The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, January 08, 1867, Image 4
rormEtnezil arid 'Tirol:or,. 118 Wood Bt. near corner of Fifth. 611 doecriPtlOni of d overment Nmets Denerrenet eedd on 11Oei terms. Lannon and Conunental Exchango sold. at Newrartl Coupons Mlle . & at biglieat scut Gold DFetts I.spled oa New York., ftd_/aCE Ai ZLU3E, •• • chrw.ciroiyrui pirisatt uri Jaa. 7, iarrrs; kloanne, M 7. The . 11feer. task stock'. quotation!' to-day, Si rUtarted Itobinscm. McClean ft . Co., were xi follows r' Geld, lEcialiu:Eagnts - ono bmici; Flee • Twenties, old, 108; FIVe TWeetter,reS, 106%; Ewe Tweetles, nuw, 101; TerdFortles, ---;.deven Thirties, 105; 5.11001 - gnu Southern IL EL.,-lEt.%lClevelanl S rata burgli,•ol3; Picts':de:lh, C rt Wayne ft Chi. cago, .11:4H; Chicago h ; flock Island, lel; Erie. Railroad, 67?,,;; Chlcagr; mat North Nre:stera.R.ll.,4dolo preferred, 6:i:;Wc , atern Unlon.:Telegraph Company, 40.4. following statement t ablettit the bus!. n en c rib. pruahargt, Cluurlnu; 'Mate forthe weak diming on SUL I mlay, January' sth: •. • .gxellansre B . • z e l a nceg. ..•..1: 01 , 137 re • 5.8,359 86 437,3 Uri 70:81,11 413311 GI 71,101 59 =llea 47 74,5.43 40,013 al 115,190 48 Peternber 2 31 J,L,113.7 .•• Jtint. 3.•• Jinuary • rY ••• Total 511101, 113 51a7,415 it , - 3—On the contraction Pt the volume of the paper money piddle opinion 10 becoming more I-.. Settled. - Two points seem . to be generally 'agreed npont First, that there must, be a Cootraotlon, that the value Of the currency dollar mart. raised and made equal 10 coin; and secondly, that this contraCtion should be gradital enough to prevent Spasms in then money, market end reVulaions in business. If SL to impossible, as some supimse, to arrive at !Teem payments by direct efforts within the time indtected in the- last annual rePort.of .the Secretary of the Tieasury. then It should be as soon thereafter as practicable, for the • wants of the people colmetivety should be considered as paramount to the interests Of toe eemParatlvuly low.telm, from overtrading and speculation, would be ruined by speedy contraction. Toe eee . eleeVatiVe policy, though Slow, and calculated to tax the patience 61 the country, will at least he safe to all. The 11100,C00,flee of national currency IS an unsafe amount, and even the advocates of the banks think that to enlarge it; would bring about • the downfall of the system. The destruction Of fear millions per mouth of any kind of ourrenCy, even compound id wrest Doles, will annum a tight money market, check specula tion, and secure an approximation ton specie standard, and if nothing eke can bo had yre ' must be content with that. —The public debt statement to the let Of , ' Jfiriney. instant, Just let:OA - ed. slows that ire told National Induldmine , s has-been de creased but H{ ; Lea which In, however, bet ter than had been anticipated. Toe mat S A lens casnin the Treasury, is new Ci,oll/.•• ' SAM. The coin nil the Treu.ny is ite7,811, , G0, including, It is supuo,ed, the tw Wye walnuts . for Jaunary interest on bonds which w arn sot disbursed till utter the lot instep I. On the Ist of D, cenwerlast tie emu the Treas. my was 411.5,165,51 U. Tim statement also shows the-duet caring Interest in coin to have hi , creased 029,422,150, and the debt bearing cur . tunny interest to Dave decreased en,:it:lo). The tai eu year Seven Thirty 0 uten ire .1-educed a417,1W willun the month, being now stated ,at,' eattl,S4l.6eo. The threo year year compound interest notes amount+ to alllpo,tio, against t117,3.57,1tti en the first of December, brat. • —Says tile Chicago Tribune of Saturday addition to tee Multi Mate entire delaaditl for money ; by puckers, .provision and produce deniers, the , u was considerable tenuity for eurrency by some of the National Baehr, In • Order to make Up U. kaateincaL" tor moodily. Toe interibr bunko were also cheek , . lo freely for funds to move um hog mop, anti dxup ..statmutints”--and in every quarter we beard reports of 4 tlitta Tommy market. These ..atateatakell" are a pertect fame—au untniti gated ptuco or ilecept.lon—and the sooner the Correticylict Is amended, either. ahodshing or compelling more frequent publlcutions,the better for the batiks anirthe community. We ' would , recommend that the National those etites •-eleetell us retlempthm palate, be cotnpeleil by law to molten weekly statement similar to that mune by the hunks in New . Yorks 11 - Jston and Philadetpida. If this were done, tile quarterly contractions in the money ' market (for when there is no necessity) would be entirely done away trite, on the Mud:" would beets no time or opportunity to "reek" atm mew., where suult appears once a week: —Tne liana Stock Tat Cane, now before the St:wreaks Conrt, In Washington, IaVOIVe4 mere Money than any case Cone aejuotcd in the - country. Toe exemption (roarer oh' aunjeet lon to state and local taiatiou, of slea.t/PJ,eue, and hut aniatally, for oil time, at pay. to %temp two per cent per annum, is geeat the tiatatinvolved. Batik stock must be mute . rially Ilium:m.ll In value by LI e decades, and should It be subjected to toe tax will lad in ' value matertally. FITTSBURtat saniZILETS •. Orrict or Tax I'l'77BDi - en. Grc.i.rlcs Mamas, Juts leo Thu produce markets present no new char aeteristics worthy Of special notice. If, any --_lltlng, the receipts of Finer, tirstia and ilaY, and other artlelea we might mention, are ln critasing,and with no corresponding improve the demand, stocks are accumulating and holders, generally speaking, are anziOloi to effect sales, and in some cases, are .willing to make conceadocut in order to accomplish this point. • GRA L4—Wheat Is in fair demnnA and steady. Out enchanted; sale of 270 trash NO. 1 Benet; elevator, at $1,55. Oats dell and In good outiply; Dale 011 ear ut 50—SmssIs Dales In store at fr . : coat. core 19 In utiosi gamily and, doll; mac of lear prime Yellow at 78; conaintin nailed pi Offer.ed at 74 to :5. Sale of lr dull null prices arts vomi: MI. 15(1 [hots Fenno.. Eye% to arrive, Ist Westernis 400,41 at Sr.V:l ELQUlt—leoulet ant a little dull, though .„; the marker. Is drat and prices are well TlMM ilineal. We (Matinee to quote at $l3 to st2;fat, for fats to choice Spring Wheat; 013.30 to 4t4 for. Meier Wheat; and $l5 - to Sit for fancy brand. aye Flour is selling at SI to *sf-. Buckwheat Is dull at Id per cwt - Y—Titers to no lulling Of In the arrivals of haled tiny, and no IluprOve Men t to note in the demand. We continue to quote at 413 to AIM for prime baled, on I rack, notwithstanding are reported at 41.3 to $3O. ES—Sale of 55 0510 Chicago *tees at $1.2.2. MILL FEED—SaIo of I .ear fine Shorts at Middling-3 May quO $1,92 to slt gecontla at SI,P) alp, and 011 Meal at 52, - .1 , to $2,73. BUTTER—is quiet and unchanged. Prime % nabob:so 11011 may be quoted •at 30 to 33. and ' the supple Is fully up to the demand. EGUl—Conilarm very dull; with a' supply • protoderatfly in excess of the demand. impugn holders generally, are still asking 3o for-fre.h APPLES—In steady demand bet. unchanged —we have regular axles reportdd at $3a•54 per bid. as to qualitY. • yoyayo Es—continue exceedingly doll • notwithstanding the arrlvele ham, been light ter genie days pmt. !'rime reach Mows act ling to store at 90. • SEEDS—Flaxseed Is in steady demand• at $4 00 demand of arty - moment for either • Clover or Timothy. quiet and unchmited -• regular sales, in More. at 55 to SO, for good to • Choir.. DRIED FRUIT—Is quiet and unchanged— ' mall • sales• at 10 for Apples, IS to; .21 for YeaChiss—quarters and halves. • , rITTSBUIRGIE PEIHOLECII. StAEILET. Osnait Os rem Pirreatmow Gayer, slognai. January 7, 1867. CP.IIDE , -There la little or no inquiry for Crude on tlio,spot, and notwithstanding there la but little offering, the. market Is dull and prices are nominally uncrtangeilsalo of . 03 bbls "Smith's Terry. 0.7%. We can report a Judea five thallium:id barrels, for next spring delivery, at 9, and we heani of an offer to take ten thousand barrels more for samba delivery, at 84. but so for en we can learn there ore no offers in sell below nine OCULS. The pros pects for the oil trada daring the next six months are not reged as vernt . tering by the great .ma ardjority ofbein Pl g y aaa In li tbe business, as too e,upply is largely .- in excess of the demand, andlpricos will. In all proonuit ty. rule low. We Dave no Into advice, iron 01l City—the eastern marleuts era reported dull and nechanget: ILEFINED—Tbero to more activity m 'al. Posted In too market for bowled oil, the Bales !Wing unusually large. but prices are no het ler, and the demand is almost wholly tipaCtl• tattirta We can report a bale of 1000 obis for tell month, on private term"; 1000 for Starch delivery in Philadelphia, at SO; SOO for 'guy, ei St On Satuniny evening, one rennery sold Pon thousand brirrelit, ea follows—up phil„. delehts bets for May, at 33 , 4;500 - • _for-Juno. at 111 boo tOr July, at Bo tor -.- August. 31; 800 tor Septomber. at 3.sigi dB for 'BOOS fbr, lle W c l m W er. or N s o 7 v . e T e le g rams . m' 4 f s o a m PhilPhiadelphia to-onv reported the market dull. very fee e.O.rt"rl" operating. nee Oil I. q uiet and unchanged. Neva York Financial Slattern. Nsw yp aa, Jan. 7.—Monoy rather <,faster at.-7 • SteilLuirAall at 95i49 - X... Gold uneettca, open: jog at 184Cadvanolog to 1;.IW, and cloatap at 11133‘. Thu preelaua quotation 134% was ‘r, r. Governto.ipta heavy and lower. pops of 'Bl 10t , :riale:sX d ; uof lir,"„ig p o 0 , t 84 . 10 53it8i.; . 43.1.43401e6r7;, ties, freAtatro. .eltoeat. heart. aiming steadier: Gm. c-r,ttleaten, glop tgan South ern, Illinois tot!, :fix; itqt,,,,p rz b , g ; Toletia. %IVAN; Mock lelan.. :V,Vty.y.; Iturtatreatern. Erie, or,V, Now ip r p • central, HI 19qatoe.. Colon, OM . ; Fort Wayito 4PAy lteatiltqr, lathing alutrea uettru and trot. Nat"' 'loan BANS STATaXeNT.—tDISC.TeIIae to $180,03; thicreaso In3aponic, (6/10.341.; In. CMS. of OM IlailOn,iN,Zss; • legal t0n.10r.,f2,0:3,131; Imports 01, lipccle fort he week, 4r2,::43. stock of fl9ur In New l'ortb—Jatinory If6l. MS. 3a7. Wtet arid Eittto t1 , r..5.57,( 1 51 465,KtS 1113, - 151 G3u,STO n 0 ,...._. Mitri 4.9. D 22.+1 , 0 3.:0u bouthcru lour $7 1125,2:4 17.8.9 eQ7,1 . 17 GAM MN/ 834494 M= , . BOW* Market. 21iiir:itd. January 7.—barketlenorally an fAukage4rx4 Waist. 'USsrs sr TzLteasPa. Sew Took Produce Market. 3Ow Yong. January . . 7.—Cotton doll end ' 2:7,7„ z!,."cgio'rto=t".c delnand, with an adval.oo of 100."7.Z., , " tt 511.1k912,F0 for Extra Sidle: 41.111,11.10 for Hound Hoop Ohio; al:emu) !Pr Troll SoutkOin flour higher. Wlmat advanced la:. wlth out Fmulldetuand,nt for No. 1 Lin cagu. Total eock of gratis ln wurenor,o Jan uary :do Wheat. 1.731.k29 tra.bels:ro ,, 00, 001 010tH , 2.4sl, , ltedliarlrT. BYe blgher, at al 7.3 for 00011000 we:der n. ikrley firm but. Tact. Corn rc higher. with a good apectuat.vo demand at 41....0 for now walla Southern;sl,3lol;24!4 for W..utern. to store, chiefly V,LHWAII,I.4 afloat; elollog firm at I 11 00 Ch Inag o m n ott; klkunneE- oe7oc l lon near Ohlo,cloatng,flrm. pork ateudy ut 420,53 511 for new - , dosing at tz),67611 for Western; alli.Nttilll,tn for old. closing at 410 N ca,b, VOA) 5017.15 fur prime; Oleo now for January, Feb ivory anti Marta; aullera mul buy , '. option, .x, *An'. meats quiet. Mons , lottA. Bacon dull. Dremled boaa ateadier at 41 , 4 e for Western.' Lard ,teritly for out, and 12lg.kle tor now. Cultrr tstLzer. ter 01110. Tallow ileiner. P,:troletitoOrto at 100 for Crude, and es , /, - 6500 for D. , •ri0.,1 in bond. Sugar firmer at 11-Au fur Porto Mace. and I,',C for Cabo. ; =3 New 011 LEANS, Jan. 7.—Cotton unelnotc.tsi; sales of 3,0:10 bales of low tro.1•Illag, at 31 3:0?4, and middling, us reeeip, 7,7 , ) 0010 s; exports 5,7:39 bait,. Sugar higher, art Molxaset nigher: Interior, as Sue; Prin. , to tholceott. Giikno. Flour doll; soiturtltre, nt $11 . 9; extrit, at i11751t15. Cora In good do_ walla and 51.07e1 , 121.i. ts in %,0041' Armand, at 82ZzArt.iet Hazy in fair nomann, nt 475,5011.119. Pork zlottantl 10n , r,az .11 , tcon si t o,ilder.., I:le; sides, at. 13!e41.1f5,15. Lord .1,111, Tobacco steady, at 475.710 for fair; par 2 tor good. ftr„ I.onle 3larlcnt. Sr. Lot!'. January 7.—Flour cr relive,•rllno ran t, 'ruin 4 . .., - 21; 10 4 0 . 141 ., 10110,1 T. l tra, $.111.1.7a11.10:61‘.1 1 / 1 :14•TIA:t. tit ::.:010 2 211 1 ; 1/li, extra, t hr.,. xi 111; 4 - 1,7 0 41'1. , for prior, al.! $1. 1,11 ,11 . 2 1.1) (1.0 ml - VAL, blrter. nt en•Ai L lj'e - Porh In elm Y. Inquiry, 111, 419.1.01R. 1 .0,11 0 for ow., 114- owl, clear n 1,103.1 31 . Lard, 11l for eat , . ly tterce. Wluany eleAert 1 ID . _1 ;20, In bond. Brun firma. 11'41. 1100. , ; pens full, nnytt rr and seller 4 apart; awl uttered; niSal..L t Mellon Market. CHICAGO, January 7.—Flour tlrtni $10,00(010.15 for coring extra. Wheat ateloty a 41, litisitti. Corn quiet. anti Uric. Oats dull; 430 or au. store. Live Hogs active at ari.c.ifr;:=solt all active at. 41. 10, @ 0 S,. PrOvl+loll.l quirt. and easter. Itecelptr. —neer, 10,000 tad, a heat, 21.000 talc; corn. 19,1-001ius; outs, lip) Out; lice 1 hogs, 9.999. • Milwaukee Market. iT.AvACEict. Jan oaf y 7.—Flour Ilan and un changed. W heat for N,. I, unit cliis tor No. 2.Al , •s+ Ifork. 010,104 Weasel Hog, lcia k1,701C7,0 Ileectlad, 5,000 Dresced Hogg; Loul.ville Market. • LnclacmcE.., nnuar 7 7.—Tonneen quiet. SO- P. , Oa. door, 49,00a10t0. I'n.° w;„.„, Shellod earl, In Omit 199711; ear Oat. 91. 111._s Pork 4=0.00. laidl2. llogo Cluelottari Market. CINCINNATI January 7.—Fl Onr steady and In moderate hi tttlan , l. tints. Imrdly On) thing. .Inlne; truyero 011'ervi1,7,09Q7, 1 0; Balers ankh. if 97,20a7.10./. : 31.emplria Market. 310.1tonts. Jan. 7.—Cut ton doll at 30t.f/330.(e; opt, 0,703 hales; export,. 1,915 bale-. SLOG PM 1c looker, at 1.2390. Flour. corn and onto unchanged. Hay Loglier.tit. 400,00. FinhtivlOle Fineart. NASIITILLE, 3411.7.—C0tt0n market dull to; iliq; 011100 Of 020 bales ut 29,530.1. DIPOILTIS fl-itAILF.OAD --- Prrrssurtort. Four %Verse a Clltesoo R. It. January 7-1 cur bay, A J Mogan;? ligs buck. 0110. dour, Lewis a McClure; l cur Day, J Holmes; 5501113 Itlgnwines,oololo3 S Wultactu; t; 0010 scraps A llooveler. I caddy tobacco, J n., 1 tiliertun 58 pkgs 'cot meal. A' aylor; ku erased hoes 1) Kerr; UL bas .1.110 1, 0 Brewed bogs. 11 11 Ayers' .0 me 5,10 do, Sturgeon S. Oro; 7 holisorglm to. Grad:: !Letter; 1 1111.1 to bacco, 51111,71; 5 cm d 0,3 10 Tu0111T; NO bob. Ilour,J Gardiner; lOU do .10, C B Lcvelt;lCO do seghtnyer a Veskamp;:rw do do, 1:11:olnu !ter S Lang; 1 tior had. I sellers a co; 1 car hay. Campbell a Bros:1,0 1 9 cases lard, Avenel:- MIA .10;11 pkgs game, L LI Vast a co; l barrel butler. 11 !:bale; 1 car pig It tol, is 'L Fxlmee• Stock a co; 155 p his lead. Rh eh arils, Ilartly co; IS dressed hogs, J 1' Manna /4 co; 1 car whetit,.l S Liggett X. et . ; 10 lells • broom boo:f -lee, McElroy a co; 10 do Co, E R Mathews; I cur rye ' Kennedy .0 Lathrop ; 14X) bids llottr e S Llnd enyJr co; ',car hay, Campbell a. Brava; IDO DO. 110 uelel. OW 'Douala; 15S plms hides, 2 bbls tallow, A IRA stein;. eta; hay, ISO Com is ney; MO tails flour. Culp 'A Sucpard; 50 1 / 5 1S high WOWS. Little a 03;1 ear bloom., J Met/A head; asks rags. (Mel, ey Clio 1;0 bills ap ples. OS 000 e; 1 cur bay, .1 It Dolma; ears inetal, Shad: a co. • PITTSI3I3COII. Counanca Sr CINCINNATI K. It. January 7.—i car corn, Cilinere, Strupwin A eu; 3 Mils sr:troll, Kennedy, Childs a. co; I ear AlaVea,C C Smith; 11 eke Di11e...) neoVelerl 40 Mils lard 011,1 W do dour. Shemaker a Loup: 25 boo starch, S Lindsay Jr a co; 10 I:4s lard, .1 A MenchWor. 70010' liquor, II Callahan; 25 tree bird, J II Parker; 7 bss drugs. G to Gardiner; el:s cool, John 31reall0ugl” 5 pkg 4 dry up •plee, bruit a Keller; D 5 s , eilY Salley. Manor, 'llarper .0 414.1;21 sks corn, S I. 31ellenry; og. cornmeal, 11 Moult . ;Pi do do, Jos Umbr; 111,1, tint.; Jai Gardiner a en; 1 car eticri..l NW Fables; I do do. Stewart a; I do do, 13 S Courtney; Ido 410,1 b.mloy, Dun Wallace; Ido corn. 31,illone A. A...1t:N . 1U is 11 1,14 5'. / Evert; n Obis lard C oil, ane 34. Droll,;Teare !UMW, J Is WV; I ear outs. Or to Bingham: 25 :axes store!, A roueklesace; r lit les.ther,Win Flacons I, sue; 100 aks eat le), Alex Hutt; 3 41re.4,5 , 41 00,4, S IMaroma I.; pkg. prOlitien. Vettlf 4.0 Sewlin;.3U il; iirleLer 4 4t, 044, ek Melaxllol.l.4ll.t 0017 pkgi pre, dpce. Nen cooler, Gee SCu. CADVELAND AND PITTSPCOII 11,11.DOiell.— J411111.4. - S 3-3 pkg. Imam., .1 0 CM ivot tlt A co; It bbls dry spines, iirad S •Itelter; 1e MO, 114..30,00 a co; 17 8k s ruts, Met. allow:11. Sinn!: ei; I car bay, A J as alt; IS bele- buy, Culp A. Shepard; 11 plc se rope, J S 1'1:11 :0 1 cur burley, Spent . .. a. 31c14-); 17s bogs Itai ley,1;1 Males nay, %V J Meek; I car him, meet S 1144, PS Milt ull,Cllua 11 Den lehl; N tto de, 15 arl ll l.l a King; SS 410 410. P %M.:keit:terser; • cuts metal, Bryan a c...hor ; 9 10 do, Sheen:ter ber a Illair: tit hela, Jolla T.qlro•Ct curs 'wheat, Dan lifelines.; 2 cars buy, 5 % .1 gertneY; I cur lumber, 3.lilllnger a Dias ell. Am...GUS:4O STATION. J..1417) . 7-3 can corn 'Stewart Ace; 120 bola bay, 15 Ma elder, Jut/ - 0001100;1 cur w beak, 11 . .11eKee; dour, Coy, Noble At co:liars wheat., lientaly . A. Bre; I cer stucco!, Logan; _lOOO wool, I.lllole semplc; I cur barley,M. Urekelteett; 1 de emcee Dalt'a.a Robertson; I do de. 1 31 11m/1111111 s ' l bales buy, 31 Whil: 170 eke barley, 43 du oat, D. Seidle; 2 bide apples. J Herbert: MERCHANT TAILORS. HOLIDAY SALE. We ore uoar er..rtna &tetra the Hell ley!, epedal toleetmeute to those wieblng to ;Rana. BOY'S, TOUTIVS OR CIIILDUENII SUITS AND OVERCOATS, I= .?„-.;%: 47 St. Clair Sired. . GRAY d: LOGAN Eras ELY, G. HALE, MERCHANT TAILOR, orthwest Corner of Penn 6: SL Clair Sta. Desire, to return Lttanka to his friends and the Pub to for the mane nu' fas Ora. and rowan/It'll , sone Its a snare of their future patronag, Fie lionl pleated to have Lb= examine Ids Large and Ea.rePatly b'clected Stock Fine Woolen. Goods Panleml=l7 adMq.l WI lENTlffill lag rpr, 1111 AN W13T611. lITZ3 B. DAIIR—ILLIL TO. 11.71/0[14..V. L. ucrrrLxn. BAR KNAKE & BIIETTLEII, ducceeecirs to WAMELINK A BARU, N 0.12 St.Ctitr Street, Pittsburgh 1:122= JPia,ncis, Orga,res, And 31.1.1 Goods dondrdnY XIPSoIa Agen's for th Colutrated New Tort., andSCLIOMACKEII 4: CO.. PhIladol• pals, PIANoa. Also. EST EY G CO.'S ••COTTA.(fE. , ' and S. D. It U. W. SISITIPS 0110 ANS, and TILTON'd PATENT UpITAR. • The best hail. sod German Violin and llaltar Strings always on baud r • nol7 :on" FOIL CURIS'IRAS PRESENTS. New Style Ottomans, • - Large rise:with Chintz Corers. made of , reorbaule of vets Wilton sod Velvet. Carpets.' be cbtarmat. most durable and most elegabt artlele or parlor 3rvarxalturo melTo 4e found. Manufactured snd mold only by our ons. AU other styles or cvvrcombnramEl DIoFARLAND & COLLINS, Nos. 7! and 73 Fifth Street, Nsf?poar shore Dispatch Dot dlag, &cowl Floor. RG if FA pcn, Ita AN Er. eACTUIitaU uIIMPANY. Usuur"M"" Printing and Wrapping rape& nrxweNvlt.ix ORIEL • BILLUITAYN MILL, YEW t r ic iwinN, I'A 0171cr. A2i'D WA111:11oU6E, No. 82 :Third Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. orricass-AvutfrAukry!?; Pyeelri.t. IT=7. ° JM A int 4Hl :rgu!la:Zikilill l ... 0. H Yttrlot. Ca.ll Pala Mr Papte Mock. ucaalora PITTSBURGH ROPEWORKS• MARSHALL, FOLTON S. BOLLltlit Onl7 .11 , 4oracturon la the Wirt of • ZIA ITV CORDAGE, rot !itaw - 2. and Coat Bri• LLAIVSIF.I LAID OIL 'WELL DOPE. Tared :neves far card Igal:tram - Ts; HEMP CAXUM AND PACK RIG, C !NU Col' I ON, and 115 AVrage ttrcot. Near 31d,riongllacts RIVER NEWS The weather wa, again quite cold - and win. try like yesterday, anti the hopes entertained en Saturday and Sunday ot - on early SVAIIIIIIN 5100 ut navigatlon. to not B , .etn likely to be rettliz,, , ll.lolll. Tile winter, t::113 ear, lbag been utt old la - funned one, and it natnl:l not no eh, itrodh,' S our rivers mela to remain Mewed notht of F . aornary, PuetihlY the dr.t of Match. • , Thu tow hoot A..!. Baker arrived at Sew Deli non ii.. th“ evening of Friday tart, eight dap, old, 11010 Lon with CIS ha 010 and tilt) vurneli ut real iii Wu . . • Ids is men.. 11. able gond lune, et , peelally as the too tir Ohio de, wee pleats Well lined *44.11 n ‘r .f,,r, die got 10 CttUSi, and the W..;al. tier 005 ,dot nip. Toe AjdX. and Dick Fultoa will lotto to look 10 their 10)11014. EvaniCJllntielugr,n,•under date of hat • ord.?, I 'Fite Iveioutomland 0011 0,1,d mat till, tnOrning alit went and Yeaott, biddy to the Udntill oft...vett linter. Thu Wild , harge,juat paoseil kit. Too Phan tom calve Ills fromlllll Willows• this morning : I took p,.s,nntzet:4 and IL for loi.ezpin 1. The Taoists es idadoig up iteam to murk out sit the ate— It is rumor-it on the Street that the Liberty NO. I. hauls below mere; it la not credited in laver tik•l vies. Sue tell )43..terddy, .114 a lull load und.inany people. I 'l'a C droCoretr,[oolldent 01 the Cinglintnlal /.<,,,1 , el, writ , . cd, w,. as :Thu Qld,d Ulep In 1,1., la' 0 Site Wilbur [sear the 0011.. On Cal Ind will it, ili,her 0pp0.;i1.300 5.4110 1.411 - 011.1111 1:1:010,1.111 11y11 1.111.: as :Won Iv Ice ro ill perm t.'„rpl. 1101011 infortnor 11010:11 she ha. 11011e8(111)1! money, 01,011 h. ng the trelniniilen. efforts matte itkiitinst aerated [hitt her 0011110, 0101 aplLlly zuv:..itn , l her prospects 1111:101111g, .Neni Oritians Creaccnt,tiumnitenting On the Fai,tilno clisitstini, says: .\ inn., tenant,' stestioniat tringeilyon the burning of the fas 11100. 1110 orheclrtel 1 110 pan lie hen, wren . , noel In- - tort:l toe ur eel, such 1 1 161,1 11 100,1101 I It, llro 10 he cerolnu,l net II It hely and 1,0001.11 of hone 01 preven. 1,0. It re ertnethlng, Ineonenivalne hew 0,201.0 l,l l,lstroily I. 011 Mull 111, ,1,1 0011,1d ,1110 ptorocray torn no [fell:1011p) , Occur con,.t. 'ollrly 4th the prr mute,. on pectitively Ju nroloooleol ort the oraot-: tot rooter:. holvole4 the can. torlypeel:lea+ uves. At the our river troaren 1100 1111 10 better 1.101.1 k 1001111( Una., boxer. 1115,1 n 11.11 not 0111101 !liar 1111 1111 , Lles 13 lgoare I. 1 noes .11, 101.1 Ino remelt. , tv raLetroeraro):: bleaeloirc situnee% 0: tire nycr throcd rootuloot, rine 11l 11. pertectly clear Ithat not lung clic., of the tun, nearehre and 10111inuntr vi.ttlarree can pevent terrlote Wort Co.ter, aoel the 01000 la 1:110 1 01,;,1,1110 . 111100- 111 , •1 :tenure tretuctuitteringattiorteentirling human itt tyro avo not In peorictotlOn Of tint:. /0111011 Lear raul 11. In re:art:jet; riegleet, or careltnerner, I lan:. censor...or re to 11 the 11 1.1,00 to the L'tt.ll - but 0'00011(00s to a serve of protronel :er re or,lrtnent lot the tatetto rence 01 11 11 nod c 1 other oilintstors Ilpoll troy 011110 than that Of at:Am." , lack or tratentulnecs on the part of throme tar 0:110111 so Innen 1v1•9 000,10. 1 1 unll 0110.,11 11,111000 1011011 000 oal. p. 1,1110.1 111 100111 that. 1110 11101 toll. 11101, 10'10,0 01 lire alleerlintr Om burnl ll ei the Fashion. 01,10k11 1110 tlr. they Were, 000 (01•!;' niUch '4lOOl, 01 102 lel 1 1010 tiollloll 1), 111111 1011 COll 01,10 1 1010 0:001 01.11,0 Irene e 1111 00- ' curate of the name. ort tire Vretrur• 0,111 - plueed Imatorel the rablie. 1,1 100 111000[11110 1111100 harrao.lllg uncertainty anil ilrooll. Wig barn, the re hole 011111+ , 1 It 110 nap horeo 01,1 1011 IO lear 1.1101 triernii . of their were - on the 111.1 M,, cteatner. c 4 o. 1100 01. Louts Dnnocrul, Of Sotturrlny: The neorther atr, quite rutl:l illy 1 0-10, tlae e . The, 10e r 00, vry no 0 rorntlonorry. 1.00; 1100, 001 00100 0 1111 1010020010-100ilty 11, 11110 1011 0 -01 11i11. :010 01001001 0001.1 0110 1 1110 I 1,1, 3,10.10 04t, 110 trooolo o . lotruser. At 1,1,1 0110 0,0 101 II o,' 1,11 New Ode 0,1, 0101 10-0 , , , 10 000 for 01011, Tit, 0110 lOC Ii:1,11Ville.100. 1 ono In/ .lolupoon vllleo There II a very totoonolerothle aeorunru.- ' 11,1011' of II 00;011 tor seartuent 110:111t.. 11 mi pertntp.onotriti 10 10,1 the Lorrnot for the Ohre. Tee 111 10011 ICI! rotting, tort will nat. nn,ve fur a wee% too COM, rot ea 0 1:0 Unilllol 01 4,11 II free oottner. 1•11,51 ill 101 111) 10 011010:111 0 11 In the prob :ll*.. en 111 I l'oltren, 1111:1 C„ 1110 y ant 00111 001 from 101 (01, 0111 011/y, II I. II.:011;111.1 - STII:AMBQATS VOD CINCINNATI AND. 8AY,....... I . 10 1. 0. r v wi I 1,3.1, PIS ti ca AR"" ' WO at Ct.! it 0 di 1.91:15.—Tbe • “L.,SUALe. CeS. .7(.. 111.1iA00. 4,.J.r Agent. • YIEMPZUS— ........ n •r.NINit I tt.N.' kN , pas,gr aunt) ' - or V. YLN , I.L. , .iNts\VO/ )1, 'era, HOLIDAY GOODS AL;. SiIIONZE, (SILT, cul CILnGS tjarbon Oil Lamp' s and' Chank.lera, Lamp Tritumiugs, Alxo IVAltit/vTE ,, NON- . F . -11FLCSIVE CAR- I',UN Vi L. wrkoitszhl wd remit. JOHN ROSS E CO., ZITC:a. 433 1aa.C.2...11. - t Clc'f giW ~T . WAN - TED—TO CONTRACT FOR 1110 OcilVory of ❑om 75 TO 100,000 IIUttIIELS 011.140,1 b, Duziof the ermine teason.llthry to comment , hat to itall AprU next. Apply tote roltante MOORHEAD & CO.. 99 Walt,' Street. tle":7:o5ll or P GREAT IVESTEILN PLANING MILL, Cmtr sf liricsy stre2l u 1 %Tat , VIT, PITTSISUILGII, PA. Sash Boars, Blinds and Mouldings • MADE TO 0111)171:. Unanlthot work I. pot In dry bones tool Llnicbed when [atm opt. ra) Flooring. Wea.layr Soarding. Lmttim anti Shingles constant yon band. Ssnrlng, ea...wits( and Scroll done with dl.patc b. .150,0a,l'011V1111".ds =I WS= MOIIiUMENTti, GRAVE STONES Vaults, Foulf,zins, S tra tut:l,l-y, es, DESIGNS OF MAY DESUIPTION, T. BROOVIE, 61 It t . :;.eyil` REV ()Litll'lo,7le '1111 . 1; - r uneSPV=VW2' .. .I I ;EVg . =TNI - 1 'prepared as If done lit grime°, oio Para IMdfor• pm, and %slime the place or Imported llitom- P Y;nilegt.l,icelort-old rallthe Mtentltin of Wine ip.-„Aerg g ir o Keeper. to the following letter, which map giro acorrrat idea of the quallog of their Wlnes oCostral:3TAL none,, PlliLADil.t•ittl lint. - doh. INA. f l'llMign6.lloticumt Ito —die nfinnne: It acing Moen you Callforno. Cloonuague a thorough tees, e tate pleasure in allying to, t th.nt he heat Amen au the We hare fiver used. lye alma at onto plant, It on our 00l of fare. Oo ri truly t't A co." Call and try our California littoUrlagn , _nollttde 11011e,11,0 4 ./., 30 tb, fit ,N. V. • ivEsT ILIEIIIIOIV IVIA AI E r. wok Nurttmeat Corner of Wes • tioniMuneAttsCiet/Lag. • ' iltElt • re' .tilVATl'lt &CO. ' Iltale on hand or prepare un Churl nollce tIiANTII AND ta BTONER, VI.AUS FOB NINA. 11 ERI' 1 . 3. - t -, AND TO3I'HUM VA 111. ANIS Se., RC. .04-teg gra promptly executeel. aomlute itlrote 000,111. N. . eg J.settooaireulkEtt el. sus, Pittsburgh White Lead Worte, PURE WHITE LEAD, BLUE 1.11•1) tl U L e A K LL B Lp YVLL reANZLISO !co. 07 FOUrth Street, Up Stairs. nor: nn REMO UtipEttylliti- FU have removes the othce Of the HOPE OIL WOOIth from 35 Si erect atter:l. Pttteoursh. to,I4Plr W 014.3011 CAI44IN STOCI: Orur:l.3o,w. where to ay ntresiter be 1054.411.3 e.hlmav S3C. l'lttcbureb.' y.,te 11.11,•.1.4 • it4-nNcv LO . - "OFFICE, O 151 I.lllk-A N 'itEv corner of NO. • I)Ia . Mun-v Loaned on Ell vur Plates, Oats, Pittolt, JvweliT, bold awl 0i1..., Watroc, Clotldng,attit articha ottrery du:L..ll4lon. The in dips cannot be delivered without a ticket. Not arruniztatilt. tau. of lin, or rohbery. trooda Of evert irwriotion for ante at_inwriit P . tir.t.t.ww. .0 EL 111.111)Y. ALL*. GHENT CITX.FLOUIVAND Enos, Wricorzia. S. I C. IdeM A STER CO. so.Z2 O t hi . o d St., Allegheny. gyp p. 14 tur 'Moat gum syr, ADDITIONAL BOUNTIES TO Soldiers of 1861 and ISM All 'rho ~erred throe Tom" aro entitic-M1 to $lOO hou.tyl mon. to Clrek Tat,. $3O; or who were dj.chgra - Cd ITTFOI2 Of 0 umite, or %Dar Letts. Ihres Months Extra Pay. La Coe 'Volunteer OVlcere in the Beni,: 'gird) til t and diecharged, tanetered out, or tee - tee - IV.. le3 rin exyru. , Ilett. l'ltNtlLlNS.—rnmumrlatt7 dleable4 ore entitle , / t ,tiz„ 4tto or eccornlltie to deAreti of dlrahil• 14. IV. 7,5,11.511.. PATTZIISO2:, Attorneys. =I B. F. p.OWN, LOcal Qleita Agent,. C. S. SAN. COM., 01rieff, No. 67 fourth Street, (..EC(PN'iI YLLNJIt,i Pittsburgh, Pa. Pei:IA. O M. Mounties, and Arrear of Pay Promptly Collected ' N o ; Alan. ..148.W mall ...tree are eeltled, sod Liven out> mode' ILI e fee. my2'.3.1J20 SOLDiErreW BOUNTIES, PENSIONS, Extra Bounties, Back Pay, &c., coll,clo to illelibortest po/511,1e time. by A. M. BIiOWN. .10111 , •, Attnnarys ta Law, 41:11ccc No. 114 Fifth etrn.,t, nol6:lll.erT l.ll-11111u10111 TriflßJrEr AT Larri - . No. UZI/ P.:knells At, opposite Wilkins Hall. Varticuler adtentiod given to the collection of YO *aunts. It notet.b.c. Corms,.). dents Ned; 1' oil, Boston, Baltimore. 2, biladci n; active, Bellefonte Bend ng., 1•a. lodtatiaiddis, Ind.; Norge/doe...W. VA., Utica, N. 1., and ed.:el:lces.. solg;1;11 . OILS A. STRAIN. ,1 L's-OLlicio. Jtootive of tlc Peace 1/ CULICK IlatilnTHATF" (Mice, 112 Filth tit. oppuedte Cathedral, virrdutritu It. t'n. Ronde, Mortgno,, Acknowledgment. Ito. in) -Itton.• mad nil beard Uuinntes •caectne.l or.nuptn•.lo•l•lllPatcb• ,__lnyO:si • t ILI.IAII JANCEIC. • I UN1..11.4-JID4TICK TILE PEADE, AND • L ESTAT I: AD sT. of corner of Maio so4lDraTor &UV., lakorrenr,ville. l ' i " .,7l '‘ a ." s ' od ' itt Pie t , r” , -raLlon acknowleugm. , 01 *ll ki.d. or Lq‘.` Cconveyspccir WILLIAN JANCEY Jrzel keel' pe race and beau"' rublic. EL STACE S. 21011itO VV, ALDERMAN AND CONVEYANCER, 72 Pennsylvania Avenue. • Rmt of the SitrEiita asd ollaiLta Chit Stree 2.422:azfl OLATIIIAM T. LIIIVLNG, Attorney at Law, No. G 9 Grant Street, Pltp burgh, Pa. 9a-rowensoner for tinto, heUsucry, r 1r nud InTlC:em a. n C. ItIACEiIIELL, • ATTORNEY - Zt COUNSELLOR:AT LAW, No. 69 Grant Street, • PITTSHIAIGII, PA. JOILN c..1 . 1CC . O.llrOS, • ATTORNEY MD CaLiNSELLOR' AT LAW, • NO. 87 Filth street. Jri-neneliins, Bonne:, nil Artnre ofTcs Pay mlocce, 110,, P.I.II3CLULINION, . CITY CIF ALLE6IIsI, 8, 8 nttl,a,2l, of tbo lit no ,I f p , en , t3lT of the Cornmotmcolth of Fro, Inoor pora,lv thr 3 3, 33031 r r 00101, 111311 Molt. t 1:1,3 3 1A1 1, 01 53,1 CM', 111110 uarl.rot -11, utl 01.0 Final Tat , l) D, 1567 tt!..lay ef nw - lh. Tl, ,:nen of Fnld ItS. tnttl n , te en,..wro .1 the 11Outew f tln..7•.unnoun , It° of I'enr•nl- I,,tn. nil. t kt tt , e seer *I p'a ,, ef li , tln a' • “, - 1 . , , ,c5 l‘f tll,ll . r,rtlyt v . n.lll, and int,lue, ay.l • no . v-reon (..rse cf n•lo elt3. be 0111.ns of' tt, wart vote at e Invo:1 , It• 1.1. , on eil,ro 1.10101. grid rat t l er lour prr.,. to en zn,,,ra of Contelon tnn ,I,nl Dl:trier, an Ohl' ... - . 1.,t,t tt t•• -, Al•t • otttlso. . Po ott!,•tot of tto, ..!..t.fritot It :Int wlll'lnt rI. art 1.. Itool II it, .on att. North I.•ototnott, :Ira ..1“..t on , : pet, u to to rtt , ttsuoqut er or the•a-t • C•tat•clat fataar I. ream. , te be etente.e• ei tile COMI:e‘AI Co.tocltt.t.ruttot.o ion: to, eellool IttrOctors and oue tt....tou it. o , Attlto t I tto ottt, tot Itio Viral. VI, 41,, 01" thaa 'flair , ' ~ ~.., a*- al. ”,, , a, ~a. ;am pol,tlt, itlt 'ot )4,..a•a. aaaal , :••,at vao Mourn to o rt., .• ut-tott. ral ter K. la, I 1',.,,,-• to : tour toof V, t 0 t ,,,,,,,,, I,:e,eell,ate ea rot tb l I is, 0t010 , ,1 t-trrotora. 11.0 lit'. t- of the C., 01114 Oterttot or the Thar , \ a. a rat w ia,,,,tt at tilt h...a.......f aaa•taa K.. taa - r , 1 , .`1•• • mill tail , alel I,‘ ~,ittnetloll, o lll. att. elt cot,. 1 o: tIo• l'tt, t . rto nett , f Italy, aar•i,a. eiraq °ma ,rsaaaa 1,. ~ ;,„ an ~,,,..a.,.,,af tttol•Ot L. oatot, c. ur it •r. :Loot to 6, toktrit•or. t I tit Coutruou Ltlttutti. and t....;•eraalmaa,aaa.• ,ll,,, talrcetur, I , it, a, • ••,a, r ef taw t••• rat a ra, meat of a a... I,,urth ot rotor.,• raa sanat.a Etaglaiellyra.c. cur t,. all I.ntiark all Ataalc,aala ttra , la, Pni el et tul le 1011 nit, el. n, lob, t i Cie ••t , to:t. Cout, r ...,,vgOto. to Ito tto moor, .4, , . . 0u”..,c... i•; tan oro..ote to he r.cLavol Diatactors, dull Clue In[tou to • t. Al,, , nava. 1 f:••., (Lai 4,las of tile Feelei I reetot Of Mr Veertb ~. r.a a.,l:a at:, t at talaa traaaae •f tar J. 1i,,1at,.11 tan ( •••a• traut.mare-t • •1•1 in.:taw- , t on with thaatic , -I , aa• 1 of ti.a• • !Pat t're•l pet or It o,-t - v.:9r, eltt.t ma 111,0011 1 , . 0, 1. rye. tva,m urttter of • Oft t;IiIIIIVitt ior pt.r • I t to"-tnotttOrre of tht• Couttutot t We e. , i ~ ..n rersteee to lo ecbutal tale , caws, and laic pa...r,aall to i.e A ! e cru, 111. CI,. under re, hind tel the reel of ao,lat aity, Ulla t+ttaly•aaailli alai of tato:lntact. A. 1).. V... 1. 1%1 HILLERMAN'S UIT AD FUR EMPORIUM, • TS FILLED CELLAR TO. loft .1:1t It IL ICU AStiOILTILF.ST OF 1300,134, ot:t.retl nvair x-.caviu Ssc►clie ea" ctxact 43- o area TY SLEIGH ff., CARRIAGE RORER, Altbongh T,:epared wt t 4 n Poll Hoc of HATS AND CAPS, "WHOLESALE AND RETAIL I . IIULTIEJEZIkLA.N'S No. 75 Wood Street. BEAUTIFUL PRESENTS ma 6 T. 313 , - sr te,, JUST ores ED AT rir.i4G - 13*"S, No. 22 Wood Street =MI A GOOIER' ►RRORTMENT OF 4.-CEILNA V ASKi oftlew and rare OtB/0111 .11.1 6{71.. A ane lot Or .PARIAH STATUETTES, LAVA WARE, DE.COH&TEII TEA. TOILET BRZAXYABT AND DINNE sans An of vhich is offer e‘t on the reo:t re soonable rotes = 1:10 Gik - 9 FM $31:71r 401:7M1L, HOLIDAY GIFTS UNTIL YOll HAVE EXAMLNED IRS bTOOIL er China &Bohemian Fanoy Goode, FOR SALE B RICHARD E. - BREED, IVo. 100 Wood Street .104 Lorzo, rcli.hut4 64 CO., Anchor Cotton Mills, Pittsburgh, MannfAotators of ASCilOn. (A) SIIEETINGF4 A_l'eltaoll (111 A.Ntaioll. (V) tolizErviu 14 And BATTINci. an Una.. 33.1E-1.4%.3C1 = 1., pi Asi NOW A LARGE STOCK OF &A PUNE PINE O ,, NYEUTIONAVIE• 01 X 7 S1 TM &arta all other 00da lo his line ?Ott %lib INJLIDADLauu Itheallaspaothl attention,* hi. thocalur NlSrto ()ANDY. at 8. land 91 Federal Brest, Allegheny. deli:p9Xl CONEIMB' SION MIROIAMB BREWER, BURKE & CO., (t)11131ISSION DIE11(111NT8, AGENT?) FOR THIL • Pacific; Globe and Liberty 011.Worke, /Undo Storage for Crude and El Gerd 011. Litter• al run edranees made on conetiromenre of Crude or Rezned Petroleum. Tents for [nett of erode unit Len - rent:rill, Hancock sretionse, Corn, or Outtntste and street. Fitttbargit. 7 EL x i pi,lt T 1 1, DITCE A 7. v 0N MEI9IM7' Flour, GTP,clran Feed, Vic,l lITIFIIRETmaI, PA. . ()WENS /a, RENNED rILODUCrE COSI6IIeSION StExualANl . Bl.._ NlTholeitale - Desloro In VWMINN AND , e T n FICUITS„ SALT, TT F ZA A ITI stimE'r, ovs.ite ,the kL/COLd Ve;Ot. ALLCOULVT, _ Aaeols for tho_solo of P. Y. litters, J4 ,4:i p t a EllmazOs and J. 1,...r01s O&M Mil J . S. NEWMVER & CO., cosuaisstiat usEciturre, And denim . , In 'Flour. Grain. Feed Ind L' . l . odUce. Union Depot. PlttOurgb. fa. Higns DAY. CItA WI - 0111h Como QOII HANT META o. 111.0osts, lON sow. A nost SCRAPP LEON. WIRE BRUIN sold CLAY, sio. Warehouse sod Mace, LO,. 380 sal 3011 PENN ,TltesZT. Olorue Airolibed. Consignments solicited. Oti ALEX. LVIIATIA.....L- .1 IL EXJII3I 'BANE tu. ALNICO, COMMISSION ILL MERCHANTS said &Alm In FLOOR, GRAIN ad th LSODUCIt.. bcdood dtrect,.betwera oal Bud 818lteld, Pittsburgh. ADIGIy T001Zra0d . r0......)011 , 1 Alf M ....• E. A. EalrrAaD I.)OTTE'R,frilNg 6'. BHEPARD Goodolo•:ork nid . ohnuto, end doslen Forelrit Lod 1441 . ,:1c Fruits. Flour, • But!tr. Cheonc, dub notedoca tod drodooo so• bti nooeter.osaeo,or rlttoOordb. Otis 11/.1..r1.4D i It - a p h BIIEPARD, Commission •-• v.- rt.' tit xttoi deslars in Plow . , Oulu and Pro tium ~1 ..,4l Liberty street, Pltrobtligh. Cho. 'e - age of flour for Ilaktry and Putully Ore rDobtletly , timid. Funicular attention paid to 1 Whop rrder tarterolutudiro eau:amity. od!aly _ LITTLE. DAUM as PAT N, la noleeele Grocer., Commits:on Ittrebaut 6,1.ra 10 -Product. aloe?. Wax, Chet., Lit ctriwo sad; Lard 011, 'lwo. ..ti alit, Ilium, tau Yarns an 4 all Pittsburgh utattutacturca generally ft rod 114 g00...A rtreet. .ell.tsborgh. _ ._ .. r:. - t ni - Er .Fernirrun , - x. D. nynair.g., RE V 114 Z ri & 111 LOS!.. (SUCCCSdOrd to 1 .a. , fretun rt. A..r.d•rrun,) V. bul•salc Dealers In Pun' .Ina Fruit , Nuts and bu.cen. luint.ntiuntrf. B.t. .11r• VlgtrVil Af,.4,i,'."•'' wood "'"i-...,;,"` • non,. Kim% alrnuanr 0001. I(.I,ELNOR b. SON, Couuulasioits • 1/17.1XILaliTdand.licaiersitaddX/d. LIRLIN, MILL FF.Y.I) and PRODUCI: annarady, /go. 7i, Ldurnund, oppocire City Hall. Allegirany 0117. Jal.7:lrsi tra. r. UT.O. RECti &t. CO., No. Llbcrtl trvct.. I'lltablirgb. Pa., Wnulassla Gromea, Con 11.1 natp.locrehustp and dealers la Coun try erodnee, Vrovatons, Bacon, Lara-Sicittai. RUN Uwe., 1 , 14, tr., Prod.°, Vlnur, Grain, lice.3e, Green and Drle4 Fralte. Halt and Limo. $716 I MEV IL CANFIELD, Corn-mission and rerseanltur Merchant end wholesale dealer in W"te re Bennett Cheese. Batter . Lard, Pork, Bacon, Flonr. Pish. Pot and Pearl A.D., Illnieratue, T.lnseed mad Lard Ulla. lined /Balt, and Produce eerally, N 05,144 and lie Brent [trent. Pittsburgh oronou 5. 1f.2-4f, I_l CAD tc InETZGAII, Grocers and Couilnlsslen Me rebantaand dealers= all kind. of oC. Produce and Pittsburgh hianufacturra, utu Liberty direct, Ortoaltc Lead Of Wood street Pima buten. Ionn . I.IIc,ss••••NDICARD 1101:18...WR. I:00e • jOHS 1. 'ROUSE k. 1111.05" Ellacces sin? ro Jeun 1. 'floras a co.,l4lalmaieu • , and Conveleelon blerehatte, eninler of Bela e el. eid end Wie,r atrects.?u lebnrelt. telo • 4.ZIEIIPTON N. WALLACE. Whole 01:0C 10:01ILICE LISALILALI, No. 0 ol.”01 , trao t, 1 - 10aloircti. Jyll I/ALZELL S 6 lON, MELDUo ft.tarerr of Lord .04 tad 1:0.¢ potcluLso sal rAle of Crude sort liodnal re tr,/.11.3, ~a>.sadWst, istroot, Pitt4toorg6. Adrnacn cute nn Car...Alva:oats. • tiALTZEIt 6c Attro , rrizoNG, For. Fl von t : tad Co.cutsil..lle rehaats, fur the sale ut Flour, Walt, Lard. liuttcr,bnia4n,lirlil Fruits, nrol l`riiinen general's . . .No. liarletattent. earlier of Viral, Pittsburgh. fenily Gen= VAL2rI.I. A. P. °ALLA... lIAL'I.,%L n dico4ro!e rind .14:32,r• In I' en.luce and ValtsbUrgh Man. un.turitt. NO. 2M Liberty bill," ellob. , sh. Il Itit3l)lX .. , No . . 153 Liberty. St., 1 A., Commltslon IleitLant, and NVliulesk:., Deal, t linxerice atrl elit:4l4igs lanced on lion• nxi:menic aid Dald Cra ryoda's KenerAlly. - ala DV:2Ii.EY & CO., holesale Comm:W.o. Itereimay and &elm In ‘iruct 7rot3 Lin et. reit. i . .;,CIIO: I IAKER. E...LANG,Whaesalle kJ& vt,r2 not,. (irate. Produce. Prc !...l,.dr rd.b. Cheteu., PAIt, ..lrbo2l 0%4 Nos. IT2 m. I • 1 . .. , d.tdre , .. near Llberry pl!tomr,b. rd,usr. ICIIN .tr. CO., Wholesale 1111.1JCIA01, ti U. 173 Wowl az,l:. - ,Llbcrty Ltrcet, ra I's. matald PITT SUM GIS MINGO., No. 59 IFoirrth St JAMES I. BENNET, President, ROBERT FINNEY, Vice President. ARTEIOR W. BELL, Sec'y &Treaslr, • JA< 1. 1111NNETS, IV. W. PATRICK nilia. VIAN Cl", J. M . D. 1.310,1,..1.4 JUII W. 1.31)..1. , ANT s. J. 1114.11.4. Y. 11 - . n.I.LUICR. • EIIE= PURE SPIOES AND MUSTARD, Our opeclaltv now Is MEM H. lIIGBY. 01' ? FICE, CIM.M"Xt=3I . ILIBI EMIZZE3 RON UN SPICE HILLS, FIFTH STREET EXTENSION, Jrear Penvlsylrattia artipse, I=l W •rre n tot vben our dente to on the Ankle Tl'Eali GROUND COIINMSAL and UTE TLOUII aanstantty to w t ii • uttETEel. li GROUND NUTS ROASTED \lTrlti•est'site !Merin the publle Vit we will eouttnus th,maumnattre or •11 the DIFIrIaItENT • lr•Or . %loch we oiler to Wholesale awl Retail. Oil at tee lowest market pal.. • Int rta to deal falr, ...Holt the patrousge of the Du g ' i. " .r:TrAXTPR. formerlo .ef the Cootie:l e . e •to th; tumid •0, we shore iota 11 all hours to at to the want, of C.lOll/... I:LltierzU rkkil couttabtly ou hand. BTIIICKLEE d ItORLIEDGE. EMS OAIEAT ATTRACTIONI • REDECTIO.37 TEC <a CI CX. ri do CI CP., 131 WOOD STREET, AsL. - especial attcatlon to the EXTREMELY LOW PRICES. .It.ty arc closing out their stock at LADIES' tints. BROADIVAIC EXCEIANGE- RESTAURANT, 101. COMER 111111 SIIIIIFIEID SIEC 10 Ladies' Dining Booms 2d Story, FltlSll CAN OYSTERS AND GAME of all kttid On bind. P. tIERGELLEII, r r t t a~~lp•e 5 "P 11 . J. LANCE, euLK 1,151.) WOOLEN • DYER AND SCOURER, 13112 Chlutz Winders Curtains awl Chair Covers Cleaned & Reglazed 'without unpacking. Nos. 1135 and 137 Third Street, lietwenn Wood and Endtheidd, C=aM= F. MIISSMANN, Fiats Strad, feel wean Tunnel and Cliathons Streets, GIiNtIMITH ACID DEALER IN HARDWARE Find else noon. of .11 desertptlon. nlway• on Onnd and 031,11. t 1110 i t prima. Itoottilog don NEW PAPEITLIA.NGLtiGB; 1- 701 t I'AUL:OIt3 - 1 1 null Dvslg., with hold Bor. ° gilt L111142111E4-I'uirlpelaa3!aMrna.;a Ornago V PVIIALLS—Ii.r Greek ratter. milted ClaY g7421e.01-lAMTllta,s—Loce wri X.llll ratter. *Wigilintc."n6. Ar.. Id PAriIitTALL, e 7 K... 1 meet. - pIANOS I PIANOS I !—An entire or EN AWE 6CA). , 8 yelitrh are oori oust itraA tbe, b<st tno4nt able RAINFW to - pew. hom sap lapw.nt NMl]e in winter a nrit• Ines Ylaeo rre ,pretllll7 tnylte4 sad lb bere pnrctislog elit.Wberw CIIABLOTTE • at O. 47 mu' street, AMERICAN IRON WORKS. JONES & LAIJOHIJNS, DIA2'•ICI/f,TCALREI Cl • AIERICAN AND CLLR Bar, Hoop, Sheet and Plate Iron; Bridge Iron; • Angle and T Iron; Guard Iron; Coal Screen Iron; T rtansote and 20 Ilia. to the y ar d !Trans Halls, punched and vain, ter sunk Boiler, Bridge sixd Tank Rivets Cut Nails and Spikes; Ship and Boat Spikes; Railroad Spikes; Railroad Fish Bars and Bolts; Railroad Car is ueels and Axles; Street Car Wheels and Axles: Coal-Pit Car Wheels and Axles; Patent Cold Rolled Shafting; Patent Cold Rolled Piston Rods; Mower and Reaper Bars. WAREHOUSE AND OFFICE, 120 Water and 153 Front Sit. BRANCH HOLUM Nos. 22,21 and 26 River St., - CIIICACO. 11.1.. KEYSTONE IRON IVORKS.I XLICTIMISON, GLASS d CO., 1 iffannfutaren of the flifferent silo of Round, &pare, Flat and llorse-Shoe Bar Iron, Hoop-and Band Iron, Boller-Plate, Tank and Salt-Pan Iron, - Sheet Iron, lic„ Worts, PITT TONT7bil IP. eia Alunouvitlets river. Otlies arid Wnrelkorme: No. 146 Water Street. e44:141 v ESTTVIUS MON AND NAIL WORKS LEWIS,IIAILE,DALZELL & CO lIANFFACTURCILS BAR, BOILER, SHEET IiND riELCIaa, NAILS AND NAIL DODS. Warehouse, 73 Water & 90 Front st, PITTSBURGH, PA. MEM KENSItICTON IRON WORII S. LLOYD & BLACK, 13=1 Best Common, Retinal Charcoal • Juniata Bloom Iron. • MERCHANT BAR. ROUND mid SQUARE IRON HOOP. BAND. T and ANGLE IRON. 1301 LER'PLATE and bIrEET IRON. • HOWEII and REAPCII BARS CYLINDER. and GOA 111) UR FINGER . IltON sMALL T ILAILS.,I3 P and 10 Ibe. to tne yard. WROutSHT CHAIRS and bPIKES for same. TLA'T PuncLed and Connterrouk. COAL SCREEN IRON. NAILS and SPIKES. Warshouns. No. 149 Water and No. 0 Market nts. Works., Second stroet, Elstals Ward, 4.1}01u1.A City Oss l'ltt•hur4li. Pka2.1:14 FORSYTH'S - -STANDARD SCALES, 496MaClit, Copviug Presses, - - Warehouse Trucks, Baggage Barrows Sugar Mi ll s, &c FORSYTH, TAYLOR & CO., :13 M.A.141.ET 3T111:171% IHE PORT pin FOUNDRY. CHARLES "NAP NEPHEWS • JIEAVY OR AND ALL HINDU OF DEANT OrtErTINON. r ot ri t itlAAlLL . L IVONH ItErAINS attondedlo promptly. An heretofore. the best materials 0111 stomp be used at thle Foundry. 1111Nlag ttleposed of our old pattern., Ire are pre pared. With now nteporzn_paturus. stmcce4 under the enpervlston of mr, El. Cat, tarnish NAIL If AMAIN Anal short notice. noetn A munic CHARLES F. ETBAILUI & CO., 011oOetN. to 7181.16 E, GRAHAMS CO., Engine Builders and Machinists, =I Oil Engines, Oil Tools, . And eTerytbirtir [meet...try for Boring 011 Well. Pullout. &Mention paid to lrlltlog up Übs...l.lrut Pulleys. User.. du. nation Avesta,. near Ft. W.Q. O. R. R. Sl3car,„.lsexiar, !MING DONL.PROMPTLf. = ALLZS JAR. L. WAIL. VALLEY STOVE WOLIKS. ALLEN. NI'KEE & CO., 0/oe•sadViarehose 2011.1berty SUsot 0 topposlt• Bailin/141d, Kew:Sutter. • great Tula, of COON, rAULOR and IiKATINtI MTOVY.a, among welch are the eel. entered Allegheny and Monitor Coal Cooking, Maven alto, the Autocrat and Bentlael for Coal or weal. and the warlvalled 01.0 of the Empire, far wood; limo, Arches. Wales, fenders bar'. Ke tt4ta, pETROLIA lIIACIIEVE WOURS. R. 33C. Mi3303r."2, . au. 32 Ohio Street, aliecUerm IlanstAztanr at IMPROVED BORING TOOLE, AND YIETIDIRE . IRMO IN EINKINO OIL AND BALT WEL! . Particular nttention Invited to his Patented proarmenta Jazz and Joints, made or Janina., U. el. and Low Moor iron, to standard atm. au d nnmiered, .o that parts can be ordered by . /Sail cu telsgrapb, and found • paned da . 4 all tam.. • Vo e also tansial sop.. be , ung, small tools. Au, to stwso leapt./ wiah Ir. /gown and marline wort made to order. • Orden 07 mall Woozily attended to. I am prepared to grant Deans. to o u t/ er meant.- tore+, for these noprossmsonts on liberal ten.. IL, JAlleyway P. (A r=4173 ETTSBURGH IRON WORKS, J. PAINTER & SONS. • mAxtrrAcranzus or Iron Bucket, Tub and Trunk HOOPS AND STrTIFTS, wawa PITTSBURGH. PA. IRON OITY MILLS. RO(3-ERIi & BURCHITELD Manufacturers cf. . liar pap. 0/11411COAL. JUNIATA &1 1 01,P 1 111 1 1 11E1833EIT 1:1EILOAT. Orrlcu as.'D WanAIIOCEG. No. 2$ MAILKET BT. oes.l/45 • 11117711E,.......r. D. DDL1.211......]. 7. 11OLLX•11 LA BELLE STEEL WORKS. 3LZIEVXMCFS. cts Monarsobtrers of CAIST STEEL; BYRUM, PLOW owl LUSTKii Wf/CZL:Sr/aNOS. AXLES, CROW kIA.RI. gum* NO. D 1 ,WLIE/1 ISTREETOtirtmln, ?Manor.. P, tin - EVERSON, PRESTON & CO., P k.w.rsr r r4.rl J rELCION W 4.3MECS !!'SIT°M 41?!..F.!.P,? JOB. r. ILLIGII • 'FIUQUESNE AND WEST POLNT 'HUH VORGEP, Penn., man ufacture all alums of Towers,. vlst atestnbost hhart,s_Crants, Piston Hods, Levers, Pitmen JAVI• and Wrists; also, HsMesa Axles, Locomollve Drummand all shape work. The underster led baying been for many years engaged In the heal no es are prenared to furnish all orders entrusted to ;hem .1 1 / 1 promptness and dispatch. JOa. r. HI.tUU AM, GEO. kaBCHOCH/Wi PRACTICAL LITHOGRAPHERS, 'WM& aTial o w calm P.r. above . arol , 111dpdabp. livoxrafigt.eittlgaVa3LA' UNION MON MILLS, BOTH WARD, PITTSBURGH. A C.N.OLTDATION DF TFIE •'17101: crrT . FOE 01 - ..CicLoes 1110 CO., :14nTACITIIZFS, OP IRON AND FORGINGS. Npe.,lla: attcatlon ylrun to tbo Mirafseture laammered and Rolled Loconio. ' (Ivo and Car Axles, Er.LC7nICIELN 23ML82 6, 7 - 3P. RAILLIOM) CHAIRS: SPLICE BARS, BRIROR - 111./LTtl, , t.C.: LINKS AND FIDLT:L" HEARS, MEDIA IROS I.CTA , :,Th AL HOLLOW WHOGLiIiTLIZQX T AND ANN!. F. IRON, Act I=l 96 Water and 126 First Streets; OFFICEI AT TIT F. Wo}LIU, NINTLI WARD. PITTSLICIUM FORT PITT BOILER, STILL IND TANK worms. CARROLL & SNYDER, I= TUBULAR, DOUBLE-FIXED, TUBULAR! FIRE-BOX & CYLINDER STEAM BOILERS, OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS, CHIJINRYS, BREECHING AND ASH PANS, SETTLLNG PANS, .SALT PANS AND CON DENSER), STEASi PIPES, GASOMETERS, AND IRON BRIDGE), PILISON D 430113 AND COAL BEICTEB. once and Works. corner Second, Third Short rnd Liberty Streets.) t Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. e3 - orders erns to the above address 1,111 be promptly at tcad ed to. sel4dEL SIEFTIELB STEEL SINGER, NIMICK & CO -ga....rcr..crenzne Or BEST- REFINED CAST STEEL' !sat*, FLAT AND OCTAGON, OF Ali SIM CIRCUL.I.II, (WIG A.ND CIIOB6 CGT AW PLATES. Y.LLIPTIC AND tIZMI•ELLIPTIC RAILWAY SPRINGS, Cast Spring Ned, Cast and German Plow Stee PLOW WINOS AND MOWER HAM. SPRINGS, AXLES AND STEEL TIEE, EICKLR. SHOVEL, HOE; Mat; FORK._TOD CALK AND CROW NARY oNKRY A.. ac., OAST STEEL., Warehouse, 83 Water St., Pittsburgh. ATLAS WORK% *. • .610 RTOrr 'STREE T. Muth lgard, Pittsburgh. THOMAS N. MILLER, Preildent. Ttace worts are among tn. largest and most cola • plc to a t stnts , ma rst Watt. and erosion pre pared to furnish Engines of Every Description, Rollers, 011 Tanks, Sheet Iron:Work, natlreairCnstingv, Rolling Mill Castlugv,-- Eligitie Castings Dlactilne Caktingre, General Castings. ORDERS SOLICITED. FITTSIEWRMI STEEL WOIIK AZILIERSON, COWL 8 CO, cuect.s3uuri wo_JONZ3. BOYD & 00.1) I.:s,:mficturere ot th best retard Cast etal. ESPara MI snl Unara a, o tail cseg. Sow Pl►tea liodh Yea uS rit,cr. Cu: Steel. Cut laud ' REAPING. AND MOWING MAMMA Tr.= PLOW wiicas.sralies.exxxs 012.1CIILA86; , azt and C 411119011 Slough and Spring Steel MIMMMMMIW R03E1141,2 Eiro PE WORKS. L. PETERSON, Jr., & Mantaactorers and Dealers In et lands of Cooking and Heating Stoves, rao LLOW AWARE, &c., the very LATEsr ['ATTE/IBS and STYLISE!, Warehouse, 197 Liberty Urea, PITTSBURGH, PA, WOMB, lIANCILZSTS /1231:11% T-T_Aaa - pw.A.343E.. B. WOLF. M I & CO., DL LLIZIS IN Hardware & Cutlery Ate now receiving largo additions to oar stock. widett Is offered to Dealers It am.ta.EvraEtweisr z=mres.cazues. Corner Liberty and St. Clair Sts., M=.1.1-taikourfas, Pat. sem arl MONT BLANC FOUNDRY, Butler Street, Ninth Ward, OPPOSITE lINIOE LEON MESA PSTT6S - CMLOF . ROLLING MILL AND BRIGGE CASTINGS ECM! BD CMGS GLUMLY, Orden !Romp tly and eactally exeinced. titt=3=l EBUEItT & M*.CELLLID. MOO CRESCENT &Eta, WO: : 1 MILLER, BLit a PIMA MANTTACTIMLES 0? BEST QUALITY „UST STEEL. Warrantee Eortal to any In the Marko e Other Inegoe led or of Doarestle zi4anufsetnre. SPECIAL .LTTENI,ON T PAID TO mic. CART In 6 CIEL. _ Office. 38 Wood Street, IN 11T. (3IAULES HOTEL 11U/LUI'NO tirrsuuncrn. Jaw, lath. lan. teLud DUQUESNE IRON AND STEEL WORKS. HAIL AN, RAHN & CO., Iron, Nails, Springs, Axles, PLOUGH. SPRING ANT d. B. BTBBL, &0., wmuu/ouak, Nn.. 77 VllScator 119Stree PITTSIIITIifiiI. rIMEI LIPPINCOTT & BIKBWELL, NO. US. Water Street,. laitrlACTCll.ll26 Or • ' I.,&TENT iiIIOII2 I D, PATXXTTEIII.2IIED PATZST CIRCITCAR, DUCAT. , anti,z, AND CROSS-CIIT Ak. "VT . 1.11:ax, Unlit"A' w iiiiiitif VOA& MORROW & BARKILL, steam Bo Wi ll * A g ititars ' ll"ll3 ' Salt Pons, Gasometer*. Wrought - Iron lirtdges.Sheet Iron Work, Amu, .tr.y, CORNER I.IBEIiTY AfiD MOND tn., PITTSBURGH. Pd: 47/11 xPd,gLNO PONE MOS Fria% myst;ba BLACK DWIOND - - 1 XIMZCI33X2 1;71701‘331E11, i PITTIBUIttiII, 1%, 1 num. BRonies a Co., . _.,.. imumfutn. Bar— gas acK i VIU at Use& Ramp& eis - fil SO say tlEyorta4 or miumleiraind ta MIM I t IC UrilrOeleo azd WarcIIMIVIC4.IO an4;161111 , 1 WI 124 150044 Arista. 12+Ditrah. 01. C aiIDL.II2 ATNA SiOVE WORKS: A. BRADLEY & CO. •• • litl3l:ll.etlirt VICO 'MR . :7 Of • • COOK,. PARLOR ARD•REATINO STOYEI! &nom; whlcA are tbe ctitt,3l,7. At:EZRA, T . `2;; GRATES, GRATE FRONTA. 011te ftnlll - how, corm_ vt r 111411'c° Stria.... AraLr.c.o ..nvat UTILITY 'WORKS. McLEAN & SLATOP, No. 83 Liberty St, - opposite Fourth, X.L.NLTACTea WI% Or CARNET MATERS' HARDWARE. They make a ffpecta ty of iron lierrat. ad sod rtrou ASIO.: roroelsAn, Bed.tes , l net JR Oita Id FLateulags: iiWnw for En L'o de. TfloV .110 miLnolletnee seri Lave eonotently 'on lannda TnemL Latehys, nprinit r niche, M•Letn , s Window hopporter, bean . > Eceenii.le enin Stone a nharlwr nd Butt Ilinnes. ilanglngs, tad Irons, nub Wcipuls, er.o. JyTiL6O • • SAI LROADS 1-)EiIiNSYLVA !V 14 ri3 L-, 5 .4-,r,....77-51 • CENTRAL 1151L.111 PAM . . - nestiOarteektf.l7S • l'd • . Deo dchor sl h. ).4. Trains arrive awl iliolni en :e tertd of Wimliltdri on soil Lite.ote s trtst h o• , 31.1.11• L. -- Mall 'rain lodd a in lay Eames.... m Fast Llne 1,4., • ..0. Wall'• No, I. el.,* 11.til Trani....... it int • No. tn H'all's '1.,. ..u1 • Wall'. No. • IWO. •tnuclunnti Es. 'l.X' a ;41 Johnstown AP... Oini a In, Wan, No. 3 l • ..11. Saltlino Ex.:. 1:M p Braddock No. 1. nail o l'hlla. Express.. Espre•s. tit. , •3411 , 0 No. 3.... liO3 p Will, No.a t•')T m wan, No. C... Son p nil tt ali's No. .... .d Braddock No.l. 5:50 • ..... Wall's No. 5..... p to! east 1.., • 10 ato Altoona ALCOUI. I 101.111111, Sec. ...Olin. , and Emigrant train ...... Dalle. all other, Ulliviaya The Church Trains lease airs otstion .teitry Sunday at 0115 a. m., reaching rlit,r.or,h at M. Boturnlog leaves a teritteirati at i'd;:n P. to.. add armee at Wad's fication t.2:10 0. m. The Baltimore Baldest arrhe lbe a' 011 Exp... 1:5.1 p. or Sondlys. The now Union 1, lei b not Hotel. p lac the Bats pppe a cob. .14110. A CapaCioli aeeumt a liusLatu . oni I. 00•0 al. Abr. noun, day aad•rilatite Bandar. Inease of lot, the l'eaa,ykranta B. It. Coal Company will hold tbontsalsts tor baggage unlr. and fur Su amount. not e.Cced... Ing nen] I4HiJ 1866 Ft 15t213.- THE I'ITTE•SUIttin. F f WAY '.l". I •• 0 R. U. AND CLE% ELAND Anil Isla:U..o ILI ' Trains arrive and leave at Lilt Unto. Ds vst,r' a follows: LeaVe. Val ReeTle7lTo7. ' . drotorand m Ede lt Yin Ex.. 6:10 1 Chicago Ex . 1...1 = /t Whs. API. Mls , hes - nog M ' f, lig. ChloexoM ail ex.. 2:6,5 p I Erie A Yaw. Ex. 6:11p in Chl ia cado Er ...... o "nleteo axpress 9:50 pot Foaling E 5.... 4:a. pto Cl. wale. Ex.. 9:11 Dmmrt fromAllegneny. Asl lye in Allefbeeof. Ltr•tu Amom 9:00 a to. Leet•dale Accost 7:.11 Leetsdale •• 10:00 aet N. /tent •• 6:0 m " 11:50 • m We t I .` 9:Ai a m New Csstle Mfd p ut : New Cs6tla " An , wensetlld m•Lectsdado •• 11:15 ant • Leetsdale .• 4:10 pm •' •• Id 9 am N. Bete " 5s.R p Rhino 1.:6) am N. Br to •• 6:L5 p m Leettdals " 4:13 am Leetsdale .t 101:0 p 01 •• •• 7.A.: a m No t•alns lease alto .' 4.3 9 56:25 a. m. Chlca6o burgh tn Eenday. :Ranee"arrlves non. F. R. IATEN.s3, As.M. YITTSBURGI3, c © -t:-. • LIIBIBUtI DIAN teAlLitlikD —i•au after MUNDAT, January ' , lb. treire tilll ar•ixe arid der•rt frout Uotoe ,epei as LEAN , . 1.121,1:‘,1:n Ft Wu; ft. Fast. Lille 3.k /0,1 • a. H. Hall • 7,13 la. 4.1 Mixed •”•-.) 0. 31. 0:11 r. U. awing: Mlle Aueolemodit • ti . 2,0 P. U . . It. ,idepolald do -.... s:i r. 5.1. 5. m. Li , ' Nett , : Leave Fit tianrd4.. :i. -, A AI t. 31. , IL. Arrive toturut-r,, 1 ,11 2'. In• 3,0 1. al.' )4.1 . • •t•rc it.ot Dee , tin NI. j :AI A. 14 SI. 40 5. )4. r. ta • e: , .• I.oul.rille .1 iereit. at NI I :1.0 r. Cal 4, 4,11 I: , • 14 lead r. 5,( A. Nt Ili. I). xtrrei Ett.Ol...UU H. 66er.t. Union Depot, Phi...Laren. 5. Y. '1 TlCket GEM • WESTERN PENN-a7.1. A. , , . SYLVANIA RAILROAD ' —a On slid Otter MON DAY. tiny. 'stn. tl, l'ataetty Trains on the W est..rn runntc Ivanla Ittannad only., at and depart Crux 4 licitboty lows• Lettre Anderson Street :nil, Stnl. 11.2.1 a. 41,1 noon. and 4:141, unnt, a 4tl P. 0. Arrive At tharnsburn 7=o. MO. 11 1 1.. 00 1 . 4.74, 4:90.7: 0. 9,0 P. 4t. ntiarw.burg GP_,, 0t15,11:1I.k• It.. and . I:3o. at r..1:11 P. A. , _ _ Arrive . . at Anderson street 1.:3, A. Id. sad 2:IXL. Thronglt Tsai, leave root, at 6;00 a.. at. and:ASP. Si., Cur Indiana and tntcr amediato stations. Arrive at Anderson strut at I A. X. and . V. at.. IraOin llialridills, Indianaand Intrinnodla stations. . UTlna VS. Dad. 0c.3-raZ Onporink.ndent• - PITTSBURGH 211111.,_ Luis l.psviLtx a. Spring Arrangement. • On end atter THURSDAY, MAECII ratr,lsas, The mina will leave the Depot, ecrtisr Ezsiena Water street', ea Mows: - Mall i 0 tUld frirs 1115.1 , .; 72.113... A. X. • 4 S. Wa r tlivertonAceo=3.lattun C;l5 8:n e. t. rir.rt McKeesport Acccal , n n:t.2 d. Y. A. Y., BSecond "• • • "u. e r.l.lC*. 1c r. L. - en Tratn to LCS P: /C .1.• tr. tv.t littrlLLLL—^-2". _ fr, 4 3 c k. t . nn T. Eitiel M7',7;,,.. Tor • w MS MB MMUMPIVR/g1 CHANGE OF TF.II:E. On 'and after 15.4.)0WAY, trOnz yd.!. !tire and Arrive at ritcoargh Dchot, euftter nen and lAnal istreev, u foCurto: Lenvel. drritee First Kftkimlultik Accomo.l 7 u; rt ; to Y. Mall. to and from listen:nu.— N. Fit:A soon Works hr.:la . :tun. iirk) A. Y. second Staktintuttls Accum'a 1::dr. X. 7:th r. L., to and from klutidn'tt u. 10:o S. V. Second Soda Works Accom'a.. 0:1u e . ::SA Intllol3l , Church Train from sad to SA. Works. ........ . 1:00 10:01 A.: ne 0013 Supt. 1:9 ill 31:111V40:41;1:4 BALTIMORE & 11,11:VILYASTELM.. 13111 V l;./111PANY. ALEX. BROWS . 60.N8.13ene: , e1 Agehts. POI HAVANA .A._ND NEW trihnAed. CAME!. b VIE MUTED eTATE3 LAIL. The Pint-Uluebteuestaps of This ilae wIE ea,U u foßowe: ••0116,7 IMMEEMI -•-- avr ,CW none, iglu/mann, on Derembei - 1.11. "JABitaTir.-I,ZOtoro, for Nth" °Henn; Ma Fry Weat and Havana:Thos. A. Bain, i.,t.oninann r on TliUltSll4l( January ral. Tr e oia BRAM 1013 Vi/ NS, FEL 1... S 1•OLN T. At pa r sooo, peolsnly, on the day. uknouncea. For frelint or y .0- connalntiont..PPV LD HEN rtY /1. 1 ARFIE - 1 CO. to 18 britAtitin to rianr.: N. B.—No Pill. of Lad!ng but those of the Comps. ny will be algund. Permit. for the freight rune, be prooireti irom Ibis oglea. No Relent received nAr bill. of Inch. signed on Am , n f calling. non/ 'STEAM . TO AND V11.07t1 LIYEH PUUL ANDQUEENaTUWN (InELLNa) TWICE 4 WRILL. Um INMAN LlNitt calling. _ EVERY SATURDAY, - • EVERY WEBNESEAY - CASSLY/NO IL S. MAILS. Tickets sold to and from I=llll,l, Englanl, Scot land. lien:am:ly and Franca. Apply at Um Company's 11Cleea t JIMIN Q. D.ALE, Ayer& 15 llrondwar Or. WM. NINO LIAM , A ye n` 0C1:m3.1 'Adams. ExprettOtare. iNttaburab. PENNA. SALT MANUFA, FUR'S co, TTSBTIRGTE. PA PENNA. SALT MANUFACI UIVG FETTSBITRGE. I . )RIVATE DISEASES. YOUNCI. (Isle or Pidledelphim) Third erect. trea: all dsserlptlona of Fri rate Inte&St• with soma 'el, dances.. Partleulax talon o toNNI torrbeens sal dIACEB. 0(11M Urinary Urges. lila treatment for - the same heron the 1403taneeessial ever employed Be ere. hexs or a slmedy cure to the allteted. L.adies Wllltndhl.tirnmenalphinse superior to coy other preparation for removing ohatruct lop a to the healthy menstrual good. No 1, (Poe Bolin re bottle. N0..1. which la Tour degree, atron-er, an deelfeed.tot.obrtlaate Doll.. Pe Oot e. - °Mee hoorsaa. IL ton,6 r. or: eel 7. Y. r — • TIM AddMress P111••••••vh, with stamp, Da YOUNEr," pIEUVATE DISEASES. 0111(14 Miff 11% X e'rEix.T. zw...: Iland. /or Wm oar* of all, di...l,sta of • Dttnta maw, to &ova two to toy days i ly vs utb Or um wad pats t. ni at tha wealtal oraaasiod ' lrarttirtz i to wansota4 ot mow re landed. baors-7 told*. at.. 14 to I, as 4 Iflo 5 P. , L • id a Wien W., VAX Penn inst. 1:371/ I