t • creo : D) BATESk BELL'S BATES&BELL'S GENERAL REDUTION FOR TO 1161108. Merinos, Empress Cloths, Poplins, Tartan Plaids, Poplin Plaids, Victoria Cords, Evening Silks, Dress Silks, Cloaks, Shawls, Blankets, Balmorals, Plaid Flannels, BATES & BELL'S. BATES & BELL'S. I . rMq.M•XI7 L DRY GOODS. ERWIN, ArCONNELL 4 CO., NO. 178 FEDERAL ST., Allegheny'. City, Wholesale and Retail ITAIL,FIIB Dir DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS. Messrs. EBwlw, DicCONNELL &' CO. announce that thee hare just opened .d and are constantly rece.Ting LARUE IN YuICES of Icel. selected DRY tiOsibli, and all articles In their line of business, AllreOt from the East, which they_oner TO THE TRADE, OIL AT RETAIL, at the LUNY ReIT RATES. • THEIR Sr-I.'OCIC COMPIIISES ALL . 1111 i LAEBST AND BEST SYLES And in Great "tarlety, And ' re a il gi l ghTSlMMTL i g .ATTEluis FRENCH, GERMAN AND ENGLISH Dress G 3 oods, ALL' KINDS OF FLANNELS, White and Colored Blankets, Baltnoral Skirts, Cloakings,. _Tants. Delaines, Gingbams, Sbeetings---Bleached and Brown, - theckk, Tickings, Drills, Shootings, etc., etc., f. And en extensive variety and assortment or NOTIONS ERWIN, McCONNELL & CO., NO. 178 FEDERAL STREET, 411egheny City, 505.n213 •X b i wilpsyvto•4o GERMAN AND SWISS "Elet3a.o3r Goods Caned Baskets, Brackets, Jewel Brae. and Ornamlnts, l'ortinonate., Wallets, Satchels, Card Caies. Brocke Maas, Fancy Knit Goods, Linen Ilandkeinbiel , ,' Embroideries—all dess:rlptlons. L ee Collars and liandcerchlels, Coll'ares and Barber, • Ladies'. Gent's and Children's Kid Glove., Bonwsiod and Garnet Jewelry, _ . Toilet Soaps, &a., Ste e. ENTLE3II. ENDEKWEAR, ea Ties, SustAnders, Halt Hose, Ecarfe. Bear( rine, El:ev . e Buttons. AT LOW PRICES. F. H. EATON, 17 Fifth St - NEW GOODS JUST BECEJVED JOS. 1:10RNE & CO Tall mufti:neat et ,0 OXX .er B. 4XD SdT 8, £l:tle 1e541 , 4 ran Stiles* • 21=113-taanz-3r, Ca-cocoas. , _ t Vg al ,o l X4riagle r inrd a til i rt d p C sC r eV ill, net and Trimming Ribbons. nn - a d rich colors; /lovers. choicest French and American; feathers. Yea Cl hat and Writ. - • . • xi as sa aet ca W.*/ AA (Well assoiteda Cambria. Hamburg; Swiss, Leo n e, Vslen vicuna ltdirinis and Inserting,: inologs. Bands itAitzi,rj.n.itturit4,lgedd and Linen Col i3h.rilr,4___cioe.dt.th,v... wirtirvata. eau' Ilreu Tr n c tigle frames. . WHITE coops: • most complete' stock of Jaconeti, Cambric,. /hills, he.. am • • • Bandherebleti, Mitt. LaCeclllem.outched. Item ised. Embroidered, Tape BOTEered,. eta., etc. Eatery and Glover In every Variety and all slue. ladled' and Bent , Underwear. • rtdritiYhing Goods: - Suspenders and Neck-Ties; Beery_ Marin and Drawer.; Duplex, Bon•Ton and lILL troop Skirts; Corsets. /dale Puffs, Nets, Union and Bilk Belting. Anttcnia—the latest novelties. all kinds. secs—lireatem v. NIT. Cashmere, Lambs Wool and • Lin Ow varioudmixturva, plain colon and random. . 1.1 0 , .srLsePape.r.Collars, and even thing In the No r:ices as ow as Sulam:lobbing Houses. Nos. 77 and 79 Market Street. WI • MACBCDS, GLYDE & 78 and 80 Market Street. 11111 VRIS. O ROM, , . JEWILt.CASES. 1 WATCHiI 1 f VT% IV . • • • CAB" l r . Wl 1 1 13 skis. "— *" c i j iiiiiits , do .E.ll BrIt c IIIIRIES , Pilate COLLATes • • IIIfzIERY LEW °LOVES Nrsullie dil,33°Ds. u,,mv ocAltrs Boor ty,...g m s, - .14 En, WATERWALLs, HAIIII.LOLLS, at , . litotelteeptur will And It to their adTantsge to '&6)6 timetr Stock from our . Wholesale Department del? mieft AMIN • 1711 UOL AL& DEALRAS FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY 1100111 WO a. 04 lOC crawl. Mit" • tzars nose sbollll DULMon Alteml .rimaimut, YLe DRY GO Ds, CLOTHING, &c. GREAT REDUCTION SALE OF DRY GOODS, !ma GIRDN% .& SUMER'S, 02, 3ILLA.PI.I[37'T 13TV1.3EIMT. • Includin veryim Stock of NEW GOODS and at•• GREAT REDUCTION. and will-be sold fully 20 pet COOL less than prices TIN DAYS AOO. 1111 EM FINE BARATIMA CLOTHS At - 30 CilnlN. Reduced from BT' routs- TWO CASES LADD PLAID POPLINS, Al 40 ants• Reduced from 75 Mao 13:13=0 FINE 'EMPRESS REPPS, Al 59 cents. Reduced from 75 cents =1 BLACK tILENCIL 'IMMO/4 ♦t $1..00 per yard. liedaced from $1.25 IMEIMM - WIDE BLACK ALPACCV: Reduced 50 cent, on a yard • PLAIDS. POPLINS. EMPRESSCIAITIIFI. BEPPIt; - PRENCII PLAIDS. :110IIAIRS lESIMEI New Dress Goods Just purchased. and will be botd at a LARGE REDUCTION. I • BLANKETS AND FLANNELS REDUCED. Dorkietie Goods REDUCED. PEWITS AND DIUSLINS 12 CTS. B4LXOReIL SKIRTS OEDIICED ONE HALF ENTIRE STOCK OF NEW DRY GOODS AT A REDUCTION -8;p61:71.13 I IMMENSE CLOSING OUT SALE. $.50,000 wcirtrrini OP PINE FILL IND WINTER CLOTHING. $lO,OOO Worth of DRAWERS, UNDERSEDITS, WHITE SHIRTS, COTTON AND WOOLEN 110SIERY, Starts, Ties, Suspenders, &c. Also, $5,000 Worth of Gloves, Of all Description, all of shich sill be sold at ACTUAL. COST FOR SIkTY DAYS, I T BE SOLI) AND MU Ito My Now Sonata, Before mooring Union Depot. Opposite tit e and Dwelling, together 1 - Spew Cases,&i.. Ter sue. Mir The Iwo of Mal with Countere, tilgelvt • 3. D. RAMA:LEY, 334 and 336 Liberty Street, Oppowite Wayne. = ACBUDI. 8t CAULISLF., 19 Fifth Street. MAGNIFICENT HOLIDAY FREOENTS. • •• • Rich Jewel and Work hozett w omit. handkerchief and (More Boxes: Elegant Perfamei y elands: %gar etandlsatihretall&Cases; B *lgo ind Jet Jrgirr, line Morocco Wailemanu Baas. We are also openina a choice eollection of - Real and lat Hatton Lave Good': Plain and Embroidered handkerchiefs: Ladies. Cashmere Scar'S rine Ciotti and %Ad Glreit Croquet and ekatlog hose tr Under .hirts and Urawers. COMOCte "C." "H -Zia WM/. a evr article. MACBUM & CARLISLE ... Are Bole Agent!. in W. MG , for the LOCK% 001) CLOTH LIN ILD • ND and 10,0011100 COLLARS• Pharp's Pat ant Tag. and Dl3OOllOO Labels: tirsee Idanided Paper Collate:. . The Lintz Imitatios Collars;' _ The •lbtar" flirt. warranted to hi: Bradley's Darden Elliptic flirts, all sires—To. Beaton at Manufacanters • Prima; . Balmoral vkirts. • Our splice stock at LESS THAN HALIt THEW ....._ COOT. - 31F.BCHANT8 AND DEALS/GS .7tcl%.fla:, leas lean 0 much gtrt g . closeout. a "' ' " ` Ladles and Gentlemen wield ne to make ollday Presents •111 nod UMW/ useful N sod sulcatde artielt 1 at (Meta' Reduced Prices. , - • BULOSITM & OMMSLE, WHOLESALE DRY GOODS. ARBOHNOT, SHANNON & CO. • No. tl5 Wood SI., Pittsburgh, gate in store awl reeelitag, a . fall essonsseoS o DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS, Which they offer at EASTERN PRICES AND TO WHICH The Attention - of Dealers is Invited 11=___ TAE MATTES OF *TOE ES. 1 IS TA.TT. OF RAIMEL. SCOTT. December Terra, 1141. A.d now, to wit: December itth, litn, the Court eliDoint W. R. RUMMIES, Auditor to distribute 040 balance In the hands of the Adm . mistral ors. . RT THE coma. Altett.t ♦. LiILANDA Clerk All persona interested are reraby untifl,d t his hat the node. lined wit. attend for the purnOaea of appolutmeat, at Ms °Mee. No. 81 81ar.6.d s h eet. Clitsburah. oa IiaTUIWAY.2IIOI JalitiarY. at 2 r. 1.. at attion time and plane they , 812 EI alterul• W. B BOVE BB, Auditor. CEIEI3 VOTATE OF JOHN T. CHILDS, AJDNON.oll.o.—Letters of delenintstrallea hive bees grsdieel to the anderfleuid. Pereonihsetne dmms edit resent thew, and %Wee Indebted ell hattlieledletely to ism. B. HAMILTON., • 05;p13, t__ Is 9 Filth inert, PlttsUgrAb. NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS Horrible Mbar in TitllNViile The Titusville Herald of Satiarday has the following : Yesterday morning the usual quiet of our city was disturbed and our com munity painfully startled by a rumor that a man named John Hickey, living on South Perry street, had murdered his wife. Our re porter started for the scene of the murder and found a woman, apparently twenty-flue years of age, lying dead on a filthy bed In the house of a Airs. idetNevin, on Ferry - street, one door south of the mill-race,• The front part of her head was much bruised and her hands lacerated from the effects.of a Revere struggle. There was a stick of stove-wood, weighing about four pounds, I ying on the floor, with several clots of blood on it, and it was evlaent from the marks on the woman's head that this stick was the instrument with which she was slain. te wife of John Hickey The deeetuea was the _ _ _Ludt litkey. tbe.is said to have been an habitual d unk xd, and was intoxicated on the eveni2 -be. Ifore her death. The kusband