MT . ? ITEMS, P.14i114 Colleire, Pittsburgh. It - Glare already ritrectca the attention of 111 who :ice" e a rel fable business education to establfshea an a taroilte institution: T u r, Prlnctlialunre not now earning their rep. n',..atfori, an our reader, will flnd Ly referring to any of nor city linainoi.s houses, or-by send ing for thn new College circular for 1847, which is tootled free to any spares :by the Princi• yeti, P. Lair and Sin , l,ltik,hurich,Ta, • • • An Emporlntn of Chalnikeing. there are thousands - of: oat rellthlTE • who tram tune to time are at a /osi tO know Where to look for certain useful articles which they are in want of; and which they UO rot know where to land. The stores are berzebnl for • this end, and, often, valuable ; tame IA - stittan• tiered, and what 173 wanted Li %Minot obtained. • In inch cases :tilvertiting often comes to their old, and the needful article Is pointed out through the ner.,paners. hut - advertising erery,eparale; thing-would Incur expense not readily 'borne, and thus many suffer for of that which would have added much to their hapoinz.3. and, freutiently, years to their t , efulnesi and hie. • There 14 In lin, e!ty, and Lai teen for years, •trl ...stalAixiltnrilt where may ho had nearly every article which edical knowledge and atilt has deviied, tor t the amelioration and t 2,11, rally of a functional, hot 11 kew of a RICCI:WI teal character. We mean the nhalirine store of nit. KE VSEIi., AT HO IV?)1,1.1 , STULL'''. The Doctor haN given the 'JeAt. years 01 hit life to the advancement of t isle department of medicine, and has s thinned loth it M. Cilltr.Atr and usefulness which will eltireattly, ho Justly appreciated and valued. '1:10 , 0 who wish to consult him professionally can tie no at his con 11(tati011 rooms, N 0.120 lan , itr.t s any day fr.fa rl o. ni. until 4 p. m. Si - /VOLtT.I.:IiS and appliances for every dilliceity requirt'iig memtplcal •New Ice, C:411.1.1. ark- to-Any. = The present Is excellent weather for the taking of tine. clear and Ira th ful photographs. We observed yesterday in the magnificent show' windows of IL T.. 11. Dabbso palatial rooms, No. P St. Clair street, tome photo• graplis.which few could believe Were takeran the. eloauy atmosphere of Pittsburgh. But Z , lr. , Dably. enip7s it reputatteit as no artist which to a fOrtillie to /111/1, and eVery:lli&Cirn tamed out, 1.10 matt, whether cosily Or cheap, is c&lculated L0.1E43.111 the bleb character of his establishment. His cabinet styles are , truly superb, rtialing event the fi nest of r';l p:tiatiut, from the best Of masters. P0".., 0 ,,,, centemplatinw hav.7lllc:urea taker: will i. 1.6 i well to favor 3I r. D: bbs , i ii,t gallery with a calll, Be keeps on hand n 'di line of roses, frames nod photographic tnt.torials- aniero all those engfiged In ilie son shao:4„,.ing.i"sthe,s can obtain their supplies a', the most reasonable of prices. Remembe r th i s place, No. N St. t.lalr street. • . , ' U .eaU 01111 Profit. et troops—at'OS Morket street. priees—at Market, street. perfuniery—at Ai. Market street. Low prlees—at Market street. t;alitornla Mines—at ti.", Market street. Low prices—llt ; 5 Market street. Pore yid Rye Whisky—at t , •:1 Market ..treet. Low prices—at t.. 5 Market street.. Pute litodoreas Glyeerloc— , l Market street Low Market street. tie.t. English Market street. Low orkx.s—et Market ;treet.• The 1-Meet Indigo—et Merkel street. Low S.'. Market street. 4 :xl - tett A: Son's .SeotoU Sou tr—Ss larket, street. • . L&o Cv Merket'street. Pure Plea Ter—et s 5 Market street. Low Market street. an!; .5 cote' Market street prices--at S 5 -Market street. Petrolec.m, Toilet Settpsat S 5 Market street. Y.c.Clarren re MeKennetn,.bructrista. 'Met:larren.S MeKennel', Druggists. 55.31arket street.. Market street. 55 Market street. Market street. Now le( Ccatml Park = la the mild weather sve have just had., there will be the attendant bonding et Water pipes, ;did limonvenience!s minally attending a mod' erattnn afar exei.ssivciy cold weather. We commend our friend 1. T , twens, No. WI Wood ntreet, ai not, of the very best Mechan ic-, tonne's . to,.'in ouch emergencies. Ile at. tentl4 to.nit kinds of niumbin7„.gas and steam lifting, and repairing in the Most Creditable and ottrelial manlier. at his ebtablitsliment will bo Coned a rare and varied stock at the mostsupprovcd and fasniehable styles of oil lamps, gas ehamialiers, brackets, burners, itc. w inlet he Will di,po - ,e e .i tile most, reasons rnies• rer narihing line, give T..Enons rt. call. tonlr, • • 3:nelr,t COrnhlnation of iron Pll ,, ptu J rus and Callsaya, rinoa-a as Ferro—! Pho'',..ltorateti LH:Jr Callsaya. The lion re%tore3 color to Oh the Phosphorus 'renews waste of Mt: nerve tissue, and the Usaye glees e natural, healthful tone to the te'et Live One tent coutnins the virtue of one ounce of C:a . ,aytt and one teaspoonful a grain of /lon 'int! not - Thorn, Manufacturod CIietVELL., Mom,: $t Co., New York. For kale by cal ilrugistf!. tl At I:educed Prime. ' We are etlarleg our holiday goods at greatly reducud prlcui, Call unA suet, at Pilteek's. • • llrs. hones, Annie. Waite, Itrs. Skerritt,ga gan, Lnan I'hotos;el Pitinetc's. skates at the Eilleoritunt Those Fiery :'.erventH nod the wonderful In visible Photrw, at rlttml:',. Diaries for 1;07, rltteek'a, sunny Itank and (Jaunt, at t'ittock's. Alnv.naes, at Plttock . A. , Lb'..tes, at l'lttoeles. MEE la:I=ISMI Fes! 'rim Ott establi,lied mediCal imico of Dr. E. Warner, (known for forty years as the origi nal Indian physiel.tu or herb doctor,) and con ducted fur a number of years past by the son Dr. E. S. Warm., has been removed from St. to No. 271 Penn street.', • • Dr. Warner stilt continue, to treat success lulls. diseasc.l'of nearly hit des eriptions, espe cially those of a chronic vetoer. ReMetiner his now Ioelllloll 10 .Zie. 211 rents Street, second 'woe above Ben. trinibiti's. I=l Xe Loudon, lil2,the flatoeier •IV1!son Sew. log Machine received the Olglanst award—all inellachines of Europe and America In nom. petition. 'rats nw arc! Ints always Oven =O O wherever exhibited. You will make no mis take in ordering one in, a holiday gift to wife, Liter or triend. They can be purchased only ut Sumner Co's„ Xl Fifth street. , . The Phy..letnntt of Parkin sar that the bent Drevetttive for cholera id gentle mttmntantJ. The. wont, Icarnetiphysl- Ciallti of tit, ettuntry atlnut that Dr. Robc.clea Slone h .11.ta, are the bent ntlrnnlant known to the wetltt. there and you cannet full to coo the relies ord,,Od,l;ifisueb to not the caao at the ()perm liouze ,huu Store. 'They constuntlY keep . Inrge and 1(0011 blink 41 ~..etuonable goods— cold eheup and whyrauted, or no tale. : =M! out onproyrerAt, and-soon riVaar: troth:. ..zt bulalt 11,ventmoct "Lttliitlg , l4 improved atovo.baulPer" iou al l tre n lu crntirr Lu=incaa for months to CODIC t Calnod snu It at 11 Fifth street.` Conk Sin Neat. • • The verdict of all who have worn u pair Of the,e4ine eultout wade Hoots which bays es-. titl.olished a eau:Wand reputation for Palmer. Anthutr. street. Pricps Very I= Of ill kinds, for mediums{ Purposes,' such ni menet he:hid elsewhere in [equity. hold fat Fletnisp,'s ' , tog store, O. Mnrket street lteruember the place. . =MI At Coro nil P.l: Yon too Dnyi Foreign .I.lquorn or all abatis at Joseph S. Finch's Distillery, No, in and 1.'33 Ylrtt treat, Pittsburgh. • The eleteeflkke Of tho day—tne wonderful 10. prices Gardl.: ner asks for his,floots and 6hoce. Oren. Flonhe Shoe store. Mxt boom., And lowest prieet—toets. Go to the Opere. 'Soave Shoe Storu. , Largalas, Forthiltuilatpli, at Ilia °pc:. liousa Shoo Store... . Hoots sad Mimes, .I'wfut cheap, at the Opergllouee Shoe Stet e ~_,...__.- \ i . 4',,n,'',, --Th2z.'• •• - -'`,. -'7.44.`,.,.. .-t;• \R" ~ f / .C-72, '',, , ,1-/ ~:'..: - - ,,-., 'Cia . P. , : -,-_—_-____4----- - % 6 •44 s'i!t.,""'*--t..,-;'',,,,, , `-:::-.2,-4 4 ,-,---- -I, --=•. - __-_ 4,,,, 1 f',..f47-.--.1 , -.06',.---- 4 2W. 2, - , --7. ''''' ' , ' '' ' ' i t - A' -" 4 ' 1 ' ,0%. - ---.. ;,..-%..--44ti- -4.• 4r.,!---.7-,4•"`-2,,, ‘ - 1 / 4 ..;:h;.4-' - -7- -----!-,,---if,`,;t:'—' ---2:__-_L-- -:-" _ - 7 ----- _-;.-_:,:.----1--r-:"0-:.- -'-----42-- 7 -- 7 7 - I ~s ` ' -- its7=., ___ \ -- -------____ 7 , --- VOLITME LXXXIL---NO. 4 CITY ITEMS. = • Mr. William Itoltatielmer, the popular pro prietor of the Continental Dl2lllg Saloon, next door to the Posh:dice, on Fifth street, has Just received several magnificent spectmens of wild deer, which win be served to his custom er, to-day. Mr. tioltshelmer 13 alive to his busine.s and his tables are kept better sup plied with rare game, tic., than those of any hotertri the State. Ills oysters aro of the priru. cot quality and • for, a good, square meal at moat 'reasonable rates, we know no better place to recommend than the Continental Se. 'loon. Elegant apartments have been suitably fixed up for the Indy patrons of the house, and for. planing parties, no more appropriate or better dining 31110011 can be roomd whereat to procure a fin/Lams supper. What Lady i s the ' Wou/dlie without a pair of those beautiful nystyle winter (Raters, introduCed at the eap and reliable Shoe house of Painter, Au shuts C 0,,& 01 Market streefl All the goods sold at this house aro warranted as good as can bo purchased in the city, and as cheap as can be sold in any city of the Union, Cheap, C heapeeo.lkerspest. • Are the-hoots, hhOes hnd Getters °tiered for sale at the well - kll-men shoe home, of Palmer, Anshute CP:, No. 61 Market street. Deems sea Medicines,. Doctors' preserlptforte °lrefully prepared at half thatisual price, at Fulton's Drug Store, opposite roetolllce. -„ Tou Caw EMI per cent. Alcohol at JorePh S. Yon Cm Bay :stew Rope atyoseph S. Finch's Excelsior Institute See circulars. THIRTY-NINTH - CONGRESq (SEAVND StSSION.) - Was al:soros:, January 15 , A. SitNATE. The joint resolution of the Territorial Leg !decor° of Montana, eves presented, asking an inureese of members to that body. Mr. Melvin presented the petitions of eta 'railroad presidents, inking for the reduction of duty on railroad iron. • • Mr. Morgan presented the memorial of the vettonal Academy of Design, inking a specific duty of one hundred dollars on imported paintings.. Mr:Howard's resolution inquiring into the action of the executive branch or the govern ment in •reference TO the inte,cntion of Frsoice in "Mexican affairs was laid over. Tue petition oh army ofleers for an increase of pay was . - referred to the 31111mry Corn• mince The following petitiOne were presented and referred: for increased tariti o¢ (reported wool, and tot a reduction of duty on rallrona iron. Bills were Introduced to donate a por tion of the Fort Leavenworth reservation for public road, nod authorizing th e construc tion of a bridge across the :Missouri river el, Fort Leavanwortbt =O. one granting pre roeileo ragbtilL.: settlers on Cherokee lands In liausa}., • Tbe regUlat Lug the tenure of 'office was i tt , co ue,,,the enestion being on Mr. Sauts-• bury'snosendruent Co repeal he entire con entlorrhill,lcausad of the thirteenth section. Mi. Johnson argued at length in favor or the 'pardontrighobwer Reding solely with the Ere. nitre. • • After some further remarks 3Sr. Johnson went on to eay: A party most he indicted and tried before ho could be, adjudged guilty of treason. It retlndad.3llEl Seusibillfica as an American citizen 'to see incarcerated for two years on actor= of treason r. man of delicate frame, who Invoked end. plead for trial. it violated all ideas of 4merlcan Justice. Mr. Howard- faked what power the Court. had to bring. Snell 11. prisOn er to justice with. out an. order Irons thilekeeldent of the United States; by whose tiftltr he was incarcerated. Mr. Johnson • bald, if he was a prisoner of War he een!.:l not be tried for treason at, all, as tb'ne whose fault it was. Ito said the rrestdont had directed him to be surrendered to the civil authorities. 31r. Howard asked whose b.lness tt NVII4 to Issue the warrants. • Mr. Johnson— The Court before whom he . directed t & be tried was bound to lasau the warrant. . • Mr. lloward aaid that wee undcubtsilliso, but on the request of the President his law officers bad given an opinion whieleprevented toe trial from taking place. Mr. Johnson believed It had been sold that the Chief Justice could not preside because Congress 13 , t 1 changed their circuit., but who- ever -the fault lay with, he thought it a re• proacti to American Justice tint he was kept where be was. It he (Johnson) had been Pres ident, he would bare pardoned Jefferson Davie. In his opinion, curb punishment to men, already subjugated would he called by the world Intarnan. .lie deprecated harsh measures towards those in rebellion, believ ing a conciliatory policy would strengthen the government, while severity would Le disas trous In its results. Such a course would set America above the world, and we would again be as brothers, having one nag and 000 rune. t ry. Mr./lowe protested against the charge of inhumanity against the Government. 140 geld no government had been so sinned against and meted twas no forgiving. The guilt of the war On the rebels who commenced It, and though they had forfeited their lives they had not been taken. The Senator had said. if ho were President ho would pardon Jefferson Davis, If. ho (flows) hid been !'resident he would have tried and punished him. Davis might die ld Fortress Monroe. If he (Geo.) had been President, be would have died near there long ago, and no feeling of guilt wound trouble him. - - - • . Alter further dlecussiou between Messrs. Howard, Llendrlcla, ysulsbury, Trumbull and Cum:idler. as to the pardoning power of the President, and his eon thereof. Tho amend ment of Saulsbury was lost; the bill wax read a Ultra time, and pagg.,d. dlr. Wade gave notice that at the earliest posalble moment ho would call up the bill 110 1 log the time for meetings of Congress. On motion of Mr: Edmunds all other orders Were postponed to allow the consideration of the bill to regulate the tenure et 'offlce,where. upon the senate adjourned to meet on Mon day at I.2o'cloek. IMMO The PolitoMee aPPrOpriatiou bill was repor ted and made' the special order for Itond,y, Mr. linssOn, from the Committee on Appro. timat lons, reported. the Postoffiee Approprht than bill. It appropriates twenty million eta hundred and fifty thousand dollars for the next fiscal year, of which eight million slx hnodred thousand la ler inland transport, • Mr. :3 tevens roported the fortification appro priation bill. It approproorlates fifty thou, 'sad dollara".for Fort. Wayne, Michigan. ono hundred thousand dollars for Fort Mattress, Californta, and ono hon.:trod and fifty thous and dollars for a survey of tho Northern and Northwestern States. The resolution that the peopie ought not t o be tartul further at present for the reduction of the public debt was referred to the We) , to • arid Means ConunitOic. A resolution eras adopted requesting the Secretary of the Treasury to give the amount of internal revenue conceded In the first Illi nois district for each month during the past year, the amount of Penalties, and the amount remitted by the department, and the reason for such remission. A resoluticm was adopted, instructing the committee on 'Ways and 'Means, to inquire into the eSpedielley of diserlmtuuttrig in the tariff In favor of free grown brown sugar, mo lasses, Coffee, ac., against slave grown. The bill punishing by due and imprhon merit, perstms guilty of bribing, to secure too election of Congressmen ' and , disqualifying such persons from holding any office, was re ferred [nth° Judiciary. The bill glying the Court, of Claims lurimile- Lion to OW, and Indiana, so 8.3 to cover los, es during /Organ's raid, was referred to the ' Committee on Judiciary The Postopice Committee was Instructed to Inquire why tho mail route from Springfield, Missouri, ire can Francisco, has not been put into operation. The Secretary of the Treasury eras • requ,i t ed to fornishltiformation in relating to cotton claims. The bill tb restore the late rebel States to political rights was taken up. hir-Lawrenee, of Ohio, obtained the door in: the Committee of the Wrote on Cie Presi dent's zees age, and read a lengthy speech. Mr. Bins • am made a few remarks, declining to make li 3 arguments to-day.., The subj t went over. After a e ight debate. 10 was agreed that the House ro, t to-morrow only for debate, MOM ST. LOUIS / •oirdier and Lead to Indiana— U. S. Senator—Trobabitisz of ctilan or Drake Su ttis.o.u. . . s, January 4.— The DemocroAl St. Jo. • isi , says that notwithstanding the ~ citizens, powder and shot were • .•e Indials at the . rccent . dlstribn. • • sidles at Yort Santos, Montana, and • •rs were per:m.l[ldd to sell their , arti- . • I t c„. e x Act favorable, LL advocates the re-eleo ..eroy United (items Senator from • ..prey for the short term. in different portions of cmeWrJefferaon City ay•Cial nye; !form ranleal members or no Logged a re eMonaticany for Chas. D. Drake . SLAMS Sea. ThLy will Inento . "Mal In capons td Sulroctueril eloa• FIRST EDITION. ONE O'CLOCK. A. M LITE NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. FROM EUROPE. FtRTUER ARRESTS OF FEAIANS. Conciliatoq! Policy of England To wards the United States, THE EASTERN QUESTION LOOMS UP. Napoleon Fails in an Attempt- ed, Alliance [RI, dieWe.l ....11 ST Or YrNIA, Dessrx, January S,-51r. suspected ronlatis were arreeted here lard night. They came your Liverpool, where they had Just arrived trout America., They are supposed to be Fe nian. emlSSarle. ...AND AND .1 rattan • LONDON, January 4.--Yeea.—Tho Tomes says that the only nue.tions In which England Is now Involved with other nations, are with the United States, and promises ,prompt wattle. meat of these on a satisfactory bast. = Tlie Tieici believes that if the Eastern Ques tion is now approacbed Ina proper spirit, it can be 'pet - Ally settled IV the European powers. = January 4.—The Convocation_ triterdinary, seesion of the Itelcafiruth. heg bad a bad effect on Hungary. • Frost roan.. IL. Lx,Bos, Jan.lux). L—Nnon.-1 - he King open ea the -Cones to-dip, and urged Ins reorgani zatlon of the army. , • NATOLMT. , OI(PLIIIENT9 ME. 111,1:1,01T. Par.,. January 4.—Az an evidence of the Malt upgtveMtion In which he was held by else Emperor. Napoleon in an autOgraph letter to hir. Bigelow. the reliving Lotted tqate.s Ilinibter, has presented him a copy or his works. The letter Wee couched in very. gut tering term,. 7, - ch . g.., , ,tERN QUESTION 1.0011.1:c0 Wriseo,r, it ia, Jennary 4.—Thu la lit untie ' to - day, .11(19 en Important article upon the polltlctl situattou of litibaia, ant at• goes tb - lt the Onerous mmll[lolls Imposed no r,. the Sevornmeut by the results of the Grt mean war eittelid be removed, and thus relieve Russia of certain burdens, the abrogation of which would teuterkint . enhance tae progreal slvaand newer the Empire. Tito above mentioned article excite, consid etuble attention, hot only In governmental circles, but has received the attentive perueal of the prelim diplomat, at St. Petcriiburg, who have adviaml their respective govern ments, relative to its terms. ZUrtr-11.1:: sal, arra.... The L.uir has lssuoil an aks.e, eutendlug the furloughs of olneers of am army. Ilrams. January t.—Several of thu North German Cineernmenta Lave formally ogreut that Parliament Omit meet on tho 15th et Feb ruary next. The Prussian Governmett is ta king naive step; littelen the de .tiro of delegates to Parliament,l prior to the itlrst pron. 110VVAIEHT OP Tril, P 0176101. January I.—The L"toi:e, Baur s . api that the efforts of the French Uovernment to form a ysa , looole alliance with England, Prussia and A.astria, have entirely failed. It understands that England favors an alliance Wit/Prussia, provided the latter will guaran tee the independence of Belgium. 7110 "1.111:51:" .13ZIZLIN. Jan.l.—The lircole question in the east is assuming threatening proportions and US dual settlement is 'coked upon as invOlv. trig seriomi complications , . ulti solicitude is apparent In regard to It by high olliciala. Lovoone, Jan. 4—Ereut NE—The closing price for Consul- is (Or izone.V. Prim , of rive-twenties, ;43•;; Erie, It; Lanai Cen trial, SI .:Ltvunroot. Jan. -I—/Acning.—The Cotton market continuer steady; eater of le,uan baler .11.1ddling uplands, at 1510. Liver:root., Jan. 4—gevaino.—T,l3o Bread. ,te IT.s market is firm.. torn firm, with an up. ward tendency. and advanced to 119'6.1 per quarter of 4ro lbs American mixed Western. Wheat is arm and upward, and inc. advanced 4d per rental. Flour is firm. I.o:cnOs, January 4.—Noon.—COMMIS. live-Ttven tie, 73%; llhauls Central, dllt.;;Lrie llvsmrool., January 4.—N00n.--Cotton sales* for the week , ttp.lo butes; Middling and upland seat Markt , - blowsy. PA... January 4.---Yoca.-ILent es 01. '4 , 3 Centime... v eurOOL, January , I—Ere t ttiay.—FrOTlrd On inardet steady and Sian. Lard firmer, anti tends upwards. blurs firm with a slight op ward tendency in price. FraalrOlLT, January I—En•ntitty.—Tlte eto, log gonna/Anna of s-ddi Meru 77.44. I . A. 6! an ary L—Eeenind.—the Bourse clos ed steady. ll.eutes cased at n.. fr FROM KENTVCKY • Governer Itrotrilette'n Message—The Vote 01 the Pardoni n g Porto—S (+omen.] Amnesty to the !Whelp, F 00,0 FOOO, RV., JO.ll Mary I.—GOW. Bram* letie's message was delivered this' morning. The following la h brief synopsis: 110 says our people SO It body have, since the arbltra leant Of woe, decided toll[lllold 1111,1 Main I Fan the right as determined by the utthoo Toho pop,lll, and the inereaso of crime is for below the measure of the most reasonable' expecte. lions. Ile is'gratllled to kooe , Ills trolley at the elO,ll of the war of granting pardons to 113-' dieted salters of either army, has been re wdriled with the happiest results. .1.1. the 'dose of a c (11 war peace and. amnesty are s ty ape without amnesty there ran be 110 /'.ll a n d eialesa fo,t e „. net, covens acts Of war and relieves thoe en. gaited herein, there le no real prate; 1110 Wile In bet transferred from held to forum, where timid and corrupt men may swear away that 'for winch bravo men and true struck the minty blow. - To assume that this' or that class has shined en for g 1.11 10 hot 10 MILpa r tia l. not an entire The breach m ade by exceptions may widen tin the dame sof strife rekindle, and the dying embers of woe may again lick the life blood of our: people. .11.11 flee) . only can ' extinguish the ember. and cool - the heated ashes, After discna4lng the mode of proceeddro In ! Coogre , s relative to the amendment to the Constitution! proposed by Joint resolotion, I 11, Governor concludes. It only requires two thirds of liquor:u, Or of those present coa -1 staining a quorum to Impeach, but to pro. pose nmentlnients two-thirds of both houses i of congress meet concur, net two-thirds nt a E4n01,1111 or of those present, but MO-thirds of I both Mouse[. The reaelutlon submitting the proposed amendment does not comp to as with the sanction 01 two-thirds of the members chosen by the several States to 11101[0000 of Representatives, twenty-two Senators chosen I by eleioen States and fifty-are naembers of the House ol Representatives chosen by the peo ple of eleven States not being admitted to seats, nor counted In the pretended passage of the resolution, and It is not therefore Coast!. tutionally submitted. The Governor opposes the amenilMent on Re merits also, and urges the adurlasien of the noutheru States. 111189OURI. Ileemage of Goventor , FietCher—lie Op p a General Amnooty—PardoneW Rebe ose,. ls should be esependent, on Their ' Loon Conduct. . Sr. Loots, San. 6.—Governor Fleteher's mea nage W tread to the Legislature this alter. IS.I neon. After strongly commending the Fed eral Constitution he urges to amendment to the State Constitution, such Utile abolition of the preachers' and teachers' oath, and says ho hopes such inotatication will be mado which will, conform our policy. as a eiLato, tee nearly as practicable to. the National view .whieh may be Indicated by the lemslation of c oD grtsai hat beends if Congress should al. low generosity to blind it tojrat t ion and future safety . , by giving amnesty to tr tore, without dlotinctimi nap, their conduct, hopellissouri will refine to accede to general amnesty, but make fOrglYentss sPeetally , dependOnt On the 1 ature good conductor eacSnsdPridual. __--~ ~ PITTSRURGEE, SATURDAY,. JANUARY - 5, 186:7 SECOND EDITION. FOUR O'CLOCK, A. M. VERY''LITEST TELEGRAMS. FROM WASHINGTON. The Impeachment Question in the Gold Market TERRITORIAL' BILLS IN THE SOUTH. .4)1 .Inti-Polyvanty .7leaaw•e. STATEMENT OF TIIE PUBLIC DEBT ON JANUARY IPIC THE TEST OATH . DECISICHI: 0.. ceo. janl,l-, - I, IS Tito financial 'excitement iv New York, re mpecting tfie report of the impeachment or the President. pro:inert ine.r , :et! sensation here. Mr, Ashicy aiodined his linpeavh• went reloilti ion se n+ to provide for a ' , mow tt• tee of investigation. THE relinteontAt. roe ens nor T If. Meier., Sterol. , and etiley'e :territorial will be pressed tn ipeeei. vote. It le probable that the eietential feature.: to measures will be embed led inn tangle net. THC.Or.,N ILEIMN eao,l ' The Ail:visas delegation have h.tu an inter view with the ProsidOnt who was unse,esved in bin eTpeeeidOns regarding . the Constitution s! amendment, which he thought skint' not tie' accepted.. The Arkan, , . Conimissioriere have been InfOrmed by loadtho lieptblioons that Congrese won't minim t'.ny eieeptloul In their Is.vor, find will not depart from any ;dans to he agreed upon. =I Thu t. abinet, to-dayoslll be eallad altos lo pronounce tio*tttoly on the Dlitriet of Colom bia iiiiirruge bill. 'leis will Wane secretary Manton squarely on the record for or against tho l'rediden VS puller• croons vs clan. A 11'.1 was Intralimml lutn file ',nate vet iluy. 10 regulate Jurors in Club. It !autisti c:a by Uric and imprninattimit all pennons un authorized by this laic, alto stall presume to solenautgo n inumhigei 01.0. nil person.. who co-habit saitla women um lawfully married. ataLtim sacrament of the Mormon 'church la not ••ii nice, peri•ous who know. aid Or LISSi-a to auch ceremonies. Chil dren of euch spiritual lußrtingoB. or healing, are cOni,lerml hello of the toolbox alone. 110 hlsr. • 11.111..• T he etatement of the pule:, &ht. toJanuary 1•t. slim., the tollownigi The total debt in Irlitt - lht?sl,htto less eels an,! en rteney In the Treasury, amounts to waking the atitual debt about 42,543,, The debt hearing Coln Intereat Is •Lwissote; debt bearing currency Inter est, le . illTlit,titsh debt Isearing no interest, Oh. The benate Copal:nate° on Terrttorlea , rll probable prOtryle 'for 1-,0 • &on of NeMeolita erni.litiolitEal thero-NskB. be no diettnetion In the enjoyment of political right, on account of race or color. The barna 1, applicable. to Co:nrudo.' UEL,CTION eerAs 1,11,61 - . • The Committee on Revenue I rauda bare concluded that the Mr on wlosky must be re. duced to tilt; co :Ira. or the manner lu Which the tar Is nuw collected m u s t changed. serranua IS ring ”1,1111 T. The glv Int; rogatv turret,: to the DI:, tried. of cotutubla, to,bOWIL 1, Ilave been vent to the Presblent On the 2 , 1 h er !ha:ember, µed It in under vtood that It will be ',turned to Con4remb on Morday. 'tee Conservative• are of the Opinion that the Preoldent x 11l sign the bat. t.rter, whoge lllnez, ties preventeU to tleelalon from the enpretne Court relative to the teat oath hitherto tletnandetl of ttoners In that Court, will, It le underNtootl, return to the botch on Monday. It is proba ble that ttu, opinion on tne tent oath will then ho ,thuittted. In an Interview between the Arbannia deli) :ration and the Cabinet. toodar, Mr. stunsbery told them that he coneltlered trhneone already reconstructibl. _ Not withstamllng the' enormous iralltiß the revenue b distilleries uhlch have cothe to light, It he stated at the Intend Ileemitm Bareau that the receipts of duties from this ,ource are three times al large ns 111.9 t year. The Lootshula naemorLal cent to the ,enate aching the a,sli , ance Of COngretol to rebuild levees, alma that eighteen par• our fourth of nil the *tato and two• thirds of the ac,tn , able property, are subject to. overdoes. The Gotnrnincut loses Ova, million, annually in Interim] revenue taws by tins condition of affairs. Thu Slate auks tin Gov , ,ru moot guorantoe of Ox minium! in bonds to epoir t i n Joyce, . 01,041T10N 70 isiraAmia eNt. Many Itepubileayl Cullare,atiell 1.1.1,. bteu Lo.dey, thu,m2lley of impeuelling thy Itresident, and express VeriOUS doubts es to Iter . proprietv. A mucus will be culled to• morrow ovenit, if a sail:Minot number of metubors are 14 the eity. - and It is understood that Spaulding of ohio, “Ith mbers,lvill take strong groundslugui est the movement. ANO2III. rOOM S. 5./01r130. The I•:esident Imo slgnttled 'll4 intention or prot-out 4'the lattoluot to Int glvon by Conservutlvea 011 the Stu or January. Tim Cubl net held quite a protracted se.tou to-day, having under cOoubleratioa Ito veto iliesAage on lluillistrict euitrage bill. Ill's un ilunitood that *lie veto towage will be Sent into Congreiv., ifo-morrow., FROM NEW YORE EVs . n . i. t iv . eikLize w —Ttr .r .a t n h s e ite G in n l e td ,..c ml . ra r l . tore or The Henrietta. Unw Yuan, Tannery 4, /S , r. llVlT4Ccrivu FsMC. rubber • Norton and Co., No. 3ss isroTr - 'li" n„. rY d G ; damaged by fire this moro ' llt t v. " l.. 0 w 5Z41.5.0 , 1); Insured, rock, itandolPh Own 0 clothiers lost by water. '1,1g,9J0; Ulu owned b Morton, was damaged to the an ~11 t. e. of $70,04 fully Insured.. I/01,L.VISITOR. The Austrian Admirol, Tsgoihsif, visited the Mayor to-day. WILL CASE DECIDGIL • Tho Gardiner will case, In whlelt ajar. amount of pro y pert 11 Involved, been ,Fe. added by the Court of Anneals in favor of Da. yid Gardiner, brother of Mrs. ex•Preslden. Tyler, against. her. • natter For. Till: oases, . The Greek committee of this city have ap. pealed to the cltls , us for old to the Candlans. YAWL' TIXIC. London diwpatuttes of this day's date wore received in Now York at n, c.• C.1.1,,L1N Or TOO LIEXIIIErI, IN tuck. Capt. Samuels, who commanded liennett's yacht, Itenrietut, has been appointed to ono of the New China Steamers 01 the Pacific Mall Company. FROM CANADA Commutation of the Sentence of there. nlane—They Are to be Imprisoned for twenty Years in the Penitentiary. Mosrnzat, January 4.—lt has transpired that, by directions from England, the sun. tenen of the condemned Penis. has been commuted to twenty years' imprisonment in the perattobtiery. Thou ha Sweetsburra will be brought here to-in orrow, en route for Kings ton. The Execntive Council has been sitting for the last three days, transacting very Stupor. , tent humus. • The eleventh cannel connect or. the Irish Protestant Benevolent Society one lest sight. D' 130 MOUS° delivered of the best addressee ever heard here, and was re. calved with great enthusiasm. D FROM TEXIS. I:etterni liidon'ia Order Ahru¢nl Ina; n Madeltroniori from Neale./ Frelttmenle, trlelirn had. ±igw Onta,o4, VIA. (ix .1,11111,1 Y i—tieneralKnOo tecues elreular Its fellows "The labor law, pue.ell at the oi the Leghilatu re, and approved Nei:elided Id, 1814, wiilww disregarded ey the aole.t,id.eit CommisiZneria /tureen. iiinr la accorifance with ILL provide:l, will got he .PPfOred." General Kidder, ray , Use awe, provialona of the law redo, s tine negro to practical alavery. BroarnavOlduaperg tee gilt of Itneci il her, make ncrnetitton of lite death of and the report Is or Ideally unfounded. canalts visa going towardi Tampico, pro claiming Ortega by the . . littlVestOrl papere of the .1 SOY t her teed of Teraii.celidirateil lie II rd of .T witli their gotta' ealatisia in. AO peagidill. I.d.ineral Ridden addr i die principally on cducatton, heir ile lien, I .g11:4, A. general ,}:stem of (re 1,” fremlmen went Into t•MAkk on till% n ary, wioctt bo stotitint , l by the lint-elk.. . It A PIS r.1 . :12 ]l:\Z: Ihe fatost rogartllnttAle Tice Itt tli !flee tt : Campbell to/Maine 4nlet yUt \,„r Metia, Otte of the ablest the 1 topettel et:err ata Ls at Sin Lubt Cotes!, and It Liberal 'urn, is ielttortect advancing out that place. 1 hut been repetted MLitt by the I.thentla lilt a dozen t trees. tne Litter. Cot are •t: ported” t 9 have uneuncett %It on, for tt9 to within elgin miles of the Cub of [ht. 31axtotzt lie We •. Owing to the t L,::;/6, try bas been ordered to mend 11:1:U1 410 Dep:lrlf:,11: of li, l't •oH, one, iIt . OIIII.WY the 111(.11.11.., tp, Alurod to tpc !von:tel. ' A 61;10,1 tub 11,Ltdru$1 :.! ,;) Clevohtml Couvuo..l.” cruttc Svomor. 'l'lnvLtroutvie - ,N The Su.nutor p LI.II . nut n.iriati to the Thu .latelllng !lonia or 31r. Iturhe, lt,tre t gt r Inoitcha, woo. ttet,t^oethl rich .ct, night. '1.03a 47,00 u. St, jj.itiragee. 'rise potion eatnitlthhtheut of Nor: h•S I. 0., Loolathile, liy., was alao dcatruyettiee hie the Atim i /ti la Itt, 1.0.) $5O/0). Itttetet,l Srl re neat ‘7llllatust..ttl•g, cc Cate t . 1 4Y, , h , - troWed riattith,ote4 torus $l,OOO. . Chicago adopt,. the eehtal oyoloos •:: tth• tiring gra(v to March. Gan. lloynohlft, who 11 to eommar. , l b the Itto 11ramle, Icavet , New Orli:ant for It: ownt. rule to•tlay. Gen. It I, ,tatr,l, i.. 0011 to tool to tho altar a lartyof Lout:llan. hrvit: 4 ,01:11i,n lteat hly wile t.o4:nt-II: t,4.1. - Utty ,r“. 4 a 00046':0.- fdr:Camphell, 311111,er to Itent,u, -tort , ho Onto to4norrow from New °Mean., on t. iblf• to Ills family. Cie oiltiwohably It co.l Want:it:l;ton an , Cvonfisr 'ollllho :mato Irmmrt meat In refer:lnc° to bif future vour-e. The value of the forolga . export exports of ht . .t fon, C., for the tlartift month, it trZ,•.!!1.t.71 of the coatAtemo Governor Outlook 21111,1,1g1: lo tlty Imwoot elmnoodnll.eglitoture litters chiefly to rite atfafri. Aleatiachu ,rita expended tllll m kit,- ant In lltrswur. . Ile favor. the Coust ahtlonal Amendment and negvtistaffra2e u= that:it - I.ov°. cable law of the Ltda... ICI I:l'ci c illC, 1) 1.1, : I CC CI . W1, 1.!‘“ • +C ADDITIONAL LOGAL N.Elva A(i.r.) TEIDD P O w 1/11 !„, , - , .1, CITY AND SUBURBAN = • • 241 s gentletnin, nitvr nnvinn 1•••• turn at the Acsainny Miz,le. .•-••::•nnvl. inun,” whinlx altanotsay hionef7t"?7,7l7,Tat [loci/I-shed repreauntat 5 . e•,.. ert ov, n-:-;1 In order that he might vki; eon, nt Induatrial eN .- tubliantnent he did; and In the after:woo an Intorrn,! in htiti OK roo., or tto Trade of aenti.inom reiarehen •ve tinu .i y - of our buelnea.4 moo: The oidant ano ti} to pay their respect, to one oTt! o the,t -dead• d•llenders Ofl.lborty anti lode-try in tiro inoun, and partly to !war Mr. iirrelt, lion. Thomas Howe jon:d.1;;;I, .;1 - W. W. Ward, Eoi . acted at ary. 'Mier a fee: felony . .. Ls r, ily the ; RIA.II Mr. relmsrlrable rut Its rot 'u!Jna of protOciton to rktuertet..l.o.l lie told ouri luaantacttll ers Ma. lon. they have•not much to expect 11 1 1 n: :Ili. present Congress in the way 01 Lunt-- that that 11,00 was not before the I'eoolll o Lien the members were 0110.. en, :ant not until co. exciting questions which urese out of sl and rebellion Leal! be settled, settle:Lvid oil right prluciPles, can they hop.. Co get I too try, especially the•grinit tent liwest, to unto:- tam the question sO ilieicnlly t:011. 0,111 views ill regent to It. till sold .mr user protective tariff. , id Isll, L:s I: o ort only enacted to obedience to the great•r • of popular opinion; and (1101 t14111111,,,..i0nl 1.1 the? will rester° the protective policy. lie spoke of the ulidsirun elev. s V 14011.11. 4 ,, 1. the ageleottulnl penulatiout 4/i till' 1 1 est.., thiSsubject —that they r ar.led tt as a cid.. row scheme to prolllote the int.:lC..., tlf IL le,' SEI/11311(lICIUTIIII: COOiild li es, 11111,0.1 of a none:: essential to the ilevelooment of the r ,:,., CI , of the tanintry, and to the true independence of the notion. In tilt. connection be mentlou cd the fact, that the entire /ndlana delegatlon in the present poonlarbranch of although nearly all of them elem.( 11l haelne heen Henry Clay IVLIIge, east their votes at the last session against the tarlff 11111. Mr. timely predicted eonlldent that, lu the near Intore tile people of the 00111II,I.10•11 • they seriously begin lo retontruis tnicr doetrlal interests on Inc new basis imposed upon them by the war Ile among the most earnest eel vocate + . Ol the 5011- ay of protection. lie tql.ell by urging upon his uoilitOrti an earnest and persistent :oil,. eery Of this principle, and eupres•eil a co. 11 . ilexit hope of Ott ultimate and early It Winn], Upon the close of Mr. (;recipe renlarks, Col. James 31. Cooper moved it vole of therils, to nun. which 000 earrleil enthusia+ilcoll . .. Al ter this nearly all iittnielit I • personally to their 151,1Inguished thlei, ond had, altogether, n Car. phut-act tin,. I=sll At the fashionable .lry non ileietrs, Bates .t Bell will le fauna a lull of seasonable dry good; for winter n ear. The firm have recently made urn ; addition , to their choice selection of good., soli have in troduced all the prevailing , elvico nod Ind tern! of materials In vogue nt :sew mock and Paris. This announcement, do I: non, will he VIIMCICTIL 10 attract the attention ,FE the ladles. Everybody cello List. 410110 any ahoy ping lit our city are fully 11,4.1111,1 with the character and style of the hunts of !Into,: Bell. Stonopolishig . Icr yo'lltv 111151 selves a large share of patronage, they striven to beep their stock op to oi excellence which will sustain their high 1 tint tatlOn. All deticrlptionit of dry good., ruiltr.,riug slam. molre-untlqum, corning repot t glacier', in the moist locrutlful coloter„.lilitin alike Of every quality, iilnida and merino pinida of every variety, cullntis, jotter, C.lslfiaerCS, Sc., will be found et priori lei Portable as can be obtained rlcrwhere. A Juror amortrnent of broche, long and Nue c aim whi, which were eurchunrd direct from the Immo fact lucre , g cre , agents, and largo and entail stew 10 HULL /Vito*, tnitori, and ritlldron, xlll I, found in the/Km - ter department. The him pity expect:ll and harticulor attention to Ihe cloak trade, and bap: now noon rxlll , llliiir and for aide a Mon lot of velvet mani from the fluent qiiality of Lyon's velvet. chilli mantles, cloaks and 'teenier,loinhich, in excellenceeauty of fl, loot Ourablilly and of ot:mentor!, with tiny fonnd in tee timid futiiiienithl t „l„j. orq tree the attention of the Indira In twin housn, knowing full mull that It will not lie neglected In their ehoppart tonic. TIM it01 . 1 , 1n7, Iwo 0-1,70 r, The I...,lidsys have panned and our readers doubtless tgLve settled down to their acens• tamed quietness and Unt It eof life. vo also in business. 'Tao rush and turmoil of doing as enormous Cade In abriel nent,ort is over, and T. A. MeCletaild'n Auction house solos rooms urn th,ongol as usual with purchasers 0116 gree t bargains. In view of the tlCrrCi'sloti hrtiade McClelland lot, !nude still further redtetions lit his prices, and to-iluy i. nulling hootkOhehe end gaiters ut priced which reactors wcnid not cretin. It iitioiw I; in print. there U, hoeover. nothing strung. in thin, us the proprietn of this ertenet leo es tutill.lito eht purban anierutandn buying to itilvantawo sa wall, it roc.>nttcr, than any other ruerelnint in the comnunity. He select, noth ,„ . 11 , 11 choice goods, and tturcitamen et Sheridan sole and nuctioni of the Metropolitan cities. Thu, sneering gnat bergitins lie ono ...fiord to share with his para.. uts udynninges, and coos,. quently McClelland's Ilan tiecOule quit f num.. hiscejor cheap goods. A frill line of dress end plsto goons will also Ue found hero at prices much less than those which ruled t.ey"reiyip, tors, carpet., noukerurtli6n,:lg heeds. libtosete, woolen goods;V coo kept in greet assortment at the itUCtlOo ous* licadquarteni, 55 and 57 Filth street, where we It advise Oar raiders tO ces CAM, eXAMIne the good. rtdttlqUire Ito Pri. ~...,........4 ...,-- Y Iri i 7 1 ) 1 I'T 'f..... ' P-'', 14 ' s %-- 'l.----.? -- -ts, -• i i ,-- i , ri t ,' , , , ~ ~,... t ,.,.., ,4 -. ANOT 11EI: T V. Slaeotittyr• Affrity. ilt .1114.0....—. L Fhuot. 111% IVgfe Intln ... • ~Isoutin4 .LtrAir, It 111,:y to to rttm nute fut,. 1.1 th,, I , el ennw,t, eccal in , 1r17'1..- ee,,eg, ;I,l' The 10..1 ;.t.• • tie. /len:y lienler an , l r Ito , , d cccii ce , liltnn . nt erne, et vr..ignt) I Tay:, .I . yenne, Inelniel ward. purntnlll tne delht N Juno!. whulun. Nttlonl,n, u,.f t 1,1 icon •nenz, f 'llon In .I,ine 8,1;4,11, h s,onn,:m.ln ori1! ie., or :rift n 1 Ltrll . l to I:ern rtrem:a nen, hn, alnre,nre..with her pnrunt , . Ton een..ent 4Fr tlin :: neat' .t ret, 11,1, , t0 resi !In3r In her inlent.,a - n - t Ihe I,:enun.ll ,, tlllillnn o neme !1n,., hen . rnr,—poinlhkl, ce, Augnht la, I Ilt 1l elllVllllt ./.f Br it. v1,1,,1 then - IL} 4111,1111 g. ;,11-11, ro. nIO•1 , 1 10 thrOr hem , All,rheny, :nem nftern. 0.4 I:0, i....tnme hele. I n t: fr., tr; ilvlch law; bo..nnvir :In:I cleciar3l3. , l " W' t t I. t. (1..1. Y.,. "." "I I , I !,,•11 IN,. M1,14;,—, te.1.1:1„. "litl,l - .,0r1: to a:;y ”1::;;;;;;;., ,I;;; 113 . .14. 1, .1y8,141 1,4011,10 4 1.0 011 I‘ ," 11 ;.:1.1 1A.14; :;' :;;; I_ , ll unr...1, , 1 ;;; „ I.; , zr,t t”, 1. 1. 1. • • oEncatitc:l * Ile n wifc,'l.oo mothcr mild it cmog kr0,..4•; )11 1111,1. 1401 1.,: In It -10 Int If e 10111 1.'110,0 t, rtrior.. ,tv,rt!, • 440.4 1..,•1 1.111.• 1, 044,4 1 , . truglu • 100 11 , 21" . .1 : I .1 . -', 11 1 1.40114.; 104- • 11 .- 1. 04.1. 7'lo , r4:710g • 11.1. 4 -1••14 0t.14i 1111..1 her ^ I I , vd 31r. f • =IE ill' /21, 16" ~T I3 / 4 1 2, 111.1 , k, IL° Mt.Dorml.l, „ t „, ,i ill.h.•111,•. .11. t hi0...-on -1,1,1 Mr. aro.l lots:: 11,1•ry np.f.g nf. Tivr .el.;1, S,TI 11:1, 10 tuorl,it CIT., 1010 Toy n 00,,, s.“ tt` an.; t! fent , it!ir to up. w 131,4 I Si,. In,:lry , tny ptu.13,1 by •11111.1, pi 17.5• shrl., ••••••i: “:.,, to,C4 .L.t. .:1 t0•11,,,,z IC' tll“.=t•,ll' , t ot ,ttoot, tar; tt c.o. to I,:trl tut 11...1.1 111 , ~/11.0 /11/ N 1///,‘ I// ....ill.. on 1.1 - , ,, ,te 'lr. 14111- 11J , . II.• I 1:0 "Il'. MI .4. .t.rung lelL 1... ...:n itttic 121,;11 , ....1 r , .11; ,1,,1 I 4... It: Kl:er left 2.fter I..ti It 1,1• I ),1 It 11 or tnlzitite, ,;L:1 „„„„, - ,„ - , 1 t7, - ;rti.tY,:i - ',; ::';',.',',',.'Z';v:n,t:T.,`,..',: ,nl,ll L.l:nr - V... 11 ...•- {..11.14 a L. •I A ln•op Intn, ..! • . r.t.:11. out c•I UM In In , ~, 010. I: .4 0,1'11.1.01: 1.11-51111.5 Oil, It. 1 lug oct•urr. tl hall I,l`. T/11:1, 1,4 4, ,: e.• 1 ,- , , ,,: ~,,-,;,/-4% 4,0t0 I , ,T , it lilt -1,,..,, ' - (10 •uloo. vi 1,-n ,' . n,r. , ,11 , /.1 ,• li . t. roolll.ll. ,P t. •11 , 0rnv to I:1- 1:.•.112111. tor rv:. I 1.1.11 ,1111, t• %/WC , ' Oil, IV 4f .. . 11 111:tilt/C`i 2.11, 4,1 up .I „ti in Oon't ..L hi . Lilti 1;i l i lt 11.• umeli .1. I X hilt hi!lhtil t•I ,n.• In. 11.••=1 ,- ,.. i t I 11.• 0intn..,;....1 1:1.1,p4 At 1). , t0 . 0 , 1 111 tnk, 11. , nt I vr 1... I ;.14 pO. :10 I n • It. arott:l , l :•••3 • 1 h !II no' !cr. 1,1,4. Ion!. I I VIL. ••• .-ual no: iOl nnyo All.Ol- w.ito th,w .ut aft-, a I,tllt , I , u a lay aui •0 at' In lnu oUt 1,0-o ol.a 01an Ith.l n:hohtt-ht af/ :von -..1.ta; 1 ran u: arnl 1110 11,1 - .. a. Winn t,,,jt, doh. ,atr , 3:1(.1" thy atiglitur. Sla, stu,l tour lalliur cal.:11110r a.l pa-ia. o llth3:ll. hu,nan.licaugl, tho tiolutulant 1t,,, anion, o.lnel . ..rid/tut put nu. uo - ho--,lfnu/V0 .1,11 sax . Ow Ulan. Ma' haNlimul tell; ho klt-ftanlanl toil twain tan 1131,0-ral 11 . 1ai ,11,1 11-Aught Illy t.the cv nutup tilt, I,,tui illwe; I rail //Why dud he ta, opt typh n+-tol lil. baud; to - rut up .1:1 .1001, palametit Ow lion, arul that le tt,, :00t 1 ,:nw 4:111; tato on .-Luning "inark!ur;' , 11011 . Ilitow how he WI: Out, t :ny tea, nu.t uncut into Iha to 10111 aftvr rho wns ha.lll,cntoaual the 0100 u (nultly chrttlhia+, woulrl Injure u. 031 et cor.ry 0 ny,llo cunitl; 110 dl,l lilt buolh 0uh . ,11 niy.lattghttr.ollll,l- ,„, 1110 howl, hr lnquuaal 100 Ind' enunollatoty nuil canto 0:10 11 P .. 1 -a• •1 Luow % o,o ' f. 101. I,,l amp, In 1.00, - , 1.0-rut dooa 01-1 not .. tau roa, 111711, - 11 :11111 ~1.--10,1,01 . . • e•lrtt, faz the a 4, len .1:oat . with Ilfa , th• nay Ittu,eth ol ;tenni na.t hot. heen. alottu u u her al all Itefore e t 101 l tuent latt Strung had Jual ott.e and hunt; up 1,1 , 1 roof /14, itrtn l da or 1101,• 1 , 1.1 Jun notice lulYfillhlf P. IX , ' riiertuett denleanot only that Ito ant 1,1111 1111 113101. 1 Dili not art fu the le mat. Du! uot 130liett lit. eye, Ile aeenn.l little aerants. 315 . 4/11/glltt, att both... of lite aloat I ran out, ke.WIl , nouP!III 4 a:eV:litho, her. i'L know liether 1-Ito ahot Itto. allot nil-,e1.1 huNI, - „gul, tlaullstal says tuat Wll, 111 , 1 emu! abut. that atrurk her. NVhen the bleat. wai tutole, the der, whoa cant, net, atot ualtiul flush.ool for Ito,. hI Itualuout haul alt go till. lon. If rho minho , ., but ah,ul , l never ',tutu aa lila tlathyner. Ile then aahl If :11t . xna,...uot he , lolote the lutitly and Ito.o all no uouhl. I have Inn the certllleaf, lay daughter , quart - unto 11l the .litlerulaut. She .1.1 antW 1.11 It, 111111, mi.; tall :Ate nollhl 110! tnu•lv tlo • /Jar.• B.'re afr anoln —Was her , ‘ a hen the ,Inannln oulan ra.l;ur 1111A:11,s ~ Innt. oor, and Jrti, inpl bora, in linn; 4lown and ,nanl aft, the" n lioolln c.reurrgnl; "i' tr.iihte , i , f , l..' 4 l Intl i,l out. ol ihu. don ; 4PLIO J:11,0 0 1 111 011 K nut h 1. Ptrlol in hla 'old; uund to thu front knot Into Ilte boll. and father rolnlna aronnd after bus: I spoke to taint, antl loa an,. -4110:;1 help. i Lim In Mill !ind my statur to tile quart; OP/ not :dn alter Dr. IA Ins mtlt)l . ll.-%%"/1 1 celled In to allele! the Is not man. The hall "ecru. `heat four :I,lla, 11 , 1 !nit cooler of Um till the r1,;11E sil o, hew. nu. the ruurt it 111.1 filth Clhn, alOl O111;1' nut under the toy e d Tll pit, panftltig 1 1 / 1 011,11ti, krmy. hu xrellud dangeroue, menet nseesxrdes fatal. .1. enTelltlen Is 'us tar - ore:le or reed ire expected lin. 00. wept, ellmualt welch]. 'Tune eh no ern decide thece3o note Its, the linreedltte danger le 11 1 0 1 . The loop Is cone tueee, rut prohably e.; Ito Vallee:l Icy-, that, alter her feller phelted her Into the tenlm. xtwm, elm ran 1 non :Wendt and eel:reed itewee in the Owe dll roue. the partly etwerd closet twee, e b e Uttur, haa entered the ;rent deur, ;;r1 11,., :11 twice up 011,1 .town Wall the we'll In toe Intll.l , cueclOnk fur 1110 191111111110.1“1 or her me h er lef t .11001 nlonnet the room. Bel <ell halted her why her Inother,'ll do 1 :Situ ehe rexpowled 111,15 chore wen no hate nnalnet. him; nu nulled err a. liar VIIIc or tour 11, 1 0.,, awl drew the Ine.01; :we cunglat hold of We :and Iu en. Ncru 1411.1 distwa out Of bed. ILtit,ll Is u flue /hot, tug. tr.Wilixeut man of :e rhty...ll; 110 setved I M the war In the l'lr. I V ant., , alvelre; he is very CO 1111,..1 cud reticent cent ernlng the emoting; Ins WM let elghtutnt ;.././tre of true, L und very Leant !fall; she is not tlAngertmely 11 1101; the •ehentlnc nsu drum with it !urge elzed 01 , 7 rl l, llxer. /det 111 It num does not tarry, except fur hileTi'Ll cenexlons. Theeprisx otte will be committed to-day. to await, the lasult Of Mr. Strentea Inform:to,. „t 0,, :1,, to.tantly r.:nt log all articles of ..upttor.Orers or I.tvrotao with pars ell ver, be., Wore otr, and ler a_maglog all I , l , llehin,r a:lvor or Oliver. pl %tell Ware. Warrauted to cootaln lm qnrau. ullrer or arid, or any lo.:orloug Article. For saki by J. Sample. Alleuhenv, end all drug alert dolg,tl PRICE TIIR,RF (,EN Grover II =I K 4?, 4 _. nc 17.; ‘;'• unto,, ' =I \AU.. you tvtvo glee I mg 1.4:w :t lt,"i . t.• 41.1.1 rat , 111 r rip tittle,. c't, :,toti ntt t 1.;,!..f,,11.1, :t 1.. 4:1, 1:•. zitill ..Ir. 1 e in Llatk ,111. 14.LN I' 1.,. e..., 11 tlo , ' , 11.,; , 1:: tr,...:•!...,11t1 li-Ir 11. ~q,111.-3. I AVcst ~';",".. t., I 0,1 t:trit., ,t:t t q !lit tt it ttpit thtl:, • 44 4 4 411 4. : / .1•11 1/. • 4 4 / 11/ 4 111,fripitt,I, ir iti i iitrird,‘,ll tho 0,3 1.111.1, ,1 k, [rum fin, , ', P.,. t.ll,,agu 1/ 4 et:, 4.411.4411111." MNIDEINAI=7I3I ./ r ,dCr t 1:1,1 BELNIMEMEI tt s!at, tr , unutvo.:ll.,. wit. !. 1.1 . • Md,l,llle w:111 ,110, • 11,:10110 , A —I 0111.10 t I,r lu 1!•0-..nak 0;1 At 00..0. 01 tlio ,aOl.l I:.0 c.OO, /0, v :L I of :1 n l. 01 Inal. uny 0 11,tatli.11, •.'y ;,IL ' :ur ”f . 1,101 ~.t , t.•41,t1 in 1/11,,, 1 'Oa" 1L,1,,/1::Lk.11.1 :1, :1 I 0 . 01:14 It. I. 1 l II I r '.. i berler A 11'11,o'uthi:, line/line. 1'. , u::.;. Jr., ~e s•S S / 1 1C/1•11v 11 . ,0 Llty EMIM= . 'Additional t-tibulban 011 Folll'lll Page. BUIE Jr e•, '.u:.~evua IW_ = =EI t, Unto:: 'i sic (r.tu to di' 131, I,litd, it Lo -., .. ~,. = 'LLDALE %r I, }• 1. 1.. i:rr , Ft:al:AV/I fc. $ . D 1-42,1::' I 42 4 No. tt r EIIMO El I=ll 1 ) T. 91'111Tr, . 7 ; C.'.FF:S KEY:, Al t?.. , ..?;a7..1;:P. en,no tt 1 AUCTION SILL: OF I:IOR.SES. V evnri,EAl,l.r. wonn AN Olt I N't ,Sor.•l Aitm r'S • ~.~~~~1:• + Ilu ~a ty 11111, Y S. I X*l ' , a? rr . E. \ 3011 N C PITTOCe. • PI•111.I , I1K , or - y r lie ,q 1 HAM I'. At. TIIE PITTSBE:111;11 To-morrow Morning, 11.1,1 ONTAIN e OFFICIAL LIST OF LETTERS Ir 0". In thc r . F,11 •, T /: 1., 1 .i..FE.NL.NIv. \ .ISl$ OF THE OLD COURT HOUSE, 1=11! Old Dia tumid I°!arkel linusc MEME "11;1.1;500 * THE HEIR'.'; OR,THE COLONEL':',WARD, L I.?iniEr. EZELL KENN-LIE, 11,111,1: .r.t'1't.t..".1C..) IVIil be rouutl,oaiy in This Paper. k•t• clLurznlt, • • ocv, •LIALn L'[ Lt. wvics 11.‘••E . .."1.: A 01;1.1. 117yrAt.,; LItAI , AT , , L'A • ILA eA,A ,JEAt LII e N. , . W.:: - ro , rMLN - s..t.St L ; not. IIY Al. KT ON N 111-: •LIU,R GWVAT:2 42}"'s..L It n c •nrt zer.lmmonelt.l aa un”., t'ona , l Jr to ibe wants and :eta., Lt..3tt ut ti e tht.t <.tel /%1•1. , 06,. C..;a3tarts. l• - lootcx w.ll. ire .J. ANV.. • • . . • . . • EAGLE COTTON WORKS. AvING lIEZENTLVPiIIeats. Tklr. EAOLK CUTT, os f t. , 1" n , a 1(1-01 a. 'I p , -1 - tru;lyl:.rjr. the pauhr. ta. 14,! Val tl.t. MAL I/ Sheeting,, Colton 1e.r 114 . Carre Clu.inef. candle iiick an d Butting. tL, (Mee Of the Work, CENLI: Foill_k :t11); SFc, AlLErilEll Clti Ot: AT -tym r... 7 1 -2-5,5 - L - 74 GU BLIEIVEI:2 - , Cc._er DaStene, We} Parr,,, ...D'ittieskrusw a . xxia, JOSHUA RHODES & CO. ' • NEW ADVERTISEMENT ( Iq ILt S• -F.►in. CITYHALL ECG L NSNG. WATCDEs, I'itAI , NS AND T~'CiP~S~RY, A:t A ELI. .511 ALL mom. tl - Cr 1i y lie Si,, 3:I door from sth. BOYS' WATCHES ~ . 'I"ERLIII:GMLVERCASER to DU IN SEAT H & .00'S fi-3tx - oot, TIILItt: .711.1 T ET .VO-VEr LIFMC'S 11,1PROVEO STOVE DAMPER. L.. Oriip,C ME I= TII I.I:OFITSI,7.:GE ...3".%'1"E 1. rOCNTY ILIWITS FOR 1535. E. :cad J. IVIIIDDEN. Elalrcrl. Plti,burgb, Ps. OVERCOATS, 13=1 100 DIFFERENT 211111,87 LESS THAN COST, c Naliccitcy; Great Closing Out sale = r R.4I.IIALEY, 331.,and 336 Liberty Slitet, Op - r, c.521.1rcr 'tnrct 7-ani. We warrant our Goods equal In every respect ta-the best Custom EMI iii Get tie. ate•t—They Ainny• Give Bath. Es - cry wenk , D ,- r. Qnlc. A. Scott called Arlinrl,l Teeth in came. whete ',Let Utrd, teen pcui, andpldex!, ane g,re, entire .1.143- qnite urti, I,:s ,of , to ex ttnino a case :le, teeth xo that I lia7 nt.e ;tr. I natural 1 , n 1 I= v the I°l,l thoroughly r'can of any draft ntl 16, a.i;l cn,aran,e We work Li Ije I , crlor. no I; a o:31 , 1 Lctlec tot Our of ogr ,hto nre In tooth, to call upon. an•l racially save t! - ce c.c.! moot,. We would also as Sure a! .• l tvi,ring with diseased sot not:fitly tretn that ttey con have Venn es:ratte welt:,[ d en:: pain tvhatettr, by calling Dr. scott. lie Lea: extracted for orsr If. }'n er,CM stottln Itte last seven Tears, nut! am ono Dambet there is not me •al' In wh 1111 procebs it es . prey ed On the ruttrery, Ito :tun rebtr to numbers Of ts l'it•il,l to Love been benellted to Ito extracts numbers tlal ly by the new “Ithlgclene or Vapor" Owens!, es pure Loathing Gal to these w5O tteotist vLaiqte. inlYes no for 4.: xtr:o. tlnglv 1, rltilcial teeth (I re rind g n I'llll ati MI VI:IC=110 , g IMO , for tiOnUts, i1O• n.ntaber lailnonr, Penn Streit/ third dooratnrn Hand. WELDON & KELLY, PLUMBERS, Gas and Steam Fitters, PP.ASS Fv MERL A 1Ar0..a0rt....t Ut and Brackets, Lead Pipe, rumps, Sheet Lead, se., AL IrA. TS OS lEI Wood Street, near Sixth, =I k , 'VA 111-t4,IVC * * l '.+l? MARKET C,TREEL B9 i s 9 ' . , €49 . "0 ( ~ s" ...... C: , ; 23 17 '. 7 08 ,1 8 9 1 7;:i: . S 9 .71arket Street, • 1891 ion) 6,1 , l Orli. I . ..9 j' h 9 BOOTS. SilovS &C 1891 , i L , ..89 j . s , I I 1lb: . (41 , A!•E'r.T n''9 nr,7 32.. :89' ..,!), ~.l At'':! , 'N . 0 (.101n1 Ti Err. .' so J VIES _ri :ICE, S 9 Market St.' . • . • • • S 9 S 9 S 9 s 9 S 9 S 9 89 $9 ............ OICV:r.TON SCOTT, • Firr , Wafclics, Clocks, Jewelry sosEcoplaTED V/HE, ETC., = , c nzmak.. 44- 1 . 1r.!,17: ,attc nl,•,u J.,Err. Kt work DitiLEIA, tLOSE & CO., •. Practical tqaiiiture Maauracturer.2., CM PE!t D VIAME STREETS 3“.., 8i25 , 000 TO I 0.43 i • Last tstste batEtt sad .014 01 , 0110£• H. PETIT. tie. LI ttl..elatr in t, IZZEZEI II N.:.1.1r. ( ,t 11.17 I , MOT. /11, W * l uri.. , • gr 4A , pc.F10,b..7 =ln MEM BEMS2 =I =I
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