r , VC ' , 'f ~' ~a ;:d ~ _ 4 ' .AN URBAN wan rims osaigr asvlap ikon. anso6. o . oo f i k Last. lIODa yirri - aperttotl last evening Mille Tnestre to . . a good house. Was Levering Illolaning the Principal char smer;s post.3mlth and his ballet troupe were the pose* attraction on theft. second no;less glum ph theleerat appearance. They were r ecented_with moult applause. ' • -6.o , ) ,, e r saa Iletnsr.—Thur Bevisnt continues to et loge anulancestetb revere House. Ile duo entirely reeoveled from the - Indisposition underettlels belabored as nrat, end 39 In 01. callenretralee' and•entelitlon.• "The T"tnpla- Won" and constituted the bll last evening. •••• Pnosessoa tisk:roe-Not for many years lute so excellen to necromancer appeared In Pitts. bur g h ax p r orreent , twin, who,tor the twit two evenings has delighted large audit:nem; at Me, Els 11. Ills tricks and lib:adorn; are truly wonderfuland excellent; era cannot (sit to awaken the; itvelleet of interest. Teo Profes sor zentaina among ns two taunts longer. am. should see hin3. The', ednced prices for tickett tor lessee hnexcese for any - - one to cony nimself crr family the luxury . e nu erren 7 Ing In enchanted territory. " - . Al a gloottua of thn lbreMors of the atone Sayings Bank, he don 'Ulu 9th lost., ihe drawnn speolgratlons of bank building by Barr Molar wag adopttul.-. gamma iLareitly, James 011leeple and Flew.- gill, 4t., sOro appointed a Building comma: leo. Thin Itankbu end*. cruet lug a magnldeent building Ott the corner of Liberty street and Garrlron alley: Any cmitractor.olshlng to tild for the erection of thobulldin g would do well to call on any of the above named gentlemen or Mr. James Bobb, Prreident. • Got Clot.-On October Pl:Alderman Taylor committed t o Jail one Writ.l.auertrali to nualt his hitt :for embezzlement. .The charge wet preferred-by' George liclurist mho accumd the ;miseries of embezzling. funds entrusted to him .as.. flll. insurance agent.' A tree bill was found against lanermalt at the lust term of Court. hut. for some rennOn the caw wall not brought to tral: :Testerditytbe prttH ones o=id .the necessary bad, el,OOO, and . ComesWed.—We have ulrrmlSmenttoned the arre4 of 13enj.tmln Timmons, charged; an oath of:IV.C. leraustrong, w tbo larceny of a barrel of WOlmae. from the premiers of lifearra . -Truer Armstrone. • Ten accused bad a partial hearing 3 . esterdow lxforo Dent!. t Mayor Narrow', and In default or nvo hun dred dollars haft. leas eennutrted to Jau . to await a Mather hearing un the 1711 toot. Foe Walnagr Thompson, committed some ...lays mime ,by. Mayor Mee fjartbs. toe a bearing' 011 - 1/ charge Of Asasult and battery. preferred tinniest him by. B. Schur/IV - bad . a partial hearing yesterday lite' fore Deputy. ,Mayor-Morronr, and Wan mom =Mediate a farther boarlog on the 17th lend. . . _ An•l.beirt. Cent mal meat, —Some desn eine* .7. I.lilottne7, Vas attestal and committed to ou act:urge orninicalt and batiery,on oath of Robert g.,nry. Yostolniny Acting mayor Nom* germ ascme partial branng in the care. an.l reroncnint.tril inn accused tor a. fanner hoaxing °tithe Ilth Inst. • Elehr lon or eMeees.— At a rneettnd et the Stoat holders or the First Nattered Bird: of 'tratentoro. Vie fellow - her Reuther:me Were elected dleerters for the mussing Tear. .Jasper M. Thompson. Cherlms 8 Nenton.l3. ba.tlen Iladh. Jewels T. geetrure, Limo ;Sidles had Eleaserldotenson. • • Omen Porter, commuted fora hearing on senorita of aSnault and battery..preterrrtt Chtule•eiitihele•mpol dayeenve,batta partial neorntor, tie tot e Acting Maim Morrow .3 enter,loy, mitt was tot-neuron. ted for: iclurainr. hearing ou the 17th of Ws Obtained. Refl.—Nicholas. Dorn berg. com b:lilted toj4ll on D.teraber alest,, to n.ett trial on a ebervela /lawn tirefermd nemoltnt him by Jaw. 11.4.11, °bellied ball y• day In the soma 4.130. and nese rtdeseed. Chimney 41filee.—The alarm etf Ilrn hem box Da.% last evening at about:rive ceclpek, less oemshmeil ny the burnteK of a chlutneY on Duquesne Street. 1111.F.WP:k SCREE &- CO, Pacific, Globe and• Liberty 011 Works, implanters's Par Crodamt4 Masinstt Inl. I.lber meradvasses made an Oosurimonants of Crtsie or; Itellned Vetroleam. Yards for storage and ship ment of erode tal at La.reneeents. Wise and Wateboae.. Corner of Dooms. War sad Ilarreeek stress: MUM:karst, =WASS KElL rim L 110:ElECIRT, COMMISSION MERCHASTS, rrse M'lou, Gt:als NI fiedjoU. =war 't.!: / 1 1 77 1 :. P l TATamem 14: PHADtreN COMMIONION MSHANTA.Iand Wholesd ikeslars la r!JUJCION AND DOMICSI 10 ' '711U115, MIN; VW / U! BUTTES, • ZUGH, TTZa.-ae., and Prarli. dans and Prodane ren. •sly.anN No. 70 aKIJILBAL dill SET, oppoeu. Baltroda Depot. ALLiamorldl'a. Asada - Am Um nal* or P. Y. /Meta, Donnell • 131mWs and J. a.nro's Salt. aniciyd j, 1 6' . * r ir k Eil 66 . CO's 0030111331011 ILEILCHILITII, - 41.1%4 advance s Flour, Grabs. Ireei lad .Produec. Cas mid: on muniments. Wszehossa. No. 396 PrAiti opposite Unto& Woos. Pltcabwitta. Pa. • • Jylkta - nAv.:cilAwrou D. Commits*lon AMR , RANT inPI.4IICTL , ..- in.w.st 1 21%117,.....TIP . w=412 , i'velVVrati and -468 r ealtrrr. ./I . 2rdAbad. 03.1113-monp solicited. • . oei ' ad. au ial! la MANE is AKA CM, COMMISSION ddn: , 'IdIRCHAIIIS and daaLars TIAJWI. 6IIAIII and.PBOLIDCE.. Second street:between - Wood and Ltaltbleld. Ilfdalainwts. 6p/1:17 !gun& • gergss.,.....mrs SEISITAIID rOIRE, 'AIKEN & SHEPAILD wnieng Auiramats, and dealers In Foreign and Dalliadel Trans. Metter; Mem . ; II Oren, IPotstoef 114 produce geNcrally. No. am LIB E FIT naILT'',OIKMIIO P•amajter Depot. Pittsburgh. VITTL E. RAIRD & PATTON,. Doimige erocerk Commtirslois Merck.% and saadasislzt.Psoduse,_Voar „ Amon. Maw -FUN C.saassasa,:l.lasa Halls, OLus, Cot= Yarn ans L. Platabargh sassaullasscrai messily 404114 Sawa. waregt. rinerarsu. tr. mirgia4,,,....4 0. sznexas it W.D. aznims. RETRIES Is SitoB., (Successors to Baymet a Genoa,) . Virholessle Dealer. In Ror; Win leutt4 NM .4 Spice-a, Cocryetlonery, 011%14. Nos. LW inane Aood dueet. aUrre ...111DAZW E .• r.,.11210.1-21 SON, Commiasio • .a..• tiimnuagis .. ! I , en__ Le . M lla,.(11311151 PEZD A. 4 • . ' " Ea. , tan. I 77, -- ef • - ja.l7- .. .. lost LL '- ww P. DECK & - vie Liddrvy slaset, ' Plttabudtt,' SY nolecale EMMlCosnoluloaXdrattants add lasi InCoun• i&VT4 l4 :3 4 4 "M l i rsre ".',' M m icid ad Prided. ft.. Rah 'Ltd Llnut. ,nun is. VANIntELD, vagina/Luton pitnrudukx lambs= and arboleada pear: In Wald.% Roberva Claanys. Batter. Laxd.. Park. =Mar and naloadu. Mad Iddd , Dlie4 teals, Praha. imPas ll 7. DEO. 144 and Ns front street. Plitaintrab inoins S. num WIRIVAS li trALKETZGAiti Grocers a ad - W room.° dealers= 411E111as of24o.orettut.Welstmaee V o Lltaburg b. jialta.w.34.lalujni sonnusovss—now•an novas Yr.. nova. JOHN I. UOVEIE it., BROS. emcees. IKoMITO JOILS.I , NOM LSO, 11111wiesslo Oro. _,IIIIIIO3.III.LZELL SON, Nana turtarete of Lard Commission Ilereheau for :be parehaeo. mei gt - Code end Ilagleed trolenn. Noe. 5.04 ler street, rutibulaw. stit4o OD WsDDIODU VEriWirr & &11111STRONG, - - Fora o warner.oddionsidsidon Marehents. tbribrde flour. 6 - rm Itacon. Lard. Banur,liceds, j ;led irr.naom itemandly. No. la ilartAtiltreet.. annerof Pttlt., -• .. •rolli , :ly• • =DDSS DDJAILLD • • . 44 I. D D .PALZELL & -CO.; Whole. Cobutlisihri sad Porusultugtiltr awns sod dealers in Produce and Pittsburgh Maui utEtunisilio. Zra.Labern street. Pitiaburich. _• RIDDLE, No. IN3 Liberty - : s t.'; • •JULShAriI; PS4 CSIDSSISSZOr Inereuoi.aud Inalesala Deem Country Proda., rocertos Plttgara Sashahletate. - Cash oltmoaed C.E. sltiSIX. sad mall* Plo4gtee tournaty: ern 16414110 ,avii,Ew &cu.; whideauie Orocol, Lon , lerabauts. *ad d4Weri In I:"}ter,,,t,and 6 Ysont et t, SCUOILULEB ELLANG,lnentesate Zliparis toCkotsalei. OMR- Pmdate. VD, ."411.44WMEigiwr= Vittl.l4 ' • 4A _ _ Lam._ MAD jaIIaiMAYTD ON. wbutemate entl=-r..!`°. l'irwd "dal/then/1,m% J 0111 401 111 JIQUSIC 1 33.4*. • '" num, GULThEIt MI tIMIEV, No. 54 Spa httahrix., run and Onaals w crti k Vir p t.erzweam.„ n :Mgr omit. ' tecroy 111.111/011 , N, ' POITZ ,AND SIRE PAINTERI! 3 . amMua.4P.ll;4io2l.ftduatitartc:c4insw, auFAT-,!fr.xsT:ElW'''' --.- -; — titANING:IIILL; . - - se*:,it,istioviti.ei okinitae,:sig,-;: ..-- ....rOrrint!ftPNP . ! , '. tid!Pous.muldia W2gma.,m, „r 0,221 ;y4 t. ip 'iiii , .., , ?" I tez - a ila bladi!pt,ire.seli in I's VITA Itammi gawk miss • S ISS -AP at II a IT' -L~Ii: r $, rt,T~, Banker Vklitit; Broktr , • . 118 WoOd ne ar Otter or Mb. All diatirlptlOna of Govonnnent Bonds D night and sold an Ltberal Lohno. London and Cnnlxnental Exchange 14or Torkrates. Silver and Coupons boughs at raghest 'VA.% and Gold Dram jIIXVIIMI on New Tort.. FINANCE' AND TRADE, • Omen ee gua YlTislittnteill,G/ZITTC j. lastMY, Jan. 10, 1837.' $ The yew yorkstock quotations tesday, . as 'reported •by BoblosOrt. McClean- a G 3., were as.' , firllows ;;Grald, 1=; Eighty-One bonds, BPI , FiVe .Twentles, old, Ill; Five Twenties, VS, itai• Sire Tannties, new, 1(C)$; . TeosForties, —; Seven tliirries, 1013$: Michi gan heathen:l :919, Cleveland Plus. burieht , SFOrii Flitaburabs Fon Wayne a Chi; eilkFrr .0° Chicago Beck island, 10p4; Erie, Ualloprid, 08 141 Chicritgo and North it. 11.,42%; do preferred, :034; Western Union Telegraph Company, 454;. - The Now Fork market is down heavily. Gold Opened at 133)4, declined to 17 5Ht le o'clock ism-Mood at IX, when our noon telegrams . was rkeived. Governments- are all oil from to per Cent, while listlwaya have de clined from one to three per cent. Michigan Sonthenr oft '2').). Cleveland dr Pittsburgh 2:14. ForCWayno & Chicago Is 4. Erie gig. Western Unioe Teregrarr I Chicago b hock Wand is. -Chicago b North Western. 33g. Onr,latest report from the Bmion feoPPen market is as follower. Copper Franklin, .35, , Pang. Huron, :12.1.ign. Mines. ton. 10($123$1 NaIIOCAI, 5 bid,lo asked; Petra. Lon, =4, hid, at asked; Pittsbargh & Boston,ST. ilia; 'Quincy, W bid, al asked. Rockland (as sessment paid) 6}n bid, SI asked. Thee Pittsburgh stock market Is much firmer than tee eastern boards. Batik shares are especielly in demand, notwithstanding a close money market, and would in the main bring bettor prices than prevlotra to dividend day. We report. sales or Birmingham Bridge Comeany at 1354-ex.dit - tdend. Birmingham Gas irt 30 ,1 .4-extlivldend. Exchange Bank at 1714. Triumph Oil Company at /. Columbia at lOU'. Afternoon Le/egret/1e per Pacific & Atlantic Telegraph Company report gold 13z.x. dispatch from Washington says that the Orirlei or vas krrtentraen government. le In porocasion of °Mural ad. TecaseLY,7anuary le, 1957. vices from lismbursr to the effect that Its CRUDE-There was not a single operation bones aro in high favor there, and a great de- C re d o today that we could hear of, and in mend -for theta !u tau future le Is predicted. o f . ,n a t ti e a b sence white, we taner:re to quote should no now 'political trouble arise. Thu remora Orb/Mending con filet. of authority be- 514 to 0, cattle sigit,bbls reterned,and 1314 to torten the difTerent, branches of too govern. packages Included, while for spring do , merit, and tears Of future disco !mon, alone 11 , 4. ry, ec Is the asking price. unel Sto 7': is stand In th e way of foreign appreciation of off ,red. Smith's Terry oU is selling at el., to oar Markt. There are so doubts nbr,ati of s o , areordtng to gravity. The stock In tills oer ability to pay off the Nal icand debt. WAWA teat Let in now almost wbolly exbroieW, ex it year efter the oi-settee of hostilities uto re equine - that In the hands of ivanel* atilt than 1201/,itOtfal have been liqtridated, and yet speculators, gad the arrivals are very small. the Crowd Suttee& per cent 1,00410 are ginned nelng evellued entarmy small lots coming at 72. g In London, hit., ron.rds locating 3 net in by rail from Smith's Fem. We have no few advice* from Ott City.' there has coot Panned, bong ovate In muncv Tee difference against the Amerman stock s ts bet a nothing to change prices there -p,.0 caused solely by the unme. listen that the war n .tr waged against the executive and the ItEPINED-Ilat a single operation in bonded "Jrullelary may ultimately tee tilt in a distup. ell twlayi antl while the market is tPm of tee government. dull,pnces remain unchangeti.-W LOU for -There is st disposition (ways the Sew - York I nomattate delivery, on ecard cars ere and Tribune) ou the port of Commas to take it ' to Ira& delivered in Phyladelph e. of the National Banks Ite,cral Of 1114-Onee, blds, tor March. at 33. There is SOMe tn. Ind Congress adj , aln a there may bet ex- era speculative character, bat the do preted very prudent wenagemeet. lee pro. mend ler export is very light. and exporters tealtil „ eke (row k. Lee po we r t s• do not apps r derposed to operate at pre:sent. sue circulation by ..ttbot leard.tendere Frt.° Oil Is quiet and cuichanged-small sales tor the cOlatitig .2JU,.00,003 Or bank notes is of sr - swirled brands at 43 to 41. One which will steadily grow in favor with AEILLOAtei-The following& rivals of °Bare ute people, awing ats -it liana a aunr der Car. RV Wind ttaday-all from -moth's Ferry: 55 reecy. while reducing the national taxes Gallagher at D. My eighteen millions in gold par annum. Waring King 5; I !Attie Alitechllug. 55 ' -The Chicago Dramas any, that daring the . lost year the total sot-mats of ail anon snow ait twaregate of 00,771.35 1 Itustiel. , , enema; 53, =Kt/ 'Labels meived In Inls. nn lueream nl 11,145,927 be-hell, or a little over twrotv-tdr. percent. Fear BMW, an Wan,. 4.f Stu,Kl.9 ttarrelsonsarly flit3-aut an ner cent: re ceipts of wheat are 5.05373 bearers greater than In 1€65. As compared emit lab. rho movement In corn shows an 'wrestle oh 30.1 bushels, or over tun-to. -t bre.. per cont. Oats chow a falling na of 1143,379 bushels, or not q Lite three pre cent. The Increase to the. re. icypts of rye is nearly oh:verde per Cent Dar icy u. falling of , about remit b to Compared with ous. CESTIULL Livr—srocK MAUR ET. • Oymcnivor wax P.121 , 12111LG11 GAzirrrs, Ja.¢llHry 10, Tbevecelpts of cattle wore again large this week . , but with a good 'hipping demand, Cite market ruled steady. rietwithstandlng tlio ilea. [rein New York were of an unfavorable character. The quality of the offerings . was about up the natal avesage. and while there ogre but few if aid, - extra cattle, the bulk of those in the pens were of wetly - good quality. ;main geskleand Won,' itroogb , as always la . It h w e n C a U cTa t l h n e fe rn a w o:ca m a u te it :ttse ' ie. '" 4 7 bellx.r. price repotted • title week la 8 ciente. against. lf!4 last wee k. hut we preS eta 0 that theta was almost (bat differceee ba the quality of the caul°, and there la but little doubt bet what the same grade of cattle would have brought inf this week.l , ' Goat to prime cattle, suiCaala for retailing In the eastern markets, bold at from towhile common CeeliOL be QUO ( ea iibOVe at; tt.' There a very good etteeelltlele Of eel en this week; Philadelphia, a en s e g , e ynemt ahllyy o h p e e r ra a t s e e d e a l p n p g a rlenihrly/Y setelemc.t . ' uglily, and *earned loth to pay the pricey de• mended, - though they could not, help them. The transactions in this class of stock were agaidlarge this week, and while the market Was fairly active and steady, pricer have net varied much.. A. will be seen by rmerancc, ptiests range all the way from 5,00 toox, groxa tor 111iht to prime heavy averages, though to day the tendency was downward, and buyers were asking for concessions, in consequent,: Of teported unfavorable -advice+ from the east. We gtve te 6K as the best figures :A rming tpday forfeit to prime averages, and 6,35 so 6,40 for th e privilege of "picking" and these may be regarded as the extremes of the market. Oar packers appear to have stopped baying. Messrs. Myers k Co., we believe, he leg the only Urns tliat has bought any gape Our loot report. • Gileltrelst Co. report her. Salt bought 3200 brad a 0 , leg the week at 6.ed to '6.40.. Singer & Imbor.ii.so at 6,1 S to 6.40. Orr & LiaCel • 371 :se 6.05 to all)/ Teen/ 103 at 5 90 to . 6:23. Iledg:_s, 21 . 00 at an uvenige of Class & Lafferty bold .9al head of extra at OM Tim arrivals of Sheep nave been larger this week Uian for several weeks past, but with an improved demand, tho'inimkut ruled steady and Drier , nempared k - With lass wee, urn pretty irelemaintatued, notwithstanding the !accrued arrivals. Heuser t 00. report pay. ing txMgat 18 car loads at priers ranging - all the way from irti per howl' .., or pound; Lstiertysold Main common DIM Bawl bouslit..l9s - bend, arerag at 663. Hedge. & h0ngb140101....6.415t averairo• of ..6,65; and Deltrlch *La 75 6 bend, rarglng 00111 3.E.0 egroutztp eatet4 OP CATTCS7OIITHSVDEX 0110. ' lice 3a.5.1.0. 1900. Aol) tOGnybart..l4 . ll‘ad;weighing 40.800, at 6.20 Kerman to Morahan et nead:waitini o o 29.450, 00754. (Park to liege 28 bead, a elgiong 19.75 e at 5,i3. l'ortOrtn Kimono 18 bead, wo.gla• tom 21,150:1, at. $755( per head. Itairs to Klein en 71 limo). weighing WV, at Llnilitay to gal ./Ps la bond, weighing V..- 475, at, 7%. Hag tn Lanttle .t. [taw' xi head, weighing 191,175, at 6%. FOeter to Kirel9 head, Weireingl9 It ,975, at 8. ilutt Dullay '3.1 humid: 0. • n , .s. 'Hutt ,to Built Eli bead, wegelng 165,175, at P. Ltudany tO titaltmlaetv r e d a welylk 2[..t.. s.netti 5,96...11uff to Wt. rd 17 bean, weighing ' 19,Z15. nt.A52• to aloardiu 91,lietut,weigh. leg 21..p50, at 0. Daweun t0..316.ird1u LI bead. weighing 9. , 55;a1.5. anlilo Eibrisnp 10 heed. wkgbiag 18,451. ttt 5. I toastOt to • Mental° 4 beat!, weighing 4250, at 5%. 1101Inet to Dingle ,. 19 head. weighing _18.775. at 5'4. "Huff to Motrilie 57 bead. Weigh.' Mte O.IZ, at tairrult to Illogler 43 bead, 'relishing 81.47 5 , in • . :11017tn Purim 10 head. weighing 18,7. Z. at 15 51nnigenney. to Funk 89 lead, wei ghing 44 6 a, at 7 Phillips to Wens 21 beak, eigblng 19,- 475, itt , tmtulo 10 NOM. - 19 helot, weig Mita 21, '775, at 5.55. tinyer teih:thaga9lo hCadiWelgto Inc 18,345, at : - • Momentum tn Grine 54 toed; weighing 850, at 7% Catapiteil In alceollu 16 bee , . weialkingolo. f0'8.3..-1.17 to Itatitaway.. beati,welabing 04075, 0 1. 7 tattintOO to DOM . 1.6 83 bawl; weighing 43.775, ni 611. Fob , %canna 17 limn, welailltig 91.106,1 t •L;nyer toitlemeo 19 beer; w itna hire 20.475. it 6!2. (Weep to Dingier In benot,...velshing 246 675.-98.6!4..:-Rerter to feria 19 a le 671'561M ' unntgoinery• &WWI) bead, wetehipg 11,85. at .. • • ..110.4rudee to Limb. IR . bead, weighing 15175. at 0.83. Carman to Duffey 19 beau, weighing. 18,475. at 6,45. McClain tot:late 15 ben.l.welagli• leg 14 gal, at 5%. Ault 10210.:arunick is , bead. 13,953. on p.L livami to /bulgy 20 hatvyteeighlagm.s2s, - •• Thompsoo to Smith 16 bead. Nehtillognie 815. at 13cCurdT 17400521 head; weigh; utrynva d CO. 17 16,17A71%ligtbtitt7T It,fratritt,t 7 .11t0.51 . 11ater le ne a ' 'etithing 22,275 f st. ll 7‘4 ° . Lhisup c io ino.ttenellti;ho.wltsioatlablrar, 0, w«,ghing 21,470, Va... P iiie t iregrr ' rffoo " 11 : 41Vat 20 bead.lwbtall- log {Ma, OW Evans, to ill head, rtetallltys6.623: 668.• • • • • leek Als7 Orate Janoary 10.-1 i oehango It notice rabiolti the trace: ...Monica is atin 111.011 1 7., Pureespa stoadyeltil ileta.fOr cotton.i.Woolen forum quiet, except whore •ottered at leas than a. -5t of - production: • • • . Poen T:15.---Tbere is 'a limited t040117 - .107 there actkrooty' . . nv iel ",:ed i :l,,H ß VAllig th rt, " ls/ 14 ; twattoa toAlto r i libt • t ir o P p r r i rpcx area ri==:H i a t ill . i tst i lpare 15,moretonlidence tilos priors will am , op somas the triple Commence to purce...6,6 grcelsv.Tuita new styles 17.+41jr me O.R Price* aurae "'Ms IT; American. 17K; sameue. 16%1 Coename 'ph papule, 18; Merrimac D. 1 5 15 Mt ' 131 arnolds, 134. Standard eideabto lastleaalactiva; perbabstlil na for atlorabidJO; /WM° . Ai:Minton sac, i nc p u ,p - 10,1, and 91 , ,445. for Lawrence II/leashed ustdui teqd bra2dll are ;OW og stestoli In York M ra. 32%0 tOr "NAN ttai .55.0 11.10 -tot ~~ IM3 treservicii; PA. ECM 41N9t L. , /lon PP* 9 3 . 11 e, • . The (tour awl irate reeetVte et the imeelpal emnceercial. Wee toc, 7 1,4 5 , h CAleege • • 11 ;'' % " 11 - 14 --• ctre;- -f,w "a*6 goo Il ,9o t 9, h So r s • Ne = M ::.;;±..r e )111‘1114, ' A 1 nAU6m - "rrrrerir***". • . -' • OM= el ran Pretreatttgaz I:Warr% / 1 4 11:eanag, January la lft7. 5 There Is reallycncahlng „that Is-awir to hi said about tbliprodlse• tanned The demand for the leading commodities continues to be ; restricted almost wholly 10 trupplying the Iwo c Mediate wants of the Jobbing trade, and this being the case, there are but VetY-iele round hit 'oporilione to i•cord. ' ~' 7' . .: ', • r: -' DROCEILIESRIO lieffeo Milder brit "steady with regularjobb In g settee at e. 3 to 25, for lair to *Drolly prime. brigars a shade firmer in list east, .but unchanged , 'Sere Cuba. at W 5 1012; Porto Rico, 1214 to 13; Crus h ed, Powdered and tirnoulatts „I 18_,..A. Coffee, 15.,, "B" do, 1415; 0 Extra, 1114. 7 ,POrto Slob Maigllll/ 4 70 to 17, according to quail ty. Carolina Rice, - 1071 to 11: Teas unchanged GRAlN—Wheat Is quiet, but held firmly at SAM for No. I Spring, and V.,85 to $2.00 tor Winter. Barley Is very dull ..and prices are nominal at 8510110 for Spring. Oats In good supply and a little dull hg may be quoted at 40 to 10, on tr uck, and 51 to 52, In store. Corn Is selling at. 75 on tract. and 80 In, slurs.' Sale or„1„116 ,btuilt Penna. Rye at 41,13, and DA .lo do at gip. • FLAX R—Tbere Is aslight improvement, IP- Preens , . In the demand, nod while • the ;mar net Is firmer prices are not quotably higher. We continue so quote at. 1117.4 tot 255 for small lots of choice Spring brandiin !don't. st3q to for Winter Wheat, , and $l5 to •17 - for fancy brands. We have a sale of ffq barrels Spring at SPAR, ligt of which Was X Ableraukto and .SOWS "Pacille" it Throw brand, at ale. ktyo Slone 'stalling ateto el.. Buckwheat' Is dull and drooplug, eg offered frftly flt. 4314 to t.IY, per cert. . . • . DicEsSE lf ROOS—Are selling at 715 to 8 for fair to good averages—sls, to 8% In a retail way. live flogs steady with sales at the Curt trltt; Yerd a at 0 ,u,„.. edd.o t i o . o,2 o f a osetea nea d vy i 52,80. Clover Seed may be quote :at 18 to. tl a P, according to quality. 'Timothy la selling at 5.7, and demand very light: ' - • }RIDS—DuII and ueglected but unchanged; sales at 20 for limed and 28 to . for fresh peeksd. BUTTER-1s dull bat uiletudereffreetliPls large and supply in excess or the demand . , lair to prime I reoh 11011 may be quoted at 28 to 31. DRIED lIIUIT—DoiI but unchanged; email I sales in etery at 8 to 10 for Applee. end 10 to 7.0 pesnhes...q eerier, and halves. - VOTATOEb..4.:OntiIIITIO dull but unchanged; small salesed Poach Blows In store. at 800 per bushel. , • . . . . . . HAT—There it nn Improvement to note in the demaud, but the urrivals aro begloning to fall off, 'Prime balod =ay be tooted lit $ 7 . 5 . and common at:•2o to pl. NILE FEED—sale of 5 tone Middlings: — tnken by a distiller—at 0.. shorts may be quo tea at 81,15 to 11,00; B.sonds, ale to 41,54; and Oilmeal at V.,',.t to 42,15.. Prrilllleltell PEIMOLEVII liAssur QED amiuwrie siirTcLiumarn. Blew York Floaketal Natters. Sty Tong J wiry 10.—N oney quite firm, tit Sterling - dull and henry, at tialig. Gold lower, opening at 31 declining to iid vatioing to Srli, cloeling at 11:j. Governments dolt, nt346 - % lower. Freights heavy, at fig 44. d per salLer. to Llverpool. Money active and stringent,. at 7. Gold viv.vd , win*, at 2.13f,M=1. Governments 1111 lower.. • Coupon* .st. 1117yielIra.1 doIOSG/ 10.514: do , c 4, Io 04010; do .A101%0.105. Treas. uries,3 , 4aui. et.wks lower at Meat ward and closed lle.eyeuhsetinentltt Olro.rtißcatue, ro7NtV1 5 %; 1 11.1 . 1.1 1 1 ?' i7is 17, -; t0ie.t0..A,121,4; 11:1.,101%0102; Fort wst .N. IV" t. 134; fltlaburgt, WA; IV. B. T., 4.7 n. Mining shares vett . active and 11rnt; Gregory declined to Mal hot recOverrd to 17.5, • At the close Corrydon was 1213, gad Gold Tn. tkomarretat says: The Money, market is extremely strlngeote owing to the comblus . t• on of Beare in Gold to control twelve toil. lions erce of greenbacks. In the Gold market there Is a fi contest between - the Long' and Short !Notice. nierling quiet and westki 100;0111. 01l for Ptlly days. Stocks fell Viper cent, under tile flurry in loan.; Xining entree. 'except C 0371.1011, were tower. New Tork Produce Market. New Tens, JOS, 10.-Cotton less active and '4c lower, at 111 , 4M3540 for middling uplands; ..21.11,•1.1 at !nir-JURVIr than the qui:urinous. Flour dull, Manma . heavy and prices unchan ged, buyers refusing to OMR.. e.rept er rates; mate and western 10.732 , 1 4 . 35 : 0., at 412,1001 t, 93; trade bran Wnest v -ry quiet and unchanged, closing with a downward tendency, at WO for reject. ad 31Uwarthee. corn sheet lo better; the ex port being checked by theme:city of freights; llidiec to: mixed western h. store; IWB 11s0 for new yellow Southern. Oats duii and droop lug. at 64030 for Chicago and Milwaukee. w Play dull and nOtuluaL. Perk heavy, at MD for new mess, closing at $03.50 tor western; alsai2,lB tor cloalug each; 116,730 17,11 for prime; .3,k5 bbl.. stew at 121),M1YM.57 mein; s and buyer. option tor January and Feb rusxv. Dressed hogs lower. 1M WOW for wes tern. Lard drooping. at 11SOlutioi for old; II 12.34 c, for new. bUgUr• Orin, at rouse' for Cuba. flair Orlessui Zarket, Naar Oatinas, • Jan, l&-Cotton dreObingi Wes 3,:te bales low nitchribia at a11332c.; 31 , 40a10. Flour; teeelpts 14700 brat oz. porta b,eoo Ws. Sugar niabort felt Mo. lasses; ournmem Etc; prime to choice eiglerfie, Fluor dull. Vora Oats gem at Idaluct Bay e 41030. York quiet at 422. Ilacob—euottl. sere) none In market; cleat sides totalling at lal;CleXc. Lard, TObt.Xo and Wlitsity_ un ena d. nee tiold M. Sterling 44 . ; Kew York Lachance Pdiscount. , Louisville Markel. Lotus - site. Jan. 10.—Totatetxn Wee of 30 'aut et C,10(1110,1e—full rates. Flour; super flue 19,73. Wheal; prune red, 14,80. I otn; bnelted In bulk 70e, oat, 00a. Huge Juliet grove.. blessPorkll2o,3o,; fettle render. 1:14 tierces IBen. Bulk bhoulders 5040, pack. J. Buono; clear ribbed etdesboner Cured Elora. 17615 e. Shoulders o. Cotton Cotton 00flaiNe.. - Whisky; raw /AM, Total itnoolp4 of flogs 01,000 heed. • • thileiVS Narkek Cuicsoro, Jinttary 10 Flour innlp held at 411,011,713: „Wheat quiet and nnebanasel. Corn unsettled and loner; 7814081:* in Store for No. 1, and 700 for No. 0. Oats - doh end .101%0 lower; 420 for No. 2. Provisions firm. Men Pork, 414,00. •• Liss Was' dial: at 18.91964181 Pressed dull at 1.5901,711 Receipt k-27,014 Ims. coral 1.9,000 bus. outs; 13,300 Ilse boas; .B,LOCI dressed. Stapments- 1,300 !loan 8,049 bus. etkeat. I== I:loci - Nu...Tr, January 10....Flintr and Wheat, urn quiet 1111111 unchanged. Whiaky ates.l7 at lyr Wd: Nearly all tbe fre--Whialig that is arriving Is being united by Roviunn °lnnen,. hags urn hold Ilrenly• &LAI/430 . TP. buyers Minn nit 4767,50.. 'Resoluta OW Moil Pork dug a.. $19.500:14 Bulk Meats dull With oulea of %%muroundel of tibiae sane. Lard dull Gold • - ' Pia Louis Slarkel. Sr. Loma January lia—llour quint and an elowed W non tarns and, but little doing., at 41,70422,55 tar mine to choke.' Corn dull end lowor -AL sahtl7o.. Oslo doellneit- to- Ultlnso. Prosinions unebangtst and hualtunis will unsettled; buyers only. offer' $4453 en UogB ilrinerat *Gee choke ls held st . Weaber very eolcly river lull of ice Now. -• Thluuselphla Market. . JAM:tarp .10.•••110111; 1211. mania • Wbaute.