The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, January 12, 1867, Image 1

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Derry 041. M us a
fog Var.
Eigleit basin — Musa hitt* Prinethals of tkie
Widely kneettand favorite Pittsburgh estab
lishment: The publication is in the quarto
fpeta: and Containseome nets and interesting
matter 'nintho to the teurse of Voidness edu
cation, so long and so successfully taught In
tbb Institution: among other tbinp we notice
a heantafel electrotype engraving of WM. it•
Duff's handwriting, in an elegant set Of capt.
Ws. and an original" and animated designer
Pon Flotirlabing,.which every one desirous of
becoming a Master penman, will prize u•
gem M. the eldrograpbbs art.
ldalled free by P. Drys & Sow, Pittabusitbr
Ventsont Vealsoult
Mr. tellitent Hoitzheimer, the repo's°
prtetor of the Continental DMUS Woo° °—
Mica to the Postoflee, on Firth street. haSilist ,
received several;' magnificent SPOPAMan! of
. wild Acer,whlch will be served tabls cuStom
ers today. Mr. Moir:hewer is alive to his
huskies a and Ms tables are kept better cup-
Plied with rare game. da. than: those of SOS'
hotel fit the State. Ills °owners of the prim;
Cat qoatity mid for a past, square meal at
meat- reaktuable rates, we know
no better.
plug' to e:emend' than the Continental se
10 6.. apartlarats have been oultably
axed up for the lady patrons of the house, and
or eventhic parties, no more
.appropriatii or
bath:wattling salaam eau 'befound arneteat to i
• presort a: first Class. supper.
"'Pine Photograph. :
The present: is excellent weather for the
taking crane, clear and triable/ photographs.
Welobierved yes - twiny In the magnificent
show windows of IL L. Dabbs' . palatial
rooms, N 0.2 SG :Clair street, some photo
grsPhs Which few could believe were taken In
:the . cloilav atmosphere of Pittsburgh. But
Dabgs put* a. reputation ae an artist
whion lea fortune to him, and every picture
turned Oat, no - matter whether costly or cheap,
Is calculated to - sustain the high character of
his licsuogi,,t,,,,int. Ills cabinet styles are
trnlisisperb, rivaling oven the finest of oil
pairdings from the best of masters. Persons
contemplating laving pictures taken will do
wellto favor Mr. Dabba' gallery with a call.
Be keeps on hand a full lino of cases, frames
A nd photographic automats, whore all those
engigedin the son shadowing business can
obtain their 'reapplies at thu most reasonable
of priettaAtintantber the place, No. St.
publish the cum of a ter
rible Drams of eenceic which was cured
by DB. KEYSER, of this city, by means
.EIt, and -some other additintial treats:lout'
The Miami' Idle* under 'the lady's own
handoma be seen un application:
Cartivicut—Dr. E. see: 1 take pleasure
making this voinntary statement in favor
of yotfCtreatteent and medicine. suffered
for three gears with cancer, which broke out
on rhy.faert. I trieil several skillful physician,
but they aid me nogood. / was in three hospi
pis, and Ira 3 sent out u incurable. By Mai
time Jihad eaten snynoie entirety off my/ace, oad
nive piece: of bone had come out'of my fore
heat. a had .atee eaten the flesh off my Meek
and neck.' . I had :even up alt hopes of ever
getting cured. Mydasighter sent me a few
bottles of your medicine. ,I was' very weak
when I commence!' taking your medicine, but ,
I gained strength doable*/ continued to take
it- I have taken in all twenty.ilve 'bottles of
' year medicine. and am happy fogey I am per
fectly cured. .It is - a year since I MU cared,
and have been healthier :since than I was for
years. I tak.e the greatest pleasure inretiom
mending your treatment to those who maybe
afflicted as I bare been. • • • I feel it my
duty to recommend at to all who suffer from
• Info of Thomas Morgan;
Mlanavari, Monmouthature,Emrand.
Alrtleular guention uttt ite .giveri to the cure
al/ dtscaset of the skin and hair, scrolula,
feta, pars,and Lacerated tore tees, a-lama the
use of caustics or the knife. Dr. .aupterteprlcale
office. No. 1 Penn smel t Office hours from 6
Has protect quite profitable to livery keepers.
For the past manta almost every day has been
good for sleighing. - Every day
called upon by hundreds to patellas° from his
Holiday stock; _ which Is lust °letting out at
panic price:a. _"
Skates-81inte;4 . 1ttockfs; - - •
Sternoseopic Vienv,Platock`s.
Dinxies,llls7—Fittock!a, •
P. O. P. O. P. P.—ThisVs it. See if.
Riverside—et Plttockfs.
Theatrical, and Noted People in the Cata•
'ague ot Phoies.nt Piittrk'^*
T. T. Ewen., ao. &OS wood Street,
Attends to all kinds of gas, water and steam
- 1 fixing. Ile has long • been recognised as the
.most alcUf ell mechanic in ‘ that line of bus loess
'_fa the city Ills etnels consists of wood and
iron pumps, by drantsotints. bath tubs, basins,
chandeliers, oU burners, gas pendants, bract
eta, &c., gu. Is large and of a substantial char
acter, and can be sold at less than the present
schedule prices of Eastem manufacturers.
City wad countiyirois of any description at
tended to hy easeful and competent mechanics
• under the suPerristori of tlie proprietor.. •
The Bess listowSk saute.
Caswell,' Msck & Co.'s'Conddruttlon of Iron,
Phorphorna and Cellsaya, known u Ferro
Phosphorated .ZlLalr of Callanya. The axon •
restores lager to the blood; the Phosphorus
renews Waste fof the nerve* tissue, and the
Callaaya aim a natural, healthfal tone to the
digestive prune.
One mitt &antes the virtue of one ounce
of ennuis and one teaspoonful a grata of
iron prid Phosphorus. Manufactured by
Cssykrk; Mass Co.,:tiow York.
For sale by all druggists. ' s
To the MMete.L
Thd old established medleal odic° of Dr. E.
Warner, (known for lorty years 63 the origi
nal Indian physician =herb doctor,) and con.
• ducted fora, number of years past by the son
Dr. E. 8. Warner, has been removed from St.
Clair to No. 211 Penn street.
Dr. Warner' stsil continues to treat success
luily..dleetusea,of nearly all deaerlptions, eine:
daily those of a chronle , nature. remember
his, new location:is 110.511 Penn street, 'second
door above lien. Tilmblets.•
toustipatton of, the Bowels
- Wholithls is merely accidental or occasional,
a dose of Rat:ors Saga! , Coated kcal Pills
4 Is the only trbatafent neresairyt i. but when It
has become habitual. it calls for further sites
-, Uon. Want of exercise U generally' the older
imam especially among the blithec Wanes of
1 society, In winch mule the ate of-the' mood
Pitts should be followed to keep MO bowels
ALA the World.* Fair .•
In Loudon, WA the Wheeler it Wilton Sew•
lag !Lachine received the highest award—al
the Machines of Europe and - America in corn.
.1 petite:ls. This award has always been made
wherever exhibited. Tea will mike no mis•
I take in ordering one as s hot day Olt to wife,
slater or tiara :They can purchased only
;"! at Sumner JL Co's:, It lflftli street.
cdrrant, Baspperry, Quince, Strawberry, Ifs.
Infils, Grape, Orange, IllackbenT, Apple, Lem.
on. Pine Apple and-Black ,Currant.' Call and .
' see them at 112 Federal - 4inch Allegheny city.
~ .. (.Iso.lSrAr27.
- /loonier Bale of Territory
: 1 Made yesterday, for Liming's Laprovod Stove
Damper. Now is the time to call at No. II
streoLivi J. N. WbUdon leaves Ina rev
days, to pui 'it Damper' on more Western
. Oar Coodo
Are Custom made expressly for retail trade,
rwarranted as such, and wlll bi cola by the
stngle palr or care for less than half price.
:4 •-
• ' . .ol•Eltlk 110L1115 8800 STOCZ
Ton tan Boij
I Yorelga Liguori of all. kinds at Joseph S.
Flaciab Distillery; 80.160, 191,193 and BS rind
st mkt. Pittburgh.
f .
Go / di warms tact,
ll.epatred free, lead watt cheaper thole at say
other elm berme to the city—Net.
Otzsi nocec Suez &rem •
Got* FirEllthira Dnes Store
`Co. St Stamket street. for the best BlaCkberry
Wine ever blimght to Plttebtrrib. .
1 Warluatenalstp _ .
On the Boati sad Sloes sold •at the Opera
'House Shoe Store is (moues:a unequallell.
A Lam. alveek - • "
tot goods satllng st.lokes than . half plea, tor a
few days. Ilooss epos &Max.
Go SO Flotototro Dreg Mom '
et Nark. Greet.lorCoohDysoopisuGato
and Cough lJ.t.,m_ : . / WO i4isol•n„
t se per oat ektobot si4Olietai B. Mach*
. ; 0 0. Yea Can Hair
, 410 w Hop§ at James
• .62,...
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Special lilspitteh to the Pittsburgh Gazette.
I:Unclear It% Jart.ll, 1%7.
ltr. Landon introduced an net to tnempa.
rate Ma Willresparre and Pittston 'Rantoul
Company. •
Mr. Bighara introdnooct a bill to incorporate
the Eureka Lite raimrance anti Accident Com
In the cue of the alleged corruption and
bribery, Mr. Lowry, Chairman of the Commit
tee, said the Committee had nothing to report.
The names of Senators, • Iteprosentativcs and
°ibex wellicnown gentleman. had betin_ques
dined in connection with the charges, but
when the minions named were brought baore
the Committee and swam they had not a eels-
Ulla of evidence to give, which could, In any
way raise even the presumption of guilt on
the part of either of the amdidates for United
States Senator. •,
Mr. Graham nominates] Thomas M. Marshall;
of Pittsburgh. for United States aerator.
Adjourned until Monday errand at arreti
• The Speaker announced the Standing. Com.
mittees. The Committee on Itailroada con.
slats of the (snowing gentlemen: Berns, of
Philadelphia; Mcßee, of Alleghens; Harbison,
of Lawrence; Whann, of Vendetta; Cameiou,
of Sasonchatuta; Davis, of Philadelphia;
Humphrey, of Tioga; Barks, of Phliadelpilia,
Sturatiansh, of Franklin; inectiling, of Arm
strong; Pillitw, of Butler; Stehrean, of Emma
ter, Waddell, of Chester; Watt, of Ph !Udel
-1 ph* Wilson, of Pittsburgh; Sobers, of Phila.
-deiphia; Jenks. of Jefferson; Josephs, of Phil
osiellitile; and Ittihri, of Ltmerne.
Mr. Waddell U. churtuan ot dos 'Ways and
Moans Conimitteo; General McCreary of the
Judiciary; Mr. Freeborn of the Committee on
Corimiations; and Mr. Darla of the . Commtttce
on Federal flotations. .
Mr. lifePherrin nominated Samuel A - . Ptirvi t
anoe, of Butler county, for United States Sena
tor, and Mr-Linton • nominated Cyrus L. Per
ening, of Cambria ccmaty. - .
Mr. Wilson, of Aliegneny county, presented
the petition of A. W. Foster for anamendment
to the ermstitutton so that representatives
may be voted form large without regard to
-Mr. Wilson, of Aliegheny county, Presented
a UetitiOu'of the inhabitants of East Birming
ham for authority to - borrow money for erect.
leg a school-house.
Mr. Mann, of Potter county, crtrerodareeola•
Mon to Inquire as to all the property In the
Otate exempt frosntazatlosO-
A resolution calling for a report on the at
tetra of the Vediangoßazdr. fliasod.
A resolution was passed ordering the print
ing of the reporte of the Gettysburg Cemetery
Association, the Buainebannitrish Committee,.
and the report of the blaze Military historian.
Adjourned to Monday evening at o'clock.
- W;ISSISOTCiN, 40.11131117
Mr. SIIMSEM presented a petition from the
loyal citizens or Arkansas to enpercede this
present State Goverr.ment, and for Con arras
to declare that the tarenty.ffie loyal Mates aro
the only States competent to pass judgment
Upon the • Conatitutional Amendment.
forced to the Committee on ltecoustrucMen.
. Mr. WADE m , tom tee Committee on Territo.
- ri, reported favorably to amend the act Or
ganizing the territory of
lir. LANE introduced abill to amend an act
providing for the enrolint cut unit r u ling out
of militia. Referred. .
• Z'OIITOLX 21.1.XT . YAZD. • ,-
On motion of Mr. GRIMES, the Committee
on Naval Affairs - was requested to loQuire
Into the espedleney of clueing the Norfolk.
Navy Yard, and pmedeur the onblio property
there under the charge of the Commandant of
the Marine Corps.
The Pesusion bill area taken up end db+cus•ed
adthcmt action, until the capitation of the
morning hour. . ' •
• '
The bill regulating tenure. CISOMOBREJItaken
up. Several amendments were discussed and
two adopted, which wore ordered pruned. •
TAMPS' LILL 1MP01.2101.
The Tariff' bill was reported and 0110 thou
sand copies ordered printed.
After Executive session the Senate ad
journed to Monday.
Mr. SPELT:XI:. announced. the regular order
of business would to the considerrtion of
bills Ma private oharacter.
Mr. DEL iiiithot thilo, from the Committee
on Claims, reported a lot of private bilis,
which were held Oil the table without reading.
4. number of other private bills were eon
eidered. •
Mr. ASHLEY reported, from the CoMmittee
on Territories, a substitute for the North
Cal ohne reconstruction bill, which If/mon:ler.
od to be printed and recommitted. .
Mr. GARFIELD, of Ohio. moved to postpone
all prior orders arid to take up the bUI grant
ing additional am:open/Mimi to Works 4.1.0.
employees Lu the elril service. Not agreed to,
Mr.LiELA.NO, of Ohio, from the Committee
On Claims, reported fravombly on the bill for
the relief of .foe. Hooper ' of Baltimore City.
It authorized the Seeretary of the Navy to
lay the claimant the sum of sl6,6Wfor the
oss of the barque General Barry, which the
tiovernment had Chartd to oouvey
straw from Now York to!Primes in
1864osnd which was captured and tleatzoyed
by the rebel steamer Florida:
At Mr. Di:LAMB'S segacatiou, tho bill Was
bid over and placed on the private calendar..
He also laid before the Douse a comma:ma,
tion from the Secretary of War, relative to
claima presented to the Quartet master's Ile
partMent by citizens of inclines for horses
lost during the Morgan raldit asyof Ituforked
Committee on Mil Affairs. t
On motion of Mr. DELANO, the Nouse re
solved itself into a thnamltteeof the W hole on
the Civil calendar, Mr. Broomall, of Bennett.
vanlailn the chair.
• The bills on the private calendar were read
In the Committee of the Whole, and the eon
'Mazatlan oral except alx were objected to.
The Committee then roes, and MI/s were Pao.
ed for the relief of ItearAdmiml
ding, Timothy Lerden, Johnson A. Dawson.
Munro Blanchard, licarp•Budd, and Norman
The House SigHll2 =Solved itself Into Com
mittee of the W bolo on the executive MOW.
Mu and judicial approorlation WU. The
pending question was upon the amendment
reducing the aPpromiation for the purchase
And distribution of p 054164,7 the Department
of Agriculture from WACO to $45,000.
Sloven :A other emendnionte were offsred awl
dismissed, Ma dually the Douse sojourned,
with Out taking any ~pc,L,
Th e woody ***la. Ammumeneed RL
Terealo—Another Foaled Thee. ton.
elated. cad **blamed to be Buns en
Toao=o, C. W., Jan. 11.•—in Court Way,
Judges Morrow and Wilson presiding,. Tam;
achy Kleley was arraigned, ellmaud with
Tiding the province In June I sm.and pleaded
not guilty. lion. Mr. Cameron' appeared In
Macaw, for the prosemillon.- Mr. - SPMonzio
pat mend aMdavits testifying to the pm
moan good conduct of the prisoner, but at
tames given to drinking. The cuss wee given
tonsillary, who, atter anabsimod of en hour
souls haLt; rein:nada verdict. of. guilty. -Thu
prisoner was sentenced to be hung on the i4h
tj March.
leattnealton of Caw Conetttollazial
thoonalleneita—Ttie I.dlana In. ILattatta.
Torzei, ina., January 11 ....The terms to.
day. tuoutitaously. lamed the Hons. John
Itereltiticet • zatl4leit the .Ceustltutinhal
Aentlehat. •
• V ut ehrial novo' brother of tee COMailialou.
I v 7of ladle,* anent. le holdingw arrit7. s council with
their te
.tatir oa taatal to the ultilan ja Ulan_ ,tat. reab', 14
'lt la
extent id that no tribal OrgaG ltatlop
'll that State Ina year from MTh
_ ~~"-::` r ....,
The Proposed Duties on Iron
and Wool.
Bankrupt Bill to Come lip Next Week
WASEINOTON. Jan. /1,113.'A
The tariff bill reported in the Senate to-day,
1 by Mr. Fessentlen, from the • Senate Finance
Committee, Is based upon too bill prepared by
Mr. Welles: tire Commissioner or Internal
lievenue, and submitted to the Committer)
noose dsys ago. In moat lostaneca both the
classificetion and rata of Mr. Wells , bill have
been adopted. The principal alterations are
In the articles of wool. salt and Iron. Among
the alterations are the following The
committee bill Provides for a. tariff Ins
all sugars trot above N 0.12, 3 cents per pound;
on all sugar between Nos. 12 and 15, 3% cents
per pound; on all above No. In, 4 cents; on
Pimento, 13 cents per pound; on situate man
ufactured or distilled trom grate. de., 40,50
per gallon; on cordials, liquors, bittern, Lc.,
e 2,40 per yahoo .. .I.lrundles use excepted from
the proviso teat !Ignore Imported In betties
shall ho charged on additional duty of 3 cents
each. On Mora, cigarettes and cheroots of
all kinds, 62 per pound. - • -
Cotton nod cotton manufactures are gener
ally the same ad in Wells bills, except teat on
cotton webbing, tapes, galloons, to., the duty
to 14 per rent. ad valorem. In regard to wool
and woolen masufactures the Committee
hove adopted classification and gener
ally the rote of the Ilonso bill, manufacturers
of cnmels beingleserted with the clues of Al
puree goats.
. The principal elmnges are on unwashed
wool of first, clans earned ut 45 cents per',
pound, exclusive of foreign oott charges, 10
cents per pound; 10 per cent. advalorem all.
tonal on all hale of the Alpaces goat, camel,
de.. ef less value than-32 cents per pound, 10
cents per pound, and 10 per cent. advalt.reru;
and when over 32 cents per pound to value,lt
coots per pound. Oa wooln, third class, the
word itunatautarl" Is omitted; when It cents
or 1005'10-value. exclusive of port charges,
Cents per pound; wain more time It cents In
value. e cents. Tho dray on wools of
the drat, elms imported washed shalt be
twice the tounant, and' when. scoured, three I
times .rho amount, required upon IL when
unwashed. Upon,sheep skims and gout
skins, . er centaur advalorem ;
arid upon woolen rugs, anotillv, de., 12. cents
per pound, nod 35 per cent. ud valorem..
On blankets and woolen and worsted yarns,
de., riot odeendlag 40 cents per pound, In
value 33 Cents per ported. and above 40 and
not exceeding GO coots In value. 43 cents per
pound. with an addltlount 50 per ceutum ad
valorem In each case. On beriling , 2o Cent.'
per spine.. yard. end 30 per Centunn ml valor- 1
me. - On women's andctultireu`s dress goods,
calm, Oct V1C66 , 110d . Mounts per square vard,
.6 Conte lrer aq41.10 yard, and
• Volt:nem, .444.
'yr: cents per-sip:aro -Ty , Call ad
isd valoe, and on ail such weg
nue ' over four ounces per square
yard fifty cents per pound and 35 pis
p ert, at catortinl on botiery, 40 cents
per polled and 30 per cent ml valorem; on hate
onel cope ut wool. roody-made clOalleig.
60 coots per Pound on flax
to .untuanulardUlasi
415 per 100 On llos3lo manilla, Italian .
unnituct and, e 25 per ton on all
tirMrn or bboarbed linenr., Sc., 3 cent a per
square vent sod 50 per cent. ail valOrent. In
ntdes,Olllo and leather the changes are on
raw gent, firer, and calf o ut, In the boor; raw
sheep skins In pelts without, wOul and in aklv•
eta !sell Met. , 11.ekled or rolled. 10 per cent.
ad enlorein. t-kivers tanned, ur colored, or
entailed 33 percent:ad VEOUreno.
in regard to Goal, I he I,IIIJ of Walls , bill are
retarned. Ott opal anti all Intrunluous
co...looming from atly place 30 degr of lon
gitmle east of Wusbington, per CoCn; on Of •
tutolnoue coal coming frum env place not
Wore than IN degrees raid of Washington, tap
per ' tOn,. On unlbreette and all other coal, not
other siee provided 10r, 41,10 per ton; on coke
and lump coal, '23 per cent. ail valorem; on IVl
pbaltum, bitumen, altrotite, dc.. BO cents per
• .
The Committee adds - the section of tbe Resale
bill which p•OVl.hcs that irons the Viral day of
.Apeßnext there shall he al owed in the fol
lowing articles when exported, a drawback
equal to the duty paid on Imported material
need In the manufacture therwaf, less fire per
cent. in thetLCOUttilt. 02 such drawback, which
shall be retalted for , the use of the United
fitatOlh c anit ouch drawback shall he useertaln
ed In accordance with regulations to he pre.
scribed. Another section provides that all
foods in bond or goals lit Warohonoes, whose
arty Is not paid after this law take. effect,
' , boll par all ttuf rates of duty Imposed by this
rQrfl ruGuir PLATrOIIII
The Natlonal Equal Rights League Canyon-
Lion of colored men passed resolutions era
braclng,the following points:
Flrat, The right of ballot, because we t aro
American citizens, and as. such are entitled
to it.
Second, Because we are tax payers and there.
fore justly entitled to representation is the
State ono t'ederul government.
.Thinif, Because we arc patriots, and as such
have proved our loyalty by our self-sacrificing
behaviourin the hour of our country's sorest
/berth, BCCAUSO it is a - natural and Inherent
right, pertaluing to ovary native born Amer'.
can, white or black, who has reached isle Ma
liorece Greelev,.dona Dickinson and Char
Sumner were elected honorary member%
The net conferring enefruge on the neXreee
in the Dietrict tr °racially published.. • I
Who TWIT bill will pate tato nrnate without
material change. It umi. the Bankrupt, bill
are deferred to null %reel:.
Telerrautn from Minot, predlet, Seuntor
T r . m b u tr n defeat by General Yntenor.
-' 2IIC 3E , Ir UELp,,r/lIIIOT
rho CdrigreiLlonal Committoo to lui•Catigato
the New Ortonns riot will not no uhlo to report
for serOrttltrental.' ; ,
Tao Senate Committee on Printing has coat•
manned an investigation into the charges taw
by the soldieri and Sailor. Union that Mr.
Wendell baa discharged soldiers from service
at the Government Printing office, when they
might havo been rot Lined. ,
The colored regiment reornited to Gila vi
cinity Mu been ordered to South Carolina on.
der General, Ellice former Jailor to
Jolt: Davie, ut Fort itroaroo. General
will hare hie heuttoartora at Cltarientow.
.211 Z N EST 6.010/5 OP 000 0X08.
It le behaved that the Prnahlent trill elan
the hill lleinn tho time for tho lineembllng of
the 491.1 ii CongrosB, on the Bth of March next.
Tho Senate In Larceny° Session toter con.
firmest tho following nominations : Richard.
L. Darr, Commandant In the Nay, on the nos
tire nett N. D. Peck, of Ohio, Minister Rent
dent an el Conant General at Ilayth Robert. G.
Lawrence, of ithodo I:liana, Minister to, Goats
Rica; W. Illekbum floffma:, of La., Assistant
Secretary of Legation at Parte.
Gov. Morton Nominated with Great
. Unanimity. .
/max, rOus, Jan. 11.—The Republican can.
cud to-night. nominated- Gov. Norton for U.
§centur, be receiving. ell the voted oast, fo $
inembera not voting. •
Another nuts Agannat. General Buller.
.-liisr - Yoltz, January 11,—John IL Lotter hie
In.tltUtod 0 Ault !Against General Duller. tor
kliegs. skid Umber artnated him
at Vort Monroe, look Iron, ltm tan housand
dollars lit tonne/. and Dater propelts aiQ
throng!' a. oOurt =artist proeu , eat h 4 leo.
tunes to .tart•guars imprisonment. no was
sant to Hattgraa Island sod /motto:. raiwy
mootbs.'untll selesead by General Grant. ZIO
claims edn.ooe gra:nava, Ana Ohddnor grog.
W q*,l l/ 77 -- `-,-
RE- \\. \ •i, , , , ie
French Transports Sail for Mexico.
The Impeachment Question in Paris.
(By the Odle.]
!AEIS, January, 10.—Seven more transports
hive sailed for !dente°. It Is be li eved that.
VA French troops there will be ready for OM.
barkation by the Mb of February.
Coseroamoronte, January' in.—The Porte
Lae !gonad a note to the dltiannt powers, eel•
ling theirnerlons attention to the' state of of•
lairs bet Ween the Ottoman Empire and Greece
and sods thatif no favorable result iwreeelved
by Its efforts to maintain peace, thunecemary
Mops for the defende of Turtle! 'bazaar Auk
national integrity will be made.. "
&Hatred. or riTtiatir.;
90eTHAYYTON, January 10.—Tne et:tamer
Dentehland,trom Noir York, has craved,
01101009 aan'eue•oaos. '
Paste, Jatruagy 11.—The itc:Myr Illautono
noth and the rest of the UiCtted Stab:4 Squad
rola are at Carthage:as. They attract great ht.:
The yaris Brun warns the American people
against the evile of trupeachlati the l'reshient.
rzt.l) . .k, Jan. 11.—Tee health of the E w preen
Carlotta to greatly Improved.
Lornxr. January 11.—There aro rumors of a
commercial panic at Shanghai.
lavcaroot,Januarylo.—Cotton cloud dull
and unchanged.
January M
Eno 4.154; Central buy:.
YAW., January 10.—Itentre closed at GS'
Loscon,Joinary• 1 I.—.Noon.—Flrotwentles,
73: Erns. 1111no1s Central
Irvaaroor, January 11.—tiales of Colton for
Phe week 41,000 bales; dull to-day; naleo 1 , ,u1X1
halos at 11711.
EPV..lfait Steam, .Persta.)
News by the steamer Persia, says The
Anglo American Telegraph Company, an.
nounce the netearnings of the company have
exceeded the rate or twenty-tire percent. per
annum. A dividend, on account, of ten per
cent. is to be declared la February.
An Ante:lcon undertaking, called the Sr.
Croix and Lake Superior anitroad Company,
Lssned a
I: reeve:nu. in L.onflon, Inviting sub
scriptions for thirteen aunured thousand
anal a
pounds, In y.
seven per cunt. bonds at elratwo
The La Frame Says : In no cane Will the
French tiovernmeat re-conabler the oreer for
renpletely evacuating Mexaco, by the first
The Annual I:Lessee - 0 of Governor Dfor
IsmAxaroug, Silu. 11—Gov. )dorton clgalver
ecthis Metlnge to the Login Lame, In .0114 . aOll
vention, this afternoon. The me7smlt9iliCrY .
long. The tlnancial condition or thd'aite Is
more favorable time at any fororent In
Its lit Story. The total public tiCht*IFIC ,
upCftr *bleb a -.reduction of otrr . h ~xo 14
DUI by •
mode by July next. The . po • .l.
of Ilia Salto to rapidly increm•lnir. FA • ,Ilie
IDILIOILICs IL 16 csuccuttell dirt ILIO nu i t i., %
115 u
inhabitants In u will bo , over . two , ~, t
The presage of a rtati:i.ry 1e., , .. :l
bean. tot as etelgrelltbaber ano ,ll '
.. • .. 'rill:Orem to *moor clog
tins, are recommended. Too ODA./ fain of
the Sumo It estimated at neatly righttpiltknis
or dollar,
The Lionernor reoommonda prov , alantbitliirr
fora flolionn andante DI thu cuturnonslntoels,
wherein tuition slaial be without clarise; nod
equally open L 43 all. Thopreeent laws sboulil
be so amended as to e.locate tfie cbtld
ren,artot such pruportlou of the School i slid Hs
may be In proportion to the number of. Color.
ril children, be But apart and up ol IDA to their
"education by separate schools. The t.orer.gur
urges a /lbonal app.ourlanon for the rboldtcr&.,
DLO Seam -D'e Marne.
On the National debt and Currency questions
hots opposert to the present gent ration pal.
leg the whole debt. Thu acti..n of O,A Sundt
caused the contraction of the debt. and I he)
and their children should pay their proportion
which in the prPsent destitute conditioner the
no, lit, It 14 snails to du. Ile Is [her. fore, in
favor of reducing titration, Boas to pay isov
arnment expenses, and the Interest on the
public dein, leaving the principal to times of
more general prosperity. If the present gen
eration, having put down the mbelllott, , ,itull
hCcomplleh the work of reconstruction, It will
ave done well, and sexy properly leave at
least part of the debt for the coming genera.
On the question of negro suffrage, the Gov
ernor says it is Impossible to duuy four mil.
Ilona of free colorer people the imitate ngov
einntent 'they helped to support. Textual,.
and representation should go together; but
!nutcase is a nuturul right and should be
subjected to restriction only for the hwudt of
society. Ho says the Constitutional amend ,
meat question has been fully discussed and
ecom wends Its consideration, snit hopes teat
Its ratilthattion will soon be published to the
world oaths declaration of um spirit and pur
pose of the people of Indiana.
llelellnea Ina real non on the Qeea•
Ilona itwar Pending.
New Oaccesa,Jen. 10.—A letter from Gel.
eral Beauregard to IVm.ll. C. King, editor of
the Timer, will appear to morrow morning, re.
ferang to statements published In the North.
elif papers, about his positions on national
questions. Ormond Beinsegard states that he
did not make a speech at Cotton, but sold in
private conversation that the South bad de
fended whet It conceived to be Its constitu
tional rights, and having appealed to arbitra
tion of arms, it yielded to the decision given
against it; sari that he believed the sonthorn
people wore now willing to accept the Collbtl
tUtioo as made by the war, and unuerstoori by
the Supreme Court.. Itogarding the Constitu
tional Amendment, be said be had little op.
portunity, except through the papers, to as
certain the puhlio sentiment, but his !untold.
ual sentiment wan that the South should not
accept it, as Its interests and manhood for
bade. The South was at the mercy of Bin
North, but it should never do anything width
Its honor could not approves It should pro•
toct its own inrercati and at last, If be 'aunt
use the word, the consolidated government--
he meant a common, federal, eational govern.
moot —opc.ratlnfrf under the Constitution as
interpreted by the Supreme Court.
The PairglemArremted for vimbillow 1 . 1111
Biotite Low—The rose Troomierred to
Jefferson Cltr—Preedomen's Almsgiver—
Sr Louts, January 11.—United States Com
missioner Hickman, before whom were
brought parties recently arrested In Lexing
ton by United States Marshal Wallace, tinder
Civil Riede Dill, for participation Ina certain
act of then:WM[l4st that place, has transferred
the case to the li r eetern District, and the
prisoners will be taken to Jeffersoncite ler
examination before Commitodoner Feat:tidy:
Tins Annlvereary of Abolition Shively in
Missouri. was appropriately celebrated by the
colored people toslay.
A Mate Ceav eut anee toott Recommended ea it
New Osteasis. January 11.—The Times of
this morning publistiesnu article in r.qiirelice
to the approaching session of the Legislature,
calling a State Convention to remcslel the
'present Constitution, and present to the pro.
pie an Instrument which, beinc adonis , ' by
them, will be. beyond cavil or doubt, the Mo.
datnental Mts. it Is evyod as tat:immure that
will haves moot beneficial result. It will re
v:toward' cause of difference between the Es
ecuUle and Legislature, and secure that har
mony which has been the objec t , of the hest
citizens since the organisation of the State
The Mir enlettare tet the /111 note
CUICAGO, Jan.lo.—ln the illmo4 Legislature
yesterday air. rano:Wed e reso [atlas amend.
lug the State Constitution, so es to oznyent
the Legislature releasing the Ildnote tientrul•
Itallrtad front Its obll4attons T n pay into the
State Treasury semi per cent. of the gross
receipts; and also to provide that alter the
extinction of the Interest hearing State ludebt
edness existing at the time said company VMS
phatlered; to distribute tbn revenue derived
from itse company equally among the one titles
of the Wite for educational purposes. yrdered
printed. •
alr. Parker offered a resell:MOD tatter; In.
straotlng the Committee to inquire what tests.
tattoo Is stationary to entente tee previsions of
11MM:tarter of tee Ill•ools Causal Hulot:n.l,
matting all , landirr. malulng unsold at the
aspiration Of tan Seale awe the completion
of old road and 0111=128S, be offered at nubile
sale until orhouvarelllszosed of and The
avails appalodto tPO paymestol the outstand.
Sag Wadi 0 the company. Adopted.
New Councils or Allegheny—Their
grtatzwtt,ns ' Ifeno«roay—lndo“ ion lel
Hen. John llorribun and Col. theorke
inernt Soto Office.
Best eidav 'opening, at ten o'clock, the new
ly elected members of Allegheny Connells,
together with the members of Select Council
Inilaing over ! met in the Select Council Chaco•
o , o'l for the purposee of receiving the' mum.
•Or the recent election cud 'orranizing. On
Motion henry Irwin. Lin., Wee Celle , ' to the
chair, mud Blsrs. George D. Riddle and John
A4tyler appointed Secretaries. "
The Mayer. who had charge of the returns.
bring lament, the mew ben* elect of the Conn.
ctbepresented their oredentlale mid the oath
'Oeoince tai .lininistered La them by Alder- I
win if KIS, of ths•Fleet turd. . • , •
Tee returns shooed-the eleellon of the fol.
lowing gent/einen
• akbecr cousrtt.
,Faq. Word. I _ Second Wiird.
Bln Ve r tri ' lii rd. i l
4" Valt " ; : th fia ll ! Lrif.
A. r ~,,,,,!... _ , Jelin A. Itlyler.
, , r.... • ..... _ eobtiptt COUNCIL.
_l4V.riLiTra;tl' 7 ' Second 'Word.
AlriArt_.. ilei,Minlita., ' - .lo.topit MeDduald.
I,h ~'"VlitregiLiAr, '. . w,.. 11. D.,,.....
John Kirkpatrick,
/is c to Cecil.% . licorae D. 'Wein, -
,_ Third Mira.. Fourth Ward.
D.:T.. smut:, . I Hugh McNeill,
Joliet) , M. Drennan, John Megratv,
~'!.'ll• Votlihtlei. E. F. A. Faullieber,
John nom. ... John S. single.
Otbutation of Mr. Mettrlit, 'a ~ ,,on, , ,tte, of
:three was anpotutethi,o wolf 1410111110 Mayor
nod:Director of the Poor, and conduct them
bottle Council Chatntntr. The CII , Or rippolta.
ed2enstlo. Mcltrter, of Select conned, and
17 }1:401t Unit ILICS.,III, of Common Council.
He returns for Mayorand Director of the
row.: than read an d approved. .
_-' • on. John Morrison, Mayor elver, and Cu!.
Me. Clore, Direct, of the: pour, elect, were
then openrted to the chamber and Introduced
by Mr. M cltrier. They, were sworn Into caw
by Ald..rro an Hay, nett flUbic r.1b0.1 I o th c oath.
After the oath of °thee had btun atintluottered
to Meyer:slo[l . 6oN oo said:
Mr. President and Menthe. Of Council: The
vote of the CM/A3[lo( Allegheny has again
devolved upon mo tho (lutist of the MM oral.
.tv I thank them for this renewed opreesion
oethoircen tidence.
leering the paid year the good order of, the
reify has not Only equalled hut eseeedeil that
of twiner years—crime has not Increased
onr boundaries mitt] our therme of
tOpulation. Leaver Ofs protect...a too city
tram pestilence, and the new - year opens with
Iright prospects of tut ore orosperity.
. The d1r.... of 11.01e/der have expressed
a:desire to unite their population with onr.,,
01.1 this year may see this desirable unionne•
'cOmpllslted. This shows, at least, that wo
heir the'aood opinion of our neighbors, who
m Wt. have toren OOrerVUUL of lbo nelluvlor Of
nor citizens wino dwell 5. , 01 - or liner bOniel S.
MOoloy that I oid mo.tulnol es hereto
fore by the citizen.. of Allenheny, in lush,-
Landau the good mime and t epUtittiOli 01 our
ally, I, f. the Executive chant, will endeavor,
Wino toy duty, doll lust SUM, Mr. Prnsident,
the Coducus wilt do tile! re.
lbe Contemn council then retirua fo theft
chamber, %shun the Select Council rrocemled
to the election of
31r. Jame was, nominated for Prcbl•
dent; Ind re.etectell
. br ticetatnation.
Ole. a 314c1 - erten. Clerk , and Ml. lfusecl
haugbi 3lcaienger, O t te nine rcr.teeted by' ac
upon tal:lng the chair, cx. roftett;htA.khat upon:elution of the rhttertng
tetnplheeN,Lechleit taut heen 1,5109..1 mrunt
referred, brieliv to neutral
.improtentrnte which would ho litiinattrutr.l
Marlow tittuiretent. year, null oxpro.o , o , * u Nape
that tltelittanentl &Mitre of thu car noun to
etubduiltea et:et:tont Irtilly nod Int.k.lheently.
• root lon, Otto rull-n of onion governing the
lept Cotfeettet Were 4 , 101itt,1.
AppetritPll. Aftolltod.
1001.i011m Mr. Irwin, the Committee PI
St.t. to+Mil COMM. •Cu we c
utrentng neat. •
• •cci . ,i,flx con scist. :
IVllen the mernbtre OtA:oluvuort Connell bad
n,tun,htetlni i heir chaniber, atCtuporary
umnlcation %susett..ll,l by calling Alex,l4in,
nu, E•,,, Fir,...ard. to the and
apinnul Inez Hugh NcsQtll, V..sq., of the , loartb
al ....4euretarl.
The toll et ettettletr,.... then called, when
the .11,11..41116. gentlemen !Mk. ercil to ;bet r
...iv,: First want—.l.lettateler E.T.
In lib on. Cele len Cotter, I...tee ilet O. emend'.
ie. 11. Denhettl,
"tinite lib keel:kik, George b Mottle. Third
wart—lt. I. heath. Janus Sl. bren.n. N 11.
Veleth: icy. Jobe lime. neat LI weld-11.0i
Ste:lan:Et Jithe Niegruw, E. 1..1.. l'Aulltatteer,
bn. Siege..
It tea. teen announced that the CleCtlOO
pet menet, t Itt,ltiont wan •ettlbin H Siil
Air. Gen 11. 4,1,11, or tne Se•enild aril, tinti
Colonel It. 1.. ',ill, of the Th,r.l hunt,
elnctel In ltOlulilatloo, tutu the. 411.111111“900 .
cio.le 1.
. •
A balrot n than 'WhiCilreSnitCl rid
NM:. Eithlle, Stett.h.:.
There twine Ito (1101e, , ,D, second toilet won
nriierrd, re-Illted 111 th e ...lemon or Ale.
by the le/lotlng . r vote: 'Riddle, : 4 1
Smith, lb.
Cht section, the election w. lhi tl math, un.
I , lr. 1:hldlc ails thee eorltleto.l to the elialr,
and took tic orlon to returaltawthanka tot ti e
honor et.nlerre•l noon iriledijher himself
to peel, in 11 e nailer ileac/tieing noon hint
conscientious!, and to the of his ability.
Tile election 01 clerk boltot, next la otter,
BiehNtS. Ito meet Lb I wurth,of tlevootid ;ward,
and James S. etevenronlOf iiticoutt
were placed to uorninatton. , .
A ballot way tbon takbo, TOIL* resulted ae
follow r: Dilworth IXi SterenlionlL Mr. Dar
world was thereforatirelared delS electlal•
Anenetnullueeenraugh WILY 'then clectori
hakeseuger of council by aceliniation., •
Ihr. clerk was then I.llrtelett to m 1 ,44 -bo
lect Connell that Common Countls3gms-tr
cm.fzed, uua preParetl for Um J..ramoittlort of
buelnr.. .
On motion of Mr. Mutton, 1.. resolution was
adopted, providing for taineeting td Cduncds
on Tuesday evening or next week, for the ale,
lion of clty onlcers • .• • '
On motion the rules of order zovercang the
but CouncilO were solopted . rok Thei ensuing
year, and the Clerk directed td furntsh elide
member with u copy of the wan,.
There helm; no turther trans
ant Connell adjourned to meet on Tensility
noosing next
Fa.hinamblo t/ry - Good,. rind %14.0 re to
Yurthn•t—Thw Ltetvoo of 'latex 4. - 1.101.
21 Fifth ',level.
At the I.lamiable dry goods boast; of
11,,sra.ltates A Bell 0111 be found a felt stook
ofseasornibla .1 rygoodg fbr winter wear, The .
firm have reccutly mad'
new additlOgs to
1 their choice eol..Ction of g00d,., and have te._
traluced oil the prevailing styles and, PO;
terns Of inateNals In TM; no at Now York, alai
Perm this announcetneet, we know, *ill
be nualeicut to attruci tliu attention ot.the
ladles. 'Everybody who bat Amu any title
ping In oar eit y le luny acquainted with be
character aid ...y,,, of the Boasts of Bate( S.
1101. Monopolizing. for veare past to theml nelve9 a large Phan. of patronage, they have
.striven to lent' , their Stock up toa degree 'pl
excelleneu,whlcit will austale their high . repft.
All dencriptiens of dry needs, embraciptr
Alike!, moire.auttaues evenleg repro I,n
• glaciers le
moat beautiful colon+, blab
allies of every.'onalify, moles, plaid. a n
I ,
merino plaids of every variety; callcol, J..a1l ..
Ceasttnercm, ,to, will be found at Drone es 1010
mutable as can he obtained 0,4 - here. A largo
assortment of ' , recite, to:Karol Mauer° tdetwig',":
which were purchased ti it !et, trine the menu
fat:toren, nevett., and large and tonal! will
to eult ladko, tol-ges,brel children, _will be
. found in• the, proper fleparth.eut. Thu elm
pay espeelat and particular attention ,to the
ulna): trallm Out' hvoy now tl 1 ,0 •es 4 dhi.ner
fend for :ellen olbelet ot velvet nautle, made
1 tram the tines to aid try of 14 ta.'4.VPlVet: . CrOtti
; 111. t lee, clout:610.1 EnClille,tlli ' of which: li.
‘,, , , 1 , :e11itY , ltuautyatordoi,n, and ,hi ll and
1 "mole/lee of worlarlanship, will compere
I ..., Mt any found In the melt tashionatou east
es'a Awake., the dirOut. the attention of the
la Ile , . to this 1100.0, knowing full well that.
I It . tit not be neglected In their shopplug.
tour, •
On Thursday there wag a funeral on Poiat
street. In tile dirat ward. • Thu mourninit
triennia sent orders to Mr. W. b% Jseksom lie
cry stable keeper on fourth street, to need
one carriage I. the house. At the shcciatel
ti me la the afternoon the enpriage WOO emit
according to orders. Arrived at the snot; too
driver discovered that a funeral party large
enough for sir earring.. was _congregated
mtn the purpose of. crowding Into the 0110
carriage Unit was gent.: The driver pro-
tested and the parts teMsted. At length the
driver, heeling words - of neared. flatly rut used
to admit thu crowd; and turned hi s „ e w e
around and drove off for the atehlo agent.
Title mound the Ire of toe others to the
note,, and they 030u11.1 th e retreet i eg
carriage with a voile v y .of stones.. hrlele.bute,
and chunks. of Ito, ociferating the ve w e i e
to the inintnnroved manner of rioter, on a
•etnell male. Ono of the mieneles struck the
driver on the back of the indicting
huha a snooze hurt. The carriage was not
witch datnnitid.lnformatious, and con..
gauntly tiOarrusta, were Wads. •
p aloo a`Po'. Ammarlno—For Instantly
plating at antigen of vapour, brass or Unman
rarer, with ppm Inver. where Warp -on,-and
olorarnog rod pOltablorr street or rfiren.
.platect ware. warranted to contain no warn.
slim or acid, or any injurious urtlolo. For
ale byJ. samplo, Allegbonharal all, drug
istr. • dolea
. ...
. .
The nth, ine !Praia torn We noticed
yestertlay.the arrest of Mark Hughes, William
Hughes (Lila father), and William Mint, who
had beiia detected by ex•pollceMan Fred. Car
ter In patting counterfeit money. Mark
Ifughe4, a boy about eighteen years Of age,
! made a confutsion before Juetice Stroule,
plicating several oteer Parties at Petroleum
Centre, and the Justice Wined warrants for
their arrest and deputized Carter to .. go for
theat.P Accordingly rho officer wont in tine.
Cuntre.and secoutpauled by Deputy Shedd
K In nay, called at In , ' Sherman • kept. by
' , hover" named Eugene English. ife was
nrrctt d, together w,lll John moat, and a fel
low culled •niantly," both of whom ware in the
hot.e. Carter found siMeen tittycent coml.
ern - felt Istaluiti hl the money draucr of tilt
bur. They teen arrested Kling linglief:, toroth.
Cr of William - Ilughe4, and evidently un 0/.1
stager in this line of ttutanuas. The boy Mark
says that he tinul at Me uncle EltaN'a hou,
last summer, and he kept a stock of bowl.,
stamps on hand In sell tolliO"sborers.” Moth
need tom? abed nhts and look through the
cracks and too thi n old man count up his pro!.
It, and drivesharn burgs. , with ill, carton,
ers, pl.! as little Oliver Ta bet occasionally de..
tested Old Fagin driving .harp bargains with
Charley Bates anti the Artful - podeer. Thu
diffurenco between Oliver and Mark It the
former was an innocuot babe, and the latter
Is w preouelons scamp. .
Thu prisoners. four in number, were nit
brought to thin Ott?, and lalged in the caln
trona°. Titers are nowSiSleit; a pretty good
haul. • • •
• ' Eugene . Engll.4h, who in , urnbubly one of th
ringleueere- of, •tbo gang, came to retrolem.
Centro :abont'a • year ag , , and worked us
teuruater. Predently he quit wink and wa
obaerved to accumulate moony pretty fast
When -he paid *NM for •tbe Sherman Ilou.te
every body,wiirolered where le of uxe money
bet nobody'iqould explain. Ills Loam: b
been the htuaguarters of the “hummers" :0
'setot. tune. -
Elias Hugh., nbiwo toferred to, ban kopita
veer doweinnalde place, wbitiky. cardi and
Ironton predominating aftnrnately Miring tho
sason. Ito toil:a in Titusv II e n snort time two
endeavoring to engage Inc serolcaA of t. young
wan ant of employment, to travel, and nnbova
rho queer,' lotitring aim blot lit: could make
cittur profit of from 430 to 00 000 tiny,
Tim n/els will Co hold fo t•salalnittiOn
Ton Palts.s.—The very hest sport of
the season le now briny enjoyed at both
Caton and Central Parks.. The leu is
excellent. No better could be dealrc.l
than In now found at both places. The parks
are flooded nightly, and the roughnef,es 01
the lee carefully planed away. This afternoon
at Central Park a pair of elegant stales
he Oren to the neatest skater. There will he
a lively contest.
Tuaerris..—The kicking up °flight fantaltlc
heels still constitutes the principal attraction
at the Theatre, and # potent tattled lon lc in.
for the Theatre Is blessed with large aunt
ssees nightly. Tee itillneherook,o the al tidily
sensation of the Cast, Is coon to he grail ureil
Ht this boost, at great expense and in the
orst style.
Ovens iloeSe.—Mr. iitylltit is drawing Uno
houses at ibis place ; of amusement. Last
night he received a farewell botiolL On Mon
day evening, we are delighted to !Pato, Mr,
E. L. Davenport will Couinience another en
gagultieOL there, On <.t... that :light In
rf. Mare, the Soldier of Fortune," and on
Tuesday eventing tlanilet."
The°. Yotkv.—On Monday evening, as
our renders are in no danger of forgetting,
Father Kemp's Old Folk COUnitenea a season
Or their Unique sail tuttt utt, [teatu enter.
talnuiallta at llaconto Unit. This troupe Is
vie...tangly popular here, and are wire of
large and, eat huslaeur audiences. We• know
iit no more plea/quit. quaint and thentinghiy
enJos Kole eulerlale inuuln al the whole runt.*
of amusements, than the cancurta of the Old
Folks. • •
The Wiranu.—To-n fight Professor Barth ter
labialue h:o engagement here. During hi
'stay, ix hien ha, been trio briar, lib ha, bee
:Vary aucove.luS, drawing ,largo Vat Var. an,
!dys plea -tam , them in thu 111 , t3L thurouod
manlier. Dia Die," all , wonderful and novel
and horn thu charm of being ata,lo Mora won
derfal by thestnul: amount, .1 machinery anti
In por performahee. I We, reg hisdepart
'• • _ , 14...fhatia10g.3+1.91 Oyhrgowni •
onfer alghs. — • .
. • :
Theleasi the of a butellhen
, . •.
'tin.aVrki,,ket...loPeared before Alder.
d:iiii•Yestur,llij , afternoon ii tip e
feired a chid ahof laret?hy.ligaillet One..ilierrY
Bradley: The drover and butch•
or, tdid.rt§hien at l[tacfiers /itm. Yesterday
a east, neighing one hundred and
ni'ly'rrivt - pound, and di:pungent for
tnird,de IC4lara nod . Mr. 11,11
;eaten thist'lm paid for the calf and tied It near
mend. flu went away tor a demi, time
ind en coming buck found his ,calf
•Inoulry revealed the tact ill it lam calf nun
died near the wall of Mr. lloreh;itnother stall
I,•eper In 01431:et. The latter, on lieleir called
upon to ileilver up the Calf, reeluaed. acting
lisat be hod Juan 1.,003111L it ed . Bradley,..and
paid .twelve collar, for it; This fact- ovine
nat paten ;Aped the Inlortliat lOn was
wade a taleil. • Thu accused, Bradley, woe
arrerled be 0111 Car Sather, nod brought 1431010
3.13 Alderman. Out w no nearly drunk that
the magistrate committed him to jell fur n
bearletr. When Lu shall have become more
Common Pleas Court
Entney, J..uunry• IL—ruler° Jndge Sterrett.
Muttitt. Eteward .t. Aiken. In tilts eu,o
I huj ury uas withdrulern,delendaut coule..istug
judgment fOr
Cat heriue Walter re. Chrletlau Nallmeyer.
In February last the plaintiff purchased of de
fendant a Inman and let, agreeing to pay there
for a 1,500. Fifty dollars coo paid down, and
pw wan to have been mud March Ist. On toe
Imh of February • Wand iff. finding, rho could
not raise V.V4to meet the morn ow's . p tytn on,
want to defendant, stated her- luabitity, an&
comprotnteed with Min by promising io pay
MO of the amount the next day, and toe re
maining s.kO March lath. She faded to pay
the 01110 of ,110, and defendant returned to her
the ipti paid at tho time of making contract,
and took po.seeaion of the property. 'Plato.
tiff henget suit against him for breach Orton.
tract.sonl claimed 01.000 damage:l. Verdict lu
favor of plata tair for ninety dollars.
Adjourned at noon.
Special Annrasnottn-nt—Goads Srlllag
at "mutelmo Bet...cleat.,
T. A. McClelland, auction Ileum, house Bcie,
rooms announces a great reduction In their
goods in order to close out preparatory to t he
opening of.tring trade. Their • large stock of
boots, max:titers. woolen goods, furs,
clews, oroalineres, /to., ac., ha, Item marked
down In many Instances fully City per cet.i.
below the cost, and PM tangelos were at all
times to be procured at this e.tablh.lunent, u
leave Ger readers, to de uric how cheap the
prlces pow, in e. .Na where In the country con
goods by bOught cheaper. , We Intro not been
informed how long the greatly reduced prices
w ill last, and consequently all. btiould at once
repair to the CSIMISiVO headquarters and
Make their needful pure/woe.
An Iroproper•Une of Stafrsi
Ilerrts Sehteltzer.'yesterday made lufortutt
lion before Alderman Morrow, charglei4r,
Serene°!ski (that's o part of the. rtaele , at • ail
. .
events,) with surety of the peace. It
from hehroltzeros allegation.. that thissieees •
ed threatened ID' , devote t h e stairs In the
borreoPlP:the fatter to a very improper use,
- ands putpoiret •enttrely, dlirerent from; t hat
,tur hid 411er:were constructed,' Ile' had
thr s etttlhle,rto poiete them to the purpose. of
thwipiLl,f(trrls!daterliter down than.. The
.9n First rttreet 7 warrant tons
Dl•lriet'colrt. 4 . 4.
41 - 14,yeJtmitory 11.—Before
'•.. . .Walk.vs. fibs (Tar. Thls . wrts a a Asa Tassonad
'skim Inol not bran conettolao at sajournment
A. t‘ 11l Itkaly go to lila Jury on 31.0aLlay.
. ,
V , 'f •. . - —...____
6 . ft...dada. , a l lall Inee,...—on g.ba9Lh a r
a last, J. C.ngbato was hold to ball by
Jiiitlee A. II Abrahams, of tjlzabeth, to an.
aer at the June lona ot Court, a °barge • f
Sake pre. eneer. II • dishonored hie hall, hoe.
fever, and ',gipped." A hall tame wan agora
'dot and on Th utaday. afternoon onlcer J. AI
.tiarber, hating learned that the fugitive wad
'an Itraoyts gratoeded thither to make
Ihnarrest. Ile anceggeoll, alt. , along anti:
.n.. 3 trouble, Lb e finding the 11,21,011 he
.nought and bronglittdin to ills city.' Yester
day Illngllnta WWI COMA!) Me , / to jell to await
Ids trial.
Warrant tanned—llaite 111x,we, nee of the
tou,eular yer,uesion,kfilhe* before Alderman
Strata yi,sterday and petlerred two charges,
one for ak.e.1411, and battery and the other for
surety of - too Israel.), against Paddy Williams.
whose image we nave had OCCWIIOO te mentlen
OLICP a r ILK (CO before: Tee twe:lt seems, had
a emloon,nn imltefield
street, _awl:thrown received .•injtirlel and
thicata frain, , 9llllims, which led to the infer
...oa' ta,,Wei., Damlr A warrant was Issued.
. .
day or two ago
Io notiocd I.4ll,fact. l.hat'Johli Wain. a butcher
adridreuy;:l - all bcvn committed to Jail oy
I/011M ittatua Contuilsioner 8 rvel. to answer
at Court a charge of violating the tultetr
htrtleelluvratte Lgals. In retuning topay for a
11C008e. John oCumatn hewn thought oDtt ar al
the waiter, and yretertlay he paid for toe IV
qutred llcenpa and was released, the fees or
his hey in. be th.orged
to the. silted &ate..
It and Batter7.-4)apnly• Mayer
Marrow 7 ritartlay jall, to de-
Unit of WO ball. Patrsek 'Vorri • to await a
bearing on the Intl Inn, on aaurae or ar
milt and battery, preletral agabizt him by E.
Ilayned Taylor
On Monday night Bayard Taylor, the ra
nowned and exceedingly popular traveller
and lecturer, will deliver a lecture at City
Ilan, under, the auspices of the Young Men's
Mercantile Library. Association. , Mr. Taylor
has always been one of the most attractive
and popular lecturers who Wive appeared be
fore a Pittsburgh audience, and there Is no
.I,tht that City Hall will be crowded to its ut
most ctpactty on the occasion of thu coming
Tuts le the Only lecture that Mr. Taylor will
deliver we.t of the Allegheny Mountains this
41!11,1111. Ito leaves• his home In the eastern
portion of the butte expressly to deliver lt,
dn , l will return home immediately alter its
elivery. lie will leave for Europe early In
Feel nary and ',male absent two years, so
Led we the!! he deprived of the opportunity
ofli hearing him again son On.
, •oblect, RI annOIIOCEO, Will be
n Lite." Seats can be sheared at the Hall on
Monday morning at ton o'clock.
Thomas B. li.eilialPardoned.
Governor Curtin has at ed a pardon for
Thomas O. Keenan, who was under sentence
of dcath'ln the county Jall; on the charge of
having ]Ailed William Obey, July sth, ISSI.
The signature ot the Governor, was obtained
through thu prayers of a large number °four
most Influential and respected eltlxens, and
the eencrxl community will lolly endorse the
cxerelso 'of -Executive clemency in the
prisoners belialf.'The'petitioners set forth the
following potent reasons-. to induce Governor
tortin to sign the pardon : Tho destitution of
the nrlsoners wife and helpless tittles:meet the
prisoners rapidly declining health; the prig.
Coors previous good conduct,. and unexcept
ionable balmier during Impriaoamenty the
belief that the ends of Justice have Peso ful
ly satisfied; Inasmuch as t e prisoner has al
toady nerved fifty-tour months In prison. and
aside from the physleal suffering. endured
groat marital anguish, living all that lo g po
clod between rho fear of execution at any day,
a !id the hope for life. The prisoner was set ut
Ilbkrty last cocaine, and we trust the bitter
ordeulthough which ho has passed will for
ever remain a lesson to him, and that ho may
fully redeem himself In the estimation of ea
elet.y at large.
Grand OpenJai.
The enterprising and popularnew dry goods
eta or Erwin. McConnell & Co„ 178 Federal
atreet, Alltigueny City, which la rntddlY mo
nopolizing a large share of the Jobbing and re.
tail trade of our Mater city, announce that
they will open, on Monday next, one Of the
largest stocks of doinastio good. to be foona
In'etther city. The prices are announced a
much Ices. rates than those now
purchases In the
Nile York - market. Wholesale s. and
all el hors Vila buy to sell again, are invited to
call in and examine the stock whether desir.
ens - of purchasing 'or not. The retell trade
alit also share in the advantages afforded by
the 1111 M heavy . ..invoice of goods and we ad.
lao"allaim want bargains to favor Erwm,
Co.. with a call.
'Wonderful Core.—ln our city item Column
Trp publlnd u won•ICHUI cure of cancer by Dr.
hey ser's world tamed Blood Searcher. There
can be 09 do ubt hot this medicine acoom
pbslies more 'good for suffering humanity
than any Inoue Upon the earth. We congrat
uLde our friend, Dr. lioyser, upon
evidence of the great 'worth of his unequaled
Blood liearcher. .
- .
Valuable Property at Anetlon.—The at
tention of our readers is called to the sale on
promises, this day at = r sr., of the large lot.
and good brick dwelling, N 0.141 Fulton street;
ul-n, at 3 r. brick house and lot No. 73
Marion street. 'Both the above are desirable
properties. poSsession April Ist. T. A. Mc-
Clelland, an9tlonter.
flreat ltennellon In Prices—T. A. Mc-
Clelland,Wand• ST Fifth street, announces a
great re,fActlon to prices. Nowhere In the
city can better bargains be obtained, as the
Immense stoet of boots, shoe..Pgalters , wool
mu goner, furs, dry goals, 'blankets, , &a.,
st be at once disposed of without regard to
Le.. than Paolo Pislees.—T. A. McClel
land, So.. :S and fa Filth street, Auction
Boos Emporium, kallnialleell a street retina-
Om in tae price. of all artlcias found at that
01001 w,, p , tahlianment. Call sad examine
the stalk of-borne. ' , MOM. gaiters, dry goods,
woolen coodatelic., dc., and enquire prices.
Arrested on Prneena.—Yesterday 7no, E.
Manson nue loglend in jail to await trial on a,
charge of .00.111 c and battery; lie was arrea
tod at lleKue•oort by officer EdmnottsOn, or
that borough, on a process leaned by the
The capital of Montana has been removed
to Helene, wherever that is.
A steamer lest San Francisco on.theletb, for
Panama, with 41,177,000 in treasure for Now
The citizess of Denver were jubilant on
Tnureilar, over the admission of Colorado.
Late accounts state that the recent ere In
(long lieng was the most destructive ever
known there. Hundreds of houses were burn
ed and many lives lost. Vast quantities of
rice, cotton, Ao., owned by Chinese, were con
sumes, the value of which It is impossible to
A movement has been made In the Massa.
chusetts Legislature, to abolish the reading
an.t writing eisaildeatlon of voters. -
It is proposed In Boston to raise 120,000 In aid
of the Greeks of Canada.
The Maine Rouse of Representatives rati
fied the Constitutional Amendment yesterday
by a vote of 125 tor, to la against—the latter
with two exceptions, were Democrats, the for.
mer all Republicans.
A proposition Is before the Ranges Senate
for an amendment to the Cons tttutlon,XO
low negroes to vote; also giving all persons
over eighteen years of age, regardless or sex
or color, the right of the elective franchise.
La Ccoeo ; trts., January 11.—The Democrat
tilts eveniim publishes copies of a letter Just
•eolved at tk ashinaton, over theaignatare of
Maine Generals Sheridan. Steele and Weitzel,
111 Web the,t• give to Lieutenant Colonel R.
11. Meteor, of the Mexican Republic, while on
sem - I.lam the Texan frontier, authority to
lee troops and arms la the United States for
Mexico to prosec ate the war against 'Napoleon;
hey also openly violate the neutrality 'law,
b airiest warrants for forage and I:at:sperm,.
[lnn to .Mexican troops agitihst our stipula
tions of neutrality with France, and 'Austria;
The publication of these Important letters ex
plains the cause of our trouble with - Prance.
Copies of these same letters bare became!,
ed by Napoleon. la this matter the Generals
named, the President and Secretary Seward
are implicated.
Additional City and duburban
on Fourth Page. .
SMITY—FAAB-0. Therapy. - January leth. at
then *Weep.. of Gm brides earents,by the Her.
'J. tt. W an.r, Gr. H. G. Mean. of VareePort.
OWII,,PiI )llt. I.M•LorE J4a dacha. of J.
tq . or rat/aural. • .
oielcago and trew Yore pears aria copy ]
We decidedly protest sixths on. Western friends
fur., their bounty lessee and Coring here to
Sake sorry one, or our city's favorite belle.. We
luiv . i•C 'bins and award bins du reeds for his
cis WC's:lnd ei 46 both such happiness.
' HO filth. ti—La buiisdes evening:
-Jgae r ri a el, at the risidenceof be bride's moth,.
-by . tirs. Win Id. Loci,. -SI r. .Iltsk:Vil J HtIVV
-B,,Az ‘l.lll. HAIRE J, Wear., allot Allegheny
C end Attica. Ind., uspereplease
e p• •
ISE tr. g eirr— , • Tbis rads,. eyenlog.
ISGT. at Jhe residence or i ands a
:Parch , . Ogle. gicarenci.le,
as it led as. ttre ClarCe, of ill,-
to Vi l e C AVNI I -Z3r. Il l lsTell. a 3 . tl ane n rine. v.
11.4.11 A LE • CEMETERL—The
linattlyol .. tiaro4kero,•! am Inmost sntmtbso
place of neontehre, ex. pi on. In this nonnty,
te ,, on WevorlirlOton rod. immeclizt• IT north of
t• ll jarjri.A7b b iVs L o ' f * llotttrr
zYrur clot. •
No. ID6Bmithtldd BL, cOir. 7th,
(Entrance from bauath Nash)
wbx"r"r , slEgicrlacirmg.
AND iaa M•D(1)((9Yj errnstr.
• ir.w.funtr.PrlN
!co. vs rorsth strast b Cfn.thPa. 0074,24 -
all kind., CIIA.PLir, V Lb. .revdoustl_ptlor
or er , Moms 111=111.1...
a • .nd ufsbl. Mane wad ears*pra rarazillea.
ROT. Ittnif ,4l4l, Dodd Kerr MAK. ael. tl
,v, Tharily2•l.o4r: 1.61. • - .Mika. •
R. , T. twurrviilt3Q 7 ,
nualaborter. Woo4Y nun sad Tlennuy.
• Omer ea Snalnald and Charldas streets,.
Mane and,Cantades tarnished
Ll A:m , t . x " ititi ti a ., L ,, x a
OttPnAssy linty
39437rkmr -
6 Wllie St., 3d door from 50.
Have More Improvements,
man iss Lesv..iro.rsE.
And raJeli M •ItEC.,PFEDY and. SIMPLI6 In opera
n.1 , •14 than an. Mac. Ins In the market.
31. sumscit .sr. Co.,'
27 Fifth Street, Viltebtargb•
. . IN
hometh , or bier torn Ilohosy Prtrett, made es
lure!.yto ouroraer. by ore of the belt Manolas,
In Europe, Guar . ..tett to be hotfoot. --
Time keepers from $lB to $25,.
• - AT
, • ,
as winh fa itripoi,
614 the Best—Thet ti A m tir .. 4y• MVO Ilia Sigo!
Every week, Dr. QUlncy A. Scott-la 'called
upon to insert Artificial Teeth In cases wins . *
otbiar dentists Fiore tried, been paid, am:lien:o4
and in every case his work gives .'entire sulks.
fac lon. lie is quite an , artist I n hum On lot
hasp:mut, and has merely to azamine * a case •
kriciw how to articulate the teeth sothat t trey
wilt present abandsome anunatural appear...
Luc , and will . masticate the food thoroughly.
.151' prices are lower than Chose of any dentist
ihe fill ,, and he will guarantee his work la be
superior. Solt would better for any of dor
readers who are in •r ant of tooth, to call ie en
the Dr.. In the first place. and thereby Lave
their time and money. We won'd also assure,
those persons who al n entre:log with diseived
and unsightly tetth that they can have tlmiq
extracted withoili any pain tchattver, by Cialilair
upon Dr. Scott. Ile lees extracted for seer lea
thousand persons within the tut RaVen swat.
and among this large number there is not me
our in which his process has provekrijarions.
On the oontrery, he can refer to numbers of
his patients who chani to have been benefited
In renewed health. Lid extracts numbers dal•
ly by the new withlcolene or Vapor.' process,
and gives pore Laughing Gas to third° who
desire it, without charge. Ile makes no
charge for extrnetang when.r tl teeth
ordered, and Oyes a full set on Vulcanite,
with beautiful gums, for eight dollops.
member his number, 1713 Perm street WM,
dOor above Hand.
4 MI., T or azo-rEridr
A .r.L0.y61,6•8 iOrestly v 0 ,4 troll Thorper•
310, 1¢0` , erlcountr. hint orde.d son
W.ltl!'•nnL • •
Mr Prrnch ,PillSW So: ealean county. - N.J.,
gold lan Itao•nerg In a .er. Illen.htp.,`and the. -rad
Leg re...fader of We e••telty- tar IL it—el. within
tax week•, hasslure.tbu-elluell VlVES..nren.
• A . Med •ftur us ol the I..tne, on a Store In
hie notch ,
so vrel, if
,g 1 with It that ac boutti
the right to Ma . tate of Neer York.
Email ' , airily for Circular, ur call ou
J. N.
No.ll Fl4ll,Ed.reet, Plitabarsh, Pa.
.704111.1.11.110028.. r. W. EL LAI - 81We ...t..adorathele,
.-AE.I3 THE EaCLr COTToN fsrmor
-17 oonrO also , . RING, PEN NOUN CO., • e
reepeettuny Inform the penile that we Will tdottnue
the manufacture of.
Etheethip, Cottbn Yarns, Carps
-Chains, Candle Wick
and Baiting.
Eiders may be left at the OZ. of the Works.
CABO ISIBILLI k snuarSTS..ll2lolß.li CIIE
• Olt AT THE
corenteof Dana.. War and Carter's tatty,
Plttobvrpla, Pee.
wrT,r)ON & KELLY,
Gas.axid• . Atearn.,.r,itters,
of .
giatildga -Llfia Brackets, Lead
Pipe' Lead, &a.,
• ;
184 Wciod Street, near Sixth. • ,
S 9 Sp S 9 89 89 S 9 89 89
S9il = l. CO 33 El ,}
S 9) 149 .17ai•ket
I ktre
XIV nl" 3:3 1 , 1"
JAMES ROBB, 89 Dlarliet St.,
S 9 89 89 89 8.9 8989 89 89
ETON hr. Weilfr -.
J. W. aovaawa
Fine Watelte,s, Clocks, Jewelry
z , ro. sr* LIBEELTY STREET.
Sr- Partlcallr anestiiiin 'CiTett to Raisletar
Wat.a.“. cloaks uld . Joi!cat. :Au ,rock warnaG
- -
Practlcal FurnituriManufacturtes,
Lats.& states of YURNITtTie emnimattneibft4
SiDori ElLeXsza. ; •
Mx good, we:WWI:Mx reeelys ,
sun will be estd eheap•, noe w /101111,..
ow cheri Wog]; - 11 • HY. saarebteea:.) ye peen
e! , lll4,..vl A 7 E roart i SNl::t
stn._ near Nopoeie.nale. Hoot.. .92. FRIA) y
. : • FITEStnrPTATEI AND Bittlnigli •
rot 11. B. We by
.182dtd sors, las Wood gtratt,
, &
4 t