r :;;•~. ~-,- _. II El El El WINTER GOODS E:323 , Mit I)rice 1r e need R• 11i' . .13.4'48 : .:,41:Exiv5, 21 Fifth Stieet. 13LANEETS--allsizes. -COVERLETS--Extra Heavy xnakes, IMRE BATES & BELL'S. ME13.1N013.-:Eitzs G. 7.5 0 !. DRESS GOODS—from 250. BALMORAL'S—A*6a $2,00. BATES & BELL'S. (CLOAKS—IrerY Cheap. 1 SHAWLS Bright Colors. ' SQUARE SHAWLS—new lot IMO NEW ARRIVAL .2 OF k• DRY GOODS. 'IRWIN 1110NMILL & r • NO. 178 FEDERAL 87%. Allegheny city, Wholesale arid Retail • DEALT: jag . DRY 0001).4 - AND NOTIONS. • mcOONNELL & CO. anuounin 7.4 „." 71? g ..zhat they urav,..Pßarg=mlll and ad artistes - In tn. 1r tine cd bauble/4k • ....1 . e..," immthe-Enat, 'Olen theroffenTO THE TIIeD`-~•T-TII~T6TS~~IL, at thel.l/WlusT HATES. 1,--THEut• sToc3m .COYPTILSES ALL THE -LATEST AND BEST STEPS •Nt- And in Great Variety, / id arc at aria. IdOS'P DESIRABLE PATTERNS , and AIAgEW.ALS, including GIF:dIIAN AND ENGLISH Tress 43-oods, BE 'fiAALL HINDS OF FLANNELS, While and Colored Blankets, Balmoral Skirts, Cloakings, Prints. Be'sines, Ginghams. Shtetlngs—Bleached and Brown, _,104 Check%, Ticking& Brills, • Sheetings, etc., etc., Axa.n extensive variety and assortment of ZIT (C) alp "X Ck 3. • 4 . • 111139114, McCONNELL . & CO., 404 178 i'EDER&L STREET, - AUeghing City, .03.01EIDAV GIFTS. CERMAN AND SWISS Fetsaose Goods „..„ Carved Barketa, Brackets, • • ••Jewel Boxes and Ornamellta, • - r - Yortmonalee, Wallet% •, dateh.la. Card. Cates. - - ' • ' . BrlXlte boats, Panel` Nall Goods; • Linen Ilanda.reldeff, • • ,Embrolderlea—alldestrintlons, Lee Collars and Bandrareldela, - . Colfares and Barber, . . Madlee'. Gent's and Cblldrenla Bid Gloves, . . Boxwood and Garnet Jewelln, Talletßoant, de, de , de. • • GENT . LE3I . I.N'S lINDZSMAtu, ' • eck Tani. Bustenders, tleart Fins. Eleere • BE AT I ! Off . PRICES. F. H: EATON:I7 Fifth St. • leca ENE NEW GOODS JUST RECEIVED '" I • 33-sr JOS: . I:IORNE & C 30.;, Tau asawmant.t . ; -fraYr T .Z .Y D .n.orps, 1 ... 0. i 'AI :the landing Yalll3tflea. 21M133250ry (!t• • Ipea and rammed, Paris Yanerund Colored 1111 k Vol et@ In moss desirable shade': nails ?snag Son net and Triumelng Gibbons, new and rich cram; Flowers, ebol =Trench and American; Feather". Ml' XI X 13 3E3 XIL aliorteda • cambric; Hamburg, nodes, Lome. CrImIT: ',Gen . "1- Cenne2l4ingsegtedergillessAdVlci4aLllnaglavnzllil 11-4,1.: nand ts, Lames ind Lace Goods. ! esa and Cloak Telinsalmrs and Ornaments; renlea, amps and Brad , : Linea Triminunra, Bugle Frames. WillrE cooDS: A most err:plate stock of Jarcomets, Ceank3ll.r:i. Lace. Item- PO .2P -g gi7,l7er Tape B r er g 4:1 , 1 . 4d e rl asses. 1111 G.ntViLlnderweir. turniah{rid Goods: a ? . : -R easpenders and lieek-Tlea: Heavy Marta and ji !Drawer , LtiuDlex,.noutTon ired . LXL !!:! and ,up.. P- Corsets; atilferaireitinel l er al liarnirrGreatest 'fa ir y ty. Cashmere. Lambe Wool and • the Maim' mixtures, plain colors • and random. t. Gent . ' .Paper Collars, sad eget, thing In Um 21e1- ow as Ful cra Jobbths Raga,. Nos. 77 and 19 Market Street. M &CRUM; GLIDE & CO., • 11 -F 78 and 80 Market Street. • P', _ , WW.il i.l I ra X I4 . II PASES, . •710..1011 0 a ANDS, it" ,-- ' - 7'"4. ' VlUANgnirjfr Fll4 nk TRAVEttIi evs GIS . • ' . 7.3 "BrIiCIABIE?4 • • • 1,. , . ..". " --.- 11.1.N.IFCERCHIEF!, • il 12 , . COL6tri, ..., .. , <-,. •• • IitysLEIII AHD ULOVE3. (LENT'S PiTUNISIIING GOOD% t . ,,,,... (EN zsruric RN 4ws..s, - • SACKII AN il 1300Dii, 1 AI ÜBLAB AH D BCMLIV, • COUSETEI N v AT Eurita.s. HAUL 1404 Lt. de. • • , Etprzteeptrs And It to tiieir advititsiol to lisort their Btocit frOm Oor . • • Altholcsale Department. del7 t AIteCMiLSIIs 00. if IIES ...Tz Euso.w. c..uu .) 0 ., wupLE.94tar. vExt..r.a.s us FOREIGN. AND DOMESTIC DRY DODDS Toi co. 9.111. 1 TC cm, a. sit., %bird nous. above Dialren• ATlcy. t )' •Liao rtneautrsviiisrA. . . _, il -- 1 , .. I . ?.i -1 , ;1 :-. 1 : ' •fr .1 ME ED SPECIAL AND SEASoNAJIIM MACRUN I& CARLISLE' ...... • 19-Fifth Street. • ELASTIC SEASIUSES CND klt-SSIRTS. (or la _ diet—war/anted not to shrink, and much sups- Hoe t o damsel LAPLAND SEATING POUCBES: , YATENT EA. 111.1VPS — J,st the thlurfor Ska ters. A new lo!)nit Onened. . PINE CentlßlSElk rOA RFS—Just the . thing for • New Yeses efts. A new let All Widths. LINE.. KW A No Ot ..P EiLoVE.—• I stirs. ENGLInIi AND•PRENOR CLOTH OLoYES—A. • splendid ,assortment tu.t opened, at reduced priers. 11110 t &a &e. LOAKS, SHAWLS, SON TAGS, SCARFS, ELEA) AnT STYLEUESPHT Et KNIT GOODS.. U I N EN WIR AN CEES d N DE E A S WE eeElMy g w atly reduced, ' CLOSET° Orr AT LOW PIIICEIL • Oar entire &Met tnent of me oz./a:oda:sr .ci-ec•swy. - • Ladies and Gentlemen wi blur to make New Year's gifts will And many useful and sellable ar ticle.. ILLCRUM & CARLISLE, . (1.1.3 I •- 19 FIFTH STREET. GOODS FOR TILE HOLIDAYS, Dg:N~NI[~ON'~, 21 EIFTEE STREET. LACE AND VABROIDERED HANDETS, FANCY SCARFS. • • NORWEGIAN LEATHEiI SATCHELS, "\POHTMONIAES, CIGAR CASES, GLOVE ROSES, PASO: FANS, : LADIES COMPANIONS CARD CASES, LACE COLLARS, LACE SETTS, EMBROIDERED SETTS. LACE- HAS DK ERCIDEFS, HEMSTITCHED HAN DRERCIIIEFS, EMBROIDERED SLIPPER. 4 ,_ EID GLOVES. BUCK GLOVES. CLOTh GLOVES, UNDERGARMENTS, W HITE SHIRTS. SUSPENDERS, NECK TIES. LINEN cOLLABS, PAPER COLLARS, ac„ As. Selling Low for Cash. deftly WHOLESALE DR GOODS. ARIWTHDT, SHANNON & CO., No. 115 W00d131., — nave In store and receiving, s fall viiereineni of DRY GOODS, IND NOTIONS , Which they oilier at :( EASTERN PRICESI TO WlnCli The Attention of Dealers is Invited. c. dell/ Ancenntor..w. T. 8111NNOR./. 6. STSPITERSON. Orrxci. Cu/amass Viliccr V. R. Co,. PrrrAncliqu. OCCrWer 1105. f ItgrA MEETING OF THE STOCK. HoI,DIRS ot the Mutters Valley Rail road Compattr will be held January 14th. bed. at,No. 77 rocrth Street, at which time and place an election for Seven ..liee . ora will he held.. between the hours of 1 aad .1 , is. dc24.cial. S. Y. VON Sulk NsIOILST, Sce,y. ILEcAgrattmoi.cmpArosittatf.: 1866. J *Plac, ASSESSMENT NOTIC E. ' • "ItOTICIt 11.111CHYGIVEN That the essetameht r • the Chiding, Peeing and Cetteng of CULNALNLIEC 391102=11.3a2EM, From Teton to Totten streets, bore been road', nod can be seen at ails office until timitaryillth, li4. an er widen • ttme they will De turned OTC/ to t h e city Treasurer for collection. CHARLES RIICRSPFAR.I . t. de27;q2l Rem:Lbw Regulator. OFFICE OF THE WOOLDRIODE OIL REFINING CO., 344 D. S rouciasossmo vv'ay , • ,Plyisnnneu, Deember 26th, 1666. THE ANNUAL MENTIAIi tif THE sTocti, HOLDERS of thi Company, or the Eteetton of Dtrectonr, wllEbo held at thliofflce on T 1.124- DAY, January Bth, /UN, at 2Noseoce r, 31. RENO' M. LONG, Steretary4_ 112170 Flout Itorton or Harrellifftrtme Pa.. No. or Fourth sireet,rittsburgb. Z3th Itcenther.lO6O. T HE ANNUAL INEEIIIIIG of hike Contribu , ore to the House g Refuge. nil. be held at tho °Mee of the Institutles, ho. 611 Fourth treet. ritubursh. oh , eON DA!. the 7th day of Janntry. FRI. br.tmeen th e houresf9 end o'clock, to hear the Report of the •Uoard .f disasters. and to elect officers for the ensuing yar. Ry order .leMuf7a J. If, reeretarY. bITICi PIM.. t Erat:DE L Nebt t la It. n. CO, jj Pirrannatill. thictu er lEe.4. - AMEETING . OF TIM NTOICII. u01.1)E133 of the Pittsburablant_ii 77 fourth tile Rath *id Conipany N Do belei it o. fourth street. on MON DLY, JOOO ry )NIE47 between the boars of 19 ceel ,, ck, d. IL. an= o'clock. It., at which time and nice an el er tton Or President and Ds al re Directors Intl be bold. de211:01 . U. F. VON Bossloxlr, ITION CITY ATIONAL DANT OT IT76DCnOi ~ PITTSUI:011. tee. C, MO. THE ANNEAL ELECCION - FOR DIIIIICTUAS or THIS BAhl, will neld bn TIIESILIT. January fah, 1561 between the boars of Land 3 o'clock r. x., 4 the Binklng a gt7;lo.llrT rotor trAntiritr, °ashler. Exczw.c on AAtkokAL Dime or rtillannOti. 1 PITT82171“311. IA., 11.4. ‘ 8, nda. THE ANNUAL ELECTION OF Dl- REcTshm w:11 take place at to B•tilttliG LIOUtIIn, ona'UeSDLY. Janus:7BMM; between the boots ofSLIMS A. Y. and two 111. • • dtBept3tdarT IL SUMBA. Cashier. FURST NATIONAL ISSN. OF ""'" DITTSBUICtiII.—The Annual Eiciloti An Di rectors of the P I DST NATIONAL BAtiC will Litho plArsi on, TUrIDAY. , Jaannei StrWS67. at the Dank. between II o'clock A. - 11., and 2 lock P. 11. J. D. - eCULI. Cashier. tIrII3IAN MATIONAL Prrrenonon. December IBse. f AN ELECTION FOR Nli F E REOTOBS, to scree for the enrols) ear, w4l be held at the BANICING HUUSE. on LSDKr. .tannery Bth, 191. between the bo.rs otlll. u. ,10 M. damper G. A. ENDLYZashier. Tti breo:ity NATIONAL UM Or 1 '" • ALLEGIIENT. December IS IL I T - .ANNITAL ELECTIO: FOR DM:CW . O of .tbts Bank will be held lietween the hours of II d. se. and: r. at the panting Howe. • J. .N. LANILO N. de12:473 . . Ashler. • PZOTLi's NATIONAL lime. t .VITTIIDVROLL Decer.ber 81.hige. f LECTION . tloa for invest Direetseti of this Simi, ..ne or theeeode e;rs ear, will be held it the He , en a. dioeiry Bth, VA; hetwein titanri °lll A. le..and ir. r . oeIVINZI V. St. GONIVON. . F ., us, A v rt. . a .. o kz f. o r r A A ., LA.v . n4a THE ANSUAL ELE C TION B kalitteltlin of thls Bank, will take pi, .at the BAN nitiit oOL.PI. on TUESLIAB, .I . lnry Sin • 1 853 . no . ...een LW tours of LI A.M. Illd detlgui dioillt P. it.ttAutit. I. • 1001.11 NI Aa'nuM.ll.l/All ' . PrITEDCWIII, ['Mather Bth, 1 THE ANN EDI L, ELECTION OFt. BECTOHB of this Bank, will take place a e Banking House, on TUECDAY, JinuaryBth, between the hour - 3011 .A..14.0y1 2r. v. dele:B43 U. W. kflieliE.Y. CaahB Ilutolt 'NATIONAL DAIS.' - rmanunon. IMeelaber am. sec '"'"N ELECTION. FOIL NINE RECTOS.% to serve for the ensuing rear. be held at the BAXIIINti 11011.1 E, on TUDSIB.B January Bth, 110, between the hours all A. 18;i Ir. N. delOrpft JtillCiLeelTs AND SUN CEACTOILICEs VAT. BAEt . • Eittannittilt, Pee. fte, EGO. THE ANNUAL ELECTION FO "'" DIE ECTOIsSof MU flank will take place at Iddlilll2.o lintreE, on ' TUESDAY, January nth, Ifff,'betsteen tne hour. all A. E. and 2P. 11., de10407 . TIMM N MANE, nrrontritou t Prrinnetillilr, Lee. EU, s ELECTION NOTICE. — The Annul al 'Election for KINK DIKZCTOUS for Mat t t?, e"Erg du r~na the ~asuUß Tear "di3 J held at anoalys 1662, Caw the hours .1 . ot It "n. ss. and, delo:ti49 ?MIN Cuhter: MCI iscluancs, • Prrpannion. Dee. TO. 'effa. TVIE ANNUAL ELECTION FOR DIBECTOM P THIS B N ki",..1111 be held at the Bari 1.101:11E. oaTUballalr. January stp. teel. between the boars ;AU*. akrivireiVock Caebler. Or ALLECIIIIINT, Titzternaat'd OrrtCr. Deetentxr lttb. NOllcE nEnEnv ,iIIVEN TO • the holder, of the. tin etc cont. Id UNI-• t'll'AL BOND'S °Elbe city of 631oehent that the Coupons on 0.11 bonds condole doe isions_u' Itn7 told be paid iv, Id day VC. , tnalatate TIM) at she Bank. of rttt•nurdn, Us9ireA tt ni t d o . .%ttded - • Trosiurer of tho City of • Il.dbonT. DITT,OY ALLT.O.Urcy" Taii.6l7EVlVSOrttec. December 12.tb. toto.l ' A ILI.EGHENV CITY COMPRO. 4 .1111i1SDuNDSIY.NTEL,..Pereono boWtog Com. E r e;. ' !t! . .l " po' oft_llo7l§V4t V:tr•Ti ? AVIV uo morestedVibctio tiotubial too - leveret rates othre et 01305811 will be received -try the under ttrbo4lllltlll'uctilsy, Me DA orJatrust7; MT. D. StADIC.r.IIH.U.N. - &MOP Treanstrer or the City Or .611111ttletvrt ff=== OODS, CLOTHING &c. NOiqCES. Nene Snapeuelon &Ng°. TOEmDLY. JANUARY Bth, B. B. SMITH. Cubic NEIG c p c ORHOOD NEWS. E=3 The Johnstosm . .Tranote records the follow : Willie. Blekerstelt, a • bright, well-be bayed little fellow, who tither Fes killed' aline fightinion the right side at Elpottatylva obi. was drowned in the :Conemaugh dt this place on Sittirday laet, Ile fad been sledding on too Ice ii company with' a school.fellow, but 'lid not return home in the evening. His CCrinreldOn, - nrkon being questioned, could give only a Confused and unsatisfactory account of the intoning boy, bat enough - information was Reined from him to render it certain that Wil lie bad perishes t under the ice. His body tuts not yet been recovered, but his little sled, bat tered and broken by the Ice, was found on Christmas day lodged near the iron bridge be low town. Mainmast in the house and heart of the mother of the drowned boy may be im agined, but it could never be described, Found Dead The Bucyrus Journal says i On last Satur day afternoon, Mr. Lorena° Mends was found dead about two miles west of town. lie bad been engaged in hauling .wood from the laud of Mr. John iloderwell, Land when found was. lying with his throat across the trace. He bad a Orin hold of the Mies in one band and the whip in ; the other. Mr. Meads was sub. R Ject to severe fits of cougbin and he was probably taken with ono of e fits while working and driving his team . ;and fell in the position he'waS found. He wail a man about slaty years of age. and has been a resident of this places vend years. Geld 121 Olde i The Columbus .fearetil Bays that lir. George W. Penh:my, bt Cincinnati, In tOmpany with a =Aber of New 'fork prospectors, are busy Panning in the Richland County gold regions for the preciens metal, with a flattering show of success. It adds that "the gold is found In Uny.lumps almost pure, alui also in Bakes In the sand. •Yauning' experiment! have Convinced the parties named that gold in paying quantities, Can be found In the lo cality, and land has been purchased, and a company is being organized to prosecute the gold hunting to a successful result." Poet °Mee Ittobbed.—Aa exchange says:— Thu postoffice and store on tho line of the A. V. 11. It., and now its terminus, was entered aria robbed on Thursday night last. -Some SSW In geode and postage stamps were stolen and carried off. A number of letters In the posted:lice were torn overland left On the coun ter, but they contained tO money or value bles. Suspicion rests upon a couple of stran gers who bail been lurking around the place tor some days previous to the robbery, and Imp have since suddenly disappeared. Accidentally shot.—A son of Mr. George Smith, of Canoe township, Indiana county. wasAnasidentally shot last week, nhder the following circumstances! It appears that the boy was of unsound mind and insisted upon accompanying a party of young men who were going out on a gunning excursion, and one of the party on going toward him to lininOe him to return, fell and the hammer of his gun catching In Isis clothes was discharged, the ball taking effect in, young Smith's breast, causing his death In half an hour. Terrible Aeeldttit.—A. horrible accident occurred at the saw mill of Thomas Liston, Esq., in Addison township, Somerset Conn ty, on Saturday the 15tit Inst. William Lon hart, a young man of twenty-two Years, am yiloyed at thu mill, clambered on the top of the crater-wheel for the purpose of cutting away the ice which clogged it. The wheel, which revolved below in a stone-wallet pit, suddenly started, harrying the unfortunate man down With It, tearing head from his body as it dashed into tile pit. . , ' Mafia of General Rsynwida.—We learn that tne contmlttte of the Fast Army Corps, having t h e matter In charge, have decided to place a bronze statue of General Reynolds in the National Cemetery at Gettysburg, and not on the spot where ho teL. The statue Is to be six or seven feet high, with a base of nearly the same height. TIM triangle formed by sev eral avenues near the gate, in front has been selected for the sire. , Gettysburg Illortument,—J. G. Battersea, of iianford, Connecticut, for 047,500, engages to erect at Gettysburg a whiter shaft of Italian weather.proot marble forty•seven feet high, the statuary work of which has been already begun by Rogers, in Italy, and will be dabbed January let , iStis. Ills plan wits accepted by the Board. of Managers, at their meeting last Friday. Fatal Fall.-41ea,ry Dotta, an employee In a rolling . mill in ...iorrletown, Montgomery county; fell from a platform forty lent hlgh to the Boor, on Friday, the fall killing llipt In. stantly.. isthtatArmc suffaisar The following meagre particulars of the In dian massacre near Fort Phil Kearney hate been received 'at St. Loulst On the fist In stant a detachment of troops. consisting of "eighty-four men-and three officers, started. from Fort Phil. Kearney, taking the road to Montana. , When 11. o tulles trout t ne . Fort the troops were attached and surrounded by three thousand Indians, and atter a most des perate fight, every one killed. The reported loss 4:lithe Indians greatly exceeded the Mon her of troops engaged. Bullic.ent reinforce. ments have been Bent from . Fott Laramie to protect the milltaty posts along that route. In consequence of the snow blockade on the York Railroads, there has. been a large accumulation of eastern bound freights at Erie and points west, which is Istkng forward ed as rapidly as possible over the Philadcl. plait and Erie goad, that being the only route open. Eastward passengers also accu mulated at Erie andlaßnkirk in largo num bers. • The Malt!more Board of Police Commission= en have withdrawn their suit agalnet the Old Board tor faleb Imprlaonmehi. - The - Leal,lature or Maryland mean on' Wed. pesday. laillt,er Miller, of Anne Arundel coon. ty, will probably bonlected Speaker, and tiny. Swann chosen U. a. Senator. There is a quorum of the LegistatUre al ready at llarnsourg. Idaho dispatches say that a memorial to COn grata for the ottjaion. of that Territory wilt probably past theLegislattiro. They_proposed the dame of the 139.1 territory to he Columbia. The /Old ramps for customs ht our urinal. alports, from Dec. 15 to Dec. 21,1803, are as }allows, sue compared with those of the precede tog week • • • This Week. Lad Week: Boston $ 919.968 OJ 5 210,694 41 New York 1,057.129 83 1,471,495 38 Philadelphia ...... ..... 126,6111 69 150,855 19 Baltimore 09,430 50 - 97.517 52 New Orleans (Dec. 3 to • Dec. 15) ' 1E9,281 16 , - 202,748 97 San Francisco (N0v.17 I to N0v.24) 50,839 13 131,783 09 The term of the Court. at Sweetaburg, Can. ada, closed on Friday. The results are as fol lows; Of the sixteen persons held as Fenian prisoners when the Court opened, Coburn and Powers weal discharged because 'the Grand' Jury ignored the billsagainst Lb. , m. Rogers, McGowan and Howard. have been dtscharged without trial. Wigan, Riordan, Carroll, Ow ens and Morrell were tried and acquitted. McDonald was acquitted on the more serious charge, and two juries disagreed on the rot. berg charge. Five now remain inJan—ltolmes, under a sentence of two months imprisonment for larceny; Crawford, of three months, for receiving stolen goods; and Madden, Smith and Crowley , under sentence of death. - J. IL Dungloson, of the Philadelphia Press, has Mon appointed private secretary by Gov. enter Geary. • • An accident occurred on Saturday, at Sar nia JUDOIIOII, C. W. on the Great Western Railway. Three cars were wreaked, and six persons miered, two supposed fatally. Congressman elect, Judge Wiley, of Ala. bama, who Molest returned to Montgomery from Washington, expresses the opinion that if the Southern States ratify the Constitution al 2 .Amendraent, their Itepreseutatives will be admitted to Congress, and if they refuse, they will be territorialized. • The Congressional Committee on .frauds In In primal Revenue, have onearthed some as tounding cases In Philadelphia of corruption among officials. • At a meeting at the Board of Trade Rooms. Philadelphia, on,Saturday, a largo number of cotton and wool manufacturers agreed to me mortals° Congress to abrogate the five per cant. tax on manufactures and otherwise ad. dress it concerning those 'interesta. Acorn. mince was appointed to go to Washington. Mr. Scranton, President of the New Raven Railroad, slipped from the platform of ft car .bras Nowell: , Conn., enturtlay morning, and almost instantly killed. The car passed over hls hips. • • It Is reported In New York that Collector Smythe has resigned.. et New Vim, Mimi., two men named Camp bell and Lasoomb got into an altercation on Cnristmas day with John Spinner, when one of them stabbed Spinner, killing bier. They were arrested by the Sheriff, but were taken from him by a mob, beaten with stones and elute, and then hung. Even while hanging, • the Inhuman mobcould not be restrained, but cut and backed the bodies In a shocking man- ner. 'I ho bodies were still •haziging and fro. ' zen stiff next morning. Campbell and Las comb served In Company F, Seamed Minnesota Regiment, and were men of good character and respectably connected. New Ulm lea frontier WWII. one hundred miles from Saint Paul, and was the scene of the atrocious In diem massacre in 1892. It Is settled mostly by Germans, who ore professed Infidels. The Navy Department has received no in ,formatiort that Barrett will be brought to this country on the Swatara. - It Isnot improbable tat lie may be transferred to another vessel. i The receipts from Internal Revenuoto date r the fiscal year arc sixteen million ffve bun. red thousai.d dollars. . Jefferron IVllkenott, an ex-confederate, has en pardoned by the President. I lion. lir-11111, agent fora Michigan Comps t, has filed in the General Land Office a lint, ig public lands selected, embracing one hue d-thousand acres, allowed by act of Con. sa, to aid In the conatruction of a ship al from Lake Superior to Jae La Belle. .he second 186110 of patents forJannary will . I made on the Bth. One hundred end fifty be loaned, of circulation tates holds as rities . for the of National ~ .340.356,150; depositorten of publio amount 'total, a 579,800,250. Total amount rrency hissed to date. $300,750,951. De ng currency returned, inclup worn cues, the actual inrculaUon Is ,813,574. Mo. French Milner. 1.1. untholOn, a fOrinenee on Saturday. . Congressional Investigattngcommlttee , O_Cuetoln Rouse friends in New Iforx i.b, -a ut one official made upwards of $30,000 stealusinfis Atlantic and Baltic Were eel Nowc. Saturday, toe ten thousand do boa Tgylor as trustee, becoming par ell :TIMM arc liens to the amount Obeli . an n dollars on the Vessels. -• , - 1 : 01(7 , 6'n:elle states that anorglnizas on v ti &homy be., commenced In New Yea 'for mono of revoluttoniziug Cuba. It t 3 c •Verfepetled Of Clibank Who. lllttiPears . ~ . ,_, •-. . . EME lyalrof their race, desire to sever theponneei lion of Cuba with Spain. • . • Professor B. P. B. Morse has sent 47,60d10. Part to purchase. Washington Allston's 'Verb. which be will present to the lisle School of Flue Arts. At the banquet given to the Congressional el:reunionists, at New Orleans, General Been. regard presided, and gave as a toast, "The health and prosperlty.of our Invited guests; • they are welcomeamong us. and we are hanpy to eat our bread and salt with them." Vice • President,. Foster responded. The Tribune special says: fleauregardie toast is considered a good illustration of the adage "when the devil was sick," de. At the banquet to the excursionists hlemphiagenator Wade made a spews, declaring boldly that the south need expect nothing unto she adopte the Constitre tonal amendment. The survey of the Bentham Paolde Negroid In California has been commenced. A large amount of stock was taken, and there is no difficulty in disposing of the remainder. The ground will be broken in California early next spring. —This beautiful passage occurs in Holmes , ' hew novel, in the Atlantic Monthly: "The old clock that Idarmaduke Storr made in London more than a , hundred years ago was clicking the steady pulse beats of Its second century. The featured Moon on Its dial had lifted ono eye, as if to watch the child, as it watched so many generations of children, w bile tne swings Ing pendulum United them along into youth, maturity, gray hairs, death beds, ticking without grief through all the still OT noisy woo of mourning, ticking {without Joy when the smiles and gaiety .01 comforted heirs had cqmo back span." —The cattier &Congressional :National TOM* Dewitt) Society has been' generally signed. The Whole Illinois delegation have their names upon It, and the Vommittee haver in vited Andrew Johnson to artlx his autograph to tbo call, and then preside at their Ineethies. declines, General Grant will be Invited. Iteneral Banks, • Senator Yates and Thad. Bto yens, will be Invited toinet of Honorary Vice Presidents. It ts the Intention of the mem. hers immediately upon orgimiratlOn to Wale circular letters to all the Governors, inviting thefts tO agitate the subject with the Legis latures. —Ap ingenious artificer at (knave, In the mountains of Switzerlandf has reeently Writ ten his name high on the toll of great mechan ics. 'lle Old so by constructing a jewel called the cilagio Bird: , It Is not larger than a common tobacco bor. By touching a spring the golden lid files open a tiny - little bird darts forth, sings a beautiful song and dies back again Into Its goldennest. This wonder ful Jewell which a man can carry In his Test Pocket, coals the neat little snot of e 1,1300. Only two of them have ever Leon made. —/i manufactory for making printers' typo 5 Vulcanized India rubber has been started at Alston, England. This new kind of type Is aald to be quickly - made, and to be fully equal In quality and durability to the common type, tile cost price being only one-third of the latter. It ants the advantage of leas *eight as compared with metal type, and It Can be remolded when worn. It presents par. tinnier advantages for stereotyping. The In vention Is American, and is Said to be making • rapid progryea in England. —Peat is growing in favor u an article of 'fuel. The firma Trank.Railway Company. of Canada, has contracted for the delivery of 100 tons of peat dully next year. and Pal tone daily for the succeeding four years. EYEBI BODY'S lINTEBEST. t- SAE DATE OF TAX ON Boots and Shoes Halinbeen reduced. from the 1,4 of Aogu.t, we feel 11 10 he only lost that the people should be in formed of it. We have reduced our prices seemed lolly. our stock I. unusual/1r hole and Well as sorted. and those who appreciate handsome styles and well made • • BOOTS_ AND SHOES, And pre/ er seer/mit' PIICCI, ere certain to be platted at the POPULAR SrIOE PA-LAOR Emromni, • NOS. 26 AND AS ,: ' II.NTIK erann, WM. O.CLAPP & CO. • P. FL—No trouble to odor goods., Call. cad ;hem. KANE'S PATENT PETROLEUM SOAP. • SOMETHING NEW, CHEAP & BEAUTIFUL. • AN 1 U1NT5401111110115.11158 SOAP COI3IMD, Kat AV SIPE TiCtOLE V.ll SthiP After numerous ratistrictory tests in hundreds of lamilles, confidently offered to the public. on Its established merits, as the rest Toilet cosy, In the market; as Ilist-rate Washing my and Er Agin of W Cloth Mains. Ills should closeout emoUeas, befog excellent remedy for all Cutaneous Diseases. From its penultsr ettemlealewnibinstions, it tt en. ',trey free from unpleasant odors, and foreign Sub stances. For .ale at the principal Druggists and Grocers In Pittsburgh and Allegheny. laallro4ll IMPORTANT. TO BRICK MAKERS. Bosco cia 313rialm. LI" TEA' HOURS, With might Men! SWORD'S STEAM POWER• BRICK MACHINE, 3LINVIFACTMED BY ' The Pittsburgh Brick Machine ANb BRICK MANUFACTIRING .00.1 For the Wen, Time u soltAsten States THE MACHINE IS SELF.TICRP eosteonly 41.300, (right to nee beleg prorrtlon bfj ed lotto eshent j ttoms a i ttosof territo. kinds o f rut e.i. c ti gait ' B e titu7: p w rg i ve " d a in steel moulds, requites only eight men to dig the day, feud the. grinder, t•ke away the Sid i fi s t hate them in the yarocand makes Mick aii fast its you wish to run the engine. In our own yard, our rate of making • is from 43 to 30 a minute. We claim this to be the bent PAYING Ail CIA= In 121 e. A machine may be seen In opention In our yard). at Glenwood four roues abate the city. on the north tide of the Monongahela river, reached by the conneunthe Railroad. marmite, Yard, County andßtate Rights for sale. • For lull4nronnation. apply for circulars, in per non or be mall, at he office. We are prepared to ml large contracts of brick. Samples of tbo brick to be seen ft 000.110 Fifth "Talenalul a gissunv trio iCH =caws AlUss BRICK N irr 41.1 I WONG co -3.30 LIBERTY ST., PITTSBURGH, PA., ' id. MEN. President. • . ...Gold/Y. Vice president; W. Id. IdeCanGICE.I4, Treasurer; B. A. 1511EPYARD, Necretary. Diumcnnw-B. at. Kier. A. Ackley. W. Brictel, John/Amin, W. 4. crap. de4:os FOR CIERISTILIS PRESENTS New Style Ottomans, • Large also. Tr Rh Chintz Covers. made of reutuants or best Wilton lad Velvet Carpels,. Tee ebeaDesto moat durable m 1115015 elegant article of • 3P'eurlcor N.Larzaitairo To befound. ltannfastored soil sob! only by our selves. MI other styles of 4=ow•riornx.a.nces • On ban& of nur own ma great varl.tv of pat terns, and for sale very lowau the Carpet Sterna MISFABLAND & COLLINS, Nos. 71 and 73 Filth Street, • Next"door above Dispatch Balltling, Secood Floor dela Cll.lB. B. 71.6.811...11Z11. TB. CSASIE..V. BARB. SNAKE & BIitaTLERI Buceesso ri to WRBELINAC. A BARU, No. 12 St. Clair Street, Pittsburgh DLALIIIII IX Pianos, Clrga,nts, And Muskat 1 . 3001 a generally alpacas Avnts for the Ottetrate,d BRADBURY, New York, andSCHOMLOZ.EII & 00.. Philadel— phia, PLASM , Also, ENTRY a CO.'S •VOTTAGR," and FL D.. & IL W. SNIT Y'S "AMBRICIAN" OBGA.NS, and TILTON'S PATENT GUITAR. The best Italian and German Violin and Millar Strings always on band nolDobi DUEGSI DRUGS!! DBUGIBI3I • JAMES T. SAMPLE . HATING BOUGHT THE WELL KNOWN DECO It(HISE ON CORN K. kt OP TEuEIIAL A 241) 110ls11480$ Y, • HIE few on baud a full assortment of all !lade Of 7:3111:1743,18, _ And wbleb will be sold diaper Emu sa l other boric In the two - fleseslptlous carefull7 IMO seed bY a fret clueMigds of sw7U/am/1- one razor soars ea haad. lioiniEs, Briu, a..c0., • Anchor Cotton Mills, Pittsburgh, Ninotactorers of AsontiatAjtlHßATlNuB, o ANlMlNAlVijoifalbsam. VELEM/LITE "STEEL TUOTTh BAY HAIM. "emit* Bttpt" and olteseow Lark" are mono tared owe at-the modllltaSti WOUSlS.dttar tbbrealtetddatT• Abb. fiat For %Me and raw vans/. wabir: rota atl - Tre •et evat7 bade of the beat saatertat; Obetti/Ottry an leattazitted. OOLOMEW kAil . . IgrA CARD TO ECTALIDS:' ! A. Clerginnan, while residing IA Booth Aineilea, as e missionary. discovered a 'ate andampld rune dg for the Cure o [Nerve= Weakness, garlylieely.. 'Greases of the Griner' anal Amiulnal Or ail; lad the whole train of disorders brought on by baneful al:4.1E101U habits. Great nunitstril have been id readycored toy this noble Iv Prompted by a desire to benefit the ■dllcied. uniortunste. I will send tharcelpe for propa•ing and using this medicine. In a sealed envelope, to any one who needs lt, Pang or Pleas; 'intim" a poet. paid ehrelope, addressed to yourself. Adder's JOSEPH tr. zarmAN, deMiont Station D. Bible Goes.. N: Y...ity. NEW PERFEHE Foil THE c lIDEEECMEE photon% ..Sight algal • 1 F .--• , 1 , s. Phulect , s 1 ., ,"1111aht Illoe tag Cerea" rimless'. "Night Moe Ing Cerens.” 11Iiitht 11100 .• Ins Corm..., Phelorew Woo , lag CCTV'S." A mod exquidin, delicate. and 1 regrind Perforce, dhailled from the rare and been MI flower from which It Mimi lta name. . Idanufactured only by rnsi.onr gic . MON • BEWARE OP CORKT ARK FOR PRAUWWS-FA" W.M. DAIINHECLL & CO., BOILER MAKERS, , ARD SHEET IRON WORIMS, Noe. 20, 22, 24 and 20 Penn At. Raying seenred • lame yard, and tarnished It with the most approved machinery, we are prepared to manuracture every description of Hullers. In the best manner, ono warranted Wiz* to any made in Steam untry L o co mo ti vehiey Breeching, Piro Bode, r 11)... Boilers. Botideasers. B. Pans, Tanka(lll Biala, Agitators, Bottling Pans, Boller Iron, Bridges, • aux. r Pans; and sole mann raeuirers of BARNHILL'S .PAT ENT 1301...ER5. Repairing dote on the shortest notice. JoSictt . IgrLAILE 81UPEItIOR - COPPER Mitt AND SMELTINO:WORKt. rirrancaten. • PARI4.IIcOVIZDY it CO., klAnaliaturers W-I:llleathlve, Brasiers , and Bolt Copper, Pressed Copper Bottoms, atilt Dots tams, Speller Bolder. Also, importers and deal. Con- Me ta Tin Plate. Shea Iran, Wire, de, Con stantly on hand. Timm , Machines and Toots. Warehouse, lib, teo Finer and latt SECOND KTSIXTB, Pittsburgh. Bipedal orders et Copper eat to any desired pattern. tuyatetedassT orprrirstruitan sKsi WORKS. :. . ft f PATT I MIffiro &STA 1 0=1: I , . 1 Atrt . .lXF.4.s • 7 ) t o ittg e sir:tiVil i gilg i . U. Animas of AI. 01 and 131* , •120118 made from Sheet Cast Steel: Extra rennet iiitarlitt and MOW ING HNIVIMS. £O. lin aa- tWaeboarrs, use and Works, Pittsburgh. toner WATZO and ha M Particular attention paid So Won' ming and strahrbtenilig(nrunierfiteus: o. Main of all kinds. Plumbing and I)l=ng 110110 at tea sonablerates. le min 0rit01111330.114 ILEA &C 0 (Sm. senors to iionintos. Ursa a busant4 WASHINGTON WOES, !minders giseadnlsis, Pittsburgh, llonshrrers of Boat and Stationary tltteluilto =4. Oso z Z n° air deordipttfaCHl Tao% and MU, Boller oni r Obeet , l7l Work. jrir=td ix f ai orAll . AIL? d LUG= INJECTOR igritEmEntu. LirIiTTFETE FOR 111.2/4Nepoiszl Chadiseor. NO. 14 rioND 154mitEf. 114:14 101111. YOU information, with the higthrot tostinsonious; also: • Book on By.efai Dlsontet. In • sealed en velope. feat Reef WB. tore and sand for tilesn,, and you self gut nord it: for. as saYer.l.lng physician. are goner:llv imposters, without refer. mess no stranger ebnlnd t toE- ro.tca Enclose a stamp tar postage, and dimes D LAW ISE is EE. No. 54 N BOD nTILICETS . N SW YOWL.. noLit:olsoT WMAVOII OF ALLEGURNIG JOHN MORRISON Will Dee candidate for re•election to the Mayor anyt subject is the action alba • Union Republican piety at their teealuatina Ricca:a LNG MACHINES, (11101/Ell & BAKER'S ELASTIC STITCH AND LOCK STITCH Sewing Maaines ire i'LLE BUT for nosily and Manutoctuilui pores. eall and see Ulm at Jro. is Finis Wed. • Darr BE DECEIVED BY Floor!Oleg hal f cola= sdrretteements of Inferior Real nes, but get a UMW IL It a BAKER., It bee been fully tegte , lfor sixteen yenta. =du, by all tempo. tent Judges. 'pro nounced the I " . • No. Eltrdelt. • :063 GET NONE BUT A ' GROVES & BAKER lot •Ilday 0111. It L relDlyle. portent and harefore the belt. Don't fall to tall and aea It at • NO. IR ►IITH STREET. TEE GROVER & BAILER • SEWING MACHINE. Ls tan Ultima Thula ot Mechanism. licit.e call and exnaltie It at . NO IS FIFTH BEREFT. SE x iilh as litintl r it . 14 CARRIAGE Grover & Baker No. 1 Searing Machine Before b' It Is the best for bete i noloosaa O. 7F PITTH YTRR T .826. BAIRTLETI' $2.5. SEWINC MACHINE . . But cheap Licensed niaonlne W the United States. *Amin wanted evergarbero. •Fay 630 to Ulna per month alneloae stamp and 'Adana. • • YAW: 1111t/THILltn. amend Agents, 614 Chestnut street. 1 Idlsdelphla, and at 21Aum mit street, Toledo. Utile. • deltp. TOBACCO. CIGARS, &o. ROSE BUD BOUGH AND BEADY, Bose Bud Bright Pound, Bose Bud Golden Bars, And other fitted /114nds of T 100 33 49. C, 31anufmetared by R.' & W: JENKINSON, I , llth door from dos penstorr.l4l4o, 27mancmcErsvir cirr - sr 200,000 Lancaster Hegars Jan greyed, wlll 0e mold cbuiti R. -B. JEFFRIES, Maantaature i r i zik_TiljojErAg_.°322l Rosati TOBACCO,:SNUFF.AND . CICARS, No. 6 BT. CLAIR EMMET, Prnosanan, PA. Immageorttitent °MEERSCHAUM FIVES sad SMOa..mu.TOBACCO, of the bent °W an k !PI on Asada. . mymAdo GEORGE BLUME SORE/ N DUI= IX I.OIIZIGN AND DOXL4IIO SEGARS, Utz w thO_TOBACCO Smciiing Tobascp,.lPlpesoke 411. Sgemreastl2._ll3tiocoot, (Near cOrner of Übe -Ma • • lartSll44 PITTSBURGH , • JOHN VIEGRAIN 3isnufulureMerw,llo4lrai:fand befell Tobacco, Snuff and Cigars, 13 spo=n!..,„„TobemZisf, WILLIAM MILLER, 8UC0Z.4308,T0 MILLER & mpursoN, WHOLESALE . GROCERS, Asp imiowrzus or Brandies, Wines and Cigars, Nos, 221 and 223, Corner 'Liberty and . Irwin Streets, _ • PiTTAIIIIIIAIT, PA, IRON, NAILC,COTTON YARNS. £o.„' Conusatlyotaaaatt. Ira WALL •PAPIAIAOI •an grades,: Iry torrasitimlianiiegartivi p tob., Talk ue4, Tow “ria • Bk.d. H. CHILDS WHOLESALE DEALERS IN BOOTS, SHOES In; Cereue." kilifillt1i4111:1511 No. 133 Wood Street, PITTSIIIIRII; PA. To SHORT TLIIT. and CABE buyers we otter au- Defier Infra relarnts, fa oar reunifies for buying are unsurpassed by ANT house Ease or Wont. rarchas. tag direatlY from I . IIIBT illiarna noel rola far CAM. we are enabled to sell as low u any/L=4sra Jobbing . HOU!. IditIICIIAWTS are Invited to call end examine our stock and note our prises Defers Porehetln elsewhere. max= PMTS. NO OTHER. Clorc!lorie few OPE MILLS Superior Cotton Yarns, SEAMLESS GRAIN BAGS, Batting, Twine, COTTON AND LINEN CARPET CRAIN, Will be Promptly Filed-at FACTORY PRICES. mirlll orders 17 mall will real,* Immediate and carets' attention. cams Sc CO. oceasa.d..T HOLIDAY PRESENTS, • USEFUL AND ORNADIENTLL. BOOTS, SUOBS, GIITERS, BALMORALS, • ALL SIZES AND PRICES AT THOMAS H. PHELPS', 46 Smithfield Street. del7 Joint rAradzit..Tnco. I. ANsauvrz ru.xxn PALMER„ ANSUUTZ & COy J. A. 120BEESON & C 0.., DMZ'S= BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS, deb , D4O , 4 7r0. 61 .Market Street, Dear Fourth, .0.4.042 cELINTOCK T B BOOT AND SUOE EMPORIUM, No. 92 Federal Street, ALLEGIIENT. CITY lElarga.l22.ff far 811.delS BOOTS AND SHOES. 3. WILHELM, 'No. 88 Market St., Pittsburgh, Has lest received a Ter) large stock or al Muds of 33C0C0THIALNXISELEECONOSIO , Which hi ls prepared to sell ebeaper orders est In the rill. _Also takes orders for kb OWN DANE OP 800. AND 13/DOM ' , Odell lu lras. rants to ere sadsraetlon. 111/.31z m u ut, WILkELSI,. emake No. MS Market street. A LARGE AND FRESRARRIVAL or I SUMM ell BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS .Ind Baltnorais, Jua received, and will be add at the MIT LOW.. JOT PHICES, either Wholevale or Baal. . Ural Int ♦ ()ALL BLIOax rtraCnoetrlti SLIM & W. C. BORLAND, No. IS Ifartet street, Sd door fromnftli Bt. Bun COOPXIIIIII2Z.. ' JOillt C . FIELDING & & DUO., Ni ldarmfteturers and Dealers In Quarto= abed© BOOTS, SHOES St GAITERS, No. 110 Ohio lit, Allegheny. Bel:carted promptly executed on the Mutest no teo. • I;ifigi.l:ltde_M[o 3 :ls ll ol l4 Vlel IBM WILLIIIIIS &BIM I ,O 7.II7IIACELIMWB. OAS AND STEAM TIMES, Cor. sixth and timittilleld Sts" PITIVISIIROH, Cor.Beaver and Chestnut Streets. : .e „. ppussumG. GIS ED STKIAIFITTING, 'Hydrants, Iron Pumps, Man' LEAF& • • LEA}, PlPa lrg, BALaura WATER cLosEts AND WASRSTANDS. TOM T. EWEN% Woctestor to Ewen it C 0..) 165 Wood St., Plttsburgh,Ta. :Wm* WIC HMI= _ JOSIZITOB MEM !c JOHNSON, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters, 1117TH STEM= rxrzNatoN„ Zoittambraars234 Wier 4 All orders try mall executed Bausftesiailr promptly attended to A fall flee or Hutt Tuba, Pen Basins, Int Closets. Blahs, Cam:Weller% Pen ps, dants, and Prudes, for sale at the most reasonable price,. Orders Prom country patrou by =AU promptly at• tended to. - flew of emery desertptlms. larkdba ADDY, VIIIIIMS &BETII% Nora on head s - - ar article of WQCI.33' 1:TBIZIPS, r All ktads of lien Pampa,lydeanta !het Lead t im i l tli ub ll7l:l w tFetartuNulet, ;ir Coneasd and Silddleld BOOMS ta l aget °l 4 l 4l,l==igaTiaa to. l . 1 LI MUINef GAS AND " ciretarrttoz mw veneed . o : es cg • rTUBS :OAS FIXTURES;SINK.. Ati -••: . 8110 WES BATHS. ...041SETs, WATZ A• W' • to orde mrnaear r.- Muitantli _ • - - • . NO. S4411:11•1=4115".4141111ib Ell , &c 0;. .a.ccrx, 010., 41194.9 EIICCSBSOIIS TO PITTSBIIINIH, PA. = „.......„.. __ Fon .saura. Farina: anon* as wet ha Itlnion ,- Towns2dp. 'Aileen:Tr MaithiT. , PA”. almateWhout =Malta re:Ma e. tram Os Washlngtog Pita... nu imprOvelnenete ar• it lute' Swold o .l All* Mentliteg Haase ,witls 13 moodeso a • two-stor yawing nOuilesit, • Boum alma Lumber Boom, a v Pe. x ro aivot 11=1: with 'to:hilt:o mabettor head of =fir: - There le a tee young I ananriaing . shoat 15 aerao. stocked with the beet varieties of fruit, trees. lilt all underlaid with foal: I be land is in • MCI: W.= of cult:mm.lmm. well . wat-red. :feneclg, Edoo._ would nit admirably for delrror Sara.... l W s. peen. . .. ,/ , =.,llls4otttrolown WS L ebow. , with lipxot. and other o i tulltie i v i ltt f= ". l) " rcillan gm besting condition. This piece is alio . all un derlaid with . • ... , ..- , - • Alio. IA acres adlolning the boye,•umlmvroneo. far alle lOW., This' Pleceis also 1.4 uuderiald with The arenre three Piece* of Prove= ice between the Little Baw MINI Bun and Steubenvilleance:lids. and thee:seaman be reached eeailt from either road. Tee ooal alma is worth al that is waked for the en- • the Propene. , • • Also Farm 0t173 acres. altnateln lIL owet.,e, Pa shin. Weamorelaad county.; lrnmedlately on the line of the Penna. IlaarOad. be Improvements area two-story Frame House er ~ eye rooms and good .liar, a Prams Bank A ,en 62 wet, and other oat -bsi.dings. There is o the lace • rood /valance la Yon nii Apple Orchard:l2o acres good Umbe: it= rig mtnerady LI Watered: underiald - with coal and Motet° I Inuit te churches. mills..schoots and bias s abOps, to* Implements. with the personal.prope ty ugh as. stock. Implements. :grain la the ground, • row-sown glean Immediately. ' , • , , Also /arm or 53 saes. altiwted In Chatti". townelp, Allegheny connty, Ps., about Vc_isilles L from t hecity, hear the line of the Ks a beerriliel. B. EL,and within one-half mile of a statiou: 1411. ,11 of the beet of creek bottom hod. led In a h igh Stow of cultivation; 23 acre: of wood land and immure. The , fencing la gemarapchd. the eoll is No. I, and well adapted for ening.mPentims of thine wishing to -mhsr 1- the Wide= will call It once and secure a Rind bargain. as ibis Is a rare chance. Also, Farm or NA acres. altume in ilimoeth township, Allegheny Meaty. re... on the Yonust• gattela river, about one mile Minx Um Bartmgh of Elizabeth. The soil is of the best qualitY. 1:lec lai pray:a:ciente area farm house with six moms, a tood barn and other out buildings: fencing good; about Nacres of coal. churches, scisLAs sadmilli Very Convenient. rosseseian immediately, Also, the beet' Farm In. Elizabeth township. =maiming 'boat 90 wee, lying on the Konaale•- hela river immediately below Lock Na 3,Lon which is erected a large two-story =AZ dwidling. one l e mi and one uok c baznowns ant.. wa;pzi sh brick •pring house, granary. work shop. Ac.; abou metres of :be &Wee Is drat quality river bottom: the balance being lizitstona Land, end underlaid. with Coal, and about it scree of limestone. There are ion;rrds or apple trees. inns d bearing Condi. peon pear. mom tree Ennis. vines, dc. The land It well adapted' tor amtmening purposes, being &abort distance from the thriving borough of Elisabeth creating a market at home for all the product.. property will he sold cheap ma on reasonable Also, A P of 96 acres, situated In Elizabeth thernabin. elle ben! edunty, Fa., about one mile 'from Lout Na on Monet:gab= ricer. improve ments are one house. with nye roo m Tit land 2:11:11trul d " 1 ":124 ' , WI. winos net' is't 1. The a . loiaMea. , t , L ftrther p* cultra, enquire of _ •: LEL 11,540331811. .- no 7 . Beal ••te Agent, 10* Fourth street. VOW SALE--Coal ks: novs' In auceestful operation drain nrodnctlon 10,1:03 bushel., situate on Monongahela bluer,' la pool Nu. 3. Small Farm, 40 acres, well improved , ni Inn" from LIT.MUINS Mal the western he Ballgoad, In county. and only 34 miles fromlhe city, all for gi.COD. Three acres In Iturtnesne , Borutish t no imprO•i: menu: gettable fur all kinds of small fruit grow 4 , l laß ne hundred ' acres good farm land. font acres cleared, coed sprints. and timber for tendon and ion, nil es from Altoona. Is Blaitcountri rs.; rood road to garde: 101 for A .8.0. . ty•two acres to Fa , ette township, .50 of which Is cool; ail feoced;house,narn. orchard. La. Brick noose of slx rooms on Bocbecea street, Al legheny. Brick"Houreof dye room. on I Park street. /lest Ward. Allegheny, Brick Howe of ten rooms On Chestnut street, Atirebenr. thousand flue hundred dollars for a 'lVanti-two t. dwelling, affvantsgeoluily tlinated Alit. (nem . . New Prune }louse of font roonts.haff end inlshei.l' garret, on Jefferson street, uneond Ward, Alle- F House of eiglArootna; lot 162 byfill feet, In Wiffilosbarg. , Vrame Halite at Edgeworth Station, on Pennsylvaula hallruad, .seven miles out. quite a number of acre lota. New Yraine Hume of five .rooms, kitchen and attic, on blicllleld street, If imenester. • JOHN Clig/PT. delti? • Heal Estate Agent.. 139 fourth street. pOll SALE, . • • Jff.,IILEET ... • . • • niece - of Land containing" 45 to 10 acres of rich alluvial ground.' cancel lent to. the clues, la now offered for sale on reasonable tenor. The =Prove' meats are a . .: FRAME 120 ESE, HARM, And other outbuildings., It la no* used as. • Market (Jude., and lain blab order. tor farther particulars, apply to 8.8. BRYAN, Droner in inocts mad Beat istate. Fourth at.. (Bnrke , s BninitnB.) FOR.SALE TER TWO-STORY BRIO% DWELLI3O I • No. 43 ifonterif street. Alleehesy. ilontaine ninero.ms. besides finished attic. bath room sod wish.honse. For convenience of arranyemelil, sot 10.17 and eubstantlet Mash. It is probably 1313.• excel Iris by any In the two titles of similes . Mee. The home Is quite neer, end hes gas, sad hotaad cold water up and down stair, Apply lor Intonation to B. B. BRYAN. Broker In Blocks and Real Estate. ix , 2l FJ l'unrth ftltet, (8123331 . 3 MALMO& LOTS: LOTS:- 1 can now offer Lot. as lo.t as ILIA well /*eaten and In • Plene .. . ant plate. ALes. Lots located on the like flora IWO tOl.OOO On Liberty /street, from ...........«.. 710 to LOP On Bellefontaine street, to. to KO On Hard -, street. from 1560 to MO , In Liberty Township. adlouglig the Borough iota. —... MO to lOC Also in Pitt TownsuipAots ......... 150 to 1153. Tne above lots WU le sold on terms to milt are chant'. Also, some vett desirable improved Prn.P. efts. located to theßoroughs. Pitt Township, tegheny its, It taburgh, and I.. Wining countiees. . Yor terms, apply at theßeal Enloe and Insurance °Mos of • G. B. B nolf • 'Butler street. LSIITe=II. FAIL SALE-12 acres of Ground, well timbered and watered on Bduirrel Hill, ten minutes , walk irons Plldaellgtr , tatIOU at lintly Willa. M:Mirth Street Road. Also 0 urea at Home wood !Station; and several Worms well located in Westmoreland and Atte buy counties. Also Coal ;roPert!, Houses and is in Use t 7 =dui:nub& or rUrWer particulars ervirmoitAx W ARD • Wppcwite the Cathedre3a sal No. 11l Grant street. Fm. SALL—One-lourt.ll Interest Kittanning Rotting Alia s Tow acceptable partner.ADplp t_o W. U. sutCHELL. Of Miami', dILICSALL it CO.. SO water street. da:o1C0 JOHN D. BAILEY, StOok and Reel Estate Broker. JOHN D. BAILEL STOCK AND REAL ESTATE BROKER AND AUCTIONEER. Having taken out a commission as Auctioneer. and ed.rto4 an engagement with 12111 Ylmourgh Board at Trade, securing the use of their rooms, above the Mil , . Hastens.' Dank, I am now imposed tcraell at retitle Auction,. Stocks. Bonds, &entities. Heat Eats e. Ac., eltherak the above rooms or on the pia' to sale Dal& as heretofore to the sale °Nivel !state at irritate flair. rates oiliest Unite in the econnuT attended. Odle°. I Fourth street. ne.ni VOll SALE-400 Acret of Coal Land. lying_ Immeastell *Pon the Ohl* Ricer. In miles below Uallapolls, and MS milts above Gin naafi. On the ablee Ma. Is a four foot taxi of Coal. which. for general purposes'. Isnot. it is entiren afferent from the Southern l ' int* contains ut little sulphur. forge. and cokes well, and for taking steam cannot be excelled. The lo caUon being about midway from Pomeroy and Hanging Sock, mint mate It valuable for coaling boa... There Is a water front DM of a mile. wane good landing at all -ages of acr river. an antrum. Gas been run in the bill about MI feet, trick flash ed to river. together with the necessary fixtures for wining and delivering coil stoat. On said tract is brat-Gas' double Pertable Circular SAW' MIU to gether with a IN.rtab • Grist UHL all In good run ning order, old plen ty _ of the very best oak, ash and poplar timber. Would sell ono-half Interest if desired, to a party with experience and capital for working same. .71)1114 D. BAILEY. • 'Moth and Heal itstate archer. oat • No. 1112 fourth street. COUN FESIRABLE LOTS !'Ol t TltY BIBIDENCEd - -Opiate-Gent of tdie inclem ency or the weather on Tuesday But, the salsa/ those dielrable Building Lots. from two to tour sores each, on the Perryevllle Plonk Bold. one from Alletheny City. ens adjourned. The lota are now .hared at private sale. Tzeste—tine.half cub; balance In S. t. 4 ands years, with Interest. Tor plots of the property and Wilier particulars, apply to JOIfLD. BAILILY; delt • - Bo: /11Tourth street. BUSINESS HAWS COMMERCIALCOLLECE, Nos. 6 and 8 tit. Clair Street. Hai • rwatketnal Marten Soot-Beeping, Penmanildp and Arithmetic. time unlimited 00 krlttunetta and Penmanship per quester of three months ' .20 00 renzaaaahlp, per ......... 8 00 Aor circulars or Opeattnens, address N. Blial/Ell, or r.r. wow:most:oi 11=171 FITZPATMCK:&•- BROTHER. • vintrr rarauvair GOLD PEN It &DETAIN WIZ de, 43 MARICZTI3T BEET, near Tetra street • Plitenurgh. PEW:I AND calszs, Wholesale and PANS DPP Alltsl/. _•• Persons oat or the city baring Pans to repair as! send them lby m.LL add prompa returned. nolloilDrwr ( '4OOD , NEWS ,:FOB vas , • ry r ••••a ' , LIMED. ___- PATEXTMEDOODIVIADWIDia •"" • HcAli7T TEn a UITT I DR* VS YLATITAT • ' MOW Amps uITrE • a" perib. • WIWI. POW , I) ARUBA 111 Ana eTerythlntelsa tw W "MUG MORE. uowl, a att.. alai, Ut»et. . . .. vnE IJM EBBlOli Red the cities of the Hors OIL ItD b.. * as market auto, ritutmrch. to their WO 0.4.8402 t Btownetown, where eareafter be totted. - ptollee Address Wei, Plitsbotetk. .1117.11• AT l 11177L1.IAArn: 13bb1s. Extra Hefted and wirraxitedWintai isustued,:for tale , CIULMEXE; BALSLZY -Mn. 911 taberir (; E. , Nmau Oixtm4 VseWa sailiniNMlPn G&W t 7 clualus o. `so. saininrliort. isol '(... - , , „ tareszw , 01PEILt 1101:1811&?..1,:j cr. D. 'UItVW=C INCrigligatt V .= Ildecon4 and hilt :Reek or the rxamistAperrei Mel the feecalteeiTesel otters • • 4 • 4.. ireCOVUOL., YoIiDLY- EVE/alit/. - Dee. 40114 0 141 , ` great aeasattottal drama or the • • - ~ecp off' as Trlesaai ,aftartiooneete(eyrrll 'New Year's le Ight—gr. Iterancse r ;Wednesday litglat-4;raad 'Farewell May Teetlamalat t ta-Mauetter 6.30 n— nTRIK • ' 4' f""* rrnittrIaGIFUTITEALTIIID.' •7"' , / 4111E,52 AIf7: . ..?iiXAGZIL WM. iptSLICI3O7S! ingatemeni ;e4raordtstur' - iif the, grett-Attieit .• Vii. icATE }MM. And bar Mgbir unied hArsi *455vz.5... MONDAY. December Zlnt, and MIT rennin& -"'"" ' CATAILICT OF 1111:E'6a1t6Egh • • . , ~ . _ Ciutrast of real walerznew scenery. nji w dFesaila. maroons. propertleA liew Year's Afternoon. ,:. : , :- CATAILLCT Tar: (.7.6i6E:9,,, OUNWORKb.COMPANIEILago =7=o sk - -ox:Lifitt. cm:Lista --- SOHO'OIL WOR KA.. NMI EBBW 41k;0., .awsmrtAcmumli TiEr,• CELEBRATED SPERM LIRRICATOR • ' PETROLEUM •LUBMORITIM lomat. Lard and linaleoll,s, miss OIL muni Gill ALSO. tandatd White Burning Olt, No. 88 Illarket ° Bow4 . PITISBUBGE I PA. FOIL A 011101:11.Alt. WARING & KING, 0111113&01• IWELMS ID UOIRS Petroleum and its Products 4 DUQMATIT war, zmx.x.rBBi4risciaz,•kkieL .1.1314/I.DSLYIEU ADp.11.1:88:` - WARING, KING, it CO.._ litTavia iai Walni.t at., Palla-` HENDRICK'S IMOM11,?_: manntactoie4 br WHITE, BROS. & CO.,How York. E.• 3. ROMERTS, Agent No. gt St. Mar Street; Pittsburgh. P. . _. Keep eonstaiihr outand . Cottnn Factory 011,Dub Hubble!? 011. Woolen Mtn OH, Dart ?amine uu, Light Vold Engine Oil, lure. Car ME; Ho- 1. - Llglii Ool'd Screw-Cot- Deck Pm Ob. Bo 2. tins MI, neßeloe7 WOOl.Olll 1613 OIL BEITIUNG cicinaw..aosrir. OF PITTSBURGH. PENNA. Heismvireser. WOIEUES 11i TEMPERANCEVILLE. Mee. Na.'2 Dogmas Way, Muir Burping= Bndge.) - JULNIITALTIMIMIS ON PUBS WEITZ 131:73ELINTIVEk Brand—" Lucifer." 1712:05 )i :v.wi Ii 41 EURE.H4 CaRBOX OIL, I= EUREKA SPERM le LUBRICATI Ia NG OILS, AndWhosale Dealers • Crude, Reiland awl Lubricating Oils, LARD. arzum, WEAL'S AND /UM OILS. No.Bl Market, Bt.. Plttaburgh, Pa. C.O.zoirortx.ixo, ' Call And examine samples Ind .ad outatestes. nolkotil BEM TEE BEST. PETROLIA BLUE LEAD; You OIL HEYINZII.3 Miumfaetnred Only aid forzale DJ ElriN if CO., Wilcamseser rabAXitlNT•orlaus N. W. C,or.Sd and Market Sts., CM1E333711 THE LIGHTNING -LOW. JON'S D. caaerrOms .SUO. YOGIS; JONEI,catwFoRo a VOGEL,. Agents. THE HOST POWERFUL AND TRULY BRILLIANT COAL UM GAB LIGHT • EVEtt PROLGIL,ED. - Adopted by the &Government. Non explosive. Cheap and Beraatire. Gives a •brilliant flab; three-Vold greater - team lay Met lamp. TM. peons is adapted to all Imp parPoseee and as the wick Is merely a conductor, never ze qgsedsstanyrristanF. bur. :mt rizraz i ff i . Klatt Alerult-7ALI.". _ _ Gem opposite roar. =De. above =acre - Few* Depot, second door. „ enn ertownsait. sreaDMMOM EAGLE OIL TFORIUL . - EssievcrZeisce. . t WICHTNIAN - & ANDERSON. seginers and Ileopirsla •:. -' PETROLEUM. T. mV lI sz GII o IM N I D N LWAy, .C ORN= G A y ßl e OrsOdaK coAL, co PITTSBURGH NATIONAL OIL AND NEB EOM, MIMED Y, AUIPPEUA AND DEAL• ELI, Wholesale and.Retall. Me - BEST FAMILY - but OPTION AND VAUD, 0013SEEtruptwa#2w. 3.IIIroTREIVIN. Pittsburgh, Pa. •• - All orders for deliverr in this CUP. or shipment West. whines& oromptsnd immediate attention. A. getibt&nin.. Miperinteudent. ( . 711.L; COAL!! COALISL • ' - • IMPORTANT TO CONSUMERS. HUIVEDIEL_„& : RABErr ♦itethe uteutlos of valuta, to their ftr.took °Jetta/just received...taw:aim!: the tonoraiTs :tette" . Lora,Bal./.1 , , Sand Chealimdi , `s_ syly?eoi,2,2tnt 4t , All of which tan . are prepared to .dallierTA ths LOWEST RATES; bite anal. M. car load. tloai toad or thotuusd tons. Alt orders womptly Wended/A - °See: 10* Chestnut strew,. Oar the Dever. • otedl6 , -Ii,AIULUSBUSEL Ps. COAL cosy: .! coal.:::: DICKSON, SHWET & CO. , E lti n "' I " T .T t tt°'°r OtUO to Ure. C 167 Tarbert - sr Plitreet. aateti otty Jima Amu =cos 6 in.cm. fire is a ro orai d rolsliimesillcistgoif .' WAL OM, 01.11,...:- ..1.1. orders left their cklice, at adiol' them thondktbo sttell. irill oesstsadedos Cs l , ---- 7 2 - - - - -.1 -. '6l6l'' oug Ai riog h cat i- L,.... "Au. 'sta Alil at - .. e •No_fl7pcsulptizatiO l Coke - :C(44151114r.„0,00..---aiktitiitrf• • ' ' .._„:„ . ..oad MIAOW Ant rad 0a Mart* or."7ororra. Ninth word.. aisk a ay , iiii,iia r d frtir,okr= r atoll P rO ;411i A r of Opal or Coke at th e lowest fifia rag! ~.. ...at st.aao, o(tbai fords sill . recelojraXt , • 14:0):ilik:Ctylz4.11,4:1:4:vgat:V1 _ t&PEI‘CEII, &- BIeKAY _ MST '1)11 S AND 111111' 31S Ale, Porter artAllrolni...l3tout, itoinis4 wvracnir. MOSEY: LOAIL,OFNICE. NO. MI..- SMITATIML . D oornor:of &FM. Money Losiarl Infien. ristek sans,,ruteit. Mismond., Jenniley, Gold' sad mann - . wasehan.: Cnotlang,mul valuable graelosof yryryilenetipMon. The foods cannot be dolt vmo Ynnoat* thtner, Mot sooonntabnp 111 - esos of an or reborn. • - - Good, 4,1' exert deaorsoMon*for enni - at lowest' •irrodm. - rho!~ 31.1LaIMILL ossor. tviooms., - - - t cs,uPr nia D7' cluiP o . 43 ! 11. Th ME GEM EMI EMS IM/1 111=3 ESEI