R rvnuitazo. Penniinan, Reed & Co„, At.GAzgrrg BUILDING, No. SQ lPlitto. street. .r. p a . .flO . rcnrOSTOS.sme zditor, uus *WWIIII3I/rti Haziness Mulag era. samickstr• 'ma% - 7 cents Od lll rod treirster, (per ereek1......5.;.. 15 cents Stan dabserlben. inerl , nsi) BE4OO. Liberal ralnettons to Newsboys and Azetus WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 9, 1667. ORATORS AND ORATORY piee governments breed orators. In popular assemblies the best of them serve alraluable iturpose. What the sort . other '• are good for we have failed to discover. • , . -It may be safely assumed that where the ' - people govern the discussion of public questions, by able men, in promi•cuous • . assemblies, is of great utility. It is much to have a case fully and fairly stated. It -is more to have it defended by relevant and forcible- facts and 'arguments. Per haps it is of still greater consequence to - _bring the mass of voters into living con , tact 'with superior men, fired with great • themes and transfused with their spirit. What advantage there Is in the prolixity of _ drivelers or the , extravagances of manta ' banks surpasses comprehension., In deliberative assemblies orators, even the best, are practically at a. discount. They are measurably, If not altogether, out of their appropriate spheres. Free - governments are necessarily controlled by political parties, and hence id Parliaments and,Congressea, the highest gifts of clo• quern° are almost superfluous . . There is no jury of disinterested persons to address, unless idlers in the galleries may be ac counted such. ' On the door, and potential _in deciding each particular case, are the parties opposed to each other. What they will respectively do, Is not at all decided by the speeches they make, or to which ' - they listen, but by primary, State and Ha ' • tional conventions and by legislative can-. • .' et:lases. DiNIEL Waxman, the subllmest 'of:American orators, left Comparatively slight impressions on the course of nation .. al policy, as indicated by the statute books. What, then, can talkers of less wisdom and fervor hope to accomplish in halls of • . legislation? Where laws are made one man, who • thoroughly comprehends a class of gees , _ tions, and is fertile in the resources of gen . nine statesmanship, is worth more than all A. the orators !Ia ever existed. ' Perceiving *hat ought to be done, ho knows how to do it, and makes his power felt. He may not delight the ears, of CongreSs, nor fill pages of the newspapers withaolid or gor geous utterances; but in the Committee • Rocims, where laws are conceived and ma. 'lured; where policies - are framed and con ..soliclated; and-on the door where business is dispatched; he finds congenial fields and Is simpessingly usefuL , • One of the chief infelicities of this coma-. try is that so many fluent talkers get into Uottgress r .and so few men with practical knowledge of affairs. -It would be s pub he blessing if at least one.half of the mem bers of the two Houses could be struck so dumb as to be unable to make a speech oc cupying more than five minutes, or to re - ! ' peat the operation more than once a week. What an economy of paper and ink and patience such a - benevolent dispensation would produce. Editors and readers would alike have occasion to rejoice and beam - ceeding glad. And then the public bfisi . - • ness would be done more eirsidltOnsly, and with greater wisdom. Old for a Congss composed of business men who are not speech-makers by trade. IRON AND ITS MANDJFACTURE. According to the report of the Secretary of the Treasury there were Imported into the United States, during the. last &cal year, Iron and manufactures of iron, as fol lows: Pig • Railroad Plate, tire, steed, /Lc Old scrkri Manuthotored of Iron. Re , iiilPPed ' 6 10 . 5,53 X/ This; is a large total. Excluding all man ufactures of iron, even the rudest, the amount of the import stands at $8,54-1,33. All of this iron . ought to. have been pro duced in this country, and would have if the degree of PrOtection afforded by the 'existing tariff was anything like as large as the advocates of Free Trade allege. Yet it must be confessed that the amount imported bears only a small proportioMi to the aggregate used in the country. It is certainly . enough to hold prices in check, and prevent combinations against consum ers, but not enough, if the labor market . was settled on a specie basis, to seriously incommode the domestic producer. True, in adjusting impost and excise duties, care should be taken to make them fairly rela tive to each other, and to those general and special considerations • which deter mine the . scale of wages in ordinary em ployments. Bat the more we reflect upon the subject -the more absolute becomes our conviction that a quick return to specie payments is indispensible to the prosperity of manufacturing interests. There seems to be no probability of arriving at satis factory conclusions , by other methods. rntll $ specie bashn shall be reached, .Ims inesa will necessarily be premrions, and . comma prudence demands each individ ual, firm, or corporation, that transactions be kept within moderate limits, and with the least possible accumulation of stocks.. 1111 INCREASE OF, CRIME The criminal statistics of the-different States, for the past year, so far as they IMvii been published, bear uniform and startling . testimony to the increase of of fences against the penal codes. In New fork the number of convicts in the State prison has increased by nine hunclred and fifteen. in Illinois the number of crimi nals has doubled In two years. In all the other States the ratio of increase has been substantially the same. " This may be taken in large part as one of the evils brought upon the nation by the war recently closed.. War is violence. It arouses and stimulates the worst. passions, of all who are concerned in it, and of fill who witness it. The war for the presctva. tlon Of the Union was one of the most' righteous righteous ever waged. Most of u men who took part therein, or gave it support, did so under the Inspiration of the loftiest motives. But the work thry bad to por ton:awes on that . account none the less re pensive. The nobleness of many natures give way under the pressuri, and vice and crime are the consequences. Tam prominent citizens of Montgomery, Ala., openly denounce President Johnson as a political trimmer, without principle, who bag premised the rebels (themselves) ' ' more than he could perform. They think t South" committed s great blunder in baoglng to the shirts of A. J., and gci is now fee-Congreei and the Constitutional Itnithdinent. Erll3 During the last fiscal year there was Im ported into the United States, cylindet window glass to the value of $571,419; plate glass to the value of $919,895 ; and glassware of all sorts, including- bottles filled with various tommoditics, to the value of sl,o2o,s97—making a total of $2,510,909. Of this aggregate $10,644 worth was re-exported. During the same period, glass and glassware, the manufac ture of this country, was exported, to the value of $621,391. 21:8JCIlt It will be seen, therefore, that the foreign competition to whirls the domestic manu facturers of cylinder window glass were subjected, was not large, being only some thing over half a million of dollars.- We maintain that from even this competition the domestic producerA ought to be deliv ered; but if such deliverance should be promptly extended to them, it would not relieve the greater evils under which they are suffering. The market will not take all the glass the existing establishments can turn out at rates to remunerate for produc ing it. Paper inflation and the excise du ties have curried up the cost of production above the point at which market prices can he sustained.' More paper money, to be followed by demands for larger nominal wages, and advanced rates for 'saw mate riaVenterlng into thlt manufacture of glass, would not relieve this difficulty. TY ages must necessarily be graduated, after a rude and imperfect fashion, to the inflation or contractloa of the -currency, and this is a disturbing element In the calculation oc all employers. So long as the currency con tinues to subside towards a specie basis, all commodities experience a correspondirg decline. But labor maintains, or seeks to maintain, the highest rates of compensa tion. In this condition of affairs the-only safety consists in manufacturing no faster than is needful to supply actual orders. According to the late report of the Sec retary of the Treasury, the aggregate val ue of "paper and stationery" manufactured in.the 'United States last year was only 6'549,631 Single printing establishments paid more than that sum for paper. So. the total produciion of iron is put down at $30.7,8 OD; and all manufactures of iron and steel at $3,212,381. Glass and glass ware is represented at it 621,39.1. Leather If sunk to 005,8'4i7; much below the pro duct of single tanneries. There is one ad vantage In such tables, they mislead no one. But they cause men of sense to marvel that the Treasery Department should be so stu pid as to publish them, hoping to enlighten the people as to the magnitude of manufac turing. • • THE Attorney Generals of Pennsylva. Ma, since the creation of the office in 1819, have been as follows :—Thomas Elder, December 29, 1820; Frederick Smith, Dec ember 25, 1823; Calvin Blythe, February .7, 1628; Philip S. Markley, August 17, 1829; Samuel Douglas, February 10, 1830; Ellis Lewis, January 20, 1833; George 31. Dallas, October 14, 1833; James Todd, December, 18; 1831; William B. Reed, 3larch 27, 1518; Ovid F. Johnion, January 13, 1539;r John K. Kane, January 21,1843; John M. Reed, June 23,-1846; Benjamin Champneys, December 18, 1846; James Cooper, July 21, 1848; Cornelius Darragh, January 4, 1849; Thomas Franklin, April 28, 1831; James Campbell, January 21, 1832; F. W. Hughes, March 14, 1813; Thomas E. Franklin, January 17, 1.535; John C. Knox, January 20. 1838; Samuel A. Purviance, January 16, 1801; William M. Meredith, JuaC 3, 1861. TIM great majorities of suits.brought against thc citizens of Alabama, for the collection of old debts, are by home credi tots, not from northern ones. In that State the great mass of the people are kept In blissful ignorance of the affairs of the country, all of the journals being con trolled and edited by men who can only see national politics from a bigoted south ern stand point. ABOUT $490,000 of the Ichool fund of Tennessee, about which so much uneasi ness was exerted 6 short time since, has been returned by the National. Bank of Nashville, in which it was deposited. It is thought that not a single dollar of the Sand will be lost. "Butes" l'ostruoy is out in, a* call for a convention of the democracy of the Union, to meet at Louisville, on the 2,1 of May next, for the purpose •of reorganization. With such a leader the defunct party 'will hardly gain much new life. 'A MAP in Nashville entwining his legs About a street gas lamp poit, 'openly pro- M., aimed that patent stoves wen). a humbug 'giving out no heat Whatever. Be had been - .imbibing sufficiently to render the halluci nation very probable.- A ce:so of horse thie - ves are operating in Washington county, Pa. They r atm themselues offal wool buyers ,and have suc ceeded admirably In Pulling wool over the eyes of thiunsuspecling farmers. - ( THE Leith anniversary , of the Society of the, Protestant Episcopal Church for ths advancement of Christianity in Amdrica, was held last Sabbath in St. Mark's. Church, Philadelphia. P.IIILIMELPIMA boys are. rather fast. Two lads, each thirteen years of age, quarreled, when one drew a revolver and shat the other, inflicting a serious flesh $ 1,6C.3,1565 •. 2.5.12,381 %AMS . 1,417018 : 4253:414 su,rt-' , "; 717 wound. Tat New Jersey Locomotive Works, at Patterson, aro now furnishing an hum, use and highly finished locomotive for exhibi tion at the coming French Exposition... it A agent of Wells, Fargo and Co's. Ex• press Company at Sart Francisco; has been arrested on a charge ofembezzlement. The defalcation amounted to $50,000. LOITGWOICIII, of Cincinnati, Is worth twelve million dollari. - The estate of Mr. Potter, deceased, is set &mint fivcmillion dollars. Erma Agricultural society in the United States, with a single exception, has re 7 quested the removal of Commissioner New ton. Tttr. whereabOuts of Head Centre Ste phens again excites public curiosity. Ho is very' expert in the play of "hide and ME TOE steam lycioten mills of Utica, New York, have adopted the- eight hour system instead of eleven, and pay accordingly; Ststaron BUERMAN exyresses the belief that Congress will not interfere with the currency law. Mts. Curie. A. H0531E11, U. B. A., one of the original Ellsworth' Zouaves, died lately at 81. Paul, Minn. Vac 'hundred and sixty-nine persona were arrested last year on the charge of srougglthg, at Detroit. Tan cititezusofZanesville, Ohio, are malt ing strenuous efforts to get a street railroad In operation. COL. GEORGE Palen, a•brave and gallant soldier, of Morgantown % West Virginia, died last week. Out hundred dollars STIIS cleared over all erponsbs by the managers of the Maine Stare Pnson. O # zw Yeats Judge ins decided tbat person cannot recover money lost In pm: bl Visconstzt sends- a specimen shingle to the French Eaposition. THE GLASS TRADE HOW Its IT I EOrroat%L unEvrrzEs I= —Pork is dull at six canna a "pound is Wed Virginia. —A new militia syttem Is propme4 In Illinois. —London soppotta 10,000 cabmen and 5,000 drivare. —All the lunatic asylums Mond around Lon' don, England. are now full. —an exchange Gaye Ties-President Hamlin Is lOoklug after the Maine chance. —d. Man In Chicago boa cut hie throat be- cause be lost 00,000 In oil speculations. - —The death of E. D. Somas. the eculptor, to anemone& Re was long a resldeat - of Rome. • • —Belfast, Ma., l‘rags or a pig so fat that Its tall has disappeared In the accumulated flesh. —The Prussian General Plael, who aim commandant of Purls In 1815, died recently In Berlin. —Count Bismarck has resumed his former custom of personally making a report to the &Lug of Prussia. —A bookseller . In Paris, being, asked for a copy of the French Constitution, rapped, "Sir, I keep no periodicals." • T._ —The Leland.Brotherehave leased the De : !Aran .llouse, at. .8113. y, for ten years, at an annual rent of 5.52,003. —Since 1852 George Peabody has Rhea away .1,00.1,1100 or about 81,000 a day for liyearli, omit ting Sundays andbolidays. —The rumor is relit% ed that Speaker Colfax next month, Will lead the rich willow of a wealthy banker of tow York to the altar. —.Tames Ratcliffe, a pensioner of tlio Lon don police Dans, has fallen heir to X 185,000, be sides art estate widen yields X3,ooopur ;Latium. —ln Fox county, Missouri, a store clerk, after lighting his pipe, threw the match into an open keg of powder. lie won't do it,agaln in this World. —Jelin G. Ryan, who was arrested at Mem phis 80013 elguteen months silica, on enspicios of being Barrett, Is seeking damages for false Imprisonment. —Adneeting of colliers has boon held at Stan ley, in Derbyshire, to protest against the ty ranny of trades unions, and to support a non unionist society. —A lecturing professor of chemistry said re. cently to a college class bear the Rub, Gentles men. oxygen Is an insisters gas; you see if in thetie bell glasses." • —At Pittsfield, Mass, one der limt week, a funeral pArty were compelled to abandon the corpse In a snow germ, and it remained for several hours In a huge snow drift. —Tito will of the late Charles Minot, of Bos ton, gives Harvard Oollesra the income from 440, 00e worth ro of Buffalo, Brad and burgh Railroad tx,nds. It willford Pitts amount to S 2, too per annum. —An unknown man was found lying in the street in Now Tons, on Wednesday morning, Insensible • from exposure, and a eagactoua horse was removing the snow from the Man's taco with his nose. rA young lady, named Ellen Alcorn, was burned so badly by the explosion of korosene oil, which aho was pouring on the ;Ire from a can, on Sunday, in Brooklyn, that site died la two hours afterward.. . , —Dr. Stribling, in his annual report to the directors of the /assns Asylum at &annum, recommends that the Legislature should make prompt and suitable provision for the care and cure oilman colored persona la Virginia. —Charles hi, Darras expects to make fifty thousand dollars-this season enter his "Black Crook." Dolmas the exclusive right to produce it outside of Now York, and has already taugr Peml fifteen thousand dollars at Buffalo and hiladelphia. - —The countries that have alrendytalrenpos. session of their alloted spaces in the Paris Ex position building are England, Belginm,' the United States. Austria, Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, Greece, Denmark, Itussta. Egypt, China, Japan, Persia, Morocco, Tunis, and Slaw. —The National Temperance Society at New Tork ban arranged with lion. James Black, of Lancaster, re, to raise a permanent fund of 0100,000. and the prlmldent of the society lion. William E. Dodge, hes opened the subscription with SIO,OOIL The Massachusetts Temperance Alliance has pledged 111.000. COE'S DYSPEPSIA CUBE Is pie pi-red be the origin" r on the Ju.t.y celeurated Coe's Ceuta Balsam. Me. Coe has never prepared a medicinal article tor noble and at n•rat ose bat want has Stool the atroogest tests. and has mwaya bora., the palm of • !clot y over every ol..ase It Las hen certified to core. Nita you who are sugemng from dys,rp.la., Indigestion; nausea, •Ickbeadsohr, cholera mat... dysentery, and general debility of .bole system. try but a elsgle bottle? We wilt never urge eon again if we Mb In tots ca. , . Our Own knowledge of its Merge the united testimony, of aliteho Lae eve, tried it, th e FABISt Or =N' ACRES. Two toWee above MeXcespor, on the telfougl. river. The Co onellarllle BeProud passe. through It. Fare on tall If CODED per dip on rasp and cum - trate going ,up or down. or 4:7 per annum. Schedule of time ono boar from toe city, TVs farm will be sold cheap, or MILLDAM' on a CUD hula for I.PrOred cloy property. to whole or In part pay =tot. Inquire of STEEL Ss WILSON, Itnoxras MIVILZAL 0071T11 AORATO.. no. 00 Mltheeld BLitt. • CJaUnuaATION—.CIi6CLOS T— K On dated Wednesday N. , ry N0.05, Dee. 31101. keflo. di men by elfiTet a on the Plt Wreath Naito:sal lian• of Comment , lo favor of it. FAT mitg g Gig tor ktilt IT, and smoked 0 , 4)D. by J. C. CUDDY. ...secant C,.hler. rho gojim rc hereby cauiloned 00110 receive field cheek. as pay. •ent thereof has been atopped• The Ander will be suitablyresaided by leaving It at the Elanklag House of it. PA !MOIL a CU., trio. 40 Flab at. jas TS plenor BOWMAN IN- MJTE, A COLLEGIATE PCHOOL VW YOUNti LA• 7.11fd. NO. 112 0 KANT IrfltEe r.— , be duties of tale Nehool will tn. resumed en MOND aY. the 7th ...taut, at No. 1111 Grant eeeee t. 7he hooey has aeen e •nnentably and our .le-commode. lion. bettor Iner.dwed, we are prepared to reee.ve an ststuuosi pasubei of pupils.' • few boarding purl!. will he tab O. ).3.r1; lieu. E. J LItAITRIS. /lector. FOR RENT FOii BENT, No. 53 'LARUE'!" ETRZEE. Nowoctopled by the north National Book, JOHN WAY, JA., FIZTA rewleklelsllle... FOR lIENT, I LUGS TIIREBSTOBIBBICK BUILDING, On Chancery Lane. In rear of Fourth National Hank. is suitable for manunacturtnn or aoraaa. JOHN WAY. Ji Berrlckleyvllle. QOM • FOR RENT, ", • - • STONE ROOD 2:0. 60 MARX= STREET: I[ooll6 SUITABLE YORIDNOLE GENTLEMEN !ALAS ROOM, tECOAD FLUOR 01 81,1 MLR. ENT STREET:. OFFICES ON 7 BIND AND NAURU' Inel. _ J. M. 't• •LZAkI. La AU', It .. 1.1 Onua sweet. = TO LET, Third and:rourtgliories, Ur BLACIL , S 01P/0S BUILDING. Mimeos Way, third door below Bend etrert. AypN to p. BLS. E3lll NEW ADVER JADES T. BRADY & CO., Wheeesurra to B. Jones & C 0.,) Corner Fourth and Wood W.,. BANKERS & BROKERS, .ORAL= IX ALL KINDS OP Government Securities, Foreign Exchange, Gold, Silver and Coupons. OULLECTIO3O made on all seceetlble palate to the United Mates and Canadas. Interest allowed on Time Deposits. ANNOUNCEMENT. AN 01711E1* MATERIAL lIEDUC TION LN PRICE OF FAMILY NOPPLIES, SE LDS & BOUCHER'S, 108 Smithfield Street, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE• Just Recofieda Lot of Choic9 GENUINE HUI CUM, AND A FEW BARRELS OF LOVER ING'S WHITE imrrs MIMS SKATES! SKATES! SKATES! r HATE IIECEIVED MOST OF MY STOCK, and offer to the Tnsde a selection from 5,000 PAIRS OF VARIOUS RAKES Before purchasing elsewhere, call and examine my Stock, as I can OFFER DEALERS SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS JAMES BOWN, No. 136 Wood Street. .1!f/S. B. RAJ. -111.. TH. ICICAJL BC LTTLIZ. BARR. }MAKE & BUIIIER, ' Biitconors to WAXICLINIC BARR, No. 12 St. Clair Street, PUtsburgh EMECIEI Pianos, Organs, And Itusidal goods gruerallyi 1131—dola Agenta for the Celebrated BRADBURY New York, and BUDDY/LUKER A (AA. ragAuel Ala, BAUD Auw carer .11, CO.'S ••COTTAGE." and S. D. & H. W. SIIITIPS ••AYEILICA.ti•• (SWANS. sad TILTII\•d PATIENT 0 UITAII. • . The Ipeot !Wish had (term. Vlothi wad Gnlthill String, ha. u017:6:43 FOR CIMISTMAS PRESENTS. New Style Ottomans, Large else, with Cl:Ouse Colors. made of remnant. Of nest 10. - Mott and Velvet Carpets. The cbespeAL molt durable and most eiegant ankle of I • ear.lcoi• 11.ursaltairc. To be round. Merin fArtured >f n6l rota only by our ee/ver. Alrel.her oryl es of 4 oiwurOa2AATs fin hand. of ea salen fehte.l2 Peet , edetV et Pat tern.. end for eery low at the Carpet Clore or NoFANLAND - & • COLLINS Nos. 71 and 73 Flflb Street, .s.‘, door above Dbpa, Bonding, *trona n. del - - ROBERT LEA, .1 1 / 1 11CFACI or STEAM ENGINES AND 'BOILERS Freight Hojters AND • TAGACITCIO.IFI. .13197426 - X1011319 fii - Caatlair. or all deacriptlaos awl. la order. of Fine and Ferry HI r Ja.ltrel 1 . 177.411rAG11, 1.4. J. F. STARK & CO., . BANKERS, Confer of Wood and Third Streets, 3131712" .416.2 4 07 D /ISMELIT6 I\ITZD SThflS 6093, GOLD, SILVER ANICOLPONS, Draw Ylase sad Hata RII I. M Szehaara au ENIMAND. /HANDL I:YUMAN Y, ITALY. ac. daia:paa:ws GHEAT ATTHACTIOII3 6RE4r BEDIICiTOM XII a C 7 C 7 MIL -o C 7., 131 WOOD STREET. Ask especial attention to the EXTREMELY LOW PRICES. • Theyue claming oulaa elf. stock of LADIES' PURE. CHARCOAL FOR BALE, By the 100 or 1,000 Illisbels, lequire At NO. 66E11711 I..TREE'T UZZI pIANosS PIANOS! !—Aii entire new meek et 104.4112: (.3).4 CI AMIS. widen am now tomloered the beat made: Mao RAIN Bltull. WM/WIWI El/ FIAIMM. Price tram PM uwar. renona In wa ol ore r. p .oect d rolly Invited tunt a Mat. call and exa lam mluePlano before porcbming alliewbere citeuzarrE fLQIIC,. de:l 40 fifth atteett VISCIAP)IILiKEIts 150 MILS, STRAINF.D ROSIN Yur .sly by ALEXANDIft Kllif 122:1 No. 1%1 elm street & moszn, Aust.asixTancrws, 14.171 T AB9OCIeTION RIDLeeINO , N 00.7 sod ST i • CL•[RsTRLS?, rrrreutatan, PA. Opre sl ot * cotton gloom to publicrsini, bollthog oeCoatt Ilototo sad OutiOlogo. I'ARELNG IRONS, STENCIL MATES AND BEIVSBEZio Tor U. B. inspector., fs We by JAMES SOWN Ile Wood street. $20,000 TO LOAN OH NW: ZOTATIO. Io Lllegborty couoty, la sumo to molt. Anrly by lotuer,_or porsob, to . Jo.con OLOtION/O , Islobr LI& roartbotTl L TOMMY Vllllc6..—Coach Makers , Oman olae. Jots roorarod a toll boo rtmout No& I. II and I. Tbo belt The tbo mortar for Comb blabOrOaobool• bl $lO J Allllll5 nowN, Ile Wool Meet. NEW ADP-Kiri-I.cm AO. A LARGE artica MANSION. re. modeled. with all modern convenience,, to eednyorto order. WITH IVA ACMES OF GIIOrND, lour mtnntesi arajk from a station, six awes from . thoritr, on renneyiranla Badman, tor we, Appy' ot 3•1.2.79 110 ItS9T OTREFS. NOTICE. . ?WE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE •+, 19ockholders ort h• STANDING 811.15,E. /LED W EST of YET.- ()LEM! CO., will be bald at. the ultra of ROBERT HOBS. 93 Diamond rteet, on TUESDAY. January IA, 1917, at lOo'cloet Ja9:63xarr WIE.LIArt F. BOISE, Secreta ry, NOTICE. • THE 'ANNEAL MEETING OF THE 13tociholdere of the LITTLE X AMATO MA AND RUNNInO nt'olAti PKTFOLAUM COMPAIit wlll be hew et the °Mee or oOBERT 6IBtI, 47 Diamond st, et, on /13E81/AY, January rol. At to o'clock A. r. ' , 119.rn:ttor WILLIAM F. •ItOBB, Secretary. prticEs DEDUCED. CLOTH BACQUES For •t Lox Pricer, WHITE; ORR & CO., N0.,26 Fifth Street. .11% P171113'011 IT.. WATT. s C chno RAILWAY Cu.) OSke of the Sterotary, hare rIT1511111:011, Dec: .721, lett. TM) Gila tioAnnre regular OF DITIECTORO day declad a dividend Of aIRS PElt CENT., free of Government tax. on their Capital block, and semi-annual tileideadof PER CENT.. lest Government tan, on the Third Mortgage Bonds, payable on ana after the JIRO of January, 1557. at tho , ottles of Vtnslow, Lanier t Co.. 27 and 29 Pine street. to these registered at at New York, and at the office of the Treasurer, to thaseregmered at Plurbargh. • 7be Trenafer Books will close on the 20th day of December, 9 o'clock r. 31., old Irill , re-open on 1 he 57th day ofJanuary. 10117. • laa:rEtF. M. H UTCHINiON, Secretary. GREAT REDUCTIONS IN,II -) RICES or BOOTS, SIMS 11ND GAITERS, AT THOMAS H. PHELPS', 46 SthithfLeld Street. rlletnrec.i Mini nod Fourth NI . !elite Z. ISTUICItheat.... C. ti. 110{LCIXth. IRON CITY - SPICE HILLS, • PIFTII STREET EXTENSION, • :Year Penney/rotten ',venue, PITTSIJURGII. P.l. • • 'PURE SPICES AND MUSTARD, Warrsetcd when oar name !son the Article. YPEBH GROUND CMENNIEAL and LITE FLOUII momently on Lend. cuFEr.r. AND (MOUND NETS ROASTED promptly: • We mottectnehr intorno the public teat we will thuttnue the manufacture of all the DIFYILUENT Kt • Its aIatiCICRO, which we otter to Wholesale and Retail Dealers at tee lowest market pilot. Imthe to deal tale. we gullelt th e Patronage oOa potato. OAITF:I2. for:Berl, of the. Congress pow MM. will be Need at the whore mill at all hews to at .and to the wants of customers. CaUP Pelt PEED constantly on hand. NTRICILLER & 3iOILLEDGI. dcMvl7s • S H E . P H AR D'S CRACKERS • !lAA crAtiT nzu AT 317 Liberty Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. w: WRY IMPORTANT NOTICE TO THE C 4 PITAL PRIZE, $30,000. Mr...1311LaX• 4 2 , 11S Grand North American Prize Concert. Read what the eldest.* Preen Sap "rem ro t e . in,. ltmet.3 Nonni Awantr as Concenr.—a mon/ the nest eft en terptly• ever muomeoecd to Chiefly. WA/ that of Me,.?.. A. A. Kelley A Co.. which bat been perpeal fn} more Man three years past, lon Mauye, the tu moat perfect littirfacclon. lime are to.ldge by the eiten.ive boirolitY accorded IC They are the proprietors of the ••North American t Crito Concertextrunlveiy advert red In aod ether Dauer+ and endorsed D 7 some of the best burble. Mom In 'this ...miry. From what we know of hie. K. Rey, we me po,ltlve that boreal. •do the future aa In the deal fairly slid hon. orably with all who tat v •tock In Ills enterprise. • :From the Chlearo Journal.: • • HOLLEY a Cu.,. later if•flaral ea,—Th Chicano etolort tlio gin enterprlre bottoms In Chicano was tre orm of A. A. belle, Co., located at 100 Randolph strict. Who doer not remember their Wee. whlce r petted two or three years ago, wile.. Aare. POrchnred bOok. And other articles. and were io look, 'kr en nod with their porebates Iteketa I hem to valuable gifts of Jewelry*, other torten. T hen. ans of cereal.. were them fortunate. sod t have the best evidences toot Mem.. nether Cu. alwayt perform MI they pre:rare: that they me nee.raria men and do host • net* totiorsoly and on uar Time lard to Aeari the Premien) Aunt,e CON. CEltr to be given at the Wabath runt, Chicly, Illinois. NATUHDAT, JAM:ARV 20, IMI7 this Ir the tirrairel liisiribution of the Nines tvonth 'rotary...l most saervsaful enterprise of me Modever Insornratad In the world. 930,100 Vivi.UABLE rained at • .111.1 - Lao3l hi. Arts, 11300.10 g 10100,000 lIREENDACKS. arlll,be prrainttil to ticket bolder.. A SPECIAL ICOTICE TO THE PEOPLE. Tne proprlatera of this grand enterprise bare /Mat pleasort In beltur arm to Inform the aobscribs ere loatielr Concert that it la on au as one. eels. Wit or I O.WO ticket, lusted, only 00,1:0 rev mem ...void. The proprietors Jo not wish to hold a single tletet wren the concert tate. place, as It might emote Masstlafactlon among our patrons, I the re•ore have been to Lime to JANUARY .610.1667. whencompelled eatend It wilt pofture. lee to tale place without soy further postpo.rneet. Fore rears we oar-been engaged In the glft hos sines., and we point with pride to the lapel/M1.30 we ii3T6 wanlor, honestv, sod Integrity Many of the prominent cl Dace, of Chicago wpl Sr wltness to the .tatemer•t that we Owe never ntadia any protoMes to the public that w e h.O not sacrdely feigned. and we rercr to the leading bankers and merebauts ol New York. Phliadel pale. Boston and Uhlmann for our charaettir Inr fair bootleg. 01.110 of all opposition and evert obstacle. We Prolualepare the pO6llO tthds North .° ll ° the prises auvertlavd will be dlltritmlen ' tiaty, tuts partially ardor Ititout re serve. The pi of drawls:Ls adopted la the following, Duplicate numbs. from I to ar),Wo are placed in • we We first ntscabsr drawn oat tate* the M 0.% .% prise, he nor the second blithest raise, and so en until the wholeM.ooopda. art drawn. We advise all parties wanting tickets to send for t h e m pa t s Once . t d All l on. .order s for M ama wilt be line • bomber of Tickets Issued 300.000. 1 4 11.111 E. 01.00 X&4.111. • Erery Other Ticket Draws a Prize. LIM In Urcell I,acko $ 5 54 15 0 10.000 5 COI 4,00 1,(CO 2,000 Mow 10,1. 1.0.0 61,0nDeach btO . Pt/ " 00 .. I GG Residence in Chinese qao 10. G' Pianos, Chicago, eau/ each • • -40 .• tido each 30 10 ^ Melodeons, am each S, We 100 GG Fanny each OX/ GG (luld Watches. 41100 each, lo.ooo MO G. Laelea• tient Watches . MOO 20.00 010 •• Sillier 11 - etches, seas each 1.1.1100 KO .•G Shiver Watch... aid teal 10.00 111013 other Mita worth VIM CO) The distribution will take NM, after the concert. whore 01 1 .• CO pers.ns can witness It. A committee 111 oe optimist. st by tie/ e t hot deo; to take charms of the 051110. •11 seems and nominees. will be Tipp:l+lth a correct Mt of the awards as soup es IGrtgtf 'tickets, el each. Scot by mall of receipt Of Sao, •tatl , rot return Roth... Evory Other Ticket Draw, a Prize. • OPEC/IAL TEllId Olt CLUB RATES. An• party procuring a club of Owe or more names for tickets, and sending us the money tot the maw, will be aslowed the following commission. We will 1 ticket. to one Mill, SG for $ 4 AO to tickets t o ot , address fur Is DO tickets tot address fur .50 Send the name of each subscriber and their Post o..ce add - tees, with town. county and Kale la full. moor? to draft, l'Oet OtlaCO order, ea prow, or In reel treed letters. may be nut at our Mt.. Every Other Ticket Draw. a Prise.-4 The ellipses of Chinas. who know A./L:71.14y &Co. have coulldenc4 - 1^ teen . honor arid Instsrl. Vie re: ' ergs :I ' g: ' r i rsif?is ' ll he ti; Wlllo n' llit I cm:times:idler Kelley Coacen. to th: Tappan, Meliallop & Co.. Commercial Age licY. Chicuo: Lott:. Wanorg, rittle paper dealer, itifiV9l4ll=lrifiturloa. pfasarti er gli n it 111=m1MICalleal Camila Do aliened to . !A. A. KELLEY & CO.. Po. 103 Randolph N creel, Chleoreall• 06:r 6 QUARTERLY STATERE.VY OP TEM MECHANICS` !CATIONAL BANK OF PITTE. 11138011 PirrEcncli. J. :O. 1.9;7'. ES= loans and Dlitoants ' $ 311.14 02 11. n. Bonds to eeenns Nat. C1rc43.... 15Z0,(03 03 11. S. Mattson band ..... P 3.000 CO cnher U. S. Precultles on band . 3211,403 CO Due by Ban2a and Banker ' 6,7:0 C C 1 Ins I Lrna 4' • ..... 7.633 Se _ ender Not/10 and Specie 210.= 03 Taxes and =pens. • ' 2.703 41 MEMO Capital tale cpo.jtatlYn DYe 1"41171:41.1'17.: j o h.!,:j , g ed ta b t ,m2 ms LA comet totti7elfo 3 fty cud JOHN G. E. , •. nTr!:', Cnsider. emowarlbed ben r• me. _J A4.I3 . Notary rating, DUARTEIILY REPOIIT OF THE `-", EXCHANGE NATIONAL. BANN OF YITTS. BUMP'. Jul. 16C, u ' m4 Note Bon di ill Discounted U. B. depoilted to secure Clr c . 9 . lstlort.. ..... so t o ,o x, u Bondi . aenostted to U. ti.:74Xli, " topicluereltepor. EOOOOO I INOSO in - 4.140.1n0 co other LawfVfouni ...... Ot • t oon) ling '. or to ..303 CO CirentstlititNotesof Rate Hunks Reralti.soci Cain Item. Due by Bank. Real .nitate Tennant! ripen., and other 70.4 . 4 60-- no% , :J 9 ,14403 0303 6,571 National toc Circulation. Staid do Individual Depocite... ...... 771,4c0 In Coded Males I)eposlts 91,101 q -17.:T lo Due to linksA 17,174 33 Saratoga 377,714 70 I certify thit the above le a comet abstractjor the res.^rt =deo.* the Comptroiter of Cerrency. U htlizrsl H. DI. MUBJSAY. Cuhler. QUARTERLY DEPORT TIIiRU NATIONAL BANK OF FITTSBILIIGII NO3 DAT 3101lNING, Ju. itb, ==! ?inlet and BIM Memo nled ) =Oen = U.S. Bonds 1411,030 00 Ennt.l4l) 11ouse and Furniture ' MR* 07 Taxes and Expenser 41= G 3 Premium, an Bonds and Interest on Con. on Notes P,171 RI Remittances Sad Cash Items 45,512 47 Due from Danes 170, 460 4) Legal '1 ender and /eat. Currency.... .114 540 CO =ME Capital Stook 200.003 00 elmtattoo r.5,31S al Dn . Mends Uopald' 1,440 PI Coottoreot rood and Earnings.. .. M:3l it: Itoa to lank. sod Bookors.B 'A,11.7 31 Ma U. H. Troasusor 70.^1.0 30 Doe Depositor/ r.s,su CC ;1^01390 JOHN ➢. LIVFNGSTOIV:fItaIeT: 13TH QUARTERLY STATEMENT. OEM MST NATIoXAL DANK OF PITTSBURGiI Pirrsnrxon, Jan. 70., LSC RESOURCES. Loam and Discounts.-- .......... _.51,15.43. n United Mates Bonds i lOOX CO Due Rota Banks and Banters LT.E.9 0 1 e . ea1 . e . :11 , 411.A.1 Tender Y0ke5....... .4 : 913 13 . NotesorOolvent7tate Banks. La tO Cub Berns and Remi tt ance. %Mt M Real Estatev 2;000 CO Lapel.. 4.9:1 II Capital Stock 1604060 00 Due Individual Depositors 534171$ C Duo Hanks and Bank Cal l ed Stites.. 1.1 61610 Dot Treasttrer or the States.. 134610 50 Circulation .164000 03 COPUDICO: rood and Profits... :14130 I hereby certify that the fez: fleeing Is I tree at.. 'ran from the Qmerterly. Iteport to the Coeoptro/- er of the Currency. JOHN D. SCULLY, Cubler. QUABTEIILT STATEMENT AOPLES• NATIONAL BANK Or PITTS BUR GB I= Qin Net. and blas 11U.:mated $ PC 747 SO . 8. Seenritles.... 1044 . .077 .0 Heal PAtzta anti Banking Haute fixtures .Ht 07 Lawful *may - 114).1 11. n k 1. , ate. 1 1. 1 4% e?7l o trVg C""' 7:::: , ~1tg4.1a1i............ 1 Expensea .7....i0 sl Tour LIABiI 'TIES. Capital Stock... Don ... . .... Cirma Due Depositors Dividends thspal I - Das p to Banks, Bers. 20 norins land anitant Total $1.171,613 21 / haeth7 ee-etl4 that the above to a true abstract from the qaarterty report to the C emotrollerot the Cue eeeJ• 1. Y. IJOHLION. Cashier. QUARTERLY REPORT ALLEGBENY NATIONAL BANK OF PITTS BUROtI. rtrrsavacn, J.. :th, LW. AETS. Notes and USD DiscoSSunted SG:7s4S4 Gil United. mates Hoods Deposited to Se cure Larenlntim ' ' '5011,070 CO IL O. Hoods. 0!...0n and 7-50.1.......... 100.40, C.? Specie sad other Lawful Money Circolating Notes of National Baits . 1_ .7 " . ..jiT0 to litreolatlng Notes of State liwsks . ID 00 cash Items 41,741 ri4 Due by gaols 115,.. 41 Heal hilate C.,6e. Id =ME Capital Stock National Circulation State Clrculktlon Indlelduul DePueDo Div Wends unpaid.. Purrlas Fund Due Su Vaulters /certify that the above It a the obstruct of lb la/el/mut made to the Comptroller of Currency. yaa.rs2 It. W. JACKET, Casbler.. QVAILTERLY UEPOUT OF TUE IiECOND NATIONAL BANE OF JILLEGIIIC.Nr. =2 ME! .Nollei and Discounts or ..:s4 51 United Wales peewit! 191,003 00 Cash •ceonad i a7.71/1 15 neat Estate :5.0.0 00 . Expenses and Taxes 142 610 Va• Rom Banta and Bankers ...... ... 3,943 CS _ _ .. ---- s6ll,tEt C LIAZILITIEN. Capital Stock DACCO CO etscutottoo JISAOO CO Dtvidcods onpald =a co ProAU sod Earntoga 11.056 Put torn Banks too 8anker5.......... 00 Depotlto Burplmo Dust 17.417 id 1017.183 C • ja.Str6l J. N. DAVIDSON. Cashier. QUARTERLY STATEMENT CEEMI = I=2 OEM= Loaua and Dlseonnt. .3 490,793 71 U. S. floods and Securllle• 671,600 00 Sloe from Ilutkesed Bankers 93.139 73 , m . c .i,,aad yoga Tender 13 0tca....... 117,103 71 Nattonal Currency 31.= CO Note. of Solaro 7 Slate Bask. 771 00 Vaal Items. .1.0 and Lot 7 7.(431 m Hooking Moose 1 MI 11 Eapensca 1.611 35 IMIB1G=! Capttal Stock paid le $ 350 4 0 3 00 ti. Indtvidnid Deposita:lo4.2o6S 32 ne Tress's. United !tat., 79,590 ni ISC,S , 6 70 nto Botts and Bankers - 3:0 Go Ctretalellon .« 312,0E0 00 Dividends uslonid 1,04 on Contingent 700 d and rronts az co g on The above Is • tree abstract front the Quarterly Report to the Comptroller of the Currency. Istacb " J. P. ILIMIXEII, Osehter. QUARTERLY. STATEMENT EEEMI ONION NATIONAL DANK or PITTSBUROIL PrnsOuLou. January 7, liei. =MT! Notes and Bills ntsenanted 6 31:4.11 wigggnrd'lU X."'" L'o3 co 10 Oncedrafts MSS Pt VIUSti ftfdr. '1111 4 11,11 - . 111... ...4,73 1,1 va,as sad Cub itentiss—s.e.s. =JOS al ." 1 " 4536) . CaPita 5 tila $ rAO.4 ca ' ''PhularieLyst 3,, , mu ,$ 7311 MI . miArti4A.........." Saty 4 a , $l , ha ta DO D OS TEGr.••• •••• • .••••••• 17,:a 3 . all WU sa an. catti y Loa% tba &ben 841 got Slat JI COMM 10 110 b.t. of my kucarlediro Mall a" Vl. t 'oinTE, C.tdor. QUARTERLY REPORT SECOND NATIONAL BASS OF PITTSUCEGD Netts and Bills Discounted Real Estate. Duelties aad axes. y Husks usd Bankers R L irr U litatetetieturltlas... 131=1111 Capital Stal, cletulation Due Depeeltors T.Tupeld Dividend.. leurplus and Prollts S ."*.0 001) 437,71 03 0.331 00 24. X/ 18 14.C.1 34 33,413 50 6.401 C The shore le s correct al.tract (ruin the Report to the Comptroller of Currency. 555 rno C. Q. BIGGS, Cushier. QUARTERLY REPORT CITIZENS • .NATION . ALTIANTORPITTOICRnII ASSETS. Not es and inns Discomted..... 6 4il,T.a ro U. It. Bonds deposited to secure Clx Other United States Securiti Bleeds Legal Teed.. otes National Beak Note !State hank Notes ractloo al Currency and Cents 7"I Itemlttances and other cash 3.,:cia 51 true Natl./nal Backs M asi S Taxes and Expenses 2,001 35 Real Estate and Hood !fort , ages..... 011,14: . . LIABILITIES. 41.672.111 53 Capital Stock $ NA 070 eV..a.* ou CO National Oren!aline Plate Cizen!alien ENNA PO Individual Deposita . Dleideuda 413plia '' ' ********* ......•• *59 . , : A 1' 444 s o3' EV. Due to Banks and Bankers L Earnings' 115,603 67 sq mow •ST:7 - 03. — F00 — ta 600, , C0 CO 99,683 00 iii,=.lll of I certify that the above la a trim abatract trot lire,terly report mode to the Comptroller of tb ry lag . MM • al EARTERLY STATEMENT OF ". EDE lIERCIIANTS. AND TIANUFACTUE ERN' NATIONAL BANK OF PITTSBUINM. Jan. ;di, leer. Capital Stock ' LIA 500,0ira CO .11.4. D`k Circulation, (State 1) . 0) n,5 ;2. 'National Dank .Circulation 1:3,1(1 Oo Due Depositor. 4-"A.lai 13 Line ether.... ............. Disidenda Unpaid-- Mr2l • /Wilt. and Earning. 3e1.870 as V..1.7t.13G la ASSETS. Notes and Bi oosllse Ditcoonted $ 572,191 NI 11.Y.Ing n :1,17 60 U. S. tiorernatait Securities 50,9(0 DO Specie and Legal Teuder N0te5 ...... WA. 307 _O3 Nat. Cant Note+ and fractlonal Car. Cotattd Doe by other thanks 71,5t0 10 Interest on U. a. Sororities • 110.C.r..14 I errttly flat the above It a correct abe L'.. tract from Quarterly Report to Comptroller of Currency. ItO ed JOHN OWTT , Jo.. Castat r. {1 ,651,373 7C STATEMENT OF TIM CONDI DITIOIN OP TEM ITTTSBII3OII BANE. FOR SAVI2aIB. Detember pall • LIABILITIES. Capital litock 1 hue Deponten COEtlngeatlllnd Hli olliee Fixtures-- Cub ' • The undersigned, Auditing Conunittee, respect fully report that they here examined the nook and AMU, Of thG Bank and And Ape above gat mint to be correct. JOHN kCOTT. MEI DI i y i ID s f i Iig n IC ATI IHIMINGR AM AND an CO.—The Prulaent d Directors of this illorml DOi fr Adend or Cl=l ONE DOLLAR ANDY/MY CENTS PEE SIXABY • Out of the earatori or the last its month.,t forthwith, at C.o..wee,__MUlfli Co,,l_4ttoo " : r iona7S EDIVAJID MOTs, Tx eibareP: • PI OBST NATlONALDirectors BANK OF TTISBUGill.—he of thls Bank hare ltda day declared T a quart.rly dividend of 17=1 I= oat of tbe profits, payable fortlml lb, free of Sts pr U. S. taxes. J. IL SCULLS. Jaaaia . Garbler. - • 111V1DEND. urrica or tuns.' Plrienra d no. January 7. 1567 : g:The ripaill of Dl r. ejo . tis tht s s Cc i maty t tit.o t kl ir s arP f,1: 1 o t ra O r f Tire jolt blx months, plun on and Ib4 v tgitt i t , e . 14tisgskER. • IMO, .N.WrioN^S. BANK. AILLOHENT, Jaanary 2d. ISG7. TUE DMECTOBS 4 IF THIS BANK InTe deciue4 t dividend of 1312 (e) PB6 CZ.151%. On the Capital Stork, out of the of the lut 7lx mouths. payable on and after Monday. January th. ttn7. J. hi. DAViDBON. 1.73.38 Cashier. NASIONAL BASE. Pirrtncactr, Januar7 241, 18 , 17. A DIVIDEND OF lux ITU VENT., 54000.003 3013.003 to 411,440 4 to 00 4.13 /3 349 9 31 F of Gorenmen t Tax, mill be paid on and Atte TUESDAI, the Btl, Ja:l7 JNO . G. Ya ETlN..Cubler. ATIONAI. Bin./ VITT.OIO.GII, January , 11, q TIE BOARD OF DIRECITMB 0 lids Bank have declared a dividend el ' SIVE. PER MST. . On the Capital Stock, oat of the ;treats or the last six. months, payable forthwith, free ofOorernment • •H. .11.60SILY. ilatrn tleallter. • • 11.111C/LCCTB ec BANK. nrTeam DIRECTORS. BOARD OF OF 1 1 111 rallnak bars deCland a dlvldontlCt a3miara • • on the Capital Stook one of the prodU of the last dIY. moat W,. Payable forchwttb. free of United nate. Hoeentratot Tax. )alen JOHN SCOTY. J... Csabler. OFFICZ Or IlLel'lOrtslo tvatrwarca ro., rirreort um Jimmy 4811, 1867. THIC A NNUAL ELECTION FOR TWELVE Mitten/11S et this e:vent . will he held at the older ol th e CoIADNY. 00 MONDAY. the 14th d 47 or J.oory. 15t17. ',etre,en the hour"( of 101. Y., Mid: F. X. .W.M. F. 11/LEDNER, J•I:7Z lierfttry. D=:l DIVIDEND. A 4llll6" NVlViiilltagLlVFM:::lll4't Ws ant declared a dial end of. .1500,0p0 ea • 4:16.60 , W • 4447700 • 477,K: 7.1,534 Tsi . 171 Us El 13.01 - ea EIGHT PElt CANT, or Four Dollars per share. out of the profits of tia last Mx mouths, parable forthwith. lat.tpF. b. IllehEr.L. Treasurer. • 1./7111C7...122.7G1arirr 7,lsPnalacr.Couro2:7, Crirsatinall. Jam 2d, 124". ...a mi tyEILECTIO Election for. Twelve Diors i Company, to sery• 37 vine alr e e e t, Pt wnogb ,h e on SaONDAY. ' JNan -00071410, 164,bedweekthaboors o ELL., 10 A. Si..lt aud U. O hEL 2.1:222 C. D Idectetary. CIEZECI 4F7ItL OF IBM ALLSOILLNT VALLZYS.. U. CO., CCITSMJUGU. J•lnnoT.lst FIRS T NOTICE TO HOLDERS OF MORTGAGE BONDS OF THE ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILROAD COMPANY.—The Alleghe ny, Wiley RaHread Coutra4 betel., glee notice flat they *AI redeem the The nth. Mortrage ' flonds of the Co. Within two years Iron tbls 'date. In 34:cordon with the prorlshone of the mortgage given to at cere the Pa• meat of mid bowls. • By order of the Board of Managers. 3a3:r13 WILLIAM PHILLIPS. President. 33 0 rtigr 1 W anErs- V 40 , 11:7Mt. HOLIDAY GIFTS UNTIL T i n HATE EX MIMED ut China &Bohenilan Fancy Goode, roslseLs By. RICHARD E. BREED, Pio. 100 Wood Street. dell 32 to3zr.axticcoALT...„. ANTED— the delleery oTtICIPITIACT FOB 7 TO 100,000 BOORELSCILIRCOAL, Doting the coming season. Delleery to commence Lt to 15th April next. apply toot minces: MOORHEAD &.00.. 99 Wafer Sired. dermetawr • I:= MONUMENTS, GRATE STONES Vaults, Fountains. Statuary, Vases, DESIGNS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, T. BROOMS, • EMIT RCA. Jr., No. 286 Eli,,initlyrente street. - aireitelag.grt". , I k o tlanarrels Mow 1.64=11,„„„ 6 In bands WANTS. • WANTED --By a gentleman n 13,9 T ba.l Cul •mple ex parlance. • .1411114011 CA:MIER OR 3300E-11.‘KrEE. Sect of references gleers. Wonhl 1,,e tor travel for a ...aft turia.c hue,. lal , :rta Address Y. Y. 7... Gazette *Tee. WASTEI), • 1 C3t3 rirrsei7loli, Salutary 7th, 19; UESOrECES.' Sllttation as NIG irr SCA TCll3fAl'ito a gOOsloasi tablistmezt, ty young an of moral baths, Good refecoof co eirety A d dr e ss thpngb Po.t ottir, sa , ,,cr , . fI%KT. _J as 2r ,. . ) so.st:Soslttotold woe!. .4 r 6,6.11 sa 1140011 00 i M 7 . 1.?. 161.:62 13.261 61 XO.OlO WANTED-100, 1.000, • 10,000 urn tote i l .911REVift , GAS GE!. &TOR, which can he arttacted to any tamp. mates - the Mat galls/14x In existence from common o 1. ronren hint as a candle; will no: Mo. o it. Must rspolly mil. article oat. retaiiina at 41.10. AgeistS Chhalls Moneys selling tt with tight to tie It. J. C. Mi ST. CLAIIt BTS4/11:... TI LTrI.I'N Jai ITNiAm 21.. 2. WA .7 NT = JI d , T :O . -:- . l l tr r t i l:_itiiLt g e ,. s .,, tLL ,. iter • momently In bottoms rwinittog , iialcitaimi4 twines, correspondence. .A 0 01 p . 1 1 i1,2L7 , reference, o llh ai.fe.,i (o i r . _44: 51 . 7 U na c s a a • 99 Grant eereet: rittsiburgis, =I On . 1 4 .4.440 . J0..16 47 .3 0 31,)33 al =EI Et= AGENTS WANTED—THE _BEST' CHANCE YET..—A WorN of /Ilutorleal Value and hi 04..4 Importance. The only Wendt on our Nary Ott In tLe Ovid. agents and no COMMWiIt.. I. Press. PA t.llall UT i) (Wit NAVAL. CON -IlAie Iltilth e by lion. T. IIE iDLEr. tlngulshed Author and lilatorlan. In one hand tame :end at once for Wm. and territory.' dire, ,t. L. TALCUzi, drnaph) , DC Market :deem., rittehumh. Ca- A GENTS WANTED BY THE EU A SEWIN(/ ft , CHINE (71.111CA:IY to tisaneedr NSW hiACIIINE., W leather from paper to heavy Leaver cloth. with out change of feed, no:Weer ten... belt-Quoting prea.re (Dot newly designed four motioned I.PSDX/17ZZD. d Address. enclosing star., lt. CALL .0 CO., Ihnwcl:C r. .i 313. 71h, 1,6 •14,0") 01) n.. 103 6.1 135:./1 la 5.1h5 03 AGENTS WANTED TO SELIV THE CIIILDIttC.Vz ALBUM:. PICTURES AN eTOMES. Wri , ten ad compiled hy Rey. AbA BULLARD. The Book contain. a :gest Portrait of the author, more than ono hundred ptobree. and Atetiv printed anti Wend, and latest It:vase aU tae Chit- Andres, W. J. k. LAND t• CU.. • debt:vire No. 73 Third St.. PltistrAreit ANTED—AGENTS—RIAILE.Li D D YEMALE—In every part of Western YerUl• wyttanla for the tine beenteti Emmet/Ines. PRAYER-AT VALI.) , I PURGE." — "THE JIAIVEN'ti PRAT Eit,t` •••LIACOLN't3I.IO3I.E AT BPRANGFLICLIJ,' Either by the sooniti or on commission. Publisb ere rates 'P otter. for fail particulars apply, permit. or *shines. PARCH)CU... 13 Fifth street. Pittwburgb. BRADY, at., Cashier TOE Finn OF owEsa 66 KEN -L. NEM' have dt•eolvea panne:all?, Ulla as , . Persons ladebte.l to the a^ove drm • are hi i OCT no dded sot to many debts to atiVr;rT. bat Attorney at Law, Fifth dtrT.Ol. ESE . DISSOLUTION. THE FIRM I OF m. A. JONES & tbo lht Oar r. Decembe r. heal, by mutual consent, 211. A. JUNES !mishap put chased the Drug Interest of W. L. JONES sold Arm. The bash.es of the late arm will Lc settled at the aid attod, 295 Ltherly street, by either of the parties. 11. A. JONFA. • Wll. L. JONEe. •4 003 00 210.0 • 1.631 The unde..4ned, in retirieg from the flren6fll. A. JONESA would chtefluily recommend the new Arm to the favorable notice orbit friends. Is2;Cfr NHS. L. JONES. EN ASti.E2B, ...... 21 13.131 010 11,430 CO-5^01.422 13 D. E. 31cHIELEE. T113311'3, • THE FIRM OF SIOHIVER Sr. LA— ZKAIL was dissolved the alit day of De•seab .r. I5Cd by mutual cameos, h. r. lalanlVClthaslog Emspureersed the littera t •C J. will AZE I at d . The!, sloes. el the tem he settled the old stead of 5..4 L., 4 by I% Stfltsys . . - - SASI L. Y. 81/Ifl r. ER. • JASLE.I B. LA ZEAL: riTTSBLLEart. Dee. alst, ILL 4. FOLLANSBEE. . ROBERT C. SCHMERTZ NOTIPE.—COAILTNEILSIIIP.—The un derylened have tbh day enteted Into co-partner ship for the perpote of conducting the Wholesale Grocery. cr and Com Mallon BOSitlebi, at. Nos. %IT and ll elmli Wield wo, under the me and Gone Ti rt:Nc e' Eit cu. na new arm tenth< pitalSed tosee the frl lads and casts ners;orthe late elm era. L., as well as all others mattes harasses ofgooda to our Ilne riA‘l'L P. SA RIVER. JOS. W. SPENCER, J. al. IIOP/STOT. I I= . The undersigned , In retiring front the Armor bbrlver .t LotLott...would clacerlblLT recount:solid the now Orto Lo tbersTorabLe notice of Wm Wends. 113:01 - _ JAME, IL .I..AZT.A.g.. • CO-PARTNERSHIP. MCIDELISIGNED HAVIEVG itaseti the stock and machinery of the late FREDERICK AIIknCHLEM ANN, kayo on the drat . day of October. 184°. entered lotto partnership on der the style or HARPER, tiIITMAN R CO., for the nmaufacture of WAtiONS,tac., at the old ca w mb/Ished stands of Frederick Aemblemann and Thom. Harper,on Bearer street, Idanchestor, and tronldretpectrally aoLicl k a contfammee of the PatrOdaiite hitherto.° liberally bestowed. T HA ROS HER, A. ANTHONY P OE, num; ADAM AESCHELMANN. TILE CO-PAIITNEILSUIP 'TOFOIIE existleabetween las subscriber,. an der the firm oeTACK. ItatallEßS CU.. is day dimly - ea by inntnal conceat. - IJec. 71,-154e - . The undersigned have this diy formed a eo-part.. nership under the ermennte of TACK BEM. The style of,tlrm of gitlsenrelt House Witt be es beretofore, TACK, 800. .b. CU. A. H. TACK. T. E. TACK. 11-1;M: .latueatT let, ISC DISSOLUTION. THE PARTNERSHIP HERETO. CSIStIng bet Weer M. Ital.& Net B 5.d D. CHESNUT. under tee sole of 1/st.ANE & CHES. NET. sras dtssoltrd by =taus! eneseat on the Ist orJantutry. The beAness will he nettle* the old stand, 11 33 Liberty street, by either or the late Partners. Jal;r9 HILLERMAN'S liT AND FUR EMPORIUM. TS FILLED FROM CELLAR TO lota with 111C11 ASSWITSIENT UI. CiOODS, which t offered 14. I;mmL7r T-sCi'VNT PL.E:LTEI/9. LaxciLions , aract. C+oat's 3F° 'KY 1;1'w gr• , iSLEIGII & cAltillAfiE ROBES, Although preouMl wlth (6B ]tae of HATS AII7,I3CAPS, W/lOLESAI.E AND Itt , TAIL. =TTT No. 75 Wood Street. BEAUTIFUL PRESENTS MI 1-• I ICI .a. "Sr g 3, JUST UrENED la • EILIG-131C'S, No. 2 Wood Street A CHOICE ASSORTHENT OF CHINA AND BOHEMIAN VASEB °tam and rare clesigcs and styles; A atm lot of FABIAN • STATUETTES, LAVA WAITE, DECORATED TEA, TOILET, . . All of which le offered on the moat remoneble rate. arm TN THE MATTER OF THE ES , TATE Ur bCOTT, deceased: December Term, lee.. And now, town: December Istly UN. the Court appoint W. D. DODDERS, Andltnr'to distribute the balance In the hands of t➢e A elm'nts troves. Attests A. illt..txDS, Clerk. Br Tit ICCOUST the hude re lgeed . ..,tb7 notified. that Ail persons InterestOd et'h i th .. ....... 0 oft , ".."'"f r 87 Dram, ad atreet. tOP.ihthtent, at bit elle.. ,h, . 0 _ ......r. i 6...... .taherxh. on SATUttUtli... , . . , J_ ..n .te.d. ".." " . h2"7" Pw.-*n. ZODtiEnS Audltor. EIMMEI NEW PAPER HANGINGS. der OH PAILIATEZ—Irenth Degdm, cld Bon. A VN d lUALLS—Nerr Cirrek Patterns on Bed CUT r jr. . ra VC HA ands. s—Lara sad /calia Pattensoreukrn ForaleY W. P. ILAIISHALL. t 7 Wood street. GOOD - NEWS :YOB THE AF YLICPED. PATIENT tiLDICLVEN'ADEUGE, it low paean HIT I ONTS I =7IINgithIatM POWlCArli a l labng=l:l: And everything else In Droners/m:1:n, iiitOWNIISW USW STRE. • !Tx , No. U Clair Xtroot. JARED 11. nairsn, --- 1 U.A-NITTACTUELLII or Steam Boilers. OWorks, il Stills, Tanks, Sheet t; Iron atc. No. kunt ...2.rtv..nrinorunmatast. Pa. ==5M . E STATE OF JOll.lll T. MILD!" WZOLlSh.D.—Letters or...tdnantstrulon have tyeeo, ortate4 to the nr.etnigned. re2.103/1 hatir4 Ghazni 102 wesent Cour, end those todebtett nu DM' ihrtedlately - tERYS. 11. RAVI LTOS, 613 TIR6 tract , Pittstraph. 105=1 - Os Fifth Pt.rg et, lt , tcond Pipo r. Pittsburgh. l'a 0:14 odiDmirsi:7ltnelom DISSOLUTION DISSOLUTION. T . T. E. TACK. FEED. CHASE I= I=l BREAKFAST 6ND,DLNNER szrs. H. lIIGBY. Pompeian Patterns ort oraa El El