El I 0 :44c9T6) ci welzy BATES & BELL'S IVINTER D R Y GOODS REDUCED!' Inr4r4ed_Bittsltti, Extra. 1-1, for 25r, White %inlets, $7,00 to $20.00. Frtlicii Merinos for 75c o .worth $1,25. WOOL - SHAWLS, OUR STOCK REDUCED. BATES & BELL'S X2l Fifth Street. .1 ; i * C111, AND S -E-kBO2%rABLE.- IRACRUIR & CARLISLE, No. 19 Fifth Street., ELAt3II(I . SEAMLESS UNDER-SKISTS. -for la dles-wArraotcd not to shrlnt, and notch supe 'ler to flannel. • . LAPLAND &SATIN() 'POUCHES; ZATSIhT EA Ulranfr-Jcat tho thing for Ska ters. A'new ioty,n, . FINE lIARIIMERW; t CARPS-Jost : Ate Wog for New Yelte'ar els. Anew lot. all widths. LINE" NW 4 VD C i•Fsixes. SNOLIIII I) FRENCH CLOTH ULtrVICS-A - aldendid Assortment ltut opened. AV todnesd • We.: -31001•14 d C&KS, SHAWLS, SONTADS. SCARY% SIEUir Or OSTLER zErravr. K.NIT GOOD& ENIWYOHIRIS and USA WENS ar.atly reduced. LVSY.: 11ANDS.StleatErel very low. CLOSTER :Orr AT LOW PRICES. 1:1:=5=39 231CC*XiIrAd3LY 45-007:10. I..adlen .d GraUemen w 1 bins to make New Year's gills wind. =any useful and stltable at . ItLACIICSI & CARLISLE, 10 7111TH STREET NEW GOODS JUST DECEIVED JOS. .IiI.O . RNE & CO. ftu assortment .0 Arar.r.:T of JIrD H4T B, Al Me leading /ill Styles. 311143.113nu0m-sr CfrocodLis, .. • . . . ... . ....9 rtr.,S sitelr‘mrs, Paris ranoyond Oolcaredffilk •o- B ,rts In most dssiroble shades; Flan Fancy 800. 01,And Tr/lambs 111bOons, new and rich colors; +Mr& olsolecst Trench and American; Panthers, AI or tut and W.V.. . - - , . .. . . . za DLL 33 .IR. ci x s: xi re. sow, . • . , - Mall assorted. l' Corotorts, lisakbSwiss, L bone, e Chas. VOS. - OVUM &Imo and nsc ; Iflrunclo2l4 .o = lend Itnelloss lttchrsidc and Plots hart, (Mrs, nets, Louts nod Luc Goods. .1), on and Cloal Titlosiallise and OrasSalmta; Mut Printo, fiance sod Braid*: LflroanTrlsonnugs, Bulls Mains. ♦ moot annotate stook of Jaeoootd. Cllnbridn. *c.. - . - • Ilandterctdota Plan. Look Ham-atltabod, Hun nnod, Emtovlslercd, Tone Iterdsrod, eta, eta liogory and (Mere. In ovary variety and all sized. nailiSta , and Underwear. 000‘MW Illipanders and Neek-Tlee; Bean Shirt. , and Drawer.; Dablea,Boagon a n d LILL !Marti; Corset, Hair Pon, New Valor, and Bilk belting. Battona-the i meat aoteltles. all kind. Tartm - tlroateat ra trtY• Cuhmere, Lambs Wool sad lint Ile the various mixtures, plan .obis and mama. lice Ana _ - Denys Paper Clonal. sad evert thin[ 1n the No • F 1106611.11 OW as Itaa tern Jobb owes. • . . • ' Nos:7l . 4nd 79 Illarket Stzeet. lust - MACHO% 9LYDE & CO., 78 and 80 Market Street, w 'rs j ` a ±ts ..c'its. • -W41:1011 eTASDB. OIUAR aTANDS. C" ? 131 , 10 .1 .31 1 BLOB. /121;16firittsts, " a '".tilge o tt i. EacuiEre, e y L C° . 1165=Y A.NDOIROVES IMMO Y0R141106110 GOODS. - ZirklYit o A.W1,64_ . SfiCKS scum Hour eicinTstsl, • COMM WATERItALLB, HAIM WILLS, le. • • litaioteeterri weft troll it to theft adruaate to assort thole Stock from oar VlVliolmde .Department. HOLIDAY ,CERIVI4I4IM AND Swiss P":sl,3o.o*:OCApdis Carrod Baskets/Brutal*. • • • . Asset Boat:and Ornaments. , • • l'ortmonales, Wallets, , , • Satetoda. Card Cases. Broche Sear:a/anis Knit Goods, - 'Linen iltodarrchlet., YmbsolderteralldessriPtiaak Lrce Collars sod llsadrarcbUls, Coituresaud Garber, Gams.and CbCdren , s Kid taFfres, Boawobd audGaract aewelsr. ~SbllatSoso% ac.; as ./c.• ' ciMilt'LE:tMl4l VS D)IIRWEJII, sok nes. 6esTeaacaa,' • Boar( Plat, Blase Buttons. AT LOWI9IIIL'ES. r. EATON, 17 Fifth St. as . 11- GOODS FOB TILE HOLIDAYS, DENNISON'S , Jr 0.23 FIFTH fa'RERT LACE AND EMBROIDERED LUNY/EMS. FANCY SCARFS: NORWEGIAN LEATHER SATCHELS, PORTMONI ANS. Claag CARES, GLOVE BOXES, FANGY• VANS, - • - LADIES COMPANIONS CARD CASES, - LACE k`OLLAIIs, LAC SETTS, • EMBROIDERED SETTS. LAM HANDKERCHIEFS, • HEMSTITCHED HANDKECHIEFS. EIIERIHDERED SLIPPER* . • KID GLOY Es. BUCK tiwyks. • CPYris GLOVES, ONt , EUGAUHENTS, *RITE SHIRTS, SUSPENDERS, NECK TIES. LINEN tOLLAILS,. rAeria coLtass, Sew ig LOW for Cash. VAIL% DicCABILDESS C 0. ,& JELL 2 7 Vi Isms. cots CO.) WllO/MEULt& DEM/MES Ia FOREIGN ADD DOMESTIC DIY 110011 L ra Thled !lonia *bora IOoKEIE ga,l6.u. WIADOr 6SAI:IE6-A nal* lot OS troljaiint64.l4.° an-wimet „... S. Elleitim DJW COKI3;4M leVittsbutqlt-Gitgetit, 'Crum. " M. CLINEY & CO. . PRIDAY, JAN. 11, 1867. Gas Coal Works.; nippers' ond antes: FAX/LY r mar hr.tebuff b. u.d . LOOK 6111 e• adr•te recoot story fittsbarrh Bo vir..4 fleff tWict7l uoilfr rtun.n. R. It.. ppp. AWN" 1 . LlT ° P.T.V7?: ' ,l ' , ° ;l. c ffi r 4L " ,T. - either of the above Vtecre th r e . g r :Vroot euenUo Ist:q.3 F1, 8 7,_ ff.TZ2,,M.,,,°COMPANY inraiXt, Not Coal acid `lar_.N. r rul oltleo fa d tvg,7.rgib:frtVflUi. f or t Zltf.l.• 714,' 7:irfp .11ITArit l e=411'...14.1°4Vve,Todlf,t altalAlon. Prste®ee Adelman liox 387, PI tt.beesh. DISSECTORS:'. Z. I. Ell LLIESPIE, B. E... l'An , tstOCK, 1 1 O. IeIeCRICILA., 14t , S. Isltiltssrr. W GLOS, USA:, As. ,MONTOURDIVE, ...W. T. BREAST .I‘ll/8 EIS: 9, kiting USOODD. Z. . M, Pres'S. I A. H. HEHaitar. Sec'T D. IICTIIES, Treasurer. M13:11;1;i==1 PITTSBURGH NATIONAL COIL ANIYCOKB - COMPINIT, }WIERSIDAP PIRDA % Wholesale cad IDAAND DEAL BEST-EMILY COAL, Wu! aciwa 042. a. BI lA. OPTXOF AND YARD, CORNER IVIIRTD IND 22LY IaTILIDLTS, Pittsbargat. Pa. • All orders for 44111rerr tNCity. or eblpment Walt, WU' Sir Lt"Malgtna=trigi.u. (, 1 0AL1c0.11.12 com,11: IMPORTANT TO CONSUMERS. HUMMEL & RABER .o•67,23gikatlxVi'LL'itlViltelll::;l4'4l;.• heti. • • • Lump, Plon.l 14 Band Chestnut, lLyklem INos ir e c p, RIM illtiestout, Alt of welch try., are to louver at Ute LOWEST RATES, by We gla ton, tar load, boat toed be thousand tom. All orders promptly attended to. Olnee, 104 elleatantetreet ti n i smillato , b i.A. oeklat COAL 1 COALS f COAL!! ! DICKSON, STELIII7 & CO., Rastog removed thew Oft= to 3!Ocx. 8437 X.illoarti , Btraet. thately etty mots xtuj nacos° rl.OOll. a." 1 171147314V0 n & Unit b , At the lowest Drarket Dam Sir Al. Ordenlett st War aloe, or addressed to tam through the matt. will Os otteadr.lta DromPUT 3a52510as CHARLES H. ARMSTRONG, • Youghiogheny azd Connelly ille Coal And nanallotorcrs of Coale Ella, And thsiaguiraea Coke, onFicle LOT) YARD. Corner of Butler an • /futon: Orst yard on Liberty and Crg streets, sr h a u r r d sb an p ton eke,md I:s Idin e aaostgeln 114dIrd 'nth ths boat article of Coal or Coto at the...tamest cask rotes. Ceders tat at any of t " ceeEmri 0 ;4: l, 0 ri *kt ( 1 0 t': izil I ADDITIONAL BOUNTIES. TO Soldiers of 1861 and 1862. All who serre4 three years are entitled to 11100 bounty: those serving two Tears, $3O: or who wan discharged by reseal of wounds, or their hely.. hree Months Extra Pay Is due Volunteer Meer, is the service Moth td 1011. end disth.rand , mustered out, or resUrnea glace sppro9, IRS. PENSlOS.—Permsneutly dtsabled ere entitled to ark 1120 or OM seeordlng so deirme of stlenbli• W. J. &HALL PATTERSON, /Staten% =3l B. F. BROWN, X46 - cal Clair:a Agent. U. 8. SAN. COAT., Mee, No. 67 Fourth Street, ammo Pittsburgh, Pa. Pensions, Bounties, and *treat of Pay Promptly Collected set:Pal:al:er g' an!'" are unk4;slVlT BIISINESS NUN'S COMMERCIALCOLLECE, Nos. 8 and 8 tn. Clair Street. . Hu a Pramual Charter. Book-Seeping, Penmanship and Arithmetic, time ..... $lO 00 Arithmetic tad Penmanship per quarter of PanmaashiP. per mouth /or Circulars or npecisneus, alarms h. Kiel PM, or J. P.IIeCILAIIdOIiDd. Cl2=3 SOLDIEUS' ' BOUNTIES, PENSIONS, . . Extra Bounties, Back Pay, Bto., Collected In the &torteet youtible time. by '• VII. ILUOWN. • Joan n. • - Lekus, - Attons; l Lev . , Once. t catol•T lITS;MiI. JOW A.STEtAIN. , • 117021ECEIMILAZW, gc.-40111cio t _Jtutice of tie Peace. AND ruLICS SILOISTUATE, Office, 112 VIM et. aftwelte Cathedral, • Prrrissmum. 'a. • - Deeds, Bataan, Mongnige3, Acknowledgments—De pcwitlons and al Lean/. ezvcnted • with promtnen and dispatch. my10:61 WILLLSAI JANCEV A NoTARN E .,,z lz Uß 2 L2 2 .o i JUST Atir at c T .? . E . PE t e r C c l i tzix sad Lamm. stroeU, Lamencevil e. o Wes .' UV earr ft totSe Llita. b. tti. bd file pamtion wad sancrorledi c astent.ol all illads of Legsl uomorevaisam • vrtt.l.Liat JbElt, ' Justice of the PACE maza libtazi Public. my2llhl2l EUSTACE &MORROW, ALDERMAN AND CONVEYANCER, 12Permsylvankt Avenue. rod d the Idenin qpne Oultn: Stree =mine CHATHAM T. EwrirG, Attorney at Law, No. 69 Grant Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. . . mi. . Commissions for Ohio, keatuesp. rreit,r IT Oa. letssourl too other Hutu. menthe, c. aisciutrix, "ROULET & CIOUNSEUOIIIT LAW, No. SS Grant Street, PMSBITIIea, PA. myuados JOHN C. McCAHIBS, I . ATTORNEY. AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, • No. 87 . Fifth Street. airreuslotts, 13aLitlea, And Arm» 10i4a7 inmarall culieetea. ooZ9:00 MERCHANT TAILORS. HRH. G. DALE : REERCILIINT TAILOR, Northwest Come. of Penit - le, St. MO Desires to fttarn Monts to ttla Mends aroll the pOt infer fte may Tuft Amon. and respectfully sear Its iftitsre of their tufts patrosana• •wool pleased to . bais than tualina Eie• Large and Carefully Selected Steel .. Fine Woolen Groods ruticauii, adapted tol twiers nu JOS - fdll to Ilingt NVESTCOMI OIO3I DIACIII'VE STON oKt, Northwest Corner of wee /BED% iv' yaws a Hare as hand or prepare un Mort notice ' V LWit A.N O illn TOMB eartlVl BUM tel, nit t allarker U ire ere promptly oseentea. resit:Es sm.,. -lioun.cs, BILE a, Con, Audios Cotton nulls, ptslturgli, • • iscuos AnzErveas - . wreasou bIIE 06 ABICHOIA (V) And BAITING. . ' W ALL __PAPEIFI-Of all rtes, for Parloris Bans, plulsig Boom. sacj ioi ltall g n " ^ "n"r• Wei/Vera * 343 n. 'y MEM 'LVIIILED OIL received It'!"""trinantera - L'AiIiVEN a CO.: • . sco t tr.. 11,111111 1/7.lPo9:lltrnA• , _ CITY AND NEIGHBORHOOD. (ADLITIOHdL SEWS Off mix PAZE.) GAZETTE EN LABGEMEIST. The great amount cf, attvertising.nwarded the tli.samrs by the -Mini:tees community has forced upon us tho urgent artotolty of an en. largemerit of the Size of ourjournat. We at Zret contemplated leaning n quarto paper, hut upon consultation with tho.propribtbra of is4h journals elsewhere we were dissuaded fhoM adeptlng that form, feeling that the interests of our advortisere wotid antler, while zradere would he but slightly benefited, After much study inn, the matter we have Concluded to retain the present form of the Guam - re, but will add font columns to its size, making TIIIIITTAIX COLLICIA OP StAtC. Uy this arrangement *ti will be enabled to do fon jeaticelo both renders and advertiser,, matt lug all pages of our journal equally valuable to, the latter, and furnishing more reading matter to the former. In our new alto we ' shall make our bow