I=== DUTGOOD: TRIMNINGEI.Bco :'; : INTf. -- s..'4eF..Ll;'s . -.--I:BATESkBELL't GENERAL RENETION FOR 'fp 110IDAYS, Falerinos, ..napress Cloths, oplins, arta°. Plaids, oplin Plaids, Victoria Cords, Evening- Silks, Dress Silks, Cloaks, Shawls, Blankets, Balngtorals, Plaid Flannels. BATES & BELL'S. BAITS & BELL'S. HOLIDAY GIFTS. CERMAtI AND SWISS WiEti:LOW r CoCoa/3 Caned Baatis, Brackets, Jcwel Boit, and Omn:dolts, ' , -s l'oriiiited.46, Ballets.. ' Batch.la. Card Case". Smelt dcaits, FUMY Knit flood •, " Linen nandliercliteN inibrolderies—Adiden.riptlons. ,rdidii Collars Ind Nindserctdeli,, L ...Coitures add Barbed, Ladies`. Gent , ' and Children's Kid kilovei, • Bovrood and Garnet Jewudry, Roilet Sadist Sc., do, De. GENTLEMEN'S cspzawr.An, Neck Tie/, Euerenders, Stall tiefe, 16E1E1E, Bear( Pius, Elieve Batton!, AT 'LOW VOICES. P. H. 'EATON, 17 Fifth St. N. $Y GOODS JUST ItECEIVED krlr .70EL 1:101ME & CO. Ton iissortaient et BOMArigTS 'At.7l'D 114T13, AI :the leading Tin 31,71111zieri l ir , 'Ctrs:oQCLeh ~" itOtavel,42":::2l7zrems.brab...VsZtagnz4 an Colored B ilkST : omens, choicest rreach and America= Irestbars, cy bat and SWIM • .. , . .. , . MU zieczt ara. cps r) ID 11l =has * .• await wortecLa - , , • Cambria 112.2abarg, :Swiss, Leona, Cluny, Yalta r4 1.Un.n171: Illonseto llail_di IZolblidAered and Yalu Lama Coa t "s's " Wella i tic Lases lad Lace Goods. s s :as and Cloak Trlssadziss sad Ornalkentai .... . ..ill Ts n i C 4 Imps and Huth! Bald s; s s . 5.., •=, Mrs. fraasea, - 11:VilIs coops: , x 3l ,a l P at 100 3 00 1 ltldet , or Cambries. Elsadterild "• elli. Pinto. Lsollentritltobed, Hem • atulatbrotdere4, Tome Ho erect, eta, etc. *siert Lallaagin i e d v e w rads . _ Sy sad all alma rurtstsking Goods: Ifsmieisders' sad -Neel-Mem tHearl i Marts sad B M eu se,: itilulg sles& nhtlor'ett.oe a ll sa . t• qU e nter i; uitons-ine orltles, si d s. " • Terar-Grestest TS le ty. Cashmere, na_ Lambe Wool sad Kat r Milos Tattoos rotatable. Sala colon • ion melons. GenWaperp3ilnin, sad eneritlinu in the BO • ' • YAM se eau Eastern Jobbing Houses. rr arid 79 ?Market Street. ♦CBCDI, GLIDE :::78 - sinft 80. Mlii4et. Sheet, • I WATCH OT/N1341, [HOAR • ." 2 1 3 11trital:31 Dies, nizs, I. S. RO 11/- 01.,OV— itit 13. E AOE44b/1). K,...E Altt y A.ND ..14)-7,137.16,1E11- OZNT'BPETItNtBIIINO GOODS, - ZILPHYR. dtl AWLS, BACKS AND HOODS . - 3100 P : PILIFIT .14 VII., - - • WATER • , WrokooDors will.txtd it ko thete . advantago to -"Oss2rtObelt . ll4ick from • '-• WhcatindeDisitent. CARLISLE, .." 7 -11.16INIFICENT- ROPIDAY.PBESt2iTS. teh •, • - Elandkereblef &ad G DBout; PerftuaetEands; gitt=2„..rs, mr . tiy b ue ; .; Boorood sod .1 ealevrelry; Plae Morocco Wallets an fl Bags. area *pealing • cholosollec Man of ; 1 1 41 1 1 I nVIVE nl ar:l i gir=re lilff S: krar s elArista e li t .id Crociset bk*Ung !lose; i /cozelpleta } ~VAVici C 4 cianaaus . • Bete - aifeale i lt , a tale e L fty for the I0LL L01:111.t.‘000 Kiothe6 Paten - fathom: -11 211- '4 4 4ll tha ' j lra ti l litit i ree "l ak at t l e_Yatic :;i7fradleVa r afoottz =natio if stets, all e*ses—To Doaters at 3Leaufacturere' Habsboral Veleta' • - Our entire sloth at LEI TULIN 'ALLY tans' ...itzscitaxTe riiii.zwe edit Bad • ;at lees prima -.math articles" a/r,g 2 ceo es e Se lM G AV e° l " T ' Z ' attilitt - -g:rlri::t , iP.. l t at tiaatylieepoodrtcee , -& • OABIELA • • t 4• I.E . DHICARIOODS. • ARBUTHNOT, SHANNON:: ft CO . ittsburgb, BaTt. la Alrea(2 rieCiling. a !MI ,ao . aMaaint e. lifri.looDt-',IS.AUTIII3I- Whlch7theyl'effer eit , -TAS-TrAlit4 :6 *4CES 1:1 AttelltittiotaN 4 ted. • c•lxat7Cllo-1"-"4•1"10N—T•e• gunnilffcCANLDEsS & CO n ; -4 61 Uomillrytem as* 0c...) via:mamma DZAIMAIII --1111011VVIR-DOMESTIC DRY oodu XelimosolLik i lcHimals! . " Wald bOWIII atm* Dian= =Si MEI ..-.F.---. ___„..... - it copignmunrier k pivamg; Turtreii-redirpB •9r THE 1 ' trejitffe r trAgluit l all we b. I liM e r= _ _.. .gz.magaituth.t, Olif AT nATAIL. at' ,' ''.:T.., „." mil I I! It'll l4 .4r.M t R:. =..: : 43cre;lialiatiliilliollii alizi4o4. WIRARIALpice thq if t1193r taxes. ire twill:aid VI- 4y211,4 • ..Aisviompi Itii=l, FIRE Ern . •-, , oißif'l!R:Fl? I.4l.!O,OF,yOs:RO!Relitkell• l e mir y =ilß . i . Mad I. In , pecta -..' ..::,:.-::' . ,-, : :`._ - 4Acibliffiwil(4._.: - ...111,4v . dAlitancjirunet - Alat LIAIIALT AII ,-,441#0,—..:-=' ,_ --, , c , : - Zich.:lo93lfria. :Oot, : - fr"4""avalu""""• - SIIIIETTRE.,ICCIECIF it CO , ,-, i- 401111131WW8:9WATOrlyell, : .-..,....,........ ;.::`- :-. -L ... ; ° - - ,, 4 1 0.13 KERKEE fecaßcr. OVAOII A. ICILIZT A CO. .11 - .. . 4 " . " . ", 5, anetreMitt=r4 18-'"44,11Lan1.; 145 W6Cosate ShasolsO O W 094 Orott. -Itconmild rs at MAIL • P OODSiMATEING;IkA). GELMAT REDUCTION SALE OF • DRY :GOMIS; .kLar GIRDNER & SCHLEITER'I, 92 na.a.rtmicim • • • • Including a Lirge Stock of NEW GOOD* touthas td as story GREAT SEDUCTION'. and wilt be sold tally NO pat teat! lon Om prices TEN VATS TWO CAI3IE3 EINE ILIARATHEA CLOTHO it 34) cats. Reduced from 117!; ceatt Tir 0 CAHNS - DARK PLAID POPLINS, Ell= I=l tiNE ExpsEss At 89 cents. Reduced from 73 cents CEEEM -BLACK FRKIICII NEBINCOM, Ar.•SLCO per yard. Reduced from • 1,23 IMMED li=l Reduced 50 cents on ym.d PLAIDS. POPLILTS. EMPBESSCIOTIM arxrd, FRENCH PLAIDS, monAins =I New Dress G-oods Jost purtasssd, and will be sold It a LARGE REISUCTION. BLANKETS AND FLANNELS REDUCED. Domestic Gi-crode REDUCED. PRINTS AND MIISLINS 121 CTS 13.11L.M0R4L SKIRTS AEDIICED ON/6 ENTIRE STOCK OF . NEW DRY GOODS AT A, REDUCTION. EMM I . MBIESSE CLOSING OUT SALE. 450,000 WORTH OP FINE MIND WINTER cr_acorr,Ectw $lO,OOO Worth of DRAWERS, ITE'DERSRIRTS, WHITE SHIRTS, COTTON AND WOOLEN HOSIERY; Beast, Ties, Suspenders, &c. Also, $5,000 Worth of (Roves, Of 111 Destiiptions, all of iski4 gill be sold it ACTUAL COST FOR MM DAYS, AND MUST BE SOLD Bottomtooting to idt *148;11.11ns Opposite the • Union Depot. airTne leas* of store m 1 totett4T with Countath Shelrlns.tbow.Casei,Li, for eate. J. RILNIALSITy 884 and aB6 Liberty Street, Opposite Wayne. $p . ,5 , 090 WORTH OF C=,;_c›Tuzi:cmczi• *lag BALI AT 1V1,43131-3ELAIPTICS cheat ,. Clothing Houe, Corner it Obiolitreet and Diamond, ALLEGHENT CITY, At. Wholesale and Bel all. 4 , LIST Or BETA L rBICESI Seotettivresd Sults. ... . 7 .4 4 ruter-citssimer*Blita 7Z. SW Sauey Hwy CuaMae SP 00 11 " 'rack BfPI UP Orelecratt....J.; .... . . - 118•1 7 1ra iY ill .P c " " M" ats-- ' CIIIIIkte &wit/ Opkreost4 au ekinOth Tiocit coati, lue.47,m:tacit Fro* CO All Wail Posta WI Testi . . ... ...... ....SF 60; iµiroo~iieaseav .p 4174 I 1 1 . 1 10 Also, LARUE ISTOCK OF Beddy~ade boy's; t aaiiing• truteriniircisivoi tmi)za ON ME anurawr acme!. notais:ti 4 • •-•- Aasals nmennen 14, • 0 , tiVra i tidiableAgta., 2ISLThertY 6t., Plasaingth ,43.tUELLIP. - NiEtC4 • e gEwa - ll ans ettelePt to . s *the Ohio rent. The 6sitinthos.leurrintpihri: 11 . 11.chaelcaser, rt Correia, eMPlOyed a 4 ftifinner in the saddle tree shop at the Ohio Penitentiary, attempted Yeaterday, justafter dinner hour, to make his escape.: He suited the wall between themain prison and the female prison by means of a ladder, came down 'in the front Tani, and passed out atthe front gate. At this juncture ho was discovered by the guard and the alarm sounded. The , Warden and other ofilcers of the Pilsen immediately-gars chase. As Casey i ran down the avenue towards Hayden's Mill he Came in range of the guard at the south ' east angle of the prison wall. The guard fir ed at the escaping prisoner but the Ories of the shot was only to quicken tits pace. He ran to the ...run" opposite the Ohio Tool Coln panre shop, then turned and ran up the run. Jost then the Deputy Warden, Mr. Dean, who resides in that locality, Joined the pursuing party as an efficient reinforcement, turning the pursued party eastward on to Long street. The chase was new eminently exciting. and as the offlcials gained rapidly on the "arose barred" individual, not altogether unenY able to spectators. s teamster headed Mic hael off near the Gas Works and he was forced to surrender. Casey is somewhat insane, but it seems knew enough to plan a method of es cape, that with less vigilance on the part of the officers might have been successful. E3=l The Norristown Republican has the follow ing: A melancholy accident occurred at Scholl Co.'s Blasting Furnace. on Friday morning last, resulting in the death of Fleury Lotto, :employed as a holster in the mill: At the time - of the accident he was on the upper floor work. ing at the elevator, which stidtinnly gave way by the breaking of au iron bolt. Precildtating him with. the platform to the first floor. a dls. lance of thirty-five or forty feet, haling him ' almost instantly. The deceased was immetil diately convoyed to his home on Washington street, and breathed his last a few minutes ' after, never having spoken atter the fall. The j oronerwas aucumned and an inquest Iteld,the jury rendering a verdict o of dea th by accident. Deceased leaves a wife and family to mourn his nntrmely deash. tie was a sober and in dustrious citizen, and much respected by all those with whom he held intercourse. Patents Issued During the week ending December Ilth, ISCA, the following patents were Issued to Pennsylvanians from the United States Pat ent Office: " - Wm. C..Bartol, of IluuLing ton; Pa., for Im proved brick machine. . A . C. Crosby, oftinlon, Pa., for improvement in was tor Betting Jewets in watched. , John P. Price, of - Philadelphia. Pa., assignor to Frank K. Hippie, of same place, for im provement in the welding of iron and steel. J. P. Riley, of Philadelphia. Pn,, for 1112-. provement in nydrante. P.ll. Vander .11'eytio, of PhiladOphis, for improved continuous percolator and tilting macbme. John-.E. Wotten, of Cresaon, Pa., for provement to padlocks. C. C. Klein,f PE'lludelphin, ra., to Thomas W ail, of place, deolgu for sllialtlng hunger. Horrible accident On Thursday afternoon, the 13th lust, two teen in the ore bank of the 'Blair lion and Coal Coanpany; on the 'trash Ilouutele, two miles aurtldof Illollidayuburg, were blasting troll ore. They! had each plated the fuse, to their redpective blasts, and retircddeto their safety holes. t/ne of them, Pe.er Devereaux. hearing the explosion of ono of the blasts, and mistaking it for the simultaneous discharge of both, approached the blasts, when the other went off, and killed him haat:tatty, by blowing away the whole (mutat portion of his head, - a portion of the lower Jaw only remaining. ills right leg was also separated from his body, and his right area left hanging to his body merely by a strlp ofskin. lie leaves four small children, friendless and Moue, his wife having died about a year ago. Railroad Accident The other day, Mr. H. Silloway, residing about six miles south of Corry, met with a re vere acalttent while walking along the rail road track at an early hour la the morning toward Corry. The storm was in hie face, and so blinded him that beforepproaching train was upon laimalmoit ho saw the light. In stepping off the track Ids foot slipped, and s• caught by tne engine, tearing his boot to pleoes. and shattering the leg so that amputa tion was necessary. The injury was more ex tensive than at first supposed, however, audit is thought the leg will . now have to bo again amputated at the knee . . Mr:Billoway is a very worthy man, with a large family depending on him for support. painful Accident Not long since, a painful, perhaps !alai acci dent occurred to a young lad by the name of Frank Ness, about fifteen yearn old, and who resides about a mile trom the Cross Roads in York county. Ms uncle, Jacob Stabley, who is of weal- mind and was for Sotuo time con fined in the State Lunatic Asylum, at Harris burg, was engaged In putting a cap on his pistol which was heavily loaded with shot. when it went off and the entire charge lodged In tee boy is head inflicting serious. mid, It is feared, mortal wound The lad was placed at once under the treatment of Dr. T. Curran, who resides in the vicinity, and who is doing all he can to relleve ‘ tho little sufferer. ishacging oe eeeeee ee • On Wednesday of lust week, as Mr. faoob Meintzelman was driving ,u team en- the Chamberahurg turnpike,•,a short distance 'above Cashtoirn, a little eon of Mr. Idanoah Carbaugh, aged about nine oU ten years, climbed upon the rubber beam of the wagon, without...the knowledge ot the driver, and was riding in that poultkut. In deicen bin a bill, he fell off, and one of the hind wheels of the wagon passed over Ills body, crushing him in such a horrible manner as to cau±e almost instant death. • Sudden Dentn.—Mr. George Galbraith, of of McVeyton, Militia county, who was on a visit to . hie relatives la liollidayaburgh, died very suddenly of disease of Gm heart. on Mon day artettaaaa, at the residence of T. Banks, Esq. Mr. Galbraith not feeling "vell during the day, Dr. lanai Bad been called in. While sitting engaged in conversation with several' ‘ persons, Xr. U. exclaimed a "Doctor, 1 am sick," his Dead dropped—and he was dead.' Mr. Galbraith wawa very worthy man, and was highly esteemed by &large oirclo - friends, ,Ws imagine .were taken to McVey. town. Who Was Ala and Who -Sobbed 111 m The Canton (0)- Repubtfeau says :—A coal dexter living on Peter garbed 's place, in Rom tOwnahlp, Carroll county. wan robbed of g4,7 5 f , onlnttradagnlght that: The robbers entered "Ms-chamber from a window on an upper porch, seised and gagged him and tied his hands behind his back. The man had Just got home from Pittsburgh. The robbers were probably from the Mae place, and no clue or trace of them has been found. A gentleman from Igragneebargb gives on the lutormanon but bad forgotten : Up za Bute name. . Good it a.—The Erie Observer says a very strikinliliatration o! the rapid prosper ity-of North - western Pennsylvania is shown in the Tact that Mx dully papers are now es. in this section—two in each of the counties of „Erie, Crawford and Venango— where,live years Age, not even the weeklies receivedGinchtnOre than a living patronage. Two of these are printed In towns that did notheye ear extutenotiat the beginning of the war,and two ethers in places, which at the same peritstwere mere villages of a few hun dred in population. A New Wheat lloose.—.A. new school louse for. that portion of Collins township lying along the bank of the Allegheny river, ' at thy month of Negiers Bun, hatljust been completed by Messrs. Lydick a Alexander, of East Liberty, architects and builders. The building Is•plessautly located, .and is a nest and enindantfal edifice. -The eChnol room ts thirty by forty feet, with the ceiling fourteen feetidear, audio provkled will an improved eninatiriltapparatus. . . , . soldiers' 3totiouterst.—The people of Al toona are *4:irking with great energy and en thuelasm for the sciences of the Soldiers' Mon. nmea fair, and appearances seem to ihdlcate that their tabors will not ha In vein. The ob eet of the Fair is ono that appeals strongly to the Ilbaralltrof all, as it Is most fitting that thelherolu dead eboultt have seine memorial' constnemorative of the trialm they suffered, and of the deathitiel Med. ....112 00 510 00 050 Et] Temben•lostltutir.—Tho Warren Coup. ty."L'eftchers , Institute will meet, I u (=unction with the .A.F.Aoclatlon In Tldloete, on the ad day of ',Jamnary net, commcnning at nine o'clock, A. a., and co tinning In *onion three . E 333 EEI9 I= , A I.IINWO r011311r . ..-- Mrs. Cattturiue 'rront. inapt of tintnerset connty,lrldow of Ilentettan T rau tman ndm otb w aononguunnd-r r e u d o t a h n e d ! e M d y entiOren, and Is not yet seventy. years of age, City aprtnllly The Interments in this city from December , . Mk! . to' Deoeteher -10th, ae • reported by Dr. ceOrgi L. McCook, physician of • honk vf hcalth,ate as follow,: ' lnatimatlon of liowelr. 1; Tuberculosis, 0; pyantata,.l;Vholestraemia. 1; Debility, 1; Dip tberla, 2; Catarrhal lover, 1; baste° Enteritis, 1; Whooping Cong , h, 3; Coopistiou of Brain, 1; Typhoid h over, -; Bronchitis, 1; .tcchleut, Unknown, 1; COtimilsions, I. .0f the above them awe: Under one year, 1 3; from one to two, 4; from two Wave, 3; from verity tee, 2; from fifteen to twenty, 21 from t to thirty, 2; from fifty to sixty, 1; from slaty to severity, 1; from seventy to eighty, E Males, 11; ' females, 7; , white, Zit Cl.l/0115(1, U; total 1J • ,131 . s pries 'Court_ Before lion., Williams, associate 111.4.Kei • • Lithe case of Smith and Blakely se. .1. It. Barber, reported yesterday, a verdict was found for plalntlfre In the sum of. $l, • Thir case H of John itchell.ea enry' Ale fsiagen was nexteallest op. The dafendantta counsel railed to appear and a verdict for the plaintiff for the sum of 'MCC 27 was rendered. The Jurors in attendance were then dlachar- Red with the thanks of the court, and further Jury,trials postponed until utter the holidays. Keepllnga Bawdyllouse.—Tontile Mar phy yesterday, appeared before Alderman Lynch Ina Information' against Um. Kelly. or rou.tata street, Third ward, charg ing • bee with. keeping a bawdy house. The accused wan arrested and hold for a bearing. "Coa of Coalman Pleas.—ln the Court of Common newt yesterday tho case of /11,. and B. Welsh vs. John Blomberg, reported yesterday morning. was resumed. It was Still on trial at the time of adjournment. EARLY TELEGRAI%ifa; FROM NORTH CAROLINA. COoillet of Autheettl , -Tio Stole Au thoritlee Want to Mos hiegeoeg. bolt • the unite* states iiiittery miters interpose. - Batton, ji. C., December 2L-Colonel 'Sam ford, commanding the rutted States forces In Ulla State, interfered and prevoited the Sheriff from inflicting corporeal punishment on a negro this morning. Judge Daniel D. Fowler ordered an Indictment against all the military officers concerned In the traaisactien. The negrO was returned, after which he re calved eight !ashes,' and the be eoldiers left the pound. Indictment. will Lssued against morrow. officers and the negro *ill be whippe Gov - morrow. lodge Fowler has called on the etnor to carry out the laws of the State. The ship Canal Around !Slogans Falls. TunasTo, C. W., December 21.—Tbe Leader says: "The able arid elaborate speech of Liectenant Governor Bross, of Illinois, did much towards convincing the doubters of the desirability of uadertaking the ship canal. Henceforth the project NORIA carried on by the majority of the peoples of Upper Canada as indispensable. The IN cetera Suites will be most benelitted, and it is reasonable to look to them for considerable aid." • The Painting of the TO Plemlte Valley CUICAOO, December 21. The painting Of the Yo Semite - Valley, lately solo in Boston forlnve thousand live hundred dollars Is one of several small yiews of the Valteyby Bler. stadt. Its size 15 twenty-live by forty-live inches, and ft is not his great piloting of the Yo Semite Valley which ls owned by the Crosby Opera House Art Association here. Pleat:MOO Message In Mayans .I.lls Tons, December SI. —Havana advices to the 13th state ttat President Johnson's mes sage made a favorable impression In llarana. NOTICES. FOIST NATIONAL HANK Or I'lTMDlllitiltl.—The Annual Election for Di rectors of the I I ItHP NATIoNAL DANK will take . Place on TUE+DAY, .lannarr 110.,1447, at the Dant. between II o'clock A. it, sod:o'clock P. J. D. tICULLY, Oaahler. GT.1111•11 NATIONAL DANK, t • rirtelanficil, December 12tn. 1160. AN ELECTION FOR NINE Dl be held at the BANKING HOUSE. on • TUESDAY, January Rh. 'WI, between, theßourior 10 A. It. .nd re ha. deli: , . 1 O. A. 'LT. Cuhler._ TIII:11E0OND NATIONAL BANK Or t • AlilitimlLNY, December Mb, le G. I • THE ctor! ANIVITALBAIA 0 ELECTION FOIL Dire or DM 01144 ow TUEillAlt. J 421 Slitoreu the hours 0r,.11 and 2r. . the Slinking Rouse. J. 14. OAVilltAni. Cashier. • • I't.ol'LL'S NATIONAL 13/NN. ii Deten.Lur Wt. it'. I ELECTION NOTICE.—An Oyu fur Ootett Dlfcctoni of this !AWL. to sent for 14:: vuAle.toc your, alit Lo Lola at tLe Ilu;tk, on TUINIJAY, Jittery atL, WO, tete, eau the Lours of 11,1 Y. au.121.. N. M. l!ONUON, ',lttLr Nal ors... Ilahaor ALLs.autiory, I ! I ALIA:WI/NT. r.%•, Doe. ttL, ISC4. TILE ANNUAL ELECTION FOB —I leccTeneof LLD Ilauk, mlll tale place at the lI.4NILING 1101.15 E, ou TUESDAY, Janntry Stn. 147, _Lire. tilt:, Lout, uf 11 at. sod 1 P.S. dettJ ' JULth Costlier. ALLIOIENT NATIONAL tIANM. frrnusvgau. 13.K:ember .1.04 Ik6. THE ANNEAL ELECTION OF DI RECTORS of tilts Hank, will take place at the Banking Douse, co TUESDAY, January Ith. 11117, Letwcra the bOurs of ll A. M. and 2 r. Il. • H. W. MACKEY. Cubler. -I I.7xiott Nt.tionat. t•as, t 1.11 - rstivnatt. Ueumber tth. AN ELECTION FOR NINE DI *.ECT.OBS, to atria for main( lOU. .11k be at hald ter 7.1013dZ. do TU) DLIC. J•mtary stb, toff, between the hoar. •. and de10.3042 B. S. SMITH. Cashter. N CITY NATIONAL HA NN OT PITTANntoa, PITTNUCUIi, e. 1e.% . TUE ANNUAL ELECtION FOB DIRILVTOII7 TEllii BANE, - VIII be nal4 on TUESDAY, January VIC, between the hours of 1 and 3 o•u1ooh V. N., at the Banking donor. • dell:pnivrT JOHN .11►UOYF1`t. ruble, fixesayrult NATIONAL LIANIZ OF /ITTMOIL.' Prrreannou, PA.; Dee. I, ( THEECTO ANNUAL RS ELECTION OF DIT R will tahe pl.e at the BARLOW ROWS, ou TUESDAY. January tth.1561, between the hours of 'may as A. Y. and TwO T• N. • U. M. MURRAY. Cashier. li"c"NT"-'D 1 1..,FeLX 'Mc! a. 9 tx" ; IHE ANNEAL ELECTION FOll ( DIU Ceilitin of II ta Bank will tate Dlaneut the RANlith Li ((DUI, E, ou TUESDAY. January Dm nth. batureu Lae hours ail... Y. sad: F. B. • drifunr7 .10110 ...COT Y. Jo.. Caibter. • TIMID SATIONALDAXA, 7'lTZtthrttitt.l ALL. lenn. ELECTION NOTICE , --The Ancol al Election olhIE DIRECTUntI ha+ UV* He k, to terve d uri ng the ensuing year, will be held at the 11. k, on TUIPDILY, the kb day or roooory, mg, bet neon the hoses nt of U A. a n . and :r. Jfillti D. I,IVaNOBTON, Cashier. ItANICS' INAtM,Sit. BANE, I rirrescnata. 7th. /Sok THE ANNUAL ELECTION FOR DIIIKOTOILI or TFILTH .Nl. 1.111 Do Laid at the BAN 'LINO dori4E, on TUEnLIAY. Jaanur eth, IM7, between the boots of jt A. Y. and I o'clock /kV. b.' MAitTllk. • II: •.3 Cackler. Lip( or A1..1.1;011 XX Y, Taxannin'a 4.7171rx. December laull i t o NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN e the holder. of the ate per cent. RUNI- C I PAL BONDS of the City of Anelthenl: that the Cou pone on sold Bonds congas , due IIItIVY IW• will be paid on ..Id day flee. the Mate Tax) at the Bent of rateeurgh, In the City of . Vlttsburgb, MACE EKRON, del:zoo Treasu rer or the My of Allegheny,. . %Jr Ahhahlegny, 4 1 , Taiustiturat'CUrletc&, Ueeetnber Itga ALI.EGUENY CITY COmpli .MUIR HON US WANTED.-Persona holding Com promlse ilonds of the City of. Allegheny, Pa., are hereby notltled that the bIIiKIMU XUN D for MA, ill be loyeated In these Moods at the lowest rates . orraree. Proposals will be reeelred hi the under signed until Tuesdai. the let 0rd....a, Mg. D. M.AUraltlto3r, Treasurried: the CU,' of Allegheny. M'TMV l '7:7:r'77l7.l BANKING 110IIBE. • N. HOLM ES & SONS, 33a,) k3:s.eabes, No. 57 mum? bTßFAT,Pillsburstu P:ngt:gegadzstLlVLll4llMl7,2lb. United Mates and Canada. STOCKS BONDS AN b OTHER SECURITIES Bought and Sold On Commission. Particular attention jiald to the purchase and sale of UNITED STATES SECURITIES. INCLUDING - Llnited States Macs of B° . • ri•a° ta• Ue 7 rgYlalrtle Ordera i ga Von==4;Crftintritlitir MONET LOAN OFFICE, NO. IM ShiITriFIELD 9ritYILT, corner of sloth. Pittsburgh. Monte Leaned on 511ver nuts ons.,_l9lstols, Diamondu, Jewelry, Cold and 'Silver , Watches Clothing, and valuable articles or evas,. desert piton. The goods cannot be delivered without • ticket. Not accountsble 13 case of ere or robbery. tioods of even deersiption for sale itt lo est ii•ssorrus ess•wriet, 1...P.. 1 . - 826 , 000 TO LOAN. Yerions deal lox to borrow sooner on lloN1) AND HUILTUAUR= for one, two or more yowl, will 4: well to gull on 0 CUM; F. M. 'PETTY. • - no! Rea Eatsle Argot. Pin. 13 St. Mote litreee. WILLIAM MILLER, acct= 011 TO MILLER & RICE.LTSON, WHOLESALE GROCERS, =1 Brandies, Wines and Cigars, Nos, 221 and 223, Corner of Liberty and Irit its. Streets, rrrisnrnun, PA IRON, NAILS, COTTON TARNS. &C @M== frailrATE DISEAMES. - • DR. YOUNG. (late of Ptiltadelgill.) XL 16 Third Erect. twat ian disacrlpt tis ol Ply yarn Manaus with units 2elethruceeas. • Particular attentiourin.. tonpei matorrtioana as I Dieuce of tae Urinary Organs. DU trutment for the war. bring late most nevessint erer em ployed ;ificlrgbreta:molyeo.o. to the emitted. °tim preparation for nintisrurogli2tiagrtiZ to healthy menstreal good, ti. - 1 iFie — Licaie pet , b o w.. Ito. 2, which la law deurcel sbytiltwri. an :- &igned for obatihata CONS, Ilya Dolibia t lie •aotqe. ,_ °glee hauish.a. N. tot ir.,L. I T. ht. 10t r, is. edam" - with sump . UR. puma°. No. Ty ?aim 0w.... • •Ittabaraa.-. • -01.0114.1.. r. BROOMS., • ICO dozen he vile of CHAZLIC6 C. BALZLEY zro:}CgAitalf`i4te):4z irgrA CARD TO INVALIDS. • Clergyman, while residing la South Arearican as a misstonery, diecovered a Safe amialinale ramie. .dy for ter Cure ofrierrons Weakness, Tarty Doeay, Dlsrasesot tee Urinary and th,ml.o O rgans, an d the whole train of disorders brought ork by baneful and elcioue habits. Greet ininabere ease tirei al ready cured bytela noble broody. Prompted by a desire to benefit the afflicted ant noforrac.te, I will seed the recipe for relining and using.tbis medicine. In a sealed earelOpe r to any one who needs It. Pass or Cusnan. Please inclose a DOSS. paid envelope...addressed to yoarself. •thircir JOSEPH T. INDIAN. de:o,ol Elation D. Bible HOUSe. N. Y. Clt . itg"GLAD NEWS FOR THE UN. 70R1UNATE. _BELL'S SPECIFIC REMEDIES —•- - Are warranted in all cases, for tbs . symedy and per- M t sli t oVi r olftli v illla r gelFsON: ' tgi e nll L am. mom Emissions Sad berms! Dreams. Gen. Pb steal lag r eo g e rsons De a bilitz eo lttor . me g O l grgiatE u xEtltrErlA43t, c i l ber c ean be used intb. out detection, and never MU to effect curs, If used socording to ins wucuons. HELL'S .SPECIFIC PILLS, Price one dollarper bOX, six boxes for ire dol. jars; " it'ail. " Prig o ttf4 dollar. tour ' Rom four to six boxes are general), required to cure ordinsty cams of Seminal Weaknews and Erni. Mons, tbougrt beards Is derlted from using a skeet In Chronic Cale!, and particularly when Impo teneeor .Dehltity with h.rTOtla PrOatra ham sect ted the ayrtrm DELLIS TONIC PILLS Are re,ommentlea as the moat allesseions reJuvinat ,,plUktV Igc I :W: L AVIVt IY W I IMIYIT6IIt . b; ud Is gen eral!! Sufficient. extreme case. of DeWitt? aid Impotence. Bettis External Remedy, Price two dollarS, sufficient for a-montn, coo be used to I[o.l Advantage. Plllsgsrr:sta'reglitegtothieli:d'rigrtitoedoalitPorthe CAUTION.- , rhe abuse Remedies ha, now been before tee public many stars. and th, ir great sum cos In the alleviatlon of human mlecry, oar e Kited the cupidity of several parties, who use the name 41pecifIc cops my labels, circulars and ad vertioements, sometimes word for wont,. and pot op worthless compounds th at dis,..ppolut the lust en- WWI°. of the purchaser. If you cannot Marchese Hell's Specific Remedies of year Druggist, take no other. but scud the money direct to DB.. JADES BETAS, • Cousulting Physician, No. 810 hiroadway. Is ew York And you will receive tilflll, by return of mall. Post mad, and free from observation. •- • • • MIXT% YLEIKING, Den nut. Corner Market and Diamond, - Anent, aus:ll9:wsitwT rittaborth, TO LADIES.—II you require a reliable remedy to I es•ore_yon.,and remove Irregularities or oastruttioni, WHY NUT lIeE THE Bala. Every lady mows the slight. irreg. alaritv of nature Is likely to bring oat Headache, Gidillea. Low flpirlts. Iraliating, - Hysterics, 6e.1 t m hee the bloom of health fades, theappetite falls, and other symptoms more distresstog commence, Iu Weaknesa, Spinal Complaint, the Whites. Pro lapses, go. A NEVER.PAILINO HEMEDI will be toned In Dri..IIARITEIVII VIONIALIe PILLS. The experience of JO yeas has proved they have no equal for removing obstruations and Irregularities, no matter from what cause they arise. They are safe and sure la every ease. Up. wards- of 10,000 boxes aro add annually, and no corn plalut ol cacao , is ever heard. for they ...m -esh whet th , eA are represented to thi. Bold le boas. ig i tt.l6,/g Vtl ° .6 l l:' a re.ed l four degrees stronger theft :40 above. sold Intended for special CllB6, oflou .1054114. Price eve dot : lays per box. llyou canuotpurehase the Pills at your Drugglat. they will be sent by mall, post paid. secure from ob servation. on receipt t.f the money, by Dr. JANIS BRYAN, Consulting Plosici..bo. 619 Broadway, New Tort. • .. • rL14111%1.1, Druggist, chimer Market and Insmolitt,Agi km Pittsburgh. au2a:ll.l , Wagyr EirWill.cßlll2llliLl. & CO, BOILER MAKERS Am) SHEET NEON WORKERS, No% 20, 22, 24 nue, 26 Penn Sp Having secured s large yard, &naturals - nod itself)/ the most approvedmuhinerv, we see pr.P.. 54 I.' mantifactuze every description of Milers. , r. the best manner, and warranted equal to aulisnada In the country. Chimneys. Breeching. Fire BON Means Pipes. Locomotive Boilers. Condensers. tia't Tan., Tanks Oil Otto., AeltatOrf. bettlinic Pans. Boller Iron, Bridges, nes, Pans: and sole mann racquet» of BAkttilllLL'S PATF.NI 1101i.N.ILI. liepaletnt done on the shortest vette.. Je S , e 4.l iIarIAIUE SUPEJEtIOII „ COPPER MILL ANDIIMELTINO:WORKS. prrrantnien. PAM., 111cCURD71 & CO., Itanufactnrersof Sheathing, Bstere. and Bolt Copper, Poesaed Copper Bottoma, Raised ovre . a 4 dealers In on gently on ban Tln d. T . lusi e eil• Machine. ' ais.r . Warehouse, Nth 140 Plan and 110SsoZixoliruirre, SpecLal orders of Copper out to any deelrod pattern. tasiCell:dhosT orprrrsnuaGn SAW WORKS, • •itvlisAßD, Imo.Manufactu rers of PATENT GPO I.r.ND CIRCULARS. warrant vil.tieT STEEL BAWD, of urealignva ik tiu. All Ylna if,klVW . arl 4 SPo IN tio made from Sheet Cast I:wet:Extra rained UNAPEEI and MOW ING KNIVES. ac. Aar Waraltoluie and Works, corner 'W•Txu and ISnoier tirsuls, Pittsburgh. , Particular attantiOu pall to es 4oothing.- Kum ' ming and stralabtaning Circular gays; also, r.palra of all kinds. Plumbing and Drilling done at rea sonable rates. arIIOBENSON, REA & CO m (Suc cesium to Itowisos. Mims 11111441. .WASHINGTON WORKS, Pounders 4 Machinists. Pitteetireti. Illanufaotoren of Boat and titattotlity otoam ``tae Mut Enemas, MW Kaohlacr7. O slag Inbt i fla t. Casting. of all datortVor; Ott , Tank. 1 114-Accu Ik Irti s IfiIM I STATIAI26ILCTOR for fendlosigUers. arBERIEDLLL 111TST1I'UTE FOR • Allipeolvi..l Clarsoal. NO. 14-BOND STREET. NSW YORK: Pull information, with the Mead terifinonto.r; also. a Book On Specloi Diseaers. In • gritted so e•lape. tent free. Sfir su Be re nod send fur Ownr uud non wit/ 1.4 re eel : for. ..s ware rdslitg phys'lchoss are general!? ionp,rtrrs, without nib, coca no •traesier should be tru•tcd. Enclose • stamp for po.itsge, and dlruor to DR LAWRENCE. No. 14 BURR IiTiIEET.. NEW YORE• noltiot 1 ItH'MAFOR OF ALLEGHENY. JOHN MORRISON Wlll be •c•stclidate forre-cleollon to the Aaf alty; subject to tbe,actlutt cattle Uul:n Republican piirty at their Nominating Election WING MAC Weed,Lock_ Stitch Sewing Machine. BEST IN USE - 'rpm IS WEI - AT $6O wll L E). $6O Ifschlue,wlllllem, Fell and Blud; Wald, Tuck and Cord; . kiather and Quilt; • !date a Deaver Cloth Orcretlat; - Make a Frock Cont; Make a Satin West; • Make Cloth l'ants; 111n4 Shoes: . t% ILI do s everyMaklnk. description of • ' Dres IlitlOMuhine will do' il ktnde orYamtly Belting. 400 M•ehlne will run over seams without break- Int needles or slipping stlehas. GO Machine stit thee a.lke on both sides. ao Maclaine Is the cheat est Machines by 20 per cent. In use, and will sew faster. If not superior to barnak In the market. he can return at and his money. Warranted four vases. . . AIKENKNITTING MACHINE: • Will knit t 2 noire of arras Ins day. .• Braid snd Embroidery SVampl•formile and guilt. lag do ne. •:so a model for cnsildit ladles and chlldren'i dresses. Any person run learn from it. . AUVNTS WXIOTkI). sir Atl kinds of er wing dove. . Agent, 112 UTatlt Strent, oppoblte Cathedrsl t 401711.T.S I PITTSBURGH. PA. GROYEIV& BAKER'S ELASTIC STITCH AND LOCK STII CH Sewing Araohines Are TEE BENT fot Yaz' y mad Mant4cturlng Pass. Van end see 'dim et .Vo. 1S _Fifth Street. DON'T BE DECEIVED 111 . Flour Wing half column advertisements or inferior Yachers. but get a littOVlsli slit/Lb:Ell. • It bas been fully tested for een years, mud is by all compe-_, ' tent Judges. pro pounced the j i PIE 1 . N Zn0..3A3 31.1.ktiL Ef treat. no9:wis GET 1110NEE1Ji' A GROVER & BAXER Fora Bonder Gifu It Is re11.111e: ➢erftct and hers:fore the bast. Don•t fall to call and see It at THE GROVER b., BARER SEWING MACHINE ` the Mama Thule of MccbanUm. Please cull ILati cusalloe It at • NO IN FITTII STICIEV't; nt CARRIAGE XAEERS abould pee the Grover &Baker No. 1 Sewing Mania. e g rib r ui r tmeb.... I. thi beet 10/ heir hoihnezi O. YIYTLI tiTHE 825 . . , 825 SEWINC MACHINE. Best cheap tarsi:Bed Maculne in ohs United Bates. Bsentewasted everywhere. Pat 1130 to 1200 per month. Enclose stamp an 4 addres• PARE BROTHERS tivieral Agents, , 614 Martino street. I hilldelphia, and *4l tium. mit street. Toledo. OHIO. dellPi • ROI/VETS, CANEUELIASi&C-IlVe bovelbe lar4eit and beat stock of WINTLE FLOWAdINU 1.2.2171 'boot th e city, and .are prepares! to !bra di Wedding and oilier parties with Tableatut Band Moneta. 'dorm Designs, ac.. oa shun nodes. We can also famish Floral Wreathe, Crodea. 2c. All orders promptly attended to. Cars tun lodic tiretribouses every nor Inlont.. tit PORN H. a 6. lIIJILLW/C/1. No. XI Liberty street. H. CHILDS & BOOTS smogs SOLE LEATHER, No. 183 Wood street, PITTSBURGH, PA. • To SHORT TIME and OAREI Defers we otter ` sa- Parlo inducements, house oar lities for bertn are unsurbassed br ant house F astor West. rartbss• dlreetly.from 1111 ST RANDS S li rely roe Casa. we are enabled to sell as low as any 6aater/1 Jobbing Ho.e. M6ROHAHTS %rainy - Red to tall and etamlue our stock and note our Daises before heralds. elsewhere. HOPE MILLS Superior Cotton Yarns, SEAMLESS GRAIN BAGS, COTTON 011 LINEN CARPET CHAIN, Will be Promptly Pilled at aa-1.11 orders by man will rennin Immediate sal careful Intention. eed:IIMOIFT HOLIDAY PRESENTS, USEFUL AND ORNAMENTAL BOOTS, SUES, GAITERS, gNa BALMORALS, ALL SIZES AND PRICES AT THOMAS H. PHELPS', 46 Smithfield Street. JOUR PALMER-I'IIILO. 7. /11.111CTZ ANSOUTZ & CO, Dzacra. BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS, =I n024:04C NIOULINTOCK'.B No. 9`d Federal Street,. BOOTS AND SHOES. J. WILL:HELM, No. 3S Market St., Pittsburg!, Has just received • very Ikriec stock of all kind. of izscircersas ..36.14733 esisEctuvis. Which he ispreyarelto iellcbeger the eie s n: ' itATSEVF e abiti A Nt k 3a.",41, h o w•Z' n'rlthiltat.i.r""g". .1. WIWttELAS. oiaCutead . No. ari Market street. A CADGE BOOTS, SHOES, 'GAITERS and Bahnora ls, Jost received. sad will be sold at the 'VEST LOW ZIT PRICE.% either oleeale or VZ re 4. Ous. 11 room PonClikslito 3L5.11 JOWL& & .C. BORLAND, , No. le Market .beet, frt door from Ftfth 'B4 myld de& p4O COOPTIL DR 0., 4011 N ITZLDINJ C. FIELDIN ' G 61. , 0., Manufacturers andrDealers In CP%lit a. ilif.“4:ln . BOOTS, till ES Sc GAITIMS, l'io. 140 0 o St., Allegheny. Muhl...tag promptly executed on the sbortest DO tin, 167.152 Seco I:JAlV , llol4e_Mi s zarAlv#4 ll Ucl Alloy WILLI/11U BBTLEY risicraeraminsame. GAB ,AND STEAM PITTEBB, car. Sixth and Smithfield Sts., PITTSBURGH, :PA, Cor. Beaver and Canon' it Streets, MANCHESTER. ♦ll kind. of Water, @as and steam rtrOares eon. stantly on hand. jeateno r WHOLESALE DEALERS IN 11. IX12:1 ClrraLorsis far Batting, Twine, calo., team, FACTORY PRICES. EL 'CHILDS & I:=1 J. A. • ROBINSON CO., .ro. 61 market Sired, PFITSBrWaIII, PA BOOT AND ROE I.IIIPORIUM, ALLEGIIENT CITY Miaixisa.lxams for A.ll. ?, f' In ' i~T7! GIS IND STIIIIIFITTING, Hydrants, Iron Pumps, SHIM' Laft .4 Limb eu Euro Pre a s EN, BAsme .WATER CLOSETS AND WASHSTANDS THDI T. EWEN% (Successor. to (Census h C 0..) le3 Wood St., Pittsburgh:pa. tartais a. Jonassox ILKIILEHT & JOHNSON, ELAA2iiSCAL.TA Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters fIrTI3. ISTILCET YZLTICHBIO.3, N . l.ttillebtlLlX/Sho W i rs. All orders by mail executed ardlefactorilr n i dl i tittninit t hlubs ruilm • as," osets, Make. Cboodel t ers.. readents. cud te;i • • • actem tor gale at the moat reasonable blicet. t ided teem eembery yotrous by matt totomptlY *- tided to. , flum awe of elan deordiptlon; • MIMS . DDT, WILIIIIIIB4IIIIII/RY Keep on hand a raper* ankle et WOOD .IPUBCPS, klnda of Iron ranlivdrasti, Bluest Lead neat Ztnee,, Lead an Tue., annur. Waw - Ol oeeta; WWI - wide, , at tee • Ca are g n ita ' and 'Smithfield Streets, alnda ot Scything doge prosuptlT. orders D7sall laneasdlatew atsended OLMEB, BELL /4 co., mho T CotUin MWs. ritisburgb, Ilona factures's of ANO noR J. A3l totiVERTI2‘34. ••••••••••• LSD 4?11" ra bbl . Extra Refined and warranted Winter dtratoed, tor sale by- • OHLRLES 0. _I3ALEILEY. No. ill 14b stl itroal.. SIDS UI!3I2MIUMLII ARE ooap. BUT MS'S EIOS IRE BETTER, Robaers . Stoniath Witters, After years of experience and trl i. Lye provea to be the best retnedv extant for al , armolidats .ben a tonic and stimalant &terminal. Tbetneyer [al to str!enstlken the weak. Impart lifer to ate Woos. and la all respects raters abiliered end broken dorsi coturtltations. Ao remedy . Le been received witn as much favor as 110131.01.13 STOMACH BIT- Tine. ROBACK'S BLOOD PILLS alxi;Lx3i SICK HEADACHE Costiveness, and 414 DlMltileta of Use Bowels DR. ROBACK'S Blood Pills, Blood Pills, BLOOD PURIFIER, ARE UNEQUALLED ros 01111L441 Scrofula, Syphlils t Sitla Disuse, Old Sores, Salt Rheas, Dpspepsis, or Indigestion, Sick Headache, Liver Complaint, Rheumatism, FUER AD AGE. St. Anthony's Fire, FEMALE COMPLAINTS. ARE' GOOD, BET It ts admitted er our most learned gbystelans that BAACIK.S WlTTiltileomblne the propetheS of a mantle lasattsa, an Onclant antl•talllons agent and the best ntemachlo knows to the world: ROBACK'S • BITTERS should to' used • consalaserals to strengthen abs prostration which always follow • Lep •11 ,— ,T /11 the billow &WSW thi West arid ISooth. there hos. tor a long be= mach needed. an entele of Stomach Ul f which, If rotten th Prop er quunlttes and as the proper time. ace aMe Pft eentalloe of - _ ' ' Bilious Fever, "Fever and Agile, Liver Comp Wat, Dyspepsia, Indigention,Jaundlce,Kid. ney Com?laynts; and; all Diseases of. a stmt tar nature, and Are $3464140r As 1 p revel:llre %Maus deaangeme ti le. , irts" . lot the system. • oisiturtate UN Um se or' gum. than any other/rnown wrinclY, .... ' ' - Now that the war Is ce - er, there n wid -- who T se seeking homes La - Purim:dn. DM _, Es t his Ilia should rs_Mere wlthisst Nui _mil: . ',.., ...,,- y. on Laid the I TrVElla. as a 5a1.e.r...._ -- ißd demics and =wiles engender*. F -, - pointed water.. :ink river all Trasevarr to and ' residents or - the bottoms of the west and math. - end M B ' 4l ' 7 ' 4' the P m". them. Idlssissluoi and its IldhatitriM selves with the - -- --- - ' -,81T . .'44 . :.4._ - 4.;. PRINCE, MU CO, Bowl" to if. ext-ifo SOLE -PROPIIII3IIIIII9 To whoa ti`riatioilla *iiitterrived Nos; tot .0 41 as EAST fiIMM STREET crrcurmetz, o. weirdioworws IarPITTPHLTHIGH THEATRE. LnKa LYD MANIOLE. W IS. BILN D itso7l Brunt oC Ili Treasurer. EIAN.II.I - OVEALYi G TON - Extraordinary Attraction. MI. LOMA hYL.- VEntER, with the tindaiierreinnion of Manager 111115. orill sneer. Miss ATM' WiTE u.LE In-a Cnarseter Deuce. BARAN' HOMO totals element. iVdturdur EV EAINO, tr. preeeateel al LCa thnii ll3ll'E of ALE - PO . I:30.1:ER. Lieretle Borgia atm EAU* Estalle. - The Pill eouktatii to the cut. .'Overture.... tirektestra. TaVortte Dance.-- 'llia LoviltatlivvVt•r. Character • lee Kato Estella. To conclude arlth the great eineteel Dream SOB ROY: tin. AULD LANO SYNE. Salardae`Atternoon — E ant' I.Y NNE. Monday-10ra E ATE I SUER. es X•ZEPPa. £FIRST ANNUAL COURSE OF LECTURES AND READINGS OF TIM Public Catholic Library Association, 427 masoxic Wri,EliMOR AND PATHO S . ALS% BURNETT, l!inr.l:r.t, - ,;71 ,- ,i. 1- -, , 0r00nt,7,14 ,0 173 SATURDAY EVA‘Ntca. D o ece a taber nut and Dd. No Reserved Scott, Cards, voialt‘slan 30St••• to be Obtame4 at the Library liana, .t tee PoOR and Moak Starer, or at tho 01u0r..13.11r• ntolll. 40 of programme each tectflog. Poore open at • o'clock. Reading cn=m, ' THEODORE E. TACK, D. I. R. FHTTERHAN, J•3l . Ed U. DODGE, IL., Cola. A. 3. RIDLEY, - delr.HS T. Y. HUUNTON. fk , a9 :4 Ar .. ol's M cosx.as o]wtssi 40PI:Laf311/ SOHO OIL WORKS. Burma MEW 4% 16LNIIYACTURILILS OP TEX CELEBRATED SPERM LUBRICATOR, PETROLEUM LUBRICATING GILL Sperm. Lard and Whale OIL, ale 11611, MIMS OIL ADM GUAR 0 11 ,tandald Wh i tt;' Burning No. 33 Market;Street, PITI'SBMIGH, PA. sirmv A CIERCITLAIL WARING & teams' spiN maw LID BEARSLE Petroleum and .its Products 4 DUQUES.NE wr.a r, Z51TTE5331.73E11.42 1-' I I3 C , PECEAIMIA'ILLI. A.DDIMSS: WARINC, KING & CO.. mymais 127 Walnut U. Pall& snufactare.kl WIEUTE, BIROS. .5; CO., New York. E. J.ROBEETS, Agent, 1142.11 St. Clair Street, Pittsburgh, Ps.. Imp corietantlY oa hand Cotten PiCtory WI; - I Mix liacbtherT 014 Dart ltngltc VII, Lltht col 'd Engine !ark taw_._ , Llg6g OILI COl4l e.crew-1 , .. Du. Car 01 ..110 4 ;t oct tw WOOLDRIDGE OIL DEEMING 4:7I326IP.ALISTVre OF PITTSBURGH. PENNA. al Pa WATT Mattui a_ I • : WORKS IN TRIIPERANEETILLE• OfDte, No. 2 Duquesne Way, Clear Campo:Won Snare.) YANOTACTUILICHS Or PUICE WHITE BUIELNIINT,43I - Brand--"Lunifer." .1712:58 EISREIkA OIL WORKS, klAiNirrecrvazas or •EUREiCa cannox OIL, The Celebrated EUGEKA SPERM le LUBRICATINa OILS, Lad Whosale Dealera Its , Crude, Refined and Lubricating Oils, LARD. SPERM, WHALE A.ND 111311 OILS, N 0.31 Market, - St., Pita ;burgh, Pa. a. a. 3.11 - 03E31_:E, 86t- Calt sad tZLlairle samples and read crrOdcarea nola:oI4 BBY THE BEST. VETROLIA BLUE LEAD, lOU OIL 1:43.na Iliminacturell only al.l for 521 e by 7. S. a E ir piouoar F'a.t.sitlairrcarla.as N. W. Car. itd and Market Btwr 1=!=l! THE - LIGHTNING LAMP. U. C. ZONLI3 D. CILAWIIIIID IRO. VOGIL. JONES, cRAwFonD is; VOGEL Agents. reMOST POWERFIX AND ttLYSIIILLIANT COAL ULL GAf3 LiOLIT Virric PUODGOED• Adopted by the U. S. Government. Non explosive. Cheap and Utxtutiftti. titres • taillisast Ugh thrce•fold grext2r Loan • any otner 9. Thls patentls ■deptsd to all Wen P.M.... " the wick Is meetly • conclueler; never re- Eig 1, ,,:a73.1\1.1;17.TA1AT.•?1).'1,V,111,•?i, Mee, opposite Post Oiler, above PlttOck's News Depot. second door. • no2l WY. RIGUTIMI D.A. Alf DA.IIB OS EAGLE OIL WOILKS, lasmerrersoervilAs , . • WICHTMAN d ANDERSON. itentlen and, Dealers In PETROL eIIT OTTICE. SECOND SToRY, 00 NEIL HANCOCK T. AND DUQUESNE WAY.- pkr,01110 , 50114:4M PITTSBURGH N TIONAL COIL iND tOKI. Cowes, IYIVeS, SHIPPERS AND DEAL- Wholessie and the BEST FAIRIL ; COAL, Nut Coal' mitt 011108 AND YARD, COBSTA FOUNT A" 1.11,Y tITILEETtI, Pittaburgb,ra...; All orders for delivery To thd LilT. dr alProedt Welt, Vine:Met 4eotellteild Dareeolsid f emora. A.nr.S/Atilr:...eetpertutend.-rit. COAL! COA1:0130ALI!! IMPORTAitiIO CONSUMEit. HUMMEt RABER itte the attention tits publictottelo ristrnes stook COM.lnit reCelvetty lucre droutitearing 2, Sand Cliental:2a glgm, • l v baliftY, 3,sind th " preparen deliver at the irZT — EaTtn9, erthe sUgle ton, ear load, bola. twi or thousand tons... vl ar " " plene r' Vn li nt ' sVeel e nrsi . the Depot. WU.. _ itAuttisninto. rk. emus coAL s 'COAL I: COAL:2 DICKSON. gTESVIRT & CO., 'biting removed their Mice to 1470.1367.7.4,1100rt3r ißitleoct. trAtell CttTMony flfl3 tr.9o:vD-rLoon. 03' aci22re:tered to„ fornlett good Youghlogretni tt the ir %ta n gt p C !l ).' ", Air..th *niers lett et tar °woekor rodeessed Wog ttuentAtthe op be attended to prompti7 ( # 3I:MUMS . I I . Mt]! Tll icruenog cmy and GOO e Ooal And litwantattaPrsof auk. igid Dead.hiirized CoYe, . , • orsicrt-rof,itrY*TLD: Crrisirrorautlerincmcirrort; rrrrrratig and Order streelsOilatb ward, strawtofear-laaa rldd.bn'ru tam th e VaMllawaaal-ilausufaasnras s m , best artleda oLCOaI or coke oid,, nromnt Orders lan= ward( tlw - tiors4, mdeip ph insturibenrisurit tesa4A eta favorite Rowe it peanuts AgSITTEtrA2IIhI2I.IIII.II2iHED 121 AN mid re how prepared with IheloonliAdrika liPPoio tmeeli tor the reception of euonir arc-clan Hotels 'wlll oe Wants/nut let the ruoro, eels the putr. , • tinAlliT 1101Utii1E1 • t lige." excemegir, rb.rdp,*., • Caserit hada and Federal Sind", IBear the Suspension Bridge, moon ALlJunithrt:lTY. 11 =I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers