es a B cTrf, AND MORBAN. -4„ wad Cond.:lance Qperator. CA211.0. Dec. 24.—5 , man named Smedley play.' Od a lastsn game at Jackson, Ten. , r,sssee, week. lle first entered the mall car .. . . of the alissiselnpl Central Madrona, and reo *haunted himself as a special agent of the Post:. office Department.. De gave the routege ant orders, situated control, and on errs mg at Jackson, entered the Pastel:flee • and obtained a etatement trom the retittutuder as to how the mail VRB conveyed from Jack wasNash ville.ced to writing and sent to Washington. Smedley then took pdssession. received and delivered letters, and completely subjugated the POSt master. Extending his operations, he mar. chued the Madison flotel of Mt . Qarland, and. borrowed money from - him on checks; which proving born% he was arrested, hat escaped from the °dicersral mone ltters that were handled by. Several Smed e ley failed y e to reach their destination. Drawings of the Pustnitice band. fags and several other place; were found in - . Meltable Shoe - Mhartile. We dlveet the ittention Of our readerstothe advertifinment in another column of one of . . , • the oldest and M ost reliable shoo establish-. _ .. . . meat in this city, Jaraea Ilobb's. i 0 Market street. - Ile has an Dementia stock of durable t . boots, shoes and, gaiters , which haver , been - . manufactured •by the best - of Workmen. and which are calculated to give good satisfaction to the wearer. Mr. Moth is too welt known in this ematagnitLio need any commendation trove us, as the h character which his house enjoyed planar' years ago haa not wen im: Paired by 'time. Ile sells nothing' but Sec " goods as he can conscientiously warrant, sad we advise our readers to favor Dim with acad. _... . . "Itinerant Life.'" WC , 110.V . 0 reC6iVed- from llev. Alexatiher Clark-, .pastor .of the Firth 'street.. M. P. Churbb it handsome volume ethltlch "Bee , olleettons of Itinerant Life. Incledlog Early , Recamiceci3o.; by Ver. Gearge . ,Brovin, It.' n:, of tbe-Methelhietrotestant Clitivali.o The boatels' what its title intileatee..a. record of the asocrionees,' thought and relations of . o ._ icieeratii...preactier,,anti Is written — in au earnest /ample style, that is y e n. , i nterw ting, There le'lltuch.. of strong local Interest. dm rafted hi the volume. It can be obts.ino , t at the office of Ucv Dr. Clark, No % Fifth streoA AMEMeinents. - - OrEBAXOCSIO:-Thliafternoon, at thfinutti. 'nee r :the gorgeous spectacle of" The Three Guardatnenn.W4lboprevented. In the oven. 3lra. ilOWars, who made a decided hit, last night. APPOttra as Julia in the Minch. hook.' This lady la one . :of the =mit finished actresses that ever appeared , in Pittsburgh-, Tatavaa.:—Mar.eppa Ss tbn. card faith's ei tabilehment, with Kate Yisher en the' bero.-ot the: "eery', 'Untamed steed." There willte a matinee teis afternoon, and the usual evening performance. • • Afilliatfon:—On Friday last 3Lre. Mad. ison.of Woods , ltuu, appeared belnre Alder man Vonaldson taut mode information., chore-. lug John Qniun with fornication and bastardy. The alleged wrong is said to have been corn. witted in July:last, but Quinn made • good hi,. recap( , taking Johnstown and OU City, .we be lieve, in the course of his travels. lie was absent Smut last week, when hoprezittired. to return. Dirs. Madison ascertained the fact and Made:the iniorroation Au stated. Quinn. +was Arrested and bad a - hearing yesterdaY. The hearing resulted in his being held to ball for C0urt. , ...1.1r5. Madison is it widow , whose husband wits htliedan the War. Viltsdrawss.—We stated one dap last week that hinichor Varner a licensed IMO tioheer, of Snowdeirtownsdp. iigt.lunda forniation before Alderman Strain,_ charging Wm. 31. Woods, or tbe . same locality, d with g practiCin na - au auctioneer without having obtained a license.. A hearing was appointe in the case for yesterday. Yesterday morning accordingly, ilae•parties met ati Alderman Strain's elitee, but before the bearing Was had a satisfactory moderetanding was arrived at between the parties and the snit yeas with- (int noticed last - week that Jus tice Wm. H, Barker, of South Pittsburgn, bad committed for trial Henry Jacob Berg and . Henry ,Berg, his son, each charged With: as vault and hatteryand aggravated assault d battery .-'i he ball required - in each case wan tire hundrtsti dollars for tile .floplo assault and battOry, and ono thousand dollars far c est aggravated assault nd battery. The partes were unable 10 obtam the amodut required and so were committed. They obtained the ball 'yesterday, bewares, and are- now at a -The . Dental nod Surgical 11/01uthig" Is the title of a neat, Well printed, and ably mil 'tad monthly journal .just issued us Dr. G. W. Spencer, the well known and popular surgeon dentlit, .2.5% Penn street.. Or course the .11enth iglu.= advertising dodge, us the doctor has long been recognized as one who has a keen appreciation ok printer's Ink. It displayed its a'stlMptlo lo. eau showed Its teeth in the first issue, and, Ns the. Otter's .drawer" will be made lively with ' "laughing gas," we can cer tainly refrain from growing jealous of the a festival will be. held; and a: =Taal dinner provided at t andt Dentist .Lhorch, corner of Fourth Ross streets. It will prove a most happy feature in the merry' Christmasof those who hay° the good fortune to be present. • PITT SMIRGII GIS MING 'Office, Tio. 2 Merchants' Rotel, COR.iHIRD MID SMITHFIELD STREETS lIM•DE'SC=2I.S 9 : JAMES I. BENNET, President. ROBERT FINNEY, Vice. President. ARTHUR BELL, Sec'y and Troth DIIIS.CIIIIIB yjt Y . TIFI)717:1 401L4RICE " . 11. CuAL , ANT Nf. tiluLzT, W. L. 2221111111M1C1L orrul9 11FLEAT REVOLIITION IN THE s.a WINE TRADE OP THE UNITED STATE& • —PURE OA.I...FORNIA. - 011arirAtilf E. made and 'prepared as if done In France, rote pure L'ailor. • nia t. Ins, and taking thr place otlmportedlllbsin -••- • • • be underslgned would rail the attention of Wine Deatercand Hotel lieepers to the following letter. 'which May give • correct idea of the quality of their rylllEt , • "CoNetualcrat. RO' TYL. 1f PR Oct. lath, ON. - "Misfits. Dominos - t CO.— G nt lemen: liar ng glron boor California Ch =longue. a thorough test., we take pleasure to saying thst we th.n IL It the beat Amen an w Loewe bare trer need. We shall at • 'once-place it on our bill of fare is ,? 3 2ll , 7 l t r .rtb u. ,, • Call and try our California Champagne. no12:1,78 BOU'ollakt le CD., 35 Del . st .N. Y.' CO-PARTNERSHIP THE lINDERSIGNED • ITAVECG nurchued the meek and machinery of the late FREDERICK AESCILLEktANN, have on the first (lay olUccober: MS. entered Into a partnership tin. der thee tyle of HARPED. GUT.Id&N re CU., for the manufacture of NV AtIONE, to., at 'the old ear lairititied maces of Frederick A.eschlemann and Miner, On Beaver .Street. Manchester. and vrotild respectiolly solicit • con DIM tact of the Petaooate hitherto 0 liberallynestotrxd. - alit/DAY:- DARTER, • A DA N M T IDUMMAN, MEI - VEORGE ItrANEN, CANDY tAANUFACTUR Awl dealer, in YOItEIRN AND AMERICAN raCEIR, rltnuas, Brrs, ac.. No. 112 Federal Street, geeoad a.* im.n the Yin% Nation.' Rank.. • r wraxa. , / , in • • WEST COMMON MACHINE ',TONE WOI , H. 4.. Northwest Comer nr Wes Common, ALl..r.Otr=re. AVIVATICit & 110.'16 on hand or prepare ou s&ort , ISEARTit AND t.l Pllku% lOU 111:XWEILY VAIILM I , &co • , 11E:AD AND I'o,llll STON&S, `co `. 11113-lre ere promptly eseeuted. I'ItIOE3ILY.A SUP s.PL.E.. 001:snipe .1. u.......... ...... W. (MAN WILLIAMS & COWAN, PLASTIC SLATECE %RENT R 3 OFERS. The, keep on tland'a large ecppi unt Voirg and VerlgAelinVu'inTeniteterlLon ittien to tt and.. vole.. NO: 251 Penn ntrert4lt 50n,.., CANDY TOTS 3,000 130XES CANDY TOYS CA:NDY TOYS! en baud and for E.S.T.E PRA Eft, by W. P. 11ENILEIG cnndy and Ter Id annisetartre, Corner Sixth and Liberty street. dc9_,. l IR tilt OVA E • UNDE Ft SIGN. FL e removed the... Alec of HOPE. I. from 35 BS arket street, Vittsborgb, totheir WorLr.ori C.A.R.11.1N 62 . 11z1. - T Btcrwagown, where t3,.ey can etre:Liter be (ousel. • .„: rostutEce a t otarrs• 836. Pittsburgh. • ntrwca,M CII_ • • EESE. (Pg (logtua. ractori aad Hamburg for sale by • I l AILD YS talli.•;:ittrds..rocrtlxg by w.rrau tcd {Ante in DULA. LINSEED OIL received r sa e by GEORGE A. KICI.T.Y a CO.. asmaivasie U 1 uratgea c 1 W.. 4 Om. W.•I.P lElIt 41APar all grades ' forl'arlol e,. Haile, D tplagßooms and ititcb ous. J Tj.riVlS, J 1 1V O. 1W arket treet. , 12. 1117.+0 .• IS BLS. I ENET/AN - RED, En g x...,lah, d sod for.ateb7 • • OEUP..k: A. .h.F.LLY A 00.. Igholvahle Onstelsta. >r Wand strop, 06 - 11.12L5. BliAspor YELLOW " 44 " d " d eZdtjaP y e. BELLY &CO.' t;i!,r2OlttaleMM. CT Wont amt. Mi.: R. D'IIIgELTZ, Etaiikgr .-.and -Broker, tls Wood neartorner of Fifth. • MI descriptions of. Ganrnment Banda nought and nold'onMberal terD3l6 Lonann and Itinnttnental =Flange. sold at Raw York rotes. Gold.; Silver and Omani bought at highest r ate, and Gold Grata 111 $ 1 . 01 ? New Tort.; FrruslicE• AND: - - Ogress os sax ?Treason= Clasierss, 1 - • - . onnas . ; December 24, DM 5 Thit Few York' Meek qtiotations today, reported - by Robinson, McClean a CO., were as-:. fOIIOWS t* Gold. 133%; E l / 7 14 .P t " 10 bonds, -110;43:-Tiviis Twenties, old, ififi Five Twenties, .65, 105; FIVE Twenties, new, 107'X1' Ten•Fortles, 100%4Seven Thirties, 104. X; litchi% ganSeuthern ~R . 12„. Mg; Cleveland a Plitt. . b esg urg o; h, l : 6l, B4 x l; r c hltitscagbargo b t , nook Fort W u rt hw yn d e , a lo.2 Ch t i- . 1 Erie mair ,..,o, 05,1; Chicago and .Fort h', ty ci xo.,.. ft, ft., II; do preferred, 79; Western, Union Telegraph Company, 4114.. -.• . -, '—The following statement exhibits the buid-• fl eas of the Pittsburgh Clearing 'Nouse forthe week closing on Saturday, December Mil:. t . ' • Exchanges. intones. December 17. .:. . —4350,441 V i '... .31,.tV Se December IS . ......... 270,645 •.1.1 . . 73,476 It December 19. .. .... 251,415 47 - J 57,943 57 December 20.... . .. V 0,3119 45 - ° - 56,621 70 December 21 ..... . ... . 4,84,1e3 9.4 „, • 41176 84 December 24 .19,544 16 - • 61 ,64 3 91 —The Senate resolution, calling upon the Secretary of the Treasuary fora list of the na- Donal banks that had fatted to keep up their reserie of lawful Money, was aimed at those banks in New York city which were reported to by deficient in that respect,mider the sup position that. the Secretary- was In possession of - official Information on the sabJect. The letter -of the Comptroller of the -Currency, which .was sent to the Senate In response to this resolution, stated simply the facts in the case, that be wetnot onlcially advised of the reported delinquencies, and only knew of theta through the press. The remedy for this was suggested as required by the re:solution, but Gyp omission to furnish the list of - banks that Meredeficient in their reserve on the first of' October last, nearly three months age; was baSed upon the fact that that the re , solutimidtd not contemplate going back - three months - or six months, bat vas di signed to call out information upon a topic promuienUy discussed in the newspapers. . -• . New York. Inll5llBlRl Natters. Lily Telegraph.] .10 ' New renit, December 21.-3ioney was quiet, td64157 per cent. Sterling dull, - at e i:02.1;. Gold tower ; opening at 135%; advancing to 133%, and Closing at 1331•,;„ Governments are dull and de. WEEKLY BASK STATEXENT. , ... .1,64118, deeninse, 0193,516. Ch - enlatthe tn. ereasa 55:15,174. specie-. decrease, 4 753 . 263 : De posits, decrease 44,428,291. Legal Tenders, in. creabe 6112,65.1. _ ..... ~tucks Rteady. Bold, /34i; Fort Wayne, ~.: il C. a T., 211 li. AV., preferred, fril.:i. 11. C., 02%; C. & P.. 8 -6.; it.atditig, 105; Erie, tN: N. Y. C.,9 !..4; 0. ze M. certificates, V; New 5-90 , 13 73' • - ----- - • . • The Money market was quite active toelay. owing to too tact that all contracts Maturing tomorrow had to be provided for... seven was the general rate for call loanar.but -at the close the market looked op. • - Mr. W. Hawkins Ferris has can appointed cashier al' the Treasury in the place of. Mr. Coo-toll, receatly resigued,.to take charge of the goldbank. ' There were some few sales of gold this M. ternoon. at 133, alter closing the room.: The Foreign Exchauge is quiet, bat a little strong er. Prime bankers bids , are quoted at 1001-HD lel% and short sight, M 1 0 ,303110. Tut; government securities were dal and lower this afternoon on the gold bonds. The Treasury notes were 'deafly. The follow ing were the closing prices; Heft., 11 106146 , 107; Coupons 110140110• X; 5-13) oupuns , 65. 101 U. X 105; July `16400 registered, 091.441 e; Cou pons, 00306'}`130,. The stock market was active and excited in the lowelt hall this' atternoon, and tnere was el general advance In prices, Thera is an Increased dis positiOn to purchase for a rise and the bull interest Is getting the ascendancy once more. The market has been largely oversold'and title assists the upward movement. The deliveries of the leading stocks were very irregular to-day and eorne of them are hullo scarce; Northw Pro forced was the leading reatunt, and pima time MU. There is every apprehenstou of a corner in this stock. The following were the closing prieest 0. C.,!..V-1650; N. V. C.. 1100 109%; Erie, esgeu; 11. C., letifElOS, EL S., V...q 62 . , ; '• ~ 1, C.. 1174110; Pittsburgh, t0H0635'; Toledo, 111x0@1_:; It. L. Itzogo3wkN. W.. 441.04r4.3. N. W. preferred bZ., , ,;04,547; Ft W ..104110 10 b; ~ •IL T., 0300111. Little doing in mining ulocksi Consolidated Gregory sold at 15,75. suauLTss. 071 . 108 Cur Sna g Pirrisnunon litosoAr. Dec. 24, 1001. The general markets remain in the same inert condition as for weeks past. Business men are largely occupied in taking account of stocks and settling up their alfairs pre paratory to a fresh start after the holidays, The annual settlements now in progress in 4 volve a sharp demand for mosey, and the market is not da so comfortable a condition for borrowers as it has been, and the marked* decline In gold has a tendency to unsettle prices. GRAlN—There is no 'movement in Wheat, and in the absence of sales, we , quote No. / Spring at V,55 to S2,W. Barley is dull and No. 1 Spring is quoted at dull 91. uncha ng ed sing to 11,13 to el,s2S. theta bat -49 to 50, on track, and 53 to 55,1 a store. New Ear Cornmay be quoted at 11 to SO, on track, and 85 to 90. in store. FLOUR-1a quiet and unchanged. We continue to quote at Sid to 01,30 for low 'made Spring; Si=lo 512,:5 for good to choice du; 1,13 fancyfor Winter Wheat, and $l5 l/17 for brands. Rye Flour Is selling at 9.5 e; per old. Buckwheat at gf% to SPA per cwt, in ibis, and ON; to eIX, in sacks. _ BAY—Continues ,o arrive pretty freely, a nd with an Increased supply, the info het. fs a shade easier; sale of 3 car loads baled at S27AO par ton. FEED--Itt limited supply, though the demand is not very active. We can report small sales at 91,10 to (1,15 for Shorts, and OM to VI for SlidlWngw - APPLES —Demand fair and market steady, with regular sales in store at .3 to 0;4 for fair to good, and 53. to $3 for prime to choice. • POTATOES—Continuo rather dull but un unchanged. Small antes at 000, on track, and 95 to el. In store. BUTTER—Is steady though the receipts continue liberal, and the supply is hilly equal to the demand... Prune Bolus selling at 50. EOU'S -In. '' oo,l supply, and doll bet un changed at 3. to 33 for fresh packed, and 2 to 3c less for Ihned. ' DRIED IIiIIIT—Ls quiet and unchanged— small aides at 10 to lie (or Apples, and 18 to V (or reachee—quartere and halves. _ BEANS—There is considerable Inquiry tor now small white and the supply Is very llght.? may be quoted at $2,73 to $4 per bush. errramnitni rwrsoLzun Jammer ' 1 0/11011 OF Tag Pirwraltatia Gairrri, • IdOstiar. Dee°rarer '21,1868. CRUDE—There are no now characteristics to note in the Crude market, with the ceep• tion that as the river is again open and will soon be clear of ice, it Is probable Ant the ar rivals will be pretty large daring the latter - part of the week. The demand, both for pros. eat and future dellfery continues light, the inquiry both for home use and- sliinraeut be ing limited, though prices have undergone no quotable change. 'We can report sales of 150 Ohio, in two lots of 100 and 50, both at ISA, Obis returned, and YAW bids, for Aprilblelivery, at oc. We are cognizant of au offer to sell at 'lt, packages included, free on board cars with ' out, at last accounts. having met with any re , spese on the part at buyeis. Balk oil, on. the spot, cannot fairly be quoted above S ,enstA, the outside tignre 'only tOr good gravity ud while there Is but little offering, there is but lath , wanted- . weh not a single hicsale of bonded oil reported toslay.trom It, whic h it can be inferred, that the market Is nevoid of life or animation, and what is worms still, mediatere no e nindication at c o nt in ue any lin , improvement. eto quote, in the absence of sales at 29 to 2)t' for Me diate delivery in January; Si for February, and an -advance of 'one cent per gallou for each moo tit throughout the entipe year. On board ears here, the last sale was at 2315, end we quote nominally at . to 23‘ , 5. with but little Ingot. y at present, for either Pittsburgh or Philadelphia delivery. Yrce oil is quiet and unchanged, at it to for coed standard brands. Altitl.V..ll4—The arrivals since out last re port include about DO bbis, in small 10.5, from iralthis Yetvy. • ..• Tho following ahowa the reeelpta of flour snit grain at eve western lake ports, Wad' ding Chicago, Milwaukee, Toledo, Detroit nod Cleveland, reccipta at tlde•watcr by Eno EO.- riMi,nntl receipts at New York from January let to peceinher 6th, Mil NOM York. Tine•wo.ter. Five L. rm. 2 , 636 . 336 Magee 3,b93,950 Ei= Whizst, 8;400,430 6,1382,84 Corn 21,437,833 '24,47.4,100 Oats 8,108,135 10,240050 13.013,715 Bar/ 89 5,36 1,37 24Z:).'401°8 • .... 1,214 /0831,W0 8,24,4 ' Total. ...--41,591,799 49,619,503 .12,625,Mil At appears from the foregoing that the re colpta at New York of all kinds of grain are 6,tr.17,801 bushels loss than toe receipts at tide water. and the at . thle.water are Iti,- 0c6,443 bushels less thanreceipts the receipts at the live western lake ports before mentioned; Tho aunt of grain makin un this difference tra3 been mo fesb/Peed to oth g er lake ports by lake and sumo by rail to points outside not des- Linea for Now York. Montreal 'comes in for several millions of this dliferenee. UIIAULEs=C. BALISLEY Tt LiberiT New - York Dry tiooas Market. NZW TORS; Dec. 24.—The dry goods-market has continued very dull in every department to-day, except for. rders left. last week', and. not filled. Standard 'Meetings aro very. firm; Atlantic A's are held by Jobbers ail:, and .Ip. A's 21. blenched goods aro tquiet but moving under the influence of very low prices rather than demand. Slew Yorke are unction. getly James steam 01111$ Colored Cotton out of season. Woolen goods heavy. Delaines steady . . with slow sales, and unchanged. Case sitneres very quiet. Carnets are slow of sate, toretgus being off in price. - ,White good du". meist. are very firm, and sold well up. lore sign dress goods quiet, and' no trade expected until niter the 11011daye. - - • cummr.s c. NA LBI.EY iio.lolLlbftrty itrent • !lei.: Docornber .24.—Plour Inamvs Whinst . scarce and drooPhig. Corn oniot: Oats Jinn, at 606173. GrOoornis dull and heavy Provisions vary quiet. Pork M.,50. Whisky drooping at 23 fOr cityi and 25 for r 05.55.. - New Mclean. Market. lowYil - Sew Onvesas, Dec: - St.—flatt en sales 3,000 bales of town:addling. e 0.54030,1793 5 middling. at 31'4c; reset is 11.X3f; exports bales. Sugar in good 'demand,. lair, at 0 1 ,.f . e. Molasses In fatrreq nest: inferlq!, at 406 . 1ec; prime to choice.. et 0,1 6 61c- 0 IticsTirUtplary.j. is tja, „, :t w_ t retail demand for sauced. C e. , corn stew y, at , 1,10. Jerk local demand, at Bacon in retell demand; 4 " at V iette... sides at 121315 1 ,4 c, Lard lmuldem, Bides, at tu,4o. V o i l i dFll 2 o Sterling, at lit. Sete 'fork Ex change. at mtk.,;, discount. Sew York Produce Market. Nisi Toes, December 24.—Cotton heark, at 031(4155e. flour closed steady; Wheat - very quiet, stock, 1,715,34 bushels. Corn 1620 higher; sales. 50,000 bushels, at sllf®l,l3 tor mixed westemotoek„ 5,100,000 bushels. Oats dull; stock, 1,4.30,430 bushels. Whisky quiet. Petroleum dull in bond. Groceries quiet. .'Pork quiet. Beef heavy.. Cut meats dull, at o@loe jar shoulders, and 10U12e for hams. Bacon quiet. Dressed hogs lower, at13 , 408%0 " for western. Lard heavy, at 11;4101114c. - - Ess Louisville Market. Lotrisclux, December "L—Sales of 31 hltds leaf tobacco at Still rates; fight lugs to mcallom .loaf 43.20016,75, Flour; superfine, 69,50. W host ; red winter, 4470. Corn; ear In bulk, 5Sc; prima white shelled. 700720 .Oats. 63065 c; sales of 3130 bids. Plantation Molasses 65010 e. Cotton; sales 176 halos low middling at.‘2Y,tifirde. Mom Pork 651,00. Lard 150. logs 606!,,e. Receipts, 1.050 head. Whisky; raw In bond 2 , c. hulk Shoulders 81:e. , Packed llama _ k St. Louts Market. .97. Loco, Dec. M.—There is nothing doing in Tobacco and Hemp. Cotton quiet, at Flour steady' ,_ Super, 66,250.75; 11-..tra, 6100 M e E e; Double xtra, $11,75014,1 0 . Wheat tinn ; Spring. $ 2 , 15 1 Fnme Fall. e2,60 ( 712.63. Corn dull. at filfrale. Oats declined to 67071 c. Provisions quiet; Mom P0rk;.630N 1 ,5 0 . Bacon unchanged; Clear Sides,l4o. Sugaraured Hams, lac. Card dull, at 11,4t1113.11e, Hogs advanced MEW . Weather colder. , Chicago Market. • . Cameo°, December .21.—Floar steady and quiet. Wheats shade tirme% at .2,06014 1 7. i for land .2,9101,63 for N 022. Corn quiet and closed at 75.216676 c for No. 1. Oats dull at 2 :Si Goo for 110thalues nominal. Frov Ls.; ions tirm and steady; Mesa, 1619.5 0 1 eXt ra rime, 613. Lard Mit. Dressed Dogs active, at 641,ba 06,93; live moderately active at 65:5006,25. linable. Market,-. .. ileviato, Dec. 24.—Flour steady. Wheat quiet. Cock doll.nnil nominal. Oats quiet. Mye—Claicago No, 1, MOO. Live Stock—Trans actions in Cattle the.last 3 days of last week were light, owing to detention of the trains on the lake shore. Two hundred andeighty dye head changed : bands at 7611; for fair to coal steers. Swine $6,6006.73, closing at old 6,71 per cwt. Sew York Cattle Market. :raw Tone, December 21.—Beef dull and pri ces declined 161.!.;c, cloning heavy. itecelPts, 9,5 1 50 head; quotations, .10 , 2.0 e, the latter price for extra. Calves steady at 10011!6e. Sheep and lambs are lower, receipts, 24,101 head; quo tations ranged from $3 , 75 to 4 4. flogs declined fully le per pound, closing heavy; receipts, 15,616 head, ranging from 5?,6 to 026 c. Cincinnati Market. blnelliNATl. Dec. 21.—Flour dull and un changed. Whisky dull at 41, 25 in bond. Hogs 'dull, and buyers withdrew at the close. Dress- Hogs dull at 76:ic, will; a heavy feeling . irs- Ater discouraging advices from other leading markets. Muss Pork dull and nominal at 619,- 60020,00. Lard dull and !te ion cr. Gold 132 , Money tight. Philadelphia Market. l'att:enzirutt, December, :A.—!'loin very dud at $11,0011;11,75, for Ohio, Wheat actlre. Corn lower, new $1,0061,16. • • Milwaukee Market, • twaugs.e,Dccernher o.—Flour unchanged , Wheat dull. Corn Tue. Dressed liege aX,6471 IMPORTS DT RAILROAD. Pirrsaurran, FOOT WATNE A CtIIeADO It. It. December 4 21.-1 car barley, Z Wale" right; 3 ukgs butter. 2 410 eggs, Blair & Woods; 1 car lumber, L Langllam; 281_ bids flour, Calp A Sbepard;W Tayl 10 Ms grease, J Parker; U lilltle te. bacco,J or; 10 bra tobacco, J Blandly; do tio,A Schaub; 1 ear le S Liggett & co; car Staves, Wm Hastings.; lads diy ap ples, .1 /3nrckley;4o bibs broom himales, Mc- Elroy & co; 8 dressed hogs, Stu rgeoo & I L an car oil bids, Wiiltins; 1 car hay C A Lang & Bro; 10 bble hominy, Sbomater A Lang; 1 car hay, .0 Richey; a* oils flour, c o , McDonald .% co; 100 do do, S Ilwart bu l l 100 do do, W a Klrkplitriellt & 1tr043 earn meat, 11 Myers & co; PO slabs zine, Hassey & co; bbts. whlsk Adler A Cu; 243 DID roolkug 'paper, Hartman & Lase; 35 dressed hogs, J 1 1 IbillIID; cars waves, Ralya &110bertson; 21 dressed Bogs, 51 bags rye, Kell Ititehart ; 140 do, 4 kg s apple butter, II Bea DO cam metal, John Moorhead. I CLEVELAND • AND PITT6DeiID tr.',- Deeember 24.-1 car rye, IV D Patterson; z ' Dauber. Mlllinger & 1311weil; i .10 iron are. Bryan & Caughey; 1 410 do, Craft & Byer,: 03 bids apples, kgo lard. Lii V 0141 & 00;55 bole 011, Rumour & sculthson: 55 do do, Johnson &.• Payne; 60 bdis cbairs,7 do rockers, Hammer & Daulerl3l.lo do, hauler , Close & 00;3 dressed hoes, .12118.1 r A Woods; 3 IMO oatmeal, 1. J Blanchard; 5 do do, E Ilcazleton, 13 has charm: & J Kerr; 11 drafted hogs,lllcCullough,Sm l th & co; 10 bbls 011,3 Lippicott; 32 cuddles to bacco, liaggerty a cm 3 too hams, J A Ren shaw; 1, hhd tobacco, F Maul; 2do do, It A Jenktneon; 55 bbla oil 1) 131 y. PITTBDCIIOII.COLEMBES a CISCINDATI IL R., DeCember-24 1 car bran, Kiel A Iliteliart; ti do staves C C Sm ltb 2do do, T Markle; • 1 car rye, Ido corn, W J Wok; 100.111 s Dour, 51m maker A Lang; 100 do do Knox & McKee; 100 do do, D Wallace; 1 Mils egg's, J S Newmyer co; 2 kgs butter, IV FI lilrionztrick & co; S d 0 110, Graff A Reiter; Ed sks barley, Jobnston & Hoffman; 55 do do, Shields: 41 sks barley, Meanor & Ilarber;4 pkge dry apples, G & Ratter; 101 bbla flour. .1 Gardiner;: ears corn, D Wallace; 10 Ws lard, :do hams, J 1i Parker. Anizongsv STATION. December 24-I0 Obis cider, II Well; 1 car staveS,Balya. It Robertson; McKee; 1 car hay, II bbla apples. II Lenz; 6 bids flour, Steylart & co; 35 boa cheese. II Woodworth; I car barley, Kennedy nothrop 122 bales hay, A Taylor; 111 hides, A flolsbein. - ---MISC~~•ATT~•OIIS: pITTBBtIi - G - H BREWEItY; CARSON, Dmagroisi & CO., BREWERS, MUSTERS Et HOP DEALERS JOSIIDA RHODES & CO" 71fisbnrgh WEL. W. ANDERSON, Allegheny. The attention or the canto:cent of the two 11,m to particalstly 'milted to weir ALES AND PORTER, • Which, throrgh the careful 'election of .Malt from ourestenclve malting f.cilltlea and (tors train the yards Cast and Weir, we tau guarantee to De pure and sitttsfaerory to the blade. • Our INDIA AL,( has Deen highly rceommtn.led by pliystclans for fondly rise. Ner air. a241.1E.1121014 , 4 customers wit I lean' Do particularo leave their ord• ranttilt ottice Ina the old Mesa A. *rat our °Mee, Cotter or Daquese Tay rod Dukes Alley, .09;mo JAICES 6YITB, A. A. YOUNG. • TIlumAS .?3.10.111 7110.11.1.8 1160W11. ALLEGHENY BREWERY. Raving piratseed the Old established Brewery • known as We ALAttitilLA Y BllßWKltY,Sormerly owned by Camp nett& Beehm, we would inform the public that we Inteneleouttemlng the manufacture of - • SPRING - WATER ALES, Iftulo front Pnre Spring Water, and from our hctlt tits and long experience Its the boalness, we feel satisfied that we- will bon enabled to give entiro sat., lafiet4olllo those who may f•Yer with.thela Pt. ernercrze. db 465 atebec,ca Street, ALLEGHENY CITY. • Karen orders left at 1180W.11 A lIHABA3I'd. 203 Liberty !meet, rittsburgti, snit be PromPt l 7 attended to. - - ocetitli ==l L:uiJTJu BZ IMIZGRAPI3. I=l :(0 :pi 6:4:94 Diy.Dl:l•l JOB. EriNCll.ll 15PE1 CER & lticKAY 'MASTERS IND- BREWERS Ale, Porter and Brown Stant, PITTSBURGH, PA. 11013 E-" ""°' IW:4M A. U. GARRAAD..D. A. L00Ta....v. T. lAAAIIABD poirer MALT UOUSLS. W, H. GABRAED & co„ lop DealOs, No. 17 Water Streeti and • Noe. 6 and 7 Penn Street, PITTSBURGH. PA. DIVINOVVIMTganr= ;;;EPERIOR OAR TANNED, PAT ANT bTIiCreLLED AND .U.IIIZTED LEATHER BELTING AND BOSE, 111% nufActurcdiit Ito. 58 8 HARTLEY. PHELPS & Also, Artuts tar Tort Robber 00. - Gum Et eltin g.-" Al^ 4 ' Land, • anperior finality_ Of I,AVJc LEATH 1. alt and litY.ll HYDIANI tiosr, corrm4 ISIVETS .4 1111.11td, HKI,T. 1100 Kn. eta, tla ..c4O • GREAT WESTERN PLANING KILL, Goer of lain Stitti ind Dapent Way, PITTSBURGH. pA. - flash Doors, Blinds and Mouldings MADE TO ORDER. Vollnishe.l work t. oFt I „, dry Donee and anlabed when [nitro oat. al i n , l k Flooring, Weather Boarding. Latta ,nnd conntant , y on hand. Sawing, ro-enw.n,it.P.l I!,ron Arr Vme.: T., SOAP REIMERS. 150 BULL STRAINED ROSIN MEM ALEXANDER KING, ro:ix yittb Ntrset. CM PITTSBURGH ROPEWORKS. HAIDDIALLr FELTON & ULLMAN, _OM/ Manufacturers to Me West of !LEAVY_ CORDAGE , etl Jame for Steam and Coal Dos t s. HAWSER LAID OIL WELL ROPE. Tared Ropesibr Coal Railroads, HEMP OAKUM AND PACKING., c&uraimiu curios% Sc., Warehouse. 114 and 115 Rater street. Mononsalsela Howe. 4. RIVER NE'gn3. The riser rose nearly stir feet during the twehty-fouchonrs ending .last evening,, and was still rising steadily with over nine feet it, the channel. At last accounts, the Allegheny has risen about three feet at Oil City, and the ice bad loose, and there were fire feet In the channel at that point. The Mononga hela. alas, was putting out right sharply yes terday. and as both rivers are rising, there' wilt doubtless be a good stage of crater for coal boats to-dal'. The weather was bittstery and somewhat colder yusterday ulternoon and evening, And about three o'clock there Vs., for a short time, quite a snow storn. The Bayard, from Parkersburg, and the Glendale, from ISt. Louis, Constitute the arri vals. The Sherman, from St. Louis, and the Malden Era, from Cincinnati, are dire hero to- dell. „ The Argosy cleared tor Cincinnati last ever• log with a good freight Ilst and a fair number of passengers. Among other items of freight, she had quite auumber of wagons for Neer Orleans, which she Will reship at Gineinnati. Toero wereue otter: depertnres. A telegram from New I:rice - es announces the ' destrucUon by fire of the steamer 00.11. Os borne, at that Mace yesterday forenoon. The 'Osborne was built and ciornmanded• by Cepti Thomas! Rogers, and for tome time pact has beenTilylng between St. Louis end New Or- . leant. Slie cost, we believe, abiatit 116 0 . 003 ; le abOUL three years , and was. Insured here for $40,000. AltiOrig old oth,s, the Pittsburgh has 65000; Peoples, te.latte Cltieene,ll6o o3 l Allegheny PDX, and at is said the Western hes ale,true,but of this we ate not certain. The Monongahela and Boatman's also bad risks on her, but to what amount, we are unable to learn. The Arabian, Capt. M. A.Cox, will positively leave for St. Louts to-day, and paseengere end flappers should bear this fact ill mind. The Kate Putnam Is next in turn for et. Louis af ter the Arabian. The Leonidas, Capt. A. B. McGowan - , we arc requsted -to etateewlit positively leave for New Orleatie this week. The Late itoterrson, Capt. also tilting Up etead lly for the Caine point, and will doubtless be ready to leave this week. The Leonota, Capt. Davis, ls Sentenced for Cincinnati and Louisville forthwitiC • The Glendale had a very good freight list, Including :MO tone metal for Shoenberger A illatte 130 bbls clay for Thomas Come; 75 bble hour for Culp A Shepard; elates hemp for - Evans, Dallas A iiiinwere: bales cotton for Holmes, Hell A Co; I box clothing for Stela A Breit bets flour, Capt.. .1 .W' Anattralt. . .Wu clip the lollowleg items of Interest to our coal men from the Lottlsville (bleier, of ' Saturday:” . - The great towboat Ajax. with foerteen beats • of coal In tote, about •U,OOO busbels, all for It. A J. Watson, and the Panther' with eight boats, containing 871,000 bilalegs of OM Wei. Lynn tt Co., have started to New Orleans..... . ....The toe boat A. J. Baker Is getting ready to start to New Orleans, with seven beats of Cow, all for .1. S. itieDenitel The L famous toe boat Dick Fulton ilia been leld up , for a bele( epace, anti Capt. Packer has gene to Pittsburgh to spell Ms Chrlettuto ...The feel shipped south yesterday, end the tow of the Baker, which probably starts tn.. Clay, makes an aggregete of ' , idle?: buseels, leaving but very little at the foot of the fails.. ..The coal in toote d boats of the Dart's tow that have.been lodge oil tile Least of Umtata or rathee en the real jest eelow the elt for several days; wito sold to C,tptaln Dugan for 151,50 e. Says the St. Louis Democrat, of Saturday: w 43 learn that Capt. - Brawn, of lettsberglew ill have offered fur sale tottlay--ell 'Change, we' presume—twenty-eve thousand dollars' worth of idlesiselppi Valley Tmeeportation Company stock. The alleged reason fur this step is that Mr. Brown's faellega are now averse to the company, by reason. of theirCOS.llll3;[ to buy his coal at Cairo. Mr. Brown Is a wealthy eltlzen el Pietthergh—immensely wealthy'—and has his eyes always open to his own lutenist. lie sold tae company ono or niece towboats, tak- j lug stock In pert payment. and we presume that is the stock which we are informed will , be sold Dearly. The Cememe from Nashville, Ateuenla,from New Orleans, and hvray, from Lollies We, en emit.: for letteittogle arrived at tette:mew." on Sat aide), and the id.; Reel was advertised to learn the refor Pittsburgh. on Monday. Wf2 clip the following from the iliteintait Coet• marred Of 6U0(143 . : The I', W. etrader arrived from Louisville hat evening. having enemata the Falls on the Inditina title, where there wee nix anti a will feet of teeter. bhe made it hatubfornely - -au extraordinary feat ter is Ride wheel strainer through this chute, on the s tria.pesent stage of water • The (ilasgow, for eurge, de. parted with an excellent trip, a portion of her largo song/Atte:Or NO tons 01 pig trott,en tales cotton, 100 barrels pork, BO tci laid. aet 1w . . . barrels whiney --• tea P. W. Slender towed t bore tile linaperor,recenter suet at tAulsvele. The Emperor grace on Um-Marine Ways for thorough repairs on Mangey - Captain .1. 11. :Berretta, of Inc Emma No. 3, teat e.s fur Pltaburgit in toteleht'S train ....Tile New Portsmouth packet Moutons, Capt. Prea. LOA- ' wick. will CI:n=IICD. , . her regular trips on Saturday next. Notwithstanding Hie muddy condition of h eele dyet, a large uantity far freight was down, and al l the boat; lett with excellent tripe ' We clip the follewing In reference to the new low preeenre steamer Itiehtnond, now being Constructed ut Madison, from the Cincinnati Enquirer: Tbe Moser.. S. A. it, E. Neal, in the conetrue tlon of their new boat for the .Lotaisvilte !mit New' Orleans trade, the law-pressure ilich- Mond, deterrelned to obviate the dlincnities ci restricted navigation, as well as sustaining the great weight of the machinery, by ire rate 7 leg the proportions of the boat or hell. )ter I great length, Ell feet, with 50 feet beam, pres ents a surface of re:deb:ince upon the water j euteelent to buoy np the ponderous machinery while, at the came time, she.. is. very Wavily I timbered and Ironed, and her draught tif l water, they.feet well assured, will not erxeced I four feet. fier grata. length and beam are sire to impart antllelent buoyancy to keep her upon the eurface,and.thue enable her to run at ,, including a Very low stage of , The glees length of the boaratelng the largest on the river, has given 00 billide.l'S every facility to make her sharp and easy t anii. all who have Cecil her declare them is no rowe best, skiff, small-boat. yacht or clipper afloat' that has &sharper model to the wetter line, ot a more perfect model than the lticlauond. - i3irß A BOATS FOR EVANSVILLE. CAI-rit AND ST. L O UIS.—The new - and splendid pUll,pger steamer KATZ PUTNAM Capt. H. LIVIITNXII. Wlll leave P.r the above and all Intermediate port. nATURI , AN. atl r. Y. . Ybr fre.glit or passage, apely on hoard or to den ' FLACK a COLA.IIitiWOD Agents.' Iron CINCINNATI ANDarait' LOUISWILL.E.—The duo steamer LEONORA', No Capt. DArlo. R 11l leave tor the strove and all intermediate ports, CM TUN DAY, at 4 r. x. ri. o .Prrt ,,, EtzaTr ir. . Agents , VDU CAIRO AND ST.ziga i t LQUlli.—Tha splendid ate-asset Cant.apt. SIAM A. 6.y.: Will podttvely lease for the Drove and all interme diate ports. for Tan DAY, at 4 1. N. dell. IWt ,K Veti?EY:air&or to gents. . , FOR CAIUO, 111EMPUISE AND !MA' ORLEA.I4I.—TI4e MettTlVArnar Capp A. It. iletlowwv Will leave ror the above and alt intermediate porta oat PM DAY, 11.12 U. i l l . get fr6g Vat ! ng,l6‘rm?drYlo, FOII MEMPHIS 04 SiEW2 4 . ORLEAN b-Ttre nplendid steamer KATE 111.181N50N.., 11711.110BIblidit. I focthe above anti all intermediate ports, .; On Tllll DAY. at 4 p m., POW/yr:if. • For freight or pana A al i zpAly on board or to del JA Miss ,J0P.1.A 34 .4 '4 , S. . 'Agents. ISEOPLE , S ULAIt 'WEEKLY 1. 4CKET twei.n PiTTlOUlttilit AND CINCIN NATL—'II4 new and opleadid ;steamer AURAL Copt. Loot. Varteregrirr. W. H. Scott. Clerk, leaves Pittsburgh EVERY WEJNESD•Y. at is o'clock K. Leay. Cincinnati &TEM PKIDAY, at or o'clock. For freight. or pkssage apply On hoard. or to noaNal --- CHAS. VANN KS. Agant. -----,—; - WHEELING, f 'PA. & PAUKEKSBUR(J PACE ET.--'fbc sty endid passengcr steamer BAYARD • expi. USALIGX.MOO III3 . Leaves Pittsburgh kIONDAY AND 7 urg; vesl o'clock A. sr Lea Parkersb TUESDAY AND FRIDAY at 2 o'clock r. For freight or passage apply on board. selSikt lIITIVATE DISEASES. : • DR. YOUNU, (late of Philadelph)s..) • Note T 1, T asses rre conp,a t :aallldneanctrpntii.nof Pri Psr Ocular attention os v totlpm matorrhoetts ant diseases hyi ng Urinary Organs. Nis treatment of tile tame the Mont /ann. , ' a eVer employ al Ile gives hopesf • sedy cure to the arlicted. Ladles will fin d U pe ntmenagogue superior to was other preparation for removing obstructions to the healthy meimireni flood. Nu. 1, One .Dollar pc bottle. No. z, which le four degree , street er, an designed for obstinate Casts, Vivo_ oar c Dollar. pc Unite boors BA. S. to Z. dr. St. 108 P. Address, with stamp, Dn. WOUND, 140. II Tided ales,. 1 1 1,10d,ry h. CITY (IF AL.I.I,IILNY. Tuzabonilt'N ortucx. licceulber lan, ISO. 5 A 21.1.1.:GUENV cury comPilo misEDuN Ue WANTED-•Pcrrooa be:dins:Coen riTen4l4t7liedtl of the Clty f tiA . l ' Vfi n sril l. f s„. r . 1 will be Invested In tbeso Pored. at /Ile Ione!! rates ofTwei Proposals v.lll be received by the under -1 ,neil nu 111 I uesday. tne del:l3lM Troalorer or the City or AlleglienT• EBB SCIIOO3I3I.II.IkER & SON, v . Pittsburgh White Lead Works, PURE WHITE LEAD, BLUE LEAD •0110 UN D IN OIL . POE rAISITLI 0 011.111.1111F.Lti • No, 01 Fourth. Street. Up Stairs. BBLniEs, BELL do - co., Anchor Cotton Dints, Pittsburgh, • . . Ettaonf.torers of A1,1011011(A) Brimons. 1 , 1) dozenfor sole 'or CHARLES C. lIALLEY, SION IMiIMWM3 BREWER., WIMP & CO., COMMISSION INEIHIIiNTS, . , 'MANTIS YOB TEM Patine, Globe and Liberty OH Works, Ample Storage Sir Credo cod Banned 011." Wise. al ease advances made on consignment" of Crude or Beetled Petroleum. Yards for storage and IldlY meta. of Crude Oil at Lalrttneevltio. Ogles and Warehouse. Corner ot Dlgitteetle_ . W*7 end Itaneock street. Pittsburgh. sigiaa.• "' nu ' / 111. • • • • ...lAs. 7. Amami:. Kr.u. COMMISSION MERCHAETS, AND DILL D 3 Flour, Grain, Seeds,. Mil Feed, &c. 349 LIBERTY STILE= 0,724,b37 rirxenimeni. rs. 1. 0W11.14. IWENS & KENNEDY. PRODUCE COMMISSION MEROVANTS: 71411,1altt.T,PI:OVUTELMAR Vrilij,jlV TA h., and In ProulMons and Produce gen. erally, No. 76 F151) STREET. oggoalte the Railroad Depot. ALLZOIIILVf. Agents for the sale of P. T. line% Donnell A Elirnan's liarishi Salt. aptislyd J 9.14 E MITER & CO., 001[11138ION 11131.0110iTe, And dealers in Timis, Graln,iced and PrOdUte. advances On.aiTrVgee,zh,wmsvi, opralta Union Icpot, Pittsburgh. Pa. Ji :CZ D AY. CRAWFORD, Commission ' a igltrat l AS K Tlttitit ' til L lTlr olltiffi and V as. ' Warehouse an d II Nos . 366 and 369 PILIIN nTite.F.T. morass furnished . Consignments solicited. oci, 11. alrJ Re 11 . 11.•NR. • J ISIIBANE & ANJOU, COMMISSION MERCHANTS and'deakrs Is FLOUR, GRAM 'and PRODUCE, Second street, tetween V,oa :7 and asll Tuos. rorritn....JOlßf AntJOT ..... B. A. BUILITAIIb paTTEtt, /LIKEN kr. 8 11EPAII cl.mmLnilon Merchants, and dcalef a In Foreign nd etVl'L'." Bu tt er, : C AT fraLliir STREET 7optddte Paaaenger °enc!, Eltdsbnrghl_ W. ................. .4..0218 5111PAILI) I' & SIIIEPAItit, Commission Ilro.tut imd dealers lo Flour, Grata sad Pro. duo°. so al7l.lbertLotreet, Plttaborgb. ettGa"A ~ .rulda of Flour for llokart Lott Family ad cou,tonti Ist !laud. Particular altAritton • wad to filltur ,der .for lderthuoatre Often , llY. (11:2)•_ . . • ITOI.E. BAIRD /V - PATTON, A-‘ VillolesaleGrocen,Vommisilon Iterebants,aud dealers la Predate. nonr. Baron. Caeca% r/nhs Carbon and Lard Olt. iron, Nana, tilaaa. Cotton Yarns ant all PltUburgh ann °Acme/ R aaerall7 U and U 4 Bosurad watt. littaborgb.:._______ . P. DITILIM IS. nzTlllll RM. D. pETMER dr BROS., (Successors to emu orks, te ol Ito". 123 sod 17.9 Wood Filth ?Ms brtrigh. tYntiv Rom :Lim: ' .11.2WILICIF N.I.RM 114 KNOX & SUN, COMfanhillaioll IL* hIF.ItCHANFtiand,IIeaIereIttFL O MM ,M N AIM, MILL Eng) sett ITill./I.ICIJ, gcnerall.t.,,alo. 79 I)latuond, °Watts City iliiiii All:r.bni,t l i7. WM. T. ELL'A. ' 71.108. stlTcligir. wilt. P. BECK h.. CO._, No. ltib •T T Liberty street, Plttsborgh, Pa., Vltiolcsale Ureters, Commission, Merchants and dealers thereat". tjirleYcreVngM';',E-1,1t...0°,00.4,.g.' (Tggr:Atg: Omen and n't ru,ta. Ac.. and Lime. jyl9 . • ...1 OLINII. CANFIELD, Cosialnisslon . and Forwarding Merchant and wholesale dealer In Western Reserve Cheese. Ashes Lard, Port, isama, Flour, Ftst,, Pot and Pearl , balerrstra. 1.1115M1 and Oils, Dried Intl. and YK.IIIIOI 1...r•14, Not. 111 and 30)Front atie.4. Finetuari It uionoz a unto US.Ontin Ali ail. H EAD & METZGAII, Grocers and . Commission Me rcbanuma dealers tn all a n of Country PrOdECO and Pittsburgh .3 Ilanuactures, 0.2t9 Liberty Strtet, opposlti head of Wood street Pittsburgh. 011111. 110148.••••IDWAILD 1.101.!11...1171.11.-131)1351.. JOHN 1 I. ROUSE is OROS., _BaCces. le. FOUS To JOWar 1. ooret A Cb.. vrboasnit O tors ..11:093114s31011 Merchants, corner of 000th geld and Wear: streets, Pitrallutgla. rein JOU,: SUtrto • A. erALLACZ. SUIPTON & WALLACE. Whole it tfitQCZlnd AND Pitt/DUCK DitALKOS, Ito. Sloth street. Pittsburgh, Jill 1 AMES DALZELL ComZb S n ON, Mono.. factarere of Lard OIL and missio Dicreitante for the Purchase and sale of erode and Refined Pe troleum, „Nos. to and 79 Water greet, Pitteleargia AdreacLs mule on Consignments. VETZEM & ARMSTRONG, For. A. 'Warding .14 ro.rantssion Merchants, for the sate or Flour , tirsdir, Manua, Lard. Butte', needs, 1/11<4 Prot a, and Pro.lore generally, No. 19 Mulct .Itrcet, enrner ~( FR.*. l'il..nnreth, l'oi. raZiily _ __... —_—_ 11.01taliT 0/11.1[01. ' - A. T. DII.ZZLI. lt°lll' . DALZELL & CO.,llYhole rale ll rote., Commission and Forwarding Mer chants ar..l la Produce sad Pittsburgh Mate hrucinree. No. '1 Idtwe - ty Meet. Flttilintrith. II PainOlat...., NO. IS3 Liberty St. • Pittsburgn , ra, Commisston Merchant aro Wholesale Dealeepa Country Produce, tiroseriesand Pittsburgh Manufactura. Cash advanced on Lon signmenta'and paid for Produee generally. still ISAIAH DICKEY as CO., Wholesale .;. , x , ., Comentosima Merchants. and dealers In Prodm.s ;,,,,. IN Til4,i Walt 6.11 04 Front Knot. Vitubdiiii. , ... . . .___ SCROMAIKEII ts.LANG,Wholesale ilealeis lntlrxerlealflotmersda. Produce. Pro visions, Fish. Cheese, bait. Carbon 110. Noe. 172 and 174 Wood Mecca, DC. I.IIICAO Buena. Pittsbu noa rgh. Pa ---. nsat • lons 01000 War. 11.71) JOHN FLOYD & CO.. Wholesale Pll.lmrirh. (W.ooleitrl; No. IN Wor.l oil rril.ilitriy strrete Pa- sva/11,c1 rNSua&IW IiENNSELVATILA INSURANCE co. OF PITTSBURGH, PA. • Offlee,llll Fifth Street, lank Mock. 1 . a lie.. C.ryer, add iusutcl Winn lOU 'LVONIfi& I AILTEB. President. /11,7.LIIENT, 411:stliy. DGLICTOItut lAlouard Walter. I tireorittirilison. 0. C. Doyle, Geo. in . &earth Robert Patrick, J. C. I.appe, Jacob Painter. g gjg C. Vielner. Jutish Jona Voestiee. J... L. Iloptints I A. ArtsUlOn. Henry Sproul Olds - W ESTER!' INSURANCE CO., OF rirninuutni, Atsikeinzzlmocx. Presldest. Wit. P. ITHItIIEST, :secretary. CAPT. GSVILSTE. N MELD, General Agent. °face, 02 Water at rect. bpswis Ware /louse. up stairs. MULTI:L(O. Will tosurt against all kinds of Fire and Marine ir b titutlonita. A home lua Manawged y Deors ho are writ knob,. 10 the conaiddity, aart who are deterralried by prOmitineta and liberality. 10 main tain the character 'which they have Msursed. ferlug the best protecton to those who desire tot» Insured, Illy I Dy }try DIRICTOLIii • Alex. tilalet,' , Rees I,Thormu. R. Miller, Jr. I Chu. J. Chute, James McAuley, l John It. McCune.' Alexander hpeer. i ... 3 1 /::y e he r ri c grAt ict. Andrew Ackley, Pallid M. Long. l'hilrlp heymer. , Willlsm h. Evaus. dell' - ' WM, P.ll.loll.lloSTosecrecarr, aTorrill aniEurc.o. II . ._ TVE INSIMANCECOMYAITY. Widows and Orphans' Fund. 65 Itrattaus :St,..•..reto York" PRIOLLSEPIT — N.D. DIOROAIis 'WWII. TANY—.I. W. MERlllt.r... U. M. TINDA LA.. Medical Ediodosizser E, T. ".. 0 0 0 3K., !SPECIAL. itig.c.T YON W"EnTLItti .rA.i • 67 Fourth St., Pittsburgh. AtiErrd W,1...NTE.11. . mr2ibsll _____ A l 6lll'"Eilu.'-t11. 1 , 4 11 -1 1%.. C0 ; Bank Block. . 1 limn against all Units oil 'lre sad Marino Marl . .. JIM N lint , IN, dn. President. .1. ,ii ii U. ticimilli. Vice Parsldent. ......... Jrch Cart. Wll. S DBL A l. kl-, tirne r ui.t Agent, f!L4s.f. Jones,• Harvey T. Ifooktrzoo. John Lnria, Jr.. IL L. Ifshaestock. pEOPLEIS L'S181! 0517106, N. Z. COUNSN A 110.riE TAXINU VINE AN Pm!, Wm. Minim Jnho tyntte, Jrlin E. Parke, zo N'ku Kirk, Jcrs D. Verner, M JOIN TOBACCO CIGARS &a R. B. JEFFRI.ES, Ma - ,r.fAo'nr , an.l In a Whalen. of and Retail Dealer ll Mods TODACCO,INUFF AND CIGARS, No. 6 It'r. CLAIR liTltitET, P1=3886011, P 1.., WA I , rge ausortment of .M F.EleiCtiA UM CIVEIb awl lira , Ili INu 11.111ACCU,pf the beet gu tv ,, t , 2l :,-.. GEORGE BLIJIdENSCHEIN • DCALLII lii FOREIGN A 111) DOIIIIBTIO ,• ' SEGARS, CREWING TOBACCO 8 molt in g Tobacco,' Pipes, & C • No. , .4. ES cecrers:o 3 . ifiltresOt, (Near corner of - _Llbeftll)" tilyli ill I I • PI.TI-31111110ti! • JOHN' DILEGB.AVir, . ldanuri.clunile.oL.ant,,l, ,:Allibkoll:471:f and Saudi 1 Tobacco, Snuff and Cigars, 1 413 3z/....pag - T ; ?. SEIM VIZI El"*. A =P i ° Ma Z:'!' •11.•.!''tklUr°i'mnr.:0° Q,TEPIIE.ICSI. OTT, cizmus.AL • Die Sinker, deal and Medal Engraver, 'STFACIL, BROD dB STIR MITE Ortn, SUPERIOR SEAL PRESSES, Cancellig Stampa and Cidting Card', Also, PLATES FOR MARKING CLOTHING. 93 Wood St., Cor. Diamond Alley, &non. DAvis , BOOS . eiroMsuuou. No. MI Liberty strati. MED IRON WORKS. JONES & WOMBS, PITTAB$23'CrlitorME , xxsvrAcroaxas 07 AMERICAN AND CLAD Bar, Hoop, Sheet and Plate Iron; Elridge Iron; Angle and T Iron; Guard Iron; Coal Screen iron; T ustusote and 201bs. to the yard Train Rails, punched and con's. ter sunk Boiler, Bridge a - id Tank Rivets Cut Nails and Spikes; Ship and Boat Spikes; . Railroad Spikes; Railroad Fish Bars and Bolts; Railroad Car Maeda and Axles; Street Car Wheels and Axles; Coal-Pit Car Wheels and Alin; Patent Cold foiled Mating; Patent Cold Rolled Piston Rods; Mower and Reaper Bars. WAIIISHOUSE AND OFFICE. 120 Water and 15 Front Sti. HBASICH HOGUE, Nos, 22,24 and 26 Ricer St., JO :el5 CHICAGO, ILL, J. SZIIIIZDT KRYSTONR IRON WORKS HITICIUSON,73iLASS et , CO hianntacturers of the different rises of Round, Square, - Flat and Bors e-Shoe Bar Iron, loop and Band Iron, Bolter-Plate, Tank and • Salt-Pan Iron, Sheet Iran, &cm act Works, riTT TOWNSHIP, on Nonangshela deer Mee and WarehonseL N - e: -. 140 Water Street KENSINGTON IRON WORKS LLOYD & BLACK, Best Coinnson,Reassed Charcoa Sunia.ta Bloom Iron. MERCHANT BAR, ROUND sad I4UARE IRON uour. BAND. T sod ANULE IRON. BOILER PLATE and bItEET IRON. MOWER sod REAPER BARS CYLINDER and ULIARD Olt TINDER IRON rkIA.LL TRAILS, 111 and 16 lbs. to toes/ad. Wll.O (161 IT CHAIRS sad ST'lliES for same. MAT RAILS, Punched sad Countersunk. COAL SCREEN IRON. NAILS and orixas.• W.retimee. No. Ng Water and No. 6 Market sta. Watts, •ta , cond street, Eliguth Ward. adjoining. Cie) Us. Wet Os, st reet. • FORSYTEE'S STANDARD SOWS,. Copving Presses, iVarchouse-Trucks, Baggage Barrow s, sugar Mills, Am. FORSYTH, TAYLOR & CO" • ba 313 %Ulla= BTRXIET... PITTSBURGH STEEL WORK. ANDEMSON, COOK i Ga.„ osuccizeoes TO JUNE!. SOT) *co Kano tuturers at th boot maned Cut SUM ISOM Plat mid Octagon, °fall slam saw Flstca,ll , oC, tut and Ca Sbert C% litut, Cut Mut for REAPING OD MOWING 11LiC1115303, STZSTVILOW WINOSCIEtCV SPRINGS.LXLE% a4S. Cast and Common Plough and Spring Mood. 02ce—Cortios of Tint and Ross streets, two bloats' - abase the Konongaitela Hons.. te27:41 1" FORT _PITT _-FOUNDS CHARLES LIPS NEPHEWS ar.VaIMILCIRTIWIIII CO HEAVY 011DIVANCE, ♦ND ♦LL same dr ir iavi i w i rri m ain ivolut iItV i ttIVIVIP II4B"EI 11.PbeAtX(Vendb`ed tplri7llli wall a.» be seed ilactkVitrPan our bid 'Patterns, we are pre pared, with MO/ AND i r tirap ki p r atlegai s3 rr trficite:Nidnautry.• It sport flake.. n 0412 p!. 0. trOTXXIna C. P. aaAxu.K. AMERICAN MA HINE II ORR& • CHARLES F. or t o E & CO., rtitt in, o/ HAM a co.. Engine Builders and Machinists, • swrcrri, or Oil Engine , Oil Tools, :. And et . erythlng peense (or lkoing On Wells. Particular attention pa to fitting up binning PnlinTh. Hangers, Ac. Marlon Avenue, nit& 1 1 1. W. & C. U. R. - Alhalosia ia. - jr, Pa.. IMPAIRING DUNE • ItaMPTLM. AGMS yealki !MOT ALLEN.. M'KEE ac CO., Oeposs Wa lll d 1 Opposlt• se IN &rehou 'Alberti 8 ttttt =lt I(annfsetnrcs a Area variety of COOK. PALILOII and HEATLESS) STOVES, sunosyg which are the eels ebrated Alleattehy and Monitor Coal Cooldisi Koreaand : Mao, the Au valled Slat of tocrat and *anti.] forEmot coal or sscasd. tem unri the re,..tor wood • also Arches, fenders, Suns , wattles, pETBOLIA ILICHIBIC .WOlllO, NILS. Za23013.1r, Eln. 12 OmO Street, Alieglleuy Manntactarer of - IMPROVED DURING Tools,. AND FIXTURES UIiED IN BUDDED OIL .I.ND iiriLT VI ELI IL Earticular attention Invited to tds Patented pemnis lu Jars and Johits, made of 31101alla, li. and Low. Moor iron. ln standerd .nd numbered: BO thlt vans can be ordered by audios telifig=l4ll4l.3llAd perfect at small timer. a,.. to those who may ' , MT ' Itagine ' s and mectil . ne work made to order. Orden by mat promtly attended to. I tun prepared to neat licenses to other manatee. uteri for these Improvements on liberal terms. Box Drascront Jon D. McGordi lleorgel3. ►Beim. Chlries [Ws. Robert D. DsVh. lIANCE CO. WOOD AND 1111110195. BLACK DIAMOND SITMMIXA 1717121‘.13.11, prrrißusan. TA. IBBOTIIEH'ai Co., • blanarasturen inn QUALITY UKIINED OAST "MU Moue, /Qat and Wagon, or all slam Warrants equal to any ImpOrtod or mansfactured Uala ono try. ATOM. and waretionag:go. HY and ISt Tint. 1•31 and ITllissond atresta. Fttsaboron s MPANY, lIIMIIN E. RI5Kli John L. linos& BILMIICI P. lihriver, Charlet Arbukle, John Kirkptrick, Frank IL Bissell. C. Benson Love, iIILLIPS, President VATT, ice President finaIEIRGH IRON WORKS. J. PAINTER & SONS. MEMMI MA1197/0178211.5 OF Iron Bucket, Tub and Trunk HOOPS AND SHEETS, feltivlS/ PITTEIIIIIIIOIII. Pa. IRON CITY MILLS. ROGERS & BUR = • Manufacture. of 11Z/INF.O. CHARCOAL., JUNIATA & POLLSELICM 1523.3111 Err sza.cair. - OsnC=o3D Wausuoual, No. A 8 MANN= EM. 0e3.1315 - I IdANUFACTIMKREL UNION IRON MILLS, WARD,IUNTH PITTSBURGH. A CONBOLIDATION Or THY. CITY IMBUE" AND ..CYCLUL'S 'RUN CO." ItAIiOrACrUILIOB or 4k.saaer, L. H. H. LEVILT. az°. D. T. BOLLMAD LA BELLE STEEL WORM.. . FLIBXWBEE II . 4I b CICP. Ilsautraturong OMIT EITEDL;SI . III2I. FLOM Itusvga ILTJAAPRINUS, AXLLS. CROW Btrakce, BTREST JuVat i atri ritubarre. JOS. !lAIOU • W. Y tLLZI. D igstrEsNE AND WEST 'POINT N 'FORUM PiTTSRUIRWL Penna., man ufacture all clones of Torstrtga, eta. htemummt Mart,. Cranks. Piston Rods, Lovers, Zeman Jaws and Wrists . , also. Railroad AVes, Locomotive Frames, and a ll , shape work. The underslg Led having poen for mini Teen •naled In the business aro prepared to tarnish all or en mamma to them " promptness af'd ol d g:V..llAlitH4 ll all _ t. GEIS. raicaucumeav & CO., . PRACTICAL LITHOGRAPHERS, The ONLY STEAM LITHOORAPRIC ISTAR LINIMENT WEST OP TillitMOUNTAlb B. Bun nen Cards. Lejter Reads, . Bonds, Labels, Mee. l C u erila oVirpt, n p irttl oft a arli IX Z s : .hot. TM and 7.:TbrrU it., Plitsburfp, ertmai., oz_mrraus. wLottrAcrunzus or IRON AND FORGINGS. 3 9e. 1 . 1 .tteetion riven to the maimfacture of Hammeredand Rolled Locomo. Uwe and Car Axles, 113-T-MClalgt ELMS . RAILROAD CHAIRS. SPLICE BARS, BRIDGE MIN BOLTS. SC.: • LOMB AND BOLTS. I BELIES. OIRD88IROA; OCTAGON AL HOLLOWt W BMA] HT IBOX POSTS: T AND ANILLT. I.IION‘I,SO WARZUOVSEs 95 Water and 126 First Streets; OFFICE' £TTHE WOBXEI, Nl24Tli W ADD. PI rrs BURGH. FORT PITT . BOILER, STILL AM) TANK NV701131 3 5. CARROLL & SNYDER, • - • warri.acrurrns or TUBULAR, DOUBLE.FLUED,,TUBU LAE' FIREBOX & CYLINDER STEAM BOILERS, OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS, • CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND ASH PANS, SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS .AND CON- Draiszlin, STEAM' PIPES, GASOMETERS, AND ISON I - BRIDGES, PRISON DOORS AND . COAL BRUTES. • tithes stimi'Vrorks., corner Beeond, Third. Ploy*. rad Liberty Pittabtath, Pennsylvaizia. byriirders seat to the above* address selCwill ISS be promptly attended to. SHEffIELD STEEL WORKS. SINGER, MI CK CO awitirAcrtaisas or BEST REFINED CAST STEEL pout no ASD 00II6ON, 07 ALL lona 11ILIOIULAT, CIICCLA. ILIA.No AND CaOS& CUT SAW PLATES. ELLIPTIC AND SEMI-ELLIPTIC, RAILWAY SPRINGS, Cast Spring Steel, Cast and German Plow Steel MAY Wl:it/5 AND !LOWED DAMS. SPRINGS, AXLES AND STEEL TIKE, biCat. B.I4SI7WMYVRKUK KCLOWBABAR &a, Te.TEIZ Warebouse, S 3 Water St., Pittsburgh, sellr:k4 ATLAS WORKS, .ffeßrox STREET Plinth W ard, Pittsburgh. THOMAS N. MILLER, President These Works are argots the largeat audmost coal • plete estsblisasaWatla the Wait. and are Dow pre , pared td faratsh; Engines of Every Description, Miler*, Oil Twills, Snect Iron Work, Ilroad Cahtlugi, Hot'lug 111111 Castinge, EgIUC Castings. - l i i PI eldue Cutlngs; G nen! Cadinge. ' EPEES SOLICITED MONT BLANC FOUNDRY, Butler Street, Ninth Ward, OPPOSITE UNION lIION HILLS. ITT ilif_33l7lRLOP ROLLING MILL AND BRIDGE CASTINGS LISININERT dB CASTINGS 61ALT. Order" prilluptly aad carefully eaecnted. wiesticti at ASONABLE. tIIIIERT. & MACIECLIND IZEIM ' - clorr sum WORKS MILLER, 808 & PUN®, BEST QUALITY CAST -STEEL wn.ratigitliveatrirtatoi . .. - BPECIAL 'ATIIENTION PAID 10 'ME CAB 7 lo DIX STEEL. Mee. 38 Wood Street. BT. 011AULDB ID/TIM /sULLDINO PrirsittrAoB, Jnoildtb, lla:de iIIQUESNE IRON ABD STEEL WORKS. IfiLII.MAN, FARM & CO., YLICUTACTITHABIS OF Iran; Nails, Springs, A.irles, PLOD& UJUNG AHD 13TICEL., wAarmouisi. 2474",. 77 . 421741114 Or War 0 4:lt, PITTII4BIOLLGIL =1 SEDJ • • , ' •I • : 4: L. PETEZEISON, dr., & CO., JEasiatletarets sad Dealers In all ands of Cooking and 'lle,ating Stoves, HOLLOW WLIIE, &c.4,' . the Te ry LATEST PATTERNS and STTIMA Warehouse, 1.97 Liberty Street, PITTSBURGH, P 4.. RORER, EtAIiCRESTEIS. - ' an11:188 rIA-1 : 133W.A 3 B. WOLF. .7R., & CO., , nwass Hardware & Cutlery Are -now receiving largo additions to our stock - • which is offered to Dealers at - lELASJEMIELFILW W'FLICIXI3IOI Corner Liberty and St. Clair Sta 4 WMltiskrusigia. Paw. acklitt7l LIPPINCOTT & BiIiEWBLL, No. US Water Street, rATENT 0110IIND, PATENT TEMPERED • PATENT TOOTHED crincuLas BIIILAY. _ - BULL !MD tripes-our IS .416. NAT . JnM:d76 W itrfirliigijUriai liarL (Y I • MORROW & BARNHILL, X ASO7ACTITA77.S 07 Steam Boller', 011 Stills, Agitators, Tanks, Salt Pans. Gasometers, Wrought Iron Bridges, Shoot Iron Work, 1.c., &c., CORNER LIBERTY AND SECOND PITtSBURGO. Pd. /SPEZPAIRINGDONEPROMPTLIC. straqsZl. PENNA. SALT MANUFACI UR'i UTILITY' WOURS. PITTSBIIIIGE. P.& IItoLTAN & BLATOR, No. SS Liberty St., opposite Fourth, Issatti7AClEsilsati ov• OABINETMitpIIS' AIITIVAItE! They mats a sped. ly of Iron Bedstead and Elvin Casten: Porcelain. Bedstead and Pivot Coo on; 11. &stead IllatenUtga: Mops for Extension Tables. Ste. Tbey_alms manufacture and hav es , o on handaTbitath Latches. tinting Eatettes, YlLeanla Window gash Supporter, lli'Leati l s Eceentels dash Button, Utility antler and Blatt Wi atone Eittilliin&s, Bad ins . Bath Weishlth so.. &t. Jy2teeo ...W. VAIIILTIM a. 11. IsZADLST JETNA STOVE WORKS. A. BRADLEY & CO. IL141.111S00111•TOri misty of COOK, PARLOR AND HEATING POldr. A LsonvyAntlibo, n tonrsted w iz op v l t 024 ood stores.) _Alto subootoolo GRATES, GRATE FRONTS, Rs. Mos and Warehotuaa oamer Of Second and 'Mc 0 etreatit glnfanto on Hamad street. - - Min Id - V - IWSI:TVTCTS MONLIGNAILWO LEWIS, lIAILEY,DAiiM a co. ialricronsad or BAR, BOI AmLERT32, SHEET rr.egaNTizic• NAILS AND NAIL Itip Warehouse, 73 Water & 90 Front st. PITTS Brno% PA. M , ROBES, STOVES AND SLUTS. __. ALL PERSONS WIIO NEED NEW COOKINU RA.NGES ore irieltedlo colt sad so. lIISSELL I CO.'s NEW LIVE/NH RANGE,. se No. 233 Liberty street, where they will alto lad a. complete supply of duo oudmmumott_cuomele l • , 6EITES, COXING D M PARLOR illititßC*llB, w...b House Furnaces LlALUtittql,tltiretli BISSELL 24'1C0.; - U.nraciarera.ortbe celebrated • TRIUMPH COOK STOVES. POE Coal. Mid Bl . ack Oak for wood. . HT CPR EVERSON, PRESTON & CO., PExxsrxrAxia rn.coN - womciKs. wiam , Fu l P! Pit 185)°15./67_rYlt.!_u•-t• ItAII,RO.ADI 3 . --- PENNSYLVANIA atigilllM , ..- CENTRAL. RAILROAD. Nor amber Ifilb. 1565. . fiat= arrive and leasw tha Unto& Ver. Mita of Wasidagtos and Liberty Meets. aa olloga• . Annigi. IV3 m ay ExpllreizAi.r.. Moll 1ten...... 1 . 5 u a n.DWOrsNo.s.... k a 10 Wall Lne Wall's No. 1, .... filSs in Wallrain Cali a Brinilin No. 1... 7:5e a as No. L.... mi. Wall's No. 4..... 9ilo a m •Cinclnspill Is. ID : EZ • m t0.wr477 tt . :.111,: nta-at 1. 3. 4;i . :84r 0 1 ;I Phlla.Cpresc.. 1:01p m Phila. Express. 4110xist "' Wall' No. A.... 2:05p so Wall's No. 4..... 4:sWpm, Wall' No.4:00 pin Wales No. 6..... Saii pto Bradd No. 1. 5:50 p m Wide. No. e.....150ap ig, Wales No. 5 7:73 pso art L1ne......c.10.06,111 Altoo d na E Aroma. I Muttons Aga 1.50,p at trolll ...... -• .10M p us • Dallr, all others nunasis exeepted.. They Church Trains leave Wales Mallon /rail Sunday at 9;15a. in.. reuldng Pitteburgh at WA a, m. Returning leaves Pittsburgh at WOO p. a., Ana ,rave at Wei's:Rattan at . i.Di p. tn. The Baltimore Zspress vslu arrive with UM nil aselphia Eapress at 1:50 p. m. on Bandays. , The new Ainlon Depot Betel, occupying the three , upper stories of the Depot Building. is now open MX the agracigg accommodatiOn of the Grwreling ciro• , inanity. Al capecions Jaestaarant •Ls open at ALL uouit. day and night. Bun days excepted. Nancx..-41:: cane of loss. the Pennsylvania Company Will hold thaniseleee responsible for 'wo w nai baggage only, and for an amount not exceed. log sun, a ZS W. B BIBOILWITB. Agents _e_____________-------- ------ s 1866, aft/WARM 1866. TILE PaTti BC ti v sktf. FT. Wt.TNEßilli illy i liti j E _ K Tiates.giltEi . d leavaDatatha Onion DepOis follows: curs - Amore- - se- Vll=l:n E d ' g r x ' ...! t:To : 1' El=fi'l.".l! 12 'I : L . ITIV ( tIV. lii: 'll. 2 1' V= glui:::111` Itk Chic- 5x.... 1 .... 7 , ttO a us Fill , Mixera 31 . 50 , P 2l .- Cl.' i hk Mbr. 1G: . 1 ,' 2 , 111: i.A. a yg g .l. I :: ill I.' 1 : Cidellgo NZ .. 2LSO 0 • CRIICIIV EXAM tan, TM Pa:eating lex-- 4.10 pin 'L Abe gx.. 0:40p sa Dreart from Altegneny. Antra In Allegheney. N. Beta detom 7.1:0 ain Lee:Wel:ls6room 7:20 am Le •• 1000 aml N. Beta • 8.30 • m . Is:As a e. , Wellsville . OAS asa New CASO4 " 2:W pml Nava Casale 0:45 as Wellsville "-- LW p m Leetsdale . 11:15 am Leetsdale . Jo prof ,•• . 105 am N. Seto . iM p mill. Beton . tb.lo am N. 111 in " 5:15 p :11,Letis.dale .. 4:10 a m Leetsdale . 10.30 1 .., • •• 1 ,.. , ... No ts *ins ler: e t I is-, Sirlll.s it.- us. NMI/ burgh . n bunday. lExpress assarea daisy. noes P. le. MYERP. Oeaeta l stet • WESTERN PENN-..-. , .: . : ._,...' , -.--,T. BY LVANIA BAILILIOArI . lit Passen ,- .- • ••••• - • ' • On and otter MONDAY, leov, hi the ger 011 the Western PenrISYITILLIi Inallrout .11. arrive at and depart from .411egliesty City, a. 01 lows• • • • . Leave Anderson Street 7:00, 5:0). 10 , 301. as., Ur) noon. and 4:03,18.3). std r. st. • - • Arrive at bharpsburg 7.31, CM Id Or A: Y.. an . in r.), 400. 7: 0, 8,3)r. K. Leave bnarpsbarg 615 u, 7.43,11d 3 . AVM A. IC. &ad 1:3; 4:4.5.7 , 14r. K. Arrive at Anderson Street 6:50, Inn, in*. 11:45 A. Y. and Slat 5:15, 7:150. Y. •-• • Through Train. leave Anders= street, at PAO A. Y. sad r.• 45 Ir. sr. for Illatraillle, ittellaas and later mediate stations. . . Arrive at Anderson street at Ifts3 A. 'lt. Midi: r. Al.. fioat Blairsville, Indies* Old lAS nternsedts .r muttons. • /LUTES Sh 7D, 0c..1.m= - A uutant PITTSINITRGE ... CVNNELLESVILLIG B. B. ISpring Arrangement. - . - Oa TIIIDDIDAN, MARPa lAMBS& ' The uln a will lease the Depot. Conn/ 01 800 and Watts . Koala, Ss fellows: lawas !.rhos • " . • . Prtastorpk. IldaVile Ball to sad Dom UniontoAn... 740 A. IC. /In %sprees, ... /03 r. ti 1700 O. Y. West Newton !accommodation OP r. mr. 315/3 A. 11. first McKeesport itosocant 1130:$%. H. , CD a. X. cond " " —.lOeX 1. L 3lOl Tor. Hraddock% "• • - 4 . ...., 1 :W. N.I. I:4 T. ma Sunday. Church Train to and from Wut Newton.--...... Igo r. Y. Ott& x. /or Tickets apply to T . t " . .2"t4)/iTit&inne.".ssot. ensi ALLEGLIENT • r. , - .- - 'PALL CY - UA.11..80A.D. ' - —•— - -- ~ 'mug= or TIMM .. ;.. - .... On and after MONDAY, nth. Mt %rattle 101. leave and arrtre at Pittsburgh Depot, corner Pas and Canal streeth es/allows; • PDX lUstlmllsltla kethruod,n.;--110 a:X:l24r 11 Mall, to .d.front ltaboaled•.. Trnl a • X. entt P. N. Flrst Soo.. Worts Atm/Anion. Mee.. X. 1112) A. N. Second Kiskimlnitis A[0.112 • 11• laa S . 7 20A:10 P.. N. X. Panresa, to and from 1a510213711 S. Ph 1 0 Second rode Works Lecom•n.. POOP s UV r. IL. Wanda) Church Train from and l tonode Worts. eo r. %Dm .4...1r mit • H. Bla.Cntrlt, E. Inept. ----- BTEAMSHIP3• BALTIMORE y & ILLVA.NA STRAW.. tor n ' nniti i isova,cpe.ra Agnts• evil NAVA N A AND II as...MIX/Lel., CARRY. Ulb THE UNITED bTATItI3 bum. The First-Class Steamattlyeat2la tine will sail se f° 471 1 1. •• lintoni, ior New . Orleans Ariel:las ••rle. is on WRDNIGIDAY I,e,rmberl9l.b. Key "I.2BERTD-I.=ltons, for New Orleans via {{'est and Havana' Thos. A. It•iLl. GoirtitaAti r on THURSO. AY J.1:111211 01. Tiom BROW WS WiI * AItY . YELL'S FOINT. At 2 o'clock e. precisely, n o the dap iinaouneed., , For freight or passage, basing east:Livened WI eoteroodatlons, apply to • 11.1.NRY H. WARMITA, n 3 { g WII N.B.—No of Lading bat those of the ComYet4 ny will be signed. Permits for the freight molt hi mrc roearedtron imbue signe d on do ce. t asit h ntcr ."l" n i ole gTEAßlTA.tiliTermn mitt= POOL.AND QUER N sTGWN CARLANDITIIWN A WELK. The INMAN LINN, calling EVERY SATURDAY, • EVERY WEDWESEAYI. • CARRYING U. S. MAILI3. - • ••' I Tickets sold to and from Ireland, Enkland. Snot. land. Germany And /ranee. - - - Apply II the Company's Oilers. • - JULIO G..DA1,12, Agent, 15 Broadway N. 11.. • Or - WI!. INNUNAN, SE., oelbßmS9 Aodams•-ExpressOnlce. Yittstmegh.L. PENH. SALT MANOR: RIWG CO. PITTSBURGH. P 1LOIIII! rLoun. CORN MEAL! 1.00181-sod.. of lit. Louts Flour; Choice onto& of Winter Wheat Floor; tiood do do de do -Pat cm' Flours, good to Choke brands; tits Flour: Ituetxbrat Floor; Whits Corn Meai, kiln dried: Yellow do do t the old statd. and 111 Wood street. ecitosnacte S LANG pRIVATE DISEASES. • pima, Mg% PZI N STRIZT, aear Hand.; - /Or the ears of all di/maim of a yrtvate nature. 11 Com two to tons dam by meltingly new and gait treatment. Also, Seminal Wilskeesg. mid all Mbar illseium of the genital organs and their Venenticd Core warranted or money refunded. Unite honra-7 to 10 a. v., 1)6 to ma to II Y. 1••••••• 4 , 11, PIT P 'MSC isaVe THE • CELEBRATED STEEL TOOTH HAT . BALES. HOW. and )ILexlove tark” are %runt:future.] only at Abe DI)WJESSK WORKS. near the Penitentiary, All& at aii VA ndinai na:Wb —s eellmr row. materi a l. et ttneld. ron d o o f tte beat material. sbort smile , and ...ate& leis starlet yot.lellAN. for FAIVEL-PAPEUS—WaII and Ceil by Snir Decenttons, antione and mate rn. Isle • • r. 51. a. • - - . VT Wood rtreo, MI