eh ' - . . , , , • . . f . • +l. 4 , 0 . - . , . ti t /I ' . ' • - '•-• '•• ----- . - - ' ....—.-------------•••----.------- • ...----•----.--•-'-'-'-'••-•-'---:• , CITY ITEMS. - 1 , " Deny. Mad Itliedleine.. 41) ''' 4• • P. , '--"'''' .'1 f' ...- ' -,.. , 4 " l7B t. • DoctOrs' prescriptions carsioliy prepared at i , / -.- , • half the usual price,at Fulton's Drug SIAM 4 ~" - . I • .., I '- - -. • Ps - i k l - r.• opposite Postaffice. - --- - , .•-• ihtire neforanttlo a *liege, ritlabitrula, . , ~ ,i i k . . •-• -:',..-.=. :-- , ; 47• . 11,__-__ fm 4 -f-:,, r „.„- - ?-0 1 0 ti . s ~ , , ,,..0 ._ _ „,.ig g .,,,, _,... ,_ "'''' s ---t. - e ' m.- "-" , t l_ • - _ ' ,21 7 -‘ . . ~.... ' w \ --- 1 iteterring our readers tn'the advertisement - / of this institution In our edam.% we would I ... ~ 5 .., I , ... ..t„,„,..„.__... ..„.„,,,,,.........„ _.,„.-,74.- r•• • - . di- .. •... .- _ - ..6.; `;'- ) Yt- - . • _, _ 1 =- recommend a ll who (lesiva to obtain ato ,r.. 7.. —, I - i • wg, .6 _ _ . ,1 1 1 - 1 - Vi - _ - -...."-^,T. rr - L/16.4, -_-,...- . , , tt oust% bitable-Mt eduontloo to Bond for ate new - I 1 I I 1 --_-- -.. "'' ,--, . . 7.1 -/.. .„-t--_, ~,-;---_-: ... - - .....,... - - 2._ .- --- -7,-.,__ 2.. -- _.- --- - - ~.. Circular for 1367. Thor Wili titrd the superior , • , ~ 7 I . -1111 „„ ".7, - . Managetnent and enterprise of the Principals - _ -.. .„-. _ ~. -,/ ....._.— tlOricted it every page of this publication. 1..- , - .„ 1, Il f T o -.-..... ....-.... - , PRICE THREE CENTS. I,lx.trhf" • Atollnt giosateellate. Meaeacing )1 Is feet len& and weighing twelve, nonoes,ls In the bands otw London halt dealer. Ev Identiy, Ors 'WY bad need Telbett's rhyslO. logical hair Regenerator, vettedoes produce tbo 'stoat glorions ver adorns a Raman bead. it Often inialue a new growth .fi bald heads, always-tarns white and gray -- to Iti rtatnralnolor, prevents Us golr.od la a lovely dresslnv. Dr. R'eyetz, Ito Wood street, agent. .ticild everYw ere. • The Haire' Mewl Sleietticie, Most certainly take-the lead of U othera in a short thne. It acts nwar.lett five premiums on work, at the World , e Fair, ISi four preint utati`for work and en the machine, at the New York utate .Fair, lace. See the, Netaodid,. of . Sentare - DA' A. premium on the.malihine at the Onto State-Fair. 1so; • See. the Dayton Jheyout, October 10. h. The onlyngeney for tt, sale !Or Western -Pennsylvania, is at N 0.4 Street, Pittsburgh. : •'O, ffotlier, I - a ish, every gray headed person would got ~,,,s rd ed, ' o: "Why, chug to - .Taus° Lunt Diary has come with her new husband, and her gray hair - in Just us shinny black." , "1 -, want mar rying that dtd It, my eon, but Tebhett's lotogtealliair Regenerator." True enough, It restores' gray: hail, inakee it beautiful, pre cents its falling off, produces a now growth on I.dd ... heads, and- is the perfection of all !lair preparathins.. geyser, Ile Wood street', ngenl. nold everywhere. A Sad Pidght To see peoplo with wigs and [else hair, gray bends , and 'frightful' locks; when Tenbett's Physiological lialr llcgt..neraior will readily restore gray hair, yroduco a new growth on bald „heads, prevent it [rout .falling off; keep the scalp free from dandruff, arnt give toevery person .a beautiful growth of locks and tresses nerfactly charming.' Dr. Keyser, agent, 140 Wood street. . Bold everywhere. ' As the World.sFetr . . In London, 1862, the Wheeler & Wilson Sow. ing Machine received the highest award-all tins Idachines of Europe and Anierlaa in com: lietition.. This award has always been made _.Whereyerexh.lhlced,jon_Will.nuilto no mis take In orderincone as a holiday gift to wife, s Mei or friend:- They can he purchased only a Sumner & Fifth , s tree . ' ; II Jefferson Davis Should, at any time, be all O w -ed his freedom, howill of course use, Tebbett ( s Physiological _ Hair Regenerator, and his gray locks will int mediately Change to a raven hue. This artb ole has. no equal; neat, highly perfumed, and never falls to meet the most sanguine „tiopea:: - 'TM a perfect toilet preparathm. Dr. geyser, agent, 115 wood street.. so ld every- Ladles• Far■ All new styles of ladies , furs at the ex. tenstve andpopularhoMie of William Fleming Wood tree. The large amount, of bnainesi thine hOuse enables them to keep an Immense variety, quality, grade and :atylookfure,thus alllnding to parehasere the very_best opportunity of making thilr select - Clear TM,' inserted Candles, IC.Lialna, Cur. rinta;Prunes, Orarnni and Lemon Peel. Can. nedyrnits, etc., etc, asehcaP and as good as at any other houie in the twin cities. George /leaven. 146.11:: Federal street, 'Allegheny City. • , Dativis Struck. Ile," Udell a little xtrcli . tnorhoro paretitat aTtoestor had invested &few hundred dollanria . Limba's Improved Stovc Damper). mad is npw. etearing PX,Par week,` A chance . lor l'ott st -11 Fifth 011 of Platen and Mace.. s Prepared aritliroie Geranium, for Daldneas, at Flem Mrs Drug and Patent Medicine De pot, Ett Market street. . • • • taai - JElai • - Fore l ll ll •LlQUars , Of All 14rala at.Joieph S. Flnnti , a Dbtfllery, 2i0.1.89, 191,193 aral 193 First . .. su euf, _YlttpbUXSh•.. - 3iiziel of Fein. -_ :110/0110- °serial, Par . the barkakerchter, at nein atutratont ItediciaaJ)~lo2a stin ciatawbs And., Claret Wine of - excellent quality, *tenting's Drug Store, Ito. St Minket Areal. - You Can Boy t" . 3 per cant. - Altx4l . ol at Joseph S. Pinch's • ' You Can BUT . " New Hope at Jpeeph S. Finet.7.26 monnAnY from the city of Maim, to Decem bar 9th, have been received. 11=4E21116n was I still at Orlialm, where he purposes remaining there for the present. The church party are giving hire pecuniary . aid. Itazattan and San Luis rotosthavet been occupied by the Liber als of the Joarist periMasiou. They are also Occupying the greater portion of the country converging upon the city of Mexico. Maxi milian energetically protests against the seizure of the custom duties at Vera Cruz by the French. We have another batch of pardons from WealtingtOn—rebels and mall robbers. Their names aro of no special interest. - On. Christmas morning, the trestle work over Elk Creek, near Middletown, on the Ustnittetiand Dayton uaiiroad, broke 'down, -cariyingwah it the enttino of .the pasienger .train bound south. roar persons were injur ed; two seriously. J. C. riganiere .Morso, envoy from Portugal' to the United States, diet Monday morning at the residelleg,of Watson; in Brooklyn, at the age of sizty-Orght Yews. He was the oldest tnember of the - diplomatic corps resident in this conntry. Criers were Issued from Wash Linton that the civil °facers of the govern tient pay. espeot his memory, bynttend big his NOW York to-day, (Thurs. The retiring French minister and ids suc cessor tuned •irtin the Secretary of State Christmas evening. Itieuritatis Constables" haßoston have been very active - of late in crashing-out the mid. dims class rind small liquor dealers.. On Mon. day morning they , lit nport higher game, and made complaints against the proprietors of the Itsvern.%Vernonf;and Parka - House and Young's Rotel. Warrants were lsseed by the the Municipal Court... Chrfottruseirag a. great day in Charlaston, booth Carolina. , Only two, negro? s were killed, one by a Federal Soldier, toad the other by a local despokado. : • Colonel A. Wainwilght,, of the United States Ordnance Corps, committed suicide at Bencels,barra.cks, California, on Stinday, Wallace's keroiene 'Mats,. Brooklyn, were burned on Christman, including twenty-five thousand blzrolos of oil, three frame , hulldlogs machinery', etc. Loss about:11100,0 00 ; it Are on lioaday. al we Ifason coon. LS* 01.1 loots, destroyed-an entire block. Zilch leen Wallies were bathed ont.l Loss,one Imo drod thonutpd dollars. Tim'Alhany Board of Tiede nava adopted the Cnieago Or central system of grain meas Californiais suffering from , great floods in the Sacramento scut other rivers. , The bankers of livens, on the 17th, unani. . mouldy protested against the forced circuliP• a tion of paper money. committee wall l pointed to report measures of relief. The meeting was convened by the Captain cum: General edgwick, who made tho blunder of Marching United states troops Into Diatamo.. vas, sad takhut a hand in the free light goin on g there.has been ordered under arrest. UM sucoossoi on the - RIO Grande Is Col. BroWn. The Congressional excursionists spent. aims-, day list In 'Nashville. They Were diced and .Wined of course. The whole tarty caned, by hwitetlonttO pay their respects to lire. rouiri am widow of the - ex•Pre,sident. The 11. C'S. are treblently having 7 6 / 1 3.1 00,1 time. They _Monday night for Idemphts, • . theaoll they got.'" Tie; t — iir a4 s Cart= has again ignaredt._ alutrupirmits day); ale -has axed Wodierday. Yebruary a, for the imeention . of Jas. lindaff,-, The sputa carounA sonata, oa thasist, u n giusly ieleoUal the .Constitutlonal Amend - I -Ikleipraph Line Down. . Inctit; 'Dia, 213—Evening:— The telef c rit c yII i T p .n 93ta aggit i 3 l :?ri l lti: l3:lTttawitreletabZ +ta Mote been refeive d • - • FIUT ONE O'CLOCK. UTE : NRIVSHIBLEGJOPE: A Dispatch from Seward' W . Na poleon Suppressed. TII,IAN FINANCES 1N I BID WIT Tradea' Unions of London Unite with the Befbrmers. 01 . 1111 POPE 10 A fin(' ERWIN Arrest of Fentans with Supplies of SSA OF THE CREW OF AN AMER 'CAN SIIIP BY FIRATES. (By the Cubic ) szwanoqrrosravca_ on THE, racoon . it; ammo. •. • _ PAWS, DeCOMDOE EL—T4eirODUCUr saysthat the krench' Government never received the dispatch of Secretary fiewaraf oh the Wd of November, to Ilinisterllbpslow in Paris, Pub- Galled with the official correspondence just sent to by the Preeldent to Congress; in which hir•Soward speaks of Napoleon's new umpire. meet for the removal of troops heat spring es being a LeFOIE,OO IDHefillitA UHL 7111Ple. 71THEIBH itutasSijoa TARDi. The newly appointed 'Amba•sador of the bun= of Turkey, to France,' presented his credentials after the reception of General Dix yesterday. The Emperor offered him a gra, dons reception. • • xuarstes cunt , To hoax: - It ID now stated that the Empress Eugenie is not to go to Some. ISALIATE ',MANCHA Hi A BAD WAT. k'LOIIIHCZ, DeeHMIX)E al.—The budget sub. mitted to the flatlet: . Chambers by the Fines es • !Sinister, shows alarge dotcit In receipts as oorapa:ed with the expenditures.. THH,THADEW 1111/ON or LONDON AND THE -2117 ' NORM/I& Losses, December 21.—The Trades , Catena London hawe resolved , almost. mthnimonsly, to place their organization at. the disposal of the Reformers in the coming politics:Ll con. tests. =rut-se or TOL TRENCH In CORLA. AdlriCES from Bong Kong bring rumors that the French eniceditlon against Cares, sort for the purpose of avenging the murder of the French missionaries and other outrages, has Item halt/en with severe loss, and tuts return- ShatighaL TEL ITALIAN Ann rAFAL OOP/lINXINTO. BONN. —The relations between the Italie= and Papal. GovernMents continue In a critical condition. The Italian embalm dor makes little progress in his negotiations IXTORTANT AattLßTelß lIISLAND. T,ONDON, Pecember 98.—Ear A. Hereford nth gone to Dublin to command a division there. Some powder de tined for the interior coon idea; hulled:di sated. Eight men were arrest rid inDublin on - Monday' On one was found ~iteek. gra and the materials to make It - • sou AND zussth. •• Good - Ms Utmikut...4l9lo4.°4°Al4ooll**s 7,7 * liticiiiiiifianirreirgeirie—sx broken off, and lel affairs relating to Doman Catholics in Dna 41a. and Poland will hereafter be under gov i ernment directions. AMIRICAN 11111 r AND CRZW EC111151) IT mares, The American schoonerGlMlXlll Sherman has been captured try pis in the riverlead in to Pekin, the crew tied to the mast, and the vessel burned. [By Mad dicamer.) New Toes, Dec. 26.—The steamship Allema nta, with Southampton dates to the 16th has arrired, FRO. EUROPE. Greek Fire. A 7751215 is 1117M.L.ND. The principal, hotels are closed In Ireland and are watelied for Stephens. Arrests are continued in all rifts of Ireland. The Waterford magistrates have requested additional troops. Artillery is daily sent to • FEET= T 0075 741:71•13170 II IL ZOX. SIX companiesof French troops remain in Rome until th Ist of January. Tee French government wi i not interfere in Italian af. •DD11.7.138 or THE rope TO DZIPAILTING racers . • TROOTIM The Na.ldne publishes the following Speeeb, addressed by the rope. to the officers of, the tb regiment of French troops, at Dome. ..Befora your departure . I wish to bid ion farewell. • Sour regiment left France to re• store the holy bee; on its departure it was ac companied by the unanimous good wishes of the cation . The flag now -returns Tranee to . but I believe that many confidences will not, be satisfied. 'Wish it to be received in the same manner as when it left Waite, but I doubt whether this will be the case. There, . must be no illusions; the revolution will some ' to the gates of Home: IL. Das . been said that Italy is complete. • No, she not complete, and if she ex ists as • she is, it -is because there re- mains this scrap of territory, where 1 SCO still at the present time. When t his no longer re- Mains the flag of tbe revolutron will Dosterver • the Italian Capital. To reassure me at te m p ts are made to persuade me that Home, by the I, nattire of its poidtion;cannot. be the Capital of Italy. I D i anneui because I have confi dence in theprotection. .G 0 to France with my benediction. Let those who are able to approach the Emperor tell him that I pray for him and his tranquility. But he must also do something. "France is the eldest daughter of the Church, but it'does :COL 'suffice tO wear the title. The right to wear !twist be proved by deeds.. A "DELIBERATE OPINION." Report of a' South oa,rolina Envoy to the President. REJECTION OF THE CONSTITUTIONAI , • AMENDMENT ADVISED. . entzsrox, B. C., December %.-Colonel Weathly, of The Matersion, who was entrusted with an informal commission to the President, has returned from Washington, where be had an Interview with the Executive upon the question of restoratton, and kindred topics, In the course of which the President gave it h 1 deliberate opinion that the. Southern States, through their Legislatures, shOuld re. Jest the proposed Constitutional Amendment, bet enCh terms &I not tie give Offenee to those who are urging it upon the South. Snell action on their part, be .14 rePortecl te have said.; would be .sustained by the Supreme Courtiat teast he kind Takata-hone that would. . The recelpta of customs for the week ending ,Decembee rid-were ei,909,48), of which elk. Bards ofarattlionwas at the port of New Tort 'December, next to August, is the worst month in the year for custom receipts. An Increase, is anticipated In the next two months on the Spring Importations. ' . . . rue EZTOLITTION tie 11P;11t. --..--- • The impiroseion prevails tn Diplomatic Mr- FOX? LAILOLTC, December St.—There wits a Ides that the revolution in Simla will be car. lorrid'olaasaer° oo the W. liod” near . Fort tied tolioatoracif termitration. . Pull Beerier; Brevet Col. retternian;_Capt. , , - , r „ artier _off muranirarf.' .. ~, ,Brown and Lieut. Gramviond;_af Sha. lath -1 11 . .PDumltteea are &naming tor a festival on awry, with. Mint z/ tudieffir raitractf Dia DI Item for the benefit of destitute freed; Cavalrl and. 19th Infraitry.orareferatiraneded-Itittni near Arlington . 11ekthtli. - Deratrt by:.., rodianr slietverlionrotoca-'etOraSe.::lawb-ktliedi.t Mitt :ls ire...soledizabeirei jantisdleh, a, , , ~ *.,„.- .:Curd BOOTH.. Arrhig of Grads ' 'esti 11 v a Tide- . John Adolph rainier appeerad to-day before , '-' -: --- `• 1 . 84 "' -- -- ' - atilitlie Dowling 11114 made' oath to certain pa.' - Temr,December iii.—The.A/Many Ardor - . _,.... in .__ _._.__ __, _. the tiro, _ _ atZiet • My of flour , wheatcorn..lll24 .T. Z . ",..", then ea va 6l .°P Pm , pt. 00U Of. orie7 left at ........""'.. 117 OOMMegiro. te*ll bY citizens of Waalittigtera for, the mentor nairittep for , no r, rapture, of John Nitlikes - Booth. - Ile was one of , fellows wit4ust, 190,1t1f 4 limas 0134 101:0A Ma= itat.i eras, NO MA :corn, I.llllpae ram, the detatchment which eapturop.httn. lie re., far from the Government." . By roducingroffnestio niiiiitaiAnsatity.o; .itiiiiiiviceria„toretidini ..ooULlGlading :the \ Itgl lattn- -" tigi..W"ir-tidieleareXml..- titraitatitent cot-the tliillf.-iduratinces thii fol . parea Ida' the.oorrO9Onding shows a dellelaticy Of 1,112,64 0 tM Of nrair , r ? leowtstalralie of PfrfPnA del*rTiniCivinorgi. TERRIBLE' MASSACRE. Ninety V. S. ()dicers and Soldiers illurdnred by. Indians; SECOND ONION. FOUR O'CLOCK, IBT LITHST TBLEGRAMS. FROM IiVARIMOFON. The Test Oath Weldon Again WASHINGTON WARTS TO RE RULED . BY CONINISSIONEREV 1=;;E Virginia Sentiment on the Gonetitu Amendment. PRESIDENT RECOASTRUCT ST S NIS VIEWS ON The Effort to 13eOure Dr. Itludd's BeleaBe.. MOREVTIPSKFRAUMNELOPMEN TS Nearly a Ilnisdieff Millions, of Gold in the Tiensury. - deo., dieo. 030#9 itraszuseron, D, CA Becentber %, ISA THY 14.3 T OATH Casa. thilsceotint et . the ilea - tire' Orliatice Grier, who is to defter : the opinion of the Supreme Coutt In the test oath cases, It was not deity- ered this morning. - The.Ceurt adjontlied no. til Thursday of next week. The °Within may not be expected WI Monday of the following ' TUC CITY 'OO - 71181117EIDT OD , r. 00111119703. The City Councils of Washington are under. stood to be nearly unanimously la favor of a revocation of the city - charter, and the substi.• talon of a government by a Board of Commissioners, -to be - • appointed by Congress! The resolutions to that el ect, introduced ,some. Says -since In I the Board of Alderman by Ur. Magruder, will pass both brandies of the City Connell. ' CIVIL 111017711 LAW IN TUC 5CP27.07. COURT. The Conistitutionalitif of the: Clvil rights law; will ken be , tested An tease before the Supreme Court, whiiii - . has'' been Made up In Maryland. THY 1111011110 LIAIALLTVII7. AND TUE CONSTD Hon. Mr. Eegar, United Status Senator elect from Virginia, tau just returned from Bich mond, whereha has been in consultation with the Members Of the Legislature of that State, and especially with the leading men of that body. The object of lir. Segar's consultation with these gentlemen was to, learn what their Mews ate - relative to adoption of the Goa l sUtutlonal Amendment. Mr. Sega; rentals thlatha.VDSinta Legislature Is prepared at one* to adept the Amanita:Mite If they can haveaseniannefrOm Cengres4 that this shall be the tittfinafitm, and that the loyal Senatori and Itepresentallvea from that - State will be admitted without delay. The Virginiatut are Wining to forego -their objections to the du ' franchisement of their cltisenti who have par . titivated in the rebellion, and illso to give itidtragetto the Pellicles; hese Propositions they were unwilling to aadhPlLPlTO.aetthe ago. They believe that the Southern iestiallitures . that have idinadyteltiat sedan and rejtatd ttds-aingillitientsrionid reverse their proceed. Inge and follow Virginia in the course DbOVO indicated; If Congress will give - the desired assurance. Such is the substance of Ur. Se. gir's statement. . • : THE TIMBIDEST'S ESCONSTDCCTION TOLICT. '' The President a fee days ODIC% in convey' salon with a friend, expressed his unabated confidence in the final triumph of his restora tion policy. lie also took occasion to con demn the project that was being agitated In Congress, for the overthrow of the preterit Stets Governtrients at the South, and declared that it would release those StateCoverniiinnts from the payment -of their,. State debts, and impose them upon the United States. Mr. Seward has reliantly expressed the same con ffdence in the triumph -of the President% policy. as was expressed by the President hlinsciL 2 TUC CABIC 07 DA. wenn AID 0711111 conarisa.- - -• ~. ... . . . .. No decision has yea boon given i t h e APO cation for a writ Minllecia• eorp us in the case ' of Dr. Mudd. IL is treated that Chief Justice . Chaim doubts the jarisdiction of the Court. If It is not speedily decided by the Court, the ac 4 Lion of the Niceties whit* inYokedto order the release of the prisoners cendemried by the military commissions, who, it is claimed,. come within the terms of the recent decision et tne Supreme Court in the conspiracy cases. • RZONOIIIIZATION or VIRGINIA. - It it rumored that John. Minor. Botts and Alemaider 'Liven-have prepared. a bill for the reorganizathan of Virginia eon the North Carolina plan. . • ' ', i ; ' • If ORAING ROM= AND realm CLAINS. James ti. Stalth.of Battle Creek, Michigan, and J: S. Tobias, of Bradford, New York, have been indicted for forging bounty and pension claims. The former will be tried at Detroit! Michigan, and the latter at Albany. Tobias confessed his guilt. invitee sic r,irrs. The receipts of internal revenue on Monday were $112,000. and t0day.1074,00 0 THE vulgar TKARDS AGAIN. Many removals of inspectors of distilleries have been made, and more are to follow. A determined effort will bisaideijo secure the - ibenefits of the law to ihe.Treasury. Not more than one-fourth due to the government from , this sonree has been paid, owing to 1111411• merit and corrupt °Moen: "- , DRAVA OR MOT. WILSON. - Monteath 11. S. Wilson, of the Sixth thlited States Cavalry, the only eon of Bernd& Wilaatl, of Masa chusetts, died recently at Austin, Texan - GOLD ID THE TISIABLIZT. The Treaspry to.da7 „ bolds gold to the amount of nlnety-foim Millions dve hundred and serenty-tarren thousand dollars and sigh. tvelz caste, ofmbleb, seventeen millions see en hundred and Shirty-nine . thousand one hundred and slaty dollars are held in gold certificates.' The balance, about seventy-elglit million., belong to the government. TOLITICAL I.OXOIt. _ . - _ lien. Lawrence A.. Trimble, of the First . Congressional District, of Kentucky, who Ins witn others, been oiveatligating •,Wlasky frauds In Pita:. York, ..reataiuit thought his place in the committee will be cant alter. next mouth, as be will' probably. be the Ilemoin : atlO nominee for Girrernor of that State, and resign his seat la Coagreu, . • , CIIBTOIk • EMI Vie pezattia tor tantlftd and meritorious bet vices randeretlin the United. States Generall 'gospitat near New Orleans, to nurses and at- , Umlauts during the Prenilebte tf the clot- eta there: tobert Tucker, citizen employee; iteiheeVan pi Irate CO - mosey Sixth. United States Cavalry; Decree Cshl.ll,l Itosplial Stewart, and. Charles Cistren employee.. etenersl theridan, In his order or honorable'mentioni, says: **The huthinl pert: tormance et thity in . a ;subordinate capacity, while onnstanUy exposed to certain and al* Palling, but invisible danger, and withbut en) tit the stininlatinir influences and excitements or. the battleAleld Is praiseworthy and noble In the highest degree." XATTE.r.S. - A letter has been received in this city from Ono of the Grecian Archipelagos, dated Mee. stating that it is believed the tireeks will be able to continue the 'war, with greater rigor 1113o2tarl, nephew of Marco Itoezarl, had arrived atthe head ot a regiment of Infantry, and two more reigiments, °neer artillery and another of Garibaldlane, landed successfully. About four thousand Mtn Irma the king deal of Greece have gone "to Camila to light against the Turks. • A - Turkish Ircapeliti has been wrecked at IMand Bantus. Another Turkish steamer ban been ennk near Candle.. All the erow except twelve:Nerviest. , • DIPLOMATIC CEREMONIALS, Reception of Gen: Dix by the Trench:',Emperor.•• PRESENTATION OF THE NU FRENCH MINISTER TO THE PRESIDENT,: . (.110118 Attaufic Cbble.) . RECEPTIONOFGEN. DIX. NAI`OLEON. - DeCeMbel - 1 14 . ' The Emperor accorded an audience, yester• day tolls . . Bigelow;ex-Mintster of the United States:for the purpose of presenting General Dix, his suceetsor. General' Dix made a few remarks and referred to the long standing in ternational amity which had existed between the people and Government of France, and thiv_tilasPle and Executive .of the United States. The Emperor replied, thanking Gen. Dix for ins .agreeable manner: hi Majesty said: "The historical re:Meta:once; to which you allude as having orbited from an early date, between Franco and the United States, constitute a sure guarantee that no mistunder• standing will disturb the friendly - relations which,prevail between the two countries. standsntinuance of a loyal and sincere under ng between the two Governments,. will be a groat advantage to the industry and com merce of both countries, the hthribltants of which already astonish the other portions of the world by the marvels of their enterprise." Sax RECEPTION OF lie. BILIITREMT DT TUE PREBI• WASIIINOTON Dec. 15,18GG. The Secretary of State to-dm; introduced to the President Monsieur lierthemy, the new French Minister,' who was accompanied by Marquis de liontholom the retiring emboss:sr . dor. Kr. Derthemy said; "Mr. PIT.3IIIOO[, have the honor to place In your hands letters which accredit moss Envoy Extracadinay and Minister Plenipotentiary of his Majesty, the ; Emperor of the French. ln .condding too me the 1711.11.0011 to- represent htm here, my ever sign : specially charged me to'reake known to Yee the value be attaches to the relations cf friendship ve extdbetween France and the betted States, and to maintain these relations • and to draw them more close 11 possible. In ew of the development of Interests common to both countries, such will be tho constant aim of my efforts, and I have a firm hope to attain it, as lam inadvance assured that the Government and people of the United States • share in these sentiments of which 1 bring to this place the sincere clpreelli." • The President retake "Mr. Berthemy— Sle Grate:el affection towards the French nation is among the earliest, the most pro found and the most endearing sentiments of Meet Siegilge.andAlidakereent. of.d.b•Unitsd. 'grates.. 'e constantly try to believe that no Interests of either country can ever repitre alienation or antagmitsm between them w the intimate coinuierciat intercourse tends to bind them together. As you have justly ob served, they have at the same time a common aim In the advancement of civilization and humanity throughout the world. • -"In expressing these feelings I amonlY re potting what has been uniformly :aid by the United States since become sovereign States. We hare bad much reasem to be pleased with the conduct of your predecessor, Monsieur de kiontholom, -De assured, Monsieur, that no consideration of courtesy will De-.withheld which will tend to make the performance of your duties agreeable and pleasant." ,FBOM NEW TORE. Henry Bobber?—lantd on DistMers— HeMOTAIS from Ornee—Arelval of Ex, Resasor 'kiwis—Tem flow PortoMee— Lola from Smith America. . New Toxic, Dee. *I, lsrk: TwO moo were Jailed for II teuling a twenty dye thousand dollar deed. Ono of them. Capt. Clark, aO,l formerly on . Butler's stuff. • "no 10 LAILIZiIh" • . . • The postoltlee at Elizabeth. Now Tersey,was yesterday burglarized and all the letters stolen. TAX RAID OX DISTILLVAS , The raid On distillers has advaneed whlsky 10 to fitments per gallon. Several large. seiz ures were made to-day. . . XEXCIVAL OT ANTI•POLICT AAA. : Gee hundred and thirty anti•Jobroon. MOO bondeden TOMOVOS from the United States warehoused during the past fort night. =AVIATOR , OWIN IA ACTS' YOUR. Dr. W. H. ti win, of boners notoriety, and hie son are at the New York Rotel. • rat Paw POST OPTICS. • Thu Commisaloners appointed bypost COMMIS/I to select a site for thNew • offiat' - decided todsirto acc e pt the location York at the lower end of City Hall . Park. • tCCELAtI P SALAUIZA. She clerks in the post mince wore assured by' Postmaster General Randall, to. whom. as tilt*" were presented to-day, that an effort wbe • ing made to. increase their salaries which would probably be successful. LaTA 110 A 1100TII ‘..1131111CA.‘ Advice' from liarcalbo, Venezuela, by the bark to which has arrived hero, state that, the rebel General Pulgar made an attack, No:" vember lath, on the fort below the city, in which he was severely wounded, and with one hundred teen taken pi boners. The steamer accompanying Pulsar. with several smaller resists, surrendered. Pulite" forces retreat ed and atibiSeelleatlidilballded. FROIR NEW ORLEANS. General Sherman, on the Treatment ot Federal °Steers and Froedmen Loalabium—The Harder . of Eseobedo— ., The naem7A Elsalotutry from the NEW. Oat,Eina, Doc. :Z.—General Sherman called the sped attention of the Congres sional Committee to the treatteent of leoeral Wheats and • Freedmen's agents by the Civil Coarts of Louisiana and Texas. Late news from Diatameru seem to confirm tte,r,gri,edtg" i at o egri e n o.„ . . l , ll .: h a e nnle r s : 'rho drat. raee today, sale heats, beet two its three, was Won by Nellie Gwynn. Time-1.5o!i; .12,2. Second race, three mile dash, was Wtm try nary of the West. Time-sue. Rev.. Dr. Newman. the Northern . Dinthodist Missionary-to Louisiana, who wall in the see ond Philadelphia inmventloni has returned to the city, and is holding services every Sunday lathe Representative hall of aiecluunes , etatute, the scene of the late riots. eau Fiancieco, December Se—Liberal advi ce, from Realm to the Nth, say that Celina was still in the hands of the imperialists, al though it was surrounded by the Liberal ar -my, whi was under the comm of five general. e ch ach jealous of the other, and and they. would not combine to capture the town. I!ROM FI&VABL A riegiiietal nude tin Cabo—Roupeosion or the Books to lionnos—The ni meat Petitioned tor Benet. Now Dec, 40.—The steamer 7106 Castle has arrived with late .news from The financial panic. Mill prevails to an alarming extant. The ten millions of geld ex ported train Cuba In the Met nix months had caused extreme scarcity of a circulating me. diem, and there was a run on the banks. The Grocers , Bank suspended specie payment on , the WO, on presentation of a check. for 115 0 .- COO. The day Mowing all the remaining hanks excepting the Bank Dipagnol, which Is a government bank, also suspended. The run on this bank is very heavy, and an the crowd cannot all be mild In twenty boon, numbers for priority are given to the applicants for the next day. The cashier pays In sliver and I small gold to gain time for action of the ties• I cranial to allay the panto. . A mooting of merchants and other capital• ley resolved to appeal tb the Captain tienaml for a decree authorizing the Spanish hank to I re only MOW tact' day ot Its own ntCss to pay checks In notes, anti also to issue bills to the amertaut of eight million dollars, mclad• thstive - ands bra-millions It has already is. sued', The deoreels to be in Rope four molting. mapols. The! TOlnivesiiisontennow—kiWl7 Men. tcOoesnie t o e VO niers - Convicted 'end Neoteneeet be linag—Othera Fedrall Swerrsts=, -Dec. 2A—The Jury In cDon altDscase greed and wore diacharged. titellit's ease wes _then proceeded who. Dev lin addressed the jury on behalf Of the pril , onor. , TheJadge then Charged the - jury who retired. r' MeDonaltltwas again placed at the bar on a charge of robbery. . At 1:15 tint jury came into Court with the VerdieV;ot ghilty beilth'a peso, en& the Judge passed cite sentence of death on tau: De was sentenced to be executed on the Irdh of The same evidence - was given &libeler° in McDonald's 'Case and the jury retired. Jaynes Reardon was then Put be trial and thejtry, Utltl the direction of the Judge re turned a veti ct of "not guilty" without t ear-' lug their seats, and Reardon *ea thereupon diacharged.l Michael Cdrney wee next put on trial. j a T s Ott ter ' e c i e tVit r e _a7;-I;hgpipyrnaily Tile of settee Mille Fenian tr ut h oWdettibUrg, trialso one now recognizes the wisdom of the Wing referred to that locality. .• scedwro tot &rod. In the ease of the Fenian, McDonald, charg ed Iran larceny, the j ury was unable to agree and was discharged. A lury.weli empanelled in Smith's ease end evidence .on• elmilar_nature to that of the, previous editir was submitted. Thu counsel for defence 'argued fled the trithetment was defettive In not being charged with intent to levy. The Judge ruled that the offence hereof l i antral:ate( being in arms against iterlialesty Was adiStinetrte.. - Mr. Dot Ito addressed the Court in behalf of .the prisoner. - The Judge inetrdeted the' jury on the law and evidence, witch showed that the prlsoner had been le -antis ants against Her Majesty. Thejurrzeterned a verdict of guilty, and the Judge4atencettihnith to be executed on the lathot bruarY. - McDonald a ease was then tried, hitt the J ury was enthia to agree. Reardon was aloe tried, and a verdict of not guilty returned, by dircw tion of the Judge. , Michael Crowley was Titulary was unable:. to agree.. add.were - Welted up for the night, the Court adjourning till to-Morrow. FROM ST. LOUIS, Death of-An 010 eettsen—Counterfelt ere Arreoteditoneto ,Eroels—holten -of General Curtis—The Onlehd Result of the Efts Election—Eight Itenneol . and On, Co vvvvvv thee COngeosomon • Elected. , ' ST. LOINS December °I.. Jo McGrew, the oldest! hemp manufacturer In the ely, died yesterday.' United States Maishal Ilogers arrested two cotinterfelters on Sunday night, and captured two sets of, dies, tools, and a - considerable amount of counterfeit money. florae° Dreely lectures here to -night. ST. Lome, Dee. :33.Tke Denio Cpare6. s.nual°' out sookPoetstalfattrd IL zug rhoureutogi oystencw "3"tards. cards. suognam... - Dominoes, checzniukssininon. mares., Flamm •AB O Mocks. llosato Blades- • !Mess cards. c lissk Cards. . _ wrxing. • • Welk BlYis' e compallo". r u.toos. naemisaiife.. JU'entle4POY B.lttrArellart P°ll°46 rj•Patriltourigtl' BoZtiki,rl Gee" Vel , "et' , M el. Ottelt ortmonate.4. • Velvet Fortmoniaes walli.ts,rec. _ . , ta Nookt ocas. . . Bill Collection Books, . 001:060tO!'.., B. . eold_rensanißolklo. , o. " able Lsdtes. is . 6kat" %ate* for Lien 6i mw.. ?Amt. skates to INA mum akat4o _ rres • enarr the t:e , ir f ee Prevenll for the' ldgrre" Pe uLd.. rerns lor Os Bible,. Vint. Wax Candles. Was Cantra t rt. All the abeee, erttb tandrade wage art= sellable for Holiday dills. can be obtalood at JOHN W. PTITOCHW. t t ' opposite the Post Waco. Pittsbumb. Pa. deZl:qz timmil 89 89 NARIER't BTBEET• . • 8 9 Pri. Co X 3 mtresi, 891 88 A AID MT TOUR ariterilreet, 89 BOOTS, SHOES, &C, , , t ia9 TIM CHILAPIAT AND BIM w XXr IX XL Xi 0X C . "ir. a NO AMMON DOOM SEPT. 8 LIMES ROBB, MI Market M. 89 89 fil itt " .TINFIn i *ZHOD mr. a samsaior.4. ANDIataN EAGLE COTTON WORKS. fAnil° RECENTLY PIIRCIEAS " "Et' " 6" —ism szn,.; , Frtz =-43163 inseethaPis Cotton MOW. Carps Chains; Came and Batting Ciederilinabe left Ls the Mee or the *eels, emu um tea= 4lll l l= AT THE w PITTSBURGH BAN iunr, Cosuar.°rm.,. Wye' Ass iiitere Ally/. Niitellil3ll3nlol/9 2.0" SIMI RHODES IF CO. , MONET FON TILE. ENTERPRISINC. UMW, EMPLOYED STOYE DAMPER, cukusTwo. intAreur, . • BECIIILATES THE 1111rAT. 1 .. - NAVES , MOTS NONNI! Evssirsops Liszt rr. • EVERYBODY WANTS IT. LIVE 11/IE MATE in= TarCiMir ITCYLIX crixsazabe. rums .ot commit weir= you s.u.r.. Scud stamp for circular, or canon MI=!! itTELDON & KELLY, PLUMBERS, Gat and . Steam Fitters, Au fellUtit , • tugs itascrtuasst at I , • - awl 'Brackets, Lead Pipe Pumps, Sheet &c., Azvang msr). W4 l Bi f ealllear Minh . . . = • a OMEN 11101111.01 s • ' • . ' , 3 0,0044,404:957 ', v v ., ,Rtgi.Lio... 'vrotx ti 604 wU.. tUr . eta ,to be SIM Wiera r tt iiinr At RAZZ STAJALA_ • sat - - Les atessear asset saa_gra..s 'lma - wagato. , Clll. PM LID .WAYNE STREETS, Lawissist• ""326TUBS us& d Il U tr - •-f: ETD I= i J. ar. warODszt.