dna. Amor' LIG =OLD PAGEL Pima+. 'beel es the r. El o g=l:l=im rtiaitri reports of the yeer, and the tail' • eakdbl, Jury- a 0 idartzdngly .and. Dar r4 o 4Tfrekllen4 . does not Intend. than theiweether or staty4lx amine br ing *Med. alma,: and retotottulated. To nom money wttb." - there - were VAC dale to the tear. the warm., bbermren,"golng to the eredit of latth OrciOurly -doe Marlon the year, there were 123 :rainy daya,ll3t snow fell. 43 days: ttlehnin vooetetmed to penetrate the smoky cm:OOY Olorhanng a the ett, 131 dalee frrenntoned lu ll dm but y onlyleth m onth s of, Sovembar an/ Droember end 23 days "leaped end thunder. , " from Boyttla Intl to Celt _I hill, from the eloart•es - Prd balm' wit lett stand runt over cheerful Temoeranoa wine to the mum bantam of borer .Icrana Dutchmen on Troy. hilt.. Poetteal thy. Teti analy•lsttroree on 47u data, out we premtme we had.: oonaelonal, deny ileelleet,e rf letleetintie peenneeme. which were taken IMO 1.. thus modem log the 4114eartyy • between the number of data the atmenhe Whore Its. andtbe greater number figured up In the weather statism'. . Faetory Burned Tbe- Norristrore - Republlsen has the follow. log: Last Thursday . evooing, et els o'clock, fire was discovered In the turban, ?emery no. accepted by Messrs. flailing &Co. The work. otatt. left .the tniti zed all In seeming seenrl4 The proclnortgle of Ike fire Ls en - krone. It bt suppoost to have beet. Mettlnn or the Inove•pollev the willow. The damage fly lire, Is. trifling. "altbongti the are had charred the bawd lining of the room (second storr) Whore the willos stood. The tit...cants which stood In the room below, neared the principal damage trete water thrown en the room atui-ts It will In well for factory outing to nttYallentinn to lb. fact that the navetion of iiin whole e• 4011., moot was ?!....d by the orenettenor hay int steam p lees; direct from. the ballets, fixed blow prom Into each tome. A valve corned • by one of the workmen at nee subdued tte." flamN and a few buckets of water well an Idled would Mote extinguished the are onto .pletel.Y.• enceinte tire engines were prompt• Oft the ground. A friend ens, sheet.% It not !betbe duty of Cowen to 'educate tbemselve. the: exercise of a calm and conned Judg ment tato the appl 04.1011 of the toternary atiaalltv Of water? - In the ennfo?lon canna by smoke, dams and excitement this frame et mind is .attained :ender difficulties. Torte . batoly both Wanted and machinery were In , •-,llfsfspefair 'Less of Money. on` • Thesaday wrenlng of last week Lewir Baker. Esq., 'merchant or Greenfield, Wash ingtongionnty, met with a very eerlons loss In •eifignbfr manner. While be was shoveling foal WO astern In blaster*, his pocket-toot -whichhe bid been carrying In an outgbir cket ot"an army blouse. fell Into the- end. box and Ita ate.ence was notnotteed until aft.° be had. soutettote terword, shoveled anoth er quantity of coal Into - the stove, when, on search below utatle,tt was ascertained that the took had been placed In the stove whin the mond lot of end.. 'The I Ilecovery was made. however, ton lab. to save the hook -or Its con= tents. It contained two_ hundred dolling iv tootloi.andnotea, due bill.. de., to between throuand tour hundred dollars. • • .-•••• • "Jeered. - Our routes . ..will remember the ease recent ly di/Need of to Court of Conrad Behead chimed, on oath Of -Adam Ozenbart, with keeping !mew= dogs. Mr. Oxerehart woe attacked by the dogs, and badly lacerateii, partlettlarly by one big dog, belonging to Mr. Behead. • The jury, tutees 04 decided teat sed,i Wetted was hot terocious. Yesterday, no a Chile keelprucal attention, in retain tor lb. • ortesy sho-b him m the court room, me • uadruped came tuto Court, a, fi snugly en. • • col himself en the Judges , . Basch. fie • curled .Iflraself up for a condertahe • ooze, when eretahandolJustico became ty. • • - and he wad summarily ejected, =M=21221 The Sciarasanta journal tells thin story: Zletaz e-Vazttners” Attocv.—On Tuesday, Dr. ember 4 9ta pr. J. W. Powell, of bradfunt sf t wasblp o killed a large ,catamount nea, Hiving discovered the foot print* of tbs atildiel, be followed them for a abort dusanee, when they saddenly ceased. After I=g; arott aearn f :la rr ir t , b li . s ir atAl m n f a ond on t , h i lm e "Da: taint" Paving leaped that distance for the Plilloore of ranching a rabbit, a portion 0, which was null lying on the ground, the ap. preach of her pursuer having evidently caused ben catautountahix to abet:non her hasty re past. Ur. P. then followed the animal to Us lair, where he sucoowled In emoting IL. • 113ausseleal Yoe an Areidrlllll--The Meadville L./mowed suites that Lt. Craighead and lady, who usetwlth a serums atooldtrt last week h. &runaway hone, have rammed from a num ber Of thelrpari•hlonersa.dnenuou visit, and wor s e valueda the h a2ots The te r nd epa hike the platteOf thesomewhat antiquated "cutters in which ho Insulated at the time of the neut. dent, st splendid rode; and a pone containing *163, besides smsdler ankles' too numerous to . 1333 . 11 . 00 . • • Isifrasaut Surprise , : —Tun lathes of the PreaVytkrbus Church of Tens perancertile, at n sociable held at. - the rosideuen of Mr. ..Sabers Highy, as Tuesday evening, surprised their pastor, HOF. Jennings, with tan present et Aline set of gentbi furs, a handsome men. mere dressing gown, a pair of embroidered slippers and pm sum of $52._. The receipt 'of these beautiful and zunetantial solos ,s of re. toeinbranoe from his people woe must grat, taus and cerdlady acknowledged hy . their H t 1. lb* IL Kelly and -Arthur Don elly hada nab tat the Wit... Mouton Moms , 'Quinn atreot,ini Thursday Might, and baudigo eanit.other pretty roughly /from appeamare- Dsonelly got LIP, R0Ta1,...t U. no ..11 reCeIVOLI colon his amok and sad Olin of his et. pret. .ty badly ',stunned.. Lin Imola Infuringioni to, assault and ii tarry before Alderman -Lynch. and the belligerent H. ay alas airtausl and bold to ball fur a fart h.r hear. mr. . • 311eattir of Vatorogy44llll3.llfr. Hatt las lioV o sorot soldier on, of 1812, died al his rrlidetiOs 10 lirvelideld lewhehip, ormohy.oo ttw 2.1 Inott, 11.1. the ad vOOlOO agu of 71 yossro: inolatts arirl.lB dale. Ito was a lop 'tits of !Waif tad county - . aura In LiSdiord tow! ship, near ItsslfOnl tiorougth lid was esteemed and respected by all who tuew tam A 11Wilke Ellied.—tht PrWay. the 4th day of jaowy. leak& Perahnor, Ben skin townsblo,Taietie county. kUltal a black snake rmaaorigii4 nearly !II (net tu lanai h. The reptile had anceertul.tu traveling Athens .thalengtb of Itself from Ha den,L on Mennen which wasenotn. four tech. deep. Wire Deserilem.—rastloe Lt.p. 'or Mr ettochem.Jonttereay •oommittoot m jot], our . J. /11./1 ZuoU. changed ou oath nr his *lre, tZl,"wlth desertion. The portico reo 36 =, " 'ool Ittrtuntohato. The amused was committal for Wm. Wwiargesment.—The New Castle. (home Potosi to us this week In an improved and en. baged form. Weans pleased ni note this ev. dame of ttto oroiprricT or a. paper which 21111/111•0 blab among the jouroalsot the:nate. FORE CALIFOIIIIII.4 WLNES. GURNER &. CO No 80 Cedar St., New York, Offer Sir eels thew Valuable Minn. which are solo tag petite favor h esthete/ling raptull y,and 'OWN ougovroontud. sad narivalled popularity Imo *Mont mem. They have only to be fatal treted to glee them the prefenthee over all others. pa rIIINS or blood they eseel aU .other Wipes. L•IM .neetrrone cerdile tea welch have valance bees tendered horn the most eadnent physi as WWI la K. Ilthlattl to CV.", position in Of.. In proof sausalesthe that Mese Wines ► e wood In shams for arlateti they are rvounmended. Tboltilluelse breads are SOWltered by as. The) eamprise ell the varieties grows /u the Mao =Mace for seder . WHIT; or HoCII WINIF,-rlf► lie* strew eon,. ye&deUe•te Auld One devoted.' RICT—A ',spin tor eta* fur table nee. • atittdriA—S rich and maitre iy sweet wine, masa adialred by Janice,. end yeelnalde In the Wel eltuntier. al It makes dn. whey. and Jellies. It le • Sae dewier& othe, and well afforded ror Cuumuntlun P atrern•—• light °Waved, Mealy aromatic vino' Very sisnliario the celebrated okay. PUBT— , emy red color, Ilse Savo., iod la many rommte aladoir to the old "dors of Lisbon. • biltilPl . BAL/Sta—The pltre • distilia.los of OUT BILITCRS - 4 Ter/ agreeable Joule and a ear. remedy for the dlarshea This t. sr a of the mustealaablero n Mastic,. of useful sa4 ageseataa beeem.re that bag ens bosh Offend toga, palate. allilluna of tentlea env sole it...11310.1 , kg sufth duelna tbe bag fuar tears. S o d elm:wee tetrad: ea at has'brow. a eel:most stattlott to tbe I neall4 sable, the family arela. itati Use ham:wawa aufeboartL Ladies olso have toot Mourn flea appetite, and IMMO . ft= Mines. vomiting mild vertigo: gontle• nn who .duis•t Mel very may • Jest Delete cn+t WI Or ann.! • Wixom' alumatits aro out M u th,. gag tatimaregeneryly dersop d: wan& obtldron and surreal* trout amend 117; drat of stagy octet. and soar. dvatepton ermaltsitions; tweets rholtavroonsalon sornango um : 'bean see &II wad SIT* romarloos district& and aro sobleat to adamant o ladoolo es. UM nod it am of Um stootroolablo Invleoruces tha.e.n be At was awd Tim wileilliTeiy In tB6l. with etch mbei al • atierserob thst ofretiog It the pub , lc hOwwe ob , m hebeeeabay. pabil.b.buivr the_ revilleaws that. we have reseiyecb ;Nal to thw wwangest• kraal to ita Wear. w! lo =guaraniee [dal...Hl Wedge oes. burn bxi artleth russasi)I7NADCLTSRA n ens bora elm to aulthrivit wealiwnsio sad weak run with swat /Nov - P on' yaw liatio CPI lo peritte 4r. with wails her " b: ". Wttea. l6"" st ap" , xerattltta% " " . ca"Pan"L a, ca _mr.lwatiestuted. sheh. a ... m a b tii. VI. hal, Wen tr i i.l=P: r r i tti sad ,wrcuua .iraiArtza.it c h. ass k..... ik , I :3sa 00 • —6) ... ... 220 10 pp - NEW mEn Hallovios. 6. osrvition 7 riotokoloc.. ir4tx Cieid Bor. Pattteall eft (hinge S ri a l i tiaLpeh-tiele Week Pattatas ea aed cloy fp Cet/INBXlefrl4at lad Mulls Patterta it ," am. 11 °I1MA ' 159 214 ""a.& letkOr COZIOD 1111 Its. rittsburgty, Ascsure_ ' ffij ` vsl4 " g lai c PR. IL Itna Banker and Broker, 118 Wood 81., near corner of Fifth. t.nna.ll.ll tt a- d nd said esert:Kl an M o libe r tal term& Ikrit Bonds London and andattental Bachango sold at Gold, Myer and 40034 bought at blghest Wok one Gold Matta issued on Nev Tort. FINANCE AND .TRADE; . . OPINCEOy sae .Prmsscurr GArrrn, ' Wei:Pampas. Jan. 11, 1987. The New-Turk r Meek 3ootatiolie,l o s /WY. repOrted by Robin/MO, - MCC/earl were as" follows Gold, ...ray t ; Eighty one bonds,: 107%; Five Twin:Gee, ole10004; rive Twerittes,isrts".l o os r Peva Twentles,"new, ICC/fa TesieForttese seven ittirtlaWe /03)grIlIclur gun sent4ern Cleveland at• Pine. pump.&PK; Pittateargh t Fort Wayne "a . rage. =Nil - Chicago & "fleck 'island, 10I%; Erie, ' Rnll ,roud, t 2; Chicago and North Western ii. It, COXtilo preferred, 80; New Teri •'entrie . I, 109 X; Ltwisine, 130; Ilead!ng, 10.14; Cleveland, a Toledo, 12I: Cumberland, fil!..f; Clelo43)‘; Terre Haute, 103144 - Western lemon relegrapb Company, Hover and -Mr. Randall, both of whom rave introduced important financial mealtime lutO the !louse of Bepresentatives, are members of the blushing and currency committee of that body. Mr. flooperts resole' Ilea is gnalart any increase of the Curreney nayond the .300,000,0X1 authorised by law and should be acted- open at once, so as to went the business requirements of the country and wale this question beyond a 'mute, wee no) or the other. The general Arlie of Md. 100 in Congress IS -well known to be nth emu to any farther reduction of the Currency. hut that opinion ought to be declared. dlr. Ron ' hill's trill looks to an ultimate auhet Itutlon ot grownbacics for national bank notes, addl . clonal issues of greenbacks. being made, for that purpose. Its great object and e Ceti, nowever, Is to pay the national debt in thirty. two years, with an appropriation of eighteen millions a year for this purpose. —The proposition to recall the pswee to is ene circuirtion by the :lamest /seeks la de,. curbing., and wars SOnle reason. -hank* of ear culatios." The right of Congress tomend the law is Undoubted, and Moil us It mi a gtot be to the hooka to bran tee bonus et itlettou,ttO to MOW Open 0011 d. pledged lei tarculatiuts, the ecianote wouldnive satlanualon to tax-payers and the prattle, which everywhere' reeedblata he aneeriority (diesel tender. over National Bank notes.. As a step toward specie/ pal mauls, urn hltig Is mote areessnly Wan to re. " Menthe present, etrCUlailint can ready to one notiong. neon. ma.e, and au %veld the tt outdo, *bleb will Ate created by conning the banks tor legal tender, npon,thelr eimulatien, as 'toe..itreessuacks ow scarce. va lue ufie eau he reduced ./aufte in by a utoia r.. 0 M.. by arieumeng. the reeenspume ri p ail National Banks by the Uovertomettt ' at Woe!,. flgtoe or New York, and buying 01 We banks the bonds now used as the basil, or ebOillatlen paying them the dilfereitte bet wren the amount of circulation hound and the average otarket price In' New Tut tr,durnig 1P37.1 - tf the dentate pledrmd. By Una process the banks would then only be obliged to keep an.. StS lan cent required - upon their demist., anti las payers would see 418,000,Ke In sold saved per Steam. Assuming Lim ledennOlun of, mew* . cola• by the Treasnary anew matte them nearly as opal as legal tenders, atit/ the ericea woul d not prod nee any. IttoLtue“-ti dation of prom:saes torey Thu banks would pet from the Treasury the margin opott heir stocks new pledged. and tho lovw non pa be paid on the Donde bought of teem, but hey would at the same ducheent lose el men ; AO in gold of Leeman per Mai Ma. a /oda which would affect tette ability to Matsu speculation not , to be ~.upplf,El by having returned to thew -heir margins and • premium. upon the Weed oondbi LOW cancelled by,,Sbe Treasury. The .lestrnCLlOn of tee bonds nUnneed as the heals ler Ohnelation woo aid Open Hie way ior one and enlarged conversions of 733. and cow. pormil notes into goldhesrlug I mooted ..ts ex pedite the time alien specie payment. Can two permaneinly resumed. • This plan, thus abghtlyeketelted. Ineolves to the bank* .0 10m of gold interest to the amount of ellloeo,oeo, untele is saved to the sax payers, walls to the public it asJurms nut only a bettercurraucy, but one when can be. cutlet:ell W the normal wants of the Cuentry, with less Misty than will attend the rrtict went of tile existiog mixed currency of lea, tender and bank notea—N. Y. 2ribetne. PrITaBURIAZI at &BILE rs • • - OlpiCZ Op sae PITTSBURGH GATZTTC, Fenny, Jaumary It, There le no Improvement to note in the general tone of the produce markets, either As regards demand or prices, and, worse Stall, the Indications for such a desired° event are sot very flattering at preleut. An the demand for almost everything is restricted entirely to dePOl)harr the immediate wants of continua, Ira have have but very few reurVot ope. rations to record. (MAlN—Wheat Is quiet and Unchanged; as of 1 ear No. I Spring au, d 2,60, and I car *AIM*, Wmterat $3. 4.1d0c dml hut unmanaged —tee of one ear ou 01 - IVito turnip, a n d small salentti stern ILL St to 53. !Holley is dull, emu prima are very I , l . mM:tr . —Wu 01 I ear Wt.sieru Rye fI,BG prune Pouun mitt 001:s iuny tot geount 041,....Ger5a le very Inli , and ea - Mae her is offeribit ITeC/9 at Lu FLULTI.h.I, Um; end is taw demand taut unenaersed. We vietwne to quote choice -1 - petog Wheel heniulaol - 4.50 to SI - 2.74 IS me Lei It neat SS BMW he !WO, had fames Wands ttiLS to 07. Bye Hums as dada, out held pretty druary at.l to SeY.,. MICR wheat very dell nun cat. troop/Ult. Wing efferent at t 3,34 (13.7 , yes • MILLYEED.SaIu of I car Sliorts.at lloolt dab,' xdu.g et SO/ le E. beet/ado. CM curl Oil meal auel,'N) Dettaa,dl telr, end ewe,. - 11.1 Y—fee arrive. by:fall Wore again large .day mud with a allplay largely /.1 tatalem Ito tletuadol. the Werliet le vet) , dull mad ...lees are will tetelesedng doaUßard. the altru a sale.of bo tone lieolVreeeed, artre mead, reported at perquo, Ay, 1./114-1. quiet ktill and:sewed; co. l Lard Oil leLul gay/A:OW, 11.1 g Zio. e 7 W SW. Sellltuf to a ig . Oralar way et to lS tor prime kettle rendered /u Oeleca, ours rue tt•uslettiveuee lakeg.. Mditie—Dull out uocuauaed; sales of 7 bble , rese 20, peeked at Al. Luoed Imo be quoted utoi blrrrElf.-Thera la no implore:Dent to note Ita ttie m wand, and wan a Mg supply and 'farina mantas, the market la troll watt a trtamlng tendncy. We eta4t.lllllo 441 quote .Z to 4. tor fair to prima Molt. APPLES-1u lair Quenon!, and wo cam re. oort r L egular sales lu stem at #3,5u to $1 oil, ' barre rurAToEs -Continuo exceedingly 'dull, Old the aupply,alrnacy too large, was en. messed to-4,v uy the arrival of ties wore Car wads. Prima reaca Blows may be quoted at alio per btlea. -. DYESSILL/ 1.10113-3/ey be quoted at 7% to ors-packers plying 7y5 -and eti to 03, at retell way. PITTSIKIMUII LEON ANis nl.OOll ACM .ll6f—lis.slia.• BEVIL W. • Oretos of ens PorrentrNan Gezerre, • / ' • • Fanner, dons .ry a. m.:. i There le no Improvement to note In the gen_ mai tonne of the wend market, end the bellew none at present ere not Tory thatering la re. pitta to the rotate. Already some of thou:111M have *topped, Wed, with a gtoll eery tlierption, ale Said that all will suspend withal the tient rteek. or two, and thin tiring the Case, Au a wetter of Marne, there in no demand, intern. Lugar the mane. for metal. But, Willie' there hi nu utsgehang, the taut that Ifni market le, eery dultatel ...pressor, 3, ut,there In nu great ennutranatitml.ll etucK et' Will Iron In LUIS pl.oe, and no atOtiOnltiOn hatliacelen Ult. the wart. of Outdone to £OlOO wiles. And le regard .0 itelettry lont,wittle 1,4 e supply is etnitatler. telly le entreat ut tae detteual, the eteeklatiut WS /write an tomenwlyi,Uppune,l, and, no In tan cams 01 111/t1 lion, the Innlket Is Very dull, aunt if anything, prhals are n 011000 Wont.. ills tratlionelltnto demur ten week were very light, ne will. he seta by. Wu funowlmr repo., et sales. .., • 5) tone Manacling Valley F0rge...49 00-4 mos 4U do Vul go Iron Mir. L. IS. and Natural urn 00 do lo Lour Undo k.uuctry—Na. Osid t-Oro 41 N 40 do Lolto dup. tdoto.mul Lou.. SSW do HI doJaulms f.d0d00d........1.. 59 o[l .10 DO • dollituotdog Valley Yurgo: - .. 47 od 4d du tanstinuu k'unutlry 45 al do 71 do Luw tinwe [MI MI 'p. • EE 10 2 i';3•l• 7 "Pot••••• IM do enTsnyntin PE a RoLevn rieulier Or/ma Ps 7zta rriTeintrzarl that . Ms, e -Uctary 11, ttt.J. CI DE—The operaticus in crude were agnin very light to day, being reetricbal too few banditti barrels, and while the market, °satin nes dull and depressed, prlcee have ne • Magoon no nerceptlele ettangely r i togs returned, met 131itO lt, packages ed— on the spot for good merchantable tot W,, pan report is male ol gal Ibis "Montt's Ferry," at 7g, delivered, and 119 bola, on the eon,. at L:l4. pacluggea Metalled. Fur space de/ivory, V 13.11141 it'll yearns to be the salting torten. and • 13% offered—thus far 110 eaten hose Ibsen tams below Wan crate forthat del/vary, and there seems to he little • disposltiou atuelfue. toil on the part of Other buyers or sellers to do any thing, preferring ruther to held back and await rotate davUcpman tn. 11E1r/NSU—There was renter mere activity to the oh .rket for bonded uU toelay.nt the tramactlous, In the aggregate, were larger taws for during several days pear, a 4 though odess are on but tat. %le eau report *KW of PA Obis, tor. March, at 50%, del tvemsl in Pisttudeittbla;SzO bell, for May, at kb We. for June,aia3, sod laO, to• Juiyint. at. fhb Orel ad.-butt:al, that (or March, slows an advance 0 r 1 . 3 4 vent per nosegallo as there eaa a ..ars Thatnelaa or 000 f me month, at SP. Oa thu Must,' sla qtllllo In the armee.> of a4es, al al% toll. on care here; end A to 17%, del i tiered tD Puloadtquha t . Free Oil (Inlet 01.11 1111- " ^ *.gbd-43 toil far oat:Ward brands, In Musa - ahteaso Market. CIII.CAOO. Jana try 1 1 .--Ploar. dull and noml. TAny In, a Maar; aw,73011.10 foraa.laa iva S., Wlitat Mud 91,91dl (011.1. aw 9 l - to bid $1.17(p,18 4 tor 711Nrc far No. 1,6 , 199 4 .a for No.l i•rovtah.a. r ..te.rettVO. 2.l*.as k. cam. Hue* sa undid/ 00111 0.n fa.tuirinau 'origami to almtdi•Dhrlard natty... am. wpm 'mom this. coral /8.01:10 01•41.011drealleduaga, 606 dotal 10,00 e Ws. W1 1 01413,0004te"e4 Atop, ' I:WiaMB BY TILEGRAPEL Sete York gtasoclal liattera. Sew Toes, January 11.11Lotiey was wiles and sirnment at neon, bat easter this after • soon, at 7 per cent. Y our hanks were eredl• tors at • the Clearlng..lionse today to the amount of 05,700400. • Gold was stronger, Ma. log at 134.4, &Lunen firmeg and more active ss 2 kitl 2 l. • Government s . are hlghqh an in. creased" emend; dating: C.ovipan 1824 73i 0e; do Y?... a9 r004 , wool 4 do w 0f .644, M3 ; 4 0:. 44 pou t 10-40 .4 : : Slacks Cl osed m orn sentry. 01110 Certineetes, 2 - 4,L; Western Colon , 46%; Erie, 1 44 4 .1%;. Beading, - fel; • Michigan Southern, stiesy,; Illinois, 118; PLustrorgh.2lo9l%; Hock lamed, 4g; North western. 0.1.,.;;571.%; preferred. 81%070.. mlnFahares area:cited and higher. Gr./m . .07.70; Co radish 6,76; Quartz Mil, 5,60 (15. LS; Smith Parmiee, 8,0% Tim Commercial's money article save market shows GI. effects of the bear movement. Dls. counts are' quiet and =tined tolls best Pa. per, at 703 percent. Governments opened W. a decline from lest eventng's prices; but sub; woUently Improved. Gold Is cooled • under the contest between Melons and short Inter.. eats. Alining stocks chew an Increased nutty. ay. The Stock market was decidedly more aellve and snowed an Improvement on the opening price,. New York Produce Market. • %oar., .7 n. 11.—Cotton very nrm, at 304 042,1 tor Midtlllo)e. Flour very du and lully Me 100 et ; extra state a1n.00a12,03t li . U. 0,5 2 411.22: ti lute bniuds, $12,94114.14; aoutherti .Iroupluir. Wheat doll end bean, Will 2030 lower; mixed Milwaukee KU, NO. li 2 do., a 2,22. e and large parZale won't bring "lac 71.5201,54. Corn do:Lining; email sales at VINO lad In moire, clewing at sedum opt km, ale Wr aei•terii. Geis lower. at tdc for Chicago and I.lliwaliker. i'ork heavy, at Snigeritl,Z for 1,00.0105 th gat 03053 for 11 astern 411450 nut old; ..loshig ditto Mud, 515,71017 tor prime; also, new at vellem and hoy.wautitiori fur Pobruers fm ,21470.75, Mewled Liege heavy, at 7 .11 Ne. • era rut meats dull, at AblOe fur 300115.0 for he,,,,. liaison dull. Lard dreultile. at I old; 123‘1211 . /ge new. Gut ter Urge, at 151 u We for. Ohio. 1...0.•ea0 active. oleum Prin. at 19tic for ertioe Naval .0 ores quiet stud 11121. Sugar meetly; Cuba Lei Guyana, He. . Nevi York Dry towsnsa market. Now Yana, January 11 —Tbere Is a better In. ivory toe etMost goods fur local consumption and prices Are film , an,l ateauy t asi for Gm netts r niako of heavy Brown abeetlu.s. tin for Appleton Ind an li.a. 2l for Indian ()tenant and Lawrence. Prints aro 1, good oematot and Jobbing at IS and Zio for Merri mac, Cociteco ot 1 Coma° pt Minim. at ISe. American at e 3e Aliens 170, Lancaster 17 !-SO, and Victoria at 140 Illughuum aro an improved reqo.ll. for Glasgow, for Lancaster anti Harshen., far Idauchaster. Bletmlied In winos are steady and In lair de mand at 37...4a for Now Yolk. Mills, L a em warnsut ca. 27% for Butes, :a for DUN mmper Wein, 'a AA for Janine gleam Mills, 19 fur Reynold. AA, for Yortatuoutb, 40 for Pao. tis for iValtliam 94,73 far do.. 10.4, 40 an Utica 61, and 50 fur do. GA. - • kiew Orleans /Market. Raw Oatcake, Jam 11.—Cotton Unchanged; ..ales of a,lOO lades of low middling, at 3lOkin' middlins, at .12t40 - 001c. The recelp Aof the aea are 2a.230 balat j stock, 210,530. Sugar ha t/ ve aentand at foil enemy fair, at 10Kti. la%ses• common, at .58:0.4• , c; prime choice, at 70 074 c. hour du ll; impertine. at WM; extra. at es Insets. torn tirm, tit .1.4901.11. Oats Ono. at 7,650^. Pork in fair rietnaltil, at 4t1,30. Tha lar , ltat I. bare of nacos, timid, at 133. Sterling at 4.3;4. Other articles unchanged. M==2M • Lociesitig, January 11.—ThIrty bogaheade of ton.eco wet,, sold to.lay at prima ranging iron, V,W.I $lB. eurberfine Flour $2,73. rrline o , d twat *2,60. beetled Corn oekear, tiara a3e. Mew Port, $5.,30. Unit Suouldene, ~54,-; HAMM dbousdera, 12w1 Clear Shim, 13W; Mama, Itaw Mrtilaty, $2,31. cotton 3111331 c fur Middling. ncinati Cum:exert. Ci Jan. n 11.—FiOtarket. tatr dull and un changed. Min!sky dull and unchanged. Hogs unchanged and net tomb done; packers not buying to any extent; tveelpu. atun newt; males rango eatea7,4ll. Pork term st COAL Bute and green weans dun. Lard firm at Ile; nolders generally Oral tor all artlcloo, and not 12111 CA °acting. • tioid, 1:3. kr. Locust Market. 87. Loma Jan. 11.—In Tobacco' and Cotton there in nothing doing. Flour quiet and on. changed. Wheat miff. at IP„a5 for Chome. Corn easter, at, 80.89.1 e. Otte den/Inee- to 67tie gr,tlSc. Provision. null. Pork $.19,5020).Z. LLawo —sneer Pickle Ito. porkhousa nbouldere,lip 114 e. Lard 1101.114 e. Primo Hogs , .6,1006.40, closing at gettattS. Whisky $l.,Mi. • 311.11pratakee Market. January 11.—Flour dull. Wheat lower; etl9 for No. 1. guru dull a; 66e. thrt4 quiet liras Foslc, $lB4O. Dreouud lloga firm and higher, at *660; kyr. $1450. Chicago Cholla aarkef Cirosoo, January 9.-. The weather was de. ludtad all that could be desired for °maim& operations; and with a -more liberal .upply of desirable stock, and a free amen : dance of buyers, trade opened sharp and con. Hotted fairly active to the close. Laty Mitch era bought more freely, though on the part of sti ippan • there was not arlnced that eagerness to purchsse that has characterised their movements during tho half dozen days pro cetallog tom; the sudden decline in the hew tort market evidently having shaken their conthienco. The demand was ptincipady for Lair on choice steers and good begetters' stock . . and sales toda Tran s ac t !ned chiefly to pt.., descriptions. ns embrami 1,341 bead, which were divided between shippers sod -soy butchers, at prices ranging from 43,:3$ 4,3 for Inferior to common tuixnst lots, including rough cows, thin Steers. balls, slag* sod coarse earn; 51,5u125.2.3 for fur to etto.au Witches s• cows, and common to fair steers, awl 45,730n,n for good to choice shipping he•nros. The market closes nearly, with «SOO head In the peas unsold. • Prrrasonan. Fogs Was Cres° .N. January 11.—/ car oat's, J oh n W a ansert s y; U 1 du wheat. Ilatencock, UcCrecry •& on; 2 asea soap, a .1n candles. J*.tin LA et; 1W kegs pige fee:, t Sellers a co; 2 oar, /dome, Ireton bon Wos kr; 100 bola goer, Head it Mel [par; 9.21 du do,JU aco; ItO 1 rcs haws, Jas 11 Pa. ker; glkas grease, 25dn lard, 11 , &Mars & co; 2 eArsr turn, sdo hay. U N ;Wsurtn ;25 Ulna anodes. 5 hgs imams, 2 hes butter, W J duels a War 65 bad oats, 7I do rye, W J Sleek; /0 kg, butter. J e tbl wort h & c 0; 8 oka nutter. 47 nags rye. 1S bar tippler, 153 rucks .ats, Mar, a Wow.; 1 car hay, Vaught & co; 7 bits rave., liollnty Giro k; !car tort,, 1 car ars, henry l2ea jr; 5 bbla japan. 11 A Fahne :Well itltltc must . do do, D Dyers: 7 bails seed, Kirkpatrick, /3,0 & co: a INA nulls, John theism; 1 OM lard, S 15 orud scrap hors, Loyd d Mao/it{ .1 eseeti 605. , E Myer. & cup Ikg laid, Ac • wen, Lee & ern Car ear MAI. klarballatl Ca; I esr b y , W J Steel & Broil do do, tatop • bell &own:s cars bulk um •g,I Co, Seders & co: 109 bids Pour, .1 II Doe ;ZOO alo tier. Cruer:lo3.ln des, I/ ranain Thomas; 5 adds ..ry sop t .Lll Ymtlt & co:8 bad cheese. Camp.% & co; lo bble dry apples, LID le. Ilatral Patton; 4u sks Carr.. see, J tintlii I car I bay; Wm Ilausbetn; lau do, Unlit Sayers 4 , to- no anetad, 3ilualck & col /du multeed, W D ' Patterson. Prrrascaon, Commies .4 CtsrCusrawri 11, IL. January /I-100 adds flodr, Knox 4 Mcgti4l c. hauls, James Lippincott: ILL tads oil, . LL Nye: d m ,llo Obis Wb. , C C .Naumau; 19 sirs nat.rtot (il. tau; Icor dour amt locd.senuel- OdcB on.. !rya Ca bar. W tteuranjll7 übls apples.4s Mrs pides, 9 blds cider, 4 idros sundries, F W Tipton; 10 boa oodles. bier. wag & co; plaice bolter, Wm Camper; as sacks rags, 11cCullottan, Saab & CO; /0 Pb;. dry •p obis, ilea 1 lkleiSgara I car cora, tiglutorr, Simpson 4 co,• Ido do, W J Meek: /MI bread. door, abianaker & Ilauttugs. Lanza 1 cur stares, Wm CLEVELAND IND PITTVISICON ILAILIOAD.•-• I.—l oar Iron T Mahe:leo 1 do Juin. her, J asaari a Can l oon ore, aboeob veer Instill dodo, Bryan beaughey;ao haa cheese 8 Vouper cin &Dabble pouitoea,G W Bondi 170 ibis Ito, hinanor, Ilarper Hood; 1 ear !weber Milllorer .1 Bidwell; 1 dodo, W W Lehrdoin I ear hay, C Ifirbangh oo; 1 dodO W J Mart; 1 esr ergs, J J Bender; 9 liga rye ,} Warm{ 10 Ws beans, la do sred,lo pkg. heftier, 11 Dbl. Iry apples, lidosoodries, W H iialonny, 10 bbl, boans,Pnizer d Aereitronat 10 WAa dry pplaa, kga lard, Lki Volgt. it an 1➢ eore. (ilhoore. IC cot loaD, Welker, Con deo. - ALLYAREST l 9 11-2 wool, 8 BradIeySTATIOW. I Bonl7Santia ears limbe l r, cbales Hyle; I car hav, 11 M Henderson; 15 bits fiat bsd. over Ilemllton; 4 can bay, 13 Urn) s poultry. lt I A Carson 3 bats eao 41,0 w00s iteneady; I car hav, 11 Mcgoldlldo do, Buds art I Langer, henn I I car staves, Malys, h Co; I cur wheat K.lll U,l Chant 2 care corn GO' more. dhunaon I co;! car 61111r0e41..1 8 10,4,. V.:111%.;11":",:g; th u ri r""' STEAMBOATS. LOU COCINNATI AND Le /UDIVILLIC.—The dna 'towhee M •DU IE lIA Te........ Capt. D. L. Unman:lWe, is DOw reCOMDir freight tar lb, epee. Deka ~ slid ert'l Dare on the ural. lNUtle N aVW ArtUe., yer LrclPub or pilleistt k. . JAMB.i CLUE. fIARNN: I AVM'. MEM - - MDR C4lllO AXD ST.sigat .1. sinendid steamer OW , NUALIC Capt. JOHN H. flans, Will learn for M. &bora .n 4 all intormedlate ports, on or atknis 11.1.251 i or 1411. inst. For iresent or palms., apply an board or to j,a • • J• nem 001.11.-, J 4'ollu WELL VAIB O ,_BIERIPIUS id iat AAlSel.—The One passenger steamer. WiUNlDati Copt • B. Mo(lowass ll 1.113 ror 100 o na NIN shor e'lF e h aAnpV Idell • IT ntietnrrme.e d r ia o te ports Pf I g YL r L g OOLLLht n VWXno Agnt.. L°lllB' DEROE & CO., manurac. ter,n or tiItANJY•ND 8(111Aync NANA ,ty w,,,,,n.Kney. tot BLlClebid i a r rism, Second Ll T " ge k ;l:lta yean from :geired i tirT Ibis dim are endors red by yol the leaalos artrts:l3 AtAtafgrelr e'r-414.011a011111;aial eineetigrworkiyanahtyy"' yyk ty.byre tb,aelsoNi a fanny, TelL4 our Urand !Stepan Revenges . •etlon. weed /ace, ..,11 . dedi ,and iA vr 111 itnsran,e• rar.7.%tp. WEST connox piscninur STUN& wt/I.K. tictrth ()mum, Att.tiOnas - Y. "r" C41'""1". YR.= PA AM vat/a a cu. • Ha, on hand or. prepare.= abort sotto' utriu/o.FOR LtAN TOMB tlTliti ad. tn. EtrLim to ors promptly onecated. ruined ER a. HOZ, oolimitoo r'LOVII! FLOURt'MALI t'rY. n =.l.lg. 'it'll' in r do do dr TO 4 , 1•' , tt . noun. good to coOted broads: S t udVoi It] v .k... Meal, ktlejltiod ; At tho w oltroutod.A dud 170 %Lodt Atm ~ ild • d Pt it def. ANIL TIME ce:L.EBHATICIP INTEEL, HA l " If ANKS: SI N . ' and Lane ars mac evert bale ebe uteOU LINIMUfItIOI. teMeetentam Ur ghee/ erke, sad rob, td rna7nilaid.Wa=drWbell/141 Du pert III•4 , 11d. et "port urettlegereria. 11 9 W VeMe=l2/. PITTSBURGH ROPE WORKS. MLBSIIALL, FuiTroN k• BOLLALINJ opt, Xasztistunn ft! tbil3Test of HEA.VY CORDAGE gettable for Steam and Coal Boats. WSER LAID OIL WELL ROPE. rardanoPda for Coat Railroads HEMP OAKUM AND PACKING, c•clasciii CUT/ ON, Jt e., ete. Warehonse. Rd and LW Water Street '• Near Alooongeltela Rouse. 40113 , 4 1 NEWS. The leeather COntinues cold aud winter. /Me, and the prospects for a break up and an early gumption of navigation, are about as .remote as ever. There Is next to nothing do ing, at the levee, busintes tying, as it has been fur borne time peat, almost wholly ans.. peatled. The WOVE of coal at Nee Orleans is uepre. Cedentectly large. WO have rideable 11310 i u.. 5.• two that ell the. Ina Of the Year there were two hundred aunt tee,. fy door hawed boats, and welderu bargee et that pato I, con. 1.3de11ig,.111111313/4.3regate,./our towhee six hurl drednuesund bushels of cwt. • Toe hate Iteitalleani and Leonidas, for New Orleans; Glendale and Hole Putman, to; tie. I.oehh And the Maggie 111.3 a fur Litylautatt, are still reculvihg ad the tree tit that oilers. The wreck of the etymo:r was plttCkiWnd nt New Orientu• theher day by M. S. 'Nephew—pra other y. 411 M. u clip the, following hews Cruw the Clechinellle Cuninn, eta!, el Thursday: The Ohne, law Memphia, and WeAtmore. laud, from New 1ea..3. well:IA u thrtnletil 001101 to Or the bead, having bruhea p up the tee,and wt-teary ley hot ...nat through the heat!) , enure lee .1 'el ahoy,, ulu licrell ut tee Canal. Tony will probably. Sect:et-a today All the boats Ip pOll, tunte.l 10. luner pin la, have tomato etd ranching again, nee Irate as ylverttee.l. The heaver Metal leaVes eirtietillie. 'renewed lay the Marlittg. Ter Elillillekb•Al.l, Other New Orleans packets urn preparing Er/ leave. The utaterwriters agate Insuring on carat... Tau haus. J. Gale lett Memphis lust night whit as lwl 10333 l of cotton for CiliCinnuti. limn. D. fl. I tryden, the veteran lads 1111ut to to the cloy. Wu hear that. the Naillentliekeau be r.leitid With ' out difficulty. Mr. A. F. - Power, late of 1110 Office tit the Anettau, take. charge tit the cake of the hicelpilLs pocket uarluia. ,t raw aaCes unmoor fell eight. . Tile Cain. eurreaponoinet of the alone palter, farms/are the fulinallig Several days ago tire of the monitors &nehmen at Mound city, were bruneullx/ a u ey the proton/ u of the leo rod goatee! la i.33.13.1de3- able d stance but re they cum.! be brought le a Steend. Sumo of thew have hot yet got bate to their mooring.. At Mound Cu, Ertouy last, two mbar,. gut 11103 i gibers el. 331. I Ulna of them cut the Olsen berriniy on Elle head with an az. It Is thought the woutull will prove fatal. tht 1.110 1310-00 day a heart, child wan burned to Oceth, by its clothe* eking urn from &grate. la the bathe city, on Sandy , . h loon keeper named iluudechuch, elm. a German, whose name weuld not 10-W 11. It illecelle that tho Unrmun.had could a tirtaa at the bar, the price of mulch woe ill. tea, cents, and bud but ten Mida to ewer payment Os the remaining lieu a man - el cached Which re•elited In tile Itteper iiiraWing a reVUIVer lend elnalltly bile, Lee ball eater az the right shedder and rangeng down Ward. We clip the , following In reference to fast ateamitonta trout a recent basun of the Lunt, atilt, Cburier niece tun subject of hod .boats and quick rune his Wen Under aIeCU•3.I6II, In CAnnnerlug 1119 lUlPrOVeulellte of boat a and tile aplnfee. lion of p ,wer ou the Wwarr., Waters, • 11 nary been faked:died the following refilatkaide Ull Of Ella rrlElCese. /1 le flow the IlletuorendUln of Capt. John Christy, who, are bellave, was engineer of the boat at the ulna. T rece of the Promos., was from Ns. Orleans to Noteher, • distance °towel. 273 nines, which elle aecoinplislosl ill senteen hours end t itirty W 11101 Is ev one hour leas thin, thin env other boat. tflle .411 built for Capt. T.C. Holmes, for the Sew Or. leans mat Vicksbuig topic, alto lunneese power Riot shui p too lel, and was a very hob She for ale raee," and wall with the avowed deterodont of look ing the hest thneon record. 05.1 MS a matter of course, a favorite stage of the water *xi A L .. leafed. eke left New (kith.. Saturday. Au gust 4,1n5, atltorteett minutes past 2 p. and arrived at riattcher. buoday [Alumni : lg lit forty•three trifoutes past, Weloch. lo Intl the old 00114‘00 made tho trip in ninetsen bourn and brat)dive minutes. Thu run Of 1110 Vrloeeso, however, WOO It heavy strain 1/11011 her inachLuery, which was tr, - quently brooking; 1.1.1 011 her rueund s , • .on she as destroyed . by lire, alter expludinirlier b The loco of Ilia by reeurnboni Ilisuarturs dirr. fart I.Lo r aft 3 , 11,1% 011 t he val4lolus river, nnu Ink. In tire Coked. btAteM, pervong killed and US w - ounded. Number o r .r o ri ro . boat ISCCItit!IILS. 24. 1 . 141, inn less unrnber align occurred during 1143, for which yr.ur •lbe re port Is 31 50C144,1101, In 1441101 0:14,51. were killed and ti.s wounded, tint lila u'lnrircr liumber than wee reported tar :Loy ot . preVRIUS year: . some Ti,,,.,Ti,,,.,reporcg do n Include loss of rife by illsasterrs at, sea, nor durrug na val nninigements. COBLIMISSION In Eat.t.:llA.r. ib BREWER., BORECE & CO., ColllllBBloli Ala ENTI3 PUri TUX, Patine, Globe and Mei - 4011 Works, Ample oreno tor Crude mid Manned mlt. I deer al ease Aileen.. maga on court/remelt le or Cmle or termed Petroleum. TIM. fur storage and drip. Um. t Prude MI at I.ner e cuera le. (Klee sod Marabou.. Corner ol Demurs. We) Sad Hancock Creel. my 11.43.5 rrrut KEIL & HITCHART, COMMISSION 14111CHA19 TS , : . r: Flour. Gr a in, Seeds, Feed, Lt. . _ 269 LIBLILTY iTlrr CT trati,bn PITT4HUUI4I.I. PA. ataatnt (IWENS & ' • rimukri:l4 cow rismt c Heti ANTK. •00 71177 MW.Vntirt/It i 'L ' aT A itie TA_T r _ s . h... hh g _ le ['rolled w and l'rvd Go; ..e• elA rasragu r t et.Vott L . 4 1,71 .". Eltmae•. fur . gm_ We . of ' t". Y. Lily's, tronnell4 and, Lva •. daft. 0011:17 & CO., OOMMON MEROUNTEI, • And &Men In Flour. Uroln, lord sad Pral nes. Casa adios... made YONlsoments. Worst:o3.. No. :100 nTlSEET;.oppostse Der.t. Eltuhtar 11‘ DAY, CBAWFtili ID. Commission VltyL, dall LUST In PI.. 116 1 . 4.4., aL, IRON &o.aalaL lit InuS. 61116 LittsCe ho Wareuses and Odle, Noe 386 sad 388 FICh N nTituLT. Mora. . furnished. Consignment. sollelue4l. Gel • traanla. .1. a. ANJ La Ail 'BANE IC. i.N.td,-comisas £x.a. iiI I CRA3HANT6actd dcalerslu VOUR, titiaLts and PktkiDUCE, Bacon.* *treat. tatocen Wool god Statithdeld. Pittsburgh. saline ISBN.POMIX......Iorsis alßla e. A. attar., ad 1107 . 7'E11 i , LIKEN & SUEPAIt Connalaslon Illrehatiu ; an d dealers In /mule, and DOnitaila Pruitt, Flour, Butter, cheese erres, Ptdatota • 04 produce tin ar talließll dti . LEKT onoidla Psatenact Uenot. Pittaharab. • J .11AJIRD — b. PATTON, 0..0 it =louts BroogrAContustssion klereltaatkand dtiders la Produce. our. Baton. (awe.. MD. carbon and Lard Oil, Iron, Bala, Glass. curia Rang and AL Pittsburgh malinfacicrea general/1 U and 114 nomad street. Pittsburgh. . 111 - 51115. . ..J. 5. air liEtnteit & Duo m apiv, s r .:Ll:l4er 14 4 ¢ /d .... ir 46 , •cg c ,0,6 8 uc ik Ce alts°l ll 2lturo- Ilfirgtanego.. "1"d W W":'112°Z.317; ROST. [JOS 4 KNOX & SON, Cinuoihniosz ttmo r galL ‘ Trand.Detll4l 4 ►W Uq Ei RAJ 11, 1 124 , 4 .PP.11.5 Aufg:.74. tr. 20 0 . 7,, Wit. P. lUMJA _,•,.. IMO& niMill Ma. Will. P. BEVIL ea Co., No. 1,46 ~ LlbeZIY sisnsts Pitisimslin. P., iii nolecOs Orneers Commission Mersimatsioidilsaters In Conn. 17trhrintnvMhar", if4l/ssirlit.s. Irnen mi l L _______- iriel Prolta. illis..lialt and Limo: ism _ JOHN ii.centwiststuti and Forwarding /derchani and whoieeale dealt =ln Western ilweerve nease. Bitter. Lard. For:: 4/1 a:fall/Lot Pe arl genentll7, No. 144 nacelle FronLaireed. Muaeorch atones B. outgo ........ .. - 1.1 &ILO & nETZViii; Grocers Comailssion He raw...a dealers la all kind traTap.ttlartirildge4'44ll Nread in o U r A b=. l a u r r o % * : Pittsburgh. JO= I. 1101t111•••••Dsr , JOHN 1. HOUSE & BROS, Soicces. lOU TO JUIN I. lIOIniX • CO. Uro. Ed rattnal. la Nar.t. 6"— " BT-2ir JJAIIOEB DALZELL & 803 i, 31000. ? factures. of Lard Oil. and Comndsalon Merchants fbr the medusa and sale of erode and Hotbed re.. trolearn. Nos. 13 and TO Water street, Llrtstntrat. 4 Adasena Irwin on Constfirtunsata. For.. 4tiV g I A4 4 p=tiV I VAIPWW I pNt gr.t.Vr"l. "k".P:r4 y a 01146 1. Rowr. DALZELL iiiii 4bole- Omut..l. and thocera, Ooma ard ta.lan and rornlag er a dealer. in Frahm. .d Pitta bare, Mau- McCung. No. 241 Llbalq street, Flttanurgu. R l DlPLiclilo. 188 Liberty tit; • Rlttalaarza, Commle•lon Slarch.t, .m. 19:401n.da Daarerla C oaatrY,nxiaaa. 11 rattle., and =lt LTAtfrr7.lV.",tl7- s=! g ldUAl raraw .l",wt X l 4;it..7n m h----- tf ° ttsi l"n— ' era le t meet! WHOM,'LANG,Wholesole. pa dealers learceerits. Plena. Orate. ProdoeePro! SAeuteek Mb. Clisesio, Sail, Carbon OIL Noe. an • a IWOCKI Street. neer Liberty atrftt. 110 /rIMTM."7 JOHN. FLOYD & CO.. 119bUleiailie govnitm,No. • 173 Weal mute fikkl.lber.e,..", 1 MILICITE DISEASES. Nw g 'RAI rgjeteieregt krd'Ettligrht" " Par=t i a t ilTig „ttpgge.g. "‘ raga; l e ' igat4 . 11174147:A5Z; Udlgireti*Li rA d jetc 4. fig i:U472 = "4 ogivantion now, gad " psastram ood. tge gaga*. mg. I, which la roar pe. glow tbstgiale Gas% jp4jr . Ua r . . ya Roth. anti ta, R. a.Y.• it. it log/ as lutAN, g0.'20 XEDIC.AL _ uLLEENUAI.3I -- 9 ARE GOOD. 81 4 HUM MN IRE BETTER. Roback's Stomach Bitters After T.n or oximrlenee and MI Y. IsaweproYen to be the hest remedy extant for all omnlalnt a when a tonic and skim elaxt are reoulre 1. They never fall to strynathen the west. Impart Vigor to the *trout. and la all I rapects restore snaltered and broken lowa constitution. No remedy tint been received wan as mach favor as ItoliAMlC'd blM,,ll.a.Chl BIT, Tithe. ROBACKM BLOOD PILLS ClUri.M RE HE A DACHE Costiveness, 4nd All litseases of the Bowels DR. ROBACK'S Blood Pills, Blood Pills, AND BLOOD PURIFIER ARE UNEQUALLED I=CCIEEM Scrofula, Syphilis, Skin Disease, Old Sores, San Rheum, Dpspepsia, or Indigestion, Sick Headache, I Liver Complaint, Rheumatism, Mill MD AGUE St. Anthony's Fire, FEMALE • COMPLAINTS. GREENBACKS ARE GOOD, BUT It admitted by onr moot loarerd phealchma II ftlti,n AC K TTIE liSrecoblne the prop.n. lara , lee. an emelent anti-I.olton age and the beet stomachic known to the world. ROBACK'S RITTIC RS should to toted b Ow. cones! ""ut" stronettoon the utotirellou wh ich sou to d din setts. ). /olio • In the Wino.. districts of the West and Knatb. Innen hits on. • lona time, linen muck. needed. an article oral...eh Milers. welitt. 'Croatia In prorn Ir tri enta p oiti ve ntitle• and tithe proper Um.. are I ante we- nifiliUß Fever; -Fcr•er and Ague, Liver Complaint, Dyppeiosia, Indigestion, Jaundice, hid ney iNimptalnts, and all Diseases of a stint- tar nature, and .are 13etter A. mevett Live for bilious deaantemeht, rentals the system led giving tone to the digestive ors Kans. than any other known ri Now that the vs, is o or. there will ho thotrands seeking noshes in the tenth. .No person •Ito values his hoe should go there without hating constantly on band tine fit pled. as a sateguard •gslust epi demics and maladies engendered by miasma and voluted water Trust an to sod all residents of the rank river Imitates of the west and south and the ',ahoy of the iiihoissitiol and its tributaries, abouldprovide thew telvea with the BITTERS. PRINCR, WILTON & CO., hateson la Dr. c. W. Robuk, SOLE PROPRIETORS To whom all letters should boad dress ed Nos. 56, 58, 60, and 62 EAST THIRD STREET, CMYSAVII4 71, O. awasurstwa MANUFACTURERS iIIRRICIN IRON ll'OßliS. JONES & LAUGHLINS, lIPIPTB333I7.IEt.CIFEt, IC.S3O7.ICITRLEP 07 All RICAN AM CLAIR Bar, Hoop, Sheet and Plate iron! Bridge Iron; Angle and T Iron; Guard Iron; Coal Screen Iron; T Rails , IC and 20 lbs. to the Yard Trans Rails punched and coun ter sunk Boiler, Bridge a id Tank Rivets Cut Nails and Spines; Ship and Boat Spikes; Railroad Spikes; Railroad Fish Bars and Bolts; Railroad Car la ueela and Axles; Street Car Wheels and Aviles; Coal-Pit Car Ivhcct s and Axles; Patent Cold Rotted Shafting; Patent Cold Rolled PifillOU Rods; Mower and Reaper Liars. WAIIEIIOOBE AND OFFICE. 120 Water and 1503 Front Sts. /311.1131 CH Ell/C9E, , Nos, 22,24 and 26 River SL, iu/.15 (31111`ACO. ItRYSTONE IRON WORKS. HIITCHISON,TIIASS & CO., Manufacturer. of the different altos of Hound, Square, Flat and Horse-shae Bar Iron, Hoop and Band Iron, Boiler-Plate, Tank and • Salt-Pan Iron, Sheet Iron, be, Work.. PITT TOWYSHIP. on Mouougabell riser. Ofllce and Warehou.e: No. 146 Water Street. VESLWI us IRON AND NAIL WORKS. LENVIS,TAILIA, DALZELL & CO MA NIIPACTUIt CBS OP BAR, BOILER, SHEET IRON, NAILS AND NAIL RODS. Warehease, 73 Water & 90 Fronts PITTS °VIM% PA. 0F.:1;t64 KENSIVICTON IRON.WOFiKS LLOYD & BLACK, =XI Best Common. Rained Charcoal • Juniata Bloom Iron. 11/(11.011ANT BAIL. ROUND And 6QUAILE IRON 110BP. BAND. T And ANGLE. IKON. BOILEH. FLAT Id And bfl I' littni. BOWEL,. And REAPAI: BAILS ( • CYLINDAIt and tiliAltlt On FINGER LEON - FMALL T RAILS, :I and 16 IN. to tne Fwd. WltOo ("UT CHAIRS and nFLEBY for swat. FLAT BAILS. FuncLed and Countanank. GOAL beltkEN IKON. NAILS .d 61 . /11ES. WareLonso. No. NY Wattr And No. G Market eta. Wort,. Socondtart !Booth Ward. AdJolnini Cit_ Il'o , It. Illi•No,d1 and4:ll FORSYTH'S STANDARD SCALES. T0814C), Copying Presses, 'Warehouse Trucks, - • Ea,ggage Harrows, Sugar Rills, Ace. ronsTant. TAYLOR n, co, ~21•.b9 79 liAliktET STREET. l u P FORT PITT .POUNDEY. CHAEIp •SNAP NEPHEWS =I HEAVY ORDNANCE, A.tal ALL ALIN Ud OF kIICALVT CASTINOB. iedtclal atteedlon pnld to HULLING NULL WORE It .d.: , 1" !LAURIN MCI' And RETUISTIA teltrAtlll Artehded to p:oaspUT. • btrvtuforn, the beat cdsdatlals will always be d: this Woundry. datlad 4:spode.: of our old patterns, 'retie pee pared, wltla NOW AND litiglOV - ZO.pat!gtras. ton. AMEHICAIII MACULNE CHARLES F. GRAHAM & CO., .o.lmo. to 1 , 1211611, tilt', ILLY & CU Engine Builders-and Machinists, aulturaorcor,lo or Oil Engines, Oil Tools, Arid everything necessary for Boring Oil Well, Bartioular attention Baileys. Bendier, de. paid to Fitting up elballing Marlon ilvelltte, near Ft. W. 4 O. B. REPAIRIMJ U. lht I' HU SI ,jgU:dB _• - ....Aqui ALLEN J• 11.&. VALLEY STOVE 'MODALS, ALLEN. M'KEE & 0111 e• and Wareham... 201 Llbertyi Street CP Copycat.. tinalahlleld, Manufactures mat variety of C 002:. PARLOII and H KATI hTOVEd. amon. wh Coal (3ooklite are the eels ebrsted Mierhen. an d Monitor nS atores; also. Use Aliioflat and Sentinel for coal of rood. and the nuriealled Ma!of the Enthlre b tot " pETUOLLI MACHINE %V nBB. 3E1.. X24'. T.A.IE3C7.I3Cir s din. 33 Ohio Ntreet,Allest.OUL Manufacturer of IMPROVED BORING TOOLS, AND Yr/TUB/Eh CUBL/ EN BIN RI N G Ult. AND BALT W ELI a. Particular attention Incited to bin Patented DR:moments la Jo., and Joints, made. of Jualatta, U 8., and Loss Moor Bon; lultandard slieL nit ne stored, so that parts mu to ordered by m to made who may wish Zoe - Ines and machine sot) to order. Orders by mall prosily attended tO. lam prepared to grant limners to other tures a for these improvements on liberal term, Boa 17 , bile P. •R. IL LILLIBT. PITTSBURGH IRON WORKS. J. PAINTER & SONS. KARTIMCPCZZILI3 or - Iron Bucket, Tub and Trunk HOOPS AND SHEETS, Amu!. . eiTT.araoa, PB. IRON CITY MILLS. ROGERS & BURCHRIELD st...itut.r.r. or zusrmro, CIIAI/COAL, JUNIATA A'POLLI:IEL/ 013E1C.E.IST SCOW. T VV41.2.111./CCI4 No. NIB .11ARKST ST. toi lIELLE a ziet i r 10 1 iiittu.lw. strums a, 400. flan Zr 422 gars PlLfa. RO cP1617 11/1.1{2 0 ea. _ Iff: /ar... t S. se ,WATIGH IiTIM4CT tna scan, , .• EVERSON, PRESTON at CO., PEAXS.IriE v.a.r.ra MON W OIKIK S No!. FaiyO.4L7ll.rat oi3mqts. so. r. !woo ss. ranee. .DOQ,UENNE AND WENT POINT MUM FORMES, PlTTtillUittili. Penn.. man ufacture all ci ..... of Purging. vls• liteamPoal ,Itittatl_,. Crank. Piston Ital. Lever. earn. J.,. and Wrist.: also. itallroa4 Astes, Locomotive ENn a b e t t e t t i ro t= n lP. ,.. tf r :tr e itt lir th utderslart are rprepared to furufsh ateMers ettgat.llo. 'tem srlat promptness sod Illspatch. r. t. GEo. r.scuuctints & co., PRACTICAL LITHCCRAPHERS, MAIM. I T Lll.F i 'r i tiratiPTHO ESA B. FA: ThOW L ag:, ti alt m l ‘ 'r d p or i...ll . lett centelcues or Uepaalts. Invitation Cardi ' an '" an, M. saul is Tara It, rlttobtuty, - US ANION ; IIGN• MILLS, EINTH WARD, PITISBURGH, A Cgagh!Pfir.li SC.i:Tmcrrazia or IRON AND FORGINGS. Spend attrnt:on given to the sanufAct,ri of Hanatnered and Untied Locomo - and Cat' 13.1-1C1312A.r.T RAILROAD CHAIRS, SPLICE. DABS, BRLINiK LINKS AND BOLTS, I DRAMs, GIRDER IRON: OCTAGONAL IioLLOVVWROIRiIIriSoARviTS; T AND ANKLE IRON. e ' WAREHOUSE: 9.5 Water and 129 First Street?; - OFF3CEs AT TH E WORKS, NINTH WARD. ARD, CI ITS 75 URN H. 0c.15-1= FORT PITT BOILER, STILL IND TEE WCIOIR,IITS. CARROLL & SNYDER, = TUDELdIt, DOUBLE-FIXED, TUBULAIP FIIIE-BOX d CYLL\DEII STEAM DOLLED% OIL STILLS AND OLE TA 1:5, EILEEE/I LNG AND AS/I PANS, SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND, CON DENSEEs, STEAM PIPES, GASJIIETEIL-'% AND ICON BRIDGES, PRISON DUODS AND COAL sucnr.6. • °lnca and Works, corner Second, Third, Oft "..1 Liberty a:treats, 'Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 44 Orders p ent to the above attar, prounaltatoted to. SHEFFIELD STEEL wouis.. SINGER, NINICK 8; CO- I=l BEST REFINED CAST &TEEL' . IS(111AEOLIT LCD ati6ol, Of ALL En U.L.It Mucci", CIUCCLAA, UAFO AZD CnO,N3 SAW PLATES. ELLIPT/C AND er.3“-ELLIPTIC RAILWAY SPRINGS, Cast Spring Shed, Cast and German Plow Steel PLOW WINO., AND MOWER'S/LES. - SPRINGS, AXLES AND STEEL TIRE, ALCM., SHOVEL. ROE, RASE, FORS, TOE CALA •ND SAOHINEET CAsT sTEAL, CROW-SAES. to., tc., Q. Warehouse, 83 Water St., Pittsburgh, .1a ATLAS WORKS, AT CALE T .1" STREET. Ninth. Ward, Pittsbaqh. THOMAS IV. mILLEIR, President These Works are am..og the I araest and most com Mete mdaldiumeht IWUI4, Weat, add am now pre pued to famish p'.whies of Every- Deserlptlen, Mac', 011 Tanks, sheet Inn Wort:, Railroad Castlngn, Rolling 31111 CaFlings, Caa - Ung.i. Dl4cUlne Castinv,e, General Coalinga. - ORDERS SOLICITED, 1109.1iGi pITTSBURGII STEEL ANDERSON, COOLL Os CO., (SIJCCEIS9OB3 TO JONS.S. BOYD S. 0.0 Matufaetanss of to bcrtreSrtt,l Cast Et , 411, , c...re. Rat .d (kAngcal, °fall rues, Tice, Yuri and shot c Co.. t nteo, c., for LEAPING AND NOiVINS MOINES, 4TZ TPLOW WINO P. SPUME/ /,Axis custuudas, etc. Caat Common Plough and spring Steel • Oinea—Corraz cf lrlrat and Baca streea;twOol.2!ka 84.7:(21 abort the blotmaxahan Ilona ROSEDA LE STO IVORRS, L. PETERSON, Jr., & CO.,v Mannlantayars and Denten In all Cada of - Cooking and Healing Stores, HOLLOW WARE, &c., the my LATEST PATTERNS and STYLES, Warehouse, 197 Liberty Street, rITTSIIIII.IIGIII, PA. WORKS, MANCHESTE R. .IELAJR,ILDW_AI IF- B. WOLF. JIL I & CO.,_ =MEM Hardware & Cutlery. Are now receiving large additions to oar rtock, which le offered to Dealer, at Ei.a.Brai7.Eigaia Corner Liberty and St. Clair Sts" .I . ltteabiarg.la, Moos,. &MAT'S MONT BLANC FOUNDRY, Butler Street, Ninth Ward, orroarre UNION MON MILLI. 1. X . r . 1 . 0.11317.1 , 1LC3-3EC. ROLLING MILL AND BRISGE CASTINGS. ILKIIINEU AND CASTINGS UNRULY- Order. promptly and carefully' executed. CHASO Ed /MASON MILE. - • EHESEItT & IFIA.CE.LEVD. ocgaz CRESCENT STEtI WORKS BULLER, BAUR 8. PIMA ZEST QUALITY CAST STEEL Warr hark. anted Equal to any In theark• either Impoeted or r of Posneatla .51.aortfaeure. aT4CIAX.. ATTENT4ONPAID TO TI CAST AND 111 h. uTEILL. °thee, SS Wood Street, TN BT. CIIABLEVIRYTEI. a1.111.1/14fl Pirstnuaoil. Joao IBM, 100. 1e19:d0 DUQUESNE IRON AND STEEL WORE& KenirtrAN, mil]a & co., Iron, Nails, Springs, Axles, rLouss. arks° AND A. B. srssr, 40., .WAILZTIOUSF., W tea. 77 ViTebtea•Mtreac,t, PITTSIBURGZ LIPPINCOTT & No. 118 Water - Street, LLINZTAGIVOILIOg OF • PATENT fIEOPAD, PATENT TEIIpERED PATENT TWIT= . DULLY, HILL AHD CUOBI4-01:17 1016:03 .A. 14L. . ..w.oIaBenfritHILLI:2IMILLI 16 MORROW & BARNHILL, Steam Hollers, Oh Stills, Agitators. Tanki4 Salt Pans. Gasometer. Wrought Iron firldges,Sheot Iron . Work, .ke.:dir*, COMES LIBERT.V AND SECOND STS., PITTS B UR G / 1 1PRIEPAIRINO IDOINa rItOIIPTLY. 121711:b= LACK DLLKOND STS VIVICIPPLIEKKS,, PITTIOURkiLI.r. JPAIM BROTHER it Co.. . - - atanntartnenra al • • BIM QUALLITI eJCTLtint , CAST STEZL. M... Flat Alla UCL.W.L. of atlaina. .1,10 &MAIM impartid maastactllset In Ws Conn U TIIIKnaia an 4 varalannas, do. MAU an and Innallan4 Ws". 41.1 PRNaI iL De AN c gl i rl e .Teena metre... lve r tee llama . _ Deez . . 1 : 4154 r or Wea'oc! , uni.. sod Llberl.7""'" ta:l l .44. • Well'n.. m Der Emoresa.... 1430 S Linc. . . IT a i m No " : a' Wan, .N^, a 17.3 Mall Trate ll c lotaa r lS o. Was 11 1 6 c• _ u. .... a m sclutlanall Ea. 10. • • m' ft all'a 3 4444./I . E c m.fireatclock. So. 1. 7ilo `f< Si all ErPr..g. C 10( 1 ...• .I:CS p WcVs 400 M N. ad!. Vo. 4.... 4 : 441 4,1!Ka11'a No. A.... 74 MPM Wal3's 3. o. 5...400 la, p Lae and Ea...ara pmi Fut Lint IMMPM tOom a .Iccom.u IJotautowe c m 'Oro:: itl'7l,';'l;ciCal'St9UVgfm"lelZris*Tp.7.4.l'4.l• tlor.t 1. m. Italurnte it leave. l'ltutairge at Lama or. m to s s tuulon a: 2:0.‘ p. " ant Tbultaltimora lem uric/ with the Mil. euclolla Lumen et p, m. , tlnnda Nones.,—le me et lmobe rectueylee.l. Co uspoulbla ftm mem a... bUR 4 .4 .4 0 ./7. CIO The en amouot cot emetee. t:CO. I - H. BECKWITH:Agent. 1866. THE PITTS •WRIDL FT WAYNE A CIIICACIO L. IL. AND CLEVELAND PITTSBUIataI DU Ira:no isa Mae and leave at Um Union Depot, • (..• Ion,: Liars AtIIIPM. el ll. .. l o . Exproes m Chicago Expreze 23.10 • az Ci. z,:an•l Ea... Dadl n m Cleveland 11S0 ► M 0:4 , 4 et Irons.. 4el• • M 'Chicago Ca....Jen:Bn= 1 . L.A. Wlr. Nfl. 3:13 a a: • beefing Ex....11.Z am Pill, CI -333; Unica?. ha preas' 2ao p ne ClS , ..zr.? Ma 1 1 .... I: p A Why. En.. 2:40p La 1.1.%1 ex. Ez.. p u. 1•414 Van. En. 0:41p M teen., En ...... ;:. 0 -I,leag ZS e Express 910)m910) m NI.Aell“E Et. ' 33 .. 4: 'dr •'I nPhn. Ex., 9:40 De Mat frvalAllexneny. Anita In Allegnfzety. • N. bele Ater. 9,), ate L,cztzdale Accom .:00 sal •• •Bela •• D. 33 am 333i:444W kit &La NLIW .• p Near Cedvala " 5:40 • rel We;l.. `• 33au p m Lasetsdale ••• 11:33 Ll Lrt,Jl,:a - 4a4/p ••• •• X 6 sal l a r z ' t , u II '4l.tritzr le. S e tae 113 1..e.d..da1a `a lieD, •• " 7:00 am No- •burghl .E113e.3 nlde,dc a g lo ,' Eri"ct: z arrives d c a h il i. _eery E. MYER , . lieneral Ticket /Meet. 13rrrsIESURGI, A.NDCI I NC! , Weinll4.ll • ATI dA11.1,114.1.) —Pso Itoute.-SMA An 31•,)41)4 f. January Sib. 1. 4 7., trains Mil ar-tet aurl dpp•rt leow Uulos Depot as Pollotem: rinrsnrnollPlllP., 01.4. Y. 10:1,0 4 , N. %al A. M. 4 R. ' 3:2) 4. U. otso P. Y. • A.AI r. r. 9 u ble;•••••nt tilt At.',AtrnAleo nttu 2. a. 9AO a• Atel)onAhl do .... ndi P. Y. ST.• A. K. Ld•TI :t.rpr... I eat i•A At. 7:IP A. M.. I PM. Ar,1••• • .ddd d... .0 :AA At.. A T• •• t 0 0 • . 11. f l f:OJ&.. •• :Nl'. A. 141 a. X •• n. iiant 31.1 •• 1. r dr •, st.,), )4 11:0. P.M. •••• , / , :' , l:. r t :o n 9 1:1 00 1 1 . 311 1 2101 4 at . .. •• Chicago... 0:1O2. 31. 8:0,1 • it 6:W A. Y. 31. Tlekel Agent. 0000nDep04 4 rit • • 1.1. ecUI.L. _ ffea , l TlCkas Arens. Plttaburei. r i t . Lin a 111 Lc 11:1.•4 TSBURGII L'UNNELLSOILLIs It. H. ' Spring Arrangexneat. On ar.il alter Tit Litiver, ECU 11214 USIA The tralos will leave the DePet. cOrnev of Eau luta Water smote, as follows: . Pate.," /1.1••0 Mall to 1.041. from Thalontowm... 7.03 A. K. 6:03 !Oh tart`.. `• •• P. x. 11403 Vi tat Ne - qton Accaymozoattlon Bat P. K. 1:10.6.. K. Far. t UCii•-•••IKKI KaV1A•11......1.1= I‘. CUIA.. r. tic•;ona •• •• 2:03 itz.t:/oot•A •• :10 x. r. Bandar Clhorth TINAn to =la e. Qn:n %Vest 1= r. 34.112.103A.5ta /or Iktets apply to • •*.: • • ALLEGHENY VALL EV, RAILROAD. C.IIANHE OF TIME. On and aft.. MUNDLY. 1 Lh. ISM, trains .u. leave and arrive at Pltteburgli Depot, corner ilke and unan“ meets, an • /Prism First Kiskllclultla Acc.sosod , a. - can 1.1:00 my Melt. to and from Hone:dog... PPP) A. N. cao P. Y . sr 60..0 Works Aer.m'clon. Hal Sttoad Accorn'n 1:20 P. N. LPG P. N. Express ba d snd Iron Xabon'i . If. 10.53 x. Socond Works Acsom'a., San e 2= Sonuap Churct Traln from and • xi Sala Winks Loom. lOMP A. X ocl:t H. BLACK/Sit/Ng. Pop:. • Lid SURAN uE FE:us I - LTA:4IA. riBII:IIIA.NCE . GT ,PITTSBURGH, oniee,si Fifth St.:el./tank Monk, Tide fa a 116 sue and =litres gratin 1041 Dr I"' ALTZR, President, C. C. BOYLE. Cleo Pres! lent. • losislE [Cr PAT LUCK, Tuscan:sr' LH/Cal IP EIJIII.NY. lincrotary. alr.r.CTOnos Leonard Walter, or Wilton, C. C. Boyle, • lino. IV. /Leans. Y.obett l'attlek. J. C. L.ppe. JaessiC s .1. C. Vintner, jotsah EIIIX I John Vongtley, J... H, llop,llll. Immo. Heary Ensue., IVESTEILIi CVlitilieLNCE CO., OF r/11118131114 SDEFS NIALRUC PreelileA , Pie. P. IiENBEILY, hehreihr, 13EUlitiE NEELDN OtaerAl Amt. o=ce. el Water st=ct, buena . lotio.Nl Ware Uouaq up mire. rittaburrb. t o usim eueless all Alias of Tire And Madam "Isis.bead Inetitutlon mataged by Directors r,eilbteixeo czani i i= li s t i . ; . daho art! tale the charecter which they hero seamed, its of. tering hoe beet nrotocuon to those who dust= jobs luiurtd. DruD,OnS. &Itx. Slcuittc, Sete J,ThOmad, _ f YOIG'Ir: tk., le 4 s i nn t James; P. l ll c a. C ::: * llarll J r obsz ElrkpatrlCk. M. P. b CkraStatT. excretal]. A LCEGIIENI2 INSURANCE CO. (Moe, No. a littb etreet Sala Ltinek. laramisgalluisll Lints at sad Marina auks JOHNIBWIA, rreddent. D. ISIC , CDB.D. VI. Pa sldent. C. u . DoA A ELL. beeretarT. Car— Vilt. 1.1..1.1 . 111. nt'aCTOnfl • . Door .1 one.. . John D. McCord. C. Li. 11 corcy, Harou ' I CLZFAII 1"..43' T. J. Hortlnron. tieg. t. D W . ' ll7lW *. ; John Irnon, Jr.; B. L. Cahner:ock. Hobert !LI/soh. MCI PEOPLE'S LtilitilL4NUE 91. orrics,s. E. C 0 ,224 SZWOOD ABDI7I/Tnara. A ironE COMPANY, TAKEND FIDE AND MARLS SISK& U 111.70... irla.' Phillips, 1 Capt. Jotua i.. ltholiAls. John Watts. Samuel P. lihrtkor, John E. Parke, Charles ArbOdtle Capt. Joe. 51111kr, 1 John F. ktlrtpatAolt, Wm. Van Kirk, Frank H. kilsaell., Junes D. Veraer. , (7. Hanson Lome, j tka. N lV A LlinZeit4: l l4 2t W. P. G.‘Di34 . ' Pett.'ir......,..., 0....... • STEAMSHIPS. lIALTA MORE di. HAVANA STEAM. A r e PANT. ALEX. HELM:: hUNE General Aiets. F . ON MAVA N A AND NT N A EVE WeLEAA .LBRX.. TUE UNITED TES MAIL.. C The itret-Ditse etahaesElpe of Me Due will .101 84 fedlole: i •t: BA" 1,100 tons. for New Orleans and Ha sena, ummmautt. vt 15EDICKSDAY lset Pnlbtr huh. 1111171ITY• —l,:iittons, for New Orleans Via Hey It'atte.;;;;A. Tgro WHAO,TILL'O POINT, At to`clock r Y.. precisely, on the day. no For trehcht or twaatte., luring annul:maw{ 84: commodstlens, apply to .11E.A0.1" Lt. 14.1.21 1 1ELD A CO. Axel:UN ettoCAliS W tuat.r. N. B.—N. Fife or lat4lng hnt those of the Comp. ny ft be etabed. Permits for the fraught routi ne ET=r4.:lV.,l472.7.l % !'.7l tifin t .. r'd. "sior STE.A TOSEAM AN D ,OI civEn. 6, 1.1A,L ti ()IV LI rter.ArrA) T WWI A WEL/i. TA,LNILAti LINA. as ilArt EVERY SATURIIAY, •. EVERY WEENESEAT 21ck. to . • eAugnsu u. MAILS. so hl from !re land, England, 80,1. Land. Gem:guy >ma Fr... Apply al the CorupaArs • . Det.r...A t mas s • ist.T . 4lll;"}:.* xPre °ace. ritubrirtn. PENNA. SALT MANUFA- rUn PITTSBUROFL PA. . 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