PATEPIIELL'S IiATES&BELL'S WWI REIMS FOR TRE EEO Merinos, Empress Cloths, PoPlins,. 'lan Plaids, Poplin Plaids, • Victoria Cords, Evening Silks; Dress Silks, .. Cloaks, Shawls; Blankets,l3almorals, 4 Plaid Flannels. BATES . 4i SEWS. BATES' & DEWS. WI MAmMisi 4;1Lr00144t" 78 iiiidi**)W4'!ltieet. sza woa [OM, • - aVirZt. CASES. - .. WAV i t jaa i r4 csattraddorrs, _ • TiLIIVELI33* BATC I I I%O I4I 3M,' Rc sue~eo O lD E N Ferrammrs. °P r itiursTAliDerains. °E-"73 l "Rltrili%vir" "A°"ll l ralgb scaare. itooptgi usz.isini iiraerwarm.,Lp. ; ~BALE BULL!. AC- OE litoreieepras IP lit tad It to their adrantUtro to aunt theirll4ocktrum our. WLotessle Department. 407 • rs 7nnyr swami atoBjELOBNE & 00. BM 11 T ' Ira aqui. ' weiimmut. nod s esaiiiigraavaijumed` ant sis Is Asslrsble hsAtir JUJU B4W, *Vag V= .3l. l•o=lltailWtrt t ‘I.*".g_SFALT*SI: .Frnit• .-' 7 0, 4 IL: Arl :" Xembssidered la • Isibill• • 1 rr • • Laces sad Lace floods. • 134 avi TrillimissirssulC • . '" • " 110aFat1* csintaelei. muistvissrall Vs • • • • , sad &111,415 , d es ra, vval s a nu; -43=raesti2lOWMandiasidrilrit.", -trars- I.4o4l3sshissM Lon.. sSid Kw' Nl= TinOCISMIZMIPS• OCIOrI gescrilVerdpirs. lad 0 . 6231344 tiths - Xo• Wag% eltiskiiiteiiaebb*lioasee: 'Not. and. TO Market .Street. .4 va ,cucza mimic Muslin trIi(IMFOU, XWirLO UlderW Oar, Wool Underwear, El Metd' 'lose " Wiwi Balt WO Hose, French flospeadero, idOrican gasiseldens reicritsomint, - I sctmolimos„sugzvzstrirrolus. Jimmy PEAS. NECK TINE. LINEN AND PANIILCOLIJUNII & CLEM MUTATION )LINEN DO DO LINE`( ANDNILIN ILINDSEWIIL I.E. BATON 17 Fifth St. del MACRUM & CARLISLE, ie Fifth Eitzreet. INAGNINICENT HOLIDAY PRESENT& Blat:6ll4lodirOrk BOZiek • • • Vb Otal,saladkeritlitt WWI! Boxes; attfu=irrer tt b ; its. Belt Clatostilaa.Witil . 0,10[010011MIZ:ZIII Biell• • - Wipes* at cholas WIWI= of • sad ['Lace Goods; • lato sad atorowerea Ladle!! WsWoroll•careat - ••• -letseimote - asietti4 (Coves; _ - LV EsSad am tl iz , At il irrt, conigete:ithek; -1114ORME&CABLIBL E . Oaro tant T gjk_LC_ICSM "z 5 'st.aairs andlitteeßoti •OD Brat •astaillied Paper collars, Llain ltaltatioSCoilarer . • Tbe iebirtoearrentee to att Braelers Daotas Tailatlo Skirts, all alrearTo Dealers at Banubstnterr Prices; • Ourtattsestock at LEW' TILLS HALT THEW C°im'IICMOBCOBNTIS 'AND 'DBALItaIi wlll tine oar. taw muck reduced; and man, articles at lets two toot, la order to close out. _ Ladles attel tionwnett wtat to__lne!taH_L ll l l l7. ruseXett;trilimet ea. IdAoßlllti dr, 'GAMBLE; 19 TITTH nasal. -.a :y El El WHOLESALIGDIST GOODS. AlNCTifif BILVINON & CO., N% 115 Wood SI. I Pittsburgh , sale 111 at OM suet rfttlyips. s sB;s2lMeill UT GOODS INO NOTIONS, Which they offer at NE EASTERN PRICES 111 The Attention of Dealers iz baited orramitt_. - mows minim ex trat A r c m. 3.-44.14- 2r a virev wi ti ."l2 : ll.. 4:II.IPTUWE OA y tM am sines. AM AAA have UALVANUA at WO of las m Wats of th• Mood UAL sat such oUsr moral Teumil MOITOr PM*. wet, Aneosny. or nurroundlog twroustis u as etirsr dimpn Un litteet... AAA on. M ns s Cotlialsea Atforirtne NA on. I IRE l arplylrla OF ALUDGELEIri. vox aromnisoa vrgil*swam", toe cpeteatum to toe New. .C:21.4k our selNet to the settee otos Vison Berathies rrtrasti,!r2loll"l"3/14011. 1014). Dtt GWDS, BALE.'-' -*.'.;,:..;-:'.:•.-''--:'; DRY GOODS, MOHR HUMERI, T 01.141."13311tirr• InclndlnifitLetire Btocic of liner sooDa ;Jarchow east sem Gnite.T REDUCTION, n Km Fold telly AO percent. tessiban price* Tan ...At TWO CASIS TINS BAHATIMIL : CLOTHS At .10 ell from 8V tint! TWO CAEOLO DASH PLAID rowtt,ms. At 4o ante• . -Iteduted trete T 3 tents FME. EOPfs. ♦t 59 cents. _90905 Ito% 75 emits ONE CASE nLacKracfm mimmos, At i4eoimiTarel. Redue4 from ONT, CASK RIDE BLACK ALPACCAII, _ Adduced 56 cents on iT•ra PLAIDS. POPLINX,'EXPIIEfitiCLOTIM. REPPN. EBE!PCII PLAIDS,MOHAIRS New Dress (400ds If est pm:Used. And 711.1 be add at a LARGE. ritrivenoll. BIANKET9'AitiI REDUCED. - - Domesiic REDUCED. PRINTS AND , 14.1.711101EML isznwespoNE muff, , - , ornnt. rrobiob,C. war:ORY GOODS ATA ~SfgE CLOSING_ OW SAM $50,000 WOMITTEI OF ME nui N 6x.acrr3 $lO,OOO Worth of s• DRAWERS, MkUIRPM• ~AITL ggisTS, .~: WWEI Reat +A ' Also, $5,.000 Worth of Gloves, Of al JaaipfieA Oki 4 ACTUAL COST G GOODS: FOR EgY DAYS, AND MUST BE SOLD 3eftininlaW7ltg ' nlf. NeW 9ppeoette the _Union Depot, 412714,4 - or Store iiter Throttle& together 2°lttort. Shebang: ttlxrw Cates. as" tor axle. J. D. itiszwizir, 384 p 4 338 liitifirtyBtreetrl IMEM=I CHEAP DRY GOODS FOR alingram moms. A *OTHER LOSOF TUE CHEAP- 4-.ZST 111.111111.108 AND Tian= CLOTHS 41 9ke, City. Also shill sisortmnt of PLAN AND HANSIZD poiVNrs. ISLEACIEBD tristrArD MINN - ILIMILED At: PULLIN VOVIV111!. FLO- . ' Call aid sectless, at 5 `J. LYNCH'S, '' • 3scro. thtmi•ic otistc, dein; ;stetwerioritai et ttt:na niasunia. WlLLlAm . .iyio;gft; arcomsos To , MILLER WHOLESALE OROCEIRS, Brandies, Wines and Cigare Nos, 221 and 2234 Corner of • Liberty and Irwin BireetB, Reif NAILS, COITON TAMIL AL, OLIifBICONIULDESS CO, ihrltWiziMpt. CASs At CO.) NivacWutazam zuraragas sa . rounurno - soutsric ay "Zirewell. l llll 4l :icatil O lt " •Tietriamoulporiptasion 4111,70- - , 1,1917.41TR13114.rk. - ga 31114176 /. 0 : ,4,17, ortlinrs, GRUINVIUMBI4O a. as. sixEscromr.-aprover, boa ot Near the SUOlMlllPPlirlidteg _ alma ALWWWWIT Ualr. ZA. 01 7 11 AND MIRIAM G &c CLDLITIONAL Loon:tan o run i4or.) C bust Court. The Court open at the usual hour, Judge Stowe imam h. - The following Paste were disposed of • The n the cane pf Conrad _Schadaried on Friday bust anon. inlitetutent lorseeping form ferocious dogs, agreed upon a verdict of not guilty. The plaintiff was required to pay the costs of prosecution. Tne next case was iltat.of John ll.Cribel; In. dieted for the larc , ef an overcoat and gloves from E. M. B righam, on the Mth of No. rember last. •et the t me. Cried was arrested a man named William Thompson was also taken in custody as an - accempliee. • The Grand Jury ignored the bill againstthe latter, however. During the trial off Cribet the evi dence showed Thompson to have beenequally guilty, and the Court required him- to enter ball in the sum of flve hundred dollars to ap pear before the next grand Jury, -In default he was jail. T r ite jury found Cribel mon ths ,tynd the Court sentenced him to three lmprisonment in the County EU 92 jail. Catherine' Franey; of Temperance - mile; was indicted for selling liqueramithent license. She plead guilty to the - Indictment and was sentenced to pay aline of $l5 end•the Mats of prosecution. James Martin was indicted fOr committing_ an assault and battery noon Joseph 5 1 - Knox, a colored man. The defendant was Dar keeper at the Merchants. Hotel, - and had , been In• stracted to prohibit colored_ persons, from drinking demanded. Knox went into the bar . room and a drink. Martin refused and a quarrel ensued. During the disturb; ance Martin heeled& tumbler at Knox, which struck him over the eye, andindteted apart" ful wound. The jury found & verdict tit guilty and the Court sentenced the defendant MVO' a line of 00 and tests, and to undergo an - im• prisonirent of fifteen dayein the county Intl. George limiter and Balser . - Ittehmand were Indicted for abusing a horse belonging to N. P. Duff A. Co., proyrietors of alivery stable at the corner of Tad Lane and . Liberty street, Allegheny. Mr. Dnfly;the • prosecuting wit ness, testified that on Sunday, October last, the defendants hired.. a valuable. iron_ grey horse from him. The horse was is good con dition when he lett the stable in the meriting, hat when brought back in the evening, he ap- WitVto de -suffering flout. 11l -treatment. II &Mamas covered with huge Welt& an* -patently indicted by a whip. The horse lam been - unlit for use since that time, and for set oral weedire it was thought death would result from the treatment. Witness said lie had fre.' quently refused two hundred and fifty dollars for the animal, but it could not he said for one hundred now, Seifert/ WittieWles wee celled, and conoboratedtheevidenoe Of DA, In' regard to the condition of the horse.' I d the' defense, a number el Wiinoteta.WhO had been One with the defendants "it; other - buggies, were called, and testi fi ed - that they had with them during the day. They did not me defendants abate 'the' horse in ahy :way; and' testiftecithat the defendants dbl not drive any fester than the Other Virile) who were eut. Tha city returned a verdict of "lathy, and the debn i idiusts,, were senteneed tonal a dae:Of 415 and costs each. and to undergoan impris onment of ten days In the county Mil. sfisatitotiatt was placed on teal for ferule*. tlonendibiumudY,- Ile plead NotteConbradre and was-ordered to DaY.s l .s o lOr Week for /her years for the.mantalwaseeei the °Opting. James Starr was found guilty of having stolen shirt from J. Andrews, and was The to the mere of the court. Thai ilidenelant was to undergo" prisonment °idea days In the County Jail. • I James Mundy was tried for the larceny of a inn of,elothee from Win..Blll,Wirt. The two partho-beerdedlogether. and , on 'the sebond Of September lest the clothes In question were Motel. - A - verdict of wilily was rendered and the prisoner sentenced to cubs ymr and en months Imprisonniont,in the - -Weatersh. Peat ' tentlary IV In. email wee next.phseed on-trial for the larceny eta tone from John Munitall on the Gib era November. lie was Maud guilty and sentenced to an imprisonment of one year and six menthe In the Western Penitentiary. The next ease was that of Alachua Bliss. a boy, charged with the larceny et a codfish, worth. miventydve mate, from; eeeph Link uer.lll- grouer,On Penn' street, the Ninth Lard. The jury wall out when we left the AND ALL Elii! =II MEE MEI all °moats WalU - up imroirrzra or ierrvist'acm, PA. , Oniilistlim bane 121: Illmettngkeor*Vieitielt lasteum, 3141/AS D/TOBA . A.T.SITII Itkitem,givethe folleishig hfelitiorC yorirlocal ceirtmlis The :11edildirret Lyeltemi - of ."Etturbigiwtat held their regular sneettng in Bedford Saturday evenitig the lith inst., and we were pleased to note flee attendance. . The per:. Andrew Burt; A. neontiOd • the chair. 56. imt Reading 12.10:11iler; subject, ttafireo Doszaria," wee ret:dared to excellent • styli. and elicited commendation. Lectures Humanered by TWA= Disfilo‘Vily tat t " IBMlttuela.7, gO B4l l stibieetr=scross the Isthmus of Pauates,"" ante ; by At W. Sallth. ants: Jour Lyeeumr - by Andre* Iturt A. an ea: t•The True Gentleman." well studied an finely deltireseL, .4 debate then followed, subject wrrrk of mature morel° be , ~.g than the work of Art. , ' The alarms livewastakewtrY BADMIAM 2 Dellksitir-d attiris by Riley and Witter. Both Man were men or and the . opponents,_contended 'earnest:lY far the victory, rhish was awarded ;by the lodges to the negative. The exercise , mere very entertaining indeed, and highly ereditebter-Sortheageerikt: .ehich% ao . doubt mak* tiatiaacrk in this Muntounity. We Mope the animus of Burs=u42.lirllt esteem of and show their crake yawls of their young Mee. lit ;his means of intellectual culture and nd. utiV43l4tioittemi aid IWeert.meatall It wiate . Mut hearty suppurt or which Stir: • Patent OPlee Improvements. Red tape does not affrays stand in the woe beneficial changes, and we are glad to not one etumgo which must &Wife our numerous class of Inceptors as exceedingly desirable. The olyl, clumsy form in which letters patent were formerly issued was discarded a fw Weeks ADM by Commis/inner yhefilter, and a new one adopted, in every way inverter. The size la reduced 00=15= inches to loxIS. The old entrepresenting one of thepublio buildings of Washington, is replaced by • beautiful en. graving in whilst:rail the depertments of mo. ehante.M. Invention are ntly represented, with agriculture, commerce, Internal improve meats; and the other general Indices of pros. parity and enlightenment. The specifications innsmir. ly and neatly ted, and the draw. attached In such awa y us to bo conven ient for reference. .The drawings are also to be photographed,so that inventors can obtain any' desirable number of copies of their pn. tents at a trifling expense., The credit of these improvemenu is doe; we understand, to Hon. T. t hu sbeaker, Commissioner of Patent', who ha far, during OM term of *face, shown Ihimself in every way qualified to : awning() the arduous and often' perplexing duties be. longing to his Position. • • : . Catehlng a Burglar,.. .. The Williamsport Bulledn, sayss--hliont one **electron Tuesday morning, Urea r.Bitinday proceed Mr. It.; and cellist his attention - to n an nusual polio. He soon — satlidedhltaacilf that someone was attempting to enter the dwell ing (which is over Lowe- is •Mundars store.> and proceeding to the leek window, which opens upon a porch, be found a man c rawling head formost thron' tile window. Mr. !Sun day caught him by the shoulders and ut dad very kindly assissted WM Into the room, b not handle bun very delicately. The noise bro nght Mr. Mundars father to the scene, anti the burglar was taken tO another - room and gu rded by Mr. Mandel, ar.ild lllo IL F. Dion went ont sad procured a police officer, wit° came and took the fellow Into Custody. Me was takenbeforethe Illayorand committed for trial. The afternoon previous, Mr.ll. had drawn 04000 from thee Bank to take to the woodss - the next morning.' It 11 supposed that the burglar must haVe known this fact, and In tended to possess tillusellof the Panda, A Preoes4 for • bids. One nundred and ten dolfsra for an extra Ruth% full case; zosewood; 'Wald with path co for an extra faith, halt ease, mahoileari Valor a black walnut Improved Yhthie Lyon; Weed sewing nouthineli, 'stitches alike on both alder bat to use, alwayaready . to go its work , has been ut tiso 'for ten yeo3lo, and eyes satisfaction in all - cases. They_wlli Yen two years without cleaning, and will do all kinds of fatulW. awing and tailoring, , using thread from no, 10 up tono. ltai will run over seams _without breaking eedles °Tian.. .1)1111( situ:hest wlll sew fru= - the finest gauze A* the heaviom cloth or leather Without change 10 feed needle or Le/WOO ‘, It not super ior to any machine In the market ato :return is-the cheapest , machine by` 211 per cent. In use--wariardea tout . years. Sao- advertise =ant In another column, -WU. 'Long,agent, TTO A neld Rubbery.lietweee ten and eleven o'clock on Saturday forenoon, dorilltithe ab. lsonoe'of Mr. Monty fallber.t. flare . 4i o rOt i itintillharg. soma 1101111013 robbed ltur safe or s pocket book eons/amine .a-loggs diumbor of bonds, bank notes and Valuable papers: Mr. lisa taken arms money from I,ho .sate and clewed the door without looking it, tigid the robbery meat herb barn committed by tome_ 0110 wh custome r s tn there. 'X f o renoon, was full of during tho and none of Lite clerks nail Mum to keep an eye on Ablates't a boybis Strdfoldt appeared before Aidatuan Morrow. yesterday morale', and made information charging . Mr", -11ouck with asitault and battery. Tiro earth,. ere neighbor" eaCfeeddo 'au 'PonnlrYlean la 'Menus, near Sam shoot; it is alleged that on tito -.134t Maw. ilia recessed - ,essatilted tine child or the dot:anent. a Mal bey of live years, and . kicked bill yiolentiy I n tire 'brio. Mon, and Met the child L. still quite from the effects -.01-...cp0 sassult... A warrant ,was • Good lean to Steal Prom.—The 1 &doll% Rellelin says s A man from listrrls.• borgrno cam° to the cid: on Wednesday nigh was robbed of his Valls° eontalnlng clothing and one handrail dollars In Irlolley. law the thlet take the valise from the 1 Permsylvards, Railroad ass' and get into a Market street, vaasenger oar. lie got into the same oar with but for SUMO allowed the thief to get away with the= Imo ramarAsaku.s 96A% ta, of •Beserre wooing. yesterday - edrounk , tot felon Frederick Weise. ta await hie trait Coast on two charlesat only h im yeses; One aflame was prelerred imams dm by Ma, Erntstina SWAIM", adol,Ule other by - John. d drew Atampp, bar Istudosid... roar Weiss will undoubtedly and-that foduilyd: hard row et situate Octant's is Out of his wrap°. . _ . L.Agaidstia..--On Thursday lut - kir. John actimakahcot alltrazgal ternatilia-Jdulata nt Wady, met whirs as aimildant. na ' a In tlin ' coda tellhig at tber. and a Vac he bad ng Mgr loose lothisd at Ainottier standing alma bi, L -traii= a a i whiah tlia and ataitalailn alatuntica• on..the . bead want - a amend daidandairmuud.atainytw,h it 10 mop, to will as mower. - - EARLY TELEGRAMS. PROM NASHVILLE. The_Metlal Presentation to Gen. Thomas. OUCHES OF GiV• Immo AN GIN. ;MOBS. An Oil Strike in Terinessep: . . Nssavuss, December 16.—The heavy =it! yesterday afternoon sadly interfered with the programme for the Celebfittliin of the Walt. versary of the battle of Nashville. The we nn:elle, were cmilined•to . the Cspitol. A large number of persons were present. Govinnor Brogniew made a speech. presenting Genets' Thomas, on behalf of the State, the magnhi. cent gold modal. The Governor paid a just and glowing complituent to General ThOMIS. General Thomas briefly replied, earning gold en °pintails isy his modesty and the appropri ateness alas remarks. interesting speeches weresolso made by Senator Damon and Repro. sentative Munn- It is stated otilmaily that the committee to recover the school fund report to the Govern or that they. received •front. the % Tennessee Nationalilank at flempbals,o32. and twen ty-three State bends, of each, and made satisfactory arrangements, for securing the remainder—about 'SAO* They also report `the condition of the bank solvent. • • The work of removing the remains of the. Union soldiers buried /Waite city abel vicihity to Nashville (Mmetery, on. the north - "Ida et thoGumberrland, has been oom- Ov e rton . An oil well has teen struck in conn ty, hundred onneesee. which flows at the - rate of one A couple et salt wellsare in> ppersitien Warren county- • - A large num - bin : a 1114P04 . 11411.1tea Otretlith' Atlanta, Georgia, on ThUntaknott their _slit from Smith Wallas to Arkansas . Us wore. lor one hundred arid - fifty dollars, with food, elothintS _ _ , ' -The ture.tif as ad laws feigners - the privilege 'Of owning real este . Teel also painertg ram intim thanking the Yetetnclasus for cern sent:or distribution to ths,indigent poor of Geomis. J. id:Conley, litho was arrested fart:Win 'Dm Hunter over sk iota. ago, but wheelies froisi4coesbora ja% has been „regard in Illinois and taken book teionasbora. •-• The steamer Rattler( Iran claotnastt New Orlesnejoaded , wtth provisions, Organ snag near Island N 0.37, on Thiinehly,Miltss aaa * gam mullets an entarielosm al of - Om crew are supposed to berg b TUE SOOTS. - - The Georgia ileyVeteeit by Ibie , canoe jostles—AU Oreer grim e.aeral sisneta mode, lailkilielne—Al Id seelathint el Washington's ILVirdiDgeo el SMosidalatillier. 9asiontsw,Deoembarl7.—TheGoveraorsent to the Senate on Saturday his TKO of the bill to extend Rate aid to the eavennah, Effie andlitorth Atabamgßallosad. He also vetoed the but to allOw the rode:rot reel estate width' two years alter and the Ilollag algal WU. Toe vetoes' of Sat two vivre kliklabitd. the homestead Mil was p. 4 wet the veto by Wittier-it to are. bob was last In in Oho douse a resolution wad adopted Mk, ing Commies to establish an essay stiv Masai atiii! Mina - Both bruise-ties adionnled M % „ I gigi _— oulton Deo.ll.—lncOureillessoll-- from Gilnenil aoudad that all Govars 7 alq bored and mules In the bends of prissier par. ties shall tie Even aßtgnehavtataeon vita. out bill of sale are rapidly running than DSO InutsriZak /.ke irt' , l%"D Drown , * litanies mill on Moo. street. eel. lapard Ulm' does this sumiWn& IllitTleS the bailer a oonsbilseabledlationie it=i-M aMs hie. huhu; Ur. Used. watchman. and lhjor lge 06t=114 OWO 4I . ODA mule was Idlledesul Normal injuro Lotrtenu s. Dec. 77.—.10nn T. 11. Smith. In Use employ of Collins 11k.Tden, w eincina t Z iluMociyoningion, New Tortoni on the Jedereonvine terrines; tap br inan named grialloskles. The porrocsUon was meld to be very might. _ FILT.DIMICILSCIMO, VA. DIVIIIADISe 17,411111141 1307 d Laois. a dosomdant of •. thilicaltWastv , Milton, was h o use, cirrietett lest Sim. Unit tleorSe DOlirt oat soinalsallaMilsewligto. ter in. killing Dr. Noss, wane are years ago. m e was sentenced to thren_years Ignd sir ouths to the oiralundlasy. Tao jaff rimgan mended th en prisoner to mere/. Ti11t.4 111 9 . • WAISUIGTOL An Animated Ittseilenteilis the ,-4fetT-Iteeiris ou the —A'atimesatea et Ingemm A T l VOrm Dedititair'l4llV44. itod. discuMdrat Is seiturint in the Senate g the reveal of the thirteenth section of AM. zesty law, which autaorizes the Frosideot to M e. ir:ea t ter Trumbull contends that the Prat; dent Imitate POlRM'ileder the Conan:ell= to M" beaft• 'ecovictiou, u the pardon wouhttloof theothmoe and not of the .con tion,ehthe perdon TEAK .Ip2 .ot the ege_nee, and MOW Use cotrehitheilt. - . 4 0..4 1 0 111 , 1 4 r 4=brietrafttietrejels" tf,114", of 7 ll4•Aztor will hot era:tithe power torestrie A Fortress ifonroo correspondent BIM of Jeff Darts relative to the capture of aureate: livery feeling of his nature mutts at the as seseleation, particularly of s op uch a man as Ur. Llnooln, who. alt MOopponent in a con test °Lanes, be hough respected for his Intserritio high magnaiduilty of character, and sincere tiny ladles dorotlen to what he Maitland Ilepaeli nits a delegation of western pro duce merchants are here to txy and have the Supreme Wert toreador • deaden that ware house receipts are negotiable paper. The courts of IllWois have decided they are not, which decision causes much embarrassmen t among the western produce dealers. - Notorious Hurstar Shot, lino Tons, Dec.ll.—Pat Ita.rret, • notorious burglar, Was shot last night by • policeman still* endeavoring to escape arrest. -Heeled. la a few hours after reaching the hospital. _ . Arrested lir Managing. NM? You,.. Dee. 17 Thomas- Allen, late candidate (or Alderman, and same twenty others. were arrested MS teeming while 1121. gaged in gambling. - LEA k MUMS' CINIZAIMEMAILTZED WORCESTERSHIRE ,SAUCE: ETIONWINCED • "" xsuuvr Isms from ICAL GISMIAL %DRAB, to ble ler at WOll.OllO at, Men WM. ell LEA & that their 7L t 1 highly u ed fa tnddb, gad z y p ri=l; ea the meet mum SAUCE =IBS. --r- 'thane ". The mann oral, deacticha and astlealled eincalmica having caused thsr c ol i rt=4 l e l t VINO r 0 P 41 7 1= 2. t 4criLlf and AAA AMY ot ato icce wick e Mile of _E& PERRI Band epee the • :out. LABEL, aTUrr rOTELE. Nazinteetnred by LEA &TERRIES, Worcester. JOHN DUNCAN% SON, .11 LW Tom AMSTIVOIITULE U. I. KANE'S PATENT CONSOISSEUI TO Os T Hysty GOOD ♦ND Artpc. EITZRX VAZI. PBTRAIRM SOAP. sommuntim,CHEAP a, BEAUTIFUL. ex wail nalt 11110110 sou 00111 W, • Ji6INJUPS PRTB &X& VI 11041 0 . I Alter untrorant=l:ll.ll.l* htftlr,ed,nsl itrzufi.fa Merl ts, lee the beet Tollerelqi? In the iiltrtrieggeltitis liieggATZMl.ll43.l: beteg eseelleugem:= l ,!r i em onel l e gr . ifirerrhltlrecitt itfep r lemma& leleret mire& gu CO 112t r i gle 3. e at the principal lernirglete sad OTCZIII nib t , "1" *WMIIIIIUCICLIS ...... U. MOIL/MO s pi oN CITY SPICK MILL. • STRICKLIIR&MORLEDCE , riru snuTr manor. ital . Penni. ATOM PITTISIVUOU. Ir.llDf >Q Dll perebewt tbe gore Olole . I L".11 11 I7 Ttr i Va b .or4r ref T leLlPANlEVnialrlib2lnt- eoF I t T ledi t . beg pit o va molten the hatieiteie V/• :in& formerly or the Coheres, Ite lee :111 1•11De031 bane at thetaht at elluesis to late= 10 the teekto of eoetolatri, - - 11111110ILLER* lIOILTDOE. v09:11971 . • ALUMS KIEFLNED . .. . , ciDER. Superior Article rog GRAFF it iararar 8010 MOIL 215 LOWY Big Maur" CM & IXL, W WI& BOILER MAKERS :SHEET IRON WWITLICIS, • 2041, 24 and *ll Penn St. Fumble seectre4 a LriOlard and farnlebad itsith me molt approved e1e27.. Ve USDrops/al to mantindrinee every dacripMent ot"Mellen. , n the ben punnet, and wuranuet equate atm sonde In Ow country. Cellmneys. Brocades, plea Bede. Butain Pipes. Locomotive BOUM. COadea ~ee4 Batt T 13110,44,1 BULL Agitators, Battling • nkgrata itcl B i nge la rti g i r s et r ikad ß r a omn• limmtring done on the ettorteetnotice. jetictt "LAKE 811:1PERMI .COPPER MILL AND SNIELTINCWORkS. . awriutosair. rAttic,. IIciCIIRDY. CO • Ilazottsetarers of Itheathlugs Brasiers , sad Bolt Copper, pressed Coner ISOUNIDI, Stalled BUB Bet totrageter Polder. ALKOmporters and dealers In Tin Plato Sheet Iron. Wire. at, Cog- Monti/ on baud. Timms. Bashful% sad Tools. Warehouse, 21 , 6 0e rallasesa 4 1 93 glgsnotlimarta. Pittsburgh. otters of - Copper sot to asp desired pattern. - . soyllhaleldtwT . . 0 - 1111rPITTSWURGH SAW woes.% 7. - orPllMMlTYßliitcytas, E l a arr a 4 t t ed OAST BTRl2loloery escrintion, Malay: Crnti Gan ,and all eleer Varieties. etli clads ef and 6Pa men =do front 06et Gast ;Itxtraredinelß/LAZZId and MOW -1210.11N1V168. rte. :AlirWareboaaa and Workt,, cornea WAran and imowr stuns. Pittabliel. attention d to raotoothing. .e l e 6 *FELTZ - KL6 '7 ll ll / - = XIV rat l i I m• ionahle rates. 1611032 1 W1(081E11014 REA. & N tow. to.scrsosom. wIEII MII .1. 14 i AR_ WORKS, pavane • M.ara="4tv tilaadit- MtlinarswilefroVia' °lrTalal fare mums IaraIIaIEDIALZNSTITIUTE FOB 1112)4.0.tal • ,80. .14 Roan) wriurgr. loan.. ituiroutioe, ow alaileat tartiatomaa; a Malt Oa //pedal ZUssates, la a saatat at apt tam. SirBII arm ins 4 wad for aaa yaa mat *Ararat a; torousayerkLiina • t ! "g6a" 911 1 0 2 .11reas Tr.4' taDta Larn i ft i7L NC7C a icy aisw YOWL Edam( (1);Fliql S. O. XING auPruned the males of Dastlstri at 31raki 104 2 1 3:311 I Taz •4`., tippoitte the Cathedral, 'bile Middies to mein big Mends and N _trona - VIE ap? la mod of th e surse. clan expencomd penal PRA.CTITIONKEL .. .. . ii• imam. will be ittivitto the iptenervs- OW most teeth hy_sktuttuy aumg•thea, most sleet IDALSTIII4 and lir eras( theta plow ibitstmont, ass posimlog th em for awl ontstort. In gulp* old his. ante teeth ot young permits skill .. • is and oorewstsa. _ boesottibl lite-ilke artintla• 1 too th , rcadered Issiol timbal by the sonbto of We DOc. tor . Zdtsralin, will be =Os Mar tor , lar who ar li a p lirles of value In hl rinh mild In Chi extinction of teeth, will be still • to those who mar !basics tuna, Mos two 9b. ht. to or. 14 HU kr3 ANDMONAL 110112i1=8 TO istr int tat 1111Wea throe Teat aro entitled 0311104.0 VMSAM:rl4c.goriorm'cr&ga" wu. Thaw Xontlis Extra Pig ti'llos auator: Olkanuttl. 124 soirtio ItraSS, Iff/h. enbarrodionartared oat; or , :WV= War •111=1Lit tu ie of tar _ . R. 4. • HALL JP•T212110,14 Attaroor4 aroototnotNer•oikk ro.:• $lOO 8014417. ilionrrLY cou.wrED BY ifillUTEß,_ 1 $ lUTTEBFIELD LTTIALTETZ AT LAW. No. Ss 41 rant atXtelt. OLOUIIIIP • 01STIES PENSIONS; Extraßountioad3aok Pay,&o., Col!Octal' the Alto Ant Pestna• Was. by A. its BROWN; JOECIN 0. LAZIYIN, • ' Attorneys at SAW - Mee. Mani PIRA stro:A. rrnsztraes.', rEtt=l B. F, BROWN, MZI Local Claim Agent. V. IL SAL COOL, Ante, Ile. 67 Four& Urea, tSZOOND icooti.) Pittsburgh, Pa. pensions, Bounties, and Arran' of Pay Promptly Collected. yo ca i Nude wall clams are setthod. sa4 Ala bats_ am , We puoi'. ItOBBOCIL nasucroa 011 THE PUN% Wad Teacher of Vocal Music. DOORS AND DOWSE. 14~,. A. 8) INN • • . . • .• •:. arrozursr er Lam - - •a.. 120 Peualh St., opposite Wilkins MU. nutlet:lu attention Wen collection 34 eonats,BC Bates, ata ' ' Comm, talents In Hew Tort, Boston, Balthnors, Phlladeltel it; •at l,ui~~laitewb ussdloSt. 71'.4111111t JOHN A. STRAIN. I, • .A..IPSOMONIAZALINN 111-"RiNctritica of thts L. PeaCe • Oftice,ll2 FUttltcalre ,l l lol / 1 11 4 pawls, Bonds, Koslo, Abracrorlearsell Posltlsras and all LeSpai /tasinass CSOCILWiIa.I4 promptness anddlspaton. min:a WILLIAM - JANCEII ' NOT AWE VIIBLItkJIIIITIOE toe TUE Pita°6,_AND HY IL ZS IC TATAUENT. Wien, earner of /sutler =4 Dra•or streets, Leoranee•tue. , Spetlid attAinlin . 01,11.1 to he puchese of Neal Er.ste, the hearte n of Uents. maga sir. prim stel er4thowledvnent al sll Ulnae of Legs tl Moms& • WILLIAM JA.ISOEX, Julio or the roue sad Notary rstaie, EUSTACE 8. noneow, _ALDERMAN' AND CONVEYANCER, Inreimsylvantsivenne. • hot d tholdenin gitosite What Ihool . - Attorney at No, 69 Grant street, Pittanargn, Pa. • /Br Coottatulanrellsr Obto, 'Bootlick Wee Vlr saki. Missouri sod other States. . amielato MACILIIEL4 ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT LAW, . 1(0 69 Grant Street, pil7BlllllloB, PA. airu.tas • JOHN C..IUcCO3IBS, _ ATTORNEY AIitTCOUNSELUR AT UW. N 9 - -87: - Fifth Street. ar t...00i.; Dom:4les. mid Arrears of • P•T om pity ea Iteekad. . naMes9 CVO. SAllt.:111X. rm. stmar...W. BARR.••KNAKE bUbTrinto • • „ • 'lwamoto to wiitsimx s Bo4ut. ito.l/168GGIate Street, Pittsburgh PlailOgi COrgailial : , • ,astMulaki . Coo:la geneigly: • -1 , • --- , arm astaruariutoataricas szpaniint, New yet; setIiCIIO.II•O7LES, a CO.. Ptilladat. . . , • - - Ws, Cli.lloo. • Jam merry kco.4 •vevrriov , and' . S . D. it B, W. OIRTIVO ntlItC11101.11 . ” RBOAXIS. awl, TILVA4O svariarr otatus: — :• • - i5....q tat natio' r i-liscaut V l oths &a ,d pdtii: OIL. tf bbli. Itxtril tined an 4,11 kdVista for sae b 7 d Y Ch aruzzy. • 24 1 / 4 101 Lanny 'teeth MN H. CHILDS & WHOL :4:4LE DEALERS BOOTS, SHOES 8 Diri:l SOLE LEATHER„ No. 138 Wood Street, PITTSBDRGII I PA. • • To !MORT VIM end CASH blleff we offer an. Prior inducements. Oa our winces tor tn r s= unsurpaseed Or ANY hoses SUL Of Welt. lug directly from 1113 T HANDS 011tIrelr tor ChM. we are enabled to sell as low u anr Umtata J obbipt 1/09so ligliCHAlTrEl are lnrlted to call and examine our ;teen awl note our prices before parebaals eleewherta Order. for HOPE MILLS Superior Cotton Ymw, SEACMESS GRAIN BAGS, Batting, Twine, COTTON AND LINENCATIPET CHUN, 450., 1001, MU be Piromptly Filled at preß BALE--100 Acres of 'Land acres cleared. Wualligte4=Wnrlgnaratisi% good lam watserhandy. nwriusrchaid. Wand and es handy. sedwitblit WI _es of Cutler Ma llon. 1 11 the 31srlettn and clausal stallroW .. 1 Am rlargrille,S sales Docket Teaots:tee - Tine. on wltio there are three tenant houses of 2 ZOOMillplay ens frame bogie of roar reanin. Ni fa good onWion,_ _ 130 ALMS or Lisa ihr xooo,lllolls 1115111th9 Tans Mar omen, Ps.. Ave mike from Altoona by the Slaking Tway Bond, The advantages of V a l j eatgteattlf=us , and IT u Re 991 ANIS. CO .- 1142 , 11 11 of .whlch is underlaid with ma. enacts la North Payette Township, on the Ineabsaellis. nowit toiprocemento,. COW 'nada Bosse, sin Mmes. good Banc Bars; about:COMIC Trees MK In thAdr prune. A* Pre. tArreetri. a4 the IrlAbit" At_Acrea la Scott Towtuilip, all males out on the ow washiness/Men. regfastrumhlP. ama9llolo 9l fron ma is Ji l liss eel% ;Ft i lkeroii; Ine * Oattral Ina= lose. t L itt .I= - 9110/11 111 . 1 n can be seen at &Once. Arg0. 51,0 111011 P/M 1 %Mt end sit sole Beal ist ate Agent.. 139 fourth street. BALMORALIio . . Cu" 11 SOUSE, • FACTORY PRICES. ardere trf man will remits immediate and canwu attegtlon. . 8. CXOIpS & CO. HOLIDAY PRESENTS, USEFUL ANB • ORNAMENTAL BOOTS, SOBS, GAITERS, .a.ars, ALL SITES AND PRICES AT THOMAS H. PHELP 46 Smithfield Streef. del7 JOBS TALTIT,4I3O. T. ANISIWTE rALm. RIMMED. Argsruvrz co., succzasoas TO . • .1. A. 11081N11011 DZATIIS Ls Slidg3 GAITEM Jr°. 61 Market arid, Blear Fonitll4 ernismuis, "A. rnri VicUl allM) ta'S BOOT AND MB EMPOBIBM; No. IM Fed eral ALLILGUILYT cirr. ziargavistim few ROOT. MTH SHOES. 7 'J. WTT-I=l:RlArs N0..88 /Market St., PittpuFp, Uzi hut roceliretha very largo .the $ll rag: .254242111.1-141110:1411104 ML Which he r attr, 01 BOOTS ANDILUOVS b f. irsisyzaat hg,„ - - oChhuhlt ' 3:h A LAllailDrilEglii----AMMAIL summe BOOTS, NOES, (MYERS _ . and Begoilora,by Jui mewl, sad will be odd st the V; MST YRICIA elsher • tins as A CALL SWIZZ I &s3 ' U. air: - 4 BOUND, igo. gniAltil AMA. idatlat &MA 7dth EC am comma ittEci:.. I 40/131 TISS.Dnia I C NIELDII I IO SRN i indictorau an n'Pelleril to 011111t01:12 Wadi" BOOTS, SHOES" Si OAITOS, No. 140 Ohlo St, Allegheny. l u i pthi N t T v.ipuir alecuted on I,ll•l4*redar• ties. OAS PITTING. pl~)I}'~~~~IIIL~I~i , ~ ~ ~1~ 11~ ' W I Z& • • • = •• - . GAB AHD STEAK lITTIVA Ce 6 Sitth and fialtidield Stu, • prrraerates, - Col. Beaver and Chestnut Streets, MANCIEZSZIA All ti p n lEater, autad liteszsalxtgraj.eou purnapro, Gig. BOIT 1110 PITTING; Hydrants, k$ Famps;' maim. Roan WATER cusersouwasn STUN. TOM `L' EWEN, • miaow u. smosii , a C 0.,) • leti Wood St., PlttstiestiVa. isiTT:a. • •- 6 - 1"1"'cal Plumbers,'aas and Steam I"itiat t 'Erni irrasirr riStislaurs.l34 All orders by in ysicater Pri"lgaVaby, _rumps, won t ?". vasuclwas. riresiat" k, Shades, Ibr tbs.laost ressosabls price% - Ordarctrost expailt7 ParePa Wililro,P 11 1 , ! I" Valfre'd:b toiLais 111)14 , 31A11116avIlitul . . xteanaana saw:so! YWLof 'b' Nilla raum. l:3 4EasS agentrui sat MOSS ktildt . 11g , IVIlet?!pli . ):, All ordsra 07 . tame PLIMUNIIibf DAS AND STE4D IMT/Dhlow ALL =II lISONCILak , • amtlaFfsttax' zooploiOttot sod priair;i 4 - wortattav-41 atsortaneotol . - Now, SUP, lIKKNIS 7 151171!""Vitiiicrutitisin.,. tionataatly as Mod WI oadOt to ar.e,grer es. iiElaltrcaXat; Xo. 59 Totarel OtteatAlinheitrla moon En Warty MO, uatrarglk . . _ pal StlJ6.—A rarmiif stout It y S acres ha Vela& - TorilteldP, AD4g. heW7._ Pa., "nesse about WWI &OM t 0... .r7TY Wl+llllloo% Pike. The likkarWillk are lane two still /Met lnielling Whit II moms, a rulb n i=n ring s, " in Views Bel Ett h mt i rr a rli • ,Thare Is VitreVoireg I°,rombliA&carmit agree, otoettad ettu, the Oast varieties or gnat trees. It is „all underlaid with and. Ike 10414ta In • Mei_ et l _ll of entilvetion. well wagmrotl. (sill would sots Widrablp for Our r or irardentrig put , Alposes. Alsoattit gores adjoining the 1:16 . with • good Prams Howe. Carriage Heloto, good ligg/118 HArtie and other Oat-buildings. wait la gent mew.' in gem "Waring Condition. Thloploas eipo oao dalillid wUra WL - who, kg woe s &Wain the above, unimproved. re* lovr. Phis plows la also all underlaid with The alervi three pikes of propans , lie ( between the Little IlaW/Ininns ltd VW:R..IIIIIs Itallroada, and Ike east earl be leeched mill . troll ell Orr road. xne mai atone Is imp all that ts asked for to sa -1 Also r i" ri otVase=e In It. Cielr Wren. ship, Westmoreudwi county. Istreedlateir on the line of Os Penna. - 'Tao ll:4=e= ars • twowttory Pram HMSO with e good cellar, a Ifisma Usk Hera, 000 Ws. and other out-boltd.lo,BToeroloon Phew_ . Y r z a ng.g e pla f , Il=es cleared. ftmese r good, well watered: underlaid igt,tr troaa ir ai r l IMO:on : qol: l Withint 10 churetai. mins, schools and blaelcmith, shops, le. -etner within" prenrilpill Li. =t .41 Iriertri the (round. - states. laplied thatierg townablp, Alleghen 3 y county, s., stand Aldsalles ham the aty. near Oge Uwe the letaubenvllie 11.,snd 'dm= ;roe-half olleat * station; 10 Lem at um beat of creek bate= MAT glod la • l o ptale OE ealltistion; tisane oilseed mad and . The fenet4 id gesugrally Tee mo ll a. 1, and grelt ler ening. The &motio Grillage ein ie the Mane wlll canes ono, snits • vod Winds: as Motets • nue dunes. lira of 114 Saree, in Allesbsny °anty. Ps., 011 tho Kowa. th Mvet. abaci.= sidle front the Ilazongli of lA. Ten eall is °abet beet qtallty.. The M Wellsere • tam hoses with Os room, • good tdotlase ont tgandlenelgur good; soont 61 sera araool. Cluirelges. * de sod sails very earimlent, Tosremdes Also, - beet FarmlniMaia tc;wisbip. non shout-90 Wm, Moses the bets rlyerlatago below Leek No. A on grbiell tr ip' g iger s =r i : brlekArelling. exL= brink eggnog Womb•borM abool =screwing Annals Mit <1111 , M7 bootcong bellineobeleg Manias& landognO suiderlabl. with cosh =4 *bold 111 Wes of =atom nem we cw. wands ofiwpw 1111r0C4 De Male liar pogo peer, DMus pPoses. inVerttlb_rmlnutt. glngsne=utit SOW= o. rODarSI . .b• Old "asp and on 96 frost boas Na a, o• Yonogebete river. Japan& oasts ass ens frame bona...wth M MIDS. WU, - W t inelo llllo awl other ciosballdisi* Tim land la of the bl=d quality. Tee; aboTe wllt be sold at Yen: kno TOrter ' _. -11!4'1 " . nr,ArcrarEn. - 1107 Mu Wats Assist, a canal greet TI3IED STORY 3110 E DWELLING biglair! Ot . . • rriesr.s wasps, swims ./XD BUS ZOTAIM NMI% as 66 Ihnlttilel4 Bine* FOB UL 111.1111 LET 111411.3. • • plena aloud oosSolothg OA* to sags of AA &Donis! PlWWid.' 1:40111...11e 1211 to the titles, is nowe oCelati lot Ws ontessonnartenn• The Imp menu snj ' roc • - • rzimE Igo tom, nmul. And otbePontbilldleAs. It is violas &Market Garden, and Is ta blsn order. Tor Mettles parttealars, apply to IL . WRY Alt, Bioko to Brows and Beal hali te. deli • 11110112th (Ittalta's Sanding., F os sus,. M TWO-STORY 1111103 E DWELIJICI, - 'No. CS Maidonil I otnott,Alkentalr. Contains Dine rocas, bealdatialabct nttla, batfiwooto and ! wrth-bousa. Irp eonnentahee of onannentent. sad tatty and inthotantlol Ulm, it to tattbaily on.' , eltett try any tn the two thins of shunts alto. no boom to nnitineiii, and bat N. sad hot and odd Water en and down ssba • i r& B • B BI - TAN. Apply los tatotantiono iz m o ir igcs4l=te . nou.wmlzw.. 1,°":,,,WA - 1,', - 76.1.' . 4.r .oirer on Os Intrio trod to LEW UAltrben7l6.3t"Ueg.a Ibb IttralV.M.r i v i r::::: . = 1,7 0 1 Os Rs • iii..tfA r t-Zte1tp. 71.. ............t; Wino itta • loth 114 . 1==,. MX , to 610 Also Is Vrdwostult. to tem— Nieto 110 0 Mai own lota ottll to tra MSS to MR Illtr. 4sanc=Dait• ‘Oll/ owirrigro.cgr. firtseay city. .I= i tt i k so coos ' - 4'w toms, oft _ tt:USW Natalia 02 / 4 •14 . . •• , ' ems. s irti, x ,, ,%. ,i m s. , , iggtlrr ittoat. Ls -- paw wrolins Feu SALE -SIT. oat Oa Penn BM*. Leone af.the best locations In the My, baying an establisbed bailness of from I years Manning. A. pond statism ShaV_en bi tfernl a be it = Sgra 1 ,11 Cd 4 rot b;71: of, eatitalnlar.. besides 'the Inure Star Is. eaten ms tor dwelling noineseits_ ant E 1 1." 04 4 1 . Apply to -- ild CO. • • Igo. Per t Steen: I? 011 RAILE-12 acres GC Gro at wall Unazdwattree. on 'Squirrel . tea arbered eiburtaull=gnit. ' i "u" scer:l 4 tE m e Mk% oad arming isnos wax Vele . Hama elty alarrativata. 4 lt P lri M 2" et O. PI emit axed. ILlLL—Osemionatit Interest KU tautstfivritaling amp To so socootable DostooT: w Air . to asto- Kriz, cr icor:ri! ;l a c Int !MIMI rig SALE, ... URGE BNCK DWEIMIO HOUSE, •wittilll modern tionrovamoota, ticomaleteurdar. a ottosta on *aroma. • • Giro st eril i • /to. -UV IMO? irritrak • Stock and tealUde Wm jowl D BAuxi!,_ meg POKER LID•.IIIMTVNICE.R. Having tags crud stosiallatiusrAniamkeer, and etheted art engsgemeat *We Pe -Slate:Ugh Beard p et Txado rmilustie ism of ear Mimi, sear* Tiara DI stronarnsant 1 elle WSW mowed - to wart rlblic "Ora 04%VaBiti. iSeenrules. Beat Eats e; atc., er ILL .00Ire =opt* Or on the Potholer ittalicis i e U 1144;i0re , U. th e sale or Itealludatoso ta saw , Isles oiliest 'Unite In 000/14rrated 4- • 0019 q . Ada iota* Moe", , . : - • neat Paffiktl .11=01. 0t" COOT + Ltod. tolioodbita,blpoo. TAO Om Myer, Smiles ow re 6llo .gloats, alio Monis litserro littn- V I NVir . the 5tgaztr0t .. .........t0 alir ion to2Lop.2s It to entirety Was ' ifecoitWoolftor cootsuul plumate maphor. rorgeoolot totes won. and for soaking gum cool* Po simlio.24 •T10R461.i eaten - bears loutmoir.Doe roomy Ana Hanoi= mottioako it volositkorlbuooiling iposa. Moro owarcoramlottoilllikOrisho rwi p sty lOW larotinguallouroo cram entocase Lao beta rosin tho INIA XX Moot SAM. " "TerkitUrwrinla Mr w orst co ,chk a rinse wirka rorisba su t oat imt re ordtatij2 _A i l, __=i l oak; - ~ . i , ', '• ' .... . . ,Vll DESIRABLE LOTS ' WOE J7mOIO 1 4 W eau lai i M- 4 4.1Craegi ac ta l i lliw ... 1144 k USoilittlithr" la te 16 "11 1 1"2"TiUr. ' r..„,„.=r+frf• in :-....,.„„e..., 5 ,...: in L I aala & =I4U) .I""rl"4.7raak '.dell ' . ... - 7 ,- . ' , Mi. Vi11="440,,, -40 am soul Idi4PCTRISTACCO . ; ~•:. HA,141/11. Opp GUM Clarlifii INMATE DISEASE& -, , - I .a. ; B._ TOIIIIIMIatiI )., I Mk fp 4,1,.._Art. 1, pi Ed 1 . t , t usuu .'8"... 0t Ate :. • '.. ." 1 1 aigoik WWI wir li roi_ta S I 1 Niamigtss ="cri limm ito_us moss. , moms rat as 'a_ „ang su M n.4.i..1. “ P 1 a • 1 I - nte . Illi . Pe 4-. A uval clitili_ballikatit_o_ll 1i..11,..i_Ej• II T i ic. • "'r'S ' 1114.. 7M"IN I 4P ma. " I " 4 l6lat i il ME . . fgr - NW OPEik.4 '110179E..' - '' NEW TUESDAY EVtNINO. Dec. 15th. tut :appaa. axles but ton! otpq 4u:iambic conza 11. , HACKLIET . Last 'time 'rottticely of Slistri.peire'stallOta , ilistoriCia pt., of . . - 'To-stiotrow night. MILL HERBY WIVIII9 Or wisusua. oa rriday:p(Xt, sir. Itacicitiwill.take hll mil bluetit. • Zatuntsy-afterneon—Regalar 3Lattnee; ggrIMITTSBURGII THEATIIE. LIISETZ AND 3[I:CAOCR.Wif. HENDLB39.a ecoond appearance of he I:mai:Mita actress,' I:3OLT THORN, THE QUEEN OT SOLO. Pint appearance of -- 7 - • • HU- NAM RYAN. TinS (Tuesday) ETESINO, the Gray, d Drama of • . . *THE CHILD OF THE (REGIMENT. To cond.% with the Irlsh Drams of D AND AMEILICA. Jimmy Flhiniror, Jlg—Bsto Erin TiothrdslAfternoott—Ora , l Mottnee. ' . ,tIERCANTILE LIBRARY .E.IMCITICI2=I.33O. MB. 'GE O. VA..NDENHOFF Will dellveF TWO - aralres pin Itesdlats. it POP ale.. DEJtIY 01' AUSIC, • • holy and 'Thursday iltainp, December M ud 9tii. READING TUESDAV EVESING,'Dee. , 1S Do TRSCOMAX:Ei ELZIe • - The Waal Prance Comic Dazed . • Concluding wLh the whole Comedy of SPITE UY IIIArgIIFI.SP°C.TWI iR READING THURSDAY , EVENING, Dee. :O. Cot t -32E1EIZTPLIE" • owieledlnrwith the highly benieroni sketch Of • THE PECKSSIFF FAXILT.-AT TODUERS. , •Doore open At].. "RendinieViß. Tice eta SO cent, NO ligeEtcvED REAM JAREN S. iiCuTT, OLIVER. LESCHON, JAB. B. eItiRGLO, I Wel. P. HicktBILKT. HEW. Y. JENNINGS. O. P. BOADolli T. e. MILLER. Committee,.' deg.:pod ekvje):ll :t'Vey ;TN;) coxswain c) ciizr.asut SOHO OIL WORKS. BUM ICEMWBcOOI, suarurAcrrtnons or Tux ORLEBILITED. SPOON LOBRIUTOIL, PETROLEUM lUSIOCATINO OILS. Sperm. Lard and Whale Oils, no mama:m . on efoim ego Itandatd White Burning Oii, • No. 83 Nlarkei:Streot, PITTSBURGH, PA. maw FOR caucuum. 3E3-Cl-54" • BEST 4--611:14:j-.. SQL!) ;ism -- • ::" . Izimi .40- 4 , 11/ rivNN THE ? BADE surrumn BY a. arc nr. -vcr.a.74 - rv, CINMINATTI, 01110. sseT CANDLES, to.. AT LOWBAT ILLTB9. no=ol7 WARING & KING, OUSSIOI' BUM AID BOERS LE Petroleum and its Products, - 4DV QIJESXE 1141 r, IsZTTEUEsurit.Gi - X 7 r. , 1= 1 4k.. runauita-tuA ADDILESS: _ WARING, 127 KING W de CO.. alnut. Ct.. PUtla ; • GATOR, Manarnetnied tir kOOS. St. CO., New York. • E. J. ii3OPERTI3, Urent 1110.11 St. ii:lulr,itrre-et, _Pittsburgh, Ps., }Seep constantly on D►nd Cotton Peotory 011, Dux 11 eelitnelloll. Woolen Mitt 0114 . Dark .nglee 011. _ Llgpt Tlgi E gge u .:- C e ll a l i- I hart g; UR: WOOI.IIIIIDIA 011. JELEII=I O OF crcancripahasrir. PITTSBURGH. PENPIA. t. lISSuIf I[. Loma lai t azd Tmes. WoIIESIN ThIIIOEVILLE. No. 2 Dnouesne Way, Meat ttuipanctonisrldzik) PIA= WE= 3311:311;2410115 1' , CIII-4. Brand--"Luoifer." EimeßA OIL - I VORKS; - • _ lairracruszos or. UREALA C4RBOX.OIL, = - - . EUGEKIVSPERISI LUBRICATING OILS, , Ala-Wholesale Dealers In Crude, Relined ant Lubricating 011 s, LAHTI. YJISIL OLIA No.Bl Market, SC; Pittsbiughi Pa. 0. 40. 14CPX31..3% 'Lat. Call and examine samples and read smell:Male& 1101/5:014, TH EIIEWA PETROLIA BLUE LEAD, • • You ors, urn:flaw Itanotaetniad only, and Connie by T. If. :11Erldr If CO., _ Vlcrazoor N. W. Cor. ad and Market;db., PITTBB OMR, PAL THE .. LIGEITN/NP, - : LAD Pa i s. C. a oxias D. . CsAintcraD: . T. 16. 499. E. . ,.,, JONE3,CRAWFOTUY&VOSEL; Agents. , , . Var. ItIOST. ' . POWEDFIIL ": AND . . : a. Tarii.„3 b i ltai l l/katir , COA.L . Ult. 018 latifiT .1 6 .- Adoptealtry tlie'll:S.Goveinment, Non explosive. Cheaß h and iteunghtd. Laces *- brilliant aunt threo•tol „greater -toan• any other lamp. This pOeht is ads tad to all lams purposes.:. sat PIM Asleklszotsely a' conduct or, 'never re, - quires am trimming. - Burners ori this prtnclote an. ffirtto i ctrdinr A irps: lel'A:.F a,141) titti7b . rilt 1 -,l)lncil %Vog to PoirOthce,a c ill. Users Fen Depar..second Door.. . • non Ei vismintAs - D.A. AZDZILSON ADM OIL , WORKS, . . .. - '; : X.sea.volroxi.Oro k IiVioNTMAN : - ,41c. AN ' r iitetlaiws anitt..Df;- - :P'ET 13. Or. =OMD lalbariti . ) at e ,SEYitP TOBEWCO, CIG vcEumptivaic , R. & w. Joni' arairraccomnsor sums or • - Tobacco, Satin;a r,„ l-Cigariii . t . 1.. eimastem; 'Ett; donfralll BuSt•eit . ioiCl3 .n , '.llneAti SW* estim. oti,e4-aastwei TES ____ 9 f il it. l l l, lslatitst d i ",-- 1341411 Pl4ool3l l Urt4 .W4O, • fail% mem 15TREZT. Pritossunqa. . Litt i ttioi,*4 otIMItiVALIIM tits -10nAssu0, - ot On bat .1.014; c 7. 7 .1 :re .^ I 6 I • DaALlliA TOrixlCug qtR A o iißsna, , szwuts,taszwAIVITOBACCO. smoking.,eitt.ol4:gliikuOic INrid. cot t i tia , ? Intrarmert i r ow et übotsty,) getwom 1.1...14404 .rireaftwitoite JouriLiffEWAllllll; lartlVlV:ri °4 ' 1 "" 7 , ..,JESTELII33Eirr. thatZ=lt'xcl.a gs NAIR% 13 II I= lig 10. JERSON. stern in , UNE I yzu HAN COQ /r.; Aklc.c). 0 WOUR NSON.