r .4 Yy ;~, ...,,i.:,,, 4 ;, F. , ,, i1.-.:. , ..:.q,.,•, ~ t r . :., z . . :: ! ,:_..,...... ~,,.?..?,,,.-, rz"- - ; . ~.. i 1, . . •-,:- ...'..' r ii -,11;j1-7.813:4.11:111 , 1UDUADAM• -‘,l" ~,, 'CI; :2: ..."-;:', ..,°' . 'l::'.: ,, '":',,:t.'-;: ---• .--- , .--- 7 -' •"' ..'. . • ' - flifiePilit Zipetions—ciuullaales Jgomil 2 '''''' - -.'"--. TO-mornaw the candidates nominated ..,.. •-• ......_--' ;;/ In tee-dlffeient wards will be • voted. tor.i ?..". - ', --„1.. - : , ' --. Il ia probable Dint a not very large vote will; '4:.75::::.' . ;;'',... - ..', 1- .... • .-.- be polled, the holiday character of the . day in.' • •',V.0 . ,,,,_:/. - terfering. Below we give, the names of the i .,..._ 4 • • • :',' ' 7..„.-v - __First. Ward—Select . Conned-G. W . Coffin. ~..., : 7:2 7: : ` 77 7 17; , ...::.: -. ,. .t _ ... Ad. l :: e1 :„Ill. u .am" Ph gg. .l.:::: : : ; : ica . ,: c h : d t d , or w: D ar, g az ie : e :ii .cf .' l : l 3 d.: ein ni u: e Q: c in eta til a a ei tw t le: ed s_ u n a. : . :: l- W b t t l e . l:l l S l i aa mp ee. ym s : ~..:,':..."-• cey Inspectors-Scudder Al. Vandergrift, 5... , A - :ii- _ ,. ' ,-- Win. Fatterion. - Return Inspectors-Henry .....-..,' ' .. Came, I). R. - Speer. Constable-David Camp t,'-.':: , . bell:-. Aseessor-Samtleiratterson. ..Assistioat •-•'• •• - AssessorsJolin. Owens, Jae. Gran. _• -.„ „. - - .1 ,. . . Second ,Word-, - There was no opposition at 4 - . , . ~. ..:- • this ward-card - and ;the , rames pro- •,. - .•,... posed were placed in nomination. Select. 1 4.... , , •,:,- • - ConneWlllartra Phillips.. Common Council. . homes Steel, 0. 0 , .1, chi; Reward' house. , e 00l Dlreclors- t ym. Woods; Thos: Ewing - School Director-Biddle Arthurs. - Judge ..r.•••;:, • -- ' - William - tiwens.-•-•lnapeetorslolir, CF Mat. t:: , - 1 ; .:• ''. - . tern, Jas. Vick. Return Inspectors....Williaml .„,-. ''.,.•,-- • ' ' - llirentiongb, George , Whittleldi- Assessor- 1 -IL-1 li. , ;:' -: ' - - Tlndle. Ansistant - Assessorsjames.. , Bisoki .....,• . "..i..;,..-,..._ - • John Wilson, Constable..Sanauel,L. Long., . ..; ....- -- •. . --.- , In the Third noßepublicannotninatlOns hal/ .f.burth.-IFord.-S;lict Cotinell:...4sita ."-_,...," Jualey.. COpitoOn - Coatudi-JeteLli. -.',il• i' ArTemlinson; , Santee -Verner:ZS/du ~,,'• ...' a i: , ,_ • tors-David MeLearytlitchael W• .1.4,.. ....,„,._ ' •derthien;Phillu,Rv.h.ineilld.74 - - ~,...'",,.1„„'"" , tions-James V. ponaltisomi. ' • ' " - --"' ' • tions-j - IF - DelzelL. : , ; .. • ~` • ;1‘;-Tleam ., ' - • ...:"..sll. - sickh e b im i . ,_A . t, . l'..s -, 'Brody: , As. : ~ ' •- , , idatant Asseeson , ' •4 -2 , ‘ ' , ... , V 9 ? jtecae. ;•• ‘7 ltat 4 g ''' T •kt i " •.•' , l" • • ; ' 11:-.Tlioniris C. • • . - .fa;',Xor*F. .„.... , . -..- . ... .' - '•- , Dleittlif - "?Alertii • ..;:. • • ft"' lL , +. McGowan,;- . .p,mysie.. „,,,,.-.. .. .• - 13loan,,,c,nerles , Deck. ... , [.. Jarneeiloya , ~.7 .-. oololrecters-F.t..Ee g-- I. N . - ~' - gorri. Jr.- .asse ssor-Joseult ic. ... • „ tg e ; , ... ,;:j .; eel C o . f - lr ec isc io amttable r ; , - . .l?: e v t itl. - .. ' ".:;• ' ,,l,7oNei a gy ° .; Return . Dilipectii ) l , -Frank ....: ',• . .sesisa„ . .. Inapector=Davirl G. Adams. Judge •na, lit precloot-+Jorrepli U. Dickson, ..•..--.....r.WLnapeetor a Aalemx,a.ndlr Kepple. an N t 4pector—Rabert Gr •- - . - ,5,.......;,..., egyok...,tyca,i_lialgo; of ~ E fections,, l st pre-! '• - •'eltici.-..../eseplt - .A.,_llaitjer".•:" Inapeetorof Elea, J*" ~.. ~. - -.-... ... - - derick Ruch. Return ; ..-- . -,. ~• :-..,• .••- •• •:-•.• . ;', l. f, - ---•.-. ...-A:• t• v rt, ( part a ;. ihi• l p .l d t opergucc in-cct hra l n .,C ,Sr s , re re S.l Jam o., _ :.; ..., ..- .:.., .i,,, , ,-, , lart Shore. r-As.sistant ~ AsSessure,..rcies:a....,...-siriley, John Scott."L'on ..-atablo-Wilkittin Snore,' For the above oil • ' there was no opprolrlon•to the parties elected: .Sabool Directors del' precinct (one to be nom!: • .tlated)-.Arellibtald Wallet's. Schaal Directors,. 51 preeinct (one to be.nornlneted)--Willlatr ,F. 'Freemen:. Select Connell (otte,tehe nOini - "natoll-Jaines '.E - Tanner. Common , Looncil, Ist precinct (three to be nominated)-1. it. Cenral% John - Reiman, .Jared -, .. Si.' , Brush. • Ccartnon Council, ed precinct (tWO Who nom. Inatedl- - -ilobert Robb, William lianabill. 6 r -R ru ep lt: b l - l a - ic rcLin theSeventttard the reg tleuan nominees areatfollews: 'Se.: leet Council-. 7. M'Cinps. . Common Council- , ..• Col. Fateliel, , Capt, William F. Jenci6- School - Hirectors-Max. Moorhead, Albert Moore:1 AJtulge ot Election-judgelieatty.".Retterrijn. spector-Henry Lytle.- Assessor-John Craw. ford.. Assistant Assessors...Beitlarain . Bell, ,_ -Louis Roll. Constrable--Devid Elder. - - Eighth - Inird.-The nominations In thte ward were made to Saturday. The vote stood as ".;•.- follows: . Select Council, (one to be elected)... ;Henry ll: White. • 110;. J.MlehaelßMAtZer 29) ~ John it: T. - Noble, 01.-' Common Council; (th'ree ' to be el M. Kilian, 011; Jas, Maw. Ltriney, Fs4. 'David Fawcett, 15•4. Evan B. -"Thomas, ill John Kaercher, 15. Riclukrd IV. Roberts; 120 . tlehool-DireetonsavOte for two,) •L -John. A. Sargent., had,O. Roland B. -Jones. si; - , - attleg:.T.r.ton ;Oh ...Abner'. Stettler. 131.. Judge, (one to be elected;)- - james Ewing,63; , Wm. -Idtbradge.. - 132.. • Inspector, (one to be elected)-John T. !Roe r;61; Wist:.J. Flinn: 117.* Return Inspoolor, (one to be electerLl-Philin Knorr. Gi; James' It. lielsley, 133.• Assessor, (one to be eieeted,)-I:hristieut: S. ,King, 13-.4. John J.Stoer, ill. = Meelatont . .tarestaor, (two to - be' elected,)-lacob 'Miller, -70; Deny; Bretz, 070. Constable, (one to be electe d,)-A. J. Moon, - _North' Ord-Judge of E)ectlona , -Saranel E:lierron, Esq. 'lnspector-Sarenel Mitchell. Return Inspectorz-john. - -Paisley. Select . Connuni...illavtd,;CieWford.•;COmtnott Connell - ••-DevidMeClellanoll, ThontasW: Welsh, - ,Wil. Ham It. kora. - Astaissor-6.'7enieti Irwin. dada. tanr. Assessors...7runes' NJ' Snyder, Samuel *Mtqfee. School Oireetore-.JohnWeleb,..lieb ert M. Reed, • Constable-Albert EVtits. , The returns from the Tenth Ward we have been unable to procure. -;- . - I NEE MI ~. =° `~:~. Vin:' f, =2 , y ..:.. r; ~. ~:..-. ~~_~.. ` ; _ n .... ~~-72,r' . ~`. ~'~~ . - f 11 I • Allegheny Ingmar" . -Eleettons.—Mayor -- • dlorrhion ne.tiornhanteLl' The primary elections in Allegheny, prep ar atory_rp_the municipal eleethin 'to take, place on the aecond, Tuesday of January were held , . at the different polls throughoef_ Clui city on Uaturclay, afternoon.- The-principal cbuteat . . ,, was between'• non. JOhn Morrioi;t e present Mayor, and Conrad C. Smith, therescntrep . resentatire of the Third ward la Select • on. As will be seen by the returns; published below, the - present Mayer is, nominatedlor re election, and as nomination is, equivalent. to - election in Allegheny( he is reasonably sure of servitor another. term. Below we glee eachmary_ of the votes oast ha the city for eandidatefor the May oralty, and, fellow ing 11.. - the - result :of the elect:len for ward oSlcer@ in eailiward: • • MORRISON. I CONRAD C: SMITE. lar Ward • 19e, Ist Wakd b•• ... ••••• • , 45 241 Ward '3l.l;•ed 'Want; 4l Ward -Ist pre0q..112f3,1 Ward, ist prec't' 90 :91 Ward, ed preon.: , B2oltl 'Ward, ed prec't 518 4th Ward,lat prec't 3 , 4 itli Ward, tat pree , t 24 4th W.ard, • fed preet •91 4th Ward, ed pies% 711 MOrrheints Majority /V W at ord.-Director of thePoor-One to be nominated-Henry Crawford.. 130; George •- Getst,lo2- Select•Connell-Ono to tic nomina ted-nil:non Drum,. 192; Byron H. Painter, 25. I: 4i / j a c t t l i dro ‘ rs Cozsell.-Four he ,riominated er ens,* 1 F C. F. Ingham,. 223; Charles Cutler,* 163; Diane Reed,. 2.14 C. W. ' Benny, 121. Sch_pol Directors-Two to be nom - Inated-John F'. Jennings, 131rRobert Pit cairn,. 115; James W. Kennedy. 23, Rev. J. B. /M. Alderman-Alexander, ,ilays, no . opposition; - Assessor-Sluseon Belford, nx, " opposition. Assistant Assessors-Two to be nominated--Wilitain Hellas.; 54; Aiexander Glenn • 161; David Potts, letl. - Judge ot Rice- Don-Samuel Thompson, no opposition. •speeterof Eleations.,Two _Co be nominated- John Morrow,. get; George W.Lyon '62; David Barker, 27,• Thomas Ilanna;sr 161: .4e/urn In. opectore- ! fwd to be nominated-R. Brown, 146;Joseph T. Johnston... GB; W. B. Voice.. - 166. Constable-One to be nominated-Sanzuel Irwin,* lin; S. Cain. 73. . - kgrend Wirrd-Director of the Poor-Colonol George Geret. no opposition. Select Council - James es .11a11,-no oppotition. Common Conn ' "elI-roarto elect James M. Carr; RI; Joseph 2.lcDomild.. 276; x. 12 ; ; John Kirkpatrick,. • 231; John K. Brown, 163; George D. Riddle,. 314; 1.14 - ,-P. Schwartz, S•l; Charles Wattley, 101; John Cunningham, Alderman-Guyan M. Irwin, no opposition. School Board-Marco to elect:, Alex- Liggett, 97; Samuel S. Ksy,.rol; James; Lockliart.,l - .Via, William. Chambers, IV; John 31cDonsid,'110; Rev. Joseph King.* 111101lialhan Graham, 62. Assessor-John • Sterritt no - opposition. - -- Indgeof Election-Mittel,Alex.ider,noon frslitll)? tr?tO elect Geor e uiCsn..; Irdock ; Lewis Eicessor, 160. Return Inspectors-two to elect. IlughWard and flurry Code. 1.0 oPpo- Coustable-Jaines. McDonald, no Thirst Wqrd--Pirst Prechict-D'lrecior of the Poor-George Gene; . no oppo.ition. Select Conne.ll,-one to elect. A. 163; :.'James IL Campbell; M. ommon Council-four to elect. D. L. Smisb,..l7B; Francis Torrence, 155; G. F. Contley.l4. Joseph 01. Drennan, 161; N. Voeghtley, Jr., 125; John Horn AS; Duo Kreths, ta;Jame.s Gabby,7s: School Directors : two to elect:" John If. - 11 and E. E. Swift, AO' oppteition. s or- Ro bert IL: 'Ray, no „opposition. 'Assistant Assesors-two [Detect. A. Robson and It. Ohmler, - no opposition. Judgo of Election-JO:in 110111309. no opposi , tion. Inspectors .of Election-William !Loyd, and Jamas Slioles; no opposition. Return In; speetors-G. F. Cowley and David Hastings, no opposition. _Constahl6-D.' W. K hicnight; 161; Pe t er Bolster, 61. • Third Ward, Second :Precinct-Dlrector of Poor-George Garet. 421.'2Select Connell-one toeleet-A. EL English; 1121; James beill.Mll. Common Council-four to elect-D. L. Srattio.B6l: Francis Torrence, 610; G. F.Com- Diy,lollJiss. E. Drennan 807; Wept-ley, Oita Krebbs,* 3u31.3e5. - Gabbv,tO. . School Dlrectors-John Lteßarr, 71; E. E. Swift, .21-no opposition. Assessor-- , Robert Ray, So-no opposition. Assistant ,Assessors-A.Mobson, 16; R. Ohmler, 31-no opposition, Judgo of Election-L. Stealer, 63. Inspectors of. Eleetion-Henry Rosenfelder • 36; Joseph PatlL 36-no Opposition. Return In; spectOrs-0. ilellsteint 13,• Geret,. Constablei..-one to eleet•-li..W. IliKidgbt, 57; - Miurth Uhrd, .F;rst Precinct-Director of the Poor-Geo. Corot, 214. Select Council-one to elect-John A. Myles, RS; Common Connell ,;'four to be nOinlnated-liaalillAilelli," . Megrim ..226; E. •F. A. FaulLanbere It 7; D. W. Rebel:Mr:l7; Jos. ii. Ogley, et; Leonard Walter, hoifrr oS. A 72; G. Fasts; 42. School toea-two to be nominated-Alelander Toting" 216; B.Darker,.. 209; 8.. C. Eliller•2B. Assessor-James Graham, - 22.6-no opposition. "::.Assistant, Assessor - two-to • be nominated - Andrew Davidson,. 169' C. W. Schairer,. , /Oh . - W. Aufterhide,37. Juuge or Eleetibn-one 0/ect,--8.. M. Regrow, 725'.t. - Inspectors-two to eloot-W, 8; resilience, 2 5 1; Wm. R. Rod' • " gers, 230. Return Inspectors-John P. Dean, 246; Alegandat P. Callow. 2.11. • Alden:urn-ono • elect-Da 11.1fullitt, 0 2.U; C. .13chat: er . - `2sj John. W. SMlth,- 3. 'Constable-one to elect- • Jeremiah bridal,. ISS; August l2; JAS. H. 80w1by.25; Wm. Robson ;10. Fburth • Ward-Seeond'Preeinet.-Director the.Poor,George 'beret , 12121. no opposition. Select Council-John A. Mvier,l42; no opposl , tion. Common .Conticil-Pourto be nominat ed.- Hugh ti15eL1...10; John'idegratr,v 14,1;11. Y. A.. Faulhanber, 63; C. W. Scheirer, 107; Jos. - Oxley, 330Lessnard Walter V; John 8. Sta ggle, :127,11 Fisas,2. School Directors-Two - to be nomilsteled., Marauder ,Yoling,* 115 S. •- Raker,. ell 60. Graboin, 117 no opposition. Assistant. Asses; our-Two t o tiCnominated. Andrew . •-S - .C; Lppe:o /s cle,-w I David son, 107fC,W. Schaffer,6ls- I. IV ., Ardtor• nit4:l4ldermagrD. IL StMin, 134; nor:t11 l e eel Tereaillixnitti l t;AugustEcky?23; I=x eb-DJidio 01 Election-.econd Pe et duet - Ritaa . J. otoabe„ pecSecond Precinei.= Tw , 6totz, TI.; R. Mlles. 47; ...noopposition. 'Rettlenlnspector-Secoud Pre. elect-Wm:Beinlirs; oppositton. Tile election, although warmly contested in some localities, passed t o Witilout any seri _ ono 4144p - bane° loony part of ~~ • •2 be Vetted .Preabiterlatt Clnereb, of Clinton; Allegheny county. extends a -hearty • . Inyltatlon to all nahteth school leathers. alb. can atutpastors, to attend a' Teachers' lout. •t eta to be bald as their church on .WednetdaY cad Thursday nest. TAo exercisers wht,bo or an Interesting character . ala,tho h o who • - sristi to weave sccommodatlons Tar reaching the pinosstfll be Informed of- all particulars by cal/Ineat.llo.llYlllll street.. * Aimittod to IPistetite.—ln Um Court or Common Picas Saturday morning, on motion or Geo. Shims,Eau:.; liana B. Barron, Eso.oraa dulla4r i titted to prnuttto the 'gonna cnFt.., IMBIE . „. . .. .. . ; : , :; :. : ,:.;5•::::-.'"...: : : ';',...-1:, - ,: - •: -. ,'.7.; .: : - ...,..',.. - : .. .! .. " . .. : : .:..::. ' ;-.;.. ' '.. . E.::-..; .. ,..,: : ::: ....': . : :::',-....'.:-:,.. 1';,7,:i...::-i4f-...;,:i.i'..", ~..:.:,:•:-::_'.7:.:-.1.,..:.:-.:..'-...'••• ::. '...'. .2 t:"...;:-. : 1 . .;:.;; . ....;..i , -..:-.: - '...' 1 ....: : -_: , ;:..: ,-- :. .4i - . • • • • 4. • Etsi6ting..of thp Yoang C4riallitn Ansoeistion • . . ,Blaisa. Mooting , of the young Men's ,Christian Association at the First. Presbyto• elan church last night was one of the largest . and most important religious convocations ever assembled fa this city. An ,address "Wei i 'made by Mr. Moods% of Chleago, which deeply impnrsed the eidleace in behalf' of the liolne• )245 •trang. men. of- Plitstrargh, arldOlielted lOr th fm tm interest mote tanglidethart tears or. words. This address was followed by ear' ''nest appeals train the President - °fiat° 4.8 elation, and the Revs; , fferriei - Johnson - an • S.F. Scorch when n ilhersinellectltm was, ken up for the purpose of moeurinif-ainte.ble rooms for the As Reps. Dr. /Inward. of the- SeCattiar mbYte rise Church, E. Einyderoir thodist Episcopal Church: Reid, OXX= d t h r od res- 1 , 4 " byte:ion church Al , ex. church; .3.r...Di e sence,„:ershe gottat church, Were also on the standosmt"." - " xt in the exercise'', a nd vem mean.life members of the Assoclatloaby .nontritt„.... m lw ns if r o ?: m i C o m w be er re of 'their ,rer.dreu.""*",3" ertomtnatio w ns of th e xba-wr ltTa toa in this most ocF, n . R e gAicity lfacwiitch•nlght meeting in the. 'Fi rs t sag f ralil i t t l h e n . c i s: t rio g, t n O 4III S merinos upprop e rlatO to tlempeeoc pas t or wi ll ficti nisi tali public ate Invited to occasion, •participate in the exercises. • „ , A - Scpurdy Commissioner In Trouble. . , On rid ki ay a man who relined to make an , . Informatn or, give his name, appeared at Alderman -- -Tayttir , s to 'secure, the serviceslif Ofneer - hell in finding the man wjel had robbed him. tie said ho was a Countyßommissioner from Greenaburg, Westmoreland county, and that he arrived here on Thursday with menet in - bla pocket, On the same evening he wen, to the tavern of 'Mrs. Keck, on Liberty street' in tne Fifth ward. There he engaged in card playing and he - and hie partner - were -uni formly Successful in winning the money of their opponents. A' big, red bearded. man, whose name - the Greenabure man Or not know, got sick of this and pot a atoo to the arrangement , In a rather questionable man - nen, lie rose, knocked the. County Commis sioner down, toot: him by-the throat and then '•went through , him, relict ing him of Via after this the v ctim was kicked out of doors. Thu of icer wen with himto the. scene of the. robbery, Linn potion there could be. Henn aerras the gull Y party, or even as an abettor. Cnesegnently no arrests Vern made, and the nnTortunate luckyeardi player Is likely to re main ixdune his looney. , Deziocratie Ilionatmlions On Saturday . the Denioeditlo party in the Fifth - and . Eighth Wards held their primary elections.. The resnita are as follows Select . Scott. Common Council—D. Zahrtneer, Jonas 8. M. Smith, William' Wilson, John rectort U. Sutton: amigo of Elec trons—first precinct, David Collins. Jnilgo or Blections, second precinct—l.,E. Ii remer. turn Inspector, second preclnet—Josoph Boil; Assessorstainuel Allison, Thomas t..onsiable—Jaines A. . ' " . . Select Council—James 1'..'.13atr. , Common Council, James Dunlevy, William J. Patter son, JoMill. MeCormaok: Sobool pifeetors— William S. Dunn, William Judge—Charles. Low. Inspectors—John Rice, Adam Trinkly. Assesser—Ailarn,Dtekck: ' As sistant Asse.ssor—Charies Sleds.- - =TM and Mrit.residein ...Bedbug row,": Ninth: ward. So does Miss ..tilizalietti. , Fox. alrelitnibil liecame desperately - Jea'nes of the male Ranh it; and thought that he smiled too of ten on. the sly Fox next door. The-green eyed became to °mull for Mrs. K.. and elle de sermlned !ileum to tin tuiderstandlng with' thet supposedsinuse (While tortnre.s. Therefore she called on Friday at the residence' of Miss ~Frix, and' proceeded to "raise a row. She alms-. eil the lady named in tbellsrcest manner. and applied - to her the most outrageous and origi nal epithets, - at least so. Miss Fox. swears., Whenthmvisttor had finished her 'raid, she . Went borne, and the -next day her indignant hostess made information for disorderly eon-, duct agates her before Alderman Donaldson. Tim arc tised was arrested and met her accuser at the maglatratets Office,' and iliere, after a little preliminary Jawing; the ease was settl ed and the detentlant Pala the costa. • - A Captured Fa) On Saturday afternoon, Mary Fay, al ms Mary Kane, was before Mayor AteCarthyori a charge of larceny preferred by Mrs. Applelmum, lady testable . on .Dlarnond alley.. Some 'ffly weeks ago, as is alleged, the accused went to live with -the deponent as it domestic. One week later. she disappeared, taking with hei. one cloak, one flannel skirt, ono dims and live sterkirts. Nothing was heard of her until Saturday afternoon, when Mn - Apple- beam saw her with the stolen cloak do going en Xourth street. .He hurtled, to tire 3favorht office and "made the " Information. Officer •Barba started after the fugitive Fay, and nap tared. her nn Fourth- street, near McMaiff er's livery stable. Site hail a. hearing, and In de fault of t 1 was coufrultted to Jail to await her • Skatorin I COntest .A very spirited contest took, place at Inc Central Park on Saturday stlernoon: 1t bad been announced that a skating - contest -be tween little girls would take place, with a pair of line skates for tile prize. Tile names enter ed ',Vera Mary It. lianntey and,Kato For sythe, both residents or the iSMth ward, aml each about eleven years of age., - A large crowd assembled to witness the contest, and much Interest was telt. .The skating-wpb truly ele gant. We had no idea that so lunch grace and skill In the art skatorial existed. ainong our local rising generittion. At the conclusion of the trial the judges awarded the prize, a pair of beautiful skates, to Allss Mary It. Itainsey. • Very Menu.—Tho Linder, from - Some cause or other, yesterday made a .sillainous attack upon the talentQl and efficient Superinten dent' of our- Public, schools, Professor it. T. Donthett. Wu have 'never heard any ofo nr school teachers complain of u want of ability upon the pert _cif - the'. Superiziteladent, and deem, the Lcudir'e attack unjustly severe, uncalled for, and malicious. Election of 011icerit=,Thbi evenin g, ut bait past seven o'clock, there will be an annual election of officers et the !Pittsburgh Gymnas tic Association at Wilkins Hall. A fail attend. dance is desired, as tee ciectlon is one of groat luanortiptes. Almnosieement.—ldacrum eatlisle, 19 Fifth street. annpunee an °poking to-day of ladles kid skating mittens,' Lap and skating pouches, patent ear muffs, and fancy plaid bakes for New Yeats ill Us. : Now Trial.—ln the Court of .Quarter Sea ston, Saturday motrnn. 11. Pistrock, Esq. made a motion for a newt Mai in thevense or II Gebbart, convicted last week on an Luna meat for larceny. as balleC.. ' - • New Depot—Oa and after to-morrow the pmmen car trains On the I . lE: e 9M:trail and Con nellscille Railroad wlll arrlr,and depart from the new depot at he corner of Grant and Water itrmmt. Head Cientre.—Wilintiu one or the most talented and accomplishcd Feulari leaders of the country, sill deliver a free lecture to-morrow night at . ttioodla Run: FIRST . CLASS LOOKING GLA AND PICTURE FRAME MANNUFACTORY• J. LYONS, No. 110 Wood St., !Pittsburg:, • Keeps on bend and nomottettares to ottl,-. the PIN KoTSTYLEUf GILT. ItUSE.WO9O and WAL. NUT. OVAL sod OQUAILE rotaltn IT and PICTU CE FltAnlt. S, Clvtala Cornice. Bands and Cottons, Consols, Tripod soolllracket Tabies of ea onlslte design and workmanship. GILLIINO AND REGILUISU exeetr ed In the Itighest stria of the ar c. .U.PIZIUsS 3100LICATE. . Fpa TIME 110LIDAYS. d PINE STOCK,ADAPTED FDIC 72Xcrlicatz3r...1Protspors.tist,, OP & LL rims or . m. u 3FiL 7, 4.111LD AND SILVER. WATQIIES fur Ladles* eff ' llllWAtill (iuntiov• ELEGANT egtB. in vlrl'oussett'ugs; • tiOL.I) A 249 bll.V.if:ll. XlLNitlt 1/.105E5, 15fiti:3; re.ziciAurictra. ac., ac., • - . • • -JO.a ra 11l 1 TSC 11.1 No. 112 Feaeral St., Allegheny: SEASONABLE GOODS. . . O,IIEiSTONE G,ITIDDLEP, PAT UR,IG.III::Nr; "Poreehlit Lined !follow ware. a fun line, wurran trd 806 6 • cract or come 0111,3/ ',Elvin Kt Baskets. Brooms, Wi, fakers. Brush co,. Witt es'ery conceivable article In oar line, at the 110171E,ElantiLSATING I.3IPORIESS; • • WO. 22 . 46 W2T7cociL Otroot. •• W. W. BILIELSIIAW. •.L Otis BEICGE /21, tuner. in °BAN DANIA SQUARE 1.1 , A.1:41.4, Wreormnas, tI „SLEEKER eittisEr,' Second ,Bioca hest from Broad way. NEW COWL- . Throlqanosteartufacion,l by tills Rem Are endors ed by all the leaning" artists of the ' country for their • paw erfol, dear,tone; else for their darallitil workinala. l .4 , IS-tint/nave Ltoseworni 1 Lauer, with our Grand SFr Bch Beneath:4r action...rod lees, azvlfdeul and lyre, and a written guarantee for tire years, for 41.102ande151•. - .: - , - n0:.9 ewe Vt,.7 ETTA.CII a•gralsox, •• • • • Se CCESzO:ILY TO C10)31tA77 Monnraatarers of • • L.EATIIER.:IIIELTINV, .• aultaci • illegramy Civy. Also tpliimortm,r.tpf Mel clog let 4 11. AND iLlt- SUN• 4, tstr.:lB . .i.l;ll.rly•lreet, rittebVicti ra - _0.17 - • -.- O. cI.AUII. tSort- of .Worn !OA' r l To! f, 4 ,1 tuivibg. t dch ". 'now .rortorlatted 014 , 1iLrst made: a. 1.0 11ALN Et! /)/CUS. C.ELCASKAII 4 .I),ViANOS. klice from 4!)..X0 - upward- Fcr•ona I 0 went 01 tOra:-ca;. Viso...ze .t 0 cliff .11.1 ~Ciam3Lo'llaf4ll•. panel, alak.a . hera: • • CIWILOITZTria:CJI,E, Na:• ' ' • - '4:3 riillirtisCt. %wk.. pupils Or 211167.4 4 , ....44INTII:WARD Will tale nonce tint If theft lases ere set rata bT WC illetaTOC Ja.S.U9.IIIS, coats will ao . • JeULCS 11111IM,. - No. ala Pew' tlr.4 r=l .NECOSSAMIE3 G*o4 'rue uvitivf atata g ifilllitf*elle c r, lL .l - Zellgaf,"l.`N°`: at.o Yoe cy MOAlaiLltrrre.l.3. YMLEIIIIOI. sis, 'OM/ad It amw ILI for eookle tc , and °Mos Amer .11. then Fe b ! om, Moro Pays, Ws. F . D.? Condoms.. an.S all other article., .1 at P. DUPTIVO.. No. 11.9 Croat. street. AL Ono - _ :,~: IMEN Pl 7 WrAi. - .; . ainteesaituroker, 1181VoANIirter of _Firib. - • oi-Gkrcertument. Bonds 'liberal terms. . t 3 Loadon ul / 442 tual ental Ezehange Bola at Iresirrorbretak ,voidolls - ortuanpons bought at tat sna"4 GOV Drafts leaned on K ea Tor.— hie - 2/NANCE AND TRADE, 0271e7 OP PL PITTOISIIZ61( GAZES* t 'SATZ:Mika:It, December 166.6. S • The Now York stock quotations to-slay, is reported- by. RObineenai - McClain k Co., were as follows : Gold, 154%; Eighty-one bonds, 1103(,1 Five Twenties; old, 103%; Five - T we : tales; '6l, 107 N; Flee Twenties, new, 107;?,;; . Teri-Forties, 162%; Seven Thlrries,lol%; siichi gan -Southern R. It.. E2N; Cleieland k PlUS burgh, lih.%; Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne ec . Chl-• Cage, ',107%; Chic Ago 'a 'Rock ,Isinnil,lßC.7,l,l; Erie, Railroad', 66SS; Chicauo • and :orth. Western R. preforred, 72;4; Western UniOn'Telegea - ph Dempsey, xig, The eastern market, it will'. be noticed, is improving again all arm:Chit The shorts in gold and railways have been forbad to cover, and the whole tone; of the market Id bettor. Gold has risen three per cent from the low est depressioh in the face of the amount of Interest ilue'Jimuary Ist. Witb In a few days past there is more confidence felt in the no tion cf Congress upon the question of expan sion or contraction. It was feared that they would-give _way entirely to the Secretary's opinion, but: it is growing plain; that while the expansionists have nothing to hope for, that the present 'rate of contraction will be adheredloi. The Improvement In gold-bear_ ing goverhments follows the change 11 - 1 caul; and ills necessary to enable tee kecretary to continue his funding.of 7-SOS which ISati al most completely ceased under the low quota tions for Five Twenties. Railways are more easily moved, and the Improvement in them gives evidence of an easier money market, and a return of currency to the city. Our local market was quiet, more than that, dull throughout the week. There was but little ilithe in governments, as holders were not pressed for money, and would not sell at quotations, and the market _was nyt easy- enough to bring is new buyerd. Rank shares 1101 : d I heir own against a elOse money market, with their usual steadiness. There is - no disposition to crowd the market, and most blink shares will bring full prices coal pared with the easy market of the mist sea- Jinn; The only sale: - reported to-day 'was a small lot of Peoples Notional Bank at ILS,Y,;• Rxehangc Nammat le held at e 7,. Fourth Na. tional at 10014: Dank of Pittsburgh 67: Chi 'eons National at GlN...Rink of Commerce at 169. Trailesmens Bank at 112. Nothing done to-day in Railway bonds or shores. 75 bid for County Fives._ Our reporters, Robinson, Me- ClcatrB wish to purchase a smell lot of Butler and Law/ once Cannty bonds, Is sue) and Will pay full mark - a - price. • ' Oil shares continue heavy, Colombia rates at abeat 10 hid 12 asked. Sales to-day of Tri umph at 1,05. Boston Colverhoarkatixtreinely dull; last. sales—Pew:Oho 217 K; quiney, 52; Rockland (assessment naid) Franklir, 401 Pittsburgh and Tlwitoii, 46; National, S bid, 15 asked. —Early next. week Secretary N s llitrilloch will disagree s ni ten's of 'gold teresf; and thls,,followitig -upon the. disbursements of , last:month, will prevent anythin g like a scar ty of gold for ordinary purposes.. The New York Times says the government is not a sel ler of 1•01 , 1: as anything-like nresentquota• tions. 'Phallist sales were not below 157 per cent, end the whole amount sold In Deectub r does not exceed a couple of millions. The TreaSurytiow holds 1.26,0 , 0,00. against -which the gold notes outstau ding, amount to $62,132,.. 00J on 1,13 . 0 first of the month. 1 —The dlvideunds of all descriptions to be paid out next week will -reach twelve. or thin. teen millions of dollars at New York' and half trAc e ll T s ci e r . e . n . l „ . r tke n e I tl t i d tr i n n , s i t n c l u tt n s . 1 in 5. to the recent failure of the Sycamore Bank, re- Smirks that the ei - hole hlstoty of banking presents no record of a Inofo rotten ' and worthless concern." The proprietor, Sir. E. T. Runt; was one of the 'last" 1:11140f Men. The known indebtedness is over eshore, with ast rung debabillty of .its reaching tiOd.ooe, while the entire available assets will not toot up SlO,OOO. - pretty, tall sit - ludic upon that community. - . • • —Tito New York .21 . bune FLO'S "Changes are tumounced In stock boases which ladle:tie a disastrous year. One concern, with an mi.' glad capital of a million in golti l_ has been re eorretructerl minus the capita which has been distributed, in the street."' This is a brief but most apt commentary ea mach' of the business of the past year—in inerehaiitlise as well as in stoeLs. , , —Says the Chicago Thlnose,of krlday: The condition of the money market remains sub stantially the same as noted yesterday, and It is:the prevailing opinion that the existing ,st rin pulley will not be removed until after the appearance of the January statements, If the attgraal Currency Act were amended, so that the hunks would be 'con:tinned to furnish a weekly or bi-monthly statement, the money market. would not present auy those period l• contiactions welch take place on the eve of the publication et the quartdrty stute mentd. In tire interim between knelt State ment, the banks can expand their loans to aiwOst any ektent k and the legaidentler re serve may run down below the amount re quited ly law, without tht, public having any cognizatice of it. lint as•quarteriy day fit• proaches, the loans are called Ju, greenbacks are bearded, and a tight rein : is f ield over all borrowers. Ilusinu,s receiveia cheek, collie. terrls Ora sold Out, lessen are frequently en titled on borrneers; and to whet end? To die , ceito the public. It is notorious that romper attrefy few, if any, of the bank statements show an average-condition of loans and re serve; and until the law is amended so us to require more frequent statements, an "arc,- age condition" will.never be given to the public—such en -a us contemplated by the Na tional Currency Art. riTrsniumin I[l.Tr.s ' • 6111ILTS tIT TEM PITTBISIIIIO3 GAZIITTB, SATC [MAY. December . 2N, 16CO. The general markets have been dull and un settled dunng DeCt past week, end as the de mand for all Of the leading cotn mod it les Is re strided-cntrrely to supplying the InOnetliate ',rants of the retail trade, we have bed but very few round lot:operations to record. Our buslnces men however, arehus ily engaged In settling up and taking stock, preparatory to taking a fresh start with the new year. GIL% 11: 4 Wlicat Is quiet but firm a 052,00 r No. 1 Spring. anti 52,85 to 0,00 for Winter. ats in good supply and dull but unct anged ut 40 to 51, on tracir, - end 53 to 55 in store. Corn is dull, unclad Um influence of heavy receipts and drooping; may he quoted at 75 to 78, on track, and the u-sual•inivanee 'ln - store. sale 01 200 busdl'enna.‘l3yte, CO arrive, at $1,30; Western a 5 Is °Dared at 41,. Barley is dull and. nomire ally ; am - Changed at 90 to $1 for fair to strietly prithe Spring. 11.01111.-13 a shade firmer though there is no Improvement to note In the demand, and prices remain tmellainged. , We COM . IIIIIO. 10 quote at 411,a3 to $11,50 for - tow grade Spring; 81/ to $12,25 for good to citelett do; 513 to $l4 (or Minter Wheat, and 515 to 517 for fancy brands. Aye Flour braidling at 54 to 5,05. *Buckwheat IS dull at 510 U, in bids, and $11; - , to $1, 1 4 In reeks. • 11.0(IS—,LIVe Dogs _ere ilrm and a shade higher,' gales bolter reported at tint Central Yards at ay, t 06,14. Dreamed liege ere selling at 7 an TV, to peckers, and Mom 344/ 7 3.1 .111glier. In a retail vay. ' . BillAFEED—Sale of 5 lona Shorts, on track, at 51.12. Attddlingsmey be quoted at sl,se to OM. alltiSeconda et VA to $1.45. .e.llll.l.EB—ln steady demand but unchanged —we have regular sales reported at 43,56 to $1 per bbl, for prime to choice, and the supply la pt Idly well reduced. POTATOICS— . Are still reported , very.tiull, notwithstanding the r,ceipts for some time .past have been llght.• Prime reach blows may be quoted at 90 to 05, in store. SEEDS—Fiaxseed is in dement! at $1,1 , 0, and bat, little ode' int/. Timothy Seed iseelling at - 53. and Clover at $ 7 . 30 toe. - • . BUTTER—Ia Coming; in more freely, and again the supply is In excess of the demand, and .the • market is hardly so than, though prime 1,611 ls still quoted•at 50 to 31. ElitlS—Excesively dull; in fact, strange as It May appear at this acason of the year' the market la completely glutted, and we quote nominally at all to 311 matte, for fresh . . _ RAY—Continues to arrive very frcely, lOW tho supply is now somewhat to excess of the doomed; we have sales reported em stack at t0..5 to voy, for fair to prime baled Timothy _ • . . . DRIED FRUIT—Is quiet and undimmed -swan sales at .10 to Ito for Applea. Peaches :have deidltied to 10 for quimteie; Is for mixed; :and Ri fOr halves. I luixvltlo dlaruct. f.ortartur, Dee. 29.—Sales of 27 hints Lent Tobacco Ira Common 1uga..2.2,70a-1,04 light leaf, 44,25;011,75. Snout - line flour, $5,f4). Old Wheat. nom mal 41.(2,72. ..Ear Corn In bulk, 255157 e; shelled, 65068 e. Oata, We. lingo are Bourne, at 6 , ,YOGIeie; total receipts, 111,00ritead. !Jets Pork, 320,tat for Iterocar, Whisky In bond, 420% freo nominal. '..t.ort diddling Cotten, 2641.29 .. . Bulk 'Shoulders, Sc; green Hams. 9).1c. . • . • 100,C00 Meat Macon Sides solol..nt 124 e, do deliverable LLI Juno and J uly'for (Cho .rioridA marketthOti bbls Pork at O2r,00 ; • 2,000 -imeirs.of Corn at Kir; 2,00 bash Oats at 'Hogs sold to packers to-day at fra,4ofto,4o; tho numbor Slaughtere.l around the falls to Elate, 121a417 !linen s:tat/ Market Ctscrssart, Meet:miser 03.-41 our firth. and In Mir slummed, at 49,50810,fm. Whisky dime; 42,26 asked and 02,:ta tattered; no 6LLICS.. flogs Ur mer,und in gelid de mend all Laken ut 67.50 M 7,11); 6f,t3 was offered at the •elosus; $7,73 sus sulked Toe Satre large; •recelpts, 4,0t0 head. Mesa Fork was held at 0.4,0031W.1.0. sales out bido the city brands, 0%71 Balk meats Ward. Green teruds firmer; holders ask lie !limber. Lan* firmer , prime kettle turlor,'ll.4.• York and lard eoopurugo startle; stud peleealdahur; Val markea•le corittlilorahly ;gelled. • Gold, larfpuying money tight. • sago tthe Market. • • CotcaMift i retabor 27.—The .frtalt receipts of beets% tad at. the Union Stook Yards uru Uttti head. market is doll end wedki stotwitlotandin Inostbett the supply •le • small. a lurgumu to be eneppe,e /Sleet on owners aces:tont,' . being nu Inquiry here. The sales toot ti it 40 beau otconi. loon to Ludt= Mt Lott opt from USW. CM. The tenet salgel t• to est antics any sinotuble change ol . pr • le Market s .*:• • • • • • ;Mt.. • `l `; • ME wgmam • BM err/Ism/sea mliour.va suss= 6IP/C9.17P TIM Pzrissiticur eAztrrE, Barran/14 Dec. e 9,1866.. CIW DE—Tts market for tirade has been re learkablydrill and - neglected thrannhont, the past week.,;.he st4eo in the, aggregate being very light, while far as prices are con cerned.there ' has been. little ar no change one way or the other. Bulk. oil, On the spot, may be anOted /3 to SX, while sales were made during the 'Week at Sc for 3farch and April dellieryAmd at 140, packages included. and these may ne regiirded as' the ruling quo. tations. It is true, there Is out little offering, and It Is also true that there Is but little wan ted, both redacts- and -shippers having ap parentlyrettred from the market for the pres ent. The arrivals bythe last swell in the Al legheny river were remarkably' light , not exceeding, if reaching, .llva thousand bar rels. REFINED—Thera wan but a single opera tion in bonded oil to,day,"soo bias, on the spot, at 2 free on board cars, and this may be re garded est-beveling quotation, .a to 284, be. mg the best offers . that can be obtained for immediate delivery, lu,,Fhiladolphia. „The sales during the entire week were t etuarkably light, and compered "with the close of last week, prices have soli further declined. Then buyers were offering to 2)4, delivered in Philadolphlry and. 23 on. hoard cars here. There Is Solna little inquiry for Jan uary and Irebrnary, .at a 'corresponding de cline, but we hare no sales. reported. Free oil Is dull but unchanged ;small sales of standard brands nt 43 to II egiiilVALS—The fallowing arrivals Of .011 WeL6 repOrtCti tANALIy: . • j Waring & Rlng.—..:. 33 Gallagher & Son.. 50 Brower & Inoue ' .520 1 Owner 103 C. /1. Denighr., 501 .. Total Total - Receipts for the week Total Recuiptslast week... Total Receipts since Jan.l. SENSIBLE VIEWS 111p0111 CIL NEAT, As the season for relining Petroleum for 1.564 L 5 over, It may prove interesting to mike a resume of the. years operations, and take a look into the.,lature, as:to:the pioapeets of the coming year. On the whole, the year 11366 has proved to be a lucrative one to oar re- doers. Prices in the first months of the year being high, after a While-a - decline came that has continued with lithe intermission to the present -time. Some refiners at the corn meneeinerit of the- . year behaving in high fig ures, made heavy losses at first by the pur chase of crude; .Mit, generally, thee° losses • were made up again daring the summed months, at - which time higher -prices were ruling. Others, being from the first, con vinced of a decided decline in prices in con sequence of the general aspect of affairs, and • from the overproduction.. of crude, con ' sequently sold their refined ahead, on the baste of the high prices ruling in the early part of the year, covering . their miles with crude only when the time of maturity of their contracts approached; • these met -with unin terrupted success,and -made their refiners pay well. Among the dealers and speculators in oil, many took their experience from IiVA and believed In high prices, or an eventual rise In oil. They laid in heavy stooksat com paratively high figures, or made' purchases ahead, in expectation of an advance; and all who acted thus, Incurred heavy, and, in some instances, even ruinous losses. Time general belief now seems to be that oil has about touched bottom, and a certain de sire seems to exist to operate; or rather spec ulate, on that account. It is averred that oil cannot go lower; that if it does, the well ow ners will stop producing; liat moreover, the consumption tuts greatly Increased, that the production will meet probably docrease.aud that, therefore, all the oil produced most be consumed, and prides man go up. We would warn all parties, not thoroughly acquainted with the "slippery oracle* not to put to much - faith in these atatemeuts.• Let them look to the other side of - the question ! before, they engage in what might prove a ; loosing business. . Thu production of erode oil his steadily in ! creased during the. year, and has run all I along depidedly. ahead of the consumption. ' Now, atter.reilaing for a year; after glutting every-market 'at home nail. abroad with tined oil, - we nod-our stock of crude oil on hand not - only, rof diminished from what it was-14 the Commencement .of the season, but on the contrary, after awry heavy year; it is very largely. increaseddneresuied beyond all Precedent. - Every tank: in Pltisburgn as well as in Oil Oily, in New York as well Bain Phil adelphia, tanks belonging to refiners as well as those - belonging to - dealers and specula tors, we.firid nearly all filled to overflowing. The tanks atthe• wells aro almost all filled, and we have before os three or four months of production withoule any demand of any moment for - refined.. It is trite, through the winter the produc tion will somewhat • decrease, but even for a small production-there will hardly be storage room enougli. - ...„Th a tankage capacity of the country had been quadrupled with in tne year, end yet, most ell the tanks are foil. The tact that we; find the season" with so large a stock of crude alter producing and shipping millions of barrels of relined, mid crude still increasing ontefiatightlobo a warning to all those' who ,tteeeived by 'apparent low prices ! rof oil are desirous of speculating in this ar ticle. On a whole, wo believe that next year will, to some extant, ho again onp of Alegi/tie, or, at 'least, of low, prince. !Me efforts of Um govern tnent to Contract the currency and -bring about a return to specie payment mast In fluence the price 11 n a keep it down. Eu ropean markets are overflowing with our nll. Not drily are WI the'seaports provided with iirremou.s stocks, bat all inland dealers seem likeirlso to have large stocks on hand, and some MAMMA lately - published go toahow thud • the present stock .in Europe Is suffi cient toeupply tae trade there for nearly-ono -- iitialers in oil east have Is:Wight, largely at high' prices, and are In consequence losing heavily... Every day fresh quantities of re lined are thrown on the market,and the prices are still declining, and must go on doing so until all contrucie . are filled, and at least part of the present surplus be consumed. . An Immense quantity of oil, both refined and erde, 'ls held by speculators. if still more speculators-go in, this will not in crease .the amonut of , consumption, and as this oil must ut on? time be thrown on the market, there Isnol very hopeful prospect of prices going up. It therefore looks very much as thoogh.we will see next year a sfallfurther decline in the price of ell, at least tor the first six months, and as mate( the European orders will be anticipated by shipments, and consignments from here,-we believe, the market will after a first decline, remain even for, the greater part of ttlyear. • And, , even a decrealfingproduc tion Would not change' this, considering the large amounts of it on hand now. , • NeP Orleana narket cw Oni.E.Lke, December Z.—Cotton higher; alles, g,730 balea; low [ladling. 30a31e; :Lk; receipts, , 2,814; export., 10,730. Sugar rauletr- fair; 914 e. laolaasea Unaltered. Ilcur dull, and lower; superfine: 10,75; extra, ll,raa canter, at l'afgala.. flay. un changed. Pork lower, at k.k),0D0121,00. Bacon, lard. wpirkv, and- mbacco unchanged. Gold, (lank etoriing, 4334. New York Ex change 34 Uticouut. . St. Loiiis Markel. Sr. , ocls, - December..--Tobecool nothing deing.. Cotton, ut 210,60. Floor; nothing do ing. Wnent firm and unchanged. Corn dull and lower, at 'MUM:, Oats, at 6 - 24/451 •)l&. Pork easier, at $.l). r' Deco uncbtuged. Hogs, at $5,06',1, and little doing. The gtuteral_mar kete areshignant. IMPORTS lir RAILROAD. PrrTnlinnan, POUT Wernird CHICAGO H.R. December 29-48 bales hops, Spencer & McKay; 200 bins dour, Showalter & Lang; /00 do do,k Lindsay jr & co; I car bulk meat, Jets Lippin cott; W boisliamti,J 11 Parker• t htids tobao• en, Schaal); I do do, Al -Hayi; 7do do, JIV Taylor; 20 kne pearl barley, E lleazleton; 10 cases handles, P H Lanffman & Jiro; 2 tibia eggs, 3 kegs butter, Sturgeon & Bro; 1 ear hay, Ido corn, U - Roujr; 1 bbls poultry, Jas Robb; 4q Hits whisky,shipton IVtillacep pkgiarlea apples, John Floyd & co; 1 car staves, J ~..w, l B ,l c, . .., ,r i n tifi g d.l car corn,Kell & Rltchart; E IS layers it co; 8 sacks rigs, J Jones; 3 cars metal, Jae Wood,& Bon; to do, Jahn Moorhead; 2 cars hay. 1 do corn, D Courtney; 2 cars scrap Iron, 11Cntwford; 1 ear doer and Iced Jas Glenn; 2 'Cara hay, Gruff, Byers & co; 1 ,lo do, W D Patterson; 1 dodo, John Itichey;l23 bundles paper, Smith, Johnston &oo; 22 di e seed hoge,Graff & Itelter,• 15 half bhis penal barley, J B Dilworth it col 1 car corn, Dan Wallace; IS. kegs pearl barley, BilildnYer & - Voskaln,' pkgs,l i t .1 Steel a Bro; 14 dressed lings. E klyere & .co; 12 do do, Kirkpatrick & Herron; 20 barrel' older, II iv I'ITI9I3III[OII COLTIXIIIIB CIEICIINAATI , I2. R. December •3.1.% car rye Dan Wallace; 59 hbLi whthky,l.l. McCullough Jr; 1 car oath, 1 car 01l meal, Kell . It-Erhart; 15 thkgs produce, CV 11 Kirkpatrick; CL. do do, L E Voigt.E "no; 31 dressed ltogs, ',lr Tomlinson; 13, sacks barley, rthrthelm, Lllllcrk co; 10 bbls hominy, Pot.. ter, Aiken t Bherard; 10 do do, Shriver E zcar; 201.10 &NJ Tr Dravo; 29 plates stetd, ger, Nimlck.E . co; 3 bbls - lard, Thos Coagrave; 01 eas barley, Trod Shields; C hides, E smith; 3 bbls butter, Mead, lleth.gar• 2do dehliraff .Itelten 14 slotbarley, It W Millen - I- car mill feed and ;lour, Schuollutok S Schott; DE obis flour. Newcomer,. Eno CD; 8 Mgr' tobacco, D Rinehart; 1 carinavos, C C Smith; I do do, T Markle, . CLVVELAND AWD PITT ISCGII "RAILTLOAD.— December 1.-1 car potatoes, .it W.Stone; 1 car lumber, Black boo; 1 der,do, Iltilleger Bid well; 2 do irou ore Brown & oo; kgs apple better, NY 'Steel & lire; 1 car kegs, J _Bender el Ws cider, 011utrutat 2 bbla bnekwheat dour, J Graham; 17 dressed hogs, MoCtillottgla, Smith & co; 2 bxs rodeo; feLlughest 4 bide' bet ter, Head & . Metzger; %bids earap.ttON Jilts Jones; 2/ aka b, Smith & co; / car corn, A Taylor; 5 bxs 1 trunk, Rev G Scotty 111 piso lea 1, Farrell & co; 2 stoves, A 'Bradley; 1 box mdso, IV Plekeragilk 5 eke rags licOullouglt,Suslth A co. Aux-enter Srixxotr.' December 23-2 . cars wheat, McKee A co; 1 ear corn, It Knox A Son; 1 de. %beat. 100 hbls Noblo & co; 2 curates., Stewart & co; 1 car oats, Steel A Son; 10 dressed ItOgi, It . a 41. Carson; 1 oar oats 2 do bay,.ll Strom; 00 sks oats, Vickers A Robb; 1 car 'Staves, Ilelya & coal do do, J Logan; 1 do do, J 7.11 Hemphill; 1 car barley, Al llockletnan; 1 car corn, 2 - kmslasters;l do - Wheat , Kell & Kneber;;• to 'bales bay. A Taylor; 10 olds sp• ples, eke cora, Owens & KuntiadVll car oats: 8 Wilson. A CLEGUENY CITY FLOM AND w937:ria lvrcorun, S. C. MoIIASTER . & CO. No. 1.15 Ohio Bt.. Allegheny. grtrq DM gcu VJ g • I fur VV brat apd :084 F. 111USSYLANIV: Filth Street, het mien Tu find and - -eh ((Mani Streeter, GUNSMITH AND DEALER IN HARDWARE hint ria•s.eoods of ail descriptions &kw. es bantam' whist tato Sowut prins. ltapatting doe • aran.ia, tamat.r.ette.. Yr. oat f• • 10 ... i 80 ftetINSEEP reedy sia...;:ifee=gl & K i t ! 41.: CO.; A t :1 ;:rked.s%;ll.,ily kkt P;ITtBB9 RC H ifliiii ! . i'f' 7 .;,. •:::- • 314.111311111,4 FitLTOlg, Z., {-,:'t.. L U¢l7 3la ¢¢ facturers t¢-ill .• HEAVY. 9 Eranble for Ilfria4rd Cosl ts: iIAWSER LAID OIL wr.rs. ELOPE. Tared "Copts for Codkßailrefads, HENIP,-OAKUNI-AND PACKING, CuTTOS, Warehoome. 111 - ,Dnil 113 Miter-Street, Near lloionishela House. =MI The weather continues very cold, and ss the lee Is so heavy as to reader navigation out of the question, It !s superfluous to pay any fur ther attention for the present at least, to the stagi of water. .Tho Allegheny, up to last evening, was still. open, but Ibo Monongahela is frozen over at points above, and It Is sald, that people arejurossing on the Ice at 111.'liees port. The Glasgoiv, en route from St. Louis to Pittsburgh, is ice bound at Clark's Landing, fourteen relies above Marietta, us is else the Forest City, en route from Pittsburgh to Kan awha river, at Belpre. - • As will beacon by card, the Glendale, Capt. Hare, is announced, for St. Louis on the re au:notion of navigation. See will at - .nee commence receiving height. Tho Kato Put nam.-Capt. Lightner; Is also announced for the Came point. We clip the following items from the Cin cinnati Commercial, of Saturday. The cold weather yesterday, made thin shore ice all clay, notwithstanding the river was rising all day. It will come to- a stand, and, perhaps, commence falling to-dby.-Navi gutter' is virtually suspended above Ports mouth, as the boats will not go higher then that point until there is moderation in the weather. The Mollie Morton will not return to the litulawhit to-day. There was some lit tle new made Ice floating past thin city yes terday, and we may look for the 100 out of the Allegheny to-day. It was running very heavy paerTomeroy yesterday. The Bello Vernon, from St. Louis, will remain here for the pres ent. Capt. Shedden, of the Lotus Ho. f.!, left for Pittsburgh, on last night's train. The splendid steamer Fashion, recently burned in the Mbalsaippl, twelve miles below Vicki's burg, was owned by A.S.Manalield and others, of New Orleans. Shows, built here, in Feb rnary, IHI, by Daft' Gibson - and others, and cost $130,000. She was probably worth $7.5000 when she burned—the boat .had cargo, 2,Rie bales oLeotton,.being worth $400,000. Silo was not insured in Cincinnati Makes, but pro". aely in St. Louts and New Orleans. The Argosy arrived at Cincinnati on Wed nesday night, and cleared • again for Pitts burgh on Thursday: The towboats Simpson Horner, Tigress, Alp, 'and Whale-arrived at New Orleans chat Friday week. We clip the following characteratio Heals from CIO Lou isville Courier.: 44: a 444 1,1:193,319 EOM "The Kenton, all the way from Pittsburgh, has arrived all safe at New Orleans In eight data "running time." There is no stopping In a horse race, and no deductions should he allowed for delays. Time out from port to port Is the true time. - - -• • • • •• •. "The people 01 Evansville and Cairo are ex cited over the packets Armada and t)nlckstep that appear to be running oppositiou. The former appears to have the heels and the "blowera" on her nide. We see taut the Quick 'step 'smiled the Now-pressure: , What does it meant She must be pretty low down In speed if she can't beat the Armada.. The secret of the whole matter Is, the above named boats were all built, and with the ex ception of the Armada, owned, In this city, and the Courier appears to have a particular hatred of Pittsburgh steamboats. Says the St. Louis Democrat, of Thursday: The Ohio river steamers Watt:mita and Lore na have met with poor success in their efforts to reach this city. They have bean in thin river (one of them, at least,) for• about ten days. -It Is hoped that the rise will enable them to reach St. Louis to-day. • We clip the following from the Cincinnati Commercial, of Friday: ' Cant—Wink of the steamboat St. Cloud, was cited before United States Commissioner Hol iday, yealertay, charged with violating the laws regulating steamboats In not having a yawl attached or belonging tohis boat. The allegation having been proved a fine of $lOO and costs'was assessed against the defendant. We mention this cline-as a matter of public In terest to steamboat men, who as a class, aro law-abiding, and In UM hope that its pub. Ucity may prevent otherirlalllng into a simi lar error. We learn (says the Lonisv)lle Democrat) that parties In this city have purchased of J. Swan, of Nashville, ono-elghtti of the Steamer Mary Swan, at the rate of CS,OOO for the entire boat. They Intend plying !her In the Cairo and Nashville trade' as a regular packet, In charge of Captaleo. Sutton. She will be placed In her new trade In a few days. . FOR CA1119 . , MEIIIPHISm b s„ AND NZ A' MLLE:AM.—The nneg passenger steamer IMAM WAS Capt 'A. R. Met:IOWAN Will leave for the above and et Intermediate ports on the OPENING OF liAVlti AVON. For freight or passsge apply on h• Sr.' or to dal FLAX& & COLLINtiIV 011. Agents. BANKS AND BANKE 4fa DOLT,AR SAVINGS BANK, No. 65 Fourth Stied, CEA.RTEREDIBSS. Open daily from 9 to :o'clock, on 'Wednesday and..tlaturday evenings, from May st to November Ist. from 7 to 9 o'clock, and from November Ist to May lot, Irma to 9 o'clock. , Dep.!ts received of all MISS of not 'ens than Um Dollar, and a dividend of the pronta d Glared twice a year, In Jane and December. Interact has Deco declared semi-annually In June and December since the Dank was organized, at the rate 'of sir. per cent. a year. Intermit, if not drawn out. Is pladed to the credit of the depositoras principal, and beers the same in terest from the first days of June Mad December, compounding twice a year without troubling the de positor to call, or even to present bla pars boot. At thin Tate money will double In leas an twelve years. Beek scontaining the Charter, Ruler and Regu e. lations, furnished• gratis, on applications. the ffi oc , 1.E01W"" incSPh John G. Backoren. . Ben). L. Pahnestook.. James klerriumn, James. McAuley. James S. D. Mend; Dwell!. Pennock. t - TIMM Wm. J. Anderson. Calvin Adams, Jobs C. Dinaley, George Black, 11111 Bo A. A'onro A. Carrier, Charles A. Colton, Wm. Douglas, . John Evans. John J. llWespte, Will B. Haven, Peter IL Hunker, Richard Days. Tneasonzna-CRAEL D Burnam—JAß. B. D. R umularnmgm. N. HOLMES & SONS, . mtp,ll3s.eura,. No. 57 MARKET bTßFlT,Pittsbnigh, ingtgp ree gye a zstfbm i crz - z i gibt United nate g a an Canadaa. P PP ° • STOCKS BONDS AND OTHERstoußrn ES Bought and -Sold-On f , ommissOn. Particular attention paid to . the purchase and sale of UNITED STATES SECURITIES. INCLUD -....Gn1te4 finites 01.rea of 1581 I; NG Do. do Do. ri.ol of 10-Inr; • DO. Seven-Thirties • Do. Cortlncates of fudebtedneas. Orders and 'Vouchers Doubter collected. jalSay . FRANKLIN COTTON WORKS, E,II,IrDE'S SON'S Are now prepared to /111.1tlaCt0.111 OSTTON TARII; CARPET CRAIN, COVERLET YARN. CANDLEWICK; TWINE, BATTLIIIiff, LOTION. WARPS, ie. Se. • WEST CANAL STREET: : between Rottlehohn and Lneonk, Allegheny um , . Pre... P. tb—All °mere oy man attended to. nhO nal :SIIIPEIIIOII OAS TALIIINEIV,. PAZ'. ENTST/117911.81) 111.VETEU LEMIa SEVEING ANik HOSE, No. 58 8311THEIULD 5T., 14. ,440rigkr. 1 3 }1E1,1" .& Agentslor Ne. fork Babbez 00 • -um - Minis on Dant s ouperlor ilualll r4 of LA , CE ITATlVlVlWB'ittlilale.'l. Klll4 BROADWAIir EICUANGN_ RESTAURANT, 101 COSIIIIPTII 1511 SWORD STP. 101 Ladies' Dining Rooms 2d story. • FRISK L CAN CYST* . 3 AND CAUL or all klnds deSmia frigtilialitz r7D4s.r. BELT/1N lIELT/NG ! • .LEATHER AND , li t tria BELTING. , • Also, Clint HOWE ;' • - PACKING s a ai the best 'gzialty"sed loweat . prteee, at the *n.e x:teimot H08.20-A !ID 2S ST. CLAIR STREET. J. .% U. rittLl2l.. _ ; , - • I RIVER NEWS. BTE nip, . akt J/C, A. 14. r Mock, Hobert .`who, John H. tihoenberger. James Shl4l, dissander Speer, • chrlstlan Yeager.- acs, James D. Kelly, Henry 4. Lynne,. Peter A... Madeira, Jahn Marshall, Walter P. Shushan, John B. IleYstinen, .Jahn Orr. Henry L. Itlanyralt; W=. E. Schmidt, Aterander Tlndle, Wllllam Vanktrk, Intse Wn" 1 1 . N . 11 W AT "' es. • A. (10LTON. HEEDS. lylnn RIM city-or ni.ta;.:11.,,,11, Of be carious supplemen 5.3 SI'S act, 5. It C. aloCarlby. Mayor of !sold City. Cl, Iss no this. any' Proolarsatlon. that on the first Tuesday In January, A. 1.0. reel, bob/Ft:le erst Say of the mouth. th e lreemort of eachsy a rd o r sae , ally vote tor numbers of the [loose of Reprosintatleos of this Ccu•Jacnucalth. Meet 2• the seer . ral '3 of hoidluf Icctlons In thole rospoc: Ice word, ant pond on:, and elect by bct n•, no 'or the pro, 1 I Jna of no act of A•solotny alseAbi the 11th day of Star. A. D. • and a, con.- nano ity to tbe olorro oisil authorltli, an.) 51:0 to the foist aces of Coonolle dlitrlctlog Intl tits. Thy c1:50111, of the First 051,1 Win 01.0.. by bal lot, one person to lie a onewabor a the &loot COUI,II of tall oily too two ycnrs„ and two reIIOPS ID be in• others of the Common Connell (or one year. The eltirens alike Second ward e ill e'ect. by bal. lot. one Demon to be remember of the belect Coon, ell-of told city for two yeate, and there persona to be m , Inhere of the Common Connell for one year. dye cklrens of the 'I bird ward will elect. be bal lot, one Cotton to he a member of the (deer Coon - ell of sold elty for twb om, and two persons tote members of Um Common Connell for one Tear. The eltlrens of the 10 •rth wont will elect LT ha'. lot, one pe,ott to be a member of the Select coun cil of Bold elti. for two Tema "and three persm.e. to Le int:lLL.:riot the Cam nsn for one year. The ( - Meru,. of 'he lofty word ill elect by WOW', nor portal to hen menatwrOf the Select Cooncll of baald oily fir two (cat„ flee peraocs to to ef the Common Cett n ell (or vile year The chlat na of the Sloth word +ridden by ballot, one pet. , to boa member of the Select Connell of bßald two y. ore, amt ace persoas lobo mem ers of llre Common Lour. it for noeyee. The citizens of the 00.00uth dant wilt elect by ballot. Otte person to be a member of the teect Connell or tail city too-two Score, nod two par eons to be members of the Common Connell for one ettlzenst of the Eighth ward will elect by bal lot., one person to be a tzteMber of the Select Conn ell of sold city for two yearn, and three persons to ire 11.1.2111 b,, of Ibe Common Council for one year: The cltlretM of the .0 Milt ward will elect by bal lot, one twraon to br a member of the Select Conn ell td"10111 city for two yen., and three persons to be iv etat•ers Or the Common (Mune l for One year. The citizens of the !fa nth wardxl7l elect by bal lot, one 1,, Wm to tea member of tiles toot Conn ell of :old city (dr taro ye •ra ' •rot two person, to be members of the Cocaine u Connell for woe tear. ..••• . • • • . - Each of whom shall he quallacd to am re as a mens. Der of the !louse of •Isevrtachtstives of thlsd om motyvealth. at too election to Is, held as aforesaid, on Tuesday. the first car of January. A. D. 1.47. 'the electors toy the First evard .111 vote at the Public helloed House. In said wan:. The se vetoes of the hec..nd ward trill vote at the Puhac eehool House In said ward. Ilse electorsor tho 1 bird ward will vote at the house of Froth }lc Laughlin, at site corner of Wylie and 'Minuet Street.. la s lid war.! The electors of the Mouth ward will rote at the' [Willa:lel/sky! I,loupc la told ward. Tim electors of to 1411..4 of the Fifth ward as Iles Ir ot t er I d d m B d .st O will d ol m e s at t th e P . b b f l og ze r b e o c u in l !l ou ts of said war 1. • 3 lie electors of so much of the Fifth ward as lies sot th and weal of Adams atr,et. bet on precinct No. 2 of tall ward, will Tote at tile tableScLool Hence of said 'ward. . . The eleetors of to much or the Sloth ward allies west of Luau street, beta'sr precinct No. I of sold ward.ward, will vote at the rublic School House of sold • at e elector+ of en moth of the Sixth voted as lies east of Logan atreet. re log Product ho , 2ortal+l want, will vote at the Eagle /louse, ho. 101 Felton Street. of a.t he el ctori of the Ewrenth ward Trill Tote at the Pahlio 'Solo of Howue in said ward. _ - - he electors of the Etchtli ward 5011 vote at the Penile retool douse In add ward. Tee electors o the Sloth ward .1,1 vote at the Publte tiebool House of sold ward. The eleeters of tee Tenth acrd.will vote at tha house of hotly. A I.llstos Randy, coma of elsall and Stolthdeld streets. lo sold ward. Given-udder los h•tn.l and scat ofsaldeltr of PlM bare', this Vtls day If December. 1961. W1u5..1&31 IIeCALLTIII7, ...le= • • PURE CALIFORNIA. WLNES; GURNER & CO., • No. 80 Cedar St., New York, • Offer forsale these valuable Wines, which are gain ing pc favor with astonishing rapitilty, nod whose nnpreceaent, d nod unriva Lied popularitY not w !them merit. They have only to be fairly tooted to give them the preference over all others, At a portlier of blood, they excel all other Wines, and the nunterous certifies tea which have volunta• rUy been tendered from the most emlneutpliyal clans, as well as g.itlemen in every position in life, are proof conclusive that these Wines a•o useful In all cases for which they are recommended. The following brands are no w offered by oft. They_ comprise all the varieties now grown In the bate suitable for aalet • _ - WHITE, or HOCK WINE—Cf a light straw color, very &Item° and fine layered. CLARET—A sepet lor wine for table use. ANUELICA—A rich - end naturally sweet wine, much admired by lames, and valuable in the sick chamber It makes doe wheys and Jellies. It la • floe des s ert wino, nod well adapted for Communion purpose. 1111bCAT4L—.1. light colored, :highly aromatic wine. Very.lmilar to the celebrated Tokay. PORT—veep red color,'llne flavor and In many respeCts similar to the old Wine. of Lisbon. GRAPE 131tAlallY—The yore diatalladon of our wines. BITTERS—A eery agreeable tonic and a sure remedy for toe diarrhea- Thls it one of the most valuable conbinatlons of a useful and an agreeable beverage tharbas ever been offered t o the piddle. pillions of bottles were sold throughout the horn, during the last four years, asd wherever Introduced It has proved a welcome addlllbu to the Invalid table, the wally circle, and the 0 ichelor's sideboard. . . ladles who have 'oat strengtn arta appetite, and suffer. front nausea, vonstalng and vertigo; gentle men who ••don't reel very wept' Just before break (Sat or dinner. wboso stomach. are out of order and whose ay.are iteneraily derangtel; mother. weaning children and suffering frottngeneral debil ity; children. or sickly nature and sone. dycheptde con att tulle.; traveler. who have oceatlon to dotage tbelrvrater; and all who rive In mutest.a dlatrici. and are autdect to mlasmat.e inCuenees, will lied It one or the atoll valuable invigorators that can be taken. it was used very extensively in ISSI, with Each gc ne al tatisfactlon that to oll'erlng It to the public now we diem It unnecessary to publish any of the n may certincates that we haven ived, testifying in the very ttrougest terms In its favor. All that we tan say Is,ts guarantee. that wo will pledge Oar /wives to fortilth an article YGlti AND Gri.a9vVrill. ATXD, It has been riven to little children telferlng from weakness and weak longs with most happy effect. line little girl In particular, with pains In her bead, loss of appetite and d ally . wasting consomptlma, on whom all medical-skill lids been exhausted, has been entirely restored. Ohe began with but a teaspoonful a day. tier appetite and strength rapidly Increased and shots now well. =gist of Pm.loom: Per Bottle. Per Dozen .. Bock i $1 10 $ 9 03 • Wth 1 e Bittern tn , 12 CO Claret 1 CO . I/ 03 Purl 1 25 12 00 Auxelles l=s - 7500 Bluscs42l 181 12 CO Ers.udy '2OO 2 =CO 0e..6.64 , - • This le a florreiejimirJan end Glenna against ten or Fire excluriely: • • LEON till WALTER. Prealdent. O. 0. .LOYIL. Vice Preel lent.. r.omrar P &TRICE, Treasurer. BeerntirT• Duincroua: Ha L eonad Water. ti C. y Geo. Hobert J. o.~yVaAril. • Jacob Patera. , J. C. neuter, *lcel.& Kiel John Velegtler i Jas. H. Ho a• A. Amnion. Henry dpie ()Mee, No, 2 Merchants!llotel, Iw. PITTSBURGH GIS SAVING CO., COR.THIRD AND SMITHFIELD STREETS. IC,'M"M"X4MEM.EII JAMES•I. BENNET, President, ROBERT BMEY, Vice President. ARTHUR BELL, peo'y and 'Preas'r. DIUICTOBS , JAS. I. lIENNETT,.. I . W. W. PATRICE 11 , oiiT. I , I:.:NEV. _: - J. WI). CRUZiIAti, .10112 , 1 W. CIIAL , ANT Y. J. 111(iLEY ... W. IS. &MICE. . no13:09 'PITTSBURGH 'BREWBBT. • CARSON, DARLINGTON & CO., BREWERS, MUSTERS & HOP DEALERS Baeoe.aorJ to JOSHUA DIIIODES & „CO., Pittsburgh Wat. W. ANDERSO?i, Allea-hosey, • ,Tbe Attention of tbe customers of tbo two 0 , Is particulAilTtuvlbeel to 4•ur ALES AND PORTER, Which, throrgh the careful selection of our eaten. Ice malting f.ellltles and /loos frottgsr. yards Rest and West, see can guarantee to be te.ro audrAtl.racowly to.the trade. our 1ND1.41...A15h: has been highly ref...aid:Wed by - physicians for family use. a4 - Mc. A,DEItsIN'S customers sell t lease be. articular • o leave their ord Id at his office adlohi lug his old !iron's ry, or at our office. Carley of Dagnesan Way and Earker's non;mo 0111 M. TUOILM3 nnoirs JAxtr.s TIWAA /MOTU ALLEGHENY BREWERY. Haying rierchaved the old established Brewery known as the ALL Ell Lilt EWER Y, formerly owned by C;ostpuell S lice Me, we would inform the public that we ln tendcon tinning the manafaeture of. WATER ALES, Iliad° from Pure Spring Water; and from our fsclll - and long. experience in the buslnms. weieel &Waif d that we will be enabled to give entire sat isfaction to those who may farm to with Weir pats *nage: ' • • . • • ISTMEXT.IEC 4:20 VlOlO.. •• 465 . Rebecc - a, Street,; .7 ALLISIIE . YT CITE. •Arile•itil 'Orders - left at BROWN & ende 21/3 Libe o rty street, Pittsburgh, will be proraptlyc attd t. • ELRVENTRAND lIADHET $T$., 1411E.A . T. lIEVOLUTIO-N IN Till "cant TltaDE Or TUE MUTED STATE —PUCE CA.LIFOIiNIA mad. at 'prepared.., if done In fiance, Pete pare Quito Ma wine, and Wong the place of Imported Chin I Tl;Onnderatrol d would all the attention of WI Dealers and ttet e et Keepere to the followlnialett( erhieh map give &torrent idea of the quality of tin "{Met • • 'CONTINENTAL HOILL. . •PM LL.1):14.P11111. tlea. 141 b, “Alzsarg.liloucuzu Co.—Gentlemen:4le weyour California Clismcagne, a thorough t we take pleasure In laying 1.114 L we t hot t It the Amer( • an Mine we leave ever - use We ahal) onto place It on our bill of fere. Ito, ours truly I J. E. K.I.SItirLEY COl : . Call and try our California Champagne. , 77 n 0128.78 • CO UCH alt, &W.. 36 Dar et.. bri LANCE, 51L.5.. AND WOOLEN, • DYER AND SCOURER ,A. 1450, Chintz Window Curtains and Chair In Cleaned.ht . iettazed without tuiparif . . , Noe. 133 ril4i3"l b r itr,l 13'i:tweet' Woo - 1114611 thn eft!, • 01.19.45^3 TT.gltaß a 'A' 11.Q1u 1 ' 1 % . • -• . - • 100 bbls . near prline Flint for rsr „! Leftyi i`k kki (s):1V. r(si: 'AM F! BREWER, - BURKE & CO., COIIMISSION 4/pfIIANIS, MIENTS yeiL UHL Pacidc, Globe and Libertyoll Works, toggle Storage for Crode and Maned QM 'Libor. Club advances made on coaslgaments of Crude ex liegtoe4 Petro!erun. Sonia for storage 1104 ship =cut of Crude WI at Lawregrovll ()Mee and Warehouse. Correr 01, =oceans V4l' sad Haacook street.. Clttsborgh. t.ot rzTelt RILL ILITC/U.82. KEEL & • COMMISSION MOHAIR'S, AND DIAL2.IIBITA . Fleur, Grain, Seeds, - Mill Feed, at. 349 Lmzirry YSTREET, PITTIOU26III. .... .• •J EI2M.DT owiuNg ' W.KERR:6I;C' PRODIJi.IE COSSUISSION ADIRCHANTS, end Wbolevaln Denle. In PuIZZION AND DO/lES//0 FRUITS, BALT, BirmEs, EGOS. JD. TATOES, Ae., Ltd to Provleans sad Prot:nee gen. e , n I IT. No. 76 FEDERAL STICIZET, OPPO.tha the ILlllrnnil Depol, ALLIMEINT, Agents for the sale or P. Y. Hite% DOnnell ElLumn's Ind J. linrWs Salt. splulyd J . S. NEWM YEii frt. CICP.., COMMISSION EMIR:LiIa% Aad detiers In Flour, Grain, Teed • ; nd Produce. ,VSTU=."I:-:,!1261'.01°.1%.?ruazi, opposite 1..10m1/epos, Pittsburgh, Pa. irsIXS DAV. CRAWFORD. Commission alrit , •llANT In PIN IFETILL, BLOOM .1, IRON OltE. lytiOt , Olti 1111./.N. 7113.8 BRICK and (MAE, kx. Waroboulte and Ocoee . Not. 30 and UGS Pit.2lN RTRaET. etortaae furnlalLed. Conidgnments aoßotted. • _ WBAIVE & AMIER, hfiCitCHANTB and dealer. In FLOUR, alum and PRODUCE, &tend street, between Wood and Budelleld. PIM burgh. " ands) THO 6. T0T1T1T......1011r AILICK 11. a. EHS.IWAND POTTER, AIKEN SHEPARD C4mmlssloa Ilerchafita, and dealers to Foreign and Docasafie rrulta, /lour, Butter, -Chow, lagga, Potatoes produce genarstly„ 2Q. MO misEWry STILE CT , opoalte Passenger Dapot. PI ttabargh. w. _ J ClpErpin G t Y sat r EiIIEPARD_, Commissi on land dealers to Ploar. Grain and Pro, dne.s.t eit'Llberty street. Pltinburgb. o • crands of Picnic for Bakers and Family nas conatantly on hand.. Particular attention Wad to Millar -duo - t for liercbandlie generally. - ocslay LyrTLE, !WRD 8c PAIMON, Wholesale Grocers, Conunlsslni lfereleseV a nd4 rs deale to Produce. .1110II.T. EMOIL. Cheese, Carben and Lard 1111, (Cam Cotton Yarns ani all Pittsburgh rualrellschageS geasgsllr 13 and 111 Second street. Plttsbaritla • • • 51E & , sups, aiuccee lt sors t o e ,.., tr tyr a r gder t e u mWl2 °Weide Dealers In l'or rrwzo _ _ _au _p_ Confection*" 130:11.. IgLOg rs .. ?dos. JZO MI LW Wood Wee, &bon p BNOX & SON, Commission -sov. ItgliellANTlSandalnealers In /LOC% MILL PEED and rimuctr. ganarilly, .tich oppoidta City Hall. Allegisty Clip. Jal7:l7x Trx,r. arc], ... kritatZLZ. & Co 7 No. oi lts . "TNl l :g" b 7sVilid dAle:llt G UTProance - rrovlsionE. iisnOn t prs,autter, B UE . "." Prc'd"e . ' l3.ltifALlnt i . 37/11 . Green and Dr 6d Frulta. JOHN IL CANFIELD, Commission and forwarding Merchant and wholesale dealer -In Western Reserve Meese. Batter. Lard, Pork, Baena, flour. nab, Potion/ Frui t, an d Linseed sad Lard Ohs, Dried Fruit, and Praises genarely, ly and 1,46 front street, Pittsburgh 8180IICIE 8, /„ .0801102 IiZTV3B3I.. HEAD t~ ILIETZGAIIi Grocers and co=maco. 888 relt=ta and dealer.= of Country Produce and Plueburigh Mannfutures. 1 . -0 . 2-17 L 15 MT8:388t, OPIPOSIICI head of Wood etre et plttaburel. • JOHN I. LIOri — ZIMLI/13 1100 EL IL Itou6l. L ROUSE & PR Stacces u sous To JOHN 1. Roues Co., B OB., karale Um; x a • 5.., A. WALLACE. QUIPTON WALLACE, Whole. KJ sale OROCZRS AND PRODUCE MULLES.% No. 6 Mich bireet, rlttaboriDt. , brit JAMES DALZELL 61.. SO, , Mann - Inc:wars of Lard Oil, and Commission meiebaati for the parchain =4 sale of Crude and Refined Pe. tivienin, Nos. fl and 70 Water street, Pittsburgh. • Advances made to Consignments. • - FETZER ,LBr. AIIBISTRONGS For wardin_g sztouoatmlanion Merchants, Ror tbesale ,( PW:f Tit= = e t, corsteiof First, Pittsgro, feZly M=3=M DALZELL & CO., Whole. ch.ti:NrguazararetagdiPMV:gl . l 4 r.fter. ufactures. Q. 2 Liberty Wert, Pittaburgo. h * RIDDLE, No. IS3 Liberty St.., • Pittsburgh Pa, Commission .Iderehasit, an d Wholesale Deabr In Country Produce, tinocerles and Pittsburith nu , r••tures. Cash advanced on Con evainents, and laid for Produce generally. nun. SALill DICKEY &CO, Wholesale s- Grocer_ ,• Pon:Sasslon Merchants. and dealers in Produc rg e...No. tO !Pains itznet and, 111 /twit Meat. Pittsuh. • , S t ie lF sp i le ° rs thEincert ß es.ll lA- ra l ? . Produce. Pro- vlafolettEf.W.Vga' "/pq'Llitirrt:! 1.6:1156 /OLIN 1.1.07 D 11/11,7W1D Tom FIOICD & CO., Wholesale esocEss, 410.172 Wood' and =lLibertr Pittsburgh. • .05 :MI SITRAN CE pENNSIILTANTA ECSVELANCE CO OFPITTBBURGIf,_ PA. pttlee,3l 41tti Street, Atmlt Bleak, ESTEIN INEIUMECE tO".0 I,EXANDER austme, Vora:mt. 'WIL C P AVIIIFIrer s raTEN,.. • Gee.,,, ca... .2 ....tree, biting Or ve.'s Ware oasis, tp stins, PlSbarsh. • WM Ins. &Must all kin:blot Tire and Maxine tubs. A blue kunttatlon managed by Direct., .rhe are wain:myna to the catotxtualty, and who ore deterunnedlbsometness and liberality, to =ln tan the chatcter which they hors sesornedoss olt• wing the tat protection to, those who deaths to be lamed. r &lex. lek. • • Kee& a,litomss, -• • R. KUM . Chu. .1. Cliake James 2 .IcY. John B. McfMne; Alexcadt Spam . , James P• Hamm. Andrew .ate), Joilepti Kirkpatrick, Dairld NLoag, • ghiinp Iteynaer. • William P. klmats. liCklßlLKT.lieckatary. MEI Nonull AMERICA LIFIRISITRAINE COMPANY. • v‘nows and Orphans' Fund. - Ala. Williams Rt..'Masoirorkl. I IGENT—N. D. MORGAN. ; 3 . avaire...vviaViltal. - ' I. ' r 1 1.• q 0 CO IC . , i 5 'a.../. A.ONNT Olt WS 81 . 15.11 N x•A4 • , 67 Fourth St., Pittsburgh. AOEDI WANTED.- - zaT311.53 A L LEGHEN Ir INSURANCE CO. orTlTTßUltaki.- Uzee„ art Plithstrait Bank Da. laiailai►taat all dada Pima:o 31Litrizul alstal c• JURY 1191.6. tr.G l llZ l A t iderit• eeere WT. kale General I, ent. triG , • , igllfiVtrca I Ett-j,--i't, - - • - FDPLEYB riSUIRANCE w as. N. B. WBNI