The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, January 09, 1867, Image 1

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At the litarle't Pat
In land* Wheeler - At. Sicr.
Ins Abichinereeslind the hlithest-sward—ell
the Ilitehtnetiot Europe and America in cont.
Petition.' "I'hls award hsa hikers teen 'made
wherever exhibited. You will make no mis
take In orderlng one no a bolulfiy girt to Into,
sister or friend. The:? eau be purehaned only
at smaller a Co's., el Fifth atrect.
Selling Off Lattice' Furs,
tho extenalre and 'popular flat, Cap and
adiu , Fur HOU/14 bt William Fleming, No.
I Wood street. Now l tho time to get bar•
gains, 00 we ore Jelling off all our Immense
stock of ladlea , luxe at a great reduction. in
order that we may ethic. out our entire etook
vs Named a Caisson's Cad Liver OIL
Thorniest and Sweetest Cod'Llver CM In the
world, manufactured from fresh' healthy
/,Iver*e upon the sea-ahem. It le perfectly
pine and sweet. Asir for hazard tr. Caswell's
Cod Licer.oll, ,, manufactur by
c A nwaer., nein f ed .
New York. -
hold,by all dretretsta ,
uffor from a cough, when Coets Cough Bal
sam can be bad at Fleming's Drag stare, No
Si Market street. Sold wholeSalp and rated
gi:the lowest rates.
Mang are Becoming
gore noxious to Invest In tlutt, "Improved
P.tove..Damper," as the best ebtt)tees are going
vapid y at No.ll Fifth atreet.
ton can kW/
Ferrite.. Liquors ofall kinds at Joseph S.
Flaclea Ilrlatillery, 3;0,1(4 101 t lOS and 193 First
Lreot, Plttribilrgh.
.Drag and Medicines
bort!. )rii , prescriptions carefully prepared at
Santa., lowa pries, at Frames Drug Store,
npposito Palladia,:
• chapels, All rasa° Article. -
best =feast. warrants]; prices lowest in the
city. Opera lions° Shoo Store. .
. .
Wouderinl liargaltas
At tho Opera/10ns° Shoo.StOre.
ifooderfal Good Shoes
At Hid Opera House Shoe Store.
Wonderful Thing.
At the Opera Howe Shoe Store.
Wenders !Never Cease
M the Opera Rouse Shoe Store.
Satisfaction qparanteeti
At tho Opera Home Shoe Store.
Tbo Beal Artlele •
°Loy offered for saloixc SU-Opera Hobe Oboe
'F rat quality, •
So second!, at I bn..m ❑nuse Shoe Store
Van. nu,
. . .
t. 3 per cent. Alcohol at JotoToli B. Finch's
T.P. "An Bny
NOY BOP at *fr.,soph S. rifich's
The Mew York papers of yesterday all op-
Thee the impeachment of the President. The
Tribune says there is.notbing to ho gained by
it, no matter how much Mr. Johnson deserves
It. The iferald says the President has been
guilty of nothing more than his pert hien pred
ecessors, from Jackson down. The Timer says
the charges amount . , to nothing more than
'what Ingham repeatedly stated on the door
of the House, and believes the Senate sfll
throw them out:.
A confidence man claiming the name of Os
terhout who sent General Spinner a.clieck for
three hundred • ' , Collars conscience •monev,
proven to he a swindler. lila check proved
worthless. General Spinner's detectives are
'after iro, And car that they will make him
pay .-three hundred dollars, as by his own
co salon heswindied the Government.
The Vera Crux correspondent of the , Ilci•alci
says that Maximilian recently had a narrow
- escape from guerillas. The imperialists had
bombarded Perete. -• Canale , s rebellion at
"Matamoros was having a disastrous effect
an the Juares cause, as two or three of the
Liberal chiefs having fleClared for Ortega.
The Amerivan brig, Sunny South, which sail.
ed from Yokohama, Japan, for Shanghai, on
September 10th, is supposed to have been lost
In a terrific typhoon off the coast of Japan
Captain Patton, wife, daughter, nephow.and
- ithree passengers were on heard. Starhad
• lilki,eoo on board, 11311.11ndiii6Crif ally: inaluildin
The Supreme Court of New Jersey has de
cided that the liquor law of that State Is not
legal. -
A train on the Great Falls and New Hemp
shire railroad was thrown off the track on
Monday, and u car, containing thirty-live pas
limners, was thrown down an embank
merit, killing the firemen, fatally wounding
the engineer, and injuring several of the pas
stinger:a. •
Navifthtion has been rearmed between St:
Loom and Keokuk, something unprecedented
at tide time of year.
The EauadLan Confederation bill has been
defeated In Prince Edward's Isle by n large
General Walter Harriman hits been nomina
ted for Governor by the Union Convention of
New Hampshire.
The Ohio Democratic State Convention met
yesterday at ,Columbus. °eon's, li. Pendlot:
ton was Preelderil.of the Conventiob. Judge
Allen G. Thur . /An was nominated for Gov.
ernini,-Deviill. Uhl for Lieutenant Governor
and-Thorium i. lleys for Supi erne Judge.
Iloth Houses of the Kentucky Legislature
have rejected the Constitutional Amendment.
The rote in the Senate stood 21 to 7, and in the
110nee C_ to.
. Leading capitallots of Boston are manifest-
. ,
Ipg "great zeal in thhorgantratlon of the new
Hewer steamships be t ween'that pert and Liv
• In the Massachusetts Logislature,RZG.lValk
er (coltared) was appointed on the Rousuitt.
teo on Federal Relations, and Cluiries L. 0
Mitchell, (colored) on another commutttee..
The Democnatie State Conventioti of Coe.
nest eut met yesterday,and passed resolutions
approving. the course of the President and
denouncing the action of Congress In exclud
' tug the Sdatbern Representatives, as a An!
smut breach of public faith. Lion. James
Brooks, of Now York, Ex-Governor Seimour
and others spate, 2,1 r. BroOke mild if Con
-.gress dared to impeach the President it week'
result. la a civil war, which would not be con
fined to the . other sloe of the Potomac, but
devastathin mad rain would be-brought to our
own lisnsteads.
—The London -Braider recommends a plan
for lightlug a dark room in which the dark.
noes iueauoed lay its being situated on a nar
row street or lace. The Builder sure if the
glass of a window is spell a room Is placed
• novena Inches within the outer face of the
wail, as is tee general custom In 'beading
houses, it will admit very little light, add
which It gets being only the reflection from
the walls of the opposite houses. lf, however,
• forth° window be substituted another In which
all toe panes of glass are rpuahly ground on
the outside, amf flush with the outer wall, the
light from the whole of the visible aln and
. Irma tuo remotest earning tee opposite wall
will ho tritreenced into the apartment, reflects
ed from the inistimernons fame or facets which
" the rough grinding-of the glass has produced.
Thn whole window will appear as the sky
were beyobd It, and from ever, point of this
' luminous enrfaeolight will radiate into all
parts of-the room. _
—A meeting of lawyers bay recently been
• held in Paris, to decide the Important que,
..15 it ineenwatible with tee dignity ore
Minister practising at the bar to be at the
cams timo a member of the Jocky Witte
. After matureileltheration, and an amount of
argument halt:welly to tie expected from an
gesemblage of men who make argument their
„ de , beeleeee, it. gas decided that such' mem
bership was incormatible. llereaftor no law
student la to be =lied to the bar in earls it It
can be proved Max ho Is a member of the
Jockey Club..
—ln one of the great clubs in Paris there has
been a do-peruto gambling !bout which tasted
twelve hourson cacti of three successiVedaye.
The players weir. o young Ifussum'and a
Tel kWh timed Selgheilr. noth very rich. The
first night cost theltussian 1.50,efn Intim; the
following day he regained tit,gee francs; the
following Pnt h Ru es lost Um V 3,000 .franes
and2so,os) m la ore. e
ssia limn gave in, and
. withdrew from the combat with a netlose of
t 0.1,000 trance. . •
—Leonard iT. Jerome is said to be this New
lerk broker who recently invited a number
of lady friends to his house, and bad placed on,
the plate of each ii,oo o as • KM Tee neeeee a t
solos gated ladies aro very indignant.
• s of them hive compelled pair wires to
send the presents bock. -
- -The sale of the stud °tam ex-King of Han
over attracted buyers frontal] parts of.EarePe•
One of the Bothetaids bought. the Prince Bey
er, favorite hors., it le mid, to restore it to its
former owner. Horses were also purchased
• r for the 'French Lowered' and the King of Doe
—A yonng lady at. Berl In committed Suicide
recently because her betrothed was among the
killed at Sedans, Who .AS IA.Y/ ail 0110 of
Beethoven's sonatas on the piano, when she
window, lett the Inert =tut, pavem en t
and dabbed hereell on the
below. .
—The copper mince of Chill, whence the
world draws a largo portion of its supply of
that valuable toetta, are said to be 'et great
Wealth. The Uhllima and. indjohalug bonto
American comma, for an extent of Oa miles,
give ladlcatiehe of copper dePolts.
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sipecial Dispatch to the Pitttbergh 0 asepes
Mr. White presented aye:oh:Mon in refer
ence to bribery in the election of United Sates
Senator, which Was postponed. The Senate
afterwards concurred in the resolution phased
in the Mouse in relation to the matter. •
The following aro the standing committees'
appointed by thebpeaker: Railroads—M=li,
Loidoh, of Bradford; Lowry, of Erie', Graham,
of Allegheny; litdaeway. 61 Philadelphia; Ran
dall, of Schuylkill. Tederalltolatlons-idems.
Lowry, (chairman.) Finall, Connell, iirr.bam,
Worthington, Landon, Wall. Stlielary—bnoe
maaer, chidrman. COrporations—Ridgeasy,
chairman.: Brintra,-Bigham, chalraum.
lacy Atalts--Whltii. chairman.
Mr. Graham read la plaza at a6t to construct
a newer from „Transmit street,. Alleghony, to
the Elorozighof Manchester; also; an act Co all
thorlze tho school directors of Ear: Raley Bor
ough. to collect tho balance of bosintP issziai;
also, an act to repeal She act repealing tho
charter of the Connollsedle Railroad Vow;
Mr; fitaumbsugla, of Franklin, called the et•
tentlon of the House to rumors In circulation
In the newspapers, as to cox rept means being
used In the election of United States SCEntar,
and neared a recelktlem, that More bee joint
..committee arponated,to investigate the truth
of Mb charges and report thereon. •
The resolution woe amended by Mr. Waddell
to Include all other matters.
Tire resolutiOn as [attended WIIS adopted
The Governor swat in vetoes of the acts in
Corp Orating the Home Insurance Tract and De
posit Companies and National Trust Com
pany of Pittsburgll.
Mr..2.laun offered a resolution that both
Houses moot on .Thuraday,.the lath inst., in
Joint session, to count the votes cast et the
last Governor'S election.
The liouto concurred in the bill in relation
to the election of trailed States Senator.
This bill provides that to else there is no elec
tion on the first day, that both Minims shall
meet from day to day during, the session; and
have at least one ballot. •
. • .
.Wlllla.n 11. Eemble and .tolal F. Spauglor
ere nominated for State Treasurer. •
Mann, of Potter; offered the toile whiz
Rewired, That all legislative' power being
vested In the That.
Congwess, that It Is
their imperative duty to so legislate that all
the loyal citizens of the • rebellious States be
proteeted and guaranteed m eat their rights.
Mr. Boyle, of Fayette, wished to Lwow if the
resolution meant suffrage to names. •
Mr, Mann answered for himself, and Bata be
was in favor of negro suffrage in tlfe South
and in Pennsylvania.
The resolution was adoptedby a strict party
vote. the Democrats voting in the negative.
The House then adjourned. -
England Proposing to Arbitrate
the 'Alabama Claims.
he Pope and the Ring of Italy
UNDO, ' January S.—AN - cam—The Thom of to
day says there is goal authority for saying
that Sir Frederick Emma has been told to mg
the Government at Washington to accept ar
bitration in the Alabama claims.
TEE 12E90/1. )109ZMENT.
The Deity News announces as nowise the
proposed presenting by the people of a great
mass of petitions to Parliament regantlog re.
BERLIN, Jul:Mary S.—The election or inctu
bers• of the new Germanic Parliament take
place February 12th. .
YAMS, January B.—Noon.—The French Reel
In Alexlcon enters is ordered to remain there
to collect Custom duties. •
Sat rnCSCn IS costa.
Advice' from Cores Jolt received, state
that. the Frtinch burnt the offices and lioverr
.meat hearts... All attempts at nogotistio
FLORENCE, January is rumored that
Garibaldi will- aid the Greek. movement, an
far as regards Gandhi, if the revolt lasts a
fortnight longer.
Thellattan AMORSISIVIOE, 8400 E Tonetti,
finally settled the qustions relative to the
taro status of religi e ons matters in Rome,
under the It-align regime. Too Papal Cabi
net have agreed that hereafter the appoint
ment of Blehops shall bo made by His
lieu, the Pope, the said appointments to re
ceive the sanction:tot the kimperor, and the
Government of Italy,
enriLles. The market has been slightly easier
and quotations closed as foliose , : Five-Twen
tles, at 'PIS... , Illinois Central, at '
Erie, at
4.9 L". Tbe Money market has ruled s teady and
slightly lirmer,to•day. Censors closed to-day,
atel for money..
Feaxgronv, Jan- fi—Eceninge-Closing quo
tations for Five-Twenties to-del was 7e7,:.
Paw, Jan. S—.Ceentng.—The Jimmie has
ruled quiet today. Three per mat. rates close
at Cef. 112i4e.
The cotton market opened easier and con
tinued very quiet daring the day and closed
Ptak. The transactions amount to only audit
fo r bales, on the basis of Mid per pound
for middling unkind& -
" The brcadstellv market Is generally (Inlet,
except for corn, which Is firmer, mixed Amer.
28 quatedi Gd; Flour Is quiet.
Wheat remains quiet and unchanged. The
market for provisions is quiet null steady.
ILaseftwsrini, January a.—The market for
cotton seeds and yarns is easy. ,
(By Mall Steamer Olty of Baltimore.)
tosixrx, December DOLMA. the
lean Minister in London, has goon to Paris to
consolt with Almonte as to tho policy to pur
sue ln the Mexico Imbroglio. The. Mexico,
embasky In London exists no Mager. 6 lifer,
can Consol General attends tonli the Mishit,:
Lord John Hu/monis In Florence, where he
attracts great sittantlon. h ome nun not yot
abandoned the Idea of going to.
YJAnnisnuno, January 13;1907.
• [Bp the CbLle.) •
rat"sll/1 ASn 11/1111MISO.
Berlin dispaielt •of the '2sth says: The
needful Government has promised thonenate
f liamenre to •maintain the freedom of that
dty until she ends the opportunity to enter
he Zolverein.
reENCO. sneers IC xxxico.
Feats. Dec. le—The Pair-Mot' to-flay pays I
Matforeign newspaper,. have Intimated
the List news, received from Mexico,
Lon corning the. indecision of: Maximilian
would Influence the resolution of the French
government, as to the bringing hack of the
French Mexican expedition army corps to
France. We again assert that, the measures
for the evacuation are poshivo and certain.
The execution of these measures is in noway
subordinate to the resolutions of the Court of
mortoo, and the return of mar troops will Lake
.place fate° appointed time 0.111 to conformity
With the disposition alresult• taken; u disposi
tion which will remain
of by the
decision of the Emperor of Mexico:.
notber titor7 About Eseabeete-.c..,,..
dleitOtt of the lat.t ntspateoes—jab.
Seal bteett on the able Te•linyi
Nee. oimusns; January United
Staters despatch steamer Blackbird bring.
Brownaville and 21staMoras dates to the
in mu. es
General Blicaciao has appointed Can
Governor of kistamorus. Curium:l boa Mimed
a proclamation assuming command.
Ortega hulloed:4a. long pronunciumento,
setting tortb his claims as President of Meal.
to, and Calling on tha pewits to ropy to flit
The Liberals have resat.. gin Lae Meal.
and GeneralMelia, linymailati le falling back
to Me City of -
The Ifenebero contains a long editorial de.
fending the conduct et General bedtwirk. •
FOUR O'CLOCK, )71/4.m,
CaineroresNaiiiiiiation Certain.
Nothing Intl Change the Result.
dippattli to the Plat Margit liasettat
• • -
Il Alllllstmee, Jan. Oth,ISS7.
• Mr. Cameron has a clear and deeidedmajort.
ty of the Republic:au members of the Legisla
ture, and will be nominated for the tufted
Orates Sonata beyoad C. don . bt. The city to full
of politte.R.l borers from all parts of the State,
Let it is too Into to der anything to ilethat
Cameron, and .130 will gain r.comparafleoly
easy victors - orcs all opposition. This may
be reifarded as reliable lufeimation. O.C.
The Legislature has appointed a joint corn•
mittuo to levestigate the truth of the charges
that Improper in &tenet's hare boon used to
scours the election of the United States Sons,
torship... - • •
Thaddeus Stevens is hors.
Jackson Association Banquet
Opposition to Operdy Extinction o
the National IJebt.
Secretary McCulloch 's Reeignatiou
Would be Acceptable.
. WasuinoTon, Jan. 4. 4 0 an
The President sent Into the Senate the nom
nation or W. IL Brice as Payntester General
.Ith the rank of Drtgadler General;
.s ask RAM Or ISla.
A delegation of the survivors of Me soldiers
of 1 S2fo.,lay svelte , ' upon the Congressional
Committee on Pensions. In referened to an in
crease in their pension attest:wee. it Was a
venerable delegation, the yonngest being
ye4rs of :Igo.
n n
The melority of the Ileum was overwhOlio
any, ou tuskleg it a felOcY to
sell' neroes into servitude, who have been
grail yof Lireouy. This, and the passage of
the sulrrage bill over the Presldeutls veto,
makes the freedmen Jubilant.-
NATION/Wirral?. I
It Is reported that the Banking Committee
has resolved to report to the llama against
the penny of the Secretary of Eno Treasury,
whicu looks to expedltisig she ektinetlon of
the National debt.
NEW VOILE roar orricc.
. The .House Postal Committee decided to re
poryh bill appropriating 0000 for the per
chime of the lower end of too City - Hall Park
of Note York, winch to designated by the epe
eist Committee aa the boat site for apost 0111 co
Y. A,111..1:T . lipX3lOE O TO NAYS 0000
The 'Londe Judietary,Committec have - dtwl
del to itiVlto 31r. Adhley to appear before'
theta to-morrow, and state hls groands tot
prerorrlag charged or Impeachment agatnllt
the Prost.lent.
112XT PROM S. a CFT — J still
Tito banquet of the Jackson Association ,
commemorating the iinniversary of the battle
of New Orleans, was given at the National I.lcr
eel this evening. The invited guests. one hun
dred In num/mr, included Democrat-le Mein,
bars of Congress,'n number orr. — opreseritatives
elect from the southern States. and many
other disitn'aufelnal - potions. The venerable 1
Francis P. Platt presides'. .
President .folinson entered the hall at ulna
oicleck and was received with the most cordial
mhis antifh est anks . atiolien. blontgns: for whichrome bp
ry Blair offered briefly teturned
the health of the President. President John
, son arose and was greeted with loud and eon.
tweed eimerst hd said he declined to make a
speech, lint wo'llil o ff er this sentiment .•
"No s netitution. yeneunce its place in or with
draw e
of tfl will has it right, land .1 . rho
j ,
draw from Di . Union, nor Inis the Congress
of the United — States the conetitutions
al power to 4 l degrade the pimple of
any State by reducing them to the
cosdition of more territorial - dependency
upon the Federal head. The one Is ilimnion
and dissolution of the Government; the other
Is consolidation and the O.ZOT else of alespotio
power.. Tho advocates of either ire alike the
enemies of the Union and of our constitution.
al form of government."
whhis was succeeded by the regular tcosts. to
ich rc.pelikdss Were made try Senators Rend.
ricks, Doolittle, and Cowan, and Judge illitek.
anti others. The festivities were contained
until auto boor.
orrosiiimt TO i.urr-acuttesr.
The pressure against the itopeuchment pry
ject is very groat, and repsonst maces are poor.
log lu from ull quarters, by mail and tole
graph. Tho vote of yesterday la by no means
regarded m indlcuttro that the Mune win stip
port the elsarges triode. On the rentrary. She
elief - Pt the other way. Several Itopublicises,
who voted to reed lilt project to the Judicia
ry Committer, have siren stated that they did
so as the sureot tad giutekest way of getting
rid of it. •
rearrarte etoussoce. soaelals state that MS resigna
tion of the Secretary of the Treasury would be
favorably received by the Prialdent. •
Leading republican lawyers - do not believe
that the charges for impeachment can be sus.
talncd. The Judiciary _Committoe holds Its
diet glttlng on the subject tomorrow.
It is rumored that tweivo thousand Freuch
troops will remain in Maximo all suriuncr, to
aid 3iszimltlda to sucialu his Empire.
Tea noose 11111tary Committee will norm re
port a twenty bill, almost the .eme sia bat
to view or the recent, action of Congress the
'Attorney General declines, for. the 'present,
antortaining any forther applications for par
dons trout llnir wile participated in tile
sitars's Oct Noisome. •
The CommNsionera for adjusting the Maim.
of 11lehouri, for equipping and paying
report the amount duo that State is 117,1100,000 e
lore 1700,000 duo for direct tam
UOLD IY rnessunr.
The Govern Ten t holds 411,a30,4:00 ID gold
Gor. Fletcher VW lthdrimin MMus the Nen
manta Contest—tltnhe , o Electlonton
ceded—Adoption • of tonstltollOna
S. Louie, .7411. B.—The Democrat's Jefferuatt
city upeclal *Jays Gov. Fletcher bee with
drawl, trout tim senatorial contest. Teta re•
lieveu.veral members pledged to Yleteher,
end peoleady Insures Drage:Nl eleatiou L al
thouge it strong tide to setting In favor of Gen.
Lou, weedier of Clougreus in the Eleventh 91.
'rho Contatltntlonal Amendment passed the
llouao ay by 83 to M.
Col. Montgomery loa• been orreatel , wri
warrant toned lay Mgt 111.• Coma:item er at
Lexington. appointed under the 0011 Rights
bill. A Animas ereepurrhita been stied. ent.• On
mentgornerrs nmtnl here the matter will he
3llleetigated before the Untteittihotea Court.
Jaunary 8, 180.
Mr. aI:SINE:it presented a petition trout car
tels, tUierelt ['aliens or Massachusetts, Pray
ing that Nebrusko. shall not be admitted while
the word white remains in the Constitution.
Tho trtemortni of Gen. Looter Itatt others;
was read, asking that the °Maori go the recto.
cd list,lntl allova, the longevity rations. Re
fer:W..l.oth° flltary Committal,.
Mrsiv., and. [IOWA pzincluted
VAIM.IIIIrOuI Wool I,rowers, for ffail!Lereased
'tariff on wool'. •
CO] iRACTIOS 0) THE CilirltraOy
. Mr. ED3HRiIIa preiontcal a pe4aion la fa'
vor of a 6001414 et on of the carruary. or the
itatucillato reittrn to rpeclo puytanate. Re
ferred lb the Finance Committee..
Err cysts or ♦ CONMITTIS.
Mr. WILLIAMS rcoorlel from the Plnanco
Committee, a rceplotion appropristlog
to defray the eiotners of tho.,Foirit Commit
too on I:ol.rendlinOnt, which WAV
sir. WILLAIIS also offered a resolution,
whlell MO adopted, asking the President If
Rev violation of the Civil nights bth had come
to lila knowledge ' and If en what steps had
boon taken to punish the offenders.
Mr. CItAUIN called up the...Pc...lois bill, with.
this ./louse amendment, which was reported
brick from the Judiciary Consuattee with.
other amendments.
idr. LANE, in explaining. the bill, said ho.
wan free to CODreS3 that one of its objects was
to tomato the offices Of men appointed during
las: summer to mho the place of those whom
the President has removed. •
alr. HEN - prams denounced this gis partizan.
So fares helmew very few changes had been
made in Indiana for political reasons. lie wan
opposed to restricting the number of agents
to three.
The morning - hoer having expired, the bill
went over till to-Morrow.
31r. LANE •presented a memorial from tho
&tuners , and bailors` Union of Washington,
representing that loyal men had been dinette.
ou and their pittoestilital by others shorefueed
to tale the ten oath during the war.
AD5111361031 OD REIM/MCA.
The bill for too adtplasion of Nebraska came
np, the question Wing on kti. Brown's eMend•
meat, that the not shall not take effect except
upon the fundamental condition that there
shall ho no denial of the elective franchise on
account of CO}Or.
Messrs. etilliNETt and COW 4.1 spoke against
the hill.
Mr. GRIMES spoke in favor of the amend.
went and of the bill also. lio explained the
Vote he was oboist tt• giro. 110 would vote for
Mr. Brownie amcnandint, and if thataas adop
ted be would vote for the bill. 110 could not
vote for the admission of Nebraska with ne
gro suffrage as a condition procedont to her
admission, for ho bad doubts of the fate of
such an Issue in the Supremo Court. Having
voted for negro suffrage m the District of Co•
lumbiaotod having voted to carry the bill over
the President's veto, ho Rah not alspOsed to
abandon that principle.
Messrettlillat ES and KlitK.Wi)OD discussed
the legal effecc of the proposed amendment,
and were followed by Mr. HOWARD; who opt
pored tt. -
Mr. WADE, in replying to a charge of Mr.
Sumner. that Nebraska was a rebel State and
bad a rebel constitution, said it was copied
literally from that of Wisconsin ' and there
were only Oro Copperhead. in ihoConvent lon
that framed 14 and if the eonstitu.ton Was
not republican in form, It would be dlMealt. to
frame ono that' was. - • ' •
A protracted debate 'ensiled, in which
FESSENDES, and others, participated, when
it was agreed that a vote should ho had on the
question to-morrow, and. the Senate then ad.
A mess:tap 9i/14 rooktived Croat „A
allnouncing the deal pa , .04., by tent bear
of the suffrage hill for tne District ofColumbla.
Asalveksmtr Or Tau issr7Le Or szrr oatess,
Mr. SIBLACK, of liatiana. rising to a ques:
Eton of privilege, said this ear was the ou
roversery of the battle of new Orleans; a day
which had generally been ol.f.serred as a hot",
:day. .110 therefore moved that the noose air
]Only. , Not attract' to.
Mr. LtANDALL, of Kentucky, introduced n
resolution directing the Committee on Indian
Affairs to inquire into the facts of the maaaa
cro of .United States officers and aohliers by
Indiana,. at fort Phllliinu - ney, on December
'2lst, and to Inquire whether Motu Indian ont..
.rages are fa consequence, or hare any exemo
or polltation by nossOn of Las of any Doreen
meat official or citizns; and, furer, to in.
quire Into the expedie e ncy of t r y raesf th muerg the
suportotoadoucy of /ndlan MUM. to the War
Department, and to report by bill. Agreed to.
NE9ILO .;uirsucle /S THE O!STSILT
Mr. WENTWORTH, of Illinois, introduced
the following:
Manners A difference of opinion exists
upon the ;abject of Impartial suffrage; and
whereas it le:Wised only in the District Of
Columbia. and la to be outdo a test; thereinre
Resolved, Thnt the Committee en the DI .
trier. of Columbia be instructed in etre
the expediency of provininn by law n
for an int
mediate election of all officers In sald Die
31x. RANDALL, of rennsylvanln, objected
Mr. AUSTELL, of Tennessee, Introduced •
resolution,wbien was agreed to, directing the
Committee on tne murder of Federal soh-here
in South Carelina, to Inquire into tile murder
of some soldiers In Tennessee.
The bill granting impartial suffrage In the
District of Columbia WAY taken up, sad on
motion o r.f M 111CsEtt.SOLI... of Mullets, th e
veto message was read.
Tile reading of the veto message being con
cluded, Mr. INGERSOLL demanded the pre
vious question on the consideistlou of the
The yeas and nays were demanded and the
bill penal by a VOL° of 113 yeas to 3s nays,
. The nouse considered and passed the Joint
Josolution introduced yesterday, to construe
Bad auf.reo the Constitutional Amendment.
prohibiting Slavery.
Several executive documents were read.
Mr. IIItOO3I.XEL spoke on reconstruction,
after which the House adjourned.
Proesedlogs of the Legislature—Reso
lution lu he ro to Aeon...len of
firsoitrems Cougsresmen—The Tux on
Itnaka--111hereattents or Atepheue.
New TOM, January tr, 1607.
wuvrowit tootstsouno In 00100.
In Um Assembly of this State to-day, the blil
freepeal tho the biting was
granting of
passes orediroads was passed by a
large majorit l y nt .
A. bill wanlntroduced Inching to the prohl
biting or regulation of houses of prostltutiOns
also, a bill to allow criminals to testify In their
own behalf to State courts.
Itesoluttons wore Introduced, that loyal rep
resentativee from Southern States ought to be
admitted to Congress noon ratification. by the
State, of the Constltntional Amendment.
The decision of the united State, Supretne
Court aMruting the legality of tbo tax inO
posed upon the stockholders of banks nun
caused a great disappointment among the
majority of the hank officers who anticipated
a different result. A number of the bents
came forward to-day to pay their proportion
of the tax sod no sum the lowest, Willok /9
levied at the rate of liner Cont.
Now Yong., Janintry s.—The kith Aeleaiean
stat.positively that Stephens is still in true
city,aud hints that hn will probably attempt
to escape to Franco In the rcriore next Satur
A CDsltge In BORitl.l. Contonno—Newsda
V. N. Nenater—lotelmot
Meted In iihstiforo la —Nolpmeuts of
Treasure from Oregon.
Bair Fattrcnico, Jan. B.—lt 10 pirated that the
merchants hero are about to abolish Gm prac
tice of giving credit only from steamer to
steamer, and substitute credits
.ot thirty or
sixty days.
TOO Coroner's jury in the Nom of General
Williams, rendered a 'verdict of death from
ttio acoldantal discharge of a pistol,
A Carson (Nevada) telegram states that
tho Legislature which organized yesterday,
selectol for principal OniCelli, persons in favor
of Charles L. Do Long for United States Ben.
Tile Internal Doyenne collected - ln Gallfor
nla last/tar was over six millions of dollars,
over tirci.thirds o 5 which is from ban Fran
A Placerville telegram reports that a rich
quarts inloo was litruclC near Latrobe . , which
yielded $7.000 in two dam /
Wells, Fargo t Co„ shipped trout Portland,
Oregon, Mot year, nearly tour and a hall miL
Mona of treasure.
Burning of a 'Motel.
NOATOLIC, VA., January B.—The Atlitittie
to), with three 'Worts beneath, and Chamber.
lain , * Dank leg lioulie adjoining, were consent.
hotelfire this with Ma n y
barely waved their
f Meal were taken front the windows of the
burning building by mean, of !adders. Total
Jowl ninety tboaarmal dollars.
Slyer laleneama. -
tDy JiCrok , sVit Fatima/ rekfte.P l 63
Epeellt Utepatebe to the Inttaburgb tztastfte.
— Ott Over, January o.—Weattier clear with
berniomater at 10 degrees above zero: River
till cloced. 011 market quiet and Druz.
NUARY 9," 1867.
& W ON .THIRD y Aar.)
Ilona-31nY or
AlleAthimy City E
• risen he
The etty elections
held yesterday. The
ly light. Aawlllbo see
was trinmplinnt In
Below is the vote t
-WeirLictly City wen
to polled was.nriaarial
. tho ItopOilitart Beret
cry ward of tho city.
Orrn. MCLavgitfin
Second ward..
Third ward_
Fourth ward..
Tut roof, .
l;crft.• Kotirtt.:-
Find, ward...
Second ward
Third aN:.
Fourth r .
TWA' ...... --
L ci u dlaz. Hanna 'll u ' t m,
lune . neva
. 2,1 f ei. Lfa . dilly,
Simeon Bolton!
_ .
• Awsioni 4.l.t.aura.
Wr.•llolmes •931 IY. r. 131.1.1c11 •
Alex. Glenn; "at Jot' D arts
Adue Ricrac?, -
tinml. Tliomj.eo . !V 1 V.r. W. WClalland..
tg I th.o. Lanuann.
John Morrow..
Tams, thll.lllll
• • • - • •
Return ht,pectors. •
Jos. T. Johnston. 1121 I.:co. 11nInvey 11
Wm. U. Boyce—. 1.7 1
&hoot Direreort.
Roht. Pitcairn—. 7141 G. W. ni.tierson....
J. If. Elect - 0 171.Y. Quurtr. ........ 51
•245 I C. mcnith
ticroxl ,
Select Vltiric,t.
Samuel Ewen
James W.llLal I MS I J IT. toe' .
• Common Count. lt.
Jo4eph I%lcOrtnaltl.'.lllol Curries Lambert. 771
Wm. IL Dunham... =I I Thai. I.lttlu 71
.John Kirkpatrick— 313 I John h. Largo.... 74
Kindle ' 711.5 nun). 1. BOYIo 74
John Stiorett • • 3161 4 . 12111 p WigglnFi....
Almtant As,c.x.torc
. .
Wm. linrdoch...... lti 'James Grlunlan... 70
Geo. Bothwell.— I
I 4 ono 17 . W 11.1 to .... iti
Joiloe of Election. •
Wm..llexander....sll I W. T. Farley E.l
Goo. Ilutchlneon.....t.7 I Joba li. Lemon... 65
Wm. Murdoch 0 101
Return lasi:wets r.
klugh Ward
. i,ll ',unmet IVooil 63
Ltarry Crow , na 1 . .
Alderman. . . -
Guran 81.1rw1n....
C 54.1.1:kca1 , Foreman... el
01, ab!,
Jamel 1i1..11'130na11.T. , 1 I e. Campbell U
T 1111.13 RAISE
Three 'tickets were in the flold In till, ward.
Iccl Cirtirrefl. Ist. Pr .
.1. IL Lei:ll,h, I re) 121
Jno Ilnekt Martin, D • J Vo.
'Common o..unilt. • ' •
L.SmiLlt,l' 'll9 I.<l
Jm•eph N. Drennan,
Vneoley, it
John Dorn, It -
Run). Crawl ord, D.
Joein Bonn, D •
Wm. hillier, D..
.1. Zinhard, D.
11. Gerwig. C.
Otto Kroh.. l.'
retvr La Rfor,
H. 3. Znalaard,
4h ,o( Dirtvtor.,
John V. Barr, It
E. E. Swlft,lt....
H. E. r.teii, C...
!tont. /lay, '
.Incon snyder, D •
Chas, I.4riy,
Asvehutol sresrore.
C. Ilobton, 1'
U Ohmlar, l'
Das „Ilourer, U
E. Dana, 1)
laD) Yam, C
Judge of Etm:iorar.
John llntniN, 11.
L. tiehattbr,
C btewart,
John Doshkri. II
Coo. Lacher l. l:
James sholec r l't
C. it. Itoerafelter,ll
J 0,,. Stewart. U
It. r. Getty, I)
JieGary. C
Jen, Paul, J. 1:
• t:ef urn insp. ClOri.
Davit: liastlone. l :
C.,nnelly, l,l
Bernard WeYmm•
Peter Roister, P•
Davidifc6nlght, R
Michael RIO°, 1)...
J. L. ffittlistniND...
YOCUSII WAIL° -IsT rarilac . r.
Select Council. . . •
llopubl leans.l Democrat..
John A. 31,ylur 70 I Stephe n Railer..- 5:
Ctimaton Council. •
II ugh IICISeII ...... 131 Job o Connelly 5.!
John lgegraw gill P. Feather, ton—. 5i
E. F. A. Innthau- • I I , l p rtin Long ' W
be e 1.:?. : I JOLIU Tltzgll Jr
John S. Slagle D
~ 1
School veclors. .
Sloßenjamin Fulton.. So
54.1 I llueh . itoony bf
.tore s,.
J Grabacn 54.11 Win bloomy ' '4
• 44 ansfont 44,arsaors.
Andreae •Davldeon. 311 I Pollllo Paul In ...... 5.;
C. W. Schaffer. 311 f Co.o. Miller ..... .... , 54
D. L. IlegsSw 3..0 i P. F. McNally 51
Inspielors of I:liclions.
VI .S. l'uretanco.... I:2i Col. J T F bf t lght. 54
W. D. Bog gars... ... 17c
Petern a•prel or., , •
Jno. P. Dean 160 I jitcob llolfman.... 54
Alex. P:a110w.... 179 1
..41tierl1ra. - •
. 10 11) telt! Nelllie 153
I Som, Levels - 91
Jurelnlah Smith.- IV I .
. •
Alex. Young .
S. Barker....
rOUrafl rtILCINCT.
R publacan
&fret Cntoicit. • ' -
Jolu A Mylor WSConanwn I Josep Cunns-11. h Ftlncr.. ..... 42
lloglilloNelll 1.51.1. Co...icily 112
V. leatheraton
(pi I:I
ma ngram/ 153 45
S. F. A. FaulliunberlUS Mar. in Ley - 45
John 5.741,416., ... 13.3 'John ncu11.......... 50
Jic.hoo/ ireviorz.
Alexun.let . Youtne.l2l i li. 1:14ton 63
S. Barker 1 . 4 1 11. 110805 43
A55e..1.07 . .
. ___ . ....
James Grabarra...
st l. atu3ll Willman ,
Mooney.... 9 9
.4asi MOW.
Andrew David4on.l32.l V. Modal 43
C. W. behnfror Mil G. Mailer " U
1 . . n I nutntinl Lewis ' G
—I D.
Judge of Election,
Wm. Brown -
Jninccior eJ EfeeNan,
J. 14.. Vahner
.• •Betmn Inipator.
..... Vs! I
• • Cortable.
Jeremiah - Smith.... Pet WanullotisOn ;4
D. M. Mullin
Blanchester BocoulawhnE.lection—Antscia
The Borough r.lectiOn of Manchester was
held yesterday. The any passel as rot y qul.
etly, no disturbance occurring. Two tic,ketn
were In the 11 cid, vizi the Republican and !Ate
eltizens. The question of unricsntion wen nito
to be decided, and much inicreNC, was
fasted. Below are the results of the voting: '
Republican. Citizens.
11m. E. liirk. .27ti
...Iv. I John Pao."
. . -
. . .
Vin. WIAM im W.
Dill .49
Firauslum"...lSK I O. W. Windsor .431
&tool Dirrrtora.. ..
Dan.ltuntwomory,V.l s t 3 I J. W. Tower., ay...215
11. U. 1turnby,14....179 I Wm. Davideon.3y.l.t•S
It o , A, li.clurk, 2y..188 John ntrnuer.ltY-.2 11
Judge of Elections.
David Louthor lno I Wm. J. Caughey....o2
an man
Davea Louthor 197 1 Wln. iiiotheral. "19
IS4I 11. li Ilion
..... i W14.1'0000
Dane Stewart .2:9
/nrprottir .J L'lretimu.
A.H. Willi. 19x1 Wln, Hall
Return Inarcr:oi:
V. C. Cook ill l it. J. 11111 or
llorouplt A uditor.
Jae. U. .31. , Clay itu LJOA liirkpatrick...2ls
- Justice of the Awe.
8.8. D. Thom pa0n....1r %B. A. batuilson...... ns
R 9
ant 'annexation
litaiority for annexation 111
Wto. Mott..
J.ll. Dough
Court or Common tiros.
ICESDAY, January e.—Judgo Sterrett on tho
David. it.. Mills' vs. Jacob Won' and Amley
Wells• Appeal Irons Jaattoe. Verdict
Ifi fa.
vor of plaintiff for
i lkans Adairawbs Lxecutori John. Itrown.
Antioll On a prOalln+Ory note. varlet tor do.'
Sebastian isielloy, Abrabsto Rener,..onn MO.
kturtry. David btowort, Jain V. Yarns and
Janne Rood, defaulting jurors, wets Ordered
to pay r One of twonty.ilvo dollars Owns, and
• lie:Ant et aitthiella. •
- The ,City Connalla held Hu adjourned meet
log Tait evening, their chamber,: to the
pity IMlldlnga, for the porpom of -electing
alter. for the anteing year.
• fn Scx.rct ,plegent. Messrs. • Armstrong,
Brown, Collin, CrasVsord, Dickson, Oallaher.
Leow; McCarthy, M'Ewen,3l , lsublln,
lilorrOw, Phillips. liens, Blanton, Tanner,
ThonfipSan, White, Wilson. Ill'Aulcy, Presi
The minutes of the previous meeting's:, re
read awl approved.
Coxstox COCIT. resent: Meso. ar n
-1:111. Itoggs; For Ml d, Hen p p hilt
Ilouse n J B ones,
an, Patchell, Herrman, Reed, •Itoberta,
Sesbert, Sloan. Torelln ' sce, Verner, Walsh cod
President Steel.
The minutes of the previous meeting were
read and apptoced. • .
Councils then went In o Joint POSSIOII. when
the election of city erne rawas declared In or
der. The list of °dicers gingen In caucus were
declared elected h acel matron, as follow,
City Printers-Haterr Dirpalch and /*ni
twit's Freund. • .
City Job Prlnter,-Er tt
Re cording Regulator-p.. 7. Moore. Anderson.
Assessor-4. It. Newman.
City Onager-4. H. Hobbs. •
Snperinlendent of Ilarkele-Capt. o.sillgor o.
Clerk of Markets-Ellas Astier.
Monongahela WhatY .Vaster-Wm. KonuodY.
Atleghnty Wharf Master-U. A. 11111.
bole /wpecior-t... A. Clair. •
Inspector of Ashes
,-4ohn SICEIng. •
loweclo , of Tobaced-LEratik. Weyman.
Sweet Cunisilssioner-Ist district, John Hun
Street Coronair.tonc district, John Flinn.
Suprrirurndent of Water Works—Jos. French.
AArrasor of IVoter Rents—L.:El-VT .I ,OA.
Board Mearnrers—First • ward,. Rob's Walk
er; Second ward, Joseph Wilso3; Tnlnt nerd.
Joseph Wiltaster; Fourth ward, John Velure,
Fifth ward, David ileenj Seth ward, John I,
Brown; Seventh ward; Diehard Della/en;
Eighth ward, J.J. Wells; Muth ward, ha th mind
Mitchell; Tooth ward, David Sims.
Lark Men.rarer—J.lin Pollock.
ilessenicl—Cupt. Cooper.
The Prod Mont of bolcol. GOtakell than an
ouneoll the JOMI, SUuntiOg COrnalit,ttea 10,
as fellows: '
Fornace.—Seleet Mrown,
Mel:wen, McAuley, President. Common.Coun•
ell—MeQuewanTomlinson,McClelland , Llemp ..
bill, Steel,preaident.
• Illam—Select Connell—]frown,Armttroatt,
Stanton and Cotlin. Common Connell—Me
(lowan, Weldon, Barnhill', Fawcett - end Jones.
A'trret: t McMillan, Me
I in; Mille and Gallabeea Common Conned—
Hare. O'Neill; Weldon, floitEts, Yard and Sloan.
Mains and Account, ..t•eleet -Ctionell—Tan
aer and 'rbomi.teon. Common Connell—Patch
ell. Ford and Mormigk.
--1/ananpatreta Connell—Mor
row and Coffin Common.Cildriell—Patcliell.
Poled and. ionic. -
e‘t .
Alleghe.ty ounell,Tiromp..
son. Common l.Manell—V4Mlor and Brneb. • •
Ordinanem.-8010CL Countal.i..McCartity•miel
Mort ow. Common Ccmnell,telreati, Jones and
Oat Lfylding.,-,Seleet Council-81111 , ton and.
Dielreion. Common COunell—ltebman, We 1.41.1
and Ve..ner.
Night I'c - dices—Select Connell. , -Philllpa rid
Tanner. Common Council-14re. Ford and
Fire Engine's and Here.—Select Council—.
Wilson and Tanner. C0011,10114:01111C11—Beck,
Bmies acid Welsh.
Markels.—Solect Council—Reese and Craw
ford. Common COULICII—MobiI. Seibert and
City Printing.—Sclect Council. Lcow and
'Crow ford. Common Council, Kelantan, Beck
and 'Roberts.
Irocelen Bulldings.—Select Council, tt , neon
and. White. Common Council, Beck, EicCiol
lantibnil 110090.
Apptia/ front City 4.III,MICIIid —Select Conn.
cll. InekbOn and Leow. Common Council, Ma
w h Inn el% Boggs and ratchet.
Ctily Prenerty.—Select. Council, Phillips sod
Mundt:tn. Common Council,.llawhinney, Tor.
ley and Courslo. -
Radroculs.—Select Council. Thompson and
McCarthy. Common Council,
31.whi.. 0 Y,
Itottt, and Ilebroan.
fa, Alarm Teirgraph.—SelectCounclL,Becee.
Common Council. Baru and Torley.
Atter some discussion on trivial matters,
Mr. Nobbs, on behalf of the city olllaca4
elected. extended an Invitation to Coun rs cils :o
attend a bang net that would be given as soon
as Councils adjourned, at the hlerchants' Llo
. :4
Select Council hero retired to their own'
Number, tut adjourned 7lthont trannacting
ally nosiness.
Common Connell continue-I their session.
Sir. MeQuewan presented n communication
on Mr. J.
of the Mat Ward, welch
wo. referred to the Financial Commutte, with
power In set.
.Mr. Ford offered the following:
Rewired, That the attention of the Water
Committee be directed to the inadequate sup
ply of water In Many portions of the city. and
they are hereby requested to ask the necessa ,
rp appropriations for remedying the cell.—
Read and referred tO the Water C 011211114
tin motion ailjounicti4
Itepoet of the enpe.inteodent of the
Howse of lieltore.
From the report of the eupetintendent of
the House of Refuge, It appears Oat the slum
ber of Inmates remaining la the institution
on the 27th of December, leis, was us tenons:
White boys, IC3; white girls, 52; colored bogs
27; colored girls, /1 . Total, =S. The source
from whole° the Inmates were received during
the past year, was as follows:
I o•S ' , " a 4
Countiee. fg lE.
11unver.,..." . 0 77 '
9.t 0 I.
.3 i . ,
I.awrenee J U at .. 5
W•fatnoreland ll 1 , .1. 0 2
J. tr...raou s :
-Mercer o, 0! 2.
IVamitagion 0: 3 tf. ,
2. 0: 3
Returned 'entente:lly O. 0. 3,4, 7
Returned by Muter . 0. 0, -I 1. 5
ArrOSLed OlttLitOlarl2oll..l 0, Oi 1j Oi
Total • Se: 221 1001 B: 170
The fo r Were the
f orscau of commit
tal: 40 for vus conduct; 35 orc itt ; for larceny; ;tar vagrancy; 2 for bur,
glary; 2 for rape; 1 fOrl:Ontittlt100; 1 Mr horse
steeling; 1 for assault and battery. The num
her of Inmates dlicharged during the rear
was BD.
of the boys atiniftttel
during the year Was 13 7 10; glrls, BP( years.
- Dortag the put year the average weekly coat
for the support of each Inmate was .1,83.
TOO 10116Willg OffiCera of the utstitutiortillio
been elected for the year IBM%
President—William Dilworth. Vice Prem.
tlout—W m. Phillips. eecretary—James B. D.
Meths. Treasurer—W: K. Bart.
Board of Managers—James McCandless,
L. B. relterruen. B. L. Yabn.dock, William
A. Herron, T:J. Mitbam. Imam &Ines, Bonbon
Miller, r., C. Tthger, Witham P. Wayman;
Jwrith liarkpatrick, Henry /lays.
t;ounty. Managers—John K. Parke, John
Doan, James - Bobb and Fellz C. Kegley.
Allegheny VO
Vie following site t
and Common COnnoll
tot tno ensuing
. . •
• “hold over" In iielect:
lira Ward. i &nand Ward.'
A. D. Smith,• 11 It J. Thomas,.
Moll - Irwin; ' J. B. Smith..
Simon Drmu. James W. Hall.
Third Ward Faurth , Ward
James %odder,• William dmlth.•
C. C. Smith,• Joshas Patterson..
A. 11. English. JoiniA.. Mylur.
Z . OO Mud. Second . Mud.
Alexander Malmo,. .I JOSOIIII McDonald,
C. F. inkhorn, William H. Donhora,
Charles Duller, - John Kirkpatrick,
10000 Road. George D Riddle.
'Third :Ward. ' Focrth Ward.
D. 4 Smith, • 11.10 McNeill,
Joseph M: Drennan, John Mearaor
Y. 11. Vocal:010n K. F. A. Foul Aber,
John Dorn. • John S. glagle._..
- rho Cdunciluton elect will meet on Friday
at ten o'clncir, a. m., for the purpose of op
Provo"dew Aerldeot.—A young la
passing down Fifth street yesterday afte r. nc., met with a moat annnyingtmil distress
ing accident. to the neighborhood of the
Wood street crossing water has accumulated
beside the pavement, until quite a large and
Jeep pond is formed. Ar channel Is cut
through theme across the Sidewalk, and In
this channel also, the water is quite deep. In
stepetng across the channel, the young lady
flipped with bothleat into the water, and be
ore she could regain her equilibrium, she had
lodes over at full length into the deep water.
Her bands were In her muff, and she was
mast entirely helpless. Alderman Donaldenn
with another gentleman was passing at the
Imo and rescued the young lady (comber 13.13.
pleasant situation.
The Title to the Tldlonts. and the Mar
antra Perth.—lo Monday's Issue wo stated
that an Important suit, involving the title to
a,sudbe Fat 4 oi e obn
ew h by h
t T e i Supremo
o ma
Court, in moor of the Pittsburgh claimant".
N. P. sawyer and others:. We should tut e
stated that thladoolsb.n was rendered,Mll;
• Suprema Court Of Ponntstuanta, pad
that the ease will be rarrie.l to tho ouP rem ''
Court Of the United States for a Dust add eta.
Public Catholic Librar'y Association—
, Flew. Annual Meeting and Elcvnon of
Last evening the Public. Catholic Library
Assoc:awn, celebrated its test miniver.,
q and elected officers to serve the ensuing
_ ...
year. Tile gentling rm.:VI was thronged at an
early boor. nod alma the moot:ng waStirgan
ed, standing room could only be ettainerL
At eight o'Mo ., the ?IL It ay. Bishop Dome - nee,
called the meeting to order and delivered an
eloquent and pertinent address, fully netting
forth the benefits of the lil wary, and cOngrate•
luting the rdlicers and members open the
great 913ellewu It had attained. The Proton
taint community were deseravl eatof the thank.
of the leasoCial lob, Inasmuch at they bud ex
tended the liberal band of encOmagement.
After other blab toned and I:medicable to
,e,..rhs, the Rt. Orr. (gnomons stated that the
reports of the retiring officers were reedy to
be, read by the cadent retirlng Prueldent of
the As.mclation, Jumee O'Connor, ESO•
31r. O'Connor teen proceeded to read the
Tt easurcee report (James Phelan, EV:l.:Treas
ure.%) which trthiblted a highly gratifying
state el anaree, the Avociattott 'being clear
of debt and having a handsome balance In
their treasury. '11:0 area. Year's existence of
'he A...elation Idel boon most anspicioue,
and with II atiericOUra,tement daring the pres.
cot year. the Library would he placed upon a
beau and lasting leuralatleo•
The report of C. F. alcSenne4,Eso- I,lbra..
rise, was next read.. lt too, exhibited a heal
thy state of affairs; showing the memberehip
to be largely on the Increase, and the volumes
up-on the shriven to have been considerably
augmented hyptircnasos made by the Library
Committee during the past year. to addition
to .niveral thousand volumes of the literary
. refill of all the distinguished Catholic and
Protestant authot s, tr e e
less in the LIM -:,,
he report Aline ea that
of the leading newipeperu and periodicals of
the country were subseri , c / for be the Asso
ciation end Were constantly tonna upon the
readlim tables.
President O'Connor next read his own te
°port from which we make the following ex
LReltl: I
.la making this, the 'first Annual InteriOrt, it
affords the licrd of Directors - and myself,
great pleasure o
to be abet to state that the sue.
enee of your Association has come folly up to
our expecustions. There are now three hen
themselves of the opfxn - Danitles your Asa,.
elation otter for tine cultivation of the mind.
The number of TOME/113 in, lee Library has
been increased, and It la conablered, fully at
lord ~, evcrt• necessary !amity to the people for
self -improvctugll t / . •
The Liiirsry embraced standard Works on
history, Wlography, the law, polite
literature, poetry, and rellgton, as ti , ell as of
notion and the i urrefit literature et the lbw.
Thu MOM° frescoed on the Association's walla.
1 ••Not he also writes, but what IS written, so It
atilaanee3 1.110 Improvement of mankind, and
tends to the greeter glory of the Petty? has
en faithfully curried ant, and the Wurg• of
eminent Protestant and Catholic writers, are
to lie Maud on Lae Dame Library shelf.
.7-. The Beard and myself retorts thanks for the
elationrma and support given to the Moo ,
'e by PreteMaUts em well as Catholics.
'l4'oy...sip:mid sad tills leeling be etrenatheeed
krill extendcrit Tito dissemination el correct
atiCtivtblige ehould he universal. It is proper
1. shiPald lay Imtere yon theTreastirer's report,
wirec ,li.velth the Librarian's, I now do.
The;Orighiature of the Library have devoted
their tone anal 110111e . inte with the. wish anti
earneei desire of en .bling all classes of soci
ety to Onion ltuowledge, to cultivate their
inintl•, tilluterove themselves neutrally and
morally. tool to closet° their, to compete "sue
cessi ally wllh,,nlial In the world, and Mitein
amid merit. beetles,
- .
. The good a well regulated ,Llbrary anti
heading Room,. aloes and can effser, Is I -
moose, ander great rattle, and -It is hop e -
that every welt -wisher of the .people, every'
one desirous of aiding the dteserainatkin of
knowledge, every one - en:Joel to. are.eor
) otlng teen (thd hope and pride; as Well all the
" , ‘vatf I , of one ontleit.) - 04Osated,Ltestulitge nt,
mar:dom. , of correct deportment, will put
'their .shoulder to the wheel," and aid thls,
really philanthropic work. 1015 not sufacimit
to ear .your as,ociation has ear good will.
We swish it every success.. Let-these good
tubes be added to priset mai aid In Its behalf.
and the good results *lll be eleitett, and will
run alma a thousand-fold. ..
It sit,rds me sincere pleasnre trrsay that all
the tinkers of tae Association have been dill-
gently iatthful to their duties, and that my
Directors bare hat monlonsly and cordialiy
aided me in the administrations of the alfalts
et the Association.. .
Toe report concluded with an earnest will,
for the f uture success of the Institution, and
a deserved tribute to the worth of the retir
ing Ofileerd. .
After the reading of the reporta had been
concluded, Mr. Joho 1)5100 reeved LORI they
be accrinutl tied a you of t 11.111“ be tendered
the.rettring rallleenal wits had served their
terms t o t
larittitallly le tlaw lutereolo Of the
library and the members. Thu restitution was
elluelpleesly naleptual. Tito mooning then pro •
ceerled with tau eleelleal of 0:Ilea:Ira to serve
Ills e”sulsat Year, with the following result i
Preealtleat. nate. IL Tam:, Vice President, S.
J. high.); Triaisurcr, James Pliblan; Secretary,
A.. F. ha:Malaga LlMCCLOre—.latneas 1/. Dodge,
John llieley, 'Sylvester A. Cosgrave, Charles
Maginu, T. P. llouston.
The meeting then ad/oureed.
A Fires a lane Gronery Establishment.
In a large city like ours the existence of a
first Mass retail grocery establlehment may
be regarded us a public benefit and blessing.
Ca..,1111; along Smithfield street yesterday we
were forcibly struck with thla fact upon tim
ing the great grocery atom of,Alessre. Shields
,t Boucher, opposite the Coated:Um thronlied
to its ntramt capacity with pun:astern. Ev
erybody knee. their system of doing hug-
Imes Seeing nothing but the very beet gro
ceries, at the cheats - st and most ressonsbln of
rates. they have succeeded in monerpoltring
to them , el ves a large share of public patron
age. They have elllibited in their window
a handrome low ressure engine, whtch is the
object ot leimirat p ion to all passers by. The
purpose of this is In brief —to give their cm
touters pure and maid articles, in the way of
coffee. apices, etc. In this establishment,
one desires to purchase a particular grade of
conee, they can do so and hare LL roset•
eel and ground before their eye.. So too
with 'spices. The spite , is taken pure
and ground right in the atom. wham It le de.
quality of to p c
the aurhratiscleers,they are who the know the
buying. This
rule of giving customers pure articles is pun ,
sued in every department of their baldness.
1 heir stock ladail replenished with new and
f rest( goods, which are MI dat prices which
will an mash buyers. in all m articles they sell.
they hove adopted a uniform parcentage of
prollt, to which they strictly adhere. n
detcharging on ono to overcharge upon Bn
other. They bare now en mod no less than
forty-tievert grades of tea, all cheap. Mines
and liquors, pine and In great variety. Good
and obcap sugars, warranted as represented.
Ccirees. Jousted en the hoot - , el top., ehoeo•
fates, spices and fruit.. cmeliest and et low
Prices. Canned fruits, pickles, starches, soaps,
dour, and a lull assortment of first class gro:
'cedes, very ion - . They are throughout an en
vorprlsing aud firm, In every way
wort by of the patronage of our renders. Their
card appears In another column.
Ii 1 0. 1. 0,
0 it 0 i
Orsns Rocs.—Dan Bryant, the new star at
the Opera House has commenced his engage
ment in a most satiefactory manner. On both
nights ho has been received by tan houses,
and Ills audiences been been .dellghted. On
she first evening, Mr. Bryant was laboring
der a very 'severe Indisposition, but be has
entirely recovered now and Is in excellent
health. Tonight, fur tlie last time, will he
give ...Shamus O'Brien..
Tri nava —A most Interesting place to visit
is the Theatre since the advent of Miss Annie
el vering. The pieces played aro admirably
levied, and art, writ played. Hiss laver Levering
is a beautiful and accomplished actress.. The
far-famed Ballet Troupe Orider the superin
tendence ot Prof. Emytho h vo arrived in
town, anti will appear this-evening without
fail. the troupe consists of eighteen young
ladles. excellently drilled and tlioroUghly no
c;noplishotl. 'Don't fall to visit the Theatre
[ this evening.
actin; for 1587:
e name. of the Select
••ch or Allegteny City
Trios° marked with a
011 leers ue the Neitirme Flre Corepara
• ••
The following gentlemen here been elected
°Moore of he Neptune Fire Company to nerve
the ensuing veer: President, Edward. Dude"
petit; Vice President, Nicholas,Trautman;
Treasurer, Wm. Herb, Jr.; Secretary. Wm. K.
Reid; ASAStallt Secretary, F. S. Kelbecker;
Captain, Wm. J. Dohluson; First, Lieutenant
I' lilolbecker; Second Lieutenant. John
lilrkpetrick; Engineer, Nathan Jones; First
liore I/Irmo - Ir, Peter Canto gimm; Second ileac
D !rector. Johnson Black; Thin! Close Director,
Patrick Herein.; Board of Directors. Geo. W.
' , mull , Franc'. tirstwier. Wro. 11.
Del Ka
Cenntegham, Geo. Kirkpatrick: De/elite"' J.
in ASSOCULIGeo. Mi. Kemp; Corn.
lure on ilevielon of Roil, Wm. alcCallum , F.
J. Kolhecker,' D.tvid' McCreary. lire 11. lined,
Peter Conninahatn; Committee onMember
ship. Wm. 1. Robinson; Geo. ir.geutp, Francis
Drawler, J. C. Merle, Wm. ,MOC"liu.."
Dropped Dend.—reateiday inorslog •
man named Joarph Franklin, - realdlulf st
Marislield. suddenly dropped dead . the
Washington road, &seat two PAMmov !re d
place. lie, woo picked up and re
the Ilium: ofJusoph Pell, near by. - Efforts
were mad to reseseltate blui, but ho wag
• found to be delta dead. The deceased was a
plasteter by trace. • 110 leaves a family.
Wben lie left bonus veatertlay tnornlnd be
ececued al t usual bealtb.' It sunnosed
that he dial of
Ji.—We stated yeaterday that
F;Apre - of
;;;1 ‘ UM...Ok bad horn held to ball by Al
d6rwsn TaY3Ol", On n cburga at surely,ot the
Pre oirrrl 11.
haveeems that
0, in do arranevuien , Old cot much of;
N O t on Iran k, for he wont straight bac c to the
regulation of the Zeilners attacked' Mrs.. Z., tinting hor twice la the face. Information
for assault - 'and battery was thude by the in
jured wemso.betorotlio Name ItagiSlZ6l4,lllid
• warrant was isaneil. • • ' •
Persons - dr/drone of *Pnrobaatriff a fine on.
barb= residency,' =lx araple: grounds, eery
and quick Of saurus by rail, are advised to roll
at 119 First street. 800 advertiseraunt.
„, 11.j1firsTaillsig_Thetery.
The Lifsfrafel-yeaterday soul 41 not retilat Its
panacea for lielf-glOrilleatlon, tad...sent benind
tha Seeridikitilitt Coeacll satieni..stioliting to
Ipol:dish the fact that It had re6sfieti sittifling
larger vote tben , tbe Gboonfreka or Goraft.
It did dot explain Iblitrue reason for Ita
Ina PoPaharity. One of Its proprieters. heti,*
Inside oft the wrifig,” nirmllcr of Couna4
o fuan elatinci4 to ails - alum the if Intel ,
iU ant
ems bi g own Joon:Lai - by etialagiog
barteritig sates for the nuultOwns candidates,
for the odlees within the s Ifttof ,the City
Fathers, end beyond a doubt a..ccf teem. The
otherionruals had no auengopportnenties Lad
hence tell of in the neither ot votes recilved-
The only wonder was that the
not receive an on roLe.
Tor, bo a little charitable and do not glorllyttn
Victory obtained ea:eiuby over hots
woo bad not half your wire
o f advatita-•
gas. Our election we owe to our earnest
friends In Caucus. nOt to any exertion duly
Our Own part, and are consequently duly
thankful for the compliment. - •
Our Hearty Thwok..—Our esteemed fel
low calico J. ff. -BleCle comtne to
the knowledge of Use great loss we sustained
from pliferma boys stealing the great molort
ty of uar old tiles, and sellieg them for Mu pa.
ttf,vtlisuidEly.p,l,l6ti:ol uil,zinxt,hre
been in hid family. We mtu ' rn our heal!
ty thanks for the generous favor. • . •- •
. , •
Palate a Co's araeutine—eov istantly'
plating all articles of copper, brass dr s cantl y
sliver, with pure silver, where worn *off, and
for clean•ing and polighlrig. silver of ~.Itver•
platen warn. Warranted to cOutatenn quick.
diver or avid, or nay injurious article , ' For
sale' tl.l. Sample, olicaheny, mud all, drug
' Additional City and buburbalt
on Fourth Page.
MINTER4a Moeda, toohier. daneacy . 7th t
ISG:t aor. eltatUEL ItU,Tas, the alaty eighth
The funeral will tailpiece on rate (WedweedeT)
)10Walgut Jameter eiht at f(I olel , clr, erase Ws lite
rerldenee, 114 Wrbsier etrtet. The Wrists of lb.
fall) are gourd to atttwl eltboctt further aotlee.
114 rivilkio.ktftz4#l3o aim 0;1
bestitlftl •434.4'5-ikere.." tbelanl , •Üblr b "
VZOMTVl3Fll=ar.'l2llViggir ghtllrf
AT:ti t :gni% MolT ' o i f
eh., CM, - •
No. 196 Smithfield St., cor. 7th,
A7B) 123 SANDI:OSSY toTRErr.
N 0.163 Toarti Wont, Pittsbnrcbt Cs. Gomm o[
all Studs. CHANCE, OW ass". .1 ...lOU ,
of funeral in ralsotrds 'Odra ru ...ob.,
° V , grZSV-}t, U . ' 1% . 4 Sri-elrte °T.
W. Jacobus. u.D.. 0.411
tlllbz ILK!.
garachoster, Wood's Bun watt viis.tavy. .
Varner oa Bed wad Camilla" Macaw
H•uw• mut rArrlar#•
onritlys ,
-.1rEn2473211-a1." 2 ".
6 Wylie St., Sd door from 3th.
SoynctlVor otor fors Iloilo! , Present. made es
preuly to oar order. by ate Or the toot Mantas*.
turtle In Europa klueronted to be perfect...
. , •
Time.heepers from $lll to
TP7o. Cia 1 1%.13.
.7111-ir T .7ff 0..T.E.r I
A Mc. Leuds',b. already Fold I 000 'Dampers In
Mnntecorery county, M., and b. Jun ordered 503
Mr French. paid ard for aalem , conniy. N. J.
bold MO Dampen. to a fed turrnahtne, and , hen aold
the remainder of Irla county for mlthln
al: ...eke, He hanaloce ourchnoed VIYE t/ ^ATI. rt.
A Mr. Bird. after us' ng the 11 - drien . r on a h... In
hotel, me. so nal , plraand reltri It that no bought
the right to the late of New York.
STATE A, COUNTY 141111115 FOR muux-
Ecnd clamp for Ekrenls.r, or call on
• J. N. ‘9IIIDDE.N.. •
No.ll Filch street, Plttobirgb, Pa.
3051111A11/1001:8..r. W. H. I.l.l . ritiLw
£D THE EAGLE Utrri.,,c4Ed. t.rmvr....`
' re rfta MONL6TPTuIIe.U=Iv'Et 'nig •
the ms.nufacturo of
Shootings, Cotton Yarns. Carpe
Chains. Candle Wick
• and Bailing.
-Ordenmay be lett at the (Mee of the Worn.
Corner of Duquesne way "and Unreel's Alley.
- Pitteslaus-G n. Pus
° Chandeliers and Binekete, Lead
Pipe, Pumps, Sheet Lead, &a,
I , ALTrAY2I ' 01 ir ILLND.
sa 1,61 Rood Strict, near Sixth.
89 60 TO
99 MR. Co 3EI lEg , 7 Si ,I
891 89 Market Street,
Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry
24. 214 ulantrr
rankle. attenttan ftlars Eter.irint
IVateuem, Clocks and Jelratry. 611 work warn:t
ed tabscal
and Steam Fitteis,
A Urge 631lortmeat of
9 89 89 S 9 89 89 89 -88
. 1 BOOTS, SOBS ! &L
. 9 WIZ :lE...PM Alit:K[llMT
.-. XT R . = NI ct x .r , -sr.
49, tiO AUCTION 000178 *Eel'.
89.----- ---------
IJAAIES ROBB, 89 Market St.
89 89 89 S 9 89'89 S 9 89 89
Practical Furniture Manufacturers,
Latast - itylfa of ITITINITtIiti eonsuatlrouhatd
Btx .441, so , n4 WOW( 1401LSTA, - 3a.t we , *
.4 will be sad cheap scr4l3ll,lvlliti MOVIZI
aaslr g ral W ertfr M- gar.fe r"'
imWZILIPE. I.IVICH , Ar. War. bTA131..% pint
ufltraong 4.1 FRU I T
ILION SAFE . • : . •
WiClO2l. teca.s433. -
iro.4 VIRE moor 11tek a
Barnes' sirtr,) medir..tis . e t rafiAr c tr e ra47 .
Inns st - Ur, ric?..lYA. Y CirLii CSIANS