The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, December 21, 1866, Image 1

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'T S3ll
Insurance Company
NJUNAT -42•C:a3mc..
S. WINSTON, President.
I a 53
Urinal Dividends ArallablebzUziedlately.
Policy-M.I4M and other persons Interested lath*
stodge:. of Lint itibtrllAACe aro Invltoll to eat
the underulgned. Agent of -the Cowpony. who
VIII cheerfully give them full Informitlon as to the
inarlts and practical working of the Company.
GEO. 11. BLACKSI'OCK, Agent,
No. 37 rinti street, Plttaboritt.
lbeker ktfrothers. Patent Planet
A Yaluabie recommendation. Messrs. lioS
man,Moone 3 ComPany,', No. 53 Girth street,
has teccicod the following letter frem George
Woods, President of. the Western University.
We bespeak for It a careful perusal t
blassaa. Ilornitu, Doan: a CO.—Gentle
men : Two years ago, atter a careful trial of
other Instruments, /-purchased of you a Deck
er Plano, believing It to be superior In sweet
ness,-fullness, and' richness of tone, to any
other make. My decision 'Was made very re
luctantly as I:had used Steinway's, and sup
posed it - superior to all others; but, after a
trial of two years, I stud my Piano in perfect
June, although it has been tuned but onec;
and improved by use, and more than meeting
the high expectations I had when I bought It.
lam more titan satisfied -with the seleetion
made. All who have heard lt, persons who
have had much experience in teaching music,
pronounce it In all respects a splendid Inuit u-
Ment. Itmipectfully yours,
rt177811V11611, Oa. 25, ISO,
Messrs. Hoffman, Hoene a. Co., have just re
ceived a most excellent aseorimout of Deck
erqs Pianos, which - are on exhibition at their
mums. All persons desiring a Bret class in
strument, are requested to call and examine
their stock.-
Tobneeo and Beware
J. A' W. Joni(!mon, manufacturers of the
celebrated Rose Bud Bright Pounds, Roselßud
ongh and' Ready( Rose Bud 'Bolden Bars,
Navy, (Tens) Spun Roll, and other noted'
brands of Tobacco.
Au 'lmmense'
Stceit.of Sugars and other articles la the To
beam line. oonstantly on hand, all of which we
' are selling at the lowest cash prices, at No.
6 Federal street, Allegheny.
The Howe sewing Ignehlee,
Must certainly; take the lead of all others m a
short time. It was awarded five premiums
on work, at the World's Fair, 1E82; four premi.
ums for work and on the machine . at the New
York. State Fair, 1846. See the Illithodlet, of
Septetriber 7.d. .t premium on' the machine
at the Ohio State. Fair, 1006. See, the Oayton
Journal, October nth. The only 'agency for
its sale for Weatern Pennaylranhi, Is at bro. 4
Et. Clia street, Pittsburgh.
At the World's Fair
La London, Hdf, the Wheeler It Wilson Sew
ing hfachino received the highest award—all
the ifachincs of Europe and America in cern
petition. 'This sward has always been made
wherever exhibited. You will make no mis
take bordering one as a heliddy gift to wife,
later or friend. They can be purchased only
at Sumner trfl , lllt:h street.
Splendid new stock", just received Zr om the
factories of win. Leebe it Co., Elaine. Bros.
• and others. Persons In want of a really jiral
class instrument are respectfully Invited Weill
and examine before i,nrehaslag elsewhere.
Charlotte Blume, 43 Fifth street, second door
atwiva Wood street.
• I certify that 1 had suffered from defective
hearing fourteen years, and that' I have En
tirely recovered in eight days under the treat
ment of - Dr. /thorn, at the 2derchints. Hotel
C. H. Casn..
Engineer on the giver.
Clear Toys, assprted Candles, Raisins, Cur
rants,Prtmes, Orange and Lemon Peal. Can.
sod Frelts, etc., etc., as cheap and as good as
at any other house In the twin Mlles. George
Beavon, No. 112 Federal street, Allegher.y City.
A cull Is iollcited.
, Limlag's Impreved Store Damper.
elves universal satisfaction. For a short
time, county and state rights can be bad at
figures that .will pay the purchaser three
Hundred to eight hundred per" cent. profit•
Onlee to. it Fifth street. -
/Pr'nee a Co's World Renowned Ante.
- • - matte Organs.
Every instrument guaranteed and kept in
-perfect order, free
of charge, for nye y
Charlotte Blume, 41Flfth street.
• ..Compound Ctinrcoot Olsenlt,
Or alitl-Dyspeptis fowl. Coinpoded of recent•
ly calcined Willow charcoal, dn., Combined
with Graham hiour. Sole Agent for Pitts.
bergs, Joseph Fleming. NO. 81 Market street•
The Bent Pianos
In the country are thoo made by Wm. 4nabe
Co. For sale only by Charlotte Blume, 41
rlttlt street , second door above Wood.
- - - Determined
,To Lave-stock - reduced by January Ist. Will
_ rep apperior Poeta end Shoes at any price
- 'Opera HOLUM Sligo Mere. • -
Antornfiiip Or'inn*
Forty thousand. of Prince & Co's Automatic
Organs am! Melodeons are now In 134 e. For
vale only by Charlotte Blume, 43 Filth street.
Uood„,floote.nual Shoes
Almost given away: THU sacrifice will con:
titlllo until" jannaty Ist, positively. Opera
Uouee Shoe Store.
, .• Now is the.Timo
To Urlleat In ol.ltnlng's Patent atorq.Daraper."
Sat;advartlaement le ai,other coluinn. (Mee
yo.lilltb :greet.
Tau tan Boy .
:lotela Liquors Of all' kinda nt Joseph S.
191),D3 anU 193 First
Aitreatalttaburigh. •
Kuabe' Great 'Unrivalled Pianos.
Charlotte Blume, 13 Flfth street,sole agent for
Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania. .
The Oldest land 31° , 4 'Substantial
Cloak Bonze In ElMsburgb le the Pitt.borgh
Cloak and Mantilla Store, So. V.; Market, Et.
The extreme low,: prices Boots and Shoes
Are, at the Opeia Hods° Shoe Store.
Wondertnl Bargains
tntil.lannary let, at the Opera Renee Shoo
Clouds Costs
Until January let( at the Opera )(ooze Shoe,
- - - --For ingleo• Cloak•
GO .L 0 aeaaco'e • the only legitimate Cloak
; 4 ItOuse to Pitiebniga.
For Ladlea'sodlliktldreves Cloaks
Vt every description, go tjp e ee , No. Ta
31arket vtreet,
Alt the Lending and Ittehu,..b le
ati!ca - Cr cinnUa can be i9t. twi ce
Wiirrsitted forEight4earii,
Every Ilano saute by Wm. /inabp & Co.
Mikados Cos4tustea
Nade.lo ottlei, at No, 73 Make& etreot.
Tau Coin guy
Se per oent. Mo. - awlaz Joseph S. Yloch's
rocs fl.:an Dui
NowZopa stVoiseph B. Finch's.
(Wads Gum. at 00e,
at tae Operi ipturc spoil store.
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TheTte4tions Between the Pope
and Victor Emanuel,
The: President's Message in' Paris
Mr. Brightte Great Speech in London
. .
Paste. Dec. r. 31.—1 t in reported hero
that Nalloleoa ban received ,the abdication of
Maximilian to the Mexicaroartine.
TUE XI if. Or ITALY AiI:CM% rot,-
The Ifostteur talake the relatlone between
the King of Italy and the Pope will be settled
on &sound footing.
OCR 1800 CLAD PLEET 15 er EOM •
I..tyraroor., Dec. r. a.—The United
States gunboat 2diantonomah was at Gthraltar
on the 14th.
Rents, Dec. Z2 , —/:cening.—The French Bud
get shows a definite balance In estimated re
ceipts over the - expenaltuTes forth° Incoming
financial year. No new taxes are to be levied
on account of the army scheme which has Just
been promulgated, and which the Budget ne
cl tree to be a fresh guarantee for the peace of
President Johnson's Message 1e published
entire in the Journals, and its publica
tion in full has had a much better effect in all
circles than was anticipated after the recep
tion, Hof:the meagre telegraphic summary
which failed to dO it Justice.
MAD D, December, go.—Ecentog.—The GOT.
ensment of Spain has negotiated with M.
FOnid, the rtnisch Minister of Finance, for
Mao of ninety Million francs from thu French
Puri, December :»—Erenine.—The adldreSe
to the Emperor of Austria, recently adopted
in the Lower Chamber of the Hungarian Diet,
has been acquiesced in by the Upper lloeae.
(By - Sitamcr.),
Hamra, Decotabor 20.—The Jars, from
Liverpooron the Ath. and Queenstown on the
oth, arrived here at noon to-day. Her news
has been anticipated mainly by the cable.
ArY•111.8 IX MEL/Li. . •
. .
Stephens, the Fenian leader, has been eons - .
witted for trial at Dublin. [Not true I
The Dublin Orangemen have. called on the
main body of. Orangemen to support, the' ati•
theritles. •
The London Pure urges 'wintry Into the
loyalty of the Irishmen In the large towns of
.81mhtsymptOme of fear are felt In Lti.erpool,
where large numbers of Irish laborers were
out of employment.
Armed guards were placed on all depots ..of
. .
The police were hoaxed In their effort to
find Stephens In Liverpool.
Troops continue to be forwarded to Ireland.
The Scotsman - Says: D'lstnell, by threat"
of restipaation, has obtained the consent of
the Derby Cabitiet to the Introduction or
sarpristrusly liberal reform bill at 'the next
session of Parliament.
At a great lleform meeting in London on
the 4th last , John Bright made a bold speech
to the effect that Parliament still resisted to- .
form, and, for aught he know, might continue
to resist, when they meet In February, until
the discontent shall become universal, and
that which iffnow only a great exhibition of
opinion may become necessarily and Incelta-,
blv a great meaning exhibition of force. 34r.
Bright was warm in ha praise of the Queen,
who, be said . was not wanting In I great nym
pattiy for the people.
The English jdurnals continue to take ex
ceptions to the Illegality of the arrest and ex.
tradition In Canada of Lameraadti. the French
- • [By the Cable.] '
Livaaroot, Doc. 20. t r. x.—Cotton opened
steady, and quoted at last eighths prices, I
Losnox, Dec. 20.—Noon--Consols opened ut
149 if, for money; ;20s ili ; ;;; Erie 49; Illinois Con
trM 70%. Tile iliu,k of England reduced their
rate to i'llc.
1/333L10RT, Dee. 20.-1 C. Sas, 75;;.
A3TWILLP, Dec. , a).-1 P. it.—retrolcum lif." -
Losnox,December 20.—Esentng.—The money
market is unchanged. The official closing
price of consols was bl.l-4 for money.
The following are the current prices of
American Securities at the close of business
to-day iU. S. 6406 , 13; Erie, Illinois Con
Livearoot, December Ii P. 31.—The market
general*. closed steady. lirendstuire, Provis
ions and Petroleum ara•• without change to
note. Thu sales of cotton were moxo bales Ott
the basis of 14,,id. far Middling Uplands.
Repeal of the Cotton Tax—A Decision of
interest 'to Morrissey' end 'Ben Wood
—Tato liblaity Distillers—Ftres. •
tiew Toni, Dec. al.-1 be Chamber of Corn,
memo has indefinitely postponed the further
consideration of the memorial to Congress for
the repeal of the cotton IA X. One speaker said
that If this cotton tax was repealed the North
would ham to pay higher taxes; and be
thought It was only fair thn sect ion that inau
gurated war should in some way pupa portion
of the debt.
fudge McCunns has dersidcd, substantially,
that - a pone,' losing money in gaming Is..not
entitled to law.. _
Tbe investigations Of. the. llongreissional
Commlitee above that hut a small proportion
of the revenue dm! the Government ban been
assessed on distillers. The Committee will
.probably report in favor of securing a lull
record of all the raw material purchased for
manufacturing whiskey. • '
Early this morning,. at tio. Elizabeth
street, a tenetnent • house was discovered to
be on fire. Eight families, who were living
there, had a narrow escape, and one child I,
reported missing.
There wheals° a destructive fire this morn
ing at MS ilroa.lway.' The three upper
floors were destroyed, and the two lower Wavi
ly damaged. Loss about 41 to.ouo:
Dtolirtietivo 111.0-- Flouring, DIM bk•
obroyed—Olocovery of Illeul4%.ollneo
—Mateo of C..tion.
Lorzaritta, December 20—Tbe Dread way
- a oaring mill of Samuel A. tiller was entirely
Consumed by fire this morning, with the en.
tire contents. LOPS about $10,000; partially tn
mired in Now York offices,
Rich Lead mines have been discoiered near
Williamsburg, Kentucky, on the truck of tile
extension of the Lebanon branch road. .It,
rumored that company is organizingß, for
withtheir development. one of our Minn
galehed Dotterels as President.
tine hundred and bales of Ala.
Lama and tieorgin cotton sold-. lit auction to.
day at 295'At31%. Itecolpta for tour days, '2,000
bales; salon about I,DO halos. . •
The lose by the burning - of !tiller's ilouri ng
mill turns out to be nearly Wei. •
The stentnar ArgollB.lllDlo. - sunk :at New
Albany yesterday - , will probauly be ft total
The sales of tobaeco at the auction to-day
ranged from $2.00 to 108.50.
'North Alabeine--Isiberera
ig t ortad ia I s is Es - et Tecuntenee-Deradeuce
of lesilazdeett. •
NAseetitikDoo. Vt.-Colorel Lane, the late
al for . orth Alabama, baa been elected
, 49.0 r of Ilonteville.-
.Rare tes.Ereet domand In Beat
L ein LoVrooll of. ell kinds on red
railroad. A.
onobboortnnity'la thus Offered to men cock
ronhut meetingg forto
the has been ad ,
vertleed fora wolar, but -thePoPc are not on
band. The excitement on the enbleet of Fen.
lantern has for come 010.130 eery coitelderably
Prins Op tu• AllelbOUY,
On. CITT, Deoenteria.—Riyf riMeen inabeti.
W °MAU fentriff -
(By the Cable.)
Gen. Siokles' Anti-Flogging Order
Mr, Stevens' Enabling Acts for the
Southern Ten'Nodes.
Why He Arrested Gen. Ortega.
Two seizures of steel carriage springs,, one
of fifty thousand pOurals at Cincinnati, and
one of twenty.c ight hundred pounds, and two
hundred and thirty...six sets of seat Springs; at
Chicago, have been made by the Deputy Col•
lector of Customs of Dgdensburg, who was
!specially detailed fur that purpose. These all
came from a factory in Canada, and are seized
WASHINGTON, DOO. 2C. Ica. I fur au evasion of custom dist:es.
vac IS /1/sli, QUESTION AGAIN.
The Territorial Scheme to be Re
ferred Votil Next Session.
TDC ANTI•If LOOGlbtli 011DElt.
It Is believed that Congress will attempt to
Interfere with the Preisldent'u order revoking
the anti-flogging Order or tissues - ail Sickles In
the Carolinas. This Is the object Of Senator
Wilsou.sjolut resolution.
.AllllllO4lOO 01 cuortl ha GuLIFI.
A rumor i current that a majority of the
Itepubllean members of Congress have given
assurances that the Senators and Itepresentd.
throe from_South Carolina shall be admitted
on the adoption ur the amendment by the
Legislature of that State. •
There 13 not a word of truth in the report
that Judge Chase is said to be of the opinion
that when two thirus.of the loyal States have
ratified the amendment it will 1M a part of the
A Communication from the Treasury Depart-
ment says :• ~.No plans have been prepared
for the proposed Marine Hospital at Chicago,
it being datlrarde that- the site should be se.
/acted before they are prepared, in order to
adapt them to the peculiarities of the loca
tion." Mr. Mullett, the toperintending nicht
(cc% will visit. Chicago.
Mr. Stevens , enabling bill will be called up
on the reaasembling of Congress. It over
throwii all of - the liresent 'Southern State gov
ernment!. forms them Into Territories. una
provides for their itilualeston. tato. the Union.
It also gives negt eta the right of suffrage.
I In response to the call of the House, the
Pregnant 10-day transmitted a number of ot ,
delta documents touching AuserlOaw affairs.
ThO first, of these is the proteif of - tient:rut
Ortega *goblet his arrest, which has hereto.
fore tesen published. Ia transmitting - this
protest Major licaurel Sheridan assigns his
reason for ordering tee arrest St General Or
tega. 110 jays that so long as Ortega was
merely' engaged in attempting dissensions
among his own People, while solouralng in
this country, there was no violation of our
neutrality laws, but when he went farther
and formed combinations, end Appealed to
arms to enforce his dials ae President of
Mexico, thus violating the laws of neutrality,
General Sheridan thought It his duty to In.
lettere. lie took the precaution to warn Or
tega against the .prosecution of his designs,
Nth!** he die regarded; and :is he was satisfied
thieOrtegavvas about to cross the frontier,
General IsheiCidan says he ordered 'LIS anent
ou the same principle the Ilnians were arres
ted in attempting to viol:a our In wsly the
invasion of Canada. ills • concurrence with
the sifors'of Major tieneral Sheridan ate en
normal on this paper by lieueraliG ra et, in fnr
warding it to the Secretary of War.
oElS.Ealrtr.ll.l462ool TimlT TO 111 f. 1110 tiIIAN DE.
General' Sheridan's -report concerning the
recent troubles on the lito 1/nll,le. in which
.001191111 Sedg wick agureti; aro a 1.03 transmit
ted. In hls first telegram,heretofore printed,
from Na. Orleans, dated Nov. 27, the General
addresses the General Commanding that he
tears that General. Sedgwick for anion unac.
countable reason has demanded the surrender
of liatamorns, and, if it be true, a 11l rel'eve
him of . hie Command.
In a second telegrani, dated December 11th'
he informs the-General coin ng that
'on arriving at ilrownsville, Texan, on the nth,
he was advised that bet9gwick bad demanded
and received the cut render of Slatattioras from
Canute!, who arbitrarily held that city agaleet
tier:Jai Eseobcdo; the representative of the
Juarez Government; that on the :Ws of Nov
ember the few. Untied ntates troops which
held the city were withdrawn to the Atuerit
can side of the Rio Grande, in. aceordunee
with his ordere disapproving the occupation.
General sedgivick's motive in this strange
pr.:a:wet:lure Is unknown, to him, but t be alleged
end was• to 'protect Anierienn--eitlzons therb
reshient and their property.
General Sheridan gives it as Ills opinion that
tho merchants of .liatamoras, who, be says,
were blockade runners during the war, and
who are now impenitent, tearing that Own- bedostrOuln canture the elty and tate their
property. induced General Seaga - 10i to make
the improper 40mi:tient. This, the. General
.says, was the whole point of the affair— lie .
adds: "The occupation o.' the rity,wlu, a mere
- matter oflormi and bad the consent of WC°.
bedo,Who Made hoobleetions, . end close the
ally passed Into his hands, has ...fedt ---- .7f; Gen.
Sedgwiek in Ole 'most friendly - manner, and
aekod him to forgive bitraciturt."
The Jualetury Committee had the tame of
Mr. Culver beforeithem last evening.. lie will
be permitted to take his seat: The Commit
tee express themselves natlaucd that he 1, In.
nouent of any dishonest intent. The Speaker,
by a . vote of the ;louse, has been directed to
%sue his warrant for the release of Mr. Cul ver
from the enstcrly of the civil authorltic..
Th e T e xas elalmaat.S for seats'ln the United
States Senate hale gone home.
Loots 11. Welehman, who, It will he remem
bered, was one of the principal witnesses for
the Government In the case of Payne, Harrold,
Mrs. linrrait and others of the assassination
conspirators, was before the grand J tarp to.d.y,
to glen hie testimony as to thu_ complicity of
John hermit to the taunter ofiHreshient
LIt;TER tsvetorev.
The contract for supplying the restofllce
Department with stamped letter envelopes
for the decal year ending Juno tIO, teta, bus
been eitendetl to 31r. George 11. Nesbitt, of
New Tot . 1:4;111, who has
,beta furnishing the
Deiiarlinent for several Year*. Just over
`sspoo,ooo of theSeenvelopes were furnished to
the Department last year, and it s cutlets
ted that . J 9,000 tee will be required for the
retmut 119 cal year.
The receipts !Corn. this suureu to-de) , 'tore
TUE PAWS rxrostrioi,
401330 correspondence concerning the Pads
Exposition has been famished by the State
Departraent. Mr. lteclitrith, one of the United
States Commliudoners, writing from Paris
November. SOth, advises Mr. Seward - Mat he
Charles C. Perkins, or Boston,
now at Parte, a special j tact - on the part of the
United States as one of twenty - 41re persons
who aro to hedge of epectal pates of
410 highest cuss—one Of thee° reootv•
. .
lug one hundred thoneand franca These
prizes are offered for the competition Or per
sons,' establishments and localities, whloh•
have dieveleped in a remarkable degree, good
order and barum.) , among 'operatives or
workmen, and promoted their metal, Intel
lectual and physical well b.lag.
Secretary Seward telegraphed hie: appro
val cif the seleCt ion of Mx. Perkins.
The Stirr of this evening says that it 19
dersused that the advocates of the Tonneaut
government measure for the rebel btates have
been canvassing the nit. houses, and doubtin g
their ability to carry it this seeslon r have con
cluded to postpone the matter until next ties-
Sion, whoa they expect .to have strength to
push it through without fail.
General Spinner, the Treasurei of the Uni
ted States, to-day received a letter from Ass
Shitaut Treasurer 'Van Dyke. of Sew York, en
closing two hundred and silky dollars, paid
him on behalf of some parties IV/1080 names
are unicnownothleh bad been erroneously paid
them by the Government.
The stutement, of pardons cellcul for by the
!louse of Representatives is being prepared at
tho AttorneyAleueralle °Mee. An expert cleric
can prepare eight 13e ten common cases per
day, bid, the!recouidnentlidlons and papers in
some eases are so numerous and voluminous
that it takes 4 whole day for each. As there
are about seventeen thousand of them it will
take months to complete the whole.
A largo delegation from Baltimore of reel)•
cue ottleets and parties lutoreated in a...quan
tity of whist}• teized iu that city, was in at.
teudance at the Internal Rowena burn in to
day. Parties lute! teted are 'endeavoring to
°Wahl the releaeu of the w biety on the ground
that More hail Leon no intentional violation
of the law, hut. that the offeuee wan merely
techulcal. •
The Commissioner of the General Land Of
'fee has just prepared a patent In favor of the
Pacific Railroad Company, l embracing over
forty thousand acres of land. the area of the
tract appropriated' by the Secretary of the in
terior, as reverting LS said Comr any under
the acts of Congress 'O2 and .64. The patent
is embellished with a beautiful miniature
map of the United States handsomely color
ed. showing all the States and Territories
with [great dist ictness; also the line of the Pa-
Mae Railroad truce the valley of the Missis
sippi to the Pacific.
It to undetstood tho Post Odle° Committee
of the Rouse of Representatives has deter
mined to favor of the bill to este!, ilk!
a Government telegraph between IV as 4ington
'end Sew Tort::
The New Orleans excursion party will start
tomorrow morning under the escort of Col.
A.R. Maryland. In the party will be Senators
Waite, ; Itumsey, Lone and Foster, accompa
nied by their ladies; Senators llenuriek. and
Norton; Representatives Delano. MeDiken.
/luckland and Haynes, ot Ohio, Kerr; hit lndl
ans. Lean", of New York, Newell of New Jer
sey; Marshall, of Illinois. Moab" - , of West Vir.
Stoic. John L. Thomas, of Maryland, Gen. 0.
0. Howard, Chief of the Freedmen , . Bureau,
C. A. Brown, of the Senate, end the don of
Secretary Stanton will be of the party.
W•SIIINGTON, DeCellaher 20, lei
Mr. Johnson, alluding to en article In the
Washington Chronictr, charging that treason
had found a resting, place Imam bosom of the
Supreme Court, stated that the article. was
founded on false facts and et:lnched in the most
unj est Diable language. it had also appeared
iu u paper which might be considered seMl
ogicuilly,conueeted with the Senate. The ani
mus of the attack was a decision of the Court
iu regard to the legality of military tribunals.
The honor and patriotism of the Judges of the
supreme Court was too high to be impugned.
They bad no remedy but a suit for slander.
Such a remedy bail never been resorted to,
Its hoped the Judges of that high tribunal
would stand upon the high character which
their long Course Of integrity hed earned for
them, while the traducer would meet the re
ward to whiell he was entitled,
Mr: Waite, of Ohio, presented a petition set
ting forth the prlcielcs on which TeZ39
should be re-constructed, which was referred
to the Committee on Ite-construction. .
Mr. Wilson uttered a Joint resolution direct
lug the Preeident of the United States to In
struct the °Dicers of tile army and navy, and
of the Freedmen's Bureau, to prevent and
prohibit the infliction of corporeal( poniele.
went for Crimea and. Misdemeanors In Atm
lately rebellious States until their civil gm,
ernreents shall have been recognized end ret
itled. Ordered to be printed.
Mr. Henderson offered a resolution request
ing the President to inform the Senate It any
United States troops bail been sent to the in
terior of Missouri since the let of December,
nod if nu, whether any request has been made
for their presence by the Executive or Leith,
inter° of illasouri.
Mr. Henderson read a dispatch from Gov
ernor Fletcher of Missouri, saying that Gen
eral Grant had sent troops to that State, and
asking the design. Ile said he knew nothing
et Diu matter. lie supposed they were sent to
tuataras the'lawd at tile BMte, ender
import that, the Executive himseltwas perfect
ly able to-do ir, and tho people 'of the State
would take it upon themselves to do It with
out the Interference of the General Govern-
MP. Darin, of Kentucky, thought the Preal.
dent of. the United States had an undeniable
constitutional ,right to place troops where he
pleased.' Were the tin fl" of Pilot, so
frenzlint as to deny sleet an uilientionable
proposition I
Mr. fiendereon said again Ite MiLnot under
stand the facts, bet he believed thelroops had
been sent by the President to enforce olit
illence to the limes of the Mate, against which
the linvernor bad proicaluil.
Mr. I wits said that the illspateli,lin read, did
net claim that the President bed Seta them,
but that .Gennrut 'Greet land although, of
course, either had the power. The resolution
was adopted.
On motion of Mr. Pomeroy, • bill to aid in
the construction of lite l'amilitt Railroad awl
for other purposes. Wan referred to the Ewe.
mitten on the Pacilic Railroad and ordered to
be minted. •
The liebraaka bill was taken. up, and Mr.
Edmund* advocated the idol at POMO length.
after some further debate, on motion, the
Senate went into Executive Scanlon, and,noon
lit ter ward toliourned to January 3d, ISO.
• •
Mr. Williams; of Pennsylvania. wade au
elaborate report on Mr. Cnlvor'n eainouni. on
motion, tiro bpeaker was tllrect•d. to Issue a
warrant for Culvert release.
_ . .
Jilt. I Miami Introduced a resolut lon, which
woo agreed to, forbidding the consideration
anti payment by any (Meer of the Govern
ment, of any clam preferred slnee ISO, When
the claimant snail be a person who participa
ted In the reeeillon or was opposed to sup;
prersion of the rebellion.
Mr. Stevens; of Penneylvania, Introduced
resolution, which was agreed to, authoriziug
the appointment of a committee of seven to
report a bill (Mat/hefting free schools for the
Tludrlet tlolumbla, from which no children
over six yearn of ago shell ho excluded, said
school! , to be supported by equal taxation of
all persons.
The Mouse then resolved Itself Into a Cow
toreef the Whole on the dente wee.
m, Mr. Welker, of.fibin, tn the choir.
Mr. lithe, of Ketirucky, whirl:teed the lioutle.
Alter Mr. Wee had concluded his argument
effebti. the right to Clotatie the apothem.
States from representation from Congra4a,
Air, Lawrence, ,
of ()hie, argued to favor of re
ducing the compensation of the members of
Congress, to the rate which 'Prevailed M. ,
fore toe Increase at the last session.
Mr. Randall, of Pennsylvania, asked If he
knew of a single Member who had not taken
the inereased pay.
Mr. Lawrence udmittorl he did not. (Laugh.
ter.) . .
Mr. Maynard, of 'Petaluma°, said It was doe
to himself to say he had not accepted It until
the people had eurloreed their action by to.
Gambia to Cant/sees those.members who
voted for It.
Mr. Mandell, of Penna.,
congratulated him
self and the gentleman from Tennessee, that
they were both In accord with the people on
that point. (Laughter.)
Mr. Cobb, of Wis., cold be voted against the
Increase and had never taken tho Increased
la reply to a question, Mr. Lelwrenee said he
had taken the pay, but he ?routed the law re.
p ealed
Mr. Driggo, of Mtchlgan—Dlil the gentleman
feel boll when he took It I (Laughter.),
Mr. Lawrence objected to being interrupted.
(Laughter.) lie ha 4 taken IL In obedience to
the constitution, the requirements of which hey
- hid taken an Oath to snpport,,(Leughtem anti
he had o doubt the gentleman from ?dicta
_a felt goodwhen be received his extra nay.
ga tax. Driggs,' of Wisconsin--4 did." (Laugh
1 [Liter aorne c arther desultory remarks. We
t Committle r 0, Mr:U rtnnell, of Igwa, haviag
the door. ' -.
l! The Speaker, laid before the Douse a commu
nicatlon from I the President transmitting , the
report of the Secretary of State. with Emcom
, ponying papers. relative to the attempts of
' Santa Anna sod Ortega to organize armed ex
peditions within the United States to over. I
throw - the , Juarez Government In Manic°.l
nefvrred to Committee on Foreign Allan's.
The speaker announced the following Com
mittee on Free Schools In the District of Co
lumbia. „Messrs. Stevene, 'of Pennsylvania;
Patterson, of Kew liamnshire; Welker, of
Ohio; Bautwell, of Massachusett s, Moulton, of
Illinois; Ashley, of Nevada, and itabbell. of
=few-York. motion of Mr. Bpatilduig, of Ohio,
the Committee of Ways and Means wax In
structed to inquire Into the expediency of ex
!empting from the tariff duties timber and
lumber tor ship building and Ore wood for
steamers navigating the northern lakes and
rivers, when Deported by the parties using
them for such purpose.
Walton, awen, adopted, hen offered a reso
, which-was directing the See ,
retury of the Navy. to report in what news
' papers he ban ordered advertisements to be
inserted, and what orders he bats given for
withdrawiqg advertisements , Hon newsDu
: pers,lllllll If so, the reasons therefor.
- . • • • • .
,The House then adjourned to January
at twelveo'clock. •
Elver Telegrams
Magenta, Dec. 03.—The weather la cloudy and
business dull on the levee. The river rose
one foot. Cotten at :;1'..d:1•2. A stringency in
currency loss a depression effect tin the mar
ket,. llowu—The swallow, Lade , North for
New lb - leans. and the Agnes for White river.
Up—Tito Sliver Spray . Cincinnati. Olive
Branch, and St._..lxmis. In Port—tilts Vernon.
St. Patti le, Gleaner, Silver Moon, hatonia,
Rose, Ambleton. Charleston, and Sliver Spray
took eleven hundred bales of celton. The
Charleston has been chartered by F 1111.3 Lip
man, for emus business Op tile Red a - lver.
Magna - Mu:, • Lee. 20.—Thd Cumberland is
failing slowly with an abundance of water for
all classed of steamboats. Weather clear and
The Saltily'lle for Cairo, anti the Havana for
Clecinuati. loft to•dey. There hen hrenr - no
itrTiViliti. The A. Barker Is getting Lip It trip
for Louisville and other volute on the Upper
NEW OuLrArd, Dee. M:—Wrather mild and
Ineasant, Bush.., quiff, lively on ilia !oven.
ILivcr rising:s(l:o.n tonics bulogr high outer
Mark. Arrivals—Luminary, White Cloud, No.
2 from St. Louie, Argosy, from Cincinnati.
DrpartureA—Lacy Gay, for St. Conic, Wezt
utorelaii. for Cincinnati.
- - - • • •
Governor %Vella issued a regueet to tne
clerks of criminal courts to the atatu to fur
nish eim with a lint of criminal indictmentn
on the docket from _November, !Wu, to Novem
ber, I vkl.
Br. Dec. TO.—Tho steamboat Grey Ea
glo !soak Ju-t below the city let cvenlog
She can probably be ram. A.
Swrer, ,, December 20.—A number - of
witnesses were examined, proving the Cap
ture of the prisoner Gladden with arms In his
Court took a ter-edit° allow Mr. Devlin lima
to look over his notes before addressing the
Thu Lour( reassembled at 3 o'clock. O'Hal
loran and I icvlin addressed the jury in behalf
of the prisoner. At the conclusion of Devllu's
speech the Judge adjourned the Court till to;
Explosion of an Oil Still
At four oiclock yesterday afternoon an oil
5411111.1 the iefinery belonging to and worked
by the Pittsburgh Gas raving Company in
Manchester, exploded with a. fearful report.
Ip an instant the entire building was m flames
from the 'burning oil scattered through It.
inleAllegherty lire department tamed out to
the snot promptly, but the flames hail spread
so rapidly that It. W. found ffnpossible to
check them, arid the refinery wesmatirely des
troyed. A frame building adjoining the refin
ery WAS also ilestroyed..,together with three
hundred barrels of roofing cement containml
therein. Thu total loss is three thousand dol
lars. The loss is partially ,covered by insur
ance. Tho refinery occupied the lot enjoining
that on whirls General ltoblnsou's oil well is
being sunk. This well ales° was the scene of
un explosion on Wednesday morning. A
stove In the shed was accidentally hunches!
over, and one of the burning coals fell Into
the well. The gas lu the well was thereby
ignited, causing a serious explosion. The
burning,gas net fire to the shed, but owing to.
,the strenuous cllorts of the workmen the
, Ilames were extinguished before serious clam.
age had been done. ,
A nnecesmfal Enierprise
SO Stice3ssfol has the Fair of the Christian
Church, at F.scelsior hull, Allegheny, proved,
that the continuance of it fora few nights
longer is being seriously considered. To-day
at t wet vo,a splendid dinner will. an usual be
set—neti in the evening, oysters. cream.
provided. The Refreshment stand ix gotten
up in contract° style, anti is land m ou t ely pat
ronlzed. To-night a . larger addition will be
tootle to the stock of goods, Including toys,
variety goods,' skates and a general assort
ment of articles adapted to Cnrlstatas wants.
The interest SeelOti 111111bitleti, OS the Iltioll.
dunce last night folly equalled that of auy
previous evening. • .
Our notice of the Fair would dm Incomplete,
were we not - to refer to the excellent music
generously donated last night by the,"ilideon
Lirasd and String itaed, of Allegheny." Thin
baud proved a real attraction throughout the
evening, nod enlivened the occasion by
strains lit once sweet am! grout!. ire can
safely !Ay it haw no superior In these
Court of Common Plea,
Cohn mut yesterday as usual. •
The cage of Thomas Riley vs. James Gra
Cain's executors, Was taken Up. This was an
action to recover the sum or ir.rar 75, the amount
claimed . by the prosecutor us due him for ser
vices rendered. The Jury returned a Verdict
for plaintiff In the tour of V: is.
The next case was that of 31. and It, Welsh
Ts, John lileMberg. Th is Ban net lon to recover
62,001 damages sustained by the falling of a
frame house. It Is alleged that the defendant
°entreated io resnot o trio small frame homes
belonging to . plaintiffs in South Pittsburgh.
and that in the contract the defendant bound
himself to ha responsilthl fur any damages
that might result to the buildings daring the
process of removal. While one of tin build
ings was cling moved, it was shaken partially
to plec.e, stistalaing injuries to the amount
claimed In the cult. The defetulant, as is al.
Weed, refused to tnako good this damage, and
ac urdingly suit was brought against Mtn.
The case wee still on trial at the adjournment
of Lie Court. • '
• •
A Falsely Pretentious Itanyder.
TitOttlil, C. Stnypie, the keeper of a hoard
ing hhuse in the Fifth" ward, camebetore
derromi Taylor yesterday, and made Informs,
tlon -against George W• Grannli, charging
him with obtaining board under false pre
tenees. Ile alleges that dur ug the toonthsof
.January and Feornary last Cirunnit boarded
with him. running up a bill at Vs. When he
grst mono to the house, he asserted that ho
was employed by Clsney anti that he
had money due him from that arm. • These
pretensions. were :subsequently mumd to be
and as Mr. SnlythO 11 . 1101. yet °blamed
hit money, he brought the snit as stated. A
warrant was limiest.
A MAVIS o..poritillaity
The Sheriff's sale, toslay, at No. is Fifth
tecotrOvill atfoin the ladles a most 'excellent
opportunity of securing rare and seasonable
goods at very low prieos. The stock to be
wild off is onto of the lineat in the city, and
comprises a large assort irent;of latll4' cloaks,
utantlea,'coats, nitawls, cloths, cassimeres,
trimmings, etc. 'llteso goods are lllath, up no
the latest style, and aro of tins llrst quality.
The stock of laill6ll cloak,, mantles and coats
particularly—articieS of clothing very desira
ble at this season —la largo anti in into latent
mode. 'f 110 bate commences at ten o'clock A,.
/I. Sao lIIIVCIIieIOI/1121.1/ In another column.
Wire fleeceSlam—Ann WelsenberiW, an.
Irish woman, residing on Strawberry alley,
Yesterday made Information before Alder
man Lynch, charging her husband, Geo. Wel.
enberger, with desertion. She alleges that
George bits done uothlng for her support for
thoTaat three months. Officer O'Connor ar
rested the delinquent hoshaud, and in default
c ,
of 11, - harslriall dollars ball, he was commit
ted to Jail to answer at Coml. Subsequently
he obtained the required security and was re
Commit led to Jolt Juatice
Barker, of South PiLtabargb, had before him
Ilenry . llerg, and Henry Jacob Berg, both of
Mount Washington, and ouch charged with
assault and battery, on Philip llotrinanone
emelt and battery on Peter Nagle; and aggra
vated nasault and 'battery on Peter Nagle.
The alleged outrugea were committed in the
borough of Mount Washington, on the sth
Mat, In default of $1,,e0 hail, the 'accused
were committed to Jall to ana er at Court.
*Shot 311tose lud named Smith, son Ot
Georgo Smith, of Canal township, Indiana
county, accidentally shot himself one day last
week, whllo out gunning. The trigger of his
goo caught In hie clothing, and dimhar,,,,,i the
coolants of the barrel Into his breast. no died
almost instantly:
Woolen lk ulnas, Sontag* and Skating
Caps, at T. A. IdoCiollands Auction tiouno,
Shoo and tienoral Mencliandisa headquarters.
N 05.33 and J 7 Fllth Street. •
The Terminals Homicide—Death or the
Our readers will remember the affray which
occurred between William Dodds and John
Way, on Monday evening last, at Weir's tav
ern, near Turtle Creek. We published the lull
Particulars of the affair at the time. Mr.
Dodds, the unfortunate victim of the affray,
who was so seriously wounded in the left side
by a pick, In the hands oT Way, tinkered in
agony until Wednesday evening, when he ex
pired. Coroner • Clawson received a tele
graphic dispatch, announcing the death of
Dodfig,. and yesterday monling proceeded to
Brlnton's Station to hold the inquest.
wee empennelled at toe former residence of
the deceased, at Dickson et Stewart's Coal
Works, 130,1 - Brtuton's Station. The tarot wit
ness examined was Dr. Schooley of Brad
dock's Station, who teatitled to being ,called
upon to attend the Injured man at the time
of thy occurrence, and described the injuries
as we - have al t eudy done. There was no doubt
that death redulted.from the wound received.
He was assisted to the case by Dr.. Gore and
Or. Hamilton of this city.
The next witness was George Weir, propri
etor of the tavern at which the quarrel oc
curred. Ho and Way had been et:flowed
that day in hauling wood together, They
were at the house when the party, of which
Dodd was a member. drove op. Dodd anti
Way got into a quarrel almost Immediately.
lie did not know the cause of the quarrel or
see its results. ' -
John Clunrchtleid, a boarder at Weir's house,
was examined. He saw the quarrel and saw/
Luther Way, a young brother of John's. g 0
voluntarily to the porch of the house, anti get
a coal miner's pick, which he brought back
and gave to his brother. Jana took the
and stepped back, defying bolds to come on'.
Dodd made' a step. In adY.nce, when WaY
struck him with the pick. The injured mangy,
went five or six steps forward and fell. Way
tied immediately.
Thomas Sarver. a blacksmith, whose shop
is opposite the tavern, testified that enortly
before Way's the_
with Dodd, he had a
difficulty with him, (Sarver) in regard to a
a boy. The quarrel moue to blows suit Way
got the worst of it. Shortly afterwards the
witness beard Way Cursing his brother Lu
ther for not helping him in the quarrel.
Shortly afterwards he saw the quarrel com
mence between Way and !Dahl. Saw Lutiiii
give John
. the pick: caw John raise It and
step back; saw Dodd go towards him; nag
Way strike, apparently at Dmitri, head,,w hen
the latter fell. '
John it. Stewart was called, but-could give
no additional information. 4.. •
George Gerkaw, previous to the quarrel.
and John Way cursing his brother for not
helping him In a fight he had had. boon after
tile party to Which Dodd belonged drove up,
and Dodd and Way got into a quarrel. Lu
ther Way got the pick and gave It to his bro.
ther. The latter raised the pick, stepped
back and dared Dodd to come to him, at the
same Uwe railing Jinn vlliv tisanes- Dodd ad
s• newt and Way attack - the pick. Into his side,
when he fell and %Puy ran away.
This closed the testimony, and the Jury re
turned the following verdict:
"That the bald William Dodd came to his
death on 1110 18th of December, ISOG, In Ver
guides township from Injuries received from ,
a blow from a pick, on tile elth or December,
in the hands of John Way, said Way being
aided and abetted by ins brother, Luther
The deceased was twenty,seven yktara Of age
and leaves a wife, but no chthiret. !Ho is said
to have been a most estimable young inns,
and his death is sincerely regretted. Way,
the munleret, has tied mid, no trace of Mtn
nag yet la en found. He is represented as
being a very bad, dangerous man. His brother
Luther, s a lad of about fourtee7 years and
PM also disappeared, no trace of him remain
Street Coutittgration-
Yestefalay afternoon, a tidy looking German
couple, pretty!: well advanced in years, were
observed going down Fifth street, ;towards
Wood. The pavement, as we all know, was
not favorable to swift . or certain locomotion,
and the parties mentioned slipped and jostled
along very much like the two pots in the fa.
We. Suddenly the man was seen to slop and
fall Into a grotesquely tragic attitude. while
with hits hands he clutched In the wildest man
ner at his trousers and coat Lull, ejaculating,
meanwhile, the most insane expresstons. Ile
had held in his hands some parcels and a has
het, but in his excitement these tumbled to
the ground- The woman, too, seemed struck
with the same madness as her and, and danc
ed about him with her hands thrown up and a
succession of little screams issuing from her
mouth. finite atrowd collected, and from the
strong smell or horning cloth obtsined the
clue to the trouble. Thu old man was on tire,
and considerably ou tire, too. Smoke was curl
' Mg up quite visibly from the lower regions of
ide coat, and sparks and .smoulttertng
bits of burning cloth dropped to the
sidewalk us, be danced about. It
was not precisely a case of spontaneous
combustiou, Lot the stormy lath] contlagra
t ion resulted from a Minted° pipe, which the
Incautious Germaii had put, while still light
ed, into the side pocket of 11(4 coat. The
ning in the pocket . ignited and burned
through before it was el teem erml. Indeed the
victim did not know of late Impending mar
tyrdom, until the fire had communicated to
his pantaloons and burned through to the flesh.
Eventually and with inuch.ado, the Ore was
extinguleued, and file unfortunate Teuton
proceed...l, after enjoining silence on his wife
by a few togulticunt grunts, to Dick up his bas
ket...tot bundles. iinv,sg dons eo, he gather.
up the contents of the burned pocket, which.
In his gyrations, had fallen to the ground.
Forgetting, in the excitement which still
possessed him, that ho had no pocket now in
Die burned slde of his coat. 113 replaced the
fallen articles In the old pocket hole, one after
another, the pipe which had caused the trouble
a pair of woolen mittens , an old comb, and
a stocking leg filled with money or some.
thing Oise, were placed where the pocket
esed to be, and one after another. they
slipped unobserved again to the ground.
The Dutchman was starting away leaving
Phi possessions laying on the 'Odom k from
Whence he had Just gathered them up, when
he again happened to discover them. 11.11 be
stowed upon them a look of the most anal.
Toyed and fathomless wonder an who ehould
say: "Here's what beats Faust," but at last
comprehended the situation, placed the arti
cles In his attic pocket an 1 trundled off down
the street.
Ortus House.—The "Merry Wives 41' Wind
sor', was repeated at •the Opera !louse last
evening to a well tilled house. Hackett wan,
as always,- an altogether unappr9achuble Fat
staff, and Ws acting was keenly appreciated
and warmly applauded. To-night he uppeare
at "kip Van Winkle!'
TuitATne.—Emily TnOrtntwaS greeted with
tolerable heave at the Theatre lost evening.
The ,play Wan "Arndt-St-Pogue." and bliss
Thorne tnok the character — of Arrali in a
beautiful and truthful style. while Saul Ryan
fle Shaun, tue Punt, was exceedingly good.
To-night Miss Thorne takes is beneilt.
Tith.t.ittlect's no one forget the
benefit of 'harry Overirgton, at the Theatre
to-morrow night. liar.) , the friend of ail
good fellows, and as everybody In anxious to
be reckoned a good follow, the hOlL5e win be
Tub PA age.—Could it be possible to Imagine
a ntore uniguiCcent night for akating than
last night war, or, wish for better fen than
formed the' smooth floor at both tbe Parks!
Crowds enjoyed tne sport at both places. To.
day the few defects that might hate existed
yestcrdav will be obviated tit both the Central
and the Uniun, and the slzattnipwlll be Mato
lately perfect . Undoubtedly the parka will
be too Small to bola the throngs that will Cosh
to them.
.Inetriet Coruq
In the District Court yesterday morning,
ton Case of James longmore vs. Tiernan ft
Getty was the first taken up. It is alleged that
the defendants occupied a house belonging to
plaintiff. The taxes on the ptemises amount
ed to 6SOO, and tile tenant; it. Is alleged, were
under obligations to pay tile taxes. This they
renned to do and the suit was brought Meow..
sequence. Thejn.y found a verdict for the
.plaluttlf, subject to the decision of the Court
on reserved points of law.
The next ease was that of Smith A: Wakely
vs. Wade Hampton k Co., and .1..X. - Darber
Co. It Is stated by the prosecution that the
defendants contracted to furnish to the plain
tiffs is December and January lest. 500 barrels
of relined oil, of a certain specified quality,
nt fty -soiree cents per gallon. They did fur
nish two hundred and any barrels, but' the
oil. It is claimed, was not of the quality agreed
upon. and the plaintiffs refused to receive it.
Thu defendants refused to furnish any Other
and hence the suit. The case was still on trial
at the time of adjournment,
Street Ameldent.
Last evening at about five o'clock, the ex
ecedingly slippery condition of our pave
ments Waal the cause of an accident of a some
what etrions character. At tho time men
tioned a man named Peter Lomb, rhalding at
Slelicesport, was walking with some friends
up Fifth street along the almost impractlca
bin (sidewalk by the Cathedral. suddenly his
feet slipped from under him and be • fell •vm.
Wetly to the ground, striking the back of his
head with such violence against the Cathe
dral null that the blow was distinctly heard
across the street. lie lay helplesa and well
nigh Insensible on the pavetuent, and was
taken up and carried into the ofth, e of Dr ..
McCook 8 limlistietter.oppoulte, where he re
ceived such attention as the case demanded.
Lie bad been drinking to some extent, and
thts fact
the result of
his fall. die ICY fOr constderable time In it
belplolkS itlll4 insensible'condition,
rovered sufficiently to be re,;•
moved by ftenni!.
sear Court Illoaae..—retitiona praying for
the erection of r new Court ilouee at /Lallans,
pa., are being elroulated In that county,
Sixth Ward Primary narthex
• • large and intlaential meeting of the Re
publicans of the Sixth ward was held last
evening at the School4touse, far the purpose
Of naming candidates to be nominated by bal.
lot at the School-house, on Saturday, between
the hours of three and seven o'clock. Jared
U. Brush presided, and Jacob if. Walter, Esq.,
oniciated as Secretary.
Toe ward having been divided for election
. .
purposes, it wan, on motion of Dr. A. D. MC.
Candloss, resolv:llthat the Select Councilmen,
two of the members of the Common Council
and one School Director be taken from the
second or upper precinct, and three Common
Cannel linen and one School Director be taken
from the first or lower preolnct—the be taken from the ward at barer.
• With this understanding, the meeting pro.
ceedcd to name the following candidates:
Judges of Elections—First Precinct—Joseph
A. Butler. ttecOnd Preeinet•—lieorge Cochran,
Ins pectore—Elrst Precinct—Frederick nook.
Second treelnet-8. B. Cooper.
Returnlnspeotorn—k'lret Precinct—James D.
Kelley. Second Prechict--.fames
Annensor—William Shore.
..18.statunt Asecssorn—Alexander Maley and
John Scott. -
Countable—William Shore.
bebool DI reetors—Flrst Preelnet-(one to be
.nominated) Thomas Roberta, Arc/al:dad Wal
lace, James D. Kelley, Wm. Coldnitwood. see
ond Pm-cleat—(one to be nominated) Wm. P.
Freeman and Joseph Marshall.
Select Connell—(one to be nominated) Jas.
P. Tanner, Wm. H. Glean. David dl. Cham
common Council—Firat Precinct--(three, to
be nominated) William F. Lang, 1. tit Courain,
Jolla Rahman. John C. Harper, Edward'Ultb
ridge, Jared M. Broth. deoond Preetnet—(two
to by nominated) 11 tlllam Barnhill, Bacot 1..
Fleming, Robert. Robb and A. G. hicUautilese.
l/n motion, the Chairman appointed the fol
lowing ofgaers to conduct the - primary alai:-
Lion: Judge—Joseph A. Butler; !inspectors—
& It. Blinn/CPU and William Shorn, Jr.
After the appointment. of a Committee on
printing, the Locating adjourned.
tritlif mil town.
;afore Judges McUon end Stowe.
The following business was trannactoil yes-
(ho caso of Harrison Wade. Thomas and
illlarnlidolc, and Wm. Crookshankv,
d for aggravated assault and battery, on
dal on W nth:km.l..7, Judge Stowe ehargedthe
ury at the opening of the Court. A verdict
C guilty or elmule assault end battery was
• ndered. Sentence deferred.
11. J. lieblisrt was arraigned on an Indict
ment tor larceny its bailee. The defendant
,Was alleged to have been in the emoloy of A
k.'. Lhatoney, agent of the Writer it Baker Sew.
ng Machine Company, as sub-agent. It was
further alleged that the defendant cold some
machines for which be made no returns, the
amount retained aggrega - log over two hun
dred dollum. The defendant claimed flint be
was not an agent of Chidoney, and that hid
easiness relations with him were of an entire
ly different charauter The Jury returned a
verdict of guilty, but recommended the pri
soner to the mercy of the Court.
Thu next ease was that of Alicia and James
Collins, a adored woman and her son, indict
ed for lardeny. The parties reside at Duquesne
ri rough. The alleg d larceny was committed
on the 6th Mgt. On that day the boy, who was
employed In the Jewelry store of Messrs. Ste-
venson it Co., stole from four watches.
lie was arrested by officer Scott, of the Alle
gheny police, and confessed the theft, stating
that the stolen property was in a trunk at
mother's house. Search was made and two of
the watches were found as stated. One of the
others, a valuable gold one, the boy had host
down the privy, and the other one he had
broken and thrown over the fence. The Jury
lu the case were out the time of adjournment.
Low priced and
— nood—lne Emerson
-- -
TO meet the wants of the great number of
persons who desire to possess a piano, but do
untied able to go to the expense of the costli
est make, and yet would have only& gQoil
aulaidantial one, we bare made a moat careful
examination of all the lowest priced pianos
made in the Coiled States. The result of this
examination is that we have found those
made by 'W. P. Emerson, to be the best pianos
for the price, 'and Me cheapest good 'minas'
that are made. They are moat substantially
built, on the soundest aeoustio principals; the
wood Ls the beet quality properly seasoned;
the tone rich and pawerful, and the touch easy
and elastic; each one is provided with the toe
fell iron frame, and overstrtmg base. They
stand well in tune and wear well in every par
ticular; this we know from actual experience.
The diderence in price between the Emerson
Plano, and the more wetly makes, is caused
by the most rigid economy in the manufac
ture consistent with excellence, and
ny a eaving of labor on those parts,
which neither effect the tone or durability.
We do not pretend that the ''Emeraont , Is the
lowest priced piano made; manyean be bought
et a less price. Such pintos we do not keep,
having found by oar own and others expert.
once that being so poorly made they soon give
way, lose their tone, become harsh and Ills
content, and give no satisfaction to the owner,
but are a constant source of expense and an.
noyiuice. Apiano of this kind is abed in.
vestment. and really the dearest piano any
one can buy. We do not and will not keep
them for sale. Finding the "Emerson" such a
deuirable piano, we at once secured the exelu.
• ti•tc agi•ncy for thew for Pittsburgh and sur
rounding country, and having made special
contracts for a regular weekly 'supply for a
long time to conic, we can oiler theta at un
usually advantageous rates. All persionedes
siring the best cheap piano in the market,
should not fall to examine the t'Enteraeati
tore pnrcuasing any other kind.
count to elerglinen, teachers and casts custo.
mere. Charles He uer A Co., Si Wood street,
Fittaburgh. ' awe
Oar Street Crossing's.
The present 'bold snap,” and the recent
heavy full of snow, has demonstrated one in
disputable fact. Pittsburgh boasts the most
aborainable, inconvenient, ridiculous and den.
gerous street crossings to .men, woman and
child. beast and vehicle, of any city in the
Union. livrould puzzle the ingenuity of a
civil engineer to Invent anything in the er0113;
big line more absurd, provided he kept with;
in decent bounds; in th/ mounds of snow", Ice,
dirt and rocks he wool throw up to impede
the progress of pedestrians., -lie might possi
bly make the crossings) Impassable, but stop
ping short of an obsolete blockade, we do not
think be could improve, for the worse, their
present condition. tientlecuen of the Coun
cils, and inesseuirs, the Street Commissioners,
we implore you In the name of the bedraggle d
skirts and tainted hose of all woman kind,
and by the shattered bones of mescull
and stnittered too, to such tender parts of the
human form divine--that , when the genial
wartoth of the spring eon enables you to
reach the first strata of our elty's foundation,
you will give us decent crossings.
Mr, Vandenhairs Readlng.—Mr. 'Vanden
'heirs second reading. this seasou, In this city,
Came I.ll' lust evening lathe Academy of Music,
under the ausploes of the Mereantite . Library
alisoclation. The attendatiee was large and
comprise.' a fair proportion of the intelligence
and culture of the city. Of Mr. V.' s merits es
an elocutionist It Is needless to speak, they
are so well known to the mast of Oar citizens,
We know of no one who eau so well interpret
Dickens to the entire satisfaction of every ad.
mirer of the great novelist of the age.
111eirt.gendlwir Oeenirenee.—On Monday
1.i., Mr. tieorge Wise, oQ Wait Bethlehem
township, Washington county, accidently shot •
and mortally Injured his child, and level ely
wounded his mita. Mr. W. was shooting hogs,
and had exploded a cap, and was resting Ms
rifle on Ills arm to recap it, when the gun was
discharged, timbal' passing through the head
of an infant on the arms of his wife and lodg
ing In tier breast. The child died In a fear
hours, acid the ball. was extracted from the
breast of the mother, and she is likely to re.
The Charge of Itanratry.—Oftleer John
Lutz who, as will be remembered, wanProse
f utod before Alderman Strain, on the charm
.of being a common barrator, was to have had
a hearing before that magistrate on Wednee.
day. Alderinart Strain was absent front the
city, however. Ant another Information, to the
saws effect as' the first, was made before Al
derman Nicholson: A hearing was bad be
foto that magistrate yesterday, and resulted
In the licensed being held to ball to answer at
•AVironant No. *2 Stunk.—A dispatch has
been rezeived by Captain. James tiordon, of
the Pittsburgh insurance Office, from Captain
Richman, dated Louisville, Saturday, an
nounelar that the Argonaut So. 2 sunk at five
o'clock Ss:yr:lay. morning, between N ew Al .
nany and LauLavine. The dtspatob furnished
no particulars.,She was on her way from St.
Louis to Pittsburgh. She was Insured in this
city as follows: Pittsburgh office, X100 ; .1.:100; Euroka, 21,00 a; Western lOW,
total, }1,500. Tho boat was slik: insured in CM
munatie but for what amount Liss not been as
Boots for Boys.-41ratify your bright-eyed
boys with a present of a pair of thoaa saner,
red•toppe.i toots which completely satialiea
the ambition of Young America. Every boy
should have a pair of those boots. They are
sold much less than their nutunfactured cost,
at .the cheat) boot and shoe bazaar of T. L
AlcCic land, Nos. 33 and 37 Filth street.
Paine 4:-Cools Argentloas—yer instantly
plating all articles of copper, brass or Gans'
silver, with pure silver, when, worn a nd
for cleansing and polishing 311vor ortver
pltten ware. Warranted to ennui,a r&q . "_l•Z r
antes or arid, or any injurious `a",ol
'sale by J. Sample, Allegrisni.... de im f
glens. -
Fancy Moeda sad if alione,—Just such a
Largo stook .o talglit select suitable arse•
ants irOm, will now be toned on exhibition at
the tbammo,h auction salesrooms of T. A.
McClelland, Nos. o and Y. Filth street.
Alf. Burnett To-lllghl.—Our
bear in mind that the Great Amer
Monist and humorist will give nts arse read.
tomte.night at Masonic hall. Ito is with. ut
an equal in America, and everybody should
embrace the present opportunity• Of hearing
him, ills programme to-night enahraats
sketches of exit, humor and pathos. There are
no reserved heats, so that to go early will be.
equivalent to obtatning choice Planes in the
hall. Burnett always draws crowded wadi
ences, and wo 'trust tonight to sec the hell
tilled to its utmost captivity.
Ileld for a HearJug.—"Curly" Leslie,
who... exploits In cutting Mr. Seely, proprie
tor of the Grant Mouse, Allegheny, on Tues
day evening, we noticed yesterday, had a par
tial hearing yestertlay'rfterooon to tore Mayor
Morrilien, and was held to ball for a farther
hearing to-morrow.
Snow Bout• 11110 ssinsea.—Thosc tine snow
boots which T. A. McClelland now otters for
sale at such cheat, prices. bought at
the same mica any ether place In this ens•
try. Nos. 11 and 5:
Norrendered.-11. J. 4.; ebbattlt, whose trial
and conviction on a charge of larceny as
ballet we have reported in our Court - report,
Was last errata' placed in jail, having been
surrendered by his ball. , .
Country Mania es sl.—Ucurtine country
blanketa of the tluest quality, urn now - offered
for sale ut auction prices. at AtcClelland's
cheap ' nle, Nos. Z.:, and Fitt
House Furntsititna t.00d,., can he hOeilht
no where else In the City to toter dartsntage,
than at the AUCLIIM Ile.torveseters of T. A.
MeClelland; Nos. end 5: Ilttit street.
Woolen - tioods. for Indies' and children's
wear of ereu description. hand and machinery
made. sold' at auction prices, at -McClelland's,
Nos, wand, Ft( th st recd.
Death of n Gallant Onleee.—.l.leutenaut
D tvltl IL. porter. of Atuadvllln,ll.lut. Brown:-
I:111e, Texas, recantly, from the yellow toyer.
lie was RI the Regular Army rervlre.
3D/ORE—On Wedu1.641•5 - , December lldb, IR•a of
dlptlicelt J kumt Mut .5.,1•1..E-c, prlogr,t duugh•
tern, Penn I V. nt.dr:lum I .A 1 oure, agull four yuurs
and four mouth,.
The funeral n 11l •Ple place front the rerldtnee o
her parents. r:1 Cat r 41 -beet, Allegheny, on Fnt
DAY AFTLIANOON, at 2 o'clock, to proceed to Alle
chenyiremettry. •
11.LDALE cEnctElllt.—The
'Niod's-acre.'• the largest suburban
of•wpulchre.'es..ept. our, In county , sit
uated on New Brighton road. lonnedlstely north of
AllognonT• For burls! iota, penults or tales, call
at Central Drug Store of COO , L CLA KY. Alla.
abel t uy City.
ALr a. 41114-Eti,
b 10.104 Fourth *treat, YMentrzn, .A.H , lflflo of
all kinda, CHAPI74, 01.0 V EH, an d evernile.rlption
of Iftla era) FurnHoing litmus rurrasneo. lama.
ornetd. y and slight, Hosp.. d CarriarHlELLll2lll.:Q.
11.1171MINCZ,—ECV. Hayti] .Hert MU.. are. In
W. Jacobus. 0.1).. Thom. Ewmg, Can..
Killer. r n
Nit. 106 Stn ithlield Bt., cor. tb,'
(Entrance trOLI t ,evetath eitre.t.)
wwwweemticri=a.c3.- , PB..
123 unlit.iKy WTHKET.
• I.l.setallw.vv. Pi.. •
R . T. VI I.IITE b. CO.,
Manchester. Illood'e Run and Vicinity.
IJoraer 01 81aelfloia and Chanters streets.
_ •
AT . A
611) lie St., 3d door from 516.
Something Dire fora Pr. rent, made ex
pregely to one order, by one or the best Mang!.
toms In Europe. (Jug ranted to be perfect.
Time lieepersiretv-S4IIU--":
2k7c*. CM "Wink'. SOY - root.
s.tvcs FEEL,
MITOIVI7 Tess Your Gaz.E.xs.oca.
Bern! stamp for circular, or call on
fle2o.p-i Nu. II Yltal.S.reet, l'ittsburgh, ra
JOSIReAIatODES..r. W. 11. LAT.'ilWo .3. ANDERSON
Harnm necEvrtx PITItCIIIAS
owner by .sPesle. KING, PEN NOCK &
re•pectfull7l afurm the puellc that we llt coatlnt.•
the mthuferthre or
Sheetlogs, Cotton Yarns, Cattle
Chains, Candle Wick
and nailing:
Orders ims7 be left at the Ottlee or the Works, ,
PITTSBUIi au BITE 11^E fir,
Corner oriluquesse Way and Itsrker's All, y,
Pitt6tburgto, Fora,
S 9 189 D 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 $9 $9 $9 $9
89 ,
60 TO 891
89 11 : 46 C:b ; 8 9 1
189: 89, Market Sired,
CiirAPK , T ANI) 11V.T. ;
1 89 ; I IV T •Er. x Ir. ' B9 l
K9 ' AL , TION Err, t B 9
I JAMES ROBB, h 9 Market
-1_ 'S9i;
89 89 89 89 89 89 S 9 89 S 9 89j
Gas and Steam - Fitters;
A largo zezonment of
Chandeliers and Brackets, Lead
Pipe. Pumps, Sheet Lead, &c.,
161 Wood Street, near Sixth.
Pleasantand Profitable En!plojment,
Cirlog arm full tuna or Irl
Mont. Add'eas, for One wer
I LF:S. t Co
T Nassau Street
COMET IV ,U 8001 I
Fine IVate,he4, Cio
ks, Jewelry
e ARE, ETC.,
So. 274 LlBh.lir
Particular attehtion
Clucta tatl
I X=.
:yen to Repairing
A.:l work warrant
' tel:e.l3
f r adical_Farailare
'awn stTles mf rp-RN:yruttrt
& CO.,
anufa eturt re,
1110118P81 PODISES!
?W i tt 1% . 7 d h W°."
0 HO
44 e . WO4fr
v it rixl worker,' - Cali at
aat Irlrit.treel tear •
Jug rerelve
I DM r /NU HOltb
j eete i ,-tt ba be eel%
• flatland" tient'