. . • ..:. , • 4- , .. , , ;•. . . •: . ==l , - t ' r . . I _ . . • . - fir tsTAB . L.I.SE ----- -, AD ra \ . . . -,_,___.--;.--.T.------------ . - T ITEMS. :_•.,:ir'z•:•„ ,--.= _ ...., -.,,_-_______=_,----:_. ~, s•s• - ar:4l .* A - : . . Tx= ------- 7, - •_..s , . . . r•t ~..7.7 1 . • , . i" , • ‘\----, t . - UM' A i l f ' , .''' 4' .4 1 -__ . ,, '-' , fR --.. -- . - ' r,Q/A \ ,-,. . , -•., ; , ', '..- '/ - - 2174, k .t1 . ' 1 •-), - -., ----, . . , • ~ . -1-_- - .L... -. ,- , - - ~,,,„-t , ~..„,- • , . -irk i 7 i t t i t 1 - ,„, . . ~ ,, ,4 5..!_e , _ . 0. --- , ----t - - p.•_,,,,,_ : A,---,- V-- , -- '•" ' '- ",, , ,--- --, - air" .., • ~ - 4 - 11-!' \‘l ----,-, e/La -- - ---- -; ) - -,-- z - tit ' ---eS, ' t • , 4 • nee COn l PanY 11.SUra ' 1 7:- -- '''..--'6.- .- * : : :- . : 1 4 I oF . - ..,.. 1 , , • 7 , , . , ) I __. ' ' - • - ----- - __ ,-___ —_ _ _ . , ____ _ _-_-- , " - = -, - - --7._ -- 7...- -. - _ -,-- ,: - / - _::.. - T2-- -. .-_--• -_-_,,---/ --------__ -.2_ _. __-_,------- - ---'-------------. E. S. WINSTON, Preslden . ,?______,/, --------- _ ------- 1 1 ._ _, __.------- ... - PRICE THREE CENTS: • ,__li M li!El ASSETS OVER $ 17,5c)c0,4C•cr co, ESE ExcLustiELT coo. 4nuual Invblends Available Immediately, TO INCREASE THE INSURANCE OR REDUCE 'THE PRE3IIIIIIt AT THE OPTION OF THE ASSURED. 1.,,11ey-bolders and other venous intereated in the inlectuot LIFE. INSURANC It are Invited to call wilt beg; 117 aal.l.tltegm"g 'l„?.;,..`.'&l°,Yo'llre menita and practical working or the Company. E.O. DI.BLACKSTOCE, Agent, Pio. 37 Fifth Street. Pittebtirkh. Dutra College Circular for ISaY. Tins just been Issued by tha principals of this o idely known and favorite Pittsburgh estab lishment. !rho publication Is In the quarto form, and contains some new and IntereSting matter relative to the course of business edu cation, so long and so .t:inceessfully taught In he Institution. Among other things we no t its a beautiful electro , ype engraving of Wm. Duff's handwriting, in an elegant set of capitals; and au original and animated design of l'en Flourishing, which every ohe desirous of becoming a chaster penman, wilt price as a gent of the chirographic art. Ant..tn3l oi.l.lll.hisle Cured In Ten Ith:t -otes. It isan established fact, that can be attest nd to by many citizens of ilittsburgh,T that I:pham's Asthma Cure,- sold at Dr. Keyser'S, is a complete and perfect remedy for that ttoubiesOme disease. It w lit in a Ica - minutes take away the distressing ursracrandspasm.s attending Asthma, and by a persevering use, will totally eradicate the complaint. Sir. Upham has hundred of ecrthleates from MI quarters of the Union, bearing the most nattering approval of his ASTHMA CU ILE; and then, besides, Pr. Keyser, the agentfoilt here, - proposes to refund the money, in all cases where it fails to give relief, when used according to directions. Thin relief Is last- lug, and by the'use of the cure for awhile, the bnbirot tbo disease is broken, and health cc stored. Every. A.stlamatic patient knows we Vali:A - WO- do, the terrible anffocating feeling and prostration which accompanies an attack of Asthma, and many of them would give hundreds of dollars to procure cantpt from. its grasp. MIS exemption be OD from. speedily, surely and effectually, by tln. remedy above mentioned, illlll which, mine that we are. acquainted with has gained more on public approbation, or procured bier reputation. It can. be sent by mail, by addressing bet Keyser, No. 140 Wood street. ? and enclosing the . price, two dollars, and ten cents to pay postage. - Sold us above , by the gross, dozen, or single package, If Ton Wnut - To keep your boy at hotnein the evenings buy a him a Parlor 11.1.5 e liaUfleld. They can only be bad at JRUICS tier WOOll street. Tx OVID Steinway Pianos For holidays gifts, ranging from rksit to CPA have beentiought within the .ast ton days, at 11. fileber k lire's; on Wood street. Their ware rooms are filled with the choicest Steinway's and other brands of Pllll - 0, at prices from WA to 4,1,00, and they present such a variety of strieS as never before went offered to our pub - he.- A floe Steinway is undoubtedly the most acceptable at all gifts, and It can be had at a gpre one hundred dollars below the New York selling rates at hleber Tobn . ceo and Segars. et W. Jcnkinr,on, maltufactarera of the eelebrated 'Roan Bud Bright ronnds,Roeelßrl Hough and • Ready; Rose Bud Golden Burs Nay, Irene) Spun 8011, and" other noted brdude of Tobacco. • . ;\n Immense • , •-tock of Segars and other articles in the To -I,acco line, constantly ontiand, all of which we ere selling nt the lowest cash pricee, at So. federal street, Allegheny. Al the World's Fair In London, .IS-ll,theWheeler A: Wilson Sew -mg Machine received: the highest award—all the Machines cif 'Europe and America In com p:talon. This award has always been made wherever exhibited. You will make „no 'Mis take In ordering one as a holiday gal: to wtfe, s Inter or friend. Tiler can be purchased only at Sumner & Co's., .27'Ilfth street. 7 . t The Itesse Sewing. Machine, Masi certainly take, the lead of all others In a hhort, time: It was awarded five premiums e n Rork, at the World's Fair, 1....e2; lour premi ums for work and on the machine, at the New 'York State . Fair, Wei. See the Methodist, of septetuber 22d. A premium. on the machine. at the 0010 State' lair, Pic. Set the Paytdri . . .7%itirited, October 19th. The only agency for its, sale foi Western Pennsylvania, ist at No. t-t. Clair etreet, Pittsburgh. If Yon Want . • • • To keep your boy at borne in the evenings buy him a Balor Bute Bull flew. They can only be bad at J antes Bown',s, lk: Wood street. x .. • Ladles' Fors. • An War:muse stock or all the new style, at thr, first class lint, CAP and Ladles' klur - Mouse 4,1 Wut. Fleming, No. MA Wood street, mink, f4iberian Squirrel, German Fitch, Water Mink, Black and" BroWn ae. •As we are 1104: 6c:fling oil* at a reducStion,bls in erder to chose out all our fur goods this season, those wanting anything - in the Inn line.would do ell to call and ckatuide the stock befofe par chnsing elsewhere. SOusethism New. Tic Parlor 11. the Ball I. Mid IS decidedly the handsomest present you can make. No game of modern times exceeds it in the amusement and Interest it agorae. It can be played by dw o or more persons, and in erery respect is a perfect Model of our national game.. lie the motility:this 90E00 11 will be limited, call In ins • modiately on Jame Down, 1:;r Wood street. Good . Clear Tor'', assorted Candles, Raisins, Cdr rs.nts, primes, Grange and Lemon reel, Can ned Fruits, etc., nte., as cheap and as good as . nt any other house In Gin t el t itF. George neaviin, :4 - of 1.12 Federiil street., .t call Is solicited. • : -- --.--- . . Totted States. Troop. Sent to Lexing• ~,,, imi,,,rt.., rin..„.., que,,,i,,,,._.„, ton-The Arrested Citizotm-Sclzuro t ~ , ,,,,,,,,igation Into the Inhhitir Trough of Distilleric.-A. Fire. • • Not One-lcielli of the lirlii•liy Ben !., r. 1.0 t., Dec. 19.-Two Cotnpanien nt Tn ., , ofnetnred Paysitho Tax-ne Croton If There IN n. llorznin to Ihe if.nd. , tea Stith , Ileltularelwe bean ~,,', to IMII"g" 1 Aqueduct Dfspiitc-.lMeverefientimee. ' I :on, Miasmic', from Fort Leavenwm. lb, to i -AT , AT. Gardner gets It and glree hie patr.ons the ben• , pre-arve pewee la that locality. I N, 'Tann, Dor. 11 . -The city will 1,,e cat Of It. Ile Is awake to the tines, and will • Tito citizens arrested hy Disj. Mont ttomer:t , b in:ls In :he autt.n,t of two hulllone and a half dell hie entire etOth. at !Igen hJIIIIn; In , ',rice, have been released. a r ie y the ban", for laxes which were so rsa distilleries in Jackson n 011111 5 ., 311 - t' :i end 41PertlIr collected In 1543 end 'ISM, until January In., _._ ...r.a have hpen des selstallty Ilte I idled , ,d,t;et;t 1 it Di the evenrltics comprlnlng 0r,,,,,, Ilur'.'n'"-,''7,'" ~ 1 3tet- Revenue ode:ors. A largo. brewery en the corner of Csnac 11, it capital soat, A large proportion ot . these were I:tilled :Rates bonds, and were ex- Greasers nargrelna or th , " Seasoo• •itri•ct 11.”1 carca2 , , , , 1 , , , ..; „, avenue, :v. ae he rinal , mn ' r , , Ant of Cnogrefin trout taxtion. I' ntll January ist . Stott:: trust be tt du 7,.. , t and 1 ,7,`t ., i t tiii iti '• Ifi '''' • * ' 10 ' ' ' ' ' ' o '°' i ''''' '''t I° ' ! f::apre I , nomil ing I r O two 'Millions have :d -on .o. yl lees am terribly so, ne a Call e, tll sa":sty. , 1.. , 1. can u.lit le.:Red the bonds will be bi -1 The 1)'"'"'" .Wre"" ""Y ''''re.n, I " ;1 3 e ,I „c ,:t. Week in paynient. Or ea lior, Sae.: c,. , .E. , =aye that it delepetien of the . citizens of .lacaeon coenty.ine3,94,',7"fn'olnin. i ' Tr , . cemr.re-41,,,r0 Committee. on Whisky poesette Sr dels have discovered that great i wi - . Inc ,therltr, ennviner a Governor 1 Weber that .• .„, , , • or: in the Than. •te ' e et,.:ce Onve I.eeo pia 'ctleed here. Boveral .. the lawn will lice, he pion:pity enfruccti, ,''„ ~...,Is sr , implieeted. Many thousand r,al - In reef In “I.lining'e P.stent Stove Damper. and that the connty delegatron gives a seisms tt"' " t ' t t t I - beenrind tt ova dollar nee ie V. 1., ay Itl, o i • ...., advertisement in another enttunn. t dare plettge that all neater ill henceforth unit, ' ,Ihalf per ton, when te tax alone IC No. II•I itth stteet. , lethal, end Under this assirstara the tie, 1 " .. ' ..n a tlr 'The Coolant cchen satisfied taut ; arson ordered the troops gned for . t 's - 1..• i ' • Yon Can Dny •' I son county to be sent to Lafayette. et one-Merin el the 'whisky manufactured it- . c pay, the goveriancnt tar.. • , , .--......., I Yr'. ltradley, tho new appointee as 1 rem. Foreign LlquOrb of all binds at Joseph S. I Finch's Distillery, -No, ltn, V. , ..,1%.: giant 'SS First I FROM PIIILkDELPHIA i dent. ei the strnten Aqueduct Board, appeared • -• • z this morning and claimed the Mace, watch ttreet, Pittsburgh. - . -- _ Mr. otevens, the President, declined to (or -...- I A DelsirtiCtlVO Tire on Inroad Street- Boot pi end Sheer . 1 1.01114, d , *l-0 000-orath of a Prominent riz,loc,r,.d. tintor.iftwriaae,,!trewasuolwmpint frit,torn,tel;embotlllioli I Citizen. the promises. • faller any body's prices, und cheaper than ....b ~ O'er befO're +Old thew. Pnitanut.rt ta,Deceinl.er M.-Several large John Smoot wa, io-day soulenced to twenty I warehouses l ' n North thread etreet were de. years in the -isle prison for rape on a thllil Ovens Rorer Soot , S roe. - 1 111 oyed by He'e 'l'. Ws mOining. Allea X: Beller, six years old, ----ale- -- .•I Ne.V:, lose iO.to;. GeOrge U. Dervall, flour Yr, derick r. Peet, one of our oldest suer dealer,LOU v2.5,0m; W. Beal, whleky diztillcr, chants. tiled in Last Hampton, .al. . . , STs,Ono, and James Ralston, weaver. 6... NW.). The The Jury in thin ease of Went or against the pm cent, .Aleohol at Joseph S. Finch's. , 1,,, 1,,,,, and is ,upposed to have per., First National rank of Now Orlearts, for al.leg . , , Wm.] in the names ed negligent delivery of a trunk, raid - eta a You Can Buy . I Ldwurti lb Dale:President of tlie Philatici- i-ordlet tor the batik. New Hopi: at Joseph S. Finch's. pLan, GerMentow n and Norristown Railroad, In t Ile safe ease ot Sanborn to. Berrie g, the ____--......., dletl yesterday. lie was a son OS ComModure ' bury litre unable to agre Dale. A Thousand Pair of !Shoes Le.. of GOVerillMelli Property by Flee. 101 l In a day at the Opera Liouse ShOo Store. 1 8411.114e4 Accident Between Cincinnati Jrnclie.:: CITY, Kansas. December la-The end Chicago. Conanisary building nt Fort Dodge, contain- Ci...misnan. December IS-The baggage log seventy-aye theusaud pounds et bacon, , r ar e!. z•rll.°tltCr ew e n t'n f ' z rO . t m i tit'lls truck. re nude to r g - Ve d ‘‘ sat la ktfeee amount o yoeftit'yvgrreu.mlTot clothing, • , sy el Indiana to-day, killing J. it', Timmus, papers of th e &marts:muster and Commissary • t " Aniartetin'Uspres9 taesseuger, and .r,,, , 11.- mere Meetly not ed. The fire was accidena. y welinding the fiaggage In asc,.t. fl.c Ifee I. not at shod. . _ .. . . • If ion Want To keep your boy at home di the evening hay hint a Parlor Buse Yield. They can only COi had at James noin's, 131 n'cot E•tr,:t, WIIIIICIVS GIZMO 90 CC he 3pere.1107.50 5t070. FIRST EDITION, E O'CLOCK. A. M. LITE S 111 TELEGRIP FROM EUROPE. The Confedeatiori of the British PARTIN BIG DINNER TO MINISTER lIS, Mexican Humors in Faris and•FloLLence. BISMARCK RESIGNS THE PRESIDENCY OF THE GERMAN CONFERENCE. Arbitrary Measures of Prussia in Hanover. cONrinr.ILLTION or 0011130 COLONS 11, Covnotl,Dec.lB.—The deleantiOn from - 11rib ish Americallave agreeil.npou the basis of a bill for the confederation of the Britten Prov Daces iirSorth America. The perfected till will be sent to the British Parliament for con firmation. airrmo.niazteu TO NIXISTSII IttliElNlw Gantt, Dee.l9.—it tan's - peeled the Emperor will attend a farewell dinner to ?Sinister Bige low to-day. Itt-OE.DANIZA.TION DV TUE Fitr.7.0,11 AUNT. The re -organization of the French army h. yery. unpopular. The people cannot see the necessity of such an immense army while ut peace. rltt:3sl.‘N 01,1c.ZES TO BMus's, Dec.l9.—A number of licuseiau call cera are about starting for America to look at our Navy Yards. ' TEE l'Ort'S 1:X1'11E6610S 111:i..1.T1TE. TO TDE 191. TED STATE , . ROME, D6C.lS.—Carilinal,AntonellPs explana tion of the Pope's expression relative to the Crated States is that las Holiness believes it Would be better for Canada to fall' into the • bands of the Bulled States than to be sunlit . gateiLby Fezdans. !Sinister Magmas:Veil the explanation. aricax or (MN'. PRIM TO orals. LoNt.oN, Wcthgesdng, December It is reported that lien, Brim, who has kept himself away from the country since his at tempt at revolution last winter, has returned to Spain, having reeelted a pardon from the queen MEXICAN RXMORi IN rants. Vials, Wednesday, -December l'}-Edening.- It 1s reported ha sami.oflimal quarters that Marshal BaZflille has opened,,or attempted to open, negotiations with the United States go, arrißient in reit:retie° to the establishment of .a-nqw government In Mexico after 'the with. dni - ival of the French troops. ARDITILA.RS MEASURES Or PRUSSIA IN lIANOVEIL Dec. 19. This morning a party of Hanoverians, numbering about thirty, were arrested 'ln Hamburg while ndeavorng to evade serving in the Prussian army. They were on the point of embarking for America on board of a steamer. _ Ytaiswa, Dec: 19.—The Dlet has decided to recommend a plan of separate administration. THE CONTROL OF THE marl:at. EERMAN ARMY. Paula, Dee. 19.—A telegram from Berlin states that the Federal army-Will be under the comntand of Prussia. UEN•IONATION 07 'BISMARCK. Mama, ireflueiday, December M,—.Ereoing.— Count Von Bismarck has resigned the Fre2l - of the Conference. • .„..nextees nenqns IN VLORENCE. /FLORENCE. Werflreschg,D,ernbcr report le current hero that Maximilian is detained in Mexico in CODSOCiIIerICO of its hav ing neeOnle 'l,3lOWn to the Austrian ("oa-em inent that the Austrian army wish him to be come' immediately the snecessor of Francis • • DEIIMAN STEAMILIE LINE. iI.I.M.EURO, Dee. 19—Eregiog —A lie, German steamship line is`forming to run between Imre and New York. under government patronage. THE or.RMAN PARLIAMENT A CERTAINTY. • BERLIN, Dec, 19.—A German Peril tIlleDI will be almost unanimously voted for throughout Germany. • COMMERCIAL AND FINANIAL. • tospos, Dec. 19.—Conaols American_ Securities opened Arm; 5-gos, 71I•1; Erie, 47. 1 / 2 ; Illinois Central, 7C. LIVERPOOL. Doc. 19.—Cotton' opened very ac tive and excited, and advanced l9id for , mid dling uplands. • • 'LIVERPOOL, Welille.4rty, Peecober 10.—Even toThe cotton market tuts-be advance ctve amotiy, and eIOSeS firm, at the of noted at, noon. The 'wales sum pp to fully 10,03 e bales. The brandsinfrs and provision market• are quiet and unchanged LONDON, WEdIICODID, DeeClMbrr,P.—EllrltiNg. —Consols closed at RSA for menet. The mart ket for American securities closes steady. The' latest. ofUcial'BRUNS are follow Cens : Plaited States 5-2les,;pc,; Erie, IIS tral, ANT XELI.r. , o-CaileAdOND(Ellotbetr...—ELeniiig. —The market for petroleum is firm, francs. _ • • A i, ;: 1 1 1i u I Appeal—The . s y At ' e Conventio nfo n rt 1 f. 'el t ae l f s t : r 7 : \ h ri e l l i w i l C t purpose. 0:1 . .1 th i v i ' D 1:o t . : 1 6 n a . II: t: i iii ti t 1 1 :I -.. .: :. n: Y 5 1 : . In Ness Hampshire. NLW 11...VV . 5. C 0 .,... Gee. lii.—The lenuo. crude ntule Committee lias is sue d a tall for a of the call, "of considering the revolutionary acts of the present Radical Congress." This Convention will else determine npim the propriety of making nominations for State officers, and recommending to the people of the thirty-six States the neces.olty tor a Na wills Convention to adopt such measures 119 l n l "thwart the designs of the traitors who i are endeavoring toisulfvf.frt the Constitution and Government of our fathers." " Com ora, N. IL, Dee. Ili.—Advieca from al most every section of the State 111.11,11 th the defeat of tile railway monopoly candidate for Governor. The a ucstion of railroad the "will lie thoroughly overhauled at the neit susion of the Legislature. .--------........—.—..._._ Game, Sept Make, 911.• SECOND EDITION• VERY LATEST TOMBS. FROM WASHING FON. Oharges and Specifications Against the President.. Colonies NO VOTE ON THE NEBRASKA BILL roLiTtct , FIIO,IIIYIISSOITI , FOUR O'CLOCK, A. M. Prop' tab nEmiga•atioibit.. io to Proh Chi n THETEST OATH INTHE SUPREME COURT. Change of T ime in Meeting of Congress 111:Poil.T .1.1131 S Dee. 19, I,e, .• ' , HE INS I . f..I3.7HVENT QVI!`LON • lt!ls now understood that ti movement ls on toot tolprepare• charges and specltientions against President .TOIMEOH. THE TERRITORIAL pawl:c.f.. • • The territorial project will, it is hclieved, tO Postponed until next Congress, when the rad ical senators will be in stronger for It is feared that the project. would tau in the Kee. ent Senate MILL. . The Nebruskiii 101 l will pass, but ii reto'wll! be fatal, es cannot fret the requisite two • • - • The Semite dit not reach a vote on the ice braslin bill tieiluy. It is bitterly oppoien. Senator cutuner, for the exclusion oC ntero, front the right of sulrrug,,, under the S- • taie Con 4 t Wilton • t 131.1,1L5E I;>lltilt.LTlON The resolution offered thi,q , morultm by. Mr. Wllliams, of Oregon. to prohibit the emigra tion of Citinere Into this comity, oro.inctel much surprise in the Senate CilfLlllher, as our 's it styled the a-yium of all nations. The rests . lotion tea:Vit....fen-ea to the Committee on VLlT ifign "nave ..a.onies .ku.kiS.7 nEsalou. There is is sensation hero In refunalcu rumors of a 4:9ngresslonalinvestigation into certain charges against a AL - inied :state.. for of having been iniluenced bS pc c un hitt con siderations to use his interest, for the appoint. meta of a person to a tivat-class position in the ItevenueDehartruent in New 'York. ,EcaCTAILY Or 1.1:01LTIOn Dian, ffairs The Senate Committee on Freign A o report favorably =vibe appointment of Mr. Hoffman as Secretary of - Legation at Paris. • TUE ancren LOADI,NG Anst The report of t hoard appointed to Clain. ino breeen loading art. IS prataiSlual. he conelusionsUare, that all amain the nerv T iee should be iitted for the - same cartridges, anti that Colnordan'S plan Of alteration should be adopted. The Committee are unable to ree- OMlliend any of the breechloaders presented for examinattOn. The t3pencer Magazine Car bine is recommended as the hest Cavalry arm. TOE DISTunT sr urn•GE tam— • The statement that the District of Coluinbla suffrage-bill had beun tonsiderell in Luc Cab'. net in unfounded. TUE TEST OATIT DECnION. • It is authentically stated that the F,uprelne Court has agreed upon a decision In t h e Test Oath eases. and that Judge cater, who is at. signed to deliver the decision, ie now engaged in tile preparation 01010 opinion of the rimier ity of tile Court. From the fact. that Judge liner I, selected to deliVer the opinion, it is inferred that the Court has decided that the lest Oath is unconstitutional, at least so tar its it affects lawyers. 1,001, l's Ttt 701:111E.11,1 STAIOE. ' ' • It. is ,aid an effort will be made lit the Llom , to regulate, by law, tho-asstgnMent Of a cer tain number of troops in each_of the Southern 'State:. t'lli,hl. 4, 1 Tun TIME or a nr. MEETI,,, I.FP 1:0E}• 08E... The Senate Juan:lntl Committee al, WI,- ' vor Of the 11ouse- bill changing, the LIMO for the meeting of Con'greti ,. . - . IN.:RE/0;1E0r TUE CEILRENTT. The ',EWE FilEthee COIMUllithE has not touched any proposition to Increase the cnr reney, and will not do TO till attef hlAhia}lye • _ APPALIAIG DISASTER AT MEMPHIS Terrible Loss of Life from a Fire 11E1101C ACTION OF A FIREMAN . . 211.tinertis, Deo. 19.—A ilre. broke Out in tit basement of Joseph teeth '4 eonfectieunry tublishment, Maths°l street, at three o'eloel , this morn log, remit Big in un appalling ter. hi:W:6l'l,o'Bou sleeping in the fourth story ware suffocated, or else woke to a sen , o ni their situation, and, leaping through the wind°, s, were crushed On. itn,Venteut be low. Wm. Jelde,wholesalemotiost dealer, andwere ,orhittsi.m, Mr. speebt, wile arid child, aslee ut the time. Captain Waltialven a l , Chief et the p Fire Dl:penmen t, ascended be y adder to the room mid (meld the wife dead, sad Jehle lying on the Rothe just Etrength enotorit left to point cradle where the child, tour weeks oil, was, slid dropped I fe lesa. billet WuldaiVen and the child escaped through the windows. Tile o ver e Mani:els over Its e face saved the life of the child. •Josp Bartl Jumped from trio fourth story and escaped with slight bruises. several others attemPthd 'it but, On e re dashed to pieces ott the rocks. Nine .groes, employed in the nstablish mobt, were burned to death, o no , eighteen residing in the building, only Bartle, escaped. und The engines Were prOlnittly on lint spOt. eXtipasittilett tine tire with I title d anut go to t he Mnurnis, Mccrnber.l.9.—ThMl stern. wheeler Memphis, hence for Lit tie neck, street: a snug In Arkansas river, -On Monday night. Tim :nett Hunk :tad site aud her cargo areaa tal less. She ott' owned by Dan Abel, Mont. wait, of this city, awl Was Valued at ih,toh Insured at Cinema sti Ittni St. Lents for tit,non. Tills 1 , the second • time this Sed.Soll tile has been sUnlt. FROM NEW YORK. kd-SLIWUiLL:"I:s • (SECOND SEAMLONO IL:ash:Sol os, t , ec. IP, SENATE. Itl r. Harr is, from the .1 utliciary Committee, ravorted, with amendments, the Home bill fixing the time for the meeting of Congress. A Joint resolution, susnendrig the publica tion of the y olunteer Army Register, was taken up and recommittal to the Military COnanlt tee. ! • Mr. Fes:tendon presented a petit toil from railroad Preslilents, asking a reduction of duty on railroad iron and steel. • Mr. liOss introduced a joint resolution role-. Ling to the government of the States lately 111 rebullion laid on the table. On motion of Mr. Wilson the Secretary of the Interior well requested to cote inmocate what novena of good§ for tile Ina mu Bureau had been p arch ased In open market, giving an estinato. Mr. rOnlerelr int:Manned a bill to softball:so the cutouts( corrency. flu motion at Mr. WillialoS the Committee on roreign Relations were lustrUcted to im quire into the expediency Of prohibiting tile immigration or nuportation of Chinese into the United Mates. Mr. Muss, of. Remits, offered the foLlo•ing Joint resolution relating to the government of the States lately in rebellion: Whereas, the amendment to the constitution of the United states, proposed-at the ricer session of the 3901 Congress, known as Article 14, and submittal to t he several S.tates for their ficeeptanee or rejeetion, not having been acceptea by the States, and certain sections of country lately in rebellion being thereby in danger of falling Into a state of anarchy by reason of t hotr ha s no legitimate government, Be it, there tore, Rdetteed, be file S..tede mH w Ord o Repretcri- Pair , of the roiled Nor, fa Wed, That the .1 oint Committee on Reeonstrue lion Ur...bra:tea to inquire into the tapeateney or establishing such egulation for the goes ernment of ouch fltstrirts in tets s dlion against the 1 tilted •states as shall have refused, or shall hereafter retuse; to accept ',rich auum , l- meets s ay e l, Rand trot or ell mot ton am mste , And ction of el te p n and the intelasts of the tioverunient in these dis tracts. • The resolution was laid on the table mud or derestto b.'. mina.. the bill foe the odtrotr 4 loo of Nebraska was 'taken up. The pending question was On the amend ment of Mr. Co, ml,krov lama as It comlitlon that the Offset. , of Nebraska should never chum the right to leave lite Union. Mr. Rowan!, of Michigan, argued that the te•thirements of the enabling act had been compiled with, and at Ltd , t rattail time the :Omission of these territories (Colorado and Nohnlsta) Rhoda not be made tne subject of tiler All,tractlomi • ptoposed by Senators— the making, the conferring suffrage upon negro a ,undainental coed 11 ion to the admis sion of Nebraska was a dangerous preCettent. Congress hail the right to impOse conditions, hot tb.ey should be conditions precedent, made before. the territory entered th e Union: it tva..s competent for Nehrt-tta .tt any time after adnfission to annul tills provisioo, that being one of tile reservol rights of states. Ile Metal awl expeeted to seethe tulle when mond rigtiss wonld be glee' , to 'the black, lie thought nothing else woub.l bring pe.tre to the lately rebellimts Stales. Mr. Brown. of het tier as sominz that elates had exelUsive control 01 the right franchise, the DelletOT held that In ease a SIAM thOUM destroy Republican government, the United Stsite• had not the right to gettrantee and prott•el that Retabil• can form of government in the state. _ Mr. !toward said that ttle,itlestiOn did net present ! tself now, When It was he would up. ply the remedy provided by the Constitution. de wold ,ay to the.ecnato that im did not • believe u that a dentel by any State to allow the negro to Vote such n impart:ire from the principles of a republican form of govern- Ment to authorize COngress to interfere with It, as had been alleged fly t lienttor from Woo. Mr. Sherman seta that C.01141 ,, A h lui agreal to re-M1 Mit tile stet ea lately 11l rehellton iman the adoption by t ook of the Constitutiona Amendment. lle o the oecas ion to emit ra l diet it. Mr Norton, of Minnesota, asked a bother the f3entitor had nut on is former occasion, • used this very argument which lie [IOW I.llMtele.t. Mr. Howard Bald the Senator was ng ress fora:eft Cotta not areed to a those States on that li rataleatlong op. leaving denmi t tile question whether three-fourths ut the Mato" would natty , those unleashes-La, Ile • co nih wl from a retmrt faille Recoil , ' reel ion Corn. tee to thai when these amentint ante had b ec o me m a part of the Constitlition, then tllOlO States' should be aamited. T tu his ]tow , eontaining this proposition,t Mel n, ever, passed the senatc• lie denied that the itepUblican was, actuated by party. feeling la favoring the ad. mission of those territories. liu would say, however, that he did desire , their admission hettuuse it added tot reng tit to lib , party in Con gress, tor the Interests of tile country re ,Listred it. Mr. Rowara spoke In strong terms of the President's acts and speeches 'Anew he bad denounced Congress, and sant w aMtime Co n gress should 1:01llIty toll ngnmet illswwstoU and promiscuous use of the veto power lOr It was obvious no legislattOn could tclre pis, without two-tided vote {NAN seen red. Is this view, he thought it ids duty tO 'Meat the absolutism of the Executive. The Socretry of State had mph, and prophesithe ed [ organh Presid n ent Leonid tou of the President hall threatendu reVointlon. Ls not , to he Intimidated by the threats of one or tile prophosies of the other. Mr. Johnson of Marylaufl, followed in oppsition to tile afire:talon of Nebraska. Ile el so o discussed the general political e.roct. cd the natation. Mr. Wilson, of Massachusetts, moved amendment, giving the Legislature of Ne braska power to the question of 1.11 11040. ilo supported the bill at some length. Mr. Doolittle, of Wisconsin, Irvin ired wheth er tho Senator understood that the bath of the nation was pledged to the admission of the southern States on their niloption of the C on stitut lonia Amendment. Mr. Wilson said he voted for Tennessee be cause she AIM tutted to come t lit, but denlost that Congress had made any pedgee. lie said would COLO the etmost verge of constitu tional power insisting that those people most respect life and liberty tufa property, and he thought the only way to secure that wadeo give t tie ballot to ail ra m. The rebels had o right •to bolt goa ernmens. Govern thought it the ditty of the General mcnt to tat-fathom front their Mr. Doolittle *std the feet thitt Con greas submitted the amendments tor those stifles to rote on, acknowledged that they were States and had valid leek statism powers. Mr. /essential, 1 Maine, said be g Wanted unhappy. COll I C OOVeleY 0 nonia tits not yield the guarantees already insisted ofi, and perhepS 'such others us Will be MAIM IleeMeilay• • gars Mt. peolittle eal‘ed whether Collglelel not, by.eubmitting the amendment for reties affirm, assumed those Mates lad power to rarity It Mr. /essential s.tid 0111 Collgreall 111111 Mere ly provided t ha t. it should bo sub were milate s. tted to the States. w about any lug what e Mr. Doolittleatail It was submitted on the Implied admission that the southern Sts Were to Mille renresentation In. soon 30 they adopted it. The Reconstruetlon Committee had committed themselves to [ ground alidthe Senator, (11 MIL I eke 011 e or file other, either they bad state governments or they had not. A motion to adjourn 0115 111,t. Mr. COWltll'a (Mend 111011 t. was lost, mid var ious motions to Lailjonrn were also voted down. Messrs.:ill/11110r, itlleMlitile sail others, sired a post ponetrient and time to consider a mciisure setting forth 'Pathan important pre. Mr. Isirkwomri of lowa, called the eenator from Massachusetts r. Sunnier) to aecOunt for calling disloyal a provision which waolllso contained lit the leglatithtiOn 01 Melt. Mr. Sumner •sald he look not referred to low a, lea liturette rat ea that the ill oposal 0010 stittilion was disgraceful. Attar Dingle diseusidon end rarities 1110- 1111)s. Mr. l'essentlen culled ettention to the small number present of the advocates of tit; bill, awl on motion, the Senate adjourned. I lOUSE. • Ste• Melia. 10 trOalleeli It resolution reque..d. ing Committee on the ilitliciary to Inquire into , the expediency of increasing the salary ot the -,loOgo Of Llilt l:Oiled States Circuit Coma Kentucky.: Referred to, the Judiciary Com mitts!. Mr. Epson, of Mieliigan, Introduced A bill supplementary to cal net vowelising the pen sion of revOlutionitry pensions, appoved .5 1011 Ist, rs',U, which was referred to till, COMM itteo On Pellaiette. 51111 Maynard, of Tennessoc, roae to it per -5011111 explanation. A to , statement WAS It day t i wo ago t o o_ t ~e ffuct. t hat. flo"-r.ditOnetrc7:1 s`ol.?L'n'r:,l'i.V., .while lie ill was rcla with ileueral Moue- Luau; that the Governor as North Carolina had I deUmodett the body of Wilson • f rout the liov. l I I ertior Of Tennessee. Ile tMr. Maynard bud been informed he Governor O f North Carolina that he Motne ver made any such de- I twat; . the it/term:Abet gal been obtained I front Governor Itrownlow and from Captain Nelson toast. witch .Mr. Phelps Introduced a resolution, was agreed to. instructing the Committee on Ways foal Meet. to MUM. lido tile. nary of a 0 amending tile Internal Revenue laws as tO dispense With Lull tares oil groan receipts. Mr. 10-01 soli Introilueta tivesolution direct ing the "COlllll.liL for certain iCO l ( Aiyoh, ex.• AMMO IMO bill, goods, eared AIM, erchandizm for the Indian 111.1r.11, Met tee, amine auples, and ascertain whether the contract wits awarded to the lowest bid..er. All objection w (LS made and the resolution was laid over. Ste. Wentworth intrud resolution, which was agreed to, cu od lling ce up s oa the Prost dent for ell thu information lu his poasession, rolativu to Goo. St. Leger Grangett, who was charged with complicity In the attempt to re lease priaoelere froze. Camp IloughtS. Agreed to. • Mr. firings, from the Committee on Public Lands, reported back the bill emendatory of the act, approved Distrait 34, IoCI, grunting •- -- 7 --- - . _ - - ---- ______--_____--e------,----- __---------------, ---- lands to the Stale of hattliMS for the coatrum i The Ilehrew Benevolent Society-='' Criminal Capri. lion of tt railroad 111111 t1111.10.1111i1 line. Banquet. I ea:edify morning the Crituinal Court After discussion, II tilts recommitted • I Tee ilebreer Betteveleht Society 0( . 1 tle• opened ta th, usual hour; Jlltlge, Mellon and nr. IfigMe , final the aillite Comnitttee , re - ; ported a tell emendetory, of seeend Scaten 1 1:11euY Ceuiftv. eelehratej 113 f!rs' aealversar7 . &toe,: occupying tee bench. of the ad to euthoriee the .egisinteaa of MI. . 4,4 evening, by a magnificent banquetegleen The trial of John Dougae., on a. charge Of In. nols, IfilitStoi and Arkaneas tfe sell lnd here- 1 et Addend liell, en Wylie street. A large and , cre.tnotts adultery, which was reported Intlfre toter° donated for Belied purposes. The , etnendment ali"w l, ' a /e a " Or mia'sral lauds , elegant company assembled et reeeet eight gress yesterday, we; concluded, and the case tor fifteen y ears. it was passe I. o lclock, at the hall meet lifned. Over ilve hum suler_itted to the jury. They-returned a ver- The Ilem , went into Centm it tee on 111.f:tell 1 dred persove mallet,' ln the apartment. d li i:...of not guilty, anti directed that the proge- APProliriell oa Wit. 'rl‘'' (ler" ere t° 'I'11'• t If - f-• wee t 'idles emong ;• cuter, Patrick Blown, pay the COOL of preaocu read the bill from the point where he lett off ui. one- 01 pitet..- _. .., . . i y • efi l s, t oc er , S lo e?: , , vt u s i . .. 0 %1 tile t p i ° a l e , 1 iie, o r a , p h h , IT , ,pyrue,l.f,r,e,f.teirt,ig.. 1111 s, c lito C. 31 ha1 1,.. t 7 ,4 1 . ,, , , y) b, 117::''.11,f;''xiirrrorg.: 1 , b ,rt rho Carer,aen t eLarm.srleass Cole, Alfred f r tt e - , at i ~ t 'a d r n n e e y t , t u , A n l.. tary, Assistant Secretary, abort-band wider, Clerk of Pardons, three elerks of•fourth ell,s, 0n..01 1 • t• 11 111 31 Kirk flt riek,.l oslah Cohen. kiAri.• ry Grant and Robert Jack.r., all colored, who were arrafirfeit on en Intik:talent for feloni- Stewart and Meseeitgerof the Pre,iden lof the I Ileeldes ti hire , : ',tether of other well khown United Steles. -reliant". 1 amble - abootleg e r hito boy named Thomas i fw, 1 Cook. 'roe shooting occurred - on the erst of Mr; Orland' Moved to strike out Clerk. of 1 The mefemblage was ealled to order lee --''' • August hist, beyond the Iron City Park, Lae - - deaden, The lions., having failed to obtain 1 Oitelheim, President of the Benevolent Hedy- • „ el, , renceville. On that dee the cotored people a list of pardons, ho 111011g111 till, service.. of a I ty, 3101 tbe eveniog, e we elt ,e, rel. welt be ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,‘• " ~,,,,,. , He b rew i t IN, . Mr. .'"'li,",rt'gr°l, : the' -- I 'll, ,re celebrating the West Indies etaanelpe. , , Con and the defendants were at the Park on after . . _ liebrew e;ongregatlon. After the prayer toe I ~,..:,,,,,,,. Mr. Wentworth, of Mlirols, was oppm:ed to splendid band Of .milli a Toerge discoursed " During the afternoon they rode out of the the Motion to strike out. The Ileum, had rue,. teed bled mate, net.l to the etreine, the cotes ; - terra-lied ell %won tile lb esident fora left of the par- 1 fettle tool, scats :d the in,,ettelileeretlY , • , park and up the road.. They met two wagons, sous „ereees ere ,,,,,, and 0 ,1 „ our , it i to il e ,. 1 1 1, „H e e; b .. , 1 ,, 1100 .o , en e , p 0.,. loaded with lumber, which were being driven I along the road. Some ilifeetilty eneued In re• • It be imposeflble for 111111 to ileike 1 titie•-of a mere elegant, bountiful and alto- It ,pnt with Yeti men heeds. (Laurel- 1 gelled delightful banquet than thel of ' las: 1 wird to the right r Of way, when a fight ensued. ~,, „ 1 , 1 Ile men on tuons used nt.MAIVO language , tea) Ile lied 50011 it entinutietel in feel. of 1 evening, ill mutual mi ail It was by . t i ne, ' ' 'n '" ' " ' and threw stones.] According to the state- Ihe hOutnersi papers, that the Legislatnre of lof boantli al Wonien • mate. wdo merry FlOtida, which was the legislature of traitor , •I lengliter and the rent:lag e ~,e ', need of the accused, and Wm. Arnett, one of f o fenlin'o,s* en- '•:.-- ! tile defendante, drew a revolver and tired at Doge, hall gout. to the Dry Tortugas and Lad MOM substantial rattling of e n.ve-einil tot es.. , ...., , the teameters, the boll striking young Cook; been Investlget log late tins ensiof prisoners and tempting with rich viand. and taro when who was seated on one 'of the wagons. The there for pardons, end hail t•iten up the case After the eompany 0,111 done,umple end K C- ; • , indictment charge' Arnett with having done of Pte oious leader in tile ettempt that wes preenative paste ,. to the efin.itiet, 13 Hence was ' the eleireing, and the °there were indicted for mad to burn Chicago smile time ago , and ile. rpiested, awl A. hoeilernehe-Lsq., President ' . _e.,., p.resent, aiding_ and • abetting "I,lm. eide4 l that has emieletirre Mel 1,000 Mabel (if the ASSOCiaIIOII, 1011110 a few rrarks t , o ,"" by perjured witnesses, etc. Everybody k lIVIV MDSE 11,,,11101.,1. For the tirst titi e o.ln , II 1 Me...rt. Merebell. 11101 there bad been a covspirtiey to liberate In me Benevolent :society of ) Arl,leg,benf. county '' -.outh appeared for Stn tlefenilanfil, end Dim Kirkpatrick and C. B. the PrlSoners in Camp De.tlf,lllS i t:St befere the lied followed lb' example t f liter rfail r.lechiett I trit Attorney DufS and Geu. Collier for the , pro.tieutlon. elections of tout year, end take paseesean of 11,100110011 S, 111111 111111 Sought to raceme .., the polls, and then bum the city of Chicago. (Meets ife 1 a ettemet. so ler tie COll 1.1 110. /11 , ( . 10 . 1 . Tile jury retnrned a verdict of not getilty in One of the met convicted of participation in seen, the propfet thud been a complete success. ' 1 - ace of Albert Carter, Clifiries (Ade, Al t.., 1 troll Sidney,'leery Grant and Robert Jack. m y had killed letadt; the other A his ge 'hare of this soce c " . W " d ". I" .' .....' 1 found Wall' M Arnett utlty; but re- • L i ttge n tPs ' e k tit ' to Drs Tortugas and, now the waye the ease, to the efforts of till' ladies. I , ':o'''n'tolll.lndeilhim, to ' Zile mercy g Of the Court. • PreVident was beiefught to pardou lam. They now, us always, 1111,1 proved themselves t : Air. went worth did not e ant the pardoned ready and eiger,t‘co • 110 ti..,f;e.J,,thf,,ongep&s,,,,ll,..,liedole,sr. i lii,?,ies'te‘tnlettree't,,,,Parnisdueriderts. wjaeiri,c relea-sed. and A ~1 1. 0 d eTton on ;T a d . , o u , lt „ 1.11 0, 1 1 1 , e u F ; 1: 1 0 . t , 1 . 1 ,.. :1 ,4 1 ..1.0 !Laughter.)btll l ie, 1 t r, t u ic i 1 1 , 1 , f5 ,„ 1 r l p lll l l . l . f 1 n. i ' t nr e ate feltleoor'row that be T'll'..limenanseietogttise•mas t(lregkofanilffrk-,..siOnri Lici,i;.h.itier.,- Mr. eeliOdeld eahl Melted been told during I elim, notiuml.,tll,ttiorleelflfelrio,....efestectfilleles }cars h,.., a ‘ 1 1 , shanks, Indicted for aggravated Charlesassault and last nusalott, that opou exec pardon sent mean , i . • .1 , t., t . t for 1 , we , ' battery., with Henry Grant and Cole there was It charge of three handrail 0•111 a. 1 soul .0 the t ,ango srlllell this eoemly as prosecuting witnesses. The defendants in Mr. Ward, of New York, remarked tact II I formiel-the eccretery of the Afamelation, Mr. 1b 10 c a se are those who formed the with was cheap eneugn. (Laughter.) Altelder. me. [yielded Is l. resignation, Lied Is , • ed had the difficulty on theist of A' ) Jar. Schoneld went on to say 1 het lie lied al, about ftevering his connection with the Assts. 1 'flu.. the defeodeetS in the UnSe been informed by a gentleman who had bete mutton to re•visit his r :dive place. The Pres- u pa r t y g .st , p a o i t t- 1 the elleged assault was committed in tee Being lit- the Some, I het It great teeny par. dent then read the first replier toast; e t- AIR,. i course of that affray. - The prosecutors were .Ides had been sent. down there by the Aflame "Tile II ebrew . ' Ilene eel cat noddy i tietendauts In the other ease. The testinaony I•;tprtefs, with the request to collect on deity- gbeite CeoiliY.' . ;lusta.tii . tili,,,elaorreg. Inches t : l,i m o f e c o o n f axes alj o w ,, e r r n e u c o o n n t el ]alga f fry three hundred dollarg.itud 1 hat the ineevy Tlll, we. respouded to at 5 1 001 0 length in the 1 had been collected and sent North. Ile del Hebrew tongue try •Hey. Nurnberg, pastor I f . un .. not tinned! assert 111111. , I , ' , 'C110 ,111.11 1 ..'ll, the lieldew congregation. The second toast .1 will be charged this Mornieg. tree, beefiest . he eld know no tole . ,m, bet if it ws -----...--------- 51 - 0-1 tree lie simposed the money iimi been tee , "The President of the ("tilted shies;, mr,ie ,Aeknowledgment. CelVed by the pnto!, gnts. If they were so by the meflall t o the Chief." The next- . well paid he thought the per lon deli. ought West we', 1 Ilia undersigned gratefully acknowledgeS to he dealt with litterelly. i Lel/elder.) The _ "Tee Ladles:l Mr. Cobh,. respeneed in 1 the ertutribetion, by Mon. Tttolnas Mellon, of fll/1011li 1111111 t, wItS 11411 10. I,lo.luent tind lilting tenni,. Mr. C., In conela 1 two Inn:tared hese bushele coal for distribution Sir. IlenJomtn,ol Mo., movel en amendment on, prOpOsedi ”Wolatin-IleaVell' IltSt ii.t 1 among Dia:iced)... Alay f further gifts Of fuel, to the hie tied nu .I.ses.or or Colleetor sled' glit to umn." welch w.f., iseenved wit it tip• I be entitled to any imrt ion of the salary \ser. peel , and drank with cull:Oslo4M. clothing; money, etc., will be carefully used • to 10 tee uttke entii he le, runertnei by The fourth regullirteast w Ms , "Oat' National Ibe the Lay ele.,elouary, Mr. John , H. Morrie : ' the Senate. Caen, es represeeted by Conerees." (Intel llf is address IS "Church Rook ..tore, After delette the meendment we. miepted tipplatoe.) Mush , try the hand, "nail lolunt. Smithfield stree" ,omens nd Children Cape. and the Pllll,ll adefitrne.i. bete - I etelly need °loafing Mr. U.S. Lyneb, Trees , The efell 10,,t,- . 1:11. 1.,..,0,11 nod the Ilare' 1 firer, eff Market street, will receive earl in I 0 tor the Lay bliadiOnury's Use. 'I he re an' "i'"''Stibl?:.rl'l'i'll'atTl'edkv..'"3llil.)-}rl'ilapft'rleicdifft'oe r b ...?: ' 1 '.'llll'enetlfor all such help Is earnestly renew e.i. •I I I.lll.loalrlft s T .. .t . Cial 1 ls:.1 Vet/ .1 11 11,11 , 1 ap51.011... In 1 J. B. Kenroor, isisnop. , elesion `le v dest on Robett Pe:lieu I:+e, , la addition to. the af-ove the subsetluer . . , The fdeti , Ifefsl-Cli tills re-poteled do ' tolloy. ill for the relief of tile poore Flannel I, '..,"••e,',-,-,..,,,e..,1 i ' die ' ti y. ' '' i thane eel - effewowledges tile receipt of the me d. eloquently . end . le•ote.ely by .10. 11. 0 lee , from JIIIUS, White, Esq.; buntlia w - urn gar teed, lse., wen, !a tbe eout,, , ci hi. retnati , , . ment, trout Mr. 11.; bundle ditto from J. M. ~, nod, e beeetflet amt hewhiteepoem with 1 10.1 1 hale ditt f . .., o rnm 0 It • II pairs man's socks t ill rey tor its -Weed. In conelusten Mr. Co- I from James n.•Atke,t. . h., _ proposed: "Tee. pf tinkle:lll,i,, of Pitts: -,,,1 ,aLeo.,..llo.readbyothhectrfrcttillytplpitekrtshfeurPterucesgsmeetunr. "'gin ""'t Altegl'eu.r. '. 11“ Y r sne.ii'Tl'ro-'• (toi;l'iusertion of our appeals for the poor. - A Beg !Ivey, free yelled or, but ie....10 1 . c apotolaig, Urging that Den. J. 31. Kirkpatrick Jorte 11. Mouuts, should respond. '1:1.3 latter declined, mid brief Lay ellesionary tell father tickler, ',elements were made be 1 1112 LI - Boum,. W. C, Mll:ll.itt , 11/111 J. Morri son. •11,11a11 tathen, Lig., inell proposed the healtha of the Pre-ident and Seers of the Asset:W.lon. This ea, responded to on e b limssrs. Beetle:be iumr and Meekly. Mr. Atbilllann then sting, ll ith the 111111114 eey -1 - 1.11.1 steer for v. hich lie is co well known, 0ra1.,1):1V., 0110 Of ,11101—” T be Tuare-wini ro, rived w ' ith reptnrous appleuse. The sentiment -"The Preese-e as cell pre paid be J. t•Ob V 1 ru, sq ...ad re-ponded to tdieey by T. r.ilcmston, keel.. elm was bIWPY 11 14110.'111g that, titter teastieg the Bench and Lt{. the company had now toeotett an /tom of proft,llon. llon. 3. 31. leirkputriek proposed "The 31.1- KM Profession' I 1115 was happily responded to by Dr. G. L. 31'Cotek. At tile couclusion of this gentleteen'a immirks, the company ad vowed to sp a , roo e yel e t staire, and there, until . wee hours the teal' , they merrily pa,seil the time in the lati.ool4 Of the fight laitlastle art. Much money Wita realized, awl the Benevolent eoteety achieved renewed FtlereS•4. .I. .-__ Cr Telegrnmq. lIOLIN.—The river ly. Thu A.l Mtn,. 11 Orr 1- 101111_1, leo!. Ist the channel to Latie Departto e —I p.—Tile Cora and Liberty, for I Sam for Ctneintott barme ran 1 tilleial eats, toovii—Nr'gro:r 11•••+ A11E43 Dean, for New In poi er Moob, •NlekLbngworth awl It. Patric I:. The Liberty. 1.00{; (111 00 I , olre :1 Cr Cern. bales cotton. It, slim flab: dint not get both tilt to-night.' Now ORLEANS, 14,1.1111E0l U.-141,1114,s MI the levees Is rather snore brisk under the to 11rIence-of (air wvatber. .Vrrivr.l—Tlto %V. I;. rthur from et. Louis. Departures—The fu11,..C.0 itter, Seurytott and eer Wave, A COLLIS. 1.01 OVILLE, Dreamt., I,..—The Steamer Al gonaut No. t sunk at New Albany, tills morn ing, In the fog. No ere The -1 , 111 be retard. _ fiorn up Me Allegheny'. • On. Ci ry, 1/1, ctglitcou and on Wotther 1110 4 leral Ott 11 opp,,rtsooo of rota. (ol; u 00.1.1. Ono r. CITY AND SUBURBAN Another limp Explosion—Tv, o Prr..llll Burnett to lwath. l‘a I riday last, the Ilth imtout, a tuost di, trehstng calamity occurred at the re.,Mence of Lplfroim Hail, t,outit ilufhtlo town,liiti; Area- stvoug county. Mrs. Halt and tISO daughters were seated Itt 3 laide, On I,IIICII a lame 11a' burning, t.ewing. I'rolll come Call, an 00)110. 911111 occurred, uila the burning :laid was tired in in every clirrctiom , The , I Whim; of the dangliterslnall immediately ignited, and In :ill 1 instant they were enveloped lit dames. Fins, 1 Ilan rt,hed to the ots,tatice of Ifei,laugtl• ter,. and entleaVtired to oxlingui-h the name, but was unable to do so, and In her ettorts she w 0., shockingly burned about the liamk awl face. .somie low Ili in ales alltl M e e xpla-ion, Mr. Hall returned 110111 e, but 4an 100 /MO 10 rescue nis aufortutrate Children. 'their cloth nig was almost entirely consumed, and their hod ie.: burned In 0. shackling Wanner. Death ensued in- a few mule . es all el` Me rear hod home. 'Assistance AVa3 speedily- svitnindFied, and Sire. Hall's Injuries attended to. She 0 , able to ,peal,c, .1,11 related Iha vrtkulars of the sad casualty. tier injuries 3'ol - 0 found to be of a more 111303113 character titan at first sunposed and her,recovery is considered ilia- Possible.- Tn., cmi, of the explo+lon remains it mystery. The lamp 011$ tlntleg 011 the try. le. and hail prOtielin not been 1.0 m the oved ! .. o xolu a s r ton hndled T fol del.lo tiler •. he force of the explO,ion shattered the_larnp Intl, f ragmen ts. The above account 14 that transmitted by It neighlau of the unfortunate family. We do not think the t•an4e of inerteldniral So very `Mlys. teon," It was untloulamli) owing the , use Math. adulterated eat bon oil ; and to t htse explosions, scattering death and sorrow in I•lloeSeinla 01 1101.14101dr, will, ts-mtinue until ost I•trlngent liirearlrea' ar !Wonted in pri•ventthe m tile sale Or tansinfirelure e of the vil lainous compound. Scarcely a day pas,es, hot we notleo 111 0111' Cirliallge.Tl an "accident' . from 11,1-0511)0, 111010 Or. 1065 30r10,15 111 Its :onnelieren l 3 l . --- -- - a A Present for Lady. Odle hundred and ten dollars for an extra -----'..----- - - - finish, full ense,7oeewoOd, inlaid ;With pearl; "larder ef a Pitt %hurl:tier In Louisville. VI/ for an extra tlnish, ha lt case, -! mahogany; W ohav a referred in , the 1i.V.F.1 , Ato the rain 4W for a black walnut improved linl . t ,g. der al Louisville, on ,aturilay meld last of Lyerie;oaolso t.T.;etplesTel.,,n,gipnptasech. ilike:.;,.ys.t,tte'pfl,fys John T. R. Smith, formerly of this city. 1-4" ' t.o l" ,'lci its w°ork,tistis beep in use for ten years, 1 I."l'vi"e J o":" / of 31°nda; 1 , g ates the en ' 'i and gives satisfaction in all eases. n pi ,, ei7 1 d . neyed pat tleulars of poor Smith's sad fate: , rim ITo , ? - ei e llist se f i t i l l ifl 'ut s e rs i N c v In tl:tri a d tailoring, Satan A as 11 netlvef New York State, and ' n l s l l n g t n h r ' e, ad from " .14.. .53 u p to No. 150; will run e" n"' "t" 'l"' of Son "'Mr'. i'L", rra' • mar- \ over seams-without breakln-• needles or skip ried at ltiea:New Lora, to Rattle I- 'Marsh. , • t 1 too stitches; will sew fromihe finest gauze .1t the time dot LI., oxcart • OUIILO 3 all- , spector in the I' nityll States [toned td. 12 llca, a here Ito 011010 Hiss liatt..o , , a ll _ I for L.,•.any machine in the market can return it r to a a cal ~, t a, - I 7 „, rho n h o e f a e V e i d ee ,, t e . e c a l o w t h o , t rt e r .,, l i e n a n t ; h i e f r not w , it . h p o e u r t . . n ' a r ,g h t . r . .l i r"oeb'iu.'llieu'sZel'ee,'.'s.iiiiTt'h e h li S ti va t n o dit t i. , it -tlic cheapertt,eitio. bY 1 .3e r r a,. e NZ,,,, i1 Ohms. , I, and trout taence to Pittsburgh. liar. , 1 . 14 , 7 , 71:t: - ‘, t a r n a o n s i L,` L r column , -IC. LL Long, agent, log A Olllll,ll latest:iterate habits, his entldos; - r, Grant ~,,. er, Were cottipelled In disharge him. rsi in - ling i cier e becme, his wet is., who to - An Ilveninit'a EtitertaluMent. ‘iir"Yw"f f"m 1 "I °"a"M i'” °°"l. "0' I 'I ,' in. , lady being asked hot a necrOrnan _it a _runt he to Ins Mora , , loam_ aped . , 3ot ~, f l i , , ~, e 0 „.. 1 caeni,!-LerrfewruleLltnytbreicrkesa,agfa,;twhaey 8 e : low ni, t ;i t . :1 . 1 1 11 ,1 1.: ,, i , n r 1:1 ,, t r t , si t i o . ir c g o t , i ;a a . u s l , l o : l , ol . lll h ua 111111. for Iln IA 11l only do well for IL MOIII.II Or 0 1 OV' I e pa p h l I I : t r i l ' r . [,: ° ll . o l ' t 711 ‘ 0 ‘ r ‘: t s ' :l i i ' e :,.: gn i ' i ' t e t.: ' , t t ltri s.' d:: p t t i7; l ' el i l i e • ~: I , 1 p. 0 1 . r 1 e h 1 1 e eo, end tin:l4l,o Wlaree than ever, lea , i , • ' . I 10iV e ti n•ttrardealeylpslitspl 'Yeti e hitn." She li now, or Nal at the date ot; her 01 eLIo . p slt 1 1 i n...... , s 1 ,, , a c t Li . 111 . ,nit letter, round open his belly, lilting in fa i T he'l "+ h 1 in, li nati. ; h e. d U p a It I h a p a d e h ' ''liar.lloing letters found upon poor Smith l e. al 0 v I p s 11 s p 1 r i , e . d e ( d • . oxplain. themselves:. „ '! at e . y 1 '',', ' e .;, l' i Ir, l , , „ t ...INF ist.N ald, Aug. tl, Pte.. , 0 • l 11. th e 0,1 it tatty ventral :-.'r line me 1.0 Chaffy i WhICII Commencing at the capital Tat own ltd th hearer of this, Mr.Julin T. ti. Smith, MO., middle lineal:id-reading up or down, by was in our employ no• hat aware nnielier from fee,inently turning corners„thepalnsswpoirmls"con. datnittry J. 1.310.4 to ..tit rll '2l, ItIF, and In that ea- stoutly the Sande- . paddy gave general satisfaction. Having tan Let any , Of Our re..TabdeorPsel'itriloe_ thel.! l.)l,le._l3el.ll.o„gleitn- VlLealley for 1111 n at thiS tinie, we recommend t tern into 4 p1, ,, and then spendevening Len to any one needing lam services. { arranging them an they are not, J astiss L.llaVEli h CO."_ I -....---- Nl'lth the above, Smith returned to Pitts- -New Lock. for 3ails--The Postoftlee I.le burgh and entered Into the . employ of =le e: . 1 m vently the a new brass t mull lack for use, at the principal offices, upon MOO 1 Co. azain, but lilt I te Cool Proceedings. . after no short trial, again compelled them to tbrOugl!_ptouchett. The Wilms in thin State au. ;on Tat-slay afterurion Mahout two o'clock, discharge: him. Returning to tincinliautiettale. rtli..otypirrottli.soriuesvuthheammag Philadelphia, Rat a and Olt City. The Ml •Ittlin Mit , stier, of the Independent 11,T0fe641,11 tr.rtl,2lll.,,rutur , I Mszrot l .: r to at RI enitlloy-or rm lock in, . - ery powerful and omact, and was Pone° , brought to Ow 24 °Y ar' ' °Mac a wan Ictl;fl;g7M'l' bin, cg„ following is their reply- natented, wehelieve, by S. Andrews, of Perth named Jaunt t Matey, charged With tan:elided -Prrnmencin, Septtinner hi, Itititl. 1 Amboy. , larceny. The accused 11.1 gout., it short time in J r o ‘l,l,tted.,lilnil l. poi's.S tt 11 , , (1,1.,,j,::-0,1,1,r..,,,i1c,,61,1ana.,7%,,Vei.,,air1f i I 1 • • 11 •11 • 1 linseed' ou it Callti.-We Mentioned Toroe prey toted y a t,„., a. , rioth,,,g. „ ore °a , 3;;;eh.l. would say Wit if you had kept sober, wo Lure , torday them of Mrs. ili i r i t o ic t k g h ) t , irggi t i u l t if ed : , . street, tieing in his shirt sleeves.. II n :irked to no doubt that you would have been in ouresn. i-Alttl:r:lti,nan,,,,Totylor, n Data Olt n O nd Da t ttery el: t i h a e little boy• see some gotxl coats Mot vest., and when 1` °S t‘rittlei mute of r y , ri m u r r ~ f lis .n , J l gi o p t c li. s l .. l p ia p t . ! , 1 . to v f the deponent. The licensed had a hearing 1 nose gartneuts were shOWn It lilt, he litll ' l ' s t ' o ' yMir honesty and energy We hare !rarer I yesterday before the Magistrate, and Was held himself With the he'll all eaeli. flaring done had tense to comulain• • to ball for her appearance at Lourt. so he quietly turned to go out, saying, as lie Mr. Smith, take our advice, and forever ; ~ ... e I etiVe OIT the tasting ot liquor, and wt bare 1.0 , Paineta ro A Aricentlfze,-For instantly did "('• "Th'''' snit w e l. I ,g ne " I'l , / h,eclC,`"'", 110010 )011 Will sucked 11,1 life, You Lure llie , plating all artics of eopper, brass o ar eri:lase The Illerelllllll. I Ispeel. laity relll,lluell ,I hi Cll6- 1,,t W1611,1 11 f hlle (Inn for your fixture success. I silver, with pu sliver, where won MA and ttnuer that he had forgotten tO pay !or his Yours It lilV, ' Lirri.r, Ramo& VA rroN." I for cleansing and polishing silve silver clothes. .ilthey re.pontled that "it made lio . ~ 5 in..! tin- pobr fellow did not ant Upon the I plated Ware. Warranted to contain no quick. dlir ''' ', it ''" nil Tight." .1." th. ' huvho. contalneff 111 the idle paragraph, and 1 silver or 'acid, or any injurious article. For couldn't Fee it, however, and detained the un at eltwen o'clock on ;satitrilay night met his 1 sale by J. Sample, Alleghony, and all drug profitable customer until ablest Messner or- i , 1 , 0111,11 Willie ill It state of Intoxication, being gi5t5.‘f............4-.2dellittl rived. The clothing was returned and the itirdered in cold tilttrat by n ru ffi an Mauled ! -- . OTISOIIer WW.11.111,0r 1 tO the lOCIoIllh lt WAS Ob. witili,,,,,, time "B rim s! , tylOtt,hleS. . . rftIEIDED.' Ina ett that her wore a pale of new boots, and A Coroner's lute investigated theaffstr, and 1 ~ „„ , , . Inve;4lgat ion revealed the Pact iliat just pre. Irt!in testimony Mieited it seems that White- . i ''''"",: e . ' -.'F.TiL"E(' h ER-De Ilu ' Wen v''' , hr the Rev. t:, A. el, .31r. VlOue to entering rho clothing 'attire he had shies had promised to pay Smith's faze on the ! ,-: . -.4,i,...'i,r ,:tw,,„,,,,,, of Cinch:testi, Oulu, and gone into the beet tool shoe stern of I s , b,.. ferrOtoat, brit afterWartis 13Illbell 1.0 110 60.1 mi...., 3 1A4j161r, KI.IttlAli.:1;10:13,, or thin eity• Palmer, Anheliut a it t be y nmine, as_ he asserts Smith told Mui ho had street to exatulne Cs°ferler:".bocrlts).--!'lle! DIED. . tried on several pairs, and id length Iln.l. ,•!..,!.:',,,,,1tatre4;1ie',41‘,11119.i,,,5,:e.,,bi7gt uhls,k,Pef „0yn.,4,:c1.1, Pau II pair that Must 111111,1, mai ellyil toil. jet,. b ~. to , , . 1 ,..,. „e a u , e s ta t e tt e n , t i , ,,e, lV h it litoesitiloesdekento,eli , it him 1 The tultrderer a )11,.. Halt] A. WILLIAM, wile of ilnrry NS ill the store, gratin^ , nice y neay clerks were awure'of the ortgitial in armor 1 , Um, in the . 2,1• I y , sect her WO!. The funeral win nazi plate Irma. her husband'. I w v ,14,1eolitheti•ultran. e l , i l utel , e ,, l l ds , \ .3,l,u,r,eyhln. h .. el T i n , e p h i ~ , , ,o ;' ,• :, :'-', l" ett urrode_ t ! . _,,,.._______ Alf. Darnell's Readings. ! reddenee, corner Allen street and i.reeuseury hearing. Ills demeanor - ! . . - ttul IL. mitre •1 , ti: In arm co t wan wan of a most Cs:relay Maur et 1,1! TodnerrOW erelling the wonderful elocution. I Lawrenceville, TO-Dar, et :o'clock. Th, itit/NSTiISIIn Tuesday evening, Iteceniber 1 , F .- . IL , II , t i . i it * Ct e [i O l t e a l T v ': l i t n e t o il o p n o t e t. literary a n al s ch e o n lu . ; ; ti n t : i i friends I,W .e family aro Invitee to attend. a i l i:e: g f ‘L o r r h , ,ne,,thetarldlbert,m,°tie,i,uteni c i t t la ifi l fns, ° : l , taw: ,1 r l ° l ,! ; t :11:,'!1°,,,'nt,1:a:17;7',.. ' ..,‘ .....! , , „, ! . , bi 9 eapproprlations," in st a.. 11 e 1,1! . .1.: !I,` 11 , - Illellt tinder the astSpiees of too rohlh - ,cothci . or has age. . . IN 11. l. II tt,s'N Ftral P. M. IL. ln tue ,r ib year iiiterato rdeft‘t ti l „ 0 1 . .1" , ',. d . , '',''') "t t he ''," ' Ile Lihrary Assoelatlon, at Masonic Mall. 3lr. ! 1-141mo:rat rid t ale Peace rut At Tin3tOON, .d. IV, 1.",,°,,f,,,„°r."11‘,,' 'r anra'',".,',',',,a,'...‘,,, ',,,",,'jea.....1..n!',...'., I:urn:eq. has long t drata head awl ennoble '2 o'cloct. . ~ , . . 1 , 1 . a ., ~,,,,,.,,e . , of m,,, r s. lA O I,, &, Gil- Arie° his protesslon in Auleritut, and has re. MUliltAl.- n,luesday .mornine. December li, e i 9991 1110 mil veranl verdict of the public too.. at 4 we10, , 1, AN N, wile efdena, Murray, a g..,i, tiler, trunk Imuinf octet t 1,, on \ V col Ile rt . II rmnitlns Inched ,ar, ~,, ,i . .., ,Inl-.. , : . n, - I ' , •'‘ , . 1,, , *3 ~ tie: In-shlett'nunt ry. As a facial contortion- The frrends of th e family are respectfully Mittel' titnee. Ile ft r- nevi nu t l a the greatest and most polished ,1, years end II Amarts. L'L 1,1, ''' 31 '-''-'-''," t'.., ‘ , a j., b e ilece he would put the blush of shatne : to Jtte_d the funeral from her late residence, Etas. meet as Inc -an receive t! . e re. , to a Grimaldi. He made a glorious recent , , t owe e • e inst on TilraSnati, December .2a. _........ , during the late war, following the bitty., boys 1 It ow Ist 1.1 Oat Nolo att-A tin fll4ll cif v. lie: o danger UlOst abOUntied, anti by Iti. . ~.'4,...CP11,1,13-,Z T . ieneit.,-7,.%rolnitnelpoin!e.ceute;ublta 14; the Routpar.-.a. 1 cheerful nature keeping up their spirits all i ~,,,1 p o „,11,, j. ~,,,,,,1,1,., ap, ~,, ~,a 6a. g. At ol i , ts,,,,,ct,,,;Zerd:l';:om her fat • hrre re,t.ke,e st pi r"' 0 .. l q: oo , l t3, lle.:. o day l o n , I , sleet, 1 1 3 t . , , , n u t , l , l 1 i urea,o,at..t sv ma C L lv e 0 '.., I o els . i 1 itit.,,15.,,,,,,a,g,..,t0,1t,ebvue1,...l ni n . bi7 l o i e e . w t d c. ll . c o tt r r t r a o t w n I y night, r eLt!en4ol. , lb. cul l'. ho , - , 1 1 . - ‘ rent favorite in Pittsburch , was c. rough nalned "Vtlif . ..1..." 11 , eltterl 4 , IV, orOgranttue . embraces recitations of . - :tin oyster unison In the Idt,,tnetti t, t t,,, , 11ratt . , 1 rhe,7l%,,titi,rlit.' ~...,iti.,e1.,...T33.0.r0atta,a1.1305. - —I4—E—W—AtiVtiiiiISLIIENT• i!'"" . Le'Y , l'er C 1.5. ' 4 ' r ''''' t' alley. t ;h 2 , :i ' Sby is Said to be fun pros bland slim .............-...----------- - ---- .7 .-- - ;.!.! The party were holsteon an I emit tirm , e , 1 Fp:Wing. There will be no reserved "'" 1 HILLDA.LE C.FAIETEII...--..m.. making loud demand.. le•I le In ro, O:,olar, i ‘m Saturday night he gives his lifial reading.. ; beautiful eGod,t-aele.•• 1ifit1n..._,b,... nt.. loudly called' for pickles. Mr. Walter, n lie I ; ; Rated ole.be.2.l.bri,"„A"NarimlntlieTartb of Triumph Olt Compairls ll Watt {osing' a plate of oysters to n itcnilemar. 1. NV's learn , from our Thiel: rate correspondent, i, Aettit:kl7,?,.l,7rYsiirstat,='2lWl: a 11/ . '42 : C:4/1 Preseut, told hum he should have the plat:Mai r p,!,3 ~,,,,,ht 1 that on thd laud, about two Metered and thin ; sheaf LLY:__..-„, i, In a moment. Leslie IVOR angry at the plate. lie ws prevented from taking 1 ty,ON ell ae.re , , owned by the company in fee; ! A 1..06 lm, ,t, bowev.r,. and at moment afterw:iels Mr. I there have latuiy . been .fl, several tine Jell _ .. .30 s Matters handed Win a plate of pickles. Leslie 1 w ells, viz: ; Nos i.,4 and .il, Lath 3 leldlng two , 'Ls Aw“ -- eized the plate d wed threw , alt,,lllitriee=l4. 111,,1,,1117.1g1igeIthIIIIInt.f tl a k rrel,, :lf ,a i i , o r . e . a 2.f it, l „. , i No. as rwilit ant e ll i tn e arg . ..b i r. l 4 .. ,, C ga r l i l = eltZ , itl , turs i r ah s e( e , .. . .t. l'l,7',:ar‘olt‘rltttor of the tl . l - ant. ' 1 every day No. :Ili just began pnroplug. pro . . eV'Ljaa,°,,trSßlurnlslans 0 0 ... ruraupaat oolorn 'iOtiSe,6lslettrti the Ulster bane,' mid came down I mist, to be dully up CO the others. No. Mit is 1 ..,.,.. 4,1,,,y .11ntsd, Itearral,,Careas.Hi..artVa eg. stairs; lic or Leelin Ollt, and bolord the 1 being tested, with a fine show of OR. lour , -UssaitairCAtrrilllvii...Z.V..,l._...err,-U., ;;1;_..... latter ,co uld reslat, put lam into the hall. other wells are (lowa at least four huratrin e i I w . ..,1acu.? . .. 0 : tt , t ; ____L_.^ts. nt.s.a. There h brief struggle ensued. and when r. feet. and quite it number are down front cr., I 1 1 ;11!1.7.7 !;_-_. ---. Seely returned he was bleeding profanely hundred to tae hree huntire , l eet, and are be 711 FAIRMAN & SAMSON. trona three stabs la the right cheek, a sevaii vigorously Med. Such fuels as, tilma w u, , • cut in, the cartilage of the lutte anti a slab in netwithatautling th,3 low pr., °"'. '''' ' • . UN DERTA3KERS the left nide. Dr. Thorn was linnielliandy . the ntt:wh of tile °Triumph" valuable. halted 111, and dressed the wOolderi mus t ' s iu- 1 —r----''."--- - --. , ~,, I Nu. 196 Smithfield t3t., cor. 7th, Juries. Leslie escaped for the Dine being, but' ihr Fair al Escalator 11.11.-..T.,......"1.4!: , Was arrested yesterday. and taken beton, tEntruice fremtleventh Street.) dance at the Fair and Fe °. ';""'-' u ' -: Mayor Morrison.' lie bad a Partial hearing ', Ball inc.nen) 1..x.r"r131313-El.CirIX. .W,!..a.„, -nd wan held for alu rt her hearing toslay. Clan Church, at ExeClbi nr 'O, • previous] last, night far exceeded that of ... 3 AND 112 tIANDIMSEIr afLUTIET„ interesting articles I evening; a number of ,u ea salt, and the i ________-_---------!---------- --=L S.V.lrizitsr.sry PA. • were added to the 5 t.. ,, ,.. ,p,1 p co-chasers. The : k It T. WHITE & CO., goods offered readli tr L y WAS pto the • ‘,lthiinerraerrgioYal. Toll at t welve A MIDI- UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS . lam l'albla ;71 ; 11 b° ale ' r Zish4'll:.b,lllo,P,U; ammusur. Wow. ns..ad vicmiti• ! roiln:lggia i,l, ratmply repay the trouble of gee COMM RNMS . Al MANCHESTER LIVERY STAHL t. I: , ", V, Vd " th t.. 9 Parttelt: Ae a red G i l or Bttle, .. OolSer 0, ft 8201.3 "d Clualtars strert.• 1 !:gt'id;;;eirtinetrient l o n another cedlituri. .tittane and Cirrlagia furat.hed• • . . . - . • . harryl the Tresenyer.—On Saturday evening Overyncton, 110., the w e n known and universally popular Tressur t the Pi TliVitro, l s to receive a b er g a t OCO( 711g1;:notbtl'yerbeens°an'tjadlia° 11 1) p ii , 1 . 1 1fift. w ih l a ll an co ° prise most popular and taking features Aar ry is an unbounded favorite and his neti r t sill-be eelobtatiel by , em rowded house. MEI 11 ' ‘• Rift OW .... . Carharr% sifter Tongue Organs. The oldest, best tried and most tlibroughl known -Reed Organs, ale those of Curlier: .1.. .reo•ifte nil, make, Some of Mr. Carhart's, inventions are lased and paid for (;an a l by . elf other reed instru ment umkersathe present improved Par , for Organs of Oar:inn J...,VowLitillri surpass all l others in sweetness of tone and dorablll tY. in such Is the 'exquisite quality of Its music that it Is called the "silver Tongue I Urgari.”ded Improvements the lip meatus of lately ad full resources of a Lathan :t. Netalhatn 1./star organ can With ease be controlled by the trier cat beginner In =Sic. Smuts forty of these line Organs Pt 11. Metier n. Bro.'s th e select offer an excellent oppor i 1111 y for the selection of holiday gilt, at once delightful and useful. ---...------,-----_ . WATCHES, CHALKS AND _ xirvcrraa=t - sr , AT A TEIIT SMALL PROFIT, AT WILL '411; AITILEY'S 6 SI,, 3d door from sth. deS BOYS' WATCHE STEIL LI NV SILVER CASES Something nice for• Itoliasy Patent. made ex. pro.ly to et:corder, by obe of the best linnalgo. 1 ,, e. In Europe, 61.1,1W...110 be perfect. Time keepers frotO $lB to $25 , DUNSEATH & CO'S M.T.D.. SQ - Irtrt33. rittrapieS. GeV iSIONEY FOR THE ENTERPRISING , LIMING'S IMPROVED STOVE DAMPER CLECKSTIIE DRAUGHT, REVEIATES TIM HEAT, - SAVES SAVE% MONEY kvElll-11011Y H.'S IT. ETEECTIIDELE WANTS IT. LIVE MEN 31:16E mt., El Watt IT Tow Soo our. iC1xt..33.(n0. STATE at lUU\TY BIGHTS FOR SALE. Bend M.* for Ore. iftr, or .1 N. r:fia X II 41 95 5 $3171i" 'V C>ll3.R. HOLIDAY GIFTS - I , TTNTIL liol' ELATE EN ACIEVED I n •-, LIE lVt;11 F Ch a &Bohemian Fancy Goods, FOB SALE BY RICHARD E. BREED, No. 100 Wood Street. OH! HOW PAWS LIM, SINGING BIRDS: SINGING ,BIRDI3I. UP fIAIMT BEAUTY &ND F/ NEbT 'M;ING No., 1.24. TiCfc,c,cl fehtx-aot. VV. Ot. A. - 11.11. - t t EAGLE COTTON WORKS. Y 1 11"1."'" REE(* T ` . .. I I !.13.,,.?1 45.. Ign.ellinnt":,:iin'el;ToTlTll 'ii...::::tiL'iltll2.^:l3 the mauntacture of .... ___ EIMS3 Sheetlugs, Cotton Yarns. Carpe Chains, Candle Wick and Batting. °Hors =ay Ire left st the Office of tbc Works. COMB ISABELLA& S.CSDISEC 5:1'4 AILEGIIINT CRT WC AT nil: PITTSBUB GB . BRE irEnr, Corner or Daquesue Way ll•rld Il•rher . . AIRY. W.1.“11511::› 12 .X . G Y1., JOSHUA RHODES & CO. 1203:01:0 HOLIDAT-Gs T vAnLon c fiHoy. r I s. F PLA S %i YE:s"" asst MON FIRE 1 rt. V...• b... ,1110USE.FICRNISII.LNG L311.01111C11, Z. 7 40 . 124 Vircac.d ertroot. W. MEE S 9 S 9 S9 -S9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 :89 MXRKET STREET. =II s93EL 3B 30 1 E3 ;s9 is 9 S 9 -Market Street, 591 AND (IET YOUIL `ass'; 891 BOOTS,SIIOES &C. :s9i TILE CLIEArET AND lIF-tP . ‘„ 59 wlsr.. - /ss cir - sr. NO AUCTION UOOUS E'EfT. S9l idEtIES ROBB, S 9 dtarket ,59 59 S 9 S 9 S 9 59.59 S 9 59 89 WELDON dc- KELLY, PIATSIBERS , Gas and Steam -Fitters, AND BRASS FOUNDERS, A Isrge . •eeortmaut of • Chandeliers and Brackets, Lead Pipe, Punips, Sheet Lead, &c., _ AL WAYS WY B4lsro. IA Wood Street, near Sixth. .112:1,7 1866. , FI LL .-Igfib . C - .EI;I7)IE9C.b. *e are now k,ablidtine for FALL TILADF: til, . most extensive stock of goods we have ever had the pleasure or offering to our patrons. English Brussels and Tapestries, of our own Importation, conapri,ing many new and choice patterns never before in this market. MCI WILTON AND lEtill tAF,PEIS AND LUGS: EktI:III.OIDEULD 13W 1.n.1-. LLCE CuuTALN,g, Nei ilia Elegant Pattern.' of Cornices, Side & Centie Tassels, Loops & Bands, _ Choice Myles ';Notting Curtains. ETABIAND & COLLIS& - . Nov. 7i and 73 FIFTY STREXT. Next house to U. X,. Custom Bonet and rosi Unlce, 1 sem • second Floor. . ------. . FORTHELADI.ES . 1 CLOTHES MAN(L!.._.!, 410)-.11.rtiNG ntoNS, CJLOTIIES IVIIINGEI4. • WASHING ELACIIINEI44 ; iitoN4 C UllLltiti TONOS PI S KING IRON • LADI t.ts, tb.A.Tlth, at the lloute Fur utetani Luiporliim, No• I:II Wpod Xtieet. JOHNSTON ac 131E:OTT , DEALT-RS .IN Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry SILVER-PLATED WARE, ETC., ATI LIBERTY STREET, EBBE pit taslaeam-633., Poxiaa.ci. rarslculsi attentton siren tortpsrlg steoes, Clocks ant Jewelry. All warrant ter,cle tiltg & Pr&Weal Furniture Manutacturtrs, COR. PENH AND 'NAME STREETS 1... wt styles of FUR, con.tantly on TALI, 11011SES: HOUSES!: SICIOEL Six good. sound WORK VIORSPj., reeklyp and rent be sold cheap: one goon v liOrtn one goon - WORK .11,1 RE. guarani,. 10 C. gota andlinod woikere. Coll at ROW ABU'S LIVRALY non irtratiartet oral . Viononzahrls Iloff e. F. BITS SMAti , Fifth Stria. bet Wan Tar land and • Chatham tdreets, GUNSMITH AND DEALER c IN t HARDWARE s j t..g.! Fir" Clvf4tige EC" ABI3It T" IV ililVt c• .I.lllGll.—Yor a gaxl COOKING B4OVE and c....et jYr a l t rni%tiP/. 112 : 80-11?.7.M1111.1].% 331.13, r lain spa raper Utearils tor Cooking Oy 141 , sad other 1./ dishes'. Fender, Ptove Pipe, Nca: 1113r4!'Wg0-nd.,tl .V.gt 'lt= col,','o;;' "°II%IEiL9 AN NI teZeitrjlin R dlßorss.le r°. lair. A. U.K1.12): BCO. 110:5 WbOltWail DragrUis. T 1 Wood mega. N utcAnsiL tiv