-Yeumfylngrib, R I woe 2,10 i While Cultfornla."o2.l." 1,. w . sti 01.1; ui,lB. Prdylsions . dull. lieW l'iluoky dull. •1. . • • • =I hlitwatrzer,JanaarB , lo..:Flear dull; Wheat 114028 lox et" 42,18 ter N al, and 41,02 for Nat. • INIEVIIIs 111 V MAIII.III4IAD. • „ . PITTIMITIA rot? WATS! a C 1116•1110 J 611.1617 10-104 bblg tour. J U Doe; 1039 pus aboulders, 6 CMS balk Meat. F • Bellew' &coin raw , wheat. I.igeLeeu.d eo; 113 greuo Wes. 10 N flebtott; 937 shoulders, Jos Llppinoot . ; 165, I t ' o b gat i M A lT 4 & Bl t i o P t l r i. c a lut i Pt O C l a nl B ll2 &colt ears true, W IdalllnstSdp bay. Camp bell & Brownll lumber - , L, Lanithansi I do 111 meal, Craw:m.l;l9 bags corn, fibontskar rz bra lopplooor 'cA / 93 beg , wbisat, Henry her ; IM empty carboy., Penns, bah. liar Go; 3 curs bay, 13 Courtney; I car manes, Ira 610; LIS bags wheat. Olnlr a Woods; 9 bids applesileanor,WarPer &WWII 9do uo, W Meet & -giro; It dnmed hags, 1./ Byers; 69 eka rye. 170 do oats. Keil 'Malan; 27 dressed Logo. L LI Volgt& etlF) um haw; Jag rarberrjanka WWI Win blrbg4llol2 'bbfirpork; 1 kg elm, I ha sundr es, NV Dart; is poen lan!, J Torterilidd a tol 3 bbls am:walla Gardiner. CisMaim - Aso - Pyrrrafraos BtlX2Oan. Jammu 14-40 bbla Iron and loose scraps, bx seed.l bbl do, Kook; 10 bole. hemp Iron, Anderson, Cook 4 co; 1 car lumber W s,. misdon; Ido do, Siclnoldt; I , no do, Bal linger aUldred; cars iron ore, W Annan nergerMato 4111 bash barlov .Wlll taros= ttlack, SS Olds caV,'W a srlng -alum SO p Lfttal 4 - 11SeCtilltla car coro;ClllMare, Simp son a c 0; SD 1a1ie.,6000n24- Caldwell Boo; 5 pUse poultry. Pc2l t NS= 111 , pkgsair airi tr..• produce, boas,' g do, Steel a ' Brot boo candles, 'bllOroaker • Zotnal c5r.X591 411.2.4. PVT111501011.6111711:111;11 a CIPOITIATI B. IL.. Janitors 10-2 bra sedan Iron, Lloyd 6 Black; 00 Oil barlet,ldeabor limed g Alatxt; /5 d OM. od bogs, idUanwii 149 sta barley, Prasobelm annex& Q 0004040, 51.'llonenryiTO 40 dlo, gla a1 1 73240 0 br 0 rte d ni.T1,4 2 . 1 4 . 51111! THE CIELEHRILLIIIIV - ArIVEL ‘ iiifein l NUdSa t ißLE 42 i t ' s " La*.s.whiroarteil. ro i rinq spa: l = 4 .2= wa,"' " at --digesswattsaus. PITYIiSURCH ROPEWORKg; MmUALL, FIRTTON & BOLLMABo OPir 3L.l:initatlvers in tbn West of HEAVY CORDAGE, . Labia forataam and Coal Botts. _mom= Lam OIL WELL BODE. Tared Demi far Coal Railroads, HEMP OAKUM AND PACKINO,I C 4 UtAtINO CUTI ON, ttc., dr• Warelteuee. -114 Sod 116 Water Street. =! dell *4l RIVER NEWS . . . . . There is nothing transpiring atthe levee worthy'. of special notice. An cccasional dray, load or freight: may he seen going down to some of the beats, but this is about all: and the landing proses -hi anything but a cheerful S . P l= k - la r td. o g Pushed ahead rigorously on Capt. Donaldson's mammoth strainer brunt gepublic,and she will douless lat co mpleted , and ready for business on or before the hint I fl March. Capt. ICC. Grayfe rube side wb,,ater for the "Northern Packet Line Company," of Si. Lents, will also be ready lu good time for he spring dude. . Messrs. Edd Peeples and Henry 11. Buries, both 01.1 steamboat stewards, have Jaime charge of the eating saloon of the Ile vete Ilona , on Filth street. /loth 01 these gay , and undendand their business thoroughly, and our stestntated friends, stinting a good meal, should 001 fall to glee them a cull. Ten AtoONAuT No 2 hasten —The rapid de. cline of the river her accomplished what the Submarine Underwriter N 0.2 could not do. It has t o the Argonaut No. 2, that sunk on the elate reef Just on the verge of New Al- bony, or rather it has ben bar on the reef, the larboard aide high end dry. She is MMus one chimeer, find her nose is both broken and cracked; but it, Is 111 course of repair, unit with • a new StOtnibund, and some caulking and patching, will lie 111 good running order again in a few days. Toe o u t, Underwrie.r was alongside yesterday -pamng her u and carpenters were pre. paring to mend the bole In her e ow. In the meantline a great portion of the freight has bean removed and brought over to this city, including a lot of flour and corituteal.—Louir • tiiiie Courier, Wt. isays tee Cincinnati Comntercial, of Weduts- dsy The West Moreland, Captain Ed. Evans, ar rived at Louisville from New Orleans ye.tur day, WI right. The Clifton, Captain stein, also arrived at Louisville from Memphis on Monday night. Capt. Stein telegraphe that he eat/brimmed no oulleulty In OOmlnntiP• Tau Louisville brings lily bal. of Cotton 1, om Memphis for Evansv the. Cupwin..l. Wherry mimed through We ally restorday, 1111 route hum Pittsburgh to tit. LOUI, Ile MIA retired from the river, and wilt engage in Widnes! at Louis. Owing to the unlavorable change In the weather , tho dt.griolla Via not leave for Aispivillo announced.. Aft the mo re Mile levee , are laying entatotalting for moderado weather. Oar old itiend L. F. IParsamble, thewell•lmown steatubout agent at Saint Louts, it here .on a visit to Ws old friends. • • .- . Br. touts, January u, 7 r. COY.— Our citizens were eurproicd tills morning by an arrlval _from Keokuk, the Store wheel insatner Imperial laving lett that part nn Saturday and arriving here to-d.y, meeting Two Ice, but noeurous through the Two steamers have also worked through the len to Cairo. • • - . Airman CrrY, January 6.—The wind changed last evening, In .Consequence, the Ice Is ou the lieulucity share Ws Morning, leaving thechatieul clear 011 tele side. Tile Zeooll.olll In the stream dragged their anchors a co.ltimuhle dlitance night before I.t and yesterday, but the Ice charming , IL4 track to the other rule, stepped their further [lnning. They aro now lying near I °tether In the enannel.lintrundlately below the Marine Yl aYri- They have angered no damage in any particu lar. The monurrxnd wooden emit of leer mit de.cnptians tying inshore, were hardly pressed sulliczently by the ice to make the Cables taut. and were Unharmed In all re spects. Thesterp shore in fruntlbf, and ha unalittely below this city,affurtis an eteullout winter harbor for beats. The Evanevllle Journal. or Mendes. says; The river was atilt dor-11111u rapidly, und• the • • iven ny that:old sou wind, ran hearts ly along the tentieriastiorn. It. is packing In the hoed at Pigeon Creek and along LOU Mawr. if this Weather nelds a four darn Nor the • War will close, and the head or cart. o,tion whinti we hare tield for a Cu w days will De transferred to the city of innumerable , unzips, -tiled. and tires. The Tigre., is the only stenciler tort at the wharf, anti she lies In an exposed condition. her stern on shorn and her how angling out in Ulu stream, with a heavy pit lc of leo above and outstde. STEADthei - ROB CINCINNATI ANDE d dE z t ••• LOUIIIVILLE.