t i e • = CITY ITEMS. M== Met, the 'Wheeler rt •Wilson Sew- Wig Leohine received the highest award—all the I:whines of Europe and America in cote petition. This award hue alwayiri been made wherever exhibited. You will mate no mire tate in ordering one arr aliaiiday gift . to wife, sister or friend. They con be pnrehasedonly at rimenor ill Fifth secret. Ilarsird Q Caswell's Cod Liver 911. Te Purest and Sweetest Id Liver Oil in the world, suautifectured ir us fresh, heaitby liver!, upon the sea-shore. It is perreals pure and 3 wed.. .%a1 for w Ilazard.t Csurweirs Cod Liver,oll,” resnufactirred by CARRELL, M cs:h Co.. New York'. Suld by all druggists. arw • . 3ellles on land. . Curraitt, Raspberry, Gurnee, St-Weber-IT, lea. 111111, Grape, Grungedltsehberry, Apple, Lent en. Pfue-tpple and Vacir Current. Cad and sec them x[ _319 Federal etreet, AlleglianY eats• GEO. BTAVE:q. Aeotber Kale of Territory Made yeaterday, for Linling'S Improved Stove Damper. No' IS the time to call at . N0..11 111th streut,as J. S. Whtlden leaves to a taw days, to put s Damper On more Western Stale!. •. limey are Determine' More sulx.tons to invert In that 'l.lmproved Stove Ddrapere , Eta the best chantes aro going Tapia! 7, at - rit• • Drossiscid Medicines. •• • Doctors , prescrlpttoue'carcrally prepared et halt tho mina' prlce, at Fultotes Drug Store. Oppoette PostoraCc. • EM:iO "utter from a tough - when Coo's Cough DaLsam eau be had at Fleming's Dtug . tore,. Market street. Sold trholenalo and retail at the lowest Dr. Warner. - The medical onloo of E. Warner, old Indian phytdoleff, ft - Son; removed to No. ell Penn ' Ser. IL A. li'llaort , s Iternejty Is the only positive cure for eonsuraption. Sole agent for Plttaburge—Joe. Fleming, Sl Market "lon Lain Buy Foreign Liquors of all kinds at Joseph S. Finch's DLitillory, No, lON 191,183 and ltia First street. Pittsburgh. You.Cau Bo pir cont. Aloahul at Joseph S. Fisch's .Toucan Bay New' Hops at Joseph S. Finch's. Ii l'ittOittip -----__ ,CoßrallEaL PONlSitidEliT. Itecent cases of brutality, by parents and teachers, in disciplining children, have given fresh impulse to the discussion of the merits of physical torture as a means of correction in families and schools. In some of these instances pun ishment was carried so far that death came to the relief of .the sufferers, end the tor mentors justified , their severity as the con setentions. perforiaance of a solemn duty. This is scivilly revolting, but these uiln stances are de more shocking when it is seen that, a Ming the premises upon which the inflictors started, the ionclusion arrived at was legitimate and inevitable. Upon the rightfulness and • utility of whipping in schools the courts, as usual, maintain the consen ative position: Usage, embodied in statutes, allows it, and the Judges sustain the authority of the rod. Still, they.exhibit a perplexity as to'exact ly hots far to go. If it is not only the I right but the duty of teachers to subdue I the obdurate wills of pupils, and whipping is admitted among She authorized instru mentalities to that end, it becomes exceed- !ugly difficult to determine preciselywhere infliction must stop. A blowless ,or SUP may decide whether the btahhoin will is -conquered or not; it may decide, too, whether the pupil shall live of die. 'ln case death happens It becomes a question Of intention whether the teacher was con-. "Selentionsly discharging an imperative and high duty, or, being malevolent, was com mitting manslaughter or murder. I. The same principle is involved when pa. Tanta me the rod punitively upon their children. . The most eminent , educational anthori trei in the country are divided in opinion as to the efficacy of whipping as a means - either of control or reformation. Professor Acassii., who has bad large experience as an instructor, states that lie has never bad occasion to strike a pupil, and thatheholds the whole practice of whipping to be" per nicious. Other gentlemen, equally famous as educators, take the other view, and with like emphasis. • ~ • • . In forming a iudgment on this head each one is biassed by his own peculiarities. A man who has absolute central over himself; whose nervesuranot disturbedby ordinary annoyances; who is well developed In hie . intellectearpo.wers, and still better In tile moral anti spiritual; will have little WM- catty fn managing any number or kind of pupils that may be entrusted to him; while s man whose spiritual and moral develop. went is low; whose intellect is Etiong and cultured la its baser part rather than in its higher; and whose animal nature Is under no superior restraint, will find it hard to decently Perform the functions of a teacher to pupils of the most tractable tempera meats and the most promising CArtabllitiCS. NIIMall beings, ,whether as individuals: or communities, are necessarily develop- I . ed from the lower portions of theit us-' 1 ture towards the higher. - Development's I simply lin - possible in any other method. I In the lower conditions . ofsociety the phy , steal patiers are chiefly subject to disci,- .pline. Thus soldiers, athletes, gladiators, I are produced: The ideal is physical per- I fection. Bo far as the intellectual capabil- 1 ides are put under training, it is primarily -1 for the purpose of ministering to bodily . . necessities-7ot supplying food, clothing and shelter. -In no nation, so far, has general intellectual development gone be yond fists. Individuale . rimy, be- found, here and there, the -higher - portion ol whose intellects have been developed, and for the noblest ends. They , have learned to love the true and +ha beautiful—tiud is, all forms of knowledge—not because they can make them subsidiary to their personal ends, but because they are excellent and - lovely in thernfelves. When an individual has reached this point, he has become a philosopher, In. the most exalted sense. A nation compo,sed entirely of sucit,will have to be dreamed about a good many centu ries yet, before it will exist. But, there is a higher development than. the mental; and this is the moral and spiritual. When • a man has come to love the right- and the good with-, supreme affection, not because he' can make them profitable to himself, but ,be cease they are infinitely lovely, he be-, cerise& a saint. When both the intelligence and affections have this higher ecolture, • the man becomes at once a philosopher and saint--that is, an angel- and human nature los attained its crowning glory. Scarcely one such man has yet appeared on earth ii..natlon of them—when will It be. actual . Izedl In the earlier stages of human develop.' merit, when the pliyeituff, bad precedence - of the mental and moral, corporeal disci_ pane was stippasedio be infallible. Who. ,ever oi-tuna° the tenably of ,Nemoe the son ot o**. noes ta F. Ectu f init° the flesh . of .11°Ms of Nazareth, and two . pundred years before lute to point of time, i 'it -;51 Aritr in 1 I IL, 11' ~ ',J., ~. ~, , ~, ), VOLUME T,XXXII.---NO. 11 may find out what was thought on this subject twentpono hundred years ago. "Cocker thy child, and hew ma et ee afraid; play with him, and he will bring thee to heaviness; laugh not with him." That surely was a savage commencement— the banishment of all evidences of love on th, _te part of a father towards a child. But, these admonitions do not end here. "Give him no liberty in his youth. Ile that chastisetli his sop, shall have joy in him. Bow dawn his neck while he is young, and beat him on the sides 'while he is a child, leg ha 'MIX stubborn, arid be disobedient unto thee, and so bring sorrow to thy heart." This whipping a child in ad. vane of tranagressiori is a trick not , yet entirely outgrown. Can any body doubt whether it was an age of barbarism, or at least among barbarians, that such maxims were remirded as the highest earthly wis dom? This point settled, it is easy to see to 'what period of human development the discipline,of the rod,pertains. It does not belong to what is called the' civilization of the nineteenth century. But that cipres sion is in itself ambiguous. In this nine- teenth century we hare about all the forms of civilization that have existed. In New Zealand they still roast fat young women and cat them. In Maryland when black men commit petty larceny they sell theta into Slavery. Hence, when people speak Of the civilization of this century, they put the highest forin of it for the totality. The rod, as an instructor, is at the bottom of a perpetually ascending scale. There was a time when a whipping-post WRSCeSSaZi appendage to every court of justice, and a•flagelator was at hand to administer savage discipline to culprits. In penal administrations, except in some of the demi-savage States at the South, this country. has outgrown the whipping-post:.' It stands on the statute books to mark.the rudeness.of the age that tolerated it ; the barbarism of the men who thought it a means of grace ; and to show how fast and' far society has marched. Shall we keep in Lnr households and school-rooms, for ap plication to our loved ones, this last rem cant of the ancient torture? All the bar barians,-who ought to have been born at least a hundred years ago, but who mans aged to slip past, and come down to these times say, yes. They who .show the best type of our current civilize lion say, no. TELEG iternio areamny The foreign grain trade of California is rap idly increasing. On Saturday, two vessels cleared from San Franciico with bl,ooo sacks of wheat, and in that day twenty vessels were engaged to load wheat,. viz!. fifteen for Eu rope, Waster New York, one fors Philadel phia, and one for China. C. L. Vallandigham le to do the next piece of political oratory for the Young Men's Mtn. ceratlG - Cluti of Roston.' The godsb WllePrOSeplatives of Maine has adopted the Constitutional Amendment by a vote ofl% - to 12. • California sends 411,000 in gold: to the ie. Owen, by thelatelaundatiorts !armee°. Patrick 'O'Neil, wither Fenian, was cantle tedsa Toronto, on Saturday, ancrwill be sat teneal to be hung , C. ft F. Wann, lard oil manufacturers of Cln eltdati, failed on Saturday. A strong opposition to thafederation scheme te . Wag organized in Canada East. The °pp,► alien intend having their views well repro. seated in England. The revenue nutter lingh McCullough sailed from New Orleans 011 Saturday, for Maraca. Bishop Simpson, of the M. E. Church; was a passenger. ; Messrs. Dubai & Ogden, brokers, Caronde. let street, New Orleans, were on Saturday robbed of eight thousand dollars—all taken front a desk during the absence ot the partici. The Tennessee Union State Convention 10 nominate a candidate for Governor, meets on the fthl of February. A number of C001311e5 in East Tennessee recommend the reumnina.- lion of Goy. 1310111110 0 '. Chancellor Campbell, of Nashville, has deci ded the law providing a Metropolitan Police for Nashvill e tual injunction told:. unsonstitaioned, and de creed a perpe against the Pollee Commissfoners. An appeal h a s been taken to the Supre me Court of the State, now in session at Nashville. On Friday, the Uth, a mall party from FOIL Laramie to Fort Phil. liessnleV was attacked by about thirty Lallans. The party escaped with the loss of their wagons and males. I:p to the 4th inst. no more Indian depredations occurred in the vicinity of Fort Phil. Eniu - ncY• Tao mti,aniil of 'coff.in, and four of infan try have been seat to Fart Llano, and witty rob ably go on to Fort ?hil. Kearney. - • No more ratline are to be sentenecti to death' in Canada; at least on the ground of participa ting in last summer's frolic at Fort.Eriese. the Judge stated in Court at Toronto on Sand- - A Montreal dispatch says a double murder was perpetrated In Tainanska,Canads East. A.man 'named Jutras and the wife of a maa named Erqveneher, died very suddenly; the latter two months ago, and the former on the. Met of December, under circumstances which indicated petard:Wig, and which - pointed to Provencher and the - wife of Jatms as • the guilty parties'. Provencher and y Jutras, U is alleged. were on Urine of cusp icions Intimac, and they wilt be tried for the Joint murdertof their resPectiresPOnelta: .• . - A dispatch received last night says: Two fe -1 miles of Carter county, East Tennessee, nein. ed Roberts and Johnston, hare berm waging a bloody war between each other for .twenty years. Darin this time fourteen men belong ing to these two families bare lost their lives, and on the evening of the sth instant, the vendetta came to &bloody end in the streets of Elizabethtown, Tepnessee. by the two solo surviving males of the Bober es and Johnsteus engaging In &personal altercation, which re - suited fataly to both. This domestic war originated about a dozen fence rails. Miss Christina Mitt, aged abouteighteen Ohi o, years, living on Oak street, In Day ben, Ohio, was brutally murdered ea Friday afte during the temporary absence of her mother, by some unknown person. Bloody . tracks were found in the snow eatable of the house, sal mnrke of blood were also found upon the fence. - & discharged pistol, belonging to her brother, was found by her side, but there were cuts upon her head made by soma sharp Instrument, and the supposition lo that in at tempting to defend herself with the pistol from the brutal assault of a radian, she was killeil_by him, the pistol fired into the wound, and so placed as to raise the presumption of suicide. Nil clue to the perpetrator of this horrid deed has yet been obtained. There seems to be no doubt of the election of Governor hwellinto‘the United states from Marylaud. " 'Snell, fell In 2iew Torii yesterday, and as far south as Washigten. There was a destmotive Lire at Willoughby Ohio, early yesterday Morning; The Drina pat sufferers are. W. - Y. Merriam, dry 11 .,a, v i a a Holmes, grocery; Vial a Yorgiune, hardware; B. W. Perkins, grocer, and Tosicy & Abbott's stores.. The Eastotilee anu tier. chants' tinian Express Wilco were also de . strayed. -Less estimated at' POPO; Partly In A destznetive den footyptece at Jayneesille, Wteconetnaesterday. The Itiatt Uprise, OZU , of the lerseit ban% WU consented, together With a cbard3, • E some offices, sterna's ow. niters floor talll end oratnerh At Charic ton. South Cuotti*oontaintter lomo bushels atino luta Irk barrels .Of Sane end other *oda*: use datooTedhy itrogeeterdey. =cod - for . .moo, allay in northern corepi. # 5 7 • , I FIRST EDITION,. ONE O'CLOCK. A. M. LITE NEWS BY MEGRIM FROM EUROPF. Large Iherease of the English Davy. THE TIMES CONTINUES ITS ADVICE A$ • TO IMPEACHMENT. Mediation Between Spain and Chili by the United States. Il‘ ISSILZECIION )11)1;!; FORMIDABLE !VCCE.Ni 4 TI or TOE tNtiLTSII I( 7 \ VT Los . nox, January - FL—Tho Lords: of tho Ad• nytralty ore bestly engaged in the preparation of estituntes for tho large Warms° of the ha. rat atreug.h of the empire lately ordered. TII L' SIM., IMOZANDIONS. The Time. has :al ~rguntentativo article on the subject of the impeachment of the Treat• dent °film United States, and, bays that the scheme looks liken fatal blow at the Constltn tion. 0t , 00.1. 7 AND AVSTILII. • January Beak, f!maident of the itungarlan Diet, has 'Felled nn addreas, In which he cOudemn , the patent lately . 'mind for the reorganization of the army. flo says that the carrying out of the schemo will car. taluly prove fatal tone ariangeMent of the present difficulties, and adjures the LrMap . cror to concede to the claims of ibIIISSIT. • cnrayieu OY TILL i - SIZZD ETAT.C. 4 I. MADIIII 3 , . 1 / 1 .0; I.—The proffered 1:130t11111.10II tsf the Untied States In the differences between Spain and Chlli.le reganted,sus alli103t;e1Ftli111 ns a fOrerUllll9r Of au honorable and perm.- neut. peace. , Tula... XI. Tilt iIItC.KUSAUP.ItCO 2I C . N. V1M{33.1 dnanarl I. The journals it t contain the ottani announcement that the Sublime Porte but called one hundred thou annd men into fferVICO 10 .1116 1 the (ircek In. surrection, Irttrair, January 12.—The Chum Dec of Doti utlee has adopted. the dralt of We toltlress to repts to the speech of Vletor Emanuel. coaxal:of/a. A-SD Yllll.kNell L. • _ Ltrenreet, Jan 12-I.7renien.—Cotton mar ket elorud dull and lower; middling uplands, Sales Of 5.4:00 Wales, lalloer:;.lauary le.-A:onsets closed at bl (or money. Etta snares, cp.ii.llve-Twontle 4 . l Teir Dona nt parts, lI TUE LATEST. TUC 1,02.1.111 LONDON, Jlllllll. 11.—The Globe editorially says: The Eastern question hen become so pressing that It demands the tramedhate at tention of the European..pnwerS, Thu Worm thinks a general confprenee of 'the leading p awcru kill be proposed on the subjext. IYnCOIUXTION IN BOSNIA. A report emys an Imiurreetton Is on the pohnt of hrealr:nlr ont 11l Bosnia. ii • nlcil.l.osg. Buntrt , ', January 11—The It'ortit Ucrmpn (krulle denies thct Bismarck luau issued MILT diplomat lc circular. us mem:Ali - reported. CLSISYL ucasc ass It nrsoar.v. J unitary 13.—A motion has been in troduced in the Itungariala Diet declaring thi degree lately Issued for the reorgantretton of the army void, and that all vim old ha lip ex ecution shall be ptinished for treason. JaUmlTYll.—Tbe steanishipafel-. yetis, trout New York, has arrived. otataiMiLDl GOTZ TO CANVIA• : LoNDoN, JationTVl.:.—Uopor, from Madrid state that tiarriladdi has gone to Candle.. TGOCTti SOD TUC COLTANs. - I PAlnf,JOAUOTyl3.7l,l3pattlat. from the oast report a litnlstentir trials at Constantinople, and that the Loa recalled the Aanliassa dor Irani Athens. It is'alsar reported nulls -largo number of reinforcements for the IP-reek I.urgent3 landed in Camila front limey ships, :Ind that the Cretans are receiving fresh suppllos of arms. The Czar and the inculbers of the ICODOTINd - Court were present at a ball lately alvea, id of the nattering families of Cretan:. • .cousizaeut. Lao TI3I3CI.kL. I.NDOO, Jatillary al4potoll from [aokfort reports 'AVr,. CENTRAL Aril) SOUTH SMEIIIIA. Cholera on the 11411.031.-,tipr. tai Ifornin Passengers—Vie Preparation.. et Calls and rern for the Weir With hrinto—Arrival of Parrett Ilona from the Vetted States. 1,[, on VIZ ItirtlSCl. New Yong, Jan. 12.—Passengers trite arrived by the Y:1.011121' sae Francisco from Nitataglia to-day report that at sou 3111111 4.1C1 nor they found, seven hundred passengers from the steamer Santiago, and three hundred soldiers who had been left Icy the steamer lieges Tay. ter. They also found the steamer San Frans. else° at Greytown with hundred more pas sengers, match:U In all. Official reports say that nino -passengers and twenty-toren soldiers died ut eholern. The San Yranclace left Greytown on the lot inst., and on the day following had three cases of cholera in the steerage, and three deaths by other .11SeaS041 eight ileums occurred dur ing te voage, ve o f which were from chols era. , h T he etame li r In at Key Felt on the GM, chiefly . to allay the fright of the 'passen gers. Twentponc of theta wetesso frightened that they deserted the slim there. Another aseenet save twoulysslx 7 sldera mid out. °nicer, ?tutor Gamble, toll victims to tile disease; also two passengers and four cm• . ployees of the river steamer. eund ASS SOUL , by the San Francisco dates from Callao and Lima, to December:2, and later adrines foes Clint, have Men received. The allied PettIVISII and Chillan fleet, hailer command of Commodore Tucker, late of t e r command navy, left Valparaiso for Joan Fernandez on the 7ila Mt.: where it sabres 'Male eight or ten days practising at the guns and thee return to Valparaiso. . The American. hark Fannie. oue hundred and sixty days from New London, arrived at Valparaiso On the Sal,. with fourteen parrot golienigree,rtt abilunltTi;t°4Y'Ziti the prope.ed eusliatlon of" Francs and Eng.l land between her and Spatn. the California defaulter, now Leary resident In Valparaiso, finding it rather hard to sell live bundr. d thousand dollars worth o f tiekOlnfor the raffle for 1110 house near. &anti. ago, Is trying to enlist the Church, baring to one hundred thousand dollarsOf the tickets to the Chutelt and charitable institutions. Mains. It is said, has squandered nearly the mill-Senor so of dollars hanged° In cow pletlng the Valparaiso and Santiago bellroad. FROM T. LOW. Arrival of Veneral Sirtllng Prier from texico—Appraitt.ded Initial, Raids on nettles* an the Platte 'fanny—TlM Myer Improvement Convention. • Sr. form, January 141.—Thh rebel General Sterling Price and family arrived hero yestars day from Atexleo. - Thu DCl4oCrtle/ St. Joseph special says that late advices from Denver report -t his hat largo numbers of buffalos arc going In t. trlatte t apes from the South. ..ts buffalos never willingly travel northward In the dead of winter, the Denver :Noes believes the Indians aro behind them, with hostile latentlona on vlouse settlements along Om rlatte. l the pro. Indian raids lit winter have Al Peen pre. cod by bultilas, The Acta, apprehends a re• cnrreneo of the Indian massacres of two years oFO 'Acompany has been organized for bridging the Slisstentropl at this point. Ten is from Neer York. Boston, Phil- adelphia and Baltimore have been . Invited to attend the Convention here next mouth for the consideration of measures .ilia the t er. 0100 of the upper Stississippl river. seven hundred delegates will be invited trent the cities atm towns on the Ohlo, Mutshz slept, 111 lire and blissonri river valleys. The redread and the expenses of dole:mitt:A while hare will be paid oat of the fund raised here for teat purpose. FROM NEW. ORLEINS, &iris.' or • t'otrler" en route to HARI. minters from lb. Emperor of Austria .—entrees. 14 oche°. New 011.1.11•3% Jan. 11—A courier, 411reet trout v la Now York, lett hero to-osy Sn the steunalnp Atezleo for Vora Cruz. -1143 boars a loller from Vninel•Joiseph to OIoZ1mi• llan. 14 a onnnlied toot the _letter relate' tO g ronoocillation between them. rice nezrocc 0105 taken from Groan county il, gl== n rin ' T n i 7 Tty t, rer . o . chhrged With punning t he person coL a Urn V 'iLL.LI • • 1 -.mow, ;Pr- = _ , Mail PITTSBURGH. MONDAY, ,TANUARY SECOND EDITION. FOUR O'CLOCK, A. M. VERY LATEST TELEGRIIII FROM WASHINGTON. A Project for aoad. Southern Pa cific Railr THE TERRITORIAL SCHEME FOR THE SOUTHERN STITES. Tho Admission of Montana CONDITION OF THE NATI ONAL BANKS The Teat 'Oath Decision" to be Delivered To -day dbo., ebo., eittP. 11,"Antivioto, .latip: - /r) . 13, AWE. 11-1.11,140.,11 1•1:0.13:C T. . A strong effort is a nent to he made to secure the Old of Congress in constructing a react Railroad from a point on the (Lilt of Mexico, by an air line 1 mite. only one thousund two hundred andstity.elght miles long, to the Pa ct& ocean. An association of capitalists ]leis been orgardZed, In connection with ex-Goy. A. J. liamilton, of Tex.", and other relabel= legalists. They propose to introduce a bill at ariearly day, to carry out their Idea. Thew gentlemen claim it the annual government , expetuiltureli silting the lino of their propOsed route, for military purpose', are capitalized ., and the bonds thus created shall ho loaned to a Railroad Company as the work progresses, the arrangement wilt give the country the re quired road without a dollar of expense, 11l ....ashilition to what must otherwise enutinue to be expended for agenoration weenie. in giv ing military protection to the region through which the road is to pass. TO% TWIT OsTO 00011103. The opinion of the Supreme Court of the 1.1 silted States, to be delivered to-morrow, ls based on the question presented in the eases Er porn. Barr, nt Louislaim, and Garland, of Arkansas, who, baying participated in the rebellion, ask to be admitted at the liar of that tribal:ed. it involves more particularly trio constitutionality of tho law extending to At tornoys In United States courts the provisions . of the act of July, Ilif 2, which require the test oath of dell, military and nosel onh!ers, with portantcs for perjure. 1118 vanarroaisi.lllLCONllTACt:TlON' rinna. . Tpe House tkinimittee, on iiektorday, agreed to report a bill for new governments for Ala. baton, Florida, Gmirgia, Arkansas, louislaea, aliallsalpid, North Carl:dine, south Carolina; and Texas. it first declares void all lased cued° by the gOlernmenti 111 -force l . ll . ,o States. and then proposes that all taulo per -000.9 above the ages of tsventysonz, who can take the oath of loyalty, shall be ialloweil to vote tOr deltgate3 toll.e.ol.lventloll. St hen lilt, bonvantion meets;lf It decides to accept the terms proposal by Congress, It Is authorized to select what Is called 11•prOVIS1nnal cOtaMit too of flee citizens distinguished for their loyalty to the Union. Thisi ornamittee 44 to net its one 01 public safety, until the Constitutional State Convention to formed whiclithey are authorized to inaugurate. Tile Convention that milled can then elect Provis icmal State officers and term a Slate ,Coustito. don. irrevocable without the Counelll of Con gress'. Universal suffrage. prohibition of dis tlnction on account ofeolor In echisols, repu dlation of robot debt, and disfranchisement Cl all who aided rebellion, aro to ho provided for In the State Col:kit-Mutton. If tho State shall at any future time attempt to dissolve its re batons wltlittio Federal Government, Its rep rasentation In Congress Is to came, and the latter Istodoeverything.not Inconsistent with the roles of civilized warfare, to protect loyal people- If Congress accords the new Consti• lotion the State Is °initial to representa tion. The Com Mee will urge the bill es a entadicute for steel:llV 111015111 .0 . . . . Wts6l.3asOS, January ti, isff. .',eoxpirtos r 1110 . 5 ATInNil. 0.01. a, Tile tiontrollef of the currency - lies received about, one thousand quortarty report. show.: log the couditioa of National hanks up to the Ith Inst. As farlas the 0111110 have lieen exam ined they aro rancid to OLOW th., condition of file barites geueially are good. They appear to have dentatide for all their Reelable fonds, and the loans and discounts are . unusually large in the uggregate, yet the lantui money re serve required by the National Currency Act Is well tostotained. lii ga rerd to t he e he re,rve of lawful mend' required by the nk, the Controller require" that the banks shall Lem theta - al:Mils or illteen, or ono-half of ta rentV -1:10,0 per 01,11tU1O of circulation lo,legal tendet notes and sPeele entirely. The bungs hay , heretofore' been allowed to keep coupon. , Interest notes to a certain extent for nil pui poses. AbXlnelOn Or COLORADO. telegramuihas been rceelrr.l here lroul UOVerner Cu mluga, of Colorado L 'YerritorY. of which the following Ls a copy: Dcavett. Colorado, Jan. 10, strutted by the /loose of Itepresentatives of loti on, this Terr ass ed itory to by that send you t he following roue p bOd: “WntanAh, Is is announcod in the public prints that It Is the intention of t;Ongreaa su admit Colorado as notate into the Union; therefore. Revolved. D 9 the llouse of lleprearotutive 3 of this Territory, that, reprosentlng as we do the last and only leggl expression of -public opinion on this ifuestlbo, vre earnestly ntert against the passing of a law admitting too btsto without first haring the questio sub. witted to a vote of tba people, fur tbc r n eauens —First, That we have a right to it voice in the selpetion at the character of our government. Second, that we ha expen s e outhelent mu auppcart the of a State govern. meat. For these reasons we truat thet c.oh .green Will not force a government. on us against our Fill." Tile friend'. of the attinhonou of the Terri tory assert that the Territorial Legislature which adopted this resolution was eleuted without refertmee to the State question, and that their protest to little more than an eihi - Idtion of the Gevernor's opposition Senator Sumner and itcpresentatlve Ashley received A. dispatch to-dity. signed by two hundred thiered citizens of Colorado, asking for the admission of the State under the Ed wards' amendment. TUC sthrono (osoviot CAP'.. The Distrlet Supreme Court has affirmed the Ludgate/it of the Criminal Court, overruling the demurrer in the ease of Sanford Conover, for perjury beiore the Ileums Judiciary Com-, Mittee, in (i.e Investigation of the complicity of 'NMI:WaiI in the assassination conspiracy} Dle MIES AnAINIT A HAIM:OA. John- A. 'births has Nina awarded eight thounand two hundred and fifty dollars data ages,in his suit against the Baltimore And Ohio 'ilailroad, for Injuries received in a colli sion alleged Lb 'have been canoed by thoe,,,, q, negli gence. On the former ,trial, wenty dollars were boarded, ISSATIBTIC 4, oLrAaruEf The Treasury received from the printers dm ring the week, $131,455 of fractional currency, any. hipped to the Assistant Treasurerat- New tork $l/0,000; D. S. Depository, Cin cinnati, 11100,000, and the National Danko, cca,so ) . The solualamount of National Bank curren cy lit eiroulation la 645,600,9091 amount or becn - _ silica held by the Treasury in trust Mr Na tional banks, $374.0.100; dtsbursements of Old re TeBOXY for the week. $3,4ZA42, In liana Pm in V, 031,081 for the War Department- from Internal revenue for the week, 015,711, The Commlshionor of yatents will issue hil patents on the kjd loot, ' ISULLT'e Iziturrouist BILL. The Territorial Committee of the llonis, * as resolved to report Ashley's hill establish ing Territorial Government in the South. Tot 15ITIACII 1 Crer. A Washington duratah to t Barcad says them if good authority for saying that the /louse Judirdary Committee, *Atm careful ex. amiciallon, has come to .the pouclosiou that there to not sublelent ground upon which to base a bill of impeachment. THIRTY-NINTH. CONGRESS, (SECOND SESSION.) WA9rti7:OTON, .lunnarY Leave wile given to tho Committee of Ways net Means 10 tit outing tho sesitoei of tho A VIO. Tll4l. NOVI, )I.r. PAIN F.:, of IV biconslo, IntroduccA. re...• olution dee ring that the American Gov4i4- lOCrit..oOght-tO protect Wit if peopin tO soUttllt tU frco (redo In. prottucts of agriculture, they ought to hav tot tbesamo t Imo freotratle In orOdUCta :or tonnufacture Refeerthi tO - 1.1.t0 IN•nys out COuttoltlec, - ;I,OOIEOO r.tv TO cr.ena , After Foote numportant buoincss, the bill .for the toluch,lott of Subriodta came, hilt noetooned, on motion of Mr. GARFIELD, fit tutor of (tie)ilin: I eßolution ^lving twenty per cent. :0411t101,11 COlUpelOAltioO to Goy. 0- Incot. eillpiosooi 10 Wachtogteu, which pahred, nyec to 1 . 1 nap,. , . nV i• 1741. 1 ,. in Comm Mee *A - the Whole, con. em the IrglAative appmprtat 1,111. c one amendment to reduce the upproprmtion 01 6....0,040 for tbenurebut.c of bee., fatlea. With. out completing the bill the committee robe. I.'oV..reNsloN et , nor to - 11,..• (Jr. MIA., of Dial:mu, introdueml a dill ex. provletbmi of the hodaty laws to .n.lier6 who died or were dist.bled while on furlough by lettoti,of4 commanding orlicer without Molt of tbo soldier. 110..1.1:WICro. run .I.r.rrerts Mr. 1. - PI.UN setrollueed u bill authorizing the paVlnen Of t elferml he th e Pre , il . dent far the' eaf tore or Jetter6ou liarig. !erred. ”ourro.n , IIOSOCII ov TM: V 1, ITIC Mr. CLAW.,I1 11 n 5111 to e.< cure tiny:Weedy re - etreelloil e 1 - 1,10“ flakitrOoll, ,Oullzern brarell, and tcte graph line:_otel to 1.1,111111.1 1110 Govvrnutl , theo-tt of hho .11.0 for po.t nillltary -Other permit, The.llonNolljourne d. , TILE •PNC , FIe • A Teat troatin• Itt.t Ile yr.... Silent,. Demos, Ma from Ottir*re-Shiptuteota ,of Dorn front lititashilonloo l'..rettory—ltelttlea- Illort of Itto A Y nu In !1.10•111 , 11 Progre... of rite I.ltrarnt* Its Wer.tern EllirSlen—EVlllrtnatiOn of retellia /torte try theyrench* . . Sag Istisirt*co; Jam l2.—du the United '3:atom District Coral, IL tart. V.:Lie S., made In the trial of one Lerray. Deputy ier,-Motdr, ono no fused to make trim , to MPI2 , -Or 'Dirtier, 01 *acDonento. The ladlcttuent ntrt: 1"01111k1 de [active' and gnashed:brit:the Dlittriel Attar nay declared Ms Durno4o to frannt tut ludic:. hunt that would hold and 'Marten! , evert' deputy who had tailed to matzo return* to proper °Meer, r ~ The et comer ?latrine,. from Portlaod. We* star, brought frlio,eoo In trtrooaroe rat during DOG, [-t,t , i,rau in I rV.1...t . oil , ,!11121.,1 built Portland. Tile Waeltior,tun Territory lariestniure rior MA *. ant the milanre headquarter* 01 the North traurrfarrtel to Pat tent!, rout harr prorr.ed a 111,,tiorIA1 to tile War Dc port oar hi erfer rot D. Tile Mart llorp , .r, the Navarre Let I,leture e.tarlay AdOptt .1 the Co.litatiOlni I Atm r.d. tornit by rho Wart parts. vote of 31 to t. , Lanni t•lldt.r, :iii belling at :04 Ant la ritercille*, data edit, at u ,Aestran [Dotal pear here, n r 4 /fern . to Metter. to *rt. Den !rota Joan z,certoie poi ti' ill v0.0.,..05t. to perm. , in. "All Fr'iilcteOO. ate retnlne u grant of land to Darting.), tr) harm an ~ .I.merl. ~.. C'PriVall.nneVe'in,tMll43 ZWZ,,t , •OO 1110 Of( upleJ try Irtheral*, on. Norrenthor tl7; tlart.r.andle war also 000 a'str'al :cal trt , or: ~,Id‘o/1,..1.. :1/5, Innen. t:ohnla 3.TIVIN . a of treeemterr 14111,1:ate that the Ititpl,l•l force* Were totellt .laetcd .the trio.ntl* near tau arty of tritat te tnrn which nor occupied try the letter under lien turret ou Drmernrrer,l.l*t. - Goo. Cloaron, Imperial etentuander nt Coll* Ma t li,ksciiloreed Men Of Ono linrotredt 11005. I icily thmonual dollar*, and raid tor nil importing honoree of that ettY. 11.0 merclornt*, titter at e. ham. acre cotarula of ?nuts!a. Ilu tuba tit and MI varla,were taken to jet!, null informed they would have to remain not It the rola. t re. rtulreret woe tor ttimordsctr, hail In tire { , tent o r tie city lrir.int.; ovnanattd, would he taken uuay. Ttn euLoouer Junl.ta left Mae. anal. Dr. teh, h.th lor Acapulco, a. Itn older. trout nt ate coninnander art Colima for Shy French to crenate the former place. Two alai, later the French transport Marine 1. - deed In Pcozell or pror I•lotis forth.: wart art of.ttattnleo. c.. .lo heed evhedler toe French will hilav; I.IIV AVA:11t01-1 Anapulco tint M their Peal departure from the ports of Me u(' net the ra. FROM NEW tali. Llstrlou Robber! of 1;10,000 In Gold Ccr t flat...tea— sh. Itn footling Itallimod Clash —.ll:stenalt e 'tibiae) . Fielattroa. Nay+ Your, Jruunrl• lac:. tr.iaa nonuctr. A ,1,,1a4tab,,,,cy, um, prrpairat.al yo,ter %lay 11, I:acitunge Vince. ♦, onektiza contain-. int; over t:ohl certlUcatealtml Trati anry notes, notched front tar porter or MAretu. Md.. d 1,0. No Clot to tlie . • Lavrard 11. Wuhan, a clerk late in the em ploy of the Lelellall way Company. la fdle;:.ed to have ile,ooped, after euthenzllng Ithout nY , , , n , 9 of the Company's fundn. The alleged eutrunted with the prep...tom of the Computty'n pay rode, end the frauds are raid to bane been committed by placiog niAll10“3 113tOrki OR the le•OrCrs . roll. W 111,11. 1. :111CC. in•it TUtlls4llly, tqate.i itey. CIMO alltbUritteli Bra]klyn have netxed nine more whlnkey dlnr.lllertun worktui; order. the apparaten and over eight hoo rand thatch , of whlnhol , hsrtnux.or I,,Toneto. The exelne law wan stf letly enforced Wren Zh out the rite The pollee met no reel,: once. About fifty dr.:an were mode f or vi , lutlon of the law. Cl, -Irrfehtl,l7l7:.A 71:frpmpl , Maik.l,ll.) Myer Telegrams. pedal DO ilstelt to the Vitttbargh Ott Gtr', January 13, iett7. Te river remains open here, with a great leo! of Aare lc, The weather In cloudy and roderating. January Lt.—Ulcer etattonerY with rive tort taunt in the *anal. it mina! on Saturday night awl ' , outlay morning . ,which rotted the Ice anti tteatulaar men catchier it tare to torture out. Itrobably tilt rtard of Underwriters will remove Mar proldnit td• morrow uptinit strauture sallluy. .t large ltUsOU:11, Of Ireight Ilon ...OULU/WA:a at every point between Itcre and Cairo. • - _ Necrology °Ill..) Year. The tleattproll •of the year Ineludeg laany nano , ' dirategunibed In politics, la the church, in aulltortililp and In art. T he•rtsuka of the authori bleat:cent hint.. Frederlka Cromer tied at Stockholm early I. t eo year; dated ityariLe lit Cambridge in Ma: eh; Jotteplt Mcry in Flatten -In June, and Count. tlatowy_le Int Wat.htegtOn in May. Anip.g the dead statesmen and politleuns are Daniel S. Olcklnbon. Lewitt Cato+ tolln i Van /Mien, Elijah F. Verily, Moat. F. Odell, Jamee thou phretr, senator. COOt and Wright, and Cain. heeler° LtOcittort. Prin. liettifilagy tilthl . tit iiiatielnes in May, and Idarquia 1 , A goalie In Italy In January. In (Moue, ii, Thouvencl clotmd LL-Career In France. Gordan Cum integ, the famoui lion-hauler, was accidentally kill -0,1 In bootluntl in Maretb.Lowy o.llou. tees, a titatingulabed autxrat, died In Onetime! in May. John lloett,Chtelet that:herrn.. :Catlett, tiled nt NY anttington in Augnlnt. The netilitiOr till,on diets In Italy in January. 11c:runty-nye earn Olin' unit St r.ebrulett tnietinke, itrenttlent of the .Itrahli Iloyal Academy. died at fine last as Cite flow) ear • came in. The 'nett 'trot/1(111'1a cm.,gylnett who Lase died during tan. - year art: In.. Coot ailing tint rite, Of ILO 1t,,,,,,,,,egt0nit0u lir. Nett, presider , 1.;31i011 College; lie. Bawl., of New iotlct Pr, When nit null Bee. John Hattie, In, klualundt and ttfather Tract' . In Porte-tile laqi, ane ml bettor known by Ina peendonym than by 1,1,, Proper name of Mahan} .. . Gum Scott died ut West Point on the t eth of Way. Ada/Intl rure- J 0w1...1A.1er of the t' , ettel.,ll duet In the (Annulated euleide. John Carey, the hoeeu tower, tiled In Ohio In October. Robert it..lltuture,one of our leading merchant e, died I.tho 4,th of January, turner Bullock, at New littven, in the canto month; Simeon Drayer and Police Inultue tor Carpenter, In S OVc tuber, awl Gen. 6. It. Heath, In December, Brief Fact.;ofillomart Life. There are on the earth 11000,000,une Inhabl taros, nett of them ::::5;3,1;13 ale every veer, p1,t.?.1 every day; 3,700 every hour, and ee every -I.l3lltUie, or 0110 every N13:011.i. These 10,10.3 are about balanced by en equal number of births. Toe marl tell are longer Ilved thou the alegle. Tailrace live longer thou short onus. Women .liftve more chances of life in their favor prey! oust 0 being filly years of age-than man. ho fewer afterwards. -The number of mar. rfaYus .1% In the proportion of :1" , to every leo Individuals. Marriages are 010 0 1 frequent after the equlnexest that fa, during the 10011th of tune and December Thom , Dora lu lhosprlng urn generally weir robust than others. ..lartha and deaths er frequent by alert than by day...l , number of men le about equal to that of m e g. /he average dorm ion of life rs sreanr. .0f every itee portions only rosehes.loo years: of every leO only six t he of Or and not ca ber a eau In bOr live 1 The 1111 Id 16111E1114:CS spelt< the world amounts. to 0,061, and tiler Mere than 4.00 religion% Professed. , —Tao total amount of tobatociannuallr dared ttfaOughouMo world Is ostimato Asia, 34,1%10,1100 pouuds; Introoe,l wins; Amorlea, 248,21 , 0,500, Attica, .21 Australia, 211,0t10; making In wax), ol IMO 414 I , 14, 1867 CITY AN'D SIIBURBAN. (ADDITIONALI.OO,II., YEWS ON THIRD ?AGE.) eplien C. Carter. A correspondent or the New York Muslin Gentile gives u long and rather nerount of itteplien C., Foster, the author of '•Oldo Dg: Tnty," "Old Velas nt . Hume," . "Ilard Times;'' and -se6res * of other well known sumo. The subject or the shetell was long ti residenS of .ritt,b•nrgli and was well known thoughout our community, and tra append the cenelnding paragraph of the article men- Dune.]: • "In writing 'The Ohl Folks at Mollie,' l'os• ter booed, umi even entbeed, Homhe Illniself told Me, to rival 'Dome, Sw te eet e,' the air of which he thought contrary to all tho rotes Itspure Inelmiy. lie could never account for Its pOpuldrlty, umlthe enthusiasm and enm. Don with which it erne reCelVed On every oc• cusleu.. - Perhaps laid he not made has sung local; by the remittal Of the Sivanee 'river, it mit havit-lettl' al , leis 'ephemeral ealelenee, and have equaled - the ' NOng it won In tel dad to '• eclipse; for it Is a elusPle, tot china and beautiful . composition. tut fuvi have • dared •to follow where Foster felled. and i Stint tun llotuo,dS .secnro, the home-song of t the , rl the wod. In looking over , the titles ;ot.hltbleeca, it is curious. and pleasant to notice how often the name Jenny ocenka. ..ts many us ten of them "are woven about that loveilname—lint name of his wilt 0110 was the daulditer-of the late Dr. MeDowell, of rihuraltttle Jenny Dow,' at ho Calls her In one of his songs. Ile net Maly sung his wile's prnilieF, hut always spOke .ef her , In the tontlet terms. 110 often used; Wiser, In 1111 tender InOtnente, that She It rie who, then a bright-eyed merry little nisl, firatlnaplfed his Ann' with song. and made ,htutlung to attune Clotho tinrale or her votee. i'denerbterning o'er the Grems,'.reoilltng the Itatt,y time Whet:vie walled for her timing, seemed n o d, Ins favorite above all 11 15 meta. %%Lions, n when ashed to sing, if he yielded at all, which was 'hot rarely, he would almost In choo-n that. Ho used sometimes to come to my room, and slug dn plaintive torel, to Ms simple choral accompaniments, his on'n .wert soots. life'Vtnee Val Of stnall roninaN9 nun but' nttle paean', yet he sung ao tenderly and NO earnestly that the eLfeet was allot) , pleasing:. • Tried to rot on the Glace' , Alroutone o'clock yesterday morning appli• cation was made by two men to gain 'initnit. Lance to the American 1-4cliange tavern, No. C, the Diamond. The home was•closed and Mr. Daniel Downer, the bar keeper, so unnoun. cud to the parties. They inAsted on coming In, ono of them saying that he was Johnson and most enter. They went away at length, however, het Exam returned:and again deman ded adatittanee. bola more porn. nacion , than before. At length they were ad mitted, •wliun2they Immediately called tor drinks. rinding thatithey could not get thee,, It being holiday morning, they asked for . The reffimeat was granted. Mr. Downer got a light and s howed them to their remit. On his hltn. return vilarc m h i tf ss t e t.f.M. d a pair Thu nof glightuier Wwatch onglogwere to called in and the gloves demanded. At tilt the two Olen denied all knowledge of them, hut premntly "Johnson," whore MOTO, ft ap. mom.. Wm. Lewnsiefferofi tonay for them. oiler was refused and search was made, which rc,lted in fading the gloves under Len fa' pillow. The fillopectmi Chap WOO altos• tell,mol locked up andyesterday was commit• ted to Jail by Mayor McCat thy to answer the charge of larceny at (:Dart. a • anti Released. tun. aturday afternoon a boy named George Yost. aged about tin Lebo years, 00l detected In 1 110 act et porlololng a hook- , Wild We , l.. ern sem... , ; , —n 0m the bock store of John r. Gent. on nnute pretext he Wile aCtllille./ In the azure until the police Could ho sent for. 0111cor Couples was summoned and arreataal, the alleged thief. On reici•ching the boy it cake of coop and a pOcget mirror were found to his pos,ca%lon. lie at teacup aCknowledged the teeet of the soap but EAia he had bought the , 'mirror at Stiller's lirt , !! ,rere, terrier of Genii • and et 1.3..1-streoLs. lie was kept to the a tionme yesterdaY, wbno, Mr. Muut re to,nl to pro,ccuto , he n discharged by the !laver. Accord MK 10.1110 hot's -tatertient, his father is nn Swarm - ice agent in Sdatopins. Ten- , oessee. Gott! recently George line.) with no idiot at No. Eighth street, New Yuri:. /lime mantles ago Ids ;steer ' , oil. him Jet lit money, to defray Ins expenos ..coool J2l Siemer, where he has two lucre o aunts residing. named barber. The youth went to 'aellool nod re mained tome LIM. Last Nlonday he Clime to 1 hi, city and pot up at the farmer's inn, pay ing a weal:, WM - ding to alit tIIICO. nu hi.. UlleS tblit /10 roo twO lents Melding ut Can der, Washington county. The number of uncles and cousins 1t uot states!. A Happy Event—Our Congratulations. A large and Lrillu , ut assemblage of the elite of the city, assembled last cfening in at. I'attl4 Cathed nil, to Nritnera the maratge ceremony of our .teetued and highly accomplitthed tel low citizen, ( John A. :strain, Eel., Alderman of the Tenth sword, sod Miss Eliza Flood, one 01 the favorite young Lidice of our city. Ever miece±sful in tallti‘, the urbane and 001. cit.ot magi drate succeeded 1u winning the affections of oce In eyety - way worthy of his love, nod the ceremony was performed by Itt.. nee. lintoeftee, assisted bY nos , dames iloil.m.l. 'in Lit usual elChttlent and lutprete. niVe wanner. Wallop DOUltinee delivered nit earnest, fitting and felicitous illtieourt.e, „reparatory to an , performance Of the core , ninny *hien made the happy Young ...Pin luau and wile. After tile usual feast In honor Of t joyous tient, the twain departed hr erterit eil uh tour this,ughout the .£otern and New England cities. We wish them 11 the ituppliie,s Imaginable, and may Loth ever live in the ffection sof each er other, and may the food w mhos and eurtie,ayers fur their I mum wt tiara from a host of trietifs anti well wishers prove morn thou realized. —A child In Thetford, Vt., was killed by be am bitten through the noel: bye horse. —Madame Demorest speaks feelingly of -the "elastic which keeps the stocking up at the knee." as impeding the free circulation of the .1. Elespicione Character. ~ woo d . 011icers McMullen and Wilson, of the spectra i —The wife era perks county hotel keeper 'Mice yesterday uoticed peculiar at:Lions on I sculdnd a constable with hot water, because ha , . attempted to levy upon rnme of her husband's the pert of a fellow whom they encountered on 1 property. Wylie street. lie visited every house and _1 microscope, with double the power of I asked for "bread or money." When moral* , any previously constructed, lion latelyhm I was given him be would put It into lila Veit completed in • England, magnifying limo 1 Wicket. At sorne'doors a loaf of •bread was ' diatrieterS. ) given biro, and when he got - um ay from the —The music of f a pitoo•forte stimulated and door lie wpuld look cardiondy .r.." .. -1 ! sustained tile ndividual in Charleston who then throw't he breed luta the gutter. After , succeed of in walking one hundred miles in 10 Watching him for seine ilitle lune the oMc,i 1 many hours. nabbed • him and carried. him !oli, u etch- , ........ ts..nou us ha - rapti .I Itorefii•d i The wife of a barrister Committed suicide, I in order that her husband should get the life I t n . - , ;p — ell IC: -S; - - otr - if word cradl e l,:i ' l,i '‘ Otten out ' of o fg. ins . nraticemoney, and free himself from debt. him. ' liu was satire:ln:dal the leek -up by ear Graham and severitv•tre cents in money oat a kind wile I ! , found matt him. The °Meer asked him if lie ew NOrker cOmplainS of a huge .rat whiled hits so keep the money; he answered 1 staring him lathe face while be was discuss "yes," and that was the only word uttrred by log the jviands in a down.towu eating house. him. Ills name could not he ascertained, nor it was ii% cooked. anythlug by which his Identity muid . he der , —Thel last new bonnet La deseribed as look teen-di-mg. lie wan locked uo and striliPed oil I brag like a ncgrodzinstrel breastplmoran °nor his clthing, roll.' himself up In a • pteee of 1 muds Set linger ring, out no as to have the set blanket he had with him and laid dower). taw' ling lit , retied the ears. door, a petition whieli he maintained with the —The railroads In this eramitry employ "5111,- utmost pertinacity. , Women. and at least 1,000,000 of men, women, Another Tiara - mood Equtppage.--On Fat- uud children depend for their support upon urday afternoon Mr. George alGottibs, of Last . the railroad Interest. Liberty, visited the Slut. ward with 0 team 1 —The town of Pelham has been Indicted in and sled. ile met a yoneg man. tilso of Eust the Saperlor Genital Northampton, Masa. for Liberty, who borrow ed Ihe thrown to pr. not maintaining' its °amnion sehools for. six core eume thines from they ward. Mr. i months in the year. . SECombs waited wag for the horses b a se nd tied, . —i ihi ci i n u m cloth Into to adept the con. but they were not returned, nor they • 1 stitutioust Amendment. tither loyal stales been returned up to the present writing. The• will 8001:1 follow in rapid succession, now that "Morrow ern was seen at two o'clock yesterday 1 their legislatures hare convened. int riling driving about the- Fill it ward. !Ir.. —The number otmembers belonging to the M'Combs came to the Mayor's Mace yesterday add obtained the assistaiieu of the pollee, but trades , unioria in kaigland, is about eight bend the carc. so far, has been tit no avail. Ara- red. thousand. They exLat In every town. and Gird of 00 bus been offered. . against their combined power no Government • . i could long hold out. - —A wheelwright in huffy, Prance, recently', hotrod himself because tits wife refused him a cup of coffee on his coming home fatigued from work. She cut him down, however, in time to save be life. —file Episcopal Church In the United States is said to be divided intoi!,3o; parlahes, having ',:Xelergymen and lei Zan lay members. Dur ing Isar too members or thin church contribu ted etiptil,CLl tor charitable purposes. • —A new bulilring bas been opened oppodte novena. It was Inaugurated on banday 'lllty yards from a cherub. The prayers of those whr, worshipped God and the yell and protons mains of the bull-ring troely intermingled. .—A chiropodist in Buffalo hat a huge ebb ii 00 • which is painted in flesh color a human foot, with us much leg Br ed o reach ep to the knee attached,cov with wart'. 11ua1. 0.. . carbuncle's, contusions, swellings.," salads nor of horrid and unilateral deformities. A. cruel non "qua perpetratod 0 : g ll ,j a ;,l bee divine on Christroas ti t le hY .0 .,..„.,,,,, scamps Vi 110 sent htm a packgay... , , : i., "' ""u" *'°') "L g""‘b"fittVolitontn cloth was highly delight.. u__ meet of stiff of thu package . dgFeleped Q.?. • ' paper. —The idoprieiorofapubtleeT.e _ , 71=- 0 eau had ids Ilthseasctolf.rog tran4Z.cboant-;;Vr,,anii, to o n . tll o r i ftt o l= the *plait:VAT xxl.enapromper , ty housed i . hi. a wn bhiraself the guest of bit of ten thief at dn—ng he trnagiors t . j' mil s ."'' g rowingsentamMttla the Smith .—There • In favor of absnd!mtniftiPolttlee, and paying .ttnirt;tlige r .ri t aT:u n mt; '4 Of P t r lrlllg ~,, ,,,t1 ipag advises the people to "give up ti",--old pontielans," and says, "we are begin thestew era Mid must Miro new ideas and slug. 1.16. ..c' • .- , A good Weat,tier,fpuide is 'made by placing- In a glass tube or narrow phial two drachms 1 of camphor, a half drachm of pore saltnetro. %half drachm of nu: late ammonia, and two ! ounces of proof spirits. In dry weather the. solution remains clear, on the aPlardna„ 0f,.• change minute stars will rim up to the ntitatot . and stem? weather is indicated by the great ly duiturbeal condition of the chemical combi nation. .. . i - 1 Wire Intelleitonl Treat.,— ISIn compli• i a CO wills the request of a large U MOOr of o r Intellittent citizens, Roe. W. It. Watkins. 11. M., of this city, will deliver his eloquent Ileture upon e l kthugests , u 'subject ot , Tho I se, Abode ssusl a g uty of Engli•di Words.. The reverend gessliesnan post.,sses rare pon e fl on a pulpit orntor. amt the teeter" which Ito liar repeated in various citie lilth union with edited enceess, is ono of best efforts. Ito promised intelltotanl treat takes oltsee s-night at the Trinity M. E Church, Ninth Void, and doubt lens will attracta large audi- Ammultwed anitery.—J. hi. Guy yrsler lay made infrmation bcrm Mayor ilorrigen, barging George sch Ocder o and v.:a. lienuen ith asmult rand battery, Ott Satur.MY eve.• lag, as in alleged, the three met at lluirtutin's tavern, Third %Verdi - Allegheny, anti enjoyed a game et cards. A dispute 113 . 0,0 reeetiti the deal, and the misunderstanding gre p w c into g a lively quarrel, In the mare Of 1. Welt the accused attacked the deponent with chairs -.end fists. Tne derendrants were held to ball ter court In the cam of 4ZOO. A • Getting Concerned.-11010 Kelly, a per son not altogether onlinoan to the pollee of - the city, has tweed over a now loaf !Ma lates t; corning concerned for the welfuto and good order of the city. Yeslerday utternoon she ' . aten to the rde.yor'a °Mee and atlehed leopard information against two ladles On Pennsylva nia Avelino, "for soiling liquor on Smola) . without Menne." The trould he informant Intim nearly .drunk, that it was eon:adored neecseary to lock her up, aideh was done. -- . O. Another Watf.—Ort beturday manila:: a .ut boy named Zlmmo wan round l a abed' In ,no iron elll Park, u Male negro infa n t. almm , out• aide ly-about No menthe old. Teo Ilttle W ninny° was fully alive anddemonstrated aim ,are ln existence ny a lu,ty lien or Ids vocal- Wee. s. lio oleo tab's parentage RIS obtainable,. end toe etpallYont was eventually turned over to the attention of th e Directors of the Poor. Common CmlinvOr Mervin'Pit - 5: 6 ,,g„ cr : day reornieg disposed, In the issnal r _ I eleven "Common eases" drua enne en lacy and dlierderly coed uot. PRICE THREE CENTS. • Writ of Habeas Corpus Issued. In the Court of Quarter Sessions, on Satur day, on the application of It. S. Morrison, Ilso., writ or hoteoc torpor was awarded by Judge Sterritt,eommandlne Wm .J. White, warden of the county Jail, to 'produce before the Court the body of William J. - Arnold, commit ted by "Mayor McCarthy. on the tind stant, -as a "professional thief." The ye talon sets forth that tho act of sam bly under which Arnold leas committed Mu ' iwoved March lath; 1412-) provides for "a re t ,rini; of the evidence" if any person shall "feel aggrieved" at the judgment of the meg , istrete. Arnold deems his Imprisonment un- Just and illegal, and hence be prays for Inch 1 e hearing. The writ wan made returnable on tomorrow ht one o'clock. .. . . • •21r..Ittnrilsan also applied for a writ in the caoa•of T. Pallier Lyman,committed by , the Stayer - °mut:Largo, of latceny. The petition stareA that the accused believes his confine.. meet to he unjust and illegal, inasmuch as the charge against him is the Whale for which he w.io , tried acid acquitted On the same day he was re-arrested, and Mao for the reason that no ball le named or tired in the warrant of commitment- The facts 10 this,c.ase, as developed in a partial bearing before JUdIZO Striae, lust week, were published in the lid :ate. The writ was medal returnable at the stole time as the one in the other case men tioned. An Interference. I Richard ilancox keeps it boarding house in the Ninth ward, and Thomas Simpson bdards in the house. On Friday night, according to the story told it Alderman Taylor's °glee the nest meriting. Richard came home somewhat in a state of fullness, and his wife took cocas sion to upbraid him for' not bringing his wages home. The husband resented this, and on the prtneitile that "discipline must be maintained my boy,r pitched In to admints ter a little wholesome correction. In the reecho of the row. sit:omen interfeted in be. hal f of the wife, and s overthrew Richard, dragged him about pe the door by the leg, ut ended ud by throwing a dinner plate nt m head. liariCol. as soon as he regalhed his equilibrium, informed his assailant that as soon as he caught him alone he would beat him and slick him like a pig. The parties rested the case there, until Saturday, when limit' appear.' before Alderman Taylor and made Informations, the ono for assault and battery, and the other for surety of the peace. Roth cases were held for a hearing to-day. 11OIIwny E..ralog6-• . _ The appended tame shows the approximate carnlngs of the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and' Chicago's Ikalroad daring the month of De cember, 1561, as compared with the seine per iod of the year . Ise% - Increace Decrease. En•1eht 4 ..45 1, •3 3.3r0 4,% sid,l6.: 73 $ I.o o 4.i.egitc, Ed (91 16 51. re 1 6 ,.••:.. . ,.: ii,703 0 Ex. Stetter t.EO 01'10.3_61 Ir ...........t 2 6 313 ' ....... 31,46160' , 2.oit TM • ..... ...... Tat A 1 .•.•-ii.W.454:1,10tt0,2(250. I i 30.460 7.0 Ear . ir.131; 1., SA, 3117, 461,00 - .4.6301.0 253 --- Alt Ike way from magical. CanaAla no have received som tender lines foot ten der loins) penned lip a love-stet maiden who signs herself an ‘ ,, Unkriown Friend.. She has been "waiting" for one C. 8.," to whom s 4 h l e E de ti d c at o e" c e t . h and e m r . feelings a break t out in in Tery extravagant poetry. The who has made tech an Impression open our "unknown fr! In Canada must have been one erne "•Fhinegans” who went forth last veur to estabLih Ireland across the borders.( Ile should keep hie word and yetorri to the embrace of the noble girl 0.110 1109 waited on the night ead the day" for a sight of Ims lorm.'t We fear instead of the lel low,i going, hack to her be has gone back on her, and in new in elttelEinit plying 1.10 lev log arts to some new piece or crinoline. If her lova 111 . 00..3 V 2 ong and lasting as her rllyMbg. 6110 1 1 11 wait a much longer while for a grant of the...la:mil white hand of he: lover." The ttli..entler t and • the ./..Irpotelt flare en gaged le a lively quarrel over the question of y circulation. The Postmaster recently awarded the itehileation of the letter lust to the termer jou t mil on the ground of eircule mu more copies thee the latter inside the city limns. The Dispatch has appealed to NV.,ldegton to have the decision reversed, Ulla hence the quarrel. . Patna & 4'o'4 Argentine-40/ ns itantl plating all article* of copper, brusS or German y silver, with pure sliver, where worn elf and (or elcan,lng and polishing silver or cliver. plated ware. Warranted to contain no quick* nicer or acid, or any injurious article. For try.).Pale Sample, Allegheny, and all. drug data.delati Dl•triet Col:mt.—The following trlAls will bn token en In Ow DistrieL Court 00 idoiittY. 0110 o'olock. a. u., January Itto, to Wit: Nos. 75, C., 77, and to 130 tn.] and follow. ed up by others in their tarn on the list. JO rOrn and witnesses and parties will do we/I to utterni. • 'rho Libel Coso.—The ease of the Common ealth 1...0.'J0hn B. Kennedy, of the Republic, Indicted for libeling S. Scheyer, Jr.. Esq., will ly he taken un to tho gUllltOr Sessions to. day. Swerterweider, Shannon, are retaused for the defense. The Coort.l.—Tho District, Common Diens of quarter usual Clodswere In session oil sntordar, und trueSacted miscellaneous be,ine,s. Nothing of general interest trans pired further than 10 noticed elsewhere, Vale° Pretence. in ProlenuCCentre.— E. J. Dining's, a gift Jewelry man at Petroleum Centre ban been arrested for obtaining goods under ! , alio preteneesrand for defranuing the • GENERAL NEWS • Ilr• - ‘5 , . BTU krc - , day f; Janairr. t".2/..1 11.01 4 . W. e and lsa this dry. . 110V..31A.1C—LOvELE—Ox , J.ll/0, at the residertee thebrldr's moth ere er. he. they. Wm. 11. 1...00e. 31r. JOS.Erkl 31 HUFF- V/Lla. and ?ilea S/1.1311. I. WCUI.E..IIdrAU , K ber q 'lly. ‘ atlimorc, 31d., and Attlei., lnd.. DIPV , Nes.' cop T•. CARLISLE—Om 2artit , rwtralnst at 2 o•cloCk t JllitPlit2. P. ALI) tt2:. Ontlithttr a: James D. sa d Amelia Casit,ll., .12,1 about 3 years. 74e fanerslwal tale place trop the reside:nee of per parents. near Va1:1,14.7n. tllonday) noon. at ball past two O'clock. C?rrlagee learn Palrman s Sampson'• at 2 o'clock. ~~ VP~vv~~j - ~~-~+~ ILLDALE CEMETERL—The hettralfol "G0d . d..t,." the larirest suburb.. Vagl=het=i,°6llttlf:irghtl% Yclfr4l I),V'grttg'oMxliritiU•Nr."Ait! FAIRMAN SAMSON; - UN DERTAKERS tio. 1.06 Straithrield st.; cor. 7th, (Enuaaco tr...maSaventh Street.) X.X . X"rFatri r t.ar TZZ . A NO 173 SANDUSKY SiIiKEY. A C.I.IARMIG.PA. ILEX. AIKEN, . . . No.lhdrobrth carec;,,Tittsbercb, r.. coFrtio ot al:kids, CULP k:4, (~I..UVES, and every deac.riptioa of rowall rurbantss 1.4 , 00. 11lollailta. a... Olmaalay snd lalr ht., Hoarser and Caen.. carbabco, lalaatascas—lar. David laort 1.1./h. kW. W. Jacob:a, 1.).),.,-Thoccu.Errusg, fon., Jamb li 11111ar. too. . D T. ISIIITE •Et. CO, . , • UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS . SLaud'sestoy, Wood's kiun trid vitidtrY. COFFIN ROOMS AT .11IANCHESTER UVERY MULE. venter G . . eatcnetti and L'Adutlers Stroati, aster end Cmrrlia. fiarTlaTeel. ' WATCIIES, CHAINS AND a - *rvamar.s.Ws e, AT A VERY 531 ALL PROFIT. AT WILL T. WILEY7Ii3 6 %Cy Ito St.,-3d door from sth. doS ANTLICEEripit - • WILSON'S SEWING MACHINES Have More Improvements, 'LIKES LESV Ar'o fiirE, And much M. ARE SPFEDY and SIMPLE to opus. allua than any Mac4.lne In the menet. II SUMNER & 27 Fifth Street, Pittabusgh. 1y10..r72 BOYS' WATCHES STE RLLIi9 SILVER CASES 9omcthln¢ nVe ford 11011.7 Present , tad* ca. cr `_lhen 14-1 " - i,=.1,1. Time 'Keepers from $lB t 0.525, DUNSEATH& CO'S ICE= No. 136 Wi3tl3. MitrePet, deb) • • • • TLIEBE IS • • • AFI.TT OF ..ITO.V.EI' • LIMING'S IMPROVED STOVE DAMPER. A Mr. Lemls".hom Orem!) , cold IMe Dampers 1. SlooteohLrt7 i's.,,aod hoe Jul orderMlNO Aldalenat. Itr French eb aid 1:250 for Malem county. J•' told 900 ' , ampere Ma rem toumehlot. and then roth the remand. , of hit county for sl. o7 l — ab WHIM. clz ...eke. He ha...tore ased YIVE ti*Att.b. 11-. MM. after umng the It•saper on a Stove Um hie hotel. we• ect vet. bleated with it that he bought the right to the ,tate of Nemtorl. THE DEMA.ND lINIVEE.34.L! rUOPIT3I.4II/11• . „.. STATE 4: COUNTY BIGIITS VOR AXLE. Scud;: amt , for Circular. or ran on J. •Zi. TVIIIDDMN. ho.ll fifth stroct, Pittsburgh, P. .11 , 3 • ' 50512VAElloDie.. 1, W. U. LAT.SIIAW.... Axrnattiow. 11.A.GL.E COTTON WORKS • -_ . JIVING RECENTLY PIIIICHASw THE EAULIt CuTTE W..llllDi. Lamer netl Meas. s. SING, 1.E. , ei et tr. CO., we r a. i •eetfull y 1. form the t.ulic that we will twill... the ta .ul.etuntot . • . . • .. • Sheetings, Cotton Yarns. Can! Chaim, Candle 'Wick ' and Batting. Onlcra any be left as the VOW. of the Woeke, COMPASBELLI SASHAY STS., LLLIGHLAT at I Orl AT THE PITTSBURGH BREsrEnr, Corn, of Duquesne Way and: ker. Ann'. Flttild=rl.2l,3W'eem JOSHUA RHODES CO. no2ana, WELDON & HELLY, PLUMBERS, Gas and Steam Fitters, AND DitASS FOUNDERS, • largo wilortment of Chandeliers and Brackets, Lead Pipe. Pumps, Sheet Lead, &0., ALWAYS ON HAND. Mt Weed Street, near Sixth. tayr.:b7 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 89 89 S9'l 89 MARKET STREET. ' S9l, ...._ • • GO TO • ii 149i1=1. 4 0 ) M Ms. 7 Si 7 I E S9' $ R 9 Market Street il AND GET TOUR \ IRS' \ I s jOOTS, SUES, SA Tllii CIISAYEST AND SUM \ S9 ri.. iNT .1. SEE IrEl 0 X TM% EA NO AUCTION GOODS KEPT. 'JAMES ROBB, 89 Market St. 89' i J. F. STARK & CO., BANKERS; Corner.of Wood and Third Streets. 33:trz - aria EfELT-alra NIIED STITES tons, GOLD, SARI Afl COUG33,- Bills of Irsetmage n ENG ~ /4.1:11. V11.5.7.4C.E. GEE:MANY. ITAVV I4 dt,ls:rs,wr NVTAT,bIIES, CILOCK JE SX ""ir CIV.OO .11:2 33 Ea El. MAC- CYELPV.S, Tiro Watch and Clock ICrosirlog promptic st • delS:re " PTO, JJA. 10012JOUN .0 . 415. SCOTT, Fine - Watches, Chas, Jewelry SILVER-PLATED WARE, ETC., Ho. 5 'll 1.1137L11TY STEM. lE'ittalzsura l2 .,PC: o73-12611 b• YP INattrater attenttern given to Eet»7k ClocYA 004 Jewoup. All Irak ....nate. , . CLOSE.& Practical FurniturC PlauttfattanrB; CDR. PENH . AHD WAYIirSTREETS LateAt atvlbs TUANITURIC tonstanikroSitlad • IiOnSESI LIOUSE3II ~174=1. 7 10‘1,7- 2 1i.1 4. ,?.1.1) c riA1116-111/ • • Nruktli 4.101. E.• 11111111.61.41 ‘0 be. 10121. " 9 ` o2 " dniifiik.4 stir. great Dear NlAxioninbela ruiDay zr. Ist , : 1;: f • ' _... , OM 9 89 89 89.89 89 89 ZILVER PLATED WARE 37.0hi0 Street, Allegheny, EMESE II En