Q ri 0 ME BATES it,BELL'S R INTER DRY GOODS U C E D! Bleached Muslin, kNcra. 1-1, for 25c. White Blankets, $7,00 to $20,00, French Merinos for 75c., worth $1.25. WOOL SHAWLS, OVA STOCK BEDUCEV. BAT ESt BELL'S '2l Fifth. Street. SPECLAL AND SEASONABLE. MACRUII S CARLISLE, No. 19 Fifth Street. .7.L,AOTIC BEAMIAItin Ua U for la dleo— antewo lo d not to shrink, and notch onpe rlort o flannel. M%:f=tM=lM AAriUFini—J;st the thing for tike, I•l;T s C,liitgie Ml g.k i' :iirl , lK4.lt.st the thing roe Lig‘l7.7. kitatiVaari7t!M.,-N22l`.t, i!ZOLISit a.NI) 1.3.t.)211 bpleadal .assortment ja..t opened, at rt.:laud EOM)CLOAE.b.I.III.I% SONTAGt , , SCAB'S. kt.. Le. FlEtMM==iMmlnn s greatl; rcaueed. la vsrs CLOSING OCT AT LOW PRICES, =9 32C1C0L,27:).EL"2" .ariODCIIII/. Ladlesand gentlemen WI LID, lo mate New Year will end many useful and sellalile are Steles. MACRVM & CARLISLE, 19 WITTH sTitEvr. NEw . GOODS JUST RECEIVE!i 331 r JOS. 1:10R -1 1.;TE & CO. "'all anortment of .111,0.11%Pk.eTS 4XD Rd TB, I= 1%/r11111.,,,1nr Goods. c‘ toes and rramea, rats Taney and Colored Silk Ve: t. in most dearable sbadc.; - Slain Pitney Boo net and Trimming Itlbbock., new and rich colon; !lower thole:eat French and Amerinan; feather., t and Vargo. 11 MI 13 XL CD I 3ZI X 31113, (Well ~sorted.) Oceanic, Hansbura, Swiss, Lou,oe Cluny, Valan ce-tine Edginga ands nserting,: Flonsicings, Bands and Bugling; Embraldetyd mid Plain Linea CO/. Inra, (Mink& is, Laces and Lace Good. 111, es* Lisa Cloak Tlizallalon and ornaments: Mall Prince, Gimps and Braids: .I),gs Trimmings, Bugle Frames. - WHITE GOODS: MOM oonivlete stook of Judaea, Cambria, &c...ite. • = • Bandkeratdcfe, Pain. LICO, Renpatitebed, Hem med, Embroidered, Teas Bordered, eta., etc. Hosiery mid Clover In every variety slag. Ladies' and lien's linderwear. h'ui-nli/►ing Goods: • • . 110 .P0ndera ssul Neck-Ties; Heavy nista &lad Drasser,, Duplex, Bong,. .od UM - Hoop BUM; Corsets, Hats Puffs, :Sets, union sad Silt Salting. Buttons-thesstest.isoveltles. .11 ands. Ysrar-lircatest mifirty, Cashmere, LssslSS WOOl 000 Hal gln Use various xrd.rtarss. 010.10 0010= etut random. • Gears Paper Colls.rs, sad sTall Wag Ls the 100- Stott due. Prima as ow as Pastern Jobldsix Howes. Noi: 77 and 79 Market Street. MACIIIITM, GLIDE is CO., • 78 and 80 Market Street, IV URI,: RUSES, JEW/LI. CASES. WATCH STANDS, CIUAR• CARD BASKETS, TRAVELING BLOB. °A II :2L3tUm, ic • • F...11.11WJ11:16111M; LACES, IiANDUERCHI.Eri, ( °"1601d,, FIuzIERT AND GLOVE!. 4.1.104V8 FM-WISH MG GOODS, • ZlPti YU a ti AWLS, WlCHaft AND 1100D*, - • ' ' .IN VI:11AB .A.NI) ECA.11.98 • 110 QC PKIRT 9, • OVEIdICTS wantareLbkr.— ts, • BAIR tioLLS. de. ntorekeepers Nal Awl it to Weir StirallUife to ageort their Stock from Our . Wholesale Department. del: HOLIDAY GIFTS. CERMAN AND SWISS 3ParLoy Goods • Cured Basket.,Brackets, - Jewel Borea'and Ornaments, rortatinalas, Wallets, • Satchels, Card Cure.' Smell,' Burls, Vane, Knit Good.. Linen liandkerslders, ‘ Esobroldertea—slldescripUOttse lace Cohan and Bandicerchtels, • Colfures and Barbee, Ladles% 43 eat., and Chlldren , s Hid (dorm Borwood and Clarnet Jewelry, Tollet tioapa, 2c., GESTLE3IEII3I4 .ENDERWE4B, cell Ties, Suspenders, LBW /lose. &will. Bear( Pins, Insure Buttons AT LOW PRICES. F. IL EATON, 17 Fifth St. GOODS FOB TUE HOLIDAYS, DENNISON'S , X 0.21 FIFTH STREET. • 'LACE AND EMBROIDERED HANDETS FANCY SCARFS._ NoRWEDIA.N LEATHER SATCHELS, PORTIAONIAES, CIGAR CAsES, GLOVE BOXES. FANCY . FANS, _ LADLES COMPANIONS. CARD CASES, LACE COLLARS, LACI. SETTS, • EBEBROLDERED SETTS, LACE HANDKERCHIEFS, HEMSTITCHED HANDKERCHIEFS, EMBROIDERED SLIPPER:I, KID OLOVF.S, - RUCK tiLOVES." CLOTH. GLOVES, lINDERGARREATS, *BITE gmARTS, SUSPENDERS, NECKTIES, LINEN COLLARS, YAPEE couess, ao,, AC. elling LOW for (lob. GABB Y IQceAPILDEBB & CO., trAla Vinaes. Casa a C 0.. ).. WHOLESAIS. DINLIMISD FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC OQY 110011 • WINDoz satioEs-.Ntiainv lot of ViE t trr tra/Mrt s lifUN, c rtroat. 4055. lc. Wan 130.A.T.i001C4A 0 . - ' I. sr. acrslana.w..— ............ —..r. WM. N. CLANEY .61 CO., •. Gas Coal Works, PhPAMLLT LVtopers endL., el deers I CO•in eterE6lo a.ll 13.10 AND 81 . 2 d eA.CIS. Pc•t -„,. ,d y , e ss h PQM Ari 7. Plltsburgb, end LUCK n:Mr:VSIB I 4 seen. ts gl, Barad Ban Building, corner Libertp l s '"l4 lsl Intim alley. Pitsburgh. mte,t,t , ,, - No. b Liberty street, under l'emn'ti. 11. 11. - o - Ateobsalc street. Pittsbutt b and eorner 9 A denten street end P. P. W. K. All T n • . All orders left et either Or the bo e- hen - c ere prousnt attention. s VORT PITT COAL COMPANY.•-- ..n: shipper. and A/eaters in Superior Faintly and Steam Coat. Not Coal mid Slack, general Otter sec , ond stemy Pittsburgh Sayings Sank building. corner Liberty Street and Virgin alley. Branch OCler, earner Try and Third streets. eittaborgll. Orders lett at either or Om shore places will receive prompt attention. PooleMee Address Box 567, Pittsburgh, DMECTORS: J. J. GEr.t.E.irrc, IL L. TAnszsr.r.. - x, b. ticCuicx.L.T. Wm.Um [mum. litortale b. 111 AD, 411. .11ORT,Dli W. T. 131tY1-NT. • coax Ltrarn ()Smoot, =CI!AM== B. 7:inica; rreaenrrr. W. M. CLABEY &CO, ]emcees, 1.1,411.1 PITTSBURCH NATIONAL COIL AND COlill COMPANY, MINERS, SHIPPERS AND DELL- A... PAW, Wholes ale sod Eaoll. 10. BEST FARBLEY COAL, I%Tiat Coca nand. IBlLemoolir.. OFFICE AND YA ED. 0013.NElt .11'011/I.TII AND TRY IsTREETV., Vlttsborgb, AU order. C.1.1r deUv ry la he City, or almoht West, will/meet prompt and laustedist I attention. 11. A. 81.:kiNABLI"Vorrtaintendon. C 04.1.1 COALIi (*ALM • IMPORTANT TO CONSUMERS. HUMMEL & RABER the attention of thepublic to th eir toe atoel of COAL Jost received, including the follOwlng rtettes • - • Lulap, Feat, 1, Sane Thestant, Lyblaili Valley, N0m.1,2, 8, and (beaten', Allof which [bey ono to deliver at the LOWletre BATEB, bythe epee ton, car load, boat toad or thousand tons. All orders promptly attended to. Mee: 102_Chestnte street, near the Mae: odhle • " COAL: COAL I I COAL !! DICKSON, STEIVRT & CI; Haling removed tact eiScc to No. INEV9-T-411borr9 troot. (lAtely cry In..rig:al) SECOND YLOOXt, Are airareip,A4.ocl'onruleti LL c a:l s Tar h o . rcb en, at th' w Al , oegers omen, or addresexl to them through tbo molt, he attended to Promptly • CHARLES a. AIIrASTILLONG, • DLL= 131 Youghi . ogheny and Connellaville Goa] Coil, Slack. and Deautplunizei Coke, OFFICE ...VD TARP. Corner of Butler ant Morten: Sint yard on Liberty and Clymer streets, Ninth Irani,. and on klecsand stet ear Lona...No:l, Pittsburgh, Pa. Pam sad alannfsetnrers aLoplted with the best article of Coal or Cote at thelbrest nub rotes. Orders lett at say oft eire.trv.2t BANKS Arm R&NtERS. BAIiKI.N6 HOUSE N. BODIES & SAS, 3Etiaii]mor's, No. 57 MARKET STREET, Pittsburgh. De r a.l ts received In Par }Rinds mid Cv 'ready. Collections made Ca n ed.e prlnelpalpolnle or the Milted dtatee and . STOCKS BONDS AND OTHER SEOURITI ES Bought and Sold On Commission. Particular attention paid to the purchase and .11.1! UNITED STATES SEMBITIES. MDLIIDEriti United Haste. Sixes of 18801 • Do. do 6000 1 . acre Do. Certtucates ot ' indebtednets. Order* and Vouchers bought or collected. 15.13:17 0;c114iliat:4:1 J (_)I3LINT 431-11,ALIC, MUSE AND BIOS. PAINTER, GRAINER AND GLAZIER, . loo; 54 Hand St,, Pittsburgh, Plain .d Ornamental Blom of every desCript lon done to order. All work done promptly at rumen. able rites.. . 1ee:aol 11 U. BROWN, (Late eft he Ilan of Baowx Monaco.,) HOWSE AND SIGN PAINTYRS, Garner of Tkaill and ILarkat street: PITTSEIVRER. PA WHOLESALE DRY GOODS. ARBUTHNOT, SHANNON & CO., No. 115 Wood St., Pittsburgh, lieTe In store astareertTiog, • fall assortment of DRY GOODS HD ItitOTIONS Which they offer at EASTERN. PRICES AND TO WHICH The Attention of Dealers is Invited. c- dV arTIIIIO2..W. T. StriNNO.7i..7.O.,STETICUOION. FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. New .Stle Ottomans, meat datable and most eteain; & u. Melo of of 9'. E°4:12.3.0,T11. To be mire, fOrrod. Ma nu ylefacs tured .and only by our : AU other Mof TiOCULA.D2I3 i'e a n i a n 'Lrr::M u gni:; , % g jbVeln ,l AlV. P :L MOFMauUq3) & COLLINS, Nos. 71 and 73 Fllib Street, Se dooraboudDlopitch Building, Second Floor MEAN COTTON WORKS, E. HYDE'S SONS An now nsnared to annnisetnrs COTTON YARN. CARPET CRALN,' COVERLET YARN, CANDLEWICK, _ 1 . TWINE, Ilk rmas, COTTON 'WARM Lc.. At. WENT CANAL STREET..Detween Robinson sod Leenek. Allegheny City: Pa. - • - P. B.—All orders oy mail attended to. non self WATCIIEI, CLOCKS, JE VIFELItIf SILVER PLATED WARE • - AND x...a.xv ar co co xa Es. AT S. - Mi. C:11:11=1.7163, 37 Ohio Street, Allegheny, Flan Watch and Zlock Repairing pron , P , l , tt tended to. JeLsrrr .pIUVATE DISEASES. nu YOUNG, llsts of Pialsdelpllls ' ) Ti) Third rivet: trust fall dslieriptlOs.ot Prf Vat. Ptsesfiesi with nstp• .eleassoesu. - Fartteour et t eh tleep t utoam tastordweni sal diseases of that:.llMT Mous. His Less= gat fel the usme beicur niott aGCCB4taI ever amptoriep Fltidrlrj===dleit•io earn rS. 44rl at . to ae7 Mtoli=ettlraltnlAgnto 9,6 bottle. No. WWII/SAM deVs.es at er, .11 2 desired tor ebstlnat4 - Tiro Dollar* s. Olt it. 0111oetgolnit Sci PA e l rots e rigitttd..wimirat - • NEW r4PEtt RAN . 01768. PAlLlDEtbArnracalgo, With Gold Bor. a nß LISBAZIVI-40 ratterso on . C ll2O ilTh'ltzmus—New Grim* Pittitras 80. Orr rra_ daRAMBW—Lsoe 1441 guilts raterne rirmizt. >lllllOninr ETA, Jr, BriO, 3 Viblitlf 06 4., ' l Ar e ..j or .ralgAtti MWati • •.D • bwels primin , e)— 0 Correll hest. the Wittointrgh Oaztite. TrESDAY. JAN. 18, 1887. CITY AND NEIGHBORHOOD. (L. DLIT - 1021AL LOCAL SEM a nen PACIE) The Onytoll Tragedy la our telmompt column yesterday morning brief Mention was . made of a bloody babitCl i , which had beencommittatit at Dayton, Onto. From the Dayton lournal we extract the full particulars of the affair, as follows: Last evening, about: o'clock, the body of 33Iss Christine Kett, tchcillred with her meth. CT, on Oak street, near Wayne, was found Ina dead In the kitchen bf the houe.s. DaHng the day the brother of the unfortu• nate girl, in company with a neighbor, wag woccaing for Dr. Webster, and on going home „In the evening, discovered the body of the girl lying on the litor,which was covered with her blood. A pistol was lying by her left gide, and the right side of her head was ter ribly shattered. Pro. !foredo and Weis were called In, and it Wes found that, besides Indications of pew der, there were two terrible gashes upon the right aide or tte head. which could only have been marls with some sharp instrument. A Wine of her skull was found In the cellar. When found, her feet were hanging over the cellar steps, and the bead a few fret froln the i ctilor deer- • The hreithtir of the young lady recogul.. l the pistol as one belonging to him, and he said that holed used it on New YeaVe eCen. lug; that after using It, Ito bed abreacted the buret from the Iftel's.'•, and placed It i woolen rag In hit trunk. lie went to it, arid r°.‘l the pistol miming. On looking for the powder.flask, he found it had to moved teem where hoplacal It , slthoegh in the sauce cupboard. lie ha, no bullets or any kind r al, p ou ro t the house.tnhoor wpaiwtottereianheytvpar!.wrE • showed that the &rammed' s w birrto vex her, cliamcter; tb" h' "d irc Tut disposition. but wag or a lively and cheer h gn e “ hod s morning ntr sjhr e e e rer andO neater th i 11 u S plrlts. There us no h rb i u y o :1 , 5 1 :eh aLo 1 1 .1 : t i en t o t jsrh.e! on., a lon g wn~ alone 21;1- uthotrieldoioolifnii!f.sinir.nabmt t u s im .. e i n et t of the e Tom ins, • essmlned tho body of Christine Kett, and found three distinct cuts on the right side of the bend, two of them canoeing each other at nearly right angles, and from abeln iota tp four nod one.bair inches MI. The thirst out was a small. hoe itinning Into the others. Tim ant teefiblerreednirout ere and a half inch. es, r,nelva the inner angle of the right eye, run. tiler back ant terminating about one.hedf Inch above the tight ear. The other was Si. most at right angler to ft, '.1,n , 1 commencing near the top or the Wrad, terminated between the ear out eye. The panto , Of fracture of there cuts were burned with powder. Pieter of tho brain were scattered ever the scalp, and the fracture of the teen involved more apace than the Wounds in the scalp occupied, and the temporal bone and the parietal boner the ethmeer bones, the upper terviillmry bones be• ing shore or leas fractured and a large portion of the tomporni and parietal bones being car ried away. the evidence of the dißehargo of powder proceeded oblmunly forward - and downward, from its entrance toward the roof of the mouth. 1 think the pistol least have been placed. close to the tend and that the wounds in the scalp must - have been marls by some sharp instrument, and that from the amount of blood on the 1100 r, she must have , been killed before the shot was fired. 1 dent think the cuts on the scalp could have been made with a pistol. rev was not attic-711r. hregar., Marina . assisted Dr. Steele in the examina tion, I fully concur le the statement mania above, .Itorur W. Wets, hi. L. No instrument wen found on the premises by winch these wounds could have been fu r...attn. Neither Millet nor shot wore found in the limbs. Tracks, indtcntlng the ' , mug. of a person to and from the home, through the back yard, were found in the snow. Tbo ther or the girl was a soldier in the Union ar my, and wes killed atter having served two y ear Thuverdict of the Jury of inquest was, 'that the deceased came to her - death by the hands of some person or persons unknown to the •Ici- • r. There is, of course, uo doubt but that the girl was foully murdered, arid may basing torormatiou by which a clue may be obtained to the perpetrator of Ulla bloody deed, are re quested to communicate the same to Marehal irate. Liabilities of Telegraph Con:wattle+ We take the following from the Detroit Post. It Involve:, some now and Interesting points or law A case was before the Wayne Circuit Court yesterday, Involving some new tines , ' Lions. it was that of John 11. Carew against the Westena Colon Telegraph Company. Carew is an oyster dealer m this city. About a year ago he telegraphed to Baltimore for a quantity of oysters to be shipped to la= at once. The message was delayed In transtaiii slon, audio consequence the oysters did not, mach here until after the prose had greatly de clined. Darew now sues the company to re cover as damages the difference between what the oysters would have been worth to himhad they come in response to lila message,.as he expected, and what they were worth when they did come: Under the charge of the court thejury brought ma verdict awarding him the da.uages claimed, th 17.96. Thy counsel for the plaintiff asked theJridge to oh ergo the following points to the jury: 1. That if Cho Jury tied that the printed , agreement on the back of the p per on which the message was written was not signed by [ the parties, then the plaintiff is not bound by [ It 1. That it is immaterial on winch line the error occurred, the defendanthaving received pay for the proper transmission of the mos. sage from Detroit to Baltimore. That it the plaintiff's attention was not called tothe necessity of repeating the mei. sage In order to insure its correct dellvery,be was not bound so to do to entitle him to re cover. The counsel for the defendant asked the Judge to charge ea follows; L That the rendition endorsed on the back of the blank on which plaintiff wrote the me:- sage dlrectedto be sent, •constitute a part of the contract between plaintiff and defendant, and that plaintiff Is bound by these conditions whether he bad ever reed them or not. 2. That defendant Is not liable for any error in the transmission of the message in ques tion, unless plaintiff at the time at the dolly cry of the dispatch, directed tho message to ao repeated, and paid the additional gum re quired by said condition' for repeated mem gV.That tinder these conditions the defend ant is not liable if the jury tied from the evi dence that the mistake in questlon did- not happen on the line of defendant, but on that of another company, over whose line the dis patch was sent, on the way to Baltimore. 4. That there, is a fatal variance between the contract declared or in the plaintiff., de claration, and that proved, and therefore plaintiff cannot recover. The last point. wed subsequently withdrawn and reserved to no argued on emotion for a new trial, should one be asked for. Ille honor.lculge Wltherell declined to theme any in the points &eked by the defendant, and Instructed the Jury. 1. Teat the printed notion on the blank was .co notice unless the Plaintiff's attention was gimlet's , called to It. Test when the defendants take a message to send to Baltimore they are bound to send it. The plaintiff cannot be required to hunt up all the links of the ahem to end upon what particular link the error occurred. • a. That if the Jury and tram the testimony that the Plaintiff requested the mesaage to be repeated end It was not so repeated, then the defendant Is liable. Borg4r3 - In Rending We take the following from the !Wading Dispatch: Sometime during last night the hardware store of Mr. John McKnight, corner of Third and Penn streets, was barglariousif entered lad robbed ors large amount of cut lery, to the value of ilvo hundred dollars or more. The burglars erected so entrance to the store by prying open the abutters on Third street. They evidently became Alarm ed were they had aocomplished their work - , as the safe was not molested nor the money drawers disturbed. it seems to ns vere strange that business houses can be entered almost nightly from the main businest streets by burglars, without detection. It Is high time that our pollee force was strengthened I by at:least nine men. Until this is done, our business men musteontinue to suffer from the depredations of these villainous burglars, and we shall bare to reportthear asof almost nightly oceurrense. AL'illation Lucinda Weston, a colored girl residing on Chid street, In the First. ward, Allegheny, ap. peareq before Alderman Noillle yestorday, and made intermediate against' Joseph Fisher, a man of her own ram charging him With Po' Mention and bastards , . A. warrant woo leaned and placed in the hands of *Meer scout, of Mayor Morrisou'e police. The raced speed/IF arrested the alluring Fisher and he woo given a hearing, which resulted in itla being' reqair ed to give bail in the sum of three hundrtgll dollar, for hie appearanceat Court. B ing un able to raise the required amount, he Ras come milted to jail to await the Utah , -• . - *simper - nestles.' : ! • . . Tho Allegheny tombs yesterday, cOutained another terribly afflicted Victim of the devil of drunkenness. Itobart.ldelg Ulan, a. rcaldent of East Lane, in the Fourth. ward, Allegheny, was arrested on Sunday evening by' °Mein . Scott and Campbell, of the Mayor's pollee. When arrested be wen wauderlng about the Street, laboring under a severe attack of the manta a pot. Tie was placed In a edict' 00 lookdip, and resolved the proper. attention demanded by his care. -Yesterday afternoon his condition wee .omowln, improved. • Seriously Mire The Chester. Contny Democrat ups; Thomas Whitely, a respectable Muse* a Ulla place, Wee serlooalyrbittred by a blast - at the nuerrY bat the Pennfrylventa.rallreadi •benl, Ifoopea , farm, on Thursday It eltOlLwt that thetas. MA been inrtar ext l nlS"'"`".' 1 and In attempting to readjrist It the explainer , took plane. Injuring Mr. Whitely in several places about the h eed and body. - • Theirosincit are very paintel, - but It la thought the wound• ed man will re.cpyer, : . • • . • _Th sa Colombia WV Osmassy.a racalah 11.11al setlug of tbs. UsMagda OrullPlw ay, wall held do Thursday Mil Stia. minvb.,,... in ; o„ , ttirrx. . : , W. A. ahrura;'olThar. D. A. moan. Proeldent. D. Illahez. Trautman E. Waster, Set. haCTOIITY. D. Datil*ll SuPerizautagra I= Closfug Chz! alderman Donaldson yesterday had a Mae of somewhat too summary closing oat before him. Mai Ellle Dumont, a pretty and ap• Parer'UV Very singable young woman, engaged Uee had t W so t:a m P Of tat hl ias r li f taeC urn ili T e u u rit tE uo re ‘if a m tni o 'e v g e r d Ln t t o 'rai t ftn h d e apartment. Among Other articles of I oral- Dire, she purchased a small new cooking stove worth fourteen dollars., and had it also taken to the room. -On Saturday, when she attempts JAW vigt her now abode, gm found gag upper Hall lleOT ristener erMse, &tenant who Occupied ono of the rooms on the 11015 floor, informed her from the Inside that she - Should never comb In there. grpogulation was useless. Stra Close wars fully determined never to live so clew to Miss Dumont, ns the /Atter coultemplated, and the new tenant had to leave for ro- I n Site sco u red the serricas of ties agent together from they ste whSm ted rooms were leased, and t 1 the spot and opened , negotiations, ant with 1 the same result , as Issforc. .3irs. Close fully determined to keep her would be align. her closed out, and the forces withdrew, On Sunday afternoon aliss Dumont made another attempt to get In,. This time the door was open. but Sirs. C:lose put inn wrath , ft: appearance and warned the lady that not less she wont downstairs Itnetediately It would be the worse for Miriam' Moreover, tin lass she removed her hew storestraightway would ho worse for the stove. 11100 o.riaer ed clown stairs promoltately, and M ile w new sto ve Moo soreach the bottom . before new stove came thunderlag down lies. the ono- Deeded bra ssullfill effort, after ort, in escaping from the dhiscondlng article, but the stove peel! was thoroughly demolished—no pieces being loft largo enough to (goer a bird's nest. The ownes of the demolished piece of hardware appeared tinfOrn Alden:oar. Donaldson yester. day afternoon and made an Information °berg• ins: Dire. Close with mullcious mischief. A warrant was 1813tleod, -. • Retort. of ()Meer Wilmot Lost evening officer Seth Wilmot, who left lent week for St. Clair City, Ylichlgan, having In charge George Lute, the hay convicted of tobbing the Pastor:leo at that place, returned to this city, having safely. taken t in charge to the :Acre mentioned, and turned him over 14, the proper authorities there. Linto dam. oustrated anew his claims as a sharp :Alsona or by two decided attempts to escape from the protecting care of the (linear in charge of him, lied he known officer Wilmot as well tis Our natter, rascals, he would have Made no such useless endeavors. The first. attempt was ramie at Cleveland. While Seth was oc cupied In buying the lig 60t. Pt - .Lai place, l aten wok vivaraga of ale officer's attem vain Oblafe dtVerted, to skip. lie broke and rani &ha succeeded the tact that he was handcuffed, succeeded in running some three hundred yards before the ofhcer, sthp was in hot pursuit, euceevdtil C.:mama:lg Met ttalbtionary at lust brought him to by lending aim one by which the fugitive ap peared in a drop-scone. At Toledo the trav ellers were aetalued by "missing the connec tion." While they. were wafting there, the poliCeMens irearieti with work and travel, be came drowsy, and was aroused by hearing a net's at the door. lie stoning up Just in urne to nee his travelling isms:lan:nu disappearing through the door. Ito par.tied and cauaht the chap alter m isse d brief pursuit. At Detroit tiny:again the train, blot Seth tuade things tufo by locking Lutze up in a secure room. When Lutze had been delivered to the St. Clair authorities, the Judger of the Ctfurt were =toed:ltaly notlpod, and IL is tlunght that the young man was sentenced yester day. • - - Fire In Womeltalorf. Tha Heading Journal of Saturday morning says: Oar correspondent at Womelsdorf writes us that a little bafore midulgot, on Thursday a Ore was discovered in a frame stable in the alley back of High street, the property of Dr. Moore, of that borough. The Citit6l2ls Were soOn present, and by great et entails succeeded In saving all the enjoining stables but one, the latter on the premises now occupied by Josiah lialbaeh, was entirely destroyed. Two young heifers. considerebie hay, straw, corn fodder and farming Imple ments belonging to Dr. Moore, a cow belong ing to ebired man. and an ehtirely new trot ting boggy. the property or W. Li. Moore, were destroyed by toe are. .nu of belonging to the doctor made his escape' .with a few slight barns. Fortunately there was not a breath of etc stirring. fled It been very windy, it is lea ; possible to say what damage might have been done, sa the are broke out nearly in the centre of the town. It was probably the work ot en incendiary. . - Attempted Notelde.--Firom the Road lag Dispatch we take the following: We are In. formed that a man, about fifty-live years of age, named DonEleberger, residing In Rock. laud township, attempted to commit suicide on Sunday last, by trying to eat has arm with a razor. Ile was, however, discovered by one of the family before hp mnila accomplish his purpose. de refused to state what induced him to the rash act. GREATEST BARGAINS ,OF TEE SEASON Boots and Shoes XI VII ?OKLA SHOE ?ma ME M 26 "act 283 Fifth Otroot CLOSING OUT WINTER STOCK. I= 26 and 28 Fifth Street, WM. B. CLAPP & CO: air wamre. Rubber,. 00 cent. pair. J.I LEA A. PERRINS , canzizamm-ex.mairso WORCEST" - E SAUCE rIII.INOUNCED EXTRACT A LETTER from CONNOISSEURS Ri =I 1121, Q 1M. E6 401 LEA it nut- INS that their highly ...- .luta in India. and ln opinion, the at palat a au th able e mum tolecome SAUCE =SEE. ..at is made The netts. °MILT Moot deilciouo andunrivalled condiment haying calmed many unprincipled deal. 1 itLlVlV=ltitiTgrliat'STA:r= 4'1 e ed to ...et. that the name of LEA. a raItKINS are t i rn te WilA SqElt. LAIIEL, riTVEEEIt and lithufactared by LEA d. EMMONS, Woremter. JOHN DIUNCANIS SONS, NEW YORE.: AGENTS FOIL TILE. V. S. oasaarrr '•OSIY GOOD SIP I=l I= WILLIAM MILLER, SUCCESS= TO . KILLER & BICKETSON, WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND 1 FOltTEltd OF Brandies, Wines and Cigars, Nos, 221 and 223, - Corner of Liberty and Irwin Streets, PITTMBEIWII. PA. , IRON, NAILS, COTTON YARNS. &C., Constantly. han:L. 1711 WAIT FOR THE RENT.-We will _I; publish a mark hy Lion. ALYSA'DEN !L A 81tl'1llEl leiti lin • MAUI rt CAUSIta AND II AnUtan." Mt. Stephens* name 14 • sufficient An:astir. that thlasatil NM /Mandated Ihrtory of the late mar. and an arr. dmire the moat reflable nua complete work abota4 anti Its L eas. Ma:II74MT pt. T IUMIner at . Phlladelphln. i'4 VLOUIt! FLOUR% CORN MEALt LO \c v.l, D a deorotra: por, a. Deno44 0r_n,Lc0 . .,13 glourL mcgoaogivturLe:v. 1 , 17 0 r, giours, good to °twice bruadr. Bie none; Beckett:teat I , loe/. • Wb Me aorta eal, We dcled: Yellow do tbe old Maud, VS and MI Wood stret. sCLIOM Paige. & LANG, delS NT-----ECESSJIHJLES FOR THE Ho. /.411.8..-Tor• • gond CO9ICIFIG IatOVE and oaltes accts.9llralinsaff." Vo.V. 4i UM nnliatp, 11414 sztel r4ory; trolls for COOklp f OW . a tro r e t. o =V e I • P :1! P.O DUrl,ll%. Ito. 146 Orzat. stmt. All cbea ebuDleLttDl nn CHEESE. ISO bozos Goshen. Tact 4 ,7 and Hamburg for ialab7 caAsLaxi C. axiALzr. EMl==2l Buoonts4 140 assentor sale by IntinGl2l o. BALBLLY. MM=M=I LIIW, OIL. inus%trta,3,4,2a, warrapted Wlniet 011121.221 0. BALEILLY. ElM==2 ICO MAL sew primeTnilte Mist for sga b 7 oususs nissixr. 20 11.• ILL • 8 17. reagreci and for Web, cell Wbotangirtingat 4.1 Evaaei ;eke) Or% CARD TO CVTALIDS. • ClerXrn... xhDe residlur 11 hootb incerles sa a 1:14.1....7, diteoveregillukre and staple rea• - d 7 for the Cure of Nereoun Weal:nes, Flrl7 ttet 7 • Diseases of the Brinary sod 2.mt nal Organ.. sad wbole train of disorder: brousbt. on 07 baneful and eleloes 051,151. Great umbers Aare been at feadyeufedLSthisnoble rrinedy. Prompted BY 5 desire to beuent the stilleted sad crifortuiute. will send tiro recipe foe I,eparing awl using this medielne. In ..paled enaTelOP, to aa7 oue who nun. It. Flint OF Ct 11.80: Blew...ado:a a VW' ":1.141 envelope, 84.1vIltaieJ is 70 :IrAtif. /Wt . !" JOSt.,PH T. Et2Lutr. dem..fll &allot D. Bible ItoSise. N. T.. 1,7. NEW PEUFt ME Fort TIM Jinni:Unit:F. Phrtioel'i ".•ight filooming Crret.." photon, . 4 Night Illoominz Co.rette.4. nil gist ntabminir Cerra..." Phntots , lod's "Night Itteemirrss. Phird•raivo Iltlooming Cyr..." ,t maxi eR4 Ite,ent .114tHett from the rßee Gied I•Kutti.tl o,,wee tract sebleh R taket ut nem, Atananctured only by PIIALON 8: SON, :Ye* York n rnvAttz_ or corSTefFt:tTB. %. , 1C FOE PITALON'S-TAKE tiO °TUFA IarBOBINSON, BEA & CO., 6tICECAJOT6 to &MUNSON. X 1,116 & MILLIne.) WASHINGTON WORKS, rounciari do alachinhits, rittaintrxh, Manotaoturcra of Boat and fitatlonary tlleamEn glnea. Blast Englnot, Mlll lfaelltneay, 'Oeartng ' Shafting, Castings of all doacriptlonal Oil Tanta and 9tlßs. Bollor and Sheet iron Woki. .Agents fox tiInr&IIIPSYATZ2iTIZOBCTOIt rot facdtna tadlatn• Jau.rs2 rWRI. BARNHILL b. CO., BOILER MAKiRS A.SD SKEET 'IRON WORKERS, - Noe. 2U, 22, 2 1 ata - • Lim - toast cured • largo yard, Sod tarnished it will the moat approved machinery, on are prepared to Manufatitnro everr iltserlotion of litllres . In the w.rr.nt , d ho sr , f in the country. Chimneys, Breeching, Flee Bids, Steam VIM, Locomotive Boilers, Condenser, bait Pans, Tangs. 011 dente. Agitators, licttllne Pans, Boller Iron, Bridget, Itir•r Pam,: and vole rututi facturers of ISAIINUILL'S PATENT 1101aLliS. Repotting dune OTT the rhortest natio, RSIO4I • FLARE SUPERIOR • COPPER MILL AND SMELTING WORKS. =2 McCURDY & CO., Mara/Moran of Sheath Drimfert , and' Bolt Pressed Copper HoMoms, Item.] Still Bot toms, Speller Polder. Also, Importers wool dealrni In kt etal a, Tin Plate. Short Iron, Wirt.. So. Con stently on band. T1P111.310 Machines and Tools. Warehouse, lib, IV Ylriar and CZ Szcou - DWIT.IMMI. Pittabttrib.. Ppeelal order. of Copper Out to any desired pattern, toyilmdlUdiser OrPITTSBUDAM SAW WOIIKS, re. of fMrilan,ligtegbV/10,VA.1,1: ed CAST STEEL SAWS, of every dexriPtlon, t, dan k and all other varieties. M AllTr . .ll lr li s :l 7‘ K o tOli tt.l and SP e ti ;I saute from Ellett Past Steel:Extra reline iIitEAPI-It and MOW INO KNIVES. Ad. 5110InT larWarehoase illts andW orks, carter WIMIT.. end denizen, g. Particular attention pald to re-toothlngt.lgettn - TflATlO•fl r . '" i f =l:: ` = " N;i l A 7 :l ,l! :: . l 7,PAT: monable rate, tafteall arIIEMEDIAL LNSTITUTEFOn is ooinl C7a.mber. NO. If isuND 8 rlsrEr. NI.W T ORA. Tull Information,arlth the Mewl Patina:mina.; also, a Book on Specin /having, in 1,1104 en. twiny, teat free. Lirtie Our., gadsemi fur Cheat. and will slut reirrti V; for, ati•dier , limc ptertielant are gent...lir aritttout ref,- ertno titling.' should tw trc.ted Sodom tamage, anil direct to DK. LAY:UV:Nee. F.Vairt: STREET. N.EW YORK. non:M.-al' 'grin= GRAYEST MALADIES OP YOUTH AND EAtamasr If • Ilth.D. —IIOWAIIh. •S,OCIATION EtISAY., on the Phy , otolotr or the Pa...lone. an the Krron. Ahooe ood Digestero the first ate of Mt...o.Mb Re port, on new metuo•ta of treatment • toll? ores to thla Inalltutlon. Scot In ..ale.l letter . ent eloped fret. Of charge. Adds,. Dr. J. WE IL IN 11. , (1011- I , N, Howard Aothelotioo, rhliadcphln. re. I:1 Oi t a $ 4ell el 1 , 703: i V r*i sec, iVeea,Lock Stitch Sewing Machine BEST IN USE THIS Ig WIEIAT iII s6oem. ITIII Lind: DO. ... 600 Machine w and Yell and B Braid. Tuck and Cord: Cattier an , l(lcIlt•. Mate s Boa , er Cloth Overcoat: Mate a YrOCt Coat: • • Mate a 1341.1104 ' , ca: . l Make . loth C ana: • Bind boocal `A 111 du t, cry dcactlpldon or • Drool Mating. 360 Machine Ylll do all tlnds of Family &vino. 460 Ifachtile len inn over orarna .155005 karma- Ulfneedles or slipping A Lae.. 60 Machina atlt•hea alto on both std.'s._ lta Machine la the cloy e,t Machines ny lit) per cont. In S.C. and .411 aoo hut,. I( not ruperlor to any klsebtne In the market. ho can return rt and hare Ma money. Ilrxrauted four t earl. ;_. 1 -- AIKEN KNITTINII MACHINE - - - Will knit litlpsits one:mike in nOar. MAW and Embroider,' ssidior's tor Sale and IS. Ins done. Ailol ceisilel roe meting Isdlee and children's 4fir ..m.d.orr..aii, t w,rg i z, z.; A eat , 112 00.0 strict, oppo,.ite enittodrel, GIIOVEIIi BAILER'S ELASTIC STITCH AND LOCK' STITCH Sewing Machines Arc THY It EnT tor Fend , y and Manufacturing %mei. Call and *cc therm at Xo. 1S Fifth Street Do.Nrr lIE DECEIVED 111 - It has been tally te nted for 41414.1 year. andls by 411 compe ten,l.llln4l,ilelb.P.. e«ltno 9TIKIN 3.13 1".1.21-12. es two ot. V! MA GET NONE BUT A GROVER & BAKER For a Liotlday U. It le rell•ble, )wrist .ad Le retort. the but. I)oc't Nil to tall sod bee It at NO. IN MUTH STIty,VI. THE GHOVER BARER ' SEWING MACHINE Is the Ultima theft of Mechanism. Meese eel and examtoe It at \U..111 11111T.1181111141.T S TATi ' uat i al r ff 111 CARRIAGE Grover Baker No. I Berving*achlne ago , re huj r ix:rbcre. It 1. the beet for heir f nothohT NO. 114 PIiTIISTRE 825. BARTLETT $26. BEWINC MACHINE. Beat cheap Llrenmed Maenlno hide Unli.ed Sales. Agenisleanted crerywbere. Pay ISO to *SOU Per month. Endo. stamp sod address rAor. BRUTId litaeral Agents, 614 Obeetout Meet. Ltladelphla, and 421 barn. mit etreet, Toledo. Otto. ' - deD:pl IintERNAN'S lIIT AND FUR EMPORWM, [ S FILLED FROM CELLAR TO loft with • BICH. Lbt-OILTMENT 1100DS. which if offered Si TrZINVIr 3CAONITT PLAMEIII3 1= .Iratzelleins" asicil.l3-exat'es 3E" T3' , SLEIGH Ac CARRIAGE ROBES, Althoutk prlptred with • fall Uric of 'EATS AND GAPS, WHOLUALE AND DETAIL. HILL IA.N' 'No. 75 Wood Street. 30The I Asti Vaults, Fountains, StatuarY, Vases, PERIODS OF EVERT. DESCRIPTION, T. BROOME', M:TM=I 20 HIPE IC received and ritv Y cji n gin. REST REDUCTIONS IN PRICES BOOTS, HOES AND GAITERS, THOMAS H. PHr.LPS', 46 Smithfield Street, 13etireen Third and Fourth Street'', 101.11( r at 11..111E0. T. AxsucTz -IraI..TALKSI. pAutt 114 ANSIIUTZ & CO., MCCI.96OTI TO A. A. ItOBLITSON ¢ COy DLA.LiCIS IN _ 800 , SHOES & GAITERS, Jr.. 61 Market Street, Near For rtb, n0t.1,062_ 4 PrITSIIMIII. PA. MoCUNTOCIVB • I BOOT AND SHOE EHPORIDID, No. 92 Federal Street, •LLLOIILUY CITY del9 X3argerlzas for .A.ll. wvt Pt ti*l: ii:4:11114 SUMMER BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS and Bo Lenora's, due rec6leM, aast will be sold at tho VI/BY LOW. EST PRICKS, eithhtrisolesslo or /W4ll. Oiv 1.)/1.4. Bcro naCtinSLSO SLIM. WIEGIAS. JO PI & Ws C. BORLAND, Yo. MaStet steed. :d door from Mt el. mvi C . FIELDLIIG t 4 BRO., arE==l Idnaufietavers .nd Daslen In C111.31.151C0213. MD O BOOTS, MOBS & GAITERS, No. 140 Ohio St., Allegheny. ` lteeMat promptly executed on the attorteel. le:eV it'ai): 4 : 4 : 3 ll:/-iairi CIPX2O3I oxx.su 101X-118:t1 SOHO OIL WORKS. MUM KEIIEW kt CO, KA.uur.i..t7uitaits ur2Fuz CELEBRATED SPERM LUBRICATOR, PETROLEUM LUBRICATINO OILS. Sperm. Lard and Whale Oil!, HO LICIT, TOMS OIL /DllllllO.llll tandatd White Burning OH, ?W. 83 market Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. WARING & KING, f4111&9101 MOM I.IIIIIOMIII Petroleum and Its Products 4 DDQUE&X6 sr.err, vwx-rmaarcrELGfric. YIIIT tuaLII3.I.L'ADDIMS: WARINa. KINC & my17:51.6 114 Walmat Phlls KENDRICK'S LUBRICATOR, itf.nauct..4 bi WHITE, BROS. & CO., Nevi York J. ROBERTS, Agent, ,t. Clair Street. Pittman/eh Pa. ECM Seep renstantly hand Cott. 7%04:m1'014 Da: c Machinery On. Woolen 11111 Dart Milne On. • Ltiha Col , d Engine MI. I , ark Car Oil, no. 1.; Light 1/ Co lll'S iScrear-Col- Dark Car Mi. No t Una . nonStoe7 WOOLDOIDGE OIL REIIIIIIIO - OCEASPIL-Wir. OF PITTSBURGH. PENNA. JOHN WATT gradual. HERBY Y.LON O. 1).4 , 1 and Tomah. WORKS IN TEXPEILINCEVILLE nee, No. 2 Duquesne Way, • - Max Burpoolosßrulp.) NULYMPACITUREBR OF FUSE WEITZ 131713,INTINGF OIL Brand—"Luoifer." 303:fga EUUEllik om_woilKs, DI ASTITACWIL2B:O7 EUREKA CARBOX OIL, EUREKA SPERM LUBRICATING OILS . *ad Wholesale Dalian Crude, Relined and Lubricating Oils, LAUD, IiPZIIX, WHIZZ LED VIM OILS, No. 3 t Market. St.. Pltuburgti, Pa. O. Za0.331.:20. Call asd examine sample. sad read cevaticateS. n013:0t4 BUY THE BEST, PETROLIA BLUE LEAD, • lon 0/1. RESINZII.I hlnnufaclurol only and for sale by T. IL JIMMY X CO., Pic•ra.oer .IPaissitVitrcbrkr-re. N. W. Cor. ad and Market Sta., otl9 PITTSBUP.UII, PA. THE . LIGHTNING LAMP. S.. C. 10:0re.......D. COPE. JONEVIIAWFORD & VOGEL l •Agentsi TIME MOST POWERFUL AND .1 TRULY BOILLIANT COAL. OIL GASS LIORT [VIM PROM: WED. • • • Adopted by the U. B.Govenunent. Non expiates , . (neap ant. Beautiful. 1.11,01 a brilliant MOM Lttree•Pald 'treater tout any otner lamp. This pstmut Is adapted to all lasso WT..% and se the selslula merely a conductor. deter ro g,,,rgs.tr unralirgagnate.ll7 ml6l-1113 Yon oAM P • • - um.. opposite Post Oince. - abore Zlttock`a News - Depot. woad door. 171‘..tenrita., 1131311111011 EAGLE ou."womsE, zub-ogrx-exiecroiste. WICHTMAN & ANDERSO . Benner" and Dealers in - PETROLEUM. T.PAULO W' wg HOTELS.- GINGHAM HOUSE, ELEVENTH AND MARKEr STS., 31= 1. .A. 3D231 La I" Mr X 411... ILL new sad elegant Helm I. hoer *peeler the reception et graesteswlth all the etastritments of 11118T-OLASB,HOTSL. CURLIS IPIIOPREFICOIC dell: • %13fIrr Ls PIEEIBE !WM.. Phitaddphish tiWyraMpAtielaliSlin 04 ..tAt T MANN 1%. and ls s m .! teltroltas .=r33. IN T snassama in the nuan ,as ta reg., BAS A . 611LAIIIT BOIUSE) • ' ; O. 'AS ! sianiSzair,Vi -anmer. Carla d. sal Mail Bra& Near the finepenaloa Bridget / t 01190,10 Attie tiviT CITY, Pa. r'rrr: Fol a iiAzz..—A &wartime' p ro p e r. sus ' t: ' ; es tete A f e b 1 .1174 117•1 V Lel tt u reg l ingin Went and 111 feat on LIIY•WO011 , alley to Hereon ono, and only 000 VICIOYISOnI the Diamond. The Inattrot eraent a area brick hod t. with seven Man.. Nrlher . lot. For 170:L i th i l e711 1) `il, k ir t .". 44 4 SY:5:01 - . F on SALE.,-01tE TWO-STORY IRON C1.A.1) BVILIYINCt, with coal store. room. (and lon , (f)' leur - IM•e of ground from Ist C.zt dpr l .:l chaste Ina (rood toest!on. being( No• n Penn strueLeorner.b(Harrlson stmt. would ud !orati on 7 1 1 r. : 5 22 " 17,:rtPla b lle T No. :as Penn stmt; or Bed.A'N f tX) fgfaatnati.olaTll'etTAll Pipe 155P604.- pan SALE—A Farm of $5O acres, all under good fence, cleared and to dna order, halasme In good fired white oak and Motor? DM. be, with m et Olunderbrush cleared one; well We. tend and pertly underlaid with• two foot rein of coal: aro. d name ooze, two bans. wseton abelt, corn cribs. pl. pens, spring house, and slant fritirr• teen no ea ofcholoe Unit. sin:remit qnalile , le this there is nowas t e lurid—all ran by wonted with ease. Situated in Beaver co -etc. 1 . 11 miles freer llochester Portion, sad twenit - e miles from Pittsburgh. Price !GO per acre. Coal works, new in enocesefa operation; daily Drchincolon.lo.to3 brunets, eltuste on Ilosiongarse/a river. to pool :So. .3. Small Verse. sr. scree, well Improved, lid miles fnt Li Livermore lttation,ou- the Western Pennsyl varonia Unlined, In Incises county, end only de pitiess from the city, al:tor g.COn acres In Duquesne Borough; no Insprote meets: mutable (or all klude of ratan [knit grow h&c hundred serer good farm land, foot leers clearer. rood sprints, and timber fot tutelar and building: tact tares from Altoona, In Blatt cOontt. Pa.: rood road to same: all for di,ficel. • Nine ty two surea In Fathlte township. SO of Which Is P ric kul fenced; house, bar, orchard. te. several and I , rams Houses In alleaheny, one In TreCE.ft. bly Lois, ;,.1 by IV fact. In Wilkleilte ex. Price $llO-1 Wee!, belsnee on lime 10.011 purchase, Intel Is Store rtivncii fir persons °lsmail moans. se , the lots are only Vont two hundred y rrdefrom the station, they arc cheap• Terme easy, and ite went to sell them. laid Beal [data Arent— !I:19 r OC .A r .t 3 ;" I VOIt MLE.-L Farm of about 68 sores in Union Township, All. hoe crointe. Waste abtvot. !ow miles from Use Mr on tha Washington Pike. The Improvement. aro a large two sto.y aria /swelling Roam With 12 rooms. a 17.2:2r.,. TAM:, statillog 47l suflatnt for 60 head of cattle. There 10 • fine Yoang Orchard, comprising about r Uses. Mocked with the hest varieties of - fruit trees. It Is all underlaid with coal. 'I he lard La in a hip nate of caltivsUoe. weU wist , red. fences good, and would suit admirably for dairy or ganioningpar- P° P.7.;, IT cm adiel Mit the above. with a good I ammo Rog eZriet:Ronoe, good :sprig 14reac Lied other ost-MUdlngs , with a good Orcbara la Line bearing 000dillati. Thls piece is Mao un derlaid with coal. Also, gel acres adjoining the ahem. colliShrueed. ihr salt low. This piece hi idso all underiatd with cosi. The above Circe pieces of amperew lie between the Little Saw Mill Eon end RkubenvUle Rallroeds. and theme' can be reached malty from eitterr reed. Toe coal alone Is worth all that is acted for the to. dliTrig v e . ofl73 acne, Mosta In Bt, Clair tows shin. Westmoreland county. Ps, thamedistely on the Ilne of the Penna. Railroad. The improvements area two-Rory Pramelicruse with Svc mama Lad good cellar, a Frame Rant lisre, twee Met, and ther oat -bdildlogs. Toere is on the place a goad Young Apple Orchard: in acres cleared. balsam In good timber: fearing generally mod, well watered: underlaid with coal end ihnestan .• ooneenlent to churches. mill., *Moo", and blacksmith shops, toe amber with the remould property each as stock. implemenui. grain In the ground, Re. Posessloa given itomedistely. Parretti:ler part.culara. enquire of TOWlett. no: Real YALU Agent. 1114 Fourth street. BEAUTIFUL. EXCELLENT AND WELL IMPROVED rain Or NINETY ACRES, miles above Ifelieeeyart. on the "Kongis" r. The Countllevllle Railroad passes through Fare on rail 11 cents per day on !anti and every train going up or down. or •+7 pet...num. Schedule of lime one hour frouhtbe city. This farm will be sold cheap. or ...dun ded on &chat busts for Unproved city properly, in whole or In part pup. Meta. louvre of STEAM. & Wif..1103. 11.11011.1U3 I=l. 7.61,11. •Orritt, ao 80. 66 multhleid Street. InPROTED PROPERTY tl Lusts luLawrsuccville, nza epria.sflel4..4.ll2 g. nUgthg to vrick. from! 4000 to ?.13. WSIt Da 11 on renganabln terms If,.oplled NtR brue tats orport.sitY For iarther Informitlon. •Oolf of the Beal ILstste Fell SALE, AGIRKET FaRM. I= • A. piece of lend coetalotne 43 to 50 acres of rich eller lel ironed. consettent t erms. . att.. /0 now erste , ' tor sale ost reasonable The lesprore 9:lent& bra • • • E HOENE, BARN, Arid other ou to nowused Le • biarket Gat den. and I. In blab order. Yor further particulars. apply to • • B. BRYAN; BrOker In noun (Berta. 114•1 !annul, et Fourth St.. (11nrIca , . EnLang.) FOR SALE, , - - THE TWO-STORYRIO% DWELLING; No. 4& lantern) atreat. Alleany,. Contalna nine rooms, besides trashed attic, bath-room sad errand:mime. For COUTODIttiCO Of amusement. and tasty abytanllal luta, le ly Doormat, neo , excellently an, la tro. two aisles of anilar size. Fla norms. la prate new, and las du, ad hot ad cold water op ad dolrn stale, Apply for 1111011OLL1013 to S. 8. 13RFA.N. 13,0t0r Itl Stocks .d Real Masse, Illloura atnet. tHurle's Balldlellt. Hover. AND LOT FOR SALE. on Haspslev's Leine or Bidwell street. Second Ware. Auesbeny CM). A Comfortable Frame 1./wanton f ee tn SOOM4 tractllar v/Itn.l.at of about 07 front on f niter; cars, by sew:l;l47 test 0000; or tbo lion with half th e 1.4 wail no sold separately 44/nly to J. O. 1.1 ale LIFT- No. 85 F Pulletsct, Allegneny, or at NO. 114 rit h street h. to datlNo4llll N. NELSON. AttOrnal at 14.• VOIL SALE-12 acres of Ground, a ..rel timbered and watered. On Squired Hill .aen minutes , walk Irons raasenger - etation at lawny Lane. Fourth Street Road. Also it sem at Home. wood Station; and several Farms welt located In Westmoreland and Al lee be ny mantles. Also Coal Properry,.klonses and Lots in the eft) and auburn.. For itrWer particulars enen.re of • a.Li.olf WAREN (Oynoalta the Clathetir.4) No. 110 Grant Wrest. scsucKLEy PROPERTY FOB SAIOC.—Tbat desirable property f•elog the IIulro•d. contalulng about TWO ACJIIrrb on which is atore - story DWELLING Or ELEVEN 11300 XS, Bath-mom. Water Closet and all the modern /to. provoneats; beet varieties or fruit, two [Wen. b°''''JAtfiENARIWE'SON, (112EAP HOUSES AND LOTS FOR 4, 1i/i.LE.—Threa Ovary Brice Boom mid Lot o Virgin all. a, near to Smith dold Weal. Yr I. al.+Ot Also. aTw, mom, New Frame Houma and large Lot. allotted to booth Eittaborgh„ near JO gleDallY realdenea, yell. gio."l. AUG, neat Two nory Brisk and rm. illrellArt 'with alarto lot of bottexle rte. so"de rrrelso.'"Ttyl;nweci iMCi.AIN AOO. P". Ls ;$1,300 Ac raL l NGii i .;, ! ,,`l t k,M B t E 2 . 8 otaao. bi c. fb e %myna di Chicago tiallroad. eidht IMMI Nat city:Oae bottom laud. • Part earl altable foe • I • riuKal* %ne t t..r plantoil with about MO bearing choice qual ritC T L e talrit " .l ,7 ‘ . deN • • Fouribi Fon,sems, A LARGE BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, With oil modem Imorovements..io eon Nieto order and &Mate an Ina reaps. nalinny, • r ifatt A. No. 1.19 /War WrING - 17 ‘ . Pitssoanto. JOHN D. BAILEY, Stook and Real Estate Broker. REGULAR CALL OF STOCKS, &C. TIJESDKTS lull THURSDAYS it 123 i r. W., sad TEIDAT EVENINGS, at S o'cloa..st BALLET'S In the Board of "'nuts Utooloo. aboYe the Third National Bata J OM D. Rums', STOCK AND REAL ESTATE BROKER . AND I.II3CTIONEEIL • •• . • • Ravine taken out a commtsaleaaa Anetkoteer, and divethd I...talrement with the litlaburgh•Zoard r Trade, thenrlna the use of their rooms, above oh. Th,t.olialAonal Bank. tam now prepared to sell et Tobile Aue , lon, titocka. Bond., Securities , Real Este e AC., eitner at the above rooms or on .the premlwaYanked. atteatle. Veld. Im hereletere the r o of Real homiest t he stale. les ente r al notate In the thence, attended. totirth street,' " •• • ne DESIRABLE • LOTS.:FOR COUP.. THY a/SID/NOLO —Slo %MOO* a:the toolost• erloy of too writ ther . woneoloy mt. the to of thoatt floarsblo 'Etorldlog Loto.' from two te focr sores tech, oo the • Dunning- Pluk DWI, ass mlle from 41104b40r Car. woo iwllOorood. -no lota are now oliered SC privato solop _ - Tialle—Oneraulf Cub:, Went. 112,.. S. 4 Da a years. wltgoterrot. /or plotO t/Oprovortr! . '' f. n ba p /Jtro, !,p1a7,18,,, D. NArbir. ' ' HOLIDAY GOODS ALL KIND 9 "taVr, CDT VIL OLD ; carbon Oil Law ilia Chandeliers, Lamp Trismolusp , tiroLEVlZlT.tillt il' JONI% Boss & CO e e 41 ,'' ratarillAst PITTSIMBOB. ra..14 BEAVER . GIX OOOE CARRY MAHUFACTUR ER ranolis , mni macaw nuns. natutkoltrriN &Co ita. N 0.112 tederililtrisetE litliktbd dap' MPOP/10411AVin: _ tOTAlßT:lileadalmuury to. 44"."1Mii iiki.raago let' r.sge et 1M el JAM= HO arg, 116 Wood !graOPERA ITIVORE. . itias•-,..i7 3 II.I.EXDZIMIgri nun rlva Oration to tuc iminent *OW. . 7tfl. E. u-bo win e 2.1.13 (ThesdAy) 1/Nti, o w ary Ulla, his .xll, , UAMLZZ inusczoF DiNN.LBI% eaaff Lumberer tbe Company In gni gut. TO-iadiretkintis Cora Monats'a Vaal comedy ., Pla . 5111117.:; Vi..-..I7ELN NEW TO/SY. Saturday Mattnea—.ZllClA . I;11 Prenaiatlass—”MonEr &ND N141.6117..*. - tarr i rlasionsg THEATRE Taos — V. I 've. E IVIL • IidIIALY OVERIM, • . Second and last weal, of the beantlfn.l .ansatlol EMI ANNIE &Tomtits°. , • Wba appear TILLS 'IIVENIXG to tae groat French ‘anualon'Drania, entitled ' THIC Dattur LOP u/r.A.A. in wilier BMITEI . eI UELN tr TROUPX. a.ad.ted by_tne beaulnil &Ants's. Illss Basta KW meltie'di . canatine FLOblneloa wad P of.U• ball lb. appear La I,alo /141//21 Salilall. ono %lad •.f.a I' ale tit' Masada, • • and • . t.es PAW , de Oalllolind. aine-r°=::Ztt7.l:o6..oig.lgg*. r &et= curtain thee at 7ti• IrIELISOPiIIC DALY.' For et inetesslee nights, conattenelnsMOZD J4 EVENING, January 7111: UnlULnAti FATHER BEM? Walt me celebrated OLD foLne CONCERT CORY . J.NT Conelstlng of twentr•two s. wise and (lenticular, In re:4mm. of One Hnndred Years Ago. together' will dpienald i g)aterNzitear the Jenny Lend of America Admission lib cm . . Reserved Seat. IS cent*. Doors ones sir o'clock; Concert et lbrselaaly. Maalox Wednesday and...day ARarnowas. crone. Tickets 513 cent*, eblidren SS cease. at Reaerred leAt4 un. be obtained naga lialEdartag the day between 10 and =and .1 ao`cloot. Jarin-5.7. ar-,tIEIICANTILE LIBELini fia3IIII7'X'EMZUEIL _ . iffEr. DR. BELLOWS Lecture TME:ti DAY V.VE January Ikt_b.. AuADMIT thr 111.113,0-. Xatiect.—. war t Tlillo UII 211 S itiNETKIINTB CEohlaY. Tickets 30 mots. No rescrrod seats. ArtYT:rel O L IYMI taldON JAB. 3i.ORDAt I WM, kl.knist, I B S. JEN 0 80A.111C. 11. I lArmsallttes. m. 0. AULLE Jai* 04:7.04*:=40)0:1 0 1 ADDITIONAL BOUNTIES TO Soldiers of 1861 and 1862. . • ♦II' w ho nerd Woo years are Wkittlad ItO•100 bounty: tbrWe 'onto/ two Tenn. Wet at who Wore &le-barged by refron of woonOn. Or Shear beim 2hree Alapaha Extra .Piev Is dal, Volnsteer Waters la the wales .= tnat, land nlsnhnrged, mustered ant, or ::f1".1711.211-0Perntss, atublet. 3Y. W. J. • HALL PATTISSON, AltorikeTs. 51 11,516145 AL. P11110;5154. Pm. B. 1 1 . BROWN, Local Claim .A.gent. 11. s. BAN. cox. mike, No. 67 Fourth Ou'oet, (snow rwos.) Pittsburgh,. Pa. pensions, Bounties, and Ames/ of Pay Promptly Collected Dmode btu tea No aura mute until eLl.mb asttlad. sad *.lll ut utyNneub SOMERS' BOUNTIES, PENSIONS, Extra - tounties, Beek rigYsike.; Collected to the Shortest posslbl4 Wits. 1 , 7 rr i ldTt. novkat.i . ( 12" AT...q.v.-4%. G. S. BASES, Lairrencertne. Bun sonum COMMERCIALCOLLECIL; Nos, 6 and 8 st; Clair-Street. a Punctual Clatter. Noot•NeepLog. ratunianship and Arthamatio. time unlimited.-- ..... .........NO , 00 Arithmetic and Pcninansidp per quarter of thine months ...... 20 00 Panmanthip, per mouth-- ..... II 00 -- For Circulars or Dpeciracus, address N. 3111AJI/Nit, or J. r. INcOLAINONDIS. - jounr A. snuff. =I 11.7..7Z1 z•• - • • - - . Ex•OffiCllo4 _ilLstiCo of Um Poste • AND POLICE ILLIIIIMMTIS. Office, 112 Mitts St, opposite cattlard. i • rrrisstruull. kl.. • Dceds, Bonda. 10 ma's., Ackaawladiana ..ata. 3.,.. Y. porltlona and all Loa al Unalliaas eaa.sr;4 2 ! - promptness and Illapatch. . . Wit!LIAM JANCEtY NOTARY . I . 7III,IJVISTICIS Ur was r7GLOC,wIND as ILL EaTar IL /WEN r. cersar Maar sad Dramor streets, larart=e. tterers=in esil=r_tr:t ftelatsd n ebt I.2lrAZlOViedallleat kinds rt• wmusat aaticsr, Jostles of the rase sad NOWT retails mr=ttall EIIBTACE 8. nounow, ALDERMAN AND CONVEYANCER, 111 rennsylvazda Avenue. bet - - 0 the Liana ni urea Beth u Stud CHATHAM T. EWING, Attorney at Law, So. 69 Grant ' , 3reet, Elttabarath, r*. tr i zi n ila r frr 14r Otentoon.Zgolgr H. C. Thiess, ARORNEY 4 11011111EU.DEAT LAW, N0:69 Grant StMit, pErrsornatat, Pa. =.721.b13 JOLIN C. 3110...1)21111% ATTORNEY-AND COVNSEILOR-AT UW. No. 87 .Fifth Street. Eirresi.lotus, Ilasqltlas, gad' Artears of Mir 'ol.32Dtly cotteetea. • • • agmolli _ GREAT nEvownotv . W IT. E TBA.Dr. OP TEM UNITED NWT= —MINE CULLIIVILNIA CIikILPAOBIG. sod. M prepared as If done fa. hence. Pecs Pan Cedidd._ nla Ite., sad taking too place of vdaW ; • P Vinsderataned altd.Udddeirtid: Dealer. and Kate Keeper. to to Mlowthlt tet k tbay OTOS, MTN. tam at tbe qual lspatt - • 21111.L0Ctri11.0.4 .I,..9lnt"balLt!'"*UuLions.lCbAsrowo—Gmas .4.4"" ire :le plillUtte Wing On Par =elf Amen av whew! have ever Aneed.- Pa doll- ad Mee pled!lt oa Par UT ear C 90, . ia aran e 4 ..vbampeds 4 ad 0000105t120.15Di7 at.. 11.1%•, BROADWAY rEcumper:,- wrszatriuszrir,.. 101 E1M11 . 11131118. 101 Ladies' Dining Booms 2.4 Story. . . Fit:1811 CANOTEITE6B AND mutt a actisiu on hsad. dt.mptil Tit.E.LtVill'idall""d."44.' -----"------, F. MllBalW i r stras Flak tilniAbetim+ on* mos CkaUsans , BUIISMITH AND PEALER IN4I Weeltoweettrou P , a a fMEIAEFON t . iivEr'l:Lc u " ca i xs aux cuuti. ErFC-C--- Manufaatareis of i ' • • . • OAS IZATIII3I. IIEATINU. .sc ix onto meat, eibrai Clq-__ seNtalt assortment of &thine et H. um ... . .1, o. is. uwny..iz ' &IT , , ogo . O. e1...1.11 .11 --- I : I • . ND lays remand Us odes of*. Etento6 WORMS tram 35 Xaskiastreet, Pitn.affi t 0.13011 Works on CAULOOK rrazrr linwaswilsorlim• Portal:Lc* Addlt..sll 636: •••• 0 • . • nnvinam.ii wILWAMS. ROOFING NIATE4WILS._ - . 1 Cemeea, Pitch, Fitt .'Par mallem Venista and Mack POO,. * Um oar. , • ram/. istis= i 111 ...110 iirbowt _ _ _ EMI 1104PICETS, C CKRIELLIIII, be„.;...irs e , turii_thA t O a ssel both •theek er WM= PIA/Witham 11l Veal the etty.esalsn I=to_Oulthe eredielthg thee:pirth eta 4 Mad 'llopeds.. rthrst , as„. de ebonsothke i. , Irteetersish .010, =—Atoo...zrz—nz-. ow goe . fel • ~ , - ~., - Jour 11. &11, - ;j11. --- - --e. T* naz Tim sassisTED sir 4 ', gau2L:mais. row, '.9;llBslll4lttetrOl IMI•T% St abon sollNat tr = oo - i r i s. 1•71 UDWaf aEg5