- !Pill. lA.. IVILTEURPrz 9 I flanker and Broker. IS Wood St.. near corner of >! IM. ell deserrpttorui linersovet Bands bunght. and sold on terms. London and Continental SZCltange 11101 d at Stew York rates. Gold. Silver and Coupons bought at tl i rates. and Gold Drafts Issued on. Net Ta'lfrat FINANCE ,&1/13 TRADE• Cremes es nil Ihreastratin Gamma, e I Macomber 84, lee& I The „New York stock quotation* today, as reported by .Itobineon, .11feClean a Coe were as follows t Gold, l3s3,,Olrat;;;Elght9.one bonds, lU%i Five Twenties, Old, 107%; Five Twenties. 'O5, ION; Five TwenUese,neer,lt&%; Ten-Forties, leoya Seven Thirties, gist second; and third issues; 1054. lakiligart Southern It. It., 82; Cleveland '2l; burgh, 84; Pitteburgh, 'Fort Wayne & T Chi- atgo, :05%; Chicago a Mock Island, 1041; Erie, Mailroad, 13w; Cblcago and North Western It. 1t. r 63)44.c0 preferred, 71i,4. —The reports from Washington, all point ing towards the belief that Congress will In no material way interfere with the currency avegtioni have a reassuring effect on the pub- Ito- mind, - and tend towards Produ cin g a greater activity, and a more buoyant feeling -In .mercantile circles general/T. The Ways, and Means Committee, it is rePorted, Hoye resolved to introduce no f inancial measures, except finch as bear upon the tax billiantli after after the holidays. With respect to tho Boutwell gold bill they have not yut came to any dmiaito conclnsten,the dielleuity of agree . tag to it as a whole - being the diversity of opinion as to the amqunt of gold which shall be pelt In the treasury. -.There is now a better and more cheerful feeling in monetary circles, and the temente of financial publicity are beginning to be ex. perlenCed, especially in the case of the Na tional banks; which have In some instances yielded to the allurementscf inflation for ille gitimate profits. These the press, in polar. mance of Its duties, has exposed, and the eon sequence is a cleaner record this week, as Is shown by the New York Bank statement. The clearing house statement proves that the greenback_ reserve has increased three mil - lions; so that the majority of our banks which have - previously been strong In greenbacks . are, stronger than before, while the weaker few have been brought almost all of them quite up to the minimum standardexacted by the taw. —The alarming symptoms of the threaten ing financial malady which were enierlytalked of connected - themselves with a falling off in the reserve, and It was pointed nut again and again, that several of the New York city • banks which hail the largest connections with the banks of the .Interior were rapidly losing their greenbacks, so that their money reserve fell below the 3 per cent demanded by the law. Bad the evils then thus Indicated as ex.. Sating sonseithere—elther among the city banks or the country hanks or both—teen al-. lowed to go on It is their nature to augment in force and virulence, and the result might have been a panic such- al ,we have seen brought on repeatedly by similar expansion and mismanagement In ISSS, in 1056, and in later years. Bat the evil was checked in its very beginning, The exposure made of the depleted reserve, and of the violation alike of the banking law, of the conditions of Unan elatsafety, and of the high trust and inviola bi, obligations which bankers owe to society, Dave pronueed daring the last week , note.- worthy results —Phila. Prent — . nosiness throughout the city is generally dell, though in the retell way trade lamming ing up, owing to the approach Of the holidays. At the banks there a illtledolng. The money . market co.d.innes close, and in some quarters tt In reported quite stringent. There is Jess fresh paper Offering, bet the inquiry in the way of renewals a steadily increasing. The drain of currency shows very few Signs of abatement. Th - shipments eastward show a falling off, bet this Is compensated fur in a great- measure by checking of-the interior banks, which are drawing down their balance in order to move the Bog crop. The rates of .11,count are unchanged—the regular nous., still pursuing* very alscrintlnatluz policy. —Chicago Traturrie . —The receipts o nternal revenue on Satur day were *SILOS . Becelretl since . , Jane 30, WA, 11.157,701,001 I The aggregate for this 118- eat year Is estimated at 15:0.000,000,Add to these figures the receipts from customs and --other sources, and the entire revenue of the Government for the year will probably reach the enormous sum , of 15.50,000,000. . CENTRAL LIVE-SIVICK 'MARKET 011105 01 THS.PITTIIIMLOR GJAIITTZI, THI:11180/1.T. December 'X, 18ta. There has again boons toad shipping de mand. for cattle all the week thus far, and with light arrivals; a 'limited supply, and more favorable advises' trout -tile east, the market has titled Ilrmitnd all kinds of cattle. excepting; the very meanest of t'acalawaza," commanded a slight advauace. The Aalea In the aggregate, were not as large as last week. but all the good 4ittle were picked up raw filly, and Dist. toe, at the advance above , • • .. • ;Air-ite, there are but few, t o 'alts pens unsold. The iirredatace of buyers WWI Let ger than minal,Philadolphi being largely repreeented, and -shippers, gen erally, !tonight' with more freedom. It befog apparent' to ecerybod, about the _yards that Lie demand was conaiderably in excess of the As will he seen by reference to the. . report of salts, the highest figure .reported as 7:1 , „ and but one drove at that, *image we are cognizant 0(8 cents Maytag been offered end refuse.l for another drove of good cattle. liedinm grades of cattle may be fairly quoted at tiv, to t 4; good to prime at 7to 714, and ex tra at Sets. • The market for Hogs has been aettve this week, the Sales beteg large In the attgregsm, • but com par“d will, last week, prices have de clined from 4 to of scent per pcnnd.' The decline is owing to very large &revels, the pens being -full to overflowing, and besides, prices ruled a shade lower In the east. On Monday and Tuesday sales were madS• pretty , freely at 014 to 6%--0. P. Clarkersold: am, es: tra.' hunch: to g 3 to Heading. averaging 35 tbs .at 7, but even Olen Una was an Outside ligure. To-day, however, the bulk of th e sales lime , at to 6,10--Glichretst & to. bought ace head of good fat shipping tint at G - to CV, and we understood Crouse, Emeiltk Co. paid 6,55 for a lot of extra. The sales. daring the, week have been very large in the aggregate, insett ing "probably 12,000 "to 15,00) head, of which number our packers too". about two thousand bead, and the balance were" shipped mainly" to Philadelphia and New . York. -Upon the whole, the market was, regarded as a very hard one by holders, man) of whom-paid al: most as much 111 the' West`as they realized here. The following named packers have been boylisg: liarbaugh &Co., Myens & , The market for Sheep was• winch better this . , week won it has been forseveral weeks past, I and with an improved demand, and a very limited 313 P9 1 YeArima have advanced mate tidily. liesserreports navlng bought eight carloads, at prices ranging from 4. , .; toe eta gross-last week the ben Sheep did . not com mons above 45: Vol. Jas. Childs sold Koenig., a Celt' head of extra Wayne Co., Ohio, sheep • averaging 116 'be, at 65i. W. a. Smith sold : name buyer, 160 head of extra Penna. sheep, averaging 125 the, at 6,60--the best lot of Sheep that hae been offered at these yarns for a Imig time. Col. Clinton gold same buyer 500 bead of very common Indiana Sheep at 3!4 Hood tat mutton Sheep may be (Ailey quo aid at 51.4 to 6 cte, against 4% to 6, last week. ErrOstTED LULEA Or CATTLE YOE TR E W DEE ILNI.. LEG DEO. 00, 1866. KnowLs to Smith .13 bead, weigh lug i i e lr,, at gi garnet° same, 17 head, weighing 19,610 he 655. Morse to Maynea a Co. ld heed, weigh- Ing 40.3.50, at kW. Ward to Batton 20 head, weighing AESO, at 5%, - - null to Dullfcy /5 head, weighing 16,725, at 51,3". Smith & Co. to idayries a Co. `X head, weighing 19,475, at---.:Johnston to bedder wick 18 head, weighing W,250, at 8. McKee to Burnt. 19 head, weighing 23,075,at G. Pierce to Martin 20, weighing 49,025, at 5%. goldsmith to Dingier tu head, Weighing Ile 75, at O. Huff to Todd o)head, weighing GL -700, at 555. Miller 1p Ibizrone 10 lie .d. weigh. , jag 10,150. at C. McClean to Ruff 20, weighing , ~,,,4 930. at o,‘„ tf %thews to Moses 31, we: i tching 40,350, at G. Kim to Muff la, weighi ng ii i 1.75, et "e% . Fratui to /iamb° in had, weigh egizi,. 450 at 5 lie legion to Klement; 13 head, we ig hi ng L 650,a . Keys to Grey ie, 36 bead. weighing 46... 5 150. 0 p. L. Kruin to Keys 36 bead, weighing ziki,2.6, on p. t. Gibson to have at, lorolguip w 3.1,715 E p. L. UOLtdllithl to Kelle • y 10, w e i gh t big 9, 401, at 6. . SAE. ere to McGarvey 16 head. weighing 17,- ehn . e t 2%. Itothelillds to. Crawfordlo head, weighliagill,lo o , at5N. Sanders to ilictiarrey .16 head, weighing 21,230, at. 6%, liedichilds to Anil 12- heita, weighing -2 FM; llt . 6 ling to ily man 22 head, 19.775.1 d Or 4 440 - 0 63-3100716 3 , is head, weiging 1M,250; at it' Gratin= to Strayer a Co. IS head, weighing, 19,625, at 6'.,i - Pollock to 160.5.r.11e_16 head, welithilig Lii.57 5 . at 61.4. Millar to PESICOEIL Iti ileti, weighing 16,675, at &3. Anil" to'Mooney : 16 .•eall. weighing 17,975, at 6. Dicliertion to g..ntague a Co. 19 head, • weighing 10,050, Stewart to.itathaway a C 0.67 head, weighing 78,650, at 610 . Misirmine to lideardle 19 head, wemb10g17,675 at 5%. dull tO2DalreV a CO. ,15 Mad. weighing 15,725, at.5%,' Anil to Mooney 10 head, weighing 10,175, at 9%. Lorenz to e mita 53 henit, weighing 45,275, at 5% . , Stewart a un, to Dil ler 17 head,, , _ weighing 19465,- . at Ste art & Co. to Unrichburg 19 head, weigh ing 19,025. at el. blithir to Owen Smith 73 Otani fa Irleh 'steers, averaging about 1i23..0 0 . 3 , - Maier to John - Smiut:64-Mail-oifti-eattli, averaging 125 ° , at N' Muff to 31ontagur di Co. 19 head at. 5i4.--31. Johnston to iioEtaftle a Co. ill head fairish steers averaglng , law; ni fPS per head. Millarto Se idgo3s !PM,' ' tvann.ging 1100. at ftli. hillier Mr John Smith & to. 13 heed, averaging 1275, , itiefilarae to samei, Is head, at an average , of 5%. , , . . _ ~. ..,.., . . . Few 'York Outle Blairket. Tons,-7December 20. , -1160,Tha rivals at Bergin, WV* CoUrtueuseve% Ihus far amount Without ;We bead, Meludmir tome UTatlitlt l gnrlielialtir tt i i g:gltiet , itgl day, are withousalueb alteration though the feeling Is geridowy-,Thver,i - mrbiaducrito,k. sot as high ai lialtlitst; - but taadluttS, stock ranges sot atelrelMl6clsktaelness llgh tax. cop' far Christmas' Abet, which brings as high as Iletto ;or rboop. sad ;suably ; but the • range, ootronotki to, Taft 411 :414U; 43defNe. Switte--Tho 111.1010:; , Is &toe/Ma Nu liKttp oz. Inane figure t-daY. • - • - satisoure imarkst. DAL TrUtlrtDeceinber T.—Flour aril. Grain . Galva. lied wheat, 10,161t,8= Oatn, ten. Ides Toth 5, dOJI at ~ .35, 0dr0n. wuhqty donne 1 . 0,3,40;33, goes h554243ed PITISBUktqII,,MALLKETES. Oman or wax Farrow:mon °alarm TnerhstraT.• December 20, 1503, . The MAMMA markets are steady and mode. rately &Atte, thosiga' there is. still plenty of room for Improm%33oo: . The inquiry for most, of the leading coMMOditles .13 restricted mainly to supplying the Irtitnediate wants of the lobbing trade, and. COnseViently, we have but few ground lot 'Operations to report. _ The. Operations In lingo have been ,heavy during the week, both packers and shippers buying pretty freely, but under the Influence of In mot.; neatly heavy receipts prices Sr., front Ito I per poun lower .:LoWer. Flour and Goon the volume of business Is light, but prices are I well Maintained. • GROCERIES—There' is a fair lobbing mend Inc Groceries, while. cornrarl last Week, Prices ble change. Rio Correa quote al. c so ,. 48 takip. for prime, and VI torcbco, . e n i f y have. uniter,gurte_emf-i7Mtar: ley ; for - Crn.hetit 154 "8i'410:144 for Ez....1. , c 1!_/± 1 int'srooll Cuba; 1 . 4 to t a r co Syrup; rang and e ail to 1 t 3% for prime to , ou,„,,te ...re Young klyson Teas I .only lnr I : :" r tn.c ,rap b o n a " Ve ' re . it and lusperlaidll,Z BP t . $1 '. 4 ,1 itolong, 75 to CAI tojt i l l t; - _ - _whegt is quiet, but held pretty fi ,j 3 t AC_ fOrILICr quotations. Oats shade . fi r mer anita little Mere active but unchanged —sale of I car at.so—small sales at 53 DIM. Ityo Is quoted at $1,53 to ;LW. Barley Is dull, and too unsettled to quote correctly. Ear torn In setting In store at SO to 85. FLOrk—lroquiet trot firm, and prices are well maintained. queurat all to 411,60 tor, low! ti to de Spring Whttat ; $l2 to 1112,25 me good c Mee; $l3 $l4 for Winter Wheat. and to 7 for runcy.brands: Rye. Flour Is quoted at pB/. Buckwheat Min better supply and a shade weaker; may he quoted at $4% to $ 4 14, ie Milk-and $l% to ileS. ht APPLES--titetely with a detnan,l fu'ly-ep to the supply, and the - market may be quoted firm at $3 to $3.50 per bid. The supply of choice Apples 15 very light In this market at present. POTATOES—Con Hurts quiet and a little dull but unchanged. Prime Peach Blows are Cull ing In store At—DIAL per bush, and $3 per barrel. , SEEDE—Flasinsed Is to 'demand at x 2,80 to $1.55, and but little offering. There is not enough doing In Clover or Timothy Seeds-to establish quotations. SORGIAL ll—Continues dull but unchanged; small sales 01 good to strictly prime at Ze BUTTElt—Continues .to meet with .an , demand, anti prime 8011, in bile and half ibis, sells reaully at 33 would bring more, dbubtless, 10 small pack. ages'. EGGS-Dull, though, holders do not seem disposed to make any further concessions, with the holidays near at hand. We continue to quote fresh packed a" 33 to 34. • ` BAY—There lea steady demand tor baled, and we can report a hale of 15 tons baled at $341. Loose Hay remains about as last quo. twL CHEESE—Centimes dull, though prices ale nominally nnehanced. DRIED FRUIT-Is quiet and unchanged— small sates at 10 to lie tor Apples, and Is to for Peaches—quarters and halves. MILL FEED—Is In very light supply, and Sells in a regular way at fiill erices. PITT BUWiII rziritulx.vs. MARKET Ostrims os viita Pvrratirrang Gating, Timm/AT. December te, 1958. CRUDE—The market continues dull and weakAhough prices are nominally unchanged at 8 to on the spot, bulk and'harrels turned, and 14 to DS, packages included, and these :nay be regarded! asit e extremes of the market. The arrivals continue very light, being confined entirely to small lots coming in by rail tram iimith's Ferry, as the Alle gheny river,altlionah nut exactly frozen over. Is, to ail intents and purposes closed to nav- Ittation. We have no late a dvises Irom Oil elty, but there has been nothing do rause any improvement, and Should the river remain in its present condition for any length of time, nil will certainly touch a very low point at the wells, and will finally cut down the pro duction. REFINED—There are no new features in the market for bonded oil worthy of special. notice. The demand contmnea very light.' both for present and future delivery:Men:eh it ls also true that there is but very little oil offering. refiners scent - Ong Inclined to hold off and wait for a lurther reaction—a stronger market and better prices. We can report bbls for December delivery in Philadelphia, at in,• and 500, same delivery, at :5 Free 01l Odell but unchanged—it to 45 eta, tor good staudard brands in fifty and one hundred bar rel- lots.. • A B.U.t l'ALi—Tbe following lotu of oil rrr Woo to-clay by rull !ruin Ferry:Job: tun A ruble. SS; C. N. 11); A. B. hull, b—tout. 130. atsuziErs IST TLLEGIZAPLI New 'Work Flonoclitt Mitterx. Sew Foltz, Dec. 20.—Mouoyo steady at SW?. Sterling quiet at Gold less active cad lower, opening at 136..);t: and elo,lng at 1.1t,t,.. Uovetnutents lower and very quiet. T werti3 one thousand bushels corn 3!•4@;d to Liver pool. Stocks heavy. -Northwestern Prefer: eil lalt; Toledo ?XS; Wnlmsh WeAtern 43.,p Fort Wayne Erie 72 3 ;; Michigan Comet Michigan southern Illinois Control Sertp 17; Cleveland and Pitt"burgli 063 j; Alton-told T,...,,, H a sten; \'+ w Tot Contrai HO.; Puente ilatl GB: Westcrn Union trn Firc-tv. euty Lou . ports of '62., 7y., do of 'rd. S . • There is no change. In the Money market and call loans at 6 per run:. on steer, enlister ale, and 5 per cent. on Government illAcounts, ere dull at 6'4i57 Der cunt. fir - prime paper. The gold mark - et oleatel up al 151-;‘,71313,, utter at The decline lu the Bank of England raw of interest, and the coihe coma rlse in Amer can securities in Loudon, the increaaing supply 'Of cotton Mils; are Catiaell at pre-Cut Of the demeagt,,,,.: ' In at cue time iliac the "'pa, but Inch tot the [as dull and heavy. ai_lo:64 ter The Goverrimmi loretzu Prime tanker+• •• . . ,ti day bills, end 110 for Ana I arealnt swcaritles 01 may Inseol gold, andun also lower- •The followlng wet, lbanitwina. Pricta: Bea, reatnered 0;4. 104 1 .,d 1064.4.; in o,lpn n s of 'O4, 10:01014: doormen of al. 105%4010: it do woad. 1 0.1(6 0 „Vii/til..;. Thn Stook,m4rket was: heavy. and waver ut the lust open Board. bet - steady afterwards at the reline.] nuotallOn. Tat following were the clonng quotation. at 4 P. 54.: New 1 orig. 'Central, 1093id11elit Erie. 7244e7t1. , : lebbran• Central, is..Li tMwhtpan.runnuern, 150 . 44 e64i; North We-dert4:414.4i5t0t, , ... W. prm roton-. .7aa; Western Ireton Telogroph, 44-34104.3 The mining , share,. sere nosirrately actlro and Slowly at afternoon Board. Ch leave nariet . Cuicazio, Dec. 01.--Sloney eloAea gem. at la. E.xcluutge Cant, Flonvtalettre; liratlY held. It lirelgimi Advanced 243 e; elop/ at 1/1.03 for regular; No.daoltlut log grra: 'Corn dull and declined /tills; No. 1. at 77j11371G0i No. 2,, at 7,5cr,17, closing algal. Oats dull; No.:, at.t2 YA M. Mess Pork firmer and advanced Nice Lard dull and heavy, at lttic: buyers offer 114 c for prime. Green Ideate more active; ehouldern, at .td.sl;e. ['reseed and litail A htereil Mugs, at agntie. About 9.000 blue Mess Port: change I hands. at 1117.7.5610.M1, nearly-all at the ontaide figure. There to a good packing and fair Atilmitng de mand for dressed hogs. at 1352.30 higher titan „ItesturdaYt sales at ge,2MgL closing at !MS Mr good-average. and *win for henry lots. ;tee calcites no to noon today were 9.000. Live 110110 arm and truotant, under brisk packing de mand, advanced 15¢11,5e per.loo ponntle; nate; at 115,:Cien for ordinary to good havY me hOgv. 31,..kw York Produce Market. Nay; Yone, Dec. ie.—Cotton, 35. ff ael4c. dull and lOc lower; State and Western. $0 3•@ 13,90; ft. 1f.0.,,112,91@4113. Wheat lest net lye and geSel lower, at let 23 for common .1tf0.2 tills wanketr, and it 05@ t for No. 3 do. Corn 2f 30 lower, at 0,1001,13 for 31leed Western, class Mg at .1,10 In More. tfata slid 10 lo•er. Port decidedly lower, at 113@ 13.37 for tUfd, closing at Iho hitter for ease, c.p) Mso for New, azuksl7ol7,3o tor Prime. Beef heavy. • Cut'Mesta quiet. at 070100 lot himul• dory, and 10@ Ito for Ifsms. Dressed ll•nts steadier, at 3!•4410Ne. Lard lower, at I i!i4 l2 :!i• Whislcy and :Vetruleuna dull. Code° dim. = Sr. Louis, December M.—Toltucco dull and unchanged. Cotton firm, nt 31c. Einar firm; single extra higher; superfine, tel extra, 100,73011,0 M doublet to. el'f,oie/Le s • Wheat quiet, "and nothitig doing; strictly prime VA*. Corn inactive and unsettled, at SligriXte for new, and I3lffti7ti for. Did. Oats dullwl d raster. at 70075 e. rrovlelons easier. flees Pork. yli,Zockn,oo. flacon—tilear sides loose. at bilge; shoulders, lite. Lard unchang ed. Whisky•drm, at $:.,25. Hogs heavy anti lower, at o,tiStiern,f.S. New Orleans Market. OnLEANS. Dee. te.:—CoDon plowly ; Yule of 4,Z.00 Dales of low mild ling. :Nf3.e, in Ids dllripott ; receipts.4.llS; exports 3,550 bales, Sugar; fair at 01,43. Aloiniews In fair demand; prime, at GOc: ebolre, rillfk67,'4l. Flour. sueorlluc, riertlue, at 011.50; "extra. et 411.11@15. 'Corn lower at 4101,05. Ray dull, at 40.6617. York - , at " bacon, Malt brelnees; shoulders, at 1•4, 7 4 e; olden. at 11', 4 iadro. " Lart dull, at 121 f, @EU. . Whisky, at $2,40 • Tobacco; medium 1.-a(, at Vale: fair, at aleall (Odd, at 135. Sterling, at 147. New loric Exchange dl-- count. Nashellle3farket. "NADEIVILLO, Dec..W.—The Caton market Opened uctree and continued VP until almut P.... When the - demand tell Mir; sales of CO bales at . 40:11.1e, the principal part at lesser fleurec; 'Nixed, gad , 1413 bales. tarn, SI.OU for tlfor White, arriving Ireely. ViON, O O. tes,loc, The Flour market is eu pPIIC4; Sak 00 s at 611(05,.' . Lonlwviite narNe• • - Lotslara.r.x, December w.—Tobaceo—Sales, .631lida; Priew dcolilY." Sapodilla flonr, 5 950 . 'iLCul 'winter wheat, OA. Ned corn, on the eee,Sletsbolled,7oc. Oat. Cu% 'Cotto—noles, Di bake; low. ailddltrig, /logs dull, at, I.lunati Market. . CINC27NATI, Decemuer Oriehacgad. .‘thlsky and u,?l iet mud hogs dad and. Irregular, elo-de, 1 , 1 1 ( V,,WV 1 . eelpts 11.,030.1 . 0rk fllff,SO for best bulk a; avid szeon. made dull. Lard thin, at i t ,' Dolt; .71%. •.* Philadelphia Market. '.Pilitatau.rutA, December J.—Flour him; $1t,(0613,60 Jur Ohio. _ wooat in fair demand .at - ;at ailleaneet - Southern- white, $3.804/13,0. -corn . In.‘.derdnurf."6l,olel, o for ne...}eitow, 11,09 for old. Oats, We. 24ovi Park, 622,60; • •' • Bcrpresa-; Deeetnuer tu.-;W heat held tor No. apt IngdPgDett4di 'NO, t.r.44542.td. Corn, 04. h. 64 39: 1Wh1eY,; . .14 03 .. 41 6 ; No. I tali , rag ) ._ • • l sr, Plarhet. . Dammam , 30 Flour dull. Wheat an 11d.W41. 03 . Dona 'Polk, $17.50. Dressed FlOgs,ll6;ls37,ts4dividi. g; 8;90. _ _ _ Aroledo Market. ;• ' Tott ON December go -rsl , ,brat lower; Ainbor "" . r.ils: Corn—old, 84o;-/No.iiierr-.1go, - iirtreed NECCOIaitiIIIES FOII IL'llll II IN TER ...VT a stint COOK 11Sti II TUVE awl 0 ! ,.1p l t t r Ali r dVit i l a TIVA ' & O a # PittlltieTi.., p. i ,,,...7 l .Useztis for CookivsOyißr a. 2 m 4 O F = rol Va . : guel - . W.7. b il'li_l,. w t oz'o. 'NO. PIO Wont_ Street. all c.... OIDSV dead: .. - . • ' e 9 PITTSBURGH ROPE WORKS• - - MARSHALL,' FHILM & WILLMAN, - - O h ly ..ILLonfoolurire in the We. of HEAVY COR-DAGE rotanle for • caam and fa. ILAWSER LAID OIL WELL ROPE. Tared Ropcs for Coat Railroads, HEMP OAKUM AND PACKING, ed:LasINO CUTION: Wareboaer. 111 and ltti Water Street, EC=E= I=l "RIVER NEWS The river Continues to recede slowly with scant five feet in thr channel last evening. There has been a"rernarkable change in the weather since Wednesday. Ou Wednesday, afterfroon and nveiung ft was Warm,abil there waseverytinpearanee Or rain, while yester day was almost as Vold a day as we have had this winter, and we snail not be surprised to And ooneldoraldo floating ice in the. Allegheny River again to:flay. . • There has not been •a single arrival electi on. heft report,and the Bayard, for Parkere burg, Was the only departure': The W. F. Cur tis got off for Cincinnati on Wednesday night, leasing about one hundred bons of metal, for width she h.td signed bins or lading. It annals a Intl., atraug that she would go off and leave b 0 impOrtatat an item, bta freights are very beaten, and there was plenty of water for her to takeell she bad engaged and much 'mom s. Passengers and shippers should bear in Intl l hat the Argosy, Copt. Venvergrlt, with sir. %V: U. ScOtt in the °Mee, leaves to-day at 110011 for Cincinnati positively. Slot is a corn noel tons goal swift, paeket,und will go tits outfit with Tile Leonora, Capt. Davis,is tilling up stead ily for Lit.cinnati and Louisville, eV it. also the Arabian, Capt. M. A. Cox, for ot. Louis. 'These are both gooci boats. Thettiate Itotolusus,Capt. Robinson, and the Leonidas, Capt. ItleGowan, are announced for New Orleans. Tao Minnie haw gone into winter quarters at the Point—ir at feast until she comes in- turn 'dime for St. Louis. The numerous friends Of the clerk, Mr..l. C. McConnell, will be gratified to learn that lie has almost recov tired from that loathsome disease chills and fever. We have no additional details In regard to the staking of the Argonaut, announced lot our last. issue. She uns insured In tills city $5,551, as follows: Citizens. 111,500; Eureka, 41,000; Western *SOS; Pittsburgh, t=.100. - Some of the what Wilco had risks ort.her, but. to what amount, we are unable to learn. The shertuan, Glasgow, Glendale and Got den Erie were advertised to leave Cincinnati for pitint urgh on Wis:lnesolar. Tile Armenia, ettroute from New Orleans to Ibis port, ar rived ut Cairo On Teisolay. The towboat Hercules passed Pornerc, hound for this port on Tuns/Would the Picket and Satopeoa are both laid up at that point. The ItoreCJ and t aka Erie N 0.3 were at Cairo on Monday tanking reps!, s. The Loutstilte Charier, of Tuesday. 9nys : The towboats Ajax, Panther, A. J. Baker; Fulton N 033 are expected to arrive and will return to New Orleans with tows of coal. Capt. Dryden telegrap. row Louisville, line derdate n ( December IS:11, to the Cineinnati Conoitertiul, as follows: • Tao amount of coal that has' paseed down ftn . the South Ink month la one auntie.' and . . . elghtyt.n ine boats, with an average of eighteen thousand to :beta of coal each, making three and a half • million Inr.liels.• Four and half I million btisheln panted down in :septetaber, October and November, making. a total of eight million bushels that has pa,.- , al below this city lii•four montha—the large , ,t run of coal ever known. Thu [tern • wbeel etuamer lamed from the Ohio Liver to Nell' Orleans, loaded with; produce and tunteellancous. freight, struk a strew at Island go. on Thursday at- ternoormeiti sunk In deep water. She careen vd over .1/1141 the •euton parted f , out the hull tool Routed otY. Tile Meinithln .lenhinchr save the cable floated peat, the city on Thursday night. Tilt:river witagruatiml with parte of the . wreck Anil debris. 'We wore unable to learn any particular, of the dlsceter. Three or four Mille deck crew were reported last. - ray, iLe St. Louisf.A. , -, of Wednesday t The ice In the raver was not dense anti heavy enough yesterday ta prevent the ferry boats from , uniting nor steamboats from ni rIVII3K and departing. - Tito river tell niteen Inches during 11111 Ulgh t, and COIIIIIIIIOtI mild ly on the decline all they. There la no gorge yet at the Chide an reported, nor probably thin aide of the Illinois. The difficult passage tenoned by the Cold }Pleb it•}ll 4 t below Curt ondelet, 1105 the Adam J scuba reports a lunch worse place. If It at the foot of Cornish /s• land, w bog, the canal has been narrowed by h., we. Iten shively. mint, toiys the- p as9age of about two Imitated Slants required lil troll reinet,, time, 1/0 Sat M. , Is 1110 1101041 place lie found allure Cairo. 1311P,ONTIS1 BY 11..tILItOAD PITTP2IIIII4III. rosy W arse A CHICI.•100 R. R. Drcember car blooms, Park. Ilro 2 co; cars .a . ease, Sellers & Co; r, .10. met al, J Wood 2 - Sno; 1 ear all limbs, J Henn; 1 .113 Bricker S cy; I do stavea, 1.10 blooms, J lloOrbcad; Voistt .0 co; 3 cars metal; N mirk. I co; leo Wall Hour, liirtrootrick R 11,roo ;5 cars hay ii N Court. ne) ;55 bola lil,t1; wines, Nalrute; 2 Wallace; 11l Itga apple butter. Blair 2 Woml.; el 11 r .0. 1 I 10, oat, El R.ll Jr; II bids apole, 10 01,1 s nets, 7d o dry a. pies, Volgt, 2L co; I,leslia sks• mill leed, Culp & Shepard ;'IO bbls commie], Mont gnu; 3 . .0 eo; 'ZS bog., E. 11 31yers a on; :4101;4. W 11...a.ings; 1S nkgs •no , ll - leb, Frei 3 Ritf•llart; 10 ka.• pearl imrley, ilea. sletoc4l car Bari .1 Richey; 1(.5.4. barley, W Ll Garrard, 13 kgs m*ll , l. Le wl., B.illcy I Dal. zel/. • CLNVNL•ND 4ND VITTS3CROH 'LaiLito,l3. Decein bur PI —1:1 like pOtlitoe-, Poll en. Attica a Shepard; lop bob, ;lour, Vf . II 11.pran; WO to do, tin as a Iltlice;:t4 If 3” ehee..e, h 1-. wart. a o; . :..1 bills older./ bleb , Onions. 121 bluff op. plc., I. Ill'olgt I en; :3 hx. PlO It llobt.,on ,t co; 4 cars rue, Br) an A Collailf-1 .1 tar to lIT. re. •, Alex Taylor: 31 tn.l.ses*Noir,. T si /lair; 110 lig* post.ler; N !Cade; 47.2 11111e1s 106 h, Ntiatek ..t co; I car Iran ore, Blown a ro; 3 4,, •to. Siloam laiveu it Blau; 61 Mg* all, J 0 7111.1.611 1,. , v i .6) do do, SII Floy,l; udo do, .11. It 11„11; 64 " . tn , hrilll I r / dry.seot hog., }[r. uandlei, a , 2 IPdt, lard, latop•pell .t. Br o , ! a: Dfl ft,*. ~ m,,i,4=,. i4 r ,i,t, d c; tta •lite eats. IS do 441.1,tV. ,I. W I:, Back: 13 NT,* rye, Jr. (ilea', • - -...1 .... poTTANsINN.I OI,If NAVA & Curt NSA, : Docconoor N.—..o_ooks corn, ti 1.11 Ho y; 1.1%.1.4 .r.1(.,21,41811.121Wed,1.bt OhtA briteur. a 1t..11..1 ; 3 bbl! 0010 n,., Cook, 11,1.41 I Iv•A ootallry.l . e . tilt d - Newlin; I.t IIIN• applo,o, CAN:11.1. 4 11 a Drown; g C .2.rlcy, Fool 61.1,10100t%0bb1A- ottr, 1, W A llAo., oc.ral co, Thou Mork let 1 car ~•111.1. In ra tier. 61‘ , 14a .oto 'bor.; I dO dn, J D .A.Lairoavair STATION. 11.120111 INST 3 , -1 Cal too , 7.i UNA oaf.. Vicarr. S IInlott; I fix pmut ry Mintz a D 01110 r; I Cal . nitHV,.../ It Iletsp1011•6 loc., cornmeal, 3 C Melia,ter., to to o ol4 koo bor.. heat 11 our, S .1 ?AAA - eltlor, .1 IaTILINTI aillt I/rot:KM , . J STEAMBOATS POll CINCINNATI ANII ,OI I.I)ULSVILLE:TiIe fine steamer LEONORA, No .............. , api. Fr ill leave tor the above and all Intynnedidte Ports. on Ttill DAY, at Ir. re. lot rtetg V . ir /41\1; " aePCat =1,4, n VOR C4IUO ASO, BT. rtg L0U11.7-Tte splehdideteatner ARA -.IAN Capt. le A CoN. Will noslisysly leave for the above and all lotenne- Aisle porta, vm SA.IIIItD *T. at 4 r. H. Tor (seignior pottage apply on tpard, or to ULM:. to t% 0 It. Avelts. ItOB L CAIRO,.MIEMPfiId AND Nit OULEA.NS. The passenger /teat:Orr batnilu AS Copt It. IlleGo ITAN 'Wilt MOTE rot the above loci all Intermediate port, ova THIS HAY, at 12 st, - • par freight or pass•ge apply On boar. , or to del° 2 _ 11../tees A COLLINtiWOOD. Olivet.. F - OR MIEBIPIIIS NIEVVr i UK epletpllil steanter KATE HOW NSONI... ....”Cept. H.. 31. Will leave for the above and all Intermediate ports, on THI4 DAT at 4 p to.. positively. , Yor freight or pnaase spply on bosrd or to CH a !Marl RAHN / de( J All v ..01.1.1N5, Agent,. PEOPLE'S ITL Alt WEEE.I.Y'P•CHET be two-a PlTTS.Blllitill A tillielli- NATI.—The new and vplendldotramer A , Capt. Conic Vondesrlft, I. H. Smolt, Clerk. Ico.cy Tlttebrirsh EVEItt W E •NESH aT. at 12 o'eloel. r. Leaves Clortuoatt EVERT VitIDAY -et It o'clock. For freight or pusage atiplynn brit. Or to • lyettrt: , CHAS. BAH ES; Afoot. Wi l it iE & F ik 1 .1 t y. 4 , , . HT.—The endld pusenger steamer • Capt. tizonox Moony: Leaves Plit4buroh MONDAY AND THURoDAY.....at o'clock A. Se , Leaser Parkersburg TUF.:IDAY AND.YUIDAY at. 2 o'. For f , elgtat or paseaga•ppiy on trovnl. • golS:k1 itUSINESS Mti%'S La • . COMMERCIALCOLLECE, Nos, 6 and 8 til. Clair Sired. , • Ilas aPt aintaal Chatter. Book-Keeping. Penman:hip and Arlthme tie, .lima nalltaltvl ...... . 6000 Arithmettc an,lreinuatishilpar quarttr of thrra months - • .211 00! pezior,ostdp, per mouth tl lid fur Cited Nptehnedo, ad4reos • li. blIA71;111, or na3uvr7 J. F. ifeCLAIMUNII.9. I)ENNSTLVANIA 'AVENUE AND AS. , E The , Toperrro•llela °M. , Second. .L . Ird Sixth, Seventh avd.P.lghth Wald, of U,.. Illy of l'itts• o Ireh t are heftily notllled that he GUY au' MOr lot:hsa it WY OnVe A lilt of all at Iseennellls m.,de for t t.echmtnie.lon of a team, mt remmvvanla 400000 and Shmals.Mtmt. whit a5/10101.e 010 w the: lOcallon and Mammal' all 1.110. 08- 4easc nr‘er btfur. I u this market., MO 111101 35 MAE? CARPUS Virktfa, EILISEI , II/EVE.II TSWISS LACE CIIIVIA,INS. Sew ani Elewt Pattcrasof Conical, Side 41; Centre Tassels, I. naps & Bands, Choice Styles Nolllns earlobe/. ki.FARLAND & COLLIN& Noe. 21 and 23 rivrti nMEET, Neat bowie to U.S. I:oetom Llo“o not foot Q2loet tiecond floor. ;niA A 1.0 . .ea It. Yoe:LIDO& nr , • 1 PETROLEUM SOdP STRICKLER & PRORLECICE In hundred. of • I este #"'" " " '""' " • - • 44 .1 Atm I evt Toilet reap In the FIFTH STREET EXTENSION. T i r,V,i,V,t,'”,. - ',11":.1441........ 0 .4H00fw“00f ,-, of j p e r rNu ra,,,.. bang ...oelLomt remelt for all VtilaneoU. , ,tisc g. from HA peculiar chemical C tobloal , oos, It Wen— I trefi freofrom unpleAsant odors, and futrlgn son hull Inl.rin 1" " th ' w• w " .C•° " ••• slit prlnclnal v.ggt.u, and Grocer% the o.Anufsetur l'Ultr . APB EA ml It/STAIIIL la wltlro WIN will 04 ante to L rol. to HOLE 0021:04,1 • e.l( an a I4F.T AIL DE LEW. et the Artn• EtIT Nt UN KT also: Vt.V2EEßtl.liiliulTh PITTSBIJIIGII GIS SIVI_NG CO !,U1,,,Jt0 ArTFII to nrcl, on thart. KIEI •1 Litlln An •I Ft{ e.3ht 'WU:. Le L. EN MEAL Coo stontty n Hand Altnlng to . e•I o . t. count the taitrOlinel Of th• puhltr. It .1. It ANT VII frta , rly of tb. Congn. le Syn.< it will bo tnu• l OIL Long at 11.0 mlll at all times to attet.l to the tut, to , .0.1.00 0, PoTHICIL1.1:11. & MORLEDGE. nor N. •r ttoa...A, Anna,, El= SILK AND WOOLF-% DYER AND SCOURER, MEM Chintz Window Curtains and Chair Covers Cleaned dr.lteglazed without unpacking. Nos. 137 mid 137 Third Street, • etreen Wo.tand SmItDLelA PiviNnuiym. PA. ;111.11 V EillIOR OAK TANNED, PAT. ENT STRETCHED AND RIVETEL) LEATHER BELTING AND HOSE, Aissoutocturod al. No, 58.8MITIArt8L.1) AT., by HARTLEY. PHELPS & CO. Also, Areftts for Ntw look itobber Clo. . - Cr um 13eltiug. A , lwst a on btrft, ‘ n eperlor_ gonlltT_ LAIII. finTaraVit,ll4.VALY ` litALT - at nk.`,«in GILEAT CiESTEILN ' PLANING MILL, Comet of larbary .Btrect aaut Dociaesae Tay, PiTTS,I3I3I.UII. PA. sash Doors; B li nds and Mouldings • • HAVE TO ORDER. Ussantalsed work It put tn a dry boons, and nulahed when tarn out. -Palings, Flooring, Weather Boarding - . Laths and Shingles constant ,y on hood.ti t. •srlog, re-cawing and eloroll awing door with dllatela, Bores of all Muds mad. 1., order. an2d:la JOHN BEATY-I, (3i •• • ".•.1 1 w. 1 :/:13 11 , (It f THE IIZsiTEI) STATES: — IJTIU IN TIES: rtsdE CAL FoRNIA 1 112011'A u E. made and pre pas ed as if d;soss Yranee, f ours . Calfor • am 0 Mr, and taking the-plaices of : Imported t,hatu- P '.lVs.: Ande3l;lgned would ^o.llthe ntientiOn of Wine Dealers, and Hotel liteoera In the following letter. 'gulch may glee &correct idea of the quality of lisetr Wthot • • CONelngierst. 1107 . 111.. PllthaUshriliaOset. - .011. 1863 * . kteseng. Tlortlitis Co —Gentlemen: in givgiven your Calif. - ow. Chouoagne • thorough lest, en take pleasors- lu 'saying Wit we th.nk the beat Alm ri an 0 Ilse we. hare seer used. We shad at once place It un one bill Oflaro. t ours truly Cl Call and try our California ChamP.itse , t- n0t2.78. LIOUVH , It oiss os., :3/1 Der at. Ns Y. EOUGE BEAVENO - CANDY MANUFACTUR ER !apt deader. In POBEIUg .1:8211) ANEUICAIi . ' ricieLse. licrnsoac.. ac.. No. 112! ederal Street, Second n.n. rem. enn Flrst 'Sstions , Wu*. . - ..r rAirrattl•Y •• • VLOILMS FLOUR! CORN MEAL! x.ncy 'lrmo. or -t. Loots litourt. etiolre nraucl.f Wlnter W heat vitn; • hood - do do do I do Pi/keen' llourot good to choler brontlN 1170 none;= ' Dnckwh at Flour: ' • .. WI Wu Con AlLat,,kllo dried: - • A t the old 31004. Montt IN 'Argod street: d. 15 LANG SATE -. pill SATE DISEASES. .' • 07/10Z 'MN PICtIN ISTEXCT. not: land. . . . For the Cara - of al 41.rai ortlootßlMmo. to (Tom two to toar , days, azreathelynew and 'die treatsvmt, diva, densln Lt widow, sad &Umber ,11..enoesof the 'VOW Mole sita titolSlProventloll Oars wanwatutorsonaorratuadinL VIVe boon,-7 to 10 A. N. pi to t, sad 111 to iIN O.Ms lottini W., W4O rillail gm 1... • : vain • •• I . A PROCIrtON. =3l In the name and by too nothorl ty of the Common. _wealth of Penesylr •nts. Andrew G. Curtin, Goy 1 : 1 litor of Yd. Commonwealth: A PriseltalMall oll . W m 0 6 1 Vo . f 'lll In and o b o re, p act af ssed : t s b e e d h 1 Generald ay A s- July, A.I cm titled ••An net relating to the I 'dons of thh. Conenewtreatth •• it to male the ditty of the Worernor—en the receipt of the returns cf tne election of , members Of the 1101150 Of Hap relent:D.lsta of the United States, by the SecretarT Or ihe Cenamnnocalth—to dec'are, by ProClamntion, the Pardee of the uer-ona returned as elected In , ' weir recto:eller, District, APO Wt-ii Cu •An. Ihe reillerni -I the geneml site- I Don held -on Tuesday. the sth •lav 01 •totober Mat. In and for the Sonora •tistrlc a ore ha-tubers to Serve In the Mouse of ItepresetttatlVea of the Outset. of the U lied Staten. for the teen or two yearn. from and after the forth der of March nest, hare been received in lb - oilier of the renegr) . of the Comrii Inunteeabb, agreeably tonic prOylal e as ut the obese act. Whereby. It appears that toe 'Dot District; Varner:medial the Second Third, Fourth. F Rn. SI soh and hterenth wary, to tiro city Of-Plilladelptaa, Samuel J. banded 11.0 hem defy Acetyl: 'ln the Second District, composed of the Fltwt seventh, 0110mb, ninth and Teeth votegg, In the clayolPhilit delpitta. Charles O'Neill ham bren,dule em elt.]: In Um 1 had mte composed of the Twelfth, !blot. nth. henth, nevenieenth gh . Eiteenth, mid Nineteenth Ward, In the city of rilllolkiPhii• Leonard Meyers tine been dullelected; to the Fourth Detect, c mtpearl of the Fourteenth. Fif teenth, Twentl• tn. Tryon: lb:stood twee t y-foarth woe% to lbe City of Philideieltta _Wm D. liel.ey" R byes duly efface:lu the FICA Dialect. comp.. net or•hc fwentyseeoou, Twenty-third and Tern tyllith wards. to the City N of Prdiatelphis and the county of Clucks. catch 7aelor has been dal , e rt.!: of Montge In the Six me th, t y and Lent. co mp... of the oqut ea It let boa be n duly elected: In the Strentia Dl met, eepapoe d • flue counties of cheater and Del. 00 ore John ht. /intoned! ha. been duly eleelvd: In tee E ghtlt Dintnet. composed of Lb, county of Berl. J. Lowrance tett has been duty elected:4n e Inch Ul.trlct. Corn pobe4..f the cower or Lin— ear tr. Thaddeus Steve ne toy hero ou y elected:, the Tenth It:strict. composed of the c.entles Of Sennyttli end Leh. on, Henry L: Cake has bred duly eit•lted: to the rte , 0011. Dlstrlet, cob sed of tbe ...ties of Northampton. C•rhoti. Monroe. fine old Wayne, Daniel W. Van A uken heen. dole • leaf el: In the Twelfth District. composed of the of LuYrne nod taysehansta, Cnariec.l It pl.on bac b. to duly, 'vete.% to tile r elf:le-nth Itharie,, Cornea... 4 of the countlts of Snotty Wy, owing. hulitran, Columbia null Monte.', Ul7t nes 'terror ha- been duly.• 'feted: In the Footle nth elnpre.ed of Om eunntlt , of hoe hum. bcri.d. Colon, fief der. Juniataand Lay hide, George F. MI ler has hr. dt.ly elec ted: In the Fifteenth Dintrlet com posed of the counties of • ork, Cumberiand and erry J. olosstn,nnne by hell dilly elected: In the Sixteenth District, composed of tilt counties of Ada A Frnth. Fult^n. Bedford and Sower set. Wllllaut If. Koontz by cell y • lecicti: In toe tieveetecon J•lntent, comp medot the cote: Iles (Cambria. 1111110. lin Ablation and if 10110, Daniel J eorrell tt , a been dUly ected; In the Ighteentb Dletrlet., composed of be esuntien of Centre, (Do w, Lyeenaing Ttega and Potter, 01001 en LVib run IlaS been they elected: lu he r lueleenth test, coy pored of the countlet of Erle, Warren, - Mennen, Ferres . Elk. Cameron,.l, Ifrrson nd .C1., D D..1,1, et ich el na, been duly elected the twentlelh Licit let.. emu; ob,l of the e I les of Crowfeet. Veang , Mercer sod Clarion, I turfeln A. Finney coo Leen duly head; In the To tely eon. posed of tee eytintl.. of , nolano, ' V, catmereland ano Fayette, Juno Curode ban, been July sleet inpart the T nettle semen Dialect, 'cum. - pa d of that of Alleghn sr Uth of tree Ohio and Allegheny riven. e and leOunt clu y ling eheecyt ed, I n t o Twenty th ir d Dised o corepesed of l that part of Allegheny county, our II of the Ohio and Allegheny riven. and Butler and nu atrnilg cettn tiett. hornal N Iltlalna by been duly elected; in ttte T. envy-tone' h 1110 005 0 1, composed 0• the cyan- Den of Lawrence. Beyer. to nington and Drat,. ireorge V. I anyrepee toe been , IA): elected. Sr. therefor, 1, Andrew U. Curtly. Cor,reor as sforeratd, hone issue I this, toy PI oclartmilon, berune buldleltlng and deetathk; that Sarno. IJ. Maoist', Charles It' Neill Leonard to • rs. K. Ifry, caleu N. Tanker, lkyjuntin N. Boyer. Johnltroonuck L eerenee • ey. ThaYleus Deery 1,. Cale 1..10 M. Van Aut. 0. Ifeeni Uiyncec Mercer. twerp: F. Mil -1,. A. J. ifomakrenner. It lelatu it. Kyle!, Dan iel 4. Morrel, a tephen F. tf I n N, coo, tied. Dare 11l yll , cot ode. Ja tt . None. • home+ %I I dare. nod poor, V. Lane. evace. stove he 0 r rned y elected in heir selerat dletr eta 0, fore mentioned, on present a t vets In the Cong.. of the Uone. Led rutty; for the teener two year. each. . eminence from end •1- ter tne 4th day of March nem 1. Direct tet•ler rev Imed, and the great seal of the Mat-. at Ilan, burg, this 1:111 day of omber, lu Y' nr of our Lee! we. and o: the Conttnettecattlt the Wet. iiy the tierce, r, ELI nt.IFE• . deficit Deceetary of the CoonnOultealtli. Art..TiIEIRLILL Es. SLOAN% 'Zmo.AELawMMq3'. LIGHT EQUAL TO GAS w.Aurw.w.x. Gas Condensing Burners, ' w a i n th e 1: u Inbons any L ba m fl p ame pr •D od r u p ce n d g br entirely Barriers ennead* out similar to that ul tin. The con-troction Is suebribat he smote la ononed in a ti .s Condensing Charon,, nod It wholly converted into •me. ohe burn, do, not depend directly est...Me wick foe it, Paid. butburtie the smoke labah is produced Ihrietrom. arid Burns Less Oil Than Chimney Lamps, And produce. • more erillignt Light than any other burner la the market. STATE ARO COUNTY RIGHTS FOR SALE. flaring porrhsned the rlttht of ntspotlng of the b.ste iturnors to Allegheny County, patties with lag to nyAlt,l•n or ouvolaste. eta neetnuer.iptect by mina, at my °Eke, 131 WATER. Milt= abase amttLLLeW. L'lttelmrgb. JAMES BLACKMORE. • .11ITCANTAMERS WANTE.II. nee KANE'S PATENT PETROLEUM SOAP. SOMETHING NEW, CHEAP & BEAUTIFUL. AN ISQUISIII TOILET ANDpS.IIINt SOAP MIND, Office, No. 2 Merchants' Hotel, COR. THIRD AND SMITHFIELD STREET!. C7P33 I 3PICIZIFILEIs JAMES I. BENNET, President, BOBEBT FINNEY, Vice President, MON BELL, Sec'y and Treas'r. EZ6ECEE • JAR, T. TIF.NNISTT, W.W. PATRICK ROOF. VihNEY, J. M . D. I'IIIYSYKii JUI.V.: W. CHAL.ANT ~ J. BItILEY, . W. K. IN THIK. COl'J:p® FOS•TIIE 1101.10 ANS . • FINE STOCR, ADAPTED FOIL Bcollcizvir Phreintert.teip OY ALL. RIINDS Of .1E N7C7' 1-i -4 1" , OOLD AND SILVER. IVAT,IIES tor Ladtvi ' Aients; • rtIA.Nli AND OIL AROP• FLED A NT sETS. In v•rl'oun Nett' nee; AND tql.V.Ell PEN SILVER SPOONS. vAsEs. - FANCY ARTICLE:, •c.. •c.. • JOHN MITSCH. nA . o. 112 Federal St., Allegheny u 0 2 ,1 V.l .DREGS! DRUGS?! DRUGS!!! . • • JAMES T. SAMPLE HAVING BOUGHT THIS WELL KNOWN MOO HOUNK ON CURNttR OF FEDERAL AND I{GuINSUNI Y, . Wililie‘ep on trangtafull assortment of all. kinds of M.11.117.11:ir a • Arolhich will be raid Cheaper - than any, other w house lu the two ebb's. • .. - 'Pro.criptiOna earelbity oreyaredby a Arai elate dr UITIII . 4IS or PERI U 31.T.HY and YANCY•NOS:PfI an heed. • NOTICE-:-JALIMES . 11 . BE VII OltiTli 11.3 one, base d the la tereal of JOHN II ALL. 1.1 the Urn, of JOit .CO. The rosins and 'View Hinfirm will be JIJ/Iplillsl4.. A CO., as heretofore. .rksrta Y, ob bleat , TirOv.ts J. lIALL eftl . llEN .coPs .......... ....J.&14+.5 J. DUOWN: VALLEY FOBL E PLOW .WOUKS, • . YAi . . And 111.1.1Abertv8trefst,Olgimborgb• JOHN HALL blutotecturers qf alt varieties of NoMbern and bauthertr. UNION HOWELLS,' bUI.KIeY HAI It* RUN, I,TtV ATO On, is., and dement to At./II • U LTURAL 1111'LE31.•NT5 of all de.' 'script% oks. l'.117.0U11(111. pen. 1. MS • • • .a e 7„.4, T. RICK. le BROTHER. • • • iRST„-PDEDIEM GOLD • . PEN Em lIIPACI unEtce, 4T3IAHEEf hTGEET near TMrd street' Pittsourgla. • .• • . VENN ANDC ANIL* ; %.1; horelialo and Betlll. I . IISHS IsEPAIR.D. L . Perim:sone of the elf y having Pena to repair eon lend them by mall mu} promptly returned. nollrunwras. • j BILIO3 BERGE b. CO., Manutac- Wren of altit IItIITARID 1 . 1411118. Warerooms,' v 7 BLICKItEd tritEET,• beeond Block V. eell from Broadway NEW - roux . Pianos manufactured by ibis firm 'are endors ed by all the leaning artists of the country for Weir power:el, Clear, brlillant and aympatbetto tone; also fortbeirdurabllity and ettellent'workmanahlo b. ran ilPtaye Boaewond I Maus, with our tinted -rzepth.4aps.ting solidi, oared ley., .:roll desk and lyre; add. written guarantee ter eve years, for VW audg73; • - eels arWr (ZOOD NEWS FOR THE=. ii. FLICTED• .M ll A e T a E f EISIITTT m E g R l p al ic I i ITT es E . ,Llln itue. b . o: ttlolew. pric. jhM , l 114 Ei et - 501bs. PUWID RIM:a _2,lL74laperlb. A" r irrthin gnarlaWD/iIIG BTUS& • . A wl Ills C7Ai1r41141,4, AMIN IRON WOKS. = JONES & LAUGHLINS, WiWiarssixsimsr.43k-s, MLNOZACTCELVIE OP AMERICAN AND CLAIR Bar, Hoop, Sheet and Plate Iron; Bridge Iron; Angle and T Iron; Guard Iron; Coal Screen Iron; T 8a115,16 and 20 lbs. to the yard Tram Balls, punched and conn- • ter sunk Boiler, Bridge alid Tank Rivets Cut Nails and Spikes; Ship and Boat Spikes; Railroad Spikes; Railroad Fish Bars and Bolts; Railroad Car ttueels and Axles; Street Car Wheels and Axles; Coal-Pit Car Wheels and Axles; Patent Cold Rolled Shafting; Patent Cold Rolled Piston Rods; glower and Reaper Bars. WAZZIIMIE AND OFFICE, - 120 Water and 153 Front Sts. BRANCH 210055. Nos. 22,24 and 26 River St., jed:elb CHICAGO. ILL. KEYSTONE IRON WORKS. HITICHISON, - G - LASS & CO., Xenufutarers of the 41/Iferent ethos of Bound, Square, Flat and llorse-Shoe Bar Iron, Hoop And Bane Iron, Boiler-Plate, Tank and Salt-Pan Iron, Sheet Iron, &c,, &c., lac, Works, PITT TOWYOU IP. on Monon g ahela river Office and Warehouse: N 0.146 Water Street -mci KENSINGTON IRON WORKS LLOYD & BLACK, YANITTACTLIIEREI OT Beat Coslttnon, Refined Charcoa • Juniata Bloom Iron. ATEBCRANT BAIL; BOUND and SOUABE IGUN HOOP, BAND. T and ANGLE IP.QN. BOILER PLATE and all BE r IRON. MOWEIt.d REAPER. BADS CYLINDER and (WARD OR FINDER /DON n MALL r HAILS. 2, , and 16 14 , to tae Ta' A. WitOokiHT (.21A1an and brINES fur, mr.e. FLAT BAILS, ranched and Counieraunk. COAL SCBLEN IRON. ' NAILS and SPIKES. Warebonee No. RS Water and No. 6 \Marko t sta. Work., Second street, Elitan Ward 4 adjoining City Una Wolk., FlGaboran. au2.1:11 FORSYTH'S • STANDARD SCALES, :among>, Copying . Presses, . - " warehouse Trucks, Baggage Barro4s, Sugar RHils, Ake. FORSYTH, TAYLOR & CO, .E. 13,84 .39 ki4aKET PITTSBURGH STEEL WORK ANDERSON, COOK CO., =COMO= TO JOBlllg. BOYM C 0..) PaTin r rOgsa " n o lt. . t Oialrstsrajrale C lti kl e g rorl sad 81ew.% Cass Meal. ()sal nate! for h HEAPING AND MOWING MACHINES, taw& PLoWlll a fterritis,AlLES Cast and Common Plough and Spring Steel, OT.wa—Corner rest and Sas goeo. two Moto alxml the Monongahelatme. werhay FORT. PITT FOUNDRY. CHARLES LNAP NEPHEW o - HEAVY AIV ANC E, DANE, ..,,• , AiL,... !lripo ..., --,- - tk417.Lak 4 0. 0 ., B kiniEringt‘f`a2 2 .ol l „, / -.,u bersultors. U.,-• ~ t • - UR • used at this Feanda -- having disposal pared, with mart' stranded under tr. , fcardenni.4 G111:1185 -• AMERICAN MM. ILLNE va...- 011A3LIES F. GRAITAM.&.OO., auccruors to FISII OItAILLIIL d CO., Engine Builders and 'Machinists, atArroriertitae or • - Oil Engines, Oil Tools, And everything neoodiary for Boring Oil Yarrionl.sr atuoatlon paid to lilting op:shorting rulleykilars. &c. Marl , soar Ft. W. C. U. FL 010:1033.3",. Po. HAPAITLINCi DONS PLIUMPTLI. jell:diS Inc Wm= JOint ALLII TAD. L. lI . M. VALLEY STOVE WORKS. . . ALLEN. MIME & CO., Mice wad Vie &rations* 301 Liberty Street - !opposite Saalth.ll.ld. Manufactures _s_at variety of COOL PAIMA)Ii aud lIITUVES:SMOZ/$ olden are the eel. e tinted Wiles/bane and Monitor Coal Ccolthall Moses; also, She Autocrat and dentinal . for coal or wood, and the unrivalled Star of the Empire. fin rood; t15r,...A1c . 1 . 1",..M . i11A5z ifenders,ljora.aetu,s,„ pETBOLIA MACHINE MOHR& R. S. INC, st4ta Ohioßitreet,l4leattens 111.1930V1D BOEING TIX/LIVA.ND • TISTLIFIEB MI ED IN WIRING OIL A N SALT WEL& - ITUtto — olni ;tion ' tiott in;ilted Patented proven:eats In Jars and Joints, made of Jon U. in.. and Low Moor Lion, In standard Cage. and membered, so that part. eon bo ordered by mat. of teberapb, - and tonal a venom flt at all Omen. _ We Mao ftuntab roper. bet unit. mean toot,, ac... to those who may wish D. Enamel, and machine Iwo 11 made to ardor. Orders by mall prouttly attended la. Imo prepared Ao grant Lleenam to. otbarmanetac tuner. tor them tremorammtta on Llbessa terms. Bon 17 AllegoonTS. 0. . j00:412 BLACK DIAMOND -1_ • . • INVMI3 7CrOseclECtst, eMm. Mar' RIF,7:,ZY.uu• rJ• 1518 T QUALITY AZYINIO) OAST EEL - equate, Flat and Octagon, of all slsee. Warrant, tonal Lb any Unsorted or notoollictured In this tone try. andratTACOgo. Act 10 and 15111ns, an and ITlEletond streets. I.Joannocg too ITITSBITRGR IRON WORKS, J. PAINTER & SONS. . • ILLISMMTII4I/41 Or iron Bucket, Tub and Trunk , Hoops AND SHEETS, PiTTBIII/12.G11. P&. • IRON CITY MILLS. 'ROGERS & EUECHITELD, • ' • Mannhctnien of REFINED. CHARCOAL. JUNIATA & FO LURED deammnirr x:Fcco.r.r. • Ornci alto W.LILIELOI7II7. NO. 28 MAIM= BT. 0r3.1.115 - GllO. - Bllrics..—.lr. D. EMU 1. Y. TIOLLIcia. .LA BELLE STEEL WORMS. WLEIXTECEt - W pp. Distutscianus Of CAST OTIOZI4 NPRINI9. PLOW and BOTS& STEEL; spzpills., ASIA% 011.0 W B Lls aL boa lmh os, No. Sel & WATER STREET .(xtD:Warst Plushossis Ps. JOS. P. 11/LlOrt MILLAR. ..„-. . a I :4: 411, • W • • 1 : • N YORUBB, PITTPUURGH. Feasts., asap erecters all elawee of Nominee,. vies Meuse. • libatte,thltaks.•l 9 lstop Nods, Levers, Pitman J o,. And Wrists,. also, itallroad - Axles, • Locosaotle frames, and all 'bare •esork. The anderalg se• bevies been for moor year, enraged in tee Ira,' oe are prepared to ibralab all orders entreated • • these will promptness sad d I spatelt, iimps4 • •• • • r. HAIGH 1. GEO.,F.BCHIICHdIAI4 O. CO., • PRACTICAL LITHOGRAPHERS, . MP'S tiligyrafak4.l4.l: fesis ,sh aVelgr ...ezat . Boads. Ljem„Flam.: Aeitinonimoitx:ZeiMvitti f;"=: . *Qs. IN &NA t.tiiiict .11101 ZlEi UNION ICON MILLS, BOTH WARD, PITTSBURGH; A CONSOLIDATION: O F THE ..1110q pTT FORriE , Asv .c:YeLtrirkini CO.. • GiS7C.N A.L n.ccrr. , C7rr.v..:F. or . IRON AND FORGINGS. Spatial attczalOtiglren to atte mull:LI:lc:um of Hammered and Rolled Lticomo tive and Car Axles, 13,..TaColatr8AT SETWit..A.TCX). RAILUO I) CHAIRS. SPLI.42E l:9, BItIDUL ttiatN ituLTS, ac.; 1 LINKS Al;ll BOLTra, I 114.4.315, (iIRDER IRON; 0CT6(142t ALIIOI.I.OW WItt.)I:I.4IITLIW.ti POSTS; T /ND ink", .to '• • WAREHOUSE. 95 Water and 126 First Streets; . \ OFFICEe 41.TTAgsigUltliti, ruweien. iTt.:131.711t7 -oelS.lll FORT PITT 8011111, STILL AND TANK wo . EtI . CARROLL & SNYDER, E:=l TUBULAR, DOUBLE-FLUED, TUBULAR' FIRE-BOX k CYLLNDEIt .STRANIBLiILEUS, OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS, CHIMNEYS, BILEECIILNG AND ASH kANS, SETTLLNGPANS, SALT FANS AND CON- DENSERS, STEAD PIPES, OASOILETEUE, AND IRON BRIDOES, PRISON DOORS AND COAL ELLOTE - . 6. . Omer and Works. earner Second, Third Short Liberty EtrcetS.. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,. . SirOMers sent io the above address will be promptly attcritl,4 sel4:lw) SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. SINGER, MICK it CO = BEST REFINED CAT STEEL pQUiEI, FLAT in OCTAGON, OF ALL SUES. MILL, McLAT, CIR,CLAIL, GA.:V.IIOD .31106 6 Cn SAW SLATES. ELLIPTIC AND lEMI.ELLIPTIC RAILWAY SPRINGS, Case Spring Steel, Cast and Gerniait_ Plow - Steel TI.ONV , WINC, A\l/ EAU . L SPRINGS, AXLES AND STEEL TIRE, SICKLE,. SHOVEL, HOP. HARE. FORK, TM; CALK !lIIN F:1:1 CAT STEEL. CHO W.EAIL. ha., &c., drc• Warehouse, S 3 Water ht., Pittsburgh, S WORKS,' MvltT(l.l 4 STIREET, Mnth Rard, Pittsburgh. THOMAS N. MILLER, Pr•esldent Then trork6 are am ,, ng tbe litt,eat and mo•t corn- Otte establle , dneut In the %Veit, and sea flex pet'. pared to furulah IgilieS of Every DetTrlption,. , Boilers, Oil Sheet Iron Work, Railroad Chatings, - ---110 Ming 51111 Castiitp, Engine Casting.,' blartLine atthigs, Gener.l CasUng,s. ORDERS SOLICITED. I= NIONT . BLANC FOUNDRY, Butler Street,• Ninth Ward, OPPOSITE UNION I it.CSN HILLS .1P X 'X' IL" Et:Et 17 ix. ROLLING MILL AND GRILLE CASTINGS. EMBRY 1.11) CASTINGS GENT/ILLY. Orders promptly arLd carefully er cep ted. CIIARUES ItEASONABLE, . EIinERT .64.MACILLIND. CEM CRESCENT Mal WORKS MILLER, B HE & PARKIN, MAN crrAcTunzazi or BEST QIIALITY CAST STEEL . -4 16.4.trapted Eqiial to any In the Marko. --• up cf.ii i r--••••,..41 of of Do hie gale --. •At0gir2,,,,,. . 1 01:#411 yi, ' 4144 111 .4t, .. . . • . v 0 ,177.T,4,_._. .E.113,47,11:,z, MASIL'7.I.CMLLI2.S 07 Iron, Nails, - Springs, Axles, Fumes. spine :us L B. STEEL, SO., wAunnoua4, 77 11712:sivtez• Mtroolt, . . prrTpuni.42-4. 1:1=1 RosEnaL STO WORKS. PETERSON, Jr., & CO.; - .Mannh e turessaild Motors In 41'alndo or Cooking and Heating Stoves, HOLLOW AVARE, the eery LATEST PATE , flit besed STILES, Warehouse, 197 Liborty•Street, PITTSBURGII, PA. WOEKS, ILANCRISTIR. außl.lett ILAJELI_IW.A.3IS]E. B. WOLF, Jll., & Ca, DrA7.T.419 IN Hard:Ware & Cutlery. Aze now recelvlng large addttlorus toOur atock, which Is offered to Dream at WirrIELELIC Corner Liberty and St. Clair Sts., wn:ttsilcolax"6.l:4 LIPPINCOTT , &11h1111ELL, No. 118 Water - Street, • - or T - Ei ENT ICI iF4I E D dROEttl), YA.TE NT tOOTELEI) CLEICULAR SaIILAY, MILL MU) CIKIStii-Cl7 .E 3 l. N7t7 . lele:d4a - , 4 ; ' IL W. 1108110 W JAP.!II. BAIIIiI3ILT... 0 1 W."-,P 91 1. 11 . f . 15 .! - -CP4W 1 %, monitmir & - BAnNtatt, Steam Rollers, 011 Stills, Agitators, Tanks, Salt Pans. Gasometers, Wroogtit Inn BridgeO c tincel Iron work, „ COMER. LtBERTIT LIP SECOND STS.. PITTSBURG - kWPd.• wirIIWPAIRINO DONEVILWIPTLY. 13372421M1 Tyriury • • McLEAN SLATOR, N 0.83 Liberty St., opposite Fourth, , arAxcrAcrtro.in.a oF OAI3IHT 154EIRS'.HARDWAR.E. They reuukna specie, ty of Iron Bedstead and Pivot Castors: Porcelain, Bedstead and.Plsnt B. dawn' Fastenings: Stops for E-tten•loniTablei, de. They_also mannasture and - tant -.Blatantly on bands Tburob Latchns. Spring Latent.. it i terin's Wlndon'Sash Supporter. 11 . 1..ean . s Eccentric Oath J.ltttton, Utility Blunter •and Putt Ificars.. stone Hangings, Bad Ironic &nab Wnlittitd, ist'meo •- ./. lIHADZJIT ATNA griVVE WOLUW A. BRADLEY &-" CO. mazorta , Misa varSit7 COCK, PARLOR AND HEATHER STOYEV Aston," lAN wbletsra the celebnied innsil.Ww end ALALN (Cad Stores: Ell ZEN sad MONBIDES (P(ix!Coolc Amu, A/so =II ore VtATE9, GRATE Esoirrs i ale.' . Of z os mid Worotonsa, oconsiof 91,0011 ant Woo Am% rltutoirgo. karma ou Boo= street.. .oOkITI‘ IRON AND NAIL WORKS, LEWIS, BAILEY, BALZELL 6; CO. 2fiS ACT 17R EP.S - 0 P BAR, BOILER, Asa3zo • r1 1 11.2413arb. .IE3ELCO3ST, NAILS AND NAIL RODS. Warehouse, 73 Water & 90 Front si. PITTS!JVRGU, P. RANGES, STOVES AND GRATES. ~LL PERSONS WHO SEER NEW (.O , )KING itp.suKs are invited to call and Bea ACS COOKING RANGE- at so. ....la ibertvat.. vrtiere the .111 alto tad a couple:l.:L re mm.ly Of One and common y enameled GRAM, COOKING,STOVES, ?ARLO& I HEATING L Eloil3, Waalt House Filmset. , and Laundry BISSELL a CO., Mantuactorers of the celebrated • TRIUMPH CODE STOVES. FOR COAL. And Black Oak for WOOd. afro ItlP7 EVERSON, PRESTON & CO., P A's FL r...1-rid IRON NVOILECS. Winenousp, 1103. r. 3 rirst.! , .. omlllo PENNA. SALT MANUFk rilfrG CO. PITTSBURGH. PA. PENNA. SALL NIA NUFtill - PreTrIBITRG.E.T. TPr kilmiiikaihiai "g. _:„ „ CARSON, DARLINGTON & CO., BREWERS, MALSTERS 84, HOP DEALERS =ID JOSHUA. RHODES X CO" Pittsburgh W. W. ANDERSON, Allegbeay, Tbs stttritlon of the ,cuittirriera of toe two Iltru li particuLt, ly hatted to ..at . ALES AND PORTER. NV - hleb, thou - tch thr careful relertlon of Pith from our ellen Ire malt , ng f ell!tles and Hors from site yards ut sad West. we caw guarantee Pt be pure ant &nonfat , ory to the ti &de ' Our , :4 ILIA ALE hue been recommt nied " lal Y 4 ' . l r7:l%f i ttlg r i " c?;stomers wrl lease It 4 n. leutur o 'rare their ord re at. bte ogee allele leg Ws old Brews ry, or 55 our omen. • . Center of Duquesne Way a i d Barker's Alley, no9;utO - Jaitia burnt. a.. 1. TOZInu. Tiluniin , BOOTH ?LOMAS linOWN. ALLEGIIMY BREWERY. Having purchned the old eatatillshed Brewery. BREWERY, formerly owned by Camp uell it Reehm, we would Inform the public that we Intend continuing the manufacture Of SPRING WATER ALES, Made from Vote Spring-Water. and from our facili ties and long experience In the business, • e feel stlstl,4 th at we will be enabled tollee entire sat isfaction to -those who may favor us with their pat -IEI ThirLITZUSC idb CO. 465 - Rebecca ,13treet, . AI.LEfmEN - r.ctrv. air An orderi-' left at BROWN 'it . GRANA.III•S., 2°4 l.lte.rtp street, Pittsburgh, .41 be promptly attended to. oeb; 0l PAPER iIANEFICTERRG CO., ; NANO. ACTCEZIIS or war n :047a . OrFICERS—ATOth'T ‘J.hitl. B. LIVINUnTON, Tres...Ter. • I Inn.3.IUKL it. J rary.j .DinrcTOno—ntlgu bt Harco hn Atwe et ll, tr. B. thirtauan. ;Cho. B. Livingston. John 11. rerkho. t;.:tl. 1.0 4n41 YAW for Paper stock. , n.,Dh.,195 ' • VASTMAN'S PATENT Pcietable Folding FAMILY BEDSTEADS: The Reit Utesis for Family „Tie hi'ThelTorti We inn. nfacta yarlone Pit,l and . atylde of both area llrna¢e. , n+"tn admit nt their bring ea r Int, a na? or 4ceeta b r even die. ar t Jur tne bedding. When Intile:d 'they ten per. rectly genidotr. and can eselly be carrled_frann room to .run or floor hon. to ..• . To,be seen at SJILITLI 4t. SIOTTDS, PG Smith , dcl- no:;I:o H. P. OSVENP. Agent. FRINKLIN COTTON, WORKS, HYDE'S SONS Are now prepared t a niati licto re COTTON VOW, CARPET CITAIN,.. COVERLET CA.ISOLEAVICK, • • .00T L : O.N w,turb, de., SVP.BI , (JAN bet.wernlloldnaon lusd Lamed, doegneny anty. •,• C. 16.—A1l °mars oy malt attmllo.l to. 130 0 a PHOPSIX:ST-I*4 AtEVititt JO& .la2. /VICKY bPENCER -& ilIchAY MILSTRRSJUICERS Or Ale; Porter azul Brown - Stout, PITTSBURGII.4I. '-iitnEarlVATlCOX.BEattai g ar. IttatdeS W. U. G.L.1W1ATW).....D. r00nr....w. 1. 12.MIAARD p0niT334.14 11010L8 ! .. W,I..,.G4RRARD kW - 4 i ; _ MaEters,. Grain & Hop Dealers, O. 17 Water SS.rcet; / , 9311 . Nos. 5 and 7 Penn Street, _ PiTTSEitiRCHPA airL c . klshsetssg_kst.psise loacl far 11711 EAT, "A L. 1Y13.176 _ . STEPHEN M. OTT iss ~ Die Sinker, Seal sad Medal Engraver, STENCIL, BitSl) BD STEEL LETTER Culln. SUPERIOR SEAL PRESSES, Cancellingangunpir and Vadttng (jr.' , Aiso, YOB 4114.111C1N6 tametniu. 90 wood St., Cor. ttion DAV/P.300i Eitir.) - PI IIRTIRIH-. WEST'. COMMON .9T , ? . .1? Comer nt We. 1,138U•K taLl. VATZIG la Co. Have on band or prepare on !!tort notice . HEARTVI tili n7Y.P ISTON2B; rlAus FOR. ?in tit raIIiTACASTN tiLc.%:. /iron era...pronntif ,lIVASAd• YrtlCLy EEL'. BON ' t eat dam .Idendow munyacyared oar iltiU ;we& lidttrilruuan. skis( Me Penile:alaq. Ant. a lrafart4 ' FDlinir and Plain WintoolOireteiee, row, and Vaal; 61 every at !d; iriade in be be e t asmartal, at stiort mono.. and inrresnted.— - - 1 14 COLIMBIN II