The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, January 07, 1867, Image 2
Eke PEBLISUED MY Penninian, Reed , & Co., AT GAZETTE BUILDING, We, EB N'irtll2. Eft - root. F. B. r egg:Ma!". Edit or . T. r o V "TON, g °gran IL/N U P. Mae Ine Fis Manager'. Ma 1.60 . 11 BEER, TERMS elegla a cents Led Oared by carrier. (per 15 conic /111 Sobact !ben, (peryear) ........ 55,00. Literal yydaettons to Newsboys and Aerate. MONDAY, JANUARY 7, 1907. SENATORIAL. On Saturday morning the Philadelphia Prae announced the virtual Withdraw . al of GovernorTrwrlN from the Senatorial con test. The Bulletin, of Saturday afternoon contradict'ed this announcement by author ity.. It may, thelefore, be taken for grant ed, till reports to the contrary notwith standing, that Governor CI7XLTIN'S name is in the hands of his friends, and will.not be -withdrawn. YOUNG lIZEN'S cIIRISTIAN ASSOCIA TION. We are very glad to see the young men of these clues associating. themselves to gether for the purpose of mutual improve ment, and for the still higher and holier • purpose of drawing other young men, who have no pleasant homes of their own, from paths of temptation and danger, into their own safer and happier social circle. The design and aim of the Young Men's Christian Association is to throw around the social life of the virtuous .and the good all the charms that are supposed to clus ter around that. life which passes current for one of pleasure. A pleasant and at tractive building is to be procured, and . converted. into a reading 'room, a social hall, and a room for free lectures and re • • ligious services: Here all young men are to be invited to come at any time, and feel at home—a place where . they may read if so inclined, or converse, or debate. Here . • they will be introduced ono to another, and find congenial companionship. It will be a place'where' their evenings can be spent pleasantly and profitably, without pecuniary expense, and without moral danger—a place where the beautiful amenities of life may be cultivated. Here characters will barnade, not ruined; good habits formed and Strengthened; peace of conscience secured; and all the better im ' pulses- of man's nature called forth and • confirmed. And, better than all, it will be a placejwhere young men may be brought to drink of those springs of joy, of which, if a man drink, ho shall never thdist. Such an institution will set initiation a thousand beneficent activities throughout • the entire community. -A vast amount of . talent is lost to the world, because there is no opportunity fir its development. Many a generous heart and active brain runs to waste through the mere lacked' direction. Of thousands it might be asked, "Why stand ye alt the day • idle?". so far as the higher and better activities of their nature are concerned; and the answer might be made with truth, • "Because no man bath hired us." But in such an association as this, every man may find something good to do, even * though it were in nothing `higher than in the play of .a genial and '..cheerful spirit, and in being a pleasant and . amusing companion. • There is profit in this thing in a tutsi miss- point of view; for young men will come out of such a place as this; and from such associations and amusements as lie will find there, far better fitted for the du ties of their calling, whatever they may be, than if they had been indulging in more exciting scenes,. or enduring the weary, moping indolence of their board ing houses. Although it can yield no di rect cent per cent, dividends,'it is, never theless, a most excellent investment. If . the motives which ,prompt an investment, in It rise higher than earth, so will the profits; but the profits will be felt in the places of business, as well as In an 'appro. ;ring • conscience, and in a treasure where moth and rust do not corrupt. ' We fervently • hope that a generous res. posse will be made to this call. It will re. ..quire s considerable amount of money, but still more labor, to make it what it ought to be. Some can contribute in one .kind, /some in the other, some In both. , All the great cities of the Union are moving in similar enterprises. In New York upwards of two hundred thousand i . dollars have been subscribed towards the -erection of a building, for this purpose. In Chicago one hundred and seventy .thous and dollars have been contributed for a like object. Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, and other cities, .are contrib. uting largely and liberally to the same ob. ject. This saving and salutary work has come to be a necessity . . As evil' influences are active, and becoming more and more so, it is essential that good influences shall be made equally active and ecqually attrac tive. Iris time that the followers of firm who came to seek and save the lost, to bless the world and nuke it happy, should nut on their "beautiful garments," and let their light shine before men: THE INCREASE OF INSANITY The inquiry is constantly made, Haenttt Insanity increased very much within the • last few years ? A proper and full answer to that involves a consideration of •Et vari ety of causes, the full examination of which would lead into a long disiertation, and we can here consider only a few points. Insanity Is tnquestionably a disease at tendant on a high degree of civilization, or • what we are pleased'to consider such (more properly speaking on that peculiar state of society arising frcm the possession of con siderable .wealth and its accompanying luxuries); because in such a state every thing which can tend to produce disorder -I Oct health, is found in greater force rind fre quency titan in a more natural style of living. The constant excitement and high. strain.of business and pleasure,-the eager striving after greater wealth or greater power, the modes or hying and the entire ly artificial state of society c o mmon i n certain classes in the large chins, tend to bring aboat a diseased conditio n of the nervous system and an unhealthy to t , of mind, which certainly strongly favor men tal disorders. .But we must not judge too hastily even here. Many who devote their whole time to a continuous, eager pursuit ' of pleasure fall victims to a variety of die-. eases, which rapidly shorten their career before the mind has been disturbed. • Men engaged in active business, devot ing all their time to their duties with a passionate zeal, riving themselves little rest and recreatiop, and grudging even the time given to sleep as a loss, soon' find themseivesin a feeble, nervous condition, tot a lly incapacitating them from duties, and. they are compelled to yield to the stern demand for rest by intimations which they cannot neglect. , Many receive the first intimation to a stroke of apoplexy, or morns kindred affliction, which compels a cessation of the exhausting duties ; while „,,„,,, a 41.4. 6 (others feel a lassitude and inability :to tuirrED STATE! SENATORSHIP. Ca r ia""a -, , , devote themaelves, as theyttfonnerly did, Edjfe.r* Piit,urgh Gear'_ The ingrat• I to their - work which they vainly strive to r itude, fickle.ness and irnpolicy of the chi . I relieve by the use Of stimulants, which oni j . tens of a republic, and their injustice to ~ add fuel to the, fire, and keep up the system their greatest benefactors are matter of artificially, only to make the fall Mater. 'history. The people seek for some -"new 'when it comes, as soon-it must. . thing when the old and tried is far better. This overwork, this constant strain of It is a maxi m of friend's-hip ne , ,,, t,, „.:. .the mental powers, without diversity of change an old friend for a new one; end in employments or relaxation, most laical- business to retain the faithful and upright manly affect the mind sooner or later. .No and capable agent or overseer rather titan human organization i s so constituted as to seek a new and untried then. Aristides bear up against the assaults Which are was banished, one who voted against him openly and insidiously made upon it day assigning as a reason for Lis vote that. be after day. The greater the strain on a rope was tired of hearing Lim called "the just.” the 'sooner it Will break, the greater the prcs. Socrates suffered death as a penalty for his sure on a steam boiler, the greater thd risk good teachings. Thernistocies was lambi-- of an explosion; but still men hold on to ed. People beoune envious of the success their course, promising at a given time in fats and effect , changes in their rulers, even the future, when they shall have obtained to their own injury. Hence one of the ob-' certain desired objects, to give themselves .lections, and a strong one, to a republican that rest so needful for their mental and form of government. Aide and experience . ed and faithful men are often compelled to bodily powers. Too often that time is nev g er reached, the strain having broken the give place to the young and new men. All knowledge acquired by an intimate and health and the man is laid by with some troro p u t i li., a a cku i a rs in i t s a s n a c c e r i fi w e il ,publiccr, mast incurable nervous disease, or some other an d '.physical. disorder which makes him an In- commence and go through the same ordeal valid daring the remainder of his days. as they have.. These new men may be faith ofurl,otthheeivxey I. Thew may be capable The conditions, thus hinted at, has an ta• ~,: n3 f le, r n t , l i ,e jni o , : a I f o it s v t oi t . , - , able eiret . mas undoubted influence in the production of cases of insanity, and it cannot be denied their constituents and the country before they acquire a knowledge of their business that mere have arisen from ttese causes than in former days, when - men moved t a r n a L l i t t o h ro c li c s ° , u s fi n d t e l n u c n e fai ' t ' lif t u " l eilri associates.kit,'o -an ::: along more leizurely and gave themselves e. fi . a ...00fittie, the sooner they give place ‘• to more time and opportunity for that relaxa- the true and loyal the better. That such tion which every day's work required. -•- Can be removed is one of the bright fen- The of our system . In-a- Legislator nut The restless over-reaching spirit of spec. merelyttr aaexurdeetsnaitlor i s n , t , e u l n le d ett i i:i id i , i , ,o i t e , f n ifr ulation, w . hich leads men to do and to dare so much, is also peculiarly favorable to the and experience are essential to condflence t . production of insanity and other- nervous and influence. Often inferior teen, in con sefiluzultofuitheleragereoait disorders, by its excitements and anxieties e b t i r c e s ri tr e acc 1 a lid its losses and consequent depressions and c air more influence tl g iantlo u se a d leg disappointments. • Butwith all these, whieh and morally far superior. -Bad legislation have existed probably to as great an extent is the result. 'The weak triumph over the in every age and in every country, the in, Vh w e e f ail; h t lt i rl r er c s e o " o7l tri: r af t i l .rtf:? i l crease is more apparent than real. There duence of her public men has'arisen from seems to be periods when Insanity is more their having been retained FO long in public rife than at others, but in a term of years, life. Jas. K. Polk was not a man of imu say twenty, it is much to be doubted wheth- suet natural ability or extensive acquire ments, any farther than he !fad gained er there will he a greater number of in- 'knowledge by his experience in 'pidle stances of insanity than in an equal period life. I Speak from an intimate knowledge at another date, the state of the population of the man as seen at his own home. no tation in Mike is no more to 1., sought in and its increase being considered. public men, unless they are dishonest or 'We see or hear of know More of insanity incapable, than rotation in other depart than Ite did partly on the ground, that no • meats of service. A. manufacturer does such great efforts are now made to conceal not consider it • desirable to dismiss a well it as formerly, when insanity w as looked tr n i , e ., d a r ',y, ' a a l l ho a ro nd u , futh h kfnuol knowledge hns . upon as a disgrace, instead of a disease to il n li ne „ . N e i ther e a . an ;" n 'a p ` it ",` d a i, 7, be treated like other diseases ; but we fail nuts the skilled and practiced at the same time to take into account the physician for a young practitioner. We constant increase of the population, which choose . those who have already ucquired knowledger e t side s vz, their 1) , 1 . 4 tt : L i 7.5 ;i and .., b t 0 0 ti is going on around us; and we also 'over look the fact that the increased confidence otherwise. We prefer to pay the able and in thiemanagement of hospitals for the In- tried much more than to supply others for less. There is no couiparnain in their sane, has had the effect of bringing out The administration of the affairs those who would otherwise be. concealed wnrti '• of this great republic are as inv a ri ant as from publicview, or even from the knowl. the business of an individuil . was the safe ' edge of their neighbors. . - . ty and health of a family. There ore toil- Another Cause may be the more ready lions of fautille•i wan, Mier, .ii, and lives communication .between one section and :::li'A'inudeie.',„U,,s,,t,i,(''''N'lNl-t4,i1....,',?,1b:' another, and the more free intercourse p„„ ,,,, 1,44„q into w ar .- ;',;;,,,,.: maintained by constant traveling from adopt a policy which may seem... peo.pern one district to another, which gives us a ty or nifty involve us in commercial :nth. t l ii V e lnin t t i h e t u .re are so many faithless, retain more complete know-ledge of our neigh bors than we before possessed, and puts us afe Lave , cen i e. to these ese thouebts by in a position to learn many things of which two circumstances. • 'lle first is 3 iea,snr. we were before entirely ignorant. Proba• ance from the best authorities of Ile peisi bly we may also add to this thegreater • j ti g l ic. ' N ab ? b • t a ,, u o ',„7 l l l . c lr' enz ativei lien. publicity given by the pressto the many m i ller , and i n ,i'„7, - iiff ,..',. l e : n ,'l j i - , z . , ',Q., i , n , , m r , , e ., t 1" cases of insanity occurring in different sec- wa,hington. lii., sound iiinz eleat , hi, axons and the frequent reference to the sub • business experience and l'alinc -- and his ject drawn from the reports of the various ac q u atntanee with na i i ienal allure from inetiintiOnS for the insane in the country. Lis tt co m r r a n?, f i}lll7- of Cava v gj n a 6 Linn e s f':l [Lis as w h e i l; To these causes for the apparent increase deserved position.. No tuna can le?,ter re. may be added the great immigration from present his cells:tiff:eery, and to ail the foreign countries, bringing so many to new great questions of the day he will 14' tree beep him ' and untried scenes, with all the trials, ills- ti is the appointments, losses anti consequent de- K fi ep him therigi r man in the r: A secon d can ad era a an :, .1„.., as .„., ~,.. pressions incident to breaking up all home about to elect a 5u , ..t...-tor , ,' out , who 1,,,. scenes and modes of life and labor, and the for , ix years tei'rehre , - , : ,, i l'.nif-y ~ - 3 1- 1 i. ,, d theta unfit:dun ; fo ff• f , ,,... , i.iii r struggle in a new country among strangers :_s Ti ts of the Country we - iiiiiiiito ''' lli ,' lt ' e. kr, and new customs, and the' difficulties ne. and it would be nUi'mor e than •a i-iffiplf l ', ;al cessarily attendant on establishing a home lof justice to a fai th ful pui , li t i , sue3r. , ivi,,, or securing a liVelihood. ~ has stood by the right, thratiel. e.i..! :fed I evil report t h a n ; * 0 Ce.. II- t isms " ' I It is exceedingly difficult to arrive at a I hero, Ti, .4 . I ' ... ' , i• " r • oeoutitlii Stii.vcnii. . o him it tan definite statement of the number of insane ivellbe sai , J, "go up higher." . in any community, from the great unwil lingness of many persons to give any infer. mation in regard to relatives arid friends, and all the statements given can only be looked upon as approximations to the truth. : Large towns and'cities seem to have a ceretripetal influence in accommodating cases of insanity as well as of increasing the causes. Many questions of interest connected with this subject we; may consider at an other time, but we will now only give what may be looked upon as a reasonable method of ascertaining the number of In• sane in Pennsylvania. Taking the popu lation at three million's, (and it will rath er exceed thanfall below that,) we may estimate that one out of every eight lan. dred of that population will become insane in the course of any given year. Add to these the number of those who became in sane in former years, and whoa were not and it will be feared that the number now in the State will much exceed what those who have given little attention to the matter, would imagine. We hope to be able to return. to this in vestigation at.artother time. M. D. EDITORIAL OLEADINGA Goy. cIIAPO, of 3fichigan, is dangerous ly ilk DETROIT now rejoices in' the posses sion of a complete fire alarm telegraph. A cost.utrrnn has been appointed by the Cincinnati Councils to select suitable sites for the establishment of free public bath places. ..Tnn Uremia National Monument Asso ciation at Springfield, 'lllinois, has memo rialized that state for an appropriation anti charter. - DURING the past quarter there were , i,408 arrests made in Chicago by the po lice, and 431,40 worth of stolen property recovered. MODELS of all the gctures, instruments, hospital beds and tents, artificial limbs, Sc., used in Prussia during the late war, are to be placed on exhibition at the Paris Fair. CENCI:MAT' Councils have under con sideration the establishment of a Central Union Depot, where all ;slimed lines may concentrate and make s. commercial centre of one part of the city. To-monnoiv, January Sth, will bo the anniversary of the battle of New Orleans. The Democracy of Washington, D. C, are to celebrate the event by a grand banquet, at which Frank Blair, Sr., will preside. DIE Chicago Board of Trade passed *esolution last week to adopt the cental method of buying And selling grain 'After 3t arcir lat. It is probable that the old nienanre of bushels will be entirely ahem. doned, by th e first of In the grain markets of the country. William Imam, tit Liberty county, Ga., has made good Progreaa th t , ma culture. After ea v e rala eueemf Ittt,rag fe March, fialo, be became theiommemo r of Arty caurfahing Young Plant,. T aat out In a loose toady 1011, in Co )c a reeret apart, they grew no for Loci ou tLe first leaves were nickel, and from that tim e to the pre.. eat the im ylelu h been from /Ivo Yeaxly. —The purchase of Lower C alif/aim-am t .' w been formally confirmed by the J oo , o . no ernment and th e Ulla Is settled beyouu U T. wunable doubt. /Us the largest purchas e - 7 private persons In modern Unto.. t 41Xle square tulles, extending from Imo t o ocean, bemoan the Parallels or 114 flkfrees and 100 Infante' sus4 at degrees of north Austad., _ • X NAT 30 1., 13.. "Sr , 1..t.1.1/ AND ,II.VEI: WATLIII.-.1 Zr Ladles a (r.entl; . . , IIA o SO A \II OI:Alf.11... COE'S DYSPEPSIA CURE i.J , .. pre- , W1.Y.,,,0 I eTIN in a•rfalatr l .... l ngs;, I), lo ...Nt, , 11.Vr , (1'1,1,.•, Dared 1., Or hriVnot .r .. lh, h , • , • , ..,,,,,, ; 1 I ,ll.‘ ER )11 1 1,(1:14 VA , EN. 1.111Nr.: 1-/41 1 1. Coital) 11). , (..(n 11r r r 1_‘..... r ; r,r, .1 , /.• 11,1 I• v ,,,,, t ~ ••• ~ 1, t lANI. V ALII ICLEN. A... gr., nant.isdt.,••: •.:11.•• DI k/ft!, . A . ((pa( 1..1 to. -011, otrt. g.r .1 •.. , 0r•yi 1./ • , ,r1..1 ~ ir, .rt. wt. tr.,: i- ll 1 .J.•••', i —, Irotee Mr plttll of .1,, , llrrcs, rr 1 , • •re:11.3.• ' (~.: i, (rt. 1•4 , ,,,, a: 1 , ~,...: air.rtel i , ;rr. • JOHN NIITSCH.... been ro . pined • , Cr , 1 , • ~,,,/, , 111 ., a, (st, ~ S,l , 1 1 :', ..mtli(11 a ..l. ' S. 112 Yeneral St.. Allegheny.: . . ....- h01eram..rh05..1.k......ty 1.1 / 11.-..ra. •).,.. It. f , 1,.. .1., itA l•yalg... I •rtnt - lb! . r.A VO3 ~ ,,,,i trY 'w.• , ",.-.''' ..”,"''' '`, e .'" " '''... ' " ''' prrrstit UGH PAPER MAST- . n,Ver ..rg. Ihe ..., , h, .f we f•h fh iw. o ... . , 1., . [...,:. 1..., , ,..1 .. t... • f ...D.t.,...,... own knowl•-•:,:e of 1t5, .... , ,,,.., I 4 ,.....r,, rii,,,,... '...,...,, ..n ....t.t. ' YA.CT C lil hi., ~Vif.VAN V. Manufa , twrtri of i w' of •1:wt.01+.2., (-Tr, Ult.!), ta.r r, • , r,1,11... 1 ....- I . • ' S "'CU L E" A E"'"LE".L- Printing and Wrapping - Papers. and the brutCClal rt..", rrt 6,1.14 r.. , .:1•: ..,. r':, ; ~, -. ,-; _ . , argcally. pert.:•ttnt`, nr,.. T , ats t:. .I . :tt.t ..,.. t -• i . • (11111), "":''c.V.7.';•?''l'r''''.' :! .C:;" ' :•7 ' ‘7.-': ‘ ' ' ' ' '' ' '.. la OLIDAY GOODS; 2 ii - r-.'"': , ` l ;i l ":.-! r, T;Pri.II4III-17;N rA. , ...Item, It tr•tantaw•h..• and ........, . •,. i. .:•., . 1 OFTICE AND WAllg1101:3E. -we W:.i ,f , fe.• , .., ... ,Stt ,r- I. ~ , ii.i. 14.1VDS OF BRONZE, GILT, , • No. S 2 Third StreetOlitsburgb, Pa. Lust we •re 1hr , n ,1 ....-..1.,•• .... :,• , prrpara,innw - hten ....41.1 ~ ..,..:“...•1 7 , , ~..,,,.....,- ' , dear, Vas bon Oil Lamps and Chandeliers, f.) I TICIIRN-AI't,UNT lIAIITJT. r1 . ,• , 1,nt. 11 , Utor,l..t. ~. r,, ~..,7•• .4,, ~., . ! J h. , It. LI% iNt , , , W.N. trakurtr. llthoutch. .1.....LPH il-A3.llAti, 11, i( al •,. , i I hAMCIt.t. 4111).. K, Se rrtsry. Mantel Merl. a.".. f.. I /.7111111/ Tirionnino..S.X. ! Itertr , .7..-,,,,. lia.rll-.1 J.,11.. Atwo,il. N. IL I : Ilarta,.. .1..5 n LC I.lvlng ttou. Java M. I'mlna. A:, It A.:1.4 ♦wTEIP N .'Lf.),lr E CAR- iC. IL forrrhlt. GRAY EIA III ,IIALDNESQ. HAND- ji ,,, ISIL. •-,,,,,,, sJ ,, ~,J .l- , (nab Pallsl for Paper Stork. .. Eller. ANY I .l,CAbr 'Jr 7,1,-, ~, ~,,,. _.„• . IthSCOVERI CAS • All WI T)1 • : 1.••••el/ll‘ . JOHN ROSS & CO., . 1 . C. 91,... _ tlAll: COLtell:ltgetTOßEtt AND L.N.7,1,Nt .•• i I , VIIINT CLANS LOOKING GLASS -1, , ,,,20,, j (Sr.: I le!: Hale Ce:dr geshai-r” l No. 0 4. Dag:ay/Lot rOtx , ocet, JA- Lonoloo Hate 1'..".0r fr...thrrt- ; d.....V.,,dawT 117/,,, UM11i. PA- AND PICTURE FRAME MANUFACTORY. 11 1.(rnilern Illynclaus Flan Cohrr H. ott.,er• j - - "Lon.lon London Cse an..l ::: 1 ;: ' . ' i0 t V '.... ..:,,,.. i SKATES! SKATES!• I. _LYONS, London /lair rot, RA .h.r,r , ' I . , ••London - !Leto it. Lair Co:ur 1,41..,ttr'• 1 ' No. 110 '11 ( ood St Pittsburgh,. Itnever falls to Impart Itfe. growl L, and fl,,i the %ease." ear, I...tens/MI atop. Ito fadn,..ltt I. silt, to pro.dnee a r...wr ,trow.h of 1L.,. , a 0..., ,o 'row think and strong. t•nly 75 ctn, a r.u, , 1.1 the bad dux cg. gold by iIeCLA (MAN' tk Ye tNNA N, ...1 3(a krt. sten L 1,1. C . ,. A. KF:t.l.l 37 17e.el otr., •h/ JuS. ?Gnu..., 1114 31areet street .It.,htteel /CANE 'it DItLaTT, A leahecy. ac1).1),.5,-, - - - SEA SONIA ItLE SUGGESTIONS. r. In this climate. In a trstaglt nnateadT temp. rater, g , •: , 7 sir •*!:, ye:. Ala. and act. ear, heraTurnsly tv,:h that 1, n organ. tho liter. The Aitern•tion of frail 1,, d111• tett,. the Port, at the 1, “.11, I nTtPAIStAI • -1 • 1.4.101,1 11.1 A rt.!.11/ 111.416.'1i4e tt•.1;I1 Ftt • ily i" .s•tuter month.. The e 1..., • 71:110,A 111 rnrs ••• 4: • fethlr•t frith. 1W p,r, 1,4 to nit race. • in,/ •Ci , 1..1f1U11••/.1,1 I.y it. , • experlenec of a quart., oi • r.,turr. A. , tou. .121 e. El anti-41,1m. encdtrin., nu', a Pr r•ntl • P nd Pure Of •• ,er and •g•,lt tl ose. 'rot, 1,51,1 0, whlrli none, rho 1•114.• Ilit torv. or bral.h can alford to do sell boo I. THEBIIIi, sT IryA 'fll'S7l, 1 1 1 it, regret th.ll. '0.7 010 not I 4ke ...d01.., at ,fghtThona•tid• wow from the eatip taint, r rot/wain t •o•I r [hg thing hisiorc v.,. A 1'111,1.1 ,1 kat ,getable ion!, and ail, ratlr..l,l,oal, I. ern totartnacy—tlo-71,1T. it st 01031•• It Elt”—yr restore the digest,- organ, tb. , lr fun rigor. arid brine thr di.orderto ilrer Into gouda!, of beaolt, a, • 0J Ist Y v .• un artine dihalpaten the 'truing A g „ . at ~ove broken I/r t,y tbk rolsortnl ixonntledisen,, a. Str. mato, TTstem It the HIT tEItY, ith , ) Too t , tl . 1 .0 an which tor..tall thl: ltica.tncht .•- eon. NEW .ADVERTISEMENTS WM. BINGILAZ, Jr., Adams E.:press (Wire, 64 es . Vth &rest, is an authorised Agent to reoesso Adverttsements for the UA7.STI'E, ana all other paprrs throughout ..,(ha United Watss and the far% CELBIO R I NST9:64: - ; FOR BOYS AND OIELB, Witter licaiNut \Tin comm. nce. IVO:DAV. Jac, 7th. For Irliolarultlpe, apply at thr . In, mar Nodal.. NEVILLE HALL, c..tier of Liberty . Fourth strctits. CRURCR tIVILD.—The next •wertlow of tole do•lt•ty ton huid their Slooll3, corn, Liberty mutt cod Virclu aliev, titled fl oor, on Ttl/ltittAY EVEN 'NO, January oil, of Lupor.ance he brouglit up and all who foul an Inter,. In nor wort are cordially N utted to attend and Join Iha society. By order of the Firaidunt. . J, /I lituELltitY.Fecrentry • arTILE FOLLOWING ARE TUE nominallons of me Union Depot:llcm, or the 1001tuU(1H UY MAN ellteTh(l, for the Floc- Don on DUEoDAY, the n•hOsy otJanuary. Burgess—NlL X. Counctl—ll. T. Wilt TA. WM. ALAHAIMA v. Paolo! Directors—MANlA]. 311],N t Dux gjiy, years: 11. 11. 141.1111411 i, 0 yoga, het. A.D C:LAJI. A r—DAN U I,DNTIPTII.. .A.1111210t Assessors—WM. ME.ANA,A, 11. swpr Justice of the Peace—S. I]. 1110.011 . 40:4. sleatte of El. ctloss—lt. 15. WILL, Act•ro lospectbr—W. o]. Cowl. EAV.'s'l3,."%"°`o—tll7.:k.r.'!""lq• D RIED APPLES— 30 sucks bright Pried Apple. Iyarivadar.lierliisTrnoxia, eorn.r !dulcet Cud I=M2 • purr En-4 bldg. prime* HUH Butter lint r“etveel sod for ale by rzTZEII. S. tornor Xarket and ;Int .t rect.. NEW .ADVERTIBENENTS. JAMES T. BRADY & CO., (h , ...eesears CO S. Jonea B Co 4) Corner Fourth and Wood Sta., BANBIERS & BROKERS, I)Lais-36 1H .6 L1.131H.D5 01 Government Securities, Foreign Exchange, • Gold,Bilver and Coupons. CoLLECTIONB matte on all secenlcle solute in the United states and Canada. Interest allowed on Time Denosits. R EGULAR CALL OF STOCKS, Sc 11;E:it:IA:VS aid THURSDASS .t FRIDAY EVEN I NC:S. at S o'clock, atAILEY'S STOCK BOSBP, Ir tti, Board or Trade Room, thet Third National Bank FOR RENT, STOUR ROOM NO. COMARKET STREET: ROOMS SUITABLE FoRSINOLEGENTLEBMN SALTS ROOM. b EC011. 1 1) FLOUP.OI Rs MAR- LtTitrET: 1 1 E ZZ T A. 3 11 T8 . : PrF/C Es ON 1111 , 71) AN J 1 ), „: MA IL -. At •T Law, ON Ikracit curet. Al b T FOR TILE REST.—Rre wLII fllah"ZTrk li o n. VE Yak"). " "*- ST 'I lIh WAR rt e W e I .“111 1 T P l f! T 87kTES— St! lI'S • 111111 , 11. 4..oUsyN Am, •• Mr. ,tephens' oAno• . o, lent gooraOtoe II;at LIM hr 014 ,14.Ilemi ilzo:11 thi , tae way. .11 who desire the most r , in'4•• r , oophy wont ..hould molt Its Issue. NA hlo L ha:KIN.I.II. No. Su] • NOTlCE.—Public notice here- INF itiVrll that C. rtitlcate No. it, dated May rrd 'ltu r surd tn./011N Et.,„ obow th,r•clg, h. has tolAa A, ar , blent•by destroy. A. Any pera.•b giving information ho which said certificate eon he recovered, .111 be stallab'y 1.5• ri rdn..nte 1r ott.. e;Alle tot any ,one i•xct•pt to the uudtralgned Executor.. H. B. VtAic,Nr, 11. 1 Nl l a xecotors, eon Invent. dec'd. V ALICADLE DANK, INSURANCE AN D t,11111.1: TI.TE,IJAV VVF- Sanoarr VII. at 7t, o eloct, will ta fold at aeatal floor of Commercial aalcs Itoom, Ito; Smith field otre.d. tO abate: Rank rittalotrgh, i 0 t• urtka Iltartnea! Company; 10 •• I'll ti"torgh do in •• Wade, do •• do l• Irm Zl , l Contain., 400 •• Trawl: t • C0101m1.111,111 Co n dy: .1' ;;; ' t• rgtili rai Elevator Co.: IIU•• cattratk•ttug Park; •• t* [don .lo 3 • • kart kilt COM Compirly. McILWAINK. Attettotaer. j/li/CES REDUCED. lilankrlg' la F nnels, For hair ac Low Prices, by WHITE, ORR & CO., 'No. 16 F►(th Street.— _ ►EITES! SKATES! SUM rHAVE R E CEIVED MOST OF MY tTU(' aut: 0.. c rto Tra.Jc a •c:e.,[1.11 fr.. 5,000 PAIRS OF VARIOUS MAKES Before purchasing elsewhere, call and examine my Sock, as I can OFFER DEALERS SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS JAMES BOWN, No. 136 Wood Street MESE IROA WV SPICE MILLS, FIFTH STREET EXTENSION, .rear Pennhy/rattia PITTSBURGH, Pt. PURE SPICES AND MUSTARD, MEM *2. , c pAlt, %le le • GRO'NO , .O7O.IiIM. ar.•7 EYE 31."1'1t AN!. GI , VSI.O NI. I, , Ze t e " 1 1 .l.'7?l.rll"="oho,sl„lte_si til”no.; ”" C. MILLION SKATES FOR THE..trt I. Li/CORA/I ent:nnted In the AT - .1 414-I•Kli..¢Vllttri'iATr. 4 C ) 1:0 30 Z 41 7. 11 . 230 R.C0AL jnlnpntel4 Mita !greet. I.OISIIOP 11011V111.1% F.,it loUSfi LA fs ,04 4 +ICANT ott. P: , 1%— , 115 , or ;014 0 , 1:••o! TrLi n.Jr;:n,l+•n Ith n,Ltot. r 44 n• •47..,L, roil,. 31 to ,rrin 111. /Ida,. nal u.stnasl of ”1,10. p. L .1 (.:‘,TLII, , AUTION—IAINT-1)n t oof Coorattooorote, !In J la. J . b o. A . - lii l[.l , noF ~.tool9ll 17. moot also, ot too out,y ro tor •• Tho 1:01‘toe sob,!oaroos .1,1 tor °oat tua It at 11,,, H00t ... , or 11. IttA llt !CH /to. 10 11 nn •I. Jyto r 110U8/1 ANI) LOT 1,011 MILL. I 0 , toK.try'tll..o:te Or 1110,11 tree. tfirt.ontl w 0,4. vgkekt .tt routfortalti. /r•utt• oweillog 01 nix Ikkttn. •rul ' , with uf a' tut feet (0001 tr•clt olt ettrt, Cant, by •Il•Itt 117 fcrl kitck t' or Ike with half the It. , t , I.' P.m.]) Apply toJ. Boa. NO. ON .4. 1 ,01,17071. Alttilt , o7. or al No. 111 1 , 171. 7met:1%10110.'4, 10u. . ti:., , ./rlt• N. N7A.,ttN. Attorney AIL., . IltON SAFE Z'OIZ Ei42..M1 u ./0 , 1 FINE Iltuor :i/k F. Okla k 04r / UM Si t, boo,ht. by sp. . ' 0 st I I.N t fry nriCr, .141:4,11,1 I , r, No. I 10 LET, Third and:rourth:Siorles OFFICE BUILDINU. WAY. 11111 , 1 dOor briow Ilpnfl Airy,' Y. Apply 0 CMII BARB Si. 3108E11, ..a.i4cizzxmncrroa, Fit /ITT AMS.H.InTION itud CLAIR mlltElf.T, PIT] Milli ut.en.inn glyto t., the droigning and building ?(Coort and baulk blffidlugg.L . 1)IANOS: PIANOS I—An entire -.L. new stock or It NAIL N A. CO,'3 CIA NW, Nhlch este now tonkider..,l ledat made, also 11 At:. fa 1110 , s. GEL1:111:n3 Price from igg npward l'idgung In Wntit firdlt• IA" 1 . 1.0. . np..clfulty invitr.l 101.11 and fUtzline bal sr m° punch :1910g gift" hero Cll A siLorTic RL17316, 43 Fifth Street • VOQUCTS, C acc.-11Ve !MVP the !Ararat and beet mock of - IiVINTZIE FLit Weill NU PLANTS &bolt the city, Imo ire c' r a e lri: r aVl 'll;'Ort' itittruetthiligtTe'arlagfh,"g.nt abort notice. We can alan Pruitt, Floral reathi, Crosses, Mo. All orders promptly &Headed to, Ma reentinmem ••••• rear cutout.. JOhltr IL ,t A MURIA/CH. lATINDoir B ILIDES--41. new lot of I 12.17 and neaat.lnt I.llqta on Often, Tan, and par Urounda, UOM and Palato4 border.. a Ito. 1 , 0 Market lariat. dUO. R. filbiate ♦ BRO. MCI . i DISSOLUTION. i ._.l •, T HE rmin OF 11. A. JONES Sr.! CO.. 'was dl!eolved the .:I,t du, or December. 1,5 C, by mutual conseut, 31. A. . 1 t,!.. ES havIDK prlr. i I e,,,ed the Drug luterest of NV. 1.. JUNES to .41d. ' Imo. The be,leees of the Lee , et.lled at the old inset!, 196 Ll':els ete , : LS either of the rartlee• • 'M..I. JONES. W.S. L. JONES. The undelsigued, frt repring from the Arm ufll. A. JONES & CO., trould cheerfully recommend the new drat to the favorable notice of Ills friends. • ----- 8500 1:11E3W.,-1-5. 3I ly'oa'l 1./Drln. January ACCORDANCE TO A ICLSOLU. -.nos adopted hr l'onncile at their meeting or December lc, 1,, 1 hereby over $5OO RErr an n For the apprehensloh and comics on of the auth, or authors of the late Incendiary tin, In this city. Any ennaniunleation directed, u tter. ignen In Tete crier to sold urea. too[Will ne held style iy mandenttal. ler.re3 WItI • •I' .11eCARTIIY hiltYnr• CAU 'STIC SODA, Both American and English, FINE WHITE URANDN, For Oil Refining Purposes, % , 7A . Z s :T ., litrt and for gl:e iip.dLlyle. JAMES HERVEY DOBBS, 4.1:123 146 Pearl Street, N. Y. C; HEAT ATTRACTION! GREaT REDCTIO37 34 oC Co azl.'47. clb Cf 131' WOOD STREET, reptchil altryttlon to the. ENTILEMELV LOU PRICES Mai arc closing oot tioir stock of LADIES' FURS. FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS New Style Ottomans L.ree slfe, wi th Chintz Corers. ad. of remnants Of trot Wllton cud, The cheap:ft. moat durable and moat elegant artlela of • Pcti-lor SizrzLiturc. he ruun,l. 1 1 . 1 nufarturvtl sna .t..411..1y by our 1,. All on., styl,a of C0T2`C1 , 112.A.2V13 CaWore; Sc., McFARLAND S COLLNS, Nps. 71 and 73 Flfin Street, Nett 4,,,,'abnvel)lspstrirllltildmg, 1,4 i THE MATTER OF TUE EXTENSION OF SHINGISS STREET, City of Pittsburgh, ro,r,ons :ntarr•tc.: aro to t 4 that tea rep,rt of t. bt Co. Itzatutur •Intr.l t.! to. Court of i,,ar:er , a,lOll-. at Slarcy I o•a. tmati aple,“ 41 awl colt Elno./ , se- " • Ali prr. Ire• pay t rye xmo,nl.‘ ot 'LL dm!. %I . ,*At J. F. SL iGILE, City Solicitor, Nu. 1116 Fifth Street lIIPCIANS• COURT SALE?.-TL urder hy 11“ • . 314.oritYsty, Jun izary Ith, 1567, At :0 t.t . el tel., A. Nt.. at t, •it It:. Int a , irtt tttd et Org•nitt Itt ar4 I.f t ou that •.trtlt wrt.t ttotrort .1",• tre..u, .1./ 0,11,1 ,tt - t-t. t. pre.,7l, •Ittth. Ater, t.t•mt NJ I. In O n. It.A.tur tint' tr...,f ,114[4. •tzle., ;a ct,tttl Ittn,t.try brisk it: tt.” BALL—tA t I t.t — txa:t. ir.o.tvt :a At the ttr 0, I k.S A 1.1. A I. ktior::.l4 at 1.4 w rtrevt. FOR TIIE HOLIDAYS. • • FINE •T"CE..A.OArTED E9l, MC cal lc/. evY pro marital, Ur •LI. KIND'. 4j . 'WANTp) i - - TO CONTRACT FOR 7 TO 100,000 BUSHELS CHARCOAL, Ot.rin, 114 e rclrimg •vaiutt. I,‘ livery to mtne lit to ILtti A pill not. t. Apply toot . ii.hlrcri MOORHEAD & CO.. 99 Water street ICGS! DRUGS!! 1 1 1.1111:SIII JAMES T. SAMPLE • 1 1AVINU - 1101:NOT TIIP. WY.L.I.KNOWN DItUU lIOUNK oN (41:N tit OF KFZIPERAI. AND I:UItINSON ALLE4.III.Ir, IVIII top pp hand a full of all kloda of D.WILLTG.I3, Atpl 1.111 bo told clitapey Man toy othof ho.oc In the ow,) cltips. • I • te•rrualuno caret - 01y prTpared by afi las rst•cs 4r aV,ll. of I'ICRYUMMIV ao4 FANCY ost NUAIy 4440 F. tussmANN • 1111 It Street, bel green Tunnei d- Math ani blriele s GUNSMITH AND DEALER IN HARDWARE /lentela, goods 01 all dearriptlons aln!ays on band and sold at th e lowa./ pricas.Pai , ing don NEW PAPER* HANGINGS. - ! • der.. YOH CAlLLollB— trench De.lgnflovlth Opld Bor- YOH LILIIIARIEB—YorapnIan rattlyrbe on:Orange gro Dolt d IbALL.S—New Oreci rAtterns on Red Cloy Mu bd. It di and i Pattern. over ,I•rk ntlit. .n lo by gy.n IV. I'. kANHI LL, Wnott _ - MEM =MI By the 100 or 1,000 Bushels , paquire at I 004 . *IETU STREET • HAP NOW A LAMM STOCK. OF MI P K U .I!,;` Callas HULA, . t FIN no oculal attention ta lA* .upshotMiZ(6,ll CANDY. , • • kV and 01 Federal tireet, Allegheny, del!:p_10, CANDY' TOTE - CANDY TOTS 3,000 BOXES CA-NDY TOYS . On baud and for esla sit,..ral TERN Mt ICS, py • • W. P. IttINEER &SO., Candy and Toy lionefacturers,. Corner AlalO ood Liberty street, ' : I VERTISENE: ISHEPHARD'S&ICONS NATlnun, Al. J• ( DIRECTORS OF THIS RANI; T Ss% e dcslared .3. dividend of SIX V) PEE CENT. un I our of the protlt, of [l, I,et .1 t {`a . +Weoe»d 31orliv.J.,.nuatT J. .. DAVIDSON'. rubs, =FM 317 Liberty Street, MEM • Inoccortion ,, tith the provisions of the act of :be lieneval Atosetobly of the Commonwealth of Penn- BylvonI• Inrorporathrint the City of hone and Of the several sopplen.e.i thereto. 1. J , tli ♦ Mt)W. 'MON. Alayor of slid City, to Issue MI, my torOotton, toot on the I B e i r ,, the day Of ter month , tla, freemen oftnid IIt!, quailfied to rote for members of the House of inpreientatlres of the Commonniesis, , 1111111. Will Elf et at the teveritLplipiiii of hotili, elections In their reqprctlve 'Tonto suit precincie and elert One person to serve as Ma or ofuld ci • The ettitens House First ward Ine r t.n, the Public debool on nebecoa and el. ct on ier.aon to serve as member of Use ',elect 4'ouno. ell ;e four persons to be member* of Common Conn ell; two person, to be School Directors, nut one Person to be Alderman. 'the eltrreng of the Second wart , tent-meet at the l'ubllc School House ou the North Common, sod clect one portal to serve at member of the retool ouncil; four portent to he members of the C0111..11 Com:tell: two Alderman be School Director, and one person to be The eltlrene of the First Preelnrt of tile Third oarwill meet at the public Schou, House •sol elect one person to se r, c•s lambs r of the Select Coots ell: fossr pereony to is, member, of the Common Connell: two (croons to to. School Director, The est!, as of the , Second l'recinet of the Third ws• 01 will von. at the house of Cavort, (stns. Eest, ots Eat I.nn-, and In egoists:salon with the eltetors of the Ftrst Precinct of wald ward. elect one person to sere. as member of the Select Council: tic !to sions to be members ...then Council. and too pens.. to los School Directoonsmo rs. The estlrens of thu.Flrest Irocinet of the Fourth wan! sail meet at the I . o . nattala Login,. 'louse cor liel of I.acock and Anderson streets, and elect one Peravo aern r as member of the seek, Council: feur porno. to be members of the Common Couurts; la w to oAlderm a,-406 10n. be.tellool rt.c tort., and one per son be The citizens of the Second Preeint of the Fourth ward will meet at the !souse of 3lr .1. he 011 Chestnut •Sreet awl In conjunction with the eleetora of the Is !Ist Precinct of rats! word, elect 01/1' person to -erre as a member of the Connell; fustrper lona to betoe misers tee the Con.on Connell: two tserPm• to ho school leisectors. undo ne Dorton to he Alderman.' en under my hand and the sell otral .. I d city. tbi tv , ,uty-olntb day of Dtecmber, A..os, HILLERNAN'S HIT BD FOR EMPORIIII, TS FILLED FROM . CELLAR TO loft with a lelCli ACCOIthIENT 01 00000, which la offered at - • 1;731111.VIr XaC:03717 PL..A.Mq3ED. lIMIM S..asciios•aad CVozit•s P" TT Et ,Wr 9 CARRIAGE !LOBES; Alt:Jou/al prepured wl tIl • full ❑ne or HATS AND CAPS, WHOLL'IALL AND RETAIL,. II I _1_,L1AE11.:31.4. BEAUTIFUL PRESENTS II 0 Li _,631.-W" MI No. 21. Wood Street A CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF CHINA ANL , inIIIEMIAN VA:3Y , of con Aad rarr .:trq,us elylr.. A Lite lot of PASTAN STATUETTES, LA VA IVAIM, DECOR &TX') Te.A. TUILET, ISUISAKFAILT A.ND DINNER. Art' Al, of wt.:C:lle oleted rquocable rate, 131 0 'fir 331:r1r 11,017.1 R. HOLIDAY GIFTS UNTIL VOI: DATE EN AMENED THE prOCK China & Bohemian Fancy Goods, !Ulf bAt.6 BY RICHARD E. BREED, INo• 100 Wood Street PITTSBURGH GAS Sit INV CO., Fourth St. 03+'FIO3I JAMES I. BENNET, President, ROBERT FINNEY, Vice President. ARTHUR IV. BELL, Sec'y & Treas'r. JAB, I. lIENN Err. W. W. PATRICKIb 111 T. . rtr st:v, IJ. 31.1). cUtms,,,!.; JULLN W. C/lAI. , ANT J . Llllil.E.l, `1 MILK. a 013.1 0, CrI.LEL X. SU TII. Y-N.0,[..111. y, irrcti.t.i{. BARR. }MAKE & BIIETTLER, bacceasora to WA.IIICLIN/i N 0.12 St.einir Street, Pittsburgh DULIIItS IN -01. go allS, And Muelul Goole morally 47 . 9010 Agrota for the ('aleh•ated lIR.ADLIURY New York. and KIIUIACILEII-a Plillsdel 1.11.N,t1. ADo. EsTET a co. , s -COTTAOH." •n , l b. D. D. W. bMITIPS "AMERICAN" UItOA.S. Ind TILIDN . 6 PATINT UUITAIt. . • • •. The beet Italian and (Irma° • Violin and Guitar titrhips alwayii on nann. n0ri07.5 (411E:AT REVOLUTION IN THE Yr INC TRADE (11 Tlitt UNITED STATED. —ruitx CALIFORNIA I•ll)tmtiAtnski, n Dad prepared ae If done In ?ranee. Poin pure•Calfur• nit try lite, and taking lb,. place of Innfinft , 4 ennta- P 7re t ;ndertlgoeil ...unlit rail the attention or Wine .Dealera and bowl liteprro followlnir I tter i which Inty e a correct Idea of the quality °Abell. Witlol “CONTittaNTAL Itnezt.. ) rilltathet.l . llla, Oct. risen: 1.,6. •• Atzsenn. tioubmiz et Co.—Gentlemen: flaying lakeer Ithenta - Chaato a gab a thorough teat, rwle" "elea'ettre saying that we th klt the beat Avert an Wine we bareever used: we shall at pate place It on our WHO( how.. ours trill Fandour Calltria k era, Vsl ' otAt l e. 3V070 tryßOUOLtult UO-. 30 111 . 01111 JUN ISELE bL CO., • Anchor Cotton Mills, Pittsburgh, Manufacturers of ANcrton (A) PIIIIEETINGN, ANCHOR NIIEETINGS, And BATT' AS(711011(C) lIEETINGN, ING. WM:I2O WORGE HEAVEN; CANDY MANUFACTURER 1124 dealer In YOUEION AND A3fEILICAN FRUITS, PICKLES, NUTS,, Ac., Etc.. No. 112 Federal Street EiBE d doar from the First Nations' Utak, . ..• ALLE( rar cury.FLovnALND w•xamta:l wrcortan, S. C. NoMASTER & CO. No. ISA Ohio St.. Allegheny. Wholesale and natant) I to 3 ralls C ;111 - DAYS=S1 db . ": 612-V.V. CRACKERS 31 A 7 itrACTURED AT PITTSBUR GH, PA, 110CLAiIAT CITY Or.A.LLEu tit .1". Fecood Targlay of Jaunty, A. D, 15,.; •JOIirN i _3IOR . ItISON CIE I= No. 75 Wood Street EIZEM JUST OPENED AT lIE-I3Y'S, H. 111GBA OFFICE, J 401-1 - GI-11,ACir, • • lIIJUNL AND BRE% 'PAINTER, RIMER AND GLAZIER, No. 64 Hand St., Pittsburgh. • Mohr and Oramental Elea, or °vox deter= done to order. All Work done Prd.P' 7 neinead able raer. ------ 81-7a—raiikOWN/ • o'u' S j;i. x. x Carver ef Third and Street. j( . LLIISEED OIL received na tuna:. b LEOROE A. KELLY • CO. tem..lswelsta 117 Vamml atnaL agn i el e .b l T UP MISTIC received cot mei:UV a i",a c i l W co. 0 CASK: MADDER, Dlltch,reT:sl4 end dsl forrw w. mAx.jtvvorc4B,lo.. NOTICES \OTlCE.—Pursuant to a resolu thin of Ilir Council of the Borough or efalarbes lbr, adopted December riltb. BLECTIDN will be held al the beHIJOL 11011nE , corner of Chan!, and CbeKtunt strenti. In an. Boron.. on TUE:trier, January nth, so tbat the Litt tens may deeble by th eir tut. trliethet or nor the Bor ough shall be annexed to tbc City dr Allgh.T. By clVer oi _ MEI I==_3=CE LIT: ICU Or TUC 1 . 201,r4' IN - 51; ItAIYCS Co.. rn - r-nul Lai. 'January 4th. /667. THE A %NUM., .ECJECTION FOR .1. TWELVE DIE - CTOE, ST 11.15 Cl.dapaar Sr held at the oalet of the Conaaaty. ua aII OI NDAY. Nth dad. of Jaql , t7. 157 . hetereca the hoarse of 10 W.ll. F. GARD 4'Eft. DIVIDEND. • - • The Hoar, or iiireetora of the RUH d. ALLEGHENY 111:11././ ECO3IP.S.h: Y. (ttsnd stre , q have till day declared • alvh end of 1:113$T YEll Y „NT, .• . oh Fo Dallars payabletrtot of the profits of the fa, eta mouth:. forthwith. F. S. ithslit.L.. Treaattrer. 31,11ANICE NiiIOSCAL BaNK, Prr,int, OCR. January 2it, 1307.1 A .DIVIDEIVi) OF I= Frreof Gererninent Tar. Will be paid 4m aad aft Tl7l:aliel. the eta la,. "• • • M=IMMfM =EIS .LIONENY IsatinaNci COI.I•XNX, l i, r , nyarar2d, AC:. f ' ELECTION.--An Election for Twelve Directotaof this Company, to. .else for 110 ensuing roar. will no bid the ofnee. iNo. Al •MR street, Plusburgb,• on MONDAY, Jan uary lain% betwilearthe,lmers of 10 A. and 2 . C. C. DONNEL, 112:112 Secretary. NATIONAL_Ita / Pror./11[/• DIRECTORS f mE HOARD OF OF iLlf Bank have declare/1• dividend of _ . FIVE PEE. CENT. On the Caidtal Noel, ant th e ' o yr dt. t" 1 to j ' pay , ableforthwlth.fteeofti o o r trersl , 11. W. kIACKEi. . Calthle .1111th t,at, . M ‘Nl . l.lCerhilt, Nat • i. rt. NI / 1. 111,ht1td.31 Janul THE HOARD OF DIRECTOR S OF this Bank huve declared • dividend of . SIX I'Elt CENT. Ottlsr Capital Stock cut of the prod. Of the lan .10mouth, payable forthwith, free of Vulted . tes Government Tan. .14itir7 JOHN SCOTT. go., Cashier. NOTICE.—TILE ANNUAL ELEC .+, 'DON of °Mere of the PUIILIC CATHOLIC LIBRARY AND READINU liGult, will be held at tlfr • I brary. on 7 CEOCA...Y EVENING, January le, Is - 7. Reports of the retiring °Meer. w Ibe p re e lon the ...Alan. Members of the Library sadother. Interested in Its success ars Invited to attend the en eettna• hi o rcaej of the /1.: F. Secretary. STATEMENT T OF THE CONDI - PITTLIBUZUII BA'NE FOE r , alit. 1566: .pABILITIES. DITION OP TEi PeceLotil Capital Mock Due Dep. '. Cuuttn.ent Fund • ~, ASSETS. i❑lr,?;lz„if.g.trt v.-4..-: toCke Flxtures.....i ~, re . 0 i. 1,11, Cana 10,/1.0 f/i-5=,61.7 IS „ 1.3. E. Alai INLET, Treasurer. The noricrvigne , Auditing Committee, respect fully retort that hey hare examined the Books and As., "111, liana and And the above state ilent ;Ole Correct. JOIE (CO??. Cr. FOLLANSBEE. jatir..l I ROBERT C. SCHMERTZ, IMI NEI eat it Slot ALl . ..runt:yr VsLnylL It. Co.. .I.toia.ri 111. ma. OTICE TO-HOLDERS OF FIRST 1101ITGAIIE 011 THE AHLEUHENY VALLEY HAlltlit/AL COMPA-liY.—Tne Alleghe ny V.l.ler 11.allrooJ Corapany licreby glen uotlea that they 0111 re , lerin the The newt Ylortgaso Bonds of the Co. IVISLin two years from this date. In accord., 'sew) tie Ororlslons of the mortgage given to se erre ltet pa• tnt•at of laid bona.. 1;y artier Of O. Board or 3L )al: rib WILLIAM PHILLIPS: Prefildrut RECnIMIM: HMI:LA . /OR, OrTICL. Prr , itt.T.taf. Dec. , VAtt. 1.3. I AssEssmEsT NoTurE,,I; NOTICE IS ILEITEBT GIVEN • • That theastestment for the tinkling, l'aslnK.d I:ttrtnitg of . Gira.4l.l7L.Mra. SWIRL'ZI3Erry From ',gin to Fultnnstyeets. hare.been 'made, and ran be sena at IL le otnneantll Januarytith, Inn:, after T'mien time they wlll torned{over to the City reaserer for col/actin. ' CLIAILLES CEICLISCFAItIe, itecordtax Ccenlator. 12EME OFFICE OF THE WOOLDRIDGE LIM DEFINING CO., No. 2 DINUC3I.Ii Way, near comfeesion THE ANNEA ti - r ; übruoli, December 2411, IW. L alaETL•ti ve . otreli 1101.0RIDI of tills Company, for the Election ef Dire. lore, will be held at this ollice on Tlika- DAY, January etb, Dui:, o'cloca P. it. ate.i.NnE. M. LONG, • becretarTJ CM FIRST NATIONAL BANK elertillUAllll.—Tne Annual Zito/Jon for Di rectors of tne P /Itne NATIONAL /it ' ALNX will take place on TUE'/DAY. Janus/7 SPA.' le; at the Pm,. between /1 o'clock A. M., and.; o'clock r. it. J. D. nCI.7LLT. Culler. UntinAN NATION•L TlTrahrutiu. December rith, 1565. A N ELECTION FOR NINE DL. IiECTUIIb, to acre for the ensuing Tee:, Will be held at the It ANSI NU DOUSE, on TUESDAY. January" 6th, Issi", between the bonnet ID A. SI. mid RaiDLY. Cutler._ Tux ertIOND NATIONAL BANS Or ALLACIIENT, December rib, 1510. THE 'ANNUAL ELECTION FOR Dlreclers or Dili Iltank wilt be bent on • TUEsDAY. JANUARY Nth, Itetween the holm of II a. tr., and 2r. ad, at the mak: nir !louse. r J. re. DAT,IDSON, de tripiT Cashier. Peoria:a NOTIONAL Bartz. rtrr6oltoolt, Idenenthen Bth, 1568, 17.LiecTioN NOTICE.—An Elet. ttom for nevem Director, of this Bank, to serre tor theleatattlne year, arid be held at the Beak, do TUEnI),, Jaattaby nth, 14?, between the boui. of ILA: at. anti Ow. t esit•toti r. 3.1. GORDON, Cashier. Dior( City IN ATV:AL HANK Or Pi rn.neau. Dec. THE ANNEAL ELECTION FOR ithltlttiTt/hp UT !THIS BANN. with be held on T1211.131/AT, JAl:teary thh. 1567, between the booth of 1 and 3 o'clock. T. N., at the Banking /louse. • deleip3tlnT '31A001113:, Excuanoz NATtONAI, 8A.371 or PlTTenvaint. Prruntholt. PA., Der... 8, UAL I TIRE ANNUAL*LEeI'ION OF DI -, /LECTORS . ..iII tats Tithe at the BA.3lB.thiG ilt/bdP.. on I'I7ESDAY. Jennthl etL. 1561 . betlthent the hours of MAT,. /2. N. and MVO P. It. ..116:p3.1:41w'r 'II. 31. 111.111/tAr. Cutter. Finsit.;rit.n t 11.ths OT ASKKKKSPIT,r An PA., Dec. 8121, *866. .TRE ANNUAL ELECTION 'FOB DtaKerous o r thlt Bank, will tithe place at the BANAL \,:. ilOtieb. on TUESDAY, athmary 6th. bet, boils een the hours of 11A. N. nodd P. S. dolltpw__ JUAN P. ILILAWEIt. Cashier.. A' 11.1111.1' NATIONA.t. RANK. Prrrfibucalr.. December Rh. ts. 6. • THE ANNUAL ELECTION OF DI- ItECTOPE et thin Bask, will take place at. the Ilanklng Douse. Oil TUESDAY, January 6th, Da. lA.twt,n the 140121,....111 A. a. bud:P.ll. .11.11:p11 R. W. MACKEY, Caahler. U.Slov \.AiIQNSL U, gil. x &e. AN EtEcTioN FOR NINE DI. ItECTultn. Lo terTe Ibt the enstilng Tear. will be held et Lie BANKING' 410UnE, on TUESDAY, Janutt7 Bth, 13t7, between ttioliours 0811 A. M. and r. u. delO:pl2 'II. S. SMITH. 'Cashier. AND MANI:FMII7I:E. QAT. ItAxx7r DSc.. Stlk, loe4. 'HE ANNUAL ELECTION FOR DIRECTORS of Dal, Bonk will lakei place at the DANKIAU /1 0 1loE, on TUESDAY. January the bib. MT. between toe boor. of 11 A. or. and:P. X. dosozo7 JOHN SCUTF, Jo., Cashier. T/In”./ NAiIUYAL H A\[, 1.17.11q11.1111/4 / r lllll l l loll,bib. I'LECTION NOTI 111 oE.—Tbe Arum al Election for NINE DIRECTOUS tor We hell at ler"lrnneiria''W;VSU'itViln'"fii 7114 be r . I colicrY.lsC, between th e hours of e ll ' A. al. and &loin* Jouv ~B,.e.taNsAT •INGE7AoN,s....akr. Mztiili 8.00 THE ANN AL ELECTION FOR DIRECTORS Or This B 'BK. "nil be held at the BANKING HoUSE, on TUESDAY. JOOOOO, bib. 1567, between the boors of II a. Y. and t o'clock JNO. b. MARTIN', des:tat , Cutler. PATEBS - I(Laia 'or: he Arm of /180 1 e 2 f 2 M 01130.6 110 UNn AND AIGN PAINTE I=1;E! WANTS WANTED-100. 1.000. lO,OnO Nn r q• GA , • T 01: ante!. W ALNTE lL — firatittates of LLler. ray • P , tzscla.tly bcclAne, Apply with referta.e. :sari Law o.tet 091M1 .4-xA GENTS WANTELI—Tn ne.s. r cuAxcp:rEr.- Wort Af• an l d National Impol tan,. T. ' - y Navy yet In the nel4. Ir.. Press. FANI-Doil. IC. A NUE'll.b, by Hon. J E tlngulAbe4 Author and U. souse volorae. Illustrate J. I • and territory. ALLlrecs . A. L. de134.0 Lis Market !-IrAy7., t E KI T S I ff ;T I M ) ! DY I 11 sell their .fiEW .11'1.. kr tisane paper to heavy Hearer e:ctlt.or a On., ont change of feed, needle or tenalon Rreasure fuot and ;lowly de , lgned tour motioned UNDI)I7..D. Address. encloctng slmC/P. ael., J.C. [CALL R CO., GS Fifth .Itr 10-em. dell- I 4. --- AGENTS WANTED TO SELL • THE CHILIOIEN'd AL/1 EM; - -. . . P/Cii.: ILES AN 7/ *rill. /Julcom 014,1 by - The Boo* contains a SterT7'nri rat t more than one hundred plclur.•., printed and bound, and -nu.) tl• •' Oren. Address W. .1. 111ILLANI, 'n 'delinawir No. In Thal , WANTED - - K . 41 T v }FEMALE-1n every Losor '7l"l4A]qlthlTn flat TY: Eith • er by thti•onth month or on comnlb.:oo. ere' rates c owed.a /or full par:lcK:Ar3 , li2,, perm:, or ldrebt. 1:11, 43 Fifth fit, t, BUSINESS CHANGES DISSOLUTION, Z.: LA, ZEAIt win dIF-015...1 the nf, MI, by mutual ron,ent, h. P. nt, Itrk I: :1V TUE FIRM or purchased the Intern I .1. It. LAZ;P - .11: In firm. The ..Ine an ot lb. rat nil I, ~ , ttvo at old Iliad of n..k 1.., it; S. I'. nif PlPlllltUnnin. list. NO TICE......Co.PAILNEITSIII rllte un deralalted bare thlts day erat-,tl tato co-par.., ahlo for the purpose of cOudnetlue Whoi-Nalt. Lirrteez7. ,and Cora tol,,tott a: Nos. 111 lad 29 9toltheteltl • under 19.. and at,. 0[91111M:11 erk:NcEn 24 t.- Arm the l plea-ed t 6 141 tttl,. 0,1 o , t. usersjof the late arm era. 1.., •vett a, at: oth,- makthr punt... of goods In Our SA WI. I'. 9,, %V. SPE t 1,9, J. M. LIOYFait tr. J.. ..sty Ist, • The nncltralgnt.l. in rttirinx frc'En •* • m Mire/. .1 Lamar wonnl tbetrtulty ;etc - Ja n 7:n. Cl • OW . llno to th e t favorable moil, nt1.1.. frit JAM En 11. LAZE Mt; THE CO-PARTNERSHIP HERE— AWOKE ex131.11:4 between , übwribur, un der the Cr= uf TACK, IlltOTHEI:b CO.. t• day dl.-.}Yea by mutual cut . v.. • 1,001 r 3,a1 =al A. 11. T %CU. PhlL , lelphia. Dec. T(11.1.,L The underslnned linet. Ude .lay formed a ro.putt. nerehip under the Urtunarur of TA. .1( style of Ern, of rlttrournh-lroo, ttv heretofore, TACK, PHU. A CU. A. 11. TAIK. T. 1:. Philadelphia, January let. I D ALRTIVERSIIIPNOTICE—JAMES LUSTY has le:rel. to: JOHN HALL, la the ar i a h of JOH ha HAL at L .0 CO. The muse soil style of the Arm will he Jotiii. HALL A 90.. as heretofore. /AYES M. ClllniSrr "mou...t J. STrrilEM.ool..s ......... . R P .. W . s. VALLEY FOIL E • LO WORKS. 191 and I=3 Liberty Street. Pittsburg!, JOHN HALL a CO.. Manufacturer: of allvarlotiot of Nor:horn sad Bunt/ern PLOW:, ON l+,\ eLlt.ll: HAS•lte.ii ES, CULTLVATOIuI .5./.. sn.l sloes in )11.1tI,ULTUILAL /AMY:SI:NTS of scrip:loss. :I • lrreSt/nOli, Der. 1. ICJ DISSOLUTION THE PAIIITNERSLIIP ncur.To. FORE exHUng-betwter. DELANIi I. And 70, CHESNUT. under toe sin e of 1 0 ..ANE A NUT. was diels...l 1.3 . hauttal t...,. The ofJarluary. e 1 The ~u-Int., ..••.•eut on 1, old etsod, 233 Liberty street, by tt t 4 6r vitt, iste putnent. CO - PARTNERSUIP.,-LOGAS; bEEUIi have tlil. .117 adm , t. , l" ahlp YARE,44,,ErII E. .10111 , ;:,*; An.l krEUX.:E wilt coati .tylr. of GP.F.(;(; tn. • The Importation and eeneral 'aid of 1. ~-d.. sm.. du lers le., at 90. Wood street rit,burghlta. JaNtmny let. IK MERCHANT TAILOR S HOLIDAY BALE. We are nevi ntr,lngduring the Hon lay-, :!prelal • dtsectoents to theoe Wishing to plsrs:lsar,, 801 9, =1 cm Jr Ex. 3 SUITS 4LITD OVERCOATS, Call and ex ate at - 7 SI. Ciair Street, GRAY .1, LOGAN 'EMMY G. HALE, MERCHANT T.AILOP., Northwest Corner of Penn St. Clair Ste . _ ca b man Desins thanks to tds friends and the put, lef e past favors. and resPeculdiv ti..• share . of Melt Rn, paten...Pe. He Peel pleseeal to have them examine hls Large and faretully Selected Stack • OF Fine Woolen G-oods Particularly &Gay tc tcl _ _ MMUS WM FOR FIJI ANA 113EE2, Bell des BROADWAY EXCIUNGE • RESTAURANT, 101 COMB 11FIR SIS, 10 1 Ladies' Diniig Rooms 2d story. .• FRESH CAN OYSTERS AYI. , GAME ut tll hi als • a hand. +la:p.:6 G. fie'!iiSRITI . : Ii,ER• I•rcprletn STEP_JIIEN M. OTT, BiY=Ay -- • Die Sinker, Seal and Medal EngraTer, mat, BLIND DT MIL LITTER CUITEL SUPERIOR SEAL PRESSES, Cancelling Stamps and Vls!tind; Ca We, Also, FLATLY FOE ..11A1INNO CLOTHING. 93 Wood St., Cor. Diamond Al:ey, I. •.CIVS. DAVIS' noox Noon.) I'l r, BELTIMA 1 LEATHER AND CUM BELTING Also, GUM HOME PACKING. GASKETS, .1, Or the beet quality ana pritel. V. I =lM=fil.fl 503. :6 AAB 28 ST. GLAIR STREET: !=iIEM Va ST roxi WORN a. Ziorthwest Comer Common. AL/sour:lr. FILED•K ALI VATED a Cu. Faye on hand or prepare on:ahort ;:oirm HEANITT •ND ETV' NTON.a: - N, MIN BILL-WALlill. BREWERY - HEAD AND TOSIII STU Up, 10.• BON A airor era promptly .ex mote, Yatt . r, L 1 9E800:MAILER rc SON, Pittsburgh White Lead Work?. - PURE WHITE LEAD, t BLUE LEAD GROUND MOIL. YOU U OU. BARBELS. No. 07 retauttelitreet, Up stab.. REMOVAL. — THE L. Elj NI 7D base removed the bMeebt the 1101' E. Olt, WODJLbfrom33SLUket.reet Plc, burgh, to tht t• Works ea CAILION bTftLZU Droer.bteu, el, I, they can ...after be feettd, reetelbeeAddieuS3b t rlttaboreb. ee.2 te v a „LT.. ..... E 'I ONEY LOAN OFFICE, NO. 131 `T h dYfSLD ST .SKT, corner of C:xtO, Pfttatecr Slane, GO.ted on Sliver Platt's Guns, Pia Diamonds, Jewelry., Gold one 010:11ng, and cal:table articles ateVe r . C.,! • r tc .. lrc *• Th e food. cannot be delivered velt..,` ou ' ,.. ' a r V - . 1.° • Not accountable 113 cue of Cre or ro,cry. .***' Goals of craw desc.rlntlun for t 1 ..... ..tnyn • • * • * " E3I a\ t . l r 1. ETTACH ar. IMEAsoli", I bUCC E4aolLS TO CfIr.t. , SBAI: a CLACK, 3 7 Jlextufactirers or - OAk LEATIIELt BELTING. .1 , 10. II (nun 00-00LA11r,0...r.5.001. Begl.V3,l7,7 fa:gaMt 'g rlit ' - ', ,14,,1 . ,'" 4.t: GEO. 0. O LACIC . . 000 i. o, %i-,10-;,,. CELEIIRATED STEEL D"PTOOTILHAt ELAKY.S. "Yntata 111.1,1•' n,t adlfattkalrOßßß. nTar ItlrilLtentra;.llt: " 7/Vt .. ' rolliralrend Fin=7444417,11:1:,nP"! I:l:nttertrd. MOTS hotter arm warranted. b' bt" COLUMBUS COLE/ =NEE It. U.