The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, December 25, 1866, Image 1

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Ding* *sid .21edlelues.
eters , prescriptions carefully prepared' at
half the usual price, at Fultou , s Drug Store,
oPposite POStOInCe.
An Episode la Laconles.
A young mari-Marrlud-Batriottsm-Baltat
.Cd-Nolurlottgh-Throo years-Plenty letters
--Great .battle-Wounded -Left for dead-No
Jetters-IPrisoner-Andersonvllle -Grant
'to:lona-Came Lome-Not a. dollar-Claim
agent-4;ot Lis pay-Two hundred and fifty
dollars-Bought county right-"Llnruno'+ .lm.
proved LY/orc Damper"-Sold wellrßought
more-Fifty 'dollars a day profit-Owns a
house-Bottled downft chance for you-
Right away-J. N. Whldden,.2o. 11 Fifth
The Howe Sewing Machine,
Must certainly take the lead of all others in a
short time: It was awarded five premiums
'on work, at the Worlds Fair, ISClffetir premi
ums for work and on the the New
fork State Fair, IE4O. See the Mcilsodist, of
heptember 2241. A:premium on the, machine
at the Ohio State Fair, bee. See • the Dayion
Journal, October Itith. The only agency for
Its sale Inc Western Pennsylvania, is itt No. 4
Clairstreet,Tittsburgh. ,
The Three Guardsmen
Will he 'produced in ,all ,its original splen
.lor. this (Christmas) afternodn, at the Sew•
Opera House. '
. .
. Racing - With a Locomotive.
At. Contra! l'ark, - liew York, the boys try.
their gad with the locomotive, but, as yet,
have not succeeded In - passing it, but we do
not.anow hew soon.Pittaburgli boys may suc
ceed, particularly as the great majority buy
their Skates of gown, lUG Wood street,..wbo,
notwithstanding the enormous quantity sold'
bas Still a few Moro left.
At the World's Fair
In,l.endOn,. lib"-, the Wheeler & Wilson Sew-
Mk - Machina received thu highest awardall
the Machines of Europe and America In com
petition. This ( award Tias always been made
I , 'herever ilalithited. You will make no mis•
takd iu orderiiii one as a holiday gift to Wife,
sinter or friend They can be purchased only
it. Sumner. .b gl Fifth street.
' The radar Base Bull Field is decidedly the
handsomest present you can maize. NO game
of modern times exceeds It in the amusement
and lamest it adords. It can be played by
two or more persons, and In every respect is a
perfect modef of our national game. As the
.apply this season will be limited, call in ha
lumtlately on James Down, 135 Wood,street.
Do Not
Forgot the-Three Guardsmen, at the New
opera floes°, tilts afternoon. •
flown, Jai Wood street, has done such an co
.rmous trade in skates, this. winter, that he.
has been compelled. to go and search the Phil,
lelphia and New 'York markets for stock to
supply the tremendous crowds who daily
throng his store. To-day ho will receive a
fresh supply. .Go early that you may secure a
, -
(MM. Toys, assorted Candies, Raisins, Cur
—runts, Prunes, Orange and Lemon Peel, Can
met Frnitst etc., etc., as cheap and as good as
nt any other house In the tie In cities. George
Heaven,. NO 112 Federal street, Allegheny . City-
A call is solicited.
' Compound Charcoal
Or antlayspentli food. Composed of recently
Calcined Willow Charcoal, itc., combined with
raltiim Flour. Solo agent lor: Pittsburgh;
Joseph Fleming, No. 9, Market stpei.
The tint rrenalum
Was awarded to ]feeler's Patent:Sett and Tare
Scale, for weighing cattle. hay, coal, etc, over
the Forsyth Scale at the tote County Fair.
Buyers will remembetordco IS Wood street.
Do Rot
Forget the Three Guardsmen; at the Sew
Opera lionte, this afternoon.
Fine Periennery, Colognes and Taney
A flue assortalenc, Imitable for presents,, at
Meclanan S !3.l.clienrkaa , s Drug store, No. 5.5
Market atroct.
R be Best Skaters
Must be taught young and put at, It.saily. So
go to Bowni t ,ltt , l Wood street, and purehuse a
pair or ska es for each or your sons and
If You Wont,
Your boy to stay at home In the exmling buy
hima Parlor Base Ball Field. Bown;l31.1 Wood
street, has them for ante.:
If Yon Want
lour boy - to stoy at home In the evening buy
him a Parlor Base Ball Yield. Bonn, fl Wood
street, line them for sale.
Ton Con iluy
roteign Liquors of all kinds at Joeep,l S.
Finch's Distillery, 1if3,191,1%1 and De }list
street, Pittsburgh.
Win Melt Onr Good•
lion't be afraid to buy. No risk to run, a 6
warrant every pair we -sell. Opera Itouee Shoe
Gractitil bk.atinr.
To acquire it, go to Down's, 136 Wood street
od purchase a pair from his immense stock.
For llolllday NrenentN, '
4.010 AlsClarran S ItteKennem,s Drug store,
~Market street.
Stock Reins. Reduced
Very fuet—prlees avattl low—Opere Rouse
Goods Sold lifilhout Reward to . VrtMe,
t the Opera Rouse Slew:Store. •
You qui BOY
, Alcohol at Joseph S. Fynelee.
t per cent
Wonderful Bargain,
ihe 1./pera lions° Shoe Store.
Best • ,
Hoods lel the World
At the Upere ❑ouse Shoe Store.
Yon Can Buy
slope at Joseph S. Fincya.
• .
Fire nt El mira—Lase aloo,ooo—Over a
Million of 111raally Assessed Taxes
Ftrturnetl—tinrnares Sur. a DOCelMied
usband—The lteeent Fluaneint Ex.
citrates.. • '
New Yonsc, Dec. 21, 11,66
There was was a large fire at Elmira in this State
'yesterday, which destroyed' property D. tho
amount of four hundred thousand dollars.
The insurance on .the losses will reach two
hundred_ thousand dollars, chiefly In New
York. companies.
To-day a resolution was adopted to repay toe
taxes collected in error from the different
banks in this city'to Die amount of nearly . n
million asola quarter of dollars..
The widow' eoglilan, In a legal action, has re
fovered •1r2.500, as Indenity for the loss of her
usband, who Was ki m lled - by' being thrown
Dein the platform of one of the Second sr cone
horse cars. , • •
THE 'auctiri rINANCIAL
It is rumored this afternoon that Um rc'eent
pbeen-ertulmtlon in the money market, which Imo
• attributed lo diteit practice on tin part
of some of our bank relit:Pre, In enllusirm with
the leading stock speculate:l with one or
more officials connected with settle Omar Vie e
partments at Washington, will be i l le
• subject of an Itclfgitir-attelt_lntractliuMly after
the reassembling or CongrCPY,
Mr. larth, of the open bonnl
Cdtully shot In We own hel4P,l , 3*.b"rgl.T, on
snuility night.
- •
A Railroad Amendment—A Great
Storm and Treed—The fit{Vag!.
Chinese Pirates—Montle in Cantor
. Ma.,
SAN Fr.sumaro, Pocember 21.—Th° construc
tion train on the Pan Joe RailrOad, 'broke
through a small Midge ban Mateo,
fast night, killing two men and Injuring
Thelraft a heavy fall of rain r yesteislay,
and last nightla double amount more than
was over recorded hero during B.
period. Floods are reported in several
China dates of the Gth. say that the Itrigon.
tine Lubea, of Warren, Mind° island', hail her
Captain murdered by pirates, who had first
rummaged the vessel, and shot Captain Rowe,
who was sitting with his wife and children on
I, a sofa in the cabin. A train was laid to blow
urthe vessel but the crow snccesded in so.
A g c l ie Lta from. various parts fn California,
say that streama are overllowed, honses
- roofed, trees blown down and roads obstruct the recent storms, — but no greet damage
has been rePerted•
is now stated that the visit of E.
Cook, • Dlinister resident at e•
erday , s . steamer. bas nothing
Cr.valgfe'd :r a tiT e d ' O r with ieciprocity treaty.
° •
• The Louisville Murder, •
LortsVim.e.Dec.'24.—The son of Mendel, who p
was assassinated yerterday, has been arrested
as the Murderer of his father. .
Riley Groaners, a negro, was arrested
Lebano as ono
of the gang who escaped hanging at n
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VOLUME - LXXX.---0. 312
Difficulty Between Turkey and Italy,
assassfis Surratt Ett Routs for
_the, United Stales.
FLOCia : CE, December Z.—A portion of the
Italian fleet bas been ordered to readesrous
in Turkish waters to await 'an order 'which
will moon be issued regarding a claim of Ins
dm:nutty to be made on the Turkish itovern
ment for proceedings In the steamer Thomas
TLIE FACAL %ND 00V1,1,1,16NT,
hove, December 2.3.—There is little disposi
tion shown by the Pope to entertain the prop
oMtlon made by the Italian Government, and
Mils holiness is said to have repelled Napo
leort's advice, who favors tlie Italian plan. •
SI7!MATS nomewArao nouNt)
MALT A t December':—Thu American Coustd
ha, received news that an American gunboat
left Alexandria today for the United States,
with Surratt on board.
Lox pus, Monday, Dm.ll,Erening.-13imine=s
is at a total stand-still in consequence of the
Christmas holidays. The Stock Exchange,
the Bank of England; wad most of the; mond.
neat mercantile houses are closed until Wed
nesday, There is no political news of interest.
L,vcarOOL, December 31—Erening.—Nothing
has been done in the cotton or other markets
to-day. Business is also suspended at Mans
cheater, tiriningbam and other 'commercial
centres. •
One Hundred Houses Destroyed
on Sunday Night.
The Total Loss Over Two Mil
lions of Dollars.
.Vicassenc. Mass., December terrific
conflagration - broke out fn Morris block, coo
ncr of Clay Street and Front levee, at
last night, which destroyed the entire
block, thirty • houses: thence to the block
bounded by the levee, Clay, Mulberry and
Crawford streets, destroying the entire block,
thirty-three onuses; then east of Mulberry
street, between Crawford and Clay, to Wash
ington street, destrocing. thirteen houses;
:hence to the corner of" Washington and Craw
lord streets, destroying four three story brick
stores, and thence to the earner of Mulberry
and Crawford streets, destroying ten houses,
besides shanties, Be., all in all, tumut one hun
dred buildings; or which thirty-eight were
Jorge brick stores.
Two white children and four negroes pee !sh
ed intim flames, and six negroes were killed
by accident. One hundred families are rem
dared houseless.
The origin of the ere was the result or care
lessness in tz Thr, streets are I
owded with g oods o and denrls. Tile gteatest
credit Is due I.:mien:ls Wood and -Dudley and
their men tor their superhuman e ff orts to
subdue the flames and prevent pillage. -----
Five or six building - were blown np to arrest
the progress of t bell:lmes. The Theatre bull:l
-ing, the Cathedral, City Think. and Telegraph
Unice escaped, the former badly damaged.
The total loss tonoughly estimated at 42,000;
M. About onedrth is insured.
The following Is a partial list of the suffer:
era: - F. D. Waldsworth, stoves and: hollow
ware; James Lavianinitti, fruit dealer; H. 31.
Bradley, watch maker: J. C. Kress .t Co.,
clothing: Manlove S. Hobart, dry goods:, llan , l
Swift, hardware and crockery. Also, by We
last tire, the three story dwelling or Smith .t
Parsons, wholesale dry goods and groceries;
S. H. Young a Co., wholesale groceries; Wash
intom Hall building; COW• 111 k Herring. gro
ceries: Ellett, Huggins a. Co., dm:goods; Both
sehild",a Triable, auction room; W. 11. PaSbMSO
'A CO., and J. Y.:Yelser a Co.. - furniture dealers;
Rothschild, dry goods; it. B. Bram:lnner, Ab
ner Matthews, two small d wellings; Peter Ca
sey, wholesale groceries and commission mei ,
chants; Wm. E.. young t Co., Wells allrecu,
S. L. DsbOrn IdeNatniva et Flanagan,
Downing, Brining COlbert, two bric stems,
Webster Scoffer, gunsmiths; O'Hara k
- C. J. Ed wards: boot stores; Philip suotorlous,
• .1. C. Mans, ehawver J: Pollock, A. L. Jaquith,
Johnson A LILIIIkIO, W. H. llarttnso,,and.
merous others of less importance.
The tire raged tilt daylight. The itiocul
rim Company lost their engine.
The Troubles In Lafayette founty—Or
der from General Grant—A Contented
Sent In the Next l'onuress—lnsprovu
ntent of the Illotlrodlopt er—A Von.
Sr. Louis, Doe. `ft —Tae ',stomata Jefferson
City special fornishei the following dispatch:
To dorcrlaor Fletcher :—The orders sending
United States troops to Lafayette county 'cat
countermanded on receipt of your illspatch
iSigneda U. S. littaNT."
Judge Illrelt will contest Colonel Van Horn's
scat In the Fortiejb Congress.
A block and alma of buildings was horned
at Shelby, kliesouri, last Thursday night.
Loss unknown.
Extensive arrangements are being made for
a grand cenventton here of the people of Mis
sissippi Valley, on the first Tuesday of Febru
ary, to consider MeaStires for the improve
ment of navigation of the Mississippi river-
The City Council and Chamber of Commerce
have united In'the formation of committees
of arrangements, finance,' unit appointment of
speakers for the occasion, Am our promi
nent business men aro. interested In the mats
ter. A memorial will be presented toCongres
on the subject.
110 Congressional Excursionist-n-11ra
—Two Ilierzroes rres t for %to.
lotion of Clsll 'tights Lair. --
N1.,11,1.T.E, lyre. 'M.—Messrs. roster, Line,-
iPtinsay, Wade fierr,Alaves Norton, hat; In,
'!,int shall and Thomas, the. dongresslonat en
cirsionigts, necoinpan ed by lien. Hownril,
Col. Markindd and,havc arrived. Their•l
reception was gratifying, and they wore
railed on by numerous Citizens. • They attend.
cil abstiffnet at the St. Cionci. •
A fl re on the corner of Church and McCreary
streeis.bilint two houses and part of another.
roily insured. -
A-Pearn was gilled yesterday near Antioch,
eigitt.miles from liaitlysille...llppro
addle MILD whole he attvtilptra to rob. Anoth
er was tilled near Lirentwood by a white man
, whom he asraulted.
Charles rrltrl9 was shot and badly woun de d
Huntsville, Alahaina, on rrlday, by a ma
Marshal Douglas was arrested In Jackson
county. Alabittna, last weeir,G. Mead,
t charged with the violation of the Cull Hight
bill, lit purchasing freedmen sold by order of
t the Court.
. •
Finia7ol 1cr:770(.4 convicted" of Crime—
One of them Pnrchnses.lllmself—lhe
Illddiss; not dpirlied—A. STorroul Is.
sued for fbe Sheriff Oohing the dale.
lIALTINIOnt, December. ;21 .—Four negroe.
convlcted of larceny an dordered to ho sold
by Judge Maunder, nt Annapolia, wore sold
on Sitturdtty• Some twenty or thirty farmers
were present at • thermic., The fleet one sold
true John Johnson, who hill for himself, and
the auctioneer. taking Ills bill. he was finally
knocked down to himself, and became his own
men brought
for thirty-seven dollars. Another
r dollop', and two girls
brought respectively twenty.two end thirty
There was. an offieer OfWaS the
t Freeought dmen's
Bureau at the sales , and it h that
irited hut for
bidding would have boon More' ep
'the fact, an Impression seemed lo prevail that
the ofneer in nueotion was ablaut to interfere
with the right or the purchasers end release
the negro. from the custody of the purchaaer.
. A. warrant wed Posited this morning by
United States Commissioner , Broolcs, on the
oath of Captain Ventlorlip, against the Shield,
for netting four neurons on Saturday. ._
• Nortti Carolina LeftsUttar*.
ILALM car, C., Dec. 24,-1n the North caroti
n. Bonze of Representatives the insolvent
debtor's bill Dm been so framed at to secure
a homestead or 100 acres, with the house at
tached thereto, and trt that form tt,passect.
The Tariff Question in the Senate
The Assassination pinspirar.
tors to be Tried Again.
Ihe Indian Bureau Contraots.
The Maryland Legislature to
Impeach Judge Bond.
cbcs., dao., de
Tim object of Secretary liichullocii's visit to
Noe York is to ascertain the tone of public
opinion on the appointment of Naval ()Meer
at that por,t. The Secretary also consult
with tinanelers inrefercnee to the important
financial tub) cols.
'Me TARIFF ritosrners; •
The Iron wanton and wool grrwers are be
soming anxious about the fate of tl,e tonic,
which Wan passed by the last nouse, and they
are preparing to exert a formidable pressure
on the Senate.
Henry IfeCalllster, Jr., eeeretary of the iron
and Steel Association, bus called a meeting of
that bodr hero On toe llth orslunuary, when
the wool interest will be represented. '
"ittoi,rs Is VIE sot rocas STATES.
It IS ct at ed that the President will hereafter
refuse the use of troops for the eiouthern
States, except 'ln case or rloi7iThis action is
fortnile.l upon !Ile recent deeicion lid the C. S.
^ulirelne Court.
TUE JiEzgd,,INATIONI, 4,O,I3, TOE , .
Mudd, Spangler and 3teLanghlin, the lLPa±
stnallon conspirators, u ill be brought from
their prison at the Dry Tortugas, for trial by
a obit court. it ls understood that Judge
Wayne will grant the writ of luebe. corp..
The first bill'which has bccorpc a law at the
prasent luasion of Congress, is one to supply
the deficiency in the appropriations for the
year ending June next. The following are
two •of the item, For public printing, in
cluding paper, 03,000, and for the contingent
expenses of foreign Intercourse, aIACKA
CONTI/SF, IN isms: utratse.
The Comiulttee - of Investigation Into the
cent award of contracts in the Indian Bureau,
have adjourned their sittings until January
id. They have probably completed the taking
of evidence, but the decision at which they
Lava arrived Is unknown. Commissioier
Bogy claims that the charges against him are
made froM intererested motives by parties
whose combinations for imposing upon and
cheating the government and the Indians he
has broken op. •
The COMUlittiolltr of the Internal Iterenu
as Issued a circular to the orneer3 of the In
. -. .
.ternal. Itet r enue Bureau, directing them to
1 ,
mato or in rehase no more stationery, tuft to
make requ salons on the Bureau for all they
need, whir. will be supplied by Parties to
whom was warded the contract.
WIIA rut OAS comrAriu , 'FAST.
An eiTort k 111 be made by representativ es of
the leading gas companies of the country to
al of the provision of the inter
aw which prohibits the unripe
rglng Government tax an gas to'
nal ro,enue
Mos from ell
ci the 13t of April next.
al here that tile Maryland heels
on after Its meeting next month
'ostigution Into the conduct of
of Baltlmore, regarding his poll-
Imlssio.o troubles. ,
Command r E.Slmpsen,of the United States
steamer Mohican, reports from Centro, Brazil,
November 7th, the arrival of the vessel at that
place. He states that on the alternoon of the
:kith nit., When off the Stowe (i roods, one hun•
tired miles , test of Marranhum, tho bark of a
largo llsh was seen about a cable's length from
the ship acrd Inclined diagonal towards her.
A few momenta afterwards the engines sud
denly Mopped, steam was shut off and a hur
ried examination, but no cause . ' could be dis•
covered for the remarkable result. Steam
was again turned on e but the engines could
not be forced ahead. At this time several
pools of blood veers teen to rise to the sur face
of the water under the stern. Atter a few mo
ments It was discovered that a large black
-11.01 or whale had been caught between the
propeller aed frame. The shock on the en
gines was very great, and rendered It neces
sary to stop several times durlug the follow
ing twenty-four hours to screw up all parts of
the engines; No further Injury 'ACURA to
have 1,550 done.
It In rumor
Lame will s
order nu i*
Judge "haul,
uy in the Cot
There were I. is than. the usual manlier of
visitors In attendance at the Whlte House to
(lay, and nothing of puhlte Interest transpired.
The /Zeptibficon referring tp Gov. Lyon, of
Idaho, losing $17,000 in a steeping car say's: "It
I, a matter of publicity that the government
4ffircrea thneg, nd cnnccd ujnt 4100.0(AI
to bin capacity Of littperintendent of Indian
Arfairs In lilolo, of vii telt he has given no' c
count whatever, nnil that ho will have to ay
tun goVernment that 911111 0.9 well as the $17,00.1
A Ptrntl g tirrusnrr n 111 be brought to near to
Nt wtoll, Commissioner of Agri -
an , ! if the Prosident shonkl tlisrogar ,
it, Con:;rti.9 will legislate Fenton out of of
Igo. Oldham, of Twins, who was snspectod
,r ccintil:e:tt, 10 the plot to burn northern
cities 6urlnK the war, am.l who, It Is stud, ris.
cornmendsd the cliPinlet that proposed to
manufacture the In dainahle compound to ho
need In that operation, passed through thl'
Ity facogett , l, POIF C two weeks since, but was
blige.l to make himself known to nue of his
ad to obtain means to reach bin home
:I Texas. Surma the ClOll3 of too war be hes
,eon in 'lex
no -
It io disOnetty understood that a largo and
fixed insjority of the Mouse Committee on
liartalng and Currency are -opposed to any
further inilat ion of the enrrency, and arc de
termined to stand firmly by the recommend''.
tinns of tho Secretary of tile Treaenry. They,
-consider that he has weighed thew hole
ject with care anti hew Inverter opptirt
for information and are willing to accord pro.
eminence to ids conelnsions. A majority are
also in favor of basing only one kind of Fed
et-al paper currency, and opposed te the
of the National banks.
The beast° Committee on Finance heard to
day an argument from the Martinis De Chem;
bourne, a gritind-son of Lafayette, In favor of
certain changes in the manner of collecting
tariff dues on a carted° French article of mer
Learning from the Secretary of the Treasury
that Commissioner Wells will lay his report
before them on Wednesday next, the Commit
tee adjourned until then. •
new rosra; AaliebolnlXT.
On the Minot January the distrlliting Foots'
00/60 Cale will be run nk day trains between
this city and New York and tide city and Itich-
I moan, These are provided wit d i stri bu tinga
• arra
mallngement. for receiving and
Lags wit h out stopping the trams.
ii 3 L l Si/ED
Gen. Eseobedo Haug by Canales,
What Minimter Canbpbell MU-
Posen ha Dn.
r: .11. 21.—The United States gun;
boat Tallapoosite Captain McCann. has Just an.
rived front Brazos whore she le4 yettertlay.
She brings the ilithllitteni:e`that Latnales had
hung V.scolictio—the time not mentioned.
Ortega had isticied to the interior beyond
Now Ouroxs , , lice. 21.—The oilicers of tile
steamer Snegnehanna say Oh stittemluits of
the civilities of the French nut tfntltich Aro en ,
tirely untrue. She was forbidden to approach
hearer era CraZ than Vera Island. Minister
Campbell asserts he could not proceed to Jun•
tel by way„of Matittuoras:but will reatli Silt
in forty days.
Now VIVA:ANA. flee, :!I.—it is rephi . Ps! eh
good authority temight that Minister temp
bell :Menus prOCeedina hence to St. LOUIS
Mal thence to sauta Fe, Now .Mexico, ou his
way to Cllthtlatlnn, Durango, or wherever else
President Jusrez is lo be found, being satis
fied that the adherents of Ortega now 1101.1
and will contintle - rO hold tit tile country on
the 1110 1.11m20 0. .
General Sherman dots not hesitate to ex
press MS Want Or cOattlOaco - ill cOOSIStati-
Cy alai fidelity of all ta i Mexican Liberal .
. •
GALVESTON, Dee. 21.—Ott the arrival of news
of Eticobedo's murder to. ca 04,1,,,,, a emae,ai
Insuirectioh of all partite Occurred at 31sta.
Moras. On the capture of Escobedo,Canalea, as
the only ropre,entat lye of Ortega, had hull
put to death on the morning of the :lb.:, and
then assumed command himself.
rreparations for a 'general fight were mak
ing' and chaos ruled the hour ha Mat.tmoras.
On the nlo:fling of the 15th one thousand
French trmu,4 embarked at Vera CruMl for
ItiearlV all mid - nerve Into the interior is par.
aimed for want or protrellon. The French
merchants are selling eat and going home.
Several French trai,poste hare recently ar
rived at Vera Cruz.
IThe RAtu ire
nded on tte, Freneh organ at the City of
Mexico, sm-pe the lot.
Movements of -Gen. Shermln—The In
vesib.rotlng Connnllterz—Ntromer 0.•
born nann•Fed by !'lre.
Nrc I,II7LLENAS, December 21.—Genetni skier.
Mall Will probably leave this morning for St.
Louis via the river. He called on Governor
Wells yeaterdsSi
Hoe. tient, W. lioyer, the third member of
the Congressional Mot Committee, has az.
The gunboat Winooski 14m:whored opposite
the city.
The steamer Osborn, a St. Louis packet, had
her entire upper works burned tilt,. morning.
The hull ws partly damaged. Tile loss is
'VSIU. Ins a ured for 4:15,,rn. The !mat 'WWI
owned by the captain.•
The Congressional Committee have fr
mally deellnedthe City LounciPs otter ot
room in. Municipal hall wherein to hold their
sittings, preferring their private rooms.
Preparations are making for the reception
of the Congres4lonal excer,,lortists, flow
route from Nashville. %he committee of
zens Is beaded by lienetal Ileamegard, Presi.
dent of the Jackson Ilullroad. It wilt meet
the excursionist , either ut Jackson or Cam
ton, Mis.sissippiotud escort Omni to the city.
rvci vr I,
Acimittni of ..111eDonalii—Ills Arraign
ment for flobbery—Tne Jury Lisette."
Up Until Werine•Moy—DPornsrge' of
- Fenian Prisoners.
owsk,snenci, , .lieccinlier 01.—In Court, this
morning, MoDonalil, who was charred with
levying war,Vlnftligisin placed at the bar-frir
raining, on the oth of June, some one of thirty
cents. The jury retired to consider their ver
dict, and the ease of Cornelius Owens Wll%
proceeded with.
At one o'ciock the Grand Jury brought in a
true hill gitinst George Crawford for commit
ting acts of hostility against Iler Majesty.
Owens' Co se was abandoned and the prisoner
was illchargeil. Charles McGowan was also
dlschargedf Crawford was then arraigned. _
01f , r..k7C11.1 •
SU:Ey:tsar an, Dee. .21—Erentrig.—COurt 60-
701in:fed tin moven tills evening to hear tile
verdict In McDonald'! came. Tile Jury not
agreeing, the Court adjourned till ten o'clock
%Italica tay morning, and the jury le doomed
to he locked el) over Chriattuac. Mr. Devlin,
compel for the prisonerV, ha., gone to Montre
al. Ile left tan order for a Chrletmal dinner
fur the prisoner!. ' •
Doc. .11,-The riv , •r at 1111, point to
7 teat and rising; Wu running out; weather
cold and snowing
au N, Dee. 13.-111% - er at Franklin 5 feet
inalte,; at WI City ti tact una rising. The
weather 13 growing cola tot snowing.
NASIIVILLe, floc. :N.—River Snipe••, II feet on
the shoal. The ItebecCa, from Cfncinnall,•and
Dora. from St. Louis, are lu port. rho Tylon
arrived unit left for
Bra - Octet Deeemher N.—Business rather'
lureicrate to-day, owing to Christina , Arri
vals—Alice Deno, from Cincinnati;l.lseissippi
from St. Louis; Swallow, from Cincinnati;
John Kilgore, from St. Louis; and Kenton,
trom Pittsburgh. , Departures—Louisiana, for
st. Louis; M. s. tileplsin, for Louisville.
Moo runs, Dee. N.—Weather coat. River
fullln K• Business doll. Arrived—Louisville
and David Whitt', from Louisville; Ruth, from
st. Could; Clara Dolsen,. trout New Orlea119;
Telegraph, from Cincinnati; WelcOlue, from
Vicksburg. Departed — Ruth, for Louisville,
David White, fur New ‘irleans,' and Clara
Dolsen. In port—J. 11. Webb, Belle, Memphis,
Southerner, Huntsville, Justice, Commercial,
Mollie Ilamilton,.Celeste. Minneollo. Cotton
heavy at Me. Money stringent.
Eighth Wnrd irrimitry Meeting.
The Republican Primary tneetingif the
Eighth ward, was held laid evening in the
School Mouse, Alderman Morrow In the chair,
and Hugh Mc/Masters, Es.i., acting as Secre
tary. Thu following persona were named for
nomination : •
Select Counc.ll.—One to lie nominated. lien.
ry s E. White, .1. M. Mintzer, Captain .1. It. T.
Common Council.—Three to be nominaLed.
John M. 1111100, .1. Mawhinney, Faweett,
li.ffltinuas, J. Leonard, John A. gear.
cher, It. W. Roberts.
school Dina:tom—Three to be nominated.
J. A. Sa.rgelltr Roland Jones, B. Preston, A.
Mettler, John lilacs.
Judge of elections.- 1 , hwhig, H Illlam 111th
Inspector of Elections.—J ...F. Storer, B. Far
roll, W. I. Illon.
Return Inspector.—ltoliert Knorr, .1. 11. ills
ASSCIOMPL—C. It. King, J.J. Stover.
Assistant Assessor.—Jacob Miller, IL Kral,-
constable.—Androw J. Moon.
W. J. Flinn was appoint.' Judge, m 3,1.1.
Hutchinson and Alexander McCabe, Inspect
ors for the Primary Elections, which take
place on Saturday next between the hours
°Mime and seven p.
T. A. .11eClelland'a Anelion Home—
General Alerchandlse Ileadquartera.
We would again refer our readers to the
immense stock of boots, shoes and gaitemor
every pattern, style and description, which
will ho tonsil at the general ileath:nartyrs for
all lines of desirable goods, T. A. McClelland:B
Auction Mouse Salcarlmins, NO, 51 and 57 •
Fifth street. Few-city readers are unac
quainted with the character and variety of
the stock which occupies the — shelves and
counters of these large salceroomn. It cra.
braces nearly every articin Of inereltandise,
and the store might be sald o tin an Motion.
combination or - business emporiums. t
Lam!, shoes and gaiters nro eold -fifty per
cent. cheaper .than eastern manufacturers:
rates, t 45 the entire stock wits purchased at
heavy auction sales in the metropolitan cities.
underurse the mere ]unm e t oods passing
the auctioneer's does not de
tract from their quality, and consequently
bicelellami's goods are of as stiperior a quality
as _can he purchased anywhere. Woolen
goods, dress goods, shawls, blankets, men and
boys' clothing, piece goods,
cloths, cassimercs.
boots, mintage, fancy goals, cutlery, notions,
and every Imaginable article of merchandise,
will s electi on at cheaper than cheap prices:.
The of muffs, victorines, entre, col
lars caps, gloves, ac., is remarkably line and
large, and ladles in need of such ar
ticles or dress and adornment should
favor Sos. SS and 77 Fifth street with a par
chaatng visit.
Cuotom-hinde Clothing
Messrs, E. Llouston .t Sou announce a great
reduction in their prices in vlew' of the fluc
tuation in the Eastern markets. They have
a large stock of ready-made clothing on hand
which they are determined to close out at less
than cost, in order to Mike room tor a tleavY
stook j ust purchased In hew York. The Arm
pay especial attention to custom work, and
have established no second reputation In the
style. of gurbs turned from their establish.
went and in the quallty and general work.
fored i manufac tu re being light, they can at.
o clothing of all deserip.
Mons tonrder at the cheapest and most rea-
SOasbia of prices. Give them a call at tro.
Smithfield street , near Fourth.
Susan Grogan, Annie Gesell, John Long
and John Ettinger, are all boarders at the St.
Cloud Hotel. Mae day last week, the two gen
Vernon naniCrt Intltitti the two buttes !mated,
toe 6ieighride. The Invitation was accepted;
and the party, merry us the day Is long, jot.
gled pleasantly along,: with bells. fast 'torsos,
comfortable robe• mitt' other belongings or ti
that class sleighride, on into the ootintry and
Arriving at the City in the ()toning;
the).' stoppoi at the tit. Uttar hotel, thb
sleigh had been procured. The ladies were
shown to tile parlor and tile gentlemen went
Into the Mince to register their names and pay
the expenses. For the sleigh which had ent
itled them on theft metry !qr. thee paid
twenty dollars. For room- for theinselves awl
wires, they pull nine dollars ill advance, and
then went to rejoin their female companions
In the parlor, and eseort, them to
their rooms. What was their i.ontter
nation to 11 1111 ' the room vacant; while
their eaeorte, were Magnauimoudy settling
OM bills, the Wailes!: lair ones hod supped
out at the front door and left the gallant. to
lksolation. Ashamed to go hack and demand
the mosey pall for the rooms tblit were t” re
main unused, the two deserted men tool: their
silent mid mortided *able their hotel. The
buil day they net nt d :titter, tile cruel dam
sels who land played'. the heartless trick 1111011
them. Edinger waetseated near the beWl'eln
lug Annie Carsell, slmoxilltilltng no compunc
tion tor tier continue' 01 ills evening Itelore,
Commenced to laugh: .Thett, In a algnilleaot
Manner she wiliaperrd to a female companion
and glanced at bunt. Soon elle made All andls
Me remark about i'oue I.IIOSU ItdlOwS that
went out slelghritling yesterday. ° Elauger
beard. Out made 110 answer. eoon tile ie.,
mark WaS I:pealed Knit' Ids mane elvers
li n n g tl ' l4e g ‘ t t e r r ' /I l ir aeg; Till was .too WllOll
bath, been tolerated in bar-room or a stable
yard, hilt were loot at all the thing for a hotel
Mauer table. That night, also , according to
Annie's allegation, he came to the door et the I
roan, oceopled by !wheel( and ISO9OII. and,
burbting It open, entered. The toll telltales
arintal themselves with the yoher and shovet
and caused hitu to beat it hasty retreat. tes
tertitty, in Mew of Ille 4 u (mete, (Rome ss.iti
they were Illete; tile Irate IlatnSed Inade Ink), I
mutton charging YMlnger with illsettlerly cons
duct. The Itemised' was arrested by onlcer
31eltellen and 111111 • lwaring before the Mayor
yesteldny afternoon. The result was that he
Was ordered to pay a tine of $ and the rinds
of the cAto. lle "forked over" and took Ills
depart Urn, coining good resOltltltnill based en
Ills rather 1111/elleten expel teller in anales of
llefore lion. M. Matopton and lion. 11. W
A. /lope' hod n ifo and JOllll ('mixing
Jeeteph Greif A Co. Application for a pre
liminary injunction. The * bill of complain.
ants alleges that they are Injured ill the en•
Joyment of their house?, anti properties by the
respondent a, Joseph 1. rad A Co., by then en.
(cosine axe. factory and machinery in t
Fourth ward of Allegheny City, and .eei, to
have them restrained In the pre Ulleee.
rittiptititit • nti 111 t heir an-wer deny the :keel . .
ments In the bill+ of eompluinant , Thom,.
Ewing anti 11. P. Mueller for yomplatnant,
anil Messrs. Itirkpatriek and Mellon for re...
pendent.. Yolmninons testimony In tli.ahhno •
of tight:l4'lli was read xi I 7.lll,lllittt•ti
either able, and after hearing dwlng,
and Mueller on behalf of complainant., and
John SI. it irkpatrick, on 1..-.11 of
ent, the Court took the paper, announcing
that thee would mnSibly b able to pronounce
their deelaion Wedn e emlay nest, upon
it Abel day they would meet 11l take up l ilt
dispose of the argument dist, and of w Weil
they n
dealred tile bur to take otice.
The trial hit in thW Court wl be taken up
ou the SeCollit Monday of Januailry.
W. H. Clapp S to.'• Shoe Store.
There is nothing so beautiful as a neat littmg
pair of boots or shoes. No matter how gaudi
ly or tastefully we May area', a pair of 'do , '
only, Witting pedal coverings, will give the
person an awkward i.lawky oppeat once. We
yesterday looked through the palatial shoe
house of W. IL Clapp & Co., Nu...! , and Hob
street, anti found such a atock7 as le seldom
sesioutside of manufacturer's headquarters.
The'dalntlest little boottnes up to the pen
drone heavy hob-nailed mill shoes are 1.11111
alike, whie the most lea itchig null
gaiter l hoots for lathes with n neatly c t h ur a ned
ancles•dne calf and kid hoots for gentlemen,
and sappers and gaiters for iniseeS, MSC,
tie (quad in great profusion. This hem possess
unusual faculties for purchasing good. at
headquarters, aud are cooslantly enabled to
sell at the Cheops Lot prices. All per.ous
shoes of anything neat,scrriceabic and ehea••
In the boot. Sh MIAMI gaiter line . , would do wel
to lavot this well known not popular e,tair
ihMinent with a. purchasing visit. Mice re
competent and
ompetent and salesmen aud clerk.
will Ito found constantly In allendtto to mat
upon any who may call. whether they destr
to purchase or not.
A Droll Iteornotro
Yesterday afternoon as the!cart that tat",
ux ay the sn 111 from the IlOnonguloda Ilou
wan standing by tile hotel, Oh Fir -1 street. and
while the Teutonic proprietor of the cart
n to the cellar after a part of his lout,
heavily laden iron wagon, driven by a burly
negro, came past and one of the wheels 1'31111.,
in violent contact with a wheel of the cart,
wrenched the vehicle to one -lie, bloke tla• .
shafts and tore the harness Up ilk it
general manner. The iris 1, of the east
jest coming an out of the cellar with a tub et
swill an the negro driver of the wagon dire.
mounted to son what he could du to adjust
matters- The German dropped the swill when
half way up the stairs nod rushed furiou, , ly
the darkey. The latter quietly caught hold el
Ms assailant tied elea Mud los-heavy whip In a
suggestive mamas. Tile.--Clreet , Vats magical.
The Dutchman let go hilt, held, the liarkey
mounted his wheel-horse and drove I.tlide
away, while the unhappy German wen
eonsolately to work to save what he could
from the wreck of matter.
The Connell.ville Itallrond
. . .. . . .
President tmrrett, of the Baltimore and
Ohio road, In a recent address to to the Direc
tors of that corporation, mmiplains bitterly Of
the hostility mantiested by the Pennsylvania
Central to the corn letion of the Grumellsville
roue. Ile refers a some length to the legal
enibarrasstnents throws In Its wive by the Cen
tral road. In conehmlon, President Garrett
1 says.
“The trial In June last, at IViiiilll3lSpOrt. be
lore a Jury, demonstrated the litter bililnes,i
iof the pretensioes!of our opponent , . when sub
milted to the teid•of Judicial Inquiry. In tile
beene work p ushy iipu e Connellsville
yowl has aradualiy pd forward. and
the heaviest pottion of It—the Sand Patel
Tunnel, through the summit 01 the Alleghe
flies—is well advanced towards completion
But for the delay , which a vexattong nod on
warrantable litigation has caused, the direr •
communication by rail between Milliner ,
j and Pittsburgh, would now be In set nal ope
ration., .
William Morrit cur, a ,I.ol'ekl:Crer 0111:111 . 80ll
direct, East Birmingham, took a la only dol
lar national currency note on Wednesday of
last week, anti .fieother on Friday, both of
which were afterw arils tound to he counter•
felt. tin Saturday a man named Thos. Davis,
came into the store anti purchased a turkey,
for which ho tendered a twenty dollar na
- Donal note. which was the 80010 as the two
The Point Robbery. that had been pronounced counterfeit. It„was
eired with them, and then taken to J us-
On the night of December Oth, Paul liteith ITc " C ' Aurnion's °Mee to haven. (Melded.. While
was robbed, at the Point, of his gold welch. the note was at the olileother's
the Davi. l note t rout the
valued at ono hundred and forty dollars, and aer's store, a t
turkey. Au Intorination was then made
three gold rings valued al, ten dollars. lour
• . ilgallist hon. anti a warrant IPBIICd for his par-.
men wore engaged in the alai r, and Dosch ' rect, and placed In the
hand s
°M of °Meer Fehl.
made informatio before the I.layor. charg,lng ; On Sunday. morning
Davis resided with his early theer went. to
john Oliver. w , ~t m
E ,,
v „, , 1 ,,,,,,„ 7 , 1 . 1; „„,. 1111111011110,Wiler0 moth
(would arrestod him. He gave bail in the
Icy and John; Leo and with 1 , 14` ro', lcry, I I " . sum tt'.. o o for a hearing.
accused were arrested, and after n purl net • _........_ *
hearing last week. wei e coIIMI 1.1 , 11 10 Inn for . ••Sl.l l / 1 ... Arnold Agniza. :
a final hearing last evening. Ace wlingly, ;
last evening at Buren o . i 10-k. Um nutlet ; 1' estertlay'morning, William alias ttSnlbs"
were brought from pill m the :Mayor's Mitre, i Arnold committed and re-committed times in•
and the hearing tool. plimu. IL was 'ver I'+'o'yl'+'o'.
. 11 mashie for a farther hearing, on the
treated, and considerable tel4lll - 11011y Iv a, 1a1:- I
ea. The result Ai as that (MVO . .. Era.. and i Charge of being a professional thief, Was
I.oollllnl wiles dls(11131110d, 111 , 0 1,11 , 11 no suf- • attala taken to time Mayor's ollice from the
Relent evidence to hold them. Vitt rick M'Cate I Jail. After a little progress hail been made
ley was committed for trial. ; towards a hearing, unnilis" carmstly rtst malt
i rd that tile case be not disposed of at present.
.alt that lie ,be sent back to Mil for - awhile.
Accordingly a
now commitment Was Made
net end the priser taken to tho hill, there
to remain until the 31st last., when another
a m
t tempt ,will be made to hear his case. What
:wow may bo the result 01 his hearing, poor
;'Sntlis'; seems in a fair .ray to taste the
me, ^,v'ecte et the "ninety day law." .
Yell In n Elt.
At about three o'clock yesterday af . _ertiecn.
a man named Andrew Boyd, wid:o ththding
talking in the bar-room of I lin Rush !louse,
ouddonly rollover backward In an nlmplectie
lit. Po recut vedprompt anti proper at!rotton,
but It was a fully half an hour before bin nas
restored to conselonsares, doling a comMitnns
1 -b a l t o a rl ° p r e li r c O n eA r ltle h . id - 1 1) t r i , " rtin e r h a " t r l " s s v v a 7 pa lled1,
and attended the patient until he was able to
be removed to his home, on Washington
etreot. The doctor expressed the opinion
that the unfortunate man would ultimately
reco ty
rtr from tho attack. Mr. Boyd Is a man
of considerable proper, owning several
teams, druys and wagons.
!Inn Severely Injured.
One day last; week Owen Troynor, nn eim
ployec nt the upper rolling mill, near Wheel
ing, And seriously injured by coming in corx
tact with a pleee of - rod hot iron. Mr. Troy=
nor was standing between ono of the furnaces
and a pair ot rolls. While thorn, man whose
Minna." it le to take iron from the furnace to
the rolls, came along — with a largo piece of
iron red bot, which struck Mr. Troynor on the
'shoulder, knocking him down and burning
the right side d re s sed ds face very severely. Ills
worinds were by Dr. nesse!, and at
last atmounte he wiui doing well, though his
face in much swollen.
The illlBloollllll llea'a Prayer Meeting,—
The business men's prayer meeting insecure•
ted yesterday at the Filth street Methodist
Protestant hurch, was largely attended, and
the prospect Is that the series will prove an
exceedingly popular and beneficial one.
The Three Guardsmen will be. produced in
all Me original splendor, this (Christmas) af
ternoon, at the New Opera HOuse.
More of the lilallaitty. Robbery—Arrwa
of Moe of the Robber..
We Yesterday stated that James Hackett had
been knocked down and robbed. We were rots ,
Lai: en in saying thct do affair Occurred on
Penn street. The locality of the transaction
was-on Fulton street. It appears that on Fri- day nlght,llackett, in company with one Mich-'I
°les Ilornburg god another man, had been I
drinking together, and went ltfleb the saloon
of It. Scheiffite.frer. • Theo they had another
drink, and Hackett left Ei!. rseeket honk lying
u;!on the bar. Holmberg picked it hp and put
In ilackett's poctet. It Walleyed that, in dt,
lug so he abstracted a pertion of the money.
shortly afterwardsthe three went det, and
after going a short distance, as Hackett d, ,
2runs, his two .09111111111111139 attacked him; t
~nocking hint down and robbing him stated.
.Tho !dreg attracted seine petsotts to the spot,
lawl among the rest Mr. :7.c1/ctn.:Me. The
latter recognized 1101111.1tler end made Infor
mutton against Mtn before the MC., or, Officers
kasha and Guppies took the ease In band, and
on Saturday succeeded in arresting Homburg
on an oil fiat at the foot of °glare street, in
the Fifth ward. Homburg remained in the
, lock-up Witt! yesterday. We did not inentinit
- the feet of the arrest In our article yesterday,
lit order not to hinder the arrest of the sec-
Ond offender. As a partial iregrthtt VMS had in
the case yesterday, WO 511110 , 310 .11:e•f10 1. 1 of se
crecy 15 removed.hearing reef:lied in
Per Intrg being Committed to Jan Inachant
of f.f.Of bad. Inc a farther hearing on Monday,
14n:ember ii. •
Mgraliurg is a resident of the :71.1th ward,
awl is a ••liard ease!' lie seas erre...tat last
Felfrteiry as an accomplice in the robbery of
& Scott', Jewelry store, and lest sum
mer 110 seastitrtsted by orbeer (ipples for the
larceny of three do,,en pocket, hareikbrchiefs
from the gift store of Evans, Cn FHth street.
Ile was convicted, we believe, :MA !etretl a
term in the county Jail.'
• Fact litryttiogltosel robllc School. ,
Thefo school eirmed for the holiday vacatiOrt
On Fritito,, the 71st lust. They are Under th 6
Principalship of Prof. S. F.3lCClvniontis, and
: , —,
are ih a prOsperOns cond iti o n . ll, a
. present
tebool buildings, three in windier, areW be
hind the ae, p‘it tile hilanthropic directors
of till; flo g nrishing bo p rough hare oeterneined
to erect It school haute csinal Yo any' in the
state. and have already the foundation work
complete.i. ,
.1.11, ein,ing 'eepet.u.- "d• the school, which
moil- ted of reading and mnAlv, seemed to
give entire iatistaetion to the threctin ., and
citizens who her!' assembled to witness theta.
Frof. :.`tief riot being present by Invitation.
, added materially - to the entertainment by fur.
' nishingereehent vocal mild inattimiental
odic. prof. 111 ell real, lit a very ',leaning
wanner a pltte entitled "ClirEslitias I;ve,"
atter which tpritc a in ply of ogoott things to
eat'. we, tutu tinned among al: .relent. hut
the fleet event of the flay wa..the prt•!...t.-
t ton le, Mrs. it. 1.. Anderson of ;a splendid sil
ver cake cachet and salt eella;r by the pupils.
Mrs. Andermon-after teaching :eieVC:l yearn in
/ the puldie:h
cools of I:.tst Illruilliglinna,hess rt
,lgnett her situation. The directors passed
appropriate resolutions roneerntne her re,lg
, nation. enpressing their sincere regrct, end
thanking her for ru
he.ntirin devotio to the
CILUSI• la ellucatirm for .-..0 ton g g
0 period.n
L`•The yery I•loor we Wore Looking ;'or ,.
It MI. rontarl4 was made oiler ye-derday, it
wa,repeated an hundred times, a,; the throng
street halted In lalMilll2loll to gum at
the display of poltlity good , exhibited is our
(tient Pitted:, opposite the Postollice.
shelves and counters are" ladenea with the
choicest contribution , of the printers' art to
the holay se,.on. Ile has books Lomita every
age an id d taste, a from the toy Ixaik which sti
light s the youngster?, to the elaborately and
beautifully illustrated works of Our standard
authors. sleek of albums vomprl , essome
of the 01051 magnificent specimens of btruling
we have ever seen. writing desk is always
a present for a lady friend. Pit
wet', assortment includes wondertully I:lge
n/ogs and beautiful samples, suited' to any
parsc„be It plethoric or of the skelLint eO/4-
plelloll. too, our neighbor has all aa
avrtmolt of gold pens and pencils, ladles' work
111505, and the endless l at hay of holiday goods
now Invogue.
exceeding any thing of the
kind ever brought to the ell , . Give ?Mock
a cull, and our x ord for it, it will result In
y sentng glad some heart b a tasteful
pre selected from his abundant y
A Colored Trouble.
Tile, hits been a row among the colored
population on Af time street.. Yesterday tile
all of Alderman lynch weo , called in to settle
the dalleulty. It appears Willis ritewart. and
t le. Davis. two colored barbers, came to
1110 1101.105 where boarded S. McDonald and
Margaret ,tone,, colored PeoPic of .the ...le
and female persuasions respectively. ills
tort aim, cos.:ff. so far ii, appears, MA
ald and Whited the toss wall a peul rson.'
flt-pute that Inittio to Mow., oewarl got
1111101 010 better ill Melionahl and Pun lolled
him clitorou-ay. 31:1rgarlq, 0,011,4 the
111, Wit , preparing to rush to the rezone of
her fellow bwirder, when slit was prevented
by threats and a d .1.1011. , on the part
of Davis, w ho had establlsrled himself WI out
pire and 'tile ileterned to •we fair play.
llati lug seen that stewart at least 'got. fair
ploy, lie at length departed with that v fete
. I lolls periainitge, lea* ing the 3lelainalii
the .1011C4 to conk their wrath at leisure. Tile
two aggro: , ed parties went together to Alder.
man Lyttelen Office, N, tier° irUmwhl tondo It:-
formation churg-Ing Stewart w Mb assault and
If suet y, and Mrs. Jones preferred a charge of
surety of the against Davis. W arrants
were issucd 111111 1/lite.d 111 the hand! of Officer
• Death from ExpoNur ,
At an early hour yesterday morning, Itobert
illisoM formerly a member 'id' tee pollee
force 01 this city, wh, found lying dead on the
side with on Water et. Allegheny. It was Calder
Mayor I .owry's ndnuuict rat lea t hat deceased
was on the imlicc, and a Idle in the di±charge of.
his duties, in attempting to make an arrest,'
lie was violently ...eel ted he . party lie
s endeavoring to secure; lu tile scuttle Wit
lison was struck on the head and stubbed in
the s We, shire that time deceased has 3131Ter
m1. greatly from the wounds' they disabled
him from labor, and produced all aberration
of mind which eventually led him into intem
perate habits. About midnight on Sunday, be
left tits home on Beaver street, Allegheny, n
obs,ved by his family, and two- hours later
as found dead WI We 111,5 stated. Coroner
ClawitOn held an inquest On the Igitly, and
a verdict' of death from exposure was ren
dered by the jury. The deceased. WWI about
fortSi , years of age, and leaves a w - ite and. fam
ily. lie lens latterly in the employ of the Man
chester Passenger Railway COMpelly ns dm
ductor en the 'riwy 11111 branch.
Arrented for revoln a - Corinterrelt
At about. live fichfck lust evening, us an
elderly lady was crossing Liberty street, at
the mouth of Musket, she wad knocked down
anti run Over tjy a horse which was being
driven rapidly around the corner. The horse
was attached' to a light wagon, one of the
wheels of which passed - over the lady, she
was assisted to rise, and was , taken into a
Manchester car. him was considerably bruis
ed o.ntl partially stunned, but seemed to have
sustained no serious Injuries. she declined
to give her name.
The Orphans' Vulg.—The hundreds of lit
tle helpless orphans in $l. Paul's Orphans ,
Asylum make a special appeal to.lay upon
the charity of tho onttwle world. 1 - 11 c grand
which in being held now s t Clay iie I. fo r
their benefit should be well attended and va t
ronized. The "Fair re open rom [brae
o'clock this afternoon mains
till midni get.
ILlhrlitirtes Festival.—Today a grand
Christmas feaUval is to take place at the
Fifth street M. P. Church, (Cr. Alex. Clark()
and the orphans from the Allegheny Asylum
era to attend. bo at this Church will be *bac rt
ad the Purest and holi makinghris unwrit
tto oommandmex6, in glad the heart.,
of ii4sOlate children.
Trial List.— tr ial and argument list, in
leas end Quarter
tho Courts of Co T m " ruon
on the first Wednes,
sinus, will be Wee)?
January. Tnt i s l a Courts will not meet
day,T w eaturdaY, when they will dispose
of the current motion list,
itobbery--Tbe Ordeeil by nee,
Un last Thursday night, the house of Mr.
Enoch Moslander. who lives by elmself On Lit
tie (ire., Creek, .about tour miles from
Moundsville, Marshal county, West Virginia,
was entered by fonr men, who detnarided his
money. Mr. Moslander toil them lie had none.
The robbers, however, would , takTi no denial,
untlagain called upon Mr. NI. to tfellver up lib;
cash. .1 second time he stated that Wu had lj
none. The robbers then caught him, and I,
threw him on IL large wood fi re which was 1]
burning iu the ere it ace, and held him on it.
This was bringing mattera to a crisis, anti as
Mr. M. hail no desire to roast for the sake of a+
few !Awoke , ' dollars. he consented it they I
would Intl' , him MT the tire, to tell them where
the money . was. 'lO this they agreed, and re
moving him from his encomfortable position, I
were made acquainted With the hiding place
of the lucre.
Five hundred Bollard in gold and silver
passed Into their possession, and Mr. has
nothing now bet obi:trot extremity to remind
him that he was once the possessor of wealth. ,
Magnllleent !Weer Plated Unn,dn. from
Sttealeld, ] C SCI
The "evert collection of the above good A. lot.
potted by the Manufactitrers, Fisher Co., of I
Paternoster Works, sill be on private sale
only tcf-day, and all Wednesday next, on -the
smarm( floor of Mellwahte's Auction Rooms,
Suilthfield sareet,opposlie the PostOfbee. Per
ladies, a convenient ebbe entranee from Ilfth
stteet, immediately' above' Smithfield street.
These rich and beautiful Specimens of Mate
and skill are unsurmoisetinn style or quality,
and tae variety morwnumerouithan we have
ever before seen. Tee high .character of the
manufacturers is a guarantee of quality; and
as they are now on the eve of returning home
I .in England, they will sell these goods at twee
' ty-fire per cent. less then cost. This is an Un
n seal opportunity for purchasing. Ladies and
gentionen are Invited to call. The goods will
be open for sale oulyurt Monday mad Wednes•
tiny. ---
Bnieltle al Economy
tin Friday or Saturday of last week, Scott,
the baker of the Economy communitY", com
milted suicide .l, tont in g Ills throat. lie had
been partially Insane far some time and had
grown worse recently, until In u more than
usually vlolent•paroarsm lie coati:ratted the
dreadful act mentioned. A short time previ
ously another member of the fraternity also
committed suicide by ?Shooting liunself. We
learn time there Is a great amount of insanity
developing Itself among tha,Economites, anal
the tendency to suicide seems to be fearfully
increasing. Another fact worth remarking is
that Coroner's inquest's are almost unknown
In the voulmnnity. MysteclotlS or violent
deaths - are kept secret. ttle Coroner Is never
notified of their occurrence. We commend
the matter to tae utteation of those concernetL
I.eir itrokeil.-00 Sunday evening, just
..t.out dusk. Horace Williams, a lad of about
fourteen years, a son of Colonel David Sill-
Ilarm, resitting at So. IV Centfe avenue, went
upon the roof of Ills (libel's residence to
sn on-. While at work his loot'
rhnrrt o,
fell to the uaVement, a 1110.
tutwe at /1.001 twenty feet. By the 'Call he
-broke his right leg below the knee. Dr.'J.
SnadAtra's wtti called in mid reduced
nthe frac
ture, an , : tit' young cuirerer le doi It, Wen
COlZifi he expected.
linralary In AlleKhen7.-00 e-unday
Sir. at all yarly hour, the residence of
Sir. ntacey ilean'or, on Webster street, Alle
gheny, eras entered ley burglars, and a pocket
11000belOnFing to Mr. Meanor, containing,
forty-six dollars, and one belonging to Mr.
Mill, a Mader, eouiseinin about: terentyalx
dollars, e
stolen. A mall g
named Hobert Mc-
Combs, war arrested by officer Jos:Campbell,
of .Mity or Morrison's pollee, ou °Suspicion, but
alter a imam g he was discharged:
• • • ---
Rumored Highwa nobbeifera
were ruttiOrg Se3terdfly o f highway robbery
which had been committed on Thursday or
Friday night. it was stated that a matt nam
ed Asirlei h.. , 1 been knack kid down and robbed
on Pride street. We suspect thiit the robbery
of Mr. Beckett, on Fulton street, in the saint
neigillxwbood, became distorted into this ru
mor, and that the robbery of Id.r. ltaekett is
Identical with the robbery of Mr. Askins.
Death of Joseph Watnrlght.—We are
pained to announce the death of Mr. Joseph
Wainrlght, of. Lawrenceville, 'which took
on Sunday evening last at seven o'clock.
Mr. NValnright WILE, ono of our most respected
and MP nentlal citizens, and his death will be
steeply lamented by a laage circle of friends
and acquaintance. His funeral in take
place to-morrow afternoon at two o'clock.
Time Ont.—During the present term of
Court Charles O'Donnell, of the T int ward,
as CO I, WI Ott of attempting •to rescue a prls
011t.r.jto was senimiced to pay a done! Lilo
csts of the prosecution, anti undergo an Im
prisonment of ten days in the County Jail.
rile term of imprisonment expired yesterday,
and the prisoner, having paid his tine and the
costs, was released from Jail.
A Alight Fire.—The buildings connected
•Ith the brick yard of Miller Eardner, sit
uated om the side of Seminary Lillie at the
hicad of Corry street, Allegheny, wasiliseover
,st to be on tire abone seven o'clock sundae
norning. The Hope steamer was speedily oh
the ground, and the dames were extinguished
before any material damage was done.
Paine A Co'fig Amentinc—For instantly
plating all articles: of copper, brass or German
silver, shit pure silver, where worn elf, and
for cleansing and polishing silver or 'diver
platen ware. Warranted to gnick-•
sliver or acid, or any injurious article. For
sale by.t. Sample, Allegheny, and all drug
gists. delS:tf
Extra Troln for Braddoelm—in keeping
with the very excellent management of the
Pittsburgh and Connellsville Railroad, uu ex
tra train will leave the depot to-dy r et urnne
o'clock p. Braddoeks station and.
The Three Guardsmen will he produced In
Ti its original ?picador, this (Christmas) af
ernoon, at the Now opera !louse.
Do hot forget the Three tiunnisuteu, at the
New forget
h e this orterueori•
Additional City and Suburban
on!Fourth Page.
FEILBAt' .Monday evealug De
enther nl. the Itee. It. L. hillier. Mr.
lIENJAMIN 11. eItIa.BACII, of Dq
uuesne Borough,
to stut.Lir. outy daughter of Daeld Lance.
ha.t.. of Kart Birmlugham.
elnclunatl, SOLON LAILIOII
LIN, aged n ye try.
Funeral will take place from hie late residence.
Meadow street, Birmingham , on WE:I:UNA/T.
tith Inc.., at 2 o'clock.
WAIN WRIGHT—On Sunday, Decembrlr at
o'clock 1. X.. Mr. JOSEPIi - WAIN
the eighty-eighth year of UM age.
The rtue rat will take place an WIIDAVIDAY
l'Elt:toON, at o'clock, from 410, late residence
Lawrenceville.. Thefrlenfla of the family are In
riled to attend. I arrlages will leave W. IS. 1.)
yore a. Co's, 101 Ora et street, at to o'clock.
beautiful ..tiod'e-s+cfe,“ the lureat suburban
place of sepelelire. except,one, In tele county, alt.
hln,roled, Immediately north of
at Ca:reibru'grtitOrn:UoNtTlitir4.A.Telill
abeny CRS.
I:I2 , 2"I , 3 O XIMALIEPEUEts
N 0.166 Fourth weer, Pittsburgh,. Pa. 00771N8 Of
All kinds, (MAPES, OLAYV Mond ertersduesiptlog
of Pun cral Furrasning trooas fursoutout. risursos
eligrgsViltr i , t 7)7l,ll . l n4 li e en " ‘! " tr•r ll.
W. JICOMIO, MU.. Thum. J:o . so li
billies. Sm. •
No. 196 Smithfield St, car- lib ,
(Entrance tram Sertlatn ticreaUY
A N 1112 s I.IID ) T4E;i4 r 1 1 , 4 . ' 7 :fir. PA.
R . T. WHITE & CO.,
Mancheter. Wood`, Ran and vleiniSYs
Onset as freellletti arLd Mailers streets.
Hesse and Cwt... tarnished.
fvfrl,l,l9LlCAll! OF THE
ItiVrli AT:. 1 , 7 b ° A r t; an f :
.1:L.41011ex.. td
be voted for at the ernclog election.
itnI I : I D T IL E rix. leotraulttee.
J. W. .101111ESOlf ..•. .
arda, rim IN
Flue Watches, Clocks, Jewelry
pl,ttr77><irslir POxisiK.,w,„vm
_ h
• amVI
6 11) . lie St., 3d door from sth.
tmrttOnit ulee fora I.lollos l'rt.ebt , route to -
....sly to OCT order, by ore of thy best Mariolar
art s In Europe. tioorantrti tot perlvet.
. •
lute keepers from *lB to sb
AT 7' \
DSc, CIO fliStreolt.
deff) ,
Great Closing Out Sale
3'31 and 336 Liberty Street,
We warrant our Goods equal in
every respect to the best Custom
de:- OF
Christmas Gifts.
rem . lm Boot , rr .
fro.n tht. e
lllft Book.. •
Poetical ornc,Lit.
St.a , ll Work,
Engßah Book.
riatogniph Albums. i
•• Natogriplt Albume, e
Album .
, .
Patera I , ltw
• l'Uutoarar C.rds• ,
Itrang'n ~. nrl
B k tot,lut. cb,_
Clrlidrere. Game-,
A C bloc
• A100n1cr1...0...
rrotc‘n envie.
Magic Card
W Zru ' r i Vii.
l a .•co ro panlon t,
i enllnnarn , COm.P..lou ;
tLrll psme+,
vows, r
rt,te' Cat.,
Totlrt 80.-.
Vtlyet run , .
1.14 Vun , .
orturuutui , ,
I'. - .l%rt Porlinoultes
l'en Koll,
tiliste• for Ladies. .
iiikatss I, (sent,_ .
Ska en for lidisr , s.
• - , kat es fur 13n".
' sSatts foram. Ilillivri
Frt.s..alcmfozr the,.l;rotAlf.o,
" I ' keents for d t . he
Freietits-for the Lads,
Prescuts for the Bald4s.
Chinese Lanterns , C hints. Lant,,,,
For Cbrletular Trees. For lllsrLmas Trees.
Wan Candles. Wan Candles.
bract Flags, Smell Flap.
All the above, with hundreds of other &Metes
suitable (or Liellday lints, eau t.e obtalne.l oh
1)110.1t . e t➢e l'oat Otlice. Pitt sburgb, Ya
IS9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S9- 4 4-.9 S 9 S 9
S 9
• • s 9
C) 71E3 Mt' 10 s 9
189 89 Market Street,
t S9 I
159, BOOTS, SIIOES, &C.-,,
xxix •1 3EI a x.l"
— ,MES ROBB, 89 Market St.'
89 S 9 89 89.89 S 9 89 89 S9 89
.70511tAIMOD/13..1". Wall. idefjll:6•74. AN'Dr..t.OR
ly owned by Meats. KING, PENNOCK I CO., so 4:
respectfully Inform the public that we will. continue—
the manufacture of
IF:,111 AMIN I: 0% l'it
OPpoe►1!o wicrciy-.e
1 , ,r1113".•:..t
Shealings, Cotton Tarns, Carpe •
Chains, Candle Wick
and Batting.
Orders may be left at the Mee or the Worts;
011 AT Tllt-
Corner of Dn q uetoe Way and itarter's
Pitteslizraix6ll3. Pa.
SAVES xosEir
WOW XIS "E'tzetz.i . C7kart*Lae.
e c oil earup fur circular, ur call on
430):1 , 45 NO , 11 . Fifth strect,!rgb, Fa,
Gas and Steam Fitters,
♦ Inge iesortment of
Chandeliers and Brackets, Lead
Pipe, Pumps, Sheet Lead, 6te.,
161 Wood Street, near Sixth.
Wu good, sound WORK HORSED Vlst receive
and wilt so
dd tbeap: one g ood Ina LNG , QEs
one goon WORK MARE. guano:ate. re De BO=
and goodlionurkeigi
L C i a v li z a ki t y
nod Yirst street near Manorlsabela Mom e.
Practical Furniture itlanitacturtrs,
latest *Wet of 7unr,llllliL conewitlyo/2 baud,
. S 9