..eid .., ~... . 1 -_---_ Fatal • - - ----. ------ 4. -- —_ Alecldent.-At neont four O'Clock o t --- - Eager las. af•ernoon a young lad named Pa - _ . ....._ tly killed C.". 3. slob siolas a as almost Wotan , • t 1 - • ,"-^;•.....,- i 5 • ILISM-4.-'---04.-----__, No ao , , t " , ‘ i / 41 • D , .., eiskb . , - ~,,....,,..,: ~, , ,,i d e e r I s r ,. . 4 IM4,o,ll.c.mc4eg,tittilfol_a rke . c . r ,, • n ea r I h o . - .":f.' s. '4. s • ' . ' ',, ~ "" -, _ i , ; ,,, c t e , : ,:. ;, , : n i g , ~, ..., , o; . ,: t aw l o, Ln. ~.oi l h,bi : A . 1 , s ch h 4 2 1 o. fi k ot t li r ek e ; Fe : , 11 , 43 .. " ' F ' 5", , ,,, - '''''' ' " ! -- --- ,At ,- ..solite,.. . 't 1 ..%%, —" I l -c_ j it hi bled cm of the =mere of which struck linnOle kuilron I, ' , us beast strlklogynik i.u., 4 4 ' ,_ , v l eicece us to produce kfraftureot the eau. r , ... , t lie . Arr... e.l but a few moments isflOr th e . 42,,,- ^ r2S • VWt .4 1 .. ....--C - , -.,, ~ y ' ---..._:4:A .4 --/..--- i s \ ~, _ ) Ntle cadent. ~..._ Ase T . - .7; 1 4 it" . ':- ; ON' -=' '1 7 9,SH IP.' 7., ''' . '"''-,---. &, ' ' 4 r ,: >p i ( '-yes -7 , _ ~, Rtlll Llving,- Henry Streng, I nnfOrnn• 1 ' ---' I ' 1 - _ -- 7 . 27„ ''''. --: , ' - -"4 , : f-- ,_- ' I , -: :t _. - _„. ,• ' 1 I • - at - e man rho was b1,0 4 t on Thu d y night by A eghens, sr s still Hein ......„, "-. , I 1 I ' , ea, , - t' ~' efts ,r,,f, „..,,.., t , , 3 1 i ' ~ - , - j ' fr eb er U ft ' 'llnli i o n agh " ln a eery nes and sdrils • i 1, 4 t s'• -- 1 , „ 1 1 I I ....F - • , „) ~ =. .• . 1 / ' ' - 1 ------- --.' ji , - . _-_-__- '-• - 4, -- - ,-,__-:_ J .___ ,_ - ~,, „ ,_ _ , 1 _ , 4;fr “ T r ini n ry s - T m T: ' ::. l, '- u r i g o r h . t :.:0-d a h l:.. b r ,::::: P L T: e f ir tl t . o b rt b be • - • _ Community, to ss I ,n oc: P m ei. t: r t .: eng belongs, Y ITEMS • m Adveraming. 'at,l pain mean to be the ..oils. Men suiTer daily or ! which It were emsy to cure.' 4'l:w/wing thir; Sutrer on. .1. IL of it , It 'nay . ' 0 CO, hun,l.tecl.m of LIP-K -11,A, ,Lijo I;nlown; by FOLIO mean; well owed over to .11, in 1114 bnwek Of the r.,r, i , conGerned. t! . .,,y can use 1,..r or real of It, nit gh op, for ' , runt (it know re It. It is la this Way that bte.rie tnuipent, for the cure toes; they litre brought Into = tut. Oftentitne , these reme t value, lint in many I`ll , ei unlit lie Illat real merit hare 6nce echo pnelle. • real nictit fit witi come CO I/0 VOLCU It , lull it futliV;..ll.ll4. VOLUME LXXXII.---NO. O. 111 city, La, for years .levo to pr,,,prio , .a.ry mediOne. ,ur n or. I.vilv.tev,r you may m , c•. not - that experlynco L•core r. Sts valnl more than tor" never have ,given It a t hot . enable hen to feral a regard to the contents of 0.11,1 curative pOWer, as troll dug (rout the earth, or an Id, or tali:lel:al from the ellen, , rt.t:ttly it does, and .for Onr 110 dl:l • eranco.. nein . thing's care, to do the best learned LATE NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. FROM EUROPE. FURTHER HONORS TO THE YACHTMEN. tee remedIez,..VIXTOBAL It o: W.:LIEU—ono of which ; of morn than twenty years' other lot: ienovatedisysterns eowrol with sores, no Intel voice:lo have heel. ever mit oses live Lyre In Pittsburgh. Ines are :11:itle. The cures ore pg....SLUM... wont the streets. .10 ore 001LICI,1 end If they • not worthy the • attention - of It.ll and those mho oro well— they ;nay get eared; tive latter now how to get eurekl, if they The Ministry Will Introduce no ) Reform Bill. PARLUMENT TO BE DISSOLVED AND AN APPEAL TO THE PEOPLE, Italy and Rome drrivfng at an Understanding. TILE PRESIDENT'S DEATH REPORTED IN LIVERPOOL. AND LONDON. , often, who, tenet than five /Id to rnake that con. 1 coil his career In loos than tool; lir. I:ey,,,er' , Peetortil r ndrfen, and lie Is hale anti - cry picture of rohnat.liertith. aequitilittinee, a lady, on too a:ly. Site wa9 0 Iloonicil wo our year, ago; yet, In spite of ices on, in poo.l health. Con. woos,' to have nearly finl4ll - but no—she tool; Inc. KEY AL SYII.IIP, anti got well. soils of others. hat tll ese are re. , and are reterred to ns they .1 In writing. It. of thi-i eitY, re regitrii4 tho won.lerfal power. F..111C1.11:11. Ile Is a healthy finer ti inenilicr of society, and itlr~r n+ any Oily of his yen,, F. - 41d '.l Is another wonderful 00001111 TO KNICIIICATi VACOOOEN IN ECU.... Cowre, Jan. 4.—Prince ChrlAtlan made a vis it to ihe'dmerican yachts yestorday, and WWI received with all the honors. ' . . _ Losmc • •Jan, t.—Tlio American yanlitmen Icy royal inrita.l.lon, went to WlntLsor Castle, Loaf ay. • . . The dory of all the London clubs bate been thrown open to them, and they are warmly 'w eleomed wherever they appear in this city. Great preparations are being made by the floral Yacht Club fora banquet, which tIiCY giro to their brother yacht men - to-morroir. I' A ms,Jan.'4.—The American residents here hero invited the gentlemen of the American yachts. to it grand banquet In this city. Sr. PM . ..C.II[RG. 'Jan. 4.—Great interest is felt here In the recent ocean yacht race. The Imperial Yacht Club proposes to extend an in citation ffi tile adventurous yaehtmen tovisft Mass! a. . ,tott 1, ,reorthe,cs :Me ~, t y was ens - mod with BLoUn 01-MUCIIEB the lives to prom Its et:lot:my, r em.e, with Kruteita remem d cumepy a whole newspaper I to' enre , , both , by Dr. - t,tl, mod • BLOOD t .In not care :MAW: tieing so. esire to kitiew more about the hens at. the DOCIOI'd store, or at his OonSultatlon rooms, orro.i , x 111111=1 , 6.1 MOVInf ENT • Lee Doe, .Ifm..s—El,3!.ino.—lt is Baia that the Mini , try will introduce no reform bill at the coming session of Parliament, but will order Pariniment to be dissolved in preference to doing Co, and appeal to the people to support their action. The Ministers will Opt resign. Ftonenra, January 4.—Steports from. Rome state that hignor Tmmelll, the Italian Envoy, is making good progress in his negotiations with the Pontifical Government, and sonic of the points 75g settlement have already been agreed tiptin. • =ZEE Irs:tle. and. scull, Com . 1,1. J. W. 13.1..L.,,tr C Co'9:, liemr,.tijinary I.—The rope, is hi; [Ware, ti) the Edrps lolplomatique, on Tee Yedr'• day; sigriltlenntly , dwelt on the bypocriAy o hla preteotiFil friends. =I )2, the Wheeler S.. Wilson STR • cclycd tliu bitbttt award—ell Europe and America in coin anertl hat ill., ay, teen made ,lied. You trill make no mis our at a helelay gift to wifel . They ran be purchaectl only rPt.,•2: Fifth szree`. Cold:tell:A Cod Liver OIL . I Swvete , t Cod Liver Oil m the actured from freAL healthy It iS Vern:CU.: for "Itlvrard.&.Cisaell's matinnLeturcil by we7A.,ll.r.ek t Co. New York. aggiht, • 1= at ‘ . ..b01e-ale and retail, cola ay at .1. W. Ilarker = )1, tad of empl,,reilf! anti soon i:. By Inse,tment In (proved stove Pamper" YOU will ['tire blleirtru lOr menthe CO come. It at II Fifth street. We Hear beMg performed everyday, by 0n , .4 greet remedy fur Consump aro a tiulTerer, if!, it. Solo agent .lo,eph Fleming, The Great Salo aL wLolc,ale and retail, corn ay at J. W. Barker ST. Co'm., Ilye Willsley. • Icte3sn .11e city, at McClarran Drug Store, t Market street, co, , near EMU street. Yon t:1112 1 1 .1' fora of Nl kit'. at Jo ph S. nery, No, 151,153 ealtl 195 irst urgh. " crag !and nedicive•. e*erlptlonc carefully prepared nt Inltna. , 6 Drug Store, 19= at vbnle4ale and retail, ctrm_ .IE6 . ut.,.J. W. ILiaker You Ceti any Alcohol ac Joseph P. Yon Eon Buy t:Joserh S. FineV = ds nt irliold.ale and retail, Com day at J. W. Bdrizer 5 CO'; xGnm.lucsrAnAny loam from lit.glen that- Gen. E, , g0.0t .ot been hang WI hitherto reported; week wen - rgporteil In :safety up 10 lieectuber. The Liberals were/Alen "nu Lute Potosi, and marching to- . ?trrey.. tO50:t0 turd Joined itte for. I, Canules, and 11SOCiliiMed Uglltn , t ut.tn LtVOC Of no one in particolur. 0 going to •r tm pito. ortg of dry wkotl , Ntlit• York, fOr ttOtollotttil to ,1%,211 o, .Pkh ott Of thirty amour tatllloattollutlover :eV. 11:u Rprtueuts of tpCCIo from to Europu amounted, to 4517,611. pernt , l 0 . Iron Worke. at St. Louts troyor by Oreols friday night: o nitch e, ' , a 1 ry ye, Less Oxen yip thoneand done ' eitnx Ilgely to become one of tho in, as vet Lu,t the great ert cotton er rt In ills, Colon. Enna aro mids t. cre t.ls onto n elevator Of IN •Itoal to 001 in the 0n.4.. 1 report tied will he made to the Cnamber wren rdonday,: the 7th inst. Grain ipped from the Nve,t, throught Nov to heroes Mealy amts Cheaper per throtOelitine rear on lge pio,songer train bound the sand:l4ly, ihtyton and Cinch , road, roan thrown from the truck on near I'llllll, and two passengers, .<1 several others M.; area. .OrrOlt, ,00triOLOrtl lrp noborti for au prFrolr , l:l.ll, 4:vial:lea at. tile Czu ,,, in Tot . ..lnto, do 1017 not having to from London. that the colont3.l federation ilenemo be o,lopted by the Imperial Parina r thrite or lour months, and mill not melt le Camara botoru Stay oes by the burning of the Vanslure 311110, near buyaunah, Ga., amounts to er of u millton of dollars. Soot of snow in lloStou yesterday Dalai& of Lon'scale has deolded. In ted States Court, tha t the pardon Dean , r for selling cigars ,rsthout tne regas• up,- does nut. remit any part of the fine ii the In lames. ' ;rand Trunk Hallway Company Of Can er to tand themselves In a hundred nil dollars, If the Treasury Llepart Went hlngton will give p..rtalasten• to have goOds shipped over their . road ana over the SespenelOn Bridge at Jilagara Dt erzamlnetton. FIRST EDITION. ONE O'CLOCK. A. M. El= ?Atli", 'January L.—Diapatchea received thl mOrrang liimmunec the occurrence of a t.crri ruble caftbultaki; In Alger.; 2 dnuY were .legiroyeeTinnil u lirge number of live lo=t- 1.• )4 Din: ;":7,,,L'ATION EMISLING , or rn.r. A new imposing demonstration to further the reform Movement, will be made on the as sembling of Parliament. The advocates of re. forth .wl.ll turn out in great force, and.preeerd petltion.ln rierson to the various members of Parliament, urging in strong and urgent terms that a reform bill be prmiented and adopted. 4XOIV STOUU lS tilio LAND . England has been visited by a snow storm of unusual and extraordinary .severity, It commenced on Wednesday the 2.1, and contin ued to Friday morning. Trade and travel are almost completely suspended. The streets et London are choked with snow, and the city Is enveloped in fort. Several accidents have oc curred. Snow drifts are of great depth in the rural districts, and many dwellings are most buried. The underground railroads af ford the chief means of locomotion aromid London.. TIIL CIIL&IDLs regarded u the moat elegaut in the country. THE PACIFIC COAST. 1 EPOCH 11:1111 (01111ERlE OF TOE WOUP A Line of Steamships in Operation Be tween California and China. A GREAT CONFLAGRATION . IN . JAPAN. Sax Fr.s.moisi•o, Jan. 1.r -The hen:lust lost night In honor of the Inauguration Of the Chinn Steamship Company, wan the finest en tertainment ever given here. Dovernor.Low, Cien. McDolvelLand others were present. Stiv• oral Chinese merchants responded in English' to the [Outs. Th.. hark Archibald, twenty-live dela from Japan, brings news of the destruction by Sr.:. of two-tlitrilsof the native quarter of the town of Yokehatua, and Ottesfotirth of tile bestipart of the foreign settlement, The French Con-, nut lost Lis °Mae oulliling; tile English Consu late was damaged, and till, American COnstil i ii race we...lV:Minuted. The total loss Is bet wean three and four tulliloun of dollar s. ceverni banded warelieterg names,blown up to hum the preen:lir of the and ItartY-Ilye, dead [Wailes were taken from the ruins. ass 14....netaC0, January 2.—An immense concourse of people witnessed the depot tuts of the steamer Colorado yesterday for-Jspati: she carried nearly six hundred thattannil tar+ in treasure. Themestroes this city yesterday celcbtinteif the anniversary of the emancipation pro Mt ., matins be a precession and oratliim Japan advice, nay that the frenclijileet, alter having encountered sligtit resistance: penetrated the town of Ilitng.-nc,n, In Coreui W October and fouud that toe bulk a!, npro ll,Tlite l e e e ll x . pect ed senn to bring the ' govern Adant ment to terms, but at present would occupy liangvion and maintnin The Sontilah thittadron which Is .t 0 houultard Vitiparnoto has arrived at slannilla. s taunter' 0 January '.—A dispatch 1,0111 i l incorville nay. that tho action al thoilireer tors in mOrtgaging the l'lneervllo. railroad la Wells. Fargo and Lompany, lati, Leen r,plitlia-• tel hy a largo tuajolity of the stockholders, who will contest the matter. It is nutted filet the aleck holder. pith° :War -Iposa estate obtained an uction from the nited states District slede reidrainlng the employees of the lessees irons orking the Mine, A. receiver in to be placed in po-eci alms pending the legal pritioilingi assicoseo, 4.—tee inetdinge of Gov. Picterlug, of W.hlngton Territory, to the Legtalature t he abee jecelved. Toe Gov ernor regrets absence cif a good roi-it through . the Caacf.4.lo. 3loautulnb, nod rec ommends that one Ise Immediately ccin- StrUCteid. lie sitv• Indian land titles should be speedily extinguished, to fisetiltate the aettlement of too country by whites. T.enty soldiers from camp Watson, recenl.- ly pursued a band al Sthoke Indians, tilling. fourteen teen, capturing live a Moon and re atoring seam stolen properly. nix the pounds of nes Isl And cot 101 ta:: from lloneinla. art Weil here yestetiLiy, route to Liverpool via Pansum. sten..C. IL Williams, a prominent killed to-d•y, is repotted to have. +hut lam mit in the leitut wits n pistol. 'lt was sob,- qt ently declared the 01101 was accidental. It in reported that tho French int , !tiled to orate Acapulco ea thrlctlea% day, erten oicamfoug with the Liberals for the solely et percell,G,Lnprrlilled by adhering to int,: Int perlalista 1 Ito Import trade of California during the past veer ea-4 rOorfeen dollar, and the tx putt trade seventeen tollOoos 1111 1 1 saarter, exCiUnlve of treasure, whlithntuitunt i d to forty-tear millions and a quarter. This does not ittelnito Off, and a 11,11 million- Gtippod he the United elates Tressi nier aceUtlllt of the isore fitment. The wheat e_s ported dui - Inutile pest year was six hundred taut..nil bushels, valued at sis,s,osi The to -101 amount of iCaltiOrills. prOductlon. eSeert• est luring the year were settled 01 eitissistkie, Tne wool menu:sett:red Lere during the year was three mllilun pounds, • RECONSTRUCTED TEXAS An Attempt by . the Civil Authorities 'to Arrest Gen. Ileintzelman. NrlAllv: , OF THE Al 11 . of THE TEAA Ile Would not Deem His Lite Safe Its their Hands. -- , moe .11*s Shiee nealint tetWt nerved on !layer General Ileintzelttion by order of the Sherte" Of iluadnlourie county, charging him with 1110 come - di-don of i•oe offense against theists, of 7 eras, committe in d su , ortlinaru allures. acting mid., his Io deco. lien. 11. retuned to comply with the summons to itypenr. In the following letter to Judge Baldwin, 11. S. irtstrict tit widen a syno i nde of his (Judge Ilaldwilihd Ci ply to attached. lleheisSON, December 1.10. -fiery., J. P. Itzthlu"., U. S. Dirt el !me ton, Tools: Dee a Sru—A tow days since I was „sereed with a Capita truth St.gtillt.lithltto.ithltht t.puht.y. Tel, by Judge (rotted notoriously 41 1.1.'1,1. I replied by turniehing nito the order, under a Web I acted, and the letter of toy Aillittant General. inclosing It to the agent OI the Fl red. alto'. Bureau at begun, Ile has been cal for theft, for nets eotutultteal by swot her en. der that order. Neither tie oh it sent to Ce gain. The present disturbed condition of tilt country will not admit of my leas leiG toy post. I Weal./ not tleittrt me lire Kite la , the hands of the Vilna authontres. 1 know of two recently taken trout the jail in LteutOn, Bell county, Texas, by a mob and pot to death. There in is strong 10.1100 egalost 'nil off:leers wino hove been in any way Instr.., meutal In suntalumit the 'jutted Staten, last especially those couneeted with that Freed. men's Bureau. The present ol eel of the Pro less It to annoy nod oppress toe fur pet I orm trig ley duty, and, t.trugit me, to tinewltile• credit upon the l rated :dates nut horn's, In this State. 1 rentole, truly your, J. S V. lIKIST2XI.I“,, I'llres et Shijor General. Judge • Baldwin sustained teen. Ileitireel dnau, to an cluboritte inottng t4ll ler J mane Tuner's °pinto. 10 the tact'of'AD - M,. Motu (it Doward, pa that eine mete authority count never hare ettempted o grate an ttft,tocts ttgutivit the litttf e4l.r ol the lawn of the Unltha states as ttt hare mints= oned one officer and ar tetn pled too Ito proton ment of Miters, while In the tßecharge of their sworn and Impeintive °Mend duties. Nit state .bodge or Court, after they ere in dielally Informed that the party Is tumid... ett under the untherlte of the Leirett States, Ime any right to Interfere with Inte, or to to him to be brOught belore them, and If the authority of a State in the form of Judi cial process or otherwise suould attetupt to control the Moralist or Other authoriticst elm or agent nf the United State, !molly res pect, In the costal} - Of the prlaotier, It e ould be his duty to resist, unit to call to ill alit any force that might be necessary to inelittale the authority of the law agolust. Illegal intetter mace." _.anent of the cane named is MEM pith and moment of ..._ .imply that un officer of the Called elutes obeying the orders of his superior, as la this instance. cannot be interfered with by State uutnority. The question us to tile proprletr of your proceedings Is 'equitable into, only by the power that placed you here and bale you do that thing. As well mig et the Prod dent of then:Med Status be drugged front Cabinet meetleg, on a l pra:ess, fer'sign ing the death warrants of Die an5....1M0 len rou•pirators, as for you-to be curried away from your post on a civil process. The Austin State Poodle poblisheil a oomph. nientuty letter trout (lott. Throckthorton to Gen: lleintrel moo, regretting his roller ;from tile commend of the Department, and congrat. ulating him on the general satisfurtloli Ills ad ministration has given to the iumple of Text.. FROM MARYLAND,. 1 / The iladleal City Got ernment to be Ret Acids by the Leglelantre—lteleated Itebel• to be Permitted a Full holed at the Ballot Ifox—Tho Mate Conatt. lotion to be Amended. • Ilttottmont,Janoary y.—Tho movement In the Legislature to sot aside the present city government, unit onleria new election, übd tile purpose of remo v ing all disabilities Irma the now dikranehised portion of the people of the State, by the passage of a general:net of amnesty, and by the eleiriMeet of a leAli Nl gent registry registry law, gives great plenlad to the opponents of the existing city nevem. meat. A now • COnstitutional Convention w ill sociality be called, and the present Constitu tion materially changed. Steamship Line Between Baltimore and Europe. Battrienne, January 6.—the stottinct Meal an, chartered by than Baltimore unit Ohio Bann:tad, which left Queenstown on preen, bur It th, and which, it was feared.bad b tin Yost, arrived this evening safe, with 1, valuable cargo. The 'toxic.. experienced • heavy weather nil the way, and had to put Into l'arz al for coal. • - =ER Lonnie:tut, January V.—River falling, with six feet in the canal. Navigation In null sus pended. The weather is cloudy. There was a Plight fall of snow during the y cury M deg. Marcum:ter SS. and rising rap- U" Lanpuy.s, January s.—River fnlllnai E feet scant on the &boats. Weather colder. The .Tarentum left treday for Cairo; the raleatine leayle for LOWS - eine to-worr.pr, PRICE THREE CENTS CITY AND SUBURBAN (ADDITION L LOCAL NEWS ON THIRD PAGE.) Amuflier Destrasetive Fire-aneatruction kei.a. Smyth at 1:11. , i Tack F-actory At about eight o'clock on by evening deatructire fire occurred, by which the tack factory lielongirg to MeAsrs. Chas., Smyth S. Co., Is East Birmingham, was. chill cly• de. stroyed. Tile hull/ling hurtled was situatt," on the bank s'of the Monongahela river, be tween Joseph nod John streets. East limning barn. It was a one story budding, CI I . llln. drudest seventy-live feht, In length by eighty :eel In width. Tee walla are of brick and the rof of sheet Iron. The Iron of the roof rest .tot on a number of light ratters which were cupportial by n frame work of timbers erected agmmt the lokJe of the war,. ' The workmen In the factory quit at six Weirs's, but a largo 00011 m of workmen were engage•l Is the roillug mill Immediately tel greells.''.'o,l'ioqLed 1 511:: games Jest cooonesmng hear the annealisg • 'tonne.. the end of llkthull•lintrlowartiaJobit • - at rmi. 'Toe men Immediately ran tuts the factory to sot togolh rho :Irv. Mit with mar 1, c•iousthapiiiit, the hallo , ran itritho amid oc i t the auk couttnumcatiol to lire .lli l l 'i .t " lft!lf . ,i ' tnll ' f o e P ir r n ' tfl U lT' ' c r' lfL ! t[ oot, ood the tiro haul run aloott the roof the entire length or this building. Besides the rolling bands, it number of melt who had beet. Vdial log, tool 1,011 eouto into she mill warm, • %ere nail lilt united vigorou•ly in en. I deavorimi to exttogolsh the gamey kid a ive lit 1,1.1 ` , OOO of the I,IIIIIK Of the catabilAt mem. mini um, bowevcr, asil h ot more thim taxi worth of belting was The alarm 104.1 glVell in the Borough mid the Waltoo hose company were promidlY un the groJno, ding, ttleh 6oryloe. The Boller ! o age fr e om this city also wont IlVcr. The troll roof ni the building kept -the flames 101-1 , 1.• an•l so prevented tho light ol the etttl• thisration tieing aeon to shy sixtent in 'the city, otherwise sumo engines would hare - gene over to render assislaure. Trio building miss entliely destroyed, the . lostidatiou as well aii the cuperstructuretielog rowed_ It contalioal about Illifthek. machine.. not berm silty sailluschlttes, all of the•moSt I improved stylel All toe-, machines weir re or les. damaged, but will. for too meat part, be refitted toe tine, an that the lo,a on • thein will not prove en heavy at wan at !frt.'. • I suppoted. Thu euginea, Imliera, shattlng,S,c., , I a . ..re also con.ldelably damaged, but out ru - hied_ Tho roacidactured stock hos toren ro- . . . . fre.ql.l.-ilt , y 10 rile 4,11,1100, IltAl by, 40 that but Intl, reuaalue.l in the factory at tiler or the otheralsli toe leas svoula betre.ll. teeter than you. As It the lasi on t 01111100, Illsrlitnery,itlid stock 1;1 pr..1,!•:1 . etc :.•;tca VAJ.I.IO It Is futlytnsurud, the pulleles It inII ...:u../.lly .11V1deil nuteng twelve ro:14,11.11,. 1. colnbaelee Insurtuu uje tno.t cots Orlol.ln, The lolling tn tallougutst to the .'tams': tlentljolnui„, We :satisfy, we. 4 in immanent datigetr. bat ts.caped Injury, be- • Ind ,deed the idumpt use of a small nose en...tied in the factory' for the ourpo•e of Out froller.,,tc. Thu liras lids con tim,tel for three haadred feet of hose, and It would hone Lam. on has at the time of the fire !,1 loot been waiting for patent couplings. Had ;t liven tee aarilnae 10001.1• love tarcli reaterlahy lessened. fly this on lettn•mte onen;rence, some one Inetelred unit thirty hands employed m the laelMry, ar o thrown mit, Of empleeruent, The re-Mil-Wing of the establislane.at oill tnunedlutely Le:placed under contract, and were It not ler the unfavorable cenelitlue of the weather, Ti:,' works ix eiehl be to eperatien airain 1v elity days. NI, Che, the principal of the erm, has been. exc. edingly nutortunaie :u the way of tire, this 1,010. Z tht• woes In elme he has Lena led shod by censtakitations. • Ile was lb roe. times burned eat while while in ialtlll,l 5vu,t*1v.• . 1.t1:51,..1 oat of his pr...- me hinsinese helms; the in - •;unizatlosi ;Attie r.enitileg ern, :Lodi:lnce I,, , r,tre, 'lane tine Pre" rat Cr,:; rzlittal, has ,•attertal treat Et w. Tell tack ntetery was the only one m the Stare, anti Was a'very complete as well t'Xl.ton `lVt` Ole, oomprl , ing mt.:I:Ion , fee eue mune, re Of the largest iend the smallest tacks. =SS It tat been armonited that the leading glom (acorn". and ndila ilapeind Opera tion, ithin a few Oays. and many of our elti. inelitseil to believe that u panic, or In other ordt wIII follow. We cannot , eu why the , temporary sumpentilon will prove UM-vitrous to other branches of trate. True, a great loony pence, are employed • at eittiat •Atir, , , hilt, general thing, they :try ni,ltuelligeut ei.l o of wrkmen, who I 11400 ha!: Ni.11111.11:110,01 vconoultcu then' Mr11:.12 . 11 re:o,d White snrn ti.milsoinoreints neratSun • was prod for , heir lahor, and a tow month. hi:emits will not cinha tiros. them to an. great eXtent. Ttleol.l4pl,l4ioll of the mills and factories s(111 - tie!. •Inirt duration, nod u,sy not In the •digisie'd thaw, affect the city retail Lrltlir. Tile great maJutity of me eh:ones In the City Ilaveemploy meet nail are making /wing wages, while our retail ! dealet du not cmplain of isnY tmmmai •tinit down!' m their hullne , i, Dalt Junes at. ways intervenes beiweeulllu holidy a Pea ' con nu t the oprallig of spring 'trade., and thus far burhoiss In, been .no worm 111.1 l'3ll,:lenced al curre•litmillng bell. a ”IWOrt, • Kre declining, last tile mark eta are unsettled, tut all Lit ineviinant• have prudently avoided entry ; pig over stoeli, sr, beary as in weigh them diern i a a ifiouimal eri , ,,und few, If ollY,'W ltl Litilfer rein mial.ts. the do not an. tleipate a busluem panic In the near future , nod r oar reader,: may nut become need ; is armed nom the prospect otharil times. I Winn i ho exception 01 We exorbitant rents de lie unprincipled landlords there fit ns vet nothing transpired to heip on a panic. oil the lirmht Lode of thing' , weeed not meet trouble tulf ways, nor go abread_ e to bring! to our doom. Looamayehoutil he re ully a t uilleil everf.t.tily, and outlays ..10011 , 1 Lai made with ill eye ton worse day I' ahead, •o that a hen it dot, Come all ! wlll he able to atand thel•hoek. erobnbly Entail Accident ..220 saturday lorenoo4. et about eleven O'clock, Mr. Samuel /Linter, u u ell.lentan kentiontan 01 this eity, met with an accident , I %, probahly.result fatally. Mr. Ilan tor Is pron , et or et sceerat teams 2.220 vragons ernillorst In hauling. metal 407 ti 10.0411,4'i~errnt Ca At 1 he Mine mentioned he woo rldine ant' the driver on a lour.horse-metn! wen. lestvlls With pig metal. 'Vi 11e pa , , ee 111: 14 Ltnertv street near the Union pot. Mr. hunter attempted to jump Mont the itenn While It a its still In models. Ile tell part ally ender the warren, and the hind a heel piccent over Ills left tom near the abouliter, rrusitlng It In the must berrible manner. The left Istg ells also very badly bruised, and so. tem internal injure+ were sustained., Ti:''' unfortueate unto Wt. taken up and carried to his hone' on Webaler rtrret, and firs. De:- snit :eel Hamilton called to attend hint. No hope for his recovery la entertained. 310. 11 un ter Is onevt slily-eight years of a unit ls 4 very OS flzulth:e gentleman. Ile nollei t :pokeu since very shortly after the neCident. I= hroo 01 the courtesy of Mr. Samuel T. lials. ley, Superluteutlent of the Fire Alarm l'elm graph In this city, We Imi r e beet: Y^molt led to copy, from the ofilco• register, the following state:molt of the Brea of last Week: Jett. let. .11. inn uomolett Iron: ling N0:52, at 1:10 A. Fire on l'ennsylVanin avenue oe the premise:: of 11. Melon, Loss $7Ol No insur nce. Ineemiet y tire. Water ex:am:l:ugly source lu the locality. Jan.:ht. Alarm boat tint No. G:4O, I'. Fire oil Butler street, Ninth oaril. Woolen t am Inctury GI White, Berne: .T. Co. Loss .leserAnee (i7,1,1.i. May Anne peen in ecudlary. Water eery scarce. Vie above"... Is smaller than the :lest estimate us much of the machinery suppieivit to he ruhnat •Au Ile reinter...! alt torus, Toe lilies not illetnLto that ul ti:eyiltoeo yrltlge Company. i Gram! 41/torlo.—Our revilers hero a rare u:deal treat In store for them to-morrow chenille. Thu grand oratorio et "Thu Ureit tlun,' / I aVthl, a 11l be rendered at Inc Mead, my of lite . sle by time rittslsurgh Choral Union. Towel our leaders armunaednainted A ith the sttlalamoutv of the ladtna and gentle men belonging to the Choral Union, and It moons en rte.:1,4.1 . y for us to Invite the attend ance Of 1110.3 ho dui WIC In grand anti soul- Merit - log much. Tickets , eau Ise produced At the well-k notch music m tore of C. C. Mellor, el Wood et mut, at nine o'clock tills lamming. Trot Wizard of the world.—Prof. Barto, the greatest living wizard of Um world, who bus exhibited Ills wonderful feats of legerd , malts for hundreds of consecutive nienrr the great arses of Europe, will Ore four or Ills, wonderful botertainuients I.lesozileflult lice week, cot:imam:lug Wednesday next- tie In Immense. trlaks aro all novel. fresh god highly entertaining, and beyond uny doubt he will I/110AI.! by thousands dirrlng lila Way in thls city. • A l'ontalO Coat ,fhler..—On Satorday a nom brought a coat worth about 145 to Mr. Hazen, bylaw On l'enn.Ylvorda avenue, bo. yond too Iteller Znfrinollouta. and co:haul to tell It to him for 44, kaoNtaa' that tab coat utubt Lave been bi 01.., Sir. 11. took IL froo her and delive I rd no w p us. tO Cbtal wboao cotloat noi TIIbirOIZAII to known d un will probably Le calonted won. 'w ine co . a Araeuttsse—For trodanily platlnx an article, of copper, brass or German spvor, with pore sliver, where wont orf, said for cleaming.and polLiblnir silver or Pilrer platen ware. Warranted to Contain no Quick. ',liver or-Belt). Or any inJariOne article. , For sale - Elainple. Allegheny, and all. doing Oita. de19..1. ries Thagine.—llanatleld, Obto, tut: IL 'ilea steam rtre. engine , at th• coat _ 43 COO r and tLassOL. ro.ecutor In ! ]Lary Leon. use in 'which by the Coact uriwas unable I. On aat. cy, and Was Released.—J antes Mcßride, the ca-u of the Commonwealth ]lacy in au assault and battere Mary Penanted, was ortlere to pony the custS of the ease. 111 to do so and was committed top day, however. be raised the mu released. The Allegheny a tsy 11'n•r of grading tno whorl On the Alle hotwto.n AntlecttOn ottOet." ono hrht Kr, Allegheny City; In being ward w ith groat rarldity. One hul •re rupt°, It. Is to be complett li o no. e tor t -on mg . freshets. Th. Wu. at tat At templed Rare.— Iteltael McNamara was be•ore 31,0 r Metarthy:tatur.lay morning. charged wtth holumltung an tormUIL up on Mary Dwyer, with Intent ...tumult rxpe. the euhrge e,tb orrfert al by Mary' Dwyer. .11cNit ura teat ~ ,..mitted to Jail ror a further hear lug on the 1.h.11 Inst., in .1010011. of *SAM ball. A gait Itetorn.—A former reWent of Al legheny city, Mr. George Par y, roturnoil borne la, week; utter On &learn eof sixteen • year, eons in g home for the purp .se of spend. Ing two holidays with his g mother. As he reached the tloorot MS mother's rteildence her corp,e was being curried out for burial. • Additional City and !inbuilt= on fourth Page. • =BE CM 1111:6Pit,TAFY—Jaguary 211, ANlka./..1. J. 1334“..}./terAl'r Aged 34)ea , s. lb.. friend. , or the favally,nre Ipelred to Attend the f.a.r.l at it o'clock A. It., TIII DAT, fro* th• res. Wenre of Lea lather, So. 12 Andersoit stmet, o.‘ NEW ADVERTISEMENT. 1.4 • ----- ILLDA LE CEMETERY.—The heentllul —tiewl•e-scre," the largest anburban plexo eel' n!c hC. -exce e t cuty. at vled on Now Br, eh too reed• kucto-dlately north of Allowbone. cote, permits or txtles, cull at DrnA hzore of COUL R CLANYY. All.. n.:_cltr. FAIRMAN & SAMSON. UN=DERTAKERS ! so. 196 Smithfield St., cor. 7th, Matraace fromS:rentll biroet.) mr..x.r.rel3l7llLarsC. 123 dwfil.nrSlST BTEMET. = ALEN. AIKEN, N37:137331C No. :CE-Fourth etryet. Elttaburab t Pa. OOFFINIS Of al kinds, CI:ATLI:1, 1.1L0VE...% and everadellorlptloz of Pon Woos Mralsaeo. AIJOEB openl• y and night, Hearse and Carrlayaatormsnee. ittraavec.—lter. Da'rld Kerr MD... Bev. M Ja.,ne, Thomaa fonzug. Jaeal, Miner. [C.c. R . T. WHITE CO., UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS Msnetkest sr. Wood's Rua tad s - lelnIST. COFFN ROOMS Al MANCHESTER LIVERY STABLE, &sons, 01 dteCiold and Chanters streets. R %sr,. fn,10,a41. 110RSES: 110ItSF.S:1 _ _ w , .c:orL slaz%man SIX rt.!, notund WORK HORSES, Jutt jecellre and sit! tut tu.d cheap: 03C $OO4 MO VLICG HORS one pOOO'WORK 31.+ttf:. bunranteent to be noun and goo.: workers. Cal: at - 11. , 1VALUrz LIVER & SALE STAHL , ': Fleet NbAt,et, owar ilononirahrla liOule, 01 FRIDAY Xl.atC r. ORPHANS' FAIR, CITY - ILIA .LL m4ENIIVC3r. WATenEs, - CHAINS AND .7323W.MI,FLir, AT A CRY SHALL PROFIT. AT WILL T. WILEY'S 6 W 3 lie St., 3d doOr from .sth. BOYS' WATCHES STERLING SILVER CASES ntrtz nlre fur • Ilulture rifseut..mula ex crarTrrthr, °cc of the test 3.lsfitilat [Lire", Ic Europe, , liliar.ted lobo perfect. • Time keepers from $lB to $25, DUNSEATH& CO'S MSc.. SB Wiftb. 113troet, dum TrIEIIE IS a T OF aloale I - IX LIMING'S IMPROVED STOVEIIAMPER, A Mr. Level-",het nir , stly 501d1.060 Dampers to o Muntotrers county, Bs., an d has Just ordared FAU ad, Ltl ' Fry cc , p.td Irs) fa: totem county. N. J•s Den , pure , n a iess.tovrnstoths, and then mid tho real auder of Ws e,unte ior sysel, ludo has •inee ouchsacd FIT It ISATE.S. 81. •:t—alp wltCln A 11-. Bird. aft, 113, , g D•cr.por on • :Bore td wss 10111-1, plra...sd.lth It that he b o ught tho Sight to the ,toto or New York. THE DEMAND I 9 UNIVERSAL! THE PROFITS LARGEI STATES COUNTY MC:TITS FOB SALE. carcp fur Circular. or ration . F. N. ITIIIDDEN. No. 11 FIFO/ oitreet. Pitgeb.ribt Itv tOsnua nnunna..r• A.,f2M.holf• EAGLE COTTON WORM., 11,01'istii RECENTLY puncnALS ILI, Tnr. Eat, LAC 170TT•03 WORKS, former- - `.0wn...1 ay 11..aila. PESNOCK A CO., we ayoct fatly In (arra the tmolte that we Kill 000tinla toe mllkufacture of • Sheetlngs, Cotton Yarns, Carpe Chains,i Candle Wick and Batting. Urdyte may nelefi at the ()Mee of the Work], fiIIINEB ISABELLA I EA&BUSKY STS., 011 AT THE - • T TS/SUFI Gll BRE rrEn r, Corner of Du.ydeene It - ay and Bazker's . JOSHUA RHODES & CO. , WELDON & KELLY, PLUMBERS, Gas and Steam Fitters, AND BRASS FPUNDERS, LE= Chandeliers and 'Brackets, Lead Pipo, Pumps, Sheet Lead, &e., AL WA YS ON RAND. 161 Wood Street, near Oath. CM = - 19 MIItKET STREET.' IS9 S 9 GO TO S 9. Pr.- 4:7 0 313 .7E2, 1 El ,189 59 S 9 Market Street,. 594 "%NI , O ET YOUR 89 9 , 9 ' BOOTS, SHOES &CI4 :S9 I CHEACEST, AND BEST !,,,9 cox .x• ^2^-, - , s , NO AUCTION GOODS SECT. IS9 I ,s ,, , JAIIIES ROBB, B9 Market St., .89 5.9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 891 J. F. Joirwsl,s 3.1.4. /Corr. JOIONSTON be SCOTT, DIALERS Flue Watches, Clocks, Jewelry SILVER-PLATED WARE, ETC., No. 274 LIBERTY 13TIEELT, X..I.EERIOCkII-1 - 611.,r ., 03172.a.• G I FSC rs an i tl7o:ls7 ' ,11..,..r.14 5 ,e. wig ILIUM CLOS & Practical Furniture Elanufasturen, COL PENN AND WAYNE STREETS. L,q,vut itylu /91111171181 coa.liumtlYou awl .—The work bony river. le itadirond pu,hetl 10X ared bends ,1 before tho contract le