CITY AND SUBURBAN. LOCAL tit,vol, 05 MIST An THIRD PAGM. Annual Elections Advertised In To day..'tnneette. • It is with acme pride that we refer our readers to the column of special notices of. banks and other incorporated Institutions. which appears elsewhere. As the Gazt,rnis largely circulated, the managers of such in. ',wa t tle. recognize its claims as an avenue fOradvertlsing, and bestow their patronage upon It in a liberal manner. In order to pre sent parties interested in. the annual elec Lions about to take. place, a convenient list for referenke, we have arranged the fan nouneements in the following order ALLI2GIIOIO NATIONAL BAss.—The annual election of Directors will take place at the B ink flout, to-morrow, between the hOure Of 110. C., and 2 P. 22. Talmo NATIONAL !SAND.—The annual election for nine • Dlrectori for tills • Bunk,' to serve during the coming year, will be held at the bank to-cuorros, between the hours of II A.Y., and %! r. FALLMAIN Dar o-Ir, NATIONAL NANl2.—The annual election for tilreiTmr of this BAnk,..wlll be held Itt the Bunking House, between the hour,, of I and 3 .orlock r. x.. • S 51. NATIONAL 11ANN.-4110 annual elec tion fur ft; rtetor,4 of the Bank, will take place at the lia.nking 110,100 on to-morrow, between the bourn of 11 A. N.. and I P. 00. inox Crrr ATIONAL BANS.—Theannual elec tion for Duet:tor , of MN bank will be held to. ....row - , January Bth, 16 1 11. between the noura Of l and . s o'cmck r, 51., at the Bunking House. FINSTNATIONAL BANS .— Theo annual election for ttireatorn of the lirnt National Bank will take Waco to-morrow, January nth, 1 ,0 '.T the Bank, between 11 o'clock A. anti 2 o'clock • BISCHANIM' NATIONAL Baser—The annual election for Directors of this Bank, will be held at the Banking Home to-morrow, Janu ary- 11th. IsL7. between the hours of II o'clock ' and I o'clock . . Re RYAN NATIONAL Bessr.—An election for nine ulrectors, tO serve for the ensuing year, will be Mud at the Franking Bowie to-morrow, January Sth, 1567, betWeell the bourn of 10 A, a. anal,2r. SECOND NATIONAL BANK Or ALLCORENV.—The annual elect lon . for Directora of this will be 110.1 ta:morrow,laumary Eau, 1907, betrecun the bourn of 11 A. N. and 2 r. AL, at the Bank . Douse. _I 'a NATIONAL BANN—An eleCtion for Seven en ortele Bank, to serve for Um - !Milling year, will he held ut the Bank, tOwtors row, January 8:h, IN:17, between the hours of It anti 2 P. Al. . ' , MKT NATIONAL BANWor ALLYPEMV.—The annu eleetlon for DireelOrs Or Das Bank, will take place at the Banking douse. on • ,es .lay. January Bth. IL-67. (to-mOrrow) bo twoen too hours of 11 A. at and 1 ri IN3IriCRANCKVILLii OnD FeLLowe.—. The an- I noel sleeken 01 twelve Trustees of the Odd- • retinae Fund Assoctation, will be beta in their Ball, in Teumemlicesille, ILIA' evening, at Weine k rang mi t on NATIONAL BASS Or PrfrancnOrt.— The, annual election 01 Directors will take Db.° nt. the Banking 1101180, Ttlesday, Jan uary Stb,loo. ttoonorrow between the boars Of 1 end 2 r. Y. UNtiM NATIoNAL BANFL—An fr/eCtiOn' for nine Direetors,LO serve fur the shellin g , Tear, Will he held at tile Banking House, on Tom e ay, January Bth, 11 , 67. (toduorrow) between the too, of 11 A. 3C. ano I r.• 31. INSIMANOR ANT.—An elec• Lion Sro tool Do molts of tills Company, to scree far the rmsulug year, will be held at Its office, No. 37 Fifth street, Pittsburgh, on Mon day, January 14th, 1057, between the henry of 10 A. m and T. U. Tun norm,' (sockeyes C0.,-The annual election for Twelre Dtrector, of this Corn , pans . tell) bo held at the office of the Company on Monday, tun 14th day of Jun miry, INr7, tweet th e honrs of 10 A. IL and s F.M. PCBLIc CATROLIC Lin trAnTI—T he annual elec tion rit officers of the -Publip Catholic LIM - Lira' , •and Beaaittg Room, will - be held at the Li, '• • bears, t o- morrow evening, January ports of the'retiring °Miters will 110 pretented - on the occasion. Thu meriting will be 'organ.. Ix, at 1215 o'clock preCisel . i 11lorin • I Tr . RerCiae, tynrrceN .—T reNNAhe amoral Itieellatt of :he contributor, to the • 'dense of Refuge, will be Moil at tile Mitiee of t.;_ i l Institution, No, 67 Fourth street, MDR . boeyh, tills morning, between the hours of 9 and hi o'clock, to hear the revert or the Roan! of .3.lanaJers, and to elect officers tor the emu- Inn year. ootosmot OIL RCM:ft:so Co.—The annual menus ot stockhubiery of Ills Company, for the election of. Dlrectors; l e d! be held at this edllce t.ruitorrow, January th, LSO:, at 24 Weiner, ar U. I PiTTentlaCit S STRMIENMLLC RAILROAD . CO. —A meeting of the stockholders of this Plus burgh It Stetabenvllle Relit oed 'Company will be held at No. 77 Fourth street,.on Monday. January 1410, between the hours of 10 o'clock, A. AL, and 12 o'clock, Yat Which time . and place an election for President and twelve Direetora will be held. CuAamens VALLEY 'RAILROAD CO.—A. meet- hag 01 the MOCNlAOhlerel nttuo Chartiers Talley Railroad compiny will be held on Monday. January 14th, 1207, at No: 77 Fourth street, ut which time and place an election for toyed Dtreetoi a will be held, between the hours of 1 and 2 o'clock. r. R. Tug Cuenca Belts Will held a Meeting this • - gvelliog ar, their root. Corner at Llblrty t. ctree and Virgin alley. Important business 10 announced. lloirMAN /310TiTNTL.—Thm very ex • ce,lent. 001001 tor young ladies will resinne dutl:a this morning at N 0.02 Grant mreet. Exctsloll. INSTITUTE.—The winter aession or thia well-hilimen educational lreilltutiOn will eoara;eace at the rooms, Philo Ball, this clam MANCPCNTsu ELNCTlON—Porsinaut. ton ciotieir 1110 CO's ed - of the borough of Man eh„ter, ereetio,2 will be herd in said bor a:ro, at the 0011.1 Rome, upon the subject of annexation to ailenneny'.- ALLIMUCNV CITT nnonal clecuon of Allegheny for MiiniciPsi *Rim. taken place to-morrow. lion. J 1. ; .." M. r rison s the Union Republican candidate for MaYor. At111111•CMC0111 NZ's' °reek Hotsm—Today Manager Hen. dersOn •enters into the management of this popular, first class theatre, and will use all of his endeavors to merit a continuance of the great poptilarity which was awarded It dur ing the brief managerial, career of Mr. Hess. Mr. Henderson possesses all y the enterprise and t conduot the Oera House ln a first close m a n:ne. and we Wel safe in prombs. leg that the theatre-goers will not suffer by the change. Of churse, there Is reason in all matters. If the geeerous support of the amusement loving anaimunity be awarded him, he will sustain, regardless of expense tile high-toned character of the Opera House, and it recta with the public to have a fleet class theatre or the centravY. Our whole souled 81141 generous friend Mr. Barry Over- Seaton wilt be retained Us Treasurer, while the einclent,obliging . and energetic Mr-Burke will remain in the business department, and Mr. Doncherty will still refrain In the posi- Mon of n.her, a position he has so sattsfactor- Sly tilled under Mr. Hess's management. Ban Bryant, the versatile and iitioompllshed 'clan COI/learn, than whom there ars none better no the Atto•rican stage, opens to-night with ah,olus O'Brien. , Ho will draw Immense Under the now Mans gem Out we wish 'the o,ora House 1111.”9, rusavne —Millais Henderson. Manager. Miss Anna Levering. tric.beantifUl arttste and charming aatress, makes her ..ow to the pub lic 40.131g111,103 Queen Marguerite IT the great French drawn of the Tower of Death. • An t—rendei Caught We have beard of soon stealing hot stoves before now, but we never heard of one steal a fender oath now. On Friday, a man named Moses Fisher, stole one of those useful arti cles from the establishment of -fears. McKee, Allan it Co., in the Ninth. ward. Information was made before the -Stayer, and officers Cup. pies and Di reeler, set out to arrest the thief,: They went to the onion of Justice Scribe in , Reserve town-hip, having been InfOrmed that; he culprit re,ided. It that neighborhood: Tere they learned that he lived in Duquesne borough. , Thither they went and Inquired of ' Conrad Elsner, tite whereabouts of his rel. tine. No satisfaction wan obtained, but for- I her Inquiry revealed the fact thatthe object of their (mast was employed in chit Mg ice at smoky Island. They ent and made search turoogh all the gangs of workmen. employed and the last man In tan lust. gang was Moses. He was taken before the Mayor and onnfesscd to the transac j ion. In default - of iSSEO nail, he was tent to ail to await trial - at (Hart. neelitinilon non Appointment • Some [laze since Mr. James Scott, of the Mayor's polka. tendered his resignation. It wee accepted,and Mr. Scott left the force a tow date since. lie lea Wes the ['unlaces of pa lice officer fur a thuall MOM, InCtULITO posi tion PM Aselatant Silporin Leaden/ dt the tort .Pitt Works. lla woe. WC:Vital L orheor, and we are glad, some be would log.Ve the force, that /Ps Is bettering hltnnolr. Saturday meriting oftlaer toter Dressler, lons known as an efticieut and stile police otti, cur, was placed op - Its the "reanlar" force to 1:01 ten-Vai.CanCv usumed by the resignation of officer Scott. Ofncer Dreasler woe pul ieetaan • oilier Mayer Lsawry'd wirnlol/ation, and during the ['resell: ]layer's 112 haa boon it duty ao “apeclal." file apiAintanllat to Lis present position is an excellent one. Rescued.—On Saturday afternoon a man too drunk to' know hitr-nuese, was driving along on n loaded one horse wagon. near the corner of. Water 'and Wood streetS, when a sudden lurch of the wagon threw too boozy chap to the ground, and he fell under the whasia. Pincer Wrigley wan near and saw t ar eideni. 110 run to the spot and hauled the fellow out In then to prevent the wheel from passing everbta - hody. The officer con veyed the di leer to the look-up and took the horse and wagon to Campbtal and Alkonoa liv ery stable. Yes,erdny worms. the prisoner gave hie name as Marry Frank, bald ills ltne tar druukenneas and went but way. Grand //rosy or tnePotilfe.—Post. No. ), District of Allegheny, Department of Yenn• Sylvanij.. Grand Army of the ltepuelh:,bn; their regular meeting on Saturday evening last, at Connelly's hail. The 1011os/inn gen. Denten were elected officers to serves /ox the ensuing peon Post Commandant, W.ll. Look; Assistant Post Cominandant, Samuel Post A djUtant Leo 8. Su 'g Quartermas. ter, D. M. B o ar; Post Su•geon, Jeseph L. .Evansi Po*, Chaplain, .JohW. D. M organ AL Morris. Gen. oral A. L. Pearso”, Major n and Capt. Lee 8. Smith were elected as delegates to the State Convention to be held at Phila. delptua on the lien instant. Del reates.—At a recent meeting of the Freanytery, baldat ldeadvilla, Bev. Dr. Reynold., and S. M. Eaton, and Eiders b. S. Spencer and. bamnel Galboar were appointed dalegetei lit the Preabylarlan Centennial Lon. Nentlon to Lth held In Pittsburgh in February aeit. Bev. mr, Eaton was appointed lila. tOrlan. Mal Whos.—A man roamed treorgeßeffthY was shot through the lung" nc 011 eIf.Y.M. a ball on Tammy mormnig. ijle wows/ will probably prove fatal. Strong Boy.. 4. /lu.l e bcry. In Coinnlb% drew a tort of cgal ist Mir ;14:116, ‘1142 firs am~SO;ITOPOOi!l4ROltl*O._ F. Oa Saturday morning officer Barry arrested a min named Charles Baker, In the !Diamond, on a' charge of larceny, preferred lay J. W. Cowden. The proseculor alleges that about two weeks ago toe accused took from the chambermaid's rooms on the steamer New . York, one overcoat worth seventy' dollars. and a pair of buckskin gloves worth:llee dol lars, belonging to deponent. The s tolen coat was found by officer Busha, on Saturday, at the store of George' Dornbereer, at No. Ita. Ohio street, alleghedy. It bad bee sold to a man named Eckhardt for the sum of live dol lars. Eckhardt had become fright ned and sold the coat to Doroberger for the s me sum: The gloves wept found by the same Meer In the barner shop under the Garman lattoogy Bank, on the corner of Sixth and Wood streets. The prisoner had a hearingon Seta', d and was cony:octet! In default of ball for wither b rom i n e., • It strikes us that a couple more ermer „, wight be =dela the same case. 1=21! Ar.ex..CLane, of the, First Methodist ', a rch, Fifth Street, will lecture at his church uemorrow eventuithe proceeds to be at. proeriated to a benevolent object. The sub. Ject is. "Who art thou I or Christian individu n.lity." Tne fliat•lecture of the - course under the auspices of Mechanics Lyceum of, Birming ham, will he delivered in the M. E. Church of that borough, this evening, by Miss Martha Glass. Subject— ,, Pliblio Opinion." Another Monts Cose.—On Friday morn ingn man, whose name unknown, was ap. prehended in Allegheny by the police °Meer, lie hod been *andering about the lower part of the First ward of tide city, with his boots in his hands, and urging every one with whom he met to poor boiling water into them to kill animals which lie imagined had taken refuge Hier& Ho was placed in one of the cells of the lookup, and medical attendance Immediately procured. He continued to rave throughout the day and, ovonlitg, but on Sat urday he was batter, and was committed to led by His Honor on acharge of drunkenness. Lie is supposed to come from Cleveland. Another Row.—On Friday night u flght oe curred at the saloon of Fleury Schots, at No. 01 Market street Schots sent to the Mayor's office for offiEers, and officers •Bnsha, Guppies and Dressier repaired to the spot. A man nainerWtibert bad been very badly beaten by 0100 parson ernes° name was Unknown, but 11 Oben. bud disappeared and Schetz refused to make any Intermitter,. Therefore, no ar rout woe made, no the right had ceased and all wits orderly when the officers reached the spot. Derision in F Pittsburgh Finial. nuts.—The important law bl,l lc involving the . Maguire Farm is at last decided, the Supreme .Court baring last week decreed in layer of the Pittsburgh claimants, N..P. Sawyer and others. Tae value of the property is esti. mated at over ono million dollars. The town of Tidloute is altuatal on the Maguire Farm, upon which there are already some nineteen oil wells SUP lc. Committed for Ilearlng.—Theodore Par: her Lyman, whose trial' and acquittal on a charge of .lareeny of an civercoat,and whose rearrest on Information of Edward Brush who identlied the coed worn by Lyman as his own, we bare already noticed, had a prelimi nary hearing before mayor McCarthy, on Sar urday, and was committed to jail for a further hearing this erasing. , . , . A l can of Conselence.—Sono consciene, strltekoo wretchawho had dotranded the pr prlOtora of tho Lako Shorn Hotel at Petro:ea.. , Centre, a day or two ago, loot them them th• entoondt of the deralcatton,—fen cents. Plrop ofted Pont Oftlee.—APPllhotion been.made to the POst Mlle° Department foir thO estahlislonfmt of u post °Mee :It the Town Liao of Summerhill and flayflekt, eiz trkfles from Conneautville. _ . ln • w 31:f_zi(e)M1 AI ADDITIONAL BOUNTIES TO • • Soldiers of 1861 and 1864. .A.ul who served three years arcentitled to $lOO bounty: those serving two rears. $3O: or who were discharged by reason of wounds, or their heirs. hree Months Extra Pay la dne Voluateer owners In the aerate* Mania 34, 1ag..." and discharged, mastered out, or real/nee! l i nEgVigVg . .Pe•rmallenU 41sabled are entitled to 1113. ♦220 or 4123, accorarig to degree ot dlsabil. Ur. ' W. J. 2 11.2.14, YA.STIFISON, A:ton:Lem ==! B. F. BROWN, EOM Local Claim ggent. U. S. SAN. C 0.8., Office, No, 67 Fourth Street, • mEcoNo rux)s,) ' - Pittsburgh, Pa: Pensions, Bounties, and Arreat . .or Pay Promptly Collected' No charge nude ontll claims are setalid, and thin but a tacalentte (re. • "Iny=ar.9 BUSINESS COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, Nos, 6 'and S Ist. - Clair Street, 'Bas a Prituelual Chum, Boo[-KerPlnir, Feneuxuelilp And Arithene tie, time unlimited. ♦io 00 Arithmetic and reumaceldp per Quartet' of three =oath. Polatearahlo, Der mouth , for Clretelort or Opt-Omega, address . • / N. [HARTER, or noelrerle ) .7. FJ hteCLAY3IONIy SOLDIERS , BOUNTIES, PENSIONS, Extra Bounties, Back Pay, &c,, =I JO/318 8. LANIBIZ. • B.ttontey• at Law.' °Mee. 88.114 TIM att r act, itolatddw'S P 1788lastitt VV.II. A. SECLN?i. .ITTOR.YEFdTL.3Fr, "Be. 140 Fourth tit., opoosite Fart lenlar attention given to the collection of ao counts, hi ta. notes, Sc. . Carnet. oedema in Hew Tort , Bostorthaltiroore, Pollattelo a; nand Beaver, vr Bellefonte, heading, : httlhoa a Polle. Morganton. W. V... Utica. elsewhere. JOEL%A. STRAIN. esT.I3OIIaI.III4I4IST; Ex-011icio, Justice or th e Peace MCIIIM=SMI oatce, 112 Fitin 4p-os4e-Cathedral, U=Mid Deeds, Beads, liortrawas,Acassowledstaents. De• positions and all Lesal Busbies], situated with prumptoess and dispatch. myth.el W i tVIIIOITWi I HEF4IIEP I M A jfiI RE 41 KIALV.Th LtiE.S.: T. ()Mee, coma of waties and-Dearer struts, Lawrenceville. retilTod ndwe pwratlon and acknowledgment of all kind. of Lege/ cOUVITIII.II. WILLIAK JA CET Justleo of the Puce and 40w7 POOH. roy36:01O EUSTACE Fl.2lOllllOWy ALDERMAN AND CONVEYANCER, Perunylvaula Avenue. /oat of the ktexiin And oppatite Clutha .Elree rity=ua, CHATHAM T. EIPFLNG, Attorney at Law, Nu. 60 Grunt Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Sir Gnomic.loner for Ohio, ILeatuety. w easy ir 461.. Missouri on 4 o r State. mriallass, H. - ATTORNEY & GOUNSELLOCAT LAW, No. 89 Grant Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. - JOIEW C. SIIcCORBS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, No. 87 Fifth Street. • Ari - Pooslono, 800 mins. and Arrears or Pry lu'moUS toilktten. 1 : 1 . . 1. LANCE, NILE AND WOOLEN DYER AND. SCOTTILER, Aim), Chintz Window Curtains and Chair Covers Cleaned do Reg Lazed without unpaehhig. • Nos. 135 andl37 Third Street, Between Wood .d BaLltbt niv19,72 PITTIFIUTIME. PA. GREAT WESTERN PLANING MILL, Corm ef Ftreet and Num Vi;, PITTSIIIMCIII, PA. hash Doors, Blinds and .Mouldings MADE'S° ORDER. tretanlshal work Is apt • Poo b ilrtirtra h rl.l2ll4 " , ra e ls O ltd ISVegfei constant:T . on bawl. ftwlng. ui broil tiZe% MO i NFOIENTs, GRAVE, STONEs Vaults, Fountains, Statuary, Vases, ELM DESIGNS OF . EVERY DESCRIPTION, is BROOME, •: ;re. so Aqui oustst 11. MEIMEITrZ; . Banker and • Broker, 118 Wood 84, near corner of Fifth. All deserlptlons of Government nonds 133ught and sold on liberal terms. London and Continental Excnange Fol.: at New York rated. , • Gold, Slicer and Compene bought at !a! rates. and Gold Drafts Liguori on New I-or', FINANCE AND TRADE; 0771 Ci OP THE PerTanenort GAZETTE, ) Sarraner, Jan. 5,lSi. The Stew 'York stock quotations to-lay, as reported by Robinson, McClean k Co., were as ?allows Gold, 173 N; Elnlity.obe bonds, Ini!.:; Five Twenties, old, led -; Firs. Twenties, , P 5,103);; Five• Twenties, now. lot t ;; Ten-Forties, P.J;I; Seven Thirties, 101!;; Michi gan Southern •it. It., Cleveland tt burgh, .55!'i; Pittsburch, Fort Mayne &Chi cago, 101,?;;; ,Chicago heck hWf.; Erie, Railroad, tr.'4; Chicago and North 'Western It. Ft.,13 , .::; do preTurred, •d!;; Wn,tern Union Telegraph Company, in increased activity in the eastern money Market has checked the rise In clocks. The market is down throughout save it gold-bear ing GOVernthents. Gold is, off Ct. Seven-Cdr. ties atabitatlways about C. The movements in Congress thee> . far Indicate It, disposition tO leave matters nearly 'as they are, that is, al lowing the Secretary to make occasional rules of gold to repress n rise, and to curtail the currency at ,the rate of lour millions per month. The home market is very math II rtuvr also we anticipated It would be. Tim better class of Stocks, Bank, Bridge, and I`..,,seuger Railway shares are strongly held. The de mand this weel: has exceeded the . supply, Cl) prices On the whole are relatively higher than before dividend day. We learn of sales dur• log the week of Birmingham fridge Co, :it 311%;Of Birmingham Gas C* at of Comm hie Oil Company at 105,“ . of Triumph all nt 1,05.• 1,0 bit for Dalzell—none offering. The money market works heavily yet. The Season for renewal of rents Is upon 115 dram. The:coointiss with which landlords :all to rentals (hay are already exorbitant, would bo refreshing were not the thermometer alreadY down to zero. 1;11 , ille : Sn Ilci men, genuially, harely ° making the reds meet, v the prospect for two years to mime, with glutted market and it con-daut decline towards gold priee, utterly 7ltdlearterorni, and'vet landlords ranung the reel loom ten to twenty -hoe per Cent We Is:is:W.l 10-. ls; of 0000euse where a 6, silty.; on hundred rsotul was raised to three thou-a n d. II was :ilready higher thus the occupant eould ago:, to pay, but he cannot more, unit thotiLUtt tr ill ire end have burnt bid ter to do Id, he eunnot well decline biunne..i. We ov . g the gen t leule wno own squa . ren .111 corner lots to lonic at it a Moment. It not tiotter to uceept areason- Lank , r-ot for your luttlilings, loosing the weltara Of your . tenants us wel l as your own, than by oppression demanditt4 the last cent they eon rUlsei We ore um :Nowa to clone time _+—to a few yVlll,ltturot.: v kit it wili , bu necessary to hintband see ry i . op per, If iserwould Meet Our obligations, and Ln.Llrit I n ont.tanding. 001,1 is coming dou is coming down, Perk Is down, 110 Rullanys, stocks ot :GI di . - ippon, nre , uuu. log down. We say 1511111 . • :no .10,6," but n•nt, are lip. up. Cu, u. o Lhlnge will Certainly null land lords insistnpOu present de rtiatni...—nn urk either tied., an; be ,Irt vso trio, ••• , . . once, Ottlooc 4 ho lo rent . ot, he force.l to throw . ut/ Uttar le LVILIre ClPirlttiOn of 0,1 year, I: on: coo any_ value act upon it, :: not, don't at twenty-at, per coat, put on Slay, nouhlu lt, and Ste altero you la co n:. —rte. ralerllll Venn", nt a salt, of vorlou, 01l in - upertor, (ILit rrc.ho on the Slh OI January. An 000( thc , orpot c:c coutpanle, 1111,, prilp..:l, 1, 1.5• or: un,ler Oho haunt the /Ohl, oa Coo, pony, I,hrou Oa I. tout.ony,tliacn tro pony, of Plairolc.plon, t0rt ,, .11,.u:. pany, Cull tn. utl t. tottono), I.ota c c Ira Lo n ,. tonlyouylvitt, Ott COMP6II), lt.oot.ttla lOW th.a7.C.o lount'Coluoany. r. rot Cotopacy. of Nco Yhrk,olO‘,.-c, cr Coal Oa Lotopany, Mott - ea puny: Minerva l'otrthcuto • Cl:r111,11y. •il York, Eoct Snolly nal Company. 11couratitn Err:. 'Run and rorgur (-rook uuntonny, N011...0at on Company, of Yeonhco. Pre.hona Pcar.z.c. COmpany, nor •oie.. I:ch Potro.etoo CompnuF. The oh c,nott hare vrovtol Pei ha t Ito V,— burgh, Phanaellaao and Noot paorolkow lug any, hy lohOca, Ml= MMM tf..“ ~,t0! $19...0. 15:111i 0!g . 10. :he 1.. urtilc lln lh,... :-.11 LI,. 1 , 0 I. .r., that thm depoml , ei In the• tr. 171 41.1.1 at wl.nch 20 00 d 00 Thn ul.tungrii,oa t.,1 I dined of Ma, 4,14 a our Ito:; MEN MEM hint Northeru pailtaN that In a lat. Coavar,ation • tary hit onatlavat that It. a. 111,0 or Lurvrn., upon the citi a.tlon I,lthr etva:rvatlve that overy . chlng tovrat eXPEktif....l,ot2l.l =I 0/73C1 e 4 rlil 7. Thu general tharLet. have In en .14111,111 neglechrd thus fur during the it ,1 what L. aurae still, the I,llcationta at Lift .t h., are not tavorablekor any irr..LL!!atu ::nle 131 , ateat. The policy of the to he to ru.thlrh llcielw y.O.t.:the :a antlelpallral Ot rep:..4.21114 4 aqua-li lower scale of volute., 1,..( this. vt::, lo uhearopll , h. tt Sneer StubetSc.. fess buye,-„, nud lhoee taw are .t.ayle.,; very opal doing what l'aMlllarlT terra,: "a '1 n•l-z, mouth tovaneer." tiltAIN—W Lent 16 yalnt V.:VA for No. I Sprinz;,:,,i for N.. 1 ',IX. to } - 34.0.f0r W infer. 041.1 rnnt moo 'lntl; main 01 146 sack., on track, nit at 63. • ..,:nrn Is very and .5117. Intipp!, t. tweumulating; .3 In ;5, nn truci, aLt...5, In enure_ Ilarloy I+ S n.l ...prtni: 11onnnted aIR for WuzLerli, arnl $1,3 , for t.,rta war uarsii - /atal, but price, are %Minal. W 1.2 , l uoto 412,..n to LL.. , / for,,:rn hprlng Whca.“ II: to Lit liar and OIL to al; for fancy brand, lfyo Floor la tiling at to Buck, dull at al to Tar ea, • • LIVE nTt.noli—lloo are In .tiatoa Oat Cantral Inn's. and pra - a , .. Intr., Irma ii to% .1! lan Ow lot, Et , . tla)..jan4 'au now quote nt4:t.7to - in ,b 1,1 2 ,..; tor bar In 'primp heavy nvertigta.. 'att., In tltorrtial ,00t aita bar unctainpol. one .f to , a. Of or road St about. et,t..t,grota; tuttlintn 10 ytuotl e Ut, abyy ynutl I at owl e.t.a 1121. Y —COutlroutl to °own taint/fly freoly,aad WILL a !apply in 'aim,. or to,, market 1s a al I, xml pre.rx aro troMgroportml rot truck all 111.! way from 4:-; to kr. , jt generady Imam or, that prime Le1. , .1 xlll not rterMllll3/1 Mute than 6 . -.1 , a 3111.1. LE.P-1, hat vita a. moderato jobtelnK Wr run //mall sale. at 111,90 to ar hr Y11.1.1:I og. ; a 1,10 ta. for Shorts; 41,10 #l,:e tar S2,G 'l,l for Ullmeal. .SEEO,- , 41/ ill Nite:y at mead at t2,01,,ar1d thete 15 little ea Iddld 1,4 1111,11.1 - 1,,t ezeept what le In the, ht 1,10.111., They. is not entnigh doing In Clot. Or MOO. thy to extabllab quottOlens. A rt'LL—tiLesilyoslth aml teand fully equal to the aalIP , Yr el. , , htute at 43 to ft per hel.e, to quality. P 0 PATUJ:S—lioutlnuo DB 4111,1/idly dull, there belag upprently, Pule er he ortn and, except in a retail out'. -tte eau[tllnu LI quote at PO fur PC:1 , 11 MOIL 14 In utora. IitITT/61:-/A1,111ffile shry freely totti tho market I. dull and over-sapid hid. thishith 8.4 yet. pritith Unit mill tiotamitrid, th.d. tilitiii-iiVory dull, and It I, Idnit usual to to i him that kit nh vihnhliitoity atht. toil at this ...whit. Or the held at 7d-cOldd 1/1,11.0 PUISBLIS.UII YErIiOLIA;3II BIARICET, Wrenn 0, 'CRS Pirrlier eon I) scer.r., h,rtlausy, Jeutiary h, Vt.?. ClaiDE—Thero Wee 11011311 little io c uiry fur Crude ttetlay, taut the market. Collnot 1 / 1 " any Means, be culled /totter:, and there, KW plenty of 10010 for Improvement et, fan au I Bard. dutuand and pricks: We can report a WU of 700 Ibis, In bolk, he the taeot, at inarofti bide, (good gravity) package. Inelu„. clod, at If, IPSO 1.1111.11101/11 cOlO l / 1 ,111.11 . 0r oan percent. There RIO borne few °gent to bell for March and April delivery, lit 'Jo, hat there are apparently no buyers at tit a IleUrv, Oil no sellers nt anything below It—that a o ean Ileac of. At 011 City, es bete, the uattreet Is dull. acute few parties Iniying 011 /11/ellll/1/1/011 at r 4,00 to .1, 1 1.1. The eastet In untrir ft lel lire 110 ICI. and unchanged. REFINED—The market. for hooded ell Wee a little more active Lonluy I lieu usual, auu while there Is apparently u ilttlo better len). I ow in (regard to the future prices are no bet. ter, and the demand Is limited, both 0,1 fillll, ant and future delivery. We can repeal, two 08 2 00 of one thousand barrel, tech, Or May tie. Ovary In Phi/atielphia, qt 31,and we ore fatten!. cant of an offer for :/u Md. for Intel, 1110.11 during • the year, emumenclug at 17.1 for thld Month, and advancing at half 05:111 Per yullou ovary montn, rOrIIIIIIIOIIIII.IO delivery, quo. may be 010011 at 21 to 211,', Ott the tars here, and 27 to 27 , 4;, delivered In .Plallatmlonia. tree oil I, doll but unchan • ea; etuntlard brands may bo quoted at 43 to Ito for twenty. flea and fifth barrel lute. - Algal Vl3,s—But ono arrival repOred today, Seven heuureu.barrele for. Capt. James Ivll • kten Thu arrivals during the Wel:» re4c4 In Lae ggsyegato utmut Late oarrele. Now York Dry (loons ittarket. ISme•Yoax, January 6.—Dry goods prospect le hopeful fora soon spring demand:. There Is no anxiety to press 'OWL Prints are more LOU,.. Spring styles of deigns!' unexpected to open ,lower, WOOlens are generally un etUingod. I= = Stn Tocc, JonumiTs.—Money steady at T per cent. litorling, DCO)d... Golit woe a shade better, opening at 1,2%, declining to 1,13%, and closing Governments without change. Freights to Liverpool bettor; corn, 4 penceiOnt,i, money, after two o'clock, t:,1,54ed deetdeilly eusler, too stringency being mote apparent than real. Governments firm. Gold firm at Ten-Fortle4, SIIV; 4 ,Iin. Stocks - closed e ; cadet New 'York Central, 11F012; Erie, er;lilt B e ad Mg, 1cre.:4105 - X.;lionta Central, el@ 22; Leland, pre. fecred, 62"./larlli; Milwaukee and St. Paul, GI , " minims , Cures very actit'e anti . Sew 'York Frodnee fteorket. Nen; Totte.,Jan.s.—Cotten closed quiet, and ~,reelyro Gem, at loot 1511Ine better; extra State ...11,1/3Q1t.75; round hoot; Ohio, ;1141'2,75, trade brands .512,Sag 14.30. Wheat opened:lc better,: and Closed quiet, buyers rermeng to pop la advance. Barley firmer. Corn better, and cloned NetireVlV, so firm. at 41,15W1.: 4 . In store, closing at 11,193 1,20;.: afloat. Oats lc Potter, at nse for Wee lee Chicago, and Cortfec for good to prime do. Wool driller at 1540.:0 for domestic fleece. Pe ti Olou to dull at for comb , . Purl: drooping at 4;10,37T/1,12 Corers, clodng at t 121,00 5e3 . ,,,, a .y, of Or 01,1, closing at t 10,0 3; a l s o tiny t ,p,o,ww.:l,tio, Dollars' LOW 111.1Yers' option. for February und Starch. Beer.ael iv,'. Cut 3lcatet Dr0:..41 - flogs 'WWII' at 75(Ai.? or western. laird 'inlet, at our old, and Mr now. Clilritgo come Market. CHICAGO, fre.W receipt: of Beef Cattle to.slsty at the Cairn ntock Yards are tri head. Entered roles, lth head, at price, rzsrhong from 41,.105t 1.7.1 for common to lair citwe, and from cgs,T.ta s staV,i (or fair so I,lllOlCe phlppirg. chock. Totsmarket Id unAleraltely active, and tries are trot at, our shuotathow. There Ina lithe number of good ehiplang steers coming ill ort It mode:ate Isucluecc ss being rancatte.l e15e...4 Of htrek. Common and Issferlar arsthres hie lit uses• . of the Seward, and for such there I i 130 to LOW Pelee • Er= Nan. wad:.Aaa. 4111110 y rt —Cotton quiet and seady; nalca balON LOW 2tc; nalddlltht receipt., 'l,!.'*) culeti; us p„k,, ' , agar active soil unchanged. Mola,ca higher; Common, prin., to 6holcc, rloornalet; 'Sipe; line 411,S1: xtr.70.7L,411.... (Ann very Orin and 411111er, a.. sldCbd;l,la,.. 0510 Item, nt hiitL;r• ut 4 , t , ,t 4 ticAttrt 31,4 a rark bonier tit ItaCult sl.olllElere, 1:k•; 81,1es, Cil lbe, Laid dub, ut opeted nt Bank Frcihhta' to Sr iv lock, by hall, 1%; by - =E=M r.Oat, Colton 3 . :R. !lou r .nut.. an.l liiieutlr,ee. Wheat muff;lue. tout Uri, 14. tl.lll Want 11_1, (.Una.Cti, al 5,1,5 tr. ...Is 1111;1.11(i iiighur, at 1.111 a nu:tonal. at tal.7.U. !Sulk nicuta u con—% •• r,l In Nita , r.l3lll.llinivi F; el,ar t I I ' • nil •, Ok 11 , .., ,1.11‘,111.1.1a,i7,,,1ai5,,1tt Lard tit 1/IS6V twit. td.L.lO. titles dull, at Number kiltat to ,lute, torlotantl Juntaury 5.-1 ir atonal; unit t% in duuui, at bowl. Oull awl lower, ow lug to ....Int ieuelpt,;l,cl,r, shut bu)lug;lo , la -7 / 1 7,..:1 au, Me rudge at the vlole; ive1,1,.1 hot tO.alay lor la" weuk, hant. Sluts purl. dull, 0.1 lou,lu. !luta Strut I n tl. tlrgu.n lerua. clue and Iflour Ir.. O. dull, at 11, , ,. bold 1;11. Buying duniaud kw :aunty pita . I= Lovoimi.r, J.tou.Lryp ,lei of blot, ttour; upos 11 4f..75. ut 11.1 Car. at A, ;it ••;;,. Kit). Mr5. • 1,10.; e•lluol.lery q e,lIF boa .1-41, tat ; nitlo•..t 1.f.r.1 ttt to.rkoa, 41 tot!; , t ,er; • , .;24.1ttary 4-11, .teadF. Cr,,o 411./ jti •ur Zr 4. No. I. . 4 t 42 vt-It•z, tltio alio, 4,1 f,41 Mi.aAphi• Marlort ,tou t SOIIE =II czona apt ...I; vxuet , .: 1 . 10, aaluo, .101;1 I=l • 11!:14 cody• 1 , 1 u. Neva" ill, Nark., LI 4,. u+.w. ISt flaw Markel 414,:, •inromi, 11t IC /.11.11.1)t PTV, 'CUT .%1 A 77 R .; • MI t 11.• i~:~ Vt I It, A , •1“, e: I,r I 0 , 1 ++.<+, ++. . . /.... , • .r Da. ;" ~f; ,rywr:, , .14.11.1,,,t,,1ir,” Ap.,11“;..;•,',:., 1,0 i,7. a.: .1 , I ~ 1 , , • , A ••••,,,, I 4•, t A I yr, A If I ror ,• Ar• , . " I: A . I %;t: Tge r• r.:Nt t.ll, • I A I gt•r , .t I •:44 • I 4,1 o, W • •• M. A • wrtt, IS thw•r.• for i A IlsiSUltAlit2E. pENBiivi.v.tALtENSUICAM E co OF PITTSBURGH, PA. OCler, &I rum St rCel. Scut llloch, TLlals• I.E. I , lc, 1 . r., PATItl,i. 'I .11.4, 11 C,ll 11 • ELIIEN IrtaClo.r, ousr.l • it., .1‘,11,1 111,1, .11.1. 11. Ilip, A . ... , -- ViTESTEILS INSCILANCE CO, OF • • rirt..mulom, !TM LILA A NI1E1.: 1 ,1 1/11CH:reeeldent. WU. I/. 11I:ILIIV.11.1. Ow/Ir.:tory. ( T•I•. I.Y . uINIR 4:10..1), (ieurral Arent. Otter. W Co.'s 15 are douse. op stairs. nil/am:ult. Mak W1 .. /I,lnet/ .L ee /*gall. all Allele et /Ire awl Marino woe are well kn..wn ~ .•remo/IY/ Ly lllrectoe/ de. eleletO 1 , / Pe/W.:tn.,, ano rarity. ICI 1111liTI. Si. till' ammeter which el,ey Eire aetimed, as of t/Tie, th e boll I,m/tee/Joe to thol.ll claelte to lo le/urea. Alcx. /it /t. 1111cr, Jr. J. .10rx tinier Juto R lllmnn.tane ., !: , 11 ofarllig • j'"ld 31. ;. " 4: . 0f. WM. P. MICH.:AI, totreLary. 1 1 NORTH ALIIERICA T. LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, Widows and Orphans' Fund. iro. (13 16"'ittfatrs St- Aea , Torh , 11 , K• , H•Vf—N. U. 11101 MAN. • r.r._ o o Alio.N . f You W.F.o KAN 67 Fourth St., Vittibisrgb. Art IC N . 16 WANTKIO. . LEELRIEN I( INSURANCE CO. t. ITITOIJUIIa C•Clce. f. 44 37 Fifth nig et Lionh i.ufosingilmt all ktalt Of 'it eind na lu.ket lal; IN, Jr.., I•rcsldertt. 0. hIcI.OIiO, V1c.1.41.41[1tal 1,. . I:W. WM. L I u5c7.1.1 4 , ann Jones, • .• J cam 1). blriJurd, • 'C. ii. Huwity. j 41 .orri FL Haan, , Nary CI:11.14, Thar .ie Hays, T. Jr. lloaliingon, tam Wm, ~,,, Jolin Irwin, Jr., (kn. LL kirtircw, •' B. L: liiihnostoe It,. Robert IL Mini . ' pEoptve LNSUILIINCE Co. 0/171Cli. R. Z. COLIN Zit WOOD AHD 717T/Vaa• • A itonE COMPANY, TJOUNII /110/. AND hIALLINE !UMW. DIUAK.TOh4. Wm. °aut. Jana L. Ireos.le. John WV's. named Y. titalece. John C. Pernel. cbvieu Arbuckle,. Fr;r4lll ' " A Fs P oe Asuo• V I er r" :1 01d11.2.1 1441 7 1c . o r Eld t VA V. 01.5tD21 Ilectatary, i 1:11 , . 3 .otimpq. 44;14 AA. PITTSBURGH ROPEWORKS•i MARSHALL, FULTON & BOLLMANJIMERICAN 110 wous on,, Mat. actarc, }Teat or I 11E1 VY.O ORB.A GE H 'JONES & S.ltser I'9l.S:earl te lIAITSER - LAID OIL WELL ROPE, Tared Ropes for al Ft //roads, HEMP OAKUM AND PACKING, • CAI:LAING , COTIoS,Sc....te. Warehouse. Itt end 115 Water Street, Neer 3latenrithele flow, MD= RIVER NEWS The Weather was warm and Fort od satur day,;w,til is drizzling rain in the afternoon, but On Saturday night It become quite stormy ithd there way quite a snow sterna. Yesterday it was ciorely and cold, anti the indieVions for an early resumption of navigation were hardly no favorable as on Saturday. There WWI more activity manifested at the levee on Saturday - tiwn nasal, two- or-three box s, apparently, getting eOnsiderable freight, and should the weather continue soft, and the river swell-a little, It is possible that there may no several departures within the neat few days, ad we believe the Ohio river, lthough pretty well finial' Willi denting Ice, Is not elesed. Among others, the Glendale, Captain Lture. and the Gate Putnam. Ca t. Lightner, are Ulm: up Aliatilly for Si. Louis,and tits Lil- 0111thilf and Rate lieldneeni ear New Orteana. Tile last named boats 'have their eat goes al. most completed, and will Ss ready to leave ms : , 0011 the ricer wells a little. -Tim Maggie liar n.Capt. Hendrickson, is announced for Cin cinnati nad Louisville on the opening of nays gation. Thu Bellevernon In laid up at Cluclon att. tot li also the Glasgow.swum fourteen tulles above Marietta. The Sherman, Frlendslop nod taw boat Liottess, are lull up at Steuben ville. The two iirst.ratnell hosts arc on route from St. Louts t Ifltthburgh. The New Orleans Vre. , 47,111 hays of Montagu°, pilot of tile Fashion: Ile rein/toted at his post moll afte'r 13110 ill °ollthe shore, and he WIVI e 4 .1. , 111A it the hawk° to leave rho pilot house. Ile then a ;Liked toward the stern of UPI beat and lisked Mr. 11.Attni , ..,ovhe was.. the lareftsol Knurl, what he I.llollbi do, Ulld ur..we,t to jump overboard. Ile costly Teplied r he did not Idlow how to swum The lost Mr. Ilahtlatts saw of low be 'was standlow ntutr the stern, anti the 011.11/, (1.1 UPP” , Lletarll. , , pe ho outer Letipt.e, Chid. Porter; running , 40,"111,1 1 :Mil August., totorola ,, ot, h,t,10, 31 Ir IP loon Anato le, twenty-tear low,nom, boo n on the Ihe ult. Not Wag basbeen Leant from 11. crow, who are hopposet I to have been hill. et l. The htmouer wa,nfetal wreck, and hunk In the tuttldlc of the river. . . Ti,,, Ct uns rwsl, of Tbursdav, lays: ll(e.ton t Co., 1,1,7 w,lll their uhurt•boal. to 1.11. Ebrnein a. Co., lor t-!^ J. Captain lin, too, ut, uro ill routinne In charge of leo le,t. The wands up Green Itiver aro (1 d (I,ing wa tin• t;:/, 1 , .. 1,11.1 1 ..“:/11•1/ ds (.01.1.dd up (bra stream. and ai.. •.acl to he u Ilist deal 0: Ina nil e.rtelteinent. 1.10 Isa.s. ssys (la , 01. Laois I,n,,,rrut, of Thursday: Th.( uotire hs. L, ,01.11 t. Vtlry gr., al Mat 1110 1411, trolt sy.tern of Idyl, lIal:,110r, Uoll goltig to win nod *llia way. Inv fol. lowlog aidoil eerlals,l (lit' to, t that. at lea I..ds 4,1 New- (lr/ladis and 1 , 10.1 r elicd tail' by (aeaallea, et tile 311;74,pf. , 1 Colley Ttalisi , ortstlon ~.orspasv, an: big Ale eight oloallis tin y I,ave :tin. I witchine. o se too a.rares, and they um foliows: Cron, the 0,1 in do, I:11.n, lantluo, tow e.l to Slow {01110: nr,1.4a,.((., tons. Oesi.ks, toaed I.oats ntl(er l(111•1.10.0:r oso. wind., ot toe., IL,: pai a, (a, Ida, 1.1,e 1,111. 1 , 411 y u at t ut i.arges, nod 1.10. tbr, u as Tin, ((ave. now . four tow. urel cf -. 'Cho (lain. that. the ahoy,. I, (be .a ' , reef (!.e.r taw., sol slog tall tu,. ((at we te ed. a Lot ea a. sad (!,,, ,•.• ea,,t udnahs 1,..a0 ions of tr. ika- .011. ganpltes,,, cirpeuttne an.l 1. , Lau, land 3.1 rorgeouo it:— • ..dr . /11,,;14.7 Cr, r , /0.. rt.,“:11, boraz• Ve IVagtrr , r, r. 13..4 nk,l•• 04.; :1, :I oil: ? , 1..1111i1V..1 to ; s t• 1 !•:••, ; ft 01; . A lA/ Lorl,"1:o elt MEI ES ME ME =I =1!! MEM t , 1,1:.• !,11 , tr.:, a. co , , Alrhel-11‘.,r, ;; -t . .htv .••p clut: 'lt, 1•••• h•LA t! ••: • t•lt.,, , MEE ENE tun tLe qvu - ,1•1•.i•, ?•t••1• ,er 11,•:••, -. •••-•“4:Int• y. al-5,H,, 1;•1,,,.•, ;Z. 5.1., I! • ••,,••rtl' ' I 0.. , ..„ •11:t, 1••)::Ft11-. .11..1....11,“•,, •,t, M 1,144, , J4O•t• r t•-;•••,c an•l • r,l•l.“—r. ,tra•lvr told ‘lrgit3l.. t tx,t /- -1:. r Gtuut• in rtlli Int STEAMBOATS FOll CINCINNATI,!!"="ll% Id a , ..•.1" lid 1• t Apr h .•• • ..41 . •.,•• •u.l .1•••••tTIOZ, " It • 1..5. FOR ( .41110 AND NT., 1.1. E IrALGop , ridPl et. Ame, • rayl_ Jolin H. /lAA. • 11 . 1, 11a.r..•14t0• t.. at• 1., or :1.11, I •ga`,l too. 1: 0 /t C.llllO, .st_a ":„ It sy.• !hr , Cir.. A. 11..14 , 1;‘ ,VAN P , .n. I NA Vit.11.111!•. F., Pt Ight Fl—uu: ,o Al. 'I Pll,rt r,ts punc c4Enroivl.4. INES GIJRNE-R & ca, No. 80 Codar Now York, 'Co r lte aate Wln , +. wfirch•r , ' Ind 110 , 1 te tat or r. - ;.at r.stsl.ll.. ntol *hose truprt , terutt ala... 1 It, rir•tted pttpulartte . not wlthoett tett - , 'S hey has. , trots to I.e falrly lttlett theta the perreeettet...., all others, A• • perlder N0..4 01, y • tc.: all tilt, V. :colt, awl the nem. r..tta , t rt hate volaut•• Illy Leth t, taster...l (ts.ut the molt easlueut physt (tato, rat wet! at ts• 11,111 e In et•ry paslttoults att s.teof tow leAtt. that sr %Viotti so.r. sitetut In . ttr e tt they ate st-enteinentleol. totto.lee ttratolt to./ eat...der They tothstrt, all otter stroittl to the :Itate fot•talt NV HI or Ilt.:1: ,% C.-0( Walt color, Y. .0•11,te and CLAIM I . —A win,. for table use. t.1.1a !At. sod naturady a wee t touch alinlrs , l by !Amt.,: and w minable In Ch44/1 , ,, e• IL MICA. 'n wheys and 1(1,1 win, and w ,I III.IIIPWLIP , t evuanultlo4 f—A 11nlit colored, hithty arornaLlt w; no, Vnri - omllat to t rrl,Orale,l oks,, color,,ana Rarer, aod la - many rc+t,c..irni.r 10 1 l t, 0 1.1,111., LIIIIoII. LIKANDI—/lit'„parc or our • ICIA F: t • ITTEIttt—A y I ver y lonia eur , rr tor.llarrt. ' t r a2d 'net. ope.nt thy no ,t ralualtlr eu oblostlone of isttiol and an a.rrt...atot: Lrr.aapr Mat has t... 4 tarn oltt . r.'d to the ..,'re euldl lotnifghont tnr t.ottt:. ;tut tloas“ (ours ear., • n 1 .1 . 141$ u.1.4t.i•cl IL Itaa prot v.. a welcome alolllon to the !mall.] tattle. the iauslly circle, pl.l thu anlo,ar,l. . . . . 1.11.11u6 nunll3•Vll ahrenatn and appetite, and mare]. pro in nat., t'utel.lng nd vertl4o; turn 'w ••.lon't frel ry 4 1...t0re r' Ity: ..1.11.1rv0 or It 1.10 n.ature and son, dyspeptle tr4aelrn.Nb.,l,4veoee4clontocliangt I i `all slit; ttialarluus t11021e.:4 ore to .rda . .tnnt Inrlu.n,A, :40 It ..e rioritoto Nut can Ina W rr nn need ,I•ty extervilvely n the goch uffixptrttoti that in oarring It to the puldle how , drrnt It nunt..,24,..ry to I.IA thy' f the Inacent Innate+ that a, have revely• tentltyltw In the livery Ntrottgcmt tyro. In It. favor, A.ttnai wets° rtiy {1,11.3/111, ple.lge our -41,e,4 to tortaah ear artled, ht;nl an tr tr:ixt/t,t,gll- ATI.P. haa tlreu to ditto rhlldira paCcring frnta W. tali,. Mt. I.'ool. low, with moat happy a.,. 004 gl I In patticolsr, wlth 'mine In her hand. 1 0 .. or and dilly wasting cormitopilt an. 110.. anDilealit „ . lll his been rananattd. hsa baen .thtlrely reatire.l. . b 1,440 Wit 111.1 t Ek , npoonful 4day. lllr uppellto and stmngtlt ro.pldlylnvr,p.:vd and /01/V In nun k, 01. X. tat of P.ricoas t • Per Ilottle. Per 1/022:1 .610 , CO 6IC 0i) • 1 MI O2 ' Is 1 2 00 CS • CZ • I .w 4.1 SO Huck Wlue 'Linton Claret Pori ATgalal ma. XANUFACTURERS. :E"X7V'SEI7EII3 - .C3r=. =1 AiIIERICAN AND .CLAIID, Bar, Troop, Sheet and Plate Iron; Bridge Iron; Angle and T Iron; Guard Iron; Coal Screen Iron; T RailB,l6 and,2oll,,.Mthe yard Tram Balls, punched and coun ter hunk Boiler, Bridge aid Tani,: Rivets Cut Nails and spates; Ship and Boat Spikes; Railroad Spikes; Railroad Fish Bars and Bolts; Railroad Car s neels and Axles; Street Car Wheels and Axles; Ctral-Pit Car Wheels and Axles; Palette Cold Rolled Shafting; Patent Cold Rolled Piston Boils; Rower and Reaper liars. WAREHOUSE AND OFFICE. 120 Water and 156 Front Sts, BRANCH HOME. Nos. 22,24 and 26 River Si„ Jel:els CHICAGO. KEYSTONE IRON WORKS: HUTCHISON, GLASS II CO., Manufacturers of the 4lfferoot a:err of Hound, Square, Flat and Horse-Shoe Bar Iron, Hoop and Band Iron, Boiler-Plate, Tank and Salt-Pan Iron, Sheet Iron, &e„ Works, PITT 'TOWNS ill V. 4.lricer OMee and WIM bona e: No. 14(3 Water Street ' l * - 1 IRON AND NAIL WORKS, LEWIS, BAILEY, WUIELL ,t CO. lIIINIIYACTUREII, OP BAR, BOILER, SHEET 6ND pdszkamit. NAILS AND NAM RODS'. Warehou.,e, 73 Water & 90 Front st, PITTSUULt(dI. PA. 41•1:1W KENSINGTON IRON WORKS LLOYD & BLACK, Iltst Corn 'non , Relined Charcopl Juniata Bloom- Iron. xxiten/iNT VAIL 1:0L'11) •1i.1.,:y1.7A121 , : IILoN 11001% T ni11221.1, HOILEd PLATY. en.: Oil 1.04 12.ZA 1 . ,: 0 Ni cruNDia: and GUAM; 01: YIN6P.U. 1.11.101. T 2 1 / 1 1 ,nd 20 NVL,t,6IIT C 2 11l 0 1'11.01 for 110.1. FLAT 1.001. , 1 , 7111 , 11 N 11030. hA ar. 1,1 . 1 . t/ k ' or, 1.1 ar.:. lava YTH'S ST 4 ANDAILD SCALES, =Er Copying . PreNscs, ‘Varchoir , c I.lagga;.l"e Barron& ° Sugar 4: . .c • Fonsurn, 3J %:Aitti!,T 1 HE ~......,~~.i a:a „ • FO - T PITT FOUNDI3.7. (HAULM (KNAP NEPHEWS ULtvy OISDIVA_NCE, •ND ALL SINL) IfEANY CASTINtiIi. HALL WUILZ SAC HINV.I:I' ..1.1.11t: ton re. k. PA 11', As hyretufore the Wut r material.) Irtll alviara 21 tta. , .l. this routy:ry. ltaviu, ut our ratter:le...N. are pre pared. nil,. NSW" )..740 F. K. ,VIEILICAN :11A1:111till 14 CHARLES F. GRAHAM & CO., . /1,1111.1 t, GRAHAM A CI, Engine. Builders': and .31achitilsts, Oil Enginos, Oil Tools, t uccoas.ry for Itortag 011 N'..:t+. rarttc,,ar •tt-umoa.pc..l to rating up al./1114g ffitniers. 3larlou3nue, u•ar Ft. W. ft. C. IL. It. .49114og1aorizr, I . IW3IPTL 1. .1.11....1.5 11/ Id. ALLEN avana. VALLEY STOVE IVOIIIEiS. ALLEN. M'KEE & CO., 0=....d IN are bons* 301 TAlD•rty e1r..l :opposite licaltiall•ad, litar.chtetnra. a vv. Tarlay of COOK, PAULO![ ~ ..csnr.Arttiu laTtlVE:r, artwag arr it t eel brat, l Alleghthy awl Mohltor Coal Cooklnß ITIIN: alto, the Antocrat anal .otntlcti for coal or .u1;50,1 the unrlvallwl Star of the Enna,, (or wood: Cso, Arch., I , ..ntltra ,,, pETROLIA MACULNE 1-cIEICUES.4, Nu: =Ohio Mtreot,Anota.vl27, tuntattlrur of uaricoveD poiallo 5001.6 ANTS PISTIL/ tit t • Uhitlf EINISING OIL A %II:1LT WV- - LI.J.. . Partlenl altsntton 1.1,4 hls P.stents,l pros ....uts Its .Isri sold ..o.te. ma.h, al J.tatta, U. 0., .4 Low floor fr.. Its sta...lstay s , am .11.4,r5.4. that pans 0.1, .4 erva 1.1, those Who mayssl. Is. It mal l : and ur.t.t. woof moAt to order. (7:4,‘ by mall rrustalT at. third to. prcpsors4l to Crant !trowel to oLour 202.90100. tare. fur them , traytakTeMepts. scrtr.s. bus li Allegarny j..:0:473 • ' tx. LISCIEY. PITTSBURGH IRON WORKS. J. PAINTER' ec SONS. Iron Thicket, Tub and Trunk HOOPS AND SHEETS, IRON CITY MILLS. ROGERS & BURCHFIELD, 3l•butacturtry ILEYINE:D.OIAI:COAL, JUNIATA Sl'OLl:t ,LKL X33:123"1" ulrtl'• AND WAbbitolzsb, Nu. '4H bT. G.. DIDT. W. D. DILLSD 3. D. TIOLLII. LA HEW. STEEL WORKS, 0.1 . CC". lissurvttnrzra al es.ST tiTEEI.; 131•IIINO, PLOW BAILof.EsTaX STEEL:SiIt/NUS. eltuW . es. M VlDtt, ti o. SeI.WATEIL EITIT.EET Jay:stairs ' Plitalbnr.n. Pt. • - EVERSON, PRESTON & CO., PrA:VSI - 1.1'4.V74 an,c• INT W<Clilr;, - T , Ts. ~, '''''''''''' JO6. P. 11•101 L ....... DUQUESNE AND WEST POINT 4 , /RJR ROHRER. PITTRIJURO 11, Penn., man ufacture all classes of rorginta, via, meamhont blotrt..Crltuls, Piston ltod., Lev r., Pim. a.m. and Wrist..., also, Railroad Aties, Locomotive Frames, and all shape. wort. .he utoletela thd haring beep for imply Nears httgag'ed to the !mantas prvp.....1 to Amt.!, mders aritnat.,l to :arm with promptuots slut dhpatch. 1y11154 4173. 5 . . 10.1011 & a -- F.SCIEUCIIIII.IN a. CO, N.& PRACTICAL LITHOGRAPHERS 0N24 Ea r vir i liv u tre C , 1411 , 31` Heads, Bbad., Ltan S , tare, bit.. girds, DlDlomta, Portrait, C•rttiloatesorDeponite. Invitation Lard.. I ^•.. No.. 74 RAtt 14 TRIM it., ritUtioßgh,• sett:/34 UNION IRON MILLS, NINTH WARD, PITTSrBURGH, A CONEOLIDATION OP THE "IRON CITY FOR. , I:'• ANL) ''CYCIA./I'S /RUN CO.", Zl, $l,l Ttt.TCT.TIIS OF IRON AND FORGINGS. ht ,, n Jaren to the manufacture of Hammered and Rolled Locomo tive and Car Axles, Az.•on2BN( RAT LROA D CHA IBS, SPLICE BARS, BRIDOZ IRON Pours, Sc.; LINES AND BOUP4 I 181.1 N, GIRDER IRON; Ot'l'AlioNA.L HOLLOW kRO U LIT IRON POSTS; T AND A.NBLE IRON, Sc. WAII.B.1101.1SE: • 9S Water and 126 First Streets; OFFICE, AT TITS GIORG,3, NINT II WARD, PITTSBURGH. FORT PITT BOILER, STILL AND TANK CARROLL & SNYDER, TVIIELAR, DOUBLE-FIXED, TUBULAII VIBE-SOX 2 CYLINDER STEASI BOILERS, OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS, CHIIINI:TS, BREECHING AND ASH PANS, SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON DEN*EIIs, STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERS, AND lIIGN PRISON DOORS AND COAL SIIUTES thilce and Works, corner Second, Third Short and Liberty Streets, ge-nr:lers stnt to the above address . 7 , 1 4 1 L re SINGER,,NINICK & CO BEST REFINED .CAST STEEL !SQUARE, PLAT AND OCTA€ON, OP ALL Ella RILL. 111,, CIRGCL.E, Waco Em CllOB6 COT ELLIPTIC AND tIEIII-ELLIPTIC RAILWAY. SPRINGS, Cart and German Plow Stee PLOW WINGs AND MOW.EII BAILS. SPRINGS; AXLES AND STEEL TIRE, CitolV-8A.11.4, do., Ac., le. Warehouse, S 3 Water St., Pittsburgh, .ATLAS WORKS, ..T1 RTO A' STREET, ( Ninth Ward, Pittsburgh. THOMAS N. MILLER, President arnrn. arr srtong tl...lnrsreet and moot co.,lo.,nnnt In Ilia West,..and are now pr. tnral..4 piTTsituntili STEEL WORK .A,-T, Ell C> , tlav - .;.1 , 1 . 4 - i . l.Tiers of to beet rtiln ell Cut Ste/I:Sq.:li, 4,cuk<on. Mts. 83m Platu, Hoe, lrotb aud ett, Cm . 1:51.e.:1, Cut ~e 1 for REAPING AND MOWING M.C11131:8, S.TEST PLOIP WIN GIN. SPRINGS, AXLES CLAW Cant I,:d Common Plough and Sprhyr or. co:-Corocr of Irina and lioaanroolf, iwo biotite abol, 3lononfallela Houle. • - MO. ROSED.ILE STOVE IFIPORKS. , L. PETERSON, & CO., Cooking and Heating Stoves, HOLLOWWARE, dm., ar very LATEST rATTERNE and E • rrims, ebouse, t 97 Liberty Street, rirrsuunGii, 14. OILIVA, MANCHESTER. ruM.l4ll 1 - I.AJEZIJWAhI DCAL.arin IN Hardware Sr, Cutlery. err now reel/trine large additions to our stock, vthl,els 1, offerttl to Dealers at Corner Liberty and St. Clair Sts., MONT BLANC FOUNDRY. Butler Street, Ninth Ward, OI•1•0:31TE: lINION IRON MIMS, sa c3-13C • ROLLING MILL AND BRIDGE 'CASTINGS. ILININErd AND CAMINO Gl5llllll t) rat. rs promptly act cart WIT ,xocutcd. CLIAIttiILS ILEAMJNABLE. EnuEnt b MACKJIND. CRESCENT Mil WORKS MILLER, BABE & PARKIN, BEST QUALITY CAST STEEL Worronted Eq Owl to any In tb• Diark• either Isuportod or of Domestic Slam nro. drECIAI. ATTEN T.UN E PAID TO TINE CAST • N I. DI TELL. • 01tIce, 38 Woodo Street, IN WI% CLIAUL:I2 HOT 61. BUILDING Juue 15th, ISIS. le1I:d19 DUQUESNE AND STEEL WORKS. HAILMAN, RAI3II & CO., I.I(CFACYINMIS CY Iron, Nails , Springs, Axles, LU 814111 - 0 AND LB. EiT.EALi as, NV611,2130133E, = N. - a. 7'7 17‘74:stear SS two ot, ' P11179111711G11. sul#:l3 LIPPINCOTT it No. 118 Water Street, EANErACTParrs Or PATENT URDU!. D, • PATENT TEETERED cuteu LAI% M 7L&T, TATENT TOOTHED MILL AND CR08.61-01r/ EEE&"Vvi7 A. NounOw.7--- JAN ..WEE, O'H.4IIIA 11 . 041.11 WO . I ' A . UL MOEROW & BABMILLL, XENErAcrunin. or Steam Itullsra, 011 ,10111 a, Agitators, Tanks, Salt Pans. Glisanuters. wroug4 Iron Work. As., CORNER LIBERTY AND BF:COND STB., P1TT8131 7 11 611 . P 4. zarqua• A IDING DONE PILOMPTLE. TEEI4:OI3 BLACK DLOIOND 10.1"3MEM VITCRTIL33IO, rrrtsattnen. 'ARK. BROTHER ai Co" vuolfmtorers or Baal QUALITV ILZYLIMD Aar ar Orioue, not als4 Octavo, of at LUMP,. eti oat to oar IlipOrMl Or moutfactitro4 qto arailor aarrworehonig n Bo. lA aa4151 Pirst, sod Beepii4 Meat.. *Wit 11411111:1Afil WORKS. =I Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. SHEFFIELD .STEEL WORKS =I SAW PLATES. Cast Spring Meet, Engines 0 f Every DeactiptL, , =I rdiret Iron Work, Railroad Ca.ttrir,s Mill Castings, Engine Ca,tlugl Martine Ca.tingw, General Castings, ORDERS SOLICITED. AUDERS ON, COOK A CO., f mucelv-....e0i1a TO .11.M.6d1 - . BOYD I C 0..) = B. WOLF. .TB., & CO., =I MANUFACTURERS. AZADLZT— V•1ci.:215.....71. J. "ETNA STOVE IVORIi.S. A. BBADLI 4 .Y a- co! MazurActzre e :try r COOK, PARLOR AND HEATiRI STCY Amonz which 'Jae and TALI9MAN (Coal•,,rl A. IRAN awl moN,tuEs manufulo GRATES.. GRATE FIG Ogee tad Ware t:ozur, cor t tta riturgL. trtnce UTILITY wonas. . McLEAN SI&TOT-t, No, S 3 Liberty SI.. Foz CABINET MAXE.RS' ;13..1) \ They P arc el a i n , of Iren Pr' • Praetor,: ain, Bedsit...l id • • Lit daunad Fd•tentubsi btoha for x. to —4., I de. 'IL, al Lnatinfacli•rh iin•l e oi• on wand. Thumb Laic,••., bi•rinn • .• Window saeh butdoid , r. ••••• Button. Liiiilly nthitio•ii and In, I n•• . • stow. I langinga, bad irons, ba-L• LVL!,•. J.,- Jytiianio T LltaAS.. PENNS ELVA N EA- r=, CENTRAL Tn.los ...lee Sonhere' o Of Wa.,l,l4gton awl y :... M Annice. .101 l Train •pr. Fast. Line We. a Wall, N.:, 1,..., 01,11 n 2 Ma.: I .... . • Brlnton No. 71,../ • N Wall, Ho. " 5::30 a 70h11510R11 Ac... H.L.J• Haltlmu e Ea—. ~,. Phil,. Earley... I n 2 Cl), la. ~ O. p ,t 2 /.:1 .... wall's NO. 4.... Ih•ep ..... Ilraddoet No. 1. 5::•.p •1:•,,•• r .... Wall's No. 5..... i.ira pm 0 , 1 ........ Altoona Aceom. rohu•l ,, ,n and Emigrant tell" .... . .. • • •Daily, all others 00, The Church Trains leave tl •,,•• lianday at POS.. 2n., reach), M. IMIUMIMIC 1, u henve xi alt'a The Balt:mum Es 1,, e• • It a.lelphla Eanre.e p. The new' Union Den., ...1... • upper elan, or )1, l'rer., , the,a ui muDDy. A capecions ll,,a.‘nr.c2r. ,• .r. HOURS. day and - nle,lit, handay• fed. tiCerICI.—I.V.e of lone, the 1 , ..rin.;:•ar.11 COMpsny 'hold 1...... C O Imrygage only, and lop 5.. t 11V 4 0. Ell=llV3=l 1866. Is • THE VITTS•1111311. Fr w A V!. E A B. R. AND CLEVELAND & 1 . 1 rYslaiLli:i Train, arrive and leave at the lihtoo Del. Milan,: Leave Chlearo Exp.eee 2:M a In Chic..., Ex is:, Cieveiand 2::1a n. Cie, ;,14/ e... 2:. Yoe & Vien•Ka... Cne • ni Cillesno Ea.. 5 .... , (11.1 Whs. 6.13 a n. • Chic. En ,Colcnc . t.Tpreii Chle .... 2:5.n viiiensn Wheeling .....0:$ .:1 A 55 hi. Depart Boni Allegneng. Arlie. A.lirte Amon. 5.4 a in Lect...laie Ars". 7. Leetsdale •• 10n3 •ea N. 'in New Brasile " ' 2:n• pin New c 1.3 it,' • 1.: " :1;.) ;, L,t, • 11i. Leetsdale •• p • • • • r N. Br•tn "• p in N. Br'ise N. Br in '• 6. ii Lieis•lnie ••• Leetsdale • 6 10 :4 p `• . No 1.1101 leave gilts- .114 - 1.:,..5T. cr.. burgh in nunday. Eat-re ,, nein F. H. MYEIZ , , 5..1 WESTERN PENN ityLVA.NIA fin and otter sma stAl.I.,- I Trains on the W e eNterd rtn , ytt.en. arrive at and depart fro,. fit . lots, Leave Ala.lerfion tireet nB3 n and COO, 8,1, 8 x. f Arr oon. ive Si . 113.8 . p, , L. , :rx A, 9.60, ii 0' A. Ix 7: 0.5:x.•. x. Leal e .tharpsbnrg 7:II, 5,1% 11:r. A. N iS. 1:4 , 47:15 F. N. • Arrive t AnderBc. L. mg Tnr X. sand 2 . .1S Y. X., C1.,r1115tr.v.11...1.:1,1, tucalatelAlti.l7.l2. Arrive at Aa4l..rsnr. a: 1. ,a.) P. L.. tio.n I.lair., Irofl ..! .tsclos, nerf,r's 1;.:..: oc.g-m72 JITTS II VIZIEI A tX'ol'.; zu 1 1,. ..^ nt CUNNZI.I,VILLC it. 11..a1Z.L.,_ Spring ( Arrangomc.Tl'. Oa ar.d aSter T1.1171-t,l);_r, l AEC... . The trains will ie,tve the Loe LT4 Water streets, a: lullows: Pt: 6 Mall to and from Weal Newton Acco.uodattoo Ttrot McKeesport Aco ht` ..... ..... &today Church Trait: to a1.,1 ! from Wait oartoo.._..—. Tor Ticket, apply T. R. A. ITEM 'PITTSBURG CC •L LIIIIBUS AND CINCIN NATI ILAILILOAII.—Pan-tiv,,:e •fter3fUNDAl7, December 24 , 1:, sirtve And depart trete Celt.. Depe,r,le.:..‘ I•ll,,Croilr Ttit.At% ' ; 1t . . 1 • last Lin Mall Walker's Aecumtuodatlou..ll.... Kapress Steueen•llle Aceomuloda'a 3,0 P. H. t• McDonald do .... dl E. D. TlcketAgent, Cason b. den Urn': Tlreet ALLEGHENY VAI,L.EY HAILMJA.D caelitiE OF Till. On 'and after MONDAY, nth, I,i, 1,17 leave and arrlve at Fittattargb DcLun, con., and Gaul meets, as follows: Ttrat Khalil:adds kccorr.odln. S. !Ivo Mall, to and from Mallon:vv... 7.:.• A. 7lrat Soo. Work. Ancom•tion. 4. Cl. 11,, Second hilaklmlnltis Accomin. I::50 P. sr. 7r.i Mosress, to anti from Ital,on'g C:] i v. C. Second Soda Works Accom'n.. 5,50 r Sunday Chords Train from tog to Soda Works oda 11. lit. SC KS] "N 5,, STEANSIIL.DS RALTINIORE S HAVEL:VA STE PHIL' COMPANY. ALEX- BROWN E NUNS. 0,,,51 A,,(1. ?be Pint-CIA. •.±.ten.ualapo of t:Ila 1: r.. . "C oBA" 1,10 tone, for Nee . Orlc :tr.! na,, CoLna.s.r, Iv EON: - .lt December 19011. ..1.1. 1,1 :1117'-1,=tocC, for Now ~r !. West sod Haveue:Tho, er on Tlitriell) eV, .1 7nna BROW fi.t, WHARF, - T. At 1 o'clock P. Y., prec:oety, tto.-.10.1,,,..,en For freight or pelca.e. 00.,rre,,04 '''''''' l ‘ l./ElVT.:Pit i V s .jli FIE T. CO.. A O ^ • • N.B.—No 11111. of Ludt z tut l6 nr be slgoed., Lae SITEAM TO AND c 51011 I.IV .- 7 1.00 L ANDQLTEfiN,TOWN ND) A WALK. The INItAN LINE, . . EVERY .SATURDAY • • • . EVERY 17ED NI(SE CARUYINII U. Y. .1f t/O.;. Veleta told to and from lrelan.l, land, Germany and Apply at the Company . , orleet.. JOON O. .S r, Or. Wht. Zt': 7 l wrAtmra Adame' Expo, f 01.,. floA., PENNA, SALT - MANUFa fUR'G PITTSBII It 'all. ~,. c-: - •..) \7: ,- -, - ..:- . ,1.,,. i (3. 0 „„tivkilig .4-4,,, .7..(,),.rez.7.-.-.f. •, , , , -,j,fauta,l 3 l,;vo.*il . .. • . .....„,,,,., ...„ -,, atprig,„4. ~.--.-,1 .... 'la. -- .....#5. - ',..,,,,, PENNA. SALT AIANUFAC1 1 .IH'G L ruvrintrna7..rl..i...- pRIVATE DISEASES. ult. YOUNG, hate tts., y 3 Third meet. tae, Alt vats /Warms. with MIP• t rarticularatt , ationot r.un3per mm.,trhut us n• theeases of the Urinary Organs. trtarm-.t mote belay Inc . 0103 t surc..ta Int rt., emt.l,y, other preparation forreruovtug healthy menstrual good. No - 1, une b o ,sig. No. h, which Is four stroa ..e, designed for Obstlwata cased, 00,2 Donna A. M. to c r. M.. cr. M. r crS r. 1t •ddrest. _ Yi with stamp, Dm. VIIIINtI, 11,1•4 •it roo rahn•• paursTEDisEAsEs. Wrier. =l3{ IrI&NN Marl; near - 1.1.. d Tor the Cure of all dimmer. of • ertrato nat.°. from two to four day., by an enthely new and ea treatment. Also, Ea=lna! W.: stores, and all otb the/m.lml organ. and tt air 'seventh, Cun varrante.lot money relunde4. °Moe honrs-7 to 10 a. It., I to 3., sae 110 BT. •... 1.40ry W,. .- IRLOOHIELOI.32! CORN MEAL! Tarter Brands of .t. Loots Floss; Ccholee.] orlnds do of do ler Wt.. Ylogr, ti . do Baser.' ?loan s good to choke br s oda; rys Flom BurAstritat ?lour( n i ne Congeal. klla dried; del At the old 510110,172 004171 Weee) street. dill ACIIVAIAKER A LAMS FEE Evm
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers