larvjsir9q:NiviViailarizgl BATES & BELL'S BATES & BELL'S GENERAL REDACTION FOR THE HOLIDAYS. Merinos, Empress:Cloths, Poplins, Tartan Pl i aids, 'Poplin Plaids, Victoria Cords, Evening Silks, Dress Silks, Cloaks, Shawls, Blankets, Balmorals, Plaid Flannels. BATES & BELL'S. BATES & BELL'S NEW ARRIVAL bWfflv OF GOODS. ERIVIN„ III'COIINELL & CO., NO. 178 FEDERAL ST., Allegheny City, Wholesale and Retail - DEALERS Dif DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS. Meters. ERWIN. McCOHNELL d CO. announce that they have Just opened and and are constantly( rocArlng LARGE IN YOKES of wel , selected 1./ItY GOODS, and all articles In their line 01 boalnes a . direct from the Sam which they_offer TO THE TRADE'. OR AT RETAIL, at the LOWEST RATES. THEIR STOCS_ • COMPRISES ALL THE LATEST AND BEST SYLES And in Great variety, And are all orthMATER• MOST lALSD ESIRABLEg PATTERNS , and , I ncludin FREUD, GERMAN AND ENGLISH - Dress 43-oeds, ALL 'KINDS OF FLANNELS, White and Colored Blankets, Balmoral Skirts, Cloakings, Prints, Delaiiies, Ginghams. Sheetings—Bleached and Brown, Check , a, Tickings, Drills, Sheetlngs, etc., etc., And an extensive variety and msortruent of NOTIONS. ERWIN, McCONNELL & CO., NO. 17S FEDERAL STREET, 41Iegheny City, MACIUTItt, GLYDE & CO., 78 and 80 Market Street, WORK KOKES, • JEWEL. CASES. WATCH BTANTIS, • ,OILIAR STANDS. • f CARD BASKETS. TRAVELTCHEGHAGS. SALS. ALBUMS, AC it B MUMMIES, LACEd, 11.111.MKERQUIEFS, COLL Aitt) C Ur IP/SIERT AN D GLOVES K NT'STIJIMISHING GOODS, - , WELWYN. SO A.WLS, • • SACKS AND HOODS, .• N ÜBLAS AND SCANTS HOOT COU.S.E.F, WATER PALLS. • Wait WILLS, &C Storekeeper' 1011 find It to their advantege to U)ft their Stock from our .Wholesale Depirtment. d. 17 L:1!IALtU:11, GERMAN AND SWISS N'Etalc33r 4Orcocide Calved Baskets, Brackets, Jewel Boxes and Ornaments. Cortmona Satchel.. Card Cases. - Broehe Scarfs, ralleT,K ale Goode, Linen Ilandkerchtife, Embrolderles—alldescrlpions. L - ee Collars and Eandterchleli, Colfures and Barber, Ladles'. Gent's and Children's Kid ()loves, - Boxwood and Garnet Jewelry. Toilet Soaps, Lc e. GENTLEMEN'S uNnza wpm, • ark Tics. Sun esacrs , fief Hose, Scarfs, • Scarf Plus, blurs Buttons AT LOW PRICES. F. H. EATON, 17 Fifth. St GOODS FOR TILE HOLIDAYS, (1) N N o dro. 21 FIFTH STREET. .LACE AND EMBROIDERED HANDKTS, wiar SCARFS. NORWEGIAN LEATHER SATCHELS, PORTMONIAES, CIGAR CASES, GLOVE BOXES. FANCY FANS, LADIES COMPANIONS, CARD CASES, LACE COLLARS, LACE SETTS, EMBROIDERED SETTS. LACE HANDKERCHIEFS, - HEMSTITCH ED HAN DK F. RCM EFS, EMBROIDERED SLI EVE US, KID GLOVES, RUCK' ULOVES. CLOTH GLOVES, UNDF:ItGAUMES TS, W HITE SHIRTS. SUSPENDERS, - NECK TIES. LINEN COLLARS, . ' , AVER COLLARS. dc,, Ac. Selling Low for Cash. MEM 'WHOLESALE DR' GOODS. MIBCTIINOT, SHINAOIi & CO., Na;11 5 Wood gl,, Pittsburgh, Have in Core aid receiving. spill assortment of DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS, Which they offer at EASTERN PRICES AND TO WHICH The Attention of Dealers is Invited p. ASH tmAzmox...r. G. sunrusox DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, &c. 19 Fifth Street. MUNIFICENT - HOLIDAY PRESENTS. Bleb Jewel and Work. Boxes: - Notch, Handkerchief:lnd Move Bot.a: • • Flegant rorfametr etands: Cigar ritanda and Dresdnit Cesei; Fine Fans, Belt Clasp , . Alimmi; Bogwood and Jet Jewelry; Floe Morocco Wallets and Bags. We are also opening a choice eollertlon of Real and imitation Lace Goods; Ladles' nd Embroidered liandserchlefst Cashmere nearfat Ftne ClOth and Kld Wore': Croquet and skating Rose; linder.birts and Drawers, a complete stock gar Maths, a new article. BIA.CILIIII. & CARLISLE Are Sole Arents In this city for the LoCEll 000 CLOtH LINED a NI) ALL PAPER CuLLAILS. Sharp's Patent Tess and Illiection Labels; Grar's Mculded Paper Collars: The Linin Imitation Collars: The "Star' Shirt, WiirAlltei . to St:. Bradley's Dunlez Elilptlc Skirts, all sltei,-To ' Dealers at 31anufactbeers . l'rlet,; Balmoral ektrts, Our entire stock at LESS THAN HALF THEIR COST. MERCHANTS AND DEALEPS - -sti4+-find our prices much reduced. and many articles at less thou cost, In order [otiose out. Ladles and Gentlemen Irlstil iv tomake lloliday Presents sill Mad many useful and suitable artieltis It lireatiT Reduced Prices. MILO HUY , SZ OABIISLE, =EI NEW GOODS JUST lIECEJTED ,3372" ,ros. HQRNL & CO. lull aasortment of BOJrTI3 li4TB, Al the 1e5414 7.llBtyles exoy C#OOd®• Di spa and /rime'. Paris gancy and Colored Silt Vet eta In most desirable shades:T*l*ln Fancy Bon net nut Trtsmaing lithborip, : new `and rich colors; _glowers. choicest Preach and American:. Feathers, flung hat and thirty. • 11 MC 13 NIL Cp .11 3E113 TEIII3, I Well assorted., Clarnbrle, Hamburg. nnisa. 