been. the 'l , inploy of Mr. D. C. Clark, as a. laborer, since July, IKJ, and is represented by those who knew him as an intelligent and Inoffensive man except when under the influence. of li quor. lie was heard to say on the evening of the murder that he would give her (his wife,) a black eye. Idol he would see if that would keep nor otf the streets. On Tuesday be was at work near the depot, and took several drinks at Labey's ,saloon oil `Mechanic street. Ile went home about six o'clock, but soon . after entered Lahey's saloon where he had two glasses of whisky and one glass of elder. Here he remained until ten o'clock, when the company separated and he started for borne. During. the night one of the inmates of the housu said that she heard Hickey me', "Annie what makes you make such a ci—d beast ofyonrself 1" Nothing more was heard from bun until about six o'clock yesterday morring, when he knocked at the window of one Label . , and told lam he had killed his wife, and wanted to know what be should do. lie was told that since his wife WWI dead, the best thing for lam was to give himself up. He then went to the store of Mr. D.C. Clark and said that his wife was dead, and he bad killed her, fled was going to give himself up. Ile immediately , went to the house of Police man Doherty, on Monroe street, a n t stated that he had killed his wife and that he wished to give himself up, °Meer Doherty aecompas nied him to the lock .up, where he still re" mains. An inquest was held on the body of the de ceased by Justice Strouse, at two o'clock-yes terday afternoon. The prisoner was committed in full to await the action of the gran,' Jury. • Fearful Railroad Accident. The Fltholo Record furniihes particulars of the fearful accident which occurred on the Warren and Franklin Railroad on Wednesday evening, caused by the breaking of is rail. The engine. lender and baggage car, all passed over the broken rail Pi safety, bit the amt passenger car was thrown from the track and cast down an embankment of about thirty feet,the coupling connecting it and the se send passenger car breaking„ and the latter remaining upon the track. In going down embankment the ear made a complete sommersault and landed right side up at the bottom. The passengers were all more or less bruised. and some eight or len out of the wenty-tive or thirty oc g cupying , the ear were bulte seriously injured, some, it is thought, latally—tnough no elle was killed outright. A Mr. Horn., of Dayton, thittarangui county, New York, was quite badly burned by coming In contact with the stove of the wreck ed ear, his clothing being burned ol• from bloc in many places, and his breast, bead and other parts of his body being badly injurmi Icy burgs unit bruises. Mr. Rowe, of West Hickory, was burned still worse than Mr. Morton, and bad end of his rms crushed. lie w taken on to City, Tae,se tire . the only names 01 those Injured we have boric able to obtain. We Understand that there were 64- end badly injured in the second carob - hitch re mained on tae tracer. The manner in which We Sonident cxmurted was no mote singular than that pa:of:P.s'ms escaped without loos of life. flow Article. I eft in the Car+ are Re covered. It Is astonishing with what care nll the minutia: Incident to the superintendency of a great railroad is conducted. We have a case In point 'as an illustration. On Thursday. a gentleman who reached Ilarrisburg at lour o'clock, discovered,, after he left the ears, that he had forgotten ills cane, a vuluabie ar ticle: Whoa the los. d was first ascertained the train had been an hour on its route to Pittsburgh. Mr. S. Black, Superiuteuflant of the Middle Division of L the Pennsylvsuiv Railroad, was inforined of he loss. lie tele graphed the fact to the condactor of the train o'clock ich the cae IA as telt,' w as re tu rn e d eight the m id sing article was returned to tie depot by the agent of the train which arrives there Irons the West at that hour. Tithe simple fact illustrates the vastness and the perfection of the system by which our great railroads are conducted. There hi no ...- ping thwrigliance and prudence of that +Y.. temp as far as Ituillitit Wisdom can make. It, it is perfect. Explosion of a Vulcanizer lu Lauri. Ler. re. In Lancaster city,. on Wednes.day, one of Wheeting's vuicaulzers,which had been placed In a stove, and in which sonic article used in the manufacture of artlilcial teeth was being prepared, in the, °Mee of Ur. W. C. Swentzel, on the southwest corner of North Queen street stoveentre Ssinare, exploslcd, throwing the to pieces, and srmttering the fragments of Iron, he., around thu room. Several pieces ot iron struck the ceiling and made sleep in dentations in it. Ti... Doctor and his broth er, Dr. Is. W. Swentzel, were In the room at the tithe, and narrowly csearedinjurv. 'rhe tern. ',mature of the vulcanizer was only 310 de grees,whieli is conslslerubly below its cam., ity. Had not a vessel of water been closest hand. when the accident occurred, the build. lag wduld have taken lire. The report of the explosion was beard at a considerabledistanee and stooke issued in d se volumes from the windows of the building en • , Railroad Collis:leo. The Stroudsburg Jriferroninn says: On Mon . day last, about midday, there was a terrible smash up on the railroad near dell's Bridge, by the colliding of the freight train going south with a coal train nbrth. The lco.omo• tires of both trains were badly smashed, and care, freight,'Le.; were p na togeer la th greatest confusion. The mall tra th in going e north was detamml several hours by the col lision. The oolliston was caused by the crimi nal conduct of the engineer of the coal train, who started from. the Water flap, without orders from his conductor, and when he knew the time he was running on was time be th long - ing to the freight train, Fortunately, ore were no lives lost, nor was any ono injured. There should be a law to control, Buell gross culpability and, rocklesanesa by the severest punishment. Arrest of an Embezzler. • , • The Shamt in Herald of the nth inst. says. On Tuesday evening, John T. 1.. harper, who for more that a year tins been kook-keeper for Dlr. John 11. , Iliouty, was arrested one charge of cmbeztli g money tOLthe amount Of . over 6100. Some two weeks ago Harper lull town with his wife to visit Pladadalphia, where both he and she came from. The second day after his arrival there be was missing, and was not beard from until Tuesday, when lie arrived here In the evening train. Ito bad a hearing before Esq. Caldwell, and was oommitted to 1 3 a I l i ,dfb l o t , h ‘ e& . e r . ii t .w . , , r ay elc:r r t n cl , g Wile: alleges tAt be, can explain matters, although he f f aled to do so at the hearing, and it Is thought that under this belle{ be came op. After ttiii Battle. An ortlclal report of the battle of Oettyeburg; Bilden that 27,531 guns were picked up on the fleht after the engagement, 44,000 of which were loaded. Of this number one halt had two Imola each remaining uuflred, ono quar ter had three loitclit, anti the re m ainin g six thousand contained ten loads apiece. Many were found havlng from two to six bullets over one charge; in others the p.owder was placed above the ball, one gun tat six eaf. tritigeii with tile paper untorn. In one Spring. field rifle, twenty three separate charges Were cOund, one smooth-bore musket con tained twenty-two bullets ;LIM sixty buckshot ramtned.in promiscuously. Nerved 11110 Blight.—At the court ideny der county, in Middleburg, last week, Judge Woods lined Samuel P. Bowersox thirteen dot lars and tee costs of prosecution, amounting to all to about ono hundred dollars, fr ii l ls,ls, tnrning a camp meeting, near that pla o ce, h Se [ember. - - - Arrested. Three men Were arrested at Tldloute on Tuesday lust, charged with night way tobbery. Their names are John Warren LewiS and Pater Haggerty. • - _ I _ _ . - —Dr. Cummings Insists something awl.. going to happen this your or next. • —Thrco' school.children were drowned by falling through t he i c e tu Alton, 111., a few days since. —Samuel Thompson. ass:tittles , Connecticut negro, is rt, ailing the performances of "Mind Torn" upon the piano. . —l.lr. Murdock. is ill, In Wisconsin, and com pelled to give un his engagements tor lectures and readings. —A den of tinkers, where fathers and Mothers, boys and girls, live in a state of cud. Itr. has been discovered in Scotland. L-Why is a bosieged city often like rultrl. monyi liecauso those that are in want to got out, and those that are out want to get in. —Garnets reported to be very plenty this sea. non on the Upper river, Canada. It is stated that ono hunter shot ten moose-deer on a re cent trip. —By a curious coincidence, a gentleman In England rejoicing In the name of /Simple has just patented an invention for obtain hg per.' petual motion. —ranch says: "A yankee baby crawls out of Its faradic, takes a survey of it, Invents a Cm. proveruent, and appilel for a patent before it is six months old.. Maggie Bennington was drowned at DAL lardvale, Mass., Saturday afternoon, while skating. ller sister Mary was rescued in an insensible °audition. .The Prince and Print:roes of Wales lately planted a couple of memorial trees, mad the spectators soon after cut them to pieces to set conamomoratlVe prigs. • —Edwin Booth, the tragedian, has purchas ed several acres of land near the regent /louse, New London, and de erect a CM,OOo aottage there'thls whiter. slitss Rate Fowler, of Alton,llllnpis, bad a terrible earache, and for want ot a better remedy, natired IS teaspoonful of peppermint into her ear. She it DWI/ became delirious, p a d 4104 soon after. EARLY TELEGRAMS. SEIZURE OF SPECIE BY TIIE FRENCH. Maximilian Supposed to Have Re turned to the Capital: THE CAMPBELL•SHERMAN MISSION. A Good Understanding Arrived Nita . yomr, December 21.—News.to the NIP, from Vera Cruz, says : The Freneh seized two hundred thousand dollars of the Imperial treastrre. The steamer Eugenie had - sailed with 4ll00,1X!0, of which 4400,000 belonged teethe French Government, and the rest to citizens. One thousand French troops had sailed for France. Correspondence from Vera Cruz le to the 4tth, end Orizaba to the nth. A French Steam er had arrived at Vera Cruz with two hundred troops and a quantity of gunVowder. A ape cial courier to General Castellano also arrived. The Custom•house at Vera Cruz was seized by the French on the 9th, and when lien's agent presented an order for Arty thou sand dollars, it was not received. The Confederate Jacob Thompson watt at Vera Crek. Mailtntillan lett Orizaba on the 11th for the Capital. Miramon that to avoid arrest. Mar queen bad failed in his efforts to rolso money for the Emperor. The war between the Cm perm' and itazinne . had become open and avowed. ata Tile Tones New Orleans special of yesterday says: "IV bile the mission of Shernian and Campbell to Mexico has not achieved all that wee expected, it tot+ by no means proved a failure. They did not land at Vera Cruz lor the reason that they did not want to hold any intercourse with the Imperial authorities, but proceeded to Tampico and Matamortas, where they met the representatives of the Juarez Government, and they all knowl -- -what we mean to do. All the t mint 'Elates want to see is a strong united Government there. A definite and Joint plan of Action will he determined on between the United States and the Republic of Mexico immediatelyafter the withdrawal ot the 1. renal, which takes place before the list of March. "Juarez will then transfer his sent of Gov ernment to a point we are not at liberty to name at presen." That Point, said Sherman. us a an, 1 consider well chosen; their entire p l a n have been laid before me, and 1 consider them upon the whole judicious and prudent." Then, in the event of say frantic:it of imperial power, remain ing the 10l ted state trpop.; be marebe.l ' over the s Rio G multi to support Juarez. Minister Ca...1A.11 Will re. urn to Mexico, and resume official relations with the Republic. General Sherman sand we Ire Ilene in possession II) of the Juarez. nument. CIN. taxer t, Decetuber .21.—A lire In Oblo, on nuturdity, destroyed the dry semis store of Hearne IL. Dixon. Loos, 43.1,0o0; insu red for s . ..V.toti. The banking house of J. limy nold I Co. was also bottled. Loss, 4.1,uu0; in sured for t 1,500. Several adjoining buildings were damaged. rulL A este n s , Dec. tit .—lleu glar'4 extensive lager beer brewery on Thompson street, was alluost totally destroyed by fire Mat night. Loss, 415,0ee; partly insured. Five-thousand bushels of malt, two thOUSACKI pounds of hops and at/Out two thousand insrrola of beer were tieetiOjeO• EVEttimaDvs LiTEREST. Soots and Shoes Haying been I . ..derma from the 1•t of rtogYvat.iare feel It to be only plat that the people abould be In• formed of It. We have reduced our prices •ceord- In i rly. Our 4t,,T. whonuauslly large and ' , Yell aa sorted. and tit age appreciate hsudaurou )la acid well made • BOOTS AND SHOES And be..rer moderate p , lces, are certaln to b. vlenaed at the POPULAR :OWE PALACE EMPORIUM NON. 26 . AND 3N FIFTH NTREF.r. WM. B. CLAPP & CO. C. s.—So trouble to gloor Call t no Solt: WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE — "WA LErrsts trots CONNOISSEURS IDICAL GINTLEIR. TO ill TILE at ILADIII.F. to hi. )ms GOOD sAur "Tell LEA & rElt 'Cr AreLlCAllt.i. To RIM that their tt,Ris hi. CF: hlghly ep• Petard In Indio, aud 14.111:ay oploloo, the Lialll4l t7;1 1. ar:ll: ble tnott ' wholeaotne SAUCE MIME. that la wade The soot.. °Patti moat tit'lcioui' and unrivalled .011111n11 1 11(1 ,11 V 1 I111 4,144c.1 InnUy unprincipled •ro to apply the name to Stl . llloll , Cottroua r D , , the rt; If LIL it 11/11.11.T141 . 1..LT lotll,o,x , rt.i . n,nueut ct to kee..11,51 1.044 nanic or LEA*. PERRIN'S are upon the WE LABEL , STorrim b‘eITLE. listuuructurtlt , LEA d PERRI NS, Worceater. JOHN DUNCAN'S SONS, vUItK. AGENTS FOR TUE U. S. WILLIAM MILLER, PRONOUNCED II): I= WIIOLESALE GROCERS, Braudies,iWines and Cigars, Nos, 221 and 223, Corner of -Liberty and Irwin Streets GENERAL NEWS SE FROM MEMCO. at with Juarez E= rim RATE OF TAN ON =MI Ii LtiM AN NATIONAL BANN'. toal. Ducetutu . r lttn. IS.OI. N ELECTION FOR NINE DI- A-. . Mid:Wis. to nerve for the ensuing year. Wit 1 --•••--- • -- be held atthc-BA\IitNU HOUSE. on TUESDAY. Brother at WORCY.n. January btb. botwunn Loots of 10 A. at. :tad VEIL, !lay, 101. Z r. Of 111,1 aucer.isua TO MILLER & RICRLTSON, AND I 31POILTEIW UY PITTSIItiRG 11, Pt IRON, NAILS, COTTON YARNS. &C., SEWING XACHpf ES, seo Weed,Lock Stitch Sewing Machine. BEST IN USE THIS IS WHAT *6O IVII L DO. . SOO M•chine will lion. Yell anti Bind; e..:ald, TuCit and Cord; . " Il i at tni'lle(ist'illuth Overcoat: Make a Frock Coat; Slake a Satin Vest; Make cloth Pan.; Mod Snout Mt ill do retry description of Dress Making. 60 Machine swill do all kinds 01' Family Sewing. SOO Machine will run over seams without West in(needles or ak loping et' Wheel. 00 Machina stitches mike On both shies. 110 Machine Is the chew est Machines by 110 per coot. In use, and will new faster, If nut superior to any Machine In the market, be can return It and have Ills money. Warranted four 'roars. 'AIKEN KNITTING MACHINE Will tun 190.100(000110 let a tiay. Wald and Embroidery Stamps for Sale en 4 •tamp log done. Also • del sonfcatng ladles and ebildren's drys", An y per elm learn from li. Atia.NTS WAlierg , l l . , adrAll kinds of family Ae . w l l i nit i, d 4 mi. It'd want street, opposite dtliWk,l n017:T.T.• PriffintinCitt, rA. GROWER ac /4, RAKER'S • : ELASTIC STITCH AHD LOCK STITCH Sewing Machines Aral E ltEbT for Family and Manufacturing pones. Call and see there at .Yo. 18 Fifth Street DON'T BE DECEIVED BY Ftourtobing hot column advertisements of Inferior Machines, but set • UHOWLII it BAKE& It boo been fully tested for sixteen years, swim by compe tennouont e, d the ' Jdie.. V.. Jihb S T E I . ' f • • No, 18 WiZ*b. SEitroct. nov:ans GET NONE BUT A • GROVER & BAKER For a Holiday Ulft. It Is reliable. perfect and he refore the best. Don't att to call aud see)t at li FIFTH KTIMET MEI THE GIIOVER b. BAJEiLEIR - SEWINC MACHINE Is the Ultltna Thule of Idechentsm. rlease,eall and examine It at NO IR FIFTH tarmsKT ROE, HARNESS 81, CARRIAGE ' MAKERS .honld ne the slew Grover & Baker No,l Sewing Machine Bgo e lll b r a o rm: If where. lt Is the beet for feel n03:n153 NO. IR IrIYTH BTBIT. T 9,r2F, . BARTLETT $25. SEWINC MACHINE. Best cheap Licensed Machteelp la Bated States. Agenplw!ntl a/Tyner:a 240 . 50 to $2OO per moan. .5!1 lEtraltr. as. tienerel Agents, PAVE 614 Chestnut street: Philadelphia, and grAl nom strcet, Tolc4o, 91210, 404.1 SPECIM. NOTICES. larA CARD TO INVALIDS. A Clergyman, while residing In `!ouch America as a missionary, discovered A_Pofe and simple reme dy for the Core of Nervous Weakness..lfarly Decay, Diseases of the Urinary and Berntnal Organs. and the whole train of disorders brought on by bandful and vicious habits. Great numbers have been al ready cured by this noble remedy. Prompted by a desire to benefit the afflicted and nnfortunste, I will send the recipe for preparing and using this medicine. in a healed envelope. to any one who nesqs it, Foal OF eII4FIGE. Please enclose a post• palffrurelope, addressed to yourself: - Address JOSEPH T. INMAN. t1 . e . 20;q21 I.ll.tiou IL Bible House, N. Y. City larWM. BAICITHILL & CO., BOILER MAKERS ISM SHEET 1 .180 N .- WORKERS, Nos. 20, 22, 24 and 26 Penn St. - Having secured a large yard. and h famished It wit the most approved machinery, we are prepared to manufacture every description of Bailers, In the beet manner, and wan'anted equal to any made In the country. Chimneys. Breeching. Ylre lie,s, Steam Pipes. Locomotive Boilers. Condensers.ba.t Pans, Tante, Ott Stills, Agitate., Settling Pane. t Bollurers or er Iron, BARNBridge Hs, ILL' tiug S r PATENT BOis,ERS Pane: and sole manu fac. Repairing done on the shortest notice. tgrIAIELE SIIPERIOII COPPER MILL AND SMELTINEWORKS. PITINBURGH .PABE, McCURDY 8 CO:, Manufacturers of Sheathing, Braziers' and Bolt Copper. Pressed Copper Bottoms, Raised Still Bot toms, Speller Solder. Also, Importers and dealers s n a letyn Thln nPdl.a te M S i he s t 'I r M o ac hi W e ir s s and T C o o l n s - Warehouse, NO, 140 FIRST and la/ SICCONDSTULLTS, Pittsburgh. Special orders of. Copper cut to any desired pattern. • ' myl4:c34:dawT PITTSBURGH SAW' WORKS, OUBDAIW, RDO. &. CO., !Saturant. • rrs of enT ENT 0 !WITS 1/CIitCULAIL. warrant- CAST STEEL SAWS, of every description, Mill, Mule T. Cross-Cut, Gang, and all other varieties. All kinds of KNIVES aud SPrINGS made fro/11 'Sheet Cut Steel; EXUA rennet REAPED. and MOW ING KNIVES, de. 'Warehouse and Works, corner WATER and Snout riruzrrs, Pittsburgh. Particular attnntlon paid tore-toothing, gum ming and straightening Circular Saws; also, repairs of all kinds. Punching and Drilling done at rea sonable rates. 105:C1.1 lar ROBINSON, AEA A. CO., (Suc tenors to 110010600. MINIS ot MILLILII6.) WASHINGTON WORKS, Foupcier. & Machinist., Pittsbutrah, Manufacturers of Boat and Stationary Steam En ine. Mast Y.oginos, Mill Machinery. Bearing SShafting, 'C asting + of all deseription.; 011 Tanks and Stills, Buller and Sheut Iron Work. sap- A gen t for CIIFITARD'S PATENT INJECTOR for feeding hollers. IarTIERIEDIAL INSTITUTE FOR 13_20 , 001v.3. C/sLesess. NO. II SIIIZEI.,NLW YORK. gull information. with the Mph.t traffinonloor; al.o, a Book on 4.01,4641 In a e.tzlerS sl.,- velape. sent free. 113 •b, more on/ tend for ;hem. trod g ee will et.: regret fl; for, I OvorLISIOIE phssirlans Ire peovralir oeto.eferet, without refer rotes no Bragger should be trusted. Enclose a c ramp f„,p o ,l o ge, nod to Olt LAWRENCE, R No. 14 BUN U STkET. NEW TORR. noliail tl ,- "I1ITOR OF ALLEGHENY. JOHN MORRISON WIU be a candidate for re-cte,tlOrt to the 31,1, Ity,ubjet to the 4c1.10n of the Unieu Republic party at their Nominattnr Elcettun NOTICES • -A1 exCL I.IIIIITI inc V t itit It IL I 'u., j. ravanuttlot. Leona, :2. Wk. WA' MEETING OF TUE STOCK HOLDERS or 12, eta/Oars Valley MAU road I'm:ll,lMT talli In. held 0.. MUNI/kV, Jinni , ' 7th, 1 , 67. at' .o. 77 rcpqLl‘ titret.t, it which Mute and Ware an theca,. for Octal, a 11,-, ors will Ito bald. between the hour, of laid 2 c't.lock, 4/414 S. F. VON IV /N 7.••••• y. or Szv BEN% ILL,. El. IL. I'••• I•ll,,outt•.n, thcvnibrr • A ,imoN,T . „ I'L,rj,, Ccoofht sly lit he ',eta at \o. 77 ' , mirth street. ou Jam, ry 7th. I,twrso the boors o• 14 Welort, 11.. uad t2poi el, gantly rt•towlit , : for the ttlt.ttN I) F Ez!.TIVA L. THIS A.F.TEIttit.LJN. at o'clock. Door•aPaa a, • on, ...•cof Y. • A IiItEAT LOU mid, TO HT. Pro. , !ut" lug tut• I utluPut _ M RS. 1.). \ Kit , and )lit. J.. NPCIILLOM! 10'"'PITTSBURCii TiIEATIIE. LESsEIL ANT, 31., 13F.N1/ECISSI)SI lI,AI =;11111= MISS Ada her highly trained horse WONDER., yr wilt nppear oa TtiESI)AT as 112 MI F.' ./....;g1; Olt, THE OT TARTAILY Chrlatzots ♦fiernoon—MAZEPPA. OIL WORKS, COM PAN lEI3I-zo CI!XX-037. *C>xsoei SOHO OIL WORKS. BUFFITZ KEKEW &CO., EANUVACTaktEILS 07 THY CELEBRITED SPI LU LIIBRICATOB, PETROLEUM LUBRICATING OILS. Sperm, Lard and,Whale Hill UGH, LOWS OIL IND itandaid White Burning Oil, No. 33 Market area, PITTSBURGH, PA. BEND FOR A . CIRCUIAR , WARING & KING, COIIISSION EGUIDIS BBOIR3 1E Petroleum mid its -Products 4 DUQUESXE Ira r, Iz. - x - nrursaiacriq.ci -3 z , PHILADELPHIA ADDRE.B,: WARING, KING Ea CO.. 19y17:1,15 121 Walnnt9t.. , Phllst. UENDEICK'S LUBRICATOR, =I WHITE, BROS. . 6 : CO., New York. E. J. ROBERTS, Agent, No.!1 St. Clair Street, Pittsburgh, Pa.. Keep constantly on band Cotton Factory MI, I Dm IL Nlarlllnery Oil, Woolen 'NMI OM Dark Engine. VII, Light Cord tu.lne 01,1, I Dark Car MI, N Light Cold Scrow-Cot- Dark. Car MI, No 2. Wag 011, n015:067 W 0 0 LOlll DGE GIG REFINING • CionLIC. OF PITTSBURGH. PENNA. JOHN WATT, President. !DENNY- M. LON U. Sec's and Tre...-q WORKS LIcTE:IIPKRANCIEVI.L.E. Mee, No. Duquesne Way, • (Nenr Suspension Bridge.) • HANUFACTUHEILI OY PUKE WHITE 131LTItT.CILINA31- Brand -" Lucifer." 12:7,3 EUREKA OIL WORKS, • • 'EJANC7ACITILEItSIO7 . . EUBER.4 C.iltDo.l' OIL, Te Celebraltd EUGEKA SPERM LUBRICATING OILS, And IV:tot:F.:tie Dealers In . • Crude, Refined and Lubricating Oils, LARD, tI'EI:SI,_WtiALE A'l) mu OILS. N 0.31. Market, St., Pittsburgh, Pa. . c. 3.NT ast Cell and examine samples and read certincatea. nols:odi BUY THE BEST, PETROLIA BLUE LEAD, /OH 011, REFINEES Manufactured only and for 5.3.1e1,1 T. IL E TUC"' X CO., Pic:pi:Loci - .2 t...J.3atTlCTorls.es N. W. Cor.3il and Market Sts., = THE LIGHTNING LAMP. ii. C. JONES P. cn.kwronv.: ..... JNO. VCSOEL. JONE 3, CRAWFORD & VOGEL, - Agents. TTIE MOST rOWERFUL AND ' TRULY It 411.1.1 ANT COAL OIL liAd LiILIST EVER PRODULED. -Adopted by the U. S. Government. Fmt e= Ire. Cnesp All , l Beautit'ul. Lives s brilliant insist three-fohl greater tuan any other_ lamp. This w p‘t,itt adapt.el to all Purl.... and as the ick is merely a conductor, never re- NiGititi FOR tALE. Mlles. opposite Poet 01.110 c, above rlttock's News Depot, second door. no2l WY. wIOIISYA:+ EA4IJE OIL WORKS, Marwavre,33.ao - crillo. WICHTIVIAN & ANDERSON. Refiners arid. Dealers in, PE T 1.4 E M . OF FIC E. SECON :+ToEY, COHN EIL HANCOCK T. AND DUQUESNE WAN. vIB3A COAL, COKE, &c. PITTSBURGH NATIONA IIL AND COKE COMPANY, • ltf EVERS, SIIIPPEDA AND DEAL r.tts; Wholesale hue the BEST FAMILY COAL, .Nut Cbc•na non. IfElack.cp3s.. 13PFICIg ANDY AHD, CORNER D PA IeTILEY.TS, Pittsburgh. Pa. All order. for delivery la the City, or gllipteent Wept, wllluteet prompt nod immediate attentlea. It. A. at; Li!: ABE auperintendynt. COALS COAL:I COAL!!! ' IMPORTANT TO CONSUMERS. H:UMMEL & RABER • one the attention of online to thelitine stock Of COAL Just receiveil, ineluilirrx the following va rieties Luntp,Noni.lo nnd Chestnut. Lyklua Valley, r e a. 3, and Chestnut, All of which they arc prcparril to deliver at the loadxsr RATES, by the single tun, car load, boat r thousand tons. All orders promptly stiende Ito. (Mee: Itnt Ebestnlit s :re", neer the Depot' 0c0i136 II ARIDSIDDIti. PA. CIOAL!COAL!!t;OAF.:1! --- DICKSON, STEWART 'it CO., Having removed thou Oftee to No'. 0437 jr-aj=•43x - t - y 1811troot. (Lately City Flour Mill) F.CCni D FLOOR, •re now prepared to_fuirash rood Yonghsonheal LQ]IP. NLT COAL OIL MLA.CK. St the lowest Market price. ord,s Iri at their ogee, or addrnaae•l to them through the mall, will he attended to Droto➢UY mr-5:b2.5 _ CHARLES ; u. AILTISTRONG, li/0..1.a IN oughioglidny and Connellsville Coal Coal, Slack, and Dernlidiarlsed Core, ?' A S.D TAU , _ thzri Ccinterfof Butler littg.g9,r‘At rulb.c4ul and Clymer Lock No. I.'i.nt.oburgh • Ft. `.72l27;tirs:llide TUE TAN...PAYEES OF THE NINTH WARD nuringiVierAiLMT;Fifft.:'enl2l2l.d M WINDOW SbeaHADES—Ane Green w lot ol .w and nt/ful eeslints on . T./., arid lialtflroutt/s, Vol , ! Sod Painted Norden, a No. 107 ILarkct street. ocZt JOS. /t.. HUUMES ABB% 11 I= D.A. AADAIShO JAIIES IRWIN. (122 Penn street