The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, December 21, 1866, Image 2
r . ..... , t wv6141, ,! utter moral obliquity, his disregard of the , .. c.rt.,,,imerie :E.SlEltAL NEWS. - grit Witt s - 011 0 61P1R"4" j Bat red obligations of the marriage tie, his ------.-- . • I tendency to paganism, as manifested in the m mindria begin to suspect horrilde, "voodooism!' and - nfetischism," reapo m oTef ardof t il itVn i To * ,;rl - I ‘ .k 7 .= r ; ' l r . . which is spreading like a pestilence, all go Ward molders to much (Or, my taste to John to show-that we cannot rely upon him as a Bull's prejudice. Perhaps he does not actually productive element in the economy of the g ru neTve ' r - PT gh "ain .i r' l bi" ''''''' r7i n t r'' 4 ear at; on_ t,e 'ono o ~. t hane s State. are nogagreeable to American s t r , m ie I;a ui i ' . Tliiivay all loai• ue of the bee ; but ITr i t-VieZ n itiltelith ' is ) ery fecl " rie, an Y ti then it must be confessed.they have not a &Tr. which h fig i mn e egr o 3 u l r nfi t' ' . °:a r ryT:: w i VOiltl i. few traits iit common with'. the` , . be glad to oiler him. Though he has watt/bat, ....., o Punch, he is unknown Therois general complaint that thiwhites pe e ;onali l y, P PCl r i B cy t e to she leadina contribu tors" of that periodical, end though 'opea are overstocking all - the cities, large end a , iiy pr. ssed to join the Punch weekly dinner, snail. Mr. GREELEY says New York Is bas hitherto begged citron the ground of the uncertainty of has health . now trying its beat to starve out two hum- —An interesting experlinen't was lately tried dred thousand of them. The hoe and plow niltie c ti b i l t e et r l ' g '" r t = i i)Tu " e F a r l e s:r le' doctor. 1 I l e "' are as distasteful to multitudes of whites failing rapidly Into a collapse. wilco the doe: lujectysi Into the veins of the riationt at as they any blacks. Easier employ- . o r '? e fold of the arm about twelve ounces of ments; Opportunities for traffic and specu- water ut a tyro pecan:re of 104 degrees FaUren bett. The man noon grew warmer, hie pulse , Ions; the excitements and dissipations of became perceptible, he showed unmistakable sigois of returning life, anti, In fact, sixteen urban life, have an unhealthy fascination hours after the oeration in the morning, he for-people, without much distinction as to On im p roving , i t:i an alai null p . a , Lket: h f r o . 0 r . % i drink. e i t i 5. ,,, , e..,. , 0 ar the color of theirskins. As to the , "disre- ,in o 4'ol. rary einivaleleetlee trout cholera, mid I 1 gard o'.' the sacred obligation of the . mar- li la. Sir. Putts, of New York bus entirely riage tie, "which is attributed to the blacks "taken Dm salts out of" Dr, Wlndship. ito as a peculiar failing, perhaps the least said ,7,1, / ,',l7,A l Lt i h t 6 wL e Z t . y L li ,k,, t .r po l u i n w d o i!v o m . c . c L e : . the better. In the days of slavery no . 1 !: , ;. , M a ,, : i.• . a 1 t l ii v ale`artl l rrnt!:l . l:reVr h 'lto hx ac't black woman was allowed to be virtuous. pork and condiments. 1 have used noisily [ler chastity was not in her owp keeping. : - , .; ‘ ,g . t . , , t , ,1 1 0 ,. t m i 0; 0 1, ,,, ,t, , i I t r:,1,11.z..„,V',1r1ii..11.011,,a,trti,,,,,,,,0011if. I It belonged to her master along with the the to Introduce solid animal rood into I regard beefsteak. an eOntalaintz /11. entirety of her person. If slavery debased best muscle-making principle, because It is r a 4c u l g eo u n t a t tor4 . 7 ,. .a m dll , y distributed us such ' and brutalized, it surely does not become those who upheld. that institution •to .de- The boys at Virginia City, Nevada, have per flounce the victims for the corruption it °:lTia t , e ll u'ul cruelor a tr. k V,, ' e it l O ` f Tb r it '24 t l. e"ti bred. in them • . themseiteS as highwaymen, anti, capturing ___......—______- him on the Divided, relieved him of several hundred dollars (proceeds of his lectures) polo watch, Ac. lie thought it stern reality until just as ho was about to start back to Califor nia, when, after being stinted in the stage, the missing valuables, together with the masks worn by the robbers, were handed to him In the presence of a laughing crowd. —The Indian confederacy. so well known in America history, and ono oft he tribes or which um - opine ter was the chit:Lb as dwindled to a remnant, who intend at the present session of Congress to present a petition asking nit equivalent for 600,001.) [Luce of land in .tianSel.s, of which it appears they are deprlVerl. These Kansas hinds were given them In return for the cession to the I. tilted states of ail their right to certain lands In Wisconstn. —A visitor to his Sew leaven Airrisltouse finds there en old gentleman, formerly well for and respoe ed, whose ease is particularly no- Desible tram the fact that he has a daughter, a talented author, who has made a handsome fortune with her pen, who charmed nor read ers with tales and poems end the eloquent pathetic manner In which she pleads the ranee or poverty, and defends the humble from "the proud man's contumely," —A story is told of a mother who sent her own Lague-rotype to a "midnight meeting" in London. hoping that her abandoned daughter might ece it and repent. The picture was passed around In Several meetings, until at last It met the eye for which It was in tended, and the guilty girl broke into tears, and set, 051 at one" for the herau of her child nood. . . urBLISUED BY Penniman, Reed & Co., ; AT GAZETTE BUII,DING, _ i, No. Ete linftlx :lEStroet. i. n. rENsin t, nduar i . T. P. 110111STON; S , JUSIAIt lalxti ti a .,..4. rwmire ... 2S - KILSO.% P. LLE En. I=l Flagle Cuplee 3 eenY. br rtrrler. (per yreetl ...... "—. to cents. 51113felltotrs, (Per rt.') 1118.Uu. labcralreuuetlona so Newsboys and //seat* ' FRIDAY, DECEMBER2I, ISM TRH SOUTHERN ATTITUDE The Conservatives, in their denuncia tion of tho Congressional plan of recon struction derive their chief argument in he unconditional re-admission of the Con federate States to the halls of national leg islation from the all alleged extinction of disloyal sentiments in the minds 'of the Southern people, Such extinction would probably haveoccurred had President JOHNI113;1 adhered to the intention ho fre quently reiterated of making "treason odi ous." The manifest indications of return ing loyalty on the surrender of the rebel armies, go far to fix upon the President the responsibilities fur the change which oc curred soon afterwards. Unhappily" for the country the President • - did not persist In the Policy he had an nounced. Ills actuall course became the reverse of that to which he was pledged. All his efforts were strenuously directed not to stamp treason with the brand of in famy, but to make it honorable. Present ly he went still farther, and rndeitirored to make loyalty odious ;" to pot it under ilia ; to subordinate those %ciao had evinced it to those wh - O had either ehgaged in the rebellion or had sympathiagd with it. At the South.the scope and Mat of the President seemed to be to place the uncon-- Lionel Union men at Cho mercy of unre pentant traitors. This is substantiated in many .ways, in none more i:onsrad,uouly than in the tone of 'most of the SOutherri journali. Admitting that these ,Journals do not in all respects 'represent the feelings and opinions of the more intelligent and - considerate classes of the Southern people; that large abatements must be made' from their apparent fierceness on;the score of partizan exaggeration ; still, it. Will hardly be utsintained that they do not about as fairly reflect the temper of their patrons as Northern journals do the tone of the mass of steady readers. There are, doubtless, many journal's, North and South, that in / dulge in TCIIIS of extravagance which meet . 'with small favor from the soberiminded. But, unfortunately; all people do not be long to that class. But, when we consider the atrocities of 'Memphis and New Orleani, they equal if not surpass, in stern realities, the most heated and unscrupulous journals. Con gress undertaken to Investigate these appalluad barbarities. Measures have al ready been taken to ensure the thorough 'eel scrutiny; and there is no room to hope that it will be made apparent that these bloody scenes were either unpremeditated or were the result of casual exasperations, which do not demonstrate &pervading pus: pose and _unquenchable animosity. KINDNESS AND CONCILIATION. . _ Undoubtedly these qualities have their nee in the economy of the world. If this was not so human nature would not be ca pable of displaying that. But it would be absurd to infer . from this that all manner of wild beasts could be more -effectually Aimed and reduced to subjection by cm ressei than by asserting and' maintaining ma- terdom with a strong hand: Not but there' rc general temperaments and special moods: of feeling even in the moat obdu rate natures, upon which forbearance, mod-, oration and benevolence May be moat ad vantagle-ously employed. But the mare we see and rend, the more are we convinced that this is not the pervading.rebel temper. ament, nor a common' mood of sentiment • among them. Before the late elections, while-we were not satisfied with the tune of the Southern press, we • were -disposed to make allow anon for the Ul-nature and truculence man ifested- The Southernopla had reasons for believing—not very aubstantial ones, 7 3 to he sure, but still roans—that the re publicans did not ekuetitute a rest majority of the people of tho loyal States; that their ascendancy in Congress was stacidental and temporary; and that an appeal to the _ballot;boxes would result in their confu - slon and banishment from power. But the verdict of the people; upsetting these cal ; culatione, 'does not stn Whey° tamed the fermity of rebel rage. Da the face of that verdict, and in contempt of it, the former "outpouring of wrath is continued. Let us - - cite some examples. 1 .., The Petersburg; Express declates: "File President will have no alternative left him bat to disperse the two Houses at the point of the bayonet." _. , . The Richmond Enquirer asserts; ~..„! The President is bound by his oath to • Blkaistiain' the State Governments." ' And then gives Congressmen to 'under stand that he will be backed up by the Northern and Southern Democracy in making war upon them and theirsuppori ers if they attempt to put the Territorial theory in operation. \ The Charleston' Afereury; likelYise, In forms the Executive that the late Southern soldiers are at his disposai if he requires their aid iu overpowering the Northern disnnionists. • The Mobile Times affirms: '"Elie South will - wesist with force any change in its present politick' status." The Pine Bluf Vindicator declares: ! "For fighting for our rights again, let us have no more servility by the press and public men of the country. Let us hear no voice cuunciling submission; but all pro claiming our rights or War.” • Now, there may be individuals who are. of the Opinion that these rebels are in a frame Of mind to be coaxed and petted IntP good behavior. But we do not so 'judge. The old venom that lad them to take pp , arms against-the government, and make prodigious efforts for its overthrow, still actuates them. Unwilling to submit to any contingencies- made necessary or in• ovitable liy the fortunes of the IN ar; de manding in defeat the same deforencethey would hove exacted In triumph; they arc resolved to reject all conditirina essential to the real pacification and permanent re , so of the nation. - Tuir .Meinphis Appeal is distrusted with free uegrocs. It evidently thinks they Isere made for bondage. !Jeer it: Day by day ehmulative eVidence reaches ue, from all sections of the country, that the negro, as n freedman, is a curse to the pc.opla, and AU Incubus on, the body politic. North 1 G4rolina com Plains that they are becoming mote-worthless each succeeding year;, that their love pf novelty - And .liege, tlAir 'disposition V/ forsake, the hoe and the for the easier but the lets ptoliteltie cutrleyrneuts of the toinfe tool cities, Is depleting the agriculturaLdis. , to filar an extent .88 to tender 103- ported labor uheolute/y .neceseary to the' cultivation of the lane. Thu elwple fact that the negro 'will leave the ease and 1. plenty of the country to starve or freeze In the city, to one of the strongest arse -1 malts against' hte ability to take care of huraelf. 13ie beastly liceotionsriess, hie EDITORIAL iIittEVITIE94 THE 3laretzek libel suit against the New York. Sunday Herezirij attracts considera ble attention. The result will provo how far an editor may call attention to alleged abuses In places of public amusement with out rendering himself liable to the mana gers for damages. EDWARD C. aux, President of the Nor ristown end . Germantown Railroad. and Vice President of the Franklin Fire Insur ance Company, died at his residence in Philadelphia, this week. Gel. llowamo's REIN= of the doings of the Freedmen'nureau is a most tren chant reply to the indictment of it pre- Butted by Generals Fullerton and Steed man. THE Secretary of the Navy has taken the ailliertlsing of his Department from Republic - an journals and giN en it to those most strongly imbued with copperheadism. Three hundred and fifty Millions of our government bonds are held in Europe. They are liable to be returned at any time in bulk for payment. A few nights'ago amen named Patrick Connery was shot and instantly killed in Memphis by an unknown assassin. The Literary-Union of the State of Penn sylvania with • headquarters at Philadel phia, Mika flourishing ; condition. . A wretch has been arrested in Washing ton for selling the rant of a cow that bad died of lung fever. Anna Dickinson has reached her home in Philadelphia. 'Der health is still rather feeble. A DEMOCRATIC Organ, with a capital of $250,p00, is to be established in Chicago. Mats° and Petroleum stocks are look ing up in the Eastera markets. Several soap societies are in successful operation in Philadelphia. DECISION OFTLIE ISUPICESIE COURT. We; opy the following from the Wash ington correspondence of the Philadelphia Press, of the date of December 18 : "The Washington Chronicle, of to-mor row, will contain the following article on the late decision of the Supreme Court of the United States. It has created great ex ultation among the rebels. • Their organ, the Inlelligenter , claims, almost in tunic, that under this decision the earnest men of the Republic are to be punished for their efforts, against the traitors. Unless Con grecs intervenes snits will everywhere be brought against those who took part in military trials, At-. There is, however, very little doubt that Congress will take prompt action. The opinions stating the views of the four dissenting judges, Chase, Swayne, Wayne and Miller, will be pub Milted in due time, and is looked for with much interest. It is certainly a very omi nous sign when the decision of a Supreme Court is openly claimed by a newspaper n.ivr more than ever in the interest of trea son, t , be a rebuke to patriotic men, and an apology and vindication of the most disloyal element. The cases decided were known as the In diana conspirators, including Milligan, Hersey and Bowles, who were tried, con victed and sentenced by a military com mission in They were argued at the Tait teem of the Court, and the decision reserved. The attorneys for the appellants were Hon. J. A. Garfield, of Ohio; Judge McDonald, of Indiana; Ron. .1. J. Black, of Pennsylvania, and David Dudley Field, Esq., of New "York ; and for the United States, ex-Attorney General Speed, Attor ney General Stanberry,, and Major General 8.. F. Butler. • The live Judges in the majority were Grier, Nelson, Clifford, Davis, -and Field. The dissenting judges were Chase, Miller, Wayne, and Swayne. The comments of the Chronicle - are 'as follows: THE SIIPREILE COURT AND TRN AMERICAN xxrairrs," ALIAS "KNIGIITS OF I'AE GOt. DEN CIRCLE." . . Oa Monday, ,by a majority of one, the Supreme Court, In the case of ex.parte Mil- ligan, declared the prisoner's trial illegal And his conviction inoperative, and ordered his release. It may be proper to state that Milligan was a prominent leader among the "Amer ican Knigh's," Or "Knights of the Golden Circle," and it was for traitorous practices in aid of the public enemy in the State of Indiana, when, that State was the theatre war,-that he was arraigned and con demned, by a military commissirin; on the fullest proof of Ids guilt. His death sen tence was approved by General Hoovey, who convened the court, and by General Hooker, comminderof the apartment, and, in .April, 1865, was ordered to be carried into execution by President Johnson, who, however, subsequently commuted it to im prisonment fordife. The Supreme Court now Olds all the proceedings against him to !lave been null and void on the ground that Military commissions, wherever or however constituted, are unconatitutional and without color of law to support them. We refrain from any • detailed criticism tma momentous decision until it shall have been published in full. We cannot, however, avoid saying now that in its scope, at reported, it can scarcely fail to shock the - sensibilities and provoke the severe rebuke of loyal men every where. The exultation of the Intelligence, over It will. awaken a jubilant echo throughout rebeldom, and the hearts of-1 traitors will be made glad by the announce ment that treason, vanquished upon the battle field, and hunted front every other retreat, has at last found a secure Shelter in the bosom of the supreme Court. The militaary commission thus denounc ed as a usurpation has existed as a Maui. mate lustrumentality, in the, hands of the war-making power, from the foundation of the Government; it has again and again been recognized by Congress, composed - of the greatest statesmen, jurists and patriots of the nation, ami has been constantly em ployed by all our most illustrious Generals as a potent agency for the suppression of the rebellion. President Lincoln, himself an able lawyer, and, es a Chief Idagistrate, most careful of human life, confirmed and executed the death sentences of this tribu nal in numberless cases. Yet we are now told that all this array pr learning and pa triotism, and experience and loyalty; which has given unhesitating support to the mill tary commission, is to be held for naught in the presence of a single voice of - the Su premo Court. The. bravest, truest and wisest men of theiard,' who have used this tribunal in defense of the national life, are thus branded as felons, and we are now Aoki that the real criminals of the war were not the traitors, spies; guerrillas and eesas sins tried, but the patriots who tried them. This extraordinary deelsiOn will doubiless I ruelve the attention •of Congress at an effdy day. —The.Gettyshurg cemetery monument is to be completed by July I, 1667. The statue of General lteignolds Is to be created In the ceme tery, and not on the spot where he fell. It la Intimated that the Freedmen's Lincoln Mono. me nt Association will apply for pertnission to place a 'bronze stetue•of the Late President In the cemetery. —The reporters of the Detroit Fria .PreBA ought to try the virtues of strogaling. Two 44 them have permitted then.elves to be trounc ed lately—one by a very bad actor, and the other by an abandoned loafer. t{'eehouid like tomes the man who could trounce the MUACLI - reporter of this journal. SAMARITAN ROOT AND lIEIIII JUICES. The area Ilhod rurleer and ltemedr for =I =I For Syphilis Vas stsmaritsai's Hoot sod sorb Juices ire the moat potent an•J .11ectual remcdte, ever peeled' ed. It reaehce and, eradicates every particle of the venereci liolcort. rill et m.crt: every =I all the bad tEeete of haeroui7. 1 . e.r0 $T,:h" per Dot Bold only la Pittsburgh at JOSKPIi FLILMNG'S Drug tact Patent Ile , llclLe Del.:, No. Isl. Harter 1E32 GHAT HAIR. UALDIOSS DAND- Ruff% ANY. ''IMGASE or Tat SCALP.—N(' DISCOVERY (JAN • OHPARE WITH "LONDON lIAIR COLOR RESTORER AND DIUSSIN‘ • 'London Our Beat flair Color Hertotor •London i ' • • Hair Color w'•torer . /.0 , 11.i011 Ithyslclans II Color / Gr tor., •Loudon lila Color Rretorer _ • ..reree• HO, IL,torer" STEM on lon Lou tuu 'Loudon Heron mend It. Stair ( 7 olor Ketterer• liner. - fall. to Impart Ilfe, growth, and ••leor . the treAseet trt.r, tat tens at.d Its fa. tine. and ID sore to pneluee a new grow' b of Lair. rouble, It to grow tb.ek and airing. t' ray 75 crette a Lent,. .4 tilt bAf cozen., Bold try Mgt:LARSON MeIEEN WAN: tis Mar ket etre. t. 6E... A. 6)71..1.1" 37 Wood str‘ rt. pad Job FLEXING, 1.4 , Market streetl , 7•Oargbt !LANK 6 1.)1W17 7 r, A •egb nr. au27:mt.varr TILE GREAT MEDICAL ANNUAL —Hostetter'. totted Statei.Almanar .for IW7, for di , tribut on GRATIS, throughout the United Stales and all civals4 countries of the Weetdzn demise plocre, wlll ae published about the first ofJtnuary, sod .11 .Ito with to uuderttand the Moo philosophy ur 11. a th should read and_ pen , re the valuable sug gestlonslteontalnt. In Option to an ado:drab, nedlral treatise on the cantos, prem. urluu at,sl etre Of a great •arletT of dl.eaees. IL einoraees a large amount 01 information Inteeetting to the merchant, the mtchanto, the miner, the 'farm r. and prOfeashinal mast; and Site calm, latlont have been made for tools merl -lan• and at- Hadn'tta are moot tut , able for a eurr.At and COni prenerialee HARMS:AA!. CALRNDAIL • The nature. ttes, and extraordinary sm_itary ef feCta Oi tiosTETT.• It O nymtin• If nix tat eta I. •onitand alterative of more .hat half the l.hriatlau world are 15117 Net (Orin In Its n - t. which are also Int...pure-4 with 'minable recipe,. /1.'3210.00. attention,. and otb., Inatrue It , cud 261311151Z1, rendlne l [Latter. original and select. d. Among the Annual, to App.,. wlt.t. the oyeutog or the tea, 'hi: will Po On , of the mo•I ...WI. and llaT r KRAL VOA Ti,,: +SMOG. eend tor copir• to CeStisl .I:l•PufactO,y n . at Pittiburgh. ra.. or to the Stare.: t. t for u:tint, Eli n iarTrAte. The MM.. are *old la t eery city, town and village or the t ultcd etat: NEW ADVERTISEMENTS W3l. 21 INalLet.s4 Jr., Adams Ezpress (take, 154 IVA dire% is an authorised Agent to twelve eldveritsements for the GAZETTE, and all other papers throw/tout the' United States and the Canada*. IVERCOAT STO LEN.-4 a' the per .. non who stole tn. ItVEI:COAT tram the Wier of W. feeble. 1111Ier, yentero,. he In hereby notltlttl to return the toMi., and .are being pr..necotrd therefor. de.21,111. TEMPERANCE LEAGUE.—The Pittthug!, Temperance League WIU mart TO•NIOIIT to the 518111 1.111:41lrft JUAN CHURCH. It. 0. MILLER' Weer. tftry FIRBT WARD, ALLEGHENY First Muni lit.publtran Frlmlay lictiluitvlA bel held at the tICIIOUL maim,. SATURDAY Deeemhtr?.:4l, at 7 o' r. u. de7.l:q 0 =I pIANOS PIANOS 1 !—.4 n entire new stork of 'SNARE fc (Io.3lr, , ,N(wwldrh arn now .onal , :ered the Mat made: also ft lIELCHIt43 11ANON. Prier from 6.4 upward. Persons In want of a drrzer:ao Llano are r.apectfully tootled to 101 l and CLILIPII36 before purchaplug elaanl:ore. CHARLOTTE BLUME, datl On. 43 Fifth r trent. HOLIDAY GOODS A if iI . T I I IIN N IF BRONZE, GILT, Oarbon Oil Lamps and Chandeliers, Lamp Trimmings, &c. O av ilT ''.N ga " rAR lin, ITIe..Ir i. JOHN ROSS & CO., SSA. .111gLairlr-ot- if3trinot, deRO.A79:dAwT S , ITTSHIIItGH. rA. SKATES! SKATES! SKATES! DAVE rtrcEr TED MOST OF M STUCK. cud oger to tho I.r.tic a telecLlon hum 5,000 PAIRS OF VARIOUS BARES Before purchasing elsewhere, call and examine my Slocki as I can OFFER DEALERS SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS JAMES SOWN, No; 1.336 Wood- Street. n0451.,5 BANKERS Co.,)Ste., & BROKERS, is ALL MurD6 OP Government Securities, Foreign Exchange, Gold, Silver and Coupons. COLLECTION , Paude on all' Awe gable point& In the United Otatts and o.sdas. Interest allowed on Time Deposit& DINSoLLTION OF tO-PIRTNER.4IIIf. 'TIE PAIRTNERSUIP HERETO (Ore c<ll , tlng under the naMe and .style of LEVI MIN UYL has this dsy bevn els.olsed. • 3IEN./F.L. I , eeember7 tb, 14Cl. de2l:liS cLoAki AND HOODS, Sontags-and Breakfast Shawls, G'ailers-aud BoulakluS, Nutrias. Sacks. IlluffaVes, &c., &c., IN GREAT VARIETY AT PHELAN'S OLD STAND STOCKING STORE, 24 Elflk Street. A 1,1,EG II ENT COUNTY, sa.