al ''' • ..,7^ - "" ( Ehe 'Xiittburgit (r)ncttc, Penniman, Reed & Co., AT GAZETTE MELDING, 1 No. 06 3Pirtla. eltroet. F. B. PENNIMAN. j Exuw „ . T. Y. 310/ISTOM. t JOSIA II IKIV (Saltine's liansiterig. I P NELESOM .12 6D, . TEILISS: Fturbs Cop et..... 3 cent' Denvered be carrier. (per treekt........... la cents Mat . mnotones. ti.rle.") 118.00. idnersl reductions to Newsboys and Agentl. MONDAY, DECEMBER 94, 1860 THE RIGHTS OF WAR. When the Boston Post decides that 'making Territories of States" Is "a revo lutionary measure," we are not disposed to dissent from its judgment; but, when it goes on to assert that "THADDEUS &TE TT:NS is the father of.this measure," we do not concur, unless the imputation is used in a sense So restricted as to deprive it of purgency.' Who opened the door for "rev- I olutionary Measures f" Nay, made such measures indispensable to the life of the 'Lit t on an d the proper security of personal liberty ? Wien eleven States rushed into -rebellion thy well understood what chances they invoked, and what hazards they incurred. They did not consider it possible to so order matters that; being successful, thfey should force a solution by arms upon the loyal people and States, and,•being defeated, should reserve all le gal rights and remedies for their own ad -vantage. (War is not a one-sided affair. In it there are blows to take, as well as blows to give. It pays little heed to those microscopic distinctions with which law . yen are prone to puzzle their wits. . When the Confederate armies an.-render ed, all of the eleven revolted States became "conquered territories." Much of domain included within' their respective boundaries had been conquered long before. The peo ple of those States had no other conception of the - situation, for none other was admis sible. It would be absurd for a horse thief to imagine that by surrendering to the Sheriff be avoided the penalties-consequent on his crime. A thief, with only sense enough to make him responsible for lar ceny, would naturally infer that by surien derinehe would be in a way certainly to get his deserts. I This was precisely the ex pect Won of the rebels when their means of resistance gave out and they succumbed. For a while, they were ready to assent to any conditions their conquerors should im pose. Some of their northern sympathi zers, who bad defended the rights of seces sion, both as natural and constitutional, began parading sophistical arguments to demonstrate that secession was impossible, and, being so, that no forfeiture of rights hail been incurred. The rebels took the hint, and soon grew arrogant. Instead of supplicating, they made demands. Instead of accepting thankfully the magnanimity of the government, they undertook con spicuously at Memphis, New Orleans, and elsewhere to crush out, by the most sangui nary measures, all the genuine friends of the union they could lay murderous hands upon. This change of demtanor wrought a cor responding alteration in the temper of the Northern populations. Thoughts of len ity, impulsei of compassion, and disposi tions to cover the past with the mantle of oblivion, were pit aside, not 'willingly, but because some degree of severity seemed necessary to preserve order, to ensure tran quility, to maintain the juSt authority of the laws, and render free institutions per manent. The idea of - regarding the re - volted States as "conquered territories," as rightful spoils of war, is not only logical, hut is forced upon the acceptance of mil lions whose benevolent sentiments make them loth to press advantages against a fallen enemy. So, too, intelligentforeign ers, who, at first, thought tha government ought to treat the rebellion as a wild es capade, the result of exuberant youth and vigor, sre taking soberer views of the situ ation. The London Times, enlightened by, the sojourn of its chief proprietor in this conn- try, recants its former position, and asserts the rights the federal government has sc ., quired under the laws of war. It says, "It is s simple fact that the land south of Ida son and Dixon's line, once parceled out into States, forming parts of the Union, ix maw a conquered territory, lying in the hands of the _conquesers, and awaiting their disposition of it anew." If it were not so, the Times argues, it would have been impossible to carve Western Vir- ginia out of the Old Dominion." Having made this broad sasertion,-the writer then declares that "South Carolina is now noth ing more than a geographical expression." The continuity of the life of each So'nth- em Commonwealth is absolutely broken, and when South Carolina comes ic moat come just as Utah or Ida - ho might be admit ted. It must start afresh, and President and Congress hare just the same liberty— in determining when and under what con- MI ditions it shall start afresh—as in determ ining when and under what conditions Utah shall be entitled to become a member of the Union." To this it adds, by way of advice, "It will, no doubt, be wise in admitting into the Federal Union, States from the South, to adhere to the old boun daries; but there is no compufsion to do so." To this general treatment of the case American statesm en are rapidly 'gravitat ing. This is the meaning of Mr. STEVERB' bill to organize North Carolina as a Terri tory, and of mt. JrTLIAI3'II bill to erect territorial governments for each orthe se ceding,States. Whether eithe r et th aw measures will actually prevail will depend upon the conduct of the Sotithern D e no,. Mr. WADE, and not a few with him, h ie g ia ' a to . the prompt readmission of the Southern States so soon as they., stall respectively ratify the Constitutional Amendment. But, In assuming this position they clearly recognize the. fact that those States are "conquored territories," and that condi tions rail,' consequently be imposed on them now to which they could not be made to submit but for their participation in the redolL If either of the revolted States shall refuse or fail to adopt the amendment, it follows that Mr. WADE and those who concur with him, will be prepared to use the rights acquired by war to any extent that may be requisite. Mt. Soungn, on the other hand, shows a disposition not to let any of the Insurgent States off upon consenting to the Amendment. There is no difference here, An principle, between Mr. WADE and Mr. SUMNER., but only a difference as to tEe extentio which the principle shall be pressed. Tau Committee of the American Tract Society, unable to meet the constant de— mands made on them from all parts of the count . ry,lasuo4 an appeal a few weeks sinee. for a publication fund of $lOO,OOO, on con ', dition that 40,000 be raised before Janua• ry Ist, 1867. • Of this mount ;40,000 Las been Aubscribed, leaving $lO,OOO to be ee. cured during the coming Week - . A benev olent banker in Philadelphia offers to be one of ten to give the 410,000. POBLISIIED BY EDITORIAL BREATTIES. John (icor& Ryan is the name of the fellow who edits the Indicator at Pine Bluffs, Arkansas. He gives the following as a specimen brick to gain patronage and support of the reconstructed rebels of the South: Q. "I am not inclined to be an assassin, but, if to destroy:a-tyrant is assassination, then I would destroy the tyrant. As It has been proved, President Lincoln was the elected head and voluntary servant of the Radicals, who purposed the destruction of the South, and, in a measure, succeeded in theirhellish designs. I was oPPosed to, I f and fought against Lincoln and his ty. 1 rants, and ever will. When the news of 1 his death reached me, I rejoiced. When I learned that a man who never identified himself with the Confederate cause, struck the tyrant blow, I thanked God that he had selected an instrument, from the heart of rdicalism, right under the tyrant's guns, to deprive America of a Radical tool. "And when I laid down myarms, after a bloody struggle for independence, I thank ed God from(the fullness of my heart, that Abraham Lincoln did not live to mock our misery." ' We askin the name of common decency if such a vile traitor should be Permitted to again take a seat in the councils of the na tion? TILE press in England Make considerable ado about tke election to Parliament of a Mr. Navenaughovho has neitherarms nor legs. We have seen ctrauger things here. Men without brains have been chosen to more important Positions. A.letter to the Roston Journal from Washington says: quiet,„ but well organized move is being made to bring out Mr. Colfax as a Republican candidate for President, with Senator Howard, • of Michigan, as Vice President." hum distillers of spirits continue to IA turned up by Government detectives in New York and Brooklyn. It would be consoling if we knew that they were as caddis of punishment as the Whiskies they turned out. . . Stoves have Leen successfully iutroducL • ed into the street cars in many of the neighboring cities. We do not see why some of our enterprising companies do not follow the good example. 4 tourix, of thieves have been arrested at Jeffersonville, Ky., for robbing the Pen itentiary. In all probability the' future will show that they have stolen from their own residences. Mn. Tnomss PARROT started from Texas with four hundred horses to drive to Ken tucky, on speculation. Two hundred were taken on sight—by thieves on the road side.. A PRISONEII, while being tried in a New York city court for the larceny Of n large sum of money, managed to make his es cape. The present bonded debt of Michigan is '53;979,921.25, and the -increase in conse quence of the war is $1,591,01i.40. PETITIONS, numerously signed, are circulation at Chicago for the pardomof ive murderess, Mollie Trussell. Tim Pittsburgh Brewery at St. Louis was recently 'destroyed by tire. Loss $40,000. CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED, and La being cured even day by persons who use the Rev. E. A. WILSON'S GREAT REMEDY FOR CONSUKY2IO2.I. Thum who base used It are cult. lug toustantlT to testify to Its great merit, and the wonderful turns It has performed ..Get their ca. as considered hopeless Hold only in L'lM.burgb at JOSEPH Fta—MlNti Drug and Potent Medicine Depot, No. 04 Market Bent by mall anywhere on receipt of $.2.2.5. Call and procure • pamphlet, evlng blstory of this extraordinary medicine GHAT HAM, ILiLDNESS, DAND RUFF, ANY DISEASE OF THE. SCALI•.-NI• ISCOVERY CAN GOMPARE WITH "Li/NO(7N • Ant COLON RESTORER AND DRESSINL." "London Our Beat Hair Color Restore," "London Hal, Color Restorer" "London Physicians Ha Color Restorer" "London- Hair Color Restorer" "London Use and Hair color hes,oree” "London Hair Color Restorer" - "London. Recommend It. Hale Color Bestorer"• It never fails to Impart life, growth, and rigor to the wesaest hair, fastens and stops its fading, and Is sure to produce a new grow, ti of. bah% causing it to grow think and strong. Only 75 cents a bottle; 64 the ball dozen.' doll by McCLABBAN IfeIIENNAN, 83 Mar ket street. GE". A. BELLY. 37 Wood stnet, and JUL FLEMING. Ng Market street. r ittsburgh. KANE A DRUITT. Ageghany. an.RrlbhatWg THE GREAT MEDICAL ANNUAL —Uostetter , s United :tutee Almanac for. 1567, toe distritint'on, GRATIS, throughout the United State and all eivillzel countries of the Western liemlma 6bere, will he published about the first of January, and all who wish to understand the true philosophy orb. alth should read and pouf er the valuable sug gestions It contain., In a ddition to to admirable medical Heaths° on the cause.. prevention tad mire of • great variety of disca,es, It embraces a large amount 01 information Interesting to the merchant, the mechanic, the miner, the farm er. and professional man: and the calcu lation. hare been matte for such merts tans and , at- Hades as are molt suitable for a curr,ct and com prehensive NATIONAAL C•LENDAtt. The nature. nee., and extraordinary IS Harr ef fects of IitinTILTTICAPri nfOMACII RITTEnn, the staple tonic and alterative of more than half toe Christian world are bully scq forth In Its pages, which are also interspersed with valuable recipes, became. anecdotes. and othar Inn/Unlit, and amusing reading matter, original end neleetrd. Among the Annuals to appear with the opening of the year, this will be one of themost useful, arid MAT PE BAD 700 THE •SKING. Vend for copies to the Central Manufactory, at Pittsburgh, Pa., or to the nearestagent for raOSTaTTEIL , d STOMACH HITT/PACS. The Hitters are sold In trery city, Wen and Tillage of the United stets,. ilvg) amiamiM BIITGHeIId, Jr, Adams Jileyress Office, 54 AAA Strad, is an authorised Agent to rams Adveriteemmis for the GAZETTE and all otAer mars throng/tong the United Mania and the Oanadas. OPEN TELL 9 O'CLOCK P. thit &ere will be oyes from 1 O'CIoCIE A. N., tin 9 Wclock P. 31_, DECEIIII6It 7.lth 3IACRUM & CARLISLE, 1 Ylfth Street NOTICE. • WILL OPEN ON MONDAY MORN ING, another ease of those M"..CLINTiCrIT 3EIO-15C-1315. Those wattles/ on this lot will please call early and make their selections. dletililafE tor ItLIStrL, I Inn Seet. NOT OPEN ON CHRISTMAS DAY. Aa anal, we will not oven our Store on Chrlet• -mu, in order that all hand. may celebrate the 'whole day. MACItI.ISI d CAR1.1.151.L, dell l Yllth Street. • CHEAP HOUSE, Two Story Frame, . . L .mted on Sld des Street. Birmingham, oontaldlog pt1 loom•, will be sold on fosoroblo terms, by 13= B.IIOSIIII LIM SLAT. ESTATE AO Z=l6 Tdd. 66 Smithfield Stree! KITES! SLATER SKATES! r HATE RECEIVED MOST OF my 1.- BTOCH, 1 1 / 1 , 1 Offer to the Trade & .electton from 5,000 PAIRS OF VARIOUS MARES Before purchasing lelsewhere, call and examine my giock, as I can OFFER DEALERS SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS JAMES BOWN, No. 136 Wood Street. nol6;o13 JAMIE T. BRADY & CO„ (HvecelsOrs to S. Jones R C 0..) Corner Foarth and. Wood Sts., BANKERS &BROKERS, • ,61.4.LE11151N ALL KID or GOVETIM , 3IIt Securities, Foreign lExchange, Gold, Silver and Coupons. OOLLECTI&NS Lando on all accesalblo Point. In the United State. • ad Canada.. Interest allowed on Time Deposits. American (Walthani Watches. dealers In *melte+ from all parts of the country e reminded that the undersigned Let P :Al t e ll as carttnent of Watt ham 7nlches. In gold and ulcer casea, [constantly un band. Large reduction , In the prices of MOV.IIOIII and !cases hare recently been made, and the Internal itevenon Tax la no longer charged to customers. The good repute borne tar and near by the manu facturer of the Waltham Coipany makes It need lets furr the *gents to urge their claims to general patronage, tr to do more than caution the public against = porton, and Inferior Watches with which the markets are flooded. Every Wall ham War 1,, of whatever ea., Is warranted by special reale- Yale, which should in all eases be dons sanded. nonnuts A AP P L ETON, AGENTS OF THE AMERICAN WATCH CO., de24:•7`.0 162 - Broadway. N. Y. ROSE BUD BOUGH AND BEADY, Rose Bud Bright Pound, Hose Bud Golden Dare, A 513 other N: ted Brand ot 1 1 1 CO 13 AL CT *PO =I & W. JENKINSON, Fifth door fronilispehtfon 200,000 Larlcitster Se gars , Jost.rrlved. will be sol 4 chenp - dr::1371.5 'IIRPIIANS' COURT SellLE.—The undonlgned. itu irtllsn of the minor children of %thou, ante of Vlndler Towimlttp, Alle gheny county, l's.. bt order of the Orphan.. Court of Allegheny Coonty, tO., will offer for rale, un the itieLnl,,, On January 16th, 1567, At :o'clock, a. m., the following described traria land. ate In saki to wash Ip. bolt nth d a• follows, to wit: Bourblet au the ea.t It, Matta ofJohn Twt• fort; on the south and stokheast by lands of George . Like; and on the treat by \ Peter Eaton; and un the the north and northeast br rooms, l'ordar; being farm of the late James Wilton. deceaaed. a ol eon taltong Mount 239 acres: will be mold to oelk pur chasers. Tams made known at day of sale. la• .tume of A. A. Guardian, near the premi ses. or to BAY": it A bilAY.Elt; Attorneys. 105 Filth ire. I. Yllisberglt. w TO IRON MEN AND CAPITALISTS N INTEREST IS OFFERED, ON • , :A. FAVORABLE TERNO., t the WYOMING IRON AND MANUFACTURING COMPANY Established arid in operation at FITTOTUE. :erne County, l'a. lifolcloktse almanlieric, and Kirks Steam Hatntiter4 In use for Forging. • W. 01D507..: JONES. President HOLIDAY GOODS Al i t r lO :, llll ., R , til/y BRONZE, GILT, Carbon Oil Lamps and Chandeliers-, Lainp Trimmings, b.c Alen. WARRANTED NON-EXCLO , IVECAR BON OIL. wholesale stet retail. JOHN- ROSS &, CO., Na 64 Marlcot 119 tx• cot, MISICIMI FOR THE HOLIDAYS. 1221571 LADIES' FURS,, The Largest and Beet Moll/ In I:) = HAT, CAP AND FUR STORE 3:141C CI CO FLICI € DO., 131 WOOD STREET. SKATES! SKATES! Prue Stuttesl, Club Skater 4. _SKATES FOR THE MILLION, AT I` .. MP 30 IST d '; l lllspatett Erb Street. CIR.OOZAT..Tarr.. PARLOR & CARPET CROQUET. A FULL AIi:MIT - MEN? AT - C. YEAGER & CO'S No. 110 Market Street. NOTICE. THE PERSONS, FOIL AND ON A- whore account the Coporate, Proper's, Rights; Franchises. - Re, or the cHARTIER.S VALLEY RAILROAD CoMPANY Were purchase.% are requested to meat at No. 238 SorttlaThlrd Stiael,Phlladelphla, at 111 o'clock, noon. Oh WEDNESDAY theßrin dojo( Janum y, A. D., 18t$7. ,de:ll:gY W. 3, HOWARD. FOR RENT, . 496 ROOM, Suitable for one or two tingle fjentleinen, located a central part of the city. Enquire of M'MASTER, DAIIAM & BUTTERFIELD, I= MID SEASONABLE GOODS. QOAPSTONE GRIDDLES, PAT ENT DItIDIRUNM, Porcelain Lined Hollow Ware, • full line. warranted not Iv erect or come off liytitaileg; liaskets k Brooms, Whiskers. Brush • ea, wit!. every ceineeleable article in our line. at the HOUSE-EURSIMIIINV 2 4 70. IW' VlDC:scoct .1811tcoot. W. W. BRADSHAW. ITIMM DRUGS! DAUGSZ! DBU 6 E111: ••-• JAMES T. SAMPLE HAYING BOUGHT TIIIC ‘F ELL KNOWN DRUU MUSIC ON CORNER OF FEDERAL. AND RI/HINSON STN.. ALM:LUMEN Y, Wlll keep on hand • full assortment of all kinds of 37111=1.11:7 C 3/, ES And Which will be sold aminer than any other house In the two cities. • Prescriptions carefully prepared by a first class d‘ .. 2 .& 11 .11;:ds en h of FXRFUDIRRY and FANCY POAPB and. DIMIOLOTION OF CO-PARTNERNIIP. THE PARTNERSHIP HERE TO-. fora extstlng under the name and etyle LhVI &.!diNDEL has this day bean OlssolSe.l. 8. lIENDEL. r/TrgbrinGit, December de21;q7.11 PIANOS! PIANOS!!—An entire new stock of IfNAlttt & CO. , 8 PIANOS, which are 110 W DrollaYred 1 .. t mAde • LIAO HAINES 1111.1.18. CELE/MOTO I : rlce frory 000 upWrlLrd• Pen. , In want or • Orni-elss• Plano .11 . 0 Invited to ca 4011 Parchmteg elsewhere. CHARLOTTE Itycng. • gel No. 43 /Ink ...ea. FOUND,:. E't7R 08P313, Which the owner can have by calling at 71116 or VOTillg property and paying for this advec tivelnesit. de=:q43 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS TO EVEill HODI'S INTEREST. E=l 13oots and dlioes Having been reduced Isom ttie Pt or A11y..., are feel It lobeoolo itte.t. lb. t the peapie should be In formed alt. We hat e reduced out price aceord• itial.y• Our 4toeli It tinuautilly large .d 19• sorted. sod those who appreciate bond-aide .atyleS and - BOOT'S 410 D SHOES, And pr.•ter moderate vices. are ct rt tla to La .1 e IMA at the POPULAR SHOE PALACE M31'01;11151 SOS. 26 AND 21 rirrsi sTiturr, WM. B. CLAPP & CO. P. S. —N... wit.l.• (7.11 e.u.l PPe .It. FOR THE HOLIDAYS. YULEYIS GOLD I'E\s—warrsnte4 WRITING DESlit , :—Flll.l with titstlualery I= I=l = IMMI I=l CHECK BOOKS toN ALL HE BA LE.64.ERS, LAY BOOKS ANI/C LA N K BOORS I=l arr Ens, SCHO rEn x co:, . . . . thft f 2 9 FIFTIt 'STREET. , I NEW: GOODS, NEW GOODS, S H H A R D'S Steam Cracker Bakery CONFECTIONARY, 317 I_Alic:wei - t3r. Ei - tre at PITTSBURGH, PA., lovr BEAUTIFUL PRESENTS FOIL lIIE IIC) I -LS. ( " Z . eily JUN:T OPENED ♦T 14_ H I4 No. .tat? Wood ,Street I= CUOICE ASSORTMENT OF rIIINA AND .tOIIEADAN YANK, of new .d rs, an , lst:cs. A rite• la it • PARIAN STATUETTES, . LAVA WARE, DECORATED Te:A. TOILET I=l ==! IL HIGBY OH! COME AND SEE Our Superb Assortment of • CARPET CH SHIN. ORIENTAL CHAIRS, Alt3l CHAIRS, - nu %Tic Cti Mats, wt.,. %TOO CM I= I FOLMAR 111:111%. ; •TABLE DOOR 31 VI'S, PIA3THES nAMPEIO4, FANEV RANI: ETA. • • TOILET WARE. • POI RET AND TARLE CUTLERY. WIRE. WILLOW and WOODEN GOODS. largr“ .twt tn.l flurst nvtortment In the . I"ri.t at New lurk vivre, at tho liouse•rur.ii.shing Em porium. No. 124. NlCTo.pcil. Eft - root. W. U 1111ADSHAW. MEE= CflAtt. B. BARII..IIIOa. TU. BX.0:1 . . W. L. 81.M.8.8. BAER. HAKE. & BITETMER, • Sueoessors to WANE.4.INII .4 Itit No. 12 St. Clair StrLet, Pitthburgh. 47,rtiertils, And Musltal tiools grnerelly Ui'•Sole Agents for the Celoh'sted BRADBURY, New York, sktISCIIOSIACKEIS St CO.. 11.11sdel phis, PIANOS.' Also, I:srEr fr. CO.•S ••COTTAiIt." and 13. IL 11. W. MTH'S I'AMEILICAN" ORO A NO, and :11.1.TuN3 PATENT GUITAR. The boot [Winn and Genii. Violin and Gull Sr Stringo alwayia on hand NY. CHRISTMAS GIFT.. FlE( r i -pRY a. L . i I I i tTICLE OF USE liouse ) Furnishing Emporium. You can Ina BOOT BLACKING CASF:n, SILVER PLATED TEA AND DINNEIt nETP, BLOCK rIN and BRITTANIA TEA nEland In Odd Pleven: PLATED TEA And TABLE n, lIPOONS. Ft/IMS, SOUP LADLEn, COFFEE WINE, ICE PITCIIERS and.THAYS, 1101CLETe. CUrn, KNIFE ttEnTd CASTORn. from 41010th esTh or Mo or Ode Toe EAn a. 4 fur Id the 800 of thorough LlouseLfurnDhlng No. 124 Wood Slreet atttrwr W. W. BRADSHAW. FIRST CLASS LOOKING GLASS AND PICTURE FRAME MANUFACTORY. No. 110 Wood St., Plttelsorgh., Keeps on hand and manufacture+ to urdv-, tire FIN IDSTSTYLEOte 011. T. ItaMEWDDD and * WA I.- NUT. DUAL and :SQUARE Minium, r OLT nA IT a.nd I'IUTUILIe. EDAM k..n. Curtain l'orntre, Hands ind nuttily,...), Consuls. Tripod and Bracket Tables of evitilsttc design sod workmanship. GILD! NU AN D DEO ILIA NU ea tented Ie- the hlabest style of the art. *)"!'RUCKS MODLIYATY.. nt.A.nalmws I)ISSOLUION OF PARTNERSHIP . heretofore relating by and between the IDIOM wucd, under the nolue and style of I.)W.EAS, KENNEDY .0 HARPER. bas been this day dissolved by mutual consent, William Ilartme retiring from the gem. The butanes. wlll be No. PS Grua Street Dorcoßu rooducted by Yrederlok "won+ owl John Kuunedy, under tLe DIMIC,IIIIii orttNVF.tid do )(1 , ,t;11:1)Y, at the 014 stand, :4 Federal street, All di illi A HASS. ,GLAIR NOW A LARGE' STOCK OF mar. mit ctn.:VE(I'MS A MIA. CAI( F.S. TOY ti and all othar good:. In lAN llne. FOlt THE HOLIIIAYS, and he call. nirclal :Aleutian to Ulu oupellor MIX &Li VA filllY. at Ni sod 01 Federal Pierer, Allegheny. del::p10 nANDY TOit r CANDY TOYS! NJ • 3.000 DONEM CANDY TOYS Ou band mad for Dile at EASTERN I RII ES, by • W. P. HUNKER tt:11 . 0.. Candy and' OT linonac ton.. • deßrpit Corner Math and Liwty•tr, , ..,.. THETAN.• PAVERS OF THE NINTH WARD Will take notice that it their taxes are not psld by the lIIIISTOY JAN Wain', costs will be added. • JAMES inwiN, delfloie 'No. 042 Peon etreet. trNDEEISIGN• VD bare removed the odic° of the HOPI: OIL WORKS frogn3.s Market street, Pittsburgh. to their Works ort t.,AItIION tITII T lirownstowts, where they C 46 hereafter be found. • Postoffice Address 113 b. Pittsburgh. .12.111, DIINtIAN k. WILMA MR, WINDOW SHADES—A new lot of new and beautifiil amen. on Omen, Tan, notrOrounds, tiold and r•lnte.l Larders, • %o'; Market stmt. Jos.u. MMUS a BUth OCIZIEMEME! 124.'r 10= J. LYONS, IKEDERICK li. OWE N:3 ,DDIN KENNEDY, WILLIAM - lIAILYEII. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS .a i irtan r* , iC)W OPEN, - COMPRINEIG . .THE LARGEST assortment evdr echl , dte , l In the city. Inaba lionde are Imported eireet by our,olven. and not throuFl4 agents 10 the End, and will be sold LESS THAN ANY HOUSE IN THE CllY., Ladies' and Cenilemen's Dressing Cases; Ladies' and Genllemen's Satchels; ( Fine Work Boxes: Fine Glove Boxes; Fine Portfolios & Tourist.' Cases; Fine Writing Desks; Stereoscopes and Views; - Cigar fags; Pocket Books and Calms; Flue Bohemian and China Vases; Motto Cups and Saucers; Fine Toilet Sets; Chess Men and Boards, O'lt6 an rndica. aar...ty of FANCY GOIIDB and love, WHOLEtiA.LE and ILF.TAIL. C. YEAGER & co., 110 Market Street. .IL 16.0 GO TO - PLC).ll3FA3E3.rlitst', No. 16 Filth Street, FOR HOLIDAY GIFTS. Thee have pat received a large and well Belected 'block of VINE Gc4l:3OllS . , =I LIDIAMONDI9. AMERICAN, ENGLIIii AND SWISS WATCHES, SOLID SILVER WARE, • PARIAN GOODS, FORDS AND SPOONS TABLE CUTLERY, AMERICAN AND FOREIGN CLOCKS;; Tff.496 ,1 03E119, di" .a. ' And a very' large to er • FINE SILVER-PLATED WARE, =1 PER r L✓4TEST STYLES. Do not forget the Old Stand NO. 16 FIFTH STREET ME= II 0 AT 9CI BUY "sr OUR HOLIDAY GIFTS UNTIL YOU HAVE EXAMINED TILE :±rUCK Cl ' " Cihina & Bohemian Fancy Goods lug ,ALE 131 RICHARD E. BREED, No. 100 Wood Street. MERRY CHRISTMAS! ~ALL AND ( SEE OUR ASSORT- T OF USK VIM AND OWN ANIKS:TAL go Italde !or 0111'a, r'imelstlng SKATES. A 1.1. SORTS .t NI) SIZ I S. FROM *l.lO TO 1111,1.00:- 1111011'N'S PATENT 11 inTENDEn. ALNET LEN. BOOK till ELVES, BOOK YACRN TOII.ET 'WARE. JEW El. l'A VRETS, • EINE WRITING DEMO:. LAVA N.IIOFLEO: SETS, LAVA VANES. and WATCH SAVES. - ell INA AND LAVA SPITTOONS, ;A►T THE HOUSE•FURNISHING EMPORIUM 124 "Wood. etreoc.t. w. W. BRADSHAW. IMIIME PA !MN E RS 1111 P NOTICE-JAMES H. CH EtIoTY has purchased the Interest of JUHN HALL, lo the firm or JOHN HALL A co. The name and style at the ram will he JOHN HALL A CU., as hetetofore. TIIOIIAR J. HALL .J. BROWN Y. renrsTY h26I`IIIN %ALLEY FOOGE PLOW WOIIIM 111 and 123 Liberty s eeeee ..Pittsburss JOHN HALL & CO.. blannfacturorsof all var lu lefle. of Norther and Southora PLOWS ; UNIoN oIVKILS, SU KICY lIAI ICA K Ed,CI.I.TI:VATOI‘a, do., and d slens In AGIII,ULTUIC•L IMPLY-11 , NTT of a,ll de e. rli , llone. I I'ITT/113Cntill, Doc. I, ISC4i: de7:D 79 FOR TILE HOLIDAYS. -- A FINK !MOCK, ADAYTILD lOU 13C (=aid. exy - 3Phr c. es co rut le, OF ALL KINDS Or 30 NAT ELRY, GOLD AND SILVER. WATCHES for Ladlei • Rent.; .• CHAINS AND GIIARD.9t ELEGANT nETS. In varlousieWn[z: uoLD AND sl LYRIC PENS rILVER VASES, u 1045; • FANCY ARTICLES. Au. an.. ( JOHN MITSCHy. No:112 Feaerial At., Allegheny MEM ENNS W LVANLA AVENUE AND P sit! SUN n7ICEIT SEWER ASHEsOMENT.— The I' petty owner. of the Second, .rhlrd, 01010, here and and Rlghth of the Clay of l'ltta- It tub. are hereby notleed that the City Regulator Imo left In my ohtee a Iles of all a• sessments made for the cou•tructlou of a bearer on Pennarlyanla Arenee etreet. with a plot of the same, showlog the location and Isaacs of all those aa erased. The.ronditions of the parties thus 'assessed are That If the amount lineal log again•t them is no paid at the end of thirty days from the date of thl notice. it will he my duty to flare the a .me tn th !lauds of the City rolleitor forsolit 011011 stibhCt t Flee per runt. with costs and fee. for eollectiou. W.ll. Ml—.o Treasurer. • BELTIN4II IfELTING LEATHER AND' CUM BELTING. At.o, 414171 Ho ME • PACKINC; tiAszirrs, .1,11 the hest quality anal lancet at the 223.c1.1.n. Izt.u.litYkroze 13,c)i:+40.ti NOS. 20 AND 28 ST. CLAIR 'STREET. I= MONUMENTS, GRAVE STONES Vaults, Fountains. Statuary, Vases, RE DESIGNS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, T. BROOME, ( uo reran BROADWAY EXCHANGE RESTAURANT, 101 CORNER FIFTH AND SHITIIIIIID STD. .10 Ladies' Dining Rooms 2d Story. FICI MI CAN 011iTER.4 A5l) OA ltir, of all kinds on band. O. P, VIRItH RLLF.I4 Irrdr , rkt , nd ETTACII & MEASON, "tlO CCEBhOIiS TO CHESSMAN & CLARK. Ell= ONIi. • LEIT II ER BELTIN G, rip. II Ohio street, Allegheny elly. Al.O fhll assoitinent of netting at 0.11. ANDlill BONN, No. Inn Liberty iareel, I•ltteb¢.gh. L. d. 17 tiF.O. U. CLARK, Hunt. of WON!. F. MUSSMANN, • Flab Street, between Tumid and Chatham's Streets, GUNSMITH AND DEALERIN HARDWARE ?Int elfon goods of all .deserlptlone alireje oa baud and so s h awlhe loweet Prim, hopafflog do, nn nottSow. 1..t.1111 riENIIN ELEA, Jr., No. 286 Liblrty A.R. street, qpposlte RavO nth atter*. :111X1.4.11ARKS—IRI busbels prime: SHELLED CORN — O 2 ear loads; 110511.2 i Y barrels Wbße 1101.114, 0 Dressed Corn teal; 11UTTER-5 barrels prime; - • . Ee“.l-10 barrels (rub. dein,* HOLIDAY GIFTS Of Affection -and Charity. ,_ r WHEELER & WILSON'S HIGHEST PREMIUM LOCK-STITCH FAMILY SEWING MACHINES, Rosewood, Walnut &Mahogany Cases PRICES, From 60 to !Z. O OO Dollars There is no investment that pays a better interest, or brings more comfort, health, happi ness, and relief to the House hold: WM. SUMNER & CO., No, 27 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh. Pa. N. B. -Patent Elewlng Machine Castors can ix. at Ladled to all Wheeler & Wilson Machine. whelk de WO. Ltle-^0:1/1l =I PROCLAMATION. CITY Or PITTBRIIRGH. 88 Is wardence with the provision. °Tan act of the General Assembly of the Cornmouweelth of Penn sylvanlon. providing for the Incorporation of the City of Pittsburgh and of the various supplements to said net. I, William C. McCarthy, „Mayor of Mild City, do tense this. my Proclamatlo_,n that on the not Tuesday In January, A. V. being the first day of the month. the freemen of each rd of sac , city qualified to vote for memberflof the House of Repreontatives of this Commonwealth. will meet at the several placts.of holding 'cello. In thel r respective wards nonrecicts. and elect by ballot, en ler the provl•iilef an act of Aseembly poksed the 11th day of May, A. U. 3 , 57, and in con formity to the shore civil authorities, and alro to the Ordinance. of Councils districting said 0111. The citizens of the Pint ward will elect. by bal lot. one pereon to he a IneMber • the Select Council of.sabi city for two yearn, and two Deno.n, to be members of the Common Coutiell for one year. The citizen. °ldle Second ward will c'ect, by bal lot, oneperson to De a member of the Defect Coun cil of .111 city for two year., and three persona to be members of the Common Counell for one year. '1 Le citizens of the 1 Writ ward will clout. by lid lot, one person to be • member of the Select coma e!! of odd city for two years, and two perm., to Le 1 members of the Common I'oeuell for one year. Toe citizens of the Poneth want will elect by bi lot, one person to he a member of the Select Coun cilof Bald city, for two years, and three persons to be members of the Coinaon Council fur oue year. The rid zees of-the Fifth ward .111 elect by ballot. one person to be • ateenner of the Select Connell of Leld city for two yeate..and five persons to be Meat r, of the Common Council for one year Thu i•ltlzens of the Sixth ward will ele..t by balfeit. ons person to be a member of the !Select Council Of sold city. for two Common Coto for persons Wife mem ben of the Common llr one year. The citizens of the Seventh wool will elect by ballot. cam person to be a member of the Select Connell of .1,1 city for two, years, and two per ... to be members of the Common Council for One y e•. The e Risen. of the Eighth ward will, elect by bal lot, one imrsesri to be a Inember of the Select Coun cil ld city for two years, and three persona to Inembern of the Common Council for oue_year. Th. citizens of toe Muth ward oil Select al lot, one pereOn tO be ••member of the Conn ell of sled, city fortwo years, and three person. to be members of the Common COUne'l for one year. The citizens ef tio-Ti nth ward will elect hy bal lot. one pt rson to I c a member of tee 5- I ect Coun cil bald city for two ye trs and two persona to be members of the Common 'unu , •ll for one year. Each of whom shall be codified to serve as •mem tier of the House of Fepr+sentstiVeS of MS Con, nionweal th. at too election to be held as aforesaid, on Tuesday, the tied ca. of Jauuary, A. D. PAT. 1 he electors or the Pied ward wl II vote at the Public School House. In said ward. The et trier of the Second ward 111 vote at the Pubic School House in add ward. Tl.e elector+ of the Third ward will rote at the house of Frank Melbaughlin. St the corner of Wylie and Tunnel street.. in said ward. • The 'electors of the Fologb ward will vote at the ibblie School Moose 1. said weed. The, eleetom of so morn of the Fifth ward to Ilea north and cast of Adams street. befog neve.. No. 1 sit said weld, will vote at the Public School Honig of sold war!. cleetors of ao much of tha Fifth ward as Iles of th anti ',mot Attains street. being precinct. No. 2 of said ward, moll solo at the ruh le School of atilt" ward. The electors of so much of the Sloth ward as lies weat of Logan Street, helms precinct 0. lof said ward, will %lAA at the f übllc Wilmot Homo of told srd. • • The electors of so mach Of the Sixth ward or Poe east of Login :trees, being Precinct No. Yof sald ward, will rote al the Eagle mouse. No. 101 Fulton -treed.. of sal , ward. Ih, el•etory of the Servo th wan] will vote at th Intl la tiehrol House Is said ward. 4he ' elector. of the Irdchth word will Tote at th Public elebool Bowie to aald ward. The etcetera o. the Ninth ward will volt at NI euttliettellool Hooae or said ward. The electors tor the Tenth ward aria ♦ste at the boa/e or Addy. W Illiarns 4t. Wanly, corner of eixtb and ntollhneld streets. la said ward. .. .. . - . .. . Dlreo a oder my band and mat of sald cRY of PD. btrgb, MD nth day of December, • . D. let. WILLIAM C. McCAMITIV, Mayor de= . HILLERMAN'S DST ID FUR EMPORIUM, R. F . r i l e : E lgi n falingl wbleb ts offered at 171il.rusr ',cow wines. Our specialty tow Is I...siclicm , A zad - 3 ' Z7 IWIP SLEIGH & CARRIAGE ROBES, Altbougb prepared wl to • full line of H A li r S . AND CAPS, WHOLESALE AND ILETAIL. r3MILAI_JaELMA-Nliii No. 75 Wood Strea. uort:of3 KANE' S PATENT PETROLEUM SOAP. • • ____. • SOMETHING NEW, CHEAP &BEAUTIFUL. • .• - , 111101 SM UOILII inifinlNG SOAP COIIIIOD, ACAJIE'SPETROLL'UXI 80.1 P Altar numernus satisfactory testa_in hundreds of families, confidently odared to the public, on Its established merits, as the best Toilet eo.p In the• market; as a tit st-rate Washing ikon sad Elmilre of au Clottt titans. 111. also and efileaeloris smallest. being excellent remedy for all Cutaneous Diseases. From Its ppecullar chemical combleistions, it is en tirely free from unpleasant odors, and foreign sub reir sale at the prlnelpsi Druggists and Ommers In Pittsburgh aria AllsgismiT• no31:040 w. c. rums MYERS, HOPP= & (sace t owers to B. B. lialsor.) No. 45 Smithfield St., Kanufactarers and Dealers lei all kleale of Parlor, Chamber, and Dining Room Sets, OFFICE AND SCHOOL FURNITURE, Together with • tall assortment of Pittsburgh Manufactured Furniture COnetantly on hand and nu sale at the X..c.webatt ' Ciesish lorloo es aenexlll/1 1866. • FALL 1 866. CMLIP'FAIL'S. We are now extithittaji for TALL TUBE qv most ztousire noels ofsoode we have' CRY 054. the pleasure of orreries's° patrons.' I English Brussels and Tapestries, Of our own Importation. comprising many new and choice patterns never Inifose In this menet.. lIICII VUTOI LID ilia? CASPEIS 11111 EDO, EMBROIDERED EMUS L BCE CURTAUIO. Rev sal Eitut hem of Cavite,. • Side & Centre Tassels, Loops di Bands, Choice lityletNottlng Curtains. ITARLAND ki2OLISEII._ Noe. T 1 and 73 11e - rm STREET. -Next. bons. to 0. tstoni House sad Poet that % Second /loos. sea! NEW PAEII HANGINGS. TOE PAlWAS—Trench Designs, with Gold Bar. FOB LlBlLlAlltd—Poinpnlan Pattirrns on Onus [ro Tun ITALLS I Now Given Pancras on Rod S W L OFIA.II I -Bltga—Le4e and Nunn Patterns ovardark wands. tor sale . W. Y. eIiALL, sin! W Itaß udd Went. ATTRACTIONS FOR THE HOLIDAYS. GOOD, USEF UL, HANDSOME, and ENDURING CHRISTMAS & - NEW YEAR'S PRESENTS. WE ARE NOW RECEIVING OUR Holiday tock of OMOKEitiNi l & SONS' PIANOS, 11. P. •DIERSON'S PIINOS, .49.147Za Mason & Hamlin's CABINET ORGANS, Which .:11 be the Innen Co3eettort theio I In- slruments ever Exhibited In this City THE GREILT OffiCHERING PIANOS; Patch have bee before the public for nearly half *century. *till malutabs their arlyremsey, being. tha nano always 01(4 by the world's areas artists and our beet amateurs. as well as our owe, muslc • loving entress. The fact that over 2,000 CHICKERING PIANOS Hs ve been sold at this Ago.), Is proof positive of the high eatimatiou In which they are bed by oar cliaena. hogreat It the demand all over the connti y for the Clackerina Pianos. that it Is an lin posalbillty to till orders with any degree of prompt nes., and It la only by a very especial favor of the manalecturers that we have secured the present au orb tot for the }iolidays, which will be constant ly larriviug from now to the 'dgli Inst. , and com rrlse, the choicest styles that are made. • Prices Same as at the Factory. The Unapproachable EMERSON PIANOS, - The Cheapest Gboct riano bade. • The Imersco Plano suritilles a long and severolY felt want—tuat la, a good. well-made, tine toned, and lasting Instrument at a moderate price. They are made of the most thoroughly .thouell wood. after the most approved se •les by a scientific man ufacturer; have over-s rung bat., felt hammers, Iron frame, and all modern Improv.ments. The fanalture Istif chaste and, elegant deepen, finished to beat rosewood. Cos.y varnished acid polished. The groat success we have had with the Emerson Plano* is due to their great - merits. The public tety ' Vern ' t=. ' an a ir ''' i "h" y they a" war. we east get them from the factory.] toying " nit to Prices about One-qalf what is asked • for the most renowned makes, WE WARRANT THEM FOR FIVE YEARS. THE S frEEr.._,_TOXED Hamlin CABINET ORGAN, The Most Perfect Instrument Ever Made. Tait should, and MI - RELY will be !bond in curry pitmen. babberh Selma. Drawing Room, and tar- Toe, being alike suitable for' Sacred or Secular,, o ral or instrumental, Quick c'e Slow Musle. TO F 4 l Tt1•1 '" T:07.f. n 1,t 9 1. ° 1 . 347 ' .;1 1. 4 ' 0, - ;• Ist comprises over TH tufy different style., rang ing from 1175 to $l,OOO. all of which can be found In our rooms, and rung be purchase! at the Sane Frit.e as at the Factory. WE WANT to do the largest Itolider t redo this season ever done during our long established host ile.., and we know we can only do so by offering great Inducements. which we do, as oar stock Is ....WIT large, and .re hare cut down price.. to the rety lowest enures. We bore to have all the public call at our rooms, wh.tnerthey want to buy or not. and we shall be happy to show them our en tire stock. SHEET ' , MUSIC AND Musical Goods, In Great Variety. FOR roXLMEMEOMTig. REMEMBER THE :PLACE - IE3I WOOD STREET, Between Diamond Alley and US St., PITTSBURGH, PA. to LIEWiIt&CO., SOLE 'AGENTS - FOR Chickening & Sone Pianos, Emerson's Pianos, and Mason & Hamlin's Cab't Organs dempo.wr r T ANTEll.—Graduates of Lite.r dry and Commercial Colleges to engngn . p,.. aonent , y In bnatness re.encluir ST/TT...MP and OnsinesT , 0 -respondence. Apply with reference. f oyer Melfacter A t.., MM ., Lnrr Mitre • R. 11. CURRAN, 913 front itrett, rltttburgh. v.. CREW A GENT4,VANTED TO SELL THE CHILLOLECN , S ALBL' I'ICTCRES AND STORIII:e, WO ten Ind compiled 11 . ne. ANA BOLLARD. The Hook contains a htoel Portrait of the author, riotor than one l t. ;delves. and is nicely dso' rl-lo P 2r/S L u a t trOL hi doni ,,, No. 75 Thied at., Plusburth pa. WANTED—Good men - to sell, by I sample or otter•lce. several rapidly' selling and praleetvorthy articles. Men that have lost m „„, .„.; tug pat. at meat and f'Floh-tall tram gen erator')." ran get perm•nent - emoloymeal. Money and ada anon) surtielent to start any Man la a paytne Mmlne .0. All tbat Love applied should call again. (loud reference reonlrea. STIMET. dolt Roma So ! L) AGENTS WASTED—THE BEST CHANCE YET.—A Work of Historical Value anJ National Impot tance. The only Work on our SILTY yet In the fled. All find no competition, Ic Press . lAttitAU UT AND OUR.. NAVAL COY HANDERS, by Hon. I. T. HEADLEY. the dls.. anguirbed Author and Historian. In one hand— some robnue. Illustrated. Send at once for terms and territory. Addre.s A. L. TALCUTT, dels:p.9o 50 !large street, Pittsburgh, I n. WANTED BY Jet JANUARY, A GOOD STABLE, For TWO OR lIIItEZ HORSES 2.-ND BUGGY ♦pplr to It'AtASTEII. OJZZIY t Ott. drl2:p66 _ 9 i'irant Street. AGENTS WANTED BY THE EU- LtElt A SEWING M. tetlINE COMPANY to se/I their NEW {AD MAOIIII4IE. WI.I mar from tissue paper to heavy Beaver cloth or leather with. oat change of feed, needle orterulon. Hell -a Justing pressure foot and newly dealgued fear inollont4 UNDIMMED. Address, enclosing stamp J. it. !ALL a to., 68 Firth Street, (Second Moor,) dell Pittsburgh, Pa. WASTED-AGENTS—MALE .ND FEMALE—Ia every port of Western Penn. sylronla for the line new Steel Enaravinrs. "PKAYICR AT VALLFY "THE MAIDEN'S PRAYER," ••LIN CO LIN •Ei 11031 E AT SYR.II7OFLF.LD* Either by the month or on commission. Publish ers' rates allowed. For Pall particulars apply, person, or Address, PARCH) A CIO no: 43 Fifth street., • ittab AGENTS WANTED FOB A NEW . BOOK, NOW REAM • WOMEN OF THE WAR. By FRANK 1100116, autho of 'The Babt/110* BecOrd." an. The obJest of this work 1 t collect and preseat narratives of the serrlces of the women who shared the perils of the war,and ought to Inheritlts The volume COUL•1110 about 000 oct , eo pages, and Is illustrated with steel plate_rtraits, e i ma , Ted u lA. th e most improved style. go ld only by For drculirs. address or apply to ENt It Y AHOWD, • eta No. 68 Fifth street. Pittsburgh. . KiTi7=- . wM ADDITIONAL'. BOUNTIES TO Soldiers of 1861 and 1862. All who .erred three years are entitled to 1100 bounty: those serving two years. $5O• or who were discharged by reason of wounds, or their heirs. 2 bra A antha Extra Pay Is doe Volunteer 04leers in the service March 11, sincHOS, and il discharged, mustered out, or waved e Appr 9, 1.935. PlLNSlONS.—Perinsuently disabled are entitled to dint 120 or $25, according to degree of disabil ity. W.l. A HALL PATIBB.SON, Attorneys,. = B. F. BROWN, MEI Local Claim Agent. SAN.- cont., Office, No. 67 Fourth Street, - (9ECOND PL•0011) Pittsburgh, Pa. Pensions, Bounties, and Arrear of PayTromptly Collected. No charge made mall claim. are settled, and the but a modelate fee. t0rM:12.13 SOLDIERS) BOUNTIES, PENSIONS, Extra Bounties, Back Pay, &c., Collected lo the Shorteit possible time, by A. M. BROWN, . JOH2I S. LAMBDA . , Attorney. at 1.4 w. Once, No. 114 Yltilistrott, notl:d&wer PITIVIURO II pnor. ROLIBOCK. INSTRUCTOR ON THE PIANO; -- And Teacher of Vocal music. BoomclND 31004 E. dt.pL4ISTc•. 31 Ferry e troot. Will. A. SIILVAt.. TTORXEY AT Lair, No. 190 Fourlh St.. ophosite Wililna 1 1 . 11 . ParticoJer attention given to the collection of so