The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, December 22, 1866, Image 1

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. _
/Waiter Hankers. "%teat liens,.
A iallusblorecorameadation: !Nears. Hail'
man,Heene & Company, - No. 53 Glith street,
has teoeived the following letter Mete George
- Woods. President of the Western University.
We bespeak for it a careful perussl :
MESSER. HOP/VAN, tIOTSC a Co...liegje.
Mein Two years ago, after a earend trial of
ntherlistinutents; I pirckuiseditif you 1 Deck.
or Piano, behoving it to be superior itHifireet,
nem, tbliner, arid-ilehness alone, to any
other Make. 10-}lcciskist was made very re
luctintly as ;had used - Steinway's, and snp
pOsedlt simeirior %all others; but, after. a
trial of twoleslw, I find. my Plano in perfect
ttlue,lo4natvitt!sss tniimr. tuned but caw,
a:4l=omnd by use, and nits:vitt= meeting .
the high expectations I „had when I bonght ft.
lam more than satisfied with the selection
nuide. All who have heard lt,, persons who
have, int`mnch experience in teaching music.'
pronounce U„ in all respects a splendid ;ostru
trient. Respectfully Years,
G201.13i WOODA.
- Pirrearaan, Oct. 23,003. "
mewl. flottcaan, Hoene &Co., have jnet re
ceived a most excellent assortment of Dedk..
nee Pianos, which are on- exhibition at their
range. An . perSOlis desiring I - first • elan la
etenment. ate requested to ealrand.exienitie•
--their stock. _
The 11111seauns of twister:
• Every season of the rear has diseases Mo
ller to It ;and now, when the ground IS cov
ered with the white mantle, incident ton' this
season of the year, croups and colde and Imam.
mania and rheumatism and neuratglas abound.
Those who have weak chestsandrulummary
organs, are mostly the victims of the former;
whilst those whose • respiratory organs are
Strong fall a prey to the latter. Standing on
the street corkers and imbibing moisture into
the feet is almost sure to be followed by a
ehill, and from a - chlll into a cough, which, 11
neglected, fastens on the lungs, - weakening
their power, and you have a terrible disease
which annually sweeps its thousand's to on.
timely graves: ------
There Is a way to all thls—a cough or
cold Is easily remedied—a bottle of Dr. Key.
sees .frebirat Syrup willbften banish it in half
a day. It has done It In more than a hundred
Instances.. We have anoint a cough or cold
coat many 4 myna thousand dollars,and many
another ;man Ids life, whet a seventy.flve
cent bottle of Dr. Kayseri; Pectoral Syrup,
made at.,140 Wood street, would have saved
both; and‘eeldea a great deal of needless
- -
L. • The Hest Known Tonle.
Caswell, Mack & 'Co. , s Combination of Iron,
Phosphorus-and Aralissya, known as Ferro—
Phosphorated Elixir of Calliaya. The iron
restores color to the blood; the Phosphorus
renews wake of the nerve tissue, and the
Calisaya gives a natural, healthful tone to the
digestive organs.: '
One Dint Captains the virtue of one ounce
of Calisaya . and one teaspoonful a grain of
Iron and Phosphorus. Manufactured by
- CasaELL, Moats ✓t Co., New York.
For sale by an druggists.
The now. Sewing Machine,
certainly take the lead of en others in a
short time. was awarded lire premiums
on work, at the World's Pair, 1862; four premi
ums for work and on the ma chine. at the New :
York - State Fair, 1E66. See the Methodist' , of
September . mci. A premium on the machine
at the Ohio State Fair. 1866. See the Dayton
Journal, October lath. The only agency for
ice sale Itzi 'Western Pennsylvania, is at No. t
St. Clair street, Pittsburgh.
At the W0r14.• Fair
In London, ' ISt., the Wheeler & Wilson Sew.
ing:Machie received the highest awartt.-ell
the Machines of Europe and America in corn.
petition. This - award her always been made
wh‘rever exhibited. You Will make no mis
take in ordering one as a holiday gift to wife,
sister or friend. - :' They can be purchased only
at Serener & 27 Fifth street.
Most Bitters.
That are. advertised to act as a tonic, have a
tendency to weaken the . adonmeh; we would,
therefore caution the nubile against Purcha .
sing.any hnt ROBACE.4I/: Whims are really. as
theirimmeindkates, a Sionuich . Bitters. They
should betaken an hour before or two hours
after rues* to give tone, assist digestion and
strengthen the stomaoh.
Splendid' new stock", Just received fr om the
factories of Wm. Enabe at Co., Baines Bros.
and others. Persons In want of a really first
elasfputrumentsse respectfully , invited tonsil
and examine before purchasing elsewhere.
Charlotte/Mune, 43 Fifth' street, second door
ahoy.) Wood street;
DO . NO{ 16M/et
Mother, Father, Sister, - Brother, or your friend
this chrlattass or New _Year. But few days
Yet -reinetlirtuttli these dais are upon na. Buy
:what you want at once, and that at rittock's,
where we can assure all the test treatment
will b tendered. Don't overlook - it. _
r , • Clear Toys, assorted Candles, Raisins, Cur.
rants, i'rune.s, Oranga and Lenion Peel, Can
nod Frulti, etc., etc., as cheap and an good as
at any other house In the twin cities. George
Beaman, No.ll2£ederalstreet,Ellesher.y City.
call is solicited.
Zlintars Intpreved Steve .Damper.
Gives universal satisfaction. For a abort
time, county and State 'righbrean be had at
.figures that will pay the purchaser three
hundred to eight hundred per cent. profit•
Office No. 11 Fifth street.
prlaee t Coos World Itemourmeil Arta.
=tele °await!.
.Every Matrument guaranteed end kepi In
perfeM order, free of charge, for are yearn. '
Charlotte Blume, 43 Fifth street.
- In the country ere those made by. Wm. Knabe
Ifd Co. Far Sale only "by Charlotte Blume, 43
illthstreet, second doorabors Wood. .
Forty thOutand'or Prince a Co's Automatic
Organs and Ida:doom are now in use. For
Mite - only by Cliarlotte Blume, 4
_Filth street.
ettawli,Cloake and Drees Goode, Almost M
ara:Mick bariptiner at the great reduction
sale Of . Barker & Company, "ie.. 31 Market
haveleeliteek Jiiimarir lit,
And mast have It., Reduced Goods are for
sale and will be sold at any price. Opera
house Store.: - .
TIM gam buy
XOtaltaSlLiqaora of all klhdq at Joseph 8.
Ifinotes Distillery, No. 123,19+,123 and 125 /fret
irtreet; Pittsburgh. • -
Bargains In all . '
kinds of dry , goode, at there.
i daetlian sale of Barker & Comnaoy, No. JJ
Market street.: • -
lieve your Pa or brlngyOti eittoclee and
get you bit of Toy, Books, Juveniles and
Oimea. ' - "
IKnabe•a Grtst riarbnillikl Pianos.
Charlotte Blume, 43Flfth street, nolengeut fOr
Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania,
Kre. Bower.,
Kate Fisher, tailly . Thorne, Annie Waite—
UhrflThotoe' of them, at Plttoelec
The great reduction sate of dry good, at Aar•
ker & Co., No. L 9 Market street ' '
• - Be Berieritied
By.thlespirit Of liberality, and visit the great
Opera Bonne Shoe Store.
filleajkihkuiater et:needs and Aboent...
Solna 011 like hot eske., et the . Opera lionie
eh°, Sten,
- Those - Booka,
Grlßlth Gaunt and Sunny Bank, at Plttocks.
. 411 mincs.•• Insligible Photos'
And karloi entertatntnents, at PlUocl's
, Warralllol EM it
very made by Wm. linabe a Co.
105 pet cent. Aletgaol at Joseph K. Finch,/
;TOO vain Rai
Naw .11911 at Jostlpti Plactes.
Ladle's..caciiiinLonl at l'lttock'a
. .
. . •
Flop and louotorsts
Fox Clulatznas,M rl,ttor.kPa.
, , =Mary Desks,
,rte Wat Pltfocir. , - -
-illareeseepes , asdi
Sluts Pampa's.lain,
At Plttook,a:
ti 3 PntOck's
VOLUME .=L---No. 3010.
• - - A Titbit iiiiiteatity; Av. •
Whenthe yellow clay; lies heaped upon the
cold inanimate form that had lived and known
es in She olden wben the heart's
thoughts Wiresererand•Yeenger than •now,
what can be more gratifying than to have a
"eeftlittarfelt • presentment' , et • the lost one
that In gazing we can recall the thousand •
little - Ilicildentalif the' peat
with which the
Memory of the dead are linked. When the
parfaits of life divide friends and seas roll be.
tween them; what can soothe the yearning
heart Ilk* a representatlon.orthe absent, so
lifelike that for the moment we are almost
/ad to belleye are with the deur one again.
Tim plitee:to procure such tvplolure Is at the
famous - photograph gallery of R. L. U. MOM.
Stiaair street, where alt work is War:
ranted to give satisfaction, everything being
execided- in the highest style of in. Strati.
gem in the city cannot pass a pleasanter af•
tenuain than can be spent in Dobbs , exhibi..l
non roome,where the trans are literally caw
ered by gems ofartistie creation. Remember
the place, et- St. Clair Street. Admission free.
Attends to all kinds of gas, water and steam
fixing. lie has long been recogniZed as the
most skilful! mechanic in tlis line of busbies,
in the city. Ills stock consists of woodaml
Iron pumps, hydrant', sinks, bath t übS,basin a,
chandeliers, oil burners, gas pendants, brack
ets, de., do., Di large audof a substantial char
acter, and can be sold at less titan the present
schedule prices of Eastern manufacturers.
City and country wort of any description at.
tended to by careful and competent median telt
under the supervision of the proprietor.
At the • Continental Dining Saloon, on Fifth
street, under Miner's and next door to the
Post Office, hundreds'of persons dully partake
of the tiptop locals only gotten up by that
most famous - of caterers, Mr. lioltzholmen
Re is constantly receiving game the rarest,
vegetables tho finest, pastry the best and ova..
tens most toothsorao. Ills bill of tare ally u
not surpaased by that of any hotel In tlio city,
while his:prleinara very reasonable and mod.
BMW. Mealli and Oysters are served
at anY
hour of the dip up till one o'clock lathe night.
And Flannels, great bargains In these, at
the redaction sale of Barker r Cempany,lica
39 Market street. •
At wholesale, everything a bargain, At the re
duction fate of Barker & Company, No. al
Market street,. -
The Greatest Value for Tour Hooey
And the beet Goode are now to be had at the
Opera Boma Shoe Store. • -
Bast Guilts in the City, -
Only 90 cents, mold nt the Opera, House Shoe
Store, No. 60 Filth Streit. ' '
NINWAY Thattlth Actual! Moldy
Lem than cost, at the Open, house shoe Stoke.
• GreaS Closing OM Si%le
'At the I/pent/louse Shoe Store: •
INTausea's Superior Gime we t'enis
Opera House Shoe Store.
JlLllSomala tCo.t
...It the Opera Hones Shoe. Store.
Ransom* Arrival of Stephens in Dub-
Ila—Tbe . Otere Murder—Moro nthlefty
.irattllft—Enplfesloa of dos worts-The
; Yacht Ilan& ,
lirwTouir., Dee. 21.—The Fentans here assert
'that, Stephens has arrived In Dubltu.
The ease of Vitae, ehental 'with compholty
In the Otero murder In Brooklyn, was giVen to
the jury today. 'Vale
. was acquittal.
An Illicit whist/ u seized at
Rempstead,Long island, yesterday. which btu
been in operation over • year. Ibe whisky
was sent to the city In barrels. smuggled Into
loads of hay..
Mr. Devlin luta been re.arrested on a charge
of fraud on the revenue, and held
the sum of twoo,ooo by the United States Court.
The gas works at Astoria, Long Wand. et.
ploded this morning through some defect in
the tanks, and shattered the eastern portiOn
of the. building. There was no portent in that
section of the works at the time or else the
lies of We Might have been !serious.
The steamer St-Lauren . t, which arrived from
Brest yesterday, brought the • largest cargo
ever shipped from France to this country.
The Ship American Congre-es, Motu London.
reports that on the 15th of December.lM m Iles
castor George's Bank. ebe saw a email schoon
er, supposed. to be over of the yachts from
New Ica, hove to under balance reefed main
mils, heeding to the eastward. the time It
was blowing a beautiful gale -term
and since has had strong west and north% est
The mercury marked Mar above zero, titan
early hour - this — mornrog. The weather has
beau colderelsewhere. At FMI:IO4MM M the
northern part of New Hampshire, one of the
c ddestplaces In the United States, the Met ,
curythis morning 'touched twenty-nine de
grees below zero. At New haven at ten. the
temperature ABS TOUT degrees below.
The Leon brides to span Broadway . at lb, in
tersection with Fulton street, to relieve that
narrow anterowded t horeehhfare, is niariy
completed and will be la position by Feb.
Affairs Is L.xlKtoe—The C Uwe
InaleasemS et AlDirs—A, CoW[re■.looal
GemsJUN of levestilistion Called/Few
Sr. Loris, Decentbergt.—A letter On the 14-
publican gives statements la regard to affalri•
at Lexington. They- recount some twenty
outrages said to'have been committed by Col
onel Montgomery 'a mllltk, including the rob-.
!dog of the United States Express Lompanv,
the attemPted.rohbery of the Famine' Bank.
making wholesale arrests of citizens, and mt.
tablishing and m alatabaing a reign of terror.
A. number of the leading citizens of 81.
Louis' have :meet. President Johnson a state
ment of the condition of affairs in Mis.ouri;
going back 10 last. year and embracing recent
events, with a request to lay It before Con
gress and ask for a Committee to investigate
matteretia this State. • •
The United States CoMmiseloner in this city
has Issued warrants for the arrest of Colonel
Montgomery, Dr. Cooley, ex-Sheriff Adamson,
and four other men In - Lettington. The war--
rants are issued under the Civil IlightsElll
and Unlted•States Marginal Wallace has gone
to •Lexington ter execute them. The parties
will be brought- here for examination. •
The Democrat' this morning announced the
destruction of the Once of the .11144anr1 Free
man, In Richmond, Day county, by tb e• :Bad
Aimee/ of Cu Agent of the i'reednieu'e
Ourean—Hie Forcible netenteng C.O.
Treepe.7.Nurder of an °Meer of the
GAtvstroN r . Dem 2l.—Captain. Craig. of the
Ultima states .Army,•and Assistant Coriimia•
stoner Of Freedinen,..who was imprisoned at
Seguin on a civil process has been released
force, after three days imprisonment, by a
detachment oft he 45th' and 4th Regular Cav
alry, commanded by Captain Slant marching
from San Antonio.. Craig is now discharging
his duties, gnarded by Lieutenant nutheriand
and sixteen men of the 17th
Captain Sloan, Aalletant Commissioner of
the Bureau at Itillicon, oracially reports the
murder of captain Richards, late of the 12th
Cavalry:bp his partner in planting, and calls
urgently for troops and protection.
The Congresslona] Committee will com.
meneWtheir lowesttgattotte tomorrow, at the
Str. , Lonis-itotel. Thep expect to complete
'their work to two werkii.
' Aj-hee.e-ge atinges
nr " r r ..d riPs. nse irTh °r ile sr7r — lore Irresied
mind i sehrE"
Missrms. PM. to'Sio
03PeCtitOPI.".e- s York
ter Mtn/Mums to tankeloanc*l
for the Beate.
t r ihe W A ' W aue al to con o w
' ofo wee
he man . VW> wre fut s au , a w ir k
tot Sca m tam. when he shot , her cd.Rwr
tto r tgr ie i r. Wok. -Walton wu
the Immo county. JiMlet Prtoe who Irea
resort for killing n negro hie been ninebailte l i
Thereupon he wee arrested for Amon en
rape one negro woman sad ageln discharg ed:
-',.- '..-.,: -,,. . 1 .:,_ ..
i 1 ,
. .
-, './._ 1 . . j ) I
, ,
T. T. Ewen'. do. 16 Wood Street
A Delfelons Meal
Dry Goodos-_
Mr. Bigelow's Departure from Paris.
Amicable Relations Between the Pope
and Victor Emanuel.
The War of the Turks on the
Christians of Candia.
•Mg (1 Cble.)
• rAIUS, Dee. 21.-1 r. u—The banouct to )tin
later Bigelow, yesterday, was a brilliant; again
'Nothing - of a pollttcal nature trningnred. yfr
Bigelow returned thanks for the cotnpli went,
In taking farewell of the k'renen
/dr. Kellogg being present tit the banquet,
remarked that the Jaen Gen.
would havoc° thorax quosti tins to settle. ,
It Li believed LLxL the Won to ro•urguul<c
the army will ha zuodllied on account al Its
Dr inaN, Dec. 21.—Nuurt —JO:Mit:3 Or arms
urefmuottlous coutlikue throughout Ireland.
The Fenian warlike spirit appears to be dying
out.. Vigorous - measures to put do wu reales.
Inui continue.
Box; Dec. 91. 7t is said that the sposeh of
the lilng at Opening of the Italian Per'la
ment, has greatly pleased the rope.
31. Tonnelles, the new Amb ssador from the
fallen Government, has had his first confer
ence with Cardinal_ Antorteill and the pro
gress towards 40 arrangement of all matters
at Usue was working well.
Rowe Is quiet, The Italian 2i4tlthial tone•
=Mee hare issued au appeal to the people in
Which they leculcato caution aealu.4l disor
Lus DON. December lq.---Viton.--Consols arm
at to. .1.20'N, 7.2%• .
Illinois Central, Tat Erie, 0.
Lon Don, Dee. 21.—Soon—Console opened at
t 2 Illinois Central, Erie, 4.8 ; VAX , 72 .
.I.lnsced oil qUotal at a stillilnglower. Petro
lerim unchanged.: • -
LIVERPOOL, Der. 2/ —Ere' cotton
market closes steady at the Taloa noted at
norm today. The sales amounted to 10,Oto
hatgs. The breadstuff's market is unchanged,
Mired Western Corn le still quoted at Sit,
The Petroleum market remains steady at pre
- rates. /he market for Tallow is firmer
with a slight advance In prices.
NUNN:IE3I , M, Dec._l.ening—Trade at
Manchester CORM:Meta good and price,. for cot
ton and yarn manufactnren are steady. • .
Losaot. Dec. Ul.—Ecening—Thr tireadstiors
market is stria. The money market continues
easy. Consols clO3O. at ''.o) for moiler. The
market for American secnrities closed steady
at the following official Apollo U. .s.c-tos 71!,;
Erie, tat Illinois Central,
[Ey Simmer CO of Washington.l
.1.07..1 , 0!. ' December 5..—A Constantinople dis
patch of the 4th eat that the silence 01 the
official papers of that city upon the war in
Dandle has tad people to doubt the pactilta
lion of the Island. The struggle is thought to
have begun anew between the Veceto.os and
Tarim, triasmneb as the Turkish government
is constantly sending troops and ammunition
that direction.
The United States and EGlPliilt oaring inter
fered in behalf of the Candlan prisoners, who
had been condemned to be shot in a ,outsell of
war.tbeir sentences, It is hoped, will he com
muted and a full pardon granted by the Sul-
Ltsaoa, Decembei 4.—The Amerlean moni
tor .11tnalsImmah, at ancbrir In Dm Myer
Team', will lea,e In a few days for Cape
north:la. This ',tome' to attactlog s great deal
of'sttentlon, and is visited daily by large
. .
Arsess, December 3.—Tbe Greek Cabinet
Las sent a note to the Enrobean Government,
Alrectlng their attention to the stroeltlea coax•
matted by the Turks In the bland 01 Camas..
December 2.—Notrlthmtandl ug the
resistance of the Municipality oft tonna, to
the admlealon of Jesuits into that city, the
government has decided that a house belong.
ing to the State, ehonld be placed nt their di•-
posal, to be 01100 an a public college,
The ortiolat papers or. V tenna. say that tits
situation of the .Austrisn Volunteer. in Merl.
co, has caused so much anxiety among tae.
Austrian, people, that the Catdrat of Vienna
Is now - entering • into arrangements with
Prance, for tarrying the Austrian Legion to
.Earope, 'An mime velem!, l'tench troop..
Such Is the cruelty practised by the Ileslenn
guerrillas upon aria Austrian Legion, that the
calkers and soldiers of that corp s bare mol.
.eutesly sworn to shoot steel' other, rather than
Ruder themselves to be captured.
Manhat Ilazatne Boported to Have
sent for Juarez.
Expects to Join Juarez at Monterey.
Ci ALFFTOS, DUCellll,lr reported that
Marshal Ilasaine loot sent for Juarot to con.
fer with him.
llon.,Lewls D. Campbell, United States Min
ister to. Mexico, :lofted . here to-day on the
Stoat:tier liltsekblrd, direct from Matamoros,
and salted irumoliatelY on the steamer meta
gonla for New Orleans, to confer with Use-
Grail Sherman and Sheridan and the authnrl
tlee at Washington., Mr. Campbell reporix
Mexican affairs on the border do a very unset
tled condition.
N ew Outxsas, Dec.. 21.—Alinitner • Cautpbcil
will probably reach New Orleans on Sunday
morning. lien. Sherman aid Minister Camp
bell will undoubtedly both proceed north on
the Susquehanna, utter an exchange of die
patches with the Washington government.
C.:MAUSTON. Dec. 2.—The-escape of ortego
from survelliance,at Brownsville, has created
much excitement, mid would complicate af
fairs on the frontier.
G ALVESTON, December 21.-311,1[14er Camp.
bell and bla secretary, Mr. Plum were at
Matamoras on the 17th, but expecte d to leave
soon for Monterey to meet Juarez.
On the Elth Catlett"' end Cortina.' left Mats
metes for Monterey.
Escobedo loft on the lett', and before going
be issued a decree deducing null and void all
laws and 'leering made under_tbo so-mined
Empire. Tills includes the anti or Carvalal
and (Jonah's. This entails e rent losses on the
merchants, who bad been 'forced to sol Vance
Immense SEW of money to, both chic nal n
'lt' is credited here theton tile 17th Eamtlea
pronounced against .1 itares. at d In rarer of
Ortego, and that the Oovernmont of Tampico
has clone the same. I
A warier has arrived with the newa that
the Imperialism had evsonated San tuts P. 7
tool, VD WI was at PECS oosilnled by the I,lh
It Is also currently reported toddglit that
Gamic.' and Cortina attacked and cantered
taeobodo. l
Ortega will enter MeirlcOltin 'lave.
NeI.ZII_SII. DOCan2bor West
'moral Sher
man will!nay° tor the West ui•morrow.
The latest froth ilrownsvllle 'says that ills,
later Campbell has gone to Mn, ter'.y, anti will
fiVialt there tho coming of .lnarez.
;L :zent in es te rau l a t i t u ri, n : t u ah r i ie F e w sohn o ly4e . e r e f l or W e r .
New Clairsas, December 21.—The Inveitt•
gating'Committee's Secretary has been In
structed to obtalp from Mayor Monroe the .
nanies of the parties holding positions
In liew (Weans bystopelar,,,eieetion. or by op.
poMmont. of the. Mayor Jhly. and Amine
Witend p o oottice of too then pollee terra of
the city, both regular and astray and the
mayor is respeeDally real:tested by the Corn
snittee'to glee each aid In the premises *4
will enable them PS nbtain the information
Gen. Grant's Course in Ordering
Troops to Missouri.
The Continued Evasion of the
Tax on Whisky.
The Abuse of the Negro Appren
tice By4tem.
The Tariff Qnetion in the Senate
Elba, lib°.
Fawwwwrn!rmtermurnimmirmarn Southern
senators new here express great Indignation
at the memorial of the Southern loyalist.
puhllnhid 0119 murnlng, and before leaving
for thelrhomos will reply to the charges made
therel i n against the , muthern people.
Thera wavy a eablaut meeting tOl‘lay at WI
Walta IIOUBa.
aliasVa IN Malarial. •
It is understood that the Members of Con
tpess from 30 issouri aro satisfied about the ads
position of United Slates troops in that Mato,
and have withdrawn their opposition to the
policy or Gen. Grant tis the premises.
It is stated that General Grant has ordered
troops into Missouri as a mere precautionery
measure, in view of threatened difllcultles,
fore,hadowed by the State Eitel:dire. Gor.
Fletcher telegraphed Senator Ilenderwan that
Grant was sending rotted Mates soldiers Into
Slissouri, and this action -,alarmed Fletcher to
such an extent as torah from him a protest.
Senators tionder,on and Brown bud an inter
view with the President On the subject, and.
time explanations of General Grant's ranee
went, were entirely satisfactory to them.
SANTA ANY,. SID sacantrser
The correspondence between *ants Anna
and 31e. tiewaxd Das 'Wen printed: It presents
'no new teat nice tamer than the bormal decla
ration of the Secretary of state that this Goys
erninent declined to herein:racial Comm unite
with any Mexican excepting the representa
tive of the Inertia corez-zummi,..
Csitemissioner Newton yesterday decided in
the case of Boone A Co., charged with the B.
licit distillation of whisky. under thu name
of borniag Mild. They thereby evaded the
internal revenue tax, Rod ho ordered they be
held to await the action of the Grand Jury:
The ball was increased to .7a,900.
John Devlin, cbai-ged as debtor to the Vat;
ted StateVln We sum Of 0 4 9 0 400 aces and Del.
antes inenrielf - by 'alleged violations of tee
revenue laws, was beld In default of 0)0,000
The President gave au audience yester.ll”
to Senator Roberta, of TeXpa, on the subject
of a treaty proposed to be made with the Ca
=niche Indian., During the war. Senator
itobe;rto stated the frontier was well protected.
as 14 law all persons hying on the frontier
were exempt from military duty. Ilany re
sorted to the frontier to escape military see.
rice, but when the war ceased theta men re
turned home, sad since then the frontier of
Texas, for many mile!, has been the scene of
horrors, of the most revolting character. Out
roges are lteing perpetrated .bY the wild Co
manches, anti to arrest this the President has
referred the whole matter to the Indian Bu
reau with a slew to tp early treaty with these
Indiana. The Governot of Texas uteltho the
request to le allowed to part lcipate In the ne
gotiation, that he may iutpretatthis tribe with
the fact that Texas is a punt *of the Cnited
States, a fact the tantaneltes have never:teem
ed to realize.
Tut ranter QCVTION;
The Tariff ithsstion 14 now fairly before the
Senate Finance Committee, which will hold
dolly sessions upon the anbject. the Penn.
eylvsusla tree internals, as 'also. the yepreeen.
halves of the wool growers of the West, are
loud In their expression.. of thoapproval of
tilt tariff project of Commissioner Wells.
Mr. humour ha/married his point, and Mr.
Wade has found a impossible to secure the
adralpoon of Sebraska with the olmoslous
word "white" in her State Constitution. It Is
probable a compromise may be effected, and
that the State may he admitted with a prom-
Ise that the legislature will erase the word
white from the Constltiglon. This will make
all men equal before too law and ut the ballot
The SenatOre eleet.front liebraska arc con.
Baera that they will take their *tote In Janu
7115 NEOIIO arriwayier
Thu Freedman's Bureau bas reccivedit cons
munleation from Culvert county, Narylund,
stating that a colored man 115/41.1(id John Lox,
hue been Indicted by the Grand Jury for har
boring his own children, who had been bound,
but were released to him by andge liond, of
Baltimore. The &chimp Grim( hi the case are
that John waa summontailicfore the Orphans'
Court early In lsriVfor tiie purpose of having
Lis ohildren apprenticed, which ha raineed to
do, Le being able to tune care of them himself.
With this the Court wax ratiatied. The wile
of John wax formerly a slave of Dr. James
Luke, but a abort lime afterwards Duke had
John and his wife again summoned before the
COurt. The father still refused to have his
children bound, but notwithstanding this
the Court, Jt is alleged, APPreillbited them to
Dr. Duke against the consent of the father.
Lox appealed to the Criminal Court of
Ealtimore, and the children were brought be
fore Judge Bond on a writ of habeas corpus.
Ito ordered that they lie delivered to their
father. Duke then wont before the Grand
Jury and bail him Indicted for enticing his
children from their master,. Ito was held to
buil for his appearance at the next term of
A pommunipallop Dos else been received
lime the Superintendent aL.Annapobe.
-lit LI int: that auVeral similar easekto the above
have (weaned In Mot
nnother of such Cd/101 woro before J edge
Bond, lu !Milliner° a. few dill!+ ago, who M.
turned tho children to their patents{ but the
Order cif the court wio obeyed to but one case
only, and attachments hay° been " issued
against the others. • '
In one case Judge Magruder decided that
tho writ of his court took preccilenco of pro.
cecillegn a the . prititimil The Super
intanlent says the present state of the law is
very perplexing. l should Pe decided whether
replevin will bold in these mums. Ito children
are safo unless they are rem - oval from the
county- Several oases now unhand have been
delayed by the counsel for the toaster, but arc
now grad for a al go the r7th•luet.
Petitions from the adored people, for there
in:me of their children, era daily being sent
to the Assistant Coamisslener, as they smart
tho belief that the (loners' -Useably, which
meets on the drat of •4gly lt will agiaate so as
to make those adentureslegal.
The Senate Firmnee Committee had a meet.
Ipg At the Capitol to -lay to rvmmenoa the
Crinaldoration of this tariff question, and will
Vall daily sessions during the recess.
tar. Guthrie, a member of the Committee, is
detained at home by indisposition. This
Committee has before It the bill passed by the
• use of Ilepresentatives on the loth of July
lest by a rote of 96 yes Co at nays, thirty-flue
Prot voting. it also has before It the draft of a
bill proposed by Ur. Wells, Special Commis-
Blanes of the Treasury Department, as an
amendment to tEe House bill. This [and,
ptipared by Mr. Wells, is understoood to be a
revenue tariff, giving protection to the Indus
try of the country by admittiing, as far LO
pOessible, raw materials free, or with a light
duty, and taxing more heavily the manufac
tured fabric.
Elpiaker Colfax has gone North to deliver
nia lecture embracing his reminiscences of
his journey from the Atlantic to the Pacific. t
Since Congress has voted to allow the color,
ed people the right of suffrage great interest
is felt In the result of the election in George
town, which Is . to take place en the fourth
Monday of February nekt, for a Mayor and
eleven memberi of the Board of Common
Connell. If the suffrage bill passed by Con
pMsa beet:lmes a law, the colored cltirene, of
Atom there to a large proportion there. will
u • ve considerable influence.
Ville Most of the Senators anti itepresenta
t es hate gone home, or taken an excursion
&it the . holidays, a number of the working
Oen in the lending committees have remain
ed here for tile purpose of preparing business
tot the reassembling of Congress.
ple reeelptd from internal Revenue to-.laly
vrtre }:;00,71,7.•
Lion. lAiwin td. etanton, Socretarrbt War,
returned to the city last evening, aroi, wee at
h tuoroing, whore he WWI visited
bye:large number or,
Xf.F persons Laic Uo audience Wilk the
Psystden t this morning. . •
15, Cabinet meeting was hold at 12 o'clock and
tljp session continued for some , time. All the
members present. The consultation was not
of long duration. -41
usual, WnEr Cabinet ,lay, the Executive
IClnsion was tree from visitors, except those
Who had special appointments with the Presi
;a-Governor Letcher has held a consulta-
Man with the President and Attorney General
klekbarry about the ease of Dr. Watson, now
being tried before a Military Commission in
Etehmond, Va., charged with killing a negro
la Dock.bridge county. After being ditcher.
zed by the civil authorities ho was arrested by
the military.
Tito Election In .1f ornda—Aosoosoro Who
Won't be tiolllallned—hhlpplow of
Node to New Work via Ratan.—lntro
-- Quenon of thlsooo Laborero—Dsrlh.
quake at Marrameato
11.tx - Feaxvykrn Dec. I,l.—fi l cled returns of
ttta Nevada election strre Ltbdsdell, for Gor•
ornor, 1.01.43, and Ahlaley, for Congreeo, 5.:4 ma
i/nits. `.
Fifteen Aenetiore have been Indicted for
making returnv to Avery, Aeseveor, Instead of
artier. tines in each note were lived at flh teen
hundred clonal..
Tile money market grows easier ; Orr t mass
paper discounted at 1 per cent.
One Monsand Garrets of superior Lour will
hermit rfa Panama to Neu York.
. -
Gant - not licCormick, of Arizona,came here
at .the respttest of the citizens of that Terri
-10%7 to aid to suppress Indian troublcs.
Negotiations are pernilng for the Introdue.
ebb front China of a large force of laborers
for the Atlantic and Pacific Railroad.
_ .
at. the special election In Idaho on the llth.
Prescott, Dem, was elected a member of the
Aasandsl3 ,
Alliona Legislature .has petitioned
Congress to repeal the • law giving rebuts
comsty to Nevada. •
There was a shock of an earthquake at Sac
ramento this morning.
The gale last night Is said to have been the
ear erect In fifteen yenta It done considerable
damage to the shipping wharves.
- Wheat w unchanged; the stock here and
TORS blpritniinlnoyriti. to seven hundred thou
sand sacks, The estimated quantity pct to
cornets hve hundred thousand sacks. Choice
lots of shinning grade wool sold at fifteen
refill per pound.
ha Attempt to Bob tbe hooey Karon
of Adorn.' Express—Death of a Clergy.
mass—An Important Non Deeldect—
The Weather.
llosrom ' December YL—An attempt is, cup.
posed to have been toad, for throe or four.
slays stnee to rob the money wagon of Adams ,
Express Company. it was followed for se,
oral nights, by three men, on Its way bOtIVOCIL
the railroad depot and the Express; (Mire.
The suspicious action of the men Canstsl the
striver to call a policeman, who arrested two
of them. The other ran away. - Tire two ar
rested bad a quantity of red popper In their
pockets, sibleti, It to haltered, they intended
to threw Into too eyes of the striver, at n con
venient opportuity.
Rev. Dr. Albro. of Cambridge, who was seiz
ed with atfeetlon of the heart while preaching
in West Itozbery, On Sunday last, died yes
terdaY afterD. n “
In 'the ease of. Jia. 11. Male, of. Boston,
against Beck 11. Stuart t Co., of Philadelphia,
for breach of contracts to furolsh a quantity of
cottou thread, WAS tried Jo the Superior Court.
The Jury this morning returned a verdict for
the plaintiff for sl4,Stt damages.
At the Listuhridge observatory at if o'clock -
Dile Downing the memory was If; deg. below
zero; in Dorchcater 10 deg. below zero, and in
otlier places In the vicinity of Itoston from 3
to d deg. below zero; at , Worcester the mercury
was n deg. below zero.
Commielloa of • Madden at Nweetsborg
—1l• 1. Nentemeed to be Manx Febru
ary Fifteenth—Another Trial Cont.
SWEETAntlint,, December 11.—The Judge
pronounced the 4ente ace of death on Madden,
to be hung rebruitry vith. The urlsoner
betrayed Ito emotion, except n sneering
. .
After he was removed. the trial of smith
proceeded, with a similar evidence given in-
Bladdens ease, Mr. Devlin left the ease in the
Judges hands without addressing the Jury.
The Judao ehannal the jays, who were locked
up for the night, .
The Court adlourued until tc•morrOW morn
Jacob Abbey, whOmwe have Mentioned us
being cordined in the lock-tip, laboring under
%severe attack of telaati(l4l.pb(ll, was removed
on Thursday evening to the home of his Minl
ly In Allegheny. fie was still suffering vio
lently at the time of his removal.
Andrew 31eGu try, the other case of mime: in
the lock-up, is still there, and is but very little
if any better. Ile Is under medical treatment,
but it P 0154.4.141 of such a dread of being poi
soned that It is only with Monticost ditioulty
that he can be induced to take medicine. in
stead of seeing snake* and rate, Ito secs a mar
darer in every person who approaches
Ulm. in his ter:or he crawls Under the
bench of his -cell and stows himself In
all sorts of tousled places of gegurity.
Officer Gnat , to n yesterday. thinking that
there might ho in tile possession somethlug
which Ho Wield use to protect bimself agitig*
Imaginary assailants, umde an examination
yesterday. kicGuffy reshlteil stonily gad as
serted time and again that be bad only Plliff
of tobacco in his .packet. oxen:Motion
proceeded, however, and in the pocket of tile
coat the °Meer found a largo clasp knife with
the fern:Muhl° looking Made neon and ready
for use. It was cond.ate:l. The nu fortunato
man resides in Collimbiana county, Ohio,
where he has a family living. lie Is snit to
occupy a vorysymPectaldo position qt
Promo Mro Maly
One nundrod and ten dollars for au extra
finlab, full case, rosewood, Inlaid with Henri{
ehi for an extra tin hal; Gape, mahogany;
160 for a black walnut. improved Finkle
Lyon; also Weed easing Machines. etitehel
alike on both skies, best use, always ready
to do Its ;eerie, hits bnon in übe s for ten years,
and giveasatialsetion in all cases. They will
run two years without cleaning,' and' will do
all kinds of family sewing and tailoring.
using thread from No. 20 up to No. I 30; will run
over crams without breaking needles or skip
ping stitches{ will sew from the quest gali4e
to the heaviest cloth Of leatlike without
ellarigq.di feed needle Or tension{ it not super
ior to any machine in the market. can return
it.--the cheapest machine by. or ) per cent, In
use—warranted lour yearn. See adVerase
went In another column. it, li., a gent ,
iv, Grata street,
Ge to Nevtioilitszdt• Tor holiday preheats
or every deleriPLlCM—dress Boodkt WOOTyn
Lucia, shoes, gaiters said every thing
Rummy kept In general inerebandigo
Prices teu than eastern aunties; rates. yhe
lumbers 55 and 57 V I II?: 0 1 5
.5 1 / 4 a re bto , fu to
very busy .:
MinerN Greet Book Stare
.'Fite greatest diMeuity, next to the want of
money wherewith to buy, is to decide where
to purchase among the many beautiful stores
filled with choice objects that one desires at
this season.
From time Immemorial, books have been re
garded as the moat appropriate class of Holi
day (lifts. The first idea that strikes us Is
that the book should be useful, but It has be
come as essential that beauty of torm and
inthufacthre should accompany the utilitail
an. And of all the Improvements of the age'
nothing strikes us with more aniszembnt
than the wondrous perfection attainedby
book makers In adorning the printed p age
and clothing it with superb covering. To look
at the vast collection now on exhibition and
sale at kill Miner's; to saunter through the
unignlficens salesroom and only casually
glance at the !immense collection of the rarest
and costliest works there displayed forces
ono to the conclusion that it has required ex
traordinary genius to Invent these innumera
ble styles, all rich In conception, exquisitely
tasteful In design and superbly beautifill, ye
of such infinite variety that the gazer become
bewildered among the countless claims upon
his attention. Having found out WHIM!: to
purchase, the difficulty now Ls bow to choose
among BO many rare things, ail equally chat
hinging the fullestaziessure of one's admira
Mr. Miner's Great Book Emporium is a 'place
of note to visit, even If one does not wish to
purchase. It Is one of the great sights of the
city, that every stranger might feel glad to
have seen while in the city. We doubt if
there ls a more splendid establishment of its
kind in the largest cities of the Union. Num
bers of the large Publishing houses East have
small stores in comparison with that of Mr.;
Mittel - Jai this city. One hundred and twenty
feet In depth of clear salesroom. thirty feet!
in width, tilled with costly cases and tables:
groaning beneath the weight of the rarest,
specimens of book art—this we say, is a
splendid sight, and worth coming to town to ,
Looking over this vast collection a few of,
the most natanie"specimens of printing, orns,
mental binding and elegant Illustration at:
treated our attention more especially, and we
hare siguify them in u general way.
English BMWs, a rare assortment, •
Shakespeare in the ILO,t costly garb,
Maute's Inform., illustrated by U. Dore,
Lou Quixote '
Stricklaud'nQueous of England
Maroon and Martyrs of Notable Men,
Favorite English Poems of Modern Times,
Pen and Pencil Pictures front the l'oets,
Three Kings of Orient,
The Christian Armour, -
trying's tiketeb. Book,
Flowers of the Altar,
Pictures of Society.
A Honed of Lays, •
American C.) elopsdia, •
Cl, amt., s'
Waverly Novels, many different editions,
Cooper's Novels.,
Dickens' Work. '
• 31acauley's England,
Byron's Works,
Burns' Works,
Iloore's Works,
De Qtoncey's Works,
liubver's Works,
Mood's Works,
t'oe's Poetical Works,
Gems from the Poets,
The ltook of Gems, 1
Book of 'tables,
Roses and llolly,
lomat Pictures,
social Contrasts,
The Tweptydhird Psalm.
We only single out these because, during
visit of a tew minutes they Rere especially
tipnented to our eye, ln such rare style of
work, that we regarded even the oldest of
them as new works. New indeed, In thegran
dear of their babUlmenta
! It is a perpetual delight to wanderfrom
table to table among the Treasures of this vast
F-stabllehruent, and it the crowds of fellow
, isttors do not remind no to make room, we
could forgot our very presence and spend days
In tilts great library of the city.
Let no one fall to see this collection. oven If
the ability to pi:debase Is not as groat as would
be alcalrable, yet see It, by oil means! and
wonder at tine spectrcle.
Fitle■ a lien's, 20 Fifth StreCl
We yesterday looked through the finely se.
lected and admirably kept stOelk of fresh and
fashionable dry goods now - found la store I!
Bates t. Itellhi well known establishment, No.
ilFifth Street. We pald particular attention
to the silk department which is not by any
means the least attractive or less important
branch of the large and steadily increasing
patronage of thishouse. The display is truly
elegant, embracing the richest and most bean.
Ursa patterns and colors, while the materials
vary in quality. Nothing could he more ap
propriate as a gift to wife, cousin, mother, sis
ter or sweet-heart, than one of those rich'
stand alone silk dress patterns. The cloak
and shawl departments also present tine ap
pearances, being filled with all the fashiona
ble foreign styles of cloaks, sacques, coats,
lonc, broclia, square, blanket, and h i ghland
shawls which are warranted to be of the
hest quality imported. The stock of dotcestic
woolen shawls is also quite large and will
prove quite attractive to the purchasing la
dies'. Tile dress goods, materials for boys
clothing, flannels, plaid goods, tic., Ac., which
will lie found in the main salesroom, are of the
finest and mcpd serviceable qualities. The
firm have their goods marked at as reasonable
rates as can be obtained elsewhere in the city,
and o e cheerfully commend this house to the
patronage of oar lady friends.
We would call the attention of our renders
to the advertising columns of J. 1/. ltamaley,
Nos. =4 and - :;:ti Liberty street. Mr. liamaley
is closing out his stock of goods preparatory
to removing his place of business, and is dm
posing of everything at the most reasonable
terms, less than cost In fact, for the goOds
must , certainly be sold. Two thousand over
coats are comprised in the stock, embracing
over one hundred different styles, each style
being adapted to 501011 peculiar wants widen ,
can:inane., Everybody, rich or poor, young
or old, fashionable or. plain can tind a gar
ment nerepant stilted, to their want,. Nor do
overcoats eumpriseall the goods offered.
?dearly everthlng in the way of clothing and
gentlemen's furnishing goods, are here to be
obtained and at the lowest figures, as well as
In the best styles. Monlr torget the placer
Nos.:Zit and Ma Liberty street, opposite
and when you have found the place don't neg
lect to call.
Rook, nod
In the search for holliday gifts, one of the
most pleasant and profitable places to stop
at, Is the book amid news depot of James 11.
Aiken, Chronicle building. One cannot go
stales here in tee endeavor to And valuable,
appropriate and acceptable presents. Mr.
Alken.a stock of hooks, is unusually large and
choice, comprising volumes In all styles, and
nutted to all tastes. In addition to books, the
selection of beautiful engravings and photo
gMpttli Is very fine. A large number of bean.
tlful and desirable obJeas of virtu, areFdICI
dm..loped. See advertisement in another
ettenett.--Onr _readers 'who attended
the reading last night of alr...Alf..llurnett. the
'greatest of American elocutionists, were rich.
ly rewarded. He has greatly Improved sines
bin last readings -here, Dna last night was
roundly applauded by the immense audience
present. tiles Nash, 1118 niece and assistant,
Is an artiste of no Ordinary abilities, and won
golden praise troth all who heard her recite
t lona last evening. To.nlgiat Mr, Burnett gives
Ills closing entertalnment at klaxonlo Ball,
and doubtless an immense audience will be to
attendance. We coop atulitte the rckbilo Ham
elin Library 41110C/141QII Upoo the ample-tons
and flattering opening of their first lecture
Far lltillday Pre eents,e,lolin W. Pittock,
opposite the Poet °Moe, Fifth street, has lai c{
en entre:tons arid well assorted atocit of
pholee holiday books, 'eugravings, albums and
fancy articles, which he will Olariose of VI ins
customers at WS usually reszonable prices. .
We know of no Vette; place to select a pres
ent than at liittock.s. Old and young may ha
suited there, qs never before bas Uteri) been in
rittebiargh a larger stock of an equally at
tractive character 9puned than that found
nd‘v at _rlttOck!s. tall in and see for your.
Itollroad Arrlueiss.—Xesterday mortatia
the rate.enger tratn, duo hero attune o'clock,
met wltll net accident which delayed Its entry
tritothe city some seven hoors. It appears
that just after the train loft Cadlz JUnetlon„
the ukle of the dm car broke and the follow
log three pasaellger cars were thrown tram
the track aver ao embankment some fifteen
goy. acme et the passengers wereAdtthtly
rolsed, but no person was severely Injured.
Tile escape Of all Irma dinar' was trolly won•
de fhl, • .
Closing Ont.—The great stale - of .
niece goods for mon and • boys' wear to
at tonna atldeClelland'Sile 0101Ing out now at
Mines touch less than recent auction rates be
the East. ltemeraber Nonfarm, Nos. 5.1 and 57
Fifth street, where ciao will' be found a full
and yerled assortment of boots, shoos and
gaiters of every atrleaud description, which
are likewise offered at ruinously cheap prices.
Ps u*. it kik , * AiOno-40i instantly
plating all - ankles o fpper, brass or (lora=
BillTra Para S li ver, where worn off, and
far Own, g and polishing sliver or slicer-
Platt* a. IP arrantea to oontaia no snick.
Oh* pr &ma; or any - inlartoma article. For
V" 'bra. SainPlo, Allegheny. and all drag
MI. del&if
_ inteop 800k..-Tae pine* to hay %Lao
books, Bibles, aibuoia, Pratt'se, te„ at
about bait prieesila at sale, Meg w gln't
Auction Vootiot,
Clergymen's Expressions
While It Is undeniable that "opinions" are as
plenty as blackhrrtea. and can he had for the
mere asking, yet when such-men as Revs: 13.
Lea, J. Idpkillan, Dr. Van Densen, J. Easton,
eta, etc., accord their unqualified approba-
Maims, we must assume that they but express
their honest conyletlons, based upon a per
sonal and thorough investigation and that
they are prompted to the publication of the
same by the desire to benefit their fellow-men
to the full extent Of their Influence:
"Your of my parishoners with myself, being
musically inclined, purchased during the hot.
idays five Steinway Pianos, from Messrs. Me-
Bro. We are delighted with tone, finish
and terms, and wish each pleasures were
greatly multiplied in our attractive borough.
R. Lis.
"Lawnwircevirzz, January 16,15f. 6 ."
"The Steinway Plano wonderfully combines
sweetness of tone with greakpower, and as an
accompaniment to the human voice, we think
it can scarcely be surpassed.
E. license,
"Principal of 13hdraville Seminary."
"The Piano or Steinway's make X purchased
from you eve years ago is all you represent,
and we like it better the longer:We have it.
Its tone Is not in the least Impaired, and no
one can detebt in It any of those eld tin ket
tle or tin pen sounds so common in Many Pl
anes after they have been used a feW Sean. •
alcifitiss." •
Rev. John Easton, who for some time has
used a Steinway Plano In his family, speaks
thus of their superiority, in an editerlal of his
paper, the t:nited PreJbyterian:
"Raving bad one of Steinway's Celebrated
Pianos in use for some time; we Had it gives
full satisfaction to the ladies who use It, and,
of course, regard this asa firat•elaas reoom
'emulation. We believe SC to be unsurpassed
In richness, purity and eweetnose or tone, and
will not disappoint those Who wish to supply
themselves with a first 'rate Instrument.
Messrs. I:Leber itt: Wood street, are
the agents in this cit - for the Steinway Pi
anos, and they have just laid in a splendid
stock of them for the holidays."
The splendid' Mock of some fifty Steinway
Pianos laid in by Messrs. lileber Brother,P.ll
Wood street, has already sensibly diminished
by sales of instruments, mostly intended for
holiday presents, fourteen "Steinways" hay
-log id the - last ten days 'nein sold for that pr.e.
pose, and those who contemplate to gladden
the hearts of the household by the presenta
tion of that most coveted of all gifts, a "Stella
way Piano," had better make early applica
tion,. if they desire to h .1 , 14 a choloe, for, if
sales continue as they began, there wilt not be
enough Pianos left In Warerooms by
New Y ear •s to afford purchasersmuch of a se
U. Kursita & BICOTIIIIII 1 Wood street, Sole
Agents for g telnwars Plano:* and Carliartts
Silver Tongns Parlor Organs.
Sim sing Boots Sind Shams-3 nat the thing
for skating—to be obtained at cheap prices at
the auetton house boot and shoe headquarters
and general merchandise salesrooms of T. A.
McClelland, Nos. 55 and 57 Fifth street. •
Keep Your Peet Warsic—To do so effec
tually you ehouid . purchase the substantial
boots, shoat and gaiters suitable for winter
wear stow offered at the cheap auction sales
rooms, Not. 35 and 57 Fifth street.
The *Uwe to select your warm country
blankets Ls at McClelland's Auction House;
where also will be found a large stock of boots,
shoes and gaiters. Nos. 5i and 57 Fifth street.
Pittsburgh Leeturer.—ltev. L 1. Marks,
formerly of tills city, is announced to deliver
a ledture at Neumann, under the *minim of
the Young hien's Christian Association.
Boots. Shoe* sad Mitten, of every
style and description, sold at auction rates, at
headquarters, Nos. a and 5: Filth Beset, T.
♦. McClellan d&
Chrtatoam atermon.—lter. Alex. Clark will
preach to-morrow a Christmas sermon at his.
Church, the Methodist Prelegant, on Fifth
City and suburban Intelligence
on Fourth Page.
RICHAMIMIN—EOIIItSOI4.—no Thunday, the
:loth Inst.. by Par. A. t.loMoon, Mr. T. J. MI , II-
AltlisON to 311s= MOLLIE ROBINSON. an of Toll,.
peraaeern le, Allegheny coantv. Pa.
A R r C . HIBMIADs.— n Tbwalyß ADLeDmber :A at
n , eel from the reeldence of H. Riddle. Greens
boro !toad. at 10 o'clock SATCRUAY .11fOnxixo. De
cember =4.
GITTINILW—On Frio:6).l4th Inst., of leJorles re
ceived to cost =loess; Askslowa. /owe. Mr. MEV.
GITTINUI, of Temperascevllle. Is the :Mitt s..ra
his ape.
• The toners' will take place from tha residence of
hie mother-la-law, Mary 4. Leak; eteubravills
Pike, at; o'clock- ea SUNDAY. December tl. The
friends of the flashy are respectfully Invited to ak
CHAPIIAN.—tIn Friday evs ulag s . Deceenber
as ocloek. ALICE I/ -CHAP-VAN
daughter of Joseph W. and Jane (Shainststts Med
grass and 3 month,.
Yuneral horn her fathers residence on Franklin
alley. time Taylor's OTOIIIIO, Allegheny City, TO
vOnnoW. (Sunday.) Dec. Tid, at 10 o'clock, to pro
ceed to ILuldAte Cemetery. The triends of the
Mall, are remedially invited to attend.
hIUNHLLL—Cra Friday A a'aloet
Mrs. istA.r.N MUNIULL.L., •ICapt. ManilaU.
la the thirtieth yeatof her age. ,
That:ahem! will take place from the residence of
bee husband, No. et Marlon street, To- kOsaair
tees day) at halt poet one o.oloak r. x. f3erilees at
It. Taal's Cathadesl at two o'clock, Friends of the
family are !belted to Mead.
glees services mill be held by the First
ChriFtian Clinic!. of Allegheny, at 3 o•clock r. sr„
Bn SonesY• In the house of the Sandusky Street
aptist Church. In consequence of then. of Ex
celsior ball • the tans! moraine or evening sonless
will be postponed. del=
.a.m. beautiful .41.14-acrs,ll lb. largest suburban
plate of sepulchre. ezrePt euil, la MIS emmity, MS
listed on New liriglasur Tad. immediately mini ot
Al Drug ore l t e,gar For: Mal: : a pu intl i tt
a rg
glieny City.
N 0.164 .11torth Po. 00771145 al
W moo., caor.M.VZlaserodsagnatioa
of In Ira Wawa tornastoo. 000po
ozoOto &voila" I.
W 1,747747earV..
W. Jacobus. MD.. 21 /taff. 41014.
lOW. C.a.
Na 198 Smithfield St, eel% 7th,
Matrastas froisßnestailSlonwt.)
Am) In ammeter: nee=
RT. WlnTr. & CO., • • ,
liassesster. Wood , * Bas sad stelstb.
Owner et Illtateld lad Mastless streets.,
Fl•ary. ass/ Caniaires fornlabod.
CLICUR TUE Da.trenr,
211Tcsvir Xis lircraar CT/Lari.cper.
irrATE rotrimr stair= FOR RAZE.
Bend stamp for circular. or esti au
de?hvis No. 11 711th Streit, Plttabips.
. —llll/11,3316
Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry
No. 51411 ISBN= STIONIT.
w /21- o.. Part a tel ts tar .i sitea ji ttele ' ,nuT idTed .
va le
t llepedrin ..3. l .
ed 45
Prikdkal MWtm:=urs;
Gal.aat oils. at PIIHNITIISi toastaMiTe; Tan
des 6 Wylie 84, 3d doorfta 51b.
139tnethIng nlee for • Hollow, 'Present. made ex
preealy to Our order. by One Or the beat ...11JklittI•C-
Lurev , In Europe, tiooranted to be perfett.
Mite Keepers from $lB to $25,
AT • .
Great Closing Out Sale
334 and 33 Liberty Street,
401ipPainite 1N7•14.3•23.0.
We warrant our Goods equal In
every respect to the beat Custom
Get the Gett—her Al ways GUT* Hatt*
Every week, Dr. Qainoy A. Scott 13 called
upon to insert Artificial Teeth in cases where
other dentists have fried, been paid, and forted,
and in every cafe hie work gives entire setts.
faction. He is quite an artist in his tin :of
business, and has merely to examine a case
know how to articelato the teeth . an that they
will present a handsome and natural appear
ante, and will masticate the food thorougldy.
His prices are tower than Chose nny dentist
in the city, andbe will guarantee his work to be
superior. So it would better for any of our
raiders who are in want of teeth, to call upon
the Dr. In. the first place, and thereby save
their time and money. We would also assure
those persons who are suffering with diseased
andansightly teeth that they can have theta
extractedtathotit anstpain ahatever, by calling
upon_ Dr. Scott. He his extracted for over ten
Shottound persons within the last seven years.
and among this large number there is not ins
ewe m which his process has preyed injurious.
On the contrary, he can refer to numbers of
his patients who claim to have been benefited
in renewed. health. He extracts numbers dai
ly by , the. new "Elligolene or Vapor• process.
and gives pure -Laughing Gas to those who
desire it, Without charge.' He' makes- mu
charge for extracting when artificial teeth era
ordered, and gives a full set on Vulcanise,
with . beautiful grime, for eight dollars.
member his number, HI Penn street third
door above Hand. •
Christmas Gifts.
Guns (ma, the Poets,
Songs of neven,
J.:epubllesn Court.
Ileners Hymn.,.
GIR Book.
Poetical Works,
tit Indent Work..
Eng Web Bola•
. .
rhOtogralllt. Ibums,
Autograph Album•,
Patent Hinge Altmm•,
Photograph Caro•,
Prang• Card,.,
Bap Que,
- Chet.
Children'. Games,
A B C..Dlocka.;
uovto Blrwka
, rtoteett Caida,
Writing Pests.
Wort lin x eg.
L‘dles , Cotnpanion%
;en Itemen•• CoMPinionoo
eeeu Bozem.
Toy Book .
• Chi' dren's
hlndregarten Meeks.
, . rustle Blocks
Popsy - len,
Tou esti Cal , s*
- Tatle& BoxeS:
Vesta runts.
Wire Pons(
. „
I ...rtm.nak..
Wkll.-tt s _
socket Rook&
Btu ktookp,
colieottoo Bin•km,
rokoz,tor. , Books,
. .
Gold Peas a nal . l . o". •
Inatio for Ladle.,
•• Matey Isis en l,
e. for Misses.
- elute, for Fops,
• Stales for the )Illllon
Presents for theNoanx.
Presen.s for the Old,
Presents for the Ittsses,
Presents far the Lads,
Presents for the Babies,
Chinese Lantern.. Chthese Lent , ns,
Per Christmas Trees. For.Gluistmas Trees.
Was Candle., Wax Candles.
• Small
of email rags.
All the above, with hundreds of other ankles
solt•tar for Holiday cuL be obtained at -
Opposite the Post Onlee, Pittibsirsh, Ps.
Gas and Steam Fitters,
• lame: assortment of
Chandeliers and 13rackets,Lead
Pipe, Pw4i, ShePt Lead, &cn
AzirAza orr agisv.
16$ Wood Street, near Sixth.
- wecoit -
Ens +Nods Wend WORE BOWLS, just /*octet,
-and eem be sold etteart: one good 0= V'ING litgLY
one 1000 Wuftli MARE. 10anotte4.,to ibe 0000
and good workers. Call a/
000 Ylratitteet neat 10mm/stela ibist%
Viayer Books
Payer Krl,.