12;;:me. Munn Vales, mune 'Edgings and Inserting,: Flom: wings, Bands and KW:Slot Embraldered lila Plain Llnen U' i r % Coat Trl " Vn sild OrtLients; Prlnge, Gimps and littidaz Col . Dress Zammlngs, Jingle Frames. '. RiTE coons: • A' moot complete stock or Jaainets; Cambrlce, Gana, de., dc. Handkerchiefs, Phan. Lace, Hem-stitebed, Hem med, Embroidered, Tape Bordered, etc., etc. Hosiery and Glover In every variety and all slzes. Ladles and Gent's Underwear. /rurtsith lino Goods: Burpendera and Neck-Tlea; Beery_ Shirts , and TlCTs ° ,l2,.. e n ' en l int ' 4l7llA k trn ". linttonre..the /steal novelises, ail kinds. g. Earn. -- Grekteat vairtY. Cashmere, Lambe Wool and Itztl' labs the 'rations mlxturst, plain ooiors and random. Gent's Paper Collars, and everything in the No lo, die. Prices al ow as Eastern Jobbing Honors. Nov. 77 and 79. Market Street. coil tl&Bn, MCCANWESS & CO, (LaTlWzbaos, Casa A C 0..) • WHOLESALE DICALESS DI FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC'DRY DOORS. 4::). 84 1217cticrci Salt, third house above Dlamon j 3.. „A. MPORTANT TO BRICK MAKERS :30.c•c•0 33ria1s. IX TEA" lIOUBS, With Light Men! gIVOIM'S STEAM POWER BRICK MACHINE, ILtNUFACIERED BY The Pittsburgh Brick Machine AND BRICK MANUFACTIJRING CO., Ter the Eieiern, Ladle aad Sonth-!utern Sates. THE MACHINE IS t SELF-TEM .. PERIN 6, costa only 41.500, (right tonic being proportlOnedlo the extent an I popu att.:tor t crrlto ry,) ls run by an w Inch crilude- engine. works all klngLvrifol . s SUPERS BRICE, peened to ar - 1 meet moulds, req Ilea only eight men to die the. clay, feed the Nei der , t•ke away the brick and halm them to the ard, and makes brick as fast as you wish to run the engine. In our own yard, our rate of rnaklog ist from 4 3 1050 a lonic. We claim thin to be the best PAVING Machine In use. A machine may laWaeen In operation In our yard) ar Allenwood- four miles above the city, on the north ride of the Monongahela river, reached by the Connellegille Railroad. Machine. Yard, County and State Right. for sale. For toll Information. apply fur circulars, In per son or by mall, at he office. We are prepared to nil large contracts of Del ci. Samples of the brie's. to be seen It. No, 50 Fifa, street, and the Addr. as THE PITTSBURG Int It I C K MACHINE AND BRICE Ist A NIIF AC lURI NI; 11.:1 1.. 339 LIBERTY .ST.. PITTSBURGH' PA. L M. KIER., President A. AUBLEY. Vice President; W. M. MeCRACkEN, Tre.urer: b. A. SHEPPARD, Secretary. - Dioogion9-13.. M. Kier. A. Ackley, W. K. Bricked., Jo/matte, W. d. Culp. deg:pf, WILLIAM MILLER, , SUCCESSOIC TO - MILLER & RICIELTSON, WHOLESALE GROCERS, =I Brandies, Wines and Cigars, Nos, 221 and 223, Corner of Liberty and imin Streets, 1 rrrrsnunGil, PA IRON, NAILS, COTTON YARNS. &C., Constantly on-blnd pITTSBUIIGH PAPER MANUFACTURING CO., Printing and Wrapping Papers. CLINTON MILL, BTEUBENVILLE, OHIO. BEIUIITON MILL. NEW BIIIOIITON, rn. OFFICE AIM WAREIIOESE, No. 82 Third Street, Pittburgh, Pa. OFFlCEP.Mtl i kT i vardk:. o Ereslde nt. Treasurer. •-' BAMUEL LI IDD LE., Se, retary. DILIECTOES—Auguet Hartle. John Atwell, S. H. John E. Livingston. Jam M. 'Perkins. C. H. Merrick. Cacti Paid for Raper Stock. noEhretti FRINIMIN - COT'-TOLIVORKS E. HYDE'S SONS . , Are now prepared to manufacture , COTTON YARN, CARPET CHAIN. COVERLET YARN, CANDLEWICK, TWINE, RATTINUE, COTTON WARPS, Ac.. Ac. WEETn Robinson and. T. o.—All orders Op mall attended to. no 9 nW ALLEN'S REFLNED • ( I .13 - PA . • , • A Superior .dr tiole FOB SALE IVY GRAFF & REITER, Sole ligte., 215 Liberty St., Pittsburgh. no=B6 c._ .n. IN CONSIDERATION OF NUMEIR. eSPLOSIONS ibat are weekly occurring from the use of INV.:11101r OIL, the undrraigued bare concluded' to their OIL AT 0...TA1L , at their WARILLIOUBE, NO. 8B Btrairls.cot latkocrt. he 011 Is guaranteed to STA NOA PINE TEST OF ILO D&OltiCEd and upwards. and is In 'petted for export by d corpeient r iospectore. E FRIT VirdStrLitatrvgt.l:ll,l' gLitoptVe i. BILPFII3I. KEUEW & CO.. PlO. 33 MAILKET ITILEET. Machinist. ell others am be furnished Lard, IlDeim and Petroleum Lubricator. at retail. urn:Loan FITZPATRICK & BROTHER. F . l "1 4 , AUTI I JILE2,m irEw near Zfrr" S lt' e g .riiymgt sole aua persona Orglfienf tortP* eau lead them . 11 an d r etur ne d. ooli:o71 , r BBL& LINSEED OIL received g"'" %suitor. ♦ KELM( a CO.. 41.224 1 Wb IM.O /Humana 17 WOO 4 Streets NEIGHBORHOOD NE WS Another County Robbery The thieves seem to be taking the stute by. counties. The following Is from the Easton Free Prelt: When the Court house, situated in the stein ity of our borough, was opened this morning 1 -11 5' the janitor, he found that some one had, been there since he had been gone the nicht before. lie found the back door to the hail Open, the screws having been driven in, nod the lock forced off. On examination it was found that the oflices of the Commissioners, of Theodore Robison, Esq., Clerk of the CoUrt of Quarter. Sessions, and of John J. leanest, County Treasurer, hail been, eaclx - Imture, visited. The burglars must have been pro vided with all possible appliances, and patent contrivances, as they did their work In a scientific and workmanlike manner. The doors of each Of the offices were forced open by boring a bole diagonally ,through the Jam of the door, and then, with an iron lnstru. went, forced - open the door. In the office of 31r. Robison all the desk drawers wqre opened and the contents scattered over the ' floor, but as far as learned nothing of value taken. The burglars left behind them In thin office a large number of cigar stumps, and a piece of par tially burned fuse sticking in the key hole et the sate. Otherwise the cafe was not dis turbed. In the Commissioner's °Mee, the door was forced open the $111.120 us the Clerk's °Mee; then all the drawers were opened, In one of which the keys of the safe were found; the safe was then visited and thoroughly ransacked, but the explorers found but little booty. 'Play carried away .some shirts. n'spalq of pants, a vest and acme stockings, which. Mt. Leith had purchased ut the store of Cheap John, anti had not yet taken them home. They also forced open a tin box which he had In tlio safe; and succeeded In getting $1 in silver. In the Treasurer's oftlee, after haring gone through with the drawers and desk, they made a breach to the wall of the vault, near the door; a bole was made through the wall, about nine inches thick, large enough to ad mit a man's arm. The lock was blown oven ith gunpowder, and na entrance effected. The vault was thorougly searched, and the papers and books, orders, .tc., scattered all over the floor. A tin box belonging to Mr. llnan gat was forced open but nothing of 'Minh found therein. The burglars found in a pock- et book behind some old books, a lot of money belonging to Mr, Unasigst, amounting to about PS). Part of this Is in eneeki, payment of Which have been stopped. The burglars came well prepared and did up their business leis urely. one of theta even going so fur as to commit a nuisance in the hall. No elite has been obtain.l as to the robbers: Man Drowned The New Philadelphia. (0.,) ehruitleir thus mentions the drowning of a man at Canal • Doveri, At UM time, some persons who were at work in or aranuit the slaughter house of Messrs. Burnet& Steese, had their attention attracted towards the river by cries of "Help!" Looking In the direction from whence the cry proceeded, they beheld a WWI struggling In the water and vainly endeavor ing to chug to the Ice surrounding the middle pier of the old railroad bridge. In ills fro• Quest and excited attempts to grads', the brit tle ice, it us frequently broke In his hand, making his hold oaten of no service to him. The last they saw of him, he was swimming down the stream, mak ingevery possible effort to keep himself afloat, and loudly seremaing for help. In response to his cries, he - was ail. vised to swan to the side, and those on shore would rescue him. Whether lie comprehend ed what they cheated to Lim, or whether their advise was Impracticable, minuet be told. There was a sheet of Teo thirty feet ells , or setearly so, projecting into the stream from eithet bank, and It might be surmised that 11 he had his senses about him, no would avoid coming In contact with it, as it had before proven so treacherous. However, conjevture tt hat we will, all we can my of hint is, that he went down, never to risen thing moo. =9 We find the following queer transaction in the Columbus Journal,: Yesterday an told . transaction was brought to the notice of the city authorities in a very peculiar manner. Some one entered complaint against a woman who had bcon employed as u seatn.drcas or embroiderer at different times, In several fam ilies, charging that said woman had appropri ated certain articles. mot belonging to her. The complaining party was advised to learn the whereabouts of the woman before prefer ring the charge formally. Ina short time it was reported that the boarding place of tile -woman had been discovered, that although she was not there antintad not paid her board, yet she bad left her child as surety that the latter would be paid, add that she would re turn. the oftlyials were a little puzzled as to what kind of •isecurity'l to name sold little piece Of humanity, and were unable to de tot mi.neJust how secure the ..seehrity'.../. for tile mother's board blll, and so the case was dismissed. young Ludy lil•sing The Honesdale Repubfawn give the follow. Mg announcement: USSEI Marcella sanons e el Hawley, aged about seventeen year,, has been missing since the night_of the 'lh. she was a milliner, and had been at work for Mrs. Jas. Dunlop all that day, quitting at six o'clock, and starting for home. Not — Making her ap pearance that night or the next morning her friends became alarmed, instituted Inquiries, ancl dragged the river and canal, but without gal dug any knowledge In regard to her whereabouts then or since. The general Im- Mpression In .11awley Is that In crossina the. Middle Creek bridge, which is without seine lent protection, itlo missed her way, fell Into the water, and was carried down by the swift current. She was of American descent, and bore a most excellent character.. A Trouide4orue gand The Steubenville Ilernltt says: d gentleman. ly looking man dropped Into the jewelry store of Oliver Dunbar, comer of Fourth and Mir kei streets, Yesterday, and asked to look at bLi stock of geld watclios Dunbar•s attention was called to' another part of the store, the stranger "confiscated" one of(the best watches. Dunbar accused him of the act .-be denied, but when told that ho would call the polies, tho stranger made the discovery that the watch hail got into one of his pockets, accidentally. sticking to his hand as he put It into one of his pockets to Pull out a handful of chestnuts. '!he stranger may be an bonnet man, but be has a very "sticky" band, which if he does not keep c close surveilanee over, will get him into trouble, if not Into the peni tentiary. - == The Columbus JOUrllla records the follows ing narrow escape trom a serious accident: Tile yard engine at the depot, with freight cars attached, yesterday collided with a street car, at the first crossing, on High street. The locomotive was backing up from the west, pushier a detached freight ear In. trent. The driver of the street car miscalculated the t ipped of the approaching cars, and attempted to cross before thorn. The street car was struck Just as it was fairly on the track of the other, the site broken In, one wheel °rushed, and the ear Itself thrown entirely from the track. There was one passenger in the car, who escaped uninjured, Attempt to Commit Rape We take the following-from. the New FMla. adelphis Chreakqe; mme day lust week; while a cOuple of little girls, agel respectively ten and twelve years, were returning to this place from Canal Dover, they were met by a young man on horseback. The scoundrel um medlately dismounted, took same the little girls, caught one of them, add attempted to violate her person. The other little girl screamed—a man was seen .approaching— when the rascal took to hiss horse, rode Off, and has not been captured. From the de min- Don given ; the mlleers have not been able to identify the noted rel. • ( • Accident nt Wheelie"; The Wheeling Intellipenecr gives the follow , lug: Wears called upon to record a tearful and humiliating occident to Ono of hberlff Seyboldis ciliciont deputies. As the gentle. man was entering the court-room,Yosicril.Y morning, toe foot slipped and-he immediately assumed the attitude of a boy learning to swim. Sympathizing friends at once gathered round (lie prostrate sheriff and assisted him to rise. Careful examination revealed the taut that no bones were broh en, and some Irrever. eat parties allowing signs of incipient laugh ter, the gentleman made haste to proclaim "silence in the court." Strand° Accident The Reading Dispatch say One-night last week, some thief or thieves broke open the smoke house of Mr. Harry nonuse, In Hamburg, Barks county. and stole a lot of sausage. Mr. K., In order to catch the thief, put some more sausage in the smoke house, endplaced a loaded gun In such position that if the door was opened the gun would be illecharged. Yesterday morning Mr. Kimono visited the smoke house for the purpose of taking out some sausage, and forgetting that .liad placed the gun h the piece Was discharged. the loud lente t ringere, id his se, from the effects Of which at fear o'clock the Same afternoon. = The Allentown Demoverti giVes the follow lug, On Monday morning last tau body of au unknown man was found drowned la tile Le high, near Wheeler's Lock. The remains were frozen so stiff that they allowed of being stood pp erect. On Saturday evening two of the laborers on the new Bridge t at this -place started from their boarding hods.) up•the er to cross in a small Dont, since which time they have not been seen,tile Met that u. email boats WWI rOl.lllll upside down In the stream on Monday morning, Mails to the sup position that they were drowned, and teat the man found may have been one of the par ty. The Greene County hobbery.—Wm. and George Scott, charged with the robbery of the safe the Adams' Express Company, In Greensboro, Greene county, as we have already reported, were placed 011 trial last week In the Greene county court, and considerable teetitnony taken In the cane. Alderman John A. Strain, pincer Seth Wilmot and others, frpm city, were Important witnesses In this s uit. Owing to the absence of some Important witnesses, the moo was aontlimod until the March, term of the court, when It will be concluded. tied Dools.—'rbo Bucks county, Inlelligcncer Bare: The mad dog excitement abdut New Britain, to which reference wax made last week, had not subsided at last fteCOUets. Alnong wasogs bitten by the supposed rabid animal one belonging to William God shalt, of Doylestown township. We regret to learn that Mr. Godshall: wah afterwards bit ten on the band by his own slog. We have not learned that any Of the dogs that Were bitten have /one wad. • 'EARLY TELEGKAMS. TELFAARAPH SUM3IART The Cabinet hats decided that the decision of the Supreme Court in the Indiana conspira cy case must be recognized and sustained and obeyed in good faith. As a consequence, the President has ordered that the military cora- Ulla ton at Richmond, for the trial of Dr. (Wat son, for the murder of a negro, shall be dis solved. The amount of National Bank currency is sued during the week ending Saturday, was 6193,0),' From this is to be deducted currency returned, Including worn out notes, amount ing to 1121,2.14,112, leaving in actual circulation at this date li'lttS,3ol,Sta The securities held by the Ti ensurer of the United States, in trust for National Banks, as reported on Saturday, were as follows : For circulating notes, titti5,2.i6,630; for deposits of public moneys, $38,513,9:4; total, 079,1140,- Ow. Au Investigation of the recently awarded Indian contracts show that they are thins seven thousand dollars higher then were the rejected bide. , IV is reported that the Supreme Court will grant, a writ of habeas •w pus in the cote of Dr. Mudd and others confined at the Dry Tor- tugas, charged with complicity in Lincoln's assussinatitin. A rumor is current in Washington, that a prousluent radical member of the house is preparing a hill [Oman ntee to New iCorlr, a republican form of government—in other words, that there shall be no discrimination e favor of the whites against the colored population.. The Fenian trials at Sweetsburg still con. thine. In the ease of Thomas Smith the jury could not agree, standing eleven for acquittal and one for conviction. liSthis ease the Court reaillrmed the monstrous doctrine—in fuel, the cause of the List war between (treat Britain and the United State's—that naturalisation in the United States did not exempt the natu• relived person trout his liabilities se n British subject. • . The landing of the Pilgrims was very gen erally celebrated throughout the - country„_on Saturday evening. Largo seizures of liquor, illegally distilled, in the eastern cities, are reported daily by telegraph. Whisky selling at 41,50 per gallon, when the government tax Is . _ $2.00, is latter suspiciou4, Lien. Grant has returned to Witellington,and reports that the I llllleolty In Missouri has been explained to the uatisfaetiou of Gov. linteber. Tile Potomac river waa trOZCII over on Sat unlay at tieorgotown. . . Several witnesses were examined in New Lirlean. on Saturday before the Congressional Investigation Committe, among whom were Judge Warinouth and Judge Howell. All is eoudut.te I with sworn secrecy by the COMM IS also. •Ilefore returning to Washington the committee will take evidence regarding the sentiments of the people and the management of the Federal departments. There was a splendid gathering on Satur day In New Orleans to witness the tee LI,: Una. than of turf sports over' the bletalre race course, Lieutenant. Ureteral Sherman and Major Uent cal Sheridan were In -attendance. tdrvernor. Worth was Inaugurated as tier' ern.. of North Carolina at Raleigh on Satur day, in pre,nce of both branches of the Leg islature. Ills address was warmly endorsed. General hansom—rebel—ot North Carolina, has been pardoned by the Preablent, Il k reported that the United Stales war steamer Lancaster In. Wandered near the Cape of Hood Hope. Peru and .Chill rely. t. th-e mediation of France and England, and propose to continue the war against Spain, finless the lions salute their nag, 0.4 pay Over I.3,con,tion. President; conforming to the request of the King of Prussia, and In contequeuce of the inoorporatlon of Hanover, City of Frankfort, and the Duchy of Iletse 10[6 that kingdom, has withdrawn, and declared to he null and volt, the erequators heretofore Issued to a number of Consuls of thaw: State., iu lid. country. • • tiritiin Tapley, an-old mtlzeu of Clncinnat!, lied I,n .Saterday. • • • Thera ,were—inciudingieno rem cholcin—in Cincinnati last week. The journeymen 1.01101.....4nke in Upton hso nded, and they lace robumed work at Conner The 31,.0n1c brotherhood of Philadelphia Lave devitied to erect-a flew Ifttsonic temple at the northeast corner of Kroll , ' anti hansom streets, at a cost of not ie.4 than half a lull• lion dollars. A shooting affair occurred near Junction City, Kansas, on Saturday, In which the City Marshal was killed by a soltller of the Seventh* Cavalry, and two soldiers of the. mania regi ment were shot in return by the citizens. - York aloes a criminal businan.s. During the past ear there were 4.041 arrests in the city, s 3 of which wore for homicides. The Ocean (Moon, from Aspinwall, brought to New York on Saturday, ti,3.10,1).1e1ra treasure. rinly was sent out in the European steno:lo, • i The steamers Arago and Fulton, sold at New York on Saturday to Leonard Sr. Jerome for aae,Ofpr. The Congressional excursion party to New Orleans, reached linoxville, Tenn., on satur. day. They were handsomely received, and entertained at a banquct,by the civic author• Speeches were wade by Senators Ram soy, Foster, Lane, Norton, Wade and others. NOTICES FURST NATIONAL HANK OF VI2TBIIUILUI.I.—The Annual Election (r DI- rectors or the P 1 i r N ATioNA L UAN K will take plum . TUIt.PAY. PetutarY SO. /Ora% nt the Baal, b.2l.r•ert II o'clock A. M., .al2 o'clock r. tvULLY, Gsll AY NATIONAL rlTTetillrodl, DeCamber 12Cri, IVA. N ELECTION FOR NINE DI RECTORS, to eerie for the ensuing year, fell be held •t the BA-SKIM/ HOUSE, on TITESDAY, J•nuary 810, 11 1 7, between the Lunen of t nd r. Y. de131141 111=1212 TIMM:VON" N BANK AI.I.IAiIIKNA, Deanna.. Cat, A. THE ANNEAL ELECTIOY YOU Directors of Ulla Bank 501 be held on TUESDAY. JANUARY Stb fletween the hour. of It A. AI, owl 2v. te , at the II an kin 6r House. • J. tt. DAVIDSON. CsoVLU'li NATIONAL DARE. rirreetinciU, December etti, IaUS. 4LECT lON NOTICE.—An Elec tlnO for Seven Direutore of thin Dant, to serve for the ecisulut year, will be held at the Dank, on TUESDAY, January bet, Let', tetwevn the hours of II A, N. and 21'. Y. deiLpOb 1, Al, GOLIDON, Cashier, lIIIST NATION BANK Or ALIMITIIVIY. AL.I.6OIIkNY, l'A., Dec. THE ANNUAL ELECTION FOB L.IRECTOILS of this Haat, will take place al the BANKING HOUSE, OS TUESDAY, JahaarT bth, 1007, betweeo . the boors of A. v. sad Ir. r. JOHN /.. KIIAMER, Cashier, ALLIC,II3NT NATIONAL BANN. DITT3BUMIII, December bih, THE ANNUAL ELECTION OF DI. t RECTORS of this Bank, mill take . OA" at the Banking lion.e, on TUESDAY, January trth, hetnuen the hours of it A. M. And 2r. L. it. W, XACBILV, Cashier. I UNION NATIONAL BANK, t l'lrrettlritoll. Ilecember Ilk. M.. N ELECTION FOR NINE DI. ItEcTORS, to eerre fur the ensuing year, r No Nee .t the BANKING 1303J+SX, oh TULSDAy, January oth, MO, between the hours o[l3 A. N. and e. lt. deUunel • • B. 33711T11. Cashier. CITY NATIONAL lIANg lir Prrrhurloi, Dec. e, ITO. TIRE ECTORS ANNUAL .ELECTION FOR DIR Or TITIS BANE, wlll bald on TUESDAY, January Oh, IuGY, between the hours of 1 and J o'clock Y. 11., at the DAnklng delT:ps2lwT JOHN 51 AIIOFFIR, Castile, YU:LUXOR NATIONAL DANK ci; TlTT‘uunall. DiTTAIN:ItuU, r. 0., Due. 3, lAN. I THE ANNUAL ELECTION OF DI -1- HECTORS wtll. Late place at the BANKING 110G6K, on 'I.IESDA.Y. January Kb, 1a.37, between the hours of =AVIAN A. AL god Two C. dre:I,I3DINT 11. 11. IdUItRAY. CAALIer. 111-ncli ANT.: AND Za/r . I TILE ANNUAL ELECTION FOIL Dut eartma of this Bank will 011 n Dlseeat the BANKING 110116 E. on TUE-WAY. January the 111. MT, between tie hours of 11A. K. and 2 O.K. .101IW Cushier. TLLlllll NATIONAL DANL. rirTshuhoir. I VlTTSnUntill. Dee. Pb, TZLECTION NOTICEr—The AI3IIIIU. A-./ al Election for NINE DlRECTiltili (dr thin serTe ilurAnf helat te Haat ota u the ensuing h y e e a S r . sdia.ll be Jat d ay h lt7 etween f theh i r a td 1 0111 i a. rind 3 I'. L. delLnelO JOHN E. LIVINOBTON. Cashier. NATIONAL BANK, I . Parr/nom/14 Mc. nth II`IIE ANNEAL ELECTION FOIL LI tyUP TICK KINK. 111 Deheldu the BAN KINI./ I.IOIINE, TusDAy. llth, 1E47, bet w een the boon of 11 A. N. and o'clock F. N. JNQ. t,. DIAUTIN. CsAhler. • VITT'OO ALLIGIIigY, Tuzascarat's Orr'Ch. December nth. ISGS. NOTICE IS lIIIREBY GIVEN TO the holders of the .10 her cent. glUti CIPL BONDIS Bondi coini ng Allegheny, that the Coupons on ssid due Jardsaff Ist, sed7. will be paid on asld day (less thelitate Tex) st the Bank of Pittsburgh, In the City of Pittsburgh. l'a. IIaCPERLSON. det2:pod Treasurcr Of the Clty of Alloitteity. SPECIAL NOTICES. - CARD TO DIVALIDS. A clergyman, while residing is South America / missionary, discovered a safe and simple reme dy for the Cure of Nervosak Weakness, freely Decay, Diseases of the CritistrY and Seminal °mitts. sad the whole train of disorders brought on by tuneful and vicious habits. Great numbers have been al ready cured by this noble rsmedy. Prompted by a desire to bsrefit the a Mined and, 1 will send the recipe for veparing sod using this medicine, In a sealed envelope, to any /one who needs it, FRILL or CHARGE. Please seldom a post• Paid envelope, addressed to yourself.' Address JosEpit T. INMAN. de2thoill Station D. Wide Home, N. Y. City. NEW PERFUME FOR THE 11INDE/MC[IIES Booming Cereue.“ EICEMEI ":Vight Blooming C Night Blooming Cert,tax.' 111352210 Xigbl Blooming C I=4l Phalan', '• Night Blooming Certmo." A mart evrthite. deliNste, and Fragriivit Perron, die e i:led from the rare and bllLutiful livlVrr ftom' whiib It take. Itr 1.111, blannfacturod only by PIIALON,6c PION, ~New Vorlz lIIIWAICk OF COUNTERFEITS ASK FOR PIIALON'S-TAKE NO oTnErt. WINN. BARNHILL & CO, BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET 'IRON WOEHERS, Nos. 20, 22, 21 and 26 Pm' St. Having secured a large ward, and to ntlehed It with the moat approved machinery, we are prepared to manufutore every description of Miler, On the be•t manner, eat , warranted mine to any made in the country. Chimneys. Breeching, Vire Buds, Steam Pipe, Locomotive Butlers, Condenser, bet Pane, Tanks, On htills, Aettztors, Settling Pan, Boller Iron, Bridg 800.1 Pane. and sol,rnang • faaturere of BARNII es, ILL . B PATENT BOILERS. Repairing done on the sharteat notice; JeSicil rarLANE SUPERIOR COPPER MILL AND SMELTINO:WORKS. I == PARK, McCURDY & CO., , Manufacturers of Sheathing, Brazier,'and Bolt Copper, Pressed Copper itottonts, Rained 44.1111 Bot toms, Speller holda. Also, importer. and dealers In Metall. Ttn Plate, Sheet. Iron, Wire, de. Con stantly on band. Timm.' Machines and Tools. Wan:Douse, lib, 140 Pia, and 1310ICONIP tITRICZTK, Pittsburgh. Special orders of. Copper cut to any desired pattern. utyl4,l,l4:d.t4rT Mr - PITTSBURGH SAW WORKS, HUBBARD, RHO. & Manufactu rer. or PATENT G SOUS 1) CIILCLL.A.ILS, warrant ed CAST STEEL, SAWS, of rverytle.crlptlon. MIII, Mule.. Cron-Cut, Gang. and Grottier variettn. Alt klnd. of K SIVE:. and hPalNli5 made from Sheet Cast Steel; Eatra ran... REAPER and MOW -INU KNIVES, An. • /dr Wntehouve and Work., corner WATER and SIIORT druerr, Pittsburgh. Par:Mitts, attention paid to re-foothill.. gums snug ARd etralirtitriAng Circular Slain also. repair. of all klnda." - Punetang and GrIIIIng done at rea sonable rate.. IgrROBINSON, REA b. C0.,-(Suc ...ion to ROBIN SuN. Hints d Mitlbanni) WASHINGTON WORKS, nnnnnn rs oft Staablnlat., Pittsburgh, Manufaeturers of-lioat and Stationary Steam En gines, ISlasi. Engines . rilll 111iinory, (rearing Sbatllng, Castings o f ail Sessriptions- ell Tanks and SUES, n neat Iron Work: PATENT INJECTOIS r4r'REMEDIAL EIiSTITETE FOR fere*Cd.Zsal NO. 14 1 OND N KW YORK. Full inlormation. with the Alphert f**.fintool also, a 11,...k on Apo,. triara*:.r. lu • 1 , 41,4 6 11,1034, sent Irv, lair 1 , rt., **a.* M , Mr*,. no,ly,clii ',era LI: for, ••:ir..r.islo* physician* ar* ntort * r-f.S., nXLO3:: COMLaEfilli SOHO OIL WORDS. BIJFFUM MEW & CO„ MANTIVACTUREItIi OT TELL CELEBRATED SPORN LUBRICATOR, PETROLEUM LUBRICATING OILS. Sperm. Lard and Whale Oils, HILD LIGHT, OIL AND EMI Gina ALSO. Standard White Burning Oil; No. 33 Market:Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. • BEND FOR A .6RCULAIL. WARING & KING, OMISSION IBP.CIIiNTS ROMS if Petroleum and its Prodacts 4 DIIQUES.VE r, PrrIVIEII3I7XI.Ciir3ES. 3PB. =I WARINC, KINC & CO.. my17:1645 197 Walnut. St. Phil. HENDRIOK'S LUBRICATOR, =I WHITE, BROS. I.:. CO., New York. E. J. ROBERTS, Agent, so.ri St. Cleft. Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Keep constantly on html Cotton Factory Oil, Uare llantanM . 011, Woolen 11111011. I Darellnirtne Oil, Light CoCa Engine. Olt, l lare'llar till, No. 1, Light Colld ricrea , :ot- Dark Cot till. NO 2. tcl, noVlicel7 'l - 0/ 00 LDLII DGE 013. REFTNENG CI icona:39 , - ma - sr. OF PITTSBURGH. PENNA. • JOHN WATT, President. HENRY M. LONG, sad Tres.Vr. WORKS EV TKIIPERALWEVILLIE. OlDce, No. 2 Duquesne Way, (Neu desperation. Bridge.) . - KANITPACTIIItERS Or FUNS WHITE OIL. Brand—" Lucifer." EUREKA OIL WORKS, EEREbd C R 0.7 r corL, The Celebrated EUGEKA -( SPERM LUBRICATING OILS, =I Crude, Refined and Lubricating Oils, LARD, brElt3l, WHALE AND FISH OILS, N 0.31 Market, St.; Pittsburgh, Pa. O. O. - mccolar_m. AcLat. Call and examine samples arid read certificates. nuaic,l4 BUY THE BEST. PETROLIA BLUE LEAD, 10=1 Manufactured only and for sale by T. H. .1 EMI A CO., W1...0n,. o or W' 4...g_iat Tl,G, N. W. Cor.3d and Market Sta., =EI THE LIGHTNING LAMP. GC. C. JONES D. CIII)vrOnD /NO. VOGYL. JONES, CRAWFORD S. yogi, Agents. THE MOST POWERFUL AND TRULY BRIT:IAA NT COAL.' OIL 010 LIORT ICVEII IRODCUED. Adopted by the U. S.Governnient. Non eiploalve. Cheep and Beautiful. Give. a brilliant light three-fold greeter' teen any other lamp. Tills patent is adapted to all lama and as the wick Is merely a conductor, never re, quires any trimming. Sorters on this prlnclple at.' "" A" "rn'TY Other, opposite rust Office, above rittock'a Lela Depot. second door. WY. WIGLISILAN D.A. a-DIM/BOA EAGILE OIL WORKS, xieslau-rosxoceviii.3. WICHTMAN & ANDERSON. Refiners and Dealers in PETROL - ET:TAT. OFFICE. 13 E COND STOWT_, COINE.II HAN COO S. T. AND I.IIIQUILINE WAX. MTH tan COKE, &e. PITTSBURGH NATIONAL OIL AND COKB COMPANY, mime' ns , SHIPPERS AND DEAL. Etta., Whttleaale and Retail, I the BEST FAMILY COAL, Taut Ciotti OFFICE AND VAUD, CORN EE FOURTH AND EITELEETd, Fittaborgli, Pa. All order, for delivery iv the Ity, or shipment W o ol, willooool prompt Wad lm ediate attetitim. IL 'A. Stitt N ABE'•. uperlotenthdit. COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! IMPORTANT TO CONSUMERS. HUMMEL & .RABER vtte the attention of ths rolblic to their Sine stock of COAL Jot received, Including the following va. Merles: Lamp, 11 os.l, 2, S and Cheotnnt,.._ b i l i ol ' oll V et i gr ' I s intilt 3 4% n letle shtarti,4 LOWEST BAT Et, by e s]. mngie ton, car lo r at, boas load or thousand tons. All orders protoptry attended to. Offices 104 Chestnut street, near the Depot, 0c9:126 HAR.ItIODUrtU. OPAL I COAL COAMI I DICKSON, STEM & CO., Having zeir.owid their Oftce to 'arc.. 131437 .T.Olizoca - t - 37 Mt:root. (L „„ .1) cltl "lour XIII) I:MOON D 7,LO()E, paredto ctr tr irs T l: 4 ' tweit,i b en 7 •t the lowest Margot pe, //kr Al. orders lett et t botr oglee, or addre-esed to the y7.5:1:43 m through the =U , will be attended to promptly • • m CHARLES H. ARMSTRONG, Youghiogheny and Oonnellanlle Ooal - And Mann! actorers of Coal, Slack, and Denalplintized Coke, I=2 Corner of Butler an I Horton: drat yard on Liberty and Clymer streets. Ninth ward, and on Bocona street, near Lock No. Pitraborgh„ Pa. Yamllies and tdanufxturen sLyplled with the best article of Coal or Coke at.tbe lowest Cash rotes. Orders lett at any of the yards will receive prompt •••,....•••••• BUSINESS MAN'S • COMMERCIAL COLLEGEP 11 Nos, ft and 8 bt. ClairStreoh HIP X PtsDeto al Cbsrt... • Book-Keeping, reL.manlhip and ArichnlatlZ, time unllmlteti ......... ................ •i'•••40 00 Arithmetic and renican.hin Fier qu.rt..lof three month.... ... . ... . ... ......... ... PDXIXXIIIIXIP. per . .." h Tor Clreularo or epee imeue . addresa nIIATFEIt, or J. F. McCLAISIONDS. r °CIS BERGE St. CO.,,Maniflac. .1- 4 toren of URA!: DANDS Waeroom. IJLEEKkat BTREET. Second Block %ant tram Broadway. NEVI roisK. The Pianos manufactured by Vida Arm are radon ed Igrartiather tle p country fo r their y >tattle tonal al. Kr their dulkailly and excellent workmthshio Seven Octave Rosewood 1 nous, with our Grand Trench Repeating Action, carved legs, scroll desk wr itten guarantee for Ore years, for SiCIO n lyr and IPS% n019 , 311k, - - WALL *APEII—Of all grades, for Parlors, Halls, Inning Hoompind %Itch. eqs, In glut isnety, st N 0.107 Marker street. OC= JOU. U ll 131:3 20 00 8 00