CITY 1T.0113. & Eta,- Wonderful Caro; by Dr. Weisser • Blood Searcher. ' My. ,laughter Margaret McFarland, now about e,aven years of age, has been afflicted with a to.rofnlousdlsearat, ever since she was one year old. I employed a pin/Battu of tax city, who treated her for some time, but failed to give her even temporary relief. I consult. ed three others, they all agreed in earning the disease scrofula, but .failed as - the first had done. The disease increased in severity each year, and had involved the whole system, the neck. arum and feet were covered with eattng sores and ulcers, the eyeballs were bke,lelsob and one of the eyes almost closed. 'The sores . were continually discharging matter, and had burrowed Into the flesh, no lia to expose the bone underneath In a great Many places. Tide 'Was eepeclally the case with the hands atiVi Leet*lto badly were the feet ululated that for gi.V • eare she could not wear shoes ea there. A lireatlieU7 pieces of decayed looking bones were died and worked out of the sores. She way unable, to atand Olt her Bet, and had to be In a reclining•position• Dili stage of the•discase, Mr. Lawrence tats, one of my neighbors, informed me of the wonderful cure of Mi. Dridel 1:BOTd, (Willi whom he was per. Banally acquainted). which wee' effected with the use of your /hood Searcher. leaned to see Mr. Loyd, and he advised me to consult Dr. _geyser. I concluded to do so, but found that it was Impossible to bring her to the Doctor's onice, usher sufferings were so great that she could not bear to be moved. I then went to-, your store, ItOWOOd Street; and purchased a bottle of your imlnable medicine, and before she had need the first bottle, she was able to Walk around: Shakos takenirourilloodSearch er off and on, for the period of throe years, and out of thirty-six some which were on her person when she commenced taking rearmed- Setae, only two,remain, and they are almost well. She is at Present enjoying good health, bettor, in fact. thanshe baseverhad in her life before. I feel bound in gratitude to Yon, 'to make known these facts as wall as for thebeit . editor those who may ho similarly afflicted. 'Nam. ifeFaxiatro ' Theicfflowhig persona aro neighbors. of Mr. StcF., and have full knowledge of this extra. ordinary cute, and have allowed their names to be used with reference to the facts. LAWBI3CZ }IMB: • rATMCE Cavartaus, • .101111 McKay-ray, • . PrrrearraGu. January 14. 1657. At lb. Warld's Fair in London,. l3 the Wheeler a Wilson Sew. .1 lug Machin received the highest award—ell 'theldarldnes of Europe and America to corn. petition. This award has always bean made wherever exhibited. You will make no mis take in ordering ono as a holiday gift rewire, sister or friend. They can ho purchased only at Sumner a Co'%., 11 Fifth street. Jellies ow Hand. - Crirtant, , Raspberry, Quince, Strawberry, Va. nllls, Grape, Orange, Blackberry. Apple, Lem' •wn. Pine Apple and Bark Curnud. Call and see them at lit Federal street, Allegheny city. • Gr.o.ll3Arm 'Another Flalent TerrttOt7 Node yesterdiiy, for Liming's Improved Move Damper. Now is the time to cell et No. 11 Filth street, as J. N. Wpitden leaves in o few days, to psi a Dciesprr on more - Western Stites. . ==l Of aII kinds for medicinal purposes, such as cannot be had cUmwhare In the city. Sold at Flemlng•a Drug Stare; Si Market street; Remember the grace. • More anilons to invest in - that 'lmproved Stove Damper," as the best chances are going rapidly, at So. II Fifth anat. Drugs and Medicines Doctors' prescriptions carefully prepared at half the usualprice, Faltou's Drug Store, opposite Postal:ice. " Ten LAn Buy roreign Liquors of all kinds at Joseph S. Pinch's Distillery, No, 169, 191,193 anti 193 First treat, Pittsburgh. Beals aad Shoe , ' nat and cheapest in the city—warranted as nch—at the Opera Howe Shoe htore. Soots gold Shoes e Vbeaper Mangan ever bought them, at the a Muse Shoe Store. 'Better than you ever bought, av the opera • - Ilootsandelmes - Wonderful cheap, at the Opera Henze Shoe Soot. sod Shoe■ Uettarkably . chear, at the Opera House Shoe Store. • • • ' • Boots and Shoes Awful cheap at the Opera House Shoe Store foots and Oboe' ery Cl3esp, et the Opera Herne Shoe Store Itornocs, January li.—The dithculty be. tweon Italy and Turkey, relative to the Ital ian steamer Axed on by the forte of Porte, has j been amicably adusted. The amount of In - den:lndy to. bo pad by the Turkish. Govern- You Cam BUY I meat has not yet been Eked. OS per cent. Alcohol at Joseph S. Finch's. . YINA.7CIAL AND COILYZZOLAL. Boots and Shoos " Cheap, at the Opera Itetwe Shoe Store. Too gkei BoY Hew Hops At Joseph S. Floch's TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY The Indtans,on Friday night, attacked a mall party forty- miles east of Fort Laramie, and captured !seven mules sad one wagon. Bands of roving ' ludlans are reported prowling about the Fort. 4 portion of Warden, Mitchell & Co.'s - Beeper and Mower Manufactory: near Spring seta., ohlo, wan destroyed by ere on Saturday night. Loss about 'LOOM; insured for tbS),tOto. Late. Slew Mexican advicea state that a com pany is now stocking the road for a mail route from San Antonio, Texas, via Messina to Cali tonda; and also that a contract has been let • for.the construction of a telegraph llnealoag thti eameToute. The wife of Dr. C. F. Forbes was burned to death is Waltham, Maas, on. Saturday night, by breaking a kerosene lamp. The Ittaide Island General Assembly cam moored its,session yesterday. Governor Burn . sine announced that he had collected nearly all of the States'a military claims against the General Goveininent. • .The freedmen are leaving the vicinity of Columbia, 13. C., Manch numbers as to excite alarm tor the future cultivation of the 'hinds They are chiefly bound for Florida, and are transported at the Governirmst t s expense. Br-President Pierre has been ill for several weeks, but is now thought ranch better. The steamer Seamy South, with 1,041 bales of cotton, was burned on the Alabama river, be low Selma, on Friday night last. Loss, OMANI, moitly insured. One passenger is supposed to have been lost. Patton's steam plaster mlll, in Philadelphia. vas almost entirely destroyedliy a boiler eV plosion yesterday. One man was killed and three loJured. In Wilmington, North Carolina, letters of administration were granted, on Saturday, by the proper authority, to Iti , .bsed Held, a-col. oral man, on the mtate of John Nixon, colored This is probably the first instance of the kind on recoid in the South, • Gorr= Smith,ima sent a draft for flee thou. rand dollars to a fund In, aid of the Cnetiuis. • The United States Grand . Jury at New ur. leans has failed to dad indictments Wilma any persons concerned In the July iota. The United when the Jury was empanielled, declined to apply the teat oath athe Areal. nom NEW ORLEANS. ImpieystenS of Froenmeis— ' Demilsb of • owep.pop—Tbe gneWJen Of She Wrireanson Making Vontracts,Thrair of Milittary Orgrairs die Sarum I and Enforce civil SUOMI DUI. ICElCOuxralis, January 14.—Mayor General Mower, Assistant Commissioner of the Freed men's Bureau here, gives notice to perrauts making application to him, that yelantera or Others employing freedmen can bletain trues. Portation for them - from other litotes. ,ifo Person of persons have the appointinent from him securing to them thra Imuness. The Commeramt newspaper,. whch. on the lit Inst., assumed the defence of tlie. political course allot". Wells has inupettelede' The New Orleans Tribune Ls edited by col. ored men, who oppose the freedman:l making contracts for labor with planters, or working on . shares. It Advises them to work by the week only. • ThendimmycomundkrantabFkbmiA3OZAA Ruing declined to wills:. the !Sumo °Moms, lienersl Gritlin publishes circular explain. tug that all military ollicers must ASsist. the Bureau la the contingencies prOvlded - for in the Bureau Act sad the Civil Bights Bill. FENIAN TRIALS. Two 'WeWait Prblooms CoaTleted:-Clislo pinta, (Malty age is : tHateateQ to T.esty ,Year's Zaiorrch j:prilazy 14.-4 . 1. e replan were reaomad t d ,clay. Thos. H. liwrell was gttl•V c e ,r 4 A g:rf a rg7.l LW, 71% f=l to the UolteClL Statell 111711 Y• wits also ocmilowd. Ina usaanee dafenyth reser Xenon plead gality. Ful th e deliza penalty Clatinuttol to Omar re:l_?' illPril youtent. • • I 1. , Q •. ~., -'-'...•.. . , _ ' .........,..,............. .... , ...) - 1....:::.:7,_...1):,\...7\./.,.:,\,,,),,...1. 1• •.. .. .. .. ... . • .. VOLUME I.XXX T.--410. 12. FIRST EDMON. ONE O'CLOCK. A. M. LITE NEWS BY TELEGRAM. FROM HARRISBURG. PENNSILYiIiIi LEGISLATURE. Special Di pitch to ins rittaibargh I . a'azeits. - • .I.lattnesuaa, Jan. 144877 SENATE. The spec *1 order for this craning was the Constitutional amendment. The resolutions were dismissed by Messrs. aearight, Connell, Whita'and Landon. QM! The Speaker laid before the Mouse tho re port Of nth committee 'to investigate into the affairs of the Vettango Bank. Mr. Masan moved that fire thousandcopini be printed. Agreed to. The following bills In place were read • By Mr.ateEse r 'Art act fixing the time of holding courts in Allegheny; cany, 004 reg ulating the proceedings therein; also, . .An sot tasting persons soliciting emarni!ers for railroads and steamboats; also, An act relating_ to the law of evidence; also, An act to Incorporate the Union' iron Mills' of Pittaburgby also, • An act to extend the act relative to the Ere and police telegraph of PatiadelPhla to the city. of Pittsburgh. Dy Mr, Wilson: An act to repeal the act re pealing the charter of the Pittsburgh and • Connellsvile Railroad; also, An act to inoorporate the Superior. Iron Company; also /mast to authorize the SchoOl I?irectors • of Birmingham to erect a School Bann. By Mr. Chadwick: An act to compensate the School Directors of Elizabeth' Township for ierricesdurtng the draft. , D 1 Mr. Beading: An act relating to the cot. lection of !inroad taxes to Kittanning. FROM EUROPE. A Plot td Assiug Thuile Nalieleoi AMNESTY TO THE PRESS IN RUSSIA, No Swiss Soldiers for the Pope :141111ENT OF 11t0U1119 [By she 021. k.] ♦SUIVAL OP a ITZIIICa. Losses, Jarmszy 14,—The steamship Damas cus, froia Portland, attired today. • !LOT TO ASSADSINATT. i•SOLLOS. Palos, January 11..,Vagne TILSOOTS are &Soar that a asst . :orate plottoassnannatetheSsapo ror 14anoleon has been diacoacred and frus trato‘kby the officials. • . . Sr. Prreaseono,. January IL—The GOTtrII. merit of .11.9381/i has ordered a general amnesty for all offenees'comrcatted by the, newspapers of th e empire. • • • - • SO SWISS SOLDIELS PDX TUC rose. Jtnuary 11.—The Swiss Government has/inter constderation a propaelt.lon to pre. .bitilt the neople of Switzerland from Joining the Pope's arni.T. VZSBZL ADD CLEW LOST. LivEnroot., ship-Thomas Humphrey, hence for New York, tall been IDOL max Holyhead. All on board except the captain and one man were drowned.' EEVOLLTIONAZT NOIttNE.II2II TA iSPATX.. MAmaD, January 14.—The' rovolutinnarl. junta; having its headquarters here; has-is sued a stirring address to the people. . Lyme . cob, - lantiary marlaqt closed wary dull; salmi %OM bales: nild dling uplands firm at 14U, Lard quoted at 54e558 per cwt. for ;American. -Petroleum closed at Is; 7d; Pcr tall= for reffued. - Ashes; pots saleable at 3Se for American. Loweeer, Jsznary •14.—Evernieg,—American securities closed as follows: Illinois Central, Ell).1- Erie. - 441; rivearremtlee. TIN. Consols cloned at 90 for money. Peals, Sanuaty 11.—Five-Twentics, 793‘. F.J.V27 . 01T, January 14.—80nd5.7014. FROM NEW YORK. _ • .. • A Blzumbir 'Of PI rels•;-Trinity' Mirth Property—The Lose alissm ef Railroad IlletiMlLLlllL,leatiste-Cemveatlists.• A gioeri 01 vizza. gins Tons, Jan. 14 .— A fire once rred to-night. at N 0 . ,. 1.1 PLatte street, involving a loss to Otto SchleMen, dealer to :_lignom,, of .10,000, anrito other occupants of VICO. • : The residence of C. H. Hamilton on Staten Island, was burnt this morning. Lois, "Weal; partially insured. •• • • . • A fire at 420 Broadway*, to-eight, destroyed the =illusory suck. of Hr. eyben to the amount of PPM. TIIII building No. ill Grand street, occupied by Henry Coon and °there, w e d destroyed by fire to-nighttiOas NAV ) . deems TILIIIIST metes mnormar. The Board of Aldermen has instructed toe Corporation Co-inset to llACein what moo , wisees are necessary to place rt the King farm and garden portion of TrinitlChurehpro,peo ty 1n pOssestion of te : . SAILWAY SWWDLING • The embezzlement from the Ertel Railway already reach.. $0,030 and several months of av•c9=lg are yet to bellnvestigated. DiIfTIETIOOO2II IIII .I .IOII . , At a meeting of dentists. representing New Toth, Connecticut , sad Vermont, to-night, it was decided . to• ries• .1010.000,.tr0 defend their case against the India rubber nen. •. Elm son. Anavvessfurr. . , • • The ethodissEplseopaidenOmlnationttedd X their anniversary at Steinway Hall to-night. Lt. Hoy. Clafton. of Massachusetts, presiding. seytail um:autos 001,111. 1 . "ere TIIE PACIFIC' COAIiT. . . BMlob War ireinels-Arlici Vo j ver tni siors Lit D•fest.ed.by_tleck. SAN .F.sessaiscoi Jaw. 13,410 24-ttsb Wee ship Sparrow Hawk, despatched to. demand the release of the Captain and sailers of the wrecked ship .110tO0kil, held prisoners by the northern insane, bas arrived here. The new Governor of oWashingiber Terri tory. Governor Cole, arrived at the capital on the nu,. Governor 1•• leicering tee present 113- cumbent. desires time for loVestigation. and deems it inezmdlet to hasten the.trillaferof archirrves mad authority' to- - Hoterses Cede. The Legislature appointed a Joint Committee to inform the new Governor that. bate Houses were prepared to receivr.communicatious. The Idaho Legillature beii passeg.a bill ay propristing esupoi for the support of Catholic schools. • tienerpl Crook hada llght wit .the Indians on the 0 wybee river, killing thirty indium capturing the mole number of horses. Bse Yethasco, January .—e. Jackaonville (Oregon) telegmmesys: .A.arritp earthquake was felt es Poe. klesmth on the nh loth. The sky was darkened with Liles and the alr Shied with suipburoth - vapare. width came fromthe direction of Klamath Harsh. Klamath lake had fallen sheet els feet, aria Crooked Creek Ira' completely dried up. •Etireeliawatail s were recently brutally mur dered ataltVa bland. lie violet., wail per petrated On' In binOthertee, bnt they were .1.1- rlsed to leave by a brother et the Sling ' . . lead/Seat APR the Virginia and inn . .. .• Banlgewd. LT2.831716. VA., Jan. 11.--The 'Virginian has intelligence of aft accident Of • sesus actor on the VisgriPle and Tenues•oe Itsiiroad. which b e en fP ape i , Pr Tod , . ene t fiz Themileand shelf east Olcelttral p The train win =wane elneg tha Trier ulf, at. which ;mint the engine snapind •ridi on =min over the, care Pelleed safely over the break until the sleeping our a n when : the train , vas thrown down an em , bank - meat May ,feet high: The szahleut oc curred at eleven night; eleven of the oss. s sore Were wounded, and runong thews t7ol. WaYeato2lTegas,:thoulder dis t loaded{ Major Gcmi, Galveston, hull= right arm and itendp rod; S. 11. StillFx . aiti zzow Tark, =es ; 'Wargo firegfiry. Tlawioriti tut and 15 neck lad. shoulders 4 , 7tie.roftlinT ire Dank injured Yarlcasen, Ten= sew, der eau "Dr.ftedt , Mr. Watson, CP iwan tWr. t X.1 art llCOadu & The re edwevievereit'Dtua e15it re14513,140..a,s where War were Properly cOnnl tor. SECOND EDITION. FOUR O''CLOCK,-AAL VIM LATEST TELEGRIMS. FROM WASHINGTON. liiiportant Decision by the Supreme Coi►rtc OPINIONS FOR AND - moor THE TEST OATHS. Senator Cowan to be Appointed Min ibter to Austria. 1111 TIESIIOI3II BILL in 7118 SOETRECI SILTIS. osiciltcrioar, Janclary 14 1667: 21ir.MIS.CIII — ITEIT OATH Illtprliiro 01 CLREGT . . NU AND TDADUZDS. Associate Justice Field, 'to•day„ delivered the opinion of the Vatted States Supremo Court in the Missouri Test Oath case, 'John C. Cummins, a, &Maim Catholic , priest, Who was • indicted for preaching and teaching without taking, the oath pintecribed by the Coaetitu• Lion of:thefltate, being the plabitilf =error. The o.:;lart decided the Deal in tide cue' en constitutional, tt hems 1n the torture of s pun• lihment without trled, and hi Its character rz sod/Selo, snd'operst.tor en a bill of attainder. The judgment of the courts below 121 reversed. THE 04.1 . 11 RigtrlaliDOT ATTORURTII WOO AID.° Associate Justice Field . alto_ delivered the opinion of the Court, in the cues of Quieter and Mau, who, taking put in thersbellion, ask to be re-admitted to practice lair is Supreine:Court. The Court held that's the statute imposes a punishment, which - chuld not have been 'lammed at the time the offense was committed, it is in its nature an ex pod facto UN,. Attorneys are not in:beers of the United SIAM; they are Officers of the Courts and bold their omega during good behavior. The Court Is not the register of the (idiots of any intiei power. The applumata obtained a pardon from the President, which relleTeB them 'from the consequinthes of their cognises and makes them citizens in the eyes at the I law, the same u •before the offence was com mitted. Congress cannot Walt_ the preroga; tire of mercy. It cannot be altered by lest*. lative restrict lOU. It followed that the pray er of the petitioner most be granted. The rule which requires attorneys to take the teat oath must be rescinded. ♦DISSZNTIZO OYINIO2 dissociate Justice Miller, for himself, tho Cidet Justice, and Associate Justine& Sirayne and Davis, read a dissenting opinion, main taining that practice In courts is a privileges and that attorneys are subject to legislation the name as judges• The law makes no dis tinction, but requires all civil and military officers to take the , name oath. Attorneys exert a marked illuncei on the character of the government. If all • attorneys in the South had been lalthrtil to their allegiance we ihould.bus been spared the horrors of the. rebellion. It was not claimed by a majority tie the Court that the law works attainder of blood; therefore this le not a bill Of attainder. Nor does it appear that it convicted any des ignated persons, or declared the punishment of persons who arrayed themselves in hostili ty to the government, and gate aid and co:a lert to the enemy, or forfeited their right to appear In court. This was not a criminal, but A civil Proceeding, which Afflicted private fights retrospectively. With regard to the Missouri case, the gnu tion involved rested with the State. Theca', stitstlonal- 'restriction that Congress shall make no Jaw abridging the freedom of reli gion, was not applisable.' Justice story esyc The whole power was left to the State, to be unrolled • according to 115 judgment. The Constitution of Missouri says no such persou IS are dourlbed shall exercise their functions umess they show their loyalty. Cases were quoted in support of this point. I, On• Tuesday morning Mr. Mavens will ca p his enabling act for the Southern slat • arra endeavor to press It to a vote on Wedztes. day. Mr: Asbley, on.TuoulariWlll submit ha 6 sub: stitute for Kr; Steyons' bill, the measure agreed upon by the Committee on Territories. This bill abolishes the present Southern State governments and ail laws made in pursuance thereof. It call. upon all male citizens over twenty-One years of age, who can swear they have not aided the rebellion eller the Ith of March, 1E64, and would have complied with the Pre.i luta proclematlou of the nth of Decem ber, MU, If opportunity -tad been offerfel them; who can owner they never 111-used Caton soldiers. and will henceforth be true to their allegiance to the government, to organ- De constitutional governments in their rim., neotire States. It calls for a convention of sweart States or delegates thewo am they never votunteally aided rebel lion in any way. Those conventions shall 'de termine Il they, will accept the terms propos ed by Congress, and If so, shall. appoint tam =batons to provide for holding clef:MMus. ulopt a new constitution, inect Suite officers, and prepare Inc admission Into the lian:. Each- Constitution shall provide against slavery, all laws to be Impartial as to race an d vigor; rebel 'debt shall not be pal& nor Ices from emancipation of eleven; free schools without distmetion of valor of pupils shall be established, and no parson that held civil, military or - naval offices lathe Confederacy shall oe allowed to hold any odloe except by a two.third vote of the Legislature. In case of rebellion, Congress shall tiara the right.te de- Mare a cremation of its relations with rebel lious States until such- State le thoroughly purged of Its disloyal m ty. W Tee Coratitution•,poople mint be =tie-b a rttof am of each Statel d , who y can Wu o t he oath''( loyal ty. Alter the ratitientlon.of the Oonatitutleu; the Senators and Representativee shall be elected, but not admitted until Congress do clams the Mine entitled to representation. Cis further provided that in case the States decline to accept these terms they shall Submit to Congress a plan of restoration; providftg this sa id pica recognizes the Consilintlint of the United Stalin Y in, Slipreine law of fits land, that the State Constitutions shall gear• ante,. to ail freedom - eiiiallty before the law. and sufrage mast be Impartial without regard to race or rotor. The robot war debt and ecislipenattiOn for abivoa will unit be ab smiled by - gimlet-States; or claims be brangbt against Le Vatted States for them. All laws recognizing &Wray or, which exclude the testimony of persons of color, or deny the right of trialbylury, or malice color a Mime. Lion, shall be null and void. The provisional govornme nte May suspend the _writ of habeas corpus in cue of resilianceior authority, and call on the government for aid. • proposition Is made -to divide Tease in I two States lidera Zgg•,rlrs¢rols;. , ion - into the BENS:TOR cOWAlibi saes • it is understood that the President today nominated Senator Cowan Illaister, to Ass tria ClyfL in:Ma:MINT AT 101 50t;711.. The Counalttes on Territorles lull instruct" ed Mr. Ashley to report hie Amendment t o the bill to re-establish civil government in hi Oilli Caroline, as• substitnte for Stevens' lirrinniAb lierSitrr. The total receipts of f nternal ltiovenue since tr.e first of Jely amount to It Is thought tbe entiro receipts of the year will armed all estimates by twenty Or even thirty mil/lons of dollars. It appelips from °Alegi documents that nearly eighty‘feur millions of Internal revenue were collected In . the first collection dist:tut of Illinois during the year In thrse.fogrilis of the year 1E)O% two droll and cigistyelz thousand four hundred and ninety 'Maoris =IVA In the .ciottoi; States Iron foreign countries. IXTIN,TIOII or Tos 111:71094j. ann. There le little opposition in the Gotenatteo en Genldng and .Gerreeep, to atoltandalCs bill for the extinction of the national debt in thir la 4l Z Yenta, la a sitikinF tuna, nidie the opposition from the banks is leas than nes or peeled. of troops. FON:TIM 2402107.. 1.1.mr1 loth [lofted States tnn liai nuu' l t riY 11 1 t un oVtavA figrOrit k , and ItatticiAg n ight •pa the Illooli:eld• • ItlicaOstrl 'tor ZieW W t.." to , relieve the colored regiments who vo tocp irliUrcrid 94S of tho orrice. PITTSBURGH, TUESDAY, .JANUARY to, 1867. YRON MENKO. TILE HOPELESSNESS OF THE IMPERIAL CAUSE. Moving En Masse to the Coast, _ . 'ELDI.OOCIRANCY . OF THE CAPITAL BY - THE LIBERALS. . . . . Saw Oni.v.axe, Jan.l4.—lly. letters of Decem ber fatb, from the City of Mexico. from best in. formed autborittes et the Imperial Court, we have tho`toMowing important intolligenec i The French trench are moving en manse to Vera Cruz. General casteluau leaven the city sumo time Lu the month of February. General Casteluau and tug french later Trent to see the Emperor at Puebla, atilt obtainea the promise from him of abdicating twenty day.. It abeam, that the answer of the Liberal chiefs to the invitation aunt them tor, cooper ation. leaven no hope that a Gongre can be .had, and , the Emperor ,must uhdleat The Emperor is governed by his confess° , Pere • - The Imperial Generrls Ilarquex and Mira mon are seizing men and hones wherever 'they can lay hands on them, IT order to all the ranks of their army. The Liberals arc all around the City of Mex ico. The Americans are desirous of getting away, and all are taking out passports. Thu Lam:tale most get poueedon of the city be fore lonin but the last eflort of the Reaction- Istselt is feared. will be a desperate one, ' • Letters sent by et messenger extraordlnarY, who lest the capital December Mb, leave no doubt but that the French army will leach the sea coast ready to cabal k some tame be fore they had been expected, and that the Emperor, Maximilian, will leave the country to the poasesaicil of the. Liberals. TbooaDing out of the forces of all the northern Mexican States. and their advance in force upon the capital, must soon result In capture. The City of -Merle° Itself is strategically tensln:m -.llole. A call has boon Issued to ung men of the City of Hamm° appealing to their Patriotism toJo in the ranks of the,Liberels, and obey nolonger the' orders of a foreign ddhaL The Imperial General Lozada has pronoun ced, at too head of his troops, against the Em pire, andatates in his proclamation that be will observe armed neutrality in lite district of Nailing. The doeument bWod by Gen. Carlos Elves, and *large number o of other 0211- tern.• The Minister of France and General Castel 'ruin left Mexico on the twentieth to see Alexis 'They. had a stormy interview. and 'the report Is that the Emperor Lai abtileated. ' as Austrian frigate, to eery? , Maximilian to Europe, has arrived at Vera Cruz. 1 The merchants In the city of Mexico are snit • fertile from the embroglio between the French and imperialis. deliver ChstOre House in the 'city refuses to any goods which left ,tyera Crux after the 12th, the day on which the 'French took possession of the customs. 1= The steamship Cassithdris arrived at thin port this morning from Vera Crux direct, and brings the following highly important intent. genre from the - eity cif ataxic°, of the Ath The het detachment of French troops from the ulterior, under Central C.taguy, is ex pleated daily In the.caultal, when „all the forces would commence their movements t ward Vera Cm.: Marshal Betakes expected to leave the capital hbout the teb instant. £ll the abandoned cities are being occupied by the Literals. Guadalajara, van bah, it., being In their liana. General Mirsmou leit the capital to\ them places, but is. generally believed he would not succeed. The great iliMeuity with the I immrtal ists is the went of money_ and erre,. General Meits had become dlssatisatil and abandoued the cause. The EmPerte, blinded by advise . ..ties resolved to continue the struggle ant-had itched the Capital. istiered by many that the Emperor. un the do t :Art=l,of the branch, would abandon the country. The French troops are expected at Vera Cruxes the first of February ; and on the drat of March all the expeditious corps, it is be lieved, would be embarked for France. ktLEH&E=LE. I , IPOCtOIND ISEASION.) • reTIT,NS Put'trona were presenten for the paosago oi the pending terdt ; for Increased pey of unity officers; for recoustructrou on bash; or equal rights ; aculust curtailment or rttc cur Alsothe moutortal of the Minne sota Legislature for an appropruoton tor lm• pravernent of the Idleslielppl Moor. • TIIIITCXTIARIX.S IX TICIMIVI/alt, A bill was pulled to act Vide the net pro de of tuternal Revenue., fu the Territor 1e57-$4, for the erection of peniteUtiarica. Mr. Liti . U. celled Ms the bill to change Site mods of appointing rens ion Agents ; 1110V1- Mug Chet theyettoeld hereafter be oppolzmd by the Preuldent with advice toad consent of the Rotate. • Mr. fiUMNEWS amendment requiring that ell offleere and egrets of the bovernment, • whom salaries or Ices exceed a 1,003 must be bronenned by the Senate, wue opposed by Mr. ki, ales said be would prefer aas an in dependent proposition. It was rejemed— yea' IA reps OHS TENURE OT 0 V MIC L. The morning hour having expired, and the unfinished badness of Imlay being in order, the bill Wier:data tenure of once Limn up. • Kr. Kendrick's amendment to strike out the provision that no vacancies shall he tilled ex cept with. the advice and consent of the Sen ate, the duties of ends *thous to be exercised w.thout eateries, fees or other emolument by such other officer es may by law exercise such' powers, was debated by tdessrs. II EN COWAN, WILLIAMS and I.ll.l:LlticalE 1 SE,N. Mr. SHERMAN .111 till too but contemplated nte king unconstitutional or revolutionary. Of the two that:wand eve hundred removals made by the President since last summa[, no: one hundred have been reported to the Sen ate. If ne believed the President would try to harmonize with the Senate, and send in other names, after hie nominees bad been re jected, he would be willing to let him oil va- , cuticles but the President had manifested no cues BErlit 3 .l .' tlir Kell that Mr. pr e- althdraer the exuendment for the pre sent, and let 'debate proceed on the general =eater:if the ' • The amendment was withdrawn. Mr. BOWE - moved" to strike out the words "expiration of 'term or other cause" from the third zectian, which reacts as follows : °That:titer resident shall have power to ell all Vecanctel which. may happen during the recede of the Senate, by reason of death, resig nation, expiration of term of once or other lawfuecause, br emoting commissions which snail explie at the end of the next session. thelealter.o • l he amendment wan agreed to. Kr. WILLIAMti spoke generally in favor of the bill. After Executive session the Senate adjourn ed, HOUSE, SILLS Ann atiotcriosS tsinoorr Bills bnd tannettions :wore introduced :hot I the President cause written or printed discharges to be given to • all volunteer cowl- missioned olgeors who have been honorabl, dLscharged from the army or navy; abrogat ing for the future certain privileges of citi zenship for acts of rebellion against the .Vni tad States, and providing for the restoration of these Plitliegen in certain cases; for the pity- Mort OlhOonty to reprezentativel of Peddlers killed or wee tinsel:Una lA themtlitary arrvien oj the United States, whose t re- e st a bl i shment was lean th an One year; tO civil • goverrlMOnte ln file StAlltVe lately hi rebellion, egeepflttierentleaSee. The hills . wens all re- Sorrell, iltertaLso introduced to repeal the tat on manufactured cotto to amend the 10s. . t disfranchise no per- Sellrlat grange act SO as t o on tiOcOsMeaf sem; to establish a mg bureau; to preteet thorigets of actual settlers LID poli tic I=4i nuelinil tang th amoun t t o lin entered 14 JutYouPlail4 44 ,4 Tet. e yrory tura college scrip. . TUX Ft/ester:lM 0111. ROOD .WITII I.EI nU PulVl TOE ASIASSINATION. • - . Air. .1.,4121105 resolution, Offered 'last Mon day, 'ogling to the leapeacionent. el the Pres ident., camonp, nod • ilr. Jib Led having with drswa bla motlop.icir theprevious ucattou, LOAV read. speech - Sprat nog. t h e Preablent for aele Of ills ad t o &MOP. find charging that he 'MB privy to Um asanolne.. Lion of President Lincoln. Mr. lIALE.rose to a question of order, and 'Said be underStOod the gentleman to charge h President of the ;jetted states 'with crom • pilelty in the neinssinst!on of Presidedt Lin. coin. and asked it slibliTangualre was In or r• eAtErgeurflgrtießcrlgS ri'a'd",“atCloilltow's.Tt“?gel t crime (meanlag tber,sytvismatlon of Mr. Lin. call,) was cOmulittW; the way was mole clear for 1110 -successor - the assassui , s ,t wielded aucidireatod by rebel hands and mad for by rebel gold, undo Andrew Johnson 1 , ,,v8. Went oi the - binned litstes. The price which be Wes to parlor the promotion wan treach ery to thallepublic and Oddity to the lean y of treason and retninion." . 11A4-11 teat liteer srditeepu; td boon prone enced - .hy . air. Our. LOS denied , be had proceeded firth.. or them tb nentisnoe read.,aud asked ie What ho 11U0110101 bad been • 1ir.112.1.E replied that Mat . was the eery tiling be destrau read. lllir,L4d.: ( 0044 jte was not under any Wigs. 110115 to furnish any more of the rnannscrlpt than he 1114 read. The SPEAKERP remarked that the speech, bang read from manuscript, at hart not been taken down by the reporter. flir. RALE stated that thewords which he referred to were to the etteet, , substantlally those read, conveying the direct idea that the now President of the United States was a par ty tO the 666.1481110Li011 of -Abraham Lincoln, and that be contraettal to pay, anal did pay the prim for that assassination. .2d.r. LOAN submitted that ua Mr. Hale could . not give the words excepted to, his point el order failed. , - . The bri"...1.1i1,1: decided the remarks were in order, the resolution before the House being one declaring It the imperative duty of Om. gross to impeach the President. This being She Cade, a member has a right testate why he thinks 2,0. and the Chair cannot restrain WM. HALE declined to appeal from the decb . . The SPEA.K.Eit naked, as a'nersonal favor, that the appeal be taken, and Mr. WASH- Might:, of Indiana, complied