed by the Mayor on a
charge of larceny, and the latter as a "pro- .
fesalonal thief" ender the "ninety depart,"
first enacted for the city of Philadelphia,
and extended to Pittsburgh I . lB ° l At the
JJesignated hour Mr. White, Warden of the
ell, produced the bodice of the aroused 2 as
commanded, and there Were useamit; be•
able their counsel, District. Attorney Doti;
Mayor McCarthy. Mr. Michelson, hie Clerk,
Chtel of Police Hague, and two others of the
police torte..
oxes Or 1.11L&7,
It was claimed that Lyman was illegally
and unjustly deprived of hie liberty on the
following mate of facts, On the Id Instant
he was trlod and acquitted, before tinelgo
Stowe, on an indictment cheroot mm
with the larceny of dicrergr,t, & ma c . of
clothing, among them a beaver cloth over
coat of the value of sLity dollars, the prop
erty of liners° Allia9my, dyer and seourer.
On the same day he watt reArreated on an
infortnation charging him with the larceny
Of an OYMV9I4, the Foporty of g4wqr
Brush.which ooat had been left in charge of
the man Massey for the purpose of being
cleansed, was taken from 'As place of busi
ness, and included in the minnmeration of
articles in the indictment on which Lyman
was tried and found not guilty. Mr. Moral
son claimed that the acquittal of Lyman=
the merits of the case. Massey, the prose•
cuter haring failed to identafy•the coat,
which had been' found in the po,
session of the accused at the time,
or subsequent to his arrest, was a bar to a
Second trial, and therefore asked that he be
released from his imprisonment. Mayor
McCarthy (not noticing the presence of the
District attorney, who came in after the
case had been taken up) represented the
Commonwealth, stating that the matter
Lad been brought before Judge Stowe, who
had refused to discharge the prisoner. Sub.
sequently, in the face of the remark of
Judge Stowe, that the question could Only
be properly raised on the occasion of
another trie,the writ of habeas corpus had
been taken out. District Attorney Doff
stated the fact that on the trial of Lyman,
the coat in question not being klentided by
Massey, conviction for the larceny of it
was not pressed and no evidence offered
concerning it. Judge Sterrett deferred
giving his decision Until he Lail consulted
with Judge Stowe.
Under the provisions of the "profession.
al thief" or ' , ninety day act," a party who
may "feel aggrieved" at the judgment of
the committing magistrate, can claim a
"ro-hearing." Arnold denied that he was
a "professional," and also that. sufficient
evidence that he was such had not been ad.
duced before the Mayor. Thu veteran thief
catcher. Robert Hague, whose business It
Is to hive an extended knowledge of the
fraternity, was called and sworn. Ho had
known Arnold for eight or ten years, and
knew of his having been arrested on sever.
al occasions for stealing; he had been in
the Western Penitentiary twice, for steal
ing, and had alio enjoyed the hospitalities
of Cherry Hill, in the East, with John Bird
and Enoch Howell, two very well-known
Pittsburgh "cracksincn." Arnold (said
Hague) was known to the pollee as a pro
fesasorial thief and had no visible means of
making a living. Ito was ,arrested
at the Irwin House, tavern and restaurant,
on Liberty street, whore ho, with Bird null
others, loitered at night. There had been
frequent complaint of emigrants being
robbed at that place and In the vicirdty,
which led to the arrest of Arnold, Bird and
others, and since their Incarceration tnere
had been no complaints. A night police.
man, on whose heat the Irwin House is lo
cated, testified that he had noticed Arnold,
Bird and Jack Toting lurking about, and
that Arnold and Bird had proposed to him
that If he would arrest •• any person with
whom he might see them teaseling they
would "make it all right with him."
Mayor McCarthy was . called; and upon
being asked whether he knew the
reputation of Arnold, said that he
dial and that it was that of
a .thief.. At the earnest solicitation of
friends of Arnold, the Mayor said: he had
released him upon the condition that ho
would leave the city within a given time,
and not return for two years. At the expi
ration of the time fixed for his departure
from the city "for the city's goral," he ap
plied for an. extension of his furlough, to
which His Honor cheertuilyilssented. Sub
sequently a friend of Bird's, al. under 'ar
rest as a "profesalonal,' applied to the
Mayor for his release basing his appeal on
the fact that Arnold had been let aroma
remained in the City, having non-complied
with the condition of his release, Arnold
was then re-arrested, and after a hearing,
committed to Ail for the term of ninety
days. •
Mr. Morrison Inquired of the Mayor where
ho obtained his authority for exercising the
right of banishment from the city. His
Honor said he did not claim such right, It
was a. matter of choice to Arnold. It was
for him to deride whether he wonla leave
the city or stand a hearing. "Leave the city
or go to jail under the unconstitutional
ninety-day-professional-thief act," suggest
ed Mr. Morrison. "No." said the Mayor "he
haenot been committed, but was awaiting
hearing." "Did you not keep him in the
lock.up twenty-seven days, awaiting a
hearing I" asked Mr. Morrison. in every
instance. save one, the hearing was defer
red at the request of Arnold's cenusel,"
said the Mayor.
in contradiction of tlie testimony of Mr.
Hague, the record (Court calendar) was pro
duced, showing that' ono - of the terms of
imprisonment suffered in the Penitentiary
by Arnold was for the offense or assault
and battery with intent to kill, and not for
atealing. Hence, Mr. Morrison contended,
where a witness was so "Immensely" mis.
taken in solnaterial a fact, the remainder
of Idatestimony should be disregarded.
ion to recover
retard., as per
or of plamtltf
claimed, with
Judge Sterret thought the testimony of
the Mayor war; conclusive as to the chars. ,
ter of Arnold, aside from the proposal
which he bad made to the night policeman.
No honest tnau would accept the condition
upon which the Mayor had released him.
Arnold evidently was a“professional thief,"
and the Court wonld not deprive him of
further enjoyment of the comfort of the
county prison. A nod to Warden White
was sufflelent,and"snibbs" and his brother
in-crime, Lyman, in turn responded to the
Warden's beckon by following him to the
A driver named Atmore, in the employ
of J. 11. McLaughlin, oyster dealer St. Clair
street, had a narrow escape on Monday. He
was crossing the Fort Wayne and Chicago
.Itailroau in Allegheny city, near the Drov4
Yards, with a wagon. In driving over,
the wheels of the wagon caught the rails
and the driver was unable to extricate them
before a locomotive came up, striking the
wagon, and pushed it along for some dis
tance, rendering it a perfect wreck. The
horse and driver wore thrown over an ern•
bankmeat, and although somewhat bruised,
i neither of them was dangerously injured.
Car Driver Arrested.—Peter Donnelly
yesterday made information before Alder
man Lynch . , charging Chas.-Cameron, dri
ver of car ,0.12, on the Oakland Passenger
Railway, with assault and battery. It is
alleged that on Friday night the deponent
was drivi Fifth, horse wagon near Wylie
street, onwhen he was accused by
defendant of running his wagon into the
car. Ile denied it, when the .Irirer assaul
ted hlm, hitting with some instrument In
the face and cutting a gash under the eye:
nooncc was arrested yesterday alter: -
and held tor a further hearing.
Chan-lag s Jury.-11. Judge in the ens ,
tern portion of the State recently summed
a case in a novel and sprightly ntyle,
which astonished his entire auditory. lie
said “Gentletneu of the jury, in this case
the counsel ou both sides are unintelligi
ble, the witnesses on both sides are incted
ibis, and the plaintiff and defendent are
Loth. su'h ball characters, that to rue it is
indifferent which way you give your ver
Alarm of Fire.— Yesterday moraine
about four o'clock, an alarm of lire was
struck from station N 0.61, corner of Penn
and Morris streets, which was caused by a
slight lire in the rear of a second hand
01°1111111g store on. Pike street, in the Fifth
ward. The tire was extinguished without
• _ . _ _
material damage. The engines were on
Land in a few minutes from the time thei
alarm was Oren.
Additional City and Suburban on
Fourth Page.
mccAnTnY-10111 , F1KE.1 , --On Titemday ev . e r n.
log, Dm Deb Inst.. by Eev.Y . oller. baba. Pet
i 's
Chores. JOEIN (7. IIeUARTny. Esq., to 3 . 11,
. Yo rkMe k' and Norfolk paper. pielise etatiy.2
TAYLOR—WELCH—Yesterday moraine. at
the _Sam H
Sacra Avenue Methodist Church. RO
move, MIL. ay Res. ]tr. McCord, JOUR W.
TAYLOR. Esq.. or Eitistiseh, .and Miss SA.L.
LIE E. W ELLM, daughter ofJolin Welsh, Esq..
or Betas:wire.
GILLELAIiD-0. Wednesday. Nor. 70,
at dram. Mr. DAVID ttILLELAND. 01
ton towristtly. It Ws !Al year.
beautlful l•Ilod'e-scre. o Ole grantr
bon place of scpelchro, except •no. l
n tbls coun
ty, ctooted on - hreve Brighton rojul. lactnedlnte•
ly north of Allecheo7 , For bur. , intn.nulta
or title., call at Central Drug Btore of COOL A
CLANCY, Allegheny CID.
N.. 160 Fourth street. l'lttoblaN.. CO7Pllird
of AU N.
kludsl 01.1 . 38. 0 LOt, 4 ,1. 4ver , 4 ,
suription Of Funeral Furnishing sods furnish.
esi. insoms opened 41sy end night . Hearse and
emreAges forntaled.
Wevkur.seEc—lter. David k err, D. IL. Itav,
L. W. Jacobus. LLD., TbOrriss ZIN lug, E.sq.. Jn
-11, 11.3110er, Lug.
T. WELITE & CO. ,_ R
.idanchtster, Wood . . Eon and vicinity.
Corner Ilhealeld sod Criartiers street&
Reuse and Carriages furnisbed.
032LE1ELP; XIS 81.
Xe. 92 Federal Sired,
w ATcnsat, ciLUSIL
AT AVERT •tall. mon% Ar; ;4 4 4
6 Wylie SI., 3d door Itsti
Bodied:dog nice for • HoltdAT
pre-este' to one order. Orone OrM a llerealegi,..
Inotoreds Eneops. tdeo.ruldd go
- -
Time keepers from Slat° ter&i.
Tact. ape' ?ISM illetrod.
.___. . - .
11111111..." . '
Psforeextetlun between the and et,
.der the E ra name oral. PAWOZIT a - 00.... .
In the ..orenon Brewery," was ellasadvoll
teal consent on the tweloh( l7 .) - Wt. ThialiWi ::
tiers of the nrm will be settled at the Wril: vi:'
by 15• AC BllitTOlf..late clerk If We ante ,
Is authorised to use the Valle et this lira la se.'"
up the busineas. YeA. P lt i ktOr i k.. -.. '''
Pittsburgh, Jemmy Ugh, ISC, •_ . _ - ..-
-.. , .
11..11:4401d one enttbb Brilelinagai x tlArt.....:!= .'
Hop Ba.haeas to hf • P.M.m. ea, r -
CO. we Would requires from oar friends a 5aa01'.". 4 ..' - :
tiatiabee 'of ;beso therein bestearall i i : i1r':.7....,
darts' the numb arrears we limn It ',--- -..
Mem. Pre have et hesitation I n rale '..,.,..
Inn the new arm. as fret then rellnle.llellea.. - .... ,: :
111 the butane.. we hare no doubt IsIIII ;my
mat et tated ate excellence of our
D. SAWOITT a 00. : .. 1
- • • ... .•-•••
Bete:trig to the above. we would' Infant tlib':".
Pahlle that we shall endeavor to mutt is !heir-
ulnae of :the liberal patronene entele4 WIWI ',
WIS firlll of D. Fawcett a co. cad Na
per tenee in the buelliess. Oa ' gaiety say Mal wa-', ..
will be able to give entire entieffintlers Stengel '.'
who mar favr - with Olen (Order..
Jan all h rum DANILILLS a 00. .''.':-: i'i,,
aix.rr OP aioxErxr -
A.Mr. Lewis hu alresdy sold 1:0X1.13=14,11 .1. 'I II 4
Montgomery sotterty, ra.. Z2d boil )let • ,--
go amiltional.
Mi. Brush toad VSO tot Balm toasty. NA:.
sold OM Dampers In a few %uvula!" oat -.,'•
sold the remsioder of hts toasty for ILI . ;
seltblosig weeks. Rolm slate partkododttylk, •"-:
• Mr. Bid. 11.n11/ tent the DaTt ea SUMS
ID his hotel, was so well pleased 11011 mai Ihiii, ; ! -:,
bought the right to Umlauts of ow Tort. --,
State and County. BIWA Ur lOW .. • ,:,
. ~..
Bend stamp Or Circular. or,non, ___
J. iti. WHIDDt_
So. II Firth wmat. Pilitibmseli. SM. -
Jos. tuanovi..r. 1..A.76111n1t..7. ANDWIOX.h.
pIrA,VING lIECEN'rLi Pllll.l
formerly owned by Wears. H.LNet TES
& Co4 , ffle retpectfulty Ittfamtlirptillita Sharwst.
wlll continue the atanalbotexa el.
Sheeting's, Cotton Yarns, carpot
Chains, Candle Wick
and -Batting.
Orders may be Jett It the OCie lathe watt.
MOB SHRUM 80111S11817,Min
Comer of Duquesne WU awl Barka's Ll*7.
X.1ttark01.2,1103., pae
• •
Have More improvfilpenty
• creaßE a
EXkDsi *
' Om
Andmt d o M t O n. I y.l4aei T
l n ldn2Wl tM
2 . 1 Fifth street; Pittsburgh.
89 89 89 89 89 89 8O
1 89
C=9 Mi.'Bl, l
89 Market Street;
.x:ar r crrrir
NO larallON Goons law.
JkB. ROBB, 89 Market se.
'B9 l
1 89
S 9 89 , 89 89 89 89:89
Gas and Steam Fitters,
A Lugs WOMEN= at
Chandeliers, Brackets, tea*' Pipe,
Pumps, Sheet Lead, Itt.„
tai Wood Siren*, near
my b 7
If. C. 0w5.5....D. cnAronn. ....Aso. Tom.
Adopted bytir. S. Govertmeat.
Non explode. Clasp sad Basntifille 'BITM II
thrm-rold /rester Iliss Vey AIM,
luny. This patens is Minitel so Lit I•lll•Pnrielmee
es, sod as the wick Is merely • comanew. see.,
requires an y ulsoming. Batmen o•Leelle
°Alli'gk i llu t ZAVW/I ,T 4 7 ")
officeoPtmelte Pon Usc., MeMll- ilteoMll
Neert depot. second floor.
J. F. STARK St Co.,
Corner of Wood and Third Btre* 1
[Drive ]line and Bien nat.,'" isclasas ea
ENtiL.ll5lll. YEANOI. GEOLLIM. :Tam
stela:paYfirr at.. JitC.
& scorr, SiXing
maxim 13(
Flue Watches, Clocks, Jewelry *
974 mazarr "Tare.
2.l.ttialcourvisa imiiNCLll4ll6.
F Panamint. - ansutlon thrlit kk i ftitiLll
Wate d kmator, Cloaks sad Jewskry, All est.
Pricticalnue Ilanatittgorg
jest styles of 1111111ITLISZ toeSSa n is ea
31‘0.1EL MILAX.4II.
ant wOl r".ll 7 2l " Y'r -h 3 1,2=1
11011.41 t, one good WALALLUS.,
to be ootkedandislfdFtg ' at
HOWLED'S MI EAT I 1111.3 craw
lltrst meet' gear htedaegebas UP," •crwl"
DAY Tir-1(1. 2.r. 21.
To LET,. -
The Wirthoose 27 Wood Ste \,
Novi occupied by T. A.Alm £ Q. loft
Miler I:dor/nation. apply .
Ati fit WAS
No. ST Wood sizes% a t
FOB nEwri
max ROOM Mu.esimisicrreraiiris
°mess us ssunuarso isAistUltss.
J. .L , 4113iiaira.
Atty as Law, Ittillsallarel&
10:3.-:4 boW, (30 la • box,) f!I balll ISA
rebel Ted sII4 for Ws tg avaim a
4114 • lies wt 44