The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, December 19, 1866, Image 1

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Instirance Company' \ , ~, ..-- ..-: , --= , • - _ ..rte lik 1.-- - -- • , .„--:-.--- ,•- , - ~ .,- - A air., _ -:-.- --: f /
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/ , ,i , •-^ • !MINN ' uag.-..." - '" •• ' 'lt '' •• • 1 'NEW- AI)VERTISEINENT.
I\l'3Eol7i7 ICOIELIEr... _.; , ,„ -1 - ~: -- - - - ....1 , -__-- - - ---- ' ,_ e..._ -- Li •-•,. , ---,.. - /11cti...-_, ...: ---.-
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. i .4.- RIT.ILIPALE '' CESIIETEIti.=- 11 he
--. E. P 3. WINSTON, President. -' . - , , avabeirlitui....uvw,.-eal....,...a..a.p.e..,...i.distitattnres=troorbo.b.r. t......t0i
- ---, -..--.... • suegb t agi b ror st .
oiroctomui: An.,
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—t=---------- axles..
at tlask rag
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AND - -
4unual Incldea& Axallable laisordlaWy,
Polley-holders and other DereOns Interested 111 the
edeJect of LISS / sectenrlterfte uU
on the undersigned, Agent or tbn Comma?. nhe
.141 diet unity else them full Information into the
meats end prstetteldmorkuss of the Company.
No. 27 pumstreet, pittianingit
l igenatimption.
The - very uamo• of iota disease is a terror.
Untikof late years it has been deemed wholly
beyond the reach of medicine. I hive be•
lieved for Wittimber of years that it:depended
on.*.h"diseased oondition of the ideal—net
merely a diseased condition, out weakened
one; and all the anus and efforts recently made
towards the Cure of nonantiptiod have been
directed towards_ Improving the general
health. All physicians I- think, of whatever
school of medicine, will bear me out la the
belief that this la the only way in which con
suniption bah or can be cored.' The
tion of the poisoned particles with which the
blood. Is surcharged in consumption, is al
ways: a necessary object to be obtained. - This
can be always effected by Dr. gegrer's Peck.
Tat Syrup. Its action on the kidneys is thorateh
and complete. In a recent work bin,. 1.. Old
shoe, of this city,' find the same view taken of
consumption as advanced above. Uef sayi,
"There la in this .disaise an impaired Phyal
"cal condition' of the lungs, and a deposition
•'ln the air-cells of a cheemdikd sttbstance, of
yellOwish white calor, the particles of
"which aggregate and 'form masses of Tarts;
"bin size, called tuber:in., which finally soften
"into a 114,31 d-like pus. Thisinatter Is. taken the absorbents, enters the -circulation
"of the blood, and particles of it are carried
"out of the system by_ the kidneys, and
"may be detected in the urine by miarpscrople
"and other Modes of eMuntnation."
Dr. .ffeyseeiPscfeini Syrup williot ffftil , In
crease the elimination by the kidneys. but,
also through the Abu and will also dissolve"
• the in.:inset:drama* or starchlikesubatance
thit collects and v illis up the bronchial tubes
and ale passages: For consumption take Dr,
A - ewer's Peciong Syrup.. at 140 .Wood street.,
Consulting office„,llo.renp. street. ."
Tobacco and Nagar".
Jane:Jason,. manefactureie or the
eelebrated - •
. .
- :Bose Bud 'Rough and. Road v.
'nose Bud Bright Pounds, '
eltad Golden illus.
Navy, (Tens) .Spun 8011, and other noted
brands of Tobacco.
Stock of Sigers and other articles in the To
bacco line, Constantly' °ahead, all of which we
are selling at the loweit cash prices, at tio. -
tlrederal street, Allegheny. •
Whore'= can get the greatest value for yonr
money: - Guillper-leficiw retool:air Ms Stock
at a wholesale rate. EverYrldrig L rokl.oheliP
ls Warranted: "Good Invoke
. atook Janu
ary Lit, a‘tVwant etOeir lowerecl;"will sell at
any'one nught 300 how to tako ad
vantage of-this,foci =and profit , by It. OM's , '
your own laLerestry . rlolan act_ of alndness to
'.Tonriorlafiio:watlurnea doutit'you
,7 11l be
amply rowfsr4O4*.tr: . , Store open from early
morn '"
",--;"4.-..--micprAtercrs&pipt STOOL
.. . _
. . The liner* Sewing Machine, .'.
duet certainly take
,the lead of all °there 111 a
short time.. It was awarded ive reiniume
on work. at the - World's Fair, lsV4 four premt
nms for work end an the machute. at the I.(ew'
York State, Fair, DM, See the Afethodtit.• of
. SepteMber Coil. - - .A panels= oii the machine
at the OrdoState Yeir,lB66„ See the Dayton
Joernot, October 11th. The oely agency for
, rte sae for Weitern reeteilyiriM4o 6,l " 2l°. ' ‘
' • St. tlair stieet, Pittsburgh. ; ,-- :
. , .
Ilameed Casorell'a Cod Lacei.Oal
ThePidest ElweetAt Cod Ldei - 011 in the
world. ,manufactured - from fresh,
livens, ikon ,thet d nerfeetli
pore and sweet. .&ek for adazard&Caewelre
Cod Ltver.oll," manufactured try .
(:aswx.r.t.e-Idaors.& New York.
Clear' Toys,' assorted Canfnes, Raisins, Cur.
rants, Pieta ()rano. and . Law* , Peel. Can
-tied Fruity; ctr4ete4 as cling , anti "nn'6 oo ./.
at our viler tease to %he twin George
seeied; NO:ll:4"cderalst*it,..Aßeilbenypity .
A can is solicited.
The 'nines
Demand uniimull yiglyniee
diner is preparing himself by reducing his
stock. at, tlie same time.benellting hisPM-Dm*
by, selling at steill low miens. NOII9 others
enn C0114113/15, Dress Deese Snot Bross.
_ -
You close-fisted old baaheloni =5l do didSi
for once: Buy Rrosont t e for sour nephew, and
ncioeie Tbouilison,o, N 0.210 LlberrYotroot-',
• ,• ibeltiOtis or Look Op
r oft Kris, Elul' is seeming., fie nsabeen
caught:in tne.Sset.Or.rsPleniShinthif's-t9ak of
presents at ThonsPion's.l.4o Lineity street.
imp:111=14=10 Ttqm_ipriVAl .12c!ilmk - sad
bdrlety store. Fo. SD Liberty street.
To lii . Tort irt..Lissdars Patent Stove Damper."
See advertisement in -lue)ther Colconn. , ofilei
No. It rittlas!Teet:-• ' - - -
Von Um, Bay ,
Forelgrkbquors ,kinds 13;
*/. pp, pe,L93 ana ix rust
- ritin nsA Main.
Prepared with ruse Ger,lam, ,t'or Matrtriees,
at Pletaltarittitir arid fateatMedielitDpot ,
st Market street.
/Owlet '
A new extract for the handkerchief at Flem
ing. 6 Drug and Patent Medicine Depot, At *at ,
attil Catawba
And Claret Wine or exedlient quality, at Flem
ing , i Wulf litata&nliXittet Street.
amarieltehPihr ,
tatineliviiiiiiatitoi !lamenting
in- 1 7rk es t P
sofd at Thotap:ton'P'L
ot seo Obello for presOatoiroteirul. atiefor
' solo 60.11t0rap50....
fisher are Superb.
t;ardiner , a Boole and Shoes, No. CO'Flp.h at.
G r eartio,sinF;,seitp
At Gardinlr,;:i.;.P° Flf c liMeet.
r cent AfMtitia aiSaitrib B:TInC44e:
New nops Josoti s'.lllnelro•
albarder ltemplW4lVAMr:sweated.
hiratrnts, Dea.lB.—VA-4.ldertelrl atirkeorbe
seCently stabbed Mayor Park nt Icpublia
ner, shot and killed Den 410,cseat L ed Faxon
last n Igbt. TheeSnse was vfftety. -- Borke
is in AIL Last night Masai Winters aerated
oneJohnOsek,late of tit: Lonny an ample.=
of ODUACCIIOII with the robbery AD the.nruilant
bainotn.a. few days illaCe.?:Ne. acknowledged
the Crime and WI where the diamonds and
money, amounting totr." were, which were
Tao ham Orleans Inteesitslittam f.
~ . .
Nate Otitusne, Dec.l3.—a otiMmittes of eltik'
` ,- setis 'Wm been' anointed'•to take neoesmuy
steps and measures todefend the reputatlen
and intereldidoithe oleybefore.. the- Demgeos.
atonal Committee about to hold a meeting
here tO ;isn't*** the July riots. . • -
Slur:vv. Do:4=bn .stsits4 that EV "
.A.43saantElessensl achbiller intsindspuhsistang
latter* Shit connect General .13utter.a
nate& with invent prolititble speculaUons
Maws the ires.„ - whith the penile genet: gen
erally hatheasixo4l:lo..
VOLUKBAXXX.—Nb. . 307:
Dispute 351 th the Pope, Settled.
The DiffiCUltres in guitria.
ihe Prefildenre Nome is England.
Ross, Dec. 18-1 r: x.—Cardinal Antonelli
has settled the dispute ,between our Minister,
Mr. King, add the Pope. satisfactorily to
both parties. 'it is stated the Pope misunder.
Mood - •
Bening, Dec. 18.—The National Germiiii
Conference comtneneed its aopions here to.
. . .. •
'MLouoon.e: President's Message
bite Just been received by steamer. The state
ments resettling, nliftileoB are. ell received,
but the remarks about the Feblans are &mild.
erect weskstuilaMe. •
PARIS, December in, Erecting—lt is "'Oporto:1
In otaatal quarters. and wins one appearance
of truth, that the Marquis De Moodier, the
French Minister of Foreign Affairs,' and dared hlerengnation to thew kmperer. it
has been Secepted. - Mks successor is stated
to be If. De Lavallette, the present French
Minister of the Interior,. and the temporary
_predecessor of M. Da ..idoustier in tne poettiorf
to which; =OW said- formally bP'
pointed:. Dr'sitid. that nitilustri
an Government having failed in Melt efforts
to recoundth variances between the differ
ent races within the 'Empire, will leave them
to effect a solution of the subject for them.
. Lassos; Dec. - le.—The report comes fronit he
Continent that"..the condition of . the French
fortifications on the frontier of Germany is
being looked after, and that their strength is
nicely to lie materially increased. -
livenroos.,Dec.-13-.Arterrieen.—This 'Cotton
market was active and buoyant to-day. and
'an advance of of a penny per pound was
naked and obtained by holders. The .sales
amonntedissitleXt bales on the M o 104 d
per pound fur middling . splands. whichc were
the ourrent.quOtations at the close of Duns
Lcvsarcior., Dees le;....ifterneost.—The Dresd
en:in market lei.nncluenged. Western misted
American Corn sold to-day at 1133 per stilarter-
The Provision market, is quiet and winterize]:
teration in rates. The Petroleum market isi,
steady ails 7iidegls 8d for penpsylvanla 445.
ILmicemirmr December 18, r. med.
ket for goods Ind yarns is sympathizing with
the advance- Cotton at Liverpool is timer
and tutees are stride higher..
Lesvos. Deeember ls. r. u.—The mon
market is. easy,
.Codsots,closed at 18.% . foe
I..osnosr:Diedn'berlB. r. se.=Tlie market for
American securities to steady with an ad
vance Olds'gelatin of cooper cant. in Muds
' Centrals.. Theicritilsi;geotestiousAt flue close
of bunneastoday nerirairlettOwire begs,
' Erie. 47%; Illinois Central,
Lesbos, Dec. M.—The articles of agreement
and alllaneeire SintdefonsitrevNere ec•
ecnted yesterday between the remain !tenter
News Company, and special agents [Atha Uni
ted Mares end Enroposmkteanwessocbdion or
New Tork*to go into effect January Ist, 1866.,
After theist of linger) , the European news
of the United Metes and European Telegraph
News Association will be.condderatdy therms
ed in quantity. and through the Neater
Amerat London thcnews of Europe.Allia and
ica will appear simultaneously in the
tournals segmented - . with the above. Anneals
He Begards' Himsolf Merely. Pro
' visiohal Emperor.
- N e w. OFZZAINS, Dee. IS,,Advlces, foam the
City Of ileilartiptOne West.; state that the
city of Durango was evacuated by the French
on She /6th nilkand4tpteedfottely.orouplect by
th#/630**11,4 t, .s 4 . •`, L . - 2, :-...' -, :: ' .
oftizait4urtetwiiiiiiveol it tho Lair,
114.1 confirm g Ilejla's victories on the 21w,
and 'rah Cr November. , . . . ' '•
' , rAft SIM 141nhf.illn g__ezioaFbini : avii hed
engaged to turnbh naxlm llan wit hten mit ,
1 Mons of dollars end, n thousan't Mexican
troops to induceitttasto Main. ,:,
btaximilian , a manif o, issued on the first
inst. from Odfas.W., lir no an am:murmur:Lento(
ids unquiltdeddet stunt tb °onetime User
elnntre, but: St mere deemndsoo, Oak ar. the .
soucitatbnvor memint_ , citizens Woad re•
etid Ms sotlioriti. W.,.O24l4otonniital co
all a Congrees of. coo Poortho oo doltb . .
oration his Marc .. • • depend:and.
Abu• he - stpromt, reo li so' tOotoir
e erovitiomu Emperor:: -- - •• • - , , •
'At Caro
. g.rrival of the Se at at Aeons of the
Mouse at Traakil The Itheelff Sur
venders We. MIT into his custody.—
Departure of Calve for Washington.
y Luxus. i i. December 18.—A Senteant at t.
Arms of the' United' States MAIM or Repro. •
sentatives , attived - here thbrniorning; with -
authority to taka Eton. C. V. Ctdver from the
Jail and prattled with bins to Washington
Ball having been. entered in this criminal
Shames eilt Ids. Culver SeveraLdays ago.
the only c harg e upon' which he washeldyme
Mill one; OundeOrnpon 'JatneS -8. Myers'
bench warrvfl i. -.
The Mifflin' primPtlyelivered,lllr. (haver
to the custody of tbe Washington officer, who
requested Recta Sher:a Mark to aecompatrY
tea party at citizens seemnptui led Ur.
Culver irate thelail to the depot.
seesnLatrOngitn las
-raeogeteas tiluntingtonor !cis
maderstood th 'the qWesadzi" orprlniege will
be decided by Congress upon his arrival.
James 8. Myers, sliaplaintitr, also went to
Wastangton• It is tenerved here that Judge .
Mulkey would have discharged Sir. Culver
upon tne question ei privilege had hi' _been
brought befotollim tni,vll.otia4lxll smut,
on the $Oll -*Cap. =
An Adareturf Vito - ' , adept .Gib.
bosis-Tlie reatisne .Exborted to iitc4
sewed Ellbrs•--:ffho 7 riots in Canada..
New Yoti Deti:lo-,James Gibbons, Pros:-
dent of the Fenian Senate.ami nn address',
bnitnertiont on , behalf of coaditt•
..talrOkeivAtta-Iden,peoptaw. this
country to renewed efforts in the glorious
cause, and says there exists at llin present
Limo a necerantglos..prompt anti determined
action never bonne presented to thorn. .
Swarrismio, Dee.l9.--The court assembled
this l
amingo-when Thema* Sadden ; was.]
Pinned tthebar. pin VeViln, naked leave tO
withdraw theriast of ningtilltg:thatilO nli g ht,
challenge an array of the grand Jury and haVe
the indittnitmtaquastiodoontanding that the
ilst, was Illegally:oMM% and that It dill not
comply with UnSPIGYNOtts of the law. Tim
Judge sclioumed the Minn till toollorrow
contider Llte point.
A Murderer Arrinfett—Cbolern
retal,4lJ/PO.lO4lF _ -
- 10.:-Jarael Barns*,
one of the ini •
mierers of Leonard Sloss, who.
escaped. frtimUMFalmontb, jail, on Sat-
Ilrditrs t,boesiAtempsured...,
There O were seventy deaths from cholera at"
Covington, liy.; from July let to December .
nmuuteinenuk-are -about - .being Made
whtint trathafia she Ohl° and Xississinm
Battened rffeto . ilds lOU over; of
the Alsito andlareat Weeterzfroad:
.:,,TholrenlaiseSeeting tied hist night was very .
,litrgaandillagralliS4lo.—Mtaresses wersi made
by SensUirli Morrison and Fitzgerald. Print.;
dent Roberts was not pradant
lbw iireseaseier
Azsiar, December 19.—Tho towing boats
Austin anztalcDonald arrived belt fz9 lll floW
Forked' attsrrroon. The sce,!.=_,....tglA.RTOrls
abent three inchesthick,
to•day on foot.
The hossetof•Dtrestarsof trioNelr
iral uatiroact. - via start' to•MOrtoit 'ff tour
of mope of the entire route fnita AICIPY
I,IY IfiliS i f ,TELIGII,4S.
The Government to Take Charge
of Telegraph Lines•
melts() of Ca pita' of National Banks,
Cholera , Reports from Europe
WA8111831•0tt Crrz. December 18,15:
- Ism -istristoesscrr - csisrunr. -
ThereoteAsalr,"...kaltlere.Xessidetton for a
tliereugli overhauling sr the Executive Da a 'openiAl - 991:114Lattee, Wait not'
On Its adoption as reported yesterday, but
merely a monon l 4,to: ' the rules to
permit Its introduction., got a two,
third vote, as therMes require, the resolution.
MA not tome br.,tore tab Douse., ...
It iiVeuesid today, tam theieicalition will,lookB to a-general /over
tlgution - Into 'tbo — Diesident'a acts, rather
than an Impeacbritent.
"The Committee - cif Ways and Means have
commenced a tovialtra. ot the lattatuat Reve
nue laws, and trill aontlanstheir labors da.
- ring-the attestors, so utolepoft f bill when
Coagtwas eassembles. in ;Am i ty. It IN be:
flayed that the Late of taxalort win be math,
Pally retailed on ouiovorpoo,:loaposoloir
oh coif*
:,140:467,11.41Atti5t -1i419 been eprang , npon the
HOustii - bi au elforeto strike out of the lleneral
itgaionartiartart bill; the WV! auras 1121PrOptl - .
MO far babliatdor the debates or Canvey la
Glote.the"Dailiil-Theeffeit, however, will
1411., , ' , Mr. 'of Raw :York. taidif there wee
to be any be favored " leaving
porting to private enterprise. The Coramit
te.M. inrie Sanaa Urtakelito vote on
the epp Oath= bin until after the bolt.
...5781,24111711T ITELSIMAT ISIMMTditS.
.docratary,Acyalloch has , hissed. sa .order
aiathtertha.tlasidgiirer4aills andlia* hal
primal:a aiseryitete inlisatots of stetu~s
IR readertaig rettuns Atha SUPtralllll
speOtOili . or theft; Tiespictino Olstrtett rte
nottthal dellasotats-that this dertltctlent of
duty rimless theot,...alasiabla, to ~law, -sad
lOW* that soy TiOhabsa 00 nit shall
'6O itiesee teported to the Depliistirect.
•-(7olllEltlinnt Tittnollll7llo Steven.'
... Portmaster darters' Randall: favors the
scheme of wenn:teeing' and Iteilitnif ,t 4lO
graph lines as part of. the postal faclittiel of
the Country. • Then ft an- evident dispodttoa
In Grragreas to take charge of the wires.
The decision' of the - Supreme 'Cohned iasnhu the
Indiana - '6:nspiraey cue, is regiirdll.
'siting that the I:bort' will not favor - extreme
pylniorie on political qnestlorts. , .
... •
,•-. • • * =II ClAn Or LaieLLll.l.. ' • •
In the 'Sonata to-daY,lne. Tritettnill present-,
ed iterLDIIISMIDA pettlitst, asking Congress to
I abolish the State government - end: snbstitutiL
I "ferrltatialfores.:Alzolig Others It Is signed
chi l
by Governor Wells, and-; sunny its
citizens of lendationtef- high - tor. In
presenting-the punkah; Steastele- emboli
spoke at some length, defining his position on
the status of the late rebelllona Rates. lie
wa s 6 0 1,, ,tir0t-f cds lll4 Ft Oat. aS the present
sinte'oigitnizationa bad failed in their duty
tothdlaysnatalls=6lo"4ll was nrifititibt
edly the duty and. within the power of Cen
trals to minimize others on each a buds as
..wakl4 secure t he
_,.. _Jae MoaP a 'l g fa f t aralaa a ' ra '
ittfaiklial Prulk4ala. - '',t: !' '',•-• --'"; 'l' --: ' '.': •
A r slyukeisidecia!kw:ikatigiairisoirm:
• The fellowing intercepts. letter t he& been
'recoiled tithe DiYartmeiit pi Bios i , . •
oLloanos 01170illaiTen iiTATt.B.COYSTAN.
-11,1931.VArerett= g ;
Obiiii 'to an gad
omie the relippearanc ° of
etteSers at Conetanti c :Olnik , tl Ibtoke out :few
sialiteno at onsPolrf.ageighboriart village on
the Doeyiliornik wiadoull Of Waive mei tii that
locality ogrtiktitor dide.eight have terminated
-fatally. Ydratorsesana.two deaths have ;law
.oectured at the` rsenal on the Golden Elora,
laws %Might% untended Itself. is the grimmer
of Igo; over the whole city. is
dem hot &Po.
lectio or fondroyant cholera is reported from
neheln ',4ff dllee Al t pfelensitUreatchs to
take lin epitistnie torus. if it should become
mi sts It amakbe refry WM. settle win
ing of male
tear, and
much • ring exists in consequence among
the,poPulationinne great bulk vat widen: live
iz=biernsrjoatinteurtammtmaimecentily 2:
It is to be hoped we are not to witneu &rape.
Doom of thahorroxsofterhwhenitfte thonsand
people were swept o ff in six weeks by this
scouts° of itnreaultY,f . • -, , "'' ' ' •
• el urn, 1114 vor3r tonsPedltallTrfa °t lreli
souisitos 6i JilinnAALA. '
Thavoto on thetwil admitthiffllobriadas will
AM' raven -In bin. liendie'lledirreiri at loot
Mr. Wade, who.b3 w- the but In, charge, - ex
yr esserttbe deteffmlnation today trpoli, the
peasentto a Vote: '.& lengthy dillonsalOti took
gdavi in the senate "today mi., the bill i iiiiieh
was participated in by Senators Dowse, Wide,
lioolittie,ned ottide..,,The principal amend
-men t nowtier:oln fti One renotring Nob/naive,
as a condition GUAM:demon tO abolish lilt re
nt:tidiest?. of color on the mrenicilieof the right
I - Of rltrreltSPßilOT,Othar:lrokdk K* ilt*tha
' word *.whito ,, crookhrx comiltptioe. . This is
1-itilialiD>iMila brlfensitorlitundhp .'.:t !
Ii iS widerateestithit the House Judiciary
committee have hatl,undar;cenelderritim the
hiltelotrodoeor tiildi: Lawicinee' CO redeem
the poly &Adrenals° of niembersof Dokfiresg
arid bave elarucindod_riet. to reeeratneed them,
as the iihile.suhleetWita paned, hy the
constllients of the umid,* lli Volt
ho fast Oleo.
iiiirrarrionte ATmii.strirrw. , , •
Itiatistfoal Information hero . staisrela tepid
inereasolitcottost'and wooleit-stinufitetories
In the.psotttbra Motes; peorght boy softer.
liOlyiejght.frietirides, many of them of the lint
class, and engaged in , tennufacturing calico
as , well IW-the coaraer.inttelCue- and , woolen
peels: ,Thero aro sire seven large establish-
ininitiiiitheinetiiiitiOf ereetlOn lii northern
Toisuitoisei .stiir.i or: ,l liners.
- The suite against Str."Arniatulcel Berdennx, I
Is iiiiokariktY,Prasaaicted. ak. Rill he remora-
bared Distil:lls irerson,. daring the rebellion, 1
balittwo rams ror.the confederate
_, gornra.: 1
• Ineui,..radels _were - novo delivered tri. the
itgeotillif that GinternMent,thi departure of 1
the vessebtimlngOreventOC,by Louis Napo;
loon; Orono tesr oi - ciesiiing,n .rirptutis with I
theVolted-Statea.- Tho ,sulls snit° recover I
the rea.anr DO, S. Bt. .Artaatidibi the robed 1
.government , -era s account dif said rams. .The 1
deposit of PS^. fretted, as ..ncriedlti a cable
Pia la ' a a iiir dais ago. Ws- erroneously to ' 1
0FF144-,IIOA/47.141LUOSVis is merely on
count prim* eXpeitses, and prelltalnari to a
JudgeAletklitilli,Vraof the United States. '
.. . ~. . wows gammas. ;
~ Tim, President, has pardemed ~Ifghsto Dols,
'borne, convicted at the tetirdidi. term of the
llnttiatAltidee •• District ‘Coart of New Jersey,
for having to. hie poisession , counterfeit UM.
tad Stated iiiink hides, and 'renteneed to three
1 yearitillittirififeitT-libiee- the conyltnlon of
_ .
Delatesive, facts hare (mite to the knowledge,
of the Judge and' District' Attornby; showing
that Deinborn° was the victim of a conspire.
ey, and innocent of the charge.
The President has alsO ordered the pardon
and remission of the fine of William Devlin%
contrictedet the last term of the tutted States
TditslotColitt at liassatihnsetts and sentenc
ed to pay a One of fifteen hundred dollars, on
a charge Of smuggling. The pardon! Is grant-.
ed on too assurance Of the Mania Attorney
and many other reSpiatablt ctfisens,
' A. EIPAHISH 0171/IClit.
A statistical return, repaired at the bureau
of Statistics to-day, from a government offi
cial In New Slexteo, was written entirely to
Spirikilii , , Else -.writer being' nn►ble - to Sneak
or write the English language..
THE rerrrAt: or vm ItAilolitiL HAZEN.
it Is stated that a proposition will be made
by a prominent Member of congress to in
crease theaggregate cinital of the national
banks to $30,000,0e0, the object being to 'email:
- tenetUte!infect of Secretary hilCullocles con•
traction Policy. That Stephens Is said to
the scheme. lie strongly advocates the
abolishing of the Ms °agitate bank notes.
trzoitora vs its ?Timm soroots.
.A. =nor la currant that the tenain Dlatrlet
Committee proposo reporting a bill prOvlding
that there shall be no exclusion of children
from the public reboots of, the Instrint of Co.
lumbLe on imeennt of race-or'oolor:
. run devisee Ni:NS QUERTION AGAIII.
It 15 generally admitted by tne Republicans
Wit Ashley's resolution to impeach the Presi
dent will puss, and in that event it la said an
alert will be made to prohibit hlm fromexer
rising the functions of his (ace pending the
trial of the charges that may be preferred
against hire
.)Ifany members haire left the olty,end will
not return until after the holidays. There is
scarcely a quorum of either
...House pranint.
There will be no legislation . Of any lmpor•
tance, therefore, until after the recess.
"'The Supremo . Critrt hos prohibited. Steno
. graohniro from taking notes of decisions as an
(SECOND steisios.)
W sentooroo, December POW S.
. Johnson presented . the, credentials el
Hon. William Jones, senafin' elect of Arhus.
sae. Laid on the table,.,
Mr. 'Senator preeentedar table,._
from the
Linton League of Norfolk, protesting against
the policy of the occidental President, and
asking for the appointment of Judge tinder%
wood as Territorial Governor of Virginia.
, Mr. Trumbull presented amemorial from
the white loyalists of. Lordinanit, asking for . ;
I - the overthrow M the existing State uoverit.l
I. meat, and the establishment of a provisional
goveranient , lantana. The menamial is sign
! ad by Governor %Vella, and other prominent
persons. Mr. Trumbull snake at some length
on the sanject embraced in the petition, and
Mid lithe statements mode by the memorial
.,bte,wbo were of high ellaractcr, were true,
Alten.t.megress ought to , take Immediate le
sion for the erutection of Um loyal people of
Louisiana. Ile said that murders of loyal
men were Increasing to frequency, and that
the -. Rem, liberty and property Of freed
men, were mainly dependent ort-the in
terest and caprice of the disloyal. and that
neither loyal white citizens nor freedmen
could obtain. justice In clod wa s or ado
quite Military Macedon. and be clearly
of the opinion that the Government might to
interfere to protect the loyalists in their
rtglitsi , ' Congress had all the neOessary power
over the rebellious Staves under the Constitu •
,Utma*ltla.topbscethem under the control
•Cif Ithekeyatinest. • Us maintained that by re.
Million these Southern States had lost their
rights ss suet, but here none the less amens
hie to the laws that tout been broken, and to
the Jurisdiction or the general government-
thheommile gorer
byL re t lt c s . Ltu r gi ro rnted .
bat this by no means restored la
former State governments., They had
been subverted anl destroyed years before by
rebels. derhere was not an °Meer In exis
tence u tnem before they could resume
their relations as States Of the Colon. Mate
Oarernmeats must be in some way inaugu
rated. Ile denied the right of the President
to attempt to restore them through Provision
' altiolmnOrn. Or that he had any antbOrtty to
organlee them, Or to tasany steps in relation
therele, artless In pu mance ef t s re law pre-
Mouldy passed by Congress.comeindueg
be remarked that these
he organtrattons
•hail felled to answer the purpose for which
they were established, and it wee entirely
competent for Conon** . to lanore.therli and
Organize other*, Mauch Priucioles as would
secure tile amendaney of loyal and republican
prlnciplea. Loana had rebelled, 'and now
her disloyal people must accept the fate which
awaits every people who wickedly and with
out cause engage in rebellion. . The memorial
was referred to the licatonitten On Iteconstrue-,
Mr. Deets, of icy. , th_at he supposed the Son!
.tor wen ',eve thought hit will addressing the
Legislature of Illinois. lie hulloed tho vews
of the .Sen
t. competitors for hi/ sent I n the
Senate, but. 'ba wits satiated the Senator WWI
most worthy, and hoped he would toso reelect.ed. There were in these States an Insignifi
cant number of liarlients, who desired toselze
the. Dowerament, bet ware too Weak to do It
themselves. - -
Mr—Trumbull angrily retorted, saying he
had not shaped his room for a rot...elation and
regretted the senator Dartrd sere; rise
above personal consideratioes. _
Mr. Samoa, from the Commit tee onForeign
Relations, reported &joint Itholatien tender-
log the thanks of Congress be
W. Yield,
with recommit:glades that. it be passed.
Also a hill to prevent and punish fraud u.
lent representstlon .to Wane° Immigration
from the the United htatcs to foreign 001111
t'r Mr. Wilson. of Mass., presented a protest
from Mrs. Gen. Omni. Mrs. Seereiery
1101110 -
and Others, refirmiCerS of the the Soldiers , and
Sailors , Orphan dome, against the passago
the nettle bill eatablishing a new board of di
rectors for that lustituttots.
The Committee. on asked to be dis
charged from the tardier sonaderation of a
memorial from the clerks of the tiorernatent
departments.- asking for I Ln tUerCO , N I tam
penal fort, which was granted.
Sir. Edmunds of 1 ermont, bit:minced a
hill to prevent illegal voting. in the District
tkolumbla, and making illegiLltotlng a pe
nal Offense. _ -
Pomeroy, of iilinsati,_on leare„letrodu
tied $ 10, etputilse the iistributiOn of cur
rency- of this -National -flanksetu the several
Staten and
to Which Willi referred tO
the Committee.= Mimes-
Tlaeliertotte, on motion of Mr: Wade, of Ohio, I
=led alloTzleio=.atilte:,Astio.f a bill, r
The pending question was on the amend- .
meet .of ~.Slr.- D rowte of -.Minaturif prodding
there oho Id' beito.thstrietatm of sumums Oil
aceo ja rm .
w t aa of ie rite boye, e or i ce .to lo ac r. e
tin .
3, Sau te
principle would prevail over every State In the
Union.- It had been said that there was a pro.
cadent for thus limitlng the rigida of At state
coming Into Ufa UniOrt, but that act had been
condemned by tho most distinguished legal
traii.;tll2ther_prinelpla was, tho (lateral
t had no rawer tO thequillifica
lions of SotON In a State, always excepting
States that had forfeited their rights and been
' Stitener*thed If ,COngrcesmlght not, at
its discretion, refuse to adm i t a State,,aset Lf
to. was not tids adt OW for It. •
Mr. Wade said that was the qui:talon now to
be decided, and that Conti resit haq' the power,
and tie thought It was moth imp° at
lord Territories should be admit • •
loyal states. Said Nebraska.
to high water mark favor of Ms • us,
antl he wanted to strengthen the cause o
arty by her adtelssien. It might bare been
right to fix this quaUflcattop On fellarp,Stato.
but' nothing - uld bo - MOTO Walk° Ulan
a ellitre State that forfeited all , it rights arid a
loyal territory asking admission. Many of
three rebel Mats!' lout related the magnum
oleos term. Offered, and when they . _ reject
those terms he Was inlay= of severer ones. •
Kr. Sumner asked If he thought those State
gerernments were so far valid that they could
pronounce on consUtudonal amendment.
Sir. Wade replied that Cengrees had breath•
ed the breath of life into them, but, without
they accepted the amendment i two void. He
deprecated the ides of sendingbill back
to the people and &farmed that both by pop.
elation and rem:area. Nebraska with entitled
to a
i dmission tut Kite.
Gowan, of Pa., spoke at 00100 length of
the qualifications of a State. A State wag &cor
poration limited toylike charter,Which created
it; lie would Sak'tlie - Senator front' Ohlo,.
whether a State could commit treason.
Mr. Wade replied: Haying - sootil,' • as, the
sitying is . It could not.
Mr, Cowan. asked whether a State could nom.
...udt. arty other crime which ite charterforbade.
Could a State reboil That was the great tines.
'Jon stow agitating the country. The officials
of &State had no authority; as such Warier% to
do that which was forbidden by their Condi•
talon and laws. .11 they bad, and could In
solve him in the ooneequeneeedie Wanted to
know it. 110 would repeat the quation, which
was eoliths one.
• Mr. Wade said what is State could or could
not downs noo the question, but the admis
sion ot a State width. when admitted; was
titled to do what Sul other State could do.
Cowan said he understood it was tbe
co mmit t:trine of Sonata Wale that a State Could
co sundae. Wahl. It be se in any other
sense than that Setae wag theareutto Was it_
not obvious that . tenet be a double ale.
glance. If Wit wa
g al the time should be
Sled when State alLeisnee stops and Nation
al allegiance begins. - Whieh elleglaneelibtotitl.
be exacted of the people of N'ebraskai
lOrrOart:lft liTlfa,3ll.l4l,l7glivhi'Vat
tw, punished aa rebelst The great question
Was whether there were rebels or not) Ho
was of the opinion that the Constitution wag
en ordinate of the People, through their State
OrganitatiOrit; end to which, they owed direct
and especial allegiance and loyalty;
Mr. Howe asked if men, who wore forced
into the rebel army, had committed treason?
Mr. Cowan saidlie would be willing to argue
the question before the Senator, as Judge, on
the question of competition.
•Ms llogro held It to ho the dutylot every
a neritan eititen to die rather than commit
Mr. Cowan, asking, in a userlo.comico' l
whether he would die and go, he know not
where I
Mr. Howe said he bad reference only to those
quzierimin cititens Who knew where they were
'going. (Laughter.)
• Mr. Cowan proceeded to argue the legal
`question, holding that no Government could
'punish th em itizens for treason when'lt failed
to sherd protection. • only each as wil
lingly committed tresSon could leautlybe pun
felled, and all eitizens had a tight to be tried
by law. This protectien Wes the quid pro eve
for .alloglance. Ile oppeeod the I.lndeelOn of
Nebraska The minorities of the States were
not represented here. What greater rights
had - Nebraska than other minorities? It was
not claimed that a State was necessary to the
people of too Torrltory.ok that their laws have
notbeen properly administered, bat that they
~ought to to admitted because it would
'strengthen the hands of those in power who
now are immensely in the majority.. lie of
fend' ad artworiklment to the amendment er r
;1 1 1 45, th sto t 413? 11 :v 1 d n r ally ebr o awsok,a whe n
solely to the -Called States, and that they
should never set up a foreign government. •
• Sir. Doolittle said Snore was not sufficient
evidence. either that the people in Nebraska
desired admission or that there was sufficient
population totustify it. The Convention did
not forma constitution. or submit one to the
Amoeba He believed they were oosed to
lay Constitution, and therefore the enabling
Fggralc i m .. ett i tn b t 1; 1 0 1 ,1 1 ol i d 7 the h y e g n i el a eWn e
now If the people were in favor of it, for
there were no election lawn to existence
and no one cont.! be. punished for, illegal vot
ing. It was stated that two Cowponies of
lowa troops bad voted at that election. This,
, with other alleged frauds, Territory doubtful
whether the people Of that desired
I admission. The population, too, certainly
did not exceed fifty thenisand. For these rca
tens he would .N WA against the othentiment
gml the MU, unless an amendment was adopt
ed referring the matter hack to the people for
, Mr. Wade gave notice that . he would to-mor-
Yew press the matter to e final vote.
On motion, the Senate went Into Executive
sessin, and soon after adjourned.
hir. Orth introduced , a resolution refit:Milting
the President, if not incompatible with the
1 Olio interests, tnoommanicate to the House
cornea of all the cdrzespoddence 00 the sub.
yet of the evaenation of Mexico not hereto
, - odicially publistital. Agreed to.
.Alr. Brandegee, of Connecticut, •Introduced
SteselutiOrt d(tbcting the Cominittee on Na.
Ind Mrstrilto theatre lutO the burning of the
Iteuelad M 'trot:Wilda, Which was agreed tb.
The order baying been demanded,
the S wg, at with th e call of the
OnnutitPri nk teept repOrts.
li We, from the m on e
rich r. %
MWSWiId, reported fa Co
upon th a
bill granting lands for a railroad 1 rem It east's
sound to Colombia river. - Altar some discus.
idOn the conaidenlibitnlof the hill was
pa post.
led. . .
Mr. Miser', lowa. from Judiciary Commit.
tee, asked that it be - disoharged from further
cemaideration of the olution for the
pretteetion of elttsent of t
the res United States,
afid that it be referred , to the Committee on
foreign Affair*.
Mr. Meltuer, front the committee on Public
141146 2 , reported back favorably th e Senate
bill of last evasion amending the eel granting
Made to the Stathof Oregon toed le the con
rtruction of • thilliary road front Eugene City
tone cistern boundary of said State.
She mottling hour having expired, the bill
want over until to-morrow. After considers ,
his diem:Liston between Washburne, who op.
Mai the bill, and Bidwell and Wilmer. of
(Adifornia, who favored Its passage, and a Wm
the question was pending, the morning hoar
aspired and th e bill went over until teldiaor-
Sill eteaker lald before the house a coin
nit bud on from the Sooretary of the I-magu
"aranieittinis the names . et parsons eta
p ed in
coast service, with • statement
oft e ospenditures of said oiling . . hold 012 the
table. _
The Speaker presented a comm.:nib:intim
from the Secretary of the Navy, transit:tittle a
the statement of all ordinance stores on hand.
The Speaktlr 1113400.017011 the Select Commit
tee on turret Taxes and Forfeited Lands, or
dered by tile Huse yesterday, as follows:
)teem. Conkllng, Donne nan'ea, Ichntleld •
and 'larding, of lienteck7.
Mx.filoan, of NT tsconsin.lutrodneed &Join t res.,
/Mutton extending the time for the completion
of the Fox and t ilOO6/111 riser canal, which
took the same reference. Minot to amend an
act Wrest:date the and mutter of hold.
Ink elections for %waters &MI delegates In
Congress, aperoted J air ft. WA, was referred
to the Committee on Judtchtry.
11r. Ferry presented toe memorial of an
agrlcallaind society of Michigan, protesting
against the granting a railroad
from San Frandiseo to Ilumboldt, or any other
illspoelthot of publie lands czospt for home
stead purposes_iteferred to the Commtttee
On Fabllc Land*.
Mr. Stokes presented petition from the
Colored 'People of Teroneuet,frir Chetremora
of all political inequalities on nee° of rare
or color. It was referred to the Committee on
The House then went Into Comittee Of the
Whole, Mr. Lawrence, of Fenna., I m n the chair,
end proceeded tho conladorntion of the log.
Wettest Exectltlee and Judicial appro p anti on
bill. . .
Mr. L• 1110 of New York. offered an amend-
Wont for tbi% purpose of coo... Ablating I oi o on•
sum the several appropriations for toe (dote,
so that members might. see at • Fiance aunt
that piper coal the countrl.
tinit.e a discussion sprung up on tho quo,
lion, In which q number of tuembera partici-
paGt. -
Mr. motionnly withdrew boo amendment-
The of Ur. Maynard .to etriko out
the appropriations for reporting and printing
the proccodings In the (,lobe was lost.o
Mr. Farnsworth, of Illinois, moved t
by adding at the and of the paragraph appro-.
Printing' PAM for one complete set of the
Cbogrezdooset Globe for cads member
a in the
Thirty-ninth Congress
who has not ready •
received teem, provided that no further ap
propriation shall be made for supplying corn
pinto sets of the Globe and appendix to any
succeeding Congress. The amendment was
agreed - to.
An amendment was agreed to giving notice
that the United States re 011-termiate the ,
tract for purchtuoing one set of tho' Globe tor
each Ueprosentatlye at the close of the For-' '
Oath Iloogresa.
An amendmentmalcing annppropriation for
the oompensation of Judges of the Court of
Claims, and providing that it shall not be paid
until its judgments were °Quart:mid by Con.
g, RIM rejected. • 1
00motion-of Mr. Stevens, the Committee
then rose.
Mr. Julian, of Indiana, offered the following
resolution, which was adopted, viz :
Merelved -That the Cam
i mittee on. Ways and ,
Means be instructed to inquire into the expe
diency of authorizing or requiring the ap.
Im:ointment of female_ clerks in the Executive
Departments of the Government with definite
restrictions as to numbers and qualidconr the
and in every case to glen precedence to
wives, daughters and mothers of thoao who
fought to preserve the Vidon during the late
The Speaker presented the resolution of the
Senate respecting the death of 50111110 r IN right
when, after some remarks from Mr. Newel:,
Of New Jersey, in reference to deceased, the
customary resolutions of respect were ri.seol.
The Speaker annonnecol the appointment of
Mr. Boyer ,er Pennsylvan ta, as member of
the Select 'Om:mittenon the New Orleansri
ots In plece,of Dlr. Dennison, and. the House
The - cleat sights egnestlen—lliscovery
ottiold; Aron nun Lead Mrs—
Sallsoriele In *rhyming ,
-• Shotrine, DeceMbor special LA the
•,,AraiattelM from Little
. Rock. Bays: General
Ord and Idtdor Porter, of Grant'e eto IT, were
present in the House, during the die.
mission Of the bill conferring civil rights on
persons of color • and wore invited take
seats within the bar. •
•coultielOuthrle, of Cincinnati. has
just arrived hero from Little 'Rork, Lbringin g
with Was lane specimens of gold, silver, lead,
iron and sulphur ore, taken from extensive
ruiners' lands, recently purchased, and for
warded them to uluelnnott for examination.
A telegram from Little Each states that the
throughthe charter of the railroad passing
Fiat oaring% Indian Territory to the
Mexictut frontier bas Jut passed the Logie.
later*. This road will tout vary materially
to develop the resottrces of Arkansas.
Battroika Accident In Tennessee And
lilasuvitta, Deo. 18.—The a o'clock passen
ger train on the Louisville and Nattisille Rad
rowl. which B u c k this morninclump.
ed a switch at Lodge, about ..lazttiles from
this city, by which three passimger couches
were thrown from tho track and into a ditch,
the engine and Uggalre car retuning on the
trick. No enemas - killed and but two persons
were seriously Injured. though quite a nem•
bersustalned painful cuts and bruises..
SHIISTILLI.DOO. lg.—Among the sufferers
by the accident on the Nashville train was A.
Monteith of New York. reported killed, and
J. Goring and -C.V. liftffer,or Cincinnati,
who were badly burned from the upsetting
of a store. The flared passengers will be
cared for at Nesb is and Bowling Green.
The Decatu rand d Ashville train ran Off_lhe
lyeekthlyty-ill'eadiesscrath of lataksille. The
tra i n was completely smashed and: HOTHIId
Dassensperp_Paguy towed. ,
• Two cram ran on the Lebanon Branoh
man. Well= saving avOrtre an4:lo l 4Dir
Wir e 'VI' S/U T OS / 10 g ,6 7.
_ ,
. _
Another Marderone AMU, In Veraallles
Toernabip-;Probably rata' *assent.
tlis Blondes. afternoon a autocue and proba
bly fatal =air occurred at 'Want tavern, tn -
Versailles toil:Mile, about three Miles beydriel
Turtle Creek. it appears that on Monday af
ternoon Mr. James Stewart, of the firm of
Dickeen, Stewart it Co., of this city, accompa
nied by. Lloyd Jamison and Win. Dodds, smrt
cd out to enJoy the pleasure or a sleigh fide.
They proceeded along the fireeneberg turn•
pike, and passing throttgli Turtle Creek vil
lage stoppuwl at Weiss' tavern, eOMO three
miles beyond. When they reached the tarern
a coal miner tuned John Gain. who had been
drinking, and who had just been engaged M a
fight approached them and UM:theocrat In
sulting them by - the use of opprobrious apt.
Wets, and accusing Dodds some
time ago, stolen a dog frtm Dodds de
nted this and some words passed. Dodds and
h ind
party meanthite endeavoring to Sh
U and escape from any quarrel with him.
Gam, however, persisted and sent boy to a
blacksmith shop, on the opposite Ws of the
road, and obtained imssession of a coal mite
Wi g pick, which be had left to be sharpened.
th this weapon be Made an attack upon
.Dedder and, before be coul on .prevented,
'struck the unfortunate Iranhe left sate,
the blade penetrating to -the depth of
nearly six Inches. 'the pick- entered,
the side just below thes, and
wardspenetrating the left rib lobe of the l ed unge,
and also piercing the pericardium, or heart
bleedingw= Immediately Inf o d Doulde,
en lbarfully„.was marled the house.
'Drs. Scheoly and Lore, of liraddock's station,
were called in, and a dispatch was Bent to
this city to the office was. Dickson and
Hamilton. The dispatcn received In the
early part of the evening, and on the eleven
o'elock train—tile first out—Dr. Hamilton pro- •
ceeded to the scene of the affray. The wound ,
ed man had his Injuries properly attended to,
anus was then removed to his own home, Borne
rem tined
from Turtle Crk. - Dr. Hamilton
tined with him 'Until about one o'clock
yesterday morning, and when he left there
seemed to be soMe hopes of recovery, Galan
Is a coal miner by occupatilln and resides
near th e scene of the a ff ray. IL has not yet
been smeared. Dodds lea young married man,
and was engaged In hauling coal by contract
ile le a perfectly =herrn= was not
by all who know him. lie was not in the least
under the influaime of liquor at the time of
the occurrence. Ito was still living yester
day afternoon, although we are informed that
Dr. Sohooly has little hope of his recovery.
. •
PreWeiss of the Eitiseoped Church.
From slate publication, Issued, by the Tract
Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church,
we glean some intelestlrig statistics relative
to the new . Diocese of Pittsburgh. The per*
led eovarelby the figures is from liovemhei
Ist, 1 40 3, Ovember let, 1866. The Diocese of
Pittsburgh embraces 19000 agnate miles, con-
Mining a population of 612,27. The lit. hey,
John Barrett herfoot, D. D., la Bishop, Thos.
.1. Brennen, Secretary of the Convention, and
(Merge T. I art Doren, Treasurer. It contains
thirty•three,elergy, 41 parishes, 2,144 commu
nicants. (240' of which have been added during
the year,) 952 teachers, and 2092 Sunday
School itholara. Within - the past year there
have been live candidates for orders, one
church has been consecrated, 03 int .ms and
ninety afluite baptized; there have -been 949
confirmations. 121 marriages, and-161 burials,
and 0.1,471.22 bee been contributed, for min.
.elloht,tripsigUtrAitmbline ugstren.
TIOU9 efforts to establish a reading room lnth!"
bO n tfluelitibaorann Vhonfrleyobrell.aguTirtUhf w s
week. at the ball of "t he church, corner of Vir
gin alley and Liberty streets.
Trover mid Convex.led.
Yesterday afternoon, Catherine lesson
came before Alder:Um Taylor, and in 'the
name of her husband, Cleorgo Leeson, made
information submit Thomas Fannin, of the
rata ward, clutrittrig him with leaver Andean
version. It is elicited that fOckOme time put
the famines of ilir. Lesson zed Mr: Fannin,
hero occupied the same house. Mrs. Fannin
became Mk end eventually-died. Mrs. Less
en did the work.for both the L tamtilea, and
validdand-Leason thissed.betweentbem the
°anus° of the common household. fluently
Sir. Loason lett Immo and attar his departure
/dm. Leeson, Intending fo break up house
' keeping, commenced making arrangements
to pack,np and remove her household goals.
She was interfered with, as abe alleges, by
Ur. ;Fannin, who prevented her taking her
property away. In her informatjob, she
charges the defendant with coeVerting to Lila
own use. half a dozen of chairs, a table, a lot
of bedding. some dishes, a quantify of wear
ing apparrel, , do., .1t the hearing. Mr. Fan
nin promised to restore the articles in dues•
lion, and the ease was dismissed.
Boller Explosion in Bridges ille.•
On Thursday last the troller in the Woolen
Factory of .1. 1). ohaffer, of Bridgeville, tits
county. exploded, Injuring one person severe
ly and slightly Injuring the elder member of
the firm, whine Oscape from total annihUatien i
"eon providential. Mr. Shaffer had Xred
up said stepped behind the fulling straits to
mend a belt when the explosion occurred. Lie
was covered with broken timbers, thefforce el ,
which bad been checked by the atm. behind 1
which be was standing. The plea of the
boiler were thrown over two hatidra yards,
and not a whole pane of glints was la in the
whole building. The report was terri c, and
WWI hoard for miles droned. The loss att
, eti will amount to between 12,,f00 an 'WOO,
the engine and boiler being a total wre k. The
' firm have already made arrangemen tract.
build, and were In ta
oile r .
Mg for • new engine and boiler. The nee of
the explosion Is thought to be that UT salety
valve bad become cemented with the lime of
the hard water, and that - it failed act to
give the proper vent. Lience, the il estrous
consesinencus. ' .
Butter last wad
On Saturday morning, at about tie ,
officer Frank Campbell, of the All cgheny night
police, noticed that the lamp on Canal street,
between East Lane and Chestnut street, had
boon extinguished. Suspecting something
wrong he went to Investigate the matter, and
a brief inspection revealed a market basket
containing abont titly pounds of tatter. The
basket hail been set in a snug placate escape
observation. and the thief who bid ft had
probably extinguished the lamp to give great.
or security to tan booty. The officer carried
his marketing to the Mayor's 011300 and a
further examination showed that it was ad
dressed to J. Frees., Pittsburgh, having been
sent by W. Wilson, of Freeport. The butter
was yesterday claimed and carried away by
Dlr. S. Frost of No.OG Wylie street, in this city.
The thief who had so snugly hidden the but
ter until he could safely carry it away, has not
yet been discovered.
Clticsiasas Gills.
Christmas tide Is almost here, and every
heart, whether It boats In the bosom of youth
or age, under velvet or calico, bredelotti or
.rags, warms and expands at te approteh of
the blessed Oa:OWL No one Is so poor as not
to wish to give presents, andiso one isms rich
as not to wish to receive presents at this hell.
day time. Therefore all will read with do.
light the announcement made In en= adver
tising columns by Messrs C. Yeager ,t Co, N.
110 Market etrent, setting forth that they have
A largo and chola) stook of . artieles for Christ.
teas gibe. Tneir assortment comprises al
most all sorts ot gifts Included in the most
extended - 11st of preSiMtli. and no.tasto .1s so
fastidious, th at it cannot he mate:led there.
Read their advertisement, and visit their.
Probable Arrest of a wire Murderer.
. .
On Monday evening, a man named-William
McDonald, was. brought before Bur
gess Copeland.' ` ' of -- Jotinstown, 'charged
with b ee f. The
of an entire ...aide"
of beef. The sto Cl 3 beet' was , produced
in evidence niftiest him, and he wan hold for
trial at the Cambria county Court, at Ebene
' burg. Donald le supPosod ono who
killed hi s wife, at Youngstown, Ohio. last
spring.. The murdorees name was Daniel
McDonald, but closumetaners strongly Ind' ,
ate that the present prisoner, who has but
Irecently come to Johnstown. la the guilty
man. and he will be held a prisoner until dog
nit° information can be brought from Young
Passenger Hallway.
Yesterday we stated that the Manama-
ter I'aspugek cars made only occasional
trips la consequence of the • MOW obstruei.
Mg the track. It le duty to the company
to say that by great energy and per
severance, and by the use of fear instead of
two horses to each . car regular, trips were.
made only at longer Intervals than usual..
witsaw the president , of the Elanchestar road
a gang of hands, himself as busy as they,
clearing the track. It was Only by energy
such as Ms that the "TroYIIIIIP Nlhlo Street...
and "Rebecca Street." trips were - all nude
tatnecl, and are likely to , be in allemergenelea
Charged W 1 ' Counterfei t '
aloney.—On Monday Gurgese Copeland, or
Johnstown, had before him George tiebrtg;
charged with palming lainntorfettanonex• 0.
accused returned recently froln__,„. G° "°& day
bringing with him aftoD grewob..7,:. he or
or two ago, in making some earc.b n & N , court.
tered VA unto , which . bt before
teflon. He was arreste d d e lig i i . ;i japes been
tilatrio=:l4lllllrtoe for • farther beari ng.
HO will brObably be honerablY sufnufGcu
allosplletty and Perfection Combined.
:•The most perfeettroost easily operated. most
SWIM Oonstrnoteo. most durable, =MA e fa.
clent for all lrlods of sewing, and In short the
/ma and elteavagiullfachlne In ths toorUl N a nhe
vrim w. a Call at the Agency 27
Fintrstreet, see etexateh the floe asikpftrownt,
AIM reoetvee for ilr !Maw.. -
.7-- —,-
Ariested en saspiefers. -
Archie Lawson is a character well known to.
the pollee of our city, and to tkome - wlto.r sad
the police reports. - Not much him been heard.
Of /treble of late, but yesterdej lie fell under
the watchful eyes of Wader aipples;'ol the
Mayor's police, who judged from the peetabir
ity of Lawson's manner that "sciniething net,
altogether right was ins the wind.. He there.
fore kept a close watch of the “chappyu. dat
ing the aftenmn.e about nine o'clock In
Lawsonin beencer became convinced that
hadstealing, and on 'that sus.
Melon arrested him at his boarding place the
Great Western Motel, On the way to
Of ths
e lock.
up Archie made anxious istennsome
caps. Followinirthislead, conker (hind.% re.
turned to the hotel, ou_Water streetotear
Wood, and ascertained that We prisoner had
sold a new CV to one of the boarders for one
dotter. Lie found Mils boarder, arm discover
ed that the cap in question was a - fur - cap
worth about ten dollars.. It stoleiry Pew,
and had unquestionably bee. Lawson
bed also sold another new.cap worth three
dollars, for one dollar. Beth caps are now at
the Mayor's office awaiting - 'identification.
Lawson is in the lock-up 'for a bearing.
Criminal boort.
In the Criminal Corot Yesterday, before the
lion:Judire - Stowe. the following business ,
transpired: - • •
Michael HMIS, tried for stealing a codfish,
was acquitted.
The next case was that of Commonwealth •
vs. William Morgan'' indicted for assault
outragellets. .witn intent to " comm.
upon Mary Williams. The same cue
was tried at the last term et Court, but the
jury failed to agree, anda second trialbecamo
necessary. The prosecuting witness is about
domesticears ot age, and was employed as a
by Morgan. The offense was alleged
to have been committed on the 31st of July
last. The jury found a verdict of not guilty,
but divided the costs between the prosecntrix
and defendant..
Commonwealth vs. John Dongan, indicted
for incestuous adultery with hi step dat
ter Margaret M a itchell, daughter s
of his wife n by
a former marnage. The defendant resides
near Courtney's motion,. and the girl lived
with him. Tee offense is alleged to have been
committed on the 9th of October last, and at
divers other times. The girl ls the one on
whom Michael Sullivan wits charged With har
ing committed an - outrage, and lot which he
' was tried last vreek. in this case the Jury
failed to agree and were discharged.. The In
dictment'against D0111:1111 VAX' found an an !n-
lodged by Patrick Brown.
The jury was out at the , time of adjourn.
Ilamiltaa, brought from Johnstown by
oMcer Wrigley, as elsewhere reported, was
brought Into COnrt was process by that offi
cer. The prisoner ordered. to pay a line
of 130 end the costa of the case. lie did so
and was released.
thio. draw, of. Harrison township, was
brought up on a charge illeal liuor selling.
He plead guilty and was fined MD and casts.
Joseph byeekto en also plead • guilty to a sim
ilar chat ge and was ordered to pay a fine of
1135 and cents. .
Court then adjourned.
Low Priced &lad Good—The Emerson
To meet the wants of the great number of
persons who desire to possess a piano, but do
not feel able to go to the expense ot , the Mal
est make, and yet would have only a g ood
substantial one, we have made a Mon careful
examination of all the lowest priced pianos
made in the eilted States. The result of tale
examination: is that we have found 'those
made by W. P. Emerson, to be the best Pianos
for tho prico, and Um - cheapest good pianos
that are made. They pre most Aubstantially
built, on the soundest acoustic prMelludst tho .
Is the best quality prone Seasoned ;
the tone rich and pewerful.and the touch easy
and elastic; each one is provided with the the
full iron frame, and eTerStrUngl bias. . They
stand well in tune and wear well inelrFar
tictiler; this wo know from actual Ca.
The difference in price between the Emerson
Plano, and the more costly .makes, latausal
by the most rigid economy In the manufac
ture consistent with excellence, and
by a saving ' - of labor on these parts,
neither :effect the Pane or durability.
We do not pretend nest the ' , Emerson . la the
lowest priced piano made; teeny can be bought
at a lam intro. Such pianos we do notkeeP.
having found by our own and others experi
ence that being =o poorly made they soon give
way, lose their tone, become harsh and dis
cordant, and give no satisfactionto the owner,
but are a constant source of expense and an.
noyance. A piano of this kind - a bad in
vestment, and really the dearest piano any
one can buy. We do not and will not keep
them for sale. Finding the "Emerson" such a
desirable piano, we at onco secured the excite•
sive agency for them for rituilmrgla and sur
rounding country, and having made special
contracts for a regular weekly supply for
long time to come, we can offer them at un
usually advantageous rates. All persons de.
siring the best cheap piano in the market,
u ncouan gto xm he e r
t k h ind " . E m L e be o rnld b
ount to clergymen,
_teachers and csali custo
mers. Charles U. Mellor & SI Wood street,
In February last a party of men, of . Whom
one was James Hamilton, attackedl*lcer
-Mitchel Began, of the night pollee, and beat.
Lim. All except Hamilton were arrested end
convicted of assault and battery. Ilauditon
escapee, and was net beard of until recently,
when the Chief of Police in Johnstown wrote
to Chief Hague that the missing assailant was
there. A warrant was sent from here and:
Hamilton was arrested. Oa Monday,. officer
John Wrigley, arrived lathe process from :he
commitment, went to Johnstown after the
prisoner. lie returned with liattilltent yeller.
day, having brought him securely through, us
I k the prisoner
iinetraoleowauyAdarii.deTuhe offlct:ir
of District Attorney Daft Hamilton, a af fter .
paying a fine of tip and the costs, was re.
The Christ tan ablarels /Fair.
Last night the Fair and Festival -under the
auspices oi the _Christian Church, opened in
Excelsior final, Allegheny, With a large atten
dance, completely filling the . Hall. A band
discoursed most excellent =nide—and a large
and varied display of goods, arrested tne
attention of the visitors. The various de
permeate were well supplied with .a Testae
sortmont of fancy and useful articles, and the
tables were covered with the luxuries of ;the
season. Two dewing Diachipen, a Florence
and a ilowe—are to be elspoeed Of bYluturcril.'
Lion, and riven to persons . depending on the
needle for support. -Today"Fed thronghout
the week, dinner will be arovldea at
and supper at six o'clock.
litqueetNesseladed. ••••
The jury ompanneled by Coroner Clawson,
in the case of Joseph White, who Was found
dead in the. coil yard of F. C. Kegley, besldis
• the Pennsylvenialtallroad; in the Fifth ward;
Mone Nth inst,concluded emir investiga.
ast evening, and returned a verdict to
the effect that the deceased came to Ms - death
from causes unknown. it was supperod at the
time Of the discovery of the remains that death
had been causedbg being run over by theatre.
but no evidence in proof of that wu adduced,
and the injuries wereof such &character that
they might have been caused by Ulnae over
the embankment of the railroad, as readily as
by being rat Oyer .., , .
The ellPorl or sae Ilesseisn'tie Allegbe
wy.—The authorities. of Allegheny .were as
mach bothered, on tlnnday and "Monday, as
were the anthorltiesor Pittsburgh, by parties
who persisted to reckless , snowballing., The
sameeennte of treatment; 'however, works a
partial cure. Several offenders were arrested
and brought before the Stayer, who geed
them.! Tire result was beneftelalomul bravery
little snowballing afflicted - the people goiter
Lama3r of n Verne coek.—James Rice ,
a chicken fancier on .Market street" Cann
fare Alderman Morrow yesterday and chat ged
Olive; Brown end Witham Patch with the Mr
caul, Of a game cock :worth 03" Me Mod
that On Monday th stwo Accused ideated I
end 113 they Were going away, he discovered
the chicken ender-Brown's coat. - Warren"
were stied for the arrest of the accused..
Ito rible Accident.-At aime bouren Moe - .
day evening, amen named John Taylor wan
engaged in elniveding snow from iite,_„- 12 4. 1 " su or r i ,
traok belonging tO th e lAmbrilet i r . ai m rim
in Johnsterwn, when ho wee e to u ic .
over b
h y hi l e leocOgernotive bee n
ige was norribly -
Both were cut og. a
reutione of hie body,
ant, and mangled in ° lb" '••
lie died during the Med..
Paine et daltlintane—roF itortatitly.
itlating all a nkles or of..Prt. br e
rl orm_aa
silver, with OuredallsrA;hi., inAtlrcirigr.d
plolreviellnae.usDg Wirral:awl to contain CO quick.
vi don soy_ injurious article. For
4 , 0 „,„,. Alleghooy.and all tll7
gles. •
Asir Bowery Theatre 'Deltrorld•:
Nair Tons; December- - 1L —the now Scram
" . ThotttrO, was destroyed by Are this afternoon.
New Yosz„Dea.lB.—lhe Are Nair Pow.
isty Theatre nitrite ont at half put four, vhdi
very few persons. were in the building, and.
they escaped before the' tunes trade much
Progress., li,andisoovered under the Mau;
and apnea wobArest rapidity sums th e i n .
damable =term stared on
the stage, and be;
taro the pm departmentarrived the Osumi
had -eotamenteatec)l*-Vi this interior of the
alluding, of Indehtt soon gained satire Pm
ses•lon. ,In twenty minutes the tear ' rit4t.
NaltabOth *WOW; tilir Into
the street en=
teXllllO - gria, Rat4Slit47 at OSS S .S.
Zs floaa attar, the roof and side wads fen.
crizahin everal iuSiols.lDg /ow ild-Me• • At
. b_alti= Otre Ceolocit the front Wl n Sew Idle
tut, di7. lieTerld
lire nerrtuty essay.
. - • ,
troass nuruisueßarktuburxis„ri. .00.11111313 of
vandals., cartrii)arill3,goscremdeitalption
ti.L433 . = rim
rtmersl tlooal 111191.1,00. noolal
LLD.. Tbomu NAME. w. 0 .6
Maar. Zap. •
No. 196 Stniihneid et., cor.
intrawn from Banat% et ti.)
WrZTTEß33l:rl = t 4 3rl3..
AND to SktiDUISKT erraarr. '
• r, r si grArv.
R. !E. MUTE 4 •
- Manchester, Wood's Ham .ad victitty.
Ostrigrai ea asa aid Martian 'tracts..
Busse and Corrfares furnished.
1i :I
I Wylie Si ft 3d door from sth. •
Q. 08 Sr trim et.
THOMAS ItOßElTTEL ,, tretitivirer ,
h. In account with the blzth - Ward wr.hool Board:
To balance on hand, u ecemixr :Z. MS ... $ IS Ni
To aznault r.ealred from Jorepli A. Bunn . - ' 4
41oilectar . $ 4 444t 9$
To. balance dae Treasarer • St 4.
balance due .
. Total amount. N
.. Credits. . •
By anent payment an d Interest on dsrelling4 SO7
By_amoont plid for coal.. • - =0 So
To moans paid for grading and paslo g
Franklin street . .. . V. 11
. .
To anon at paid Mr ....... • and ...ail. I, r 7 de. 31811
By amount pa.4l for J atlitor, salmi, 74
soma 'sod us. 5f4
By num.. r pill for blickbaltrdll, repairs
1, •
and Incident.' 4....pesta. .147
- - -. -. ' ----
Total amount • • $3.817 C
We, the oneers gned, haring been appo int d 7 to
Audit nisi amount of Thomas ttoberts.• 'greamanar of
the Sixth Ward School Board, h.rtng • attend-a to
that duty do and the above statetaent of ton same
to be comet, tearing .a Online ,. due Treasurer of _
U t
i3p., -- 0 - :,. 7Nr!!:,qpi
33.crir le craws.
UMIL li2F F HALVE Ex.w!ttmn
Chiia &Bohemian Fumy Goode,
No: 100 Wood Street.
In effrettmsly threka the Draft. Dratilstrs. tea
Seat. Vreients all escape of ides or emote into the
room and is readlir applied tom , * pip. or flue
A. 4, Lewis. Nontaornery county, Yu, lanes:
"1 hare already sold Dampers lu mi county.
end est et, you to send roe 50 • More.". , .
Mr. French. paid 4:A for Salem C 011114), S. J.„ acrid
CODDainperr, and tuer, elated out hla Interest In
the countr for $4ll - 5. al,ritnin six at. eat. J:
The. D. mend is oaf eeeeeeeeee Prolit•larr.
Bend stamp for circular."
. .
JOSUC./. /1110D79..r. W. U. AND1:34031
ly owned by,hl rest . KING, Ye t NOC t CO.,
rerPeaftny Worn the hurdle we slit oontfnue
the resurifecture of
Sheeilligly Cotton Yarne. Carpe
Chains, Candle Wislc
and . Balthig..
Orders ins/ bie left et the °dice of the WOrte.
Plr.TBl3lllloo .:11.111E1rEllr,
Corner °Waves= WU shA Barker's Alibi'.
- PittillamnXigkle 22°Ch e
Gas and Steam Fitters,
In Great Variety,
$1.6.7 CI
No. 11 11rih Street. Patobor
89 SS 89.89;59 89J49 $9
~. . .
• liciTO 4'9
ri. CP 13 MS.' Slr 9
89 Vffarket Hired,: 89
.. • A.B7.BET;youp. .. ' ... t i 9
, - . 9 .• SR
z .J T: T I T. .
.0 1 3 : 5 117 5
1 1 tyx BE RT ' v 7 -
. .89
i TO AUCTION 0000$ HEFT. • 89
1 JillES )10!3fA!' 89 Markettit: 09'
89 89 84£19 83 88,89.. E S9f
thaildeliere 'tad Brackets, LeEd
Pi pes p u mp, Sheet Lead, frai,
j Wood Street, near Stith.
vitamin ut:
fine 'Watches, ClDas, Jewelty
No. 214 Imam Brun?.
virus. . 1 9 i 2 ,,a` I t t s n ;f0 se=
-DRUZ - -ROSE ii - CO.L •
, •
• -• •
ROB/1W 1101/BESII r,- . •
111-1-cood. Wad re 0118
aste be oggearilabe R=lll voulidi
cue eneo-,...„... ^elec.! tete to . be 80931
•VOirrlttlrel LIVER, 1/1111,1+,berrie,,,
Tlretetroot aver Illnaostealwebtbry
.1.1.rga....T0r *good (VINO B,ol7lCazok or
VA:. nous ;,.llterirtialreCoaidoirern
UttWL'e. ita..l40 4-4 411 ,4 #ll