Onettt. TELBLISIXLED ST Ponniman, Reed & Co., AT GAZETTE BUILDING, . ; ! , 4 f4 lz33ristia. safroot. T,p,nownueTc.iliors,. EMiU2Mi;ZI fleet* C0p1ei.......... . . . t.a 3 eeg4 Inavered drunter, (Rex ereet)........... 15 °clan_ 11111 nuomnben, (Reryean ' O&M- . , /Allen( nanctlana 19 NOWsboTS 'Ad ascata BA.TURtILY, DECEMBER 22, 1866 DEUAY OF OUR COMMENCE. - When the 7ebelllon opened the eetntiier oisl'alasses of England saw they had an opportunlty for striking a powitful If not „fatal blow at the rivalry they were expe ; 'lancing from this country. Hence the alacrity with, which .thoy threw capital in the building; equipment and manning or C . onfe4erate privateers. They did their work”: e ffe ctually. American commerce , alter encountering serious losses, was al. most adsolutely driverkfrom.the sees , • , The feeling on the part of our , people was that the - dePresetdi would only be temporary; that by the thipture of the pl. rates or the return of peace, would anon remove the impediments; : and that their recuparatire energies'would promptly res. toro what had been taken away. -The re suit has not conformed to these anticipa stone. Eititer the wound inflicted on our , commerce was ;deeper and more serious thin - was at first . sapposed, or. else other causes than the havoc wrought by the Con-. • federate privateers, and still more potent • 'are in operation. Let us review the case ras exhibited by..Castom House returAs: The tonnage of American:vessels engaged In the foreign, carrying trade which entered United States ports was .3n ISSO-..5.9 . 1.1..US tons. in 1865..--.2,913,861 tons. /1116.5 1,71t,(611t0n5.- , ahe tonnage of anal Teasels which :w ere cleared from the United States was , /n tons. In IaSS-..5.W23,131 tons. r - • In 1566 3,183,176 tons. The tonnage of foreign Teweils which entered - oux ports 1470.. ..2,353.911 tons. itt1863....3,211.967 tons. •• 1866 4.410,124 tons.. The tonnage of foreign Teasels which were cleared was- in i5c0....1.0003 tons. inIEGS .3, - S3 ' la ton.. in leCil tone. It is manifest that'whatever damage may have been inflicted by the. Confederates, .other and totally different influences ere operating to retard that recovery which is most desirable. What are these causes? The commercial classes, and the Jottrn ale in their interest, insist that the-Amer'. can decadence bt shippmg is fairly ascrilm. hie to r the discriminations of the existing tariff in favor of domestic manufacturea. This is only a modification of the old cry that Protection to Home Industry is un friendly to Foreign Commerce. There is no truth either in the primal preposition or in any vexations of it. „If it were tree ! nothing would be concluded thereby. The 'vital question would still remain as to which line of policy hen --the whole best for the aggregate interests of the nation. But it is not true that the existing tariff of impost duties is In any proper sense thoroughly protective. The Custom-house tolls have not been increased ratably to the imposition of excise duties. In 'many tie, part:ciente of industry, upon both systems of taxation ire considered and compared, it,', is found. that - the' discriminations are strongly in favor of the tbreigii manufac turers,.. Large sections of the worsted pro 'sincere in this country are ,actually being .. driven to the wall in this.- Way, Involving, perhaps, the loss of` many million! invest ed in buildings and - maehMery. Icor. -le QM an isolated case. Then there. are • 'restores departments in which impost !fits ties are nearly or quite' neutralised by the excise duties and hence these departments . are -.sistritantlally on the basis of, Free Trade. It is, therefor's, plain that ' the de -pression of the . slipping interest is not °Wing to the teetering of domestic mann , factures!. . . • The conclusion thus reached la folly sus tained by the table given above, which was designed by the complier from whom we borrowed it to demonstrate the ;opposite opinion. It will be seen that the total ton ; nage entering our ports in 1860 was 8,275,- 196; r in 1866, 7,782,484; only 492,712 short. This diminutlim is readily accounted for by the scant supply of staples in the Southern States, consequent ou the disturliance- of industry in that section by the war. Mak- ing a fair allowapce for the smaller quan tities of carton and tobacco to be moved - . • it may reasonably be affirmed - Ant in all - other departmeatsibe tontfige as large underany -conditions , t itt4)nglat to be. It .so largely letforsign, or rather In . English hands? Ileri!is the full amount of tdnfiage that tins expected. 'Why do not our people own it Instead of Earopeaas? Several reasons may be assigned, all2of -. more or less - weight; We shall 'enigma but twos ,141fetttbe privateers commenced their work of destruction foreign regiatries were obtained for many Arierican There is no evidence showing that these . registries have been cancelled, and'nevv American ones taken out. The amount of 'tonnage covered by these registries, though nominally foreign, is in reality as much . Ainericanns ever; 2. The inflation of the currency, and the derangement of valnes consequent thereon, so that wages paid ' definite proportion to the intrinsic worth of things produced, - haithiown ship building, to an unprecedented extent, into English hands. This has gene so far that' the advent of English steamers upon our inland wateri is likely soon tOncmir. Who ever seeks a remedy for this senditiort of . affairs in lessened impost duties, however successful he may be in obtaing abate : , meats of the tart; will Ind 'himself ae.far as ever irom the point for which be eet out. The t rue remedy when reached, will be found in so eentnetiag the mass of irredeemable papercnrreneyestoget down to specie payments, where !, don, means one hundred Cents, India retaliating all nominal Toluca to that standard. is vac.. land, while wages are lower limit they bear a definite and due propertlorew the rate at which nil articles . of supplies' can be purchased; while here the scale of wages and the price of supplies for labor ers, are hopelessly confused, and bearrio fixed :grid tangible proportion to tach othtr. English industry in this parUcaTiu; rests on silid earth, while American irides ' try is lictlie clouds, and enveloped in fog and Dalai: Only let us s et' . down to the earth again, so that we may be Sere of foothold, and many.of. the existing Pei- . plexities will disappear. _ TEE Selma (ALt.)• Times, irLile.col;iced...'. Jog that Gov. Patton, of that State, "is a -'good" man and an -honest man," einsuree hint sharply for advising the Legislature to . pass 'the Constitutional Amendment. It says 'Curtly, "because a man means well is no reason why hie tracsgrot!sion should be pardoiteil by a people who repose their faith la his integrity, his manliness and his honor." - ,Tne Trull rub Is the third suction, .!which7distinitchises „pearly all of our beet ~Mew" . We iirmild tidal( that leaders would bo at a discount-Whobild involved a people osTrwhelfningm!sfoitypet. 41pt, It seems that si,ariralp a common mLseryire bound together by WWI not. tebeibriiken.' Three( titousand cbild6it'attend St. MI; cPael's (Catholic) f3undly Schoorin.Plill- , • plelplia.* , , „ - Fiona has again reached panic prices, retailing here at from thirteen to eighteen dollars per barrel. These enormous sad highly unseasonable prices cannot last long, since the supply was never much more abundant. A clique or 'ring of dis honest and „heartless speculators, most of. whom are located - nt Chicago, is mainly responsible f0r1.4140125t eirdininecestlarY prices's+ which ihitgreat.comModii9 of life is held.-: They: Lave forestalled tho markets and veill held their stock. n such high figures as. may satisfy their avarice, be obtained. The foreign dowand is not I so large—certainly no iarger--than in pre vious years, and the present extraordinary rates can only be._attributed to monopqly and combination . .st a ti s tks of the Chicago grain: trade s h ow that from January to December of the present year, there have been received at that port, flour, wheat, corp; rye and barley, greatly in excess of the receipt's of 1843. The additional receipts this year arc as follows: Flour, 500;6Q8 barrels; wheat, 2,472,314 buAtels; corn, 7,440,822 bushels; rye, 474,030 bushels; barley, 49,- 210 bushels. The only fulling off is In oats, on which there is a decline since 1136:i of over three tnillions of , bushels. Allow ing five bushels of *heat to a barrel of flour, this large yield ought to have pro duced the following amounts in excess of the crisps of 1803: Flour, barrelg• Wkent,blrrels Corti • barrels.. Last year the grain received at. Chicago, reduced' to bushels, was 16,424,401. This year it is 20,040,045. During the present season, and up to No vember 1, a little less tbah fifty millions'of bushels of breadituffs have entered the port of Buffalo. Probably Oswego has had fwenti millions; Dunkirk, Cape Vincent andOgdensburg;are large entreports. while to these must be added the vast traffic of .1 the Pennsylvania. Central and Baltithore .and Ohio Railroads. Buffalp usually trans acts about 65 per cenk." of the totalTastward• grain movement, and it is •safe to assume, that eighty millions of bushels of grain have 'reached the Eastern States. Te see no way to better matters, for the emulators having the stock in their pos session can force the consumers to pay just such prices as they may demand. OUR REPRLSENTAIIVE4 It will be seen by the following corres pondence- that ➢fr. Wthmans disavows any intention, -in any.disagreement as to his course, of casting any imputation upon the loyalty, honor or legislative integrity or his colleague, General 31.001IIIEAD: WASUINGTON, D. C., Dec. lft, 1966. MESSRS. EDITORS :--ntlring the late po litical canvass a card from 13. - G. Childs, Esq., was published in--the Pittsburgh Post, containing what- be represented to be an extract from a letter of Ilou. Thomas Wil llama in the following terms: "„There are still men left among ns so !reasonable and so lost to honer and man hood as to be willing to surrender our out -posts to reinforce the enemy, to admit him to the eitailel,-to demoralize Congress and the colleagat . , Moorhead. is 011 e. of 03 1 hoer rea to A a , a," t sr. I, of course, took exception'. to the us., of spelt language by my colleague, and re 'quested that ha either disavow Its use or snake such expLinations as would be satis factory. After considerable correspondence on the subject, he, this morning, banded me the enclosed note, which is satisfactory, and added: "All this,. and more, I would have said at the time if I had not allowed my impulses- to be overruled. Inasmuch, however, as I did not, you have my full permlision to publish what I write to you now, 'if you deem it any way essential or desirable."- Respectfully yourg, d. li. 3Loonneen. WASaln OTOS:, December 17,1866.-11,n. J. K. Moorhead—Dear learn that you feel aggreived at the use of certain language supposed to Lave been employed 'by me in a prliate letter to my late com petitor for - Congress in March I :st, from which: he t• professed to quote a part of a sentence only, in a publication made by Lim on the eve of the election. The letter referred to was a mere acci dental one, - whose contents passed from my recollection:as soon as it was written, and now - are entirely unknown to me. - 1 ant not respousiblc, of course, for the publication of a communication of that sort:and certainly regretted that .such a use should have been made of it. Nor am. I prepared to admit, without some, better evidence, that I was correctly quoted; as I am:confident I was not in some other par ticulars that related directly to myself. Assuming, however, that I was, while I am not willing to concede that even the language imputed to me could, in connec tion with the subject matter, by any fair or reasonable construction, be held to import any reflection upon either your loyalty or hon4r, which I understand you to suppcso to have been impeached thereby—there has been no time at which I should have felt any hesitation in declaring that It was very far from my intention to convey any imputation of that , kind, and, that 11 there was anything said by me, In the hur ry of correspondence, that:could he no con. strued, I should greatly regret it. I cer tabily never thought of you in that way, or believed; bacalaso we.-happened. to differ, that Y - ourconvictions are not as honest as my; own or that yon bad the welfare of the whole country any, less at heart than I had. Nor does it seem to me that our past relations, either public, or private, have been suck as to warrant the idea that 1 druid at any time have entertained, or tended to exprest _clout t either as toyour loyalty to the eountry, or your integrity as a legislator. I trust, therefore,, that yOU will dismiss from your mind any and all ideas that I could have willingly or consciously done you so great a wronz, - ,. It would give me personally, as much pain to have you, sip: pass It, as it Would certainly embarrass the . .relations of mutual. corftdenco and good, will that ought ti prevail between the Rep resentatives oft., Districts eo nearly allied' as ours.' - -Very respectively, ;•-•-• Er.l..Eptsatta s 3fl.eilti.',lnvitits:-‘IIV, the-- Ttepybllmn etron d hold of the.tity'of =Allegheny, if the people ',wire alloieyd 'Or-Cared ytenpress tht mielVos'itpon - the sulleet - tti between ' Cal: heron and 'Curtin, for United States genitor, 11W vote would tie very decidedly 111. favor, of Curtin. . With: iderton from Iw.Uana, and etirthilron'Vennsylvania, we would have-two nien added to that al ' hotly thee-Would he au honor to the whole.tountry.:;.meu whose names arc identified with all the gletio:sabhievcnients or-thir AnArest :Clarify, notw ith- ; at tna” .. lng the insinuations of such - writers ,ail , " l ".4.le,"?islittilliniepublican ca. , ‘ the !Dell who aro supporting. heffilt.4..lCst areei sound ' in the faith, and as ear.gest ; in their desire.; for the wel fare art O - P er4 Yorttlie great Union party, ab kn il lor t,lS.,Of..Ctinicren dare be. if fish to elect a man on account of t .x _ tt° ' ne. 9. llll P 44 .. l - 1 , Altineuns give. us the t, "ttreat,..+stimoner', Steven s for ' trc may pot al.WaSs agree with hint we fect that : 9 • honeit,il,l. hi5...7,141, 444 and is . .fatitficattvedrropadPlualtogwl•-•_ffut if th e delegatroh'fairrithfs. downy. wish to reflect the opthibit'ollbree-fourths of their nertLl, , :th'etwill vote for Curtin; and th e I . aignsof the times :Indicate that be will he chosen foithat high position.. Anse°. t , Miss Pkii'v has been prosecu. ted in Louisville for severely punishing a 14, named 4ozig, a pupil in her public sehool room'. She inblislicsa well written CIIN, fully Misconduct of the lad, and shows plainly that he' did not'gef ball 'deserts. We are opposed to corporeal , punullimenrlin" it:herds, ; but cannot see how,any Jury. will convict plies Pinny for trouncing a malicious little ras— , cal.with a thin strap, only striking him whorl, nature intended liktit! struck. o oulUvate presence of mini b r a Aueetioet,often.noketl.and 'seldom - Answered, InUt-theLWeablngton't•lnt suggests, int 4 means of Allegan,", manta resort rces In 6.0430 - of tazierkgtoriA44.-tV.Tictottn,dog be.let upon . Ma; . • - .There Is It 'place In Dalai . ocninci:Gealiris... west of the Hine Itldge,where more than on. hundred tricks; of anlmals; bear, nae1" ,024 .• 11 9. 0 1Jletpf ma_ may be seen distinotly Srutrea 2.11 -' what is now voila rock. One hors. trackby 12 mob., and must have been rideleri lay the great 'cantor or wheae-tratir appears nearby, being that of a human foot , eevenVeen and a half inch in In, length. with ets wry : a regular son of thunder. All the other Make are of the natural gee:. 'Alt TOWS onto these singular relics by a byKone age, 28 wade in a late copy or the Air Line. Ragte, pabnatled St Gainesville. They Were deserib. ed. in detail years ago by travelers.. (Kentucky)D(AOClfii giros an elaborate neconut of the great flour mills of that city, whlCh are mannfacturingvpwarollt of mind thousuud barrels per .lay. consuming some 'three . million bushels of wheat per an num.. - - —General Thomas, a - ho has '.)u , 4 returned from a southern trlp,states that ahncsa every northern man who-engaged to cotton plant lug has lost money. SAMARITAN 1100 T AND HERD .JUICES, The ti rent Llload Purl dor and L'emedy for :164.011;LA.. ULCER!. 602. f. FrOl , . Ti;j.T.,l9 I= for Syphtlie the Samaritan's Heel zed Herb Jukes are the moat pltetti.ind iteeteel remedfts ever prercrll yd. It reach" and eradicates every partlcte or the venereal polson.. Will amore every restage of Imourities from the :ysttso, as 'ell as all tht: bid effects of toeltury, Price 4 , .:5per but- Bold out? In Plttaboeith JOSEPH F &AIMING'S Dru x 11110 Patent ModlcLe Dep., No. tli Aladiet atrtet. TVS What Ilnraynei Ointment Will Do +-II will core DeWitt' from 1 4 ! to 45 oour4. ••.•, • • • .. 2—lt will care the molt ol.clnste cases or Teller. 3—lt •1.1 cure Chrotlc Erislrolas ortne lace. 4—lt will car c Sall Rheas teal,' Kent. • b—lt alit cure Itching 1 Iles, al Xrupli R—lt win reunite'''. cure all Skin Diseases. 7sallse ISIVJIVRZ . S ZNI" and scratch no more. CH' , Dr. granyasls Utarmase... - "TeITTEB" "ITO II" Pr. &cornea Oicherat, “TETTgitll. ITCH" ' I•TETEIt" ••ITC MEYER. KNOWN • TET "ITCH , * IerATTEHII •ITCHt. TO PAIL ..TP.TTEIP• "ITCH" Preperel only by Dr. SWATHE t BON, Phila delphia Sold hr MICLAII.It AN A, APB ENNAN, 31.uket street, 01.0. A. lt ist.Ll. 37 Wood st., JOS. 31.8.M1NG, 84 Market at., A. 'LAWRENCE cor. 4th and 31arket [streets, Pittsburgh. HASH DP.UCTT, Alleghene. , cu2la-U=s . W.B 81:18 . 494,533 .1, 83 141 THE GREAT MEDICAL ANNUAL —lleslettrev United :Mates Alma tie for 10 , 7, for dittrlbut'on GRAIN, throughout the . Untted Stales and all ele.llSe .1 countries or the Written ifemls plicre, will to published about the trot or January, and oil who wish to understand the tree of b. ebb should road sad yowler the, aluible tog- Festion•it ern/trill.. 111 I ellltion to an minsiratne wedleal treatise an the eatisms. pre...ration — a — ft Cave ore greet variety of distaves, it embracer • large amount of Information WertAlas to the merchant. the nneltaniC. the miller, the feral tr. ' and profeashotal . men: and the valet, haloes have twett made for marl 'lan. no d a, lialde. a. are most suitable for • corr, tt and Cam. biATIONAAL L:11.10033. 'he nature, user, •01 extreettlinary va Item , ef fects oh MUNTIETTICRI4 C rOll/0:11 1111Titon the stt •Iv•oui:•nd alterative of more .has half rre Oh tat too world are fully ast forth In lit p.• which are also totenpersvfl with; u r rale kble ,et pee. hums um anecdotes. and othav a rae Ise and using reading matter. original aielselect , .1. Among the Annual:. to appear term the Oreillug ur the yea , . pills will be onv of the most often!, and MAT IL Ilan TOO Till ihrlif U. Scud tor cool,. to the Central Manufactory. ea re . or so the nearest ace• t lor tarsi all MU 3 3 rusincil iII'ITELM. The Mt.'. are twit to e, cry cult, loon nod vIll•ge erf the t tilted Plat,. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS WM. BLVG/lAJI, Jr., daunts EF.7.iress 011tre, 64 Filth &mg, is cut authorised Agent to roomy AdverUsennenfa for the U.l.ahrtrE, and all other papers throw/fold as United &ides and As o.lnados. r4Er et , ILNEIt ChA NT AND TIMID STA. Paator. Rea. A. Itt iallittat AN. t•rvacatag EVERY `UN!) AI" at it.•a.. awl auLdaY School a 9 9. All Lit people are Invited t. come and hear. EgirFIIIST BAPTIST ClllTii( 11. Until the etnmpletl.n of the oe e Chapt•l, services .111 be held In 11A SON 11l HALL.Preach lug by the Rey. JAMES. DICK 1,111.11:. errry SARIILTII at 10 1 , o.m. 00117,S P. tn. ..A . BIIATII SCHOOL at p. tn. All are cordially invited tat . attend. THE PUBLIC CATHOLIC LI - ID:MIT AND IDLAuINti He/mt.—The Harm. of thu Pt' MAC CATHOLIC LI lot Alt) AND LEADDiII HOW! yin I krpt viten on CL10.1iT.51413 AND N'EN TEAR'S PAS Cur the Inepectlon of the ik o.lle. All are Invite.' t.. rail. de-1 • tal•e. F. SIeKT.NAIA, Librarian. GLOVES: GLOVESi—A splendid aesortmentof all kttd of • oLuvEn AND WRISTLETS, AT PHELAN'S OLD STAND STOCKINU STORE No. 24Blfth Slreet. FOUND, rICLVIL. Rhtch the owner elm have . hy at 'IRIS Or prorlug pruperty cod paying ler this utter Hutment. JO. 0. F. Ths membpr. of ST. CLAM 1.01)0E. all . !sect t thilr II all In rerotterao•Drillc on ZIUN 1)&1', iterlinbir 011td at 1: o'clock. 5... tor ID. ParPOto DtattiocUlllt lb. Funeral at Strand, P. ti V U/IVAC GlCTltillis. wrer *pest tally !silted to 'attend. J. M. IttLYAsT. des.). diStNie. OPENING OF TIM TELEGRAPH EginTJUIRANT.—ThIs Rental rant: sltaatil at No. 101 THI.IIII Eirstarr, ,111.oe agreed Tat tiell tor the accorninodatlett of the public. The proprietor basingeight. years , •xpertence In the a char'. Hotel. !ea eintedent that he can give goal sstlsrletlon, be Inane, all to c me and Indite to•theAsswelves. FREDKRIVII. BAUM. Proprietor. 1 .11DIES' - GOLD WATCHES AND CalitlNte Ladies' Gold Walchea and ("halos, Ladles' Gold Watches and Chain, Ladles' Geld W . atches and Ladles• Gold Watches and Chains, Ladies• Gold Watches and Clialot v /or call, by J. 11. REED CO, de= ' . No. 61. FIGh street. DIMS SILIIS • AT LESS TAL.C.T COST. WHITE, ORR & CO., No. 23 Fifth fitreet, is/Mr %Urge 11,0 of 'RICH DRESS SILKS, At alcuost. half Oa fvraser prices. • 14`011 BENT. ROOD, .Sa.!table tor one or two SlNelo Gentlemen. to.ted la a earl ral VIM of the city: Zrolalre of M'MASTER, OAZIAM a, BUTTEftfiELD, ATTORNEYS AT LA% COO SKITE►S! SKATES! SKATES! I 'IAA% RECEIVED MOST IMRE an I *Ur to Ltis Trak a .eletUtra from 5,000 PAIRSOFVARIOUSMAKEB Before purchasing elsewhere,. call and apatite my Stock, ant can OFFER DEALERSEP.EOALINOVCEMENTS DANES 136.1;VDT, No. 136 Wood. Streqt. .110141DA_Ir_ GIFTS.. p.Aimon COAL : VASES; 'PLATE WARMER; P • ULU ti CoAL . 1101 M... PA it LUQ JI DEUS. N URSEILY PY.NLY.U.S. PINE, 1 IRMO. PINK xnd .:0.1131014 PittE LITAZUM, (VAL beUTTLES, at the EMIMIRIUM, No. 1.24 V%Topa. Eitroot. w. w. lIIIALTAIIIAW 2194,78 - GNI DRUGSZSAIBUGSM JAMES T. SAMPLE 771 E %CLL KNOWN DIME; uunme tuitN istt Ph.ultllAL AnD " ALLltitib24Y. NM keelson handa halt assortment of all khans of And which will be hole house la the two Preretiptlonr tkleo tur 0 0120 rw17 Pretwied by i Inet , elsas or riga' ulnas sae -..lfAlftfl Cl, bane. t 5 OTIZATRIXIC Ariwnlere:= Wet as. LSttess Aistlalstrasion oa the e., wino to lldre Woirer j. dtetliSed, bass bsvo grnt. Igd trZ; settlement, and U.Ol Wilmot& aMlll Areas,. 80 ALI ' AdistalsiSsir 4:1v13 :p975 ~Sitresalrstrost. NEW ADVER • BRIM CO.; tElieesanno On& Junes & C 0..) corner Fourth and Wood tits., BANKERS & BROKERS ! DRALIFiE Lit AX. KINDS OP Government securities, Foreign Exchange, Gold, Silver and Coupons. COLLITTIONS mane on kII ateesslblo poSnu ID the United fate. and Canada.. Interest allowed on Time Deposits. fOrt.C3 CZDILT Err. PARLOR tt- CA RPET. CROQUET. A k , I'LL AL;URTSILST AT C. yl] A_GER 456 CO'S No; 110 Market Street. t1.22:01 A CARD OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT. %I a regular meeting of ['Midis:all Dlelslon• So. 42, Sent or Temperance.'hold no•Thursdal atoning. December tech. the following resolutions were touanimeusly passed: Roool refl. That the hearty thanks of the member of Ole Weldon are Macke tendered to itiejodow log named parties fur their gratuitousal.l render ed to the centmlneo appointed In ehargt• or the ••tiread Concert" given on Teetail caching lad at City nail. nada , ' lith ...ogee of the boos of Tem. perste., • Mr. C. C. Menor• and the ladles and geniis men who performed ou that oleasion. Messrs. Johnston a Co.. printing. Mes..a. Berra Meets, printing. Messrs. A. A. Auaermart A. bone. printing. Mr W. B.llaeen. p•lntinc. Menu. titabetteck a Collins, Cheeni. Ir. advents. lag. . Thisrs..T. P. Ilser &Co., tillinK M••irs. Cep Wawa', .litenn CO., Messrs. roster A Co., bi.p,,,rh, Raventaing. liroglai33 l/0., Com onersidi. Overusing. Messrs. J. Alll,Oll a Co.. Pre:0,4,0,1,a Ode ertislng. Sir Jelin W. l'ltiock. Lender, adverPslnK. tisenolng resolution he pub lished in 0o - daily papers. GOODS FOR THE HOLIDAYS, DEINNISCIN'S, 21 FIFTB STREET. LACK AND EMBROIDERED HANDICFS, FANCY SCARFS. NORwEGI AN LEATHER sATCHEI. , , POLL T1I&I AEs.IiAIL CASES, G.,o\ l BoNES FANCY FANS, • LADLES coMPINIONS, CARD CA , Es, LACE COLLARS, LACE SETT,, ESIBILOIDERED SETTS, LACE LIANDKERCHIEFS,_ HEMSTITCHED HANDKERCHIEFS, EMBILDIDERED SLIPPERS. KID GL0VE , ...13U4.:K uLoVs, .CLOTU GLOVES, UNDERGAUMENTs, w HITE SHIRTS, SUSPENDEIIs, . . NECK TiEs, LINEN COLLARS, PAPER COLLARS, ac„ Re. Selling Low for Cash CHRIS I'MAS PRESENTS. _ New Books for tho Holidays. 1-UEILICATIONs OE THE' LON- IioNsoCIETV 1 , 011.141'4m 111 SU UV PM AN IiNoWLI:IIGE, TII, NEW Yoltli SUN CM Otell sAlUti SOCIZTY. au. Bibles and Ptayer Books, 11=13113==lri= acyr LLECEIVILD. • Cllns-Hauls. B<aant Cards and aanday bcboot reeslere. • • nrcmon raver act ' French tilatlnnsl7 Nrrctlng Dectr. roruutu.“. Cutotts at li, .o. ae. XI. 49. WIC .IWriet OAT. Cnarch Book Wore, sop Smithfield Street. .TT OH! HOW FAIRY LIKE. SINGING BIRDS! SPICING BIRDS' OVILAJIIST AUTY A\i) 112:kbr SONU. • • Anotber lol.El.lra Dlrda. with a doe a.sogtneat of Parrot, tqulrfal, Mouse an , lotUtr CAtiEb. at Mo. 124 1;7117oodl Eitroot. W. W. 211128212". MEE BAILEY, FARIIEE & CO., Patent Lead and illock Tin Pipe, EsimEmm. xamita.m,ceto. • W e would Intl. , the •otteulloo of Forint. ❑Build. oua, Numbeeo, Use Snag. and diontfecturers to r E lock of BRASS &STEAM GOO 38 GENER V. • pri All go xis w r anted of • etwerlor quality, sad es re azonablc. 147 c). 167 Einaltla2lo/cl-6111t., PITTS BUR 11, Pol. delii:wa • HOLIDAY GOODS ALL KINDS OF BRONZE, GILT, UT ANL OLAIIM Jarben Oil Lamps and ()bandoliers, Lamp Trimmings, &,C. Also WAIMANTILD Nom-cartes' va CAE. BUNT 0/L. shot...ale .1 retail. JOHN ROSS & CO., Na 434, IliTearlmot Seitta-c.ot, dman:a.t.,T . priTsimuutt. FOR THE HOLIDAYS. LADIES' FURS, The Largeat and Beat Stock .Jo tbetit7t fiELLING TEIZE LOW AT THE HAT, CAP AND FUR STOBE BM XI. db O' pk . 131 WOW/ STREET; SKATES! SKATES! =UM!IM! Prize Strafes, • Club Skates. SKATES FOR THE MILLION, 0 0 'Yp . : p ' . • .• • Dlxiintell'iitillidirsir.l3lth ttrcet. . FOR TIIE LADIES. CLoTnES MANGLES. -4 , • • GOITERING IRONS, cLorsits WRING MIS. W. l / 4 11INI: PI NCH. NG LIIONO.CUIILI I: TONG!? PINKING L/LGN tl• AT/ I+. al. the lloust—Yer hlGthig Elol.orlot,. NO. 121 Wood --- del vr I )1880 LI.3OVOF PAIITAtEItSUIP . - "—ThopirtoP,Cdrt boretoforu alfflog ty s. 11.4 tetwecu 11W under. Igoe& eLth•riho}wints sad +We or Dirt:Am. KENNEDY & 11/01'Pa% bite - Moen day dissolved mount consent. William Liorpor rk.thint from the IDco. The Innelikels %111 be tvrteft;:v VUldikt,d by YreArric/. Owen. sod Jolla Kennedy, Undt'v tie almc amt glyle oCOWENS .t du, 01.1tand, Fedvial btreet. Alltgitony. rr.EnCltlcK K. OWEN:. JOHN KENNEDY. WILLIAM 11Al:PER. DIbSOILUTIOri OF. tO-PARTNERIMP, .PA R TNERSHIP HERETO fore extstlug under t ha name and styl.f of WWI 741,NpEL baa Ingu stplve.l. , • • Pelt:tabor Y.W. le6; FIRST HARD, ALLEGHENY. 'rho-Eliot Weld Itepublicati be held M the 'Hcitoot. NUUSE. on eATOIWAY. Deeezeser Ltd, at 7 o•chek r. a. delq C PIANOS PIANOS: !—A n n Ilre' new stock Of It NA 11E s qtr.'s I.IA.NON. which sew now - ronslocred toe not made: Also II . I S BMA , CELEBUA - 11:0 firkkstel. ?rico from kkti upward.. Persons In want of ► nrotoroass sisno ore C. spectfoliT Invited to Cl,ll and ens:wise Where purchasing nintssbert. •-- - . • CUM& LOTTE • •-- 13 'Fifth street. - Trrinipos*, • SIRDES-4. new lot of and tievat.inl *ultra* , on Ureen. , Te: andtufflironadm. ticid-and Palat44.iforders, 14°. ' °7 m Ar k """ios. 8. nuouz• • JAR,: 0,42 = Manta acturer. of w. n•. nnADmigAW; S. „MEN j 11.1.. . 6 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ALTER, ENTs. J. & w: J.KNKINSON, • Itatatatttturers of: the Celebrated Boge Bud Bri - ght Pound; Rase Bud Bough and Beady, Rose Bud Golden Hail, Navy (109) Siiva And other Noted DrAnds of TOBACCO. =II Stock andyarlety of Common mid I:are Brands of ' EDICar.A.XI.I9. - 4es2<q37 TO IRON lIIEN AD CAPITALISTS N INTEREST IS OFFERED, ON . FAVORABLE TERW., In the WYCYMIN T. IRON AND MANUFACTURING COMPANY lEstsbllubed situd lu uperlttuu at PITTSTON. Lu• zerne County, Pn• Ilolchkiaa 9 Almoopheric, and Kirik , B Steam Mans meni Ia toe for Forglort. W. CIUSON JONES, President, 1=12E3 GIM YOB. THEOLIDUS S. Photograph Albunix, Ladies' Companions, Portfolios, Family Bibles, Prayer and Hymn nooks, Gold Pens and Cases. Juvenile Picture Books, Ladies' Purses, Poetical Works, Verietieh for the Little Ones, Sisitionery of all kinds, Diaries for 186? Subscription• received fornll the Ana urines et rohlielterty Price!, et the BOOK AND NEWS DEPOT JAS. H. AIKEN, Chronicle Building, No. 7 0 Fifth Street. SELLING OFF THE ENTIRE STOCK OF ' CLOAKS & FURS. STOCK, LEASE & FIXTCRES For DABS (DANCE TO G 0.11510 BUSINESS. TV BE SOLI) TO LEAVE TIM ell Y GUNSEMIAUSER & CO., I t SOMETHING NEW, CHEAP &. BEAUTIFUL No. OS MAIIRET STIVEET. derawa • BEAUTIPUL PRESENTS roe rum MX C) I-. II:1 A. - •E" ts, .JI:t3T OPENED iiol. H. I GI- 31 11." , No. 291 Wood Sireet- A CHOICE ASSOKITXIr.NT OF CHOICE' AND 1101IEMIAN 1'A:3E:1011.w .g 1 raze design§ .4 styles. A too lot or PAEIAN STATUETTES, LAVA WARE, DECORATED TkA. TOILET BIMAKFAXT AND DINNER SIC CS, All of srblelt Is offered on the moat reAsconble rates H. HIGBY. lIM ICI 0 Dir IT mrcrir 01171 2 i. HOLIDAY GIFTS UllMa,„1?!., HAVE EX 41EMED China & Bohemian Fancy Goods, , FOR SALE RY • RICHARD E. BREED, No. "100 Wood Sieve*. del4 CILI.II. Z. 11311..11311. TU. 113138.. W. L. BUITTI.M. Nag, KNAKE & BlierTLEEir Sucoessors to WAIIILLI,tiIiet BLIIIE. No. 12 Fit.. Clair Street, Pitteburgb C=MI Plano, 4Thi*,sams, Loa Mostra (loots reneratty. L" _ Alirnote Ayentifor the Celeo - nted 1111.21DBURY. New York, and9CtIONAOMEII it 00.. l'llltactel - PIA ?Ord. t . Aleo, XBTILY & CO.`3.”COTTAGE," aunt S. D. 11. W. lIMIT/1.6 ORUANItI, and TILToN's PATENT ()LUTA% ; The nett Walla& =id .oerzo.ut Violin and MALI, lllrfne slinky, on hand law:Torn FIRST ;CLASS Loonisp GLASS • ANOPICTORE FRAME MANUFACTORY. J. LYONS-, No. 110 Wood St., 'Pittsburgh, Keeps on hand sod manufactures to 0rd0.,1 the ISSTeITYI,E or Oita. at/sr:WOOD aud WAL NUT. , UVAL and tityllAßlC 31Ittutlit. roI:TRAIT atidrIUTUI/N 1 , 11.A31.k.n. Cußain Cornice, Bands and Hutton., Consols, Tripod and Itracket Tables of exquisite design sod workmanship. filLDINti 'AND HEUILIIIMI executed In the highest style of the set,. .00 - 1 . “1.4.:111n AIODERATE. noLuallswe RTNERSII IP NOTICE—JAMES AL A LL . . has phased We lotorest of JOHN HALL. la the anti of Jill! HALL &. Co. Thoname tool style of the Urns will he JOHN HALL CO.. as heretofore. - ~ A lllls Y. C 4 Itt6SV... / 1100 LE ...... TIIM‘M. J. HALT. .J. 6.30.1; J. nr,w, vALLEr roma: PLOW - WORKS, PSI wnd 1113LOntty 9lraN, Pitimaresrgb JOHN HALL & CO.. Ilanufactuters 'of ' all larletic, or Norllkern and linitilwru PLOWS, UNION 1111 , WERS, SULKEY 11Ak ItAIiE3,, And dealefa In AIiItIvULTU/LAL LMI'LE3I: ST S of all do scriptlmis. Det. pelt TILE HOLIDAYS. A. • Flti E 3T4015, ADAPTED lOU Scall.clovr .W . reseposate, Or ALL. KINDS Or 3'3EIW E Lail. "E" OULD AND SILTED WATCHES for Lgullt• • pair: : AND ITUARDI.• ELEOANT BETS. In vart . oo•sett*Bss; DMA/ AND MIXES PENS., SILVF.II SDOONS A VAtiEt3. URNS: YAM; T ARTICLES, Ac., At.. • JOHN MITSCH. " No, 112 Feelers' St., Allegheny. aohhogi. wETTACH &BLEI ASON, -•' EVCCES.OIIB TtrCliEtiSuAN & CL &ILK. - ltanuracturemor OAK LEATHER. 111ELTEVG, Re. II Ohm itnet. Alirsteny City. Alto full uspflmunt of Belting■[ ti SUY if, Ao. Jamul, t'lttjba•;h_la 01017 •-• EQ. O. i I.AltlY; - 13Opt. or Worts. 300 bbl*. new ;rime Wbtte Tllnt for sale by mann o. Zio. 307 Llbertl street. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS ' AL.R.331 NOW OPEN, 110 .. MPRISESG THE , LARGEST ("O'c,d:i r e t e m irgo e g r atii 4 "; l , pot t . hrough axe las In the Ban, an i dlruin e sold d LESS THAN ANY HOUSE IN THE tIIY. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Dressing Cases; Ladies' and Gentlemen's Satchels; Fine Work Boxes; • Fine Glove Boxes; -Fine Portfolios & Tourists' Cases; Fine Writing Desks; Stereoscopes and Views; Cigar Cast's; Pocket Books and Calms; Fine Bohemian and China Vases; Motto Cups and Sauce - Fine Toilet Sets: Chess Men and Boards, . , With anti:idle.* Tnr'.lT of FANCY (WORE and 'WY., WIIOLEt3ALE and RETAIL. C. YEAGER:a CO., 110 Market Street. . • HILLERMAN'S OAT IND FUR EMPORIUM, ISFELLED FROM CELLAR TO loft aith a MICH AISSOBVILIEST &MOM which!. otrcred at 7173E11=1:12"1.2100W 171.8'ZIE1/61. Oct specialty tow Is CA-enta.toas 3F I TY IEI , SLEIGH & CARRIAGE RORER, Although prepared with • NI line of HATS AND PAPS, = ILLAMELIVIA_INT 'S No. 75 'Wood Street. MEC MURDOCK & PUTNAM . Are daily reelving at their GENT'S,• FURNISHING STORE, 72 3011%4 ilitereese, Nearly opposite Pool °Mee. . All the new and elegant atyles in SCARFS, TIES, BOWS AND lIDEFS, Gent's Underwear, GLOVES, HALF HOSE. IHRIPENDEBB, lesess do Crksaambssras, • Fin t Shirts and Collars, Everything to eolopletethe EletittenteaV.Wardrobo. MURDOCK & PCTNIIM. no3iltSr4rs KANFIS PATENT PETROLEUM SOAP. lIQUISITI TOILEfINDVISHBG SOU CODINA af=l rA.1110:. . U. yonLinGIC inoN CITE BP& : MILL. • • STRICKLER& ORLEDCE.. FIFTH BTItEET 4 EISION. Igfar Penns. Accune. PITTIBIMUIL -- • • Unvlnv recently purchasert the above MU, we respectfully Inform the public that we will ecdttlews the manufacture of PULES: MUM and 11U1STAUDs whtett wa wUI be ableto zi t:ornlall to le MAI MAWS and ItICTAII,ICD NL PM at the I.olllllcli Al BRET PRICE. Also. /.`U FEZ and ÜBLIUhU to UV'S HUAI:MED to order on abort notice. UTE YLOUB an.l ER/LSII ti tit/ UAL Utsßti *HAL eon atantly on bend. • Aiming to deal a$ we foltelt the patronage of tbe • It J. BAXTER. formerly of the Cooler.. le toe Stmt. - will be Mond on band at the salltatallttmes to attend to the wants of customer.. ISTItICKLES 41;NOMIZEDGE. MEM pITTSBUII , GII PIPER MINUFICTURING vAloisAttputia or Printing and Wrapping Papers. cLOTON MILIL, ISTEIMENVILLE, OHIO. imtMaw, MILL, iEW lutiolirtlN, re. OFFICE AND WARE3IOI7IE, No. 82 Third Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. . . 0111CF.IV.-I—atIGITST HAB Paz, Preib JNO. - B. LIVANUnTO.N, Treasurer. SAMUEL RIVPI.B, 8e retail , . DinEcTOrte—noeust Hartle—J•hn Atwell, M. H. Hartman. John B. Llelenston. John M. Cekkipie C. It. Merrick. .Comb Paid for Paper Stack. noZnoan FRINKLIN COTTON WOMB, E. HYDE'S SONS Are now prapired to ittauoractura COTTON YARN, CARPET CRAIN. -- COVERLET TARN, CANDLEW/CE.-. TWINE. RATTINUEI, CIYIION WARPS, At.. Re• WEST CANAL STREET. hetnreen Robinson intl' Lneack, Allegheny City. Pa. S.—All orders by mall attendedlo. ' nos lIEB 1866. 1866 C./.4kit.P.ETS., • We are now exhibltitur tor FALL THILDX the most extensive stock of iroWs we bevy vitt had tin pleasure of onering to our petrons. DigUsti Brussels and Tapestries, °!°.lrog,npl:lre""TgereggieFelli=liNA.444 - 1.101 1f11303 AND TiL T-CABPEIS /3) BINS, ItIittROINEGEL) • SWISS tam- CURIA S. •11CF ald Ilemt Pa em of Coates, Side & Centre 'Lassos, Loops & Bands, ' Choice !Myles Notting Curtains. MTARLANkkgpixrpi._ Nos.ll son 74 II arrta Next house to 11. t. Custom House And Fan UNCe, Second Floor. CANDY TOYS: CA.NDY'TDIBI aooa:noatxs cs...(py ixres On Land and for liale at riartis I.,#xt ze:lici )Y. uvsneEie Caney. and Tot Manalketeneirs: ifee•pet Corner Math and Mercy straw! REDIOVAL....TEIE lUNDERSIGX. TR telOOTed the 013eeuf She iseriou. WORKS [rem 33 Market ateui.. MU tank to their Wore. on CARSOht 13Talt2T tennutott3. 'Men tee! tan &exciter Nitrite& - . Poitotece Addreu 133. Pittetnute. • - PC24" ttitiC‘X i mums). I NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. HOLIDAY GIFTS Of Atreetkon and Charity. WIEEIR & WILSON'S HIGHEST PREMIUM' LOCK-STITCH FAMILI HUNG 34C1111E5,1 Roseaaod, Walnut &Mahogany Cases PRICES, From 60 to tot► Dollaro. _ There is no investment that pays a better interest, or brings more comfort, health, happi ness and relief to the House hold. WTI. SUMNER & CO., No. 27 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh, PR. N. H.—Patent &slug Machine Castors cis be at tached to all Wheeler S W Lissa Maniacs wlics do. aired. ,41e29:qi1 G° T° IR.C: O 333MM I T I E3V, Na le Fifth Street, FOR ROMUY GIFT& They hayeinst reek! rod tarhe sad well &elected !leech of • FIN - JP.a 0 1 013 s, CtrithllTY 776 OF EP lA. AM 1447,1:).e. AMERICAN. ENGLISH AND SWISS WATCHES, SOLID SILVER RARE PADUA GOODA, FORKS AND 19POOSS. - TABLE ihERICIN AND FOREIGN CLOCKS, trALAßite, Aad a TAIT larre :tact. of FINE 81L712-PLATED WARE, From f the belt Monstiaeturers sad the Jrzffitr L.ITEBT arriEs. Do nett forget the Old Stand NO. 16 . FIrTH STREET. naMorely IMPORTANT TO BRIM MAKERS. Etco.c•Jc•O IJM TE.7r' JEMMIES, With 'Eight Men! SWORD'S STEAM TOWER BRICK MACHINE, AA3VPA(TL•IIED BY The l'itbinr,h'Brick Machine BRICK INAMIFICMUNG CO., Fir the Leeten, rtina Sectiqestent States THE MACHINE:IS SELF-TEM. PXHIVO, imatemilYllll.3oo.(rhtlit to use befog ptoport r toneittotbeexteatan p . opu atlon of terrlto. litget 17, -2,l2.ltanit Roles, p'rll.V.ll2 meet moulds. regales only eight men to Me tb... day, teed theinder, tskeaway the toga nod bake them le t he yard, and tnekea brick ea feat as you Wan to run the engine: In our own pun. our rata of .Insklng to from 45 to 50 minute. We claim MI, to be the beat PAYINO Machlos to rase. A. machine may be seen In operation to our yard) at Glenwood fain miles about the clty„ on the north olde'of the lltonommbela rlrtr, . reached by the Connielayille Salim& = • • Itnedne. Yard. County audState Sights for sale. 'Yet tulltntormailon; apply for circulars. in per son or by mall; at be calm . - • We mliPrePared to All Mtge cent:meta of brick. Samples of Um brick to be seen-us No. TO Slfsh "'" Add t. r. " sa d Tllll s Alllo 4 ll.llH7l RICK kfACIIIIS6 Alit, BRICK WA PIIIPArttIIKING Co.. SAO LIBISITY ST PITTSBURG If. PA. I. H. cut, A. AustlAST. Vice Preddent; W.X..MeCtIAGICILIi, Treasurer; S. A. VS SPS.LISLI, Secretary. • Dtunctoin—M • A. Ackley, W. M. Stickel. John AUten. W. M. Cole. delipik. Wit. W. 311.1CVS • 43/.0.• 111. ORA'? Discus Ain ass rr, - 96-Liber t y Str eet, DEALERS It OR 'HERBS I - PRODUCE, •SAT LOWEST`I.ABH puicra.. Oar AWL to keep a - Family • Grocery, And make 11a BaittrACilcaraa'als.ATar g r nth Patti& . - • BAIRCUS 1 421141EP, • impbart. corner otrea.7. OCZAZIaTfI. ' • ALI.7C37IEICI, • . DEAL= IN " FINE W.ATGHEI,IENELAY, DIAMONDS, , ,2117;:r..N722m. rturds.rtan,„ French Clacks,: &c 7 , lll m :u p glrerito ibe rezielnixo 07 jib.• 22 Flak Sired. %.1.16.23 1[..-04.1X lITCATUN anzmosxaacora. OIENIBUS.AND LIVERY STABLE DUN Sr. Pirraliji, -PropNetors, 41 1 " thunibueilllFisrtiaces tint - iabsd tor an trains: Alai, carruos sta rnierigovedaina : arid Pirtle", it alott ittika and TINIQW 4 bIe , - Stable Open. Mir NiSht • 373:49011.ina • , PENNSYLVANIA,' AVENUE ARV ...-15112NUIS ilswg i tgatiggealXllNT. rt The PrOpey owners of the nap Thirdt Wards and Eighth War o City* Pitts burgh. aro hereby notified Matt/se City Regulator has 'cilia my ablega Mat Of 11.11 nu • gamuts- maga for the construction of a fewer Sc Piaaaarivatila avenue and tiblagfaiStreat. - arith • plot of the same, shnglng the. iotuttloa and applies of all those as- Tne condlibata of the L pittles thus assessed arc. That If the luatinat"staad Eng agistiP4 :the= pgli at the eadgf thirty- days frau the , data of this hotter" it will be my ell• to etroisee the e ane in the: :heather the Pity Poildbarfisr cagiretlog ai:dart to: PI re,per cent. with costs mad frel for Vlllectiozh - --.1 • • • • WM. MOH/SAUL • det"'at - • • •- • • iTreasurer, " BEVEING ;WINCED; LEUHER AND. BiLTINO. - Of be best quality still lowest, prices at the .X11:11.1211% R u b ber •3;it °pot. NOS. 28 - itiDlBif. Olin STREET. ' 33C- MILLASI.33R. PFAS NOWA LARGE wrikca OP Tro .-A CUB". 71114"epi l Atillittcrt i k azia e g M i ip ark% eon to his sztvellor COCAIN/DT. lind 91 lredipate:4, NECESSAIIINS ct roa min Iv T. i rz.r...., 4 004. Icw 6 rOVZ gad ch. .r ' 111 at V ccAllis. /tpLgo 0.,1 4 in . nista /mai vvalblaCk . 11,4 YIILZHO% - LTIEM4. LlZlPltUtagNarnirmunt tir Oeodanoisaml =other .a,..4 : avid p.. u /) Cr r/Ve. /to., sAo Airilag , ALMA. All chea C II F E AP r ",, 1. • ; • - • X 0 boa es aoshit," futert aet flat?bari fai ode by - • , _ • - wuututerv. BArtiLsr. iaet SQ. 7011406rtystio.t. WANTS WANTEIn.i. - -aradnittes of Liter. .‘ art and VotmenreLal Ocalllges to eagracap,.. taaanktl . la boalaess rezultitg Ilalesteuxuadp 1.4 Limbless I:o7espoßdendc. . • 'ApPly*lth retsrence. Over McMaster a tia, zslo's Lalr thtlee s ) R. 11. CURIZA.N, 98 Grant street, Plttstsurgs. Ps, IMMEEEI ACIENTLFANTED TO SEIM TIPM,OIi/LDRZN'd ALBUM: • • - - riortreas I\ D Veal /X. 77:1 tea andcompiled hy hat. A3A BULLARD. The Bonk coatnln,l a Rani Portrait of the author, more Dino aza bandted pletwok. and L. mo s t, priated - ood bound, and most Plelso tke (13. area. Addren. tiOLLAND CA, dearror7 No. 73 at., PDtabarth Pk. WANTED--Crood men to sell, bs— : s sample of otherotte. several rapidly and .prainevrorthy articles. Men that Dare ii money sel lag patent right a and "Flat-talc gm gen.. eratora." can get permanent employment. Money and goods advanced' seine:lent to start any man in a paying Patine J. ' All that bar, applied abotdd tall again. I.iboat reference retpaired. bf. CLAM STRItIiT, dele (Itaam Mo. LI AGENTS WANTED—THE BEST YET.-4 Work. of tiltuotizal velar and National:opol tanee. The only Wort on oaf Navy yet In the held. A dentiAnd no eon:pet:Mo. M rye.. FAhltAii UT AN HUE NAVAL CAM. limn/sea. Or - Hon. J. T. HEADLEY, she 4H. Dorn:Med Author and Matorlan. In one ham: aorudycdume. Mut:rated. .bend at once for :ems and territory: Address A.d.. TALCUTT. deMpBo 58 Market 'street. Pltlabursh. re, WAFTED BY let JANITAItY, A GOOD STABLE, TWO Olt THSES 11013.9813 AND. BUGGY , Apra, to ' • 31.11A5TE.11. GAZZAII ACO Da OPP grant Street. AGENTS WANTED IST THE EV str.KA. SEWING -M *CHINE COMPANY to " 11 t h nir N $43 MACHINE. WPI war ism .. .113. paper to hoary Bearer data or leatazi l l et.oge of reed. stvirel•rtenuon. belt r"" faaa a" ". 1 71 ,1 .44.1 Ara? moue DI/LID.. Addreaa, axio' stun HALL ss YUlb amt. rdeeO , Mt dell . Ptttab • • WANTED -- AGENTEI—MALEAND PEAL/ME—ln every put or weeterni rum, ir.venta for the line =mete.' Enerel, "PRAYER AT VALLI , Eolttov• "THE HAILE-We, PRAYER, , "LINCOLN'S HOME AThranfonscD,. Either by the month or an aonuninalon. Pubileh ere-entee allowed. !or fell hertleniere bersoe, or Melees, • FARGO 00. 43 fifth Hsu • DENTS WANTED FOB A NEW - AGENTS NOW • WOMEN OF THE WAR. BY FRANK MORAennuiu wW. “Th. s Record. of The object of thlc work is t imilecit ant narratives or the services of the *omen who itte_peras of the wsr.and ought to inherit its . me voinme contains about 600 =Awe pages, and is titnetraied with a steel plate rzia. engraved to the most improve styli. boi oily For drciTilar s. address or apply Co • XX/ It 7I 61101 1 /E6 • ball . No. 68 FM stoma,. Fittatmig6, DfZla 'AIM i ' 1 X: Soldiers of 1861 and 1862, All who 'erred three Tears are 8100 bountr: those unerlan two Mrs. $3O: or who were dlsoliarged by reILBOII Of I. OURdA. or their balro. 2 hrgit Months Extra Pay due Volunteer °Metro In.:the nerdee Yareh $6. , 11565, tap dlueburged, watered Enolvor, tas date emit A 1965. FElidllANl3.—Permanently dlsabled are eiAt= to $151,10100r $25, according to Cleanser in. IV. J. L HI LL PATT.E/123011', Attorneys, 001 . 71 firant Rinurt. 9104.1.1 Th; Pa. B. F. BAOWN, Local Claim - Agent. V. S. SAN. COIL, Medi No. 67 Fourth Street, (NiCOND FLOOR, ) Pittabingh, Pa. Pensions, Bounties, and 'Armor of Pay Promptly Collected. No charge made until eLairgu are Waled, and tha but a model ate fee. an9eb2o sommemp Bourn:Es, PENSIONS,' , Extra Bounties, Back Pay, too., Collected hithe sli . ort . e7t pouibliF4ll77. b 7 A. M. ISltcrw7k • - JOHN 11. LAMIUX, Attornega b t LAW, ° A016:4 ST 211"'. -21°. 13110 F. 11011 BOCK, INSTRUCTOR ON THE rusq, And Teacher of Vocal Music. DOOM N AND 110IINE. , MVO. 433. Sorry 11311znocrt. despr4 SULTS, • : OTTORJrZIr AT Ldtfr, Vo. 120 Fourlll St.. ontioelte Wilkini HAIL Particutar attention far= 10 the collection or al oeultts. bi - is, notes, de. . Cornet c-dents Now Tort, Ilostm Vbilsdelp`i at Beaver, Bellefonts, teadUis.._ Indistiapolujnd.; Morgantown. -W. VI., Utica, N. t. elAwhere. • _ self :11l JOHN A. STRAIN. . • - • Fa-Officio.. Justice of the Poles apcelit Illi c ;sl.V.T4 114 426fra h Deeds, Bna, idersgaps, B"li t pooltion• and au Lew Rumen - promptness sad dispatch. . . . . JANCET_ NOTAURX • W ,umtl.cs LIP,TUNSTAIIC. AND 'BELL EnTATi *MENU Ofllea. wanes of Uttar and Manor streets, Lawrena. • noettal attention Senotho sad al. of Real Estate, the et din= Real and edam Sit et 41 ES=EEL;E2 DISTACE /010111111 W, • • ALDERMAN . AND `tIiVEYUCER, - T2Penuirralkii Avenue. led al the Mean sett 'mute CM= Meet CHATRAUT T. _ AttorneTat law, Iro. 09 Ilnint litreet, Ilittabargti, egMites. t".l7llllsnr. E. C. Ituespirl ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR Al LAW, No. 89 Granl Streak , pirmurnon, PA. ~1 JOHN Qe McCOMBS, ATTPRNET ALLIL.DIMELLOR At LAW. Fifth. Street. Siirredidoasi ifiduntles, and A-eresrs Ps/ ryotnptllcpltectea. dcalhoe. MERCHANT TAILORS. OLIDAIt SALE. ::INo are tams rlo'g d ritii the nolttiatt. tPeetta Indio:outgo to to apt! Tristan/ to rumba. Boys. Torrws OR Cimiiitwes Oni:WOATB, Call awl tassalne it' dr°. 41. Et. Ciair Str•ef. LO,OAN rummy Ce. BALE MERCHANT TAILOR, Worthiest Comer 4-Penn *lit. Char Sta. Desires to Mora thanks to hts eleads sad the DoIP - . It for thetsuiur Put rarors.Liti4 apt soar Its shire allied: Mare nalroaae.- Hs wool "oloasedto hive Pleat eitunthe bit Large and tarendly telectedinack Fine --Woolen Goods putf.d.ny .daptodul witunn; ITUL, lea felt LO min, PAINTER& J ``u ems, . PAINTED, GM= - AND GLAtigi t firti; - Lira Bt.; Pittsburgh. Plain sad Ornisnatal Elic_l! enerx_daserlpt :meg *Maw Alli'inkf , ll 01)folaink7 1,1%.=°' W I WV I ,I! . I4M. PWIC, ' • <Late of the ens of B toles* leoliatov./ 1100$r.":140 70061 P .A.INTEE" Isorta.east comet *I TII ird sad'atartetirtzeets. PITTALWROU.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers