.t `~ 4' r _,„t,..,.- .•,,,-,,,.:,...7V.;-TiAig.-:t..,.;,. . ''•-• ..,,c,-.,-tc-4-..,:•-v.:••,--Li',,,,,::7.,....7..: . • - --,...-„,•,' ,. .; - 4.,..:.rfi , ...'4 . t.... - 1„,-,:j.:.;',..',7" ~,-..,:4,..- i , .. .t.. z • ," ~7 7,. .., ,, , ? ......:- . ;, , ' ' - . ---- 4:4 1 ,' T g ig.,ittie,hheinin"' e directions lll 1". U rij, {WO ;14 9iw V..7 , 11F.1 , !.. i Into so man3 l, d th lre eY °l3lYlse g rr ays elo an trini tbl i e t. 4.1;1 1 writer "The mind daes nttict m c t l o ear ta ly an e y r ..._...:____.., ~..,.4,. , Istronglywhen it is divertedfast. 1 "..wit u ... N.`,.. -- - ' Pr..— E , , r . channels, nor ( A AA Rt.., - 1 "‘ "13 I Two studies accomplishment is as and sued at one - 7 g ' g.enninaftuant,r;i, ..BumiNg, , I much as ever ougr e , to un be am p o u nt r or our boo ,--- - Al __ - t. ' Lime ~ Buell is t rioneed. ' (3 ' lmktii atre° disinterested and axle , t . ,- WC , . a irm.... educators!best nail '''''' T Y : g,111 6- 01 16 8T0 14 :5 4 ,1 . S —7, --,..., .- - . 31 Fi o v r e e is us th u e al tn ly tiVa in u di m o o rao rmir r and weaken., t the 11°81A" D'lliusin"."l7*Fe" mimd ' and mime prrgress. au girls :' " t '.24 4 K5". ~...2::—. 0.,.,...9it5..• wh os e minds are volatile; can and should P thi l. PM'S el6 eVriql. i;;OZ .114kb. ”" ... " gs.ou. knine, I , • it is said That / 13 , a volatile ve D i a i Tr " gb.,.. ITN, ipirr. b ., Lnd u.w., td e ',tem redulamot"" -- substance, auiaesatt be ci c e a na use av i o t h ul ls: t ai l; s i li n o al td o d rp h o e ud t l o os s t u to ch tn a en d tal egre selle r T s ar7h:ts if:resevnesir'*.utt: be .he last. -,trT INI '-'-istoirlialr.-DitS3IIIER-31, 3860 rttliptkitilLt AND coN?IELLSVILLE itAiLttOAD. • - We' now propose, in conclusion of our discussion eif.thts. `subject, .to speak of that r portion of anr - nSF State which lies'. along :benne ufthis 'flte volleys of the Dionongoiiela and the Youghiogheny, betiiieri - thia city and Con- FtWavillei - La - disisnee! -- nf fifty fight miles,and Whielitlie,rnad is finished and In operation, are so well known 'that It Is hardly. neCefssary to speak particularly of them. The. Immense deposits of, bitami . nous cind, of Alio very best quality, which, eared . there,and from which such enormous quantitlea'aie shipped to- an •Purts- ' o. f:the country by river and ran, made the nnmes'ef these rliers honsehold Words from the ittantte to the liiissoiri and to the Gulf of Neilco; Tho soil of ,'there vall e ys is good; they are Well Watered, the scenery is picturesque said beautiful, and the cli- BSI dlsville the lino realhes the in range, and the character of chatages, This, and the other ngeswltich. cross the line of the tne Band:Pitch Tunnel, (yr hich iumniitof theltilegherry,) pre inlets iirlintoier to 'the road, us we cut their way through them; !nay and almost regular grade: . !Unite to thO summit; and the to of the line east of the sum- sville is situated a short dis til of the northern line of Fay- The line of the road contin snit sontheast direction, diago: IBS that,county for t_...tittnce..of nines. - Hon. Aurnisw - in a letter. listed Nov. 17, 1E43, I the resources of Fayette coup- phapa tio county In the State of , extent, eons iinlng a greliter 'mineral wealth. • Coal of excellent Mud throughout this ,county, dog In thickness from three, six. waive feet. all more or less bitund.- ; est One eXlets to un equ.i extent, ire cif an excellent quality Is found, one-half .ht her It is be srly n her territory; and Ironer,' tinsnt. the exist and ittne. uel and are invariably found Atlon. • • 3tneruls have been extensively ee rie .need Iu the manufacture of plg in, castings, nails. .tg., at some lit "clay iron worth, !ages, fern aces, ..les along ..the Chestnut Ridge in ou nail coun ty; producing tam:Mandl; of tons an. Really; Out rho - orent difileulty and expenmo of,transportatlon have heretofore preSented mast in:3lnus (diatomic to the Mani:Hooter° of to this otherwise favored region. This difficulty will he. In a crest measure, obviated lie the chnstruction f the Pitburgh and Connellsvllleholl rani, n which - will pass about forty miles through: this county, opening rich, extensive and inex.hausib'e mines of coal along the entire line.: Limestone will be developed toan almost equal extent, and iron ore of excellent ; quality will be found. for aboatkwin3ty.liVe miles of this distance In con nectiow with coal and limestone." Tho country and mineral treasures of which Mr. STEWART here speaks are all beyond Conncllsville, on that rrt: °Cali-o hne. over which.the' company has been - "deprived of its franchises by the repealing 6031EIISET COlarri.' • Tits county of rich but undeyeloped mines, and through which the line of this —road runs for a _distance of between forty Mid fifty miles, has on area of 1,030 square hillel. It is a bituminous mountain re; gtoicbar teas proportion of good farm len& That part lying between the Liinrel Rill on Abe west, and the Great Allegheny on the east, comprisingalarge proportion of the area, of the ,county, is one entire and continuous coal bailn. The line of the road runs for loftily miles throteth this great cJal field. After pass - litiover'S few miles of territory, on which there is no coal; it enters the great-Cum berland coal field at the eastern base of 'Savage Mountain. This is near the south western corder of Bedford county, In the great coal field first mentioned the - Veins lave of six, eight and ten feet in thichnesi, and in some Instances much more. Neat lileyerb' mills, a few miles west of the great tunnel, a vein of twenty: 'sir feet is said to exist. The coal of this county, on thoane.of this road, is of very good 'quality, and practically inexlmasti. Iron ore and limestone abound, and with all three,:ef Ulm) important minerals to -manufacture of iron • may be successfully prosecuted to almost auy lent, as aeon "as 'the means of trensporta- Con shall be provided. ;Eve body has heard of the Mount Bair : ego Fire Back, manefactured on the line of the Baldwin' and Ohio Railroad. Where the rittiburgli 'and Coonellaville Railroad will ins thrisighllavige Mountain the same ';clay, equal in quality - and in greatet quan tliy, is found.. This will be very impel - - . tant to the iron inanufe.cturers of this city arid tFronitlie western boundary Oft&way, up t h 1" • h e ease m.n, raft lytitnbered country, consisting chiefly. of oak and the: harder woods; as far ae the neighborhood of Meyer's Mills. Thence east and Booth, the softer woods, principal ,: ly.pine and .littnleckof the finest quality, abound :There lino county .In the State eo desti _ tutu of menus of transPonntion as Somer set, for ithas nornerther.railroads, av ga, ..ble streams, and yet :few are so richim net ' ural re.tourees Hence Its progresshereto ' fore has beenslow; Its population inlea , was over 24,000; 1n . 1.800 It was only 26 r -778. ,Were it properly opened to- market it could hatter support ton times that nnmber. This consideration. alone, were there no 'others; ought to induce the Legislature to. _ - repeal the statitte which alone keeps'that • naturally rich county in its present non - progressive condition. ;;;With,these remarks we leave the subject of the repeal 'of that hijurious Stature for the present, with an earnest desire and hope that: wo may never have occasion to recur . .; H JJ Ili EA OF srtings. How 'many 'Bindles should . my son or -..datighter.bavu 7- Bine, nye one teacher, "'aid three says nnottier., The" fortrieririll Lathe chosen •instractor, becitusoltegives :.three times` as mncii for the same. Money: The chihrs nrogress he thinks, is in,pronor ticisfelikhenuadr ef Is Eduestion with him.4 l * reciMincy, Fie wind& educate it _harrel or a tube by pouring knovriedge intorir, , throngh ';..Tteatllng atid. spelling, pertm4isidp,geakm. pby; algebra, history - And - philosophy,- Latin <111:Id encb, all at once -Whet I>rofleiency Whet rapidity of .4il - ;: her -tee eial abseil:dee I Fie does not 40u . altiermi4.iittei Intpossibi [ lty: of :..bjaaees learning their lessons. -He kaa Ite:;einitaif the time reqmred: to - r xecito . dace labt - each but there. OCcipp '~=:ti`:. ::~ ~ ~. _,~ ~~ M2l r S s:,u. GIMP EDITORIAL BREVITIES. ova last lime Ra gave: the. nainful narratiie or a meeting of ~n. : 2,li. r ntlter with h a prostitute sister - at the' tomhs. in De troit. The followini Jae, .coining from Philadelphia, is of a like character,, but much more sorrowful.....thr. Thursday af ternoon last,-Jamea ratterson sought and nand his abandoned sister in a house o n -fame: ::Bernfril*lnbi , ego stic entered, rtpun hef life or shame. The digmce that thus was entailed upon the family ruined - _ ?AB: . peace and - harinony. The broken hearted parents piteously soughi. .thelr daughter's reclamation, but to all entreaty she turned ,a deaf ear, and refused to aban ' don her newly chosen life. The brother also vainly tried to recover his sister from her sorrow and shame. • Failing in all his , . attempts he determined to kill her, sooner than consent to her continttance in her folly. Re went-tothOonsovifficre, under the Dame or Laura Gordon; she plied the trade of a prostitute. The girl saw,._ but refused to leave with him. His offers to Iplace her in a comfortable boarding-house and remove her fro Mall want were declin; I edoind he was shown ° the door. Return ling, he renewed his propositions. The scene that then occurred-touched the heart of the procuress in whose house she lived, land the mistress added her entreaty to Mr.. Patterson't, 'These appeals failed. Then litre young man went to the house a .third time and shot his sister: A load of buck.. 'shut were discharged into her face and neck, and although probably not fatal, the wound is dangerous. After the act he re gretted it, and expressed the hope that the girl would recover, but not until he could regain his liberty, as he stilt believed that he could reclaim - his sister. Alderman Butler committed Patterson, awaiting the result of her Injuries. She declines to prosecute. She 'staid to be a beautiful young girl of but twenty-two years of age. Ix is stated that our country will be la• mentably behind others in the character of geods and - manufactures on exhibition at the Great Paris .Fair. The , New - York Times Says: "Zealous politicians sent out In crowds as commissioners, Indian sav ages in war paint and feathers, and an American bar room fully equipped and in successful operation, may attract crowds as objects of curiosity, but they will scarce ly elevate American labor in the eyes of the world at large. .TEE Supreme Court, as at present con 7 stituted, consists -of the folfouring named ' jurists, with the date of their appointrdent: 1 1563-9. P. Cuesn, Ohio, Chief Janke. 183:5—Sents N. WAYNE, Gorgia. I 'a . 1845—aksittEL NELSON, New York. :1;1846 -Row= C. GEIER, Pennsylvania. ~' 1838—Neznan Cursonn,lluine. : 1802--Noeu R. Swearxr.,--Ohic., , 1882—Davin DAVIS, Illinois. ' 1868— SAMUEL E. Iliztnn, lows; 1863—STEP/MN J. FIELD, California. . Iluarax LIFE is not held at high value in Nashville. On Christmas day a printer named Ike Brown had some words with a colored - Man whom he shot ° twice, killing ' him inatantly. IBrown wee arrested and it i,. taken to a ma istrate's office, and -after mock hearin of the case had been concluded, the p isomer -was declared hon- : orably - discharg d, on the ground of justi fiable homicide. . . HON. ISAAC P. - REPFIELD, formerly Chief Justice of 'ermont, had an interview with the President last week preparatory tolds departurefor Ertrope, where he goes _ as special compel for the United States in She suits now pending against Frazer, Trenholm & C . and:other rebel agents abroad. .. _, J. WM:LEY Dulsoms xi, of the -Philadel phia Press, has been tendered the position of Private Secretary to Gov. Geary. He has long labored earnestly in the cause of the Union Republican party, and he is eminently deserving of this mark of re snett and confidence. Tan coupons and scrip due on the first of January by the North Pennsylvania IRailroad Company, will be paid on RIM clay at the office of the Company. Dl urrin the past year one ,hundred and Ifourteen students from all parts . of the Union, have attended the Agrieultural College of Pennsylvania. i __Tan Special Committee of Philadelphia Councils will recommend an increase of tweiaty-five per cent. in the school teach ers salaries. : - Cr.frisza are so scarce in St. Louis that the lawareis kidnap them Rona each other. Ex-Gov. POLLOCE has established --a law office in Philadelphia. - PROF. BLOT islectnring in Philadelphia. GENIKAL NEWS. —The ' , New Navy Bei:toter. will be ready by, —The New England Franklin (dub will brate the anniversary of the theta bith of Runiatuni Franklin by alinnount at arker House,: printersß the Uth of January. 1667. All utast, en throughout New England are in vited, and a ph-meant time Is anticipated. —A United States Detective °dicer found last week in. Warren Comity, N. J.. a tin box containing counterfeit United states notes to the amount of 425,000. Persons In Easton aru suspected of luting concerned In some way wlthtthe ownhrebin of ibis money, and they ate being c lonely watched. , editor undertook to count the drunken movie' Huntsville. 110, a few days ago. Hay. big leached the number of thirty.one who were no drunk they didn't know nigh-noon !rem minragbt, be.was bronght up by a drunk-, ea fellow who reeled and staggered no he couldn't count him; Thorn WORM to blti , l3 been a geed deal of dtnnktn Huntsville on that day. —The egecation at Fotx (Arloge) of Dalague, Frances took- place. recently. lie bad been Condemned: to death tot the murder of MO sister. When led to eile_ergo tile last penalty of the law. he behaved in the most shaideless Manner. reieelieff the lenices of tbe chaplain, continuosly ort ids why to this scaffold. Hthespl u erre le Sit.- Just!. ••Wit's . - , - --For coverlet -month' past officers , of the opogi ape ieal en gineercorpe ease lame man. ing'surveye and ranialnitttn" 20 the neigh. hortmeel mWashington for the aeletelen of a proper site for Ibe new Presidential temple, 'Levy hale utak Ing thele report, u l l , la - said selected for the mansion and puk a truce of WOO acres of land lying northwaed of the etty, and near Columbia College, , -Our yetteigfriefiele;Mid old Imes too-who aro ensign* to learn hw lawfully weddlage a martied couple may davertrni pleased to know that one yearafter, marriage coinee paper wedding; five h eedingy e y tis after. e r t m n wed e ng; w w ood yd w e y d ars;th n *hyr r ae b & Men. fifty Tear., the . golden wedding; Mid Seventy-five - years, the diet:nand wedding. • -41 r; Slater,Of Webster, Mans" a large im porter and manufacturer ofliestnia wool; bad a bearing en Wednesday of Mavens' bourn' do. ration, before tbo bemire FPutacialCommatoe, consisting :or , Sonidors re-senora, Sherman,' tinteeli, V. ignites and &engem - In oppo.ition to the rateeen foreign wool agreed upon betweee ' the tnanufnei orei fraud growers, Anti which was ingerled by the Haute in their Tariff DUI.. -An atmitraitua recently been Invented for purifying claw Vitiated .Ir. Or theatres. ehutclave and. crowded lecture hall!. • icon. slots of a metallic vessel ...pre lee evol yes; and cont Kin ing.pe.rleutied water,the intuit , is Risen off by tbe wpoilmitioo of beat, the torso: of etrato;terengh knit placed ont,ein of the wee. eel.' This steuns biddy dtsseia 'nodal taroaga• one rho apaameat. - - abilarbli sand precipitates uto patitopolut-matter,prosenv in tile e4mos. . _• , - • .- GEORGE' INIUM,'of Armittoors .. . . Coal Worley rein towneltl . p,• Allegheny orentr• speaki L/fellows of the . . , a . Great_ . ritemedy . - • • - for consumption: 1. WWII reduced SO ' low with consumption Out • . wasonsble to leave My be., and my physicians In .. • formed me thst they eonui a ) nothing more for me. s thst / hal oat ttrtsinly ease being utterly nopr.e• • , i " di. Oter•isionth tv lire. Az,thsAytme..res 4 ec ` I " Err; E. 1 " W"" l ' ttntril Irlb"7:e °Zrt b,:yu,ebtsttre,nuli."...nlem'ept.. they es . n . eell end see rem me Der owe a dresstand 1 will give them all E S 9 "47411:y .f g.f=: 12",7r = VI b . O . goraAva IthetColt la rittshergh Is - • WecosaiNitnEr: SIP , X....MIMECEIMGv, . . DIIVIR GAST, .. No. 84 Market Street. • Ifiii - Sent by mil anywhere on receipt of 83,00 1141tLIE ,GRAY MIR, EIALLDN ES Pi, DAND- Rtl ft If, ANT ..18EASE UT THE Ed.:ALT.—NC DISCOVERY CAN • ..115PARE WITH •••LAINDLIN HAIR CULVERT-STORER AND VA rsiug, ...London Out Hest Hair Color Restorer" ...London Halt Color kb•storer" •••••I.Andon rhyetrians Hair Color It-starer" London Het= Color Restore-V. "nondon Use and Hale c orer ,, "Loudon Hair Color Restorer" ..London Recommend It. Bale Color Restorer' , ' St never falls to Impart Ilk. growth, and visor to thaVessest h.ir, mown, and atoms Its fa ling, and is sure to produce a new growth of halr, causing It to grow th,ck and strong. &T ay 75 cents a bottle; 44 the I:ml'M:sem • - gold try aIcCLAURAN B.74OEENMAN, 83 Mar ket street. 13E ,, . A. 15ELLY RI Wood errs et, and FLEBIINO, ki4 Market street, • It,sbpriga. SAILIC 6 DEWITT, A legit. ny. au=l•l2o:mter TUE GREAT MEDICAL ANNUAL —Hostetter's United States Almanac for 15,7. for gitstrihnt on Oateriti, throughout the United State and ail cleats , countries or the Western demise phere, will to Inchltabed about the Met or January, and all who wish to understand the true philosophy orb. atth amnia read and pomfer the valuable tog , gesUons It ion Solna. In sedition to an-admirable 'neatest Meager on the causes. prevention and cure era great of diseases, It s a large amount of variety emora information intercedes to ce the merchant, the mechanic, the miner, the farm. r. - sod uroreashsnal man: sod the colon -100000 lave b-en male for •oen men fans and at- Modes as are molt atiP able for a carrot and coma prehensore NATIONA.U. OA LICCOA it. The nature. uses, and extra." notary sa Harr cf. Acts of MtlaTa•TTatt's rO1IA.••11L IsITTISos the sts •oul. and alterstive or more •han half toe ch• With world are laity it•-t torah In Its p.g 5, whleh are also InterspersA with valuable redoes. Iseno..nus entedou a. and our lustruc let and andritne reading natter, original end select d. Among th e Annusla to appear Wit.* the otentug the yea-. .010 will w• on. of the tno•t use - ot. and mar Z /On TIM 115511 O. rend or cool° , to the Central sisnufaetory. at rittsbusgh , a.; or-to thermal - est see t roe Aunt n 1 s Eit a /STOMACH tit e en, The r are sold in beery eh), town and village of the piled rust. s. NEW ADVERTIS MENI WM. BINGHAM, Jr., Adams !alma/ 0150 8 . 54 n'th &rad, is an authorised Agent to reonve Advertisements for the adZETTZ and Mt other papers throughout the United Slates and the Chnadas. tIERCANTILE LIBRARY ir-sECPX973EILInEt. BOX. HORACE GREELEY. Wl'l torture at AdaDESIY sll.lSie. on THOUS DAY EVESIMI, Jan. 11, MGT. Sul:dent—SELF Birdllt MEN. floors open at 7. torture at Tickets SO c e s ecured t•ese rod seat. 25 of extra. S. - ate mar Le s at Ac•M.my sal Musts. on s. , ay moraine...an 5, at lOo'clack. No more than twelve .eats may he •ecured by coo person. OeR ho'ders• of Par. - matte checks will pass Mat upper door. J AXES H. SCOTT, I OLIVER LEISIMON:, JAS It.. lOa.N, I WIL P. kIe.nISEET, BE , J. FJE ‘1 , 10.4.15, O. P. moAirr, T. %T. attl.4.leit. Committee. .dt3l:q9) • THE El UTCkinsoN FAMILY "THE TRIBE OF ASA." ASS, 11111 E, ABBY, HID., BA ASD LITTLE Give TWO CONCEItTeI at • Excelsior Hall, Allegheny, • On Tuesday jaa January-Ist t WednesdayN v a e t nA n Cs • TUE aJESCI26IICC2 TFIDR2DAY A FRIDAY EVE*GS, Jin. 3,1 Awl CI Tirtet., Wce a ts. ri::3crut.. Doors nye • at 7 . 4: ccitn wen.. at t yttart , r to S. SeTh ;gel I.4.EVENT/E1 WARD* REPUBLIC4X TICKET Felect Connell—J. M. treCTTNE • Common PATtIEL, Capt. WY. F. J... t.d. :• , rhoot iiireetora—MAX. 31OURLIEAD, ALBERT MOORE. Jo.lre or EIection—ITTDUERFA TTY. Return ,n,Dector—tiEs.or LYILE. Atserror—J CtLAWFOKD Assistant Astessura—BEf , JADlLN BELL, LOWS RU Con.t.ble—DAVlD ELDER. WSETENTII WARD C/70/ZE.YST TICKET. Select , Counts—W. W. PATRACK. Common Cum.ll—W. H. LIPPISCOTT, J. F. DAIL . School Dlrecton—J , 4o. McCLU U. J.NO: SHA FER. . Judge of Election—BAßNAßD CAL'S. 111.1..ct0r of Elm I:4l—E. 5. WARD. , heists lnsp•etor—J A %, t S PA HI( HILL. Aebutor--.ltlH etc. W roito. A s,ibtant. A mosor.--BESJ-ifaLL, LOUIS BOLL Corstaste—D V• I/ LD FR. de 901 RITES! SKATES! SKATES! ibfIutI,E2ME I .7„D.dMIT,,°,,FiaT 5,000 PAIRS OF VARIOUS MAR . - Before purchasing elsewhere, call and examine my Stock, as I can OFFER DEALERS SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS JAMES SOWN, No. 136 Wood Street. no15;o1.3 American (Waltham) Watches. ,Deticrs In Watches from all parts of the country &vertu:dad.] that the undersigned kelp a full as sortment of Waltham Watches, la gold and sltrir cues, constantly on band, Large reducelona in. the prices of movements and :Mee, bare recently been made, and the Internal Zeeman Tax is no longer chargedto cuqemers. r. the good repute borne tar and near by the mane• lecturer of the WWtbant Con pony makes It need. le es for the 'gents to urge their claims to general patronsge, Cr to do more than caution the public against sporlona and InfertorVatebes wttb 'which the Markets are flooded. 'Every Waltham Watch, of whatever elms. Is Warranted by special eertlfl• late, wb eix should In all ease. be &Mended. ROBB • NS AGENTS OF 1111 C AMENIC AN WATCH CO.. 182 Prailway. N. Y. EIEZIO LAND roIR SALE.—A large Lot or Ilrnond In Blrcal unions. belseren a roaverni. er and Denman Er and Virgin alley and Ws= •er•traei. Oo Iwo Drivit }Jousts fionllna on borunaq nine;, and also • a.m. House fronting on Iktidktlst.ett. be Whole 01 the pretalsaa Is now ..eenple Ibe John 1ted71.113. Would b. a vary f.rroral , • stir for numwattutlng' I urpo , -.. For et L bon t briber partleuLara, onqulr Y. Ate 1/EntiOrl, ai mar & 111011., Igoe. 126 an. 111 Wood atre4t, inurgll.-Fn. de2,1q7.1 LUZ 5g,5,000 TO Low , UY MORTUALMS, In CllOl5 Of ♦3OO lit dupwards Seat Estate bought and sold GEORGE M. PETTY. era Heat 'Estate Arent. No. is CR. - Claw street. $1,300. W ILL , PURCHASE deltES GUAJUND. 'imitable for a vouutfy re •t, miJololog Wendell" egoion..p. ai aloe &Chicago gall road, clabc milts from lb., mty; part bottom land, p.rl very _u , tabla for a taayald, and part pl.ute4 .11.11s.pOnt .its b-a,lDt **each Troll in cbolcc 41111 . 7 i t. a Fo rrtts h b ! dell • 122 A urttreet. .820,000 -T9 LOAM ON : REAL EtTATE, ' IN ALLEGHENY COUNTY, • • Inimnu, to suit. .Ayply by fetter, or In persou, to /A(3.13 GLOSsialt, • - ate2l , No. 11l Fourth Mreat. IG10 ? 111 TO LET, USFUUNIMED, 41 166 Second Street,. tEebtptiwcary to thejst eyArll. pPly by leitiWOlli.ll4!, szu li karts' Annex, dtV:qsl nr. -- TiguLs. COW ) I . o oWoonre,(74 iud , , orUAltiiiiisiit A. iCALI.Iit Ot).. 4 ; 31 . , whmpask lAltrAtrlss.. 51TpTilVaTIV recOived . tad tor .ate bY, : Kim " act ,. 44, ..11746 i ii, yr wood atr..s. Pcit lirtml4"k) 21 itala PE I I I I1 s 1 s da wr r7tems i t r v , eed met . C)1 4 ec!l. , V far wlgiwlrgrii, JAM T. BODY & 03neemmi to 9. Joists II C0..1 Cosizer Fourth and Wood BANKERS 8c MO :+'A: IXIULtZIIII MALL =DE 01; Government Beenritiem, Foreign Exchange, • Gold, 1311ver and Coupons. QOLLZCTIONB made es all seeessitde Wats ft US United States sad " Interest allowed on Time Deposits. wM. A7cWILI lAMB . of ‘Central mrsr-ixo masommrssze. At WOOD•B BUN. on TUESDAY, ..T•oolly oo the Anoplceo of the Fenian Brotherhood. . OA Zara' rls.ot iStresst, demo:l:A*l.T PITTBBUTIOH. PA. SKATES! SEA.TESI "Prize Skates, Club Skates, SKATES FOR TEE Ic MIT.T.TON; Cir. romre'gs. Dispatch Bullalag, Filth Bisset. ;ha • S. X3X-BALINI. , nag NOW A LARGE• STOCK OF pol2lt FIN cp,NFEUTIONA."/E* CASTS, TOTS and all other it“: 43 m hla HIM FON IBC litg./DATS,ana he talk spacial attealltni LO. GL auvellot lOUs° Uttlaffir. at , 8• said 91 dediral Bredt, AllWiessy. LIOQUITS, CAMICIELIAS, ice —We Dara the Wien sn4 brat eta* or WINTEEL ri.uwouso PLAISTS &be tS ..ne _ 1.4 palraltrimilndeng antoasspartir *lst We .= gzel vr0.... Ca. CA orders prounal i t - ag t eade V W " 14 ! PI ;OBTA) ' ?h. IiARDICIVS Patent Double-Acting PUMP .A-Nlll FIRE ENGINE; run-ranrissa WATER, CRIME AND REFINED OIL • ehiS Pomp combtne a all the adValMegve of other styles of Camps now In the market, with none of their fleets. The Patent Steam -Wye sp eoilsrrolLeed to this Pump enables It to start at any point • tty simPlY Ottening the Valve to the liteam-Flpe , end the Pomp Is sure to start at once without the um of a startmgebar, or the StinoTsneo el fulling a Cy wheel &masa to net It of the centre. 100 Minh-perceses this ramp Is peculiarly adapted, as the %Styes ran be removed by noserewine one nut. and the Valve-Vilest elea..ed In a few minutes. Al there:lm Is simple In Its whole eons , ructlon. It does not renal e the nelghoorbOod of a mschhie shop to keep It to wnsklog order. _1111.6 Valve-Chest an • d b V e a eiaest•l am e e do or I m ep u,herde wmpons w o rn end out. Any tarp merest, m. k e. to a tew mit.ntes, of some h &VT wood, • set of Valves for this Petep,_ if the Melnalones sboulMlivecout„-gteßoiler Feeder. speed, S eiglr ::O r s; or fa l stio cult the rot t rlt a tlart y o pertain. The endertlsned respectfully solicit the attention of i heir numerous customers and toe pub lic:ln general to the meths of this Pump, and do • sire those wishing such au article to call on - M. IdeSTEEN & CO:, Agents, • No. 34 Water Street, BEAU. LIBERTY, And ennaklnn for themnelves HOLIDAY GIFTS Of Affection and Charity. WOMB & WILSON'S RIMIEST PREMIUM LOCH-STITCH HAMMY SEWING MACHINES, Rosewood, Walnut & Mahogany Cases PRICES, From 60 to 200 Dollars. There is no investment that pays a better interest, or brings more comfort, health, happi ness and relief to the House hold. WM. SUMNER & CO., 27 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh, Paw. N. B. _patent fewing'llachisie Castors can be at tached to all Wheeler 1 WlLsob Naetanes when de sired. • , I 3 0 IV" 331CrSt "Sr CrISMS. HOLIDAY GIFTS UNTIL YOU DAVE EXAMINED IlfirtiTOCK China& Bohemian Palley Goode, ISALE BY RICHAR E. 'BREED, NO. 100 Wood Street. del4 pITTSMIBMI PIPER MINITICTRING CO., =I Printing andWrappin* g Papers CLINTON MILL. STICIIBENVILLE, 01110. HEIGUTON MILL, NEW 10110HTON. Le. - • OFFICE AND WiIiIEIIOUIS, No. 82 Third `Street, Pittsburgh, Pas OFFICERS—AILIGIIST HABTJP.. President JNO. B. LIViNOSTON, Treasarer. • . NAHUM. retary. DlRECTOn6—kosuSt Bartle."John Amen. S. H. Hartman. John B. Lirlnginoll. John H. Perkins. 0. It•Berriek. • Viols Paid for Poper stock. • nonnoSti p THE MATTER OF THE EXTENSION OF SHINOISS STREET, City of Pittsburgh, • • • All persons lett rutted are be , eby notified that the report of the Vleirera as modified - by the Examiner app doted by tibrOdirt of Quarter beaslom. at ego. Mareb term, IVA, bns men approsed and Con firmed by the. cart. • All property bounded by Watson, Boyd. Loeusi. Cooper. thud. Second and Try streets has boen as. sensed Wlth benefit, • All hem us sow teased are tereby required ',Spay the amoun ts nitrated or or before. lt :nib day of Januarr..A V.106'. In default of payment liens vrid bu n rd,d and the same cosoled brproceti Qf F. SL&GLE, City Solicitor, No. 106 Fifth Street. OPEILNIP COURT SALE.—The ander. Igned, by order of the Mohawk' Conrt Of Allegheny County, will sell at Public Sale, on Monday, January 2.1t11, 1867, burgh'clock. A. st.„ KV the Court Rouse. Pitts gall that lot cif fireend La the Seventh Ward of the City of rut borgw, shoats on the •orttl-' Welt corner of Centre Aweatie, and Overeall street. fronithe ti tette inches Oil Centre A.Veniftl. and we. • to. dint boo, preorvint the samewido. along troshill direst ILO foot. 'Solna Lot No 17 in the Igoe ot Lot laid tot for the bole, of Jersmish Lis ton, accosted, on which lo erected a two-story brink d Vait fly SALE—WiII be mado known at ihe time of sole, or by applicati.nto JOSISPH XAYE, Guardian of the minor children of JAlrits }Levi, do omed. Or Tletlialtli ties. Attorneys at Law, I Fourth Btree4 d.24mlStt. MONUMENTS, GRAVE STONES Vaults, Fountains, Statuary, Vases, I= DESIGNS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, I'. BROOME, GREAT WESTERN PLANING MILL, Consr nt hrbori ;tett ud Dagawe PITTSIIVAGEL PA. &At-Boors, Blinds and Mouldings ]LADE TO ORDER. Vallnisbed work Is pot in t dry house and flashed when taken out. ratings, Flooring, Weather Boarding: Laths end ehlogles emoty on txnd. Bewing, - rowawing nod Unroll eswing done with dbpstch. Boxes of ell -kinds made to order., nu .15 JURY DEATH. CANDY TOYS! CANDY TOTS 3.000 BOXES CANDY TOTS Ca band and for ads grrASTEILZI 'PHI. /8, bly- IC R lIVNELEIL it CO Candy sad Toy Id auntscyst" day-pty Cornet diatb led l.lbertyay 'Pt EMIL ., V RE 1. Jr.. Ro. 283 At EIATZ3V-Vaegg',:rr e a‘ ISH CLIAM Um 2 car Duds: • 6; .• " IMMISTIOO burets White Mitt. 110419-10Dreemd oretrod; DU ITSB-4 barrela prime; • Wieb—/Cianiarial *vat. ADVER ATTRACTIONS FOR THE HOLIDAYS. GOOD, USEFUL, HANDSOME, and HET ES & NRIV YEB' 'PRESENTS. WE ARE NOW REOEIVING OUR Holiday Stock of 0111011 BRING & SONS PIANOS, IV. P. EMERSON'S RIMS, Mason & Hamlin's CABINET ORGANS Which will be the yhteot_Colleetion of these In struments ever Exhibited In this City. THE GREAT CffiCKERING PIANOS Which Dave beer before the nuDllc for Dearly half & century, still maintain their supremacy, being the Plano always stud by the worldbr great artists and our best amateur,. as well as our own music • loving mtmens. The fact that over 2,000 caimmaNG PIANOS • a•TC been aolt Ahtee Is p of the high estidvaationthl• In w hic hthey areroof positive held by on eft:sans, Bo ereat 1. the demand all over the counti• for the Chtelterlog Planes. that It Is an Im posstollitg to 11!I ordesswith any degree of prompt t manufacturers I that y we very especial favor of the we have secured the present o orb lot for the Holiday* . winch will be constant ly *retell:4lmm now to the 71th lost and corn. Trlses the choicest style* that are made.' Prices Same as at the Factory The ljnapproachable EMERSON PIANOS, The Cheapest Good riano Made • fe T e h ee'nmt-te= Piano sOuOpdp. liese l a l -msndge a nd u e verely toned, andlitating Instrument at a moderate price. They are made of the most thoroughly seasoned wood, after the molt appeased se.les by • edentate Wan . u severer; have oVer-a Meg bass; felt hammers, Iron 11 ame.. and all modern inkOrOr mental The faralture is °rebuts, and elegant design. nalshed la best rosewood. tioe.y varnished nod polished. The gess& sateen Ire ha-c had with. the Emerson Plano. Is due to their great merits. The public baying given them a trial, has found they axe wor tt.y or counclenee. and are buying as fast gel we can get them from the factory. Prices about One-Halt ghat is asked for the most renowned makes, WE WARRANT THEM FOR FIVE YEAR THE 8 /WET-r9.7rEn Dialmin- Sc Hamlin CABINET ORGAN The Most Perfect Instrument Ever That abotild. and SIIHELT will be found la every Chalet: Sabbath Seboot. Drawing Itoom. and as ?or. being silica sult.ble Sro !Sacred or been tar, "v o cal or instrnmea , id. • quick r blow Duals. to brit's than Intuits Ms Or-sell or a:VIRTUE/Dr. N. 6H. 6.1 w makethem as low as rya, nd sh,.,r Ilst compri , es ores Td different styles, rang ins fr om 475 to lug:tic:l..li of which Call be found In oar rooms, and ay be purcbased at the Same Prim as at the Factory, WE WANT to do the largest Holiday trade this season erer.dona during our long established busi ness, and wo know we can only do so by offering great Inducements, which we do, as our stock Is nominally large, and me hare Got down prices to the Terrlowest Oguree• We hope to hare-all the public call at our rooms, Wh-trier;tber want to boy or dot. and we shall be happy to show them our en tlre stock. SHEET M.IISIC Musical Goods, an. Great Variety. PrPEISCEELV"TiEhi REMEMBER T E PLACE ~~ WOOD STREET, Between Diamond Alley. and dtb St., TITTSBURGH, PA. C.9.ME6LORIUO,, SOLE 'AGENTS FOR Chiekering & Eons' Pianos, Emerson's Pianos, and idason&liamlin's Cab't Orgats - 5 deitaik dcgtpasnr WANTS WANTED—A man• ♦sho under• stands heat cos. wa , re. 01111.11eIldt 41. •pply to-day . si ANTEII.--Graduates of Liter erg and Commercial Colleges to estagisper. maneissii to business requiring tialessoonalittant business co•respoadeucc. ' • r Apply reference. lover McMaster t Oass aim's Law Ufacco B. lt. CUMILIN, • 99 Grant street. • • • Pittabw•alL. • -- - WASTED -Good men to net), by sample or otherwise, several rapi minas sad prateewortby artieies. Men that h ave boat " gooney set log patent right .. .F13h . 1 111 K 1.1.11/. tam." can get pernwowent euraoyraeot. Money tad goaenced surtielent to start asylinante a pallt u ig btrilow a. All that tar • appileltalwaritdCall r'rgif.'lo4l2%tAlß srnirr._. • cu.•=3. 1) ; A GENTS WANTED—TM BEST A.ACHA.Nur. YET.—P• Wore of Illsterkal Value. and 24 atlottal Ireottance. The °e Work ea One Aos7 yet la th e field. grnts tind no eoespetttlen. rress. pAnitAOUT AAP tsUll. NAVAL COX ltAh MOW, by Eton. J T. LIE ‘LLEY. the dts. inentthed Author and Insterlatt. In ens :hand— sorne.voAnne. Illestrated. Send ai OD. tor tenni and territory, Addre.s A. L. TALCUTT,. dets*Ed 68 /Sestet street, Pictsbunett; I ENDURING WANTED BY Ist.JANUAIIY, • • A GOOD STiBLS, For TWO Olt THREE 110 BM /12tD wain- Apply to 31•31.1511t1t.,11AZZA31 & CO.. 08 Snot Stmt. dell:p6S A GENTS WANTED BY THE EU.- LOMA SEIVNG DIA 0 LIME COY PANY-wa sell their NKW $ll5 MACHU% -WV sew from tisane paper to heavy BeSTer cloth or leather with• oat change celled, 'needle or tension. belPalustlas brasare foot . ag d nairli i Llealgoect itair motional itt ai ti S ALL 68 713t6 Street. (6.10 31 . 8 Mari) . PitUbargh, W ANPMTED—At;every f2MS—INALEst AN MM. P kLE—In part of Weern W " a Lt arahe ZV Ane t l eO ß m." ..THE ateII , EPPS I.ltoYEik o -'1.1.2t COLN'S Malt AS 31111NOVIILO, , _. Either try the month or on emmulaalon. DabLua era , ratesal owed. for toll Pairag t oBr , P terrd"' or addre" '43 Fifth street. rlttstamith A GENTS WANTED FOB A NEW •I'mBOON, NOW READY. • WOMEN OF THE WAR. By FRANK xooar, anthe of :"Tbe sabaues Record," Al- • .A.:N3ZI The object of this troth t collect and preheat narratleca of the acreiceiof the women who amyl • the perils of Me rancid might to Inherit Ratios . The 'volume contains about 600 oct.req papa. and le libutrated with steel pissepoettaits. en, raced in the most Improved at7io. bold mill hi an g e , ,rl ; tbu n 4L n i. address or apply to Made. AND FOR ®1 RU\Sl]l: J. 5 ENums ()Az P:rrE corwrisc: ROOM mit Y saoWes. oce •No. 08 rota amt. Pleubarld6 :00:1941a4: 4,- .100.1\ ADDITIONAL BOIIICTIES TO Soldiers of• 1861; and 1862. • All who served three fear are entitled tOlllOO bounty; those serving two Tests. S5O: or who were discharged by mums of wounds. or their hers. ihree afotaha Extra Pap . .. Is due Volunteer Oelr-en In the service Nara 1142 UM, and dtainargeds mastered out, or 111111SIIDO sleet April 9, Lys& . I • ..... PP..Nn/ONs.—Permanently disabled are entitled to SIN ISO or ems, according to degree of ;1131011- 117. W. 4. a lia..w. rxrrsasolg. a4tornes - s: T 1 Firwit RtTomi IFTll•lvorib. B. F. BROWN, /drib Local Claim Agent. U. 8. SAN. COX., Office, No. 67 Fourth Street, tszcoNv ngooso Pittsburgh, Pa. Pensions, Bounties, and Arrear of Pay Promptly Collected. No charts LCULde claims are Wiled. and the but mod.. ate tea Junta= • QOLDEREUP BOUNTIES, PENSIONS, Extra Bounties, Back Pay, &a., Collected In the Shortest poszlY l o t l2 l O l by A. Y. BROWN. JOHN B. Lemma._ Attorneys at Low. Chloe, No. 1.14. Fifth strset,_ noUnditol. PITT4BIIIIOII prof. 1110HBOCK. INSTRUCTOR ON THE PHIW, And Teacher of Vocal . 31usic. BOO= exi norsz. Ncr. 81 irox-ry atreet. deep,' WAG A. SHINN. .ATTOR.XEY AT LA MM No. 120 Fourth St.. ohlioalte Wiahls Hans Particular attention given to the collection of 10 counts. bi la, notes, Sic. Cortes u..dents in DleWlerk, BOstoo. PhliStelp 111; Be•Ter,_ Bellefonte, Beneßng._ Be.; indlenSPlAll, Ind.; hiorgantown, W. ife. 011/has H. 1., and elsewhere. JOWIT A. STRAIN. ,s-mi:Dziwaza.ascr„ Ex-Officio, Justice of tate Peace AND VOLUM 11AULMTBATE, - Mee, 112 Fifth St. opposite Cathedral, rITINBURAi 11, #ll. - Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, Acknowledgments, ;wino= and all Least entanutes executed arab Promptness and cUspatch. mytl.M • WILLIAM JANCEy t NOTARY s MELTS,. JUSTICE o 1 T HE rzect,AND EVIL Etfl'ATE AGENT: Office, corner of Butler and Limos streets, Lawsencerville. .13r: fl it Ir tin a g l en to the or i liss . eas t r e stie usrstlon and acknowledgment of ail kinds Of Legal Conveyanceis JANCIET, Justice of the Peat* sad - /Notary Ellen& toMblii • EIISTACE 8. 2110111tOW, ALDERMAN AND CONVEYANCER, 72 Pennsylvania Avenue. foot of the Lima' WI moil! Ma treat mr=m4ll CHATIIAM T. EWING, Attorney at Law, No. 09 Grant Street, Plttoburitti, Pa. ~2: lettn„!ratnrangdeleutacl7.:Mzur H . C. RIACHRELL, _ ATTORNEY S. GOUNSELLOWAT LAW, No. 69 Grant Street, .PITTEITIIIIIGVL, PL EOM JOUN C. DicCODUIt3, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. No. 87 Fifth Street. Aliii-Peoastons, Bounties. and Arrears of ray tit allecten. : : ; 0 HOLIDAY BALE. Wnare now etTaing during the ktolblays, *octal todoettnents to tbowt atoning to PuntMe .160Veh YOUTH% 011 SUITS AND OVERCOATS, Can and examine at Jro. 47 St. C7frir Sired. GRAY & VOGUE. - HENRY G. HALE, 119113,C/LINZ 'TAILOR, lreithygest Corner of Penn & St. Clair Sta. Desires to return thanks to We friend, suet thew pub. IC for the rearm pen revors, sad respect:elle sotto ite t there or their [awe petroutkru. wog = barge and Omltdly Selected Steck Fine Woolen Goods rsttLcaluif adapted 1.44 lIMEMB iBAB 1011 lAII AD 1111111. Avonvcizi J (.301.3M 'l'. GE ]EI...ACY, mum AN extort PAItIER,.GRAINER ART) GLAZIER, No. 54 Hand St., Pittsburgh. Plata Ind grisa ' soentil Steno of awry deitalfdlon done to order. 1111 wort done prompuy at reason. alga Tat.- - • - 1401100 wit.Lum H. BUOWN, awe att. Ann of BScrsr:i & litonstiw.) lIOrSE AND; SIO P,LtTI $c , - - rtb;cisl minty etThthJ . an3MssY4l. timtp, PITTIIIIIIRt'a, PA. MI