—lit the Court of tionamon Palmer Allegheny Colla te. ho. ell. Septelal. r Tern,. bee. GICATIASI. by her next, Mead, Jacob Heath v 11.1 1 1 .5 t int .11A-M. -Libel In I worm a ri e. ncylo Inatrimonti. . . . . TO WALLIAII LinAllw:n. the . nbove 1.14,,d re. thontlent: You ant betel, aothled to he aa4 op • tiar at the u•it term of tbla Court. to be. bolo at ttatur gh , on thn . . trtret Monday In March next, Then and there to a.newer the complaint or the above named libellant, tarah urabam, and •• @bow canee. It a .0 you have, why the prayer ro• the. laid Ilhellarn Per g divorce 0 rinceto rnotritroali aloud not be grente.l. de2l nsiOvr bAMITIC.. K. ClAlLEY,eeetlf. BROACIIE LONG SILAWLS,- Broache Square Shawls, Scotch Plaid Sha ms, Dosseestic Plaid Shawls, YOlt SALE AT LOB" rItICKM, BY WHITE, ORR & ca, No. 25 Fifth Street. de::1 SHERIFF'S SALE. • (IN FRIDAY MORNING; Decein bcr :Ist, I.e, at 10 o'cloet, at No. 49 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh, A large.,ortuent of LADIES 11010, 111MLES. Oafs, ERRS, (1. CASSIMEIII!Ri - TI3I.II3IINGS, ekc. SAMUEL, R. CLULEY, MEM MY CHRISTMAS -GIFT, OF lust House Furnishing Emporium. Yon can nod 1 , 1)1 1 T BLACKING CA,EB, tiILVER Pr.ATY.O Tr A AN() SKTS. LIN rA NIA Tr.,,,Em, to 01,1 PLATKII TA OLE Ol'uoNti, ~ I, . , F F. F E lilt An. 111 ,, PII I, IIERS antl'ritAl h, rittar.E'rr , . (.1111,1,1i rr. REMII.I ACTOIII 4 . from Vora or on• xrttelc Toucan n , ll for 1.1 thr Ilno of 1h0r0..,(13 lioo,c.curulthlnw lilrJoate. . No. 121 Wood Street, W. W. BRADSHAW 01)0DS FOIL THE HOLIDAYS, t_k]E;,INT BYO. 21 FIFTII STREET, L ACE' AND EM HI2OIISEILED LIANDE'r:S, FA NCY 4CAIF9," - .NOIiIYEA;I AN LE A THEM SATCMELS, rot: r ‘ION I E. CD: Alt CACES, LOVEIi llO Ft S' Y FA N 11,• LADIE3 roNti.AN toxs, CA RD CASES, LACE ( DLLA.HA. I. ACE SF.TTS, E F 7.01 Elt F:11 , 'ETTS. I. ACE If A N EICCIIIEFi, HEMSTITCHED II Ax DE EMLIIIEF!, CAI ISIDIIDEIL s E 111 ELOY ES. BCC CLDTIt Co LOVES, EIDIAILAIES N HITE SU:ltrm. ENIIE 1 LE'. LIN ES ,COLLARS, PAVER COLLARS, lc,. Le. • • Selling Low for Cash dell GIFTS FOR TILE HOLIDAIS. Photograph Albums, Ladies' Companions, Portfolios. Family Bibles, Prayer and Hymn Books, Gold Pens and Cases. Juvenile Picture Books, Ladles' Purges, !Poetical Works, Varieties for the Little Ones, Stationery of all kinds, Diaries for 1567 Nuliseripiloom reeelved toren the Mix:- nrinee of puhltnhere' Priemat the BOOK AND NEWS DEPOT JAS. H. AIKEN, Chronicle Building, No. 70 Fifth Street. =3 OH! COME AND •SEE Our Superb Assorhnent or icAni;ur CII • 11.8, • ORIENTAL CH AIIL'4. ARM cilium:, ittwric ARM CHAIRS, • CAMP STOOLS. • FOLDING REDS. LADLE & DOORMATS. 0L0T11E. 4 3 HA MPEIDE FANCY BASKETS, TOILET WARE. POT MET AND TAIILE ECTLERY. WIRE, WILLOW • and WOODEN. DOOM. Tb. largest eteet• awl tints( assutiani•nt In the West nt New•l' at Int house-terslsnlng Em• perlmn, . No. 124 li2Crood. Eftroot. W. W IMADSBIAW. .g 1,14 sews J. F. STARK & CO., BANIERS, Corner of Wood and ihird Etreets, 331:712" ANa iSIMXN mitt stirs BoNDS, SILVEI: AND couros, Dravr ',Toe ana Sista 114ta of Ex change on Es(. 'A tin. Yltdripd. OEILIIA.ti Y, ITALY, de, da 15:Oh:WY SE ASONAiILE GOODS. • SOAPSTONE GRIDDLES, •PAT.• Ee*.r 1.11:11.)111:..Ne, rercelete !Ailed -Hollow War, . a run tune, warm - 11rd not t • Cruel or rote! out hv A' hiuket, Itrooms. Whiskers. Bruit.- re, null every ,ouvvlvebie article in our line, et thel. 1101CSE-FURNINIIING EMPORIUM, No. 124. "GiTacocl. Eltir4oot. W. W. BRADSHAW. ETTACII ' , MASON, CIif.A.E.S-ORS TO CIIRS3tIAN 41. 31tnn4ctorer. of RAH LEATHER. RELTENG, :gn. 111111 . 0 6tri , .. t; 10orty thy. Also 1011 doroottof of if ficlllog et •ri L ANDER 00W At. 10 r 1 . 111,0 gh Pa dr 17 .0 1•11 /. 0. • LAIOC, oopt. of Won,. REM ol' L.—TE ti UNDER SIGN.. , F 0 tare removed tte o of the HOPE 0141 WO raw from 33 :Janie stme4.,, /Inshore., Co hen WornGAIL 4 OI: ITILICET Brownitown, whore tbuy Sao aarosittr he iouud. PonCiraa - 111aress 830. /Inshore., DUNOLN • VaLLILIAL MOM auiV/Vilirimitit.3:9Zl3l; CAPITAL PRIZE, $30,000. MiC-IBLIMiIr'EN •Grand North American Prize Concert. Tlme died to Award the Premium, and the CON CELIt to be even at tie Wabash. Avenue Mat, qUe.go, iWnoit,• SATURDAY, JA,NIVALRY 1807 This Is the Greaten U.strlhntion of the Nine teenth !venture. and mostitucceserni enterpriAe of the -kind ever ineneureted.4l the world. ...30.000 VALUABLE ntIZICIIIi nailed et liAn.eA .11111 e &lON DOLLARS. ld r cludlist 8100,000 IN CiiirENBAC/LS '9ll be prcaunti•d to tkcket A SPECIAL NOTICE TO THE PEOPLE. The prourlett rs of this grand enterpriee hive ge, at pleasure in being :Otte to Inform the aubecelb ers thelrConerrt that it now an .sured sUr gees. Phil of 50. tickets idtued, ord. itY 0.0 re. man uesuld. The proprietors du not rr , •tt to hold a single tlcaet art n the evneert takes plane, mleht creato dissatiafaction among our patrons, and there ore bare been. compelled to extend the time to AN UARY Alb: Ike], when It wtil poaltire• le ttke p 1 se. wiNout any further p• atpoartne-P. For PO years we bar been elseago tl IP. the and we point prlue to the repUtution we learn •au for honesty and Integrity Many uf the prominent ettikene of °blends,: lb •r witness to the statement tu • L.we have nee near Mlee on, peel:litre to the public that we 'it tvet - not saertiely iii Ailed. and we reser to tug leading b.dakers and ISteeehellteol New lurk. Philadelpols, Hu: ton •oct Chinned forour character (or lair otallsg, inimpale ut -II opposttion and ever obstacle. Yrs shall prove Lathe public that the North Amy:least Prieto Concert will he e ad, cued bosom • ly, and ail the p Mee. adremitel Will be distributed Solely, im partla:lya d without 'utterer.. Arra:ogee:lento for the drawing are completed. Tee oneuka, IrO.oooin nu elpi, are ready. The pi n ./I drawing adopted is lee following:— Duplicate nuntbora from I te.500,1:00 are pieced lo a whew: situ heel [Ma bar drawn. takes takes the nigh eat tall:, he per the second highest .glee, and so O o soul the whole:50.000 prises are drawn. We advise all puttee wanting pellets to send for them al nice. Ali orders for nubile will be promptil d. Nueribei of Tlekelmlssued 100.000. • I== Every Other Ticket Draws a Prize. I=l manzi I I .' hesitance in Chicago An 0 'lo"lbtengo env° ...... 6 (no IO " e:6O each zrOfe Co .• Metodeons. $l5O week i COO 1110 " 11101ne, in heath 2,110 , TO .• 6111.1 Walcunn. Wl:leach ' 10,1410 1 . 1.1ollen•i•old - Wateken. coo 2.0 0.0 310 .• till •er 'Watch., eiis neck /2.60 U KO 11 lellysr Cu rash ' 12,00 147.013 other 011ie worth.... CM Unit The dlntrlbutlou will take plecu alto, the csncert, whore in, 00 pea t can witness It. A commute WM •ppomt• d ticket Milder.. to take ehargs of the we. An setAta and - purchan. will bb c nupplic6l with a correct. Bel of the aerardn ae soon ea published. Crlce of tleticia,4l.curb. Bent by mall en receipt of.prles mid 3 cm. sit .ind f., recurs pottage. Every Other Ticket brews a Prize.. TElield OH CLUB RATES. Set party procuring a club of O. or more lames (or [lckett. and sendi•g un the moony for tue will be allowed the f , ..110n counininilou.: We will . nend nukes to nom addl ., ea for 10 tickets to one Address fur . ........ tlekets loon. at tire, for 15 54 eentl the name of each suniunther and thelr. Poet add:um. with town. tones and State ID Nth Money by draft, Yost biller only, ex4treso, Orin rein treed lettere. may he anal at our IT .. Every Other Ticket Draws Prize.— Rend what the Chicago Preen ha): C Prom Chlmgd Tltnen.l Nostril Anlnican Yutzz Conceit,— 'monk the fleet Kitt enterprise , . to or cciumenct d na I Wag.. bas that of Meters. A. A. Kell, y Co_ which bar eenperpetual for more than tine ea. epa t. alto ' Lie sr , yen the mast perfect .allefaettort. If we are 140,udgee the the on iten•lve corded If. r ito " rre t a t i b. eusheNe?y"ah de d red it tht• sod olio, hooey, and enoorned ny tome of the best buelness nines In Ws country. From what we know of Mr. Kebeg, we a e that Ls win. ..10 the fu'nre as lo the past •• deal fairly an I hon orably with all who take flock In hit enterprise.. iCriern the Chicano Journal.; KILLS, S Co. 0100 EntenrePot,—The Rest to embark In the elft tont:note. business In Chicago, an Ito brat of A. A. Amity Stet v.. located at It.. Itaudolph stes-nt. Who does not remember then alert. shier, pened two or three. year. ago. why e l u c kapr , ,a,g books and other &Wale., and wcie so ky as to anti with Chet+ tic , rtk which • atlile.l hem to 90:11 Me atria or Jewett ., or :her prizes? 1110,44111 id of our citizens were thus fortunate, and this.. Lave lb bolt twl•tences that Mesas,. ....dry A Co. ;ewer., perform at, Inez proroi..c: that they aro bottom do men and do hull nes. twywra lr and kn the aq tare. . The citizens, of Chtraaw who Snow A. A Kelley A Co.. bate eoutdenre I tvelr hone.' and lurrart t,.•nd ar. t•rvelJ Jon. Wog Intl fir euterprlse. ' These are ware of the re anal- why we feel •afe In commending Vol.• lilts Goneert to the 131113 starcataczt, Tappan, Ile 1 co., Commercial Agenry Chicao; Lot c. Whitford, wholc,am pain, doa , er Chicago: Loch Coarbsch k Schwers, Lops/curs Phlla.riphla: cattalo,' D. littr:ock, rotollsLert, Chfl kir Croiltt stololrlt , s, Hostas Jam, s 1.. o arum Co.,•lmporters, New Vora. All cummualeationat bould be addressed to A. A. KELLEY & CO.. 105 Randolph Street, Chicago jint,M;d/kw CHRISTMAS PRESENTS .A.11:112 NOS CDO I : " MDT, (- 1 011 PRISIN G "' THE LARGEST aasortm.,aever eN;.itolsesl In the. etl}. I CIA,. Uno .111D. , 11.rd 4 . 11,•l,e . spd not thruilth wirnto to Ow East, alld will tx sold - LESS TdAN ANY HOUSE IN THE CilY. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Dressing Cases; Ladies' and Gentlemen's Satchels; Flue Work Boxes; Fine Glove Boxes; Fine Port(Alos a, Tourists' Cases; Fine Writing Desks; Stereoscopes and %logs; Cigar Cast s; Pocket Books and Cabas; Fine Bohemian and China Vases; Motto Cups and Saucers; Flue Toilet Sets; Cliess Men and Boards, With at, mile" f•t'a. tf of FANCY DOODY god WIIQLFOALE and lIITAIL. C. YEAGER & CO., 110 Market Street. MEI NEW GOODS, NEW GOODS, SHEPHARD'S Steam Cracker Bakery 81 1 73 D 4 , CONFECTIONARY, 317 ' MAlcaert3r iStre et PITTSBITEGIT, PA., d .12‘ KW, BEAUTIFUL PRESENTS tuu rut r:a AL - 1r 61, JUST OPENED AT • 13. Or 13 , No. 22 Wood Street A ~i g7 f ,',Tifßoitts i Mrat7,l.9.l; rare end .itylea. A One tot of PARIAN STATUETTES, • LAVA IVA RE, DECORATED TEA. TOILET, IlErlltlll'AST AND DINNER REIN, All of nitlrli le offered on that:coot resionnble rates. _ 111. 111GBY.' drs:pv MERRY CHRISTMAS! nALL AND SEE OUR - ASSORT- A../MENT OF USEFUL. AND ORTiAMICNTAL intietrat for (TO, cousOtfug of IikATES, SORTS -CVO SIT I M. IrELOTL 81,40 TO 825.00, BROWS'S PATENT RUBY TENDER. WALNUT 1111AcHETS. I . BOOR SIIELVE, 11 00R ■ACKS, TOILET WARE. JEWEL 4. ASH ETN. EINE WRITING DESKS. LAVA SMOKISG SETS. . LAVA VASES, and MATCH SAFES, CHINA AND LAVA SPINTOONS, , AT THE HOUS E-FURNISHIIIO EMPORIUM 124. 'lDlTcoc,cl 113troot. w. W. DRADD/LAW. dat4 Imp 1 AND TINTED PAPER GLNO!‘ for mar tr_ r. stem/141x. 87 Woo/ 11. HOLIDAY GUTS Of Affection anti Charily. WHEELER & WILSON'S HIGHEST PBEMICII LOCK-STITCH FAMILY SEMING‘MICIIINES, Rosewood, Walnut 4. ilaboganyiCases PRICES, From .00 t 9 gOlil Dollars. Theri is no investment that pays a ,bettennterest, or brings more comfort, health, happi ness and relief - to the House hold. WM. SUM ER & CO., 10.0 L) ' f.. 00 ,60 r.O 14,(04 (01 I 1..0 No. 27 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh, N. 11.—rateut vowing liatblas Cont.:l' ela bo at neLed to all Whetlor a Vil.tox Moootrea wt... le An/. •. .4e.Z4V. G °l 3ELC: O 333aIEI- 1 1 1 61 7 9 .:.. No. 16 , Filth Street, FOR HOLIDAY OUTS. They have 'nit received a large and well eelected stock of *VIINE GOODS, ... ' CONtIeTIN9 Or 3170 I Jae. Bier. CP IV Mita, AMERICAN, ENDLIs N AND SWISS WATCHES, SOLID SILVER WARE, PARIAN GOODS, FORKS AND NPOONS. TABLE OVELERT• -- AhEIIICAN AND FOREIGN CLOCKS, - 4i7.4l6•aziss, eba. • - Led a very large stock of FIRE E VER-PLATED WAIIE, From lb beet klannfaeterere and the frERF I...ITEST fiTrLES. Do not torgetthe cud Stand NO.- 16 FIFTH STREET. n0.W.0459T HILLERHAN's HT. BB FUR EMPORIUM, it.;,r„v,Eß..,"°llTivAlenr eaten to offered at 4EIY LOOP mr..norirsie. Oar epee-111W now Is • X.ror,c/Aoss'okaacl 413extVio BLEIGII ICT 3IEL Ser• & CARRIAGE ROBES, la3ff an Prepared wl lb a fall Due of HATS AND CAPS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. HILL [ MAN'S No. 75 Wood Street 3:::1 1 4 kiT ' HOLIDAY GIFTS UNTIL. ]OU DAVE EIALMUCED China & Bohemian Palley Goods, FOIL B.ILB BY RICHARD E. BREED, No. 100 Wood Street. d 14 PO ••IM BAIR. Klan 056 BLITTLER, Succonors to RAALINK 'N0.12 St. Clair Street, Pittsburgh = Pianos, Organs, And llualea4 Goole vene.raLlT eir3ole Agents for the CeLetrated BILADHOUT New lork. and Sent/MAO/MB • CO.. 11.11.1e4 phla, PIA N. M. Also. EASILY & CO.'S “DOTTLGE." ►UI 8. D. U. W. BM;T(I•tl • 'AMERICA.N" 0/10AAitl, ►al lILTON PATENT The ItClae and Berman Violin tad .11allar titrlngo alwos on hand nol7= FOR THE HOLIDAYS. LADIES' FURS, The larreet and Best Stock In tbeaty SELLING TELLY LOW AT THE HAT, CAP AND FIIICSTORE TM aCI Ct, MIL db CI , cresslBl WOOD STREET. SKATES! SKATES! Vrize Skates, Club Skates, SKATES FOR THE MILLION, AT O ar D E rel" Dispatch Builtilari, Firth Street. I)18SO LUION OF PARTNERSHIP —The pertnetehlp lioretefore—onisting by- acid between the einder.igned. ander the nape and style 01.0 R - Enh. KENNEDY d HARPER. has bees this day dissolved by mutual consent. Rllßam Harper rettrine trots the Arm. The bueineee will he berearier conducted by Frederick Owens and John Kennedy. under Me some and stria otOPTENS KENNEDY, et the old stand. To Federal street, Allegheny. . FREDERICK JOHN KENNEDY. - WILLIAM HAMPER: ea= S. M31—A.13.111.. HAS NOW A LARGE STOCK Or PURE FINE 041: FKOZIONARIEa. TIM+ and nll other wade In his Hue 70ft Illg 1101,1DAYS„ano he call. ?portal ataeotlon to Isla maroettor MIX as) CAI% UV'. at 04 nod 010'141' oral Street, Allegheny. ' dei731,10. CANDY TOYS! CANDY TO 'At 8,000 BOXES CA.NDT TOYS On band and for sale ni.EABTXRN FBI. !Id, by • - NV: P. U T UNKtn • Candy and Tel IlllangracCorors, - delPyst Corner Finn and Liberryisrvis. • HESRY • RCA. Jr" No. ItSs Llbilly street. •12.11taliev••14 , Wet IS I.X L B blißlb-10) bubrla prLacYy SHELLED car load.: BOX INT-1(0 t•arrels White 711 Lt; • . 1OU11,1) Draestd Corn ra TE)E-0 barrels crime; Y.OUR-o . ,barrels trs.b. EW ADVERTISEMENTS. WAIVIZEI. L ATTRACTIONS WlLlVTEMGraduateirof Litera• , 7 and Comakerolal Colleg* to engage par mai:lnm'). In boslneas reTtlting Balestosastap ant business co-resporleao, ' ,9 191 , 17 with reference. ;over McMaster 4 Oat... . tam', Law H. U. CURI1•11, 99 Orant *tract, Pltuburgl2. Pa- FOS TUE . . . „ . .: I •._ . . H .•._ , ..• : .8,0 „,.., : ],,p,,,,,-...itr„, , ruv..„..„ 7 ..., fest. engraved rd on .4,1. mounted and va.rnthed with rollers, end colored in forty States and Terri t..l-1..-eo.t at °, tell .110 font -' l•bor, lielstnel. to day: worth t.:O, vet walls !or ikon, shoe, keko.- Or piece, 5....ce110 - eye, end °keit, nit -stet ion coe.e'ci towns, ,lisges, pose•ollices. - ctn.,. gal. and •Liver mince. WO/ stations on Overluad; Ole .i patch, Moil. Telegraph and Emigrant I oute•aereese thc Plai..a end kooky alountain•. The whole:Con - Uncut is shown, from the/putt s n the Arotte Ocean where i-Ir John Franklin perihed. westward on through Bel:vine a tr.iht, 1 1 the Pacinc, andsouth ward f - 5,M0 mitre. •round Cape Horn to tiree•lallA -aster entlrde surround/rig this nitghty Coati, uent. ail area Find etemprebendeel at • *lngle glance, By the etthly ofilticti a map le geographyenly learn ed. MP , Is the drat mop ever madit-wliteb show a tile corruct c o erce of the Illseouri. Yellowitoi• acid Columble /kW ere War hundreds of tribe torte,. I ters e to the Pepartment, or the American Fur Company, St. Louis. This le a map for the world to cob init; g a man for the Stoical sal Statesman• a map for the crowned h• ad. of Europe t.. poder neer-showinreatneis of the Bai- ted hi n ate* Terri tory. which . bee doubled dace lad e and it. greatness when Ile wings altallbareespsuit d °seethe wb. le C int In••-t. fro/lithe *mirth robot. the Soutu see. To 10.0[10 , 1a nospheing butigilpla overy h 0..- through° t the elvllleed w art d wit Lane engrave I a large separate Map ef the United States nirtlon of the /lentil:tent on • scale dila Mmes.§ large as the mall M.P. end mi , or" 4 ii i. 4.0 0 distinct countiet, and printed It on the r.- eerecil side. -0 by raleng the bottom rsller the tic unty Map Bic. you. elnewihet every minute Vil lage, railway et-thm. and distan,ve tetwoya,,and cidnity scats, 4.0 COO nun. and 3 8 hOO rißlirest.lieta tl .ne. Both map: fee $4,03 County ill. - Atil fr ••• eseh Agent. •end moony far • exempla, anis the Nap Orst. If not veld. takes bent on •NOM,, Age isle are aver•glng 7:3 copies • day. PrlitiOn nill. ..: attuctlone how--to cloys/is well, Bivalent e a r gents. Ladle. do as well an men. J. T T. OFFS. American Map rublielter, ( No Ft Cori/end titters. We. Teel. - Wboleeale agents with genital eeald mato alto, tune on ti is erect Map, In Ualifit ula, Yrs cas O Her meal, Spate. dont h America . Cubs, tAkintds.Texu•- bless rleans, and the Western State., lit telt!. a. ' copy could be easily obtained. te-M.ilfhea. GOOD, USEFUL, HANDSOME, and ENDURING. CHISTMIS & NEW YEAR'S PRESENTS. WE ARE- NOW RECEIVING OUR Holiday Stock of CHICKERING & SONS' PIAN'OS, v. P. EMERSON'S PIINOS, AgLISTT/ Mason & ,Hamlin's CABINET ORGANS, inlell will be the rtnett Collection of those In strew vets ever Exhibited la Ibis City TILE IiRELT 0111OKERING PIANOS, hare been before .the onblic for nearly halt centiry, atilt maintain their supremacy, being the nano . alwayi used by the world's great artists and our hest aIrIIIIKUrS. as well aS our own tousle. toying citizen.. The feu that over 2,000 CHICKERING PIANOS Hove been sold at thin Asteacy, is proof t.istilve at the high estimation In which they are cud by oar elt tens. ttofireat Is the demand all ever the con•t.• for the Cliitteringinaeo, that It le an Im posslitllity to till orders with any degree of prompt ness. and It is only by e very especial favor of the manufactorers that we havecured the present VIA erb lot for the Holidays, wh ich will be constant. ly arriving from DOR to the Mitt lain and cont the choicest styles that are made. Prices Same as at the Factory. The Fnapproachable EMERSON PIANOS, The Cheapest Good Bane Made. The tattoos rt..° ..Prdles a lout sad severely' felt want.--that Is, a good. well-made, tine toned, and lasting Instrument at • moderate price. They are made of the most thoroughly summed wood, on se the Melt approved se•lea by a scientlele man. rp.torer; have over-s flog kus. 'felt hamm er, lto. frame. and all =oder, improvemente. Thy furniture is of chaste and elegant deatru,lllll.thed In bast rosewood, fire.y •arniabed and polished' The grant thcee. a we ha•e had with the Y.„merso Pianos la due to their great merit.. The petal havin g given them., trial, has found they are wo thy of eonadence, and are buylng as hat so we e get them from the factory. Prices about One-Half What is asked for the most renowned makes, WE WARRANT THEM FOR FIVE YEARS. f' THE SWEET-TH.II4ED Alason S-. Hamlin c: :INET ORGAN, he Mist Perfect Instrument Ever Made. That should, and ficrWr will be round in every Church, rabbsth School, Drawing Room, and r.- qa stilts suit ,ble for Sacred or Secular, Vo. rat or lostremeu•sl. , gale% re. Slow lletsdc. le bridle !bra, artrum Tut. naICII or irratitzobl. N. aM. nos make them as to. as $75, nee th,,e osier rd lit different styles, rang lag from $7 5 to 14,000. all of which can an round in ear rooms, and toot be purcuased at the Sane Price as at the Factory. WIC WANT to do th , - turret Holiday trade this season ever done donne our lor g establlahed Mt al seas, and we know we ean only do so by offering : great Indnerments, attach we dO, no our stock la Unusually !erre, and Are have eta down prleeo to the Tort low.. at !litotes. We hope to base all the •pubile call at our room., o h taarithes want to buy or not. and we aba , l be happy to show them our ea . Iligek. . SHEET MUSIC AND Musical Goods, In Gre;tt Variety, FOR 1 2 1 7 WISIMII\TTS. ixiii iii:J tinCeol4l IN:1 WOOD STREET, Between Biamend Alley and Sib Bt., PITTSBURGH, PA, 0, C:MELGO6&CO3, SOU AGENTS FOR thickerlng & §9ns' Pianos, Emerson's Pianos, and Mason & Hamlin's Cab't Organs Apeiher 4r WANTED, 100 r.inmEnst To engane to o autinese that will pay them from CEO to OP W er mouth from now entb aext 14 , 1.11 ddrc JOHFN 13110TIMR3 s CO, de . 2lAsSwi , SOT Minor at, rklisd./Vhb. rit A GENTS WANTED TO SEW& THE UHILDREIPti ALAI:HIV Sm. i PICTURES AND L1T0R1A. , ..._ . Wrl•ten nd complied hy Rev A.SA ft uLlAilil. The B tha • Merl Reir , ralt of the author, more than one huuttn..l pictures. and It ata . printed and bound , and must iple...e all i:'l4 2 , .... deco. -'Address %V. J. HULL/1 NIS A delihStvr No. 7.5 Third at., rittsbursla s's. AVAINTED--Good men to e'en, I:Y7 . sample or ottiersdae, several rapidl millin,st and praiseworthy articles. Men that ha y ve laA money gel lug patent rights and •liffish..tal/ gas ilia-. erators." can get permanent cm-firemen!. Nosier and goats ad, armed sufficient to start say man in paying boffin° s. All that hoe applied shushcal& a. again. hood reference required. • • NO. 10‘; hr. CLAIN ESTattliT, dell (Loom No. LI AGE AN T CNS YET.—A. WANED— of THE MIetoricaI .IBEST CHE T Work Yana and National Iropot tepee. The only Work on oar Na• - y yet tbe deld. agents dud no eOraptiltion /.. Press. PA hntst/ UT ASO HUH NAVAL CO A tiDEMB, A b• Hn T. HEDLEY. Mt= tinkulehed t h or n and Historian A . In Ono some vcdo me. Illustrated. Send at once for tome and territory. Address A. TALGO,TT,_ deLLpto by Market street. Pittiburtens WANTED BY list JA3I:I4IIY, A GOOD STABLE, For TWO Utt THREE. HOMES AND 210001 Apply to • 31.31A5TF.13, OAZZ•M & 00 , 913 eirant Street. MUM WASTED—A GOOD CIGAR DA. h KR, wit., • samil Capital, to engage as • Partner in the Manufacturing Retain csa. Location good. References required I,lc rem H. A. BUBIIhIA Blairsvllln, Indiana C., 1,40 lamp AGENTS WANTED BY THE Ell 7 HEEL.. SEWING -51 *CHINE cuateANY to , cell their NEW OAS MACHINE. Will sew how tissue paper to bower Beaver cloth or leather with out change of feed. needle •.r tension. beif-ni pressure foot sad newly designed four mo= UuDLEWI,. Address, enclosing litatiaD. _ E. HALL g OS Fifth Stroet, (Second Floor.) dell Pittsburgh. ra. WANTED—AGEBTS--MALE AND FEMit LE—ln every part of 'Western haw. sylvanla for the Ine new.iteel Exrrartnra, “PHATEN LT VAL y 5 EVESIF.,." "HE MAIDEN'S FREII" ••I T I.S COL N'S HOME AT SFRINIIFIELD,' Either by the month or on “mmlssloa. Paals& era' rates &Vowed. For fall partlonlara person, or address., TABOO I not 43 Flftb acmes, rum AGENTS WANTED FOB ♦ NEW , -.BOOK, NOW READY. WOMEN OF THE WAR.. 78.&K MOOBB, maths of "no BoboMoe Beand," se. The object of this wort le t eolleet aad o preesa} narrative. of the services of the .o be A t er i t4 ,6 l:trl th on w rile of the war,.. t cr , o.ght a r o la 600 wt tb noesr a rtm oa+ c, page., and la nine to ny 031 T engraved In the zoos. Impro " /Ig r l i ;=, addeeee or &pray to U Y Z HOWI2, filt FU ti .beet. FBA RUN SAVINGS BANK, No. 43 Ohio Street, Medley, Pa, STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LINKE. This Bank havlnx keen lately organized.. L SO. open for the transaction of trualneas, atjLelr sew Banning Pious, Stink aisle of VW, atreed, Slat - Public Square. Deposita received In par and current tarot.. Interest slowed deo•slta. .- - . Contrite , s xnalic on all princlpal polsta In CM nited ISlstes nod Canada,. MMIMUIANI ,- DIRECTOIre. Geo. U. Ulddle, Jobs A. Soett. Simon Drum. Jam.. W. Had. U .vict alaererroa., I Ueutge W. Kahn. WWl= Park. JAMES IL RIDDLE. Cask.k.r. = PITTSBURGH BANK FOR SAVINCS, Formerly in, DI. E. SAVINDIS INSTITUTION. ... ourth Street, Me orig. 0990/Its the Hank orPlttalinargla.) CLIAILTiDato IN 3802, - OPEN DAILY from 9 to 4 o'clock, and oa WED— NESDAY ad SAT from Wry Ist to Nove m ber Ist, U 7 t DoAY o'cIock. EVENINUS nod (Tam Rev. Ist to May ht. 6 to 8 o'clock. Boons of By-Laws, ac., furnished at tie oak. gratis. This Institution especially off,. to those Irate., earning are limited, the emportunity to aceumulate, by small deposits, easily saved, a sum which will be a resource when needed. and bearing Interest la, stead of remaining unproductive. wear) OP MANAGERS, PRESIDENT C.4-3EPLA2SI.I3-33 VICE PRESIDENTS. S. B. HARTMAN, JAMES PARK, Jr SECRETARY. AND TREASURER. D. 33. 11 , 2ca2C.INICaE11L".. A. BRADLEY, . war. K. hiIIEiCEL., A. S. BELL, F. HARM JOHN S. DILWORTH. Josirow }DIODES, G. FOLLANSBEE, JOHN SCOTT, JAS. L. GRAHAM. R. C. SCHMERTZ, CHRISTO HER ZEAL, SoLitiTons—D. W. I A. IS.' BELL. 112718:b187 BANKING HOUSE. - N. HOLMES & hONS, 33Eta xis-ere, No, 57 MARKET STREET, Pittsburgh. PAzig=d2lll•LTAg*, - m76. Urate4 Etat. and Cocteau. STOCKS BONDS AND OTHER SEGURITIES Bodght and Sold,On Comalsglon.. Particular attention paid to the puratou and We of UNITED STATE - SECURITIES. INCLUDLNO CratV States Meet of WI II- o do : M o r f U" V• Orden an! Voul3tlll2lboaaftgrtottsctutteltittly 171 - FK - 07flm, HOLIDAY SALE. ; We are now eft% riugdutlot tho SsUA.Tt, et/eclat adeeenteatN to tbote erbtllng to pueelt.e BOY'S, IiOLT.II.B on • - cnILDREVIII SUITS AND OVERCOATIS, ca" ll !"tx42 , zie .!'o. 47 St. Milt' Street. GRAY di LOGAS. deli HENRY ar - II ItIERCEIANT, TAILOR. • Noliftweet Corn& of Penn At St. Char Sts. Drakes to Mania told, friends and the pate to for the many past favor.. and 11490CifILMF .oats• 111 II share of tear Mare 'patronage. its wool pleased tobare them &matzo Ida Large and iCarettilti • Selected Stock Fine Wooden Goode Pilstlankszt adapted IC{ Ir3imiNl Ilia' FOB 1113 AU *WU, yell OW El Ei Ea