--The oac •tociclutt HAYS 'Cspt. I) L. Dalt... It no. re.tvlnt 'mists 'or Iht Lba..• point, .d wrllogivo we the ut . ..I.MS4VIOATAL,. Fur frelcltkt pass., .111 C 7 ea beard JALIKL OLLIN-, 117:110 GILL& HMI Nan. a ?"P"'• • C %IRO AND Eq.z i ga s t LOVls.—Tlia splendid well GO XL/AL L Coy JOU,. LL Will leave for tbo afore .ad all latiirsiedlale rKirtl; on or about Lao I:th or 1110 . . rat Lovett or applj onboard or to j. 5 J/05E5 aveal. taino r nicatlimis Ant) NE N OILLE.II.S—Tbe bat Ki —"-- t pawar.r steamer S.ILONLPSS 'Cap% A R.MeGow.A- Will leave oar LAO - above •A,. an Ihe 0 VALNINLI or bl AVIA. AIWA. • • . . • . For Irclabl or passage &oly on norm , or to deal rhAtln l'OLLlrilila WU, Atenta INISUIL&fi pE.NNSYLVANLI. INSURANCE CO. OF PITTSBURGH, PA. 01110e,S1 Fifth Street, /lank Mock. 114" .241nanreA solAit loss OT /In Auluslrtly. KN ARO IN ALTER. Prelsl4ent. C. U. BOYLE, Vic* Pree tent. - RUBRIC PATRICK, Tressuna• HUCK Ifoacrutary. Leonard Walter, t - itoMe Seiloon, C. C. Boyle, iieo. V. Yvan. Robert Patrick. J. C. AL shoe, - Jacob rainier, J. C. Ylelner, Joalati King, John Vocieller. ' Jas. H. Hopkins. I A. Ammon. Henri ber.,4 freifii WESTERN ILDISUMIVIL,IE CO, OF' V ITITB M Ie t L k pZRIa" " Pr"l44" WH. P. ITllTrieereb. CAPT. CXOPfE NEE Geseral Agent. • it =Water saved, blyang , Ware Donee. up emirs. Pittsburgh. Win =sera agalnet all binds of ifire. and Hartne Risks. A home Institution managed by Directors who era well known to the ooransunity, sad who are determined by D=ar and liberality, to main. tato the character wideti they hero assumed, esof fering the belt prOtootarin to those who Owdre to be Mewed: Alex. Nimiet. atraccons. , Bets J, Thomas, R. Mater. Jr. • Chas. .1. Clarke, Jams Mauler. I John H. Mellon% Alexander .peer, i Jnnn P. Hanna. Addrg., Jorepti Kirkpatrick. . Dem yoke. • Thollo Refiner. • • " • 'William a. ktl.llll. - de/ • W.% P. nocrebary. ALLEtiEiENYTiNif E 01 rim DU Mice, No. littb il tzU k irogagalaft iMalk. Ittais et Irtroaad Maxim 61.10,1 JOHN IRWIN, JIL, ProLlent. • JOHN D. MCWSLY, Vlus tti eufent. 0. U. DONNELL. !lemur,. Uenernt A 0.11%;.- . . INXIILTOna . Isaao Janet, , John P. Ildionl, E . :14 'MTN- Ka S. Huai, I Cal. Hays. T. J,l:tinson, Capt.. Wm. Dun. j ft. relt•JIA. i‘rbeitiLnali. roan CALIFOILNIA WINES. GURNER - •Sc CO. • No. 80 Cedar. Bt., New York„ Offer for sale tine valuable Wines, Which arc ffeln i?ff.L"th.:4ll4=`,,,lrb.,,TO,Ml.lf.rWillikktVll not w !Moot merit. A llier bate only ' I to P fairly tested to eve them the preferene all er all ether.. As a Deritler of Ward be y excel Alter Who., and te en nmos eertlan tee enrich base valuate be toodered frowner meat eminent piny/d -ello., th at lo every pcialtkes nate, gProof coueloilye that these Wine.. • e enrol in rew. for which Hw recomewodml. he followins brood are now uffered by oi. They Moneta° alt the varieties pow Vows In the Piste mitabar for male: ' • Willi E., or 1100. WlNE.—akfaliaLt straw coior.. I ,VEZVIZT in ratIriPrInOr Liable aso. •13%1131.11.1*—A rioa.mid Solent ty ne mach admired by belies, sad Valuable Inthe sick chamber, a. It make. dna *hay. sad jollies. It i• • goo :dooms% wine, end wall adapted for:i:omen:toff P rlrrnTille—A. light: Colorer', blehlj aroma ' lle wine. Wry Sirolbsr tO tbo celebraten okay. • • Pllity— , •cep red color ette davor, sod h a many FallaCtta amnia to thy oti wines or ta.bon. littA.PK.l3llAlauY-1 o part Ole WIC iN HISTCII6—A eery agreeable tonic and au , remedy for the diarrhea. This I. o of the mosevalitabte etrobinatlotisot useful and ' an agretablo =rerun that hu ever been otter= tot= nubile. It illtunt of =Plum= the e or= dude. the tam fuer wears. sod wherever Introduce It nu proved 41 welcome a Idluon to the invalid table, the gamily circle, and the o.c-helot's radebeerd. Ladies who bay* teat ramekin ann appetite. and ender from Omura, vonthleg and vertigo; auntie. Men l l elottlt feel very well" Just tkfcre trunks rut or dinner whose slinnacha ate out of order Sod woo= ay tea^ aregenersity di.r•ttle dt mutters It,: children aid suffenny from ...etre' it,: ehltdren of sickle bsture and roar, dyspeptic 00001.11.011,12 S; travelers wholnevecomaloittochaue their water; sod all woo.live to melarlona district, antis= subject to muamst=i Ineteures, w W dud It one cline meet Tunable Invinorateua that u te it tat w sees. and very astenelvely Ura, irish .3.11 genet al esti/Outten thet 14 =bring It to any or bile now we deem It =Decals/UT pubilsh any oy the s Io the sa we bay, r eltrstiyej.arA;. 512 =lvc. t u a stogunale• thtlewill 1161,.. 1, trnish an article pate AND nitekohyza qt haul been Mees to MU@ children dedrating from weakness a nd weak jugend.= most hope, etiell. Use lira= elsi in particular, with In laerc bead. 1 0 .01" .ppetite and d •Ity outing =unmet!, rt. on Irk= els m=lo.lolll hen bps uthetwed hub.= entirely restored. nho began with bet • =autocratic] achy Iter appetite and alduidtla tepidly increued and mho is tiOw 14n crt Moriaeim - rce.EoMq., Hock— ..... mut* z • b il Au, % 6' • A ma .. .; . livacAtAl • ISS '2O 1in 1 478/1C reolxid •9411ar rove r • ...101143Z A. KELLY • 00. ittX inArAilt Unantati. 17 Wood west. MEDICAL GBEENBACILS • ARE GOOD: 1 ROHM ME ARE BETTER. Bobaik's Stomach Bitters, After yews of e x periencexe tenet let It. be , proyea to be the best remedy extant' for ail ouiclil ots - where a tonic and stimulant are reo telrek. They rover fell to strenathen the weak. Impart vigor 6 the attune. and In alt sesteeets restore analtered and broken down constitutions. No rented? has been ro , ellied sate aa much favor as [WHACK'S CITOILACHNIT TSAI!. ROBACK'S BLOOD PILLS CURE SICK ITE A DACFfii Costiveness, II .dua au Diseases of tie Bowels DR. ROBACK'S Blood Pills, AND BLOOD PURIFIER ARE UNEQUALLED =EMMEiI Scrofula, Sypbills, %kin Dlseio, 0 Sores, Batt Rhea, Dpsiepsia, or Indigestion; Sick Headache, Liver Complaint, Rheumatism, MB AI HU St, Anthony's Fire, FEMALE COMPLAINT GREENBACKS ARE GOOD, It , s a4mitie.l by' our molt learned phystclana that 111.17Ettil COMM.. Ma propervel ors. retitle laxative. an ethylene .111.4,111 We . agent and the beat stomachic known to the world. ROBACK'S BITTERS should he end tly ennesleteent% la strengthen the yrOstrstion ahrsys mute 1 • , I to the bllleurdletrlsts of the West, And South, torte hof fur a lung time, been much needed , an article of btontseh Hitters, which, If fete. In Drell• e5...14111es and at the proper time. area ante pre• sentatlve of Bilious Fever, Fever and Agee Liter Complaint, Dyspepsia, IndigettiOa, Janndiei, Kid. ney Complaints, and all Diseases of a shall- lar nature, and .49..r0 eltely AS a nreven tVe for blllofie denteuremene,:regolat• Ina the wysteroand giving tone Lathe digestive or gone. than any other known n toed, Now Ort the w-e is o ;theta sink be thew ands birking Hornet la th e South. No person who flute Istint 4taaid go there without. haring ,onetnutly t 1.124 the EMI; an a Jeweetnani aolost eP demice,sod maladies engendered 'by miler/10V end pointed water Tease tow In and sit Mdente or the rank rivet trot Lane of the tweet and south and the valley of the kliselsalvel end Its tritattariu. enould prternie Melee selves with tne • • BITTERS. PRINCE, WALTON & CO., Satossoro to by. Eoha, SOLE' PROPRIETOR'S - To orboosoll lottera aboald De addrmed rer Doors. 12 o Oaoo l is • ISM - r.no 12 G 4 • IS Nos._ 56, 58 60, ant 621 G EO. r, ,p .scuyemAN 1,7.. co., ' .*-pRACTIC AL LITHOGRAPHERS . EAS TI JE U RD 74--E---7-1 +'42644712ZUM1: 6 14......1 , „.3„,, - - 77 -.- .',.1 .1.-*: mnimbe..teweei,2,l4,..B.rdk,Ao2-r*,,,-.... •• b 0 ,, - ' WO; k.• ...tis Atir:lnira%.,l4=iu. wax 1-tt i___ 41WdeileatPaIr DEN IRON WOW. JONES & LAUOIIIES, Z"Vili3.lol7VoCriar. =I AMERICAN MO CLAIM Bar, Hoop, Sheet and Plate Iron; Bridge Iron; Angle and T Iron; Guard Iron; Coal Screen Iron; T Rails,l6 and 20Ibs. to the yard Tram Bali. punched and coast ter mink Boiler, Bridge a - id Tank Rivets Cut Nails and Spike.; ship and Boat Spikes; Railroad Spikes; Rallinad Fish liars and Bolts; Railroad Car is uecle and AX1108; Street Car Wheels and Axles; Coal-Pit Car 'Wheels and Axles; patent Cold Roiled Shafting; Patent Cold Rolled Piston Rods; Mower and Reaper Ears. WA1VE1191.7131: AND OFFICE. 120 Water and 153 Frpnt Sta, eewECFt EUU.5.11., • nos. 22,21 and 26 Bird . it., CHICAGO. ILL. KEYSTONE IRON WORKS rarICBEISON,ThIass & co. Idannfacturtrt of the different etas, of Bound, Square, Flat and Horse-Shoo Bar Iron, Hoop and Band Iron, Boiler-Plate, Tank and, Salt-Pan Iron, Sheet Iron, itc„ &c. Works. PITT TOW1181:111 . , on liotionyabela river. ()Men and Warehonke: No. 146 Water Street. v JrsuylLJs MON BD NAIL WOMIS. LEWIS, BAILEY, BALZELL & CO ..ISKSVFACTUSCES OF BAR, BOILER, SHEET XtZ73l3 XIFLCYLV - , NAILS AND NAIL SODS. Warehouse; 73 Water k 1 , 0 Front sL ' PITTSBURGH, r A. KENSINCTON IRON WORKS. LLOYD ET BLACK , Blood Pills 11AIMPACTLICLUIS OF • Beat Cogan:on, Refined Charcoal Juniilts, Bloom Iron. MERCHANT EAR. ROUND and SW:WYE IRON ttOot% /161411, 9` nue ANGLE DION. BOILER. PLATE and elf EEr Hung. • MOWER odd REAPER EARS , CYLINDER mid GUARD OR FINGER IRON ale ALL 1` RAILS. 9 and 16 ibu to toe pod. WIiOuGLIT CILAJIIS and nPIKES tor canon. FLAT RAILS, Punched and Countenmnk. COAL nictr.N . IRON. NAILS and tirl.Fd Warehouse. No. 88 Water and No. 6 Market ctn. Works. ~cond et. EigOth Ward. adJolAinn Cur 11.• • WO.k11. Pinourch anes94 • FORSYTH'S STANDARD SCALESI Copyitig•Presses, Warehouse Trucks, Bar,7age Barrows, t 'Sugar hills, Sm. FOOSIITIL TAYLOR Sr. CO., U MARILET STBEXT. FORT PITT FOUNDRY. CHARLES EN T AP NEPHEWS lairCTAMOvisuid 07 HEAVY. ORDNANCE, • AND ALL RINDS 07 HEAVY CLEVIIRCIP. dreelal Attention paid toitiOLLING KILL WORE I..Alir MACHIN iskit avid KILTOILTI3. ILEYALK3 attended to ornirePtlf.. • As heretofore. the Dui soatersus arttl be Used st th!s Vorndry, nosing dispo s ed of our old patterns, we Are pre-' pared, with Li. Awn lirttoirmAistterns.• con structed under the supervision of tarosszer, t furnish NAILSIACIII Rd At shoo noUoe. 004:0 Xfit Gaga C LUNE c . 41 ' ; al a GRAB:LIS F: GR A M Rer., • 0ttC.001 . 6 to r1511¢1:, Ca &UAn A 00., I Engine Builders and Machinists, Oil Engines, Oil Tools, -.- And everything neemery for Boring 011 Well.. rant=ler attention paid to Sitting oP OloinlAt Pulley., Hangers, .tc. .tlO,OllllO mime rt. W. 4 0.11.. R. .A.3.3.0C,70.C.Ti.p. X. RErAIIt.ING 0.1.1 E rltllli rTLf. Jellide e14.10........JA13. L arm. VALLEY STOVE WORKS. ALLEN. M'KEE & CO., Ono. sad Warehouse 3011.LIberty Street Ulopposito Sealtlttleld, • - Manufacture , a great variety or COOK. PAKLON lig ATletti drittat..t. among which «a cbrated Allegiteuy an 4 Monitor CoC oo kingoo Etorea; also, the Autocrat and dentinal for coal or .sood. and 'the untivogled tlt ar of. Emplre, for wood. a:so, Arch,e, tilatee, fenders Elva* kettle. pETBOLLA MACintop wourAth R. 3mc. saacriEwsr, L'n. 32 Okfo eltreet,Allegbeuf • Mantis