with the re niacin, and the appeal was tabled by a vote of lel to 8. . . , BRIES=II=II hir;IIALL challenged Mr. Loan to specify . the first particlr of proof of his charges, and insisted it was due to this body add the nation thathe should do so before taking hls seat. Mr. LOAN declined to do so. The morning hour here expired, +unl the bill went over till to-morrow. • • On motion of Mr. It and OURNE, or Illinois, the Secretary of (tar was asked tor a report of General Wright and aubordluatos, on the condition of affairs In To...stand the Atterlier 6 e..rn , ( or the Miners In the case of More, Indicted in the local courts at Vielp. berg; with his opinion thereon. ' On motion of Mr. Vnitt, the Secretary of War was directed to furnish a statement of the number of email nl alt furnished by tne 6p ring field Manufactory, and the number fur nished trout other places In and out of the United Stine, • err:rem:gem - Or NATIONAL tirIeCLATIoN. Mr. W IL-ON, of lowa, asked leave to Offer a resolution against any greater curtalltit ant of the national elreultvion than four millions of dollars per month during 1,67, nod that (or the compound interest ovum authorized - to be withdrawal. nices of that amount, 'eget tender notes, without interest, ought to be substituted. The House refused to suspend the roles by a vete of 71 yeas against tri nays, so the reso lotion was not received. ISCILLABE Op essf 8 NOTES. Mr. 1100 Pt It moved a suspension of the rules to allow the Introduction of a resolution that it Is not expmllent to Increase the amount of national bank notes for circulation beyond Ithe two hundred millions of dollars author. Iced by law, • The House refused to suspend the rules. Yeas e 7; nays hi—not t Ivo-thirds. 1101:XTII3 TO LOYAL scavz OW:VCR; . . . . ...1Ir.4.:001: from the Judiela• y . Committee rep ,yearted a Joint susiPeritl tag the op ',erector, of the 24th section of the act of 24th 'of February, 1E64, which authorizes payment of loyal cezuers ot colored volunteers. • It Was passed by 10: agnltast wrrlinnAlrAr. el LrOLI. I . ls):ktr. crnetetr. The House refused to susPend rules t 0 n 1 low Mr, cuLixoel to otter a resolution in structing the Ways and Means Committee to report a hill for the repeal of all laws giving the Secretary of the Treasury authority to withdraw any Legal Tender currency. :rota circulation. except compound inteeest notes, whipla shall has funded in, ponds of the United States as they mature. • istroniastoS or Cooties. .. Mr. .131..N.K$ .offurel a resolution .that It is the duty of the government to give effect to Lilo moral sentitneat °Ube nation through all tto .6T.ele.• for the purposu of prove.ume the further introdur . tion or Coolies intollits heiniephere.' or' adjacent island!. Atlopteal, unaulmounly. A metaage W 6.3 reneived from the Prceidea transmitting the reports from the iieorotarie of State owl War giving on account of tbo cm - lotion of Matamoros by the United State troom In ioyembcr; also another tuessaZ. giving infoitnation in possession of the Snore tart' ;Ante to retkactuato the rermutlon Chutits.. stms,LoN Or a enqi.SUS. ibiI . bIIII . OYALIS tialniss of•Nebrookamtue and the tines tiTiot . Int pestle! tattr.K e was debuted at lenath. The lipase seconded the preens. question by a vote of 4$ to W., but 'sante. cowing to vote on the bill , }cornea. I= -• Cr.: ' , Teem' ll i.spatch to the. l'itt.,hurgh Gazette Om v, 14,11‘;6. The river Is still closed alkovu %lid bolos. W.thcr mudrtatu. "al mark et dill! at 4r0)4 CITY AND SUBIJEBAN (ADDITION Al. LOCAL HEWS ON THILD PAGE. Alle,ketty Counells.—Enutus "iousinas- I sat eventne, pursuant to custotn,the Union llepublienti members Of the nenr Allegheny City CounLil4 held u caucus meeting for the ndnduat ion of candidates for the various city nukes wlthi.l their gat. The tuertrug wan full and uttlin..ded, and consldernble excite mud es LA , among the different enznlidsdev, 11he were "turtton-hollog" , for preference among the City Fathers. The CAUCII4 organ ized ntxml. eigh o'clock,JLLlllo3 blellrler,Leei.. rreeldent of the Seleut Branch, prcalding. The lollowing wmu the result, the nominations being Ulltileandtt 1.0 •. /rtei.,/ /—G.0rr r; tti .each awl firic it. rrnt.i. • IMM:=I Treasure. Mact-rrou. nlreu rbutinirrionri . .—Thomee Mcgraw. Nupereariehet of Ira!, Irerk:—(irorer Miller. clerk •,1 ' Weigh .11iiser ut Ilionsorel Nen/es—John N. Ed . Ma. , trr It Scco,tl llitra &Wes-11144 I.lir te,. Irhorf ...Ito:ler—George fintchlnxon. lihur ding &Dilutor—Mehl over.) Nod I z.rr( or. Una Aleuturer o/ 11 - ood tool ore—Mendelor 52Er==M=1 CStla SOUri f01 , —..1. 11,..c0mb 3 . ..-Issraral gtr Cara 71, -, s—lt. Ithea. Asse.sur or Water R , Nta—Ailrautm Davi . • naur of City Ifolf—Jooeph Marshall. Board Aim orrrro—lltat want, - Itobt. Second wan!, Of lillam Murdoch; Third' word, .lames 11, Campbell, Fourth ward. .autlrew Irox ninon. We tensor our rlneere thanka to our ALM glieny fi wads for tau nomination 01 cur Jour nal mf one ot theollleml poporsof tan city, and stool endeavor to perform our daily In tee su ture an we have In the pont, In a menu., 011110- factory to nll Owen. Interemetl. • Tao Connell , a 111 meet to•tflalat al their re ifpeetivo cham oure for toe purpose of electing tile °Meer. nommatod anal this transaction at other lutilneaa. Gree' Irtifriy Onyn Sate. - Our readers will not forget that the groat sale of goods, regardless of cost, Is now going I on at the extensive salesrooms of T. A. Mr. Cielland, Nos. it and fi7 rlfth 7qtrt.anil that hargalus such as have never before been offered to thla neighborhood are offered. The stools embraces all kinds of boots, shoes, gait ers, and every hang imaginable In the way of durable, Comfortable, well made and desirable aridelo of pedal covering, dry-goOds suitable for winter wear, dress goods of the best styles, clothing for men and hors, clothing materials, woolen broods for lathes , wear, furs, man's, VW !urines, vials and an endless variety of choice house tornishlng goods, £O. For ooPro cadent.' bargains, nail- at atatilellanits. The salesrooms are upon your way to or from the market. and economical shoppers anti every other body Interested In bargains shonld cull In, brain lue the st.k and inquire the priceo. • Anoltter lkwittiepte ItArdouod, 'Thomas lingitee,eonelcLed in January, Let)ll, of murder In the second degree, and sentenced to ten years and eix months Imprisonment in the Penitentiary, line been pardoned by the (lament/iv of the State. Hughes, it Will ba re ebileeted, kneed annul, a stranger in the city, 'at the railroad olepOL Olt Liberty eLreet, by ehooting him with a pistol, oiled for it," soil captured about n yeitrpiterwanis in Pall ,L,huolda. Thu murder was committed 1p I t. li ugh. vaq tried 41,441,16 cm, m,swasts. w od,w, defending Wn, and nu ›unten ,egt cm the lids of the saute Monday School .Teneher C/1131.1.-011 day evening of inst week, after the prayer meeting, the friends and members of fir. Dig by's Stimiay School class met Monart for the purpmm of presenting slum with Wait -1441 e:.ste, on whirl] wan 'lnscribed "Iti Mr. Iron 111,111510 Class, Jan. Ist, 'Kn." floe. lierrlek Johnston made the pre sentation for the class.. Mr. Digby respond. ed, and after giving a brier history of his early religious education, returned thanks for the substantial token of respect and esteem. Dun smith S. Co.. Fifth street, supplied the cane, 7131 , 31 Outslital to elegant . . Pll[llOl3 l E4l by the Piorildeut..-11cory Lit tle, convicted at a late term of the United Platen District i;ourt of nominal{ s. counterfeit toNdoilet , hill ouf the , keeper el f.olontibu Smithfield ttrcet,w oc „i o „ oe , to the reei_ tentlifTY, boa been pardoned by the President. Theire o et 100 CC taltlintano etrciumi,itunes le the cf , 951. latic being only •:!llt.fien years old. lie had enjoyeil o good TON station previous to the t0MV214161011 of thin to which he Wes evidently brought by another and older party, whohue the bill to pass. TPo Vigilant Fire Compani tiro non gloomier built at the Arg- Vn a tivra r t%ble V rA i ttr old gloomier will be taken-In part paytaedittir the balder& . ~,,, , N. • COERT REPORTS, Trial List for This DOT. Cosmos Ptsa3--.7mlge Sterrett. 'XL Wallace vs Little. . Do. Do. et al. 213. Miller vs Lees. . ' • 212. Shane vs Carr. 219. Bough va Gardner. 2 . .9. Robinson vs Lehrsporger. Leech vs Lohmer et ox.` 222. Connell vi Lowrie. 22.1. Nana vs Shaul!. VG. Kerr vs young. DISTRICT COCIIT.—JUdge Hampton. I,,7.Ardeato 011 Co. Vs. Tack, Bro. dt Co. ...t. W. Foster a Co. vs;Poter Coleman 77. Thompson. vs Thompson.. • • 7s. Fisher vs tilllearne a 1111tehelL • SO. Couram vs Barnes. sl. Cheestaro vs Penna. Insurance Co. FT. Thompson vs 112musebrright et al. 01. Briggs a Mulverhl.ll vs Briggs. • • s (10•11.11itt Szsamea—Judge Stowe. Commonwealth TS Robert Mahoney. Indict ment murder—for killing James McOnteheme. at Sharpsburg, on the night of liept•ember 6, 1866. The defendant le a colored man. De ceased &viewed shortly before his death, that be was lying on the porch and got vp about eleven o'clock in the night toga toenails board ing house. Finding the front door locked ho went to the dining-I'oom window, and hoisting it was in the act of getting lute the room when no was spoken to by some one be did not know. he (deceased) replying that he was a boarder and was not going to hurt any one. lie was then shot whilst he was in the window. De. fondant was employed at house, that of C. W. Roam, in the borough of Sharpsbarg. pilaflSM eroart Before Judge ILrmproa. This Court met Monday . at 10 o'clock, and prooessiod with the ejectment ease of Walla vs. staffer. which went to the jury:agent noon. No verdict at adjournment. Emma Wall vs. Dr. John E. Shaffer. Action In ejectment for the one-sixth of orie-half of sixty-five acres of land in Elizabeth township. By agreement of counsel, note. of the trial in the former case were submitted In evidence and a verdict pro forma taken for the plain. tiff, subject to the opinion of the Court In Bane upon the question of law reserved, viz: Whether the deed of Brisbane Wall, of •aa August, ISCO, to Dr. Shaffer, conveyed the title .of Emma Wall, the present plaintiff, tohim or nett if it did, then judgment to be entered for the defendant, non 46 garlic reredtao. But If not, then judgment to bo entered on the verdict for the plaintiff. William H. Brown va.AlbertYoung. Action to recover three hundred dollars, the stated value of a "French Creek" flab boat, carried from its moorings at the Munoiligahela Bridge by a flood, and caught adrift near - Blidlicele Becks, abOut two miles down. the Ohio. Oa trial at adjournment. , • • Common Pleas Court This Court met on Mouday, 14th. Judge Siter zest oo the bench. Hobert Hays vs. William Thompison. Am. don la ejectment for TM acres of land In Jeff . arson township. S. A. Durelance, Esq., for plaintiff, offered 1.3 evidence of. title a deed, (dew/ Jan, ilth, 19614 to Hargeret Ellen Thompson, (now deceased,) who subsequently became the wife of defendant, for the , land 1 question, which oppugned a condition for the payment to plaintiff of an annuity or ''7ll. coed Li on coed Lion had not.. boesl complied with. Roped. W Esq., for defendant, objected to the d as'irreveleati Ha contended that a non-com lianee with the condition did not amount to forfeiture of title, and that the remedy of laintiff wee not to ejectnoud, but in an action for emeriti of comment. The Court sustained t °offer. The jury found a verdict In favor of plaintiff for six cents damages, to be release( upon payment ol the annuities due, algell, with interest from Jan. lot, 1957, payable A . ill Ist, 1869. - Objectio • was made to the yordictin conse quence of he unreasonable length of time allowed fo , the payment of amount of plain titre claim and ou motion of Hr. Dorris/me the Court raided a new trial, and ordered the easel: be put ir upoe the l aal . list for ro• .1 rule w. I granted no Christ tiraff and Thos. Gamble, d. foultingimors, to show cause why &indium). to rhoula not issue ageing them. Charles lowans administrator vs. Gullett .t Applem te. . Action to recover on two ore. missory n. tes, one, (fatal December 9th ,1114., for four h . odred dollar., and the other, dated July let, is • on one thousand thirtygive dol. lets. The defendant. plead the statute of limitation suit having been brought so late as March, • ", not within eth years, es requir ed. Verdi t for defendants. Henry SI, War vs. Philip Sheplarfs admin. lotrator. J figment confessed for nine hun dred and se ontyweves dollars. glary It. T. era vs. Joseph Wilson, admints tieter of D, E. B. Simpson, deceased, with notice to 1.0 Isa Simpson,devleee and beir-at. law of said ocedeot. I'laintilf claimed that the estate of Dr.himpson was justly ndebted to her in the suet of a5OO, with Inter i st from October Ist, ~, ,S, for money received by him in his Urea •. e, being too balance of money re maiming in • is hands on which he paid the in terest. Non •to or pblthation to writing was given to plat. tilt, bui, Dr. b. always admitted having the .. ouoy by annually paying the in terest therm,. down to October, a 55. The facts as stated we , e established, and it appeared that the legs cc had refused to allow the claim for the reaso • that there wee nothing found in the books or . mon g the paperspaying It. of decedeet d to ust the u •• nistrlitors Ver ictifyin faro of plaintiff in for the amount claimed. $l3l. ',.' William J. slier so. William J. Huffman, administrator of William Lowrie, deceased. Mr. White, co noel for plaintiff, took a non- Mt. 4 het fo the I-ourt ad r ho,liy baying been displayed of, urnell till today 01 9 occiock. of 'Quarier Sessions. met Monday forenoon, at ten . Stowe and Mellon on the bench, Cons Tilts Court clock,iud and the. COVIIT Ve'd STATION hare cast Was proceed with, occupying the entire day. lilehael Suil 'ran wm the defendant. and Mag gio s utl Wan,ged it yea-rs:the prasecutrix, at.. tended by h parents. Mr. and Mrs. Inman. The counsel n the case were: TLlOlnnettow a-d, Esq.:for Commonweal th , W and John /1. !laminae—R. . 31orrlson, and .D. Modre, 1 1,. Esq... for the defense. We need not repeat toe facts, nor descend to particulars, having already given hat is at all tit for publication concerning in case. At the conclusion of the arguments of counsel the Court adjourned. Judge Stowe will charge the jury this morn ing. --... Stealing C othlow from she Pioldiers . .11ems. ' A late Mims a of the Soldiers' 'Some. in the Ninth weld, n amed Thomas J. Montoe, wee committed jail on Sunday. by Alderman Donaldson. o by Dr. C. D. Mtog, Sur goon at the 11 c, with the larceny of cloth ing and other articles, from that institution. Monroe. It appears, hal boon In the army, and some time ago wan aZinitted to the Home on a certificate of 'a physician. After being there some tame, he was, during the temp o rary al. seine Ma ward master. placed to b inthin. in this office he was required to make out pa hers. draw and give out the clothes to the In-. males, ke. During his occupanCY of the Ppd. lion rem ions articles of clothing were missing from time to time; and Monroe is the suspect. cd thief. At one time a colored man happened to enter the absent ward master's room, when ho found Monroe in the act or looking at tile contents-of that oMcer's carpet ta ck. The colored man,. whose name is George Wathlng ton, told Monroe to whom the lithigs belong, cal when the latter remarked that he didtth think he would return again, at d If be did not, ho (Monroe). would divide with Washington. At another time Monroo's wife and daughter visit,Nl Aim, and tad a basket with them. It D thought Leat snipe of the missing article'. sucli as drawers, Wks; etc., were token at the time. Some of the _articles were round Un er Mouroo's hod tick. The colored man, Wilknington, was committed as witness. Sent to DiUpon*. Mary HWY, 1 1 10 Yiiniag Woman eolllllUtted to Jail. by Alderman Donaldson, a lbw days ago, for surety of the peace. and believed to be insane, Wee bethyp J. tulips aterrett, tn the Common Picas room, yesterday,' an applies- Lien having been made by fledrge IL. Cochran, Ury.,to have her sent to the Asylum at mord. Several persons with whom she had lived us a servant, also her stepmother, were present and testified that they behoved her mind to be disturbed, and that it was Unsafe for her to be at large. Dr. McCandless, Jr., Ito Jett phyaiclan, whose attention had aeon called - to her, Stated that she was laboring un der great mental aberration, but might be ro. stored under •prOper treatment. The young yeoman herself was askedby Ills Honor what oho bad to say. end replied by making a long and Incoherent atatetuent concerning ha; troubles, affording additional evidence of tier demented state. She was no% Tielmit, bpi there was a vacancy in her gage, and once she. I was= there teemed tip by no end to bar talk. Tim burdSu Of her complalln was that some persona had endeavored to damage. har char acter, with a view Of preventing lion marriage with a youne inanti Ithosci ohs woo engaged. The Court made t he required order for her tratislor trom the Jell to Dirdnont.. Ito iiinlissoce.—Mr. J. B. Militates, represem thug the Board of Health. Sob W 1 %47 Made to . formation before Altleffrah, Morrow, chi.o - NY inalfrcil liaric with maintaining a aucianoth beenie .the a n d owns tenth. mcnta on Virater street, and on of th(1411) i 4 pro. Tided with 4 alookleg chimney, which for want otripairtn. 3, endangering the health of the temente ntut tits naigubors. The de fondant, Wee brought fore the hidennati whom ehe fined 115 a n d emitted to pay the , • o A W tt i e l e o re n e ! = ne m im!a' kPpeff —Tn o start q j i um and 4134,0 km been pubecrlbe4. . . PRICE 'THREE CENTS. 11=1:= To those who would Late an adequate idea of the pork and hear peeking interest of Pitts bomb, we would re - eord a visit to the peeking home of Messrs. F, Sellers & Co., on the corner o Fenn antriVerne streets, in the Fourth ward. There is ho more 'fitting place to obtain a large kncoiledgt of this business. Tho extent and variety of the i:knees trans. , acted by this firm are very._ great, and enor mous quantities of sugar cured hams, sugar cured beef, breakfast bacon; aide. and shoul ders, besides great numbers of beef tongues, are Perpetually turned out from the curing department of- the Mtablislanent. •lobbera will search in vain for so favorable a place to deal in the articles mentioned. They are sup nhed in almost unlimited quantities, of the very higheet qualities. and at the most rea sonable terms- It le also greatly to the interest of all mi ners, railroad and milicompanles to tam their attention to this house, for the extra No. I and No. 2 lard oils turned out hero in large quantitiee are fur lower In price than all ant !mad ells, and far better than any mixtures that can be devised as lahrleatore. Besides these oils, the firm supply the best possible "mill grease," and so much are all these In favor with practical men that most of the rolling mills in this city end neighborhood are eapplied by this house. Other very im portant articles turned out here, are - the star candles of every superior grade, and the .olean soap, winch has become so popular for I its many excellent qualities.. I • The building Meuplett by tide Innis alarge three story !amen:a° on the corner of Penn and Wayne street. More properly It consists, I for proctical purposes of four stories, the cel -1 i gr bang used to as much purpose as -any Cl the Upper portions. The cellar extends the entire ietigth of the building and Is divided Into three *lmpartments; lathe centre portion is stored the barrelled lard used in mane. (suturing lard oil. /a the division au the right ere the - great proems used for pressing the oil from the lard. The products ofthie ery the extra lard oil, and'the prime ethane.— Other preened, are above for the making of N 0.." oil from Isle. S Lard. The bard cakes which remain after the - MI has been express. al, are "stamina," and are used {or making tae world famous star candles. The third division of the cellar federated to the salting and rtmingorubulic meat,"oonsist lag principally of eboulders and aides of pork, winch are - kept hero badry salt until reedy for • smoking. in the cellar also are three large apartments for supplyiug smoke JO the three smoke houses which extend up through the three upper stories. The drat floor is devoted mainly to pickling hem, which are packed in casks, where tinware kept until ready • for amoking. The second story i also devoted to the sugar mi ring of hams,beet ham. beef tongues and breakfast bafen. The third story- is occupied by the c citU r tf;:l h i o rt t r le m en 'f." l 2 s r li e isi a el n it "P' -4r Mr. Sellers, the ptivelpal of the Arm, is one 'of the most widely and favorably known of all our beeinesa Inca. For many years be has of , cupletl a leading position in venous branches of manufacturing and mercantile business,and his name alone Is suMelent gnarantee—if any guarantee were wanted, for an interest so firmly established—tor the first class eharac. tar of the establishment. Moors. Owens and Dunseath, the gentlemen associated with Mr. Sellers, are also wel/and favorably known as 'business man Of excellent rapacity and high standing. The Insurance Companies—Anutial Election of Directors. The stockholders of the Several. insurance companies of the city, yesterday elected Di rectors for the ensuing year. We give below the result of the elections: , detsonowv.--John Irwin, Jr., John D. !'eta !Cord, C. G. Massey, Liarvey Chlldo, Thoinas J. lioskinson, Wm. Dean, Francis halters, Chas. !Rays, Robert H. Davis, B. L. Fahnestock.,! Geo. D. Re Grew, W. IL. Everson. • • Pcorres'.-Wen. Phillips, Join Wail, John F. Parke, Capt. Joke L. Rhoads, Wm. Vanklrk 'C. H. Love, Samuel P.Shrlverolames D. Ver. nor, Charles Arbuckle, John M. Kirkpatrick, Capt. James Miller, Prank S. BolselL Msurescerezna sun Mencns:lTS.—lames I. Bennett, A. N.' W. Painter, John W. Chalfant. Robert. Lea, /11111 1 11 p10hc7.. 1 . 0. Pershing, WU lle.m Walker, Mark W. Watson, IL G. Bushnell, John Wilson. lienry A. Weaver, W. A , Geed. Joseph Walton. BOLTII /ell Plac sun 111 C. Gray, D. N. Park, Jam es Gore, H. %%Wirer, Jr.,Jake 11111. Maury Lloyd, James IL Wright, John John P.Sallth, F. M. Gordon, 2r, J. Btgley, Da vid Crawford. - • . GEnaresn—C. lIo•reler, P. Ltabormann. Ed. de Barnum IL VErgele, C. Ehtehfleld, II Z. White, Joseph Leog E. Morgenstern, George Gent, Jobe George heyboldt. A. G root ringer, Gottb. tichwexz, E. Itorhlcaste. Great Bargain• la ctetbing—lmmense Reduction In Price. •44. D. llamaley's MD and 336 Liberty Street. Our renders need again be reminded that the grand closing out sale of fall and winter cloth ing continues to draw largecrowds of purcha sers at the extensive, salesrooms of J. D. .13.4.- inaley, 334 and i Liberty street. live * hurt' Arad overcoats made from the best of materi al and to the best style, still remain unsold and will be disposed of at prices moth below the actual cost. In addition to these there willalso be found a full line of all. styles of men's clothing, drawers, under shirts, dress shirts, cotton and woolen hosiery. soaps, Iles, suspenders. gloves, and a general assortment of gents furnishing goods. Theproprietor.le. signs removing into Ms new and palatial store opposite the Union Depot, in a-very short time and hence his determination to close our, alt or Ms present sleek of goods regardless of cast or Invoice. Gentleman in need of any article In the clothing line should at On such to Itainaloy's and secure a bargain, suelv as will not be offered again for a long while. Remem ber the place, 334 and .306 Liberty street.. Good Place to Go When DWI Most men who keep sObor regard the May or's °lace as a very good place for drunken men to go. Most men who get drunk regard it an au admirable place for drunken men to stay away from. An exception to the latter rule turned up in Allegheny yesterday morn ing.' An Americ .0 citizen, one-armpl and of Teutonic extmetion, wended his weaving way for a time through the streeta of our sinter city under the leadership of tanglpfootod spirits. Ills organization was very poorly Y for the time bring at ell even. , Perhaps the absence of his arm destreSed the equilibrium of his physique; at an rate, be was lmd very hula equilibrium left- Y. The p Ore meet toe bread, and the breadth of it tired him. At length, wearied out with car rYing much weight,' hehrought np fer rest ing spelt at the o ffi c e of Mayor Morrison. Me staggered in and etumbied into a chair. The °dicers present saw hp* it was. The man was very tired and needed prolonged rest, so they .chuckpl , ' him into a cell where he would not be disturbed until this morning, when it :APS be hoped lie will be entirely recovered. For tho laver Xplyo, The inner man and the outer man monopo. lire pretty much the attention of the whole MAIL By the time a man has fully effected his arrangements. by which ho is to clothe his surface and teed hie Interior economy from day to day,, be has, If he belongs to the ortli naryrun of men, but little thought to bestow elsewhere. The Inner man-4/m stomach— comes In for more than au ogee' share or dot ly miglety and daily attention, nod the place where the best, chances for the stomach are effects], is the piaci:molt people are. particu larly anxious to 4nd. view of therm facts, we would call the careful attention of all our lady and gentlemen readers to the advertise ment In another column of this rooming.' Is sue of Joseph Tricker, a welt knoWn restan, 'vilelt of the city, Mr. Friona hoc Jost ed a drat class wirier Worm; for and gentlemen at \a M Glair' t.‘toot, close rue Suspension Badge; - kverythlirg to to be toned at.llloY first elites restaurant Is to be toned here. Ladles will find en elegant sad cOmmeillell: dialog saIOOP on the - locoed floor. Gave Mr. Fr - inter a call. ==! We recently made the broad assertion that Dr. Nei - sees Blood . Searcher . taccoMpllshes more good for suffering humanity than any other medicine new 1n use upon the face of the earth,” and, corroborated by the wonder ful cure which wo publish in another column at to-day's issue, we bare no Idea of retract ing. • The present case is selected from among a number .4 home, the cure of a little daugh ter of Mr. Neal McFarland, a well known eitt ;en of our city. Dr. lieyser has. reason to be proud of the suecess which invariably follows the use of bit Bleat Searcher, at home and abroad. Biro the suffering have the advert loge of consultation with Dr. Keyser, who; from study, experlenceand.the cushier invest ore of the Medical Degrees is recognised thoroughly most reliable pliyeiclana. acqualntal with the anatomy and ills of mankind. We commend the °eradiate Pitblishett in another colutos to Ms attention ampreders, l et ,. ‘ -tug toss it speaks vol tor the curative powers or. Pr.. BeY•lcr . s Blood Searcher, groy4sall Taylor's Leelame, Last evening. lu too City Loll. Mr. itiYai,a Taylor lectured on ...Malcolm Ll6.' • Ito did not pursue the custemnry muthod of telling Rhmein,„s people, we excel, , but tn what ti ul rs we come Mean. Lie 11113 severe on psr o tiles° narroweassm in thought, add 'oornf which prevent Moire° ahri.tWoperninnt do. velooment of individual M: 'We corteillly notf.attor, nut he cLtd. to White se eonot fully concur, either bla asuklyala of the detects of American Scala?, o , In. the Meal to which he UMW 81;dratLONwebnItrt eppreso tho main pupate by which he la autruntee, • D. 1.414 a, ettialEnalaa ' arot the Palladialphia ii.ropo_partuatak masatat goat week to Alm v.aglo U.+Scosopaol of this cl;y, a hiulUocaer. tliTer mounted istualot, seamark poser. al. cote the l,3lM4ra P4 lll the COZOPani, - Dr. Bellows. tide Erentog.--Thht even. , telt, at the Acsderol !duel.. Um W. It. Bellows ts to lecture ender the am t .. 0,..z . bus Toting llen's Mercantile Library The subject chosen by Dr. Bollows—.TwoL Tntrds Through the Inotoentll Centurye—. one of the largest und most absorbing-tater est, And when treated with the rich thought, the thorough culture, the refined intellect and the finished eloquence which Dr. Bellows brings to bear upon it, cannot tall to richli Of. psi all who are sO fortunate u to LIM= to the lecture. There will be no reserved Seati tor the lecture Mai erening, and those WhOgo earliest will secure the best sent , . A isnlint seat should not be lett Lathe hove, Lora more flashed spesget, ore more pluming One. seldom listened to. . • • r . nave it Volt Arwentlete—For instantly plating all article') of copper, braes or German sliver, with pure silver, where worn off h and for cleansing and pollehlng curer or • ver. plated ware. Warranted to contain no grdalt• silver or acid, or any Injurious article. For ewe by J. Sample, Allegheny, and all drag • ---- - ._ . .Wares of Iron Boilers.—e tooel a of the - Iron /Oilers of this city sad =lulu - to be whicht the corner of Smltufleld end 'Mb, to wthe roll medotfooturers of the city arc lorded to .111nues the Justice and nee:tatty of .reducingour-(tho Iron hollers) reht. Nomlniattoos....The Presidad bas seat to the :Senate the following nomlnettonS. James Lowry, .Ir., to be ....:nrYeyoso( at Pitt " :i Ti._ . C. A% to surve3vr. of Customs at Wheeling. • • Additional City and Suburban on Fourth Page. - .;13 , alEt alv :4 :114 tztzi a:1;1111 WANTED,--A Young Nan who can write (fir ...a is seinewhat Mold In ample kiioK-ILEEPI.Iiti and blathaumbles. bear • a good situation at &liberal *Vary Ina man. eitacturliur A elzbgalinuent 1.15re1l Ossetia WATCHES, CHAINS AND AT A VERY . SMALL PROM. At WILL T. WILEY?B 6 Wyll, St, 3d door from des • " WHEELER 'WILSON'S SEWING MACHINES Have Store Improvements, • MAIiC6B LEIN .rOlll6. " a 'Xilla z glaaieVrati. "sr' WM. SUMNER & CO., 27 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh. 1y10:r1M BOYS' .WATCHES STERLING SILVER CASES BBom•thtno Oleo Corn Ffollfloy PUMA. ttiodO el. proaaly to ourorder, by oaf of Itto boot Masalse• tort. o to Xuropo, tioaranted to Do petted. Time 'Keepers from $lB to $25 DUNSEATH& CO'S 11.7 c., 3P111.313. iStreiot• ado THERE Is . d MLR TOF JHOJYEF IJS LIMING'S IMPROVED STOVE DAMPER, A Hr. Lowlll4 alresdy sold I.IXO Dampers In Bhhtaulher7 ...LT, Pa.. and Ina Just ordered hoi addluoaal. Er. French paid ASA for Salem County. N.J. sold SO3D•mper. In a few town.hilts, and then sold the remainder of his eounty :or I.l7Ml—all Aphis six Wee.. Heft er apurelna FIVE STATES. A hie. Bird, aft using the Damper on a Stove in 'his hotel. was ...well plea..l.ltb it that Da bought the right to the state of Sew THE OLEAN it Is UNIVERSAL: THE morns LARGE! STATE A- COUNTY 11101 ITS FOB SALE. Erne memo for Circular, oration - . J. N. WHIDDEN. 110.11 Fifth street, Fitt:gni'Eh, EA. a 3 304.13171111101M1..r. W. 11. IJahlIAW..j. 4.111)1311WW EAGLE COTTON WORK& .11.11%. 4 1:MFA'Vitl i air u t global by Moons. bable, rEbibioCli Alk. CO., or • r.r Wall y Ma ma tbe public that wo =Maas inabalscturn Sheeting's, Cotton Yarns, Carps Chains, Candle 'Wick and Batting. orders may be left ,t the °Mee of the Works, CORMS ISMAILI& SANDUSKY EN 11116113 Y CHI : _OH AT THE PITTSBUR GM BREWER YI Corner of Duquesne Way and Harker'. LUST, • Pitt yawls Pram JOSHUA RHODES & CO. WELDON & KELLY, PLUMBERS, Gas and Steam Fitters, AND BRASS FOUNDEM A hale assortmemt Chandeliers and Brackets, Lead Pipe. Pumps, Sheet Lead, dux, ALWAYS ON HARD. 164 Wood Street, nearlixth. • Mre:b7 ,89 89 89 189 89 89 89 89 F 'B9l 489 i GO TO 1 89 11 : 1. 033 3EI , g 9 i 89 Market Wrest, rBB' AND OLT YOLIG BOOTS, SHOES, &C -• , 69 MARKET STREET. .7 - . . 89 THY CHEAPEST AND BEET XET i ME El • ci xqr . sr. 89 No AUCTION _GOODS NEP?. ,diNEB - ROBB, 89 Market Bt.' 89 89 89 S 9 89 89 89 89 89 J. F. STARK & CO., BANKERS, Corner'of Wood and Third Streets. 33171 r ILZSIZI) UNITED STITES CODS, GOLD, MYR. An WPM Draw ]Yore sad Bight BIBS nr Szehaage en EIEGLANT). TRAIKII. GERMANY, max; aq, Alnls:4olzivr J. W. JOHNSTON-. jouNsToN 6,7lCet------"3. at= Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry SILVER-PLATED WARE, ETC:,, = I.ll:ttisbrtawatio N•exusak. w /iir . L.k w. c iela t zaerzas y. all :ittit4=4 ed*". HULK CLIMB & CO. • Practical Furniture Blaitufactlrrera, CDR. PENN AND WAYNE STREETS Mies of TURNITIME constaatlvoet bumf 110119E81 HOIISE81: _ - - 3PCOXII. MAILT.4I3. ou good, sound WORIC 110119PIScreectwa nag I. ILL bo said cheap' onb good DZ1L1,7210 ROM one grzWog . ..lls e lif i . guarantee. to ng " 1113WAR11'23 1.:IVI L /11% BAIA BTAIII.X._IPIInt . r . znontgabela, Romig. on NiallAlC )63 , HILLIDAtie ' crativrEvr.--Tn• beanttltd ••t}od•a-•era.•• Qs lar I tabortai plane of sepulchre. except OnO, ill II 000nt:4 noted on New Brighton rood, Immodlosnly . :t i t= . A r stlro ' r Ctlrfr cirwli, ■Laa7 (no. ALEX. AMEN, • _rreasommiyr4l.sczeri, Ho. UM north ihrsetZpb.litb s it. Or*Ufai Vg.trS i tr.l EkroOrn.s.nOn. weal ctvl e=rg"l.ll2 irlliCerr.triler% W. Juolm, TbOatas ions/. ssq.. Jaenlbn Killer. Tag. , R . T. WHITE b. CO., UNDERTAKERX iiNDEVEMMERS m.t.e.4•=,..woooestitiasligdoet s . COifni PM 4S Al NAMUR Irmo Oak isldlia se ISMltsldsal akin:tag algtsFia, sane tad Caritas Itintstat. ` i + ~ 1