I D GOO El 0 El BATES & BELL'S WINTER DRY GOOD S REDUCED! Bleached Muslin, Extra • 14 (or 25c, White Blanket% $7,00 to $20.00, French Nerink for 75C., worth $1 WOOL - SHAWLS, OUR STOCK REDUCER% lIKTES&BELL'S 21 F,:ft r h Street: _ - SPECIAL AND SEASONABLE MACRUfI s; CARLISLE, No. 19 Fifth Street. 'ELASTIC SEAIII.rtS END ' , It.SEIItTS:. for It d les—ass t.anted not to shrink. ant suuch sopa o L APLAND SE.ATING POOCIIES• rATENT EA ItUFrd—,l st the thing for Sta ters. A new in.jus onsned. FINE CA , N3lEitt. t CARYS—Just the thing far New Years gifts. A new lotall +Ol , O '. LINE lilt , ASD C ..F " AND VRENCII CLOTII OLO splesdhl astorttatat opeulsd, at reduced prl,Ly 3114 , . .O,47LOAISS.SIIANTLS,SONTAGS, Lc .I.e. Et EGA NT STYLE , ZItrISYR ENIT 0001)8f. 1.1d41)FILAIIIIVIS nod 1111 A EUS ,friaLtly seduced. LINES: 11.1 It EFS., ry low. ; CLOSING 'OCT AT LOW PRICES. Oar callre assort meat of C Cir-e±-313 ar CP • Lail.' and lieritlctrico .11itar to mane Tear. gilt lad l u au tisclui tad or MO! - tic Its. • MACH VM-& CARLILEi- FIPTH STILEkr. NETS' GOODS JUST U:ECEIVE►T ET.oitik , , a rio: zwl.l , pr.F"..t t .ri OA' 9 D R T Al Atte IcOdlr,A • .3116.1.11133.. c• rp a r oc,clis. .es, Ferle Fahey lied Colored 6 , 11 e uslrable shides, Clain Fancy Bon • —,-• 'an Itlbt,ons, and rich colors; .. ""` ... " . .i.e5t French and A-meth:int Feathers, fa: cy h at env. . . 31 . 1 6 7a. cr , M - Et =EI IS, (Well aziwrled. • . • Can' 01 . 10 blambura, oirrlre. Loone, ClunT. Viten i-,.%re 'Edgingsand Ineercing.; Fb - innci nice, Bands Embroidered and Plain Linen Col -1'42, Culls. SOU, LAC, and Lane binuals• INess...lElo. Trlnterline: and Umnmenta; • rail Frio,. (Drops and Braider Drees Trimmings. Encle Frames. witirE GOODS: A. moat complete stock of Jaen:Lets, Cambric., -I. ll..Vetlte '. ren o l o e..fs, Man. Lace. Hens-at e., Item r.s.id4,..rbrni'de:t4l, Tape Bordered, eta., etc. '1.1.11ne7 and tie¢l.%.l.ln:doe'iZo.ltrleld . and all slits. Aurttivhilig GoOd8: 4: 6 ,17:,, 1 Ty apt . , 1.!,,e,,ki,•11'10'11172 1 4. b r . 1 111 ,T.l e.;orsets, Bair ' Pubs, Nets, (Intro and ntit Belting. lit/twee—the latest novelties. all tur's._ Y area- sievatest ea tety, Cad were. Larnbs Wool 000 nB. lu vanes. min tunic. Plain c ol or. peed rwadoso. Gent's Mine Collars. And ever - it/slug lri Use NO. Slut .lue. Fr.des as ow as Eastern Holmes. Nos. :7 and 19 Market Street. "ittcrium, GLIDE Si. CO., 78 and 80 Market Street. •N CASES : OM Altirl'ANS, AR rTANDS. " W=T4Bdild. BATCHIMS. • ALBUMS. dc • P.31111.:0 . Let-Es. HAND.ERCUIEM • • CULLiku , + CUH.. • IItrSICIII:eDLIIOVES GENT'S FU4tNI,III , NtI 12 BIAS A.ND SCARF,' • uoor CUI:dI.IS , WATk:IIVALLS, U.ULLS, di litoreteepers will Awl It to tt•.ctr ad: sutzFe to Lout their Stor..l from our _Wholesale Department HOLIDAY qr. GERMAN AND SWISS Piano3r a cocoas Carced Itaekeu, BraeWs, • Jewel Boxer and Urn::watt. rot . ..tales, Wallet+, Satchala. Card Carr!, troche lane! Halt Good, • Liam llandarrcalet, Earbrolderlea—alldraarlptl o a , L•ce tad llawlacreltlatr., Ci•i (urea and Barba, La.llre, Halt . 11 and Clilltlrente lild bloycv, . boxwood and Garnet detrain', Tollat :tow, Le., de , i c. ENTLE3II..N'S Ir3IDERIVEAIt, starender.. ',MU Hose, ecarfs, . . Hear* rlns, lint ton AT LOW PRICES. ,F. H. EATON, 17 Fifth St ROLES:IILE DRY GOODS. ARBUTHNOT, SHANNON & CO., Na.Na.llsli'Ood St., Pittsburgh, of Ilave Isrrtere and receiving., a full ass:rtasent DRY :GOOBS ,AND .NOTIONS, Which they offer at EASTERN PRICES TO WHICH The Attention of Dealers is Invited, C. T G. STilltitillON (1,411 D, McCAISi LDESS & CO.,;' (LATS. NV molt CA,un & C 0..) 1 %VIIOLESALB DEdaARILS FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY oposs. c>. 04, W c.c.cs.l3t:, Tbirl tout, argyra I,lalcum • NECESSARIES FOR THE WIN- T6ll.—For • go-A 000111 NO 9 rOVltazi otter SAW:. 1:tuell, go to !go. 140 orut rtreet. P 1 11.0. 14 Valley (0A LeCtil VMS. FIRE 000% ELS. nolo too r emu t I.lcculle for Cutklog 1/10.1 and other rum' 01. 1 100 Vender, rtoce W•. ter Conductors, Ara otter Uticle., ul' at P. lni•Flr' 000. No. 140 (trout street. cbc• uoun!.oo • WALL PAPER—Of Olt gradeis, railota, e Dinlag noon. and Sit. It nrcat.Farnly, at Yu. t MaraFt tireet. aL iOet It, UIIVIIE S BliV, DRY G • pIIIIENSE CLOSEII4 OUT SALE. 1550,000 WC)la7rll OF EN MIND WINTER .1-1 CP 90 1 CI-. $lO,OOO Worth of DIAANFERS, WHITE SHIRTS, COTTONANDWOOLEIIIIOSIERY. The next case was one in which the tom. monwealth, so far as the et-Menet , went, at- Itempted to saddle th e larceny of a sett of bar tinny upon the u rung party. The traces of , guilt, however, were out ConCimilve, and the I reinsufiltlitteu until taut, so that the mi/take i was !Milled. The defendant wits Matthias ...dams, In addition to the fact that the her nias was found In his I,o3SeealOn, his declare ! time, at thu titer of his arrest, was admitted, I Vil 1 That he had purchased them from Charles Morrow, agreeing to pee ten dollar/ therefor. As evidence or Whit It wail shown that he attempted t d eatmritt whilst In charge of the ni.t.!car and on tho way to prison. The horses wore stolen from the stable of John Elchlay, at White hall tavern, on the Brownsville road, In bop. tenther last, hi the night time. For the de. Tense n witness (Mothet-in•law of defendant) was called, who letillited that he was In a ~ wagon with defendant and Charlet 'Morrow; I that after payslog White hall (where they had stopped To text a drink) Morrow got out Ann Went atatesli that na the Watson Mae up Mot , i row throw into it the harness; that attOr get ! Ling Louie Adams, 11, tiotennant, purchased 'hem from Mart ow for ten dollars, giving him i smite ',matey on account and a revolver; that 1 mien Ito:ulna that Adams was going to be ar rusted, Morrow fled anti has not since been heard of. Although from the evidence Mot'. row might halt. Lt.tern that the barite/in were i stolen, onleis the jury believed that ho par ,',clotted In the tummy, Ito could not be cons i Meted under the present Indictment. Adams I proved a good character roe honesty, and too I fact tilts appeared that ho was n poor man, with r. wifed den caildren, The. jury lie g an ' * tierin that Morrow wag the guilty pal t 7. I rendered a verdict of not r 11 . I I A.ssattt• AND naTTentlS. ‘"r,n Whitmore, rh‘'rdOwtii.l ItrSafer mill head, reslnt at Wood's lion, w day since, hail a difficulty about. a meat hill which enlntinated in iln assault and battery, Whitmore striking Williams In hat , late. The emit. going against then defendant, ilto was need one dollisr and teocosts. Conrad Schlegel plead not guilty to tin In clictutent charging Mtn w ith having commit ; te I an . assault and buttery upon !Ira. 1:11za. 'I both Mueller. The partial reldile m the Fifth I ward, tire neighbors, and the difficulty seems i to have been eansed by some boys building I bentirca In the neighborhood. The defendant was alleged to bare entered the house of the plosecutils, lu a drunken . condition, and —.. - - i a 1111,t expo,tclating us to the conduct of her 'u• a. CLANZI" tranintin CI:MS.IIst.. i son. for ',leg eGneerned in bulb/lug the item. ~ Y. atiairsnas 1. 1... aill-Lirn. • 'witted her rudely and Indulged In violent lan. W3l. 11. CLANEY 6. 1 . e ,• -Gas Coal Work •.,. ,I, violknco proven ' s € ,, 0 .. 1 .t:,.: 'l , We . 1 ,, u , k . : " ::L ' a m t r, 1 n7...1 o d e l ' i 4 l :U . its contradicted. N eve r. 7 '. ' ....‘ " . i Melted. Ilillawrs e dealers t+ Sil , el.7.lt!OlC use ANL , i On Saturday yawning, liccetCher i -htlx, Mr. .s,s,tf .C u m, "tr. r COO, ant til.s.cli. ro t. , .91lie . Isiah -as lillti fist', PlAshargh. and LOCK i hrast us C. Scranton, Pres:dent the New r t . ,. -, , ,n... t ^ n . , , fh:NVA'All . „ eon , ttort . r „,...... et ,„ I * reek and New Haven railroad, wan lostantle Saving Pahl. Itilldlng, corner Lip I. stee! I ami ; 1:111eil by being run over by a car attach.' to ] rain she,. lilltseuren tirsins I. • uFk Ict.ri . . tie iiitlt tram from New haven to Now 'York. „ni. 5 Llte inf . street. der ne Penn a. It , ft- oppe- ;• • One Meth:tun: Bret.. finish:inch,and cern, an- , Mr. Scr,tnn torn onhis way to N. w Took, In n. sir. se .and 1.. • . tr. O. a. a. Aneetitery. 1 c.,:npany a all his only daughter, /young lady all e orders ILn at either of the above plans, • hi re. I 17 yens ~f „..„ „,„ d ee the ertt ,a . o f th e ~,a i.ilvs . prompt attention. I • . _ lat Norwalk' to proceeded wan cyst, depot •- 1 for the lotrpose or making some purchases. - PORT PITT COAL COMPAN T.— „. I „„ ~„ „.,„,„,., to too ,„.„,,,, t „ ~e, sa Weyer, and deniers la Seperrer Faintly And I ... ere In motion ' . and in attempting to mount stem Lost, Net Cod and Slack. gensral ont, se, ; i end stOry tiltt•burgnSarings itinktiolidin e i. corn, e i the platform Si the ear in which his daughter Liberty silent and s c r ee slier rirancla mare, I +st, the eofortoneth gemtlemith misstd Ms ...I . Try and Thiel streets. ettl,huralt titders I footing, and felling ruder the Car si. ass CO ni.- lull at title ref the linos opt.. tilli rtecive prelept litirele Inpreil Ibis! life way neatly 0111011. attention. Titus ;mlf en an il vottapps fate of tir. Serentoli InontOniee Address Bow 307, Pittsburgh, i has vast a gitaini over trier city - in • Well he hinacrons: ' hail liven tor ninny tiara past an itirtlre pub- J. J. Gittasen4 ii. C. r.,w,“,,,,,. ,„ is office. In May last Mr. ocnantonis term IN e. licelitteas,, we. ISiNneatir. , Mai. or of Nr l: Hare° expired, Mod it was in Ulaition r. Hese. JA.. 3loaTtristnY. I the same month that the Due:Mors elected W. T. IrIiVANT Sena darn, , him to the office of Prestilentet the New York i.reirsts.olsdin I and New Haven ridirond. Mr, Scranton Was J. J. Ott.t.n.,,rin, Pres•L IA H. KteGisiSit. See - Y.i s i . ; ii.o eleSiilent of Ile [-.m City Bank or zre , . ..s. itLynt.u, Treasurer. i Haven, unit in all of thew capacities had woe W. ]I. CLAN ET di CO., linang , ,... f or Ititaveif the cool opinions and toundence I 11l ,St of till with whom li,, come In content. The do- Scarfs, Ties, Suspenders, &c, Also, $5,000 Worth of Gloves, Of all Drieriptiou, all of ithich i'dl be sold at ACTUAL COST FOR SIXTY DAYS, AND .MUST BE SOLD Ettore rmov !mg to my NM Btaltrufg, Oppoile the Union 'Rye. leaoe of Store and Do . olllog, togothoo 'oath Counters, 2belrlog, Slow Clue.. ao, for mi.. J. D. RAMALEY, 3J34 and 336 Liberty Street, Opposite Wayne. nolOsiTß COKE, 'PITTSBURGH NATIONAL COll/ AND COKE COMPANY, xi -DirEna, tiII:UPPERS AND DEAL- A... Eat, Wholwle arkd Nct.ll. t tte BEST CAMILA'. COAL, ZaTN.Wit Cria. 01XLCI 03.18‘.0 ' OFFICE AND wAHD, COEtirat AND I EV riIiILEETS, rittaborat, All orders for delivers . In the City' r or shipment West, will meet prompt and banmallatt attention. H. A. tienSAIST.I., ithprointrodi.nt. CoALI COAL:I COMM: IMPORTANT TO CONSUMERS. HUMMEL & RABER • site the attention of the public to their toe sloe I. Of COAL jest received., including the following ca. rletles Lamp, Non.l, nand Chen mot. Lyklnn Valley, bloc 2,2, 3, and Chentont, All of which they are prepared to neither at the LUW6I3r lIATTS, by the single ton, car load, boat load or shourand tend: • All orders promptly sttendel to. Mice: IU9 Cuestnnt street near the Depo P t. 0c9:134 itaacrusuunti, A. COAL i COAL COAL I t DICKSON, STHWIRT & CO., Hating removed their Oelee to WO. 8437 .14.1.1a0rt - sr Et root. - (Lately My Roar )1111) . ..tECON rLowa, iretiox y l a r; . p . ar s e r ti n t r o c t c n , rlr , h jacwl s lath i lif be it, At the lowest Market prier. y AIF orlon left at their orece, or addressed to them through the mall, will 1M aLtesol ut to promptly mrslt,2s CHARLES H. AILIISTLIONR, DIAZ= rr Youghiogheny and Connolls7ille Coal And Mar.olacturera et Coat, Slack. and Ileaulpnwizel Coke, MME=2 • • -. . COrner of Butler an Morton: nest yard on LINMS and Clymer otreets, Ninth ward and on S“..md Street, near Lock No.l, Inttsburib, Yamllles and Manufacturers ppliro tffliM, the best article of Cool or Cote at the lowest cash rates. Urder6 jell at ant ett • Mr.:pro:opt •••—. PLUMBLNG, GAS FITTING pLumaluvG , EH An Sin i FITTING, uilLj Hydrants, Iron Pumps, tiszEr LEA ziffb", P1 P5,845120 WATER CLOSETS AND WASH STANDS. TOM T. EWEN'S, (Successor to, Ewen: R C0.,1 165 Wood St,, Pittsburgh, Pa p r " l'43 L GAS AND STEAM V I ITT IB IN IN G "9 , I[4ALL. IT IiItANCIII.6, GAS FIXTURES, SINKS, BATH TUBS SUOWEIL BATH WA S, TER. CLOSETS, IFITLEAST • Conatantly on hand and mode to onto.. No. 31.1 redcral titreet, A.MiCh , n , • 11.7 1,11.rtv,‘,..t. TGBACCOi CIGARS, Szc, .ROSE BUD ROUGH ASD READY, Rose Bud Bright Pound, Bose Bud Golden Ban And other NGltd !:rands ICO 3B AL 40 O 00, Manara,ture.l by R. W. JENKINSON, Flfiti door from Scspenstark Brldre, .0.747-.1313.3311321TY CITY. 200;000 LallCat4tCr Fegars be eolti cbeeo Jug gni ad JOHN MEGRATArf - 111.1. turer of sadh Wholesal ofe and iletall Dealer t all kinds Tobacco, Snuff and Cigars, 43.13 8.496.N23, t rICEI2a AriOVVV=t*:-"' be Tittsburgh Oauttt, TUESDAY, JAN. 8,186 t CITY AND NEIGHBORHOOD, CADIATIONAt LOCAL Ern GIST/BST PAGE) Criminal Coast Proceeding.. • The Criminal Conc . ., ;ledge Stocre presiding, n 2. emb'ed Oh efeinday, ht ten o'clock. Tht 'folk/el:l.g Cases 'Zero disposed of: latter') DoeRDINO-ffeher TIIItT. - Itttirle Byers was bronehr from prised and tine.] on trial on an !allotment charging him truth larceny, AbOCC the tth ofsßocamber last clothing and other articles, tO ten amount la value of alemt one hundred and City dollars, wece stolen from hiding-house lfls Bonn street, kept by u lie. Livingston. • Abottt the tittle the robbery waif discoveredthe defend.' ant left the boarding-Itouge, tuktng his carpet sack containing hie effect:, lie was followed by lir. Llvin :rata% and, after having gone anent a tslharc, he returned to the boarditli•housc; as requested. Submitted to a search of his carpet sack, anti wa detained until an ofteer appeared and took him Into custody. None of the property al ' leged - to have been stolen was round upon him, except a nalr uf cotton socks, Identified by a mark as the property of James Startle. Who bad also lost from lite trunk a comb and a dozen Duper collars. The only . groindi upon which the prisoner Lentil be convicted was that of being lotted 111 thepossession of stol en property, nod US a defense to this It was overcoat, ahoan I stunt's thttb seeks w ; c, wore a found u h u e d ,„ ln it oa l te . ter to i another party, and about which there hod been some tlnflculty. The Jury found a so, dirt or not guilty. ADDL: ox TeX WOOCO I.loltie. • • • - cea.tal aaonc 55 yea, of age, and lea,. airy and ono ch. 1,1. Mr. Scranton war to tartly u ,cranton, to Stile btale., l'etholle Librnry A...elation. • The members of this tweoolation moot e:cnlng to elect ofEctra for the ensuing year. Tao ticket; are In tine field, InchOlng the fallowing named gentlemen) I . rtlldent—Theodore h. Took; Mr. lien. II keys,. tier riecaleat—N. J. ftlgley, Dr.. a -01.1-hoe. Vreamorer—Janae) , Phelan; John I). Sceretnr---A. V. Keating) ,John I. Barr. Director.f.-Jeretalnh Ilualeer. Jr.. Castries It. Kennedy, Thom I'. Moulton, Patric): ',mill), Hem y Mane, EJ• F. MCEIrOT. .Jatner 11 iambic, Maurice Coll, TbOinnAlhunen, Meally. Connolotory.—The Hazleton &Mimi Is Commling:lin the following manner: The Lu cerne L.iica use:Tined ley! while the I.u -nerne.counity I....twin:ring round the Circle." liaZit-tatt ithouitl fly oil In a tun:rent to Car. bon county, and not be het.) to pay for the new pimitentlury that IC about to he built nt %%L. ke•arlarre at it co-,l to the county of 6200,001.1. It even gives curremy to a Mil; rumor that money .111 ho improperly tiled to accomplish a reparation. We fool tu.ntred that !Mould the que,lion °Rain be brothrlit to the attention of tile Logi9litturo—of Mich ice horn a. rot heard apt king here—the frtende of the Meas ure woo ht be quite 6 . 11116;10 let It reit nn Ito own merit, COlthdent that a fair hooting 011ty In required. -Who Ave you?”—The shove rather in tere4lng iinery berms the seldect of the lec ture to he deliVerial at ...even O'clock Lbt•eVens Iny,at the Flrst MeChodlid Church, on Filtli• street, by the Il v. Alexander Clerk, A. M., pastor of th e Church named, and editor of •iuur Si heel Day Visitor." The annleet chosen is one of exceeding interest, &nil the able and eloquent manlier In which it grill be ti.ct,sc.l by She 'corned gentleman will ren der it still ninre Tbelibleet of the lecture, however, its iirinelpal Heim on the large uttention of the pimple. The prcemeilsof the th e are to tie devoted to the benefit of the Second Methodist Chntell of this city. Do One nail oil. Deaperate ::erauton yob/leo:1 sayt: 'Curve rullion, umurbers of gal.; 'A LICh for , some tiled ha been trouble some at thin vieintY, lad. Sunday night nt .ltUlted Thornft, watehlnall at the Na tional Colliery (Cart's Patch), and not only beat him but abot him throng:, the thigh. A few :laps ago members of the same gang, and in the tan., vicinity, heat, robbed, and• stripped two old men, and left them for dead. A warrant Ills for tome time been out agatnet one of them Tor momulting the mining boss at the National, het ola Iriendn keep him In hiding, kt, that the unicorn Wive not Leon uLlo to got Lim. A ll.ll.aht Lupo. ittiestr —The Doylehtown Th.:Mt:curer get.. of bite following; One Chug. Dougherty, or Luzern.. county, wits recently uppoint.nt cnot to Lonitchelurry by Pratt ne t .lolin an Ju.t nt bu NM.% ready to mart, bull had lam arrektuil an a itolnoiter, lie having been tux tiolluetor In Om county. For a limo tie wait compelled toetijourn in 000 of tlio public isuwltuttons ut Wllkeit-Itarre. We bits o not learned a...Lb, matters hove been to Leif ihite.l that Olio. uew l'uVoritO of the Prost dent can enter upon his dulce but It Is not likely that a 5111101 mitr of {SUFI Mad will cane,: much hiterruptiunn. Mrs. Nis Isslteint as a is oveillesll ro.Jone 6. swir+helm, whilolu of tho Satitzdny o g, of this city, 11100 m of n Pops: . in the fur North . .. est. and more recently a clerk In the War Deportment, pus written a nnyel, roundel% on Washington life; which, It 1.1 soul. pliocimraplin a number of government officials in and ohont Washington.. Lady Jane is generally In LOU vein %clam she puts ten In paper, of saying caustic thingm; awl we fort inclined to oympathize with any uflletal 'who 'has tnsurrtot her ire, amt IS, Mora.... 114 to be one of tin) promised ..photographs" Thr Hicembont I.nreeny.—Cbarlos6akor, charged by .1. W. Cowden:watt stealing front the chatuberrnattl T A rebut Mt the steamer Now York 'a coal worth jTh, and u tia.r of buckskin gloros worth +5. the property of Edward Mo. Cabe. had u hettrlntt hofbra ton Mayor y em ret,iny morning, unit, in default. of Wu ball, was comutitttd W Jell to await, hla trial at Court. Aecldent,— , l time, it lad Mel ee yeara - of age, huol iihe right bal leg broken, lust above the ankle. yesterday morning, while bledolng In.lllartiond alley. Ho ran against the thad.wheel of a wagon, which had Just tome nut of Cherry Into Diamond alley, alai such force as to curiae the painful arcatuut. named, -Thu tad resided with his parents I Cherry alley. Commort Plena cone.—Jtelgo Mellon prenelltef. Jamey Torreere'm I...cutoru vu tValtluTn Atlatur..—Action to recover arrears of rent. Ventle, :e' of plaletiffe fur klto.ey. Ocorgo 11..rrner vs. Perry d Bro.—Act:on to recover +lO.lO, amount of two promln.ory nnten.ltet to savor of plaintlal fur the full amount claimml. Dlntrict Cuort.—Thlm Court was In seaslon on Monday, Judge Wahiawa on the bench, and dt Of Lilt ca. of Kramer Kahm, fur U . . of Thomna Moore vs. Itartlett, 17.4vInett Co., In WhlCil a verdict W 11.4 WlVOa la favor of phantlff4 fur the bum of $2,:,37.81. Old Soldter.—John Grey, a revolutionary• old lot, p i .years old, Ilvea In Noble county, 0.10. dm time of service WAS So short that Lc Can draw no rtnelolk under existing lawl, end his friends Levu applied to Coagrera for a rotund p.usion for him. MEM Adtattled to rencelee.—On motion of Jan U. tiotuptun, LAI., on Monthly, Umrld T. wgtson Wag tattnt 0,1 to ptaottee low to the SEVerel 00Urtg of Allegheny optuaty, Patents Granted. The following la a I hit ot patents bulusd from the United States Patel:WWl& _tegtersons la thla siciotty, for the week code:cif &unary at; lselr. George P. Lang and ' t iter Linder. of Allegheny, Pa., for Bel Movement ln-making jug lope; W 11l lam J. Nlller, of the borough pf IleKeentxtrt, Pa.. for Improved apparatus for A stee lle rl gh n e ff ny v , esseLs by steam; IL Pemberton, Of °facture of nulphurate of alumina, alum a nd. Whet aloust r e a" ons Lr' cOm bn po P t r i d nd l 7; ;:wt In d tb r e o ln we a ll Connectuttille, Pa., for epilog cruoper, Bate dated December .4, 146; Jobn 11.. Bear, of YOrk, Pa., for improvement La boron hay rake and sender COMMeedi Asa Bee, of Waite Oak, ' Went Virginla,for iraprovetnent Ida* Ed. Win L. Bergstrasser, of tioubor, Pa., for to , provaMent In gates; Amos, Lob::„ of a °Pitts lelmrter o lY, 1 1:167 g j u . Volt h a - f 4 Ste xle e p r o s: burg, Pa., tor Improvement In enklyntnrej J. C. Efoffedtts, of f eeburg, Pa, 100 ImPruse . [font in mode o enacting colon:arm teeth. He-Issued—henry Pemberton, of alley,bony, Pa.l for improvement In rening Itydrc..ea,r bon oils, and vaelltrallzlng awnnna laminas therefrom. Patented /i r ugn , .t.l2d, 1,71 DIN% fiaddellay.—T. Sunbury Americo. says: P.Obort Brooks, whose family reside In .this place, and win, hag lately been ern µtoyed In the coal -region, was arrested at Mt. Car taut, on Wednesday lidd, for breaking Into a restaurant. Thu constable took him In charge and put him on the regular pa..eunger tram rn the °hat:Whin alley Railroad, Intending to put hint in 101 l in tills place. When the train stopped • ho conductor,suppodug him asleep, shook him, hen he found that life was ex , tines. t min w a, rumors aro afloat as to the eansuof his death, but it It supposed that it reiulttd from apoplexy. An 111:Orneuodi lorlse.—Thu house valued et lAA 0, and I Ira wn be Israel Wltrer, of Lan, Caster county, in the flatlonal tlllt Concert m Washington City, proves to ho none other than that inhabltted by the Strait family, wherein the mcdtesinutlon of President Lin- Coln was coneocted. A retort ed ,s galued ear rency that 1 he how. la haunte and the pee. plo In the neighborhooml have had their rents reduced because of exposure to an unahatable huManee, IPeloott,Wartlen let be Eleeted.—Tlie Board of Prison Inspectors have decided that after the nresent year the Warden et the County Prison and tile auslstant shall be °tent ed nonually: Insterus et:Pelt:lnn the entre ..du. I . :rig good • behaviour," no formerly. :Ir. Wnlte and Mr. Smith; the present incumbents cOntlune 1a °fere until January, 1133. Of courso they wilrite..ol lends to re•elcOttost. Csatehloir Ent—Aleawn rat accidentally got Into a Cleveland and Pittsburgh rumen ger ear, the other clay, before It left the depot, and created consWernble consternation among the lady passengers by running up boy's leg radio trying to eret inn escape. The boy screamed "bloody murder " , and _his friends, mounting upon the backs or seats, left air. Norway master of the situation. Au old Intinbltant.—John Goldsmith died at his residence in Luton, 01110. on tho of December. at tho ego MK. Ile Inul lived on the same snot for over GO years ' line been a re sident of 'Ohio for yew 01111 member for nearly ce years, had servo! In Illn war 181; and leaven n Wife aged PO, w fib whom he had lived over he years. N. • Irake Care.-z-rarrners awal others drlvinu horses through the city should exercise great care title slippery weather, especially on tho streets on which railway tracks aro laid down, There have boon a noinher 'or accidents re. eently toyalnabla animals, by slipping on the Iron anti falling. Solldtera•Orphana.—There are now In var• lone schools 01 PCnsylvaata, receiving care and the expert.° of the Comon wealth, betweenedueatlonat three and four thusand m little boys and glrisownhnua of 1 . 1 1 601- titers and callers.% ho perlehed In the war for the C... • Mopping . Wcirk.—The Pott.vllll3 Joe states that out tow collieries stoat work In sleek eco u ntil , and more were to to trot this prices improve aS as prevent less._ • New Ilrldgc.—The now brldgeut retroleum Centralia., opened for the uccomo44- ton of thn been Mmpublic. Until within u fey.s, the cold etrenia had been forded by horses. Leetnrc—Rev. Mr. %Watkins` lecture, on llTbol;lirf and Thus••_ of English worOs," will take place at Trinity M. E. t:huron, Ninth rArd, January Mb. • Fruit Grower•.—ttn the 16th of January, the Peen.) treeht 1 rower's . A•aoclntton wilt meet. In flarlelttit• IIEATEST BAVGAINS OF THE SEASON Boots and Shoe*: IT TOE POITIAn SEE l'ALta EIPOIIIPI 20 o,2s.ci. 28 Firth 6troot CLOSING OUT WINTER STOCK. I= 26 and '2B Fifth Street, WM. B. CLAPP & CO. /01'R'. r.rn's Itubt,r, 90 rcnt, 3.1 MZI;Mi WORCESTERSHME SAUCE. VEONOUNCF.D lii EXTRACT • a LI rims trot:. CONNOISSEURS TO TA a al' to Lb ONLY G 001) Mi' llf. HP..., at W,lncus TLI:, !day, bb. LEA I PICII• AND ,rr:.:c.kitr. r,, 132,5 ILAI. 1.111115 ear 1 arl EXEItY VAULLTY Da:a.4l, Or ' .• % , c.l a. 1.1, SACCE 1:12E1M3. - met •• The sate...sof thlt matt meld onrlyste.l oontlitncnt catt.c.l "tatty untlTinOttt , ' , • rt ' 0 APPY tho to 'tt vutot, Conroy:at, the Itt..lt itt,,,,rt'LLY rt,tztat ed to ate citat Tome Llttl rtitll.lN3 tat. up.'n ttee Wit." LALIE"I... tutd M.'‘'` ,. .Ctttrt'l N J,} PY.1:111N:3, Worcetter. JOIIN DUNCAN'S SONS, s AGENTS rota Ttut C. 3. 4e: ,, :t3rrir• , WILLIAM =I DIILLEIt & RICHLTSON, WHOLESALE GHOCERS, =I Brandies, Wines and Cigars, Nos, 221 and 223, Corner of Liberty add Irwin Streets, rrrrsni PA., IRON, NAILS, COTTON YARNS. &C., =MI= NVATCHES,CLpCKS,JEWELUT SILVER PLATED WARE X' JCL -sr Cr 100 CO 7D PJ . 4oriFs. - "Rotes, 37 Ohio Street, Allegheny, N : ;ateli and (Incl. Iterairitlfr prozartiv al • (14.1,:rt C. C. ALIAG:3OOC), DEALER 1 ' INE WATCHES, JEWELRY, DIAMONDS, szsI7.11:71:11; TPT.LI,7I-13, French Clocks, &c. ~, amt t o , „ : gum, to be I illtill UP rti,n„, „rro. 22 /WM Street Ml= J A.1111,1h K. OLIN ALEX. I.ll,AlltN 73-8-410EX4 6 iC 0171 . OMNIBUS AND LIVERY STABLE; • .4b.410 fent& street. DUN & PITCNIRS, Proprietors. • /fir Volnlbanes and c•rrlace , Surrmihed for at tr.l.. CarnagrEn fur *rtratr.e, Wtddimt and Parties, at lhOrt...lothlu sod res,naablc MIAS. Stable Open Day and Night Pra WIPT.TII. to • 190 Do us Ciosben, I. or xna umwmi for sale by CliAltLE.'S C. D6L6LEY friions. I= CIIARLEB ,: C..IIALSL 11. Y; SEIADEt4 OCNI7 lot 01 ,fla!Mt ?Tree!. t 10; *". L. 6.1 if. 0410E3 nhit, 1:1:i 30i Eli eliii ilia rg!f - A CARD TO INVALIDS. • ♦ Clergy - ruse, reblle• rertdlng to gouth America as a missionary, dISCOTerO a,afc sod lvmv . dy for the Cure of Nerruus Westner 9. Fatly Meas. Dlreases of I:rlt art , and trzulnal Anna° , the Whole train of dltorders brought on by baneful and llama hablta. Great rovnuars bare been al ready cured by Clic noble Iv znedy. Prompted hY ° desire to benefit the egllcted ana uniurtun to. 1 will scud the recipe for beepa log and ualug this medlclue. In a sealed envelope, to any one ' b° tends It, inan OF fivabon, Hesse uncu=t P° 3 • paid envetopu. Adana:ea to yourself. • Addrem JOCEPII T. INMAN, MIOMEMIIMUC=KM BARNEIII I L tc CO BOILER MAKERS SHEET 'IRON TOILERS, NUB. 20, 22, 21 and 211 Penn St. _ • large Tani, Soil fonnisimd It w ttn tAo mutt approved tarichlntri . . wrt an• tirtiPai'd to manufactory aver 7 thiamititlon or Item in it , - ban mune!, ano warrant...l tonnT mit , " I. tho 4,4;41, 14 44,41:11.4444.4. rnrn 0rchard..4.4... Brick 44944-0 .41 ,It zooms slit licbeccs. suett, ns. • , ItrieL 11 , 0 c 41 , c 0,40 n 4.0 Park. crreet. First Wttr.l..t.lirgh. 404 trill of 1,14 0400, IMMI=I f.>r t Allt.• • •• I for r,wr.ball • n rtr u ect, t.colutt War, akin }lOll, ref. [:,r11: lot 1 , 210'261 fcrt.(ll W. 0 , 1 itiistisTiv.i.idx Kati '""'""" s 11111 Litchen lis e roam r: . r , titl attic, tta 1,1 r te A gt nt• • 1.10 ..trect. I LOUSE N /10 , 111 SEN : LIOUSES ! • lir • tEF 241 uiri• Innt DWELLINO, • ll,r h ,ffia • , it - Ii WA I:EIIULTHF, DWELLINO, rut!, b' (; . (;:.1;;71 ' ,1 ' :' , I. , 1[1:1, I'lits. DIVELLIti(.. Clßs MEN DWELLING. IS:, I,ll,ltitt I rar. , a W. NF vitt( DWELLIMJ, Dirt a k'):.l ti t: DIV ELLIN It, All, fl Yrrnd GS SQL .!id~L E.: - .I • A h: • d 14'611 S.ILE,. . .71.112 K E T :11 A pl.: of 'tout coutstolog 4; to 511 covet of rich ilittetrl ground, IltIL tt VW..55:05, 55 1:11- , f term,. The iraprose , • IRAME 71UYSE, HAIM ~ uutnu,..fs. It Ir. nuw ulna ni A ...11keL i nJ J u and IA In 114 hurl,r. fur Cur., apply to Mut., In Stoat And hilt Estate. Jilt 57 1, rth hALE, THE TWO-MIRY BEIC:4,,DWELLN4, M,tcre: . ..alAirb, J. COOLANS. affil;, 1 , ..h-room ..ris Tzn+i+uFLLl. :to t, :.I.q...t.ettlilat ::• I: U. .11,1 and hot 3.4 , 1 IIC r•• .t,prs lot ittiorn.tr•' IntYAN. .c .t i 1:%a1 Sl,ato, t, LOTS!.—I cat! !Oats' offer a. tt laenri74l 11l a pica t place.u l,. t.or, 0 ....(rot 5M7 !t 0 5 0 t t o v 1, (0 / tr .Ltr o 5/to 10 e • olt t:.rars, to u l .l. -Par ,,r• air- .1• 1, 1.0 p rAt 1,1,1, 4 11, PC ar.da , ),11011,0 youallea, a 0. a:•:, catt 111,1:7111. • U. 3 r..tTEr24 toll ctre. t, Le Kra a:'erllle. i AAN!) . r , .!2 large Lot Au, I 1.,1[11411L1 am; roovrrn -Ib‘ln and 1.- ern f.outn. I U. :twirl., I le ul the , nu. b,• 0101.1.11.,' 1...ry :1.• g tirpub LI. r. S 11r.1:51 , N, ... 1 Z{O.l:, 11 itta,s or ~oroun:f, .• :Ir.. n Pa. 1,10. a .ll. 6 Iknr... .r. 11,1 t .101 , ..1 , 1111.1 ,1 In' .V,stnaorc!•n•l e Con, po, Hob c.1,.y lot elO - . el • • Nk• 1 , 0; st.2l No. eet. SF,niceiLEV. ritopEirrie Fon pt rzy. clrg ItoIII: about 'I\VV AC/U.a an wl.l, I, A ,ory DWELLING OE ELEVEN I:Ol.EnS,' •131, W/alk -01 1110 nrdern itn• WO, 1n... L., t,r Ir.. t. JOH 1H6.M0.0`; sALE, A Tire Story. Dealt Dwelling, N". 9, on t , :.• Wr:t of tn.! Dlamoud, Clegb, . or At. NGTON STUES.T. 3uo ILL PIoaCEIANE AC7,I, L 4,1 -nilro;..!. a fr,in Do, land, pr; ry u,11 ,1 L0 ptr WtS t g0,..11ty. t:Lrrms rs.y. vIN . .1, FOB SALE. • • A LARGE BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, With all rhct•lc rn tni, , ,thent, la compkte tai the t , : th.^Y. • I ht,at, ht ito. Itithr JOHN Stock and Real Estate Broker. REGULAR CALL OF S 1 OCKSi TUE,DAI,,nud sod It DAY EV F.:. IN s, at BAIL,EY'S of Trade, Itoowl •r Tlit r.l N JOHN D. DAT prx, STOCK MID cIEA,I ESTATE BROKER AND AITTIONLER. • tai:en out aml ttlqa at .tta . l tonetr. and NnrinK tai cot with to tau l'ltt-Largh Board otTradr. tao the, room, atm,. tt“, ^ LIII , I Nat,-”, It tvc, t now Pl. par ,1 'ell at Fuldtc Atte o. tsoads, ctultic, 14 , 1 E, aO. ei I.c ther at the t.bovo room , or va Abe 1.111.0,11:or .0.11.101 paLl, at tore tutor , : to Ito 1 1 oi" Itt at 1- 41.,:e t u l le. 0 10, tu Collt/trY Attell,l6l. OIL,. I F,lrth aeL'i lESIE,ALILE LOTS FOR COUN ray 10,11.1 , \ -- ,, lta,cour.t vary of oa ',etas . ) tart. the 11.Ve. Of w, O ti,il7.lc trout 1 1 0 0 to four arr., cach. tL, FIAaL. Itoad. vrte fr,on ALlevit , ay ,ivr. was a... 10000011. Thu arc l, ha,nct In 2. 3.1 and D-ar, ;Lot. of 1,, prot:crLY an. l turtlier Funiculars aNliy jttilli I). BAILEY. No. ten Fourth etreut. BANKS Al Bit2iLaXti N. liaLliES Si S, No. 57 31.UltiET bTREET, Pittsburgh. United =ll,l ar.d C. 111141.. STOCKZ BONDS AND OTHERSEGURITIES Bougd. and Sold On Commission. UNITED STATES SECURITIES, ScLUDINci uatt.tiV:aw. Sint. t s a P gt / 1 . ,T, yyc S r PAT ILEATELETOIELTING IND HOSE, Ilantagecadst ',No. 55 eSII7IIFIELD IT., by fLgatTLEY. PHELPS &. CO. tuo. Amu& Toxic 1112b1 . ..rec. it' Arm,. AI ay 1 LATH 1 11.1. Y- I. BEItTENTS --- __ arPITI'SBERGEI TII/FIATHF -1,c,,,r, - Wm. tW. DERsoN tz . r.,...r. M.,...05ti H. w • WS , •LIAs.y 7 . 6.,..r.r.11 ...... ..... ..... HAlt.l" 01 , EVANIa TON • - - r Ik'•t of t.be IrieJtrt!..." niss ANNA LEVERI,IO. Who'. lit •opeaz to the %If= tole of ths beaut/Dit 14. r. ettaled CAII ILL'": Oa. TITE RATE OR A COQI:VI - Tr. After v•ltirtt Prt.f. lt. W. OC•ND t t r : O V' h . er" f . "''' • entag•l tterftsrrnanre cor.e.cang th. Com . .c rittatoattato. entitkol ..• M LI tt ltranrl Matinee. r•stur.ll.7 Dan. 61.lislOtt tent,. --7-NEW OPERA 1101U,ir. nr% M. lIEN L,ERION UC"." Or 1., DA.,.: 1311Y.VNT kL 61,0 wilt repeat 711113 ucedayl EVFNINn. great ..pcnouat , ob m bc.k.tiCul 1:1.111)rautt. I= TIII: 11191.7 LL) rvy OF tiLENU.AL Fro= Lovers celebrated perm of that name Saturday OPenn..an F:111,IY gating,. UAL' ndtd BAH .0, TO VIZ HI. HT THC 10 MILD. I'm Ta Lon 111, t`dt,d‘r Ul f aluno nxaltnn 31 ..r . nTI. a., I 0.%1F ,1 .1113 04 'U. et al a ”Nl. 11.1.. I ! lt-Ttlfgh f , our haa nnr.,ter. nu,natunday. denu• ,- Pth. 1 h. It h 1.1 L'. ll 0c• :• zra HAnKit I li. 1 1 . ugn . tnn Penni I. ran nernr boon pe• fart, I In l• • I.‘l^,V: n 1•0 10e nt ',wry nevond ninll. Tnat Marvrt Slonen. 1110 kn. chanted Cantunt and Wnthlar., (non - an Hasubnor, a, nututroun c.nnrlon.nts....llH , :100 a. 11.112 1- Pr ill. P.S ' n ' tt ' I 'X 7g . ,.T.". 02' 1 .F rnt hn 1 , 1,1 Timid, London. ••.t. pent"rtne CO Itnn d. t h.•ar no, Hug IV ne• nwllncsv.l in Ennl•nd. the ra•rrn all Von nt iccoo Funt. the •ff et undu the can n nlart,ln . al and 0.5001 tn. scrlbed. Jandllntup, ton , ladi.c: nal na 0^ Inaera 11hle nv, t.." •n 1 c• , - On-elre." Front the 3f,n , ;10 .Stan • ha In Inn Basket Trick daruasene ea, a Wing la 0100 mingle 1100. Is the Moat ume-unutalnh. lOU n rani . ..Marl plan MEE • Do' ' lor% op. n.l. 7,: V. 0rmarT5.nc,...:,...1,-;:of MOM:. ""I'-' " be becurrd from lut.ct: for neor•md reap, c, , P S EIG U CHORAL UNION clru DAYIR , `,.. GRAND OItATORIG vrazo.ek_wxca - zr,•• On Tuesday Evening, Jan. S AT TOE. ACADI.3II OF JICV,, cau Olt • CO'S. Wnott etrect, on .11,1,11.11.11t0tNINti..ill ta.L., at 9 n'eloc, l'Arqucttt aqd ftre., 1.00 Lircle and ...tier, - Au ex , ra charge r re,e, L. 4 OIL Vi/ORKh,C'JBIPA.NIE:h.se c"xx.E3l oxa..sU oxx.+®a SOHO OIL, WORKS. BUFFO UMW CO!, WAN 147.0 11.EltS OYTIIE I CELEBRATED SPERJI LUBRICATOR , PETROLEUM LUBRICATING OILS. Sperm. Lard and 6Vhede Oi RED 116111, ET OIL AND lc GRIA Standaid White Burning Div. BS Market Street, PITTSBURGH, PA SEND FOR 11. CIRCULILII WIARING t's. KING, CbMISDA nb ED:in:SE Petroleum and its Products .1 DV QUES.IIII 34..T.r1"5"1 33 E5TS 2.131,111:1,ti: WARING, KINC k CO.. 131=31 EDItICK'S LUBRICATOR, =I WAITE, BROS. CO., New York. E: J.ROBERTS, Agent,' \o.l 56 Clair 'Street, Pittsburgh, P h.r•cu,oubtantl! ou ou ; Goti^n rsctory - WI, v.,01..ru 0.1. I.ldt.t Curd Er: Wt.. 011.' 1,3rk:N..1•. L. I.lcht DArs Car Utl. o WOOLDRIDGE; ORL P FL'iiLN9 CI Cr - DIr..P.A.MI OF PlTTSBuoical. PENNA. IflN west rn,lderr.. It KNILY M.LLONti.. - eey and Treser. ?SORES !LN 14.1311 P E6 ANCEVILLIE. OinCe; No. 2 IluouPsnc Way, .sciarrtn.loa 13.13ZUFACTCliEli, W urrr, 71.310}-: 0114. . Brand.—" Lucifer." 1512:In E UREKA OIL II ORM, MANUTWITUILLS 91 EUREK4 canoo-r OIL, - - Tl.Celel,ra•ed •.. EUGEKA SPERM LUBRICATING OILS, Awl Fnuleaata Dealers In Crude, Refilled and Lubricating Oils, Lmtp. 11 - 11 ALE A 741-1 Flall U 11.6, N 0.31 Market. St.. Pittsburgh, Pa. C. C. DS .13.. (2,0 sAls:rlt , sad Cc/Lt.:ate , 110n:0 130:71( TILE BEST. PETROLIA BLUE LEAD, FOn OIL II EMI Manufactured only and for kale by T. H. ErIX 3' CO., Picremeox - .T...tedzet 17170r 1 5.a. N, W. Car. 3d and Maritet Ste.,_ =M= THE LIGHTNING :U °. IL C. JONI: , •U. CItAWYDUD VSO. TOOTL. JONES, CRAWFORD ?;., VOGEL, Agents. THE MOST roavEtteta.L AN .18D A TIIIII,II IS IANT OA CL OIL 111 . EVE:11.1 . 1101/1;,El , Adopted by the IT. S.GovernmenL Non ',le ve. Cbe , rb and Ilcautifo:. tilres • brilliant lizot thrre•rold areati, lg.+. SOY otner lawn. Tbl , p.tat Is anlaptol to all 12.113 ,, P11 , P05ea. 6.1 as th., Isle.. I. Int,vly a colvlnct., never re. noir, .ovoid omllog. tturotre on I Al , . prlnciple ap piled to rdloary lamp, 1...T.1..11; - . INV COLINiI IC 1110 ill ..3- Foil CALE., . 1: t 0 , 1 1 , : . 1 , : , c .:: : ,,, , p ,,T0 0 ,thT, 0 d s I 14 t , , ,,,, Y r 0 . ..t 011, z 1, ab.3o 0 rII. to ck'a N a.. 0021 D.a. Aalt/n1160 ,1 EAGLE OIL ITOFAII.S, . ' ' - X.iwon-Innamoo-crill.o. ' WICHTMARIi & ANDERSON. Refinery n.id Dent. rN in PETROLEUM. T ° s3: l iiii Ili= PTAYI' C0I'11" L !, &N .'.' "6CX .•:•• kx, fiPIERILEIIIO I OSE, Phizaderpma r;l• ' /ct, Thell.lTe crib , Hoag . u r ~„,.,,TorT T• HTaels perfect. t h e s. Th` ,V 111 In pvl Tatal. In „ Erg G ArOCSIE C3* Mae ;EOM Omer of Intello sod /duo! Sirets. Near the NuspeetiOe Bridge, 8 , 2 5 , 0 0 0 TO 1.082 c Enstr. tr.AEbt anti sold A.: twill:E. H. PETTY. A AA EAtato - ROOFING MALTEMALS. Cement, Pitch, Felt Para/Mu rarntsh- and Black Paint, Vri,l ' othertouas liszefactur . ed 2.1,1 LARD OIL bu:e. 'Extra 1tee1:1..41 and . ..,-rra.ted 'Winter .Itraltaco. 10r sal. b 7 .r' Tionuiv 1 , 20 Dbl. new prise W tau Flint for sale try _ 7.lnn sera, 2 nBEIER, YPEM IC received mad MEO. . aI , LLT &CO • G•2,A bolanle Druggni.. d 7 Iffc,,,,d)nn.n. Ey:o: 'Cltt: 'f L - 4CS 1 1l W)litl' su( l ~ttO:U i ..„ st 12: I~'n~nnl fie.. •'htla HOTELS I=l gurcm MO e:d uvrards CH..II:LS C. 33,5.1.°LE7 cildiLLEs 13ALIBLEY.