to the public about the Inh Inst., and treat the general 'community will appreetate our efforts to supply a drat clase advertising medium and local endpoint ' cal nowepaper. Divorce Gone to Wolfe. Tho Beaver Argun war:idea , the following Ntoryt On the Aria day of January. IMO, la the trent). of Beaver and State of Pennsylvania. Ararlait Wood and Pony gave t hem =IVOR to cacti hiller for New Fear'. altos—for bettor or Worae—for all time to como. In the . courso of tin; love they tot:eyed to Bow Garden. Oble, whete thoy continued to live together until soma time in February, 1563. On the 11th of March, lea, Mr. Wood hied a petition for divorce in the Court of. Common_ Pleas of Coln tnbiatir. county, alleging that hls wife, Polly, Lail beau guilty of extrema oily toward him Fouraary preeeillar. and also that she had been frailty et from neglect ofduty tr thre years.. I•olly at that time appeared too bor e a .loen 110100 in Portsgacouns ty, and Atariall brougot tier Into court by publieat lon In a newspaper. The case came on for trial at 'the May tern!, r,llll a decree of divorce wax grrtitall, Investing Azarlah with all the prlvilegeS, appurtenanees and herViltaments of a single- man. The Proof was ample. Pally luta run at him with a botcher hullo, and. had maltreated him to divers and snr.dry ways, and nubecoming.th• loving treittreent of a devoted wife. Wheat Atari/tit woo loosened from the vincula *mai -010011, TCII had supposery et fats lib bar worst, lie would lint swum pat an the manacles. Lot he .malutair.eli Ids. widowed condition for • year and a half, and thou, with the world to Chong° from, with as goad Hlll to bait as wow were caught, he recourted Polly, recounted his wrongs. forgot—for-aave—ro.marned, and Is again happily with the first chosen of his heart. , Another Depot Itobbori From the Menetiold Herald Wei clip the fol lowing On New Years night, Mr. 11. W. Gars eny, Agent of the SanduskTi . Planetoid and Newark Itatirnad, was knocked. down and robbed, at the Junction depot in this place.—' lie wee attacked by two men, one of whom caught him by the throat, and choked him severely. while the other struck him on the bead with some hard substance and' knocked him down. Ile was then relieved of his poet. et.book,containtng eight hundred and forty . dollars. This to ono of the boldest robberlei we have beard or, taking place as It did, in the early art of the oreetug, and in so pub lic apiece. p We hope ev e ry effort will bo made to arrest the villains who perpetrated LIAR outrage. There it a set of thieves and Coat. dance men who have been infesting the roil. road RtEttOrtS for some timeleast.and notwith standing several of them are known and have long been Under suspicion, no evidence suffi cient to warrant theirarrest, minim obtained. and they are allowed ta go on in their evildo ing. It te tine to the reputation of our-city theta vtgorons offornbe pat forth for the ar ' rcistof the rascal:, who assaulted Mr. Gamey, and a proper example made or them. Ml= We leant from the Journal that Mr. George it. Wolf, constable of Mercershurg, wan ao verely injured on 31onday night, by being struck. on the temple with a •mallet la the bands of Thomas llatelY. It appears that 'lately, who keeps a saloon in that place, bad a didicalty with will r. macune, and or Min ont of the saloon. Immedia ely af. ter tills a stone was thrown through one or the windows of the saloon ' when Barely, sop 's:ding the stone tsi have been. thrown b y Crete, seizing a mallet, rushed out and struck Lim, rendering Mtn for a short time tneettel bie. About this time Mr. Wolfe made his sp. peartuice, slid Ina friendly manner told Lise. ty turd he thought be was wrong, when 'lately turned about um" struck him on the temple, rendering him inserenble sod injuring him. severey, Liu was removed to a neihUorleg house, lm avlstmite called s o d at last tweet:Luta was rut:Gearing slowly. Villainous Worn • We have just Mat ned the particulars, says the Waynesboro' R ecord. of en entrain perpe trated upon Mr. Jacob Bikes, living near State tine in this county, which for villain* and meanness is silino?t - . wtthout parallel. it appears some unknown person or persona lied bin young orchard 'one night last week and cut down all his Irult trees seventy In number, which were just beginning to bear. ills corn crib was also broken open and his corn thus emptied on the nubile mud. Oath* top board of one of es gates was .written— t.lais is not the worst h : , We are not acquaint ed with Mr. Bikes but understand no la a I peaceable citizen. t would certainly because tor tegreL st.ould a party to so wanton an Ont..' rage go nuennl shed, and we trust fer the sake of the eommunity•at .large that Justice nuty• yet overtake tile perputraters of the crime. . 20 00 Vocal Aveldent The Hollidaysburg Register says : On Wed nesday morning last, about half past 'o'clock, Godfrey Farbaugh, of this place, wan so seriously injured, as to cause his death on Then:any evening. Lie was standing on 'tile railroad an the An y mofitain. when he wit.ll knocked down o r l a pass ingP leenvinidive- Felling against a locomotive Ott the enjoining track, ills lett leg was broken in three places, and one of his annals badly mutilated. lie Tr/psi:nought borne on Wednesday everimg; and on Thursday afternoon nil leg woaampu toted. lie expired a to hours after the am putation. lie one twenty years and a few months old. LIM funeral, on Sunday after noon, was attended by the Allegheny and Ju niata Fire Courpaniu and a vast concourse of citizens. of r, Supposed Ineendlar7; , . The York Gazelle sayte—Oa Wednesday era. nin fr lard, between eight and nine O'clock, the barn and contents belonging' to Mr. Daniel Henry, In Springfield township, this county, were destroyed by lire. There was an lieu, ranee of live hundred dollars upon the barn, In the liletropolgan, of Now York, b ar e. In wilt not cover the loam by consider*. tfircumUaneeq tending to lustre the to cendiulsm upon finch seas Stover, residing to Seven valley. T. K.. White, Esq., the comps n.', agent, 'immediately issued , a warrant and had Stover arrested by officer 'Larger, and : committed .to jail. We need; only add `that funning will be left undone to punish the 1 guilty party by the Metropolitan Company. A liallreart Death.—From the York Go zed< we take the following: A man named Jo. seph Walker, a resident or trait borough, wee killed on Saturday evening Last, being ran over by a coal train south near Emigsville. The deceased was a track watchman and must either have fallen asleep on the track. Or. bee tag hard of hearing, wan not aware of the ap proach of the train. A leg and arm were cut all, huskies Willett he received other Injuries. His wen pinked • u - ' by-the succeeding . train, and brought to this borough, where a Coro ner's jury found a verdict in accordance with ' tile above facie. The deceased was a member Of Unmans Lodge of Odd Fellows, and leaves a considerable family. gloss It to Deeldea—We learn from an ex. cb.nge that the Dau court has do. hled that the City Councphin countyil of liarristitirg has no fleet, to appropriate looney. to entertain 'the President and suit at the expense of the tax payers of icitt rrialmag, Oar readers will remember that this question was brought be fore the court at the Instance of Messrs. Geo. Kunkel audGeo. tiorgner, tax payers of Bar ' ritinrig. who protested against the pegmatite' contrutted by the city council whilst the riveldent era, ...winging round the circle In that city.' The' court decided that the City Connell had no right to expend the Money of the payers - tor suppers nail Or et .11Ingirlus.—The 'Colambus' Journal gets .II the le/lowing affectionate item con-. , ceraleg a large job of clubractngt=tAt aro. cent remmon of the flintily of Mr. J. 8101118, of. Cleveland, on New Thefts dety„ there were tel 'persons prment, embracing lir. 8. and his ire and descendants. Thu unit ed ages of the family amount to yesrs. The ottl couple halo beau married et veers. Th mo ot lc markable [Wog, perhaps, in their histry is, -Thep - there never Lae been a death.. In the 1 facially. Accident nt Creattine.—A ygung man 'named Eddie btlwards, ot ttrestlltdit on Battle. nay VVO4.ll[ was severe.ly. injurpd by being knocked dead and run over by a train Wear.. which bathed down upon a truck on which he wait stuudlng, and came on kiln unawares. One WM Vfla taken off, and he was but . shunt •the head.' At' last accounts badlthere y was t every protopt of its recovery, although at litot it Was tho.:glat.hto loillriCgi would be Wad. Pardonerll.—Nlebolea Paley. Who killed James li. Craitord In U. AFatoun & wore, 10 I/1051mm, Mob' country, on . 1./en/nor Mb, 1.115, and l onni belltelleuil to six ynarti , onultut. n I Itu Vcolurn TotatentbarYs Januiry Conrt, tlSal, boo beta pardoned by Governor Curt Tin, p(altton fur pardon won elkned by Om Luber at the murdered buy. and nearly an the prouanout eblzawe of We Unkni arrival a 4 tame last week.- • Grand lloonit .U.Ohttlog a Caliera — The tteadlutt Dispatch sat s: The Fouplo`aDan lneas'eullege, Inn nur of and Wantangton btrents was buralartunaly entortnt huts nletti by Same thief or thieves, and a cloak broken open. front which woo s tolen the eaCinnotlii Climb! forth ernes. Thu thin! lee the Prefilo .4:,, no thoaln tUorottably dlagustod with, the poverty 01 the plena. . A New- lieu sailor' for the ..fatte7.A.A tikabk VOW , it toe 13 t thine groomed by the " Moot " of todianebitifs, Ttue project , p rayest tlua lodlansotia. fa cot the plat+, It - stiocall be, for such itombt would be Lobed odor In eel W l regulated cOoltrautity, - spempasenaraninned: nobterArrinen ritninunin. Something over a ybaxlip. the.POstefSee of It. Clair City, - 11 robbed of SIM in mosey, Heieftlifmtli C h. "' Salim, and Oscar E. Bill were arrestqd for the crime, and convicted. Before being sentenced, voting Loui cut his way not of Jail and made good isle escape. Since then nothing has been heard of him untliWednesday. when he-turn ed up in Pittsinirgh. Diligent search has been made for him, and rewards tdr his tinilmhen• Mon offered, and descriptions of Mtn forward ,ed to the variant cilia.. On Wednesday he made hi] appearance In this city, and very promptly fell into the holds of Alderman - Strain. The prisoner was lodged MIMI until yesterday afternoon at two o'clock, when, in rnmpany with officer Seth Wilmot lie left for St- Clair City. IN lea youth of about twenty wears and has none of the appearance of a hardened criminal. Probably the robbery of the PectoSce was isle first essay In the art of stealing, Before leaving the city he made and subscribed to the following swum statement Mineerning his came .and his subsequent rYt inationst AlkOhenN County, Pittabterph, t I George Lute. tate of ft. Clair County, State hanglgan, Make this Voluntau atatentetiti been previously cautioned by said Al dorman: My namo is Ueorge Lntt. and I make thls statetnent in order that junco may be done. and although l am 'mere that I shall have to suffer the penalty of my came. I was charge.] with the trim. dt SUOMI In enteflng the Pastallics in St. Clair City, Coun ty of St. Clair, and state of Michigan, on u or, abt the. Met tiay of ,Janna m, IMO, along With two other rerso:l3 named relpectfUlly Chas. Solve and Oscar L.lllll. We ware appro. hended and condord in the County Jul of said County. Information was made and we ware duly tried and /Obviated haring plead guilty. I- was rethanded f sentence. In the me.n. time toys if and another or man escaped abont two months subsequently, by cutting through the floor; (the floor being plankd and slipped through the joists and gained my liberty, to gether with the other man mentioned, whose name I have forgotten. After our escape. we startbil for Canada. We arrived at a place In Canada, about alx Miles above St. Clair.. haying crossed the river Into the woods. We struck across the country until we . struck the Wrent Western Railroad, and proceeded Until! we reached Karaite, whence we wont on to Delaware, and them my companion left me. Where he went to I don't know. t there went to work for a farmer: hla name was Deward; and worked for him aboct. a Month and a half. From there I went to Port I.IICtiM2IC. opponto From thence I wont down to Detroit, and from thence to P.Usburgh, by way of Sidney, Ohio; thence- to Crestilno. I got on the.cars at Crestlina and proceeded straight on to rittaburgn. I had about Mil dollars. 1 atop. pod at the St. Cloud hotel and and mastered my name as O&M& LOOPlin. I then wont to Connellsyllle, , in layette county. I remained there a week or to, and came back to If efface. port, and stayed there about a week. I then came hack to P,lttsbargh and. gate myself up to Alderman JOhn A. Strain, a Magistrate of tilts city. , • . Supreme Otani Di:el:ital.:a The Supremo Court, la sesslon in Philadel phia, has rendered decisions In the following cases from the Western counties of this State, lu addition to those already pubilalted : Kel ley vs: Tibbals. Edo. anlnnedi Darrel A Boyd voLobailsibs, affirmed; Hell:toner vs. Bowman & ffliW Westmoroland, affirmed; Darn, appeal, Cambria, affirmed; Cambria iron Company vs. Tombs, Indiana, affirmed; Lukehart Vs. Byerly, Armstrong, reversed; Borough of. Greensburg vs. Young, reversed; Rankle vs. Oral:stn. Westmoreland, reversed; Burford vs. McCue, Armstrong, affirmed; .Pennsylvania Railroad Company vu. Allen, Erie, affirmed; Aro:tare:l , g va. Caldwell, West moreland. reversed ; • Fitzgerald vs. Stewart, Armstrong,al:tinned; Shutter vs. Rogers, Fay cite, reversed; Kelly vs. Green, Mercer, of. Ilrmed, Agnew dissenting; Caldwell vs. Oil Creek Railroad, reversed; Gourley vs. Luse. Water. Armstrong, ravened; kleCielland , s ez ecntora vs. Clark, Lawrence, affirmed; Lane , Harrold vs. Yeagley, Cambria, reversed; tilaakatone vs. Buttermore, layette, aflifdlW. Captured.—Several 'weeks ago Fleury E. Miller made information before Mayor 31w , Canby, charging Juhn McCarthy with as. sault and battery The accused kept out of the wav until We'dneaday night, when he was overhauled by officers Busha and Barry. He had a partial bearing yesterday, and was committed. by Deputy Mayor Morrow for a farther hearing on the 17th inst. Released Shedisse - lllght.—We mention ed. yesterday morning ! that one Patrick Dean had been arrested on Wednesday, on a process Issued by the court. Oa the evening of the arrest, the prisoner found the required bail. Wt. and was Immediately set at liberty. curlews Lavy.—Lvat week an Indianapolis omcer levied op a patrol' wild geese, the profs erty of a delinquent debtor, and took them to the Jaatleeht Thotr have not been re deemed, and will soon be mid to pay mom GREATEST BIBGIEVB OF TBE SEIBON Soots and S'hOes AT TIM POllllll ROE PALACE UPOINSI, 86 exaci. 22 3PlStis Elltroot. CLOSING OUT WINTER STOCK. I=l9 2G and 28 Fifth Street, WM. B. CLAPP & CO. WW9men'. Rubbers. 99 dnt• a Dag. Jai WILLIAM MILLER, SOCORHOB '7O MILLER & BICIELTSON,. WHOLESALE GUOCERS, ASD I 1170STERS 07 Brandies, Wines and .Cigars, • NOs, 221 and 223, Corner or Liberty and Irwin Streets, PITTSBURGH, re,. IRON, NAILS, COTTON ConAtantlr on hand. 1711 LEA eL PEEEINS , • • : • CraIECAECEIRILTIsrmi WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. rnoNgenicED By EXTRACT of Ltrltt from • CONNOISSEURS • Erna GLITLIIM Tone at 11ADLLAR, folds 'OUT GOOD sum , B.,a f a i gulom *-- Axo ArruclaLr. TO rz—s-- . lllhfl _ _OO toutheir ' t=fin i gi ' s ii . t . l "- tVEUY VARIETY la:lntay Alai =II aP. t ap he f 1 or oinsettia SALTA. 1:1 1 2 , 3 33 .. ' - that Is made The silences of this most delicious and unrivalled condiment bremicanSild many unprincipled Y r ait e et l a y ll e rtMTLE .7 . l,7 RtiVitt r =g 4 adto ace that t. name or LEL& ealtßlNla ate tiqEll., LABEL, STOPritli. and Uaroiractured by LEA & PEIIIIINS. Worcester. jOllOl DUNCAN , * SONS. IN 6 NV TORE. ARICIITIS PIM TUE U. 11. octsglaur WHOLESALE DRY GDODS. ARIWTHNOT, SHANNON & SO., No, 115 Wood St.; Pittsburgh, Bare in store and receiving. $ Ingiassorment or DRY. GOODS AND; NOTIONS, • Which : they ollernt • EASTERN PRICES .11.27 D TO WHICH The Attention of Dealers is Invited, C. AXIVIINTOT..W. T. 011ANX OA. J. 0. ETZTELIASOX dela N • ECESSARIES FOR TUE RM. TLlt.—For • gooell COOKING B rovic.d WPA'llig"ollti:Lhieft MAT 14117hi0% . te.o.ro, ether _ t P woeo ye W.Z. Kr o Ou 1411 lima -.reef. All chca cheap ..,br.ts , • CHEESE. , bcrics Goebert. 104torr sud Hamburg for Solo b 7 CRADLES O. BAGILTLY, ": 175:1 BEROOMS.: t 7.C9 dozen for Web? . CHARLES C. BALSTAICY Na 201 Marty lat., LAILD OM • • •f 6 bblnyalitaragbvd warranted Winter CILMU.223 C. BALIBLZY et=2 . . ' 3W bbls. our prima Whit. rlint Mule DT MAMBO Q. BALMILY, 0n §3O litlirEMlO Uia.J recerveaNtud tar sit;ybuyeimmuulgii.ta SPECIAL NOTICE& igrA CABO TO CCVALIDEI.-. A Mere Yuan, .bile residing Li Bondi /Medea Is a tlitasionery. discovered a safe Ind simple reme dy for the Cure of Nerves/ iYealibell. Early D•C•T; Discs.. of [Leeds arr . and ermine! 'Oliritaiii . and the sake train or disorder. brotiabt, On by balleftl and vicious habits. Greet tinnibelis Lavae - been at , ' readyeered by this noble remedy; rromptedbY • desire to benent the .Misted anil untortuaste; 1 i i will send the recipe for peops.ing an using 1110 medicine. In a Leafed envelope. to Y 0u0„..h • I neids It. x= or cnamat. .Ansel et .0 liVoq' laid enveiope, addressed to ioorulf. r • addrejss • JOSEPII.T.ANIIIAN. den;q2l Etatloll D. Mble Flo.ase.;k. T. citi. NEW PERFUME. FOR TUE RAM/MERU/WI. Oholon . . "Night Blooming Cepros.o. Pholoa's "Night Inmanlig Cerens.” • ; Phr "Night Bloomibg Cerca... PhalonN ~: 4 1 1cht Cerieum." Phaleo'• "Night lllneming Certifs.,' A maet esqrtielte, Fertzreht rerfeu.e. Cott led from the rAre met Dettotllhl Loner from vehlet It tates Its name. , lionalbotorrl only by PITAILON & SON.INeso York. I 11F:17 APO OP COUNTEP.PCITS. ASK. FOR PIIALON'S—TART. 'NO OTHER. farWRI. BARNHILL b r . CO., BOILER MAKERS SKEET 'IRON WORKERS, Noe. 20, 22, 24 enit 26 Penn St. moat scented large verd, and Rindslied it with the approved EllthillCTT. we are Pregiere4 manefacture every sleserlotion of Wien. In the beat manner. ace warranted equal to.anF made in the country. Chlusticya. Breeching,. Fire little, Edema Pipes. Lecornotive Roller.. Condensers. Bait Pans. Tanks,oll aultaters, Btling Pans, Boiler Iron, Midge., d. Fans: Sod We maim. facture,' of BARNHILL'S PATRYCF 1101.1.6R.Y. Repairing done on the shortest notice. lealc4l ny•' aim suPEmon COPPER MILL AND SMELTINO WORKS. rtrrsnunett. 'PARR, McCURDY & CO., itanntaetnrent or ITheathing, Brasiers. and Bolt Pbsr. Pr...ad Copper Bottoms. Rafited ntill Bot tems, Upelter solder. Also. Importers and dealers lh Metals, Tin Plate. Sheet Irou, Wire, 6e. Con stantly on hand. Ttneers' Machined and Tools. Warehouse, No. 111 rater and Id) S [COM:, STIL.ITS. Pittsburgh. Npeelal orders of Copper eat to any desired hAttrrn. rnyil:e.d.tver WPITTSBIURGH SAW WORKS, re rs of 14 18 gritiUnli IfreViltt ed CAST S TEEL SAW of every d eseriptiou, Mill, Mule!, Cross-Cut, Ostig. sod all other varieties. All lands of KNIVES and Pl' INUS mule from Mulct Cast Steel: Extra reilliefili.E.APEß mud Mt/W -INO KNIVES. AA APirWarebouse mid Works, corner WAITS Sad "uUTATIUmvs. Pittsburgh. stteutlau 8 1=tir - Wilia7.34 re-i.tht.. ming and ti.raLabccol.C.trcniar ft.", also, molars of all kinds. 1 . 0. W.. awl Drilllng 4000 at, rea sonable mes. 1.5,33 ar'IIEMEDIAL LVITITUTE FOR 111110.oco1cia. Clea.nie is. NO. It g,ND InnnwEr. SEW • OREL— Putt futon:whet • with the highest tutfinentowii also. • Book. on ifimetal Divans, la . waled en whip, sent free. Wile sun and send for Mew, and inn not regrd II; for, es .dgeri bring phestclans MID gelignite la potters, wlt.boas ref, cures no stringer ehoutit be trotted Enclose • steam ter 114“11[E4 and direct to DR, LAWIIEN CE. No. DUNI) ntnis.ET. NEW yonn. noivoi-vY arTHE GRAVEST MALADIES OP YOUTII AN OEAKLIrtACYA Iltn a-1108MM /thiIICIATION .813e&Y., on the Phy • Die of th e thufslono. an' the Karon Abase sod Disease, prcultarl o the first Ire of man, wal, Ba rone on sew mcfnol• of treatment amp 01.8 to tills loontetlon. rent in *rated I.tt.r T,' of charge. Andreas De. J. SKILL' 11.18(18. T.'N, Howard AlltOciStlol.. rblintdc Vs. Joll,relfderir E,~.~ir~t~i;,~:i~:~~,~~+:,~ ROVER b. 13AJiEWS • ELASTIC STITCH AND LOCK STITCH Se;iving Machines • Ara TILE6EbT for Yamlli and Ilariatacturlng pow. Call mut arc them at .11 ; o. 18 Filll4 Street 'DON'T BE DECEIVED BV If1012110:Ann half column srlyortlrem cult of Inferior kteclOnce ‘ but pet • (MOVER n BAKKII. It Datl bath fully tested for *lateen yaw.. nada by all compe tent J ncod udgestbe pro uou lii 1' sr., WOWO. 3.8169.11a1 ISt1•00t. . - GROVER. & BAKER fora liolbley Pssfeet and berefore the best. Don't fall to call tad see net Mi== THE GROVER & BARER SEWINC MACHINE Is thetrltlmannle ollfecbsalm. Please call usd examine It at No is Firm srfrerr MAKERS should." the new Grover & Baker No. 1 Sewing Machine Before baying elhere. It Is the best for bele n.e. for me sew At =MM= a~:~ $25. BARTLETT SEWING MACHINE. Bart cheap Licensed Illeglne In the Vatted States. imeeneswanted everywhere, ray $301700 per month. .Enclose etscep and adder.. PAGE BOAITH ICILY tett:meal Aged% 014 Cheetnnt street. I IttledelpOla, and evi I Coro tun street, Toledo. Onto. r, tic:: pi aiyiai:4:l4 tit F:Vieiamefl piTTSBIJIIGH IifiEWERIG CARSON, DAIMINGTON di CO., BREWERS,MALSTERS & HOP DEALERS 17=1:1 JOBIITIA 11110DZS At CO.. Pliitsbnre b WM. W..ABDERSON, Aileen* The attention orale customer, of the tyro II is to parttculet ly Invited to mt. • ALES AND PORTER, Which. through the earelhiselection of Malt from our exten.lee malting Gentles and Moos from the yards east awl West, we cao guarantee lo 'Par. and Lett sa•cory to the Made Our INDIA. ALE has been Melly eccolouttudol b'iNpb-Titr.l2lll72=lB're.stem.ers will please be rushyo leave their onl rs at his elite 'Aiello. P his old Brewery, or at our °face. Cornet of Dapetne by and Barter't alley, • nave.° 131 - 11 M . TIWIL6 ISOOTE a. A. TOUNO. • 711031111 111107 X ALLEGHENY BREWERY. klaeltig purclimed the old eetablished Brewery known as the ALLEtiIIEbY 'BREW EBY, former', owned by Camp oell & Boehm, we woald Inform the public that we Intend COnthilling the mannlselurn of SPRING WATER, ALES,' • Made from One Boring Water. and from our Will- Iles and long experience In the boldness, we feel tlencd that we will be enabled to glee entire sat lafeetlooonasG, to those whom.) favor in with their pet- Eirkazcrix dy OO.a . 465 - Rebecca Street, ALLEGHENY CITY. . . /18.011 orders left at 119.0W/9 I GRAHAM'S. 903 Liberty meet, rlttanurgh, will be pro=l4ls attended to oeSaftt . . FOINT MALT TI9LSES. w. H: GARRABD & CO., Ilialsters, Brain a Hop Dealers, So. ITWater Street, and Iles. 5 and I Penn Street, PITTEIBURCH. PA. BAarlibitiabl,"o7l.V.Tant.df":VAV• PHOENIX STEAM RUMMY " s *te t reireigg MASTERS ED' , BREWERS Ale, Porter said Brown Stout, PITTBBURGE, Pi. BonzaT wwrivon. 826 , 4:00 TO LOAN ON MOIITUAbLIS, ,uzes of •300 *aft uprardt Sea 15itetetought . and - ene nos Z.tste Ann t? .9 1 ,1 r AP . atr•ot. RENEntRIE t Jr., Piro.2Vl . l.olrty r 11 1 6 iIi VaP TI r t iiii i ."" -" AL L AmWhazw3,. kno.tr4s; FvisB,o Dimwit enrstrall • riltk—s barrels pine t - 0(43,5S Willi Mats.. BOOTS AND MOREL GREAT REDWCTIONII i • IN PRIO,SI OF BOOTS, SHOES IND GAITERS, ir THOMAS H. PHELPS', 46 Smithfield Street. Between Third and Fourth Si reels. JOLITI P. AM6I3IITI .fI. rALIIMS. .psiatEn, ANSUUTZ al CO., MIEIIIIICI J. A. ItOIIINRON it CO.. DW.E2S is BOOTS, SHOES & .GAITERS, Atop 61 Market Sired, Slaw Fourth, PITTSBURGH, PA. RE isiccurrrocws BOOT. AND SHOVERIPORIIIII, No. 92 Federal Street, ALLEGIIIE,iY CITY dent I3.IRILIPIIII3^LIS far 41.31. 1 1W1,01111:1 3 1:1trlo:iill EGI3 SVIIIIIRR BOOTS; SHOES, GAITERS .[rd Ba!morals, Jost reeelsed, and sr 111 be mold at the VERY LOW- InT EMCEE, either Wholesale or Befall. • • tura go • CALI. Unman PascaLainci Mes trusars. J. B: & W, C. BORLAND, No; ea Market street. 2d door *O. rum St • eliarldt 401121 7LIVLDLIt• C . FIELDING & BELO, Itanntactaress and Dealeis to, CtuArt ores - BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS, No. 140 Ohio St., Allegheny. !MIAMI:is promptly executed on the shortest n • trA2 1 9 ) 1 WA.) 9 : .9 [ 9 : 14 )." , VA I arm GDIX.IO3I 03=4E33 ClaSai3l3 SOHO OIL WORKS. .BUFFUDI Krarew 8r•C0. 3 MANUYIOTOIMBA Or Tar CELEBRATED SPERM LUBRICATOR, PETROLEUM LUBRICATING OILS. Sperm. Lard and Whale OW, Bill LIGU?, !MU OIL 11SYMI LL.MO. GUASI ltandatd White Burning Oil, No. 33 Market Street, PMEMDBOH, PA. =SD MIL A CIRCULAR. ca:ca WARING & KING; OIIIESIO MIMS in MOO E Petroleum and its Products 4 DIDQUESXE War, - -E.x.r.rmszrcrstarzr., ramanciznia. ADDIMS: WARING, KING & CO.. ..717m41 IST Walamt HENDRICK'S LIDIRICATOR . 1 UsauAwned by - • WHITE, RHOS. & CO., New York., d. ROBERTS, Agent, N0.,1 Bt. Clair Iltreet, Pittatm;sl2. Ps. Km, oonstainD on band totted /actor) OIL. Dam V . latatater 011. Wool. ULU M. Dart Mgt. M. W CoDd_Loglna Ot c l, Dart Var Ma , I.lgbt W`d Sart or-C i• Dart Car OW Zst ocr Dug DD. WrLDNLIDGIE INEFININEI OF PITTSBURGH. PENNA. it's% int 72 xPrillealksad Tux,. r. WORKS IN TEMPERANCEVILLE. °Mee, No, 2 Duquesne Way, Claipansioa Brulaal - 11.111131 , 11121MEHa OP PUKE WILITZ. EIRTJELINENCir COIL. Brand—uLlaclifer." EUREILI. OIL BEA:arrAchwassa:or EUREKA CARBOX OIL . The Celebrated EUREKA SPERM olesale LUBRICRTINO OILS, And Wh Dealers ln Crude, Refined and Lubricating 01is, LARD. 814.1LX. wa,tx.a Alm too ono. No.3t Nlarket.tit,Pittabottiti, Pa. CI. C. MJCPIEI243I3. 4366 t. Call end eranalne famplea bad read eerasatea. nolateis BUY THE BEST. • PETROLIA BLUE LEAD, 1011 OIL Et#LWEBS idannactured only •nd to wee by , ,„ E r/Jf CO, N. W. Cor.3d and Market Sts., =MM! THE LIGHTNING LAM. U. c. rouse U. finuArroan - alto. Was". JONEO,CRAWFORD dr, VOGEL; Agents; Tll6 MOST oILLIABIT POWERFOL TRULY B GOAL OIL GAB LIGHT EMI PRODUaED. • • ' Adopted by tbe T. S.Govertunent. Notamroosive. Clamp and Remain:O. • Glees a brilliant ilea trilse•lbld greater teats aty otter lamp. Tble patent le adapted to all lamo aO4 as the arta to merely a conductor, never re. q ll7l t e r 4rtriirrl ' l ' Stri l iAretit * MP/I k nlTart iVi MOGI el FUG BALE. - • • • Weft, oppoalte Poet - Mine, More lrlitoci`i Harm Depot. emend door. • • norl Few,. JODEBBOM EAGI OIL worse, rlVeliCrro324lool733 lo . WICHTMAN A' ANDERSON. Benne:sand Dealers In • ETROLEUM. O vsi;amparsza.oo..."-Noocz T. 111•14,111 P HOTELS. INGHAM - HOUSE, ELEVENTH AND WHET STA., Iv..3cri-• AIL S,XI Zs P. MX X AL. Thlianw cad ideputt House ts now open tar the m{.l2ll9.,4oPpotatmenta of • rutsT.cLesii. OUBLIS , D4VIS;-• ruinintitron. 1,4 . PIERUF ' A1M,10411.04a• ILpu MaMANS Ir. as %tow la mamma arab Ma mai Dadaat oppotalababla. Jar the , aborPtiab Mau. • Tba ant pod? ocacabg Ira sebas• Howls b. irs "" 14 "'Tirtlert i t L. VITIANTAOV. BI6 9 co. 731. aszicumewni 2:Nrcrsv's - • (Sherd Welk atialeal Muti !gear the fin/pension Bridge, reillhoon , 414.1cCIFIZITUVIT. NW. 12E=I FOR SALE . pop. lIALE.—A, HOMO ALM LOT on le coat arrest. Manebrator. built la 'modern .tile: pressed beck font. S roams: marble mantle! gas In emery room; cooking range: bot and cotd water; bath Donley emelt" papered and painted. A complete house. }n perfect order. Apply to - JOHN TEUrCIED, jars the Prendim. FOtt SALE.—A desirable proper. t) In Al egbeny, loeitted en handneky eta het dui otraftberm ahoy; the lot Is 33 feet on handnety Tett and ist feet on Strtieberre alley to Herron tier. and only one edam from the Diamond. The. Mita...lncl..* are • brick house, with torte MOM.. fud a frame shot, oft the neck end of the lot. Tor rther information Inquire on the rirmattee . Jour:. 11111 itTHEET. - FOR SALE.—ONE TWO.IIII . OIIY IltttN CLAD IntILVIa U. talat 10.1 "*". root.. (and too (4) year logos of ground from Da n. at Anti' ti obtain S. a good 1005 e... tett. 51 ?..' 1.2 Penn meet, corner of Harrison att, et. 5 0... be • abott to,tlon fora nu, rs. no Pi...WV and Slat fitting Shoo. Knontr of ...RADA:LW • No. Ma Veal curet ; or BAiLIFS • Blttlicy Plomoora. Sloan, and U. Pipe Fitton; No. 13 red era! street. A 1 14111)4.7 City. .I•PE)M4I VOR SALE.--4 Fatraof abouttlS -a- acre. In Union Townildp, Allegory Mira - Y. Pa., situate about four mules from the Ott 04 lue Washings, Pike The improvements area large two atecy crick torching Houle With 11 roomy a tr,;°,;t,`Zri,gfg:Ka u gri 1-C,:genfililtoolitn . ",trg fa hoe Yo or It;t1 of cattle. 11 . terts stocked wit t the best varietlei=it t t ieea. " l: . l; all underlaid with coal. The land Ls in a high state of eultlvstion. well watored. fences good, and would suit admirably fof dairy or gardening pur poses. Also, 17,4 acre. adjolnlng the above, with affood Frame Rouse. (ferriage lieu.. god tiortuCl i. ool4 and other ost-bulidingsj with a good Ore dln Coo bearing coodition. Ibis piece le also al un dorlaid with coal. Also, VA acres adjoining thiabove, nnlmOroved. for sale low. This piece is also all underlaid with eoeL .The above three pieces of propert• Ile between tho Little 81.3111111 rt and Elko bet ville Railroad., and the coal can be reached easily from either road. Tae coal alone Is worth all that Is sated for the en tire properts • Also Farm of 173 wava. eltu stein St. Clair town ship, Weeranondend county. Pa, ImMedithol7 oh the line of the Penna. Railroad. The Improvements are a two-gory Frame little with eve rooms and good cellar , a Frame Bask Rue, 40:03 feet. Sag other out-tidLdinga. dh Is on the place a Food waaVV,:rtgl near tlmd with coal anu ' ilmeston : convenient to churches. Wile, schools and blacksmith ahoy.. to gether with the pertoool property Met SS BLOCk. Implements. grain In the gonad, at. Posession given Immediately. Forthrtber p t rO.. enautre Of YL TOWETL, no 7 Rag lists te Agent. 164 Fourth street. FOR SALE—CoaI Works. now in 'ancestral operation daily: Oralndian 10.000 bushels, situate on Monong•hein titer. in pool o. 2. email Pam. 40 acres, well improved, 14 mile. from Ltvesniore nat on the aVestent Pennsyl vania Itallroad. in lantana county, and only 30 tulles from the city, all ror *two. Turco suitable iniqueime Boro smallO irsproae menu; fur all kind, of fruit grow. "' tine hundred acres good farm land. four acres clean', good sprints. sod timber COT fencing and bull; lour nd es from Altoona. in Blair COoluti, Pa., good road to same: all for ,603. Nlat.two acres lea ette township, Z r. which itcool;411 fenced ; bouse„ barn. orchard, tn Erick douse of six rooms on Rebecca street, Al. lerhenr. Inlet linu•Cor five rooms on Park street. Pint Ward,Allegheny, Prick House of ten rooms on Chestnut street, Allegheny: p r 7= 4111;?=Otg:LItIni t gily. I:totlVTle o N n w Pram° Hague of four roonts,hall end finished garret, on Jefferson street, second Ward, Alle g hen. Hel y ot House of eight rooms; !OLIO by 206 feet. in Wiiklutburg. ' , tame Honor at Edgeworth Station. on Peonsylvaula hailroad, seven Miles out. Alto, quite a number of acre lots. New Promo House of tire rooms, kitchen and attle, on elhefideld street, M nuebester. JOHN CitillT„ dew Heal Agate Agent.. 139 Fourth street. B EAUTIFUL, EXCELLENT AND WELL Li:trim/au FLEM .. OI" SINETY ACRES. Two miles above Itelireepoit; on the "Yoagh" ricer. The Count 111•010 Railroad passes through it. Vito on rail it cent* per day on each sad erery train going up or down. or $ per Winn. etcheelule of tune one boar from the city. This farm will be mold ebeap, or exchanged on • nub baste for noProred city Property. to whole or In part pay ment. Inquire Of STEEL di WILSON. }InOSTII.9 159 RIPS R 'TA= LOUTS, o. 60 rmltlaffeld Strut. FOIL SALE, , JrI4IIIIKET FaIRM A piece of Lod