IEI l*Tp.-.4:.sgkvs i . B4TES.* - BEL - .vs _...g1ip,p4. 4 pqmi0N.,::...... -TOR',..::Tirt :::'.:jM.a.B Merinos, Empress Cloths, Poplins, Tartan Plaids, - Poplin Plaids, Tictoria.Cords, Evening Silks, Dress Silks, Cloaks Shawls, Blankets, Balmorals, Plaid Flannels. • ( 45 BATES BELL'S. Neve Dress tacoods BATES dr, BELY.A. NEW - DRY GOODS. EralN, M'CONNELL & CO., . M. 178 FEDERAL ST., Allegheny City, , Wholesale and Retail DEALERS LET *DRY GOODS 9111) NOTIONS. Yeses. EttIVIN; McCONNELL .t CO. announce ~..that they have Jwst opened .d and are constantly tace.Ying LaittlE IisIICIC2. of wel , selected DRY 4/001/4 and all arttcles in their ot busineee, `Mimes -from the East, which they oder TO THE TRAMS, Oil AT It ISTAIL, at the LOW EST RATES. THEIR STOCK CO3IPIIISISS ALL TUB LATEST AND BEST SYLES And iu Great Variety, And &eel/tot th. MOST DESIRABLE PATTERNS - - 'sad MATERIALS. including IFRENUI; GERMAN AND ENGLISH Dress Gi-coods, ALL EINES OF FLANNELS, White and Colored Blankets, Salmon' bkirts, ClOakillgSt feints. Belaines, Glngbants. 03beetings—Bleached and Brown, Tickings. Drills, Shadings, etc., etc,, And an extensive install' and as spitz:rut of INT I CO IST: BtcCONNELL &. CO., 30, 178 FEDERAL STREET, =EI ESIE i:(!)Piiii7A l 4e - ) 11 44:11 GERMAN' AND SWISS 1% -i am.ay C3ic0c04213 Carred,Basketa, Brackets. Jewel Boxes and Ornaments. - . Bortakonalek, Wallets, . • Batch*ls, Card Cases, • Broehe Scarfs. Fancy Knit Goode, Linen Handkerchief.. 4mtsrolderler - }Bdescrloclons. Lroo Collars and Nandzeichlefe, 'Colton, and Barber. - Ladles'. Gent.. and Ctilldren , slild Glares, w Boxwood and Garnet Jewelry, Toilet Soaps, de., Ito Dc. GE.vrLEms.s. •el filch Suneatters, • =lt /lose, rear!, - scarf Pins. Bleeve Buttons. AT LOW PRICES. -P. H. EATON, 17 'Fifth St. 4.2 , NEW . GOODS MST RECEIVED JOS. HORNE & CO is o.r.t.Eas d XD Tfil, 'XIS 4 14 imenr3r Good/. Cl MO and Prune% Paris Tanep_and Colored Silk Bet. eta in snort desirable shades:Blain Piney Boa rand WnigrAtiebnicusins,dnizAnd rtei oj= Pas= and thlry. 13 2131 EC 33 It CP X X, El Xi =no, (Prip assorted:. Vents, Cassille, Hamburg ^ MOD!, Cluny, Wen. 4 1 estings; lonnelora, Bands eyed and Plats Al nen Col- R agag S i ligif to, and Lace Goods. Then and Clo Triassaints and Ornameltl; Ball Prinne; Bleeps and BraLds; . Dress T=lngs, Bugle Trams& WHITE GOODS: • A mart complete stock or Jahonets, Cambers, Udlla. lisadterablers. Plsin.tane. Hem-stitched. Hem 11was Pnbroldered, Tape Bordered. eta., etc. ragnomen7LerVeTrkY I' . " 4 au "s* • 9'unit:tiling. Goods: ehurn&ders end Ilea-Ties; Heavy Shirts and Eararaa''Crigkl.l,';i7,,Outg.igs grialltitzeltV 40.1.ttntHheIZIMICSIOTe tlet. all kilids. anwilcostest 1017. Cashmere. 11.6Mb1l Wool and Z.- g 1:L14 7SllolllzedrAdres. plain colon 112.4 414019. Be lll nrs Paper Cowl" and eyezythlßß la theero. Ms doe. Prides u ow as Euttra Jobbing Hoaxes. . . Nos. 77 and "id Market Street. sat ANACIII33I, GLIDE &. CO., ara 78 and 80 Market Street, 7 3 1/41 1 u 0 A S E S:i 11r8441traW., • C A R D IVIWIBATCUL BUM. ite . , tlIE75'. D @WV '" Hd'TERYt, NrBIDNG GOODS; . GZET'SYT T R zirxxx BHALWIA , 8A 211.331 AS D cxB N D°°,ll) BGLOTS. t. • ISIRTS 1100 P E cons e tz. Tt .WATEar,III4.B. • • HAIR HOLLB, Storekeepers will Ond 3 to their advantage Yowl their }ltock'troct Our Wholesale llepartment deli - VABB, IffcCANLIOESS & CO, 1.41 (LAB Wrizos, , Vi11101.03,11.£ DIELLIMAII FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOMIS MG Co. 0.4 Va Cte: Saowie aboril DWI= .41WE 5 01 0 1 1 d L 01101b1 PL=PIIEUAL PA. DRY: - Goon CLOTHING, &a. GREAT REDUCTION I, IALE OF DRY GOODS, GIRDNEI & SCREITER'S, if!!! Diehunng • Lame Stags of NEW GO ODS pateluut , ed at serf GIMAN REDUCTIO. sad lOU be sold MIT go per cent. tess then prices TEN METE ADO. Reduced 30 tents on • pad. lIF, EMPSIPica CLOTIPI, FREXVII PLAIDS, EEO Asitegheny City, _Toll ■nortment et rile 'exam Tan SWIM MEI 92 =EMI FIRE BAELITHEA-CLOTHE At 30 cenU. :Reduced train - 07S cents. TWO OASIS DARK main POPLINS. At 40 mats:, Reduced tram 13 losa cuss Furs =PP% At 59 cents. 4- IteAlveed CD= 95 cents ONE PASS .isLaciE irazacEE mrzinsvg. sl.ooltei rut. Reduced Crean SLR& WIDE BLACK ALPACCMIt Just purshued. sad will be sold at $ LARGE REDUCTION. BL INSETS•AEI FLANNELS • • REDUCED. - Domestic Goods REDUCED. PRINTS AND MOWS 12 CTS IidLJ6IOR4I.- SKIRTS REDIICED ONE HALT. ENTIRE STOCK OF NEW DRY GOODS AT A REDUCTION. mrsnm lIMMSE CLOSING' OUT SALE. X 30,000 WORTH OF FINE PILL AND MB a CP 'T $lO,OOO Worth or DRAWERS, lIISDERSEERTS, WHITE SHIRTS, COTCONANDWOOLINHOSERY Scarfs, Ties, Suspenders, Also, 35,000 Worth of Gloves, • —/ Of all leOptiom all st which 41 be val it ACTU4L COST FOR SIXTY DAYS, AND MUST BE SOLD Bofors ramming to my sine BoLLIIng Opposite the Union' Depo wrbe lease' ot Store and Dwelllng.tegetber withCoontere,ll6elrLex. Snot, Came, le.. for self. J. D. RAMALEY, 334 . and 886 Liberty Street, Opposite Warne EIMIM ISIACAUSI &, CAIILISLE, - ifth Street. • MAGNIFICENT HOLIDAY PRESERTL Bleb jewel and Work Boxes: oteh. Aker.hterand Blare Bozee; Meisel Perfante y Meads; Cigar dishes and DresslNr, Caws; rim Irma. Belt Clasp% AlDurie; BOlrsreOrl Snit Jet Jew elry; /Lae Boron* Wallets mad Bair, _ W ereselaisZeirlialfo=o7/Llit"" o f • /Isla and Embredderest HeadkractdefsL Lattice . Cashmere awl/ Flue Cloth sad Kid Mover: mx . tsalla a tt i = le , „ ea Mar Nulls. a art a:Vas. a r stAciang 8s C MILLISTZ Arateli n Atist i t Zaps fpah e LOl/1.1 1 % ) . D . Peurces Vaunt TVs autlLlDLieollelltbels; • Ores •• Keuhled gaper MUM: The 1.1,10 Imltatkes COMITS7, The *gnat ., Skirt, warranted to IC Bradley's Molex 11119110 Shirts, all alses—To Dealers at Manataetezers , PrineS; Balmoral Skirts. Our %nitre stock at 1.1L615 THAN HILT THEIR COuT. IEICHANT3 AND DleaLClrll .111 Sad our prloes muck reduced. and many articles at less than colt, la order to close out. Ladles and lithtlelusu wield us' to make Holiday Presents alit dud relay nonfat and suitable artteles at (freshly Deduces% Mae& MA0113311 dr,.:OARIELE, • dee 191111TH erratorr. WHOLESALE DRY GOODS. Asiwroor, whims a EA, N 0.115 Wood St.,llttsbutgh. Home In store sad recelsfas, s fall asooftment of DRY _GOODS IND NOTIONS , Which they offer at EASTERN PRICES AND TO will= The ,Attention of Dealers iB halted. Avitrrasoi..w. Ir. mums. J... ortsrsimsoi. del° HOLMES, BELL & Anchor Cotten Mills, Pittsburgh, Ilanutlict4nre /0101103(10 1011 CM 3 te. alisPrarclaHßlCTlafia. • 1...• • 64... D ST IL __ COMMA EE -IT-00T0 BAT BAUD' ii • oet • rnl a t• &M s r i aQUlriblistriala 14tartbdi PLltentisry. :Okai lona _ 5rk....417.= t.i. e.= toot US COLICIIAN. Lekticr oil- • • .• . bbli:lxtriLlicened and warranted Wlator Strained', for sate • °HAMM C. atteunr. NRIGEBOMOODNEWIK The sukeysiDeeseaGeew Tato. A woman living - hot far from Crest One, who had probably been. reading 4filsie Vener. o dreamed a wonderful dream of two snake children. .She told her dream and the ultimate result of that narration Is the following Midi' chausenlim in the Fort WaYire beim.' arid: We are Informed by a conductor on the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and ebiaaitoßaUrmid of a most remarkable freak Muttons A mar ried lady, living four miles north of Credible. lately'gave birth to a patrol' twins the upper part of whose bodies resemble snakes; one that of the copperhead, the other a common II blacksnake. nem their waist up it is snake. like; they have no arms, nothing to indicate the human, while from trio, waist down the organization is perfectly natural. After the the children were born, and being shown to the mother, she begged that eat end might be put to their existence, and was so erected that she became deranged, and Is now an inmate of the Insane asylum. Our Informant also states that the twins, although but a few months old, crawled around the floor; hiss and strike at eachlother with their fangs, fight -Ipg like two snakes every Urns they come Wgether. We do not vouch for the truth of the above, but give it as it was t old us by Mr. Allen Crawford, a conductor runnings freight train between this place and Crestlina, and we have every reason to believe Mr. C. a relia ble and trustworthy gentleman. The mother of those extraordinary beings, prior to their birth, got frightened at the sight oftwosnakei Abating. BobbOrY The Hanover Citizen of last week says that One of the most adroit and at the setae time audacious robberies was committed on one of o ur highways, a short time since, about six miles from thatplace in West Manhelan town. ship, that has ever come to our knowledge. The facts, as we have been reliably informed, are these= Mr. John Wagner, living about ten mile* from town,. near the York road, In Old Mahal= township, on his rein= home from Hanover, saw a Man on foot a short distance ahead of him on the road. On coming up to hist,the person seemed to be in distrego and asked Mr. Wagner to take him In the wagon. ftygrirwe i ck endi to rgicrjoue.thatevetg, and he procured medicine from one of our doctors In town, and when arriving near aberman's Church, the stranger took a vial Out ;gene of tils pockets, requesting Mr. Wagner to smell It. Mr. W. not thinking anything wrong in this simple request, smelled at the vial, where. upon he became senseless, and malls recovery found himself laying in a woods and robbed ot all his money, amounting to several dol lars—he having paid out most of his money while In town. - On the following day Hr. 1. found his horse and buggy in the woods some distance from the Churth. The feigned med icine. it is presumed, was chloroform, used by the scoundrel for the purpose of robbing. We would caution the people to be careful whom they trust, as the country is full of all sorts of rogues, ready to swindle the unwary in all aorta of ways. Oil Nattersin West VirgßAß. - The oil market at Parkersburg, West Vir ginia. Is just now depressed, as the lighter grades are selling for seven cents, a price ruinously low to the producer. At present, the yields at BUrning Sprine, Oil Bock, White Oak, Gale's Fork, and other neignborhoods, furnish the basis of the business at Parkers burg. Some works are in a forward state of completion, and others projected which will greatly attend the lines of connection be tween Parkersburg and points West and Southwest. Flowing wells are still numerous' at Burning Springs, the oil as it flows from the pipe, alternating with gas which is the potrer that lifts the oil from crevices sometimes a thousand feet, or even mori4 below the sur face. Although the actual production of oil is now great, yet a very insignificant portion of the oil territory has been developed. One company alone owns two thousand acres of land within that territory known as the Break, where all the oil has heretofore been found, and has 'leased only about three hun dred acres, on which the works of White Oak are situated. The completion ot the protected railroad works will give a new Impetus to pro auction, as at present the means of tramper ' tattoo are so meagre that when the tanks are lull the owner cannot get It off his hand& Railroad Accident Frank Smith, a young man of West Cheater, and brakeman on the West Cheater and Phila delphia Railroad, fell off the ears while the train was running, orethe trip up, on IS ednes , day evening last. Ile was on the bumper of the hind tax adjusting the tarnsl lamp, when he lost his balance and fell off the ear. The accident happened near the Darby road, and he was not missed until the train arrived at Media, the engineer discovering that the brakes were not put on, this being the first atop the train had made. Several persons , were sent bagk in search of him, and when the train arrived at the next station a tele.' graphic diepatchnoti fled them that Smith had been found, and that be was pretty severely hurt lie was cut about the head and face, and one of hls lege was injured. It is a great wonder he was not killed. lie was brought home in the next train. Accidental lioualeide We learn from toe Altoona Tr bun. that on Wednesday last a boy. named Singer, aged about fourteen years, while carelessly shoot ing a pistol, accidentally shot a girl named Stahl, datighter of John Stahl, formerly of Lancaster, injuring her so severely that she died the following night. It appears that the girl was M the act of drawing or pumping water; when the pistol was droci l the ball from which struck her in the head, near the temple, rendering her inserunble . She was carried lino the hot= and medical aid summoned, but her case wee beyondJhe physician's The boy upon seeing tftsit he had done, im mediate'? left town, hut returned after the Corona:es jury returned a verdict of acciden tal shooting. Both families, to which the boy and the girl belonged, live in a house on the earner Of Claudia and Clara streets, West ward A 'Meagan& Reception.—The Miner's Journal, published at Pottsville, tells the fol lowing : On Wednesday night a pl•tol was deliberately fired from the second story of a frame betiding on Centre street below Nor wegian, at a man who was standing below at the front door. The shot di/not strike the man, who took the natter quite cabal) as if he expected such a reception. robbery.—Mr. David Morse, of Cowman- V, ins knocked front his bone, in the lower parte d the borough, on Tuesday everting. and robbe of his pocket-book, containing over severity dollars In money. it are so nu merous and desperate that it is hardly safe for one to be alone after dark. leadeist.—A daughter of-John - 114xler, In Bethel townottip, while banding sheaves for a a threshing machine. on Satuftidy inst.'s* caught In toe gearing, and.. goo Nulty injured that it was thought doubtful if she could cur. vire. tier arm was broken in two plants, end she wu otherwlae lainred. Dead! Body_ posed. , —The dead body of a man named - Thonnui Thermoswas found In a creek, near Wren./ foundry, 'atahonina city, on tie inh inst. Foul play la BUSPOCWat his handkerchief atained with blood, au found near him. • Ifouday,whtlo a laborer named Peter Leonhart, was engaged In knocking down the posts supporting the tool In a coal bank just below Whessing, he was caught by a large fall of rocks and instantly killed. Plato's' Expenditares.—The borough of Pith°le city expended $ll,OOO last year. id_PDO borough were paid . for police services. The Indebteduesss now Is 11 3 PX 4 • . . MMES. Ex:axone PA.Errin—The Board of Trade have Again sounded the trumpet of consolidation. All the cities and botonghs within canon shot of the great metropolis are requested to hear, hearken and give heed to the terms they offer, and the price. that wilt be pain in the purchase of their franchises— they will lose their name; they will become a 1 fraction where they are now a unit; they, will merge their power In the overwhelming ma jority of the central city; they will pay oily lazes for their suburban homes—but all these heavy forfeits will be soon fergotten when they see by the census of 1870 that they IW. in oily of several thousand inhabitants. Well may the citizens of Allegheny, Man. chaster and Birmingham be startled the proposition, made, as it is, with al I t he as sumptton and bravado of a Maxima proola. =anon. As the poor farmer said to his hunt; ing neighbor, who offered to purchaie tle homestead, el would rather be your neigh. bor than your tenant till you prove that my rent would be less than my taxes: , Before we take this leap we willlook to see whether our severatmembers may not be mangl the rocks of a heavy debt; whether ourpr op erty may not be mortgaged to pay for our neighbor's extravagant:et whether we are not expected, Itke fools, to spread a feast for wise men to eatt The project of 00111011411tOn has been tried In Philadelphia, and fain would the consolida ted boroughs return from the great city which bad swallowed them up, and now saddles them with a debt greater than that of the whole Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Rivers di vine us; high hills that cannot be climbed by naval city streets, mark ns out our naturist boundary lines; bridges owned try privatacor poraticas with vested rights keep us at arms vartaigglgraatr.a:crornrilittr-Vg; our hearts, although they may not reach our n.reaso But what sebstintiel boon do the eanscada tad arguments of the Board of Trade and the Grand Jury promise from • consolidation! Nothing but a name, a population, and the cold mercy of those into wane arms we meet throw ourselveat Thls Jayne Grand Joty ems. planed that their ranks had to be recruited !tom professional jurors: now we want to know whether it was the duly summoned members or the professlonal recruits that broached this matter of consolidation 1 •It smacks to me of the professionals, for it has become as common and as threadbare as the annual dog Proclamation in the hot weather. The crime that fosters in every commlutitY. large or small, la not to be prevented or put down by its consolidation into one great sore and a nigh Consrable at every precinct is not to be preferred to a Burgess or a lilayorfor righting wrongs and preserving the peace. If the Grand Jury bad consoltdated &be Criminal Calendar by Ignoring a few more trifling and vexatious salts and putting the colts on the utora. they would, protessiotuGs and all. Cvi m reAtisfled the public better. I hear tt announced setal-tddelagy that: tile Allegheny Pm Department are not wanted any more at Pittsburgh Ares. That looks very, Much like consolidation!' And Blriningbauf might burn down before the big consCadated„ dre department bellwonl6 socuM a note fa Its assistanoe. - That looks' UM more like a friendly c0n14141410 11 . _ TOO Itaffelea,to bear down eonsollaatlan leave to other bands.. The foes Of the WI are not few, nor a weakly band not a de No. 301 LM OTIF Oirol4. pOrtiOn of the 00mmindry, although they do Inhtbelong. to the Board of Trade nor alt Talisman on the Grand Jury; and as far Alla ahem, pittaburgh she forhe is hotr-Verdian- content to be award with Doubtless the advocates of this contempla ted Imperial city. may adduce many seeoltd reasons for the eatenson of its area and au thority over the suburban boroughs, town ships end Natal districts, thereby multiplying the population of Pittsburgh, to the coveted increase of population. Bat do they tell us outsiders, that at the same time they will cov er Oar Raids, trait gardens and vineyards, with a body of police *Than, wh ose insignia of office will *inherit° these police °Meer, to enter ad libitum their gardens end fruit on. chards at any and all times, under Pretence of seizing fugitives and depredators, while at the season of vintage and maturity of Pro ducta, they may appropriate as much as they may fancy of the .choteest and early ripening yield Of the vineyard and gardens, and who is to say them nay, with the insignia of Mike at their b utton hole fl) Why these officers may, without let or hindmnco, not only open every gateway to your groundkand gardens, but your doors, kitchens and @Paltry yards, under Bite Metenceih without so much assaying, "by your leave." out what will the extensive gar deners, vinodressers and fruit producers of Reserve, ay Troy Bill and McClure townships Sto such @weeping protection, from the pollee of a city within the by the Legislature. Let the mem b ers of Legisla ture beware of this inroadon the adjacent ter ritory, for the purposes indicated, for we beg to tell them should they lend their conscience SO this preposterous *amnia, the day of their LegialatlYa Career will be speedily ended, and the population of these districts, are fully able to take care of themselyeseliout appeal r to the Rump Parliame nt -AXLEOHENT.of ..Headlnn Contest." Borrow Gitzgrrs:—lri Sattirday's issue of • the Chrottiai is an article headed "Reading Contest," in which the reporter drew heavily on his Imagination. lie states that."for some time past considerable controversy has exist. ed batmen the schools of Peebles ' -townahip' relative to the reading merits of the scholars, l i and on the closing of the schools nor the holt days toe lumtest took place as stated." That "the scholars all read considerably much bet ter theatres anticipated by their parents." That "competent judged were appointed at the beginninger the exercises, but We venter° tr say that they will make notiesitation what titer in deciding in favor of the liazlewood lillhool." The tru simply thi betweenst did take plate a few er weeks ago the schools of Peebles township. The directors who acted as lodges on that occasion did not give a decision. The poplis of the three wheals, at the request of the President of the school Board, met on Lan Friday evening-and gave a read ing entertainment. Before tile exercises began, the President distinctly sta ted that the ob'ect of the meeting was not to have e...contesi but simply to give an enter. tainment. Ile then named three gentlemen who were Hi make such remarks on the read ing as they should deem suitable. No remarks were ma 46. Home remarks would have been, made by the legal gentlemen pi esent, if the' meeting had not been adjourned so unceremo niously—not by the President. The embryo Jeffries 'Who played "reporter" on the occa sion is a reaident. of Haalewood. Its should lay aside for awhile his Infantile, goeling.quili, es well as his assumed elocutionary ermine, and, after retiring to the shades of the pater nal domicil, and placing himself under the protecting Willi' of his materfomilias, should carefully peruse the ninth commandment, and then begin at once the study of elements. ry grammar. His maternal relative was cer tainly not aware of his temporary absence from the domestio roost on the night of the reading entertainment. Dominus rotor emu alt. "Fslartax." To ETERI BODY'S INTEREST: TILE RATE OF TAX ON Boots and Shoes gerlVlo b :lOgy . d i ‘ us e i . tarthi t ; h pss e 4 1 1 ofitl'etm'llrpt wa formed of it. ‘‘ worse reduces. our ' pricce accord- Instr. Our atoek Is e:mallets, large and well as sorted. and those who appreciate bandaome styles and well made BOOTS AND SHOES; pie toed prices. are certain to be i POPULAR SHOE PALACE EMPORIUM. :NOS. 28 AND 2S FIFTH STREET. WMr O. CLAPP & CO. P. B.—No trouble to allow goods. Cill sod Pre them. • ae Sm(7 _ _ WILLIAM MILLER, SUCCESSOR SO I ' KILLER dc BICIKETSOI+I, WHOLESALE. GROCERS, AND I MFORTERS OF Brandies, Wines and Cigars, Nos, 221 and 223, Corner of •Liberty and Irwin streets, PETTRIIrIIOII, PA, IRON, NAILS, COTTON YARNS. &C., Condently on hand. till Weed,Lock Stitch Sewing Machine. BEST IN USE- • Tls IS WHAT SOO WII L DO. M Within' will Hem. Till and Bind; 1 Brold. Toth and Cord; bather and Quilt; Wale a Drover Cloth Overcoat; Mike • frock Coat; Mate • Saila Vest; Mae optb rant: • Bind ethoth; Vs ill deurerd description of • Dress Making. 260 Machine will do all Cada of - family Sawing. 00 Within* will run over seams without Dregs!: l needles or skipping it‘tches.. •6O Machine itliebetalike on both sides. 00 Machine lithe chi*. est Machines by 20 per Oernt. In Inn, San Win SOW WWl'. If not Onpernap any Machine in the inftrtet, he con return ttaisd I hire his money. Warranted four rears. KEN,fIA mAcHINE tail/ Of SOCks is Um, lthald and gmbroldery Scampi for sale and qamp. Mg done. Alio • model (Of costing ladle. sod Childre . 0 drain. An_y_APITAD. person eanieun front it. AOII.IITH w air All kinds of family iewlor dor*. 11.1.0510, Agent. 112 Grist street. 0 09.dth 4 - 40 Afdrup .nol7rr.T.s • - • PITTISSUSWIL, A. Coma°ll4B4lou I:l3 , .liejesmr.v3: l oafzi sec, Gamma & B : ELASTIC STITCH AND LOCK. STITCH Sewing Machines Ar. gewlii:er=7,r Manufacturi'g Mo. 18 AVMs Hired. Dozy' , BE DECEIVED DI , Irloarlablaelialf totems sdtrrllseaenls o r Inferior /lacelass, bat get a lilit/VLS .1, BAK It has been tally teatedfor sixteen years, and la by all mayo. tent • 1 % 8 11 1. 1. 111 . ' WO, le leitreet. GET NONE BUT A GROVEIt & 'BARER Tor. a Holiday Otrt. Ir to reliable. Perfect and berefore the beet. Don't fall to all and lee Rat NO. IN nen! STREET. • T GROVES & BAKER SEWINC MACHINE Is the Ultima Thule of Mechanisms. Please call sad azazasse It at NO is Firm Brava'. SHOE. HAJEINEBB & CABIIIAGE MANZ= ehoald tee the new • Grover &Baker No. 1 Sewing Machine Beetle Mute"( elsewhere. It Is the but to? ibelt init. Pot art noOMISIS NO. IS FIFTH BTSS T $25._ BARTLETT 4120 F. - aEWINC MACHINE, Bat cheap Lleen god Machine In the ratted elates. Ageetawanted:evet7where. ,Pay $3O ddma to ROO pee Z PVIV AWACS; and sill glaa abUtzint street, rhlledelphla, ee]. Ws street, Toledo. Ohio. .del TOBACCO . CI.G.ABS, Bco, ~,,, R.. 33. jEFFRIES, Itanalbetuegwaglthie=otatiti Retail TOBACCO,3IIUFF AND GICARS, No. 6 WT. CLAIR KRIM% Prrrasciaait. PA. PRI-A le66e_ assortment of BIZEBMIHAID6 rirsa and 611606.Th1U TOMILIJOO, edam but quidi_7l Osi hands. atyzat GEORGE MU - lEEE SURE IN MIALggJ TOILINON AND DONIS= SWABS, CEENUNG TOBACCO Smoking Tobacco,PipesAC Zack. 4. iniervientals 1111111zreat, (Nest conger at Liberty,) wile Ala P11T15819 now • tv I •f_ " atanurawirr el and. Wholesale and PsSer Ulollllads of Tobacco,_. Snuff and Cigars, 4.5 Irtak-53V, arrramearsi, OF. HULL-.ilikrEVlN RED, Eng. ikou tun: recelnet= Jii . 7 T a ou.. — Wkolasalo Droittow. V Wood Illett. arA CARD TO IfirVALIDS. A Clergyman. while residing In Smith Amerloa missionary. discovered a safe and simple risme. dl for the. Cure of Nervous Weekness. Tarly Decay. Diseases of the Urinary and Senile.' Organs. and the whole train of dlsorders brought on by baneful and vlcions habits. Great numbers have teen al readyeured by this noble remedy. Prompted by a desire to bermes the ■misted ant nnforten.te, I will send the recipe for pimpaiing and using this medicine. in a sealed envelope. to lay one who needs It, YOU or Musa& Please enclose a pp.t. paid envelope. addressed to yourself. Address JOSEPU T. 'SWAN. de:Ovi'D Station D. Bibb, Do - Ise. D. y. CDT NM PERFUME FOE THE HINDEERCHLEF risolon's •':fight Blooming Cerens•^ Pi:eaten,. "Ailaht,Blatnaig Cereal." Phllllolo4l "Night Blooming Comm." Phalan , * "Nigh% Blair=lna Cereal:, Phisloo,s "Night Eleosseing Cerens.!, A moat exquisite. be d Fr agran B t Perfum, disti:led front the Taro stte awer trout *bleb it takes Its tuna. and 2danntactred anly by PIIIALON & PION, New York. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS: :ASK FOR PFIALOICS-TART NO OTUER. & CO, Eirw= BOILER MAKERS ED OBMT IRON- WORRERS, Mica. 20, 2% 21 and 20 Penn St. Baying secured.% large yard. and furnished It with the most approved machinery. we are prepared to manufactore every description of Beller,. to the best manner, and warranted equal to any made In the conotr y. Ohlumeys. Breeching. Fire Buds, Steam s. Locomotive Hollers, Condeneers, Pans. atts t Oil Agitators, Settling Pane, ll Boer Iron, ridge s Bug. r Pans; and sole mane. flecturers ABNUILL 4 S PATENT BOILERS. Repairing done on the shortest notice. JeStc4l lOTIAILE SUPERIOR COPPER MILL AND lIMELTINOVNORKS. • PITTSBURGH. PA3E, McCURDY & C 0.,. mi.nui.e t of Sheathing. Brasien 9 and Bolt Copper. Pressed Copper Bottom., Bland SUS Bot tom., Spate? Solder. Alto, Importers and dealer/ to M Ttn Plate, Sheet Iron. Wire. Br- COO , stoutly on hand. MOMS , M►ehlnee and Tools. Warehouse, No, HO/gnat and 120 fiscOnn STUMM Pittsburgh. Special - orders of Copper cut to sup desired pattern.. • inri4m3MdliwT 'PITT8811:1103111 SAW WORKS, .r:of cit.i4=l: ;gill! T o tamp/9 . 01n -,Mgdegr.:=Jl!". MI de R I MY arid SPellO3B made trout libestDast Steel : Ps raging MAPES and MOW— ADO IittIVZS. to. Warstomse and Works, corns! WL?IS and Snout Omani, Pittsburgh. Particular attention bald to re-toothing. Mt mina and stralstitening Circular eiseisi also, repairs at all khan Innotting and Drilling done at res. 18=MA...rates. (My!c7 fitintr l Pounders & ifowstillidsfa, Pfttilnizgh. litsnollie _rens of Bo& sad liestionory Steam Itn liond intlf B :7 " Bol i rei rnllig io ir com .ll9l l tiliff:7 6uckga tb filk . .tg i V i r O . 11.14.11.NJECT011. tarBEMEDLAL INSTITUTEFOB Sgrboole&l. Cosies. NO. 14 WIND 8 tingE SSW • 01111. Tull inform's]. with hisiheid krefintwiuis; law. oo on Hinetai Disease I staled en. ado on B lent t free. lEirße sure s., and send for Mews, and you wilt not regret tt: for, as • dye rasing pliestelans Sr. genernilv (openers, without refer ences no •tranner elsottld be tro.te d. . Ittielosc IrfAV,Klllirgit'EV. i rrAElT'y'iVitikt"t l2l f . tarNIAYOR OF ALLEGIIENT. ZORN MORRISON be *candidate for retlectton to the Mayor shy: %abject to the action of the Union Republican parte et their Nominating Election NOTICES OFYLCI V to ALLY IL R. CO.. ec L emt, :7.. OGG.. larA MEETING OF TEE STOCK HOLDRIIS of the Chortler' Valley Rail road Company wilt be held 0.. hitirr LI /Of, January itch, 1,27. 10. :7 Faetth Street, at which time sad plateau election for Seven t Ireton will be held. between the hours of 1 and 2 o'clock, P Y. de21.1121 S. F. Void RON 21111.1115 T, See!. Orrier. rm.. a wrarraNvit.Lx 11. R. c 0.,/ PcrTsucnCill, December= Md. A MEETESti OF THE STOCK - HOLDERS of the Pittsburgh sod !Reuben , tile Rath osil Company wilJin n hel i t c h. No. "a Fourth 'street. on MONIIAY, •ry 1667 between the hours of 16 of A. Y.. And J.:o'clock, Y. at which time and piece sa election for President and twelve Directors will be held. - - • 0. F. VW' BONA BOSS!. Sec'Y. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF rITISHIIIDDI.—Tbe Annual Election for Di rectors of tat. 1I EST 14 ATION•L BANK will take pDce ea TUE‘DAY. Janaarl ktk. lair. at the Dank. between It o'clock A. Ai.. and 1 oock del7: J. D. 13CULLT •cl, cashier. Uan.uan NATIONAL DANK. rtrreevacn. December tub. lese. ~.N ELECTION tOR NINE In luctrioss, b sane for the ensuLas year, ert:l be held at the It Ali MEW HOUSE. oe .TUESD LT; January 80,15 , 7, between the hours Of 10 A. X. I n4:l 4013 G. A. ZNDLY. Cubler ---- TOL bECOND NATIONAL BANK or t AkkcaiaxoY. I 1 amber UK. 19 d• TRE 'VISUAL ELECTION_ FOR Directors of thin Bonk will kw held on TUSADAY. JANUARY Nth, Between the hears of II A. X.. And r. x at the Booklets Mono. .1. N. DAVHAUN. doll Cashier._ PDOrcre NATIONAL BAN[. TlTT'eeo suet, December eth,:lbett. VLECTION NOTCE.—An Elec. +.1.10n lir breed Director l of thin Bank, to serve her theeoentog year, veld be held at the Bask. on TIMM/At JAltunry ttb, 1t47. totwetn thi boors of It A.Y. Imo P. onli•otO _ 1. M. dOBDON, Canttler, Flan' NAinosAL liApx OT ALlAiniver; AWArAluivr, PA., Me. I. I Tim Auvlrtism ELECTION FOB vtaiscrelis tllis "lank, wlll tate SAP. AL the HAW CIS.O .41.14.4. P, TUKSUAT, Jsattal7 gtb. / 51.1 . be'.weeta tile Limn of 11A. 11. and dzIAVI JOHN P. ILIUMEtt. Cashier. THE AIEITITAIL XLECTION OF 1:11- ELCIURIAit this Dank. will take place at the Banking House, en TUE6DAT. January stk. ltri. between the bourse/II A. X. end 5 r. v. dellthth K. W. 'LACKEY. Cashier. vu ox NATtowai BARK. Errranunos. vecember Bth. I AN ELECTION FOR NINE RECTORS, to serve for the waning rear, will be held it the BANKING HOUSE., on TUESDAY, ;fantasy Stb, LSO, between the hours all and r. x. delOtp4l S. S. Sll.Tll..Casbler MON CITT NATIONAL UANK Or rITTABVIIOII. . Dtrreneun, Dec. k I. T DlBam A LVT NNUA OUNI L HIS D ELECTION FOR OF TANN. KM be Odd on TUNADAT. Jannu7 rib. WT. between the henna 1-and I o'clock r. It.. at the Banking Nonce. • delOtritlwT • JOHN Dt COOTryl, enable, NXINIANGI NATIONAL BARN OT PITTABLINON. PITTUTIIIOII, PA., Vac. IL 11385, SS TIM A UM wiI NNUAL ELECTION OF RECTI Lake plate at tae HOME, on Januery 6th. 1661, between the boar. of Wiese; A. Y. and TWO r. N. dte2bB3:dwT . H. H. 111711 RAY. Cashier. MISCUARTEI AND MANTIFACTURZIIS VAT. Bank, Prrisnoadtt. Blue. Bdt. twill. 5 9 TIE ANNEAL ELECTION FOR DISICOTOBB alibis Beak will take place at tae BAN121).0 IlOtalt, on TUESDAY,' 41•0131117 the .2th.'11452, between the bours et It a. at. and ZINK. delOtpq ...1012e1 BUOTT. Ca'saler. =BD NATIoNAL BANE. rrysnunotti rtrreatuncin, Liao. Sth, ELECTION NOTICE.—The Annu- Ba m Sleotton for NINE 3311/ECTOI I B for thbi k, to serve during the ensuing year, will be held at tbe Bank, on TUESDAY„ the Bth day of Januits7, 1317, between the hours of of it A. N. and 2 r. ag del° 0.. NATIONAL BkXlr,_ Y07611131.61m, UN Ism THE ANNEAL ELECTION FOR DIMITORS Or THIB B .11K will be bead st the BANKING BOOBE, on TUBBDAY, January ISO; between the boars of BA. snd I o'clock , JNO. dclop.7 ' Cashion Manny AtAsaitrar,_ t TESASITJULIVIS OTTICZ. December Milk, lB NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN TO the holders of the alz Der emit that BONUS of the City of Allegheuf that the Coupons on mid Bends Doming doe January Ist. liatkertil be paid on add day (less the btate TALI) at she Beak of Pittsburgh, In the City of Pittsburgh, Ps. • U. BIaUFEIIIION, dartipiN Treasurer of the Oity of all.shenT, CITY or Ai.t.Taillww;_ iI L, TEILLIKIDZWe OrracEßY tifirOczointkin.pthaon A 1 gri T ' ?) 1 1 1 MWANT F.l) -.Pars . u.s holdlus Corti g ri:Orn ,it fel 11 .11 gl,:sgte. c tab for zr. 111 be Invested le thew' Bonds at the Imre.% razes offered. Proposals will be race by tbe_nnder, !lined anal Tender. the 1111.L11 . f 4 o x yt7i . M .N. .., dely;p7o Treasurer of the City of Altesbeny. MONET LOAN OFFICE, N 0.151 JAP-ssurdruram trwrivr. corner of Muth. Pittsburgh. L_ L t ed en'tr, Pl Ttir e f' r . "W P aret i " gra i d ,msa'= i guar feurydaeripat Tb. goods esauoibe deltverdi e without • Stehets Nat scoountubis Issas. of Amor robbery. Gomel of evert desselsOlon toe_Loshi at lowest tIOISt•na • t 6ItLAQLL Dr.BOY. $25 ; 000 . T0 L 0„ • Periaindeilling to LID For-ows, two of snots ne Inane, On tOBSUAgE, ' - -. I 'M I V Well to. - 'oitostis M. PETTi. na Rost &WA Agent s tio s nos. Clair street. BOOTS H. CHILDS & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS U BOOTS, SHOES A L cirso SOLE It FATHER*, No. 18i Wo - o - d - Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. To SHORT TIME and CASH berets we ofler at- Derlor Indu b onsr taolltues for boy=e . unsurruse b e d Rest or West. P um directly from fines HAMM entirely nor OAS% We are enabled to sell as low IS bay Eastern Jobbing House, mafICILAIR3S are !netted to eall and examine onr stock and note onr prices before stuntman elsenbere. Clwellarms far 'ELOPE MILLS Superior Cotton Yarns, SEAMLESS GRAIN BAGS, Batting, Twine,, ixrrroN AND LINEN corn O&M, dbo., db 0., Will be Promptly Filled at FACTORY !RICER. @An orders ay mall will reaelTe Lammedlate and careful attention. ' CBILDS, & co. od:l23:dwT HOLIDAY PRESENTS, USEFUL AND ORNAIDENTAL. BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, ILILLMORA.LS, ALL SIZES AND PRICES AT THOMAS H. PHET.TS' 48 Smithfield Street: JOSS TALKS'S-VISO. P. ANSIIOTZ ".Klf. TALKIES: peuLmEs, ANSEIUTZ & CO., SUCCISSOSS TO J. A. ROBTRSON & CO., =ALLIS IN BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS, .ro. 61 Aforkit Street, • 'sear Fourth. PITISIBOBCaI, PA. not..l:oC MCCLINTOCK'S I=3 BOOT AND SHOE EMPORIUM, No. 92 Federal Street, JiLtseursir CITY de11 33171arge1&132.110 f or 4311. BOOTS AND SHOES. J. WILHELM, No. 38 Market St., Pittsburgh, Hu Nat received eve' lure .toe[ of ell Ma of 33C3C1PD5E5.416=7:11191.134=1 MI IN WlLlela teee Fevered to eellebeNer ttigt. 01* OWN itlZEeirog.ine'VNllllrfiztl.".bia,' be .- .11141Thezibel!csetloct. J. wu. . ommr. ocleme No. all Market street. A LARGE AND FRESH ARRIVAL Rom BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS drat Balmoral", Jan reeerred. sad wild be sold at Renal..T LOW SST PRICE:a, either Whddeaele o COdlPi • Whs. DIYOba PI:MOUSING /MM. WAIL H. & W. C. BORLAND, • No. N Market street. 241 door Irma ritth M. mnl coons JOLLA TELL.DiA C. FIELDING & DUO., • Manntsetnzen andlicalers In 011111PtaiMIL Manmelle BOOTS, SHOES - & GAITERS, N0..110 Ohio St., Allegheny. ItepaLvlng promptly oxen:Ma on Me obortostell2t no- Mr. • let I;aq,`,s:)iaeltel. l :o44 l,l4 s; (e l UDY WILLIIMS&BETLE GAS ABD T E=7 IS. ITTRItiI, for. 811th and Smithfield Slay PITTSBURGH. PA, riot. Beaver and Chestnut Streeis, MANOILEXTRB. AU Undo Wades, Gan and liteana Pixtureo con. 'UMW on jet mis panpniiro, GAS-IND STEDIFITTING, Hydrants, Iron 'Pumps, SHIRT LEAD • asitharlic__ LIAD PIPE zusue WATER CLOSETBAND WASHSTANDS. . TOM T. EWEN% (9aom= to Sweat *Cto..) 166 Wood St., PlttsborghstPtu 01Y7:.411 WM. =RUM... : ...............L 301111112011 HERLEILY & JOHNSON, ELALGITICLELIa Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters 117TH lITRIET 112(TiNSION, • h,Fs ell orders by mall executed satistsetorilf P r4l 4 lM, ' ,lll4llh t° Pubs, Pumps. Buts; 0rm..1 Closets, Sluts, Onsudetters. reedertte. sod 6. Muds., tbr ag D o nne most reasonable priest. Orders Qom patrons by mill prombtly xa tended to. • Gum Hose of every description. ten:dlll ADDY, WILIALINS & BETLEY Nap on bead impala artleli of WOOD tql15 1 11 ? S, ta l aMg ." =1 " 41 Pt' ear, Ws riesmo,"' Maa .60.. Its tbs. Corner Mk and Sodthtleld Streets, MegtAlura=inargi.... 1:4 :t0 3; p IMEWEBY • - spENcEit & NIcKLY 9 MASTERS IND BRF4IIIII Ale, Porter and Brown Stout, PITISBERGII; AVM= WATSON, Measilprr. IMO" SHOES. FOR SALE.—A Fannof about 88 acres th Caton Townallip, Allegbary count T.. situate about four mile. fro m the city on the Washington Pike. The Improvements area /ergs two story Ada /Swelling Floes* with 12 rooms. • two-story tlpring House. a Carriage House, a tarp Loather Boom a No. 1 Ftleae Bent Ham with stet:W sufficient for fe head of cattle. There is stockedung Orchard. comprising about It slim. with the beat varieties of fell trees. It la all underlaid with coal. The Land ts in a high stale of cultivation. well watered. fences good, and would cult admirably for daily or gardening Duo' : poses. _Also. AV{ &tree adjoining the above. with good P sumo), Carriage Ileum, good Bon Kona* arid other o at-buildings: with a irovel 0 " ..4 one burins cndition This piece IA $lOO all un derlaid with c o al. • for mate Also,l it acres adtolnleg the above, unimproved. 00$1. low. This Piece b also all e ilsiderlaid with The above three pieces or h oe tie trtween the Little Saw MU Run and BMTbeuville and the COM can be restebod snail! from either road. Toe cool alone Is worth a ll thm. Ls asked for the en tire strt;F :i . Also of 173 sues• situatoin cud? town. OW. Oftatinellifid county. . immediately on the tine of the Pgas.llllllrOad. The area wo..stery sale Rouse With Ire room. sad good cellar, a Triune Bank Barr, to= flit, end other out-balsdle,+. There to on t h e oleos a good Young Apple t acres ha good Umber: feet , ng generally good, well watered: underlaid with coal and limiest= •OtelTenialtt to disrobes, mills, schoois and blackskith shop,. t o. o. tether with the Perim. 01 properly tueb Implements, grain in the ground, Au. Pommies given immediately. Als o Ora= of 63 Wes. litanliali In_ tiril township, Allegheny mantis obOu t tAi i nt i from the city, near @be line of the Men &And within one-half mile of a statioa• 10 lifts of the beet ot creek tent= land. sad Ina r t h state of eitiliVatiout XI sores of wood and and aree . The fencing Is genarall v =l. The . soil 0. L and well adapted Na ex. The Istteetlol2 Of flioso wishing to mbar l•• the bulimia eall at ones and secure a good tergatn. ite this Is a rare chance. Also, Yam of BR acres. situate ilisaiseth township. Allegheny Minty, Pa., on the Kamm gliela liver, about eof from the Borough of rilisbelh. Tim to of tbe best quality. The tin. provements area farm boom ',Matz rooms, a vod bans and other out buildings; tenting VOA; about SO acres of Coal. Churches. schools slid OW. ter? convenient. POltsesalog Immediately Also• the best Perm In E lisa be t h township, coslialniug about 90 bel o w on the ) I,o nbSitraf beta river Immediately Lock Ito. I, mi ern. b Is erected a large two-story brick dwelling. one and one frame ban t bun, corn crib,n sh brick spring noose, granary. work sh oe.; ab l Ai 30 acres of she above M tint quanta river Wh om: the balaticebeing limestone land, and underlaid with two end. about 20 acres of limestone. There are two orchards crappie trees, in good bearing 00isdl• dont omen pear, plum vrees andgrape kittaas Oh. being`entils well adapted so, gardening Taal:R.o4. a short distal:me loo m the thrlling borough .of Elisateth. cresting a market at home Mr all the products/ The property will be 'old cheap and os ressonabite_terms._ _ _ A Form of 96 suss. sitiiitted Ln Slisabeth t O . 7 .MP• Aue r ., &Ant/. Psi, about one mile from L ook No. on IlostOugshelu river. improve ments are one frame house. with lye rootus,borok spring home mid otheroutbuildiso. The Long Ten Me best quality. The &boys will be sold at law figures. for - briber particulars, enquire or U. 11. TOWER. sof Heal Lisle Agent. 164 /crumb street. Fo WasAo Acres of Land tohington minty, Wesley own sty EC acres cleared. balance in timber; good ham water handy, large orchard. school he nce. churches handy, and 44 miles of Clu Moo an the Marietta and Cloctrinatl Railroad. 1 Alto In e s rksirllle, miles back of Temperance ville. un which thereare three tenant house. of I rooms each, one frame house of four rooms, all la good condition, 130 Acres of Latd for 13,000, innate In Sinirlsi Talley, Blair county, Pa., five milts from Altoona by the littiltirog Valley Road. The admits:es of this property are numerous, and by cs/Unshoinswe will give Tau particulars. 91 Acres, 60 acres of width fi underlaid with coal, altuale in liorth Fayette Township, on the Steubenville Road; Improvemeuts, go . Trams Rouse, six rooms, good Bank Barn; abont2 oo rrult Trees lust In their prime. Ae _3B Acres in Union Township. on the Wiwi:ll2oOn Pike, three miles Rom the city. j y y i t , es La Sett Townahip, aft miles out on the 16 Asrel hth r trosjitwestap, three =Uncut from ArgylWßtty Market. e n illog Houses in Allegheny CUT, one In nalsorg, Is Freeport. one at Idgewood Station, on the Central Fenarylvarda Also immediately enjoining ale at YeW more ACBB LOTS. Flan can be seen at th is aim Atho, Bonds and Mortgagee bought and sold. JOBLB CROFT. 0010 Heal (state Agent.. 139 Fourth Street. FOII SALE, X.IREET FJILV. ♦ piece or land containing 45 to :50 acres of rich slier's' ground, COtatl.lettt to the cities, Is now effete•' 'or sale on reasonable terms. be improve' And other Outbuildings. It ta now used as a Market °auto, sod la It Irtab ardor. Yor Curtner partlOulars, apply to 8.13. BRYAN, ' Broker la stow and Beal LW., 57 Fourth st...,(Botke , s Scalding.) MEI CHEAP - HOUSE, Located on lildne) Street. Binabins m, containing Tleo Room•,11R be sold on femoral:de terms, by .1311011/3111 /ND ELM. ESTATZ Acerrre, I It SALE, in TWO-STORY BRIOX DWELISHO, 4 Monterey street. Allesbawy. Mitalns nine rooms. besides finished attic, bath-room and wsob-tiouse. For COUTODICOOS of arranaensmit, and tasty and substantial .llnteb. It Is probably un e stalk by any lu the two cities of similar also. The bonze Mutate new.4ind has Os. gad bob and cold water up and down suit s. Reply tor Intormation to 13. B. BRYAN. Drokerin Mocks and Real Estate, not 61Feortb street. t Burke•. Banding. 1 . 01411 lATIN—I can now offer Aa Lots as tort as taw, well located end in & plead an2LOPU'... Lots touted on the Pike from OM L on Liberty street, [TOM TOO toto lrol On Bellefontaine street, from Uk• on Hard. street, front 510 to MO In Liberty Township. edlothing the • Borough lota. from. .KO to 610 Aloe in Pitt TORDOIIIIN Lou from... Alto 060 • Tan above lots will be sold on terms to WI par chasers. •lao, some rota desirable improved map .erty. lo c ated th th e Borough. Pitt Tovntthip, at legheny ity. Pittsburgh, and adjoining oonnUes. For terms. apply el the Beal Estate and 16119.11131C0 0. 13. blthoe of I moil Butler street. Lawrenarvuie. SIO PEI' ACRE CASH WILL PUB. CHAIM • lake Farm o3lx.srane and three quarter tens, near the W e st ern Fennsylsmaa stallroaMpne mile from West Lebanon. 3 mites from gldersvllls and altar to Clarksburg In Intl. ens ConntY , Fa. 1.5 Acres cleared: no building' s en the place, but plenty of good timber and flaw )lilt 00V> by. 'A taw hundred dollarawould put up tom* lOrtAble buildings. Good neighborhood and school In ingot. Apply soon B. to =CLAIN A CIL, 1= Fourth Street.. STORE t. FOR SALEbest Io.—SIT. este o Pena O Sn one of the cutions la toe City, leaving ea tree established business of from lb to 20 yew" steaulug. A good steam Drags en bend said more Stomas fitted up II gnod style. Witt. toe above will be sold the feats of the whole buff& coatelmear, besides th e Store Rooms. mesa atoms for dwelling purposes. end Two litsmaest Booms. Apply to B. McLula * CO. dela . No. SS. Fourth Strest. FOR SALE-I''Z acres of Ground, welt timbered and watered. on &Mimi Bill, ten_ 'ethnics . walk trom rit•CTIM r Luton at lion.w Lase, Fourth Street Road. AIN a acres at Boom wood .Btetton; and several Farms waltioested in Westmoreland and illembeny counties. Also Coal Property, HMOS and Lou la Um city and sebarba. lot tarter: partleitlarsmmiLa n i z e of 111 X WARD, (Opposite the eathedrati melt No. 110 Greet street. : —One-to .1 t t in the Hi'tanning iito To an acceptable Partner•wA.9l.lYß to Yhogra,l 4 Of MAlLll:oB.ll.3loCaatet..?o..t. delscriCo - • FOR SALE, A URGE BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, With all modern Improvements. Intompleteorder and gnaw on the Yeses. Hallway. Inquire it No. 119 YUhST MOM. nonnol7:1111 - Plitabaren. • :10 e : • JOHN D. BAILEY. STOCK AND REAL ESTATE BROKER Having taken oat a eommlsalen as guelloneer and elp , efed an engagement inch the glttsburt y lieind at Trade, nearing the ose of their rooms, • e the Taint. National Band money prepared to sell at Public AUCOOII, Stocks. Bands, ineuntles. Bell gas a. La ., either it the above rooms or an the ;mewing Psreular attune* paid. s ale. eietetne to the sale of Peal bstate at nrirate emits at/teal Estate In the country attended. Mee. g.. 51 Fourth street. Eglig "Witlit BALE—coo n Acres of Coal Lend. Mu& IndnedintelY npon the Oldo MM. hl miles below siellapolls. and Meath • above Qin einnatL On-the eiraes tract isa Mar IrcVa i lii , Cosi. which. for general parposes. lent It le entirely different hem tee &WWI , CO" . ; contains at Ma sulphur, Doges sal °OW "4 and., for making steam cannot be ezeciled. .Th" ° : WWI midway ties'r o l o rff-Mt Ha= Itockisnost none •••Ms bie be. 4 toCrtlinffer,z_otonntisrsintie".:hrxmofthr......ranelfuaninstasgersetrvir VintXtud d d nu el b crerlag ia rninnbir .colisectost.m4Wsidintrsetb tether with s Pariahs nth ,f " Set ' " d sgelna pel=half Interest II ea poplar timber. deal:ed. to *Derr/ workths same- mock No. ICI lbuith end arum Broka. oets TIESULIBLE LOTS FOU COON. LTBraltitiligliCrs -oineeownot Ina Nelms eney or tee weather on Tuesday last, thiteateat those desirable Baildiair Lout, hoin two Id feu sc see sadly 'se tbe Perryville Mane. Seed s aga tale from Allastitay CUP. was ajourned. Tbs. lots are now altered st private sal*. Tzaws—thuwbadt yen; balsa= In S. I, 4 end S yam ipletwet. Per plata of &Improperly mad bilraler partMulars. apply to JOHN D. DAD.= •- dsl • - leo. let Penni elleet. PleilfitikVMS. Thee salmarlbetetureine lewd thls „ pig ". brontrai: tieing Xs the semi vatooll sppolatmesits toe reeesal*„2 , ll Rusts. -The=lott . t ree( .l e U rrt e lhtse . MINT ifAll"/'• GILINT 110113614 0. aft. isSiErrair, ZPreare'r: Cam d Wells oat hie' bath Near the Btispenalealirldge, smug Ataaeuser tan. PA. FRAME 1110111*, BARN. Two Story Frame, STEEL & WILSON, 80. 60 Emit /Melt Street AiD iIJCZIONEES. 1:(s)q341 1 :1 PIERRE HOUSE, HESS IanUtCTIM tarNEC. D.W OPERA Genuine incense( she freq. American settees, MEM D. P. BOWERS. Who. supported by the established young.firoritr. mit. J. C. secoisoll. Will appear TO-NIEIRT for the last time in her great uharuter of LADY AVIII.e.Y. tO . Tat MYSTERY OF AUDLLY COURT. Fdd*T—her Betiefit—Mrs. flowers and Mr. Me- Colima In twos plendid pleees—LEAU and EATM• youNse AND TETHE:BUJ. • Mrs. Bowen and Mr. J. C. McColl.= aPliwer noon Fashionable Matinee retarder A.nar- Ina One bill Admissloo. :Snots. (4fr Y HQ"..IDAY ISTES Engagement of the great . .E.wripillt ACI-Ttsl6 MIES HATE 172111101. 'Anti her blehlT trained horse WONDER, who will appear on TWOS:WAY sa ~B4iMtP .2. 0 AI. I • Oh. TEM WILD HOWE Of TART&BY. .13ainolay Afternmi—Grand Matinee. Ia — ACADEMY OF MIT Ll YEBTV.Csorazgr' Grand Contest Entertainment lizmarEss THE Barnett Literary and atm Edwin Adam* Dramatis Asseceutaows. THUSISVAE EVElitkio. DEClAltillt arts. PirriTIZILUCA to mamma by the Barnett. wtth CilliLE3 II; Os. THE NIB= ISONARIX. ° After L e ch • Literary Olto, Yaw Duce.. wh I%,, to conclude by the Adexe with cft &MIS 11; On. THE MERRY MONAWOE. Doors open at Al o'clock. Cartels rhea at 7 1 1 i sreeteety. deft:es; ts) lv,p) :1 eit•Le) 4 ;LIMN OF:71 C07Z1.061 412075L0U 41120X110 111 SOHO OIL WORKS. Burro( AA:1: 46°4 xastriAoTozziocor rHZ CELEBRATED SHIRR LUBRICATOR, PETROLEUM LUBRICATING OILS. Sperm. Lard and Whale elk, DID IND, UMW OIL ID VIM GUI ltandatd White Burning Oil, No. 88 Market Street, PITZEIBIMGH, PA. WM> FOIL • WARING & KING, MEMO MUM ID BROWS 5 Petroleum and its Products 4 DI/QUEERrg 3przerriumrcrEscalor. , ranaicurEa4 ADDRZEns WARING, KING & CO.. anima twr We 4 Pktin ~~ ~ I i7~ ~ ~~~ :~~ ~i~a ~~~ (~1: 4 ki) IlaziadetUrel by WHITE, BROS. & CO., New• Work. E. J.ROBERTS, Agent, No.p St. Mklr Street, PittsbareS, Pa.. • Keep conitantly on band Cotton Factory 014 - DOI Machinery 011. Woolen MID ell Dark Car a Oi l. • tn.l. nadakkd VirOOLDRIDGE OIL REFS Ni C7COMECP.A.2IIIIII: OF PITTSBURGH. PENNA. giNaZit. il aCM:s4%nd Irsu.r WOBikil IN TERIPEBASCEVILIS. OSlce.l(o, - -2 Duquesne Way, aimeappeasias Brides.) 11118IIP1MISUMOI OP PUSS WHITS BtT( 0114. Brand—"Lnoifer." 11713 'EMMA OIL WOrtlift., iwilni%Crirrne EURE*4 vasnox OIL, Tbe CelebraSed EUREKA SPERM LUBRICATING OILS, And Virnolande Dealers la Crude, Relined and Lubrleatiag 011 s, LARD, BPSKW. W/lALZ AND TIM OiLn. No.Bl Dlarkil.Bl., Pittsburgh, Pa. C. C. 37TCPZILICA21, OW sad examine samples sad reed eartlapeles• nolatolt BET THE BEST. PETROLIA BLUE LEAD, FOU on. BEIM= litainfactifred only sad far sal* VI T. 11, d EV.IX $ CO.. Naleasnes Pahasa.tl2l7coslais N. W. Car. 8d and Warket ans., iTrissuaus. PA. THE LIGHTNING LAMP. 1. C. J0NZ11:......D. CirinTOnD .110. JONKCIIIWFORII & TOGEL, Agests. THEMOST POWERFUL AND T HE BRILLIANT COAle OIL (3111 LIGHT =HS PRODUUED. Adopted by the 11. &Government. Goa exp losive. Clio% and Boanlital. titres brilliant hthre t w o Wks SOT °Mac patios Is adapted to 511 Imo Sairlinorl sad la the &NU/ Mettly & 005&1200/, R di &M Ire. o thEila r f7 l4 / 3 1 . 4 1' iv. ..4,..., 1 ,1 = i OHM. above Mitoses Vire EAGLE 0111. WORKS, Xsamrsozaaerwrille. WICNTMAN ANDERSON. Refiners wed Dealers in PETUOLEUM. TM UIIQUIDINI Wilh.C°ll":l93=air. QOM, PITTSBURGH NATIONAL COIL INDIOII CORBY - 'if , . APPWAVOIEMPPERSAMDDE a'n mink whole's:4Am." &mu. g BEST FAMILY COAL, OPTION cocbea. irigmeu. 01111abco 3 s. OPTION AND TAM 001Uara FOURTH LIED • ?BY tITILIGETB, Magee., re.. Woo len. An orders for deliver,' is the We, wuissest vrocaptsad immiduas• COAL: COAL!: COALM IMPORTANT To COMM HUMMEL & RABER a re W.atbauona tweitwalvizrac =ie.% th *awlObsltllatt Me _ _ a =arm laitraroloTtialassad ta. an ardart=lawssettamted ta. 01 .0 % 10X 'Moni% {sea te r COAL COALS 1 COALS I I DICESON. SHIRT & Halm named rasa etlee t4i Zirch. a67 - zduerst - sr imewoot. Misery city lincarzno MOND rums. - - a rtgril us co rar i g ra d elige' s " at the lowest theas ir tge:Artalia r be et = VS= veriktee CIIAIMIDS s. AIRISTSO3 I43 4 ongidoelny and Camelieville Coal - ausstannorenn ot - 1304 Una, Ind Desaphiatsed Ceigo. • - 017K111 MID lOW. °Mar *Mlle: aid IfmVai /rift yarn on LlOaftr 4g n inajna n r. beis an Oast or an abalowaan aux mama as ass at Tuna wtarsootna AlirmrAllaU: - . NINTH WARD! WM take settarthia W their tszas mei= by teo 11.1MTOr JAbuiJIT, bogie vIII . . " um , N 0.211111 !las •tr•W- arDorir SUADES—A *atoll 1 r IS.. l r= l • °a w„,zh i „.... B. 'rug a Bao. CE:I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers