0 WINTER GOODS 1;) KT GOODS. IM Reduced Pric•e-fg• IEIIIIIA, iII:CONNELL & CO., O. 178 FEDERAL ST, BATES far, BELL'S, Allegheny City, Fifth Street BLANKETS. -aii size.s. COVER tTS---Ex Heavy tF,•---all makes, BATE' , & BELL'S. MERIN • S—Extra C. 75c -DRESS GOODS---from 250 BALMORALS--from.s2,oo BATES & BELL'S. CLOAKS—Very Cheap SHAWLS---Bright :Colors SQUARE SHAWLS--new lot SPEGIAL AND SEASONA /MACRO]. A: CARLISLE, No: 1) Fifth Street. ELASTIC .4):AMLITS UND , II-1. 11 .11:TS for Is snit much 6 1 .11.- r l,l f ' 0 noth - ). LAPLAND ,AATING Inrucii Er. VATENT.EA st the [Meg for Itha ler6. A new ...Jo.; opened. VINE CASIO( Elt). r CAIIFS—JAFA the thing for New Years Fir.. A new' lon. nll width, LINE. , MD A SD C 1.1. 1, (th,i));,—:‘ 1 Chore. LIU:LI:2If AND C CCXCII CLOTH CLOVES—A _,AAArnent. 10.1. of Lund, at n:need Hlk ()LOA hS,SIIAI SONTK(In I . n.CAIIF2. Sc.,, Se. A NT nTTLI).q zr . 11Y It KNIT GOODS. LISKSIIIIITS and II A WENS Kn . reAucetl. LINEN lIANDKEIWII. ITU Iow• I=TIAW PRICES, I=ll,on MI n t of C)MaX3D.LI6: GOODd. Eti;ilett and Itentitoarn al ittoz to mat, Nets Y. ars pit, 'stilt/no loan n,fot and suitable ar t, las. m.tunt - yr .?nrcrnm.xli =2 NEW G00D31.1 . P.S RECEIVED a OS. 11.0R - E1 & 00. M:E= -•.-.- -- li 0 .Tf 'fr.:TS'• •....AriCIV II .17' S - ••• _ 2 .., Al did: :anal., Fall lityier. . 2 ,71.111 ^- , a,. Ca.p.c.ciee • (11 .:Idea and Frames. Far4l F.1.11(r and Colored Ella Val ea In mows duly - a:dr-di:2.les: i 15.112 Fancy Lon m_t and Trlmrnlng Itlbleml. new and rich colora: V los.ars. enoleost Reach and Arnerloan: Feathers, fa: cc tat and thlrg.. M,13,2 33 PI :al I=l Can,larlc, Itambunc, Loone, Cluny, Val,n c,une Vann,: and ln , oulugs; Yinunclua.s, Sands and Inalßings Embraltlurcal and Piala Linen COl - Cult, tleta, Lend Lace Scala. 1 , 10.6 and (Ault Trl.raluva and Ornaments; nal]-e. limns cud braids: I. , rusalrrl ‘ numlngs, angle Frame,. GOOlis: Of 11,nd t erehlet's, Plain. Lnee. toed, Enthr..ilde - ed, Tape Bordered, etc., lottery and Blur et lo every variety and I..adlea` and dent's Underwear. Furn43hing Goods ea:spender, and Ncck-Ties; Heavy ;Mints and Drassen; Lroplex. Bonfron and L Hoop Shirts; Corsets, Flair r M run, Nos. Union and U: Uniting. Buttons—the! sisal novella.,all hands. iarns..-GrnAtest lets, Cashmere, Lambs Wool son list h . In the yarlims rutztor.e, plain colors ant. random. • • raper Cellara, and eT g la the IS'o ;Jon .111 e. rlces a 9 Itl.tern JeehLele HOC.. 2ios. 77 and 79 Market Street MALCRVIII, GLIDE & CO., 78 and 80 Market Street, I".U .J . EW AI. CA' ES. • ' WAICH UluAl! t•TAN 09. • CAltl, .11AAK rr.s. • DA.G.I. SATC it k: LS. ALBUMS. 49 1011.11 L tUIDILIES, ACES, 11.1.SDK1 , 12CIIIEES CULL/Ott: CUFA+.. I= VENT'S EItItSJSITINIi GOOpd, ZEl`li Y It Sti SACI:S A 2.: fl IMOD, ' u ures ANt) scAr.r.± floor . ZiETt. WATE.IO.+ALI,9. Sr• tiikor - rs will nod it to, tl-ir wilvalitoco to so, Jr: (bolt Nt'otib from our Wholesale Department. - .13t0Li . IDAY.GIFTS. • GERMAN AND SWISS • • • 1 '.231 , 221. iar cocoa . • • • Carted !nuke s, Itrarketr dywel hoses ' „ end Ornarne . ntd: I . Y , rt•nonalt, Wallet., e, t•!1•Ie. Card Cu.... liroche r:earts, Fancy Kull Good, I.lneu Ilandeefelt ter., Cnthroltlerles—all dracripiton S. Cellars an i Ilandsverlais, suit Itarbyr. • • • I,a , 11. c. w rant and Children's kid blares. ttraere.al and (tarn, Jewelry, Tear roan, J.e., , ie. • 4:ENT r.r.uts•s ENDECIWF.AIt,. • tad. 'fly', Su...ponders, • jea:l trete. Yearri, demi rinse Meet's Buttons, AT LOIS pnicEs. F. H. EATON, S 7 Fifth St. (pops FOR TILE .• ••••• OLIXDAITS I JD ill Ira N.7,i" , 21 r IF TE2&TILZET, - LACE .%.ND EMBP.OIDEBED ILINDKTS .FANCY SCARFS. NoRWLGIAN LEATIIF:k POBTMoS I AEs, CIG AR C'AshS, GLOVE BOXES, FANCY FANS, LAMES COM VASIONs. CARD CA,ES, LACE (RICA EMBROIDERED SETT:, . LACE lIANDKERcuIEn.,. 11EMSTITC11E1/ lIANDKERCIIIEFS; ENIBRGIDEREO sLIII , Eits • lilt) GLOVES. BUCK ;AAP:I.s. CLOTH GLOVES, I:NI.LRGAIZNIENTS, 111TEs11111Ts, SC,PENDER, - .*, • NECK TIE", LINEN COLLARS, I'APER COLLARS, ac„ Ac. • Belling Low for Cash CAR O, McCANLDESS tr. CO., t Walton. CIIIII ot. C 0..) wtiour..9.l.L.E DE .11.1111.13 FOREIGN MID DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. DJ co. 941 W crcact I 71 . 4 aonae above mason WALL PAPER—Of all grades, T for Porlors, plc . itng ?....ms arta SILO -OV' g " " " . "" T. }if Mar k et Prato , I RY GOODS , CLOTHING, &c. pITY AND NEIGHBORHOOD. 31. en's iChrlattald ASsoelellots. 'f , er area days age a cOmmonleatiort algned . ° H," appeared in our enthrone, which calls IS/meting Affair in Meadville. forth the following reply from one who signs The follow'n coal the 31molvIlle • himself eihreeter,e but.talls to comply with Ikon of Saturday tpaite an excitement wit,. our Imperative rule of supplying be. in. stirrel liiiy.terday by the news of an:at:mid name of anther. However , as the matter le of by a young lady to 1:111 her former lacer.. As (merest to a large class who felt that they near as we can learn, the Mots are as idiot.: young lady from Rochester, New York; w ere 10 . 0 e ignored In the organization of the Christian Aoeoclatlon, we publish the reply while shelting friends in Hayfield township couple of years ago, smote the her.rt of n Ir. fall, L _ second cousin, and they became very ardent t.n d+pp - trona G.L2nriel—Your paper of Thurs. lovers—too orient, us the se Morning lost, contained it letter nom quel shows, for ~0 1 1," of Lawrenceville, concerning the meet !their own good. She charges that tanner the I ing held under the anspicear of the Tonng proallse of inarriaze he sedated her, hut 1 Men's Christian Association , tat the Firal. Pres. a Inaalstrate was not called In at the hater/all Church, on the iabhath'evenlne pre. proper time, and ale. then the magistrates VIM*. The Whit of the author of that letter is have had to ne trequently consulted. About evidently friendly to the Interests of the As nine months ago the lady became the mother sedation, nod his viewa upon what ouglit to of a bouncing (toy: In vale she plead with her_ be the nature of such an organization, and lever to ke e p his promise and marry her. The the... hods of ileeemktl'hMß. itr coas' Coatis were finally resorted to, but without In the Mali, correct. Moreover they are as any satisfactory result. On Thursday everting far as laid beore the public In his letters, in ditsr litaccontance with, as she alleges, a prior conformity with the Plat. and purposes of miderstanillmr, the woman came to town, pro. the Assoelaton, recently organized, with the eared a sleigh and took Um child to the honie I eree P l ie e M* some of Its father. She stated her errand and tiren minor and unimportant details. Ann If elle will make himself known "." him th e 011101 • Ile declined and r, to any Member of the Board of Directors of ~,q uo c itts i dh l gru t o o , ,, ,. ..en n , d s i l t ;r t i o d ot i, i , t a p on o , ryr -h. no tte, ,. .Tlir i t s the Association, ho will be given a tarn s, The warranted Wet, Oarol need under ie h r r " r e l r v h o i l s v i e ' r " . l l e7r - e. t r ;: t t i h t ol,:e i n , b L un r ie t : ° l s t . " e :.l,;;;,_; " : i lf ; :om :u he t as i ls i u d Tbl i; Itlm three tones, but she was not a b oo shot and he was uninjured. Like a bravo b ooby he the I.memeM" order to carry Into execu rushed Into the house to get a gun to shoot lion the objects of the Association. Thine is her, but in this movement he was prevented hLs father. Ills mother, however, took the i work fur alt. Too ling kiy hitherto has been to Lind persons wil to t bo the nark. Come ch. Id, and the Indignant' mother returned to I forward then, ell,. amt help to mould the As town. In a short time , the young Man ape I sedation into such us you conceive It (Waal pentad before Justice Davis anti Made a Ma- to h e. IL was with Pala and. regret that your cor. plaint against the woman lor [matter:rot open his life. She was arrested and committed un- re"ponilent discovered that one so friendly as ill H misapprehended tile remarks of ono of railay morning, when.the rOmplailiaut not , tau speakers on the oceasiou Of the public appearing, shy brasdischarged. Roth parties belong to respectable families. meeting, and the More, that the letter eras likel to do much !Wary to the cause which; The young v ile at the Alm° lie became a fa- __ Z ko hold thee was In his minority, but over twenty- w e Sall. It to gay that It never has been, nor ono. The lady is about four year. older. It is it, the intention of the Board of Direolors, as a case of menial affection at Met, and of mutual rearitaltiatiOOLttOrWarde. she charges ° c u r o.theet=lirs.l.outl.egn.mreneotlitl.title,,iitisk%o,rtrz; invited o v itt e tr i film with bode d inn, tel UlleactititlO seduced him. What the upshot of the affair may yetbecome members opal partake of any bene- I t. to ts thatmay flow from connection with the be Is bard to predict, but a ;treat aloof th at. Association 4 All alike, weather members or that It Is rattier all fortunatu that the woman not, will tie invited to visit the rooms of the did not shoot straighter. A.oclation and make themselves perfect ly at home morn. It Is possible that the mlauppre llenelon of • , Ile arose from the fact that In Il lustrating what benefits might result front( such an orgimization, the examples were all taken 'from one class of young men, But it must be borne In mind that •hey were only ex emotes, and were intended by no means to limit the sphere of the Association to that class. Examples might have been taken from other clasaes. They were not. Butthat - fact scarcely' warrants the conclusion to which elle aria ed. It is hoped that thescretatements, he-ceased. ly hrieforcil .tisty the minds of any persona who hare the same rulasppralienalons .with "IL" Innonclusion. It may he .1 , 1 that work, much work, is to be done before the Aioms.ia- • Don will be of much practical benent to any Class, and persons must be Mend wilting to 410_ the work. If therefore elle and all liar 11101 make then.elves known to any member, ,of th e Board of Directors, they can do muell towaids making the Asmclatteir useful hi the salvation of the bOUIS Of oil cialPts of man, with the blessings of hod upon Ito efforts. I•1W ARRIVAL, Wholesale, and Retail DEALERS Li DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS. 31, rt. F.IMIN. 31,.1:03;NELL Co. announce i i: . :l • Zt . :W . N . Z . llln tl „7 - t,?z,:=1;721 ail articles in thtlr lineal batten .I.re Cl trout the East, which theL_oirer TOTH,. 1.1 Dr.. tt AT It at the 1.1.1 W Era . Ita.TILS. THEIR. SU/OCM' Cv3IPRISES ALL THE LATEST AND BEST SYLES And in Great Variety, msc al! or 11, MOST DESIRABLE PATTERNS ..utt MATERIAL., lucaadlug FRENCH, GERMAN AND ENGLISU Dress 4coods, ALL KINDS OF FLANNELS, White and Colored Blankets, Balmoral Skirts, Cloakingg, Prints. Delaines, Ginghams, meetings—Bleached and Bro►tn, Check', 'Pickings, Drills. Sheetings, etc., etc., And au cxteuclve variety atal SSLOttl2l,llLof 1 4 4 . CI, a l I Co Eid . ERWIN, , McCONNELL & CO., NO. 175 FEDERAL STREET, Allegheny City, WIIOLESALE DRY GOODS. SOANION & CO., No. 115 Wood SI., Pittsburgh, Bare Ina:ore aest reeelviog, afall assortment or 11111 r GOODS IND NOTIONS, Which they offer at - EASTERN PRICES • AND TO WHIM The Attention of Dealers Invited. SIIKKRON...T. O. ETTMNSON. COAL, COKE, &c. 111. cr. tvEl - • wairlPEN crvnlXO. J L. ult.tnn. WM. M. CLANEY & CO., Gas Coal "Works, volt to. rr d dotter, le PERIOIL Li An AND PA /II hu COLA i, 5n.101,01.11.. ro addr./rs BOX iIMT. Plitsbdrgb. and LUCE ii 'N 017 11l glienv oily. ERAI. air' IC C. re and story rlttshorgh tin_ !:ant 11.11/llng,earner Liberty Street and Virgin al/i/,' Pittsburgh. BitsaC OF FICEM: Ltb.rty sure 1, under Penn,. R. R., °pork. Meelianld :tree?, rittshurab. and corner An n/mon store. end P. Y. W. C. it. /t. Allegheny. All ord.,' al al elllier of the above places re. calve promo:at:id/Wen. 1; 4 ORT PITT COAL COYIPANIV.— midopgilis and derlem In ti-perlor Famliv and gleam Coal. Not Cool and clack. general anide sec ond /tory vitt•iii.rgli Mat lags listikbuildine. corn, tA,e/y and virgui 11raneli otter. co•ner Try and Thlo/I streets. Pittsburgh. Orders lelt at e Wier of Meek/replace/ 'calm:eel,: prompt attention. Pootoffice Addreno Bow .Ihl".Pittobargh. 1.111,[01 . 01t, a. J. 1 1i/tn./PI, It. 1. FAll5l.OOOt A. N cent/ gee . , 3103,./13. 3. lien!., /Ina. lioaT//liall gr. . T. Brl e, i. JCI.t.N -033, therdo. .1. 4. 1111.1.r.g1e. preait, IA H. EN901.0. M. 111:Tact, Tremor,. W. -IL CLA.IEYd CO, Manager, Jai 01 PITTSBURGH NATIONAL COll/ AND.COIiII COMPINT, -Ari ER NEns, SHIPPERS JLND DEALo ALA M, Wboleesle and Retail, 1 the IREST FAMILY COAL, Nut Chz.al £L OFFICE AND YARD, CORNER. POERTH AND TILE iaTEEETiI, Pittsburgh, Ps. All orders for deliver/ da the City, or shipment West, will meet prompt and loalia.lats attention. E. A. lititl2. l (AltEL, lintetrintendent. !MEE COAL! COALS . IMPORTANT TO CONSUMERS. ilUDiatiEL -& RABER rite th attention dr tla• public to their One stool Of CURL j tut received, including the following Va. Meth. Lump, g, 2, Sand Claestmill. L,y klras Vsl 3i. 2,3, and All of which th.y are prepared to Oeo ver at the LUG OP RATES, by the single ton, car load, boat load or thouaand All orders pro.optly attended to. (Mee 104 Chestnut strectithAimamt.,A. COAL 2 COAL 2 COAL!! DICKSON. STEDIRT 6z, CO 'Laving removed Shea 01ee MSc,. C 37 .7-41 - k:oort - 9 Silltroot. (Lately City floor Idlll) SECON D FLOOR, 4.. re now orepsred - to tarnish good Iroughlogheny Lt th x.r. A atarketCT COAL OIL BLACK. e l tru. orstt price. tri, Al. orders lett at allele o dee, or addressed to tl,em throosh the m.ll, wlll he attended to promptly sret-Frlrlo CII:L*tLEB ft. A t Tf Th( , D.Lzr. Youghiogheny ail Gonadls Alla Coal Ana 31....2mtacuirer3 of Coal, Slack, and 11. , c1pknrixe I Coke, 017 ICE /OW YARD, Comer of Cutler an Morton; flrskiird Liberti and Clem., streets, Ninth ward, and on deound street, ar Lock No. 1, Pittsburgh. Ps. 101.111 es and Manufacturers sl , ppliedwith tht bast mill , le of Coal or Coke at Ll:wig:sweet rasa rates, • tirdtra lelt 'alnd or t °It.RIMPt PLUMBING. GAS .FITTIN plAmsaliG, Gig Ell STEIMFITTING, Eydrants, Iron Punips, tiHEETL..fi zilvu. LEAD PIP) 811YE8, DABINI3 WATER CLOSETS AND WASHSTANDS. TOM T. EWEN'S, (L'acc,:aor to Ewer. a C 0..) 185 Wood St., Pittsburgh, Pa. PLUM - DING, GAS AND STEAM FITTINIi, IN ALL ITS lIHANCLIEN. Carel oily rttlended to by exprrienced cad Practice; wor ltotto. A Doe ataortment Ot Gas FIXTURES, SINKS; BATH TUBS • ntIOW Eli 'SATIN, • W ATE': GLI.METS, TITURANT con:Aantly on hand and made to order. ex..s_wm ,e 3 Esmrtrx.x.r.33, No. 5:1 le•SPretittr , et. Alle.liene and .ity ..... VillotTre. TOBACeII CIGAR§, aro, ROSE ROSC Bud liright Pound, nose -Bud Golden Dare A lad Other licted Drando of 1 1 1 (Do la XL' CD 0 C CZSPO 31.ofuctured by R. & W. JEN4INSON, Flnh door from 5U5PC. 00 . Bnd Ck2EIC mac-sr 200,000 Lancaster Sagan IMMI!M=MI DIEGRAVV, hinnrdwturejukrig MlTl o et t utd Baal Tobacco, Snuff a n 4 Cigars, • 48 abNa IeITZLZI Ø. mlibit="l=:;l4:4.TetaMvr I==l The Clueintmtl Gazalc Of Saturday says One evening during the present week a small boy called at the house of one of the elnxens of the ceventeenth wet d, nh,i begged the juts. ilege ofst ay eg nil night. At :Ind the lady 'of the house hesitated, fearing he might be the tool Of .11.1.1 t: borgler; bill no hearing his frank though almost ineredulou,, story, she permit ; led litra to remain till her husband came borne. I when he was elven a supper and a bed.--Ile gave his name its Joseph IV right•, said 10x hither was tiled in the battle'of I.oekout Mountain; house and lot of ground back of Newport, that atter going to bed one night n week ago, as well as .1/111, he found her dead the next morning; t hat the owner of the house riled how much money he had, and took from him the only dollar he had, burled his mother and sold the household goods to pay the expenses, then told the boy he must take care of him self. The little billow at once left the place crossing to tills side of the river, bringing with him a single memorial of his childhood home--e bey's sled, lettered an a tribute to his tailor's patriotism, "Lookout." ills af fections were on it es his only com , ort; and when toe Lieutenant of Police, Mr. Weeks, obtained permission for hum to enter the Children's Homo, and took him to that useful institution ; Joseph took his sled along with Moy scone hind family, destitute of boys, lonic after him and give him a perma nent home. = , The Easton Free Pre" says: On Sunday, of heel's Keller and Johnson, whin deputies from South Easton, proceeded to search several homes in that place, for the purpose of arrest ing a man named Charles Wright, upon a war. rant (united by Jmtlee Chamberlain. sot find ing him in south Easton, they proceeded to the White Bridge, above Cilendou, to search the house of Mr. Tlnner. The police at once surrounded the house, and as one of the Itop. tales entered ut the Sack door, Wright sprang from the front door, with a Remington re volver in one hand and a Mrhe knife In the other, and attempted to et,rtpc. lie ran about ono hundred yard-, wheu Johnson msme up with Mtn and pinioned his arms from be hind. Then rut/ono:wed .severe struirirto for tte weapons, told after a do,perato light, Johnson, Willi his assistants, nosily succeeded Its di-arruleg him. Ile was then brought to Easton and inclged 10 Jail. Thelma:teat Willett the arrest Woe made, another in heath Easton, and a place solnue - tiere to New jerst.y, are supposed to he trio depots for stolen goods, whore the gang, of which Wright is sopposed to So One, itello.lt their spoils. It IA saint that rOwar , i, are uttered la Sow Jer•ey for the a:- Teat of Wright. 11, is nail to be a horse thief. The robbery of farmer Solt, anti others, of Wt Mauls township. arc Loa to Wright's enar,Ze. =I A few days age, ; 1 gentleman residing In Pottstown, was heathy Muse out j.itti ha' an oily tongued friend.. The two got into a convert.' tints at the railroad depot. and afterwards awl Led down ]target street, where the new found friend. saki ho Lail business. Daring the wad k he pretended to bare a hill to pay, at store, went In and ;mane oat mintmilately and ached the POLIP.:ON our to, chabste a Iliadi hill. which tho merchant, Le Sid, could not change. This our Immd could, not do, no the near , eir id him to loan.,—bim ;240, stating that * ne would pay the hid, and they a °aid then go and get the unto changed, when he would repay Ohm The money 1,11, paid over amt the chug went into the 'lore but fouled to fe,irn according to proitelee. Ile had, of cones, slipped out of a back door and fugue oil, leaving the accommodatius: Pott•tow am to whistle ,for his money. =2 A neck ego five farmer• wore rolfbod on their way honor from market, ou the turnpike near Mount lame!. by three bold and flaring rob. hers. This was Bono in lea• than one Lours• time, oue after another In 'accession Si they CUM.! along. The following aro the names of the men who aura roOlfed, and the amount of money taken from each one: Peter locum, .111011 rOUXilt, P. 5; J, iltl,lllDer, sas: 1.14'14 Si;; Waseongton swank. One of the roll:tern gave "wank a violent Stroke on lite newt with IL revolver, and told him never to let 'rim catch him on the toad again with so little amount of money. Oil ID Plitt burgh • The Mittel,' dad Aforteforimersi Jutted has the following concerning the all trail° in the city during the peat year: °The trade nf ahe year lola been immense efilte of the very•low prima, and In the latter part of the year a lesiened Acanthi. The price of crude bill daring the month of Jan uary abetted ationt twenty cenie per gallon. During December the average has been about mac and u half cent*, a falling blot over One half. The recelptt et this point, by titer tad real, for the year be shoot 1,750,000 barrel., gimbal it'.o,ooo barrels In Mil—an M inorca-se of I,lo3,uara A Iletrd Cnse.—From the Columbus Juur not we tuko the following: The Urlutits Citizen states that the Burglar Barry, whose arrival at the Penitentiary last Friday we noticed at the time, is a desperate Character. •Iluring Ills stay in the Champaign Coe ty Jail lie Lamle three effort.s to escape, breaking off Ms manacles each time, and twice assaulting the Jailor. Ile broke his handcuffs off on Fridai morning, alt • farewell notice of his contempt-feria!' amtlnement". 110 evidently feels more at home now. • lillide.—The !leaver (Pennsylvania) Argus .1.111: The Pittsburgh; Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad have for several months past been engaged In digging a deep out, for the purpose of straightening their road north of is allace , s nun, In Beaver county. They bad carried their project well nigh forward to completion, when a land slide of utiout two acres overtook loot week, burying the eut.lu come places to the depth of forty Ivr_.2 Accident In alendvillehe Meadville ieciii , Gliconneysi—We regret to learn that Rev. Mr, Craighead and his wife were thrown from a elelgh yesterday and tire. Craighead hail her arm broken. khe received prompt surgi cal attendant. and la doing as well as can he expected. lir. Craighead was silt:Way tirniseti but sustained 110 henowl injured. The see!. dent Wag caused by the ledt gin dropping eat of the side of the shaft. Whipped.—The Erlo Lta petcl. gave that a talent's' laity, named lins gins, who has been teaching echoed in the neighborhood of Lobe Pleasent, retie. ly un -onhe,,,cruk:iso,,e'ir,,rrpeoent i 5 y p . u , i , ,11 ,, , ! s h i r t t {J o t r r , O whets pupil and ca sell; Lenten. :inn was thrown doled, tier head Jammedan hpon the door, d thin skull broken, so that alto In noel s tnanlac toeyOnil the hone of recovery. Wile Were y?—. coue of , *Lorepresented The thearle l. pl letw as agentsfellows a of Pittsburgh hou,,e,recentlyswinled %number of perhous at, Kingsville, Jeffe d rson county. Ohio, by buying all the feathers they could 011thill, at a tow pric e , on the promise that they would return within a specified time and came nor ones at the same rates. - The time around, hut, of course, the “age nts" did not. livJuredi by AV Tralts.—On Saturday last, Ir. George Bates of B W rokonstraw, arren county, we, (hiving hie team on the road leading from Youngarille to Pittsfield, and when crossing the railroad track the Warren accommodation tram haiipuuiog along that way, tipped over the sleigh load of household furniture, killed one of the lioneas, and badly, though not dangerously, Injured .11r. Bates. 1.1.111r41; :The Easton Free Per,. say: renter. day, while the ledllgh Valley trate, due here at I r. W coming Haat, a neon di distan ce Itbove 31noch ee Cheek, the tint eta youttg man ntatellur to the door of the baggage car, was blown off; although the train Was running at a rupld rut,: of epeed, he Immediately Jumped on' 1111.1`r Ills hat, na In hie descent struck a telegraph pole, and wile etatently 1611 ed. • Burned to tteatts,-.Lue , week near Centre- Ila, nays the Mine,'.. ✓oornof, a Mr. JOnalnalf, 418 wife. an tnntat and a young daughter wero burned by the ex plo , don or a coal oil can, the laxt 80 WanlWanly that ono died. The occident Wu, caused by Mr. Jennings pouring oil on a blow are to make It born. Vies was common Uteatou to the can, cuuntng the n4lllOBlOO 89 Bated. Pena.7ireislan Killed.—Mr. Rllllem Adams, ot_entmeautyille, Crawford county, ... killed by being rum over by the ears at Owattona; Minnesota, OIL New Tear's day, lie had been absent from his home but a week. leaves u wlra and out) child to mourn his untimely late. hr. ndame was highly respect. ed by a largo circle or acquaintatioes. peroxisatiorrTlie Mnadvtlle aoletteret and , a u or e League Itare.tletalett to make their Orsanitaticm a perihelia:a. one. There had been talk of disbanding until tho next polls!. cal cai -nava. Birmingham l'ouncil The regular monthly meeting ut the Itir.J mingliam Council was held la..t week. A number of bills were presented and warrants were ordered to be drawn In favor of the par• glee. The following quarterly statement of officers wits made: .11r. it, Kautzlar,!lark*[ )hater, To „roes amount of receipts, ending De bomber 31, IsCZ I 4. , 51 70 Hy expeuses, Including ::13 . llnlunoa 'We Borough To Mr. N. Kuntgler, Wharf )inner . . . . . To gross automat of reeetpla 310 ts) Us expense., Including COMllli.tUll ..17 liafanee duo Bonnie❑ 111 tiv James hloTurlr, Weigh Master. To gross amount of receipts 4112 1.) It; commtsslon end oxpenses.....4 1i F. 4 /13 - .41 pale Trea5urer........... w oar - 1:•3 Balance duo BarougL ut 17 I). Dorm., Comomstouer, To wariauts ou Trou'uror, 111.ofillo By bolancea on former •ottle men Ls fly disburAruactas, locluding salary I,.z* CIEELII tialwneo due Borough $1 U 1 On motion ail, lettell a votrinottee of three was appointed, to report at Van nest tvgillar meeting, a plan dor anew vngtne house. Inn following coruivottee w appointed,•Messre. Zelfell, t.ntinlugham and aw Monsen. On mogul), adjourned. Impriawernenl•.—A vumnlsdy of Our report of Improvements to Meadville fur 1... in shows that new barren have been built, Ig Lave bven enlarged nod n!autt prated. The .um of money Invested In thew Improvement: amounts to over 4.,0,000,' kJ/ 'IIIEATENT., BARGAINS OF THE SEASON Boots and Shoes 4T HI PUPCI4B 1141 1144 a. 4.41.4)111.41, 20 oaxcl 20 Flitla. Eltroat CLOSING OUT WINTER STOCK L= ',2(; and :2r.4 Filth Street, WM..43. CLAPP & CO. _ZrWomen's bbcrs, oLs • roAr. WILLIAM MILLER r.UCC.E.6 4 ,AS TO MILLER & RICKETSON, WHOLESALE GROCERS, ASD Illl'l TEIL6 U.Jr Brandies, Wines and Cigars, Nos, 221 and 223, Corner of Liberty and Irwin Streets, PrITAUI: UV 11, PA IRON, NAILS, COTTON YARNS. AC., Constantly. Lind I . 0111 S BERGE &_CO, Manufac -.• tura. ot CiILAND AND hijl/Altlt 1 . 1A.11,5 Wurcrooms. tIYItLE Second eilt from bronderay. NEM The Pianos manufactured it this arm arc endors ed by all tbe !elate./ artists o f the country fur tee, poacrlbil, clear, brilliant and sympathetic tone: also lor their durability bud excellent worksnanshio o , tsve Itosewwwl Ilento, with our Ileum.] Trench Repeating Action. canna lees, enroll desk nd i gze ,;.. lt i nUt , written guarantee far yeert, forno;* r • FITZPATRICK & BROTHER. PREMIUM GOLD PEN MATWVACT •?, MAWS Et * I . }:b3 J 41 )" PACl l 2VVlttlesale tee Metall. it-Coal IMPAIR all. . • • Pomona out alba city haaltta Nat , to ropair coo scud than by mull and promptly reword. noll:u::a WY ' FOOD NEWS FOR THE sr- YIACTED• PATNNT AINDICINNI A nilooB, at n' prises theiIYISTTEIt H BIT' Y:lln,al per bottle. IiNAKEIIi PLANTATION el do. Ilul/PLANIPS el per boll. lbselNiWill MIURA ND, pore, St pier lin And everything else In proportion. at 1111 OWN NNW illt-NTOILE. torts ! No. N Ns. Male J ARED M. BRUSH, 31•NUTACTORM8 Or Steam Boilers. Oil Stills, Tanks, Sheet Iron Works, &c. =I ENFIV RIF:4, Jr., N 0.285 Liblrly tle•e o tb street. • CI k:1.L11445,0-140 outa.ela SHELLED UntA en loads: u(tbt IN.y-100 barn, Whitt. //Host HOUS-1 0, Dress. a Cons ft 1 .1113 , 11. 1 L-5 barrels prttnct ELIG.s-10 , tosrrols fresh. .1o1:... r ROOFING NIATEHIALs. Omen!, pitch, Fen Paranine rarnish and Black Point, Hanna< trued asoi cold tc , i,irr tgtleotge ROO irs,a I v7.4..f. •, .‘ll P.lth WT..!. NECESSARIES FOR TIIE , WI*. TER.—"r a gond COOK IRO'S roVE an 4 o.tier Kitchen Utenalla,solo strrat. Fiala and nun, (RYA LbOUTTELS. f ;$llO% • ELS. /UM Vtenalliforttnottnyllyatrt and other fancy dialing; rendes% ntova We. ter Conductor, and all other &Taal., ear at Pt V DUFFY', 144-140 tiratut Went. All rhea atioanl LARD OIL. 45 ta St ra E i x ned f l o tr Cnaled b and wrrang4 Matt. t_ CHARLES C. lid.SLEY, .n.nrninira.lrnJ 11031LNY. • 103 bbls. new prime White Pilot for We Ly CLIMILSI3 0. DALSLEY ME= Magi tr.o boxes Elosbou, Far tot r.ood Ilarnburg for solo try CIURLES C. BALSLET. I Bitooms;. 107 dorm for .410 b CEIA.IIL2S C. lIALIILB.I = 10:keit% toi*l c•no TO INVALIDS ' A f teesy.a. whlle T.-slut - as In South Arosrtea as • Mission-try, dt , eoreied a safe and simple rem.' ply foe the Core of Nervous Weakness, Early Decay. ftt!... , /res of the Cris ary and tfemlnal (began, and the whole tells of dtiorders brought 'on by baneful Sod vlelOes hltbts. Groat numbers have been al ' ready cured by, this noble remedy. Prompted by a desire to bene:gt the ststed and unfortunate, 1 wilt tend tteerbelpe for p•epa , init and ualnlit edlclne: In i tala.l envelope. to 'any and who needs It. Fark or Guano,. Please enclose &poet• paht envelope, addressed to ?outset:. Address JIAXPII T. IIiSLAN. 'tatlart D. 131b1. Horse. N. Y. City SEW ['MEI ME FOR THE• HANDKERCHIEF. Blooilang C.4essol:" Night Blooming envias," I =1 Photon , Night Blooming Coommf" ritnln . :o6 "Nig,l.l 11leo:n(6g Cereus." '• :Night liloonsing C aaaaa A rtn, dell,te. 1.1 Vrogrant Perri lie, frAzu tLw rarn n::1 twautiful flower fry= whie% it 4 mime. • • Mamitaeltm+ll nni . T . by PIKALON az SOS, ;Yew liork BEWART: OF COPNTELUTITA. ASK FOR PIiALON'S-TAKE NO OTHER. MF"IrEtl. BARNHILL 114 CO., BOILER' MAKERS SHEET 'IRON WORKERS, Noa. 20, 22, 21 and 26 Penn St. -- Having located a large Teed, and rarniehed It with the Meet approved machinery, vie are prepared to mangliacture every ileacrltitton of Boilers. In the beet Premier, ane warranted equal to any made In the country, Chimneys, Breeching, Fire tteda, /Imam ripe.: L00011:101iVe Boller, Condensers, baq Pane, Tanta, Oil Stills, Agitator, bottling Pont. Boiler Iron, Bridge., buz .e Pont; and sole mann a fermiers of UAW:HILL'S PATKIIT Repairing dime on the shorten notice._ InSM4I r0""IdIRE SUPERIOR COPPER MILLARD SMELTING WORKS. PITTSBURGH. . `PARR, McCURDY & SO., Mannfactur.:lhheathlng. Brasier,' and Dolt liontwr. t!..potr Itottonts,• Staked r.ulder. Also. Importers and deal,. In Mutat, Tin Platn, Sheet Iron, Wtre, ,te.. Con ttantly on hand. rine,' ts' Machined' and Toole. Warehoute, NU. 140 Ft up,' and Ittt riscutt o:tracers, Plitsburen. Special, orders or Copper eut to any desired pattern. ruyl4,,t4ulaw'r arPITTSDURGU 51W WORKS, /11 , 1111A.114), RHO. & t 0., Manufactu rers of PATENT tiltift h. la CI WC 1! LAIC:, warrant d CAST EL SAWS, of corrylleserlptlon, RILL, Marty. Cros,Cdt, Gang, and all other rarlstle 4. All linos of ft tsIVEu and hI , INI/S made Prow Sheet Cast StceltiCztra tonna .1 11.EArkat =lli MOW. LNG IiNIVES. Ac. - , ea , Warenoure and Worts, Caritr. WsSit and Stuns tratere, Platoburen. Particular attetintie, o too:Mag. got. mine and ttralebennlsruar Saws; also, meats of all kinds. Punching and Danl. dons at rens tunable rater. erBOBINSON, lIF & CO., (Hue -705.1s to Itonl4oon, MINI. alibLina,) WASHINGTON WORKS, t Founders & 31(sehtnistst, Ritisburica, Slsnufselarers of Boat and tltatlonary Steam En gine alas: I.:ugh:too, bin) Ilschierry, Orating 61:sni s, ps, Castings vf al: descriptions: 011 Taal atol milk Holler snol 61.ret Iron Work. irrAgcnisforrilYrA.lllrd PATENT INJECTOR (Dr feedlot bolters. r - . 4 . 1 "IIE:IlEDIL41. INSTITUTE FOR get - poola - al baron. No.-it titetu IAssEE: CS'S' sofg. Yo,l , ,rtsr.o .0, .1 EL Mr 01 on • ...ard rv,.. surt ss 1 sysa roe .50.4 •i rtyr, (or. ad• •drrr , lslog or, so 1..• sr•• ert,rstor ot,ot e1.,•4 TN ors tget sLoui.l Lra.to.l Enclose to- and dlr.,. to lilt L.S.WIOiNCE. N0..1110N1, hrtt !LT. NEW With. 'SEWING MACHINES, Elt 6+.II.4KEIt'S ELASTIC STITCH AND LOCK STITCH Sewirig Mabhines Al,llll' IrE,T for }'.ml r An.l)SAArdaoturing ,41.•• tan au.le.crro. .Yo. IS Fifth Street. i DON -7 BE DCEIVED ro , l.ll.4ogitsrt oralton *Orr rtfro=. r.f tnterlor Ik , li e tt . oc I. ; tra tint, tilt. • tact tgrr. IVO. 2lli' . .trtkl. wtro Olt'. GET NONE BUT A GROVER & BAKER • fl.:l4ay IVA. It I, :,!.11e, pearct 'and 1 , .:.•( fall Iv can wad ..te It at =2 THE CiLLOI BAKER SEWING MACHINE Is the 1:1t1h.•TI.,:-. of Mech.la n. rlf•ase call and ehatalho at h,t • • YIPTII .1 I RIC/ T. 8110 E . tiAIiVESS 6 csunis(4i 111 A . It• e the new GrOTer S Baker So. 1 Sewing Machine ' , herr. It I, tt.e_Gcet for.belt. PIYTII tTIIK T OA ItTLETT On - SEWING MACHINE, Itt . ot Memo 11•G.ligl• In the United Platt, As , ntt woUtv.: t ,, To bet , . ray 430 to tllllO per =watts'. roc,ot , k •cul Wco. - roiiE 111.111CA:3 t.tocrol kstots. 1111 tO,stoot. *tn... I I.ll.delptla. >O4 oil LOOnv. o;1. otrret, Ti,o:, Moo. 11ARDICli'S Patent Double-Acting srr]E24l.. - 31 v,t3-311 AL.ra . FIRE ENGINE, I=l IVATEILIRUDE AND REFINED OIL This Pump crouton, Alt the Orantages of other styles or Pumps now In the market, with none or `heir elects. The Patent Steam-Valve applied to pemp enable the start at any point or !Prete t•T I.ImPIT openin V•lee In the trteam-Pipe, mrel the 1 oton Is sure to start at oure wltheut the use of a •tartingetiar, or the annevanCe eel fly wheel Allmon to art It off the rehire.' rot Minter p.rpo , r, 1.1114 Pump peculiarly, alapted, as tiu , %alrsa,raa he . rent orr d hf tint: to..ripe ?no • . At mul the N . :01,-111CA elellaLElll4 • few minute.. As the rump Iv al.ople to It. whnlo eonslrnetlon. It duel nut /1 , 01.6.11 e ahlannOrnocul or m•elllne shlp k. cp lila ..sikluir order. Valve..ebeat and V• ve• are male or bra.. ur euMnosUln• . 04 n tr..'eatlly rep .Ire , l or teplared wheu worn out. Anyearn nter can mxte, In a leva , mlhotes. of some sty wood, • su Of V 1 .1.• rr Vump, Ir the ally l ll.lgl 4 1 I: 1 Mat. o AB a tiller Feeder. IL ha- no superior. n• It est, he male to run at •ny •perd, either 510. , or fast.. salt the work It hay to perform. The underslaurd refire... NU) sonelt the or their oilmen , as rll.,lclrncl, and the Pub lic in genres! to the mr rite or till* rump, .32,1 it.. Alec thnsu Buda au Kellen. to call on MOSTEEN & CO., Agents, .rio; ail Water Street, El= And ~r.mine for tbrollielTc4. . Olt FRANKLIN COTTON WORKS, E. HYDE'S SONS at to inanOfActore • COTTON YARN, CARCZT CIIAIN, COVERLET YAHN,CANDLEI%IOR TwisE, u3..rriNuts, COT :ON weIR•B, a c.. Re WEST CANAL STREET. bets/sem Robinson snit Lacock, Atlegbooy Cty. 4. Lb.—All °niers by mall attends.] to. nog pan SUPERIORI I lt S O AK TANNED PAT . LEATIIER BELTING AND BONE, Isuu „„, at .,o at No. B 8 5511 T13712LD or., Dr HARTLEY. PHELPS & co. jtho, Agents for New Tort llobber pn Xel tin g. - C eur iv o u:: uyi," i wumtri or LACE hkyrrew.4 L 3 E...CLICONAT:L . way, BOOTS AND SHOES H. CHILDS & WHOLESALE DEALERS IA • .1 BOOTS, SHOES Ai. INT3ZI SOLE TRATER, No. 133 Wood Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. . To SHORT TIME and CASH bileers we oßer sn yerbor ludo cements, our tactlitles tor baying ate unsuttossaed be ART hou es se East or West. Purchas ing directly from Plano MUMS entl rely for CASH. WO ae enabled to sell as low as any Eastern Jobbing r Hou.te, SIEEeI:U.IMS are Invßed to 0011 and exarntne our stock and note our prlcee beton, purenada elsewhere, Cirdiores for HOPE MILLS Superior. Cotton Yarns, SEAMLESS .GRAIN BAGS ) Batting, Twine, COTTON. AND LINEN CARPET (IRIS ebe., cbc•. Will be Promptly Filled at FACTORY PRICES. lar All order. br mall .rill receive Immediate and weft' attetion. H. CECILDS & CO _oat.llasdwT HOLIDAY PRESENTS, USEFUL ANII ORNAMENTAL OOTS, - SUES, GAITERS, =I BALMORALS, ALL SIZES AND PRICES AT THOMAS H. PHELPS', 46 Smithfield Street-- del: JORN 1,1.11”.,1120. r. ANSTILT2 ra IN LH pALMEIR, ANSUCTZ &. CO., J. A. RODINNON et CO.. BOOTS, SHOES 8z GAITERS, ..na. GI Market Street, I. =I McCLU!iTOCK'S BOOT AND BUOE EMPOBIBM, No. 92 Federal Street, Volt SAL LE,—.ll acres of GrOunti, A 111r.t,re.1 .n.l watered on 6.,ntrrel Itlll. ten minute , wait fru. rsateng - er 'Aaiun at S't.s.ly Lame, lol.rth,trent Rosa. 4 air • •A 11.,.e -5u.,,1 Mallon; and sev..ral Fart. w. ' l! located In Wcatmore:.l.l and A:1,.1, lzy Also Coal Proprrty. liou:r. I.ots la tile 'city and scburbs. For ftr particuia., cn , ln•r. , or •• W.LLIA3I WA12.1), • (UPpubltrlbe VallledrAlS se".l No. 110 Grant street. MALE, • SUMMER 1100713, 8110 ES GAITERS I =I 13"...ri55a132.= for , AIM. de A LARGE AND FRESH ARRIVAL dnd Balpsorats, ton rearlyed, utd will be *old at the Vr.ilr LOW. ter ellber Wholesale or Retell. liith CI ♦ Ca..Rasuha ruacu•slxo ziss• J. H. & W. C. BORLAND, No. II Market .tr.t..1.1 door from liftb m7lll coorza 30[10 FICLDIS.I FIELDLNG b. - Imo" Illanotacturers and Dealers In 4:7‘2.ortcann. Otteacin BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS, No. 140 Ohio Mt., Allegheny. seWlitng promptly...nal On Dm sborteat no t., fir. ;nS2 BREWERS, MA_LSTERS. &c. pIICTSBURGR BREWERY. • OA.RSON, DARLINGTON & GO 'I BREWERS, MALSTERS & HOP DEALERS 15. m.... to. • JOSIIVA:BEIODEN at CO., Pitfattnirsi WII. W. MIDEIDION, AIUSW , . The &wadion of the customers of the two 0 iv la particular ly turned to " ALES AND PORTER. Which. throe/al the carefuleefectilin of Malt from our step. lee malting facllltlea•.o Hope from the rani* loot cad Watt, wan guarentee to be Pure nod satisfactory to the Linde. Our IN DLL ALS ha. Mien Melly recoinmenileii by physician. for (.mill ere. fir r. ANDEItoON curromere will please be Fa . ; r O d u ora t e &Oleic" tow of Num Ry ud Barker's Alley, ..9smo JAVIR SMITH. - -ey. A. rocso. Tougga SOUTH Riggs nuOlert. ALLEGHENY BREWERY. fleeing purchased the old established Brewery known tbe AL L Eli lIRX 1 BRE% Eltl. formerly owned by Camp cell & Roche, we would loforrn the public that we Intengeontlat Big the rossedracttlra of • SPRING WATER ALES, Wade from Bare Spring Water, and from nor es I . l tl• a o d th n tw e x wl r b n ce na n le he to glee entire f a- Bray-Eton to those who may haor us with thelr pai onale. 465 Rebecca Street, ALLEGHENY CITY. • orders left at BROWN A UltALßAbllli, 20 Liberty street, Blttsburgh, wall be promptly attended . *Marl W. lE. cIuaILAILD.,.•D. A. 1 , 00111.... W. T. 01 - ititAILD POINT BIALT HOUSES. W. H. GABBARD dc CO., Moisten, Grain & Hop Dealers, Ao. 17 Water 3treetl and Dios. 3 tad 7 Penn PITTSBURCH. PA. The htspesteterket prier _o_el.l tot 17113e.T. BAuLaY. X, CORN end °A.M. t 71,1•01 PHOENIX STEAMBREWERY JOB. 9PPX011:3....... IVEXT /SPENCER & McKA.I, RESTERS BD .BREIVERS Op. Ale, Ale, Porter and Brown Stout, PITTBI3IIII6II, ROBERT 'WATSON, Mom agar. 109:03 CO-PARTNERSHIP. • rrnE lINDEINIGNE D 'LAVING porelhued the etoek and maahlhet7 of the late 1/67.131tftICK AILOCLILICKANII, hare oo the Bret day of October. MK entered Into. parthertblp an der the male al klAhrittt, OUTMAN A CU., for the saanaraotare °MAUL'S; i.e. at the oht tablletkerratle Or ratuett Alteehlemann sod Thera. lo patsoeHnWam Irlf WINK, and Irani Nis 7 aollet a Oontlalmoere of UkO Nis I/101M HA 77.11..„ oeUhlel • 461)24 FOR SALE VOR SALE.-4 Farutof about. S o acres In e. ion TrarniNto. Clegtat Pa—Anoxia •Nout four miles the ufir on the Washing:oa Mao. TlClmproviments see .rirga two story drlck Dwelling Hoare with ti room.. • Ltwo-story Coring House, I Carriage Clouse, a inrg:i tratwir Boom. No 1 Frau., Baal Born. 'vita atobLlng inf.:lent for La held of cattle. Thorn Is w Cue Your Orchard. cimrrratnc soon: 12 sores, 'tonged with the best Vorterles of Oats trees. It la t.ndeclatd with coal. The laud la In a high state of cultivation. tell mitered. fences good. and w,,,14 ant: stimfrabir for daffy or gorduol.: rur- 4 . Frei adJoLnlnir the above, It'lth • rood Prone Llone, Carriage Hirt., good:coring /Tolle Eae.ther It-buildings: with • good Orchard In b e arlownortlltlon. Thlo yllee it alto aLI un da with raLL Adoo. acrr, allolnlng the above. unllnDrore.l. far tale la, Thio place la also all waderlald with tool. Inc &N.. three pieces of pr...p t ert, het•reen the Llttle Saw Mill Run sol and the. coal can rrached raw, Pm, eithrr TOO coal alone worth all that Is •.A.ked for the en- Ur Zi ' P; r 4 . of 173 acro , , , ltnatoin ClllrtOlrll - P• tn.m,dtatiny on the line Of the I'e not I , llruatl. are a tvro-etory Frame II nvlth nvo - rooms sod pool cel:ar, a Frame Bunk Barr, lA, ree, and othor Three le ou the pia, Young Apple OrrharllllTA.cree clean.% g.,..0t timber fe.,oing ,L,rady under',l , l With cos/ and Imeelon , onvealent """". tl l, l l t , g I CUL 424 In the rc-,`". given trn.medlat , lT. Vor further part.culars. enotire of 11. TO W no; Heel EDI./ In Anent. 1 0. F 61 utu s Eß. trent. L ' OR SALE—CoaI 'I or Km. now' ill ar.ce.fnl open nrcm!octlon 111.,0W bubl,l+, altunty on Mononoillels. rl,r, In uct Sn• . . small Yarn. a 1.01 Unproved. 1': tulles from Ld7gasnoro Station. cres on the We.tars renna}:- rani> Itallrou Is I nolana county_ and- only S. tu , lle: from the city. all for idoOd. ThrtcaCrt, I_/[1 In ; no lalpro•t -100015; sultabl., for all kind, of banal! mutt grow- ing. 0 hundred acres gourd farm Insd+ four acres ..SParel. good sprint... 4 ror lenelog and loiltd.g: slat lades from Allows... In Illair codutv, gn..d road to lame. all for q ,Oil. I 7 'two arr., an Fas elle town p 1.1), lo of wide.. la cool; solrenc.d: house. tiara. orchard..tc. rir k tto tit.; OC eI root. Ou Rebecca street, Al . fl , ove of Ilse rooms on Park street, First %Vita. Alleshsny.' Prick Itca... of ten renosTi on Chestnut street. Alit-Oleos. tnousnni Yee hundred dollars fora prlvat • dwelling. advantageously eltnated Is Alle gheny. New Frame Douse of four rootns.hall Ind tattled garret, on Jefferson street, second ard. HouSe. of eight rooms: lot nil:l,2st feet. In Wok Inshorg. New name frev.a. at Edgeworth :station, on Pennsylvania Isailroad, seven Inllen cut. Also. quite. nutukr - oflots. New Fram e Sloane of five rooms, hall, kitchen nod att., on nlfetleld street, Muir:Jester. • JOHN CHOY T, .1e23 Hear Estate A9cnt... 139 Fourth street liou!iEs! uousrie: HOUSES! One Til REE STOPS BItICIC DWE LI.IN burgh. co. Ono r lIIIY.F. RTIIRY JUDGE WARE:HUI:SF. PII teburgh. 4141,10,./ . HEErift/ELY BUD_ h I/WELL burg. 47.700 W. pe W., STORY' lIRICE DWELLING, Pitt, BRICK b Oar III I IIOR STORY DWELLING, Pitts 16.tren. CO. One. Tibr:hE STI./10( BRICK. DWELLING, Pitts ''"olf;,'•4(o:ri:T.,l:Y BRICE DWELLING. Dlr. MI nglism TWo ‘Di)„ DWELLING, Bir mingham, 41.700 6.. One ,t 0 .$l . Olll FRASIP. DWELLINU, girtnr, s::tw Ing.re er. WILSON. • Enemas AND HEAL rstATC wEic.rISS, dt,tl h a.. GO ecultAdeld algae , . }'OR SALE, Jtr•IRKE T ran.o A oleos of land containing 45 to 50 actza of rich an. alias - Is' ground, courealent in tlfe citie, rltow cklel matuestaa Tho illlprOre menu are, a • rITAME 1.101:NE, BA RN. . . • 021 Ana dther And ou l, b ln 111., tdlldthgs. It 11 now maled a Matta,. 4, d. ord,, For further putt.' ara, apply to 6.6. ERYJI.N, , • yzoter It 61051. and Real Estate, d6ll I 7 Fourth at.. ( Burke', Rlll , llne FUEL SALE, • Tar. TWO-STIMY BRICK DVitI,LING, No. Monro . nre.t. Allerbe• T. Co%ts.tr.s [ll4a: room, t thb , d 1031 r. le4l:.,ronm pr. 4-hoe.r. Fir colaVvidcrxe or arran,tlllriat, and to Iv and .t.,tar.l.;>l. natal, 1 , Is probably un exc.:l any In I.be tyro cltl+.s of slral;mr . . The . 1,../Lt., Is q .ul on, and Ida, gad, and LO, Ml 9 coldr and dou, etslr, MEM =Mel !trotter In btocks and Real Rstato , no= r: ft.ortli Street, kiln/1:0's Building. jLOTS: LO'fS:--1 can now o ff er Lou. a s tor, as Voo, well loce.td and In a pleas ant plajw. i,ts located on tbe Rite from IM - 0 SZTVA, ....... 0.0 :o 1"..) On lioll.fontalne street. from No to "no On Ilarrf otrtod. from 'Of.) to Old 10 I.oterty l'otausttlp• adlondng the 11 , 4 : Quell lots, froce WO to 00 , Alsv Tomro•Ol. l.ots 11.. to .56 TO above lots .. Id I.e p sold cm Leta:oSo roll put , ah•ser,. .110, t sollle Ter, deSirelyier lanprOv,a prop l,-" o ri b i.! l .ll';;; z s o Ll ror Jn.r..i!apply ' at the heal s a :.a'J:oul anit Insurance Odce . . U.9-DATES, Butler street, Lawrenceville ..4\D Fall SALE.—A large Lot Birs.wrgl.xm, I,,wren ux,esvo:n- 1.. aO , l utr.. ,re,s, .4 V ' lrprin alley so! Wa “Ln, ‘I o:, :: d frou ,, NA 1. au, -,. •.• lltnt fr, It. who;c. et 11:.• prrmlr.s nu• 11, John 1 - tr.lraan. 0,,1 bc. a v,T f..vrat , , sot. for ror rdri.l3, Port tc,ar, Frt.,. Nun. L.. %ip4.4 rtri - et, 1•1[,.,.00, A Three Story Brick Direlliag, o. ,hP Wuat .ide of the 1.111.T.0ud, AurgLr .alrc watol-. or at 11.5 u-l• 311 WitutilNGlo . : STREET. t. 1,300 A cr; ,;R, P ,,M.f c .tVeL E iorl aoiolul az tile.a.lale station. F. V, ay., L',....ag0 nallruad, right mil.. fru. City. pa, ...torn land, p.rt cry ollable fur a 11 furl aud part plAnt..4 with ahout h-aring re.t.:h Trot. of, clinics quality. Turn., 15.7. 51c11.1k1U: iltU3 Fourth strut, JOHN B. BAILEY, Stock and Real 'Estate Broker, JOHN D. BAILEY, STORKAND REAL ESTATE BROKER AND AUCTIONEER. Having talen out a cmimulastonsm Anctioneer, and eC•t'trl an engagement with the Pitt.tsnrgh Board of Traele, steurtne_the one of their rooms, above the Thlso Natsonal Bang, I am now 'prepared to sell at Yoblle Auction, emelt., Bonds, Bectirltlea. Beal :stit 5, lc., richer at the &twee rooms or on the preml as attension geld. as heretofore to the salei of Beal haute at private sale. alteAl Estate In ine country attended. lac v I A Fourth atreet. nem lESIGAIILE LOTS FOO COLIN. Ter 110011 , 00 CEO —On account of tOelnylem. <'; ; S , of for wrath, on Tuesday tut, the eats of de.trablo 11.1 , 11nd Lots, from two to four acrvsi the reerymtle Plank Road, one mile from Allerhsny city. was adjourned. The lots aro now ,ll.red prlyst. sale. Taoist —true-half east,: balance In t, S. 4 and 5 years Ith luterest. For plots of the property and , farther particulars, SPPI7J H\ 11. BAILEY, dot• No. W 2 Fourth street. BANKS AT- . ' IER S BANKING HOUSE N. HOLMES & SAS, jetiny t3s.ers., No. 57 51.kRKET STREET', Pittsburgh. Pt ,oaU rerrlrOd In Par Fund. and Cr/ rencr. eollortlons made on all the principal points or the MI!Lod IlLari and Canadas. STOCKS EONOSANO OTHERSECURITIES Bought and Sold On Cummission, Partientar attention va:.l to the purchase and ale of UNITED SLUES SECURITIES, ISC7.UUtNO • Unltol•ekotes , ezett of Del; Uo. do • Flyee of 10-10.• - . Oevon-Thirtlea.• • Do. eertleleates of Dadelite. Is se. Orders ond Vouebere bought or collers2.l . ste:D. DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK, No. 65 Fourth Street, . CHARTERED IN 1855. Open daily from 9 to: oicloc.k, also on WednetAsti and nalorils9 c'reiringa, from Ms, 14t to tiqytftiber In, from 7 to 9 o'clock. and frond' Novernbkt / Mt to May Ist, from 9 toe o'clock. Depasits reerived of all sumo of tiOCess limn One Dollar, and a .11.0111 end of the pronto [2. flared twill year, In June and lireeratn.r. bas been declunni sr ml.nurinalirin June and /December since the / flank ITS. organized, at the rate of Ito per cent. year. L int...rest, If not drawn mil, la plated to the Credit of the depoaltor as principal. and bears the same tO. termt from the lint. denof June slid lienember, cpounding Melee a year without troubling th e dr. pallor to call, or creu to present his pall hook. 'At this rate money will double in to Mum twelve years. Boon contalning the Charier, MY-Lsw• Kole. and Urstnintions, rundaned oa sppllation at the oMoc. PBSZlems - r—GEOUGX ALLIRMM. Si tit I.ll.CulDLfit John nsdictert, /A. PallOCk. N.M.. Pen:. lahriestock, Robert Rabb. James Rodman, John R. stioenberilM% James alcAulee. Jamea tlhid le, James 11. O. heeds. I Alexander dpear. Inac M. lietunoek. Christian 4oooo Henryo¢l4 D. y, ' r J. Lruch, litter A. Madeira, alt Mahall, Walter r.Marshall, John R. McFadden, Jahn Ver. Henry anisernn=l' 1 Ale Ade Ttedle, Vanitirk, Winn. P. Warmnan, L W It ". • - 1 21111). 1711 Y Wm. in J. JAmlona. Calo - John C. 14121.1421, ViTTrUiri,l:, • tLVtf. . Umins. tohn Cowan. John J. Lillimple, Ulhan Raton. retort!. Hunter, • Richard limn , . 51..nsousa—C111 111 . B. AMUSEMENTS. OPF.F.4 HOILT4E. Lt r... 1, M. IJSMON Ew mANAGEsit.NT Irft “igl,escnt Of the razsgarat %at C0z.c21,... • ; UJ~BRYANT EM2 IME= I= 11t4PDAY. TrESDAC AND R EDNESDAY. Jan. •'Y 1,1:1 &Ad it L. 11:1=MIZMII tgy - PLTTSBURGH THEATRE. A. ER' ERA IN THE MANAGEMENT. ro,s titof vorlod or the betattra/ r J SA. :I 3 : =I Who •st' I tool~ ['or hr.; app-.recce •Tli I - Mohooy EVEN! -O. Januar, 7. as ktcona • AlNrpocr:r • , hi tl. grist rreuuptleacattaa Drams dh..l . . =1 Aft, Prof. 1.. %V. .1•IIIII-1•A ORAND BA .i.ET 1.“.0111 . A.,' .111 'lrccai I.,t.the tnt floe la a 10:1i.EIAAT otvEi-cri, , ,ii ENT. CO...:Uat.i wlt6 LC. <cal Uad = ':11 : tS0NIC FIALL.-PROFES- . THE NV/Z4lll , QF TtIL ‘,/Itl.l/. from Lou tha, wm pre.ent his popular entett Alen, t. 5I• F.LS VF Pltafrtla EVFAINtaS FA/137 LAZ/11). at CIA ‘EAI.I.. nu/Lurch, for Lour NIALaS cm , y—Weelneßdey, Tner,te. aLrlday sud afstarday.. .I.lllar , it,. t le. 11. b and lAe. on welch o ce.siOD Le w:lll.l.lr.ellice gre•l tt.118Itla: I 111/ A. 'obi., though mot/ aria heard I. has neTer Men pet f0r......1 In , 1...c0un lry the sly - nary .Llbi eeo.l. The 51nryel 01 3leces. The En. obact.l / and orolenul Chla,se ItalnDow. n.: a.trona vu r:mentf. rorphrhslng all the pro'. erne ',I morel. rn, m.gle. 111 eltA , l% r rum the:S./ft/lay Time, 1.5/11 , 1.t •.t perfarinsuce flat Int. Las ur•er pro vlou,lv us•itnt.,..o In ha //laud. In the re-pro /1n t•on areal hank. Feat, she //Stet 11,111 andlono, a /Ll...float and cannot be de w-11.rd. Ant lblue nine perk, ..nd more Insedel never cannet , otacelfe.'• • Fro/h tl.e .1f ~.// / Saar . —••lhe Basket Triot ftinK in the maple Ilne. FL I. Ivo. an/m.OUL taula and ertraorotnarr glua /wars opon a. 7,, to commence et Zo`e/oCk: enrriagc-Tu.t.y IA rail t.(l wo,:ock. - ick., for ,11.1 Call be secured Iron 10 14.•, ,, ck 1•734.1 .I:7"THE PqlSBunGu CHORAL UNION • . Win Ore HAYDN'S GRAND ORATOR/0 " TME.IEI CDri....IELELWXCIaa. " On To esday Evening,Jan. S. I= can-l+ ptorm . ...l at 31ELI OR CO'd. Wnol .t rect. on .11v, rte tam., at .1 a clack. l'anoto it., ^ld Pre[: I 00 Lire:. and, ...........• 50 .r.fg evra chsrge r reeervea smts, Jo.1;r11 01111409:CrW410:Mf C,XX.O3! cz)XLI9I.I OIL/31t1 SOHO OIL WORKS. : BUMF' KEIIEWBc CO, KANUYACTUBEES 07,TELZ CELEBRATED SPERM LCBRICATOR PETROLEUM LUBRICATING OILS. Sperm. Lard and Whale One, HID LIM, IiSIEF3 OIL HD Gfihak' 3tandatd White Burning 011, No. 113 Market Street, FITTSBUTWIC, PA. SEIM FOR A CIRCULAR. •T OZ WARINL & KING, COUISSIOT:ESMILITS LID BEOKDES LC Petroleum and Its Products 4 D QCr E &XS' Fra i• - r - s•ropriEcuriß.Gi-30c, PUILADE.L.I'IIIA AnDire.m weintrac, KING & CO.. mv17.3.15 197 WAIDIat Xi.. Phlt RENDRICii'S LUBRICATOR, =I WRITE, BROS. CO., ew York. E. J. ROBERTS, gent, =ME: I= Krep c.,nst.oth . en • and colt nn F•etory OH. , Oatic . I.l.•cElnerT Ott. t %Soule ci 31 . 11,1j . .W., ipar,t Par„... 4 _, I Ll f tlf.: ;? l'd r.ere.r-l.“, ..r. .uu•a u v, ,,, , AV OOLIIIII ItGE OIL REFLNING C;IOII2PA2...I•TIir. • OF PITTSBURGH; • PENNA. JOHN WATT, President.'. HENRY" li. LONO, den's! Atid Trearr. WORKS Li TrertIPEILiNCEVIILLE. (Oce; N0..2 Duquesne Way,. ,N Par 13.1;101:IA10n Yrld(e r .) I,II.6NUTACTUiIicIis uir PUKE WHITE .113133E1,1NT1NT43- Brand—"Lnoifer." JTILIES EUREKA OIL WORKS, EUREK.I CaRBOX I=l EUGEKA SPERM LUBRICATING OILS, Sad SVLOItexIO DeLlers In Crude, lieDned and Lubricating Oils, LARD. !PERM. WHALE AND TLNH OLLN. No. 3 I Markel. St., Pittsburgh, Pa. (7. 0. INTO .12,1 raxacte blumplet awl rt.] ceztlacates. 11015,A4 BUY THE BEST, PETFIOLIA BLUE LEAD, =1 =I T. .IT. CO., Pioaoor Pnisat 71r/cariLlis. S. W. Cor. 3d and Market Stu, =MM! THE LIGHTNING LAMP. U. C. CEAWTOED ...... -"NO. VOGEL. JONE 4, CRAWFORD A: VOGEL, Agents. TUE MOST POWERFUL AND P.ILLIANT COAL till. OAS LIGHT EVEN PR(IDU,EI). Adopted by the V. S.Governutent. Non eiVosty, Chem, and lieatnifo?. litres • brlUlant ilent three-told greater tuan tOtT °goat Thld p•ouit adoptt.l to all lanto PurP.e.. and as tb.t. nick is morly • cooduclor, p eer re troomtrt. Ituroers oo this princlQte too .unary' Inept. eTA.TE AN,L) COUNTY IN 3 MAC. . Ulll , e, opt..lc, rouOffice. Lbove rlttank's Newa ',cr.,. second ' non Wli... D.A. A.NDEILSON EAGLE OIL WORKS, Maroacrrcnc,ancesrille.. • WICHTMAN & ANDERSON. Refiners and Dealers in PETROLEUM. WTI CS. Er.CON L) STORY, CUILNEat HANCLIC7B T. Atilt I,lll.)nm4s:lc tV rottit,if HOTELS BINGHAM HOUSE ELEVENTH AND MARKET STB., x.,x2 a I AL. Tbli new and e/egsnt w I. now open Gr the reception or RI:I.M .1114 the isppolovnients of• /1111-1TA11.A.4.11R/TEL. OTIIII_,IS DAVIS, , PROPRIETOR. LA iiicanz HOUSE, Pht!Ode/ph:fa. The vnter:Dors hitelq's , ... - llllll.r.t.roran Bonn It, he beeti'IIEPITTE.I , ..N irti.,Nl MILD ELLOA NT MA Ili EV. end It roe' ri•epve4 with the moil perfect appal ".viable tor the reception of totem. The ant pottion cosong tire:class Betas Will be inclatalticil In the :attire. 6A /L TA tn the past Inentibrn RA /LTA ARLEY GICA.N'r MOUSE, 1.4. 133833.1r-e2", .lE 3 inogair, Corer of lubelb lad Ideal &Mr. _ Near the Suspension Bridge, ALtrmilVsTerry. $25,000 TO LOA", I= In ...., .r saw ...I .DWUdI E0110:ste leznibt Aded cold - OLOSIGY Y. MITT. deN Neel F.etate Meat No. to Ss Cleo D8L1 3 1.. Elircuto received and eels by OEO. /L. SELLS • Coo deu Neboleside ikrolicuur, 117 If